The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 10, 1857, Image 1

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B. If. Heaver, Proprietor.]
OFFlCE —Upstairs, in the new brick build
ing, on the south side o] Main Street, thin
tguare below Market.
"F EU ni S: —Two Dollars per annum, i
pa'tl w:tliin six months from the lime of sub'
scribing-; two dollars am! fifty cents if not
paid within the year. No subscription re
ceived for a less period.than six months; no
discontinuance permitted until all arrearage?
are paid, unless at the option of the editor.
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square
will be inserted three limes for One Dollar,
end twenty-five cents for each additional in
eeilion. A liberal discount will be made tc
those who advertise by the year.
(lijotcc yoctrji.
ttou INS COJUb'.
From the elm-tree's topmost bough,
Haik I the robin's early song,
Telling, one and all, that now
Merry spring-lime hastes along ;
Welcome tidings thou dost bring,
Little harbinger of spring !
Robins come.
Of the winter we are weary,
Weary of its frost and snow,
Longing for the sunshine cheery,
And the brooklet's gurgling flow ;
Gladly when we hear thee sing
The reveille of the spring !
Robins come.
Iling it out o'er hill and plain,
Through the garden's lonely bowers,
Till the green leaves dunce again,
Till the air is sweet with flowers ;
Wake the cowslip by the rill,
Wake the yellow dafTodil,
ltobins come.
Then, as thou wert wont of yore,
lludd rhy nest and rear tby young,
Cloe beside our cottage door,
In the woodbine leaves among;
' Hurt or harm thou needst not fear;
Nothing rude shall venture near.
Robins come.
Swinging still o'er yonder lano,
Robin answers merrily,
Ravished by the sweet refrain,
ALICE claps her hands in glee ;
SShnuiiug from the open door,
With her clear voice o'er and o'er,
''Robins come!"
fU ioc cll an cou o.
Mix almost any soit of meal, as Indian cort
or wheat shorts, and arsenic, in the proporliot
of about two quails of the former to ono ounci
of the latter. I'lace it in protected place
umjer your barns and oin-houses, where tin
ctiildien, pigs and chickens will not be likelj
to gel it.
1 advise thus to place it some littlodistanci
from humuu dwellings, both on account o
greater safety to human beings, and the pro
bubtliiy that die rats and inico getting the poi
sou, would die at a distance from ihern. M;
own way is to remove a stone in the under
pinning of my barn, and shove uuder a nar
■ow board, to which a tin pie pan is fastenei
—by driving shingle nails each side of it,—
utid on which I place some of the mixture
1 ulso place it in sheltered places io uiy woo,
house, where there ate known places of tin
entrance of these creatures.
Where the ordinary provisions of the famil;
are well secured during the summer, rats an
mice usually take to the fields and hedge:
They return during the summer, as provision
become scarce in their Bummer haunts. Ttii
is the very time to interrupt them in ihemun
tier I have mentioned. Thus I did during th
past autumn. The result is that but one ra
has been beard about my premises for a lon
time, and that one was but once heard, am
at a long time ago. My family contains bu
one servant ard no small children, and th
whole arrangement of the thing is in my owi
hands, otherwise it might not be safe to us
so powerful a poison as arsenic. There art
numerous other substances that may be use,
besides arsenic. And I write now not s
much to commend it as the efcpecial ir.gredi
ent of poisonous mixtures, as to describ
what 1 consider the safest and most effect a a
mode of its application.—C. E. Goodrich
Uiica, N. Y.— Country Gentleman.
gesnce of the allied powers demanded somi
victims and the intrepid Ney who had wel
r.igh but the crown again on Bonaparte',
head at Waterloo was to be one of them.—
Condemned to be sbot he was led to >hi
garden of Luxemburg on the morning of ih<
7th of December and placed in front ol a fill
of soldiers drawn up to kill him. One of thi
officers stepped up to bandage his eyes bu
he lepulsed him saying:
Are you ignorant that for twenty-five yean
1 have been accustomed to face both bal
and bullet?
He then lifted his hat above bia head-, ant
with the same calm voice that steadied hit
columns so frequently in the roar and tumul
of battle said:
I declare before God and man that I nevei
betrayad my country. May my death ren
der her happy. Viae la Franct.
He then turned to the soldiers and striking
bis hand on his heart, gave the order "Sold
iers fire i"
A simultaneous discharge followed and the
brave of the brave sank to rise no more -
He who had fought five hundred battles foi
France, uot one against tim, was shot as a
MOULDINESS.—Fruit jellies may be preser
vfcif from mouldiness by covering the surface
one fourth of ait inch deep with finely pul
verized loaf sugar. Thus protected they will
keep in good condition for ton years.
From " Things not Generally Known,"
There are many phrases and quotations
which aro as " familiar in our mouths as
household words." whose origin is either
unknown or misconceived, and, without en
croaching upon the sphere of ths works de
voted to this purpose, we may mention a few
of them ; .
"There is death in the pot," is from the
Bible, 2 Kings, iv. 40. "Lovely and pleas
ant in their lives, and in death they wore not
divided," is spoken of Saul and Jonathan, 2
Samuel, i. 23. "A man after his own heart,"
1 Samuel, xiii. 14. "The apple ol his eye,"
Deut., xix. 21. "A still small voice," 1
Kings, xix. 12. ■"Escaped with the skin of
my teeth," Job, xix. 20. ' That mine adver
sary had written a book," Job, xxi. 35.
"Spreading himself like a green bay tree,"
Psalm, xxxvii. 35. "Hanged our harps upon
the willows," Psalm, exxxvii. 2. ' Riches
make (not take, as it is often quoted,) them
selves wings," Proverbs, xxiii. 5. "Heap
coals of fire upon his head," Ibid, xxv. 22.
"No new thing under the sun," Ecelesiastes,
i. 9. "Of making many books there is no
end," Ibid, xii. 12. "Peace, peace, when
there is no peace," (made famous by Pat
rick Henry,) Jeremiah, viii. U. "My name
is legion," Maik, v. 9. "To kick against
the pricks," Acts, ix. 5. "Make a virtue of
necessity," Sitskspeare's Two Gentlemen of
Verona. "All that glisters is not gold," usn
ally quoted "All is not gold that glitters,"
Merchant of Vonice. "Screw your courage
to the sticking place," (not point ) Macbeth.
"Make assurance doubly sure," Ibid. "Hang
out our bunners on the outward (not outer)
walls," Ibid. "Keep the word of promise
to our (not the) ear, but break it to our hope,"
Ibid. "It is an ill-wind that turns none to
good," usually quoted, "It'san ill-wind that
blows no one any good," Thomas Tasser,
1580. "Christmas comes but once a year,"
Ibid. "Look ere thou leap," Ibid; and "Look
before you ere you leap," Iludibras, com
monly quoted, "Look before you leap."—
"Out of mind as soot) as out of sight," usu-'
ally quoted, "Out of sight, out of mind,"
Lord Brooke. "What though the field be
lost, all is not lost," Milton. "Awake, arise,
or be for ever fulleo," Ibid. "Necessity, the
tyrant's plea," Ibid. "That old tnan, elo
quent," Ibid. "Peace hath Iter victories,"
Ibid. "Though this may be play to you, 'lis
death to us," Roger L'Keirange, 1704. "All
cry and no wool," (riot little wool,) Hudibras.
| "Count their chickens ere(nol before) they're
! hatched," IbiJ. "Through thick and thin,"
Dryden. "When Greeks joined Greeks, then
J was the tug of war," usually quoted "When
Greek meets Greek, then comes the lug of
| war," Nathaniel Lee, 1692. "Of two evils,
j I have chose the least," Prior. "Richard is
i himself again," Colley Bibber. "Classic
ground," Addison. "As clear as a whistle,"
Byron, 1763. "A good halter," Johnsoniana.
"A fellow feeling makes one wondrous
kind," Garrick. "My name is Norval,"
John Home, 1808. "Ask me no questions,
| and I'll tell you no fibs," Goldsmith. "Not
■ much Ihe worßO for wear," (not none the
worse,) Cowper. "What will Mrs. Grundy
say," Thomas Mortion. "No pent up Utica
' contracts your powers," Jona. M. Sewell.—
"Hath given hostages to fortune," Bacon.—
"His (God's) image cut in ebony," Thomas
Fuller. "Wise and masterly inactivity,"
Mackintosh, in 1791, though generally attri
buted to Randolph. "First in war, first in
peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow
. citizens," (not countrymen ,) resolutions pre
sented to House of Representatives, Decem
ber, 1799, prepared by Gen. Henry Lee.—
"Millions for defence, but not one cent for
tribute," Charles C. Pinckney. "The Al
mighty Dollar," Washington Irving. "As
good as a play," King Charles, when in Par
liament, attending the discussion of Lord
Ross's divorce bill. "Selling a bargain," is
in Love's Labor Lost. "Fust and Loose,"
Ibid. "Pumping a man," Otway's Venice
Preserved. 'Go snacks," Pope's prologue
to Satires. "In the wrong box," Fox's Mar
tyrs. "To larnm in the sense of to heal,"
King and no King, by Beaumont and Fletch
er. The hackneyed newspaper Latin quota
tion, "Tempora mutantur, nos et mulamus
in illis," is not found in any classic or Latin
author. The nearest approach to it was
"Omnia mutantur," &0., and this is found in
Borbonius, a German writer of the middle
ages. •
"Smelling of Ihe lamp" is to be found in
Plutarch, and is there attributed to Pylheas.
"A little bird told me," comes from Ecelesi
astes, x. 20, "lor a bird of tbe sir shall carry
the voice, and that which hath wings shall
tell the matter."
"He that fights and runs away
May live to fight another day."
These lines, usually ascribed to Hudibras,
are really much older. Tbey are to be found
in a book published in 1676. The same idea
ia, however, expressed in a couplet publish
ed in 1542, while one of the few fragments
of Mer.ander, the Greek writer, that have
been preserved, embodies tbe same idea iu
a single line. Tbe couplet in Hudibras is—
"For those that fly may fight again,
Which he can never do that's slain.-"
"There''a good time coming," is an ex
presaion used by Sir Walter Scott in Rob
Roy, and ha* doubtless for a long time been
a familiar saying in Scotland.
Eripuil culo fulmen, tccptrumque lyrannis,
was a line upon Franklin, written by Turgot,
the miniater of Louis XVI. It is, however,
merely a modification of a line by Cardinal
I'olignac, Eripuilquc Jovi fulmen, Phrthoque
wgitlai, which in turn was taken from a line
of Marcus Manilius, who says of Epicurus,
Eripuitque Jovi fulmen vircsqne Tonanti.
Vox populi, Vox Dei. Ths origin of this
familiar phrase in not known, but it is quo
ted as a proverb by William of Maltnesbury,
who lived in the early part of the twelfth
Ultima ratio regttm. This motto was en
graved on the French cannon by order of
Louis XIV.
"Whistling girls and crowing hens
Always come to some bad end."
In one of the curious Chinese books 'e
cently translated and published in Paris this
proverb occurs ia substantially the same
words. It is also un injunction of the Chi
nese priesthood, and a carefully observed
household custom, to kill immediately every
hen that crows, as a preventive against the
misfortune which the circumstance is sup
posed to indicate. The same practice pre
vails throughout many portions of the Uni
ted States.
It may not be generally known that "John
Phuwix has been a passenger on the Central
Railroad, but such is the faot. He tells an
incident connected with his ride, in a letter
to the Knickerbocker Magazine, which he puts
on record to seive as a caution to future in
nocent travelers. He says:
"i had observed at each change of cars,,
and they were frequent, when the general
s-rambl6 took place, one car wag defended
from the assault by a stalwart man, usually
of Irish persuasion, who deaf to menaces,
unsoftened by entreaty, and uncorruptad by
bribes, maintained his position for the bene
fit of the "leddies." "Leddies' oar, sir, av
yeplase; forrid car for gimlemen without
leddies." Need I say that this ear so reser
ved was by far the most comfortable of the
train, and that with that stern resolve which
ever distinguishes me in the discharge of my
duty toward myself, I determined to get into
it coule qui coute. So when we changed cars
at Utica, I rushed forth; and seeing a nice
young person, with a pretty face, bonnet and
shawl, and a large portmanteau, urging her
way through the crowd, I stepped up by her
6ide, and with my native grace and gallant
ry, offered my arm and my assistance.—
They were gratefully accepted, and proud of
my success, I ushered my fair charge tip to
the platform of the ladies' car. My old en
emy was holding tho door. "Is that your
Udy, sir?" said be. With an inward apolo
gy to Mrs. l'hamix for the great injustice
done to her charms by the admission, I re
plied, "Yes." Judge of my honor when this
low employee of a monopolizing and unac
commodating Railroad Company, addressing
my companion with the tone and manner of
an old acquaintance, said—"Well, Sal, I
guess you've done well, but I dont believe
his family will think much of the match."—
However, I got into the ladies' car, and hav.
ing repudiated the young person, Sally, got
an exceedingly pleasant seal by tho side of a
very warm and comfortable young lady of
sleepy turn and quiet disposition. I would
not have exchanged her for two buffalo
robes, but alas ! site got off at Syracuse, and
then frosty Caucasus, how cold it was!— And
so grinding and jolting, jarring, sliding and
■freezing; wore away the long night.
In the morning we were at Buffalo. I saw
nothing of it but a railroad depot; but I re
member thinking as I stamped my feet and
thrashed my arms to restore the circulation,
that if that sort of weather continued, "the
Buffalo girls couldn't come out to night,"
and probably have to postpone their appear
ance until the summer season."
my experience in- regard to the enemies of
the vine. On my vines first appear, as a
general tbing, tbe small black bug or fly; the
only thing I ever found to drive them off is
Scotch snuff sprinkled on the vines. I have
found that the most effectual preveative
against the effects of striped bugs, cut worms
or black flies—and in fact all the enemies of
Ihe vine, (or cabbage), as follows: Make a
box about seven inches deep by six inches
square on lop, sod eight oo bottom. This is
to be placed over (he bills as soon as tbe
vines begin to break the ground. I have had
my vines eaten off when the blow was just
breaking into sight. These boxes are the
only tbing thai I know of that will prove ef
fectual. R.
gardens have their appearance spoiled by un
sightly beau poles, as the old saying is, 'stand
ing seven ways for Sunday.' I have a way
that looks belter, and as for tbe productive
ness, there is a full difference in favor of my
plan. Set posts twenty feet apart, six feet
high, and fasten No. 8 or 10 wire on tbe top.
Plant under the wi-e in hills two leet apart,
leaving two plants in a hill to grow. Stick
with willow or any kind of sprouts, peeling
the ends to prevent growing. Tie them to
the wire and cnt off the tops of the vines two
or three inches above the wires. The rows
should run north and south, and be four and
a half feet apart. R.
PATRIOTIC.—Dr. Bandtetb proposes to fin
ish the Washington Monument hitnself,and,
it is said, devotes the proceeds of his busi
ness, annually $40,000, to that patriotic pur
pose. The Doctor ia a very public-spirited
man and knows the benefits of advertising.
For the purpose of puttiug the monument up,
every man, woman and child in the country
will take down a full box of the doctor's
pills. A greater sacrifice to duty than this,
patriotism ought not lo exact of any indi
vidual who Mhs a prudent regard for his
health, and does not like the taste of aloes.
Truth and Right God and our Couutry.
Fiom "The Suites."
Geology teaches us that there have been
three great eras when the surface of the
earth has undergona.changes such as might
liavo resulted from a universal deluge, ef
fected, perhaps, by Ihe collision of comets
with the earth, giving a new direction to its
rotary motion, or making it revolve around
a new axis.
Geology leaches, as plainly as anything in
Holy Writ, that the seas huvo thrice forsaken
their beds, and, by the universal rushing of
the waters to a new equator, have over
whelmed continents, the übuJe ol men and
i Now, however, men may differ in regard
|to ihe Mosaic history of tlio flood, as to
| whether it ever look place in the manner in
which it is literally set forth in the Bible,
and however they may ridicule the probable
or possible oontactof a comet with the earth
on the 16th day of June next, one thing is
certain that neither their sneers, ridicule, nor
unbelief will afTect Ihe laws of geometry and
motion nor the mechanism of the universe.
What has bsen, may be again; liko causes
produce like effects. If there have been
three deluges, which at different eras have
overwhelmed and destroyed every vestage
of Ihe races of men and animals then on the
surface of the earth, what astronomer or
philosopher is preparod to show that thero
will not be a fourth, a tilth, a sixth?
Of 99 comets whose elements have been
calculated by astronomers, 30 passed be
tween Ihe sun and Mercury, 23 between the
orbits of Mercury and Venus, 21 between
the orbits of Ceres and Jupiter.
It is not u well known tacl lha'. Blela's
comet, whoso diameter is nearly twice that
of the earth passes so very near, that at the
moment the centre ol the comet is at the
point nearest to the earth's path, tho matter
of the comet extends beyond that path, and
a portion of it within it ? This is the comet
which it was predicted would come in col
lision with and destroy the earth on tbe 26ih
of November, 1832; but happily the comet
anticipated the earth by passing the point
were the fight was to come ofi on the 26th
of October, so that either tbe astronomers
were 32 days behind, or the comet 32 days
before utile.
It was the opinion of Dr. Wliisloti. the
friend und successor of Nowton, that the
comet known as llalley's deluged the world
iu the time of Noah. This is the same com
et which, in 1466 spread universal terror
throughout Europe, inspiring the belief that
! it would destroy the earth, and that the day
of judgement was at hand; lo avert which
awful doom, Pope Culixius added to the Ava
Maria the prayer, ''Lord save us iroin the
devil, the Turk and ihe cornet."
Now, ihere are men in ihe world so hard
ened in sin, that they will say in regard to
the predicted smash-up in 1832, that a miss
is as good as a mile; and in regard to tbe
one which so horribly frightened old Calix
lus, that "it is of no sort of consequence, as
it will nol arrive at us perihelion again until
1911," but let these siuners remember that
there are other comets which aro continually
crossing the earth's path; and whether we
shall escape the one of the 16th of June
next, ae luckily as we did that of 1832, time
may or may not unfold to us. The collision
of the earth with comelß at certain epochs is
not only possible but unavoidable; and the
writer of ibis article believes that all the del
uges which the different strata of the earth
prove to have taken place, (in an antiquity
to be measured, perhaps, only by millions of
years,) have taken place through cometary
There is no doubl in the minds of most
astronomers that the asteroids between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter are the fragments
of a great planet, which, from some cause,
has been burst asundsr. If that cause was
exterior, it must have been cometary, for
Ihere are no bodies in our solar system
whose orbits intersect those of the planets.
The fact is well known lo astronomers,
that the remarkable comet of 1770, which
was found to revolve in moderate ellipse in
a period of about five years, was thrown
out of its orbit by the attractions of Jupiter
and has not been heard of since. What the
effect of the collision was to that planet it is
impossible lo 6tate; for although no percepti
ble change took plaoe in its motions, yet a
change might have taken place in its auxil
iary motion sufficient to bave thrown its
oceans from their beds, and to overwhelm
every inhabitant on its surface.
Tbere are a great many phenomena as
cribed to the influence of comets: it is even
the opinion of some Ibat Sodom and Gomor
rah were destroyed by one of these erratic
visitors, molten with perihelion heat; but who
knows ? ALPHA.
THE LAND FEVER.—Speculation in tbe lands
has reached a height in the West, that the
Government land offices are besieged by the
buyers. Recently, at Osage, two thousand
persons arrived for the purpose of purchas
ing, aud the rush was so great, that some
posted themselves before the doors of the
office on Saturday night, with their provis
ions in their pocket, and remained there till
Monday morning, when the sales began.—
Several persons had their rtba broken in tbe
pressure of the crowd. This beats the scram
ble for bank siook, which waa once witnes
sed in Philadelphia though now new bank
stock seems rather unattractive to those who
have capital to invest.
17* Friendship is s silent gentleman that
makes no parade !—the true heart dances ao
hornpipe on the tongue.
The THIRTY-THIRD Anniversary of this itn
porlant Insiiiution WBS held in Philadelphia,
on ihe evening ol the 12ih inst., in the capa
cious Hall ol Dr. Jayne; Ambrose While,
Esq. in the chuir. Karnes! and appropriate
addresses were delivered by the Rev. Dr.
Brantley, Rev. Mr. Jenkins, Rev. Mr. Breed,
and Abraham Martin, Esq., to which the
large and intelligent audience listened with
marked attention. The opening and conclu
ding religious exercises, were conducted by
the Rev. Dr. Stork, and the lit. Rev. Bishop
Kastburn. The abstract of the annual report
was read by the Rev. R. B. Westbrook Sec.
of Missions, from which the following (acts
are gathered.
The receipts ef the Missionary department
have been: in donations, 871,982 37; in leg
acies, £11,954 87, and a balance on hand
from last year, being 'specially designated by
the donors, £769 43, making the total re
sources of the department for the year, £84,-
697 67.
This sum has been faithfully appropriated
in accordance with tho wishes of the donors.
A largo corps of Missionaries have beeu sent
forth into 20 different Slates and Territories,
who have established more than 1800 new
schools, gathered into them about 80,000 chil
dren, and secured for lite instruction of these
children, over 13.000 teachers: supplying poor
and needy schools and children with books
and other Sunday school requisites. In ad
dition to plaiitingt'iliese now schools, they
have visited, supplied with books, and oth
erwise assisted, nearly 8000 Sunday-schools,
contain than 100,000 children ; ma
king a total of Sunday-schools organized and
aided of neatly 5000.
If we take into our estimate the result of
the last six years, we find that Ihe Society
has organized in that lime, through the di
rect labors of its Missionaries, more than
12,000 new Sunday-schools, containing about
78,000 teachers, and nearly 500,000 chil
dren !
The Missionary labors of tbe Society are
entirely distinct Irotn tbe publishing depart
ment. Indeed, the latter is quite subordinate
to the former. As a missionary institution,
the Society hastwocltief objects: 1. Toopen
now Sunday-schools in neighborhoods and
settlements where tliey would not otherwise
be established; visiting and reviviog old
Sunday-schools; and 2. To supply them witlr
books for carrying on the schools successfully,
when thus begun.
| Alt donations mode to the Society, are scru
! pulously applied to the objects designated by
the donors. In no case are they applied to
carry on tho publication department of the
Society's operations.
The Publishing department has distributed
during the past year, books,&c., lo the amount
of $177,563 13.
It should be remembered in this connection
that it is the policy of the Society to arrange
Ihe price of books as to merely sustain, and
enlarge as the occasion may require, this
branch of its operations, and not with a view
of creating a revenue for the missionary de
The Society now publish a confolete Li
brary for Sunday-schools, containing 841 vol
umes, and 4 selections Irom Ihe general Li
brary of 100 volumes each, for $10*; also two
" Five dollar Juvenile Libraries" of seventy
five volumes each ; Child's Home Library 50
volumes, $3.50; Ihe Village and Family Li
braries, twenty-four volumes, £3 each, and
the Child's Cabinet Library of fiflv volumes,
The "Sunday-school Journal" ond "Youth's
Penny Gazelle," are published as formerly;
and in order to increase the useluloessof tbe
latter, and to bring it wiihic the reach of all,
the price of subscription has been reduced to
ten cents per annum, where one hundred cop
ies are taken.
A full report of the Society's operations
may be obtained gratuitously, upon applica
tion at any ol the depositories.
It is a miserable thing to be rich ! We aver■
it not from experience, but from observation, i
Solomon Southwick, tbe veteran Rhode Isl- 4
and editor, once published a poem, entitled j
the "Pleasures of Poverty;" and, although !
nobody read more than the first page, it was ;
Ibo test thing that Solomon—and be really !
was a man ol genius—ever did. It was the ,
perversity of mankind, not the "absence of I
caloric" iu tbe poem, that prevented the 1
" Pleasures ol Poverty" from becoming as
immoital as tbe " Pleasures of Memory." I
We pity a rich man—and why ? Because
he is like tbe unlucky fellow who used to j
adorn tbe first page of ohi-fasbioned Alma-!
nacs. Aries, the ram is eternally jumping ;
over bis heaJ, ready to butt out bis brains for
the sake df getting gt Lis purse. Taurus, the
1 bull, is goring bim with boms, to make him .
bleed freely. [Gemini, the twius, generally
fall to the lot of the poor man, so we will pass j
over them.] The clJfvs of Cancer are fas- 1
lened on his? breast in Trie shape of needy
relations. Loo is the couchant before him, i
watching t'ue opportunity to prey upon his I
possessions. Virgo U laying scares for his '
heart. Liora is weighing bis losses. Sagn- j
tarius transfixes him with the arrow* of envy. j
Caprieoruus is bearding him with the spirit (
of rivaly. Aquarius (changing the sex) is 1
keeping bim iu a whirlpool ol routes, parties ;
and balls, to please a dashing wife aud mon
ey-spending daughters. And to sum ap his
miseries, the slippery fishes reader bis footing
unstable, and his standing uncertain—lor they
are ueilber mora or less than the changes and
cfiauees of life. Who,so hanl-bearted as not !
to pity the rich man ?
Who is dogged in the streets, ac-i knocked
down at midnight? Whose liou-e is broken
into by robbers? The rich man's. Who
has his pocket cut out, and his coat spoiled
in a crowd '. The rich mutt. Who is in
doubt whether tho people are not laughing at
him in their sleoves, when they are eating
his dinner? The rich man. Who adds to
his trouble by every stone bo adds to bis
house ? The rich man—for the higher he
ascends, (he colder is the atmosphere. A
bank breaks, and who suffers? The rich
stockholder and depositor. War blows his
born, and who trembles ? Death approaches,
and who fears to look him in the face?—
Why, tho rich man—and yet, all the world
envies the rich. Depend upon it, reader, the
length of youi lace will always bo propor
tioned to the length of youf purse. II you
live in a two-storied house, be thankful und
covet not ihe lofty mansion of your neighbor.
You but dishonor yourself, and insult your
destiny, by fretting and repining.
UllltllN OF MILLS,
In early agos,coin was planted in mortars
by baud. Sulomoit alludes to that custom,
when he says: "Though thou shouldsl bray
a fool in a mortar with a pestle among wheat,
ycl will not bis foolishness depart from him."
The hand mills, of later limes were of very
simple construction, and wore operated prin
cipally by women. Iu process of time, shafts
were added to these machines, and they
were worked by cattle. Water mills were
invented about the time of Julius Cicsar but
they did not come into general use till A. D.
400. It is supposed that wind-mills origina
ted in the east and wore introduced into Eu
rope by the Crusaders. This however, is
doubted, ax such mills were in use in Eu
rope as oarly as tho first Crusade. Feudal
lords claimed the privilego of erecltng all
corn mills and requiring their vassals to
grind at their mills, colled ban-mills. The
buildir.g of such mill was then very expen
sive, and none but lords and barons could
afford the expense; hence they claimed all
tolls, from their dependants, byway of remu
neration. At one time the monks of Hol
land desired to erect a wind-mill for their
own convenience; the lord of the soil op
posed I heir purpose saying that the wind in
that district belonged to him.
Tbe monks appealed lo their bishop, who
in great indignation, claimed spiritual control
of the winds, in his diocese, and granted
letters patent to tbe holy fathers. By im
provements introduced in Fiance, in the
grinding ol corn, about tho 1760, UM amount
of flour obtained was nearly doubled.
Saw mills are more recent in their origin,
iftart corn mills. Tbe earliest method known
for procuring planks, was by splitting the
trunks of trees with wedges, and hewing the
sides with axes.
I Until the middle of the sixteenth century
| all the plank ir. Norway were thus maiiufao
j lured. The saw is an instrument of very
remote'antiquity. The inventor of it like all
other benefactors ranked among the gods.—
I Ovid celebrated his praises, iu his metamor
pheses. lie says the idea wassoggested by
the spine which projects from tbe back-bone
of a fish. By others, the discovery is attri
buted lo (ltd accidental U'e of the jaw-bone
of a shake in severing a piece of wood. The
saw was used in pit sawing during most of
ihedark ages. It was first adapted to mills,
in Germany, iu 1322. Saws were not intro
duced into England until 1767. The first
constructed mills were destroyed by mobs.—
The invention of the ctrculurssw added great
ly to the efficienoy of modern mills, and now
almost every variety aud form ol timber used
by mechanics is cut into the proper shape
for use, by such ssws.— Ohio Farmer.
The g-eateet cataract in the world, is the
Falls of Niagara, where ihe waters accumu
lated from the upper lakes, forming a river
thiee quarters of a mile in width, are suddeuly
contracted and plunged over the locks, in
two columns, to the depth of one hundred
and sixty feet.
The greatest Cave in the world, is the
Mammoth Cave, in Kentucky, where one
can make a voyage on tbe waters of a sub
terranean river, and catch fisb without eyes.
The greatest rivet in the world is tbe Mis
sissippi, four thousand one hundred miles in
length. It* name is derived from an Indian
word, meaning "The Father of Waters."
The largest Valiey in the world is the Val
ley of the Mississippi. It contains five hun
dred tbousahd square miles, and is one of
tbe most prolific regions on the globe.
The largest Lake in the world is Lake Su
perior, 430 miles long
Tbe greatest Natural Bridge in the world, ;
is that over Cedar Creek, in Virginia. It ex
tends across a chasm 80 feet ia width, and
230 feet deep,at the bottom of.which acreek
Tbe greatest solid mass of Iron ia the worU
is the Iron Mountain of Missouri. It is three
bundled end fifty feet high, and two miles in
The largest Railroad in the world, is the
Central Railroad of Illinois, which is 731
mile* long and cot filteen unlliou* of dofiaia.
The greatest number of miles of Railroad,
iu proportion to its surface, of any country in
the world—is in Massachusetts, which has
over one mile to each square mile of its area.
The greatest number of clocks manufic
tured iu the world, is turned out ia the small
State of Connecticut.
Tbe largest oumbsr of wbals ships in the
world, are sent out by Naniucket and New
Tbe greate* 1 grain port ia the world is Chi
Tbe largest aqueduct iu the world, is the
Croton Aqueduct, iu New York. It ia forty
anil a halt nules locg, aud cost twelve aud a
halt millions?! dcl'irs.— BriJgfer* Chrfirich
[Two Dollars per AUIWIB.
(Jul mads the heart with every chorrl
Responsive to his love
To cheer, tolbless, anil keep his word—
Like angel hearts above!
'Twaa made to leel for others' woo,
Life's beguile;
To soothe the tears the wretched koots>,
And bid the tnouruer smile.
'Twas made to be the charm of earth,
Where all affections meet;
Where every human bliss bath birtb,
And every hope is sweet.
'Twas formed the weak and sad to aid,
To bid misfortune fire;
II man ne'er marred what God had thadO,
How heavenly earth wotild be I
From the Newark Advertiser.
time I saw Palmerstoo was in the
summer of 1854, in the House of Com.nons.
It wus a lialu day, and he had been running
a tilt against every Parliamentary knight that
dared break a lance with bim in the encoun
ter of debate. His luce was flush, bis eye
was bright, and with the snows of seventy
winters on his head, he appeared to me a
perfect miracle of intellect. There is age in
his bair, his limbs and his voice ; but this iS
physical docßy only—the intellect iv uncon
scious of lite decline; the sword is not the
less sharp that it gradually cuts through tbe
The late Dr. Maginti, willing of the mythi
cally old Mr. Ilogers, taid, lhat alter passirg
the first eighty or ninety years of bta age in
the dissipation of youth, he began to thiulc
him of a profession ; and in the seme way the
illustrious career of l'alrnerston commenced
when his lordships was attaining half a hun
dred years. It is true he was in the House of
Commons before be V/a* in ■ beard ; but the
silence of some twenty years would appear to
intimate his profound conviction, that the
Unmans were right in admitting to the Senate
only those who had attained the dignity of
forty years. Hut although became lata opoti
the House of Common's arena, his whole lifo
bad been spent in office.
He held office nineteen years under the
lories, and about sixteen under the wbigs.—
He was the Secretary of War who signed
warrants for the conveyance of Napoleon I. to
St. Helena—and be was the Secretary of
Stale who offended his sovereign by recogni
sing that Napoleon 111. had commenced to
reign. As the English cricketers would say
—"ti baa hd the longest innings on record."
His offices, mo, appear to have been sine
cures. lie was Secretarj of War at war time;
and his sixteen years of Foreign Secretary-
Ship were sixteen years of attempts to break
(be peace.
With the pressure of age he has nothing to
do—the daring snd Indifference of youth art*
the salient points of his character to this day
—and from the time when he, on behslf of
Canning, undertook to crash " The Duke," to
that manifesto of a few years since, when its
answer to some Scotch clergyman who peti
tioned bim to advise Her Majesty to fix a day
for a national feast on account of the cholera,
and he suggested "they had lietter look after
the town drainage," he has always manifested
the same energy, spirit and humor; and now
I in 1857, in his seventy-fourth year, the vet
: eran statesman has triumphed in one of the
fiercest popular straggles England has ever
witnessed since the days of the great reform
agitation. #
The high position of Lord Palmerston in
the House of Commons is attributed, not only
to the fact that he is a firs', rate intellect lead
ing the century, but to bis most emphstieelly
practical character, polished into statesman
ship by the experience of more than 40 yee<s
of responsible office.
He is said to be the only peer of pure Sax
on descent, and be bas always appeared to
me the intensest Englishman in English pub
lic life. No one has perused his recent Par
liamentary efforts, but bas been struek with
the vigor and variety of bis intellect. Prac
tically comprehending all the detail* of Eng
lish statesmanship, aud thoroughly conver
sant with the political history of Europwaa
politics, he is ■ pe'fect giant io debate. Cool
and sagacious, be is ever prompt and ready
at self defence. Full of hamor, and abound
ing in sarcasm, be is a moat formidable ad
versary in the running tilt of an off hand de
bale. J. W.
BUCK TEZTH.—The cause of tbia disease
in bogs, id cioec confinement from tbe ground,
lid symptoms are these: Tbe bog loses ap
petite, becomes dizzy, and ie weak ia the
bind leg* , the :eeifi are black- i'reeeotioa
and care may be atleuied by giving the ani
mal a clean, dry pen well strewed with wood
and ashed, and plenty of tad tor htm to root
otter; feed htm well, too. la bad cues, re
moval of tbe worst teeth is thooght good, but
this may be avoided by due care. Many
larmers and agricultural wrtteis, ridicule the
idea tbai swine are liable at all to such a die
ease Tbe;- deny that a well authenticated
case baa ever been proven.
OT* It is estimated that mote than ten tlkoat
•anJ sewing machines were made awd aoM
ia this country during the last year. This ia
too low— say twenty. Mora than two hund
red patents have been granted and applica
tions for new ones are so numerous at Wash
ington that a requires tbe enlist racvics of
one Individual to esamiae ibem. Tbe inven
tors of reaping and mewing mechioee are
equally numerous.
HT The highest price evei givea for a
horse of which there is sny a'itfmntiwac
count, was paid ia IS?', for a race horse that
brought J3-V w