TUB OEMOCKAVH: organ. In taking charge nt the Union estahlith tnetu, at Washington, Mr. AFHETON, the new Editor and Proprietor, addresses lit* friends and patrons of that important and valuable democratic paper, us fallows: We do not assume the editorial chair of the lotion without a full appreciation of its responsibilities. Our experience as the edi tor of a duiljr Jonrr.nl confirms the opinion on this subject of Judge Nicholson; and fe has increased the difficulty of our position liy the ability and fidelity of which he has given us the example. But wherever there is great responsibility in nttr country it is al most always met by great generosity and forbearance; and we throw ourselves upon the indulgence of our readers fur any short comings except those of principle or impor taut gnvemmenial policy, lo reference to these, we expect to be held to a rigid ac count; for no personal kindness ought ever to excuse the advocacy of false docilities or the support of a corrupt practice. We mesn to support, with all the ability which belongs to us, the administration ol Jam* s Buchanan. It bus been inaugurated, after a fierce tempest of popular excitement, amidst the general acclaim of his country men, and with the cordial good wishes |m ite Fuceess of a great majority of ilia Ameri can people. Such n spectacle as thai which wan exhibited yesterday at the eastern front of lite Capitol could liuvo been witnessed nowhere el-a than in our own republic. In Westminster Abbey, at llto coronation of a Qocett, chivalry and wealth atitl ancestral privle have utntu-i with heroic memories and loyal impulses lo make the occasion at once and impce.-sive gorgeous. Bat the might) thought, which gave its highest sublimity to yrstcrday'r proceed togs, was the gr.itnl idea that the Piasideut who then took his oath of ofliee was the elected President of the United States, lie represented no morn tra dition, and emeied upon no arbitrary rule To the constitution, sod to the people, he acknowledged becomingly his allegiance, and Its ir.vhkfd the Supreme Ruler of the world to enable him to do justice to Ins great mist. A h* stood there face to face with the stain* of Washington, and surrounded by these who cccapy Iks highest places ol authority known to our country, and tr. the presence of fifty thousand fcllmv citizens, announced the principles which would guide him in the future, his predecessor in cflice ol his side, and his successor, possibly, with in tha sound of his voice, ho illustrated at once the reprosenlalivecharac'cr cf our gov ernment, ami the safety wplt which it is permitted to rest upon the suffrages of an cnbglrcncd people. To aid in the mainten anc* of this government upon the principles uf the constitution w-il' bo ihcy-tea! object to w! ioh wo shall devote Ottrself us editor ol the "i'tiion." It is an object which may well engage the highest efforts of any man, and in persuing II we feel sure that we shall have llto best wishes of our countryman We emer upon tl;o editorial duties of the r.'nion before wo have had an opportunity in complete our arrangement for its manage meet. We Pope ol nit early tiny :o give li •it enlarged form, ntitl to make it an accept •bio visitor to its renders, not only lor its po litical chami-ier and intelligence, but also for it* early news and it general reading. To what rxeiu it "ill justify, however, the ex pectations o f its friends, will bo bed under stood ftont its fu.ure history, and by this It most necessary lie judged. Wo can only promise ottr bet efforts, with sm-li valuable assistance as wo may bo able to obtain, to make it in nil respects art interesting journal, od a worthy representative, at the seat ol government, of the national democracy of ilia United States. JOHN APPLKTON. ■--■J , . . _ ■ . , 1 .1 Special lYolicrs. ty HollrWoy's Pills—Chronic IJrppepsin Cured.— Among the triumphs of tins won ileiful mediyitie over confirmed diseases of the alomacn and epigastrium, the following is not the least remarkable. Fid ward S'tH man, aged 51, residing at Hagerstown. Mi!., bad been fur eleven years a snflerer from in digestion anil its painful conconiiiants. His ■ppetite was irregular, his Iramc emaciated, i his skin of a livid, mihealty hue, and lie had a constant feeling of constriction at pit the of the stomach, as if s cord were being drawn tightly arourd it. He was continually in a state of great mftttal as well as bodily distress, nnd, to use Ins own expression, "life lind become irksome to liirn.' : lit the month ol December last lie commenced taking Hoi loway's l'dls. Within three weeks thereaf ter all the above symptoms had vanished.— No relapse has since occurred, and lie is now as robusi ami acme a any man of his years in all Maryland. For disorders of the stom nch, liver and bowels, iho Pills are the only reliable remedy in existence. WniTfc Tkkth, Pkufumed Urkatii AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION — can be ac quired by nsirt! the '"Halm of a Thousand Floiccrs." What lady or gentleman would remain under the curse of a disagreeable breath, when by using 'he "Balm of a Thou sand Flows" a a il ntrifice, would' not only render it sweet, but leave the teeth as while as alabaster? Many persons do not know their breath is bail, and the subject is so deli cate tbetr friends will never mention it. Be ware of connierleits. Be sere enrh bottle is signed FETRIDGE & CO., N. Y. For sale by all Druggists. Fob. 18, 18fi7-6m. AS,&AG&TTAIRI A On Tuesday, March 2-lih, by Ihe Rev. Ed mund H. Warina, Mr. DANIEL SHANE, o.' l Crowe county, Wisconsin, ami Miss ANNA MARGARET M CLICK, of Light Sircet, Colum bia county, Pa. On Sunday, March 22<1, by the Rev. Wm. J. Eyer. Mr. HENBT SCHMIDT, ar.d Misa HEN RIETTA W ITMAN, both of Danville, Pa. On the 19th alt., by the Rev. R. C. Moore, HORATIO A.TIPTANT, M. 0., of Madison, VVlS conain, to Mrs. MARGARET Blcoa, of William sport, both pariiea formerly of this place. On the l7ih int., by Robert Candor, Eq., of White Deer Mill", Union county, DAVID P. THOMAS of Clinton county and Mr*. ELI ZA VVKBB of Columbia county. In Briarcreek. on the 7ili ultby Eh'. E. M. Allien. Mr. NATHAN KIRKKMUAM,, of Mif flin, and Mia* RCBZCCA RirriK, of Ncrcopeck. In Bloom"boru. on the I2lh tilt., by Rev. E. A. Sharvtt". Mr.. ELI KITCHEN, to Mist CABOLINB M. KABNS, all of Bloomaburs. Oo Sunday the 22d of March, 1807, by Jacob Shipman, Eq , PHILIP KFSTLTR, of Moiirtiplcamiil twrp., Columbia county, Mr*. r.Ltz.aiT)i4GuaUr. of (be ram* plr*. HT" Tha Coal Companies of the Lehigh, havo fixed the rates of freight on coat the same as last year. !L ! —iw— l&23BS&a On the 28th day of Msrch 1867, near | Light Street, Colombia comity. Pa , Hannah : Elizabeth, daughter ol Ji-ltn and Hartiel Van Ltew, aged 7 years, 4 mo?, and 3 days. I In Bloomsbnrg, on last Sunday evening, i Mr. JosFrti Loso, aged 47 years, 4 months and 84 days. In Wt-dgetown, Colombia county, on the 19th of March, 1857, Mrs. Naxcy Brandon, aged about UO years. At Cornwall Furnace. Lebanon county, March 23d. Maj o,car Hammond, son of dig late Hon. R. 11. Hammond, o' Milion, Pa., need 31 years, 7 months and 15 days. fflx' UENRY ZYPPINGEK, ~GL It LOOM.sU VUG jjeJb I~VIt'FICIII.T repairing wurrnnlctl; spec lades anthglassas for spectacles; glasses for hunting cased watches, and other watch matcrlai for sale. March 27, 1857 Notice. j ,4 Lf. persons interested will take notice I that James l.Htdy and John Richtri, Contmineu ol Archibald Patter-on a babim al dtunknrd, have filed their accounts of the management of tha eetnio of tlio stud Archi bald Patterson in llto Pruihonotiirv'a office ■it the Court of Common Pleas ol Columbia county, anil that the said account will ba presented to ib Court of Common Pleaa o! >nid county for confirmation mid allowance on Wednesday the titlt day of May next. JACOB EYERIE. Bloomsbnrg, March 28, 1857, I'roth'y. Notice. 4 1.1. persons interested will takj notice j * that Hiram U. Kline, Cotnmittea ol Ma- I 'bias Kline, now deceased, n lomitio, lias (iletl hi- acoounl of the ruanagetneni of the esia'e of the said luoaiie in the Piothonotaiy's office of die Court of Common Pleas of Co lumbia enmity, and that the sttul aeenmtt I will be presented to the Court of Common j I'lens of said county for confirmation ami al • I twanca on Wednesday llto 6dt day of May next. JACOB EYEHLY. Rloomsbltrg. March 28, 18' 7, ProtYy. * <1 miniNtrntor'si Noti*c. JVOriCE is hetehy given that letters of ad- * niiiii-tt.t ioii upon thtt esiiiie of Anna I I Lunger, laio of Benton township, Colnmbia county, deceased, ha*n been gran cd to the tpidcrsigtied residing in Benton township. ■ All persons indehied to tint said estate are j requested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts agaui-t the estate I 1 to preaeut them for payment In PEILK LAUBACH, j Benton, March 28, '57. Adm'r. Adtninlkirntor'i Notice. i IVOTICK is heteby given lit el letters of ml ■ miniscaitnn upon llto o-tute of flavul , Herring, late of (Voire township, Columbia oonniy, deceased, have been granted to the ) undersigned residing in Limestone township, j Men tour county. All persons unit-hind to i the anul estate urn requested to make pay ! inenl wnliout delay, and those lutvtng ae cottms against the tslau- to present them lor i pay iticid to PETER SI RAITS. LitttnlOMi Mart-It 2,5. ~7. Admr'r. itilniiiiisfntor s Notice. I NOTICE is hereby given that letters ol ad | ministration ttpof. the e-iate of John 11. Da- I win, late pi Sc ot I township, Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted to the tin ! derstgned residing in Light Street. All per ! sons indebted to tint said estate are requested Ito m. ike payment without delay, and those | having accounts against the decedent to pre sent them for settlement to GEORGE JOHN, | Light Street, March 30, 1857. Adm'r. Noficc to S3rii-s. | Jit f/t mailer o/f/ic estate of Daniel Znner late of Centll tnu-in/iip, Columbia county, dee d. i To Hannah Zuner widow, Paul Zstter, | John Z.iner, Levi Z-.tner, Catharine Werk lieiser, line Catharine Zuiinr, now wife of i Chatles Werklieiser, Ann Eckroat, lute Ami 1 Z.rtter, now o( John Eckroat, Mary Ann Miller, late Marv Ann Zuner, now wife of ! Daniel \V. Miller, children ami heirs at law of the mill Daniel Z.tuer: Y'ott and each of j you nio hereby cited and commanded to be 1 and appear before the Judges of our Or- I phan's Court at tut Orphan's Court lo bu j iirilden at Bloomsbnrg In and for said comity ! on the first Monday of May next, then and there to accept or refuse to lake the real es j tate of said Daniel Zuner, deceased, at the ! appraised value put upon it by tin inquest .duly awarded fty the said Court, and in case j all the heirs and representatives refuse so to I take the same tfieri to shew cause, if any I yon have, why the said premises should not i be sold, according to the act of Assembly in ' such c.i-e made and provided. ) By order of the Orphan's Con rt of L S. > Columbia county. ( } STEPHEN H. MILLER, Sheriff's Office, J Sheriff. lilooinstuitg, March 26 '57 j LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT MAY TERM. 1. John Gcrling et. al. t'J. Charles F. Mann. 2. Samuel McCullock et. al. vs. Samuel F. Head ley. 3. W.n. Koons vs. George L. Kline el, al. 4. William Koons vs. George L. Kline. 5. Frederick Beat's Ext's. vs. Philip Wtnter steen el al. 6. Joseph Stackhouse vs. Gilbert Fowler. 7. Jane M. Berninger vs. VV. A. Kbne. 8. David Reinboid vs. Aaron Wolf. 9. Peter Appletnan et. al. vs. Leonard B. Rupert et. al. 10. Mary Vansickle vs. Joseph Ruckle at. al. 11. George Miller s. Clatworthy Fisher. 12. George Miller vs. Nathaniel Overtlorf. 13. Peter Appletnan vs. Leon aril B. Ruperl. 14. Thomas Parker vs. John H. I'atker. 15. George L. Kline vs. Moses Cullman. 16. John Wagner vs. Sally Wagner. 17. Susuiiiihl) Ha les. Cletrni I Henry. 18. Isaac Brown vs. Robert J. Lyon. 19. William Robiaoti vs. Wtl.-on Ager. CO. l-aiub Stiumao vs. Jacob f..Shutnan el.al. 21. Jesse Hicks vs Joseph Kitkendall. 22. Jacob Schuyler vs. Wilson Ager. 23. Nathan Seely vs. Daniel Sponenberg's Administrators 24. Fletcher B. Dot!son vs. Willi on Long. 25. Catharine Tanner vs. J bit I>. Weaver. 26. Adam Gable VS. F.uvjo Fox, Am'r. 27. VVillitttn Wtclit vs. Gordon R. GofT. 28. Jonathan Mnsleller vj. Stephen Ba'dy. 29 Cltrixltwn Heist vs. Darnel digger. 30. Wdliant Hnpper vs. Edmund Crawford. 31. George Fetlerniaii vs. Solomon Feller mrin. 32. Martin Mnwrervs.Tho*. Stackhouse et.al. 33. Gilbert Fowler vs. Daniel Fowler, Ex'r. 35. fbiniel Kustenhader vs. David Hjiih. 36. Tilghtnan D. Strous* el.nl. vs. Jof.n Hess. 37. Williura Utiionhouiev*. Samuel F. Head ley. 38 James Ralston vs Jus. Ralston jr., Adm'r. 39. I.eandor W. Kaufman el. al. vs. Lewis V. Myers e l . al. 40. David Haldebrant vs. Bonjsmin Faux. 41. ReDecoa Garrison vs. Alfred Howall, 42. Daniel L. Winteratean at si. vr. Christian Shuman. ' 43. William Robison vs William F.dgar, GREENWOOD SEMINARY] MILLVILLE, COLUMBIA CO.. PA. A systematic course of insrmetton is given j in ail the English branches usually taught. The Principal will be assisted OOring the present year by T. M. POTTS, an experi enced teacher, rerently Irom the Lancaster Co. Normal School. A vacation ol seven weeks will commence July Ist. vsß&ißa TUITION, for day pupils 53.50, to $4.50 per quarter. Boarding, Tnilion, Washing. Lights, &e,, E3D per quarter of eleven weeks one-half in advance. For circular, catalogue ororlher particu lars address WM. BURGESS, Millvilta, April 1, 1857. Piincipnl. SELECT SCHOOL^ THE nex' term of this School, will rum metre* on MONDAY, MAY 11th, next, ami continue eleven weeks. Pepils a-e received ut any lime. TERMS OF TUITION. Primary St tr dies, ... $4 Comnrnn English Studies, - . 5 Higher English Slmftes and Classics. 6 If F. EATON, Piincipal. Blnomburg. March 24, 1857. "COLOMBO* MALE AND FEMALE rixHE next quarter id ibis Institution will " commence on TUESDAY , AFUlL'th, 1857. Rr TERMS—S4, $5 and S6. New Columbus, March IS, 1857.—21. NOTICE is hereby given that the several Courts of Coinmom Pleas, (Jen ernl (itturier Sessions of the Peace, anil Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer anil Jail Delivery. in and for tliu County of Columbia, to commence at llie CouilT Hoist-:, IN Bloomsihiru. on Manilay the 4tU May of May next, TO CONTINUE ONE WEEK. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace & Constables, in and for llto county of Co lumbia,arc requested to be thou and there in their proper persons, with iltctr rolls, records, inquisitions, and oilier remem brances, to do those things to their sev eral offices appertaining to ho done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any pris otter, are ttlso requested and commanded to bo then and there attending i n their pro* per persons to prosecute against It tin, as shall be just—and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are rvquestt cd to he punctual in tltcir attendance, a the time appointed agreeable lo their no tiers, Given under my hand at Bloomsbnrg lite Ist Jay of April, in tlio year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred nut! fifty-seven, and the Independence ol the I United tStates of America tit" Slsi. ((.Sod save lite Commonwenltlt.) STEPHEN I!. MILLER. SICJf GRAND JtttOßS FOE MAY TEIIM, '57. Ilriarcreek—John Doak, Richard Thomp son. Centre—Solomon Nevhard. Catawissa—Charles Kreagh. ! Greenwood—Joint Lemon, Geo. Mnsters, | Eitivmil Albettsott, tin Johnson, Isaac Itewtvi. j Hemlock—Peter Apiilemun. Locust—John Yeager. i Mtmnipleitsunt—Jacob Golto. Mifflin—Abraham Mosteller, William N. | Brown. Maine—Daniel Shttman. Montour—Peter Heimbach. Mitifi-ou—James Johnson, Keifer A.Smith, John Swisher. Pine—Albert Hunter. Scott—John Trembly, Barman 0. Crivo ling, Jui-ksno Garrelson. Sugar loaf—Andrew La tt bach. Traverse Jurors for Way Term, '57. Bloom—Morris Villi Boskirk. Bnarcreek —Henry Riitetthouse, Henry Doak, John Freas. Beaver—Charles Michael, Moses Schlioh er, Jacob Biitenbemler. Benton—Richard S.ilea, Joseph C. Hess. Cerilte—Joint Fester. Jacob Hvgenbttch. Cahiwissa—Daniel Clay well. Greenwood— Abraham Dreibelbis, Jacob liiitenbemler. Hemlock—Reuben B.i^arf. Jackson—George Farver, lrarn Derr. Locusi —John L. 11 irsi, Jonas Bernioger, G. C. Hower, Edwin John. Mifflin—John Folk, Henry Bellas, Thomas Atcn, llirain Frcas. Madison—Nehemiah Welliver, Richard Demon. Mount pleasant—John Shipman, Philip Crawford, Paul K'nie. Roatttigcreek—William Dreisbach. Scott—lleece Fatrman, William Myers, Thomas Schoeidinao, Wtllard C. Green. Sugarloaf—George Stedman. gag*, 3BH©E£r<& SOT Z&F NURSERIES & GARDEN, Germantown Roml. half an hour's idc from lite Exchange by Omnibus. SHADE, FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, PLANTS, ROSES, &c., Cultivated and for sale in quantities to soil dealers and others, including an extensive and varied sssorliriertl ol all the desirable va rieties of the above, for sale wholesale and retail. Catalogues can be had on application, gratis. S. MAUPAY & CO. N. B.—When addressed by mail, direct to Rising Sun P. 0., Philadelphia. Our stands ate in the Market, Market St below Sixth, Vvltere orders are ulo received. Attire It 25th, 1857-61. BIaBNDS AND SHADES! OF NEW STY I.KS. B.J. WILLIAMS, No 12 NOR 111 SIXTH S'IREIxT, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURER OF VENITIAET BLINDS, VELVET AND GOLD BORDERED AND PAINTED SHADES, OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. Buff and all other colors of Holland used for Shades. Fixtures, Trimmings, &?., &e., Wholesale anil retail at the Lowest t.ash Pi ices, p?" STORE SHADES Painted to order. B. J. W., thankful fnr pa-l patronage, re spectfully solicits the public to call and ex amine Ins new and large assortment, beloio purchasing elsewhere. rr " VVK STUDY TO PLEASE." ei March 17, *s7—3m. apTION WHEREAS my wile, Catharine, has left my bed and boatd without any joal cauae, I fotewarn all parsons against tiuating her on my account, a* I will not pay any debt* of her contracting hereafter. THOMAS COURSKN Pine tttwnahip, Match 3, 1157 -It.* CIIPFI R NOT, A PUR- manent cure i* guaranteed in nil stagea of SECRET di*e, Self-Abuse, Nervona Debility, Siriotnte*. (ileal*, Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism. Scrofula, Paine ill I lie Ankle* and Boner, Disease* of llio Throat, Nose aild Eye*, Ulcer* upon (he Body, Female Irregu larities, ami all o'her improper discharge*, no mailer of how lon# mending, or ohminale lh case, recovery i* certain, and in a shorter time lhao a pernnuent euro could be effect ed by any oilier irmitmeiit, oven utter the skill of the moat eminent physicians had failed, and the disease resisted all other means of ouia. The remedies are Iree from odor, causing neither sickness nor inconve nience, and without muroory or balsam.— During twenty years' practice, I have re stored to lieulih over seventeen thousand pa tients, who were suffering under die worst lorm* of nil of the above mentioned dis euso, which guarantees nte in promising a perfect and most speedy' core. Secret dis eases are the greatest enemies to healili unit happiness, n* they nro the (li't c.use of con sumption, sorolu'a, &0., and should ho a ter ror to all nation* on the earth ; lor the dis ease is becoming so common, and treatment so little understood, that a permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, a* a majority of the case* tall into Ilia hands of incompetent per -1 son*, who not only Inil to euro me malady, hut ruin the constitution with corrosive sub lintaie—a dangerous ooison, a propane ion o( mercury—which, with the remain* 01 dis | en** in the system, produces many ol the above named alieclion*, which loudly lurini iiate in consumption, uml frequently a rapid one ; hut should n not cause death speedily, and the victim to disease marries, the disease is then conveyed trom the patient to the chil dren, causing thorn to come into the world wiili scrnlula, affections of the skin, eyes, iliroal, &0., and again terminate* in con sumption, and consigns hia victim in an un timely grave, between the ages of six months and thirty-live years. Self ahuse is another formidable enemy to health ; it destroy* die nervous system, rapidly wasting away the energies of life, causing menial ileiunge mem, preventing a proper dcvelopinniit ol the system, mid disqualifying its victim lor marriage, society, lui.ine**, and all oarthly happiness, female Irregularities and oilier | disease* of famulus treated m die most skill ful ami scientific manner. Medicines, with ! direction*, *Olll to any pari ol the United Slates uml Canada*, by patients coinntuuiua- | ! ling their symptom* hy leper, i J SUMMERY I U.K. M. D , Box 53. Post ] j Ollice ; Filbert Street, below Ten.lt, Phila- I dellihiti, l'.i. i STOP toil SJ TO I'DS! NTOYtiH! JT*., THE undesigned inform- In* friend* I HgW and the public in general, (lint lie has . KJeßfeinked the entire uuerest in the j Tit: ware ami Stove /Establishment, | on Main Street, one door above the Court ' Mouse, Pdoontsbutg. where he is prepared to j luruish Tinware, Stoves, Stovepipe, and Spouting, and all other business in his line on j short notice, nod HI good order. ! The Now Uauti and William I'enn Cook- I ing Stove, and ulso a large a-ortment of Parlor Bloicn, I constantly on hund and lor sale ut moderate prices. i t?' Thankful lor former patronage, lie re a.iectlully solicits n cnniintiance of the same. JOSEPH SIIARPLESS. I Bloomshurg, May 0, 185 C. PUBLIC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE! ! IN ptirsiiniice ol an order ol ill* Orphans j Court of Columbia county, on TUESDAY, | THE 3I d DA Y OF fl/AlO II next, at ten j o'clock in die foremion, Kenhard Kline and | Thomas Kline, Executor* &ic... ol Godfrey ( , Kline, late ol Orange township, in said cmin- I ly, tleceusod, will r|,o.n in sate hy public | vendue, upon die premises, a certain TRACT OF LAA D, | situate in Orange township, in lie county of > Columbia, adjoining laud* of Benj Sleiner I on the East, Samuel Lowry on the Suuih, | Benj. Dayman on the North, Daniel W. ' Montgomery on iho West; containing Ouc Baiiurfrcd and Sixln ii Acres ; whereon is erected u two Mnry Stone House, a large Stone Barn, out house', ami there are about ninety acres of cleared land in the tract, f.nie the estate of saiil deceased sit uate ttt the township of Orange and county aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY, Bloomsbttrtr, March 11, 1867. WILLIAM Q.P E RR Y, S. VV. Corner of Fourth and U.H B Sts. Will Supply on Low Terms, llill Bends, Cards, Checks, liill of Lai'ins, I'romissorxi Notes, Draft*, S,-c. ACCCTJITT BOCKS, Made in a superior manner, or Ruled and Bound toady Pattern. Letter, Note & Foolscap Paper, FLAT PAPER. ALL SIZES, WIBAIP3PEW® 30PAIP22L OLD BOOK* ItL-801 Ni), In a handsome and durable style. rv y onr orders reapectin lv solicited. Philadelphia, March 4, 1857. H .WAR D, r ~ Manufacturer anrl Dealer in C£J*G£> <£><£!. S3 a No. 77 &79 No'tli Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. WE are receiving our Spring Stock, which will comprise a large and desirable a-ort moot of all kinds nl 3 '~r\ Straw and Lace Boiinetu^- Oudfc nctt ol Flowers wui be nnu-ii ally large this season,and we will mute your special attention to that department. I'lea-e Oidl anil examine them belore matog • our purchase. H WARD. Nos. 77 & 79 Nl. Second St. March 11, 1857 .-2m. Leather, Leather! Leather! iSfcOTY W, ©VES-AST, IMPORTER OF FRENCH CALF SKIS* andOenrral Leather Dealer, No 6 South Third Street. 1 Co 7 " A general assortment of a ■ kinds rf leather. Morocco, ire. &C. RED ASD OAK SOLE LEATHER. February 28, 1857.—1y. Notice to Creditors. THE creditors of the esiair ot henj. Hay. man, late of Orange township, Co iimantfo., deceased, are requested to presrnt .leir claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th ol April next, and those indebted ttia estate to make payment without de'av SOLOMON NKYHARD. Centre towr.ship, March I?. 1T67. ADMTn ist UA To us - notu- p.. A] OTICK is hereby given i'*t letters ,>| ad " ministration opoc the r- of Michael Muwry, late ol Uoaimgcrccs township, Co lumbia county, deceased, :>•••'' been gamed to the undeistgned maiding **\ township. All persona iuJhbwd to ihc -.ndestarn are rv quasiex. ro make pax rneid * v t.honl iMav, and those having accouuts ag">t bo xhrcedeut to | resent them to MICHAEL VXKWttPFF, MARVMOWRY, RoarnxgerMk, Mamh U, WSL BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY £7 3D LB THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH/' Having added to :he fixtures of the "Star" OfTice pood and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to execute nil kind* of JOll PRINTING! in the best CITY STYLE, und at short notice. Certificates of Stock anil Deposits, Constitutions for Societies, Jlank Clucks, Promissory Notes. Hail lload ami other Tickets, Catalogues, Payer Hooks, Dill-Heatls, Check Rolls, Plain anil Fancy Cartls, Dusiness anil other Circulars, Posters Plain aml in Colors. JLITD pnIITTIHG- OP ALL XXITDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS BAI TIIE CITY. "BPOacE* 2Dd®d!iac&(sill LBcc>tPc3E)ir i JjEcitii>iiw_j A monthly peiiodioat is published at this office in excellent style and wmkmnnsliip, and with superior malarial. Tlie public are invited to call and see specimen*, as we are determined to merit patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship, liloomsburg, Juno 2, IBiti. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. HAVE just recoivod and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Bummer sales, which comprises th.e LARGEST, CHEA I'KST, ntid HANDSOMEST assorlmet I no a* offered in thi*"TOWN! Having paid great alleiil'on to llio selection ol their enliin stock, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that lltoy can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save ttionoy hv giving us a call. We have *ll kind* of Good* and Wore* to supply the wants ol the People. Avery large lot ol LADIES DRESS GOODS, French mcrinocs, wool plaid*, alpacas, bombazines dn hages, poplin*, parametta cloths, mohair lustres,muslin do laiuos, Persian cloth*, Gingham*, Culicuos, Sir. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieve*. Collars, Spencers, handkerchief*, flouncing*, hands and trimmings, lace* and edging*. bonnet ribbon*, in large variety, vol vol ribbons, and braids, kid, tmlion, ami lisle thread gloves, mohair milts, Ue , All kinds ol SHAWLS, lirooSe, Buy Stain, W.iterville, Id.ink ailk, cashmere. Ernhroder d, &c. Also a veiy largo uasorlmoiit ol cloths, cassimers, sattiiictls, vcstir.gs, tweeds; I jouus, beaver cloth-, coaling velvet, fi:e. I HOOTS ASD SHOES, OF ALL Fh\l)S <j- SF/.ES FOII MEN WOMAN If CHILDLEN We have a largo assortment o! Hals Mini Capa ol latest fashions. Wo have also Hard ! ware, Queen-warn, (indurwiire, Sic. Very cheap carpels, c irpet bags, Boor, lublo and car- I riago oil CIUI'IH, mat* rugs, bask els, &C. Muslin* flannul*, tickings, diapers, toweling-, drilling-. Sir.., in abuiuluiicß. We inviie our Iriend* and the public gonorally to give u* a call before purchasing elm. where. Wo have bought our goods at Lowest Cash J'noe* and will not ho undersold by anybody, or the ro*t of mankind. Bloomshurg, October 28, 1855. I New arrival of Spring and Snminer Goods ! DA7IL LC772XT E2 R & I E NVITES amotion to his stock of cheap and fasliionalo tlothing st lit* atoreoo Market *• street, Iwo doors above the "American Houc," where he has a full a-.sortmen t ol mui and boy's wearing apparel, including APiISai2©Kr.&UBIE!B (SS;LU2,-> f[o.v. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all nrl* and sizes, panl* of ail colora, shave's I -tripes ami figure, vests, shirts. cravais, stocks, cedars, handkerchief*, gloves, suspenders I and fancy article*. I N. B. lie will also make In order any article of clothing at very short notice and j . j the best manner. All Jiis clothing is made to wear , and most ol it is of home manufau : lure. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. l'lKvr ARKIVAL! , OF SI'IUNG ANI) BUMMER GOODS. 4C. MKNCH respectfully inform* his • friend*, customer*, and the public gen erally that lie ha* just received from Phila delphia the first goods of the season, consist, big of a large assortment of choice and do. 1 suable For the spring mid summer trade comprising, j for men's wear: [ Superior Work, and Colored French Cloths, J Black French Doe-kins anil Cassiinere. | Black Satin and Fancy Silk VeMittg*. I Blue, Black, Brmvo and fjreen Cashtnere'.'.es LADIES' WEAR, j Elegant Black Silks, all qualities, j Barege I)e Lames and Clialii Bareges. Plain, Pink Blue and Green De Lames. Bombazine Finish Black Alpacas. I French, Scotch and Domestic Gingham*. | Worked Collars, and l.ine.i Handkerchief*. Hosiery of all kinds and qualities. Calicoes of till patterns ami descriptions. FURNISHING GOODs. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. I Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. ! Linen Dantask- arid Table Covers. | Besides a large assortment of Boots and , Shoos, Sugar, Coffee. Teas, a< i ail kinds ol ' Groceries. Hardware, &e , which will he soul remarkably cheap. Call at the nIA eland, corner ol Alain and Market streets. ty FLOUR & FEED always on hat:', 1 and lor sale at the loacst mark"' price, for CASH. A. C. MENSCH. Bhiomsbnrg. April 2. 1*56. MISS .MARKfITT'S NEW NOVEL:" HESR y r.YI.E: OR, LIFE AND EXIM ENCE. Rv Miss Emilia M irryatt, daughter ol |h late Captain Marrya.t. 12 mo , cloth. I.J , pages. Price si CO. What the P.tts- say of Henry Ly'e: "We hope in see :r.i book in every well selected Library. It t* wor by of a p -re .imopg the finest works of aye a —i" a zci 's Magazir.c. "It is a crushing rebeke to the tendency 1 of me present generation to i.ifide y.—L:*• eon A'hciietim "We have sehiem had an enper'nn :v cf enjoying a more fa-cmatmg or a rr.rre in structive note! "—lnbuil. "The Lrdy wri'es u nv> to t-'ene v people quite a* uelt arj as -k i.fully * bet i father did. * * Get a copy cs "He rv 1 Lyle" forthwith.— T. ~c< I Published by GARRETT, PlCiv -k FITZ GF.RALD, No. IS Ann S rec New V.vk Foi sale by T B PFI Fliv-.V. i.ippinu rr i CO . W.p H AZA VKD & CO. | Copies of the above work sent to any a. - I dress tree pf pestig*. Fehrmty Si. SSoT. Dis>tlulinn of ( -P.trtsrr>feip. | THE t' Per . > t-h .the- -e\- ■.• Sh ; tween II mum (. F'r> jr H *:ss icy. . Pcoks Vr* a-d Njtmr.e-s. a g e -• linn ol Psssv F.kstt, is f -• vrtj by mu ual cct.seat. WH4.IAM G TFXSY. WIIU.vM KXKIY Philadelphia, Feh-J? NO! IK. THK nndersigt ed pc*cb**ed t"e ett ire uiteres b* i:, Pavese* ,v • ,iCt the Rook. SJaucwwv. fi- * R.v-k Mi '- elactertt g and Ktrnvang baoae-v v a tact branches, , p *v .* a, t v >ct attention to basiocsv . Vycs w scc, as increased prep**vte>-v e -eV v est--. v;e WlUlOlvi, PYKKN S- W vase F.vvsvtb s K-- S* *•* MhNt. I A were So AJtivs on Mau steet, b-vv- I JW ba'g foe seen eav tewaweaW %***>- OKOftSe VTCAYRS Iki,ve*sa%ag, N* H, WM 1 fOLVMBGS mai l a\d female i UD Z3J Z JLH *3* a Liizcrnr County. Pn. i'matee. of ll.ia J.,tiio!M.ri 'eapeetfuilr A announce,'hat 11 will l,„ open* I fur tf.a ' reception of Papib, of taottk mn. ao Monday, j Ociulirr iCOll) netl. tiri'lrr thx imrneilir rare of j I' f JAMKn ANOEJWON', *3 I'riDC,.,.!. Mr. A. j t r, gentleman of ejteiiuve arquire j mcnta. and enlarged triperii nre a* an cu'ocalo'. and haj lieen connected with the roott popnlir i High Si.hn- i of rj *ck i' j for aetrral aeart. H* 11 il.o wcil ar.d favorol-.y knoan a. a con- I trihutor to Sj.-ne of cur leading educational peri | odical*. t ite course of instruction Will rornp'iae Orthography, iJt-fir.iti n, f>t ing, Penniaitdiip, Kijmol<.-gtr. (ie-.graphT. Brig Grammar. Ouipoaition. Artthnseitc A'ge'rra Geometry. Men.uratipn. Plana and fc-•fier-ea. Trigonometry, <'ofrcying, Navgat 00. Aa"oo> nti*, Ac. If* it Kttpicf. Hii'art Pr.ax logy, j -Natural, bltlbdnl, t:d Moral t*>ilnTlhl* • rul Chir,i'ry. C/<ii\<3 in the French. Spnnith q- Latin I.ariguaeri wi'f ! e formal a- early ai practice b'''. and fowro: ;n m Pii-.0-F. :e w.„ ;i B' >eti •( de:rej. WKEKI.V I.ECrURF-S on ha Nat-n ( Se-nee*. iiloatra'ad by ajf-r-pr a t apt a.-itti j witi a!wj j p <^:vrn SPECIAL '.TTFN-y ION * ! > r: - j *A a Gn'txs4n 'o^aa. j *fy berate'v?s : Teir k f. TERMS: I FOl ft. F.v;-; 00.l >rx p> .. a far Qaara in acc-v lance *to .a r'aOiat [ rraLx-V j-tt at-a , onafatf m-e'i'.c* and the laiarce attit cbee of tha tjuiitar. GOt)l> BOARD ran i tad ta then a ;! ; 3 m Alert-e * i t*. A. u;ea:*er tn ;a • C|l, Ifriiar'ji! a-J :>••ad. - ..- \ u dry of eonaaeacrjaan t. wm-a er* wie.xj j : :.ipar.:".e ia*t reaction m a i'i--Ted. ax. •he _• actpiiae >,! carer it tie ' C- 'T et, toed. 1 a 'a:.la. Uua.-Jrrr-i. at j ifea •**£,*( a: ::i 1 SOT*-. .. tat WW 10 >e *T 0.1 r ; : v?'\. 1 8. m. ? johxkouxs. >• ( am e MhAS Di'l'rO.V. 1 JiHN I APLt. 1 htiVAa PE-AhEii, I CvYvf.-}?i.. NVr.', 4. 15c5. 7"'XJ.'a;?. LOTTESirSw TH2 ai i -wj in ev t s ' t a; ■ ti R FRANCS ktf a-a >3. i.- r v i-anrd r\ •# tri . . Mfi *'.• a kwc- -ayr • •>.- a- ha toe v>ecva. a-- : •- r axt ; C*raJV tklt (tfrnEat -. •< *_ : '■ I • -ao-.-ah-* -• •-f t T-. * A* ** * iy> 1.1 i x t i at . - . it, r ■.. ! a *7 . t r r; _ A . 7r ■ t a .t. t, >ia aa" - r. a laa* a --- a* ' 1V S3 Ran *r." ti . a r . a - .a. hv a a. t ta . a a"at* A o a** > i> ain tiaa *. * ' W f>h Vt >' . *v. * •*•*.• .O f r. *■ ■ t .• - ifcia 3.t a' he .ovai •:. n-.wai rw r -or> ..■ vian in >• ' • f-' \ • : K*t ■ *■*. vatiy -a • a **o~av ,v- V s*--a nnt-rnaw. a 3 ah 4 ' e-.w.- IV -na 1-* -w " x , e '♦* .vva • - haf f a\.* ■-1# v i - : -.1 a a ' I - a -o hn tj- aji..-nis Sd 1 ." > 3.v W. A .v.y ,r siaj {♦ ,>w.-\Vh> a nor a -n x a x . -v- a"*- v Atta| •waot a ,yv <a> w">t joe\ T > xNA Nx SA >W 5 it sßx\ v *\ Fv v M, >sxr -It fbt efcrtwa. V* J iKkaSM ARKIWI fNO SUCH WORD AS PA!~U* A RESISTLESS REMEDY. HOLLO WAV'S oiNTMENT. Circular (o the TH T. firt hospital auigcoitft and flftdicil puw liciua of Europe, admit lh unptllt' ntili-inflnmmacory and healing propeniva nllble Ointment; government# eanrtinn ll# U< In their naval and military aervrrev; and the roaaaee in lliia country and throughout the wmld fepetr the iiijnoal confidence in it# curative prnpettiea. It penmate* the mutcea of inflammation and coir notion which undcrlin the external eviden ce* of dicjie, and neutralize the fiery element a eliich feed and citie|irrate the malady. RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, ERY SIPELAS. There ate tunnng the n.o,t terrible and ago rtiziuß dirnra ol the intiaclee. the fleahy fibre and the akin; yet in ihetr wnrat form#, and when accutingly tncu.el le they invariably div appe.ir under a p*r<e>ciuig application of tine aoothiitg, healing antidoto to pain and inflam mation. SALT RHEUM. FEVER SORES, STIFF JOINTS. In cavre n| Kail liheum, where medical wa ter*, lutuiia, and every icctpe ut the phtrmeco poea have proved umlio*, ihe Oimrnent will nccnmphali a thorough cure. Fever Hureaheal ; i|uti-kly under ttv mlitreuce. and it* rrlaiing ef tccl upon conr ieiud einewe ia Irulr wondtilul. il/SC'll A RGING L LCERS. A rn„| ~,nark, ile ar.dbappy rhenge # pro dutcd in I tie appcararn o id rnal g „,„, uh*<* ofler a few application* ef ilna Ointment. The aurriniriding reilne.a aetitehra, and giannlev of liealiltV flevh begin lu lake lh place of c|, e dig. charged mailer. ||,„ ~r , , 0 „ g0 .., 0 „ mof , 0 , a, rapidly, Until the orifice i# filled up wttb | Inund tnaleiral and the ulcer r,heady cured A WORD TO MOTHERS. j The your r ate the meat frnp em vufhiera from czlemnl tnjuiiea. and thrrrf.re ~e.y mother tltould have tli'a healing preparation , eorialariily on hand. It i, „„ aba-lut* apcifi* . lor aoro lireaata, and tpiickly rcmovrt Ihe en i rrunlcd uoreu which tfimt'ilrrif s }icfj;*urt hcd n<) laci.-s of i hiMrtn. vS IcJ NI Fl (JA N T FAC IS, | T'.i" Ointment iv iiniveraally uae.J 0 n boapr j t c A tint tic and Pacific whaling fleet ~ , C u'e . lr eco.-buth: oflectiona and a, the beat poa-iW* remedy lor wound#and brtii.ee. Largeauppliea ] of it have recently nec i ordered fiy the Sultan I of Turkey for ho.| t'al purpoaea. Bulk the Ointment unit /'Hit thotild it uie'l in the following (ate i: 1 Uuniont, Hktn Lnvcaaca. Rutna, Swelled Gland*, happed If,r.da, Sore licg'. Chilblain#, Mote Breaata, | Fi'tula, n irt Ifeada, Gout. Sore *1 hroila. Lumbago. s>ire, of Mercutiai Eruption#, Spain*, Pile#. Wii/1 Jointa, lll.eoniatiein, 'I eitrr. Ringworm, Ulcere, Molt llbcotr. Venereal >or. Mca'd*. _ Wound* ol all k'nda. Mold at the Ma fat .( p-ufeaaoc HnLLOW4T.no M„J,n Laue. .\, y.„k , r .J 341 Si rand. Ijn m . v n. ifjrr !,< U.oga g-t- Vol Devi-:' 1 n V),- .re ?h'• gl.rut the i United M a:. . and the tiritx" d a try. , n otu at 3.* i cenn. filjrr-rtv >-.u j! ej,h. tTV i ae-e i, toi.anjera |e M'ia; kv lakacg the laiger ize. N M.-'J •c.lone fattU pLdzrct tf p.firat in every di- .-de. ... vflv-l • -.-hr,-* j; Farm for J"?a!o. Tie r.;7-r* : pijo .ah • tar-, e-.r , O.NF. JII'.NLL .'. N I. fc. TV ACRES vhick **• a -g kr-cw. e b oe. at d a good arp e • Jae pro*- e- y will rr.iae a gno. hc.c!is Itrt asy r-e'HQ ■A-I.ry wjhe in farwi. He !-- rfl.f, ; r . t wieiaefittv nxr o r v-vd 'fr; I" K.'.s tooir> C. couta '..r-e, SIXTV-FIYE ACRES. Ah'.- ;e i re# | c eire-J >- > be At.: mtso • 5 •*r a Fr' i rn .0 • • -:<r a tp. Co.OTer JoiiS kiw N tXR. Jekfo^ t 10. 1;>6.. Adiuiniwtrafor\olirr. NO lit. £ !• ; -*. - . v f- 'et |* yf a -v • 'fir eacl—r" F.l'ti- 'a •-( >• -f ; c,; ■WWI ;>ve .■ t s-a-. wi 'r tv wv -'er •'. . .. -r.-ifw~a Gr c f * ">n-*WM t et r.i 13 3* z e- < e Ce' J a - - -awe So*, d "_i .Kef MM •- - - -feea i :i-i# Eusufumuc; rr.fd FAIRMAN. - Grt:xco<i. Tt/b li. "ST. Aoe ra. ticmlorw N :.v t. e ■ --:-r j re- * ir ew vex*. - tttrlt: : : " --" - - .- —. -e a.f :r** p. * * -• --ev -P- ■— -i ; . - : - AS, J. A- r ? y- nor ■*. MiltMre: r -.r; ca. an* ' ; k;- - .-v tg H Zarow _* = _ - I ...... aKAH EXE I NOTICE. W J-v . -- 'f-i : >c ne> y-jw-a. 1 r v-: F ..v.r-vi rv. •• C r- "v- 1 CJBE :n 1. t —: C".- .• • ■* m i ,• —rnaw esi ; tsi; re tt< -; w -en .-vpee ajvg tow Jumecoe. v -ioa- -wa*.; :t= JtesrvCT. "-.mwaJßr. \\ >- ~-T7T vi P. \ > -w t ,\.-a fbr r. >• • C n. wrw. -n* A" N* 1 • It S maufA +*>* m *m+tm W -v.-w* ■ ' - v. tvn, - v> c, ■- *-- • iii V.ts e T-wcr- Jv n. . - '—ar X? vi. N. 'C . *.* a rr -n- V- • - w n- -Vno ""l >H\ HSSr "- > a . g)eaverya> aaopy. M e- ■ a —• aww. ify.-. . f Sn. n v J-WC .4 • Aeoe V rv v? S%. J i*W jtH A> ' V.o dee, wv vvi aaemsr 'Ooe'm ko C*- iw >• aw *Ate at. vo v nw.ne- V- v-P iftJOto-St f"i wsaer ,vS a - v - e • e + Mow* M, M>V nv AV tefkM Kt -loll—a*Uev<Nw>ww *Swwue *•* -|, fc | n_ -It. W. K Jf<we % i c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers