ItUDHKRY. Our town was visited during Sunday night last, by a set of nocturnal visitors, tho ab sence of whose company is much prefera ble. The Clothing Store of P. Shively,on Penn Avenue was entered, and goods and Cloth ing extracted to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars. Mr Shively had returned from the city a day or two previously, and his shelves in consequence of the large additions, pre sented a rare chance for an easy investment in the Clothing business, by an enterprising Bet of men. Tire door was unlocked, and it being of a complicated patent, it is evident that the robbery was premeditated, and all things preparatory for the bold and successful at tempt fully arranged. A glass Lamp, hang ing in the sale's rooiu was broken, and blood remaining on the tloor, probably from cuts made of stepping on the broken pieces of glass. There was tho impress of wagon wheels in front of the Store, thus indicating that tho goods were conveyed out of town, or else as a decoy to prevent a general and ac curate search within tho limits of the bor ough, until at such time when they might be with safety conveyed away, Charles Payne lost near a hundred Shad from his Stall, which induces the belief liiat one, if noi all engaged in tho Robbery was well acquainted with the premises they visited. The Allmmbra Saloon, kept by P. bloom was also visited on the same night, but the door was fastened in a manner to baulk them. Two hundred dollars reward has been offered lor the detection of those engaged in the robbery. The whole matter is still shrouded in* mystery, and it may take months to find out the guilty parlies, and possibly they may never be detected. Scniidon Ilerahl. Special Notices. llollotroy's Ointment anil Tills■ — The idea thai cancer is incurable cannot be entertain oil by persons who have witnessed ilm effect of these remedies on this terrible disease.— The ointment penetrates the substance of the cancer, and reaches its minutest ramifications in the flesh, checking its progress, and grad ually restoring the parts aliecteil to a sound condition, while the pills actios upon the blood as a powerful detergent, destroy the seeds of the malady in the circulation. The testimony on this head is abundant and con clusive. WltlTK TkKTII, I'KUFCMKP HrNATII AND HKAUTIFUL COMPLEXION—CHII bo ac quired by using the "llaim of a Thousand Flowers ." What lady or gentleman would temuin under the curse of a disagreeable breath, when by using the "Halm of a Thou sand Flowers" as a d -titrifiee, would not only render it sweet, but leave the teeth as while us alabaster ? Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is so deli cate their friends will never mention it. Be ware of counterfeits. He sure each bottle is signed FETRIDGE & CO., N. V. For sale by all Druggists. Feb. 18, 1867-6nt. fgg * MKKttlNirs 4* L£r J lili %AW'Fr't THKAC KNOW I.EDGED OUAMJ'ION!! I rl *ft J TDK recent trials nt Head* ''live endorsed the enr- Mißdirrtin, rent of public opinion, and confirmed the verdict of more than 200 acci dental fires proving conclusively that '•Her ring's" is the only sale that will not burn. Extract from the Committee's Report on .!'i of Iron Sales at Reading: m On the °6;h of February all the members * die Conihnl'eo met to witness the Safes and books and papers, (placed in them) and were perlectly sa'isficd that all was right.— The day following, the burning took place, tinder the superintendence of the Committee. Altera fair And impartial burning lor five hours, the Safe of Messrs. Finns & Watson was first opened, the Sale being on liio in side, and the contents partially consumed, while the contents in the Sale of Messrs. T'arrels & Herring were in good condition, vnd no fire inside." Rending, March 2, 1857. 11. V. FEI.IX, ) (Signed) I'. N. l OI.KMAN, J Com. A. H. PEACOCK. ) And endorsed by over 00 of the best men of Reading. The übove Safes can be inspected at 31 Walnut Strcc, where the public can satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the "Herring's Patent Champion," over the de feated and used-tip "inside Iron Door Sula mander." FARRF-I.S & HERRING, 34 Walnut St., Philad'a. Only makers in this Stale of Herring's Patent Champion Safes. attempt made by other parties to bol /fter up the reputation of a Sale which has / tailed signally in accidental fires in Philadel /pliia, (RaneleaJ Place,) by taking one out ol an agent's store,fH. A. Lam/.] made dou ble thickness, (different from those lltey sell) to "burn up" or.e oi Herring's, (half as thick) has met with its ttue reward. Herring's Sale could not he burnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable Safe now made is Herring's, of which over 15,000 are now in ucluel use, und more than 200 have been tried by fire without a single loss. I'biladelphiu, May 8, 1857—1y. AY KITS PILI.S. AICEYOV SICK? T4HEN you ran't be cured too soon. Don't delay until your complaint is incurable, and then mourn when it is 100 late. Four fifths of all the diseases which people the church yards, might be cured by Ayer's Ca thartio Pills, if taken in season. Don't go dragging through the Spring, faint, sleepy and listless, because your blood is loaded with bile. Don't wear the headache, heart burn, and their kindred disorders, because your stomach is fouf. Don't parade yourself "around the world, covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your system wants cleaning. Don't show your self about, lean, haggard, all caved in, be cause yenr Stomecb and Bowels need strengthening into healthy action. Ayer's Pills set these things right as sorely as water quenches fire. They purify the body and blood, and restore their functions into healthy activity which yon can feel as quick as they are taken. They are the one great medical wonder of the age, recognized by all who know their virtues, and many thousand know them. Take the Cherry Pectoral for a cough, mid the Pills for all derangements requiring a purgative medicine. Prepared by JAMES C. AYRR, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.—and sold by K. P. Lulz and all Druggists in Hloomsburg, ar.d Tty Dealers in Medicine everywhere. 31 ay li, 1857-2 m NOTICE TO HEIRS. IVOTICR is hereby given to the heirs and legal representatives of John Reynolds, late or Mifflin township, Columbia county, deceased, that the petition of George A. Bow man Executor of the said decedent and Ma ry Reynolds tho widow of the said decedent was preferred lo the last Orphan's Court of Columbia county praying for a ruie upon Itie contingent legatees of the said John Reyn olds lo show cause by the first day of next term why lite real estate of the said testator should not be sold and the proceeds of sale so made invested by the Executor for the benefit of the widow and contingent legatees of said testator; and that the undersigned, having been appointed Auditor by said court to report on the tacts set forth in lite said pe tition, will proceed to hear the patties ami evidence ill the said matter at his office in Bloomsburg on Siturday the 27(A day of June next at 10 o'clock A. fll., when and whore alt persons interested arc notified to attend. ROblh F. CLARK, Auddor. Rloomsburg, May G, '57.-3w. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES OK, THK F O R Q E R C O N V I C T E D. JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR r! Who has had 10 years' experience as a banker and Publisher, and author of iX A Se r ies oj Lectures ol the Broadway Taber •d nacle, when for 10 successive nights, over iy (0,000 People js l him with rounds ol applause, while he exhibited the manner in which jSeooiitorfuilets execute their frauds, and JJJ the surest and shonest means of detecting them ! © The Punk Note Engravers nil say that He is the Createst Judge of Paper Money Living. 2 Greatest discovery ol the present century §For Detecting ouulerfeit Bank ~ Notes. 2 Describing every Genuine Bill in exis'- ®noce, and exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation ! 1 sg Arranged so admirably, that Reference is -.•> easy and detection Instantaneous. T fir No index to examine! No pages to 2T - hunt up! but so simplified and ur ® ranged, that tho Merchant, bank •jP er and business Man can seo V all at a Glance. 2 English, French and German. m Thus each may vend til* name in his awn iVu tire Tongue. jMOST PERFECT HANK NOTE p LIST PUBLISHED, y Also a List ol ALL THE I'IIIVATE HANKERS IN 5 AMERICA. A Complete Summary ot tho linanee of Europe and America will be published in .each edition, together with all the Import fijanl ttows ot the day. Also, A SERIES OF TALES [jj From an old manuscript found ill the East 1: furnishes the most complete ™ . history of Oait liil'c, ** In describing the most perplexing posi <u> lions in which lite Ladies and Gentlemen Jot that country have been so oliun found. whole year, and will prove lite Most En kg tenanting ever offered to the Public. 9 IT Furnished Weekly to subscribers (5•ml), at SI a year. All letters must be ad dressed to H JOHN S. DYE. Broker, f. Published and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, 3 April 27, 1857. New York. A. C. MENSCII i AT Till: AIIV.HIF. STAND ¥1 AS just received and opened a full und " * large assortment OF SPRING AM) SUMMER GOODS, which ho will sell at the lowest living profit. His siock embraces s'olla, thibct ;ui.l crape ; shawls, barege, liarego delaines, tissues, I lawns, ilebeges, ctape orientals, alpaeeas, | ! Nll.Kfv— A very handsome assortment ol striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which I he intends to sell at very reduced prices. EHRltOinEUlllS. i Att immense stack ol embroideries, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Swiss and jaconet edgings and inserlings, linens, cotton and thread laces, flouncing* and embroidered curtains. DOMESTICS—MttsIi lis, drillings, tickings, | checks osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flau | nels, table diaper and ready-made bags. Moil and Itoys' Wear. Cloths, cassimeres, vesting*, jeans, cotton ades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids &e. CARPETS AND Oil, CLOTHS. A very large assortment of now style car | pels, such as tapestry, Brussels three ply, in grain and Venetian oil cloths, of nil widths, A large assortment of Ladies' & Children*' Shoes, which he will sell very cheat). GROCERIES. A lot of fresh sugars, molas-es. |ra| WJ TEAS, COFFEE, FISH, SPICES jEj|| c" 1 &c. Also Hardware Queenswure. Crockery and Woodenware. t?" Floor and Feed always lor sale at the lowest mtrket prices for cash. Bloornsburg, April 29, 1857. LETTING. THE School Directors of Hemlock town ship, Columbia county, will receive propo sals at the Public House of George L. Shoe maker, in Buckhorn, until the 23d day of May inst., for the erection of a Plank School House at the Forks, to be 24 feet square.— The Directors will ha present at the above time and place, where further information as >o details of the building can be obtained. DAVID WAGONER, JOHN G. Navies, St* Pres'l. Hemlock, May 4^r057. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE THE subscriber offers for sale his farm in Orange township, Columbia 00., containing ACRES, on which are valuable improvements, com prising two sets of farm buildings, Two Dwelling Houses, two barns slid other buildings, two apple orchard* and a variety of other fruit trees.— About 200 acres of the premises is cleared land in a good condition of improvement, and it lays along Fishiugcreek, 1 mile above Orangeville, and only 7 miJesfrom the county seat. The whole will lie sold together, or in two divisions as purchasers may desire. For terms apply on the premises or direel to Orangeville, Columbia county to JOHN ACHENBACH. Orange township, May slh, 1857. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. HAZESi HAZES ii THE undersigned lake pleasure in announc ing lo Merchants thai they are manufac turing a superior article of RAKES at their New Factory on Ftshingcreek above Orange ville, Col. Co. Merchants wishing lo pur chase good PAKKS can have them at the Fac tory, or if desired we can forward them to Bloomsburg to S. C. Shive where they can get them, or wo can forward thom to those Stores that are not too much out ol our way. All ordera should be addressed to Samuel Shive, Pealers P. O , Columbia county, Pa. SIIIVKS & BETZ. April 15, 1857 .-m. DRUG, PAINT AND GLASS WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, Comer of Tenth and Market Streets, Office in Second Siory, PHILADELPHIA. \VK invite attention lo our enlarged stock of Drugs, Paints, Oil,, Varnishes, &c., select ed expicstly for our sales, and comprising one of the finest assortments in lite United Slates, which we oiler at low prices, for cash or approved credit. \VK MANUFACTURE vory extensively: Premium Pure White Lead, best, Kensington Pure White Lead, Pearl Snow While Lead, "Vtelle Montague" French Zinc, besi, Pure Snow While American Zinc, Philadelphia Snow White Zinc, Stiver's Plastic Fire & Weather-proof Paints, Chrome Greens, Yellows, & colors generally, AGENTS FOR: Porter's superior Alkaline Window Glass, Genuine French Plate Glass, warranted, The New Jersey Zinc Company's products, Tilden and Nephew's N. Y. Varnishes. Brooklyn Premium Pure While Lead, Hampden Permanent Greens, Pure Ohio Catawba brandy, &e. &e. IMPORTERS OF: French and English Plale Glass, French and English Cylinder Glass, Colored and Engraved Window Glass, Daguerreotype Glass, Hammered Plale lor Floors and Sky-Lighls, Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery. &o. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN: Drustgiels' Articles generally. Paiulers' Tools ot all descriptions, Hydraulic and Roman Cement, Calcined and Laud Piaster, Paper Maker's Clay, Satin, While. &e &e. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., Store N. W. cor. of Tetiih & Mnrkoi Sis. PHILADELPHIA. April 8. 1857 -Bm. Taruiers' Depot and Plaster Mills, .41 Ihe Junction of York Avenue, Crown and Cullovvhill Streets, P HI LADE LP HI A. WE offer a largo stock of Chemical Ma nures mid Fertilizers at low prices, and war ranted to be : among which will he found : 1.000 lons No. 1. Government Peruvian Guano. 1.000 tens Do berg's No. 1 Supui-Phos-1 pltuto ot Lime. The above standard arlieles are, onoh ol their kind, Iho best in the world! Our Lund Plaster, manufactured from select stone, is celebrated throughout the Union lor its purity and strength \\ E INVITE ORDERS FOR— De berg's No. I Super Phosphate of Lime. No. t Government Peruvian Guano. French's Improved Sup Phosphate of Lime. French's Philadelphia Pondretln. No 1 Phosphate Guano (l'liilu. Co.'s.) | Mexican Guano. (V) Extra Lund Plaster. Ordinary Land Piaster. Chemical bone. Pure bono Dust. Fish Guano. Ground Charcoal. 10,0110 Parrels I.and Plaster, 5,000 " Casting Plaster. 10.000 " Hydraulic Cement. 3.000 " True. Hainan Cement. 1,000 '• Portland [Hug) Cementt ALM, DENTISTS' PLANTER. STEREOTYPE PLASTER. CLASS MAKERS' PI.ASTER. GROUND SOAP STONE, GROUND WHITE MA RULE, GROUND ItI.UE MA RULE. Powdered Anthraeito Coal, (in barrels.) Powdered bituminous Coal, do. Ground lOnvvn Stone, do. White Sand, do. Ground bricks, for Painters. Powdered bone black. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steam Mills anil Fanners' Depot, At junction ol York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia. | April 8, '57, 2in Thi* Wiiv lor IKiH'piiiiN! A. J . EVANS ;II AS .insr DECEIVED A NKW STOCK OF iSPRINti&SUMMERUOOIhS | t I Ins old stand tin tint iip|>r end ol Main * Street which lie will sell cheaper than iho cheapest. Ii consists in part of Silks al- I paeon*, iusires, bnruges, de laities, ducal cloths, poplins, brilliants, chullios, tie bnges, 1 lawns, skirling, trench and scotch ginghams. ! prints,gloves, hosiery,collars, handkerchiefs, | &e. .Shawls and Muniillas ol every sly le and 'sTAI'LE & DOMESTIC DRV GOODS, Cloths ciissimeres, vesting*, llnnnels, mus lins, lickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, cot tonades, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills, Marseilles quills, colored and white carpet chain, parasols, umbrellas a largo and splen did assortment ol MA I S. CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES. A SUPERIOR LOT OF FRESH Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Al ol Rich, Spice-", 4co. Also, Hardware, Queens ware, Crockery and Cedarware. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest care and at the lowest cah prices, I can assure my friends and the public gener ally, that I will do all in my power to make establishment known as the "Ilead quarters far bargains " Those who wish to purchase will find it to their advantage to cull and ex amine my slock before purchasing. I will pay the highest market price for BUTTER, EGGS, RAGS, SOAP AND Dried Fruit, and counlry produce in general. Bloomsbnrg, April 29. 1857. IMMOLATION. rpHE partnership heretofore existing be tween Wm. McKelvy &Wm. Neal, un der the firm of Wm. McKelvy & Co., rn the manufacture ol Paper at Calawissa Mills, was dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist day of April, 1857. The business of the late firm will be set tled by C. VV. McKelvy & Co., at Calawissa Mills. VVM. McKELVY & CO. The undersigned having purchased the in terest of the lale firm of Wm. McKelvy & Co., at Calawissa Mills, will continue the manufacture of Paper and purchase Rags as heretofore. C. W. McKELVY &. CO. J C. W. McKelvv. J. S. McNinch. [April 17, 1857-31. TIIE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY, Just Published, Gratis, the 25 tli Thousand. JPfF/trpsa A few words on l he rational treal -4-#W niei ", without Medicine, of Sner vrflwtHri-y matorrhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Impotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally. BY B. DE LANKY, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youih,may be easily removed without Medicine, is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, there by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting, postpaid, two postage stamps, to Dr. B. DE LANEY, 17, Lispenard Street, New York City. May fi, 1857.-6 m A NEW DEMOCRATIC PAPER AT WASHINGTON, D. C. Dally, Trl. Weekly and Weekly. THE undersigned will commence the pub lication of an independent, national, demo cratic paper, in the city ot Washington, on the first of April, to be called "The Slitfes." It will represent the second constitutional principles which havo ever been upheld by lite national democracy, but it trill not he so entirely political, thai its columns will inter est the politician exclusively, nor so subser vient to party as to betray principle at the command of power, or disguise its convic tions at the suggestions ol expediency. In addition to tho discussion of important political questions, its columns will tie de voted to the proceedings of Congress, the current transactions of the government, to general news, and matters of interest apper taining to literature, agriculture and com merce. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION -The daily will be mailed to subscribers at S t.OO per annum, two copies will bo forwarded lor $7.00 The Trt-weekly, embracing all the reading matter which appears in tho Daily, will be furnished to subscribers at $3.00 per ; two copies will be mailed tor $5.00. Tiik Wkkki.y— The cheapest pa]it> in the South. The Weekly will be issued in largo douhle sheet form, and printed on superior paper with handsome bold typo at lite following roles: Single copies, S2 00 per year. Two copies, 8.00 " " Five copies, 7.00 " " Ten copies to ooe sddrese, and tiny larger number at the rate ot $1 per year, $lO. Ten copies to the address of each subscri ber, tin J any larger number alftl.2o each,sl2. Any Postmaster, clerk, or other person, who may send five subscribers, with $7 en closed, shall receive tut extra copy. TV" Payment in all cases is required invar iably in advance, and no paper will be for warded-until the receipt of the money. The Weekly will contain all Ilia important matter published during the week in the daily. Tho undersigned was one of tho original proprietors ol the Washington llinon, and his long newspaper experience bnloro and since tha establishment of that paper, justifies him in promising the public a paper well worthy of their patronage. The Slates will not he the organ ol any clique or faction, and with no partial purpose to serve, the paper will address itself to the hottest judgment ol the people, anil (or support wtll rely upon their appreciation. Address J. l\ HEISS, Washington, D. C. ttUBTER NOT, Will?IV A :i u- maneni cure is guaranteed in all triages n( SECRET diseases, Sell Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Gleets, Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism, Seroittla, Fains in the Ankles and Bonos, Diseases of lite Throat, Noso and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body, Female Irregu larities, and all other improper discharges, tut matter ol how long standing, or obstinate the ease, recovery is certain, itiui in tr shorter time than a permftient cure could be ofleel ed by any other treatment, even after the skill of the most eminent pliysicintia had tailed, and tho disease resisted all other menus of cure. Tho remedies are free from j odor, causing neither sickness nor inconve nience, and without mmetiry or balsam.— During twenty years' practice, I have re stored to health over seventeen thousand pa tients, who wfiro suffering under the worst lornts of till of the above mentioned dis eases, which guarantees nte in promising a perfect and most speedy enre. Secret dis eases are the greatest enemies In health and happiness, as they are the fitt cause ni con sumption, scrofula, Kit\, and should be a ter- ' I ror to nil nations on tho earth; for the dis ease is becoming so common, ami treatment I so little understood, that a permanent cure is j scarcely ever efl'ectod, as a majority of the I cases lal! into tho hands of incompetent por | sons, who not only fail to cure the malady, ' but ruin tho constitution with corrosive sut<- : Untitle—a dangerous poison, a preparation I of mercury—which, with the remains ol tlis ease in the system, produces many of the above named affections, which finally terrni | nule in consumption, and frequently a rapid i one ; lint should it nut cause death speedily, ! and the victim to disease marries, the disease j is then conveyed Irotn the patient to the chil dren, causing them to come into the world with scrofula, affections of the skin, eyes, throat, &0., and again terminates in con sumption, and consigns his victim to an un timely grave, between the ages of six months and thirty-five years. Self-abuse it: another formidable enemy to health ; it destroys the I nervous system, rapidly wasting away the j energies of life, causing mental tlsrange j metil, preventing n proper development of | the system, and disqualifying its victim for j marriage, society, business, and all earthly happiness. Female Irregularities and other I diseases of females treated in lite most ski't { fill and scientific manner. Medicines, with I directions, sent to any part ol the Unileu I Stales and Camillas, by patients communica -1 ling their symntoms by letter. J.SUMMERVILLE, M. 0., Box 53. Tost Office; Filbert Street, below Tenth, Phila delphia, I'a. LOTTERIES. I THE well-known Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, ol which R. FRANCE & Co. are the managers, are chartered by the state of Maryland, and a commissioner elected by the people, who is sworn to superintend and certify that everything connected with them is done in a strictly honorable manner, and that the iijterists of parlies who reside at a distance are as well protected as if Itiey themselves were present at the drawing.— Another fact which the managers call atten tion to, is, that all persons have a legs I right to send orders for tickets to Maryland, ai lotteries are legalized by special law in that I slate. A lottery is drawn every day of the month. If no particular class is named, or ders are filled in the first drawing to take I place after the communication comes tot I Itsnd. The prices of tickets vary from St | Ito S2O. No tickets are, however, sent unless i , the money lor the same is received with the j j order. The drawings are upon the princinle ! i of one number on each ticket (after the Ha- i j v ana plan,) and Ternary combination. Prizes vary in amount from #2O to SIOO,OOO. All I orders for tickets or packages will receive I prompt attention, and the drawing mailed to j all purchasers immediately alter it is over. I Address, T. H. HUBBARD & CO. No. 39 Fayette St., or Box No. 40, Feb. 3d, J857.-ly. Baltimore, Md. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONABLE. MILLINER Y. I NVITES attention to her stock of newly received Millinery Dress (foods. Trim mings, Ribbons, Silks, &e , which she will sell cheap at the old stand, lower end of Main ' JL Street, Bloomsburg. fer-. j JJF BONNET* of the latest spring styleHß" 1 will be made to order, and trim mcd to suit any taste. Children and Misses Bonnets, Hals and Flats of various prices and styles on band, and will be furuished to order in any style or taste of irimtutng. April 15, 1857. FOR RENIT A store building on Main street, Blooms burg, lor rent on reasonable terms. hi FORCE WEAVER ' Bloomsburg, Nov 21, 1858 DRIfGS JtJYD DP* OaWUQ H WOULD call ilia attention of all those who wish to buy good goods in his line, that ho has just replenished his (already) largo and well selected assortment of the following arti cles, via:—Drugs, Medicines, Oils, I'ainle, Varnishes, Glass, Dyoslulfs, Confectioneries, Per fumery, fancy soaps and toilet articles generally; Cigars and Tobacco of every variety anil brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer's prices, /' URF. WISES AND BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also agent lor most of the popular Patent Medicines ot the day.' Toys, and an endless variety of useful and taney notions not here enumerated. Physi cian's Prescriptions and Family Medicines put upcarefully and til short notice. Glass Cutting done to order at the old stand. E. P. LUI'Z. Bleoinsbutg, April 8, 1857. BOOK, CARD. AND FANCY THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to the fixtures of the "Staii" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to execute all kinds ol JOII I'll I \T'lA< in the /best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Stock and Deposite, ( Constitutions ('or Noddies, Hunk Checks, Promissory Notes, /tail /toad and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Hooks, Hill-Heads, Check llnlls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Easiness and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AITD PE.IWTIHCr OP ALL XIITD3 Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AN PKOBPILY V\ I> NItAT Is Y I*lll AT It l AM l\ TUT, HIT Y- The public are invited to call nnil see specimens, ns we nte determined In merit patron age by strict attention t<> business and superior workmanship. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. £>-gccc, ist-i*irtx>3gyrn.*MT'i ics IT AVE just received tintl opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales *■ which comprises the LA KG EST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortmm t now offered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection ol inoir eniiro smelt as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest'. and all those wishing to buy cheap, can sttvo money hy giving uh a call. We have all hinds of Goods and Warns to supply the wants ol the People. A very large lot of I,AI>II:K I>ICI:S noons, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, do bages, poplins, purnmetta cloths mohair lustres,muslin do laities, Per-iaii cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ate. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs. Ilotittcings, bands and trimmings, Incos ami edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair milts, fit:., All kintls ol SHAWLS,, Bay Stunt, Watorville, black silk, cashmere, Etnbroder ed, &c. Also a very large assortment ot cloths, cassiruurs, Haltuielts, vesting*, tweeds jeans, beaver cloths, coaling velvet, tin;. ROOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SI7.ES FOR MEN WOMAN If CHILDREN Wu have a largo assortment o! Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, tliioeiisware, Cedarware, &e. Very cheap carpets, carpet hags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flunnols, tickings, diapers, loweliims drillings, the., in nhnnduiico. Wo invite our friends and tho public, generally to give us a call before purchasing ebe whero. Wo have bought ourgouds at Lowest Cash Prices and will not ho undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind/ Blootnsburg, April 15, 1807. Now arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! DAVID LCVfEXTEESLG INVITES attention to bis Block of cheap and fasltionale vlothing at his storeori Market street, two doors above the "American House," where lie has a full assortment of men i and boy's wearing apparel, including PASISUK&STAIB&iei UMEISfIS : jjox, sack, frock, gnm and oil cloth coals of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors shawls stripes ami figure, vests, shirts, cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. *He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most ol it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. THE Co-Partnership herloforeexisting be tween William (1. Perry tf William Erely, Booksellers and Stationers, trading nr.der the firm of PER it V & ERETV, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. WILLIAM G. PERRY, WILLIAM ERETV. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1857. NOTICE. j THE undersigned having purchased the [ entire interest of his late Partner, will con duct the Book, Stationery, Blank Book Man ufacturing, and Binding Business, in all their branches; with increased lacilities and strict attention to business, he hopes to receive an increased proportion of public patronage. WILLIAM G. PERRY. S. VV. cor. Fourth & Race St. wTL L I A nT<3 Tp erry, S. W. Corner ol Fourth and Race Sts. Will Su/wly on Low Terms, Bill Heads, Cards, Checks, Bill of Lading, Promissory Notes, Draf's, Sfc. ACrCvCTJITT ECCZSj Made in a superior manner, or Ruled and Bound to any Pattern. Loiter, Nolo & Foolscap Paper, FLAT PAPER* ALL SIZES, TOIBAIfBPIISff© 3=1520 OLD BOOKS RI.-BOIM), In a handsome and durable style. TV Y our orders respectluHv solicited. Philadelphia, March 4, 1857. Eagle Foundry, Bloomsburg STOVES AND TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a large new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of the old one, is prepared to make all kinds of CASTISGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Plows constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed his Tin Shop from Main Street to lite Foundry Lot, where he has erected a building altogether for Stoves and Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist of the \VM. PENN COOK, RAl'B COOK, VAN- COOK, and PARLOR STOVES iWHlof all kinds, the Egg Cyiioder S'ove. &e. All kinds of Scouting made to order. ' JOSEPH SHARPLESS Bloomsburg, April 16, 1857. PHILADELPHIA TV OOH M O UI. HIN G Mll. L, Willow St. above 12th. NoriU Side. MOULDINGS suitable for carpenters, but id •*-" ers, Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on hand. .1 .V YPA I TERS WORKEDfivm A DRAWI.XG. Agents wanted in the various Towns iu his portion of the State, to whom opportuni ties will be offered lor large profits to them selves. SILAS E. WEIR April 8, 1657,-gni. FRESH ARRIVAL ANEW lot of Cheap muslins and prints lust received by tadroadand for a e Or A. C .MKNSCH fOLI'MBCS MALE AM) FEMALE ca "_EJ Liu a Q Luzerne (Jointly, Pa. ' I 'HE Trustees of thin Institution respectfully J- announce,'hat it will he opene! for the reception of Pupils, of hoth sexes. on Monday, Octolicr 20th next, urnler the immediate tare of IV"f. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire ments. and enlarged experience a* an educator, and has lieen connected with the moat popular ''High School" of Burks tv'o, for several years. He la also well and favorably known as a con tributor to some of our leading educational peri odical". THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, Penmanship, Etymology. Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Ariihmelie Algebra Geometry. Mensuration, Plane arid Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron omy, Ac. Book Keeping. History. Physiology, Natural. Intellectual, and Mora'l Philosophy, ®nJ Chemistry. C'lanes in the French, Spanish <s• I.atin Languages will he formed as earlv as practica ble, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus will also I e given SPECIAL ATTENTION wiil be paid to young Ladies and Gentltmsn designing *o qua: ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS: FOl R, Fl\ E and SIX Dollaia per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, payable one hall iu advance and the balance at the close of the Quarter. GOOD BoARD can be hid in the village at a moderite price. IP Mr. A. will deliver an address on Phvsi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, "n "the day of commencement, when bis method of imparting instruction will be i'lusirated. and the discipline snJ management of ihe chool,, fully explained. Parents. Guardians, anJ the friends of educa tion generally, are cordially invued to be pres ent. P. L. CHAP.'N, I B.M.STEVENS, JOHN KOONS. N. P. STILES. SILAS DODSON. | JOHN YAPI.E, THOMAS PEALER. Columbus, Sept,i, 1356. Trustees. GREENWOOD SEMINARY MILLYILLE. COLUMBIA CO.. Pi. A systematic coarse o: instruction is given in ail ihe English branches usually 'aught. The Principal will be assisted Curing ma present vear by T. M. POTTS, an expert enced teacher, recently irora tba Lancaster Co. Normal Jrcbooi A vacation of seven weeks will commence July Ist. BSSLSESo Tt iTtosi, for day puptU $3.50. to $4.50 par quarter. Boarding, Tuition. Washing Lights. Ac.. S3O pec quarter of eieven weeks oue-ax; lit advance. For circular, catalogue or orfber part cu- . lata address WM BURGEbS Miil.'i.le. April I NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL. A RESISTLESS REMEDY. II OLLO\V AY 'S OI NTME NT. Circular to (he Sick. I IF flr*t hospital am goons unci medical pul* liriniH of titirope, admit (ho impnralfaltd •iiili-iiiiliiminalory mid healing properties of this Ointment; governments sanction its u<o in their naval and military service*; and the masses in thia country and throughout the world repoto the utmost confidence in its curative properties. It penmates the houicrn of inflammation and CO! motion which underlie the external eviden ces of dicme, nnd neutralize the fiery elements which feed nnd exasperate the malady. RHEUMATISM. SCROFULA, ERY SIPELAS. TIIPKO MO among i!m moat terrible ami ago niziug diara uf tho muaclna. the fleahy fibre ami the akin; yet in iheir worm form-, and when eeemiugly iiiruiehle llipy invariably din. appear under a per.erering application of (hi* aoolliing, healing antidote to pain and inflain | ination. SALT RHEUM, FEVER SORES. STIFF JOINTS, [ In eaten o( halt liliruni, where medical e*. f tern, nia. and every lee.ipc of llie phnrniaro j poca liavo proved uule.a, the Oiutmptit will I arcompliah a tllorotlgli cure. Fever Noren heal ' tjuickly under iia influence. uml il relating ef. ' leel upon couiractiid ninewn it Iflily wondcrlul. DISCIIAROINO ULCERS. A nwial remarkable ai d luippy rliange ia pro dured ill I lie appearance ol inaligtiaiil ulcere ■ after a few applicalioiia of ibia Ointment. 'l'he ; aurrnumling redneaa vanialtea, and granular of I healthy begin to take tlio place of lbs dii i charged mailer. 'I hi. pr< rcaa guea on morn or aeaa rapidly, until the orifice ia filled up with lound material ami Ihe ulcer ra.lical'y eurtd A WORD TO MOTHERS. j The youn# nic ihe mnal frci|ucnt auflcrera from external irijuriea, and therefore every mother ahoiild have thia healing preparation j conalantly on hand. Il i. an ahaolute apecific j for ariro hrenala, and rpiickly removea the en- I rruated aorca which aomeilmee dlrfigure tho head, and f.iroa of (liildrrn. SIGNIFICANT FACTS, Thia Ointment ia univoraally uaed on hoapr t'-e Allot tie. and I'orific whaling fleet aa a curt , for arorliutic alfectiona anil aa ihe heal poaaiblo I remedy for wound, and hruiaea. Large auppliaa 'of it have recently been ordered liy the Sultan of Tliihcy tor hoapital purpoaea. Ilot/t Hit Ointment find /'ills thoufj it umd in the following c fiat 9 : I)union*, Hltin limcHKca. Hums, Swelled Glands, 1 ('hupped Hands, Hore |/>|, ('lnlliluiii-, Wore Breast ( Fistula, Wore Heads, • Gout. Sore Throats. Lttmhago, Sores of all kinds, Mercunal Kruptiona, Sprains, Files, miff Joints. Rheumatism, Tetter, 1 Ringworm, Fleers, I •'Suit Rheum. V enereal .Sores. , Scalds, Wound* of all kinds, Sold at the Manufactories of Professor HOLLOWAT , HO M liden Lane, Mew Votk. ai d 24 t Strand, London, Ly all respectable Drug* i gists and Dealer* 111 Medicine throughout the | L'nited X ate*, and the civilized world, in pot*a j jt 'ifi cents, ('2 4 cents, arid ?l each. 1I here ih eorisideral le Having l>v taking the larger sizes. .V IS.— Directions for the guidance of patient in every disorder arc ntflxed toearh not ill.) lii(>riilor N .\olicc. NOTICE i. bereb j civen thai tellers tenta mentary iir.on ihe e.-iate t.f IVter Herlneher, la'e of M llim township, Columbia county, idereaned, hate been granted to the nnrter (.igneil reaidirig in ihe township of M ttLn. All persons indebted ;o the estate are re quested 10 make payment without delay and those having accounts for payment to present ; them to JOHN 11. HKTLER. Extcutor. Mifß'n township. June 21, 1%57-6 * Adiiiiiii*rntor's "Notice. jVOTIf.'K is he.eby given thai letters of ad rriir.isi-aiion upon the s!ite of David , Herring, late of Cei.'re township. Colombia cour.'y, deceased, hava been gran ted to the undersigned resi ling ir, Limestone townahip, Mnn'oor county All perons iadebied to the said e'ta'e are requested to make pay merit without delay, and those having ac counts against the estate to present them tor pay ruent to PF.TF.R STRAUS, Limestone. March 2S. '37. Adnr'r. Administrator s -\otire. V' 'TICK is hereby given that letters of ad* mi: -'i . r the e-tae nf Ann* Lunger, ia-e of Benton townahip, Co'tmbra coun-y. i'ecea.e i. have been gran d i 0 the undersigned re- ; -g . Benton township All person# indebted o the said estaie arw reques'e.l to make payment witbout delay, ar.d tno*e hav " g accounts aga.n't the es'ale to present them for pavment to PETER LAUBACR. Beo'in. Mamh 2s. '37. j. Jm >. -\otice. 4 I.L persons inf'e'ed xiil take notice * that H ram R Kline. Commit'ee of Ma thias Kur.e, now deceased, a lunatic, has h.ed hi' i"c :o •of the management of the estate of the -ad urtsnc in '.oe Pmt,honorary'# office ot :Qe Court of Common Pleas of Co lumbia county and ma! the said account *' ' Le prese.i.ed o the Court oi Common Fleas of sa.u coun.y tor cons-mat.on and al lowance on \\ e.„eday tae ith gay a; May neat. JACOB EYERLY, Roosahtff, Mi-en Jj. i&7 Pr-k\. \olicc. 4 LI. persons interested wti! take noticw -bat Junes Leuv artd Jo.a Kenan, Ccmm ee ol Archibald Fa: er-oa a habru a druuixard. have s.ed their accounts of the management of .be esiai# of toe said Archi bald Fat'erson in the P-othor.o'ary's office, -t tne Court oi Common Pleas ot Columbia county, auu that tile sa d account wid be nr-se red to the Court of Common Pleas a: sa:o couuty for corhmia' on and a,.owauce on Wedaesday the tfih dav ot .Mev next. JACOB EYERLY. Bloomsborj. Ma.-eh JtL i>s7. Prmk\j. Aitiiiittistnlur Aolke. NOTICE > >li6y g- M -at 4mm ot ad m si rat-o.t upon tne as ate ei Joan H. Do * ait* sv*ji Coiuitioi* oouq~ ;v, cesreased. have been grautevt to me un- Jers;g"ed residing ,u L.ghi tsreet. Ail per sons noebteo to ae said aeiue are regueeted to make baymeut wunout Jeuy. ana Qoee having accouu.s again#; he auosueat tu pre sen; them tor settiemem to GEORGE JO Bit. Light Strnet. Match 30, ISS7. Amm'-. PK ILAK! zrrriAiu, cx BLOOMSBURii JEI U-cEtCCLT repairing warranted spec rac es aud grasses for spesaeuitw graeaes tor huu .iug cased watchee. arte other tca rttaterral lor sa c March r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers