The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 10, 1857, Image 2

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— 1 . ... .<—StA JJL-T—-r-rr \
■ w. WKAVm, MtTOR. . _.|
Illoomshurg, WseeesSar. Junc lO~lßa"'ir.V
of Lycoming^)aunty.
of Chester County.
the Washington riot.
On Monday of last week the municipal
elections were held at Washington City, and
a gang of Know-Nothing rowdies calling
themselves "Plug Uglies"came on from Bal
timore to attack (he poll*. Twenty oitizens
were maimed st one poll, the Commissioners
of election were driven awsy, and the ruff
ians threatened further violence if any person
would attempt lo carry on the election. The
Mayor then obtained an order from 'he Pres
ident for two companies of Marines, who
proceeded to thescene of the riot. The May
or ordered the rioters to disperse, informing
them thai the troops were there only id pre
serve peace, This order was tauntingly dis
regarded, and the Marbles then wrested a
brass swivel from the rioters, which ibsy bad
brought along from Baltimore. lo ibis work
one marine was shot, and the rioters fired
frequently. The Marines then returned the
fire, kilting five or six persons, end wonnding
a boat a dozen. The swivel taken from the
rowdies was found to be loaded, and when
the charge was afterward tskea oat by the
Chief of Police at the City Hall it consisted
of eight pavement stones, a large number of
rifle balls, buckshot, swan shot, &c., weigh
ing altogether over ten pounds.
It is fit that this lawlessness and outrage
should come from the only Know-Notbing
State in the Union, and that it should follow
in the wake of the riots st Baltimore and Lou
isville by the same party. Bafore its days no
such sad and shamafal events disgraced our
Hereafter let no Know-Nothing evermore
talk of "Border ruffianism" in Kansss. Let
tbem take the beam from tbeir own eyes be
fore they reproach the restless, wild spirited
men on the verge of our Western civilisation,
where (here is hardly any law but the instincts
of unrestrained nature. There is no excuse
for a riot in Baltimore or Washington, mooh
less for the interference of Baltimore rowdies
in the peaceable elections of the National
Capitol. Before you send missionaries and
military to Utah wonld it not be well to civ
ilize Baltimore and Know-Nothingisma little.*
The proposition of Lieutenant Maury to
prevent miasmatic diseases by planting sun
flowers suggests some general considerations
which will be useful in the preservation of
health. It is wisely so arranged in the econ
omy of nature that animal life is sustained
mainly by oxygen, while vegetables live and
grow upon carbon. So while man exhales
the carbon and retains the oxygen of the air,
■ lie leaves of. vegetable natuie drink in with
their million mouths and freshen upon this
carbonic acid gas which would be poison to
animal lunge. In return plants throw of! the
oxygen which animal life needs.
This is the natural process when every
thing is evenly balanced and entirely healthy.
While vegetables grow they absorb a little
more than the usuafquantity of carbon, and
we therefore never suffer in the spring or
early summer for the want of a proper pro
portion of oxygen in the air. But whenever
vegetation begins to decay or decompose the
air becomes 100 highly carbonized for human
beings, because we are then made to breathe
carbonic acid gas. This is the case in the
autumn, and hence our ague and typhoid fe
vers ia that season. Upou (his prineiple 100
it is that plants are unhealthy ia a close room
ut night, because (hen they throw off the car
bonized air.
Now any expedient to absorb the carbon
whiob arises Irom decomposed vegetation in
autumn will prevent miasmatic diseases.—
The sunflower grows loxuriamly in that sea
son; and to grow it musldriok in with its
large leaves and stem much of that excess of
atmospheric carbon which would be poison
to the buratn system. Upon this principle
the experiment most always prove success
ful in preventing ague.
It is upon this principle (bat in climates
where vegetation at all seasons grow* in rank
luxuriance, the class of miasmatic diseases do
not exist; unless from such causes as Ibe
Pouliua marshes at Rome. Tba carbonic gas
f one decaying crop feeds the next one then
already growing over it os by its aide.
Tux BOUT FOUND. —The corpse of Thomas
Ale, whose death by drowning we noticed
last week, wai found near Melick'a Bridge
on last Saturday morning. It bad moved
down the stream about a hclf a mile.
COM* HOME. —We are pteaaed lb' learn that
John Sharpie** and Walter Scott were ee lit
tle injured by the late Railroad accident that
they have returned home, alive and well,
with no bones broken. Mr. Sharpless moves
about as of old, and Mr. Scott is confined to
the house by a eprained ankle.
-- 13T The Democratic State Convention ia
in session at Herriaburg at we are now wri
ting (on Tuesday). TWo candidates for Su
preme Judge will be nominated, and there
will doubtless be leeolutiona passed denoun
cing the proposed sale of the Main Line.
EVA young lady in Danville had hec hartd
and asm severely buried by the explosion
of a fluid lamp. This it the second aeoidant
ia that borough witbia a few week*.
IV The citizens of Tyrone, Pa., bare pe
titioned the Blair County Court to incorpo
rate lb* City into a Borough. Petition grant
IV B. B. Reynolds baa erected at Dan
ville a Hall with a east Iron front. "
Thi only arouse which we bear given for
a isle of the Main Lin* ia that the tonnage
tax 0f.#230,000 a year wpioh the Pennsylva
nia Railroad baa heretofore been compelled
to pay to the State could pot be retained any
fongrtr but would be repealed by the force of
peblio opinion. It is argued that hsno* the
property and privileges which the Peona. H.
will acquire by the purobase will not,
more than the Siste will receive,
NRei- though the Jfelease from the towage
f* were of itself worth M,000,000 to lbs
pnrchassr under this bill. It is urged by the
attorneys lor the Kaifroad Company and, we
regret to see, also, by the Pennsylvsnisn that
the tonnage tax wokld be and ought to be
repealed because it is in restraint of com
merce and business.
But this is a heresy. Every speoiea of lax
ation, tariff aod license money is in restraint
of the commerce and business of the coun
try, and, so far as it goes, is a weight upon
the industry, labor and oapital of the com
munity. Taxation of every kind is only to
be tolerated for its necessity to suppoitgov
ernment, and not as furnishing diversion for
collectors and financial officers. Tine and
wise polioy will always restrain it within this
bound of necessity. But in Pennsylvania
oor heavy Stale debt has already compelled
us to lax the earth and all that is in ii or on
it—to lax the writ that sues the debtor, and
i the wealth o( The creditor —to lax all (hat
men nave while lividg, and their estates
when they are dead.
And therefore it is that an honest view of
the question can find no more reason for re
pealing the tonnage lax than for relieviog the
industry and busineasof the State from any
other of lbs Incubi which debt has imposed,
tike a second Curse, opon our people. There
were abundant reasons for imposing this ton
nage Isz upon a Company which proposed
to enter into competition with State improve-,
meets, and these reasons continue es strong
•s ever. There ere reasons for releasing the
industry of the Slats from general taxation as
last as it oan be done, which will strike re
flecting men as being much stronger than any
which can axist for releasiog one Corpora
Equity Potreti of Courts.
An set wit last winter passed giving Equi
ty powers and jurisdiction to all the courts
of Common Pleas of this Stale. This will
make a very material change in the form
and manner of legal proceedings in our
Courts, though it can make but very little
difference in the results of litigation. As
there come to be more choice of remedies,
it will be more easy to find one applicable
to any given case. This change of the law
will prove beneficial in many instances.—
The following is the statute: ,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted , (fc. , That the Courts
of Common Pleas of tho several counties of .
this Commonwealth, in addition to the pow
ers and jurisdictions heretofore possessed and
exercised, shall have the same chancery
powers and jurisdictions which are now by
law vested in the Court of Common Pleas
or District Court of the City and County of
Philadelphia, and in aff fuses °n 't'p"al !
be taken to the Supreme Court Irom the
final decrees of said Courts respectively, in
suits and proceedings in equity, in the same
manner and on the same terms and condi
tions as are provided in cases of appeal from
the decrees of the Court of Common Plea 9
or District Court of the City and County of
Approved, 14th Febroary, 1837. P. L., 39.
Ulackwoud's Edluknrg Magazine
For May ba9 been received'from Messrs.
Leonard Scnlt & Co., New York, and is a
capital number. The following is the table
of contents:
Scenes of Clerical Life, No. 2—Mr. Gilfil's
Love Story—Perl 3d; A Ron to Nicaragua;
Afoot, Part 2; The Alhelinoi—or the Three
Gifts, Part 12; Oxford and Thomas Hearne—-
I A Letter to Irenmus; The Sculptured Stones
of Scotland; Life in Columbus;
Leys of the Elections; Letters from a Light
house, No. 4.
The Edinbnrg Quarterly Review
For April, from the same publisher, is also
at band, containing its usual variety of ex
cellent reading. The aebjecta treated of are:
Alexander the Great; The last Cenass of
France; Physical Geography of the Sea;
Kaye's Life of Malcolm; Roumania; The
! Festal Letters of Alhanarius; Boswell and
Boswelliana; The Dilettanti Sooiety; British
Relations with China; The Past Sersion of
the New Parliament.
For any one of the 4 Reviews, S3 per an.
For any two, " 5 •
For any three, " 7 "
For all four of tho " 8 "
For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 "
For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 "
For Blackwood and the lour " to
79 Fulton Street, New York.
Agricultural Society,
Soma geotlemeu met at tbe Court-bouse
on last Saturday and elected tbe following
persons as the officer* of tbe Columbia coun
ty Agricultural Society for tbe ensuing year:
D*. P. John, President,
fc. P. Lute, Recording Secretary,
W. Wirt, Corresponding Secretary,
Joseph W. Hendarsbot, Treasurer.
Also a board of Diraoiors consisting of one
from each township.
Tbe oexi meeting of the Society will be
on Saturday tbe 20h of August next.
, , !''
OT Frederick Douglas*, tho nigger, made
a speech belere the Abolition Society of New
Yfrk, in which be used ibe following Jan
" Tba Presidential election bad been fol
lowed by two events—tba insurrection in the
South and tho poisoning at Washington. Ha
would not wy what or why Ibat was; bnt
one thing—it was not atrange that men who
were sconstomed to ent and lacerate and
prostitute their cooks should find death in the
pot. If any man wanted to save his soul
alive, lot him not enslave him (Douglass) to
cook for bin."
Two Counterfeiters killed on a Railroad.
Early laat Thursday morning, the Express
train going Wost on tho Pennsylvania Rail
road, ran over and inatantly killed two man
who wero walking on ibe track near High
spire, Dauphin county. Al Ibe time they
were onknown, and from papers found opon
their persons, h was supposed their names
were George Vickroy and Charles Williams ;
but subsequent developments proved them to
have been two expert counterfeiters and
house-breakms, whose real names wsrs Clsfk
and Brown, Well known to the police of Phil
adelphia. Tbey had been living in Harris
bo rg (or some month* previous to Ibe acci
dent, which fact having come to the knowl
edge of Deputy U. S. Marshal John Jsnkins,
he made a search of their house on Sunday
night, and obtained possession 01, c number
of die* aod other counterfeit idg implements,
and between two or tbrse thousand dollars
of countsrfsit gold coin. The diss are mad#
of copper, aod dasigned for making both
kinds of SI, as well a* #24, S3, #5, sod SJO
I gold pisces. A woman was living in the
I houss, wto claimed to be the wife of the
I man whose name was at first supposed lobs
1 Williams. She *sid she was from Nortbum-
I berland county, and had moved to Harris
! burg with her husband to avoid trouble. Bhe
; stoutly denied any knowledge of the business
in whiob the men were engaged, and was
: allowed to go to Philadelphia. She has been
1 sine* arrested in I** as yet Homing,
had beeu ascertained to implicate bet- The
Harrieburg Telegraph slates that additional
facts which have oome to light in connection
with the affair, "have revealed- the exiatenoe
of an organized, oath-bound band of villains,
extending through all the States in the Union,
and designed to carry on operation*, on a
sosle unsurpassed. From Maine lo Texas,
its msmbers sre ranged, in a manner beet cal
culated lo aid in tbeir schemes, and had not
this most lucky dispensation occurred, we
would soon have heard of actions unparallel
ed in the history of crime. Alresdy the names
of over thirty members have become known,
embracing some very prominent lawyers
and physicians. Tbeir head-quarters seem
to have been in Northumberland oonaty, el
this Slate."
Several robberiea were committed at Mid
dletown, Dauphin county, daring the Wed
nesday night .previous to the killing of the
men on the railroad, and circumstances have
transpijed to fix the crime upon them almost
beyond a doubt. They are evidently hard
ened villains, whose oareer of iniquity was
suddenly arrested by a mysterious interposi
tion of Providence.
Serious Railroad Accident,
A serious accident occurred on the Frie
Roid early this raornir.g, says the Elmira Ga
zette, of Tuesday last, by which one person
was instantly killed, and a number more or
lees injured. The Night Express from New
York, when about two miles this side of Ad-1
tlison, was thrown from the track, causing
almost a complete wreck of all the cars. Dr.
Peck, of Cincinnati, was instantly killed ; a
young lady had both limbs broken; the en
gineer was very seriously injured.
Tluee eentiemara from Pennsylvania, Mr. 1
-James HuiolVtnsSlf fir 'Philadelphia, TflW
Messrs. John Sharpless and Walter Scott, of
Catawissa, who staid at Height's last night,
and who were on the train, were b'rofigbt
back here by Ibe Day ExDresa to-day. Mr.
| Hatchinson has both limbs injured, near the
ankles, one being fractured ; Mr. Scott ia se
verely bruised, but has no bones brokec ; Mr.
Sharpless received some bruises, but not of
a serious nature. He described the crash as
most terrible, and truly miraculous that no
more lives were loet.
Utah A flu t is—• Appointment*.
WASHINGTON, June 2.—Maj. McCnllough
has again emphatically declined the Govern
orship of Utah. A selection will however,
positively be made in a few days; when the
I vacant Judgeships of that Territory will be
filled, and other measure* adopted witb a
view to the effective organization of tbe ad
min islralive machinery. The President has
appointed Gov. Joseph A. Wright, of Indiana,
Minister to Berlin, in place of Mr. Vroom,
recalled st his own request. Henry C. Mur
phy, of New York, Minister to Netherlands,
vice Belmont, recalled at bis own request.—
Hon. A. Richardson, of Illinois, Governor el
Nebraska, vice Izard. Isaac R. Oilier, of
Illinois, Consul at Bremen, vice Hilderbrand.
WM. Thompson, of New-York, Consul at
Southampton, England, vice Croskey. Ga
briel G. Fleurot, of New York, Conanl at
Bordeaux, to fill existing vacancy,
"Straight" American Convention.
Nomination for Governor, Judgee cf the Sup
reme Court and Canal Commissioner.
LANCASTER, June 3d.—At the "Straight"
American Convention held here to-day, nine
counties were represented by fifty-four dele
gates. Herman & JHokman of Northamp
ton connty was appointed temporary Chair
man—when a permanent organization was
effected by the election of Col. Daniel Mc-
Curdy of Alleghany county, a* President.
Mr. H. B. Swnpe, chairman of the Com
mittee on Resolutions, submitted a series of
thirteen, for the consideration of the Con
Isaac Hazlehural, Esq., of Philadelphia,
was nominateil by acclamation foi Governor.
Jacob Broom, of this oily, and Jaaper £.
Brady, of Mifflin couniy, were nomioaled,
aftar a long corneal, gnat confusion prevail
ing, for Supreme Judgea, and John H. Lin
derman, of Berka eeenty, waa nominated far
Canal Commieaioner.
The resolution* preaenled this morning
ware adopted.
The Convaution adjonrnad at 3 o'clock,
P. M., With three cheer* for the nominees..
A ratification meeting will be held to-nigll
at the Court house.
Gov. Geary'a name waa not presented to
the Convention, be having sent a despatch to
his friends, declining to hare bis name need.
W The Melodeon, a place of amnsemeot
in Cbeetnot Street, Philadelphia, adjoining
tba Arcade, waa destroyed by fire oo Tues
day night. It waa formerly kept tee Roe
lament, under the name of tba Bolivar
Hie Recent Poisoning Case at Danville—
Verdict of UM Coroner's Jury.
DANVILLE, JO** •—TheCoroner's Jaty in
lb* recent poisoning rose, which has caned
•o much excitement at this plan, met u 2
I o'clock yesterday afternoon, it tho Court-
House. Dr. Sfmington testified to the find
ing of arsenic lathe stomach of lira. Clark
and of David Twiggs,
end poeifffUr *ftrmf"tbt deathln bath
esses was caused+y that poison.
The clarke
store, testified io setting the hrseniSel diffor-'
ant limes to Mr. Wis. J. Clark and Mrs.
The verdict rendered by the jury wis, that
tbe death ot David Twtgga and Mrr. Clark
was caused by poison, supposed to have been
administered by Mrs. Twiggs and W. J.
In accordance with the verdict bo'b tbe
prisoners were committed for trial.
The Danville Demtrat, of June sth, gives
the following sketch of the suspected mar.
Wm. John Clerk wae born lit the town of
Morass, in Donegal county, in the northern
part o.f Ireland , on. the Ist day of Augnat,
1834, and is, therefore, only 22 years of age.
His parents, oue of whom (the father) ia
still living and/MfAag ia Sagsroreek town
ship, ArmWr&kge*6Fy, Tn JEii Stats, belong
ed to the Presbyterian Chnroh, in which per
suasion the prisoner was brought up. In the
spring of 1881, be came to this country, bis
perenta having gone before him abont two.
years, and landed in New York, when he
worked at a brickyard during the'early part
of the summer. 'ln tbe fall he went to
Philadelphia, drove cart for Thos. Branson,
a coal merchart on Broad street, and married
hla late wife (who was poisoned) on the 27th
lof August, 1851. With ber he had three
ohildren,, two of whom ate dead. The old
est, now about five years old, ii still living,
and in charge of bis brother, Henry Clark,
in Philadelphia. In March, 1852, he went
to Armstrong county and worked at the Roll
ing MiU of Brown Phillips ft Co., at Kittan
ning, where he remained for about two
yeara and three month*, and then returned
to Phifodelphia, Maiding there for abont two
year* again, part of Which time he worked
as puddler at tbe Kenaington Iran Works.—
On the 14th of November, 1855, he came
to Danville and waa employed at the Mon
tour Rolling Mill aa a puddler, where be bad
worked ever since. He has three brothers
living in Philadelphia.
In stature Clerk ia ahout 5 feet 6 inches in
height, has a datk and luxuriant crop of hair,
heavy black eyebrows, very low forehead,
small mouth, black eyes, and a pale 'hough
fair oomplexion. He is rather intelligent,
wears a downcast look, and has hitherto
borne a good character as far as we can
learn. He was a prominent member of the
Protestant Association of this place. To the
charge laid against him, ho pleads inno
Mary Twiggs, the other prisoner, whose
maiden name, was McClintock, wis born to
Irelyyt lif nn|^ifHn ni frf't
milo from tbe toSHPOr Conwa'y, and ia now
27 years oi age. She arrived in this coun
try on the 18th of July, 1850, resided for
several years in Philadelphia, and lived in
Danville since Augutl, 1856. She was mar
ried to ber late husband, David Twiggs, be
fore she came to America, anc had four chil
dren, two of whom are dead and two still
living with her father and brother, who re
side in Rudy's addition to the Borough of
Danville. She is of medium height, has
black hair, low flat forehead, blue eyes,
coarse features, and a tolerable fsir oomplex
ion. She seems to be rather indifferent as
to the charge made against ber, protesting
innocence, and professes to be enciente.
TIIE COMET—The comet occupies • great
deal of public attention, and bets are freely
wagered upon the possible oollision. The
mopl extensive pteproilion of this kind is the
following, by tbe editor of the Ufbans (lll.(
Constitution, who examined the celestial vis
itor carefully with the instrument* of the
Urbana Brass Baud, and ccmea to tbe follow
ing conclusions:
Ist. The comet will not strike (be earth;
2d. II it does strike, it wilt never do it a
second lime.
In case, however, any gentlaman holds
opinions different from the above, and it wil
ling to back his views to a limited extent, in
order to arrive at the truth in this momentous
matter, we hereby make tbe following prop
Ist. We will wager s2o,ooo,more or less,
that if the comet offers to we will
dodge before il does it; in other worda, that
it oan't be brought to the scratch.
2d. A like sum that il it does strike, it
will be knocked Highs r not a kite.
3. Twenty-five lime* tbe above amoonts,
that in oase tbe comet strikes, it won't bndga
the earth six incite* by actnal measurement.
4th. A like amount, that after (he eomet
strikes, its trail drops.
sth. An optional mm, that the earth can
knock tbe comet further than tho comet can
knock Ibe earth nine time* out of elaren.
6th. That after thd comet gets through
striking tbe earth, it will never want to strike
anybody else.
These propositions are intended to cover
the case oj any gentleman on this globe, or
on the comet, or elsewhere.
All wagers to be deSided by the Jodgea of
the Supreme Court.
Money to be deposited In the Bank of
Time of striking snd other arrangements
to be fixed by the parties.
■ Applicant* for beta have a right select
any oomet they choose.
XW The Abolitionists in the Ohio Legisla
tors have exoiudad negroes from participa
ting in tbe Militia Law. Only while male
citizens are permitted to perform military
duty! Where U the Abolitiontfauudetl—
Why not denounce this exclusion wish the
same virulence ae they did the decision of
the Supreme Coart 1 Where is that thun
der t
The Hudson Buy Company. ,
An inquiry has for soma months beep peed-1
ing before a select committee ot the British
House of Commona, relative to the re-charter
of the Hudson Bey Company, which is exoi
ling much altenticm, as an extension of its
privilege* ts strongly dononnoed by the Co
nadian papers. The power of the Company
extends over an extent of country)nearly as
; I,r S a M 'he entire of Europe, while ils settle
ment is perverted ;by the policy wntcti !>■
prevailed. There are two hundred and lbirty r
nine stockholders with a oapital of ten million
dollbrß, andes they divide a.miUien of profits
annually, the shares have doubled their par
value. The trade is solely by barter, lor
which the'articles are shipped from London
to be exchanged with the Indiana tor fors, of
whom there are some 300,000 scattered over
the entire territory, engaged in collecting pel
try. The Governor General resides at York
Factory, on Nelson's river, and under him
are some fifteen handred factors, leaders and
clerks, whose salaries are made contingent
upon the earnings of the Company. Besides
these, Canadians or Indian half-breeds, ate
enlisted for terms of Ave years at stated sala
-1 ries, and all the clerks who are a species of
cdets, look for advancement when vacancies
occur among snperiors. Thus monopoly has
been seriously detrimental to the settlement
of the province, and is to be hoped that the
Parliamentary inquiry will lead to the aboli
tion of the charter',' and throW open the vast
territory to emigration.— Penney hanxan.
clip the following from the New Haven Reg
"In the Senate of Massachusetts the propo
sed constitutions! amendment requiring adop
ted citizens to reside in the State two years
after being naturalized, before being allowed
to vote, was adopted by a vote of 25 to 8—
This is Massachusetts Know Nothingitm.—
ID New York the properly qualification for
negroea ii not only to be abolished, says tbe
A Ibany Argue, but the three years' residanca
heretofore required of that class. This is
New York Know Nolhingism. In one Slate
five years ia too short a term for a white man,
and in another three years is too long a term
for a negro! Well, Black_Republicinism is
t a queer affair."
Britain, even quite recently, in ita judicial
decisions, acknowledged tbe binding force of
the principle that British subjects could not
throw off their allegiance, but were always
subjects of the Crown, to whatever part of
the globe they went. This principle has
been telaxed in a recent instance. Mr. Law
less, a merchant of Grenada, and a non-com
batant in the late Nicaraguan troubles, was
dragged out of his house and shot by the
Guatemalans, when they took Grenada. He
was formerly a British subject, but became a
naturalized citizen of the United Stales. His
mother applied to the British Government for
compensation for the loss of ber son's life and
property. The reply was, that he bad re
nounced his allegiance by becoming a citizen
of the United States, and was not entitled to
British protection. The decision is stated in
a teller from Lord" Clsrefidon. This is the
doctrine of czpartition fully admitted.
Some French inventors have taken out a pat
ent in England for splitting rocks by the gen
eration of heal without causing an explosion.
They used a substance composed of 100
parts ol sulphur by weight, 100 Of saltpetre,
50 of sawdust, 50 of horse manure, and ten
of common salt, The saltpetre and common
salt are dissolved in hot water, to which four
parts of molasses are added, and the whole
ingredients stirred until they ate thoroughly
incorporated together in one mass, which ia
I then dried by a gentle beat in a room or by
exposure to the sun, end ia fit for use. It js
tamped in the boles bored for blasting rock
I in the same manner as powder, Sod is ignited
|by a fusee. It docs not cause an exploeion
I upward like gunpowder, but gsnerates a great
beat, which splits the rock.
OAR.— By a peculiar process ID the manufac- |
lure of sugar, it may now be convened into
perfect loaves in the space of twenty min
utes, instead of tequiring a period of three
weeks for the operslion to be accomplished.
The sugar is scraped from the cleansing ma
chines into moulds placed on a revolving
frame, and then subjected to pressure from
tbe blows of a piston, as they are carried
around on a circular frame, and having com
pleted their oircnit, are raised by a pressure
from beneath on to an endless web, which
conveys them to the drying shelves. In this
manner, 2400 pounds of loose sugar oan
be converted into loaf every hour, with tbe
attendance of one person aud a steam engine
of lour bourse power.
Mirror states that tbe Bev. Henry L. Simpson,
a colored clergyman, who graduated at Madi
son University, was married in Anbnrn, N.
J., last week to a colored woman oamed
HARRIET E. BOOART, and the wedding party
was comprised of about eqnal portions of
white and colored persons, among wheat
were Gov. SEWARD and family, Hon. CHRISTO
PHEU MORGAN, and other*. Did tbe United
State* Senator and the ex-member of Cougress
1 claim the ueual privilege of saluting the fair
bride ? it is to be hoped that tbe fee of the
officiating clergyman Waa paid off ia new
- 1 "
THE CROPS. —The fine growing weather of
the last month ha* greatly improved tbe ap
pearance of the crops. The Trenton Ameri
can, speaking of vegetation in that vicinity,
says (ha change is .extraordinary, and fields
of graie which, fe the middle of last month,
promised bat little yield, are now presenting
a very different aspect. Grass fields are
meeb improved, also, and the general im
pression ie, that unless some unforeseen oc
correnca happens to mar the present bright
prospects, tbe early crop of *H* year will be
mote than eo average one. Similar account*
corns from nearly every other quarter of tbe
land. The crops which show the finest are
wheat end corn, a good yield of tegsr, pota
toes very fair and cotton moderate.
Interesting la Toper*.
The recent ilea ih oft young man in Bramp
ton, Canada, from lasting tba "oaienco of
brandy," with vrbioh lie Wa* mannfacturlng
Cognac, and the revelation of the fact that
■tryohnino ia largely uaed in the manufacture
of whiskey, has awakened some atteotidit
the nature of the drinks whteh are sold far
pure spirits. Brandy, gin, wine, end whiskey
are so adulterated that comparatively little
nnra linuo* can ftepurcbaMd. Most of the
brandies are a mixture or i ij. i;
ents, cacstie enough to burn oak /hips, to "
say nothing of the delicate tissues of the hu
man body. The Springfield Republican says:
"No secret is made of this holiness. The
drug dealers of New York advertise openly
the compounds by means of wblob the vile
imitations of which spirituous liqeoro ere
made. A circular from one of these drug
bousea informs the world that brandy No. I—
the beat sort, wa lake it—ie mode of "oil of
brandy," a poisonous ether, oil of bitter al
monds (ee poisonous as prussie acid,) ethe
real wine, alcohol, sugar and Malaga wine.
No. 2—oil of brandy, acetio ether, tamarinds,
cherry juice, sugar, all colored with burnt su
gar. No. 3—oil of brandy, ethereal oil, bit
ter almonds, elder flowets and No.
4—oil of brandy, acatio ether, oil of peach,
and alcohol. Gin—oil angelica, oil of juni
per, rum, essenoe of lemon, celt, syrups and
water; if smokinea* is required, add a few
drops of crosttUe, and to maks'il biting upon
the palate, add aptne caustic potash. The cir
cular advises manufacturers to use "with dis
cretion" tamarinds, French plums, oberry
juice, browo sherry, oak shavings, tincture of
catechp, powdered charcoal, black tea, ground
rice, and qtber ordinary materials, well known
to distillers and rectifiers. We should advise
drinkers to use the villainous mixtures with
discretion—and throw them into the gutter."
The adulteration of liquors ie carried cut as
largely abroad as in this country, end the
Custom House bttnd is no guaranty of pu
rity. Thousands of pipes of raw spirits are
annually exported from this country and re
turned in the shape of wine, brandy, &c.,
which contains not a ptrtiole ofgrapa jnice.
Western Land speculation ...People Itun
We had a conversation with.ogf fellow
townsman, Eli Bruce, who has jast returned
from the land sales in lowa, and language
fail to depict the greed there displayed for*
The Osage land offioe in the northeastern
portion of lowa, was opened for private en
try on Monday, the 18th nil. In that two
year old town of eight hundred people, some
two thousand land speculatori had congre
gated. The} slept where they could, and
grumbled not at strange bed fellows; >hey
paid one dollar and a half per day for board,
and batter was furnished but twice a monih.
In anticipation of the crowd, the land office
was barred and bolted upon (be inside. Oc
the Salarday previous to the opening sale,
some fifteen men planted themselves outside
the door of the office, maintaining their post
Saturday night, and Snnday night, and were
ready for the door to open on Monday morn
ijlg,, J&aUbe boqr for
fifteen hundreg was made, and in tneifre
venge upon tha fifteen who had been two
nights tod a day at the door, they crowded
upon the building, breaking the rib* of a
Mr. Crawford, formerly of this city, so se
verely injuring a Mr. Ensign, also formerly
a resident of Cleveland, that for a lima life
was despaired of, and he *>■ barely saved
by those inside opening the door and drag
ging him within, where after a while be was
restored to consciousness. Many others were
badly injured, and fatal results only could
be averted by the Register announcing that
no entries would be made inside the build
ing but be went outside and took the naraea
and made the entries. One hundred and fif
ty thousand acres were subject to entry, and
the rage for those lands created Ibis mad
ness.— Cleveland Herald.
"A subscriber," whom we suspect to
be some narrow minded Leech, ask* /us why
we advertise Dr. Ayeria Pills, snd we will
give him our seven reasons for so doing.—
The first, seoond snd third are that we are
paid for it. The fosrth is, we know them
by experience to be good. The fifth is that
Dr. Ayer** preparations being recommended
by better men than we ' by physicians of
the highest tslent and the deepest learning
in th* land, wears well sustained in oor own
oonvictioes of their vain*. The sixth is that
they are cheap a* wall as useful. Th* last
but not least is that tbey have done and are
doing an amount of good in this community
which our old fogy friend if bo could repeat
hiniMlf tan thousand times, might oovtr
hope to equal, and we tree! by making them
known, to render soma service to our reed
era as well aa ourselves.— Christian Advocate.
THE TRUTH or THE hlsrtaa. —The New
York Herald soys, speaking of KBIMM out
rages, See.
"Bat the truth of (ho matter is, that all
thia fuse thai baa been mod* about Kansas
within the past two or three years has been
created Jot Ike benefit of a few peculators in
lands and politics. Under th* new regime
the bobble will burnt."
At last we are beginning to got the troth
oi tit* matter—and through the HeraUl
GXBMARS IN NEW YORE.—There are one
hundred thousand German inhabitants in the
city of New York. They have upwards of
twenty planes of pnbl'ie worship, upwards of
fifty schools, ten book stores and five printing
establishments, a German theatre, a German
opera, and matinees and stores* musicals innu
merable. Maoy Germans are engaged in
mechanical arts, raauy are practical furrieta,
surgical instrument maker*, manufacturer* of
piano* and fancy articles, groear*, Bakers,
confectioners end hotel keepers. There are
several daily, weekly and monthly nowspa-
SOT A material for resisting fire has bean
Htvantad, the manufacture of which consists
in combining and malting limestone with iron
stone, or with the cinder bom puddling fur.
naoei, or from boll or MN futnaoes, and run
ning or oastiog tha same ttito moulds. This
| kind of materia! i* said to possess especial
> qualities of resistance iodic*.
The Affidavit ef (he WerHqgp-
It was a saying ef the first Napalejfh that
there was no such word a* impossible in the
vocabulary of a great man. Diffioulties
which appal a mediocre intellect only stlmn
laid the energies of a powerful mind. New
toll conceived the idea of mapping tha skiea,
and measuring the distance from planet tn
planet, from system to system, and he exe
cuted it. The godlike Washington, deter
mined in the name ef Liberty and luetics,
jg resist the mightiest and the wealthiest
ffod*rnmwiii .. t
Others have made successful war on toe
common enemy, Disease; and in the formost
rank of these champions of humanity we
place Prof. Holloway. Happily we live in
an age which does not delegate to posterity
the doty of appreciating and rewarding its
master, minds. They carry with them the
applause and gratitude of millions. So it has
base with thia extraordinary man. He baa
beard with his own ears the voice of appro
val which is to vibrate tbtongh the latum.—
He has been the architect of bis own fame,
| as wall aa future, and has Men with bia own
eyea the fabric wbicb is to bs his monument.
No remedies for the various disorders which
afflict mankind have been so extensively
used, so universally popular as Holloway's
Pills and Ointment. It may, perhaps, be
■aid that the newspaper preae of !he day af
fords vast facilities for giviog publicity to
new inventions and discoveries. We admit
it,, bat it mast be alio remembered that the
same medium which affords the opportui
ties to the discoverer and inventor ie open
to all who may challenge the correctness of
his theory or impugn the valno of Us pipeti
cal results. Holloway's remedies for exter
nal and internal disease* stand before lbs
world nnassailed. The conclusion it they
are unassailable. Bot this is not all. Theit
efficacy ia not merely ttndcnied, it is conce
ded by men of science, by incorporated in
, etitntions jeslons of all innovations upon old
roles snd precedents, by governments watch
ful of the public interests and eeoservatora
of tba public health. Even ihit ia cot the
strongest evidence in their fhvor. The press
may err, men of science may be mistaken,
institutions may bo deceived, governments
may act hastily, bnt universal experiment i*
Preparations that hsve been tested by mil
lions ol people, civilized, Mmi-civilized and
savage, in every quarter of the globe, and
that have never failed to prodooe the promis
ed results, have received lbs highest sanc
tion which any invention is oapsblo of re
ceiving. In fact it may almost be said of
Holloway'*' Pills and Ointment, that they
have bsen authenticated by the affidavit of
mankind. — N. Y. Sunday Times.
OT A letter from Neml Dow, published in
tha Prohibitionist, is shsrp opon Mr. Gough.
Mr. Dow writes from Manchester
" In England, as in America, the greater
part of thp newspapers of tha country are op
posed to the cause of prohibition, and refuse
to publish articles in favor of it—while the
etrange declaration of Mr. Gongb that tha
temperance eauM was in an extremely dis
tlre Maine Law is a dead failure everywhere,
emboldens the enemies of temperance to
combine and resist the movement.
Special Notice*.
Holloway's Pills produoe a most surprising
change in cases of general debility. The
broken down invalid, whoee fleccld muscles
and relaxed nervons system have aaareety
sufficient vitality to sustain hi* emaoiated
form ia an erect position, Is soon renovated
and braced by the invigorating effect of this
priceless remedy, and his whole frame is
re-animated anil filled with energy. His
spirit* resume their buoyancy, and no fell*
liko a new man. Such is the experience of
thousands. Longevity depends in a great
measure opon the regular and healthy action
of the organs of digestion and excretion, and
opon these organs Holloway's Pills operate
quired by using the "Balm of a Thousand
Flowers." What lady or gentleman would
remain under -the curse of a disagreeable
breath, when by using the " Balm of a Thou
sand Flowers" as a di-ntrifice, would not only
render it sweet, but leave the teeth ae white
as alabaalar 1 Many persons do not know
their breath is bad, and the subject ia sodeii
cate their friende will never mention it. Be
were of counterfeits. Be ease each bottle ie
signed FETRIDGE A CO., N. Y.
For sale by all Drttggista.
Feb. 18, J867-Bm.
In Wilkeabarra, tor. the 28th nit., by Rev.'
Mr. Smitb, Mr. HIBAM REBUS, and Miao
CLARA S. LINSS, both ot Beach Haven, Lu
zerne county, Pa.
On Sunday, the 24th alt., by Jesse Hicks,
E. TOSBV, both of Lime Ridge, Colombia
county, Pa.
In Greenwood, on Wednesday, the 12th of
May, ELMIBA, daughter of Ira and Sarah
Beach Haven, June 61k, '67. (
MR. EDITOR The ambunt of loll* receiv
ed at this offioe are as follows:
March, . $ ! 04
April 10585 19
May • . . . 20953 SO
Total, . . . #31630 19
JOHN S. FOLLMER, Collector.
Estate of Elizabeth Lunger, late of Sstgarkaf
township, deceased.
1 ALL persons interested will tahe not ten
that the undersigned appointed Auditor by
ibe Orphans' Court of Columbia County, to
seltts and adjust Ih* rams and proportions of
Ibe SSMIS of tb* estate of Elisabeth Lunger,
deceased, in the haiids of Edmund Craw
ford her administrator, to and among ibe re
spective creditors, according to the order
established by law, wilt attend at his (dice,
ih Bloomabnrg, oo Salarday the ilib day ef
July next, for the purpose aloraeaid, when
and where all peraoat inloreatad will attend
if they thiols pioper.
Bioomsburg, Juoe 8, '97. Auditor
Ifl nnft JOINT AND LAP SfUlGi^i
TU,UVU f o{ „|„ „ th , AifidsllW
May 27, '57. A. C.