The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 06, 1857, Image 3
• BOSTON MORALS—The Dillon divorce ease "is still before the Boston conn, and a very dify-vase it is. It is a little curious thet Boa ton, fhe metropolis of the Puritans, should have tcr many indecent exposures in ila courts. Thy have been the main staple of the newspapers lor weeks past; even some of the most respectable think this hind of garbage is proper menial aliment for their readers, 'lastes differ; hut a filthy stream can hardly yield wholesome beverage. V HOI.I.OWAV'S CINTMENT AND Pti.ts.-s-Drop Jtwejcal swellings in the I'mbs are uniformly re re tiered by the application of thtt Ointment.— It must be briskly rubbed in, and in these and nil other cases of external disease or in £ jury, it is advisable to foment the part afTeet ™ cd with warm waler before using the prepar ation, Au a cure lor sore luoasts, its e fleets are wonderful. In ten minutes alter lubrica ting the inflamed or ulcerated nipple, the pain and throbhfng cease. Every species of sore, boil, tumor or eruption, yields read ily to if a soothing, healing, disinfecting in- L fluenre. and, in fact, it* sanative effect on D vopetfioiul maladies is only equalled by that W ol HoilowayV Pills on all internal disorders. •• WOODLAND CREAM" — A Pomade for beautifying the,Hair —highly perfumed, r superior to any French article imported, and ' for half the price. For dressing Ladies Hair it has no equal, giving it a bright glossy ap pearance. It causes Gentlemen's Hair to t-utl in the most natural manner. It removes, always giving the hair the ap|tear unce of betug fresh shampooed. Price only fifty cents- None genuine unless signed FETRIDGE& CO., Proprietors of the " Balm ot a thousand Flowers." For sale by all Druggists. New York. y aKs&aitata&afro On the Ist insl. by the Rev. Wm. J. Eyer, Mr. EDWARD LKBKR, hud Miss PAULINE KOH TTR, both pf Lanville, Montour county. On the 3d insl., by the same, M. WM. BIL LIC, and Miss LOUISA Exits, both of Locust township, Col. county. , On the 4th ult.. by Rev. H. G. Dill, Mr. H M. MABTEENY, and Mrs. HULDAII GERARD, all of Columbia county. On ihe Stir uli , by the same, Mr. WM. H IIOGEI.AND, arid Miss SARAH TROXELL, both ol litis countv- On the 30th ult., by Ihe same, Mr. JOHN W. DEISER, and Miss MARYC. HESS, both of this rourly. === Sr ==== In Greenwood, on the 23d ult., LOCINDA PARKER, aped years. At bis residence, in Valley township, Moo tour county, ott ihe 24th ult., Mr. WM. SNY DER, Sr., Rgerl 50 years, 6 mne. and 2 days. THE NEW FEE-BILL ~~ FOR Justices and Constables. Copies in neat form far sale at the '-STAR" office. Arrivals and Departure of the Mails IN BLUOMsnVRG. Philadelphia mail leaves daily, (Sundaysex cepted) at 12 Al.. arrives at 4 P. M. Williamaport and Western mail leaves daily, (SundayaexrepteJ)at 2 P.M arrives 12 M. Wtlkesbarre mail arrives daily, (Sunday* ex cepted) at II A. M., leaves 4 P. M. Cainbra ami Orsngeville mail arrives every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 11 A. M., leaves same days at 4 P M. Mrllville mail arrives on Mondays and Thur days at 11 A.M..leavessßmedaya at 1 P.M. Jerseytown anil While Hall mnil arrives every i Tuesday, Thursday.and Saturday, at 11 A. M., leaves same days a' 4 P. M. P. UNANGST, p. M. . LGTIIAG. THE School Directors ol Hemlock town ship, Columbia county, will receive propo sals al the Public House of George L. Shoe maker, in Burkliorn, until the 23d day of May insl., for the erection of a Plank School House at the Forks, to be 24 feet square.— The Directors will be present at the above time and place, where further information as to details ol the building ran be obtained. DAVID WAGONER, JOHN G. Nanus, Sec. Pres't. Hemlock, May 4, 1857. ~ VALTABLE FARM FOtt SALE. THE subscriber oilers lor sale his (arm in Orange township, Columbia co., containing 336 ACRES, on which are valuable improvements, com prising two tels of farm buildings, Two Dwelling Houttci, two barns end other buildings, two apple orchaid and a variety of other fruit trees. — About 200 acres of the premises is cleared land in a good condition of improvement and il lays along Fishingcreek, 1 mile above Orangevilie, and only 7 miles from the coun y eeat. The whole will be sold together, or in two divisions as purchasers may desire. For terms apply on the premises or direct to Orangevilie, Columbia county to JOHN ACHENBACH. Orange township. Mav 6th, 1857. THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY, Just Published, Gratis, the 25/ A Thousand. Mfgljjfm Tew words on the rational treat mem, without Medicine of Sper wrereresrre malorrhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Impotency, and Impedimenta to Marriage generally. BY B. DE LANEY, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in Ihe imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed without Medicine,is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possiblecost, there by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day, Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting, postpaid, two postage stamps, lo Dr. B. I)E LANEY, 17, Lispenard S'reel, New York City. May 6, 1857 -6m. A New Novel by tlw Author of'ZftittM.' MAGDALEN HEPBURN, A Story of the Scottish Reformation: BY MRS. OLYPHANT, Author of "Zaidee ■' "Adam Graeme," etc. Cojpplete in oe large l2mo volume, bound jn cloth, for One Dollar. This charming novel, by the author of Zxi- DEE, will be welcomed by all who have had the pleasure of reading the former production. The quaint originality, the healthy end cheer ful religious lone, and charming simplicity and good sense of this volume will render it a general and permanent favorite. NOVELS IN CHEAP FORM. Wo poblish and supply dealers and 'ravel ing Agents with every work of Fiction, and all kinds of Publications, by every author of celebrity. Book Dealers and Marohants wanting a wholesale selection should address tts and get our list*, and state what business they are in, and the sort of books wauled, so as to enable us to give information suited lo their wants. GARRET, DICK & FITZGERALD, 18 Ann Street, New York. Copies of the above bock sent to any address free of postage. Send Cash orders I* t the Publishers ■as—re— r -nti——— TWENTF-FIVF, WITNESSES OK, rum FORGER CONVICTED. j JOHN 8. DYE 7b THE ATTHOR % Who lias had 10 years' experience as a J" linnker and PuhlMlter, and atilhnr of m A Sena oj Lectures at the Broadway Tabtr re neclc, U when for 10 successive nights, over to ■ GT (0,000 People jh P* greeted him wiih rounds ot applause, y. while he exhibited the manner in which execute their frauds, and 2 the surest and aboiteal means of demoting to them ! ® The. Hank Note Engraven all say Q that He is the Greatest Judge of _ Paper Money Living. ? Greatest discovery of ihe present century § For Detecting < ounterfeit Bank £ Notes. 2 Describing fcrery Genuine Bill in cxis'- and exhibiting at a glance every Counlerfeit in Circulslion !l M Arranged so admirably, that Reference is easy and deteclion Instantaneous. No index lo examine! No pages lo A hunt up! Bui so simplified ami at ® ranged, that ills Merchant, Bank er and Business Man can see A a" at a Glance. 2 English, French and German. £4 Thus each may read the name m his own Na to five Tongue jMOST PERFECT HANK NOTE y LIST PUBLISHED, Q Also a List of *AALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN M AMERICA. y A Complete Summary of the Finance of Europe ond America will be published in .each edition, logeilier with all the Imporl fiS ant news of the day. Also, s A SERIES OF TALES gjj From an old manuscript found in the East 1; furnishes the most complete ™ history of Oriental lillb, In describing the most perplexing; posi ts liens in which the Ladies and Gentlemen 2of that country have bpen so ofien lound. These Stories will continue throughout the ■ whole year, and will prove the Most En- JJtertaining ever oflered lo the Public. © tW Furnished Weekly lo subscribers Qnnly, at Si a year. All letters must be ad dressed to H JOHN S. DYE. Broker. and Proprietor, 50 Wall Street, © April 27, 1857. New York. A.aMENSCH AT THE ARCADE ST9ND ¥-¥ AS just received and opened a full and *-*. large assortment OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell at Ihe lowest living profit. His stock embraces Stella, thibel an.) crape sbawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debeges, crape orientals, alpaccas, & | SILKS—A very handsome assortment oi striped, plain, plaid and black silks, whiuh be intends to sell at very reduced prices. ERBROIDERIFIii. An immense stock of embroideries, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Swiss and jaconet edgings and inserting", linens, cotlon and thread laces, flouncing" and embronlered curtains. DOM EST I OS—Muslin", drillings, tickings, checks, osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flan nels, lable diaper and ready -made bags. Men and Roys' Wear. Cloths, cassimeres, vesting*, jeans, collnn adee, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids &c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new slyle car pets, such as tapestry. Brussels three ply. in grain and Venetian oil clolhg, of all widths. A large assortment of Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, which he will sell very clieao. GRDCERIFS. spa, A lot of fresh sugars, molasses, IMP Wj TEAS. COFFEE, FISH, SPICES &c. Also Hardware Quepnsw'are,™skaa~2S Crockery and Wnndenware. &T Flour ami Feed always lor sale at the lowest market prices for cash. Bloomshurg, April 29, 1857. This Way lor liar gains! A. J EVANS HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS AT his old eland on the upper end ol Main Sireet which he will sell cheaper ihan Ihe cheapest. It consists in part of Silks al- I paceas, lustres, barages, lie laines, ducal clolbs, poplins, brilliants, challies, tie bages, lawns, skirling, french and scotch ginghams, prims, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkerchiefs, &c. Shawls and Mantillas ol every si) le and 'STAPLE & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloths cassimeres, veslings, flannels, mus lins, lickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, col fonades, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills, marseilles quilts, colored and white carpet chain, parasols, umbrellas, a large and splen did assortment ol HATS. CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. A SUPERIOR LOT OF FRESH kgg&sffra TeasrColfec, Sugar, Molasses Rice, Spices, &o. Also, Hardware, Queens ware, Crockery and Cedartvare. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest cere and at the lowest cash prices, I can assure my friends and the public gener ally, that I will do a'l in my power to make establishment known as the " Head quarters for bargain!" Those who wish to purchase will find it to their advantage to call and ex amine my stock before purchasing. I will pay the highest market price for BUTTER, EGGS, RAGS, SOAP AND Dried Fruit, and country produce in general. Bloomshurg, A aril 29 1857. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. _ iDAifcisLiLjiinr ¥NVI I'ES attention to her slock ol newly received Millinery Dress Goods, Trim mings, Ribbons, Silks, &c., which she will sell cheap at the old stand, lower end ol Main Street, Bloomshurg. Kg BONNETS of the latest spring styleHp ■Sto. will be made to O'der, and trim- *** mcd to suit any taste.. Children and Misses Bonnets, Hals and Flats of various price* and style* or. hand, and will ba furnished to order in any style or <aste uf trimming. April 15, 1857. SELECT SCHOOL. THE next term of this School, will com mence on MONDAY, MAY 11th, next, and continue eleven weeks. Pupils ve received , at any time. T E R M 8 OF TUITION. Primary Studies, $4 Common English Studies, - • 5 Higher English Stndieß and Classics, 0 B. F. EATON, Principal. Blonmsburg, March 24, 1857. Notice to School Director*. ¥ WOULD respectfully suggest lo the sever -*■ al Boards of School Directors of Columbia count)', to the importance of making oot and forwarding to me,al ao early day as possible, the Annual Reports and Affidavits of their re spective district*, as Ihe Schonl Department will not issue warrants for (be State appropri ation nntil they have been received. Blanks havs been seni to every district in the county. R W. WEAVER, Abimtg Superintendent. DRUft, PAINT AND GLASS WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE* Corner of Tenth and Market Streets, Office in Second Story, PHILADELPHIA. WE inyUe alien ion to our enlarged stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., select ed expressly for our sales, arid comprising one of the finest assortments in the United Slates, which we offer at low prices, for cadi or approved credit. WE, MANUFACTURE very extensively: Premium Pure White I.ead, bet, Kensington Pure Wbile Lead, P 'arl Snow White Lead, "Vielle Montague" French Zinc, best, Pore Snow While American Zinc, Philadelphia Snow While Zinc, Silver's Plastic Fire & Weather-proof Paints, Chrome Greens, Yellows, & colors generally. AGENTS FOR: Potter's superior Alkalino Window Glass, Genuine French Plate Glass, warranted, The Newjer-ey Zinc Company's products, Tilden ar,d Nephew's N. Y. Varnishes. Brooklyn Premium Pure While Lead, Hampden Permanent Greens. Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, &o. &o. IMPORTERS OF: French and English Plate Glass, French and English Cylinder Glass, Colored and Engraved Window Glass, • Daguerreotype Glass, Hammered Plate lor Floors and Sky-Lights, Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery. &c. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN: Druagtsts' Arliclss generally. Painters' Tools of all descriptions, Hydraulic and Roman Cement, Calcined and Laud Plaster, Paper Maker's Clay, Satin, While, &c. &c. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., Store N. VY. cor. of Tenth & Market Sis. PHILADELPHIA. April 8, 1857 -3m. Farmers' Depot and Plaster Mills, At the Junction of York Avenue, Crown anil Callowhill Streets, PHILADFLPIII A. WE offer a large stock of Chemical Ma nures and Fertilizers at low prices, and war ranted to be Genuine : among which will be found: 1.000 tons No. 1. Government Peruvian Guano. 1.000 lons De Berg's No. 1 Super-Phoe phute ol Lime. The above standard articles are, each of their kind, the best in the world! Our Land Plaster, manufactured from select stone, is celebrated throughout the Union for its purity and strength. WE INVITE ORDERS FOR— De Berg's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime. No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. French's Improved Sup- Phosphate of Lime. French's Potladelphia Poudrette. No. 1 Phosphate Guano (Phila. Co.'s.) Mexican Guano. (A ) Extra Land Piaster. Ordinary Land Plaster. Chemical Bone. Pure Bone Dust. Fish Guano. Ground Charcoal. 10,000 Barrels Land Plaster, 5,000 " Casting Plaster, 10.000 " Hydraulic Cement. 3.000 " True Roman Cement. 1,000 " Portland [Eng.) Cement, ALSO* DENTISTS' PLASTER, STEREOTYPE PLASTER. GLASS MAKERS' PLASTER, GROUND SOAP STONE, GROUND WHITE MARBLE, GROUND BLUE MARBLE. Powdered Anthracite Coal, (in barrels.; Powdered Bituminous Coal, do. Ground Brown Stone, do. WhtteSand, do. Ground Bricks, for Painters. Powdered Bone Black. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steam Mills and Farmers' Depot, Ai junction ol York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Sireels, Philadelphia. April 8, '57, 2m Public Nolicc for Licenses. IV'OTICE is hereby given that the following * persons in Columbia county have filed their Foveral petitions in the Court of Quarter Sessions ot the said county for a tavern li cense in their respective townships, which said petitions will be presented to the said court on Monday the 4 It day ot Msv next, of which all persons interested wtil hereby lake notico, and the licenses for (he county ofColumbia will be granted on Wed nesday the 6th day of May next at 2 o'clock P. M. Oliver A. Jacoby, Bloom. Joshua Womer, Conyngham. William Long, Fishingcreek, Thomas Connelly, Berwick. Franklin Shuman, Roaringcreek. John Linden, Briarcreek. John J. Stiles, Benton. Peter Shug, Scott. Isaac Rhodes, Locust. Joseph H. Long, do. Isaac Yetter, Maine. Samuel Andrews, do. W. A. Kline, Greenwood. Frederick Nicely, Berwick. Kiefler A. Smith, Jerseytown. Samuel Kostenborder, Catawisss. Enoch Howell, Scott. Daniel L. Everbart, Light Street, Samuel McHeury, Benton. Richard Plummer, Bloom. Samuel Everett, Orange. Peter P. Kline, do. George L. Shoemaker, Hemlock. Peter Billmyer, Bloom. ' David Miller, Briarcreek. John L. Hurst, Locust, James Freeze, Bloom, William Hutchison, Mounlpleasant, Jacob Good, e Orange, Christian Sbu.nan, Beaver. John Keller, Mifflin. John I.eacock, Kloomsburg. Jacob Dyer, Calawissa. Daniel McHenry, Fishingcreek. Samuel Herman, Centre. Isaac K. Swepbenheiser,) Store License. } Stephen Wolf, Store. Mifflin. John Sharpies*. Store. Calawissa. Frederick C. Ever, Store. do The following persons have filed their pe titions in ibe same court for license lo keep an eating house or restaurant in their respective townships, and these petitions will be pre sented and acted upon at the same lime wilb those for tavern licenses. Mary Holmes, Fishingcreek. T. C. Else &O. T. Wilson, Bloomsbnrg. Joseph W. Hendershot, Bloom. Carolina Clark, do Jacob Gensel & John Engold, Calawissa. Hiram Smethers, Berwick; JACOB EYF.RLY, Clerk. Bloomshnrg, April fi. 1857. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. 8.6K531 HAZES!! TITHE undersigned take pleasure in announo -* ing to Merchants that they are manufac turing a superior article of RAKES at their New Factory on Fishingcreek above Orange ville, Col. Co. Merchanla wishing lo pur chase good PXKCS can hava Ibem at the Fac tory, or if desired we cau forward tbein lo Bloomsburg to S. C. Sbive where they can §et them, or we can forward thorn to (hose tores that ere not 100 much out of our way. All ordere'should be addressed lo Samuel Shive, Pealere P. 0., Columbia coonty, Pa. SHIVES & BETZ. April 15, 1857-m. , A HEW DEMOCRATIC PAPER AT WASHINGTON, D. C. Dally, Trl-Weekly and Weekly. THE undersigned will commence the pub lication of an independent, national, demo cratic paper, in the city of Washington, on the first of April, to he called "The States." It will represent ihe second constitutional principle* which have sver been upheld by tfto national democracy, but it will not be so entirely political, that it* calamus will inter est the politician exclusively, nor so subser vient to party as to betray principle at the command of power, or disguise its convic tion* at the suggestions ot expediency. In addition to the discussion of important political questions, its columns will be de voted to the proceedings of Congress, the current Iransautious of the government, to general news, and matters of interest apper taining to lituiaiure, agriculture and com merce. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION- The daily will be mailed to subscribers at 84.00 per annum, two copies will be forwarded for 87.00. The Trt-weekly, embracing all Ihe reading matter wnich appears in the Daily, will be furnished to subscribers at 83.00 per annum ; two copies will be mailed fnr 83.00. THE WEEKLY — The cheapest paper in the South. The Weeklv will be issued in large double aheet form, and primed on superior paper with handsome bold type at the following rales: Single copies, $2 00 per year' Two copies, 3.00 " " Five copies, 7.00 " " Ten copies to one address, and any larger number hi the rate of tl per y<tu, 810. Ten copies to the editress of each subscri ber, and any larger number atsl.2o each,Bl2. Any Poatmaster, cletk, or other person, who may send five subscribers, with 87 en- Closed, shall receive an extra copy. Payment in all cases is required invar iably in advance, and no paper will be tor warded until Ihe receipt of the money. The Weekly will contain all the important matter published during the week in the daily. The undersigned was one of the original proprietors of Ihe Washington Union, end his long newspaper experience before and since ihe establishment of that paper, justifies him in promising the public a paper well worthy of their patronage. 27ts States will not be the organ of any clique or faction; and wilh no parlial purpose to serve, the paper will Hddress itself to the honest judgment of the people, and for support will rely upon their appreciation. Address J. P. HEISS, Washington, D. C. CIIFFI.R NOT, WHEN A PER- maneni cure is guaranteed in fill -stages of SECRET diseases, Sell Abuse, Nervous Debility. Stricture*, Gleets, Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Ankles and Bones, Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body, Female Irregu larities, and all other improper discharges, no mailer ol how long standing, or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, ami in a shorter lime than a permanent cure could be effect ed by any other treatment, even after Ihe skill of the roost eminent physicians had failed, and the disedse resisted all other means of cure. The remedies are free from odor, causing neither sickness nor inconve nience, and without muroury or balsam. — During twenty years' practice, I have re stored to health over seventeen thousand pa tients, who were suffering under ihe worst lorms of all of the above mentioned dis eases, which guaranien* me in promising a perfect and most speedy core. Secret dis eases are the greatest enemies to health and happiness, as they are the first cause of con sumption, scrofula, &c., and should be a ter ror to all nation* en the earth; tor-the rtis ease is becoming so common, and treatment so little understood, t'.at a permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, as a majoiitv of the cases lull into the hands of incompetent per sons, who not only fail to cure the malady, but ruin the constitution with corrosive sub limate—a dangerous poison, a preparation nf mercury—which, wilh the remains of dis ease in Ihe system, produces many of the above named affections, which finally termi nate in consumption, and frequently a rapid one ; but should it not cause death speedily, and the victim to disease marries, the diseaso is then conveyed from the patient to lbs chil dren, causing them loconin into the world wilh scrotula, affections of ihe skiu, eyes, throat, &c., and again 'terminates in con sumption, and consigns his victim lo an un timely grave, between the ages of six months and thirty-five years. Self-abuse is another formidable enemy to health; it destroys the nervous syslem, rapidly wasting away the energies of life, causing menial derange ment, preventing a proper development of the system, arid disqualifying"!!*.victim for marriage, society, business, and pit earthly happiness. Female Irregularities and other diseases of female* treated in the most skill ful and scientific manner. Medicines, with directions, sen! to any part of the Uuileu Stales and Canada*, by patients communica ting their symptoms by letter. J. SUMMF.RVtLLE, M. D., Box 53, Post Office ; Filbert Street, below Teutb, Phila delphia, Pa. LOTTERIES. THE well-known Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, of which 11. FRANCE & Co. are the inanngers, are chartered by the stale of Maryland, and a commissioner elected by the people, who is sworn to superintend and certify that everything connected with them it done in a strictly honorable manner, and that the interisis of parties who reside at a distance are as well protected as if they themselves were present at the drawing.— Another fact which the managers'call atten tion to. is, that all person* have a leg>l right to send orders for tickets to Maryland, at lotteries are legalised by pns>U la* 4a thai slate. A lottery is drawn every day of the month. If no particular class is named, or ders are filled in the first drawing to take place after the communication comes lo lis nil. The prices of tickets vary from SI to 820. No tickets are, however, sent unless tli e money lor the same is received with the order. 'I he drawings are upon the principle of one number on esoh licket (afier the Ha vana plan,) and Ternary combination. Prizes vary in amount from 820 lo 8100,000. All orders for tickeis or package* wilt receive prompt attention, and the drawing mailed to all purchasers immediately after it is over. Address, T. H. HUBBARD & CO., No. 39 Fayette St., or Box No. 40, Feb. 3d, 1857 -ly. Baltimore, Md. ~~ DISSOLUTION. rpllK partnership heretofore existing be tween VVm. McKelvv & Wm. Neal, un der the firm of Wm. MoKelvy & Co., in the manulacture of Paper at Catawissa Mill*, was dissolved by mutual consent oa lbs Ist day of April, 1857. The business of the late firm will tie set tled by C. W. McKelvy & Co., at Catawissa Mill*. WM. McKELVY & CO. The undersigned hsviug purchased the in terest of the late firm of VVm. McKelvy & Co., at Catawissa Mills, will continue Ihe manufacture of Paper and purchase Rags as heretofore. C. W. McKELVY & CO.R C. W. MCKILVT. M I. S. MCNINCH. [April 17, 1857-3t. MUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and good prints for 6! cents just received , by A. C. MENSCIL. DRUGS JIJYD MEDICINES. _ DP. ** WOULD call the adeniion of all thoae who wish to buy good gooda in hi* line, thai he ha* just replenished bis (already! large and well aeleoted assortment of the following arti cles, eir—Drags, Medicines, Oil*, Paint*, Varnishes, Glass, Dyestuffs, Confeotionarieg, Per fumery, soap* and toilet articles generally; Cigars and Tobacco of every variety and brand, Harrison'* Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer'* pric at, PURE WISES AND BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Brace* and Abdomiaal Supporters, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint,. Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also sgnt for most of the popular Patent Medicine* of the day. Toys, and an endless variety of Osefnl and fancy notions not here enumerated. Physi cian's Prescriptions and Family Medicines put upcarefully and at short notice. Glass Cutting done to order at the old stand. E. P. LUTZ. Bloomsburg, April 8, 185 T. BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to ;he fixtures of the "STAB" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to expcnte nit kinds of JOB PRINTING in Ihe best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Stock ami Deposits, Constitutions for Societies, Hank Checks, Promissory Notes, Pail Road and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AND PRXHTIHG- OP ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY- The publie are invited to call and see vpecimens, as we are determined to merit patron age by strict attention to busicess and superior workmanship. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. S2C£aOS.£aEla*\3F'CP, c£3 OCD, TVAVE just received and opened their slock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sates which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assorlmer t now offered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of tnsir entire stock as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest' and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all hinds of Gooda and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoe*, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de hages, poplins, parametta cloths mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. coins, W 111 1 E GOODS OB ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs Bouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in lame varietv vol vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, tnohair milts &c All kinds ot SHAWLS, brocks, Bay Slate, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, &c. Also a very large assorlment of cloths, cassimers, sattinelts, vesliras tweeds oeaver cloth*, coating velvet, &c. 9 OOUB J BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS t( SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN & CHILDREN We have a large assortment ot Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queenswure, Cedurware &c. Very cheap carpets, carpel bags, floor, table and car-' r,i^t, l glt ,^ratte ba " e,9 ' & \ MUSIi,,B " annol8 > licki "* S > -W —£. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought ourgoodsal Lowest Cash Price* and will not be undersold bv anybody, or the rest of mankind. ulu OJ Bloomsburg, April 15, 1857. New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! DAVID LOVfEWEERG TNVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale vlothing at his storeon M It *■ street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assorlment of mVn and boy's wearing apparel, including E)I£I2SS ©©ASFS? gox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of nil colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders anu fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. THE Cn-Parlnership hertolore existing he iween Wiliium G. I'eny tf William Erety, Booksellers and blahor.ers, trading under the firm of PKBRV & ERETV, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. WILLIAM G. PF.URY, WILLIAM ERETY. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1857. NOTICE. THE undersigned having purchased the entire interest of hi* late Partner, will con duct Ihe Bonk, Stationery, Blank Book Man ufacturing, and Binding Business, in all their branches; wilh increased facilities and strict attention lo business, be hopes lo receive an increased proportion of public patronage. WILLIAM G. PERRY. S. VV. cor. Fourth & Race Sis. WILLIAM Q. PERRY, S. VV. Corner of Fourth and Race Sts. Will Supply on Low Terms, Bill Heads, Cards, Checks, Bill of Las'ing, Promissory Notes, Drafts, d-e. AGGOTJWT BOOKS, Made in a superior manner, or Ruled and Bound to any Pattern. Letter, Note & Foolscap Paper* FLAT PAPER, ALL SIZES, wibaipipiih® iPAjpißifio OLD BOOKS RE-BOUND, FT Your omen, i—, —..... . Philadelphia, March 4, 1857. Eagle Foundry, Bloomsburg STOVES AND TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a large new brick Foundry sntF Machine Shop, in place of the old one, i* prepared to make all kinds of CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Plows constantly on hand. The subscribe lias removed his Tin Shop from Main Street lo the Foundry Lot, where he has erected a building altogether for Stoves and Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist of the WM. Jfo PENN COOK, RAUB COOK, VAN LIF.R COOK, and PARLORSTOVES np3gSjj 0 f all kinds, Ihe Egg Cylinder Stove, &c. All kinds of Snouting made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg, April 16, 1857. PHILADELPHIA WOOD MOULDING MILL, Willow St. above 12th, North Side. MOULDINGS suitable fur carpenters,build ers, Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on hand. ANY PATTERN WORKED from A DRAWING. Agents wanted in the various Towns in his portion of the Stale, to whom opportuni ties will be offered for large profitß to them selves. 81 LAS F.. WEIR. April 8, 1657.-2 m. FRESH ARRIVAL ANEW lot of cheap muslins and prints just received by railroadand for sale by A.C.MENSCH. COLUMBUS MALE AXD FEMALE (23 3JD OS 2£o *ar a fiiixcrnc County, Pa. THE Trustees of this Institution respectfully announce, that it will be opcrie.l for the reception of Pupils, of both sexes, on Monday, October 20lh next, under tho immediate care of Prof. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire ments. and onlarged experience as an educator, and has been connected with the most popular "High School" of Bucks Uo. for several years. He is also well and favorably known us a con tributor to some of our leading educational peri odicals. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will rompiise Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, Penmanship, Etymology. Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Aleebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron. omy, &c. Book Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy, ■nd Chemistry. Classes in the French, Spanish fy Latin Languages will be formed as early at practica ble, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTUREB on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus will also be given. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Ladies and Gentiumn designing 'o qual ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS: FOUR, FIVE and SIX Dollars per Quarter of tho Quarter. GOOD BOARD con be bad in the -illgge at a moderate price. IST Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the day of commencement, when his method of imparting instruction will be i.'luslrated, and the discipline end management of the chool, fully explained. Parents, Guardians, and the frianda of educa tion generally, are cordially invited to be pres. cnt. D. L. CHAPIN, I B. M. STEVENS, JOHNKOONS. N.D. STILES, SILAS DODSON, I JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1850. Trustees. GREENWOOD SEMINARY MILLVILLE. COLOMBIA CO., PA. A systematic course of instruction is given in all the English branches nsnslly taught. The Principal will be assisted during the present year by T. M. POTTS, an experi enced teacher, recently Irom the Lancaster Co. Normal School. A vacation of seven weeks will commence July Ist. vmsaso TUITION, for day pupils <3.50, to 54.60 per quarter. Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, &c., <3O per qnarter of eleven week* one-half in advance. For circular, catalogue or orther particu lars address WM. BURGESS, Millville, April 1, IBST. Piincipal. the medicine of the .nil lien. J PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. 8 2PIIBiIM3 K The Exciting Cause of Sickness. The blood i the life sustaining agent. It furnishes the components of flesh, bone, muscle, nerve and integument. The stomach is its manufactory, the veins its distributors, and the intestines the channel through which the waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled. Upon the stomach, the circula tion and the bowels, these Pills set simulta neously, relieving indigestion, purifying the fluids, snd regnlatitg the excretions. THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. Dyspepsia is the most common disease among all classes in this country. Itassumee a thousand shapes, and is the primary source of innumerable dangerous rrialadiet; but whatever its typo or symptoms, however ob etinate ite resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readily and rapidly totbia Marching and unerring remedy. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and quality of the bile are o* vital importance to health. Upoo the lives, the gland which eecretea this fluid, theee Pille operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its irregularities, and effectually curing Jana dice, Bilious Remillanis, and all the varieties of disease generated by an uunatural condi tion ol the organ. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Unless the bowels perform their funulione properly, the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die annually of Dysentery, Diar rhoea, Chronic consumption, and olhar die eases of these waste pipes of tbe system. The eflect of the Pills upon all intestinal die orders, whether casual or epidemic, is a phenomenon in medicine. By following tbu printed directions, the most alarming cases ' of bowal complaint are promptly controlled. A Word to Females. The local debility and irregularities which •' are the especial annoyances ol the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, alweyi shorten life, are relieved for the time beingv anil prevented for the lime to come, by a course of this mild but thorough alterative. i, HOLLOW AY'S PILLS Are the best remedy known in the world for i the following diseases: . Asthma, Diarrhrea, Bowel Complaints, Dropsy, . Coughs Debility, • Colds, Fever and Ague, Chest Disease*, Female Corapiaiule, Costiveuess, Headaches, . Dyspepsia, Indigestion, . Stone and Gravel Influenza j Secondary Symptoms Inflammation Venereal Affections Inward weakness Worms of all kinds I.iver complaints Lowness of spirits Piles. Sold at the manufactories of Prof. Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New Vork, and 244 S.rand London, by all respectable Druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the U. S. end the civilized world, in boxes at 28 cents, 62i cts. and St each. GTTliere is a considerable saving by tak ing the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder ore affixed to each b°*- [Aug. 13, 1866. Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letter* testa, mentnry upon tbe estate of Peter Herlocher, late of Mifflin township, Columbia county' • deceased, have been granted to the under-' signed residing in the township of Mifflin. ' All persons indebted to the estate are re -1 quested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts for payment to preseut (hem to JOHN 11. HETLER, Executor. Mifflin township, June 21, 1857-6 i* Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is heieby given th si letters of ad ministration upon the estate of David Herring, late of Centre township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Limestone township, Montour county. All persons indebted to the said estate nre requested to make pay ment without delay, and those having ac counts against the eetato to present them for payment to PETER STRAUS, Limestone, March 28, '57. Admr'r. Administrator'** Notice. TATOTICE is heteby given that letters of ad -18 ministration upon the estsle of Anna Lunger, late of Benton township, Columbia county, deceased, have been gran'ed to the undersigned residing in Benloo township.— All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having aoenunts agairi-t the eitata to present them lor payment to PETER LAUBACH, Benton, March 28, '67. Adm'r. Notice. A I.L persona interested will lake notice that Hiram R. Kline, Committee of Ma thias Kline, now deceased, a lunatic, bae filed his iccount of the management of the esiale of the said lunatic in the Piothonotary's office of the Court of Common Pleas of Co lumbia county, and that the said account will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of said county for confirmation ami at lowance on Wednesday the 6th day of May next. litoomsourg, rnan:i^M;9o..EYEiy^ |i^ t Notice. A LL persons interested will take notice that James Leidy and John Riohiirt, Committee of Archibald Patterson a habitu al drunkard, have filed their accounts of lha management of tbe estate of the said Archi bald Patterson in the Prothonotary'a offioe ol the Court of Common Plea* ol Columbia county, and that the said account will he presented to the Court of Common Pleaa of said county for confirmation and allowance on Wednesday the 6th day of May next. JACOB EYERLY, Bloomsbnrg, March 28,1857. Protk'y. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is bereby given that letter* of ad ministration upor. the estate of John H. De wilt, lata of Soon township, Colombia coun ty, deceased, have been granted to the Un dersigned residing in Light Street. All per sons indebted to the said eslsla are requested to make payment without delay, and thoM having accounts against the decedent to pre- . sent them for settlement to GEORGE JOHN, Light Street, March 30, 1867. Adm'r. CX* HENRY ZtTPPINGEB, GtZ JEflt RLOOMSBVHG. £j| rkIFFICULT repairing warranted ; apeo taclei and glasses for spectacle. ; glasses for hunting cased watches, and other waloh material for sale. March 27, 1857 IRON STEEL, and every kind of Har ware or aale by McKELVY, NEAL k Co]