The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 25, 1857, Image 2

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    L " —Li I
■ -- - - . )- -r*fr-t -fV - ■ - - I ~
lllnnmabiug, \Vetliti-Ml >. .March 125, IH.TT.
Democratic Nominations.
of Lycoming County.
of Philadelphia.
oi Chester County.
In the origin of this government, the wise ,
men of the revolution gained great strength j
to their cause by the manifest justice of their |
claim that representation ought to bo con- ;
current with taxation. It was liko an axiom !
in political economy, and won tho assont ol
every thinking mind. Tho same men in
1787 embodied this principle in the first ar
ticle of tho national constitution when they
provided that " representatives and direct
taxes shall be apportioned'' on tbc satno
basis and ratiuu. but as no direct national
tax is laid, this provision is of no practical
effect. Tho South loses two tilth in tho
census oi its blacks, Whil it gains none of
the contemplated reciprocal in
taxes, because no direct taxes arc laid. Dili
the wise men of 1787 placed upon the rec
ord this just principle upon which they had
achieved success against tiro unjust heresies
of the llritish king and parliament,
'n Pennsylvania we have degenerated from
jj it , doctrine of 1776; and our representation
runt 11 val '°" oro 1,01 u P on 'ho sumo basis.
Ti . . . * constitution of 1837 \ 38 provides
Ihe Mutt , ~ , ,
. ontulivos "shall be apportioned
that ropres , , ~ , ~
Ilio number ot taxable iiJiulo
necording to .... . ...
, , , . strait. A tax en this basis
hints in each di. . ... ,
, tux, by which each man
xvould be a poll , . , >
, ~ ... nm to the slate, without
should pay a like s * ~ . ' .
' ol lu.s Jlus
, , . . . 'II! tiir ioniher >/ our
wnvdd certaiulv net s. . . I
. „ ; . ' luxation is en'.ire
people. Rut the basis o. , , , , . >
* , , • wlnle the basts
lv one of proptrhi or value,
' ' ' . . tirolv ol iiti vons
ot representation is one en , . ■ ' .
r . „ . , injustice bus
or numbnt. Some trouble aim
..... ... ronco ot ru
nlroady grown out ot tins ditto
, . , . , ... '>ull it tho
lio, and more mischief will yet r. .
' , '. 1 lius.
present wale vnfnmeo bo contmuec
to illustrule, Bradford eotttttv, under ' ,
. . •• lias
tsting nunieriral rntioot representaliot.
two members of the legislature. and t'oli
l<ia huf a member, because -be elects wr
Montour. Put by the prop- tv ratio t'elum
bin coutitv pays tilmest as much tax for the |
support of tin- state irovrrniuetit us Bradford.
The property basis of Bradford tor taxation w
is a little ovor 54.001).000. while that of 1.0-high.
high. Lebanon and Delaware is in each rase
over 59.000.000. though each of these coun
seutation onfy : no member ot the legislature |
Northampton county pay-tax on oxer >l2.
500.000. which neeordin;: to tho ratio ol
Bradford or V'.ritv would : no her six mrm- *'
hers iif tfie le •i-'utnte. though -lie has only
two. like each of the-o counties with St.- "
000.000 of properly. Tioga, Wayne and
Cambria counties l ave each less than 5?,-
000.000 a- the basis of taxation, while Com- "
berlatid pays tax on more than - 11,000.000. 1
yet in the now apportionment bill these
counties ore aVike so! down tor out ropve
tentative to each, l.uzon c atu! MontpMn- j
cry arc each set down for thru members in
the bill by the numerical ratio, and indeed j
Luzerne has note taxable* than Montgom
ery. But Montgomery pays mere than three 1
timet as much state tax as Luzerne. I
\ strict property ratio of value would net c
be tair .")* serve as the basis el representn- v
lion, becaus-o our legislators are not to pass , .
laws only for tie' V™™** °'- i *
There arc personal t.' 11 s ' M n ' ,nu ■' 11 , 1
ingsand relatious viin'.h 1 ,a,m 1 11 ir 1
. ii . ''duals are to, ]
attention, and therefoa' ine.u.
... , , . "iniem. :
bo considered ru making the apjvrns _ f
But certainly the material developtneti. v , '
the earth's resources, and the intricate and
intimate relation of propotly villi die so- , ti
rial condition ol a people is also a great s
subject for the consideration 01 a true law- p
maker, and should, lor that reason, enter j i
into the count with other interests when . t
representatives are apportioned. All lite i
various elements and interests which com-, 1
pose the subjects ot legislation should be \
balanced in forming the basis ot represctt- t
ration, and this same ratio should be the
one also tor taxation.
The rights ami the duties ot cilixens in a
good fforeri.nieat arc reciprocal: ami this i
principle rules many, it not all. ot the pri- r
vate retaaens of lite. 7 aai ot master and
servant or parent aud child tunusiics com
mon li.natmnons where a party must dis- 1
charge its duties before it can er.torcc e dw- I
ty from the other. Indeed rtgk* and Jtttw
are the same thing: tor that to whicu one
has a right it is die duty c". others to render. ]
Now while the citizen owes justly ap
portioned support to the government, by
tax or otherwise, its legislature ewes to him <
protection for all hi* waterisu and i ' corpo
teal interests io the same ratio. A no. so e:t
--"or and secure that share o: its ste
must be receitnzcd to r. ex
tent to the apjitior.met ot its members. 1
if a different ratio were adopted which
should recognize property, the pootica.
power of this progeny weuki fail mneh
to the poor mart of the respective .usir.c.
as to ;he rich tor each wnv-d *'■••• re..un
fcis ctrßiil power at the bailoi-bor. ai7 • reta
t;i-f'r snsratr. the scrre poiiite*. i*Ja:ii"' a
toward the other as new The r trmerir,
power at the Vaßet-box would tr.sdify tne
apparent tuffaenoe vbet rmctt U- grrcc ;
to prcpenr, so that nv tmsctne: could rc
We have th'MßgH this wbyeet '.oronc a
and though no basis wii stui a.l pcrmiC- we
at* sure that wc ooght to come bark to first
p-ieiples. We have observed tirni is#.if
count* re that! Awe-fotnfc erf the ebjee
tmns ioll* tsam
out of the fata that school tax is tened vpc
a, very .different ratio from the numerical
power which controls the schools. True,
property is one of tho things io be protect
ed aml'improvcd by public education, and
therefore it ought to boar iis corresponding
buribon of tlm cost. But individual life,
reputation and security are also to bo bettor
enjoyed by education, and therefore those
individual members who aro to be benofit
od ought to their proper extent to be re
membered in fixing the ratio for taxation.—
So far as the stato owes a duty to educate
the cliildron of the indigent, that aid must
of course be collected on the basis of tho
general stato tax.
Last winter the class of men who wore
hanging on tho verge ot bankruptcy and un
able to pay one halt their honest debts com
plained loudly because the Legislature char
j teed only one new bank. Kven that, we
have been told by those who know, was of
j no more necessity than the fifth wheel to a
j wagon; and oettsio it is thai the Uovcrnor
I declined to sign the charter, and left it be-
I come a law by default. Since then, the Erie
City Bank and Lancaster Bank have explo
ded ; week the Hank of Newcastle
followed these, leaving lour dollars in the
vault to redeem one hundred thousand of its
lot's, w hick nre almost all iti the hnnd of
honest mechanics and laborers, for bank.)
i and shrewd business men have refused to
| take them lor some tiu.e pint. This New-
I castle bunk and tho Erie City concern were
I leeenlly chartered, and were of those insti
tutions wliiuh visionary speculators declare
I are so very neooseury to develope the busi
' oesg resources ot the Siale. There arc somu
• now, and have been tr years, gentlemen o(
the VVagonselic school of finance boseiging
' the Legislature for more bunks: some ol
I these will he loun.l to have die patrons,
' and lire now die debtors to these exploded
I institutions ol imposition. Men who look to !
! being eliiceis ol new banks have been the I
: ones to borrow these Newcastle notes, alter
j they could no longer obtain credit elsewhere, !
and then gendered these notes nrnong labor
; ers mid mechanics to rob ihum of their Itar.l
! eaiuings.
' -Int tl re.
| lu the Ilouso last week Mr. Ent rea lin j
i place n bill minting to the widening ol a i
street i-i llloomsbnro. Also a bill to estab
lish and incorporate a Male and female j
i Academy at Orungeville in tliis county. '
Also a supplement to the net incorporating j
the town of Ashland into a borough This
bill was considered and paasr.l finally. It
appear* that some time ago Ashland was in
co'porate.l w.ili boundaries which bu-lu.led
about 130 acres ot valuable land in Columbia
coutitv, tm.l the piesent bill is designed to
remedy tliis error.
Tie I'dl tit repeal the net i f IS.'n) which
•dnce.L the number of supervisors HI Cain- |
-a township IM passed both branches .'
j is signed by the (Jovernor.
bill to tep.eal the la>v erecting the
a.l to I.upon has passed the house,
state ro. 1
... ~ lay evoniag we took the plea-,
On lat Fri> . ..
'g Hie evening exhihntoa el
sure n enjoyi. ° -
.. .. t school in this place. J 1.0
Mr. Eaton s sslet 1
. i was erovv.le.l vvi han in
larce selioo! room
n.l tho scholars m rules
leresled audience i
, . . v.t interest in their era- ,
led prove. ambit io: a
TI. , 0 declamation exer
loty an.) inii-e. I lie.
vises keep the mind ot '*' l' u r '• 1 ' t
i . i. . ......... . ' and toe publicity
thn: *vh:v:ll will improve v
... .... trace scholars and ,
ot the cxhioilioii vvi.. encoi i
uitfteM the public in educnt - 11 ®- t
J lie Next tionsie.
We frequently hear persons rq ° a ''
Deniociatio majority in the next .u.ona j
HOOM'ol Uepresenianves We line " " p - ?* >l
elec ed a ntajotiiy to that House, and vv.tciher
we shall or not depends vcty much "l* •" ' hr j
activity ol our Pemoctivtie brc.hten m 'he
S.ates where elections have not yet lav-it.
place. The fhates which hi ve already elect- j
ed return fit Democrats and 90 Opposition, j
Thro oro thirteen Stives in which electrons
arc ye: to bo hold, and in those butes *• ,
n,not gam seven members in oi"dr to liave a
•Majority. In the last forijtrcsa 'hev were ;
scntod bv -17 Democrats and S3 Oppo-j
" 1 " -t wtthooi any gam on enr part, the |
Mtiou, a... ouW fmlu , ,|, Democrats to
next ' -sv ' >i will be seen by this |L' I
a cci veic lit b.v.h Ho>" of ,
grcss to suta n :he sdniinis ration.
rT* f e London Quarterly Kevicw of .'an- j
cary las been tecoivod from Messrs. Leon
ard ScMt & Co . 79 Faiton Stroot, New fork
lis w ell fide i Vgos embrace articles on IDs
tory and Aafquii es of
Ferns ai d their porraits: Homer nod his
Successor* ia K.p-o roe'.rj Ba's S-.mon
Ftsh ric B-eeding. and l^gtslatiott: Lore. -
Raglan I. ft of St Charles Napier: iros
poets -ieal and FmTial. '
Blackwood's Edrnborgh Magazine for Feb
ruary is at band, fibotmdinc nt varied and
ever' em ar'irle r-poo ;|, e fol.owmg anbjecrs:
The Wa- in As.a : Scenes c! Clerical Lite-
No 1 - The Sad Fortooes of the Rev. Amos ,
p 4r r 0 -—Far. C : T:eke". of-ljoave A Lf tier
to Irerrr s T' e At e -.cs. or Tne Toree
p a r; • From I'era to Baohre . Lei
from a L'gh tmusc No. 1: Lorn Si.
l.eona'ds- We r.r e the a item on ci oar j
readers to the toi ow.i.g
F.-r a' y ore the frcr Rev ew ?? Pr ann 1
For any two. f "
For anv hree, . I " i
For a., rait oi :!> Ker evrs.
Yoi B act wood 's S
Fo* Biit Fwcod z*rd rb-ee Renews. 9 '• I
ForF irrwof.d arff lonrEeviews. It) "
Address LEONARD iCOIT it CO, ~i |
Fchoi rtteet New York. J,
We are glee to ierc Uik. Hor Jobr .
, G Montromerv ,? rocovenriS from u,e epi- '
rejprc cs agoi t-s mib aAtfie Nitiora. Hei
ic Was::t.*o*( . TiieLoisiADOwcso*z, :
and lb* Boari of be-.iL err the <
' cause of the endemic
Reported for the "Star of the North."
TOWNSHIP orricisßs.
Wc hevo taken some pains to prepare for
our paper a correct and full list of the town
ship officers elected in the several districts
ol this county on last Friday, which we pub
lish for the interest of our readers, as follows:
Constables —B. F. Hart man, John Ludvvig.
Supervisors —Samuel Shaffer, John l'urael,
Martin Rupert.
Overseers —Robert B. Arthur, J. H. Abbot.
School Directors —Dr. .1. Ramsey, Welling
ton Harlman ; E. U. Beidletnan 2 yrs.
Assessor —John M, Chamberlin.
Auditor —L. B. ltupert.
Judge —Caleb Barton, jr.
Inspectors— Elias Muiideuhall, Gordon It.
Constable— Lewis Eckroat.
Supervisors —Phineas Smith, John Snyder.
Overseers —Elislia B. Brown, Stephen H.
School Directors —Stephen Wolf, Jno. Mich
ael, John It. Yohe 2 yrs.
Assessor —Samuel Snydor.
Auditor —Daniel Momgomery.
Judge— Charles Workheiscr.
Inspectors —Lewis Creasy, Geo. A. Brown.
Justice —Michael Fmdoroff.
Constable —Robert Hampton.
Supervisors —Peter Lcvau, David Strauser.
Overseers— Samuel llauk, Joseph Witnor.
School Directors —Joseph llibbs, Michael
Frt'derolT, Abraham Mensoh 2 yrs.
Assessor —Charles Dyer.
Auditor —Charles Dyer.
Jod^c —Abraham Reaber.
Inspectors —John llatig, Charles I.evan.
1 Just he-Gnaw ltichait.
I Constable —Miclmel Keller.
| S'ltjieniiroro-Abraliain Arnwine, Moses Ev- j
Overseen— John Snyder, Peter P. Kline.
School Director— M. C. Vance.
Assessor —James Patterson.
Auditor — Wesley Bowman.
Judge —Abner Welsh.
"ttav man.
Constable —l'etor (5. Campbell.
I .Supfi uisors-Maihiasllattinan, Jacob Drum- j
1 belter.
I Overscan —Solontan D. Iteinharl, Juo. Keif- i
■ School Directors —Witt. Harlman, Jno. Scott.
Assessor —Milton H. Kerr.
I Auditor —T.evi Keller.
Jihlgc —Michael Rrobst.
Ins; ectors—James L. McN'inch, Francis
Constable —lsaac Yetter.
Judge —Daniel Fislier.
Supervisors —Henry Ranman, Jno. M. Nuaa.
School Do e. 'ors —JoM-ph Geigor, Solomon
[ Siiuman, Ma-tiuol liiuver.
' Au.lila —Andrew Andrews, Jacob Shu- !
man, Stacy John.
t ri.skis —Daniel Yetter, Uattnau G. C.
lasjtectors —Emanuel Gruvcr, Jno. L. Shu- 1
Asses/or —David S. Brotvn.
Con stable —John Young.
Overseers —Philip Swi-her, Jos. Shoemaker t
Inspnt os —lolvn I. Whinnire, Henry Faus. |
! Supervisors —Henry Fans, John Coiner. j
1 School Directors —John Young, Jacob Chris
( tian.
Assessor— Enoch Fox.
Audita —James Masters.
Judge —George Welliver.
MONTora Twr.
Ju Igr —John Deiterich.
Jn<j>rcfor.--David Baylor, Isaac Mocoer.
Si-prtTisuia-Daniel Karschner, Philip Foust.
Overseers— James Barton, Jacob Arnwine.
Const ible —Peter Heimbach.
Assessor —CadwaUiter Roberts.
Shoot Diicolors —Elias Deiterich, George
Auditor— John Deiterich.
Justices— Charles F. Mann, Henry Fry.
Constable —Charles I. Troy.
Sujieixisois— Dauiel Singley, Samuel Cox.
Overseers —Jno.Singly, M'ch'i Rittenhouse. |
School Jlireetors— Daniel lluntor, tteorge
Dolious. Cliaries Michael.
Assessor —Edmund Scbell.
Auditor —John Hosts.
.fudge—Henry F- Hossler.
j * orders —Joseph H. Shuman, Washington
f,ongenbs'' , - er '
Jasi Jacob lijrns.
Consti.tie —Daniel Neyhard.
Supcvisort— Isaac Leidy Eirsba ■ '
Oldsters— George L. Shoemaker,
Sdiool Directors— Samuel Brugler, Esau
Girton, John G. Nevis Sju
Assessor —John H Faut'.
Audita —Keuber. Fomboy.
Judge —John Gruver.
Inspectors— Amos B. Harlman. George W
ConsAsble—Jacob W. Hess.
Supervisors—Joshua Savaga, Jacob Kelier |
Assessor—James W. Kitchen.
Judge—Daniel Pooat.
Inspectors—Frederick Hess. L P. Heath.
School C.rectors—V.'m. E. Eoberu, Israel j
P. Heath.
Auditor —James Yocum.
C vcre t is—J antes occm, Abraham MOD* j
CEMMvoer rvr.
Constable — George Keser.
Supervisors—Philip Eeece, Fmncif F
Assessor—Daniel W.
Judge—Daniel - . L Rastfft.
School Directors —Elias WoHat, Ho
idirey Parker, Jefcnao* H HoJex lyi.
Inspec'.ois—Josbca t>avi*. Eicb*rd Hea- ,
1 cock
Auditors—Johnson H. Jkeler, Daniel K.
Wertmsn, John K. Eves.
Overseers—'Thomas K. Eves, D&vid Eves.
Justice—Andrew J. Thomas.
Constable—James Welliver.
Supervisors—Jas. Dildine, Valentino Wel
Judge—Getham Piddle.
Assessor—Berry Christian.
Inspectors—parvin Fisher, D. P. Ross.
School Directors—Meyer Welliver, John
Shultz, Nehemiah Welliver.
Overseers—John Swisher, Hugh McCol
Auditor—William Newlurt.
Justice—Reuben Knittle.
Constable—A. S. Knittle.
Supervisors—Michael Mrnsch, Hiram J.
Overseers—John G. Hotkey, Petor Doll
man. 1
•School Directors—Moses V. Shoemaker,
Benj. P. Former.
Judge—John Zigler.
Inspectors—A. S. Knittle, Samuel Yelter, jr.
Assessor—Aaron Lamberlon.
Auditor—Aaron I.amberton.
Constable—William Goodman.
Supervisors—Leonard Adams, I'etcr Bilner.
Assessor—Gera Hower.
Overseers—John Heinbold, Solomon Fet.
.Judge—Maberry Snyder,
luspeclors— Samuel Keller, John P. Wal
School Directors —Gcorgo Fetterman, jr.,
Lewis Leo.
Auditor —Wright Hughes.
Constable—Charles H. Deiterich.
School Directors—Thos. Conner, Samuol
Supervisors.—Abraham Ernwiae, Henry
j Has*.
I Assessor —Solomon Nov hard.
Inspectors—Aaron Kelchner, Cyrus Crev
Overseers—Jacob Iless, John E. Shaffer.
Judge—Levi A. Hutchison.
Auditor—Levi Aiktuan.
Supervisors—Joseph Gilbert, Wm. Fair
j man.
| Judge—Geortre Vance.
] Inspectors —llirani Crouso, John C. Mor
! den.
| Assessor—Andrew Melick.
| Overseers—Pumoel Oman, Jacob Shipman.
| School Directors—Philip Kisller, George
, Oman, Mathias Kindt, 2 yis.
| Auditor—Andrew Crouse.
Constable—Stephen Kiefor.
| Supervisors—Thomas Davis, Eli Mendon
j hall.
Overseers —Jteob Welliver, Abram A. ,
School Directors—Aaron Smith, Eli Men- j
j Assessor—Peter Appleman.
I Aodtiur—Jacob Wsltiver. |
j Judge—Samuel It Kline.
1 Inspectors—Geo. laubach, Wm. Yocum. j
j Constable—\V. MiGill Woods,
j Supervisor*—John Curveting. John Bright, j
j Overseers—M. A. Ammermatt, John B.
S StuoLer.
| School Directors—Lvas Doty,G. D.Kline.
1 A->essor—J. C llnnyan.
Auditor—J. K McCollutn.
| Judge—Michael Lemons.
Inspectors—Wm M Snicker. R.C. Parks. I
Constable—George Pniiips.
Supervisors—Ale.\anJer W. Rae, George
Overseers—lsrael Hulstein, Joshua Womet !
School Directors—lsrael Hulstein, Joshua ,
Assessor—Joshua Womer.
j Auditor—F. B. Woltarth.
j Judge—Jacob Derk.
i Inspectors—Abraham Williams, William
Constable—E. B. Purse!.
Supervisors—Sam'l Mehck, Philip T. Hart-!
Overseers—Samuel Mel els. Hecry Trem- !
I bljr.
i School Directors—Dartitl Snyder, Joseph
Assessor—Lewis Appleman.
Auditor —Thomas Crivelir.g.
Judge—Samuel Krcsler.
Inspectors—James D. Melick, J. D. Work
i Constable—Cornelius Girton.
i Supervisors-John Lewis, George Pills.
I Overseers —Cyrus Larish, C. L. Moore,
j School Directors—Peter Hess, James M.
; Slmliz.
I Assessor. —Peter Hess.
Auditor—Jacob H. Fritz.
Judge—James F Kile,
lnsper or* —Andrew Hess, Samuel Hess.
1 he Philadelphia Appointment*.
WiMiiAdTON, March 19.—The following
! are the appOiß'sDyis * or Pb.ladelphia maJe
i to-d&v :
iV.mnv—CoLJ. B Baker
A'.T -si OjTtur— Chambers McKibben.
P.-.s.'ctj.'jf/'—Gideon G. Westcott.
Surveyor—John Hamilton, Jr.
A'r: .. Agad—William Badger.
| Marshal of the Eastern District—Jacob
1 Yost.
• CP* Tne Danrille Democrat recommends
I the ar _ i.t trr.ent of Joshca Comly. Esq., to
j supply the vacancy on the Scpreme Bench ■
j by tbe eppo r.iraent of Judge
! Black to a j are in tbe Cabinet. GOT. Pol
lock. who of cecrse will select from his cwr.
party, could rot mike a better selection mar.
Four pe-soas were baptised in tbe
! river at Northumberland on last Sunday, and
| received into me Baptist church. Tec mere
al Lesrisburg on Sunday, tbe 22d inst.
ty We 'see it stated that the Bank of
Northumberland baa procured new piateafor
it* note*, and a itffeMM qfcjr F*P cl
' beautiful caste.
Appointments ol Methodist Ministers,
The Baltimore Conference of the M. E.
Conference of the M. E. Church last week
made the annual appointments for the seve
ral districts. On the Northumberland Dis
trict Rev. THOMPSON MITCHELL is appointed
Presiding Elder. Tho residence is Lewia
burg. The circuits are filled as follows:
Williamsport—Samuel Keppler.
Newberry—James Curns, Finley B. Riddle
Money—Andrew W.Gibson,C.H.Savage,
E. K. Allen, Sup.
Milton—Sauiuel Barns.
Milton Circuit—J. G. McKeelian, P. B-
Lewisburg—John H. Dasliiell.
Mitllinburg—Samuel Creighton.
Northumberland—E. 11. Waring.
Sunbury—Thomas Tanyhill, M. L. Drum.
Catnwissa —John A. DeMoyer, 11. S. Men
Danville—Wm. 11. Wilson.
Montour Mission—James Gamble.
Bloontsburg—George Warren, N. W. Col
Orangeville—J. Y. Rothrock, S. Shannon.
Bloontingdale—Elishn Butler, A. M. Kes
Luzerne —T. H. Switzer, John Guss.
Berwick—ll. G. Dill, Thomas Sherlock.
Laporte Mission—John W. Stout.
Thomas Bowman, Principal of Dickinson
Seminary, Member ot Williamsport Quar
terly Conference.
Irvin H. Torrenco, Secretary of Pennsyl
vania Bible Society, Member of Danville
Quarterly Conference.
Stale Control Committee,
In pursuance of u resolution of tho last
Democratic State Convention, the following
named gentlemen have been uppointeJ to be
the State Central Committee for the coming
I of Bloontsburg, Columbia county.
Philadelphia—Hon. Ricnnrd Yens, F.dw. I
G. Webb, Dr. Andrew Nabnger, lien. Wm.
Reilly, Wm. A. Porter. John C. Kirkpatrick,
Eugene Ahem, Win. Seargenl, J no. Robbies.
Jr., Dr. Edward Morwitz, Geo. \Villiams, Al
exander Brown, George Megee.
Mnuynmn'—Eitvutd Stoiujrtlitvaite, 11.
W. Bonsall.
Chester and Delaware—Robt. E. Monogan, ]
Joseph R. Morris.
Berks —Dr. C. 11. Hunter, E. L. Smith.
Backs—Robert Tyler, Stokes L. Roberts. j
Lancaster and Lebanon.—George Sander-,
son, H. M North.
Northumberland and Dauphin.—W. B
Sipes. Jas. M. Bay, Richard Haldeman, Jesse
C. Morton.
Northampton and Lehigh—John Davis J.j
N. Hutchinson, Mitißn llannum.
Carbon, Monroe, I'ike and Wayne—Sam'l
McLean, S- S. Droller, O. 11. Molt, W. F
j Adams and Franklin—Henry Riley, J. W. ]
; Douglass. I
York—W. 11. Welsh. Jacob K. Seidol.
! Cumberland and Perry—Thomas M. Bid-
I die, 0. J. T. Mclntyre.
I Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan—Henry L.
' Pifllmbaeh, John W. May nurd, James Degan.
I Blair. Cambra and Huntingdon—R. B. Pel
-1 rikiGen. Adolphus Patterson.
! Col .mbia, Luzerne. &c.—Asa Brundage.
Bradford, Susquehanna, ko.—P. A. Over
ton, Gett John Blending.
Tioga. Potter, &e.—P. L. Sherwood, Edwin
B Fldred.
Mercer. Genango and Warren —Hon. M. .
C. Trout. L. T. Parmlae.
Erie anJ Crawford—Murray Whallon Jno.
I P. Davis.
j Beaver. Ruder and Lawrence—Gen. Jona
| than Ayr**, Gen. Charles Cattei, John Gra
Allegheny—Hon. T. C. Shannon, R. Riddle
i Robetts. Chas. Garnet, Wm. Black.
Bradford, Somerset, &c.—lion. W. T.
j Dougherty, W.J. Bare.
Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion—J.Alex
! ander Folton, W. W. Barr.
i Miillin, Juniata and Union—D. M. Dull,
Charles Merrill.
Fayette and Westmoreland—Hon. Jno. L.
! Dawson, Col. A. E. Wilson,
j Schuylkill—Hon. F. W. Hughes, Benjamin
I Christ.
Appointments by the President,
WASHINGTON. March IS.—Arthur W.Aus
j tin has been appointed Collector for Boston,
vice Mr Peaslee. The friends of Mr. How
land were very sanguine of his appointment,
up to the last moment, and even DOT are
no! willing to admit his defeat.
I Watson Freeman has been re-appointed
j U S. Marshal for the District of Massachu
Charles L. Woodbnrr has been appointed
IT.l T . S. Attorney for the District of Massachu
setts, vice Mr. Hallett.
It is said that Fletcher Webster is to be
appointed Surveyor of the port of Boston,
and that Charles C. Greene, Naval Officer,
will be te-appointed.
The pressure on the President from New
, York, Philadelphia and Boston, h been eo
severe as nearly to prostrate him, as he has
i admitted to his friends.
j Tbe New York and other Appointments.
WASHINGTON, March 21.—Hon. D. Sickels,
i ex-Governor Bouck, and many others from
j New York, had a long interview with the
j President, this morning, relative to the ap
' pomtmer.ts in that city and State. The door
was then thrown open to more than one hun-
I dred persons in waiting, including a fresh
' delegation from Maryland. A large number
rushed up and hurriedly put their papers into
the hand of tbe President, while others con
i tented themselves with merely shaking his
The President excused himself staying he
wouid listen to them separately, were it in
ins power, but the Cabinet would meet in a
few minces. They would, be ea;i. have
? before them one of tbe tacit .mponant sob
! jecis t brought to the of tbe gov
err,treat, and its tbiji connection he said b<
had just received the resignation of Gov
f Geary to take efieet from the 20*t inst, am
r lbs; lime is pasu- ' Hence/' be remarked
>f i "you see i is impossible fee me, gentlemen
' lc attend to yoc now."
From the Danville Democrat.
Mr. EDITOR :—I was permitted, recently, to
be present during ibe examination of several
persons who are engagod at the present time (
in owe of lite districts in Montour, in the re-
sponsible profession of leaching. They were f
examined in Orthography, Heading, Writing, (
Geography, Arithmetic and Grammar. With
out detailing the particulars of every branch (
of study in which they ware examined, 1
would remark,,that I was roost amused with
tho exorcises in Orthography ; and by per- j
mission ol our County Superintendent have
transcribed from tho manuscript of ono of
these "Knights of the Birchen Sceptre," for (
the benefit of your roaders, the following (
Words dictated. Dote spelled. '
Bureau, Beauro.
Busy, Buisy. - |
Business, lfuissness.
Grammar, Gramer. I
Atithmetic, Arothmatick.
tliintiont, Cooquent. ,
Orthography, Orthography.
Diphthong. Diphthong.
Knowledge, Knoledg. i
Treatise, Tretes. .
Superintendent, Superintendanl. ,
Technical, Teoknickla.
Copy, Copy.
Discretion, Discrescion. I
Stationary—fixed, per- ,
maneni, Stasiot,ary.
Stationery—paper, &0., Stationaary.
Capitol—edifice occupi
ed by Congross, Capital,
l'ure—to cut, Paire.
Pair—a couple, Pear.
I Pear—a fruit, Pair.
Need—to be in want, Nead.
Kneud —to work dough. Neod.
Oar Orr.
Ore, Oar.
O'er, Or'e.
Courier—a messenger, Currier.
Write the name of the
largot city Ohio— City in Ohio.
Write tho name of tho
largest city in Illinois— " Illinois®.
Write the name of the
Copilot of Vermont — Capitol.
Write the name of tho
largest river in the Eastern
States— Tames.
Write the name of the
river separating Pennsylvania
from New Jersey— Delaware.
Of fifty wolds given, more than thirty er
rors were committed. 1 have not transcribed
these with a view, so muoh, to expose the
iiiCDiiiiNiiwncy 01 umir author, a* to point out
an evil that has hitherto prevailed to a great
extent in Pennsylvania, and which the schtool
law of 'sl is designed to correct, viz: the
employment of persons ot such limited at
-1 lainmenls. Tho lowest grade of temporary
| certificates was granted in the case narrated
! above. This class of teachers, I loam ftom
! the State and county Superintendent's reports,
| has be on very much reduced within the last
i three years, unit their place supplied by per
sons of higher qualifications.
But in many districts of the Slate, Direclots
i stilt persist HI employing persons of such lint
| iied qualifications, because they can be ob
tained ai low wages, anJ that too without ex
j animation, as in the above named instance,
j until their term ol school had utarlv tormina
| ted.
If "like beget like" what must be the pto-
I duct of their labor ? 1 leave tho reader to
I judge. B
j Danville, March 6th, 1857.
I'OICICII Immigration NUIL Free Soil.
j Some ol the Republican journals of this
j country-are opening their eyes lo the (act,
! that the clamor against foreigners, and the
I disabilities which some of the Eastern States
have attempted to impose upon them, ate
i likely to crippl the Republican efforts to
! convert the Territories into free States. It
j lias been foreign immigration which has
1 peopled tho West and Northwestern portion
of this Union, and planted a hardy and in
! dustrious race of freemen over that broad
j section of the connny. Yet Massachusetts,
j which appropriates money, through its Le
igislature, to settle Kansas with free labor, is
one ot the most rabid Stirtes against the for
eign immigrant, whose tubal is the very kind
wanted in Kansas. Religious sectarian pre
j judice has probably a great deal to do with
' this mental blindness. In the Southern
j States, this attempt to reduce men born free
, to a state of political slavery, would be excu
sable, on account of the interests at stake;
1 but in any Northern State, professing Repub
lican principles, it is an inconsistency not
• very creditabls to its intelligence. The pres
| em naturalization laws, rigidly cnlorced, as
" ' they should be, are a sufficient protection to
i the rights of American voters. Unacrupu
- ions partisans may violate these laws, but
i the remedy is against them, and their pun
- islimeiu would soon correct the mischief.—
rhda. Ledger.
Cutis iishlp.
Many of our cotemporaties, we observe,
I assert that the Supreme Court ol the United
- Slates has decided,'.in the "Dred Scott case,"
i that a colored roan cannot be a citizen of a
? : S:ate. Our cotemporaries cannot have read
, jibe decision in question, or they would
, ! scarcely have hazarded so wild an assertion;
i lor Chief Justice Taney explicitedly admitted
r ! that citizenship of a State, and citizenship of
a j a federal republic were two distinct things,
s and thus a man might be a citizen of the one
without being a citizen of the other. There
is nothing in the "Dred Scott" decision to
disfranchise persons of African descent whom
a State (as Rhode Island for example) has
j, ; declared capable of voiing for its State offi
e | cers. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
i might to-morrow, if it chose, make colored
, r ! persons full citizens of Pennsylvania, though
. it could not make them citizens of the United
h S:a'es, which is a different republic, and
r which alone has the right to determiae who
, | its citizens are. It is important to keep this
~ distinction ia mind. The Supreme Court of
s , the United Slates, while it hog the coostitu
i tonal right to determine who are citizens of
e the Nations! Federal Republic, would be
a ; traticendiog its powers to dictate to this ot
„ any other State, whom Pennsylvania or thai
e other State should endorse with citizenship
} j — PkUa. Ledger.
r- THE NEWEST FASHION. A late Englis!
Ie paper states that "many prayer books art
v. now sotd in London with a looking-glass in
id sorted in the inner side ol the cover, in or
i, der that ladies may arrange their hair or ad
n ; ; mire 'hemselves while using the book a
chute it.
From Hu Clinton Democrat.
The experiment of free niggerism his two
ao successful in the northern States, that
speculators attaoh "free" to almost every
swn idling scheme they propose. Hence
"free" banking. But whoever imgaioea that
the scheme means to allow every man to
bank aud issue notes, will find himself hum
bugged. It means only to permit certain
persons to bank upon the debts of the States.
It i* u refinement of ingenuity to propose to
make other ovidences of debt the basis of a
largo issue of promisory notes. Vet Ibis is
the stoty of so-called "free banking." This
climax of yankee invention has been intro
duced into our Legislature, and the bill may
pass. Tho old German idea that gold and
silver is to give way to the refined yankee
idea that a basis of debts is much safer and
It is said the scheme is a safe one, for tho
State is "sound" nnd cannot escape the pay
ment of its debts or become bankrupt, while
it contains so many sturdy people capable of
paying taxes. They toll us that the free
honker must buy *IOO,OOO worth of S'ate
stock, and deposit it with an officer 10 be paid
by the people, as security for the ultimate re
demption of bis notes. Tlion he is to be al
lowed to issue bis own noles to that amount,
and no more—hence the safety. Weil, ill
addition to all that, ho must keep on hand a
considerable amount of gold und silver, to
redeem his notes when demand is made, and
deposit another considerable amount in Phil
adelphia, to keep thein at par, or they will
not "circulate." He must keep a bulbing,
house, and pay the officers of hi* bank, tbe
engraving and printing of his notes, &c., &u.
Then, reader, how is he to make his money?
He has paid 5'.00.000 for his Stale stock, the
interest upon which is not an equivalent for
the investment. Ho issues SIOO,OOO of hie
own notes, for which ho receives about sovon
per cent. Out ol this lie must pay all his ex
penses, and keep on hand twenty or thirty
thousand dollars In specie, and deposit ten
to twen'y thousand more iti Philadelphia.
Any mail inns', soe that this must be a losing
business. Hence there must be some
thing in this scheme which free bankers kesp
from public view. If there is anything else,
then the stock can not be security (or it
and hence the whole scheme is a swindle.
We have not examined bank note report
ers lately, but within two or three years past,
tile bank commissioner of New York adver
tised that lie would redeem the notes of cer
tain New York broken free banks at from 10
to 60 per cent, discount, though based upon
par stock.
The city brokers, who own or control
nearly the entire amount of our Stale debt,
urge this scheme because its enactment
would bring the State stock p to par, by
which they would profit.
We trust that amidst the multifarious
schemes of plunder with which our I,egisla
lures inflict tile people, this one may not be
found. It is too stupendous to be endured ;
and its explosion which would soon follow,
would give rise to more cunning frauds and
sehemee of swindling than oue generation of
people could crush.
But if we mut have a scheme of freo
banking, let it ix free. Lot every fellow issue
notes to that amount who can raise funds
enough to buy a certificate of State stock. If
there is any virtue in that sort of equivocal
freedom, let us havo it in a shape that all can
reach it. If the denomination of the notes is
to be restricted, then keep us free from shin
plasters. If not, let your free banker manu
facture them ol every possible denomina
CF* A gang of railroad robbers were lately
arresied, on the line of the Pittsburg, Fort
Wayne and Chicago road. A large number
ol (he gang have, according to the Mansfield* •
HcrJßd, been employees of the road. Mem
bers of the gang would be stationed along
the whole line of the road, between stations,
I and as the train came along the confederate
on the train would roll off a bale of muslin,
cloth, or such goods as could be made most
available. Theso goods would be divided
among members if desired, or otherwise sent
to some of thet depot established m the west
for the disposal of their goods, and the pro
ceeds divided among them. Nor were their
acts those of robbery alone. They stopped
not at murder to secure their booty. By
them was Whitney murdered at Loudonville,
and Moore almost killed at C.restline. The
muiderer of Whitney, it is said, is among
the arrested, now in Wooster, Ohio, jail—
Large numbers still unarrested, are closely
watched by this secret police, Who kpiow
them to belong to the gang and only wait lor
, sufficient legal evidence *.o justify their at-
I rest.
Back Su-pcnslou.
I rirrsßUßo, March 21.—The Batik of New
I j Castle, tbe credit of which has for some
! weeks been impaired, has finally stopped
I ' payment, tbe amount of coin in the bank
f I yesterday, to redeem notes amounting to over
, SIOO,OOO, being jun four dollars. The Castt
• ier, Mr. Wagonseller, it i* said, has abscond
; ed with $60,000. The Directors, who are
i all men of respectability, Lave been sadly
i duped by the Cashier, who wss a fast liver
s and deeply involved :n eastern speculation*.
- Large sums have been recklessly loaned to
i corporations, much of which will be lost,
j Among others, is an item of twenty thousand
i dollars to the Gramercy Bank of Indiana.
j IV After all the scurrilloui abuse heaped
3 upon the Democratic party for repealing tba
s Missouri Compromise, the highest judicial
tribunal in the world baa decided that we
were right, and that our epponeo's were
f clinging to a law which never had any legal
e existence, but was null and void from the
, r ( date of its passage ! What a glorious eu
,, j dorsement of a glorious party ! This high
3. CoDrt has not only thus decided, but trium
phantly sustains tbe decision of Judge Black
in the Passmoic Williamson case Black Re-
publicans, you now stand rebuked in a quar
re ter which will be acquiesced in by every
a " man whose mind is not warped by ciieles
prejudice.— Bedford Gazette
at J3F Ex-Secretary Marcy is about to 4*i