NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. RAZBSM rriliK uudei.igiidl take pleasure in aniton ne ■* iug 10 Merchants that tbay 'am manufan luring asuperior articleol RAKKS at (heir Nw Factory on Fishingereek above Oranga- Ville, Co!, co. Mrrchanla w:hing to pur chase good PAKE* can have vbem at theYnc lory, ot if we eau fotwarj rtiflh lo Blcorusturg lo $. C. Stiive where they can get ihem, or we can forward them to thote Store* that are not too much ouf of oor way. All order* should be addreaeed lo Samuel 6hi*e, Peelers P. 0., Columbia couniy, Pa. SHIVES ft BETZ. April 15, 1867 -m. NEW SPRIKFI AKD BUMMER FASHION AHL E MILLINERY. SO&K7 jp^rE&a'ff INVITRS aitention to her HOefc ol newly received Millinery -Ore** Good*, Trim ming*, Kibbone, Silk a, &c., which she will tell cheap at the old stand, lower end of Main Street, Bloomabnrg. Jbapq FEY BONNETS of (be leleat spring styleHfip* St— will be made tp order, and med lo toil any tame. Children and Miaaea Bonnets, Hals and Flats ol various prices and styles or. hand, and will bi fnrniahed to order I in any style or taste of trimming. April 15, 1857. Notice to School Directors -1 WOULD respectfully suggest to the sever al Boards of School Directors of Columbia county, to the importance of making out and forwarding tn me, at an early day as possible, She Annual Reports and Affidavits of their re spective districts, aa the School Department Will not Issue warrants for the State appropri ation ontrf they hare been received. Wanks have been sent to every district in the county. R. W. WEAVER, Couniy Superintendent. Public Notice. To Ike School Directors of Columbia Courtly;— GENTLEMEN : In pursuance of the 43d sec tion of the Act of Bth of May, 1854, you are hereby notified lo meet in Convention at the Conn House in Blootfcsbarg, on the firet Monday in May, A. D, 1857, being the fourth day of the month, at I o'clock P. M., and seleet nice voce, by a majority of the whole nomber of Directors preset!', one person of literary and scientific attainments,and of skill pud experieoco in tha art of Teaching, aa County Superintendent,for the three succeed ing years; determine the amount of compen sation for the same, and certify the result lo the Slots Superintendent at Harrbburg; as required by the 30th and 40th sections of said act. R. W. WEAVER. County Superintendent rf Columbia Co. Bloomsburg, April 6, 1857. Public !)U(icc Tor Licenses, TVOTICE is hereby given tha' the following -b persona in Colombia county have filed their several petitions in the Court of Quarter Sessions ol the said county for a tavern li cense in their respective townships, which said petitions will be presented to the eaid court on Moudty the 4 b day of May next, of which all persons interested will hereby take notice, and the licenses for the county oi'Columbia will be granted on Wed nesday the 6th day ol May neat at 2 o'clock P. M. Oliver A. Jacobv, Bloom.' Joshua Womer, Cont ogham. William Long, Fishingereek, Thomas Connelly, Berwick. Franklin Shuman, Roaringcreek. John Linden, Briarcreek. John J. Stiles, Benton. Peter Shug, Scott. Braae Rhodes, Locust. Tetter, Maine. Andrews, do. A. Kline, Greenwood, Nicely, Berwick. A. Smith, Jersejlown. Koetenborder, Ca:av.iai. Howell, Scott. L. Everhart, L'ght Street, McHenry, Benton. Plummer, B.oom. Everett, Orange. P. Kline, do. L. Shoemaker, Hemlock. BiUotjer, Bloom. Miller, Briarcreek. L. Hurvt, Locust, Freeze, Bloom, Hmchifon, Mountpleasanl, Good, Orange, Sltu.nan, Beaver. Keller, Mitßm. Leacock, Bloomsbnrg. Jacob Dver, Calawissa. ■ Daniel McHenry, Fishingcreek. w Samuel Harrnart, Centre. Stephen Wolf, Store. Mifflin. John Sbarplesa, Store. jCatawissa. Frederick C. Ever, Store. do Tbe-foilowing persona have filed Ibeir pe titions in the same court for license lo keep an eating house or restaurant in their respective townships, end these petitions will be pre sented and acted upon at the same lima with thoee for tavern licenses. Mary Holmes, Fishiogcreek. T. C. Else &O. T. Wilson, Bloorasburg. Joseph VV. Hendersbot, Bloom. Carolina Clark, do Smob Gensel & John Engold, Calawisaa. iram Smothers, Berwick: JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Bloomsburg, April 6, 1857. Sheriff" Sale. O Y virtue of ■ writ of venditioni exponas lo ma directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Blooms bucg, on Monday, the 4th day of May next, L. u - -.1 -X.U ' - > 4 io-win I All that certain tract or piece of land situate in Briarcreek township, Columbia county, L containing one hundred acres, be the same ■ more or less; aboot seventy-fire acres of ■ which is improved land, —bounded on the I East by lands of Jacob Cope, on the North, f South and West by other lands of Samuel F. Headley and others, it being the same tract purchased by said Headley of Geo. B. Slack house ; whereon ia erected a two story frame Dwelling Honse, one out Kitchen, a frame Bank Barn with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution •• the prop erty of Samuel F. Headley. ALSO: At the same time and place by virtne of an othe writ of venditioni exponas all that certain tract or piece of land situate in Madison township, Columbia couniy, bounded and deeeribed as follows 10-wit: on the uotth by tba heirs of John Weiliver, on the east by the beinr of John Weiliver, on the south by Daniel Weiliver, on the weat by Dapiel Smith, containing fourteen ictesjjb the same more or less; whereon is erected ■ one and a half story frame Dwelling House, and a Frame Stable, with the appurtenances. Seized end taken ic execution as the prop erly of Jacob Kianer. STEPHEN H. MILLER, Sheriff. SUrifs Office, ) Bloomsburg,' April 6, 1857. | FRESH ARRIVAL- A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints juat received bp railroad and for sale by A.C.MENSCH. A.C.MENSCH. FANCY GOODS, of every description and | variety, ue walylea,and fresh lrom New York > I and Philadelphia, for sale at the cheap store 1 M'KELVY, NEAL & CO IIUK.,PAINT AND44LA** WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE* Corner of Tenth and Market Streets. Office in Second Story, PHILADELPHIA. WE invite attention to our enlarged stock of Drogs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ho., (sleet ed expressly for oor sales, and comprising > one or the finest assortment* io the United i Stales, which we offer at low prices, for i cash or approved credit. YVK MANUFACTURE very extensively: Premium Tore White Lead, bust, Kensington Pure White Lead, Pearl Snow White Lead, "Vielle Montagne" French Zinc, best, Pure Snow White American Zinc, Philadelphia Snow While Zinc, Silver's Plastic Fire & Weather-proof Paints, Chrome Greens, Yellows, & colors generally, AGENTS FOR: Poller's superior Alkaline Window Glass, Genuine French Plate Glass, warranted, The New Jeney Zinc Company's products, Tilden and Nephew's N. Y. Varnishes. | Brooklyn Premium Pure While Lead, Hampden Permanent Greens, l'ure Ohio Catawba Brandy, Sec. tic. ' IMPORTERS OF: ' French and English Plate Glass, ' French and English Cylinder Ulakk, Colored and Engraved Window Glass, Daguerreotype Glass, Hammered Plate for, Floors hud Sky-Lights, Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, &c. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN: ' Dtusgists' Articles generally. ' Painters' Tools of all descriptions, . > Hydraulic and Roman Cement, ' Calcined and Land Plaster, ' Paper Maker's Clay, Satin, While, &c. &c. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., 1 Store N. VV. cor. of Tenth Si Market Sis. PHILADELPHIA. Aprii 8, 1857,-3 m. Farmers' Depot anil Plaster Mills, At the Junction of York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, PHILADFLPHI A. WE offer a large itock of Chemical Ma nure* and Fertilizers it low prices, and war* ranted to be Genuine : among which will be found: " 1.000 lons No. !. Government Pernvian Guano. 1.000 lons Berg's No. I Super-Phos phate ot LimHff The above standard articles are, each of their kind, the best In the world! Our Land manufactured from select Mone, is celebrated throughout the Union for its purity and strength. -W E INVITE ORDERS FOR— De Berg's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime. No. l Government Peruvian Gnano. French's ImprovedSup-PhosphsteofLime. French's Philadelphia Poudrette. No. 1 Phosphate Guano (Phila. Co.'s.) Mexican Guano. (A.) Extra Land Plaster. Ordinary Land Plaster. Chemical Bone. Pure Bone Dust. Fish Guano. Ground Charcoal. 10,000 Barrels Land Plaster. 5,000 •• Casting Fluster. i 10.000 " Hydraulic Cement. 3.000 " YVtre Roman Cement. 1.000 " Portland (Eng) Ctmerit. ALSO, DENTISTS' PLASTER. STEREOTYPE PLASTER. GLASS MAKERS' PLASTER, GROUND SOAP STONE, GROUND WHITE MARBLE, GROUND BLUE MARBLE. Powdered Anthracite Coat, (in barrels.) Powdered Bituminous Coal, do. Ground Brown Stone, do. White Sand, do. Ground Bricks, for Painters. Powdered Bone Black. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steam Blills and Farmers' Depot, A' junction ot York Avenue, Crown and 1 Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia. April 8, '57, 2tn RfgiMcr'B Notice- NOTICE is hereby given to all lega tees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and minors, that the following adminis tration accounts have been filed in the of fice of the Register cf Columbia county, and will he presented for confirmation and allowance to the Or) hans' Court, to be held at Bloomsburg, ia the county afore said, on Wednesday, the Cth day of May next, at 2 o'clock, P. M : 1 The account of Charles Snyder, admin istrator of- John Snyder, la:e of the borough of Berwick, deceased. 2 The account of George Keller, admin istrator of the estate of Jacob Keller, late of Fishiogcreek township, deceased. 3 The several accounts of Caleb Appleman, Peter Appleman and Bains Appleman, exec utor* of Baltia Appleman, late of Hemlock township, deceased. 4 The account of Philip Cool, administra tor of David C. Bodine, late of Roaringcreek township, deceased. 5 The account of Stephen Gearhprt and Jacob Gearhart, the executors of Jacob Gear ban, late of MifQin township, deceased. 6 The first and final account of Jdshua Fowler, administrator of Daniel Fowler, late of Centre township, deceased. 7 The filial account of Wm. Snyder, guar dian of Richard Palmer, a minor child of Thomas Palmer, late of Bloom Iwp., dee'd. 8 The final account of William Snyder, guardian of Daniel Palmer, one of the child i rea of Thomas Palmer, fate of Bloom town ship, deceased. .?>, ton township, deceased. 10 The account of Jacob Demott, adminis trator of the estate of Joseph Jones, late of Greenwood township, deceased. 11 The aocounl ol John Parks, adminis trator of the estate of Philip Dodder, lata of Finhingrreek twp, deceased. 12 The first and final acconnl of Aaron Modeller, guardian of Lydia Longeoberger, late Lydia Miller, a daughter of Henry Mil ler, late of Luzerne county, dee'd. 13 The account of Peter Yoctim, executor of Catharine Persiog, late of Locust town ship, deceased. 14 Tba final acconnt of Maria Emmons, administratrix and Samuel McNinch, adm'r. ot the estate of Andrew Emmons, dee'd. 15 The aceount ot Samuel Kisnerand Rich ard Demott, executors of the estate of John Kisner,-late of Madison township, dee'd. 15 Tba aceount of Paul Zaner, administra tor of Daniel Zaner, fate of Centra township, deceased. 17 The aacoont of Eli Creveling, adminis trator of John McCarty, late of Scott twp., deceased. * 18 The final account of William Fox and James Fox Executors of Jacob Fox, late of Catawiua twp., dee'd. REGISTER'S OFFICE, * | DANIEL LEE, Btoomaborg, April, 7, '57. ( Register. WHEATLEY'S ARCH STREET THEA TRE. Arch Street, above Sixth, PhiVa. THE STAR COMPANY, Composed of the first ArtiaU ia the world, and exceeding in Strength and Taleouiny Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered to the Theatrical Pub lie, will appear EVERY NIGHT in Comedy, Tragedy, Serio-Comio Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical Burlcttas. &c., &c. QT When visiting be oily, go there. FRCOLAXOtTIOIT. NOTICE ie hereby given tint the severel Court* of Oommom Pleeet Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peece, end Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer end Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for the County of Columbia, to commence at the 'COUNT HOUSE, IN BLOOMSRURO, ON Monday the 4th Day of May next, TO coimnuc ONE WEEK. The Coroner, Justice* of the Ponce dr Constable*, in and fof the county of Co lombia,are requested to be then ami there in their proper pervont, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those Hiinge to their sev eral offices appertaining to be done. And alt witnesses prosecuting in behall of the Commonwealth against any pris oner, are nlao requested and commanded to be then and there attendingin their pro per persons to prosecute ngainet him, as shall he just—and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurore are requcstt ed io be punctual in their attendance, a the time appointed agreeable to their no tices, Given under my hand at Bloomsburg the Ist day of April, in the year of our ~ Lord one thousand eignt hundred and fifty-seven, and the Independence of the United States of America the 81st. (God save the Commonwealth.) STEPHEN H. MILLER, SU'ff. GRTHDJCDORS FOrMAY TE!t!H7'57 Briarcreek—John Doak, Richard Thomp son. Centre—Solomon Net hard. Catawissa—Charles Kreagb. Greenwood—John Lemon, Geo. Masters, Edward Albertson, Ira Johnson, Isaac Dewitl. Hemlock—Peter Appleman. l ocust—John Yeager. Mountpleasant—Jacob Goho. Mifflin—Abraham Modeller, William N. Brown. Maine—Daniel Shuman. Montour—Peter Heimbach. Madison—James Johnson, Keifer A. Smith, John Swisher. Pine—Albert Hunter. Scott—John Trembly, Harman G. Crive ling, Jackson Garrelson. Sugarloaf—Andrew Laubach. Traverse Jurors for May Tern, '67. Bloom—Morris Van Buckirk. Briarcreek—Henry Kittenhonse, Henry Doak, John Frees. Beaver—Charles Michael, Moses Schlioh er, Jacob Bittenbender. Benton—Richard Stiles, Joseph C. Hess. Centre—John Fesler, Jacob llsgenbueh. Catawissa—Daniel Clay well. Greenwood—Abraham Dreibelbis, Jacob Bittenbender. Hemlock—Reuben Bogart. Jackson—George Farver, Iram Derr. Locust—John L. Hirst, Jonas Berniuger, G. C. Hower, Edwin John. Mifflin—John Folk, Henry Bellas, Thomas Aten, Hiram Freae. Madison—Nehemiah Weiliver, Richard 1 Demon. Mountpleasant—John Shipman, Philip ! Crawford, Paul Kline. Roaringcreek—William Dreisbach. Scott—Reece Fairmati, William Myers, I Thomas Schneidman, Willard C. Green. Sugarloaf—George Stedman. LIST OF UAIBES FOR TRIAL AT ! MAY TERM. 1. John Gerling et. al. vs. Charles F. Mann. | 2. Samuel McCullock et. 81. vs. Samuel F.; Headley. 3. VVji. Koons us. George L. Kline et, al. 4. William Koons vs. George L. Kline. 5. Frederick Beat's Exr's. vs. Philip Winter- i steen et. al. 6. Jo*eph Slackliouse vs. Gilbert Fowler. ; 7. Jane M. Berninger usAV. A. Kline. I 8. David Reinbold vs. Aaron Wolf. 9. Peter Appleman el. al. vs. Leonard B.! Rupert et. al. 10. Mary Vansickie vs. Joseph Ruckle at. al. 11. George Miller us. Clalwortbv Fisher. 12. George Miller vs. Nathaniel Overdorf. 13. Peler Appleman us. Leonard B. Rupert. 14. Thomas Parker us. John H. Parker. 15. George L. Kline vs. Moses Coffman. 16. John Wagner vs. Sally Wagner. 17. Susannah Hall vs. Clemu;l Henry. 18. Isaac Brown vs. Robert J. Lyon. 19. William Robison us. Wilson Ager. 20. Isaiah Shuman vs. Jacob L. Shuman el. al. 21. Jesse Hicks us. Joseph Kirkendall. 22. Jacob Schuyler vs. Wilson Ager. 23. Nathan Seely us. Dauiel Spoucnberg's Administrator*. 24. Fletcher B. Dodson vs. William Long. 25. Catharine Tanner vs. John D. Weaver 26. Adam Gable us. Engle Fox, Am'r. 27. William Wicht vs. Gordon R. Goff. 28. Jonathan Mastellerus. Stephen Baldy. 29. Christian Heist vs. Daniel Gigger. 30. William Hopper vs. Edmond Crawford. 31. George Fetterman vs. Solomon Fetter man. ' 32. Martin Motvrer w.Thos. Slackhoase 33. Gilbert Fowler vs. Daniel Fowler, Ex'r. 35. Daniel Kustenbader vs. David llaus. 36. Tilghman D. Si rouse us. John Hess. 37. William Rnlenhousevs. Samuel F. Head ley. 38. James Ralston vs. Ja*. Ralston jr., Adm'r. 39. Leander VV. Kaufman et. al. vs. Lewis V. Myers et. al, 40. David Heldebrant us. Benjamin Faux. 41. Rebecca Garrison vs. Alfred Howell. 42. Daniel L. YViuiersleec el al. vs. Christian Shuman. 43. William Robiaon vs. William Edgar. S—~ •" 11, IE In the matter of the estate of Daniel Zaner late of Centre township, Columbia couniy, dee'd. To Hannah Zaner widow, Paul Zaner, John Zaner, Levi Zaner, Catharine Werk heier, late Catharine Zaner, now wife of Charles Werkheiser, Ann Eckroat. late Ann Zaner, now of John Eckroat, Mary Ann Miller, lata Mary Ann Zaner, now wife of Daniel W. Miller, children and heirs at law of the eaid Daniet Zaner: Yon and each of you aro hereby cited and commanded lobe and appear before the Judges of our Or phan's Court at an Orphan's Court lo ha holden at Bloomsburg in and for said county on ibe first Monday of May next, then and there to accept or refuse lo lake the real es tate of said Daniel Zaner, deceased, al the appraised value put upon it by an inquest duly awarded by the said Court, and in case all tbe heirs and rspresentatives refuse 80 to lake tbe same then to shew cauae, if any you have, why the said premises should not be sold, according to the act of Assembly in such caae made and provided. J By order of the Orphan's Conrt of L. S. > Columbia county. \ STEPHEN H.MILLER, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ) Sheriff. Bloomsburg, March 26, 'f>7. } CST HENRY ZIPPINGER, OL. XLa ULOOMSBURQ. JCAt JThIFFICULT repairing warranted ; spec -■-* lacles and glasses for apectaelea; glasses for homing cased watches, and other watch material for sale. March 27, 1867 FOR RENT. A store building on Main street, Blooms bnrg, for rent on reasonable term*. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 24 r 1856. cvrrra #of. * Pisa ~ maiisin curs ii gnran'eed In Ml stage? 5 of SECHEf di?e?e, 6eW Abrtse, Nervous • Debility, Klrifllnree, Gleet?, Greyel, Mercurial J Rheumatism, Scrofula, PMns ffl the Ankle* i and Ronae. Diseases of h Throat, Now and Kyee, Ulcefsapon llw Body, Female trregu r lariliea, and all other improper dirmharge*, 1 no matter of how long standing, or obstinate the oase, recovery i" certain, and in a ihorter time than a pcrmtnent cure coald be effect ed by any other treatment, even after the ■kill of the moat eminent physio'tuns had I failed, and the di'saagL>#?urtetl all olher • means of retrieves are free from e odor, causinlflPiher sickness nor inconve nience, and without tnttreory or balsam.— ) During twenty yeara' practice, I have re stored to health over seventeen thousand pa ' tieiite, who were auffeiing under the worst '• forms of all of the above mentioned dis- II eases, which guarantees me in proetising a i perfect and most apeedy core. Secret die- J rates are the greatest enemies to health and , h.tppiness, as they are the finl cause of con sumption, scrofula, tic., and should be a ter -9 ror lo all nations on the earth ; for the dis -1 ease is becoming so common, and treatment .1 so little understood, that a permanent cure is • scarcely ever effected, as a majority of Ike . cases fall into the hands of incompetent per sons, who uot only fsil to cure thq malady, but ruin the constitution with corrssive sub -6 limale—a dangerous poison, a preparation r of mercury—which, wilh the remains or dis- I ease in Ihe system, produces miry of the e above named affections, which finally termi nate in consumption, and frequently a rapid one ; but should it not cause dean speedily, ■ and the victim to disease marries; the disease is then conveyed Irora the patient to the cbil , dreti, causing them tocafte into the world wiih ecrolulu, affections of the skin, eyes, throat, Stc., and again terminates in coil sumption, and consigns his victim id an un timely grave, between the ages of si* months and thirty-five years. Self-abuse is another ' formidable enemy lo health ; it destroys the ' nervous system, rapidly wasting atvay the energies of life, causing mental derange ment, preventing a proper development of the system, and disqualifying its victim for ' marriage, society, business, and all oarthly happiness. Female Irregularities and olher diseases of females treated in the most skill ful and scientific manner. Medicines, with 1 directions, sent to any part of the United States antl Canadas, by patients communica ting their symptoms by Iptter. J. SUMMKRVILLE, M. D., Box 53, Post Office ; Filbert Street, below Tenth, Phila delphia, Pa. LOTTEttllfc. THE well-known Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, of which R. FRANCE & Co. are the managers, are chartered by the state of Maryland, and a commissioner elected by the people, who is sworn to superintend and certify that everything connected with them is done in a strictly honorable manner, and that the interists of parties who reside at a distance are as well protected as if they themselves were present at the drawing Another fact which the managers call atten tion 10, is, that all persons hove a legs I right to send orders for tickets to Maryland, as lotteries are legalized by special law in that state. A lottery is drawn every day of the month. If no particular ciass is named, or ders are filled in the first drawing to take I place after the communication comes to i hand. The prices of tickets vary from 81 |to 820. No tickets are, however, sent unless I th e money for the same is received with the ' order. The drawings are upnn the principle | of one number on each ticket (after the Ha j v ana plan,) arid Ternary combination. Prizes ! vary in amount from 20 to 8100,000. Ail | orders for tickets or packages will receive j prompt attention, and the drawing mailed lo . all purchasers immediately teosar. nuuress, T. H. HUBBARD & CO, No. 39 Fayetie at., or Box No. 40, Feb. 3d, 1857,-ly. Baltimore, Md. ' BLINDS - AND SHADES! OF NEW STYLES. B.J. WILLIAMS, ! No. 12 NORTH SIXTH street, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURER OF TBITITIAN BLINDS, VELVET AND GOLD BORDERED AND PAINTED SHAKES, OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. Buff and all other colors of Holland used for Shades. ♦ Fixtures, Trimmings, &c., Sue.. Wholesale and retail at the Lowest Cash Prices. STORE SHADES Painted to order. B. J. W., thankful for past patronage, re spectfully solicits the public to call and ex amine his new andi large toeorpnent, before purchasing elsewhere. HT" 1 WE STUDY TO PLEASE."*! March IT,'57 —3m. WILLIAM Q.-PERRY, S. VV, Corner of Fourth and Race Sts. Will Supply on Low Terms, Bill Heads, Cards, Checks, Rill of Lai in g, Promissory Notes, Drafts, Jpc. AGGCTJNT BOSKS, Made in a superior manner, or Ruled and Bound to any Pattern. Letter, Note & Foolscap Paper, FLAT PAPER, ALL SIZES, WISAIS>IPEST© IPAIPEEEJo OLD BOOKS ItL-BOIJAD, BT Your ordere respectfully solicited. Philadelphia, March 4, 1851, GREENWOOD IN AR Y MILLVILLE, COLUMBIA TO., PA. A systematic course of instruolio* it given in all the English branches usually taught. The Principal will be assisted doting the present year by T. M. POTTS, air experi enced teacher, recently Irom the Lancaster Co. Normal Sohool. A vacation of seven weeks will commence July Ist. IPIBIBECffIo TUITION, for dsy pupil* 83.50, to $4.50 per quarter. Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, &c., 830 per quartet of eleven week's one-hall in advance. For circular, catalogue or orlher particu lars address WM. BURGESS, Mill.ille, April 1, 1857. Piineipal. SELEOT SCHOOL. THE next term of this School, will com mence on MONDAY, hi AY I lib, next, end continue eleven weeks. Fopils a-e received at any time. t • „ TK RMS OFT-Ulf ION. Primary Stadias, - • -84 Common English Studies, - 5 Higher English Studies and Classics, 6 B. F. EATON, Principal. Bloomsburg, March 24, 1857. Notice to Creditor*. THE creditors of the earaie of Benj. Hay man, lata of Orange township, Columbia co., deceased, are requested to present their claims lo the undersigned on or before the 15th of April next, and those indebted to the eslato to make payment without delay. SOLOMON NEYHAUD, Administrator. Centre towr.ship, March 13, 1757. VRITGS JIJYD . " cw. Oswvrca ™ l*roULDall the .Mention of ell those who wish to buy food I" *1 " 1 " just replenished bis (already) large and well *e acted assortment o' thi foMowing M elet, vi£-Orug, Medicine., Oils, Paints, Vsrm.hes Glass, Uye- uffs, Confec .onar es Us fomery. fancy roans end toilet articles generally; C.gar. and Tobacco of *yv* brand, ItarrisWs Inks wholesale and retail el the manufacturer's prices PUaKWNESAND ERAS VIES for medicinal uae only. Trnssas, Shoulder Braces and Abdomlunl Supporters, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish and Tooth Bruahes; also agent for most of the popular Patent Medicines of the day. Toys. a<| an endless variety of useful and lancy notions not here enumerated. I hyai cian's Prescriptions and Family Mediums# put up carefully and at short notice. Glass Cutting done to order at the old stand. K- ° '-UIZ. Bloomsburg, April 8, 1857. BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY &73DLS3 a=>mESS2f s LS , I2S2rCw THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to the fixtures of the "STAR" Office good gnd extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to execnte all kinds of JOIt PRINTING in the best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Slock and Devosite, Constitutions for Societies, Bank Checks, Promissory Notes, , Rail Road and olher Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cants, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AND PRINTING- OP ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY. The public are invi'.eJ to call and see specimens, as we are determined lo merit patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmau.hip. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. SX2aOS.I2BL£a , v2F , "iY% Liß4ll2a <£& CSBC3D HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales. which comprises the LARGEST, CHKATEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now offered in Having paid great attention lo the selection of their entire stock as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest', and all those'wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants ol the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de hages, poplins, parametla cloths mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, tic. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncing?, bands and trimmings, laces and edging?, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braid?, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, KmbroJer ad, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, casßiraers, sattrnelii, vesting?, tweeds jeans, beaver cloth?, coaling velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS tp SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN $• CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Huts and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware. tic. Very cheap carpels, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins llannds, tickings, diapers, toweling drillings. &c., in abundance. VVe invite our friends and the public generally lo give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought onrgoodsat Lowest Cash Prices and will uot be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, April 15, 1857. New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! DAVID LOWENEERG INVITES attention to hie stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his Moreou Market I street, two doors above lh? "American House," where he has a full assonraaniai 1 and boy s wearing apparel, including yox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and size?, panlsof all colors shawls stripe? and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. "He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made lo wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. FIRST ARRIVAL! OF SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. AC. MENCH respectfully informs his * friend?, customers, ami the public sen erally lhat he has just received from Phila delphia the first goods of the season, consist ing of a large assortment of choice and de sirable For the sprimt^nc^mmeruaite comprising, for men's wear Superior Black, and Colored French Cloths, Black French Doeskins and Cassimere. Black Satin and Fancy Silk Vestings. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Cashmereltes LADIES' WEAR. Elegant Black Silks, all qualities. Barege De Lainea and Ctialli Bareges. Plain, I'tok, Blue and Green De Laines. Bombazine Finish Black Alpacas. ' French, Scotch and Domestio Ginghams. ' Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of all kinds and qualities. Calicoes of all pattern? and descriptions. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Linen Damasks and Table Covers. Besides a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, and all kinds of Groceries, Hardware, Bzc., which will be sold remarkably cheap. Call at the old stand, corner of Main and Market streets. I'AT FLOUR & FEED always on hanil and for sale at ttlß lowest market price, f'jr CASH. A. C. MENSCP.. Bloomsburg, April 2, 1856. Dissolution of Co-PArtnersbfipi THE Co-Pannerahip hsrtolore exis'ilng be tween Willium G. Perry tf William Erety Booksellers and Stationers, trading under the* firm of PXRRV & EBRTY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. WILLIAM G. PERRY, WILLIAM ERETY. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1857. NOTICE. THE undersigned having purchased the entire interest of hi? la.te Partner, will con duct the Book, Stationery, Blank Book Man ufacturing, and Binding Business, in all their branches; wiih rucraased facilities and strict attention to business, he hopes lo receive an increased proportion of public patronage. WILLIAM U. PERRY. S. W. cor. Fourth & Race Si?. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. INJOTICK is hereby given lhat letters of ad- AN ministration upon the eslato of Michael Mowry, late of Rosnngoreek township, Co lumbia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in said township. All persons indebted to the said estate are re quested to make payment withoot delay, and those having accounts against the decedent to present litem to MICHAEL FOSDF.ROFF, MARY MOWRY, Administratori. Roanngorack, March 12, 1857. DRAWER GOODS, Snottod Swiss, Bog Jacouetl Mull, CamnritfNSwiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale] Bard Muslin just receiv ed at the Store of A C. MENSCH COLUMBUS MALE AND FEMALE cea Luzerne Comity, Pa. THE Trustoea of thia Inititution respectfully announce, 'hat il will b opened for the reception of Pupil*, of both sexes, on Monday, October 20th next. nnder the immediate care of Prof. JAMES ANDERSON, aa ' r ;, lt . lpll j. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire-, ments, and enlarged experience as an educator and haa been connected with tho moat populaj 'High School" of Oucka Co. for several years. He is also well and favorably known as a con odicals' l ° '° mo ° f CU ' peri. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION • , W|| l comprise Orthography, Definitions, Itead | mg, Penmanship, Etymology, Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithmctio Algebra I Geometry, Mensuration, p| ane anJ Spherical I I "gonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astrou. ' tv"?' C> . Bo History,Phyaiology, Na oral, Intel.ectual and Moral Philosophy, ■nd Chemtf'ry. Clauses in the French, Spanish <5- Latin I '''"guagrja will be formed as early as practica ble, an,| Instruction on Piano-Forto will be gtven if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natnral oe'encea, illustrated by appiopriate apparatus "•ill a!o be given. SPECIAL ATTEN'I ION will be paid to young Ladies and Gcntltmt n designing 10 quab ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS: B OUR, FIVE and SIX Dollais per Quarter in accordance with th#-studies pursued, payable one half in advauce and tho balanco attha close of the Quarter. GOOD BOARD can be had in the village at a moderate price. 6P" Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on tho day of commencement, when his method of imparting instruction will be i.'lualralril, and the discipline od management of the chool, fully explained. l'arcnle, Guardians, and the friends of cduca I tiou generally, aro cordially invited to be pre*. 1 ent. D. L. UHAPIN, | B. M. STEVENS, JOHN KOONS. p|. U. STILES, SILAS DODSON, | JOHN YAPLE, TIIOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1830. Trustees. ( A VALUABLE FA RSI FOR SALE. The tubecriber oflera at private sale the ( farm containing ONE HUNDRED AND FIF- t TY ACRES, on which are a log house, a c log barn, a good spring of wain near the r house, and a good apple orchard.- The proo- ' • rly will muke a good Itomo for any person c who wishes Ip farm. He also oilers for sale another tract of land lying 10 Pine township, Columbia county - containing SIXTY-FIVE ACRES. About ten acres is cleared, and the balanc# ' well timbered, so tu to support a saw-mill. ,er '" "I'P'y <° the subscriber in Jack- 1 son township, Columbia county.