The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 22, 1857, Image 2
STAR OF THE NOKTH. K. W. WSAVKR) EDITOR. II looms burg? %Vr<liifwdny v April '22, Drmocra(ic IVominalionN. FOII GOVtttlNOll, WILLIAM F. PACKER, of Lycoming County. FOR CANAL COM MISSION SIR, N I ill ROD STRICKLAND, ol Chester County. SALE or TUB MAIN LINE. 11l the degenerate day'B of Rome, the de praved soldiery put up the Empire for sale to the highest bidder, in our day the ele ments of corruption are only bold enough to propose that we shall sell the backbone of the Stale—that we shalt cut out and sell to the highssi bidder the main arteries in the body and system of our internal improvements.— This is to be sold for 5150,000 in money, which will all be appropriated before it i caches the treasury. The bonds which are to form the balance of the purchase money will be given to the Sutibury & Erie Railroad Company, or to some other ol the spoilsmen's corporations who are standing around with greedy eyes and already licking their parch ed jaws fur any little hugmenls. . Next winter it will be found to have been cruel an J unwise to sever the main trunk j Irotn lite ministering and feeding limbs of , the public vvoiks, and the cry will bo "for | mercy's sako unite them." Hut the I'etin- j sylvai.ia llailroud Company will insist that it has (airly purchased every pound of 110-li in the Main body, and that the mountain | will not go to Mubotnniod, but Mahommed | may come to the mmii.uiio. The only rem- j edy will be to give the limbs to Iho giant | yvho shall already have tho body. Ho one j by oi.e the different purls of the public works j will be Hold or given uiv.iy; and HI ten years . Uio Sial* will have tieilhor a mile ol public 1 improvements not u dollar us tho ptico ol : them. The power ilu.t is strong enough lo ureal tin) main body of litem from the Stale will lie strong enough lo procure discharges ol it* debts Irotn subsequent legia'aluro*. Ona ol Uifloo corporations easily procurtiil a forgive ness of ila ileitis lor I trail}/ years; mill it ivill , l a in licit easior lor oik' wliicb shall lioM the Stain within lltu grip ol its itou bninla to ox toil a total absolution frt>m all debt* The lYttnsylvsuU Uailrouil Company at present pays some S-200,000 a year as ion-1 11 age tax to the Sialo, ami limit this the bill j now in the House wonl.! relieve Ihe font pauy For years the Comprint' has ntaile efforts lo have this tonnage lax law repealed; and resorie.l to all the legerdcmaino ot legis laiioit 10 gain that point. As lo the moiAi* o/<rnimh of "putting Ihtottg' such a bill as this lor the sale ol the Mam l ino the following extract (rem a llnrrisftitrg correspondent will give our rend era sonte taint idea. " Next week the borers of the lVnnsvlva nia Railroad will return fullv organi.ed, ami reaily lo proeeeil lo tvoik i'liev will be toil by Mr. Anderson, assisted by tit M I eitleuants James Hums, John H. Hook. Titos J Power, atul Charles Fiailev To thoss) who know llarrisbnrg thoroughly, tt will lie at onoe saiil that no more lornnilabla engineer corps could bo oigani/eil in the -Sine, It these men cannot pasa a hiH, thou os passage is hopeless. They will begin operations at once, if they have not already broke ground lo etfert the passage ol" the bill tut the sale of the Main lane." 1 he Cohrmhtn Cow at y HrpuMirnn. It will ho expected that we should notice the advent of the new Republic an paper tin iter the charge ol IV John, and yet we hard ly kuow what to say, except that the sun risea as ol yor.t and the water yet continues to run down hill, ft Vtl' natural that the lead s'rs ol the Krow-Ni'th'ng is Republican par rv should teel the want c a newspaper organ Mi>ce last foil, and Pr. Jofm has been in duced to try to lii' that want. No doubt pol ittcians deal in rosy promise* to bun as to evraordmaey aupport. but it he finds them realised it will be the tirst instance P.' 'he kind in the history of i ews. aper enterpri.-'O Hut we shall riot be envious at all the 'avors aird honors he may teceire Irom his party . and we will only ask that the Democracy exert themselves us much ro snt.n the ••Sna" as the Oppnut, >n do tor the.r orgar In dark troubled limes P-e "Srvs stov always true to rs cause, and in several a the hardest eontests tooght the battle of the peo ple single handed and alone. The /iVwrMoan w .If blow and str ke fo* kVilmot mid FrtWvlorr: and w ill to doubt Matt as rear fleeing the Judge as i s sup porter* did in electing Fremont last tail. As to bow ir.*"V nogroos i; w.U i.-o-o that lor ihc laturo to proro Tin** ro Ehim—oa !*>; wk * \ownj pr isoror nanaod ia-tror wix*oakoJ P nuwit is tbo yaii yard wboo b:>or iT X! or locked ap. *od tbo-r ooaaaaooood ;b* t:o.Tip: 10 work hts war ibrocrb bo oaror wa.l or ido jard. Mo Pad or'f *f -o ofcbto' ttJd * r>w>oo tvi boarc wawP. bo bod :*koi -"•w tb* bod to aid ktaa tc tbt pr-x*so . be; Padulaa <ci * shoot and torn K ir o a ropo w.;h. oodoat*. an oifon o saca'o tbo w lr the roorm i.or.a i *x,U ?ot aboc. su .no os tbo w-a't by t. d.jjuij;. and tht a'kwa loaad t >• stioor s wvb ooid iron iso want <x a.? Ota: w*irt< bo bwi toft rr jail f7 Wo iioofooo kv .aro .ha; ooaoo o" tbo paper on *\.<s ouatw* -.♦ pr—-od : .lnyoota.j VMWL Wa regro. ibr*. ari no aaoro to * Ct Caawvta Mi* feas art osjl* jwaw rnw lenfoVorf Ci wh a wt aa. : aruoio Wa sU" so* liar wo C" fpt* I natai arWl a wbao Two a: * :iw oaa WWW aiofwa S? ara# .a arraata frs si bocrtp aa 4 W-i <o*o •• raoi-M a ow Ptsaa |afot ia oitk. jw Caaotda jaar rtH tbat |f 11 atri * a k-o --rod *r r ro -to rn •bar ois t a* • pi-ro ri >* T lie SCHOOL DiiiKcroity CONVEN TION. It is ju6t that the public should know that ' the present Superintendent of Common Schools docs not ask or desire a re-election to that office. 11l health is the only reason for this determination, for the association - and connection with Iho schools of the county have been to him entirely agreeable . and pleasant. True, it has tint been a - source of profit; but in the present condi tion of public education the duties of the office must be filled more as a labor of love than for money. Mo man who seeks the position for profit is fit for it; and it will be well for the Directors of our county to re meinbor this at the Convention next month. , We were repeatedly urged to have our sal ary raised, but our answer always was that wo knew what the pay was when we took - the otfiee, and knew too what its duties e were. i- If the pay had boon throe limes as large 0 we could not have served the cause any b better. It so happens that there are only s about two mouths and a hall—front the rnid y die of December to the first of March—in - which school visitations can be made. 'Take , out of these Saturdays and stormy days, 1 and there are not on an average over lour a days in a week which can be givon to litis i' out-door work. The wonder then is rather I I that wo visited as ninny as wo did, than s I that we did not visit more. The first year i | we field the oilico five mouths and visited - three fourths id' the schools. The second /year we visited nil but a tow which wore | either closed or inaccessible by reason of I f snow drills when we were in the district.— | l.ast winter we did all we could, and visited j I all except about 25 schools, notwithstanding j j sickness front exposure, and the had roads, lint the most benefit resulting front a su pervision of the public schools is in the | work sit home: where almost every day I some teacher, director or citizen comes lot I information or with a bill of complaint. It | is in explaining the workings of Iho colli j moo school system, in reconciling dtllictil j tics, r.:::! it! preventing feuds and law-suits ' that most good can bo done. We found it ! was not enough lor us to frswiiir the tcitch ! crs who presented themselves, we were ! obliged in many eases to instruct them We ' rejected about a dozen each year, and would | have retused certificates to others it there j had been material with which to supply ! their places. When xvc came in'o the otliec we lotttid .' that in several townships the provisions ot the common school law had never been complied with, and that tiro children had ' been cheated out of an education. In Ilea j vor the Directors were removed, anil in 1 Uoaiiogereek were compelled to open the schools, and we have the gtatilieatiou ot seeing tor the first time in the history of the county that even township is acting under the common school svstem when our otliei ! al connection with it closes. When we came into the otliec we found no concert ot action between the teachers tor their improvement in learning or in j | teaching. We orgtllittiil a Teachers A MO- | ciation which lias held six sessions and 1 might benefit Teachers very much. Hut we suggest that there ought to be more at ioiition given by them to improvement tn j the sciences and less to die exaction ot high w ages \\ hen true excellence shall bo once attained that xvtil < >.si.iu.t good ;\i\. No doubt the tanlt lavs very much with the directors tor not discriminating lni\xeen a poor and a eonipeient teacher. Tor it * good certificate xvas once paid well it would become an object tor which teachers would tr\ to prepare themselves, it is a truth may as well be told, lor the public ought to know it.— ih>ctl\>u>;hs of the | tracker* of ll its roii>i/y air oaf* eminent tecs Fhex have no doubt the average mental c.v ; paecx of other young men and young wo imen in the State, but they need much train ing to bo teachers Most of them frankly ' conies* this to its when they come to be examined, and attiibuteit to their want of propei instruction. Hut how will our schools mi prove at ilus rale ' The oi v remedy i ;or Director* to insist upon ijiiahuo.uions iu the teachers, ami to e oc: a Superintendent who wid be able l-\ education ami rcrve to examine teachers tuby and tairix . When ever it shall be once known that a poor teacher w c'. receive poor pay and wfii ne; be hitevl at U w here a good one can bo nrxxeured. the D.rectors will ikm no longer ;be troubled with this class ot appliea ions t \\ itlun the ;\a>t three years the wages ct ica "hers !w.s increased in m.s: of the dis tricts in this ceum . arte, in seme of them w\"v that, lhe siar.iarvl of vjualificaKons Hut le; these wages not be txve.ced—re quire only i-etter t.xac'* The wages arc now such that teachers cttgfi: to prepare ■:.f!iis"ivi"< ui ear a ir.eut by organizing a Teachers' Insri' te. An Icstuute o. i..:ee or tour week would w, "k woouers. nr.. xeoe'vi no: v"os: winch The loachers As soc ..-.on d Ir- to Int us me rubers oou.d. tt.-s be '"cd. to make us scss.oa z enough SNOW Srosv—l; w'.l b# no news to i ,va oar reader's of tie frew-sw*. bus "u mv be ' to chr.vtvcle far fatuv reterenee tr-a; on the 1 i ard SO h P f Apr; 'he-* fell srow io She depek of a :.v>! . sr.d it w -' . are bee - 'o feet deep is fad ro; rr.r et so as:. T rrei iscLxswd up for severa' davs. acd she £rs; news we cxpec: w be o' doods Loos cct rot thcjc !—Kecer v serre of .a*. c*ss o: oa:ers who are too laiv to w. -k *Ei toe jeeod to beg hare bee: break -j r. o setae of war goes: b.— *.*' a lis -n*. Jz-ige Koper. bad ah k.s n>ti sioier oris ssgS: '*• weft P- Ramsey Sad a*se scvase of fc akee >!a E r Lrrr is reeeir-rg: a rvw r: lav* do. of Irask drags xsi f*cv*s<as*~s a. its* oid stars 4 . wberr he fas iarbfa y win j eearee w> si* w- is cd '.be pebbe for aeary yrarwr the rr-st weriarT— C. v r m;r rcs closers C"F* Fr* paw TT'T* res Is. sav 4>i*rs wod rf rsita&Jvkus "* be wmwmm ior Satvrue* 1 c-g* '—tc. t* E*~r es* —' S aT * I s nlo of the niain Line. t A bill providing for thii objacl was reporl n j Ptl, on Wednesday last, in the House of Itep n j rasvntalives, by die Committee of Ways and u I'Means, under u resolution, passed by a large n majorily, instructing the committee to pre e pure u bill for the sale of the P üblic Works. e Its leading provisions are contained in the a following synopsis carefully made up by the j. Ilarrisburg correspondent of the Ltd go: 0 I "It provides that immedialel y after its pas c sgo, the Governor shall advertise a notice in e die Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Washington, p lialtitnore, Uoston, New York and Hsrris burg papers, that the Main Line will be of , lered for sale at the Merchants' Exchange, i on a day to be designated by him, not more 1 than forty days after the pavsage of this act. j v Any person or persons, or railroad or canal s company incorporated by the State, may be come the purchasers, for any sum not less , than seven and u hall millions of dollars.— f I II necessary, the Company purchasing may , \ increaso their capital stock or borrow money . and issue their bonds to any amount not ex , j reeding 50 per centutr. above the amount of , tho pnrohaso money. In case individuals purchase, the (love rnor is empowered to in r corporate them. No bid will be received , nnless the bidder deposits in tho hands of tbo . Governor SIOO,OOO iu cash or State bonds as a forfeit. If the highest bidder fails to com . ply with the uct, the Governor may, if he thinks proper, tender the Works to the next I highest bidder. II the Pennsylvania Kailroud | Company become the purchasers, thpy nro i required to pay Sl,&00,000 in addition. The | whole purchase money to be paid in five i per cent, bonds of the Company, payable | semi-annually; said bonds to be it lien upon ' the Main Line; ten por cent, whereof shall j fall due on the lirst of July, 1800, and the re- 1 numidor in ten equal annual instalments ilioroaficr. I'pon the execution uttd delivery ol said bonds the Pennsylvania Kuilrosd ' Company and the Ilarrisburg and Lancaster ( luiilrnad Company shall bo released from iho payment of the tonnage tax now im- i posed, the Pennsylvania Kuiliond Company ' also to be released from all other taxes im- ' posed by tho State. The purchasers of the j i Main Line may purchase or lease the liar- I tis'.uirg and Lancaster llailroud, or construct i a road fioni Ilarrisburg to any point on die ! I Columbia Koad. They may extend the Co- 1 1 lunibia road to tho Delaware river, and ul,or < die route of the same. The purchasers are i required to keep the canal and railroad open Iroiu llollidaysbnig to PltiluJclpllia, and so much of the Western Division as lies be tween HlaitsviHe and Pittsburg until the Northwestern Kuilrosd shall be opened for business from Biairsvillo to the Allegheny Kivor, and furnish motive power lor the use of transporters, The purchasers may lease | any portion ol the Canal lor a period of ten > years, subject to ttte same conditions." Diivtil H iliuol t II h it Tucy Thought IM IS in—That our readers nun know the political position ot David Wilmol iu ISdti. and what was j ! thought ol him then by those who have now nominated him as their candidate '.or Gov ernor, we publish Tae lollowiog oxtraeis Irotn die llatrisburg TUtg ixyA, then edited by Theo Tono, Esq : " 1: must bo gratifying to every Iriend cl In.- coimliy. and |-tuculai!y to every whig, io know thai ol the ltd votes which wote given in die House, lor the administration or British nee trade bill, ONE HUNDRED and THIKTKEN were loco tocos, ami but ONE ' wing, ami he Irotn the loco loco Na;e ol Al abama. Ol NINETY-FIVE who nobly stood up for the tariff against the free trade policy, SKY KNTY-QNK were WHIGS, NATIVE AMERICANS and but EIGHTEEN 1.000 b\)COS, eleven of whom were from IVno . sylvauia. tour Item New Yotk. two from N Jersey. and one Horn Maryland. Kut OST Jiii.'uA T ct Tki.'s liny axis jimnd i*li Tan . syr.i.iia.' sod that was Wilmot vV iviaffguvi f Ike exrv'nf i *cs 01 entry honest Jrtmo iVaa . -ye: m i v... d.V epo* ai..' fjuote kirn un:n he . nr..its th it • icheit the I.VIMI ON-.'* MO; O >M' ic tit i< net e r*.*.M'." rr The name ot Col Wyokonp, in cixn i action with the Govsmorship in T;ah, .sstig r gested. Ti, H'ol /trench t>sa. —The break ir ibis oxtta: above Milton, ha* been repaired aovd the witer let in on WednesJsy las: PF" D" Geo W. l\vrter. son of Gov is sprsxintixt Tost Master a: Hxmsbisrg—a seiecnon very wed received rr Andrew Hopkins Tq, evfitor oi ihe D*rri*burg Tejnet c%.i I'm.-*, has beer, ap po>ved Keeeiver of the Land , n Netvaraa d.stnel. Nebraska Tetrocy. (T Cris, f'enno Hodaiaa. a i,*r*ry ger ■ emxt o: seraesce ui pas: tie. is now ar. .■"mate ot ike l-sna:* Asy'am a: Hamsbcrg tT" Tre IT; fcrs.v-t R/tetS says the ui for whioh Hor Hstt >! F;!ter bad gore seoif :v : v Wagotsv er of tbe N"w Ca- e Fa k bad exsieexi bet*-e the raihrre, ortd tba: therefore Mr. Fc'ier wtii o be := ary ; way liable Tits F:iv or CPNIT. GsrTj & Co. ct •* diss* ved, c J ;b< basiaess ear r.ea oc t Fz >er, G-ore k Co. Hooex-k o; Fcuey bare a is.- csscvevf pir-ersL-p Mr. Hancock rraisiz; 'be J ftarti. Thc Taws a-# reenmg ca-.y tw.weei d ~.a*px aai SSEBICY T*EY leave here a S A M, IWI S-W. A. M Tl.ej ar- C* A TBOA: ?, A. M . XX. ~i F. M TAE packet c."rwec zc wua the rwi-raaz, iwarws N.cfocrtsw.-vaad at ~i ix dae errns —A iwr Gsci Neu-Tkr Tut.y Stv fa:.iaet ne t*ii oi J Aena<aa.* Nfoi one or ts* De*- £** -Bs ta: fsy is foe Mm Caavewiaoc ■lea notcaier lb WtUaet id* Ssoap ioi aeraie.' Lit aeu 'ira an a*: to awppan tux of Awercat yaary at: u Mi atcs? - H" FRMSR A FFPTW The Late Election In England. Oat transatlantic cousins, who were lately i. deeply interested in our election, and whose ,1 sympathies were so intensely enlisted in be e halt of Fremont, Black Republicanism and - " Freedom," have just passed through the i. ordeal of an election themselves. In allu -3 ding to this event, it may not be uninteresting i to consider for a moment what sn Knglish election Is, and who participate in it. We have had so many homilies read to us by the 1 press of that country on the blessings of Free , dom and onr lack of devotion to it, that it • may be well to look what sort ol an example ■ this "free" and "freedom-loving" England , holds up to us. Of course, Englishmen have i no vote or voice in the election of their Chief . Executive officers. The King or Queen, who I inherits the crown, wields its prerogatives, bo he or she wise or foolish, virtuous or do bunched, imbeoile or able ;—nothing short of absolute insanity can change the course ol this inheritance. The pooplo appear to be long to the reigning iamily, (possessing, to be sure, certain reserved rights, &0.,) and the power to rule and govurn them is transmitted trorn ono generation to another, precisely as the title to landed estates or peisonal proper ly. In the selection of a co-ordinate branch of the Legislative power, they also havo no voice, and any uew legislation or reform, which they may demand, are iherotoro only attainable by tho consent ol a body, in Ihe ! selection of which iliey hnvo no voice, and j which is entirely beyond their teach. As a j compensation for all this, however,the House , of Commons is elective, and hero some op portunity is afforded tor (lie public sentiment of tho country to make itself felt in the ad- , J ministration of public affairs. The nppor j lionment of members is so arbitrary and tin- | ! equal, that there is little justice in it, as 60,- < i 000 qualified voters in one locality may have | no greater representation in Parliament than | 300 voters in another quarter. Put the cx- [ j clusivcncss of tbe whole system is at once i glaringly shown by the fact that only a little more than half milion, out of the entire population, is allowed to vote nt all ! With ! a population considerably greater than that J t of the whole I'uited Slates, her number ot vo- j t tors is but litrlo mote than that of Pennsylva- < nia. Fngiieh sympathies were wrought up 1 < to ihe highest pitch, for the Fremont party, i which just now seems rather more violently j ' exorcised with the terrible suffering of the ! j negroes in not being considered omens, than j with any ctliei subject—yet this same philau- 1 t thropie, freedom-loving England refuses to : I extend the tight of cilixenship to more than I a mere faction of her own white inhabitants., who arc of ihe same race, color and physi- j < oal attributes as the proudest of her utistoo- J racy. This is a trie typo of the negro philanthro- j 1 py, whether displayed in England or Anieri. j ' on. h nets on the same principle as thoe ; lieailion nation* who deified interior animals j 1 and rendered them most reverent homage, j 1 while millions of fellow beings of their own 1 race, were left to pine in ciuel bondage, and j remorseless tyranny. So England, with the j ' executive pon.oo ol her government entirely 1 I beyond the reach ol the people, with one i 1 branch of hot Legislature atso high above ! their heads, ami with only 600.000 of her m- I habitants allowed to participate ai all, and , tiiat too, I'lidvt peculiarly untait and unjust > circumstance*, in the so-called popular branch ol her government, reads us long homilies i and weeps ever our cruelty, because a!- j though every white male of the legal age can > exercise a direct inffuencv in the choice ot out rulers of every grade, we are r.or ready to extend the privileges ol cuiteuahip to, and recognise as our equals, some three or four t nnl'.iOtis of a different color, an offensive odor, peculiar characteristics, and of aninfe- ! riot race. A noticoabU feature ~i the hue eleciions ' in England, is the lamentable tact that the noblest champions of t eedom Great Britain , has, have been stricken down at the polls.— Among others lew eminent, Cobdeo is cue ot the victims. He tso ie of the few British , statesmen whs have had the manliness and j courage to advocate the introduction into t Biiitau of *o* ol the relorms which kad been inaugurated here, and to i attempt some hing really practicable and substantial, lor the benefit and freedom of j the masses of the British nation. Booh an offence could not be lotgtven. He was a re al, not a mock philanthropist. He studie,: the we ha re of the people, not that of a few selfish classes He sought to imitate some 1 of the salutary examples which America had i given, and among other misdemeanors, his jwrsisrent etToru had rescued trom imminent pil ot statrauon large booiesof his country men, si tbe haxard of diminishing the profits of monopc ixing landholders, and for all this /ret Kaglar.u has doomed him to defeat. I The British journals announce that Lord Faimersroa has achieved a brilliant victory n the fare tfeeffOML Tbe leaiLtg quesict st issae was his Chinese poiicy. and this hat boee rostaiaed. The true reason of die em phatic coviamemcrt of Lord ratmersoa by | ihe B-o.ish people or rh.s question, * to be found in ihe admi'atton of the sggsessive j foreign policy,which cfcarscterreshim. The j access'ions of aggressions which England heais rpon as are as hypocritical as the nom- j es cw treed cm she treats cs to. The wor'.d . has never beb#Vd * r.A'too rrrre aggressive ia i " Vis sr rit than England is There is scarcely a rcrveaer.t ia ibe foreign policy of any ra tior on ;be ear.h that she does rro. aim to iafioeacc, if aO'. to control. Soe scans the arorU f-oet ber Late rock-nbbei isle, and sends en: her emissaries into every quarter ~ 53 _-an a i mrnan firr isfiaezxre ever its ac- i uses, whatever ter imereK or her pride rug- ; pests a point ia* *t might be oes-raWv for her j to ga a ~g people of every coetineat are , made tor be I her She perpetrtair at wa*. an: alway* f fro® ber owr shore*. Sn aims at eaercasir.g a eommani .aj mflsK.-i ore* the whole world. Lord Falsocrs r - .s a fit re of this prl cj and .nereiotw he has been mtiined whue the _-ae i [imji— of freedom have , Bern ©sent uea. fi-.ii —The get. .etc*- hi de . mm to ha ri - int— e the Isi gt Cmory Deeocnii; ckw aur iaE. ok already as tjemdrng i;: rases h pepers A■ rival of Ibo Ericsson. By the arrival of ihe steamer Ericsson, Liv erpool dales to tbe inal. have been re ceived. Tho election for members of Parliament has resulted ia a triumph for Lord Palmers ton. Messrs. Gibson, Cobden, Layord and Bright were defealed. The ci'y of I.oniien returns Lord Bussed, Rothschild,Crawford sod Duke. Messrs. Uludsone and Roebuck are re-elect ed. The London Herald maintains thai the Con servatives have lost only five seats. The nelt increase of the revenue on tho year just ended, as compared with Ihe previ. ous year, is £3,525 000, and the increase on ' Ihe quarter is £115,074. In the Customs, the increase on the year arises on nearly every head of duly except tea and coffee, on which there is a decrease or postponement of revenue of £1,000,000, principally owing to the anticipated reduction ol the duty in April. The quarter's revenue is more especially affected by the same cause, Canton advices siato that all is quiet there. Admiral Seymour was a! lfong Kong await ing reinforcements. The trial ol Ailuni, the poisoning baker, resulted ill llis acquittal. A telegraphic message to Bombay, says tliut tho Emperor ol China has ordered Ych to conclude a peace on any terms. I 'IVa and silks had further advanced at Liv erpool. Disturbances have taken place nI Pegu.— They are unimportant, but they led to a skir mish with the troops. Paris advices mention tho suspension ot Messrs. Green & Co., Ihe American bankers ol thai city. Tho cause o| this failure is at tributed le the imprudent advances made on French merchandize despatched to Nicara gua a.ul other Central or South American Slate*. Connecticut Election. We can well afford to rejoice over the Elec tion in Connecticut, tor ihj staunch Democ racy have achieved a splendid victory in the election of two out of the four members of Congress, and reducing the seven or eight thousand majority given to Fremont, leaving thai parly to succeed now by, barely 600 ma jority. The Democratic gains in vaiious parts of the Stale are immense, but New Haven we believe bears tho palm in this respect. The Democratic Congressmen in that District is elected by 560 majority, a gain trom lust fall ol more than 2500 ! FASSVORK WILLIAMSON CASK —The action for damages brought against Judge John K Kane in the Court of Common Pleas of Del* ware County, was some time since argued upon Demurrer. To the Declaration claim ing damages Judge Kane put in live special pleas setiuig totih his office, the proceedings which occurred and justifying (lis entire con duct. The Plaintiff replied d< injHi jj lo these pleas, that the Defendant had committed the acts ot his own will, and widiont cause. The Judge's counsel demurred specially to the replication on three pleas, and joined is sue in uvo ol them. The argument oc de murrer was hold in December. Yesterday Judge Haynes gave nonce that he decided against Judge Kane, so that the replication mud*. and the case will go to trial on the general issue, and will be tried some lime x.uruig die present sum met. SKVKM Y THOUSAND Lives LOST. —It is es- J Unrated that iu the bombardment of Catttou, J by the English fleet, which began the 2Sth ot lArtober last, seventy thousand lives—ot men, women and children of ges—have been sacrificed, aud property to the amount ol over ten millions, destroyed. With aii this loss of lue and property, there is no succumbing on the part of the Celestials, who manifest a stubborn bitterness of feel ing toward anything that bas the appearance of reconciliation. LATINO THK ATLANTIC CABTS.-Prof. Morse, the inventor ot the magnetic telegraph sys tem, intends accompanying the party on board the Niagara, who are to assist m lay ing the telegraph cable. Two Russian officers have permission ot our government to go out in the steamer Kussiaseems to be wide awake to all the tecent discoveries and im provements in physical sc.ence, and will be ready, when occasion cans lot it, a: no dis tant day, to feud her aid to help to encircle the world with a telegraphic girdle 75 rostmu/ers—l aptrls*; Ad.xr -It should be remembered by Postmaster* that lor tbe protection of newspaper publishers, a law was passed not long since requiring them to notify editors ot a.jy papers uncalled for. w.tbin tire weeks thereafter, o: be held re sponsible themselves ; now that many chan ge* bare been made postmasters wit! please notify os ot in* sabscriber's removal, thereby saving to os much loss and affording as an oppor.anny of mailing our paper* correctly cy Fh* ps a dozen Know Nothing pa pers ia the Bor.e retuse to sapport Wiimot I ard a. ia OK tee enure party ia Padadelphia . repudiate him. Tt.e Bedford Gczeie names i eeverai prominent men of the opposition ia that cocuy who re: use to sap port him.— Here r.i* nomination has faiien dead upon . the party, one as yet but lew othets than ultra tvrpcbiieaa# avow ■ determination to support a m. The republican leaders look despair j iag Parser ought to beat Wi.mot dom fifty i to a haadred thousand in me State. Tit .V-cmfour Pro* ir.nLr.— The amount oi . perfect finished rail* made at these work* . during the month of March wa 11,763 | vegtitg about 2325 tins. At that rale the J y iefi for the year would be nearly 25.00 C ( torts, eooogh to lay a 'rack of 230 miles ci ■ railroad i l'area the new admmvsuat r-" tbere wri ibe hex ou rpeod Mail Arc* en Pence) 1 i reaii mod thai ha* be— given to Mr Moore i at peeeeu: a cierk m tho Poor Office Depart Tsa wmaw of Ei Frestdew PCLX if abos • z 'ak? rj her "iiimff a* WnLs-r?; ci*r 11 Marrying la Fan.*' Another instance of the folly of "martying in fun" is jusl now exciting the good people of Fonda. It teems that a baukiug officer in that town met at a ball a young lady from this neighborhood, who was very good look ing, sprightly, and attractive. While waltz ing with her, he proposed in jest that they should be married. The lady accepted hia proposition, and they adjourned to a side room, where u person present was called up on to perform the ceremony, which he did, to the infinite amusement of all concerned.— The gentleman thought no more of the mat- I ter until the breaking up of the ball, when I the fair partner called on him to conduct her 1 to Ins residence. He demurred, and thought j she had better go to her own residence. She i said that the home of her husband was hor I home, "whither thou goest, 1 will follow j thee." He didn't hardly understand that she j was his wile. She insisted upon her martial ' rights, and'oloimed that as the ceremony had 1 been performed by a Justice of the Peace, it J was n perfectly fair and legal transaction.— 1 The gentleman inquired into matters ; found 1 that her positions were correct, and that he ; was in a bad box. He is now endeavoring I to ignore his wile and back out of the bar- ! gain, with littls prospect of success, however. ' The lady has before been married, and was, it is understood, divorced Irom her former ' hunbend, but under such circumstances as ' admitted of her mairying again.— Lnntaslei Examiner. CV Ac an election held in the borough of | Berwick, on Saturday last, for borough offi j cere, the following gentlemen were elected ; ' Chit/ Biirptn —John MoAnall. I Assistant Kur/rtss—T. W. Boone. Justicr of' /hi Pt.uc —tieorge W. Styer. Borough ConstMt Freua fowler. High Constable— Hutohina Vanetta. 7!<trn Council —Frederick Nicely, John J. . McHenrv, Henry C. Front, Isaiah Bower, W : J. Knorr. Ot.r Bon. • brought before the Superior Court of Now York on Saturday lam. on an affidavit, which act lorth that he had in his possession violin* and jewel* which he re fused to apply to a eatiafaction of a certain ' jndgeinent. Ol* Bull admitted on hi* exam- j inaiion that he had in his possession three violin* worth ihitt tkoiiMn-i d.WAtir I In the bow of one there was a diamond worth a ' very largo amount. _ . Opti'M.—The import* of opium ittto the l". J S. last year amounted to 157,514 pound*; ( value S4Ss,4st> No persevering attempt has been made in this country to cultivate the poppy lor the purpose ol manufacturing opium Irom it. The plant is a delicate one, | and wages here are too high to enable Amer- ' •can opium to contest a market with the In- ' dian and F.nropcan artiole. t tT The construction of the towers for the suspension bridge over the Ohio, at Cincin- i nan, is progiessing. The lower* are Sti by ! 33 lost at the base, will be 3)0 feet high, ai.d . lOOt? 'eel apart. Tne cables will be anchored j 300 feet back on each side of the river, pass 1 over the top* ot the tower* and thus be made :to sustain the weight of the bridge. The en tire span will be lt'Ori feet. IT" A cosl-burning locomotive ill Illinois I recently ran 384 miles, saved 533 iO in coat of fuel by burning coal instead of wood. The ! coal used in Illinois is the bituminous, which is abundant, but wood it every year becoui- I ing dearer, so that the use of the former at-1 Hole has become almost dispensable to loco -1 motion. A Not of Swad-y SJWvl—ln lowa City, a t latge population having recently sprung up in the vicinity of the Railroad IVpot, a Sun day School, which is attended by about fifty . children, is held e.ery Sabbath in a Railroad cat ai titat place. fh!l cf a losrtr. —The Chinese Herald con firms the report, that the lamed porcelain ' i tower at Nankin was destroyed in November I during a bloody massacre of sotue 5,000 to ; 6,000 Impcnal troops by the insurgent*, who j bad gained possession ol the city by treason . The Phtrnix Iron Company msnnfactured la*t week, at their works i t Fbtrnixville, j Chester county, seven hundred aud thirty . two tons of railroad iron—or upwards of 130 : tons per day Important to Tkos* Il'ko Likt It.— Over one 1 hundred and thirty-three thousand dollars' worth of brandy was brought to Philadelphia last week, and warehoused. ty A lady passenger on the *• Common wealth," from Norwich to New York, recent ly, bad a aairour escape from drowning, and was onlv saved bv bet hoop#. i TR A cargo of ivory was recently brought to Salem. Mats., from Zanzibar, Africa worth $90,000. A Urge portion of the ivory im ; ported into this country is brought to Salem. Sarra Anna.—This extraordinary man is said to be in constant communication with bis fneod* in Mexico, with a view to bis re turn at some opportune moment. OT We are pleased to learn tbat J oho G. Freeie, Esq., has been appointed Postmaster at To*no*, waere be bat ukeen up bit rewde- ce as be editor of tbe Tuna. BP" We learn that on tbe South side of tbe riser tbe S*JOW is two feet deep. DISSOLUTION. rpHE partnership heretofore exUting be tween Win MeKelrr & Wm. Neal, un der the firm oi Wm McKelry & Go., tit tbe manataetore of Paper at Caiawiesa Mills, was dissolved bv mutual consent oc the Ist day of April, 157. Toe business of it.e late firm will be set tlfti by C W McKelry k Co., a: Catawissa Mi:u WM. McIiELVY & CO. Tee oßde'tjoe : brw-; peienased tbe in terest of Hie late firm of Wm McKelvy k Co ai CatawMsa Mills, will eootmwe tbe mar.uiacicre of Paper and purchase Kag u BARE C. W McKELYY k CO C W MCKeltt 1 .' M'Vff-H r/bprif 17, ItST.Jt Holhncay's Pills and Ointment Mortifica tion may at way a be ptevented, by the timely i use of Hnlloway'a Oinlraent, and lockjaw baa i never boen known to supervene in any oaee of external injury where it was used as a dressing. Its healir.g proper lies are prover bial in all parts of the world, and it is otsd in all the great surgical institutions of Conti nental Furope, as the only reliable and un failing specific for wounds, ulcers, dropsical swellings, cancer, tumors and eruptive mala dies. The pills are prescribed by em inent medical practitioners as the most efiiosoious remedy for indigestion, liver complaint and disorders of the bowels. •• WOODLAND CREAM"— A Pomade for beautifying the Hair— highly perfumed, superior to any French article imported, and lor half the price. Fur dressing Ladiee Hair i it hus no equal, giving it a bright glossy up ; pearnnce. It causes Gentlemen's Hair to ; curl in llie most natural manner. It removes , dandruff, always giving the hair the appear -1 ance of being Iresh shampooed. Price only { filly cents. None genuine unlets signed FKTIMDGE fit CO., Proprietors of the " llitlm of a thousand Phvtrs." I For sale by all Ornggists. New York. I" _ SZSSSSK ~ | On the Pth inM., by Rev. Wm. Goodiich Mr. HIKAM PALMIER, of Bloomsburg, and Miss A DA LINK TITTLK, of New Columbia, Montour ! county. I A' Willow Grove, on the sth inm., by Jesse R. MR A. DCITTKICH, and Mi* I AMAK EVANS, both of l>ri are rock (own* 'nip, Co|. couiuy. r. lu .w h !lf Jel P hi * Pn ,lm 15,h •". by Rev. l>R U \\ . T. Bangor, Mr. K. O. JACKSON, Jr , and Miss AMKIX M. LONQ of Philadelphia. In Light Street, on the Bth int., of con sumption. Mrs. K.AIKUNK KKLLKK, agod S5 years and 5 months. In Patawissa, on the 18th of March last. Mrs. MARUAHKT ANN, wile of Amos Fahringl or, aged about 87 years. Knsrle Foundry* lllooiiiMbiirji STOVEB AND TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a large new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of the old one, is prepared to make all kinds of CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Plows constantly on hand. The subscriber has removed his Tin Shop from Mtin Street to the Foundry Lot, where ho has erected a building altogether for Siuvea and Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist ol the WM. JTE.O PF.NN COOK, RAI'R COOK, VAN- COOK, and IWRLORSTOVES all kinds, the Kgg Cylinder Stove, All kinds of Spouting made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLKSS liioomsburg, Aptil 16, 1857. A New Novel by the Author of <ZaMtee.' MAO DALE N HEP BURN, .i Story of the Scottish Reformation: BY MRS. OLYPHANT, Author ol "Zaidee •' "Adam Graeme,"ate. Complete in one large 10mo volume, bound in cloth, for One Hollar. This charming novel, by the author of /AI MER, will be welcomed by all who have had tnc pleasure ol reading the iormer production. The quaint originality, the healthy and cheer ful religious ions, and charming simplicity and good sense of this volume will render it a general and permanent favorite. NOVELS IN CHEN I' FORM. We publish and supply dealers and 'ravel ing Agents with every work of Fiction, and all kind*of Publications, by every author of celebrity. Book Dealers and Merchants wanting a wholesale selection should address us and get our iists, and state wh>t business they are in. and the sort of. books wanted, so as io enable us to give information suited to their wants. GARRET, DICK & FITZGERALD, IS Ana Street, New York. Copies of the above book sent to any a.Mress tree of postage. Send cash orders to the Publishers. A XEH DEMOCRATIC PAPER AT WASHINGTON, D. C. IMiljr, Tit. Weekly HIIII Wrrkly. THK undersigned will commence ihe pub lication ot an independent, national, demo cratic paper, in tlie city ol Washington, on the first of April, to be called "The Stales.'' It will represent the second constitutional principles which havo ever been upheld by ihe national democracy, but it will not be so entirely political, that Us columns will inter est the politician exclusively, nor so subser vient to party as to betray principle at tbd command of power, or disguise its convic tions at the suggestions ot expediency. In addition to the discussion of important political questions, its columns will be de voted to the proceedings of Congress, the current transactions of the government, to general news, and matters of interest apper taining to literature, agriculture ami com merce TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION'- The daily will be mailed to subscribers at (4.00 per annum, two copies will be forwarded fot 57.00. The Tri-weekly, embracing alllhe reading matter wftich appears in the Daily, will be furnished to subscribers at >3 00 per ar.num ; iwo copies will be mailed lor 55 00 Tits WEKKLY — The cheapest popt' in Ike Soulk The Weekly will be issued in large double sheet form, and printed or. superior paper t with handsome bold type at the follow tug ; rates: Single copies, 52 00 per year Two copies, 3.00 " " Five copies, 7.00 " " Ten copies to one address, and any laigei number at the rate of 51 per year, 510. Ten copies to the address of each subscn- ber, and any larger Dumber a 151.20 each,sl2 Any Postmaster, clerk, or other person, who may senJ five subscribers, with 57 en closed. sball receive an extra copy. BP* Payment in all cases u required ii var iably iu advance, and no paper will be for warded until the receipt of the money. The Weekly will contain all tha important matter published during the week in tbo daily. The undersigned was one of the original proprietors of the IPasAtnglon Union, and his too? newspaper experience before and since the establishment of that paper, justifies him in promising the public a paper well worthy of their patroeage. The Stales will not be the organ of any clique or faction, and with no partial purpose to serve, the paper will address trself to the honest judgment ol the people, and for support will tely upon their appreciation Address J P. HEISS, Washington, D C. PHILADELPHIA WOOD MOULDING MILL. IT ilk v 81. atore 12th, Ftorth Side. MOULDINGS suitable for carpenters,build ers. Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on band ANY PATTERS WORKED A DRAWING. Ageuia wasted in ibe various Towns in . Lie port roc of the State, to whom opportuni ties will be offered for large profits to Ibern muses-818 April * 157.-?n