STAR OF THE NORTH. R. W. WEAVER. EDITOR. Illoomel,lira, Wtdns-diijr, April 1, 1867 Democratic Nomination*. rem goVcrn6h. WILLIAM F. PACKER, of Lycoming County. FOR JUT)GK OF TlfC MJPMF.Mr COVET, ELLIS I. E WIS, of Philadelphia. ran CAN SI, rOMMI-SIONKR, SIM ROD STRICKLAND, of Chester County. PttßE-TRADIt WILMor. It remains to be seen how the old tariff Wliiga will telinh the nomination of David Wilmol for Governor. It is but a lew years niece all manner of hard things were said ol Wilmol by the men who now lake him for their leader. With him "free irade" has run along with "free soilfor hu lias always been a restless and discontented spirit, hang ing on to some visional)' and extreme notion. In 1846 he was the only one of the Pennsyl vania Congressmen to vote for Ihe tariff bill, of Itial year: and in lltia case his position was very different from that of Mr. Dallas who. ns Vice President, was a representative of the whole Union and not of Pennsylvania alone. But after the Republicans last session re duced even the tariff of 1846 It is riot strange that they can swallow Wilrtiot's nominn tiufl. Tliev have confessed that nil the clamor about the "tariff" was a delusion to catch the voles of simple minded people , nnd o, •ince they have reduced the tariff ol 1846, they may as well run Wilmol (or Governor. But will the mer. who were duped by the hypocritical cant about "tariff" be n second lime fooled by tlio sumo demagogues who 'played that trick The old Whigs were taught a lew years ago that Wilmol nnd Dal las were some sort of kin to Beelzebub; and hut few will like to be told by their leao'ers now that those lesaona were n't a farce. We think we can see in onr mind's eye I soma of the bullies who used to guard the j election polls front morning until night to see that none of their hands voted against the (Bit/r, now sneaking srottud to deal out tickets j tor "ftcc-ttado Wtimet." NEW HANKS. One pica of the speculators who want new hanks is tluil there is much capital in the , Btnie which desires an investment. Yet the esse ot lite New Cms le Bank proves that llteso institutions go to W all Sucet, Now oik. let their capital and Cashiers. / hen it is said thai many good and solvent men in these communities desiro loans nnd cannot get them. And. yet it seems that the latncaMer Bank loaned only in Ms bankrupt ollicets : and the New Castle Bank was compelled to go to Indiana to find a hot rower ill the shape of the rotten Gramercy Bank. Truly there is no nerd ot new banks lor such purposes. An I veu-tcropcird nnd itigliteous Jndg e. About a year ago Judge Wilrnot was in some case appointed a t ommissioner to take the* depositions rt" witnesses, anil i'Mied 11 subpoena, as sv.c'i Commissioner, to Nullum Newton, I'm] ,a practicing Dwyer at the Mon trose bar The witness neglected to obey die subpoena id the Ccmwissitinti', nnd litis Judge Wiluiot construed it into a contempt of his Court, and suspended Mr New ton Irotn prac tice as ail attorney in lit* several courts o! the county. - Tit* proceedings wet* removed to the Supreme Court, and that tribunal re versed Judge AYilmot'adecision, and restore,! Mr Newton to his rights at.d j tivilogee as an Attorney. Tnx AeroanoaNSNT Htt.t —There are two of these bdls before th* Senate, but each of them make Columbia, Montour ami Sullivan a double representative district with 'wo members. The bill repotted by Mr- Brow n proposes to make Columbia. T.yeotuiog. Montour and Sullivan a Senatorial district, while the bill reported by the majority ot the Ccmnt't ee makes a Senatorial district of Nor thumberland. Mortcur and Columbia The Sunbory Gucr.'te likes the latter proposition, and so will cur people generally. ET Wagonseller. the de aohing Cashier cf the New Castle B*' k, was las; week gr msted on the sireeist Philadelphia and taken to Pittsburg He h*d taken up no cnar ers at any hotel but was sneaking around from one house of ill fame lo another. The sum of $i J V 0 has been recovered from his bag gage in the bouse to wr.icb te was return *€■ Tut Ctyais —The wa'er :s now irt the North Broach Canal. aad the hosts are be ginning u meve h>i!r. 2he water was Jet the Pi' ision on Sa-- u*xtay the Slab i. to the t -de W**e: Canal on the folicwittg Monday. M*n Acm.—Mr P Ttjr&e*erol Meti er. has beer. aprvTned nic.l agent he'neen Port Ctim-U aud K m-rs it pl ot Mr. H W. Feinkw. a so cf Marry re>.c< -ed gy Rer. J £. Sandler foascerii of thu p are. and ct* ol ftaaviile. wH ah* spring take charge : l-e Crotemcat Boarding SrW, at Pi-ar- iirtiJft, Pa- tf" Tie Hqnm or th* l aaa. peWrr a; Scraatoa. Loaeme coariry. changed hawr. E B. Chase and Join B. Ad- Mi k A. Dos aasaastrg me coaeoi of the W r GT TVtse peraoes Bo 4aaqga to aj>fty lee seven: jccmf at the netu loan wilt re-J OliQo tuir tea* rest petwior.? st-ssst be ajec mm i ai>— "" f time hesore tterf Of Om *•? km i aa* aha fiwevk Kef- - • M~l eaaabumf ama ssn a**£ S rf#l * liuk*Be la Philadelphia- JJul few of our people have • clear Idea of '"'g® amount of business done at the commercial emporium of the Keyslone Hate. One ilny last week Ihe impnrialiom at the port Rimmed up a* follow.-:— From Cienfue gns—249 hhds., 40 barrels and 12 tierces molasses. Hio do Janeiro—23oo bays coffee. From Messina—76o caniars brim stone, 60 barrels canary seed, 100 boxes shelled almonds, 100 bales rags, 10 cases licorice pn-te, 1000 boxes lemons, and 3150 of orange*. From Cardenas—3l2 birds, of sugar, and 113 -barrels of molasses. From Halifax—762 barrels herring, 68 half do.shad, anp C casks cod oil. From Wilmington, N. C.—9o bulea sheeting, 154 of collon, 2026 barrels rosin, 353 barrels 221 casks spirits turpentine, 1222 bags pea nuts, und 60 bales yarn. | Fusion Convention. The fusion ootivsniion al Harrisburg last week nominated D.iivd Wilmnt for Governor, William Millw-ard lor Canal Commissioner, and Joseph J. Lewis iml Junes Vecch for Supremo Judges. The vote fot Governor on Ihe first ballot was us follows; Wilmnt, 69 Todd, 21 Bull, 19 Covode, 13 Jordan, 13 Michler. 7 Sullivan, 7 McCoitibe, 6 Kunkel, I Feint, | Mooiheail, 7 The whole number of voles cast were 153, making 77 necessary to a choice. There Be ing no election, tho Convention proceeded to n second ballot. Tito names of Messrs. Mioliter, Jordon, Sullivan, McCombn and Keim, were withdrawn. The result of the second ballot was as follows; Wilrnot, 99 Hall, S3 Todd, S3 Cnvoile, 13 Moorhead, S Advertising Snlra, ! The last number ot the Bucks County /it telligfnccr contains notices ol no less than 98 public sales to conic oil in lint! county. The I nit thgrncer says 1 tint in no other county in lite Stale tiro petsonnl property sales so well alteudi'd, or ate snob good prices obtained us in Bocks county. This is doubtless owing to the .bberal system of advertising adopted in that community. It has been found that mon ey expended .'or advertising is cash well laid out. This is the necessary consequence of giv ing publicity to what you have to dispose 01. The more people that know yon have no ttr tide to sell, the mote applicants to purchase n can be expeclciJ. Suppose two men have sales of property ort the same day. One of tlient puts up a few written notices; the other takes advantage ot the publicity ntlordcd by the newspapers; at 4t glance it is apparent which sole will stand the better chance of being more iiutnetotisly nttende I. And just as ttie attendance is unmet,'.ma prill the prices attained ho Intge and profitable. Tons by I the outlay ef from two to five dollars fur ad ' vetnsing, the seller is likely 40 make from 20 to 50 per cent, in tho amount of Ins sales. New \otk Appointment!', The President lias made the tollow ing ap pointmenlr lor New York City: Collector— Augustus Schell. {Surveyor—Mr. Wait. IVavv Agent—Mr. Sander*. Fit'ted States Marshal—Cant. Ryttder*. I'vvstttaster —.Mr. Kowler. Naval Officer-—!. II Bitdshell. rr The Marrisburg llnr.hi, an opposition print has ffto loilowtng notice of the late 'fusion'" state convention : CoNsiPKttABt.Y RH.KO —The nomination ol Wilmol lor Governor,)eaierday,considerably •'nled'' a good many American*. There was some thundering done when the result was announced. A tew swallowed the dose, ef tor a desperate effort and many wry laces. — but others choked on the "wool" and could not act it down. It is very evident that a good many o! "Sara's" adherent* *r* dissat isfied. and cannot be rallied under the ies.l of "Sambo." There is lively times and l.:s of ten 10 prospective. We can look 011 and enjoy it. being at outside and disnt;er. esicd spectator. "l.*t 'er rip" AN FRX or oocn Frn txc. — WE are free to coi.tesa that the perusal ot the inaugural a i; tires* has given us sincere satisfaction, so entirely unexceptionable docs it appear to be in thought at if expressioc. Indeed. wf rrav ssv ilia*. aitks in m.ti'ter. and in manner. ,t reminds us i f thos* stcrfiug At'ibotes ot g-ed judgment and common sense which cl.xracrerixeJ the S a'e paper* of President Monrcc: ar.J we ran only hope that at the c'.ose cf Mr. Buchanan's ndrnn .s: ran on the comparison t! aast.pges.reJ may not orlr o •c well tempers J er.;iire-n ard Bttamb t.ccs diction ot tVee two Ma'esmen, b-1 t>io to that rest a .or. rf es ->g which tried the era oi the Presidents, ti d which we les hope iil be she conseten. - (.as a n- rf i s re eras s-oressc.-—Xufnm*J Toe J* nTtgrccer is of the eery tew papers srh.cb si. i r-prex-ots are eld Whig party — I; is rot psc-ia* now. tot r has rot tasj the r'perary *:>..; tv, ir.irl.eftsal eoi-rrence and htg.h tore wh-ch fer marked it. a-.d which gtve (twportance .3 its op.cio-a oc all ssb jer.s. Mr Mm:% Rofefie*: Ofi:r.—A story is loU of Mr. y. a.*y,a)- the WameciowE F*sf, to tie efieet jhat aa Et-Sferetr,es ( and Matey were* returning from a dinner party since the 4th, Jhe ©oecersation turned upon the subject rf rotation ic office, and Mr. 4>. asked Mi M o tat tie thought o' ibe poi is mDTiag sreei. and families are irrcgratatg is aS eimctSons How the New Custle lianlc Bursled. The Pittsburg papers noticing Ihe explosion of the New Castle Bank, leaving SIOO,OOO of its worthless bills in Ihe hands of individuals who look them because "they ire as good as gold," says:— The Now Caslle Bank has been in opera lion about eighteen months. When organ- I ized a Wall Street operator, named Sherman, i nbtnined control, and put in a German named ; Neiler, as Cashier. Within a few months it j was uscepaincd thai Neiler had loaned its I notes to Sherman to the amount of fifty or I sixty thousand dollars, whereupon a provo cation was instituted against Sherman, who disgorgod ten thousand dollars, and subse quently, nil they could ascertain he had re ceived, except four or five thousand dollars. Of the amount returned, sixteen thousand dollars, it is alleged, was retained by a Pitts burg broker, for his services in forcing the Wall street man to disgorge. Neiler was summarily dismissed, ond one Wagonseller, of Luzerne county, (who gave General Charter and Hon. H. M. Fuller as hail, in $30,000,) was chosen cashier. The directors commenced withdrawing heavy is sues of the hank, and in two months past had redeemed nearly two hundred thousand dol lars, when, on Wednesday of last week, the cashier was missing, and with hint whatever small sum in cash that might previously havo bean in the "vaults" or safe of the institu tion. I During the day the hank remained closed; on Thursday notice wus posted up that ''the cashier and teller had gone East on business" —and the bank has not since been opened, although somo of the directors redeemed con siderable amounts ot its notes 011 Thursday and Friday, and pledged their proper'y (or the redemption ol more. On Wednesday \\'*g onseller was in the city, and gave a man five thousand dollars in notes of the hank, on his promise to return him lour thousand in other money on Saturday, In Philadelphia. The five thousand have been returned to the bank. Tho runaway cashier appears to be a de faulter in fifty-three thousand dollars—accor ding to the statement ol the directors—but it may tie mitnli more. They think the notes out do not exceed eighty thousand—but, as the President cannot tell how malty he lias signed, or to what extent Wagonseller has over-issued, we have no doubt it is much more. The ttsse's are nominally two hun dred thousand, hot may prove not worth one fourth that amount. As the ascertained los ses amount to but seventy or eighty thousand dollars, and the stockholders are individually liable (or every tithe out. we have little doubt its circulation will be eventually redeemed at par. The directors should at once offer such it reward as will secure the arrest and pun ishment ol th^scoundrel who has defrauded litem. Important Periston. To*>opreme Court of Ohio, in the Sum mons mur.ler case, decided lately, that ike evidence t,( a deceased witness, taken on a i former trial, is competent to b read, on a second trial of the same cause. The facts were these . It was a case of poi ' soiling, ami the main witness, a servant girl. On the first trial, the girl was examined, and I the prisoner convicted. For some cause not j spectlied, an appeal was taken to a higher 1 court and a new trial was granted. Suhse 'intently Summons was admitud to bail ; When his second trial took place it was dis : covered that the main witness—the servant i girl alluded to above —rottld not be found, ami it was alleged that she had died of chol era. A witness was produced who had taken notes of her testimony, and though serious objections were msde by the counsel for the detence, his testimony was admitted. Again Summons was convicted,and be was senten ced to be hong An appeal was again taken on the ground that the prisoner, during this trial, had not bad ihe privilege, guaranteed b\ the Constitution to alt persons charged with crime of being brought I ace to lace wiih the witnesses against him. as lh testimony 01 the servat t gitl as given on Mr* first trial was admitted on ihe second, though this witness had died before the last took pl*i"* This appeal was taken to the Supreme Court hv which tribunal it has been considered on two occasions. On the first of these, one of the judges declined. giving an opinion, and the . other four were equally dtvivfe.f for and a gainst ihe prisoner, so that no decision was rendered. The case was again brought be fore the Court during us session a: Columbus, and a decision was finally rendered 00 Sat urday iast. confirming the sentence of the lower court, and fixing the time for the exe cution oa the iv.h cf Aprit inst. Interesting Irom Waskiagtoa. ir.i.vtiec'oa. Ifcrtk 26.—The postofMin- : < cr to Russia is said 10 hare heen tendered to Mr- Aiken, of Souih Carolina, bos the latter would prefer to succeed Mr. Pallas, provided he can do so. The chance* of Francis Gallagher, of Bal is.ore, for tire Consulship at Glasgow, are rery good. There are hundreds of application* for ihe L'verpooi Consulate, which will aoon be va car.-, bo: no selection has yet been made. Messrs Pease. Morptay & Co., of New York, hare been awarded ihe contract for building she revenue cstter destined for the igh'-house sen ice in Caitfomia. Kepor's are correct of a sodden coolness between the Administration and Governor Geary, bat I car. tears troth r.g defiaite concerning them GP"Rer. Mr. Harhcrst of the Baptist ehcrcb baptised eight yocng persona in the Sr.aqseoaaM at Lewtsberg oa Sattdat morn ing a. CP" Theatea ia acre* of Berks coo my, is 5.800. L'laetae h the largest county in the State, baring aa area ia acres of 696,- GT Et-Goeernw Med ill of Okie, has been appointed First CoapnaMar of the Treasury. vice EMm V.'hitilesey, "those resrgaation" is to take efleet on the first ot Mayne*. OP" Foot persons were baptizad a* the riser at Kenanmheriand on Sunday aad • caired iato the Baptist Chwels' | Declination of chief Justice l didate to fill the existing vacancy. I have been laboriously engaged in judicial j duties t.eariy twenty-four years—a longer pa- | riot! of service than that of any living Judge J in Pennsylvania. 1 have been thus engaged under three changes of the Constitution. I have aided to the extent of my abilities in I bringing up the arrearages of business, in ; re placing upon (heir ancient foundations some ol the landmarks of the law which had been inadvertently removed, sod in main taining the purity and tne independence o! the Jo-Victory. 1 have constantly endeavored to do justice whfiotn Oelay, tear, tavor, atTec 1 lion or ill-will, I now occupy, by tha voice of tl e people of niv native State, the highest judicial station in it. My long career as a Judge has received the approbation of the Democratic party in the re-unmination so generously and unanimously nude by the State Convention. All my ambition is satis tied. 1 have but one wish left, and that is to return to the freedom and independence , ol private life. Ido this with a grateful heart lor the long continued confidence of my (el- j low citizens, and in the lull trust they ! will appreciate and approve of my motives. Very Respectfully, Yours, KLLIS LEWIS. The Konns Government. D',isAmgr Cr.affee, tbretfc his Wile. Df. C. reore sen s the Springfield disiiict, the Argos c! which pace stales the fact t;ew ScoU be came CticSera atari—by Chaffee irarry ig the wvow of Dr. Emer-on, of Miesoan. The decistoa of the oeoet that Dead Scoa w no: a ctnree cf thw Coned Spates and could rot see in rbe Called States conn, j#a reman- Jed bin and hit faatdy to tha rJnauethood of Mu Chiaee. Clnac-Tte&lnii X'miuciaf saya tba 'be ts Kf tai. aofar. exceed# this aoatcß, acyta*ag ef the kiaf trier before witnessed r. ow ceeeuy. Su Loci* it fitted with encjeia, sod tnttn beted ap from the rider Svee bread fcr Itctaif™ lloa. James B. Clay. This gentleman i* now in our city, and it stopping at the Astor House, and we presume that many ot the old and wairaly attached personal blends of his lather will call on him and pay their respects to one who acted as his illustrious father would have done, and dissolved party ties when no longer consistent with the interests of theirnounlry. The Pres ident, in tendering to Mr. Clay the appoint ment of Minister to Berlin, indicated his es limato of the value of Mr. Clay's services, and paid at the same time the tribute of friendship to the great orator and sintesman of the West, with whom Mr. Buchanan was so long associated on the most intimate terms of private respect and affection, even while differing on questions of public policy. Ttio delicate and honorable declension of this post by Mr. Clav does equal honor to bin head and lienrt. It is for the purpose of giving siill more earnest proofs of his devo tion to the causo of Democracy, now com pletely identified with thst of the Union n* the only National party of the country. The Democratic Iriends of Mr. Clay In his native State of Kentucky propose to ser.d him to the Senate of the United States, the scone of the glorious labors of his lather, and those triumphs of intellect, eloquence and patriot ism which have reflected such lustre on hie name and that of Kentucky. We believe that there is not a democrat in the laud who did not read with rapture of the generous and patriotic labors of Mr. Clay during the last campaign, anil who did not believe that had the leader of the Senate in the struggle of 1850 been living his bold voice would have been heard in trumpet lone* on the same side.—-New York Aries. RIGHTS or NEUTRALS IN TIME or WAR.— Though (treat Hriuin entered willingly into llto proposal of the Paris Conference to abol ish privateering, it is not disposed to agree to the proposition of Mr. Marcy, necessary to our acceptiince of the first proposition— that all merchant vessels shall be free from rapture during a time of war. In a speech on the income tax, on the 9tlt inst., Lord John Russell alluded to this proposition ol the American Secretary, as carrying with it an air of philanthropy, bill in piactice was one which would not tend to prevent war, and wou'd cripple the energies of IJteat Bri tain. Foreign notions now drepd the naval superiority of England, and are therefore dis posed to peace with her If, on the contrary, they were sure that nil their merchant ves sels would be allowed to pass in safety, ore great reason for remaining at peace would betaken away. The United States could march an tinny into Canada, and (item Bri tain lave no means of offensive operations against them, l-ecause the Americans would send out no navy. It might resort to block i ado. but blockade, as tow limited, must be effectual, and, with the American extent of coast, this could not bo done with the eoiite force of the British navy. It could not shut up Russia during the late war with that country. Great Britain would therefore be rendered in a measure powerless, at.d wars ' would be more (irquetn. He hoped no min ister would set his seal to a treaty containing this stipulation. Without this stipulation, the United States will never agree to the treaty. This Government went to great length in proposing the modification it did, but it will never surrender tha right of priva teering, in which onr chief naval power re sides, without an equivalent which will guar antee the safety of our commerce at all times. —Lci/gw. Tkt Afysttna of the J.w—ln .Maine, at ihe term of (tie Supreme Court now being held at IVrtland, a bill of indictment was found by the Grand Jury against John S. Sprague for the crime of polygamy. The indictment charged that Spragne.on the Uth of Septem ber, ISM, beinst then and there an unmarried man, was lawfully married to Emily M. CWrk, and that afterwards, on the 4th ol December, 1P55, his first wife being still living, he mar ried Phoda St lvia S'ewart, thereby commit ting'he crime of polygamy. Spragne's coun sel stated to the Court that the County Attor ney was willing to admit, and that the de fence could prove that the alleged first mar riage was not a legal one.Sprague at the time being a married man and having a wife liv ing :in fact, that he had three wivea; but, as the indictment wa based upon the legality of the second marriage which was no/ legal, it must fail. And further, if the government attempted to prove that the fi.sf wife wis lit. ing when Spragne married the Ikird one, he should object to soch evidence, as they* was no such allegat ion in the indictment. This last position being sustained by the court, the County Attorney entered a nol. pixts.. ami :hns Sprague, who was charged with having frco wives, got clear by having Ibtt. Tkt Cahfamta fPatON ftyads —Parties at Washirgton are strenuously urging immedi ate ami effective measures Inr Ihe opening of the Ca'tfmnia wagon roads, authorized at the late session of Congress. Promiuent among the applicants is an ok! Catifornia stage contractor, temiiiarty krtwn as '-Jim Burch.' who proposes 10 take it entirely in his own hand*, and run a semi-weekly mail lr the $600,000 per annum authorized to be paid by Congress. This is strenuously ob jected to, on the ground that so important an enterprise shoutl not be commuted to a sin gle individual. The southern route is the one most likely to be selected, and it is thr't that the mail wij be transported overland wrthtn the neat siz or eight months. fe#" Lien>. W. N. Grier, L". S. A, formerly of Daiitille. aows of Vaccinnation, and Arkwright, pntanlae of ia to the Itees of these the future historian must turn when ha en deavors to acoount for tha vast physical and mental progteas which characterised tha first hall of tha Nineteenth Century. Ha most consult tha life of Holloway in particular; for no whero elio oan ha find so perfect a typo of that combination of activity and erudition .. which forms tha distinotiva development of our modern iutellacl. The wist and learned of lormer sgea wore omnipotent in the acad emy, but helpless as new-born babes in the rough conflict with the world ; tlisy confined the treasures of (heir genius to soma half score or two of credulous disciples; but for tha great masses of the people—tha prqfiinwm vutgus, is they call them—they cherished a profound contempt anu haired. What a pleasing contrast to this avrlusiva folly does the course of Professor Holloway atford ! How much wiser, at tha event See proved, was he to irvtt mankind with confi dence, and rather seek to elevate them to his own intellectual and acientific pisiform, than to look down upon them from an envied and unapproschnble height I Ha has now muitf friends Of tha world—of til races, creedsWd tongues of man ; ho is looked up to by mill ions from all cornersol the earth ss the phys ical redeemer who has disenthralled tltein, by his universal remedies, Irom the bondage of disease. The world has not s language in which the broad principles of his Pathology have not been enunciated, nor hat the earth s race of human beings so utterly batbsrisn as to be nngiateful for the benefits his phil anthropy hat brought home to them. Indeed, ingratitude it by no means a barbarian vice. We find mora of it among the polished cir cles of society than amid the natural rudanat* of a savage camp. We could, at tbia Very moment, lay our hands upon hundreds who owe their vary live* to the usa of Holloway'* Pills and Ointment ; and )et, because they think it "mora tha thing" to have a "family pnysician," yon could not offer litem a worse insult than an intimation of who it is that re ally has cured them. lit the redemption of humanity from the | pangs of physical anguish, by llolloway—in : tho telegraphic annihila'ion of distance, by Morse—in the labor-saving machinery of i Arkwright and the independence we enjoy > ever wind the tide, through the dauntless a*- j ertiotte of Fulton,—the luiore historian of our I race will find the deathless deeds which ere j to claim the tribute of his pen, and will ex claim, as lie records the mighty mirsolae i which they performed—"Ah, there were gi | ants in those days ! we ne'er shsll look upon | their like again."—iV. I*. Excrmmrr. Something iti Goo,l as Lidi.i IlMer. —A oof. respondent of the Scientific American sends t!iat paper a specimen of a substance whirh has the propenv of India rubber, but i< pro duced in all the States in this country tooth of thirty debtee*, and ia in a solid form. It may eaaily be reduced toa suitable shape for exportation. The editor says it looks like the real caoutchouc. The discoverer is Jos. K. Ware, and if the article possessor the ph) steal properties of India rubber, lie has wade a discovery of inestimable value. ScwcTtos Case—A year or two ago says the Harrisbnrg Herald, a young man named Cassel. seduced the daughter of a fatmar, namad David Hassler. The latter subse quently brought a suit for damages against Cassel, and the case was tried this week, and was ably conducted on both sidee. Th® jury rendered a verdict in favor of the plain tiff ol £2,500 damages, Cassel to pay the costs, which, including his attorney fees, will amount to at least £SOO more—making £3,000 in all. RAILROAD FARES— The fare from Blsck stone to Boston over the Boston and N. York Central, has been reduced from $1 25 lo 75 cents. This is but a fraction over two cent® a mile—the cheapest railroad traveling in New England. IV Elliott E. Lane, Esq-, a brother of Mist Lane, and nephew of President Buchanan, died suddenly, in Lsncaster, on Thursday morning, of inflammation of the bowel*.- He was a young gentleman of fine charac* ter, and is said 10 have been qnite a favorits o! the President. WThe citizens of Pmlatlelphia and Bucks counties, to Ibe cumber of one hundred and twenty| recently rent to ibe Legislature a pe tition praving for a law to prevent negroes fro® other States acquiring a residence in Pennsvlvanit. ur According to the official returna the township of Highland, in Flk county, is the smallest district in Pennsylvania, having tut eight taiables. Jackson township in Potter county has fourteen. ty The silk worm malady continoea in Franc. The Emperor has just offered a premium of ten thousand franca to any one who will discover the cauas of this malady, and indioatesn efficacious remedy for it. I#" Thirty thousand passengers wars car ried last year by the steamships between the Vailed States sed Europe—.acludmg eartwn and wsstere 'raersafcr* :