The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 11, 1857, Image 1

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E. W. Reaver, Proprietor.]
OFFICE —Up ifuirj, in the riftr brick build
ing, on Ike south side oj Main Strut, third
square below Market,
'A' E H M s -.—Two Dollar* per ennnm, if
paid within ix month* from the time of sub
scribing ; two dollar* and fifty cents if not
paid within the year. No subscription re
ceived for a less period than *ix mouths; no
discontinuance permitted until all arrearage*
are paid, utiles* at the option ot the editor.
ADVKKTISEMENTS not exceeding one square
trill be inserted three time* for One Dollar,
nud twenty-live cent* for each additional in
sertion. A liberal discount will be made to
.Lcstrhf i y Mrs. Martha .Inn Pat'en, u Voting
Lady Tscenty l'euri ot Jge. icko Commanded
u )W. Fifty six Days, Daring Her Hut-
Ktaft Rlntss.
Tire readers of the Herald will remember
an account taker. Irom one of the California
paper*, relative to the heroic conduct of Mrs.
Martha Ann Patten, wife of ("apt. Patten, of
the ship Neptune's Car, Who, during her
husband's illness, took charge of the vessel
and navigated it safely into San Francisco
rhe lady, together wi'h Iter husband, who
is now so sick that he is not expected to
live, atrived in thi* city in the George loiw,
snd ore now stepping at the Battery Hotel.
Her story is an imresting and painful one,
and altows how much a weak, delicate wo
man can do when a great emetgency call*
out her powers.
Mrs. Patten ws* born in Fast Boston ol
wealthy parents, snd received an excellent
education, and was in every respect tenderly
nurtured and eared for. She it now but
twenty yesrs of a- , tie petite taills, has small
bands and features, delicate blonde com
plexion, soil blue eyes, and altogether gives
one en idea ol lemeniue soilness and wo- J
manliness that it is impossible to associate
with the dating nerve and decisive qualities
she exhibited in * rsnraikable degree. At
eighteen years she martied Capt. Patten,!
then but twenty-five yesrs of age, |,e having
been master of a vessel-tbe bark St An
drew, which plied between New York and
South American ports—and was then eIT dtttv
watting ti|| the Cornelia Lawrence, a new
ship, was ready for sea Shortly afler he
was married the master of tho ship Nep
tune'* Car sickened as she was about to put
to sea for a voyage around tbe world, and
the owners, Messrs Foster end Nickeraan,
offeror) the post to Capt. Patten, but he hesi
tated as he did not wish to leave his young
bride. The owners, however, gave him per
mieatoo to take her with him : and in twelve
hours alter the lirst notification Ihe young
couple were on board, and the vessel getting
ready to leave the dock. The Neptune'*
Car sailed for San Francisco, thence to
China, from China to London, and finally at
rived in New York, alter an absence of sev
enteen month*. During this time Mrs Pat
ten amused herself by helping her husband
in his nautical observations, worked up the
time from the chronometers, and occasion
ally kept the reckoning of the ship. I.sst
August the Neptune's Car again put to sea,
and it was on this voyage that Mrs. Patten's
misfortunes commenced. As the veisel
iretred tbe straits of Maggellan, her hus
band was taken with a disease in the bead
which finally developed into a brain fever. ,
He attended to his ship as long as he was
able, and xvhett it was impossible to give
any personal orders, be found to his dismay
that hit fine mate was wholly incompetent
to take charge of the ship, and that there was
no officer on board qualified to take the ves
sel into port. He found that the first mate
wa* anxious to run the vessel into Yalpa
raiao, bat this he earnestly forbade, as the
crew might all leave and the cargo be de
stroyed before the consignees could send for 1
the vessel. In this emergency Mrs. Patten's
rare qualities developed themselves. She as- ;
eumed command of tbe vessel herself, ar.d
Ihe nautical observations she once made in
sport for a passtime she now undertook ar a
doty. Her time was spent between her de-'
lirious husband and tbe writing desk, work
ing up the intricate calculations incident to '
nautical observations making entries in the
log-book in her own delicate penmanship,
and tracing out with accuracy the position
hot the ship from the charts in the cabin
eThe rough sailors all obeyed the "little wo-
Jim," aa they called her, with will, and
?yed her curiously and affectionately through
the cabin windows while deep in her calcu
lations in which her life and theirs depended.
There was one person on board, however,
who viewed her course with jealousy and
mistrust. He wrote her a letter warning her
of the responsibility she was assuming and
proffering advice, but she spiritedly replied
that "bar husband would not trust him while
he was well, and she could not do so now
that be was sick." For fifty days Mrs. Pat
ten did not nndress herself and took very
little Bleep, working day and night, and
never leaving beraick husband's room. Her
labors are the more surprising in view of the
fact, that she was all this time in a delicate
coodition, and aoon expects to give birth to
her first child.
The Neptune's Car arrived safely at San
Francisco on the 15ih of Novembei last, it
having been for fifty-six days under the
command of a delicate female not twenty
I*eis of age. What a splendid text for the
wom n > g right's people.
jJJ'J-Petiea is now at the Battery Hotel
with bf husbsnd, who, it is supposed is in
• dying coodiiiwi. The fever has never left
him, and for soma titne pan be has been
Tb** did expect to lesve
C . Bosum yesterday lor her own
home) but be was too sick to be moved.
s esse is one of the most re
rffvkaVM on record, and adds one to tha
meteoees ibet history records of female
v 1 and Iwioism Kev: York HtroU.
HARRISIIRO, March 2.—The Democratic
Slate Convention, to nominate candidate* lor
Governor, Canal Cotnmisaioner, end Judge
of ihe Supreme Court, met in ihe Hall of the
House of Representative* at 10 o'clock thi*
morning, and was called to ordar by Col.
John W. Forney, Chairman of the State Cen
tral Committee.
Col. Forney, in performing thi* duly, made
a brief *ddrea. He referred to the great
triumph ol the Democratic party o( the coun
try, last fall, in tho election of James Bu
chanan, and the proud position the party in
Pennsylvania had occupied in that great
struggle. He made a delicate allusion to the
recent defeat of the Democracy in the elec
tion of a United Slates Senator Iront Penn
sylvania, and remarked that the usngor of
the parly had been abused, and the trims ol
the great victory had been pn nutted to rot
away under their feet. He rendered back to
tbe representative* ot the parly lire trust eon
tided to lum a year ago, and concluded by
requesting some delegate to uominatu u
temporary Chairman.
Gen. Murray Whallon, ol Erie, was there
upon nominated and chosen as Chairman,
pro. Inn., and Gideon G. Westoott, of Pbilu
delphia, and Alex. McKumcy, of Westmore
land appointed Secretaries.
The list of delegates was then called. The
Convention is nearly lull. Several delegates
are yet absent who will be Ire-o this after
On motion, a Committee of one delegate
from each Senatorial District, was appointed
by Ihe delegations Irom the several district*,
to report officer* lor a permanent organisa
The contested seats Irom the Tenth snd
Seventeenth Senatoiisl Districts were con
sidered and settled in favor of Charles M.
Smyser from the Tenth District, and L. K.
Blood, Itom the Seventeenth distiict.
Ttie Committee to select officers in tho
organization of the Convention, returned and
reported as lollows.
PHILIP JOHNSTON, ot Noilhampton.
Geo. W Nehinger, II 1.. Dieffenbach,
Charles Worrell, J M. Griminill,
W. A. Ed wards,'* Wallace Geybert,
l'cter Rambo, John Blanding,
John G. Brenner, F W. Knox,
A 11. Tippin, VV. P. Garvin,
Stinurel Kiogwab, Jonathan Ayres,
Edward Thomas, Wm. 11. McKeo,
VV B Patton, S. 11. BUckhnrn,
Wm M, Breelin, Ftnley Patterson,
II Alricks, Daniel Weyand,
John A. Mater, ) 11. 1 rawferrt,
Cliailcs Burniiit, John Cornicing*,
J. 11. Danner, J. B. Souright,
John Ahl, Isaac Ward,
John liaixvll, Edward Flannery,
J. II lltiey, Jo*. Lindsay,
Jno. Campbell, I. II Shaw,
K. 1.. Acker, II A. Boggs,
A. Mr-Kinney, Dr. llrown,
The report of the Committee was adftpted,
and the President, on taking hi* seat, made
a brief address, returning thanks for the honor
eonfeired, and enjoined harmony of action,
predicting another great triumph, next Full
Mr. Shannon, of Allegheny, moved the ap
point ol a Committee on resolutions, con
sisting of one Irom each Senatorial district.
Ou motion of Mr. Cessna, the resolution
was amended reducing the number of the
Committee to seven.
Adjourned till half-past two o'clock.
Tho Convention re-assembled at half-past
two o'clock, when the Committee on resolu
tion s was announced, consisting of Messrs.
Shannon, Buokslew, Workman, Wescot!.
Shriner, Carrigan and Bonsall.
The Convention then proceeded to makp
nominations for candidates for Governor. A
number of names were placed in nomination,
and among them Hon. John L. Dawson and
Gen. Seth Clover, which were subsequently
withdrawn. ,
The first ballot for a candidate was then
taken and resulted as follows:
Messrs. Alrioks, Alii, Blanding, Brua,
Buckalew, Bowman, Dieffenbach, Evans,
Finch, Flannery, Gilliland, Hunter, Kutz,
Knox, Lauman, Carl, M'Cormick, McCurdy,
Orr, Tiolelt, Smyser, Smith, Shaw, Scarbo
rough, 6clinabel, Steele, Seybert, Sherwood,
Thomas, Wunder and Ward (Susquehanna,)
31—voted for Wm. F. Packer.
Messrs. Acker, Allen, Bacher, Bonsall,
Brenner, Campbell, Carrigan, Deal, Danen
hower, Edwards, Esher, Killian, Lippencott,
Morrison, Miller, McGhee, Morris, McMul-
Jin, Murray, McGlency, Nebbinger, Worrell,
Rambo, Sager, Sturgeon, School, Tippin,
Wescott and Yeager, 29—voted for Win. H.
Messrs. Avrfes, Blood, Blackburn, Boggs,
Cessna, Crawford, Clarke, Dunn, Gibson,
Huey, Hefdman, Irwin, Jamison, Johnson,
Marian, McKinney, McCormick, (Northum
berland,) Magee, Shannon, Shriner, Sansom,
Slater, Taylor, (Beaver,) and Weyand, 25
voted for Samuel W. Black.
Messrs. Buyer, Brush, Frost, Hull, Kaulz,
Lindsey, McKinstry, Patton, Patterson; Ring,
wait, Rulledge, Searighl, StouTer, Swan and
Workman, 15.—voted for Wm. Hopkins.
Messrs. Brooks, Danner, Forney, Grier,
Garvin, James, Price, Plumer, Reily, Sharpe,
Sloan, Taylor, (Erie,) and Whallon, 13—vo
ted for J. Porter Brawley.
Messrs. Brown, Bower, Cummings, Dillin
ger, Gemmil, Harlzel, McDowell and Wood
ruff, B—voted for Epbriam Banks.
Messrs. Burnett, Craig, Clover, Moore,
Wolf and Wood, 6—voted for G. R. Barrett.
Messrs. Breslin, Hippie, Horn and Ward,
(Schoytkill,) 4—voted lot F. W. Hughes.
Mr. Baum voted for lsaao blanker.
Mr. Young voted lor Thomas S. Bell.
IVhele number of votes cast 131—neces
sary to a choice 66.
; There being no choice Ihe names of
Messrs. Hughes, Brawlay and Hetrker were
Packvr, 39
Black, 36
Wilts, 33
Hopkins, 18
Banks, 6
Whole number of votes east, 133—neces
sary to a choice, 67.
Tho 3d, 4th, sth, and 6th votes were nearly
the nma, Hopkins falling oil' to 6, and the
other candidate* severally gaining slightly.
Packer, 49 I Witts, 39
Black, 43 | Hopkins, I
Bih vote. 9th vote. 10th vole.
Packer. 60 49 49
Black, 44 44 44
Wilts, 39 39 39
Hopkins, I I I
A motion to adjourn till seven o'clock was
disagreed to, alter winch four oilier ballot*
were had resulting a* follows.'
I Hit. l!lIt. 13th. 14th
Parker, 47 47 42 41
Black, 40 36 36 39
Witte, 37 39 39 40
Hopkins, 9 11 16 10
After the I2lh ballot, a motion wa* made
to adjourn till 74 o'clock, but disngteed to.
Yea* 64, nay* 72.
Alter the 13 Ir ballot, n motion made
to adjourn nil 8 o'clock, and lost.—Yea* 66,
tray* 67. I
| Tho Convention finally, after Ihe Hilr bal
lot, adjourned till half past eight o'clock.
I Tho Convention met again at 84 o'clock,
| when lire fifteenth ballot was taken, and re
i suited ,ra follow*
| Packer, 47 I Wine, 40
I Black, 32 | Hopkins, 14
Mr, Cessna moved that on each successive
I ballot after the nex', the lowest candidate
shall be dropped.
Mr Carigau moved to lay the motion on
the table.
The Chair decided the motion out of or
der. The motion muat be postponed.
Mr. Cessna advocated his motion. If
i adopted one or the other of the candidate*
!it u*l be nominated in u low ballots. If the
balloting continued us r.ow, much longer,
j delegatca would lieeome emliltinoil, ami
| would say harsh things, to tho injury of the
i prospects of the party.
I 6!r. Whallon p|io*ed the mnlion.
Mi. McDowell hoped ihe proposition would
! prevail after another vote.
' The whole subject was then postponed for
i the present, and ihe Convention resumed the
j balloting with tho following rosull:
j lfilh. 17th. 1 Bill. 19ili. 20lh. 211. 22d.
Packer, 48 49 84 67 59 60 61
; Black, 24 22 22 22 22 22 28
Wine, 43 40 47 50 SO 51 47
I Hopkins, 18 16 4 2
' Packer, 61 | Willie, 51
Black, 21
Tucker, 68 | Witte, 51
Black, 14
Gen. William F. Packer having, on the
twenty-fourth ballot, received a majority of
all the votes cast, was declared duly nomina
ted as the candidate for Governor.
The announcement was received with
much applause, and a resolution was then
offered and adopted to make ttie nomination
1 JLirristwg, March 3d.—' The Convention
1 remained in session till half past 12 o'clock
; this morning.
The following is the vole for Governor on
| the 24th ballot:
| For WM. F. PACKER— Messrs. Alricks, Ahl,
1 Baum, Brown, Blanding, Blood, Boyer, Buck
j alew, Bowman, Bower, Carl, Cessna, Cum
mingf, Clover, Danner, Dieffenbach, F.vanp,
, Finch, Flannery, Frost, Forney, Gemmil,
! Gilliland, Grier, Garvin, llarlzel, Hull Hun
; ter, Horn, Irwin, James, Jamison, Kutz,
Knox, Kaulz, Lauman, McCormick, (Mon
! tour) M'Kinslry, McCormick, (Northumber-
I land) Moore, MoCurdy, Orr, Price, Patton,
Piolett, Plurner, Patterson, Ringwalt, Soger,
Smyser, Shriner, Smith, (Berks) Shaw. Scar
borough, Sharp, Schnable, Sloan, Staufler,
j Steele, Seybert, Sherwood, Taylor, (Erie,)
Thomas, Wunder, Woodruff, Ward, (Schuyl
kill,) Ward, (Susquehanna,) and Young.—
For WM. H. WlTTE— Messrs. Ay res, Ack
er, Allen, Boggs, Brooke, Bucker, Brush,
Burnett, Bonsall, Brenner. Campbell, Craig,
Crawford, Carrignn, Deal, Danahower, Dill
inger, Edwards, Fsber, Hippie, Johnson,
Killain, Lippincott, Lindsay, Morrison, Milter>
Martin, M'Kee, M'Dowell, M'Kinney, Mor
ris, M'Mullin, Murray, Magee, M'Glency,
Nebbinger, Reily, Rutledgo, Rambo, Slater,
Sturgeon, School, Swan, Tippin, Westcott,
Whallon, Workman, Wolf, Worrel, Wood,
and Yeager—sl.
FOB SAMUEL BLACK— Messrs. Blackburn,
Bruha, Breslin, Clarke, Dunn, Gibson, Huey,
Herdman, McGeo, Shannon, Sebright, Sam
son, Taylor, (Beaver,) and Weyand—l4.
After affecting Ihe nomination of Governor,
the Convention proceeded to the nomination
of a candidate for Suprame Judge. The bal
lots were takSn which stood na (ollow*;
Ist Ballot, fd Ballot.
Ellis Lewis, 48 76
Wm. Strong, 36 47
Samuel Hepburn, 20 in
Scattering, 38
Truth and Right God and oir t'ountry.
The nomination wa* made unanimous
The Convention proceeded to bullnt for
Canal Commissioner with the following te
ault, two ballot* having been taken :
Ist Ballot. 2d Ballot
Nimrod Strickland, 62 89
David Dowry, 29 33
Joseph v'lurk, 12 5
Scattering, 20
All the opposing candidates withdrew their
name* belore the vol* wa* aiiiionuo*d, and
ilia nomination was made unanimous.
On motion ol Mr. Cessna the communica
tion relative to Judge l.tuvi* was ordered to
he rend and primed in die proooedmg ol die
Coiivomion a* follows:
PHILADELPHIA, Fobrusry 29, 18..7.
2b Gii/een J ll'est,oil, and others, Delegates
from Philadelphia i 0 Stole Convention
GENTLEMEN .—The undersigned, members
of the bar of Philadelphia, addiess you as
delegates to the Convention which meets at
llurrisburg on die second of March, to nomi
nate a candidate lor the Supreme Hooch, on
the expiration of Judge Lewis' leiut. We
wish to be understood aa writing tin* loiter
widi 110 retereuce, direct or indirect, to puriy
politics, hul from a senso of duly 10 the pub
lic and the ouuse of the administration of die
law in wkioli, s* prolesaioual men, we lira
deeply interested. We are desirous that
Judge Lewis should he renominated by his
pulitioni friend*. Since ho bus lieeu known
to us air a Judge, lie hit* contmundrd respect
by hi* learning and ability, mid conciliated
the regard of us ull by bis unilnrm couilesy
und ki.tdliess of deportment. Thi* is, we be
lieve, the unanimous sentiment ol do* bur.
Hi* nomination and election will give general
satisfaction from these personal considera
tions u lone.
But tliure are others of still greater import
which we lake tho liberty ol suggesting to
you. Tho instability of an elective judiciary
can only bo corrected by the proof that 11 re.
election can always be commended by gnml
conduct; and that the peo|>lu will not change
their Judges merely (or the sake of change.
In the ciiKe of the first vacancy which occur
red by ro'alion on tho bench, the incuinhan'.
wa* without dissent renominated, and whil
om difficulty re-elected. This was the case
nl Judge Black, whose original term wu* the
shortest, being but for three years. Judge
Lewis'* term ol six year* is now expiring,
and we shall he much gratified, if hy hi* po
litical friend* at least the same rule can apply
to him.
In thus addressing you, we onrnnslly dis
otikim *uv utiuuiiou 10 iuliude our counsel on
you, or tho Convention ot wlitch you uro a
member. With the parly you represent,
some of 11* have no connection. But naoit
izens and lawyers, we feel we are doing an
uct of simple justice to a most meritorious
public officer, by bringing this matter to your
Wo aro with sincere reaped,
11. Gerhard, G. M. Wharton,
Benj 11. Brewster, A. J. Fisher,
Then. Cuylor, C. ingersnll,
Constant Guillen, James C. Vandyke,
Samuel H. Perkins, St. Geo. T. Campbell,
It. P. Kane, J. F. Johnson,
S. C. Perkins, H. M. Phillips,
11. J. Williams, Henry Jnhns'nn,
A. V. Parsons, Franciu Wharton,
Ed. Wain, J. A. Phillips,
F. C. Brightly, Geo. Jur.kin, Jr.,
P. M'Call, H. C. Townuenii,
F. Carroll Brewster, YVm. W. Juvenal,
John Fallon, S. Serrill,
VV. L. Hirst, Thoma* J. Diehl,
John Hamilton, Jr., Geo. Barton,
1. P. Morris, ChRS. E. far*,
Fred. C. Kreider, W.J M'Elroy,
Jno. T. Montgomery. Wm. Sergeant,
Geo. L. Ashmead, Henry M. Dechert,
K. Ingersoll, Andrew Mdler,
James It. Ludlow, Jas. Bayard,
J. Randall, W. Heyward Deayton,
Wm. E. Lehman, William B. Reed,
Eli K. Price, Geo. VV. Biddle,
H. 11. Kneass, Ed. E. Law,
Wm. S. Price, Wm. Henry Rawle,
Joseph A. Clay, J.A.Spencer,
Geo. Northrop, Horatio G.Jones,
N. B. Browne, M. Russell Thayer.
A motion was made and carried, that when
the Convention adjourn it adjourn to meet
'.o-morrow motning at 9 o'clock.
On motion of Mr. Buckalew, the President
was authorized to appoint a State Commit
tee of at least one from each Senatorial Dis
A committee was appointed to inform tbe
candidates of their nomination. Adjourned.
The Convention re-assembled at 9 o'clock
this morning, when Mr. Shannon from Ihe
Committee appointed to draft resolutions,
submitted the following;
Resolved, That, as representatives of the
great party founded by Mr. Jefferson, we sa
lute our political brethren of the c.lier States
with congratulations upon the auspicious and
just result of the recent Presidents! election,
achieved by our united efforts'and sacrifices,
(with the aid of patroitic men heretofore at
tached to other political bodies,) and Deoes
sary, as we believe, to the hor.o - and pros
perity ol our common country, a -I the con
tinuance amongst us of the bless.:igs of good
govcrnmen t.
Retolvcd, That the conre of recent politi
cal action in Ihe American Union has clearly
shown the usefulness and necessity of our
party, as a great conservative organization,
able 10 tesist and put down extrwne *nd im
practicable theories of government and SOCKI
order; to preserve the convtitottonal eom
pict between the States from loo*e snd dan
gerous constructions, as well as Open viola
tion ; to hold in check the |Mt*ion* of th*
country when dirieoted bv local Excitement
or other oatis*, against lundsmEMal point* of
our politioal system, and to prEt#rve to our
selves, and to tho** that com* after us, me
rich and invaluable of free and
well-ordEred institutions etahliah*d by oor
Resolved, That to tho o*i*tncn and ofti
ciency ot our 'party, adherence to its rule*
and usages j* essential,[and that right reason
and experience prove thnt without such ad
herence, division, disaster and defeat are in
evitable; all departure*, therefore, from our
parry laws, in State or local action, uro to he
ilspreoaled and resisted a* evidently Iraughl
with element* of danger, injury uud eventual
Resolved, That on behalf of the Pennsylva
nia Denmcracry, in addition tn tho re-atlir
■nance of our punt principle* and policy, we
announce us ruin* fur our future notion, tlin
limitation ol pntdio expenditure* tn niodo
r*to and ueceatnry outlay*; the spming a;nl
curelul grunt* of corporate power; die enact
ment of laws in ohedirnee to piildio opinion,
rather than in advance or in contempt of it ;
occasional and prudent amendment* of die
Constitution us experience may demonstrate
them to he necessary to the welfare and
protection of the people : the encouragement
of virtue und intelligence as din mum sup
ports of our political system ; tho rigid ae
oountuhility o( public servann) and the cul
livßiion ot just and amicable lululion* with
our sister .Melon, without subserviency In
tho passions and policy ol any of them, hut
with a trunk coiiceusioti of tho coustiliilioniil
and equal right* of each. Those ure ground*
upon which, 11* heretofore, we propose tn
mnintuiu the character ol our Common
would., ii* it Iroo, pnworlul mid illustrious
member ol Ihn American Union.
Resolved, That wo recommend to the sup
port ol die people the candidates nominated
by this Convention us mn id ctiaraoier and
experience, well qualified lor the posts to
which lliey hnvo been respectively named,
in the lull assurance lltat if elected, lliey
will discharge their official duties Willi intol
ligence, fidelity and success,
Resolved, Thnt we congratulate tho Demo
cratic party and the country upon the trinin
pliur.t election of J.ime* Buchanan and John
('. Breckinridge, to the Presidency arid Vice
Presidency of the United Stales; and lli sit in
view of the whole political hi-tory of Mr
Buchanan, rendered memorable by his sternly
and pslriolic adherence to tin- Constitution
nod to tho maxim* of itu fathers, we, the rep
resentatives of tho Democratic party of the
Slate, in lull Con volition assembled, do most
confidently pledge to our brethren of the
Union, a wise, conservative and constitu
tional administration of the government, nn-
Un, t\, autUsuca of )lis first Pennsylvania
Resolved, Tliut in the lato proceedings
which resulted 111 the election of Sim on Cam
eron to the United Slates Senate, the npponi
tion to our parly openly and shamelessly ux
hibited their lack ol high principles of honor,
their contempt lor the known svutimerits ol
the people, and their utter di-rcgard of the
character of the Stale ; and, together with lh
three apostates from our own party, by whose
uid the result was accomplished, should be
everywhere denounced by all men ol virtue
and honor.
Mr. Cessna then moved to sdd the follow
ing which was adopted :
Resolved, That the thanks of the Democrat
ic party of Pennsylvania are due and are
hereby tendered to Col. John W. Forney, for
the ability, energy and consummate tact ex
hibited by him in the discharge of the du'ies
which devolved upon him in the la'e Presi
dential campaign as Chairman of our S:a'e
Central Committee, and although defeated bv
the basest treachery, he still occupies an em
inent position in the great heart of the Key
stone Democracy.
The resolutions were adopted by acclama
General Packer was introduced to the Con
vention, and expressed his gra efolness for
the nonor extended to him by the nomina
tion, but he believed that the party in making
it had looked not so much to the standard
bearer as to the good old Democratic flag it
self. He referred to the leading principle of
the party, and pledged himself to maintain
them in tact, and to exert the best of l is
abilities ic the conduct of the campaign to
effect success in such a manner s would re
flect no dishonor on himself rrthe Democrat
ic party. His speech elicited the warmest
On motion the Convention aiiocrued *i
DEATH PAINLESS. —It is nearly cer.v.—
indeed as certain as ar.y thing chiefly spec
ulative can be—that in a'.', deaths the phx s.-
cal suffering is small. Even where! ts
experience the most cxcr.'ci.i:. g -V >
daring tho progress 0: the disease, nat ure
comes to their relict at the last hour, a
life goes out gently, like a candle ir. 1-
soeket. Those who have witnessed deai.v
beds nie-k Inv^teniiy—es'^tv.a. y \\ ; ;*v
have boon intelligent persons, a td there
fore capable of judgmg—-v'ee getter* V
in considering the physical pain of dea.
a* inconsiderable. They say that the oor.-
vulstxe motions, which frcqv.c > attco.
the parting breath, are not e\ toe -eo*e:
fering. tor that tho invalid is .h e
They say also, that when the www are
retained, liter* is usually no such spas-re..—
A leading ntedioal authority sates that
seawely one person in fittv is serMb'e •
the point of d*eth, and some physro *
assort that thev hare neret seen a Aoath
b*,l in which the jvatient ■**► <\hl* As
life tails, natnt*. u would seem. hen*tk>e -t
ly iiiterposes, deadening the *ens b-' rv 0
the nerve*, atwl otherwise pie par. Nt the ■
dividual Km the great ami inev itaKV T avr
rVikv-VhA-* feufge*
DISEASE AND CRlME. —Light i daily com
ing in upon tlm world ol inind, and by tho
help of clearly established fact*, argument*
may ho adduced, which will have a stronger
tendency to compel men to take euro of
their health, than any which have arisen
from conscience, money or duly; tliat is,
tho argument ol Shame. Let men lolly un
derstand that certain bodily ulleetion* tnnd
to eritrie, uud that cnuin thus committed
confines to the Penitentiary, then may tla
community wake up more lull) to tho soit
tillient, Health is n l>iity, itlal thoreloro, the i
neglect ot it* preservation, it sin, which in j '
the natural progress ol thing*, lend* to loss |
of health, and lilo, and honor.
In n recent iriul ol a forger, who handled j
millions ol dollar* in a year's business, the
deletion was that lie was insane. Anion;.- ,
tho evidence offered wa* that lie could |
sleep only three or lour bonis out of the
twenty-four. Inn previous number we sta
led, that a growing inability to sleep was u j
clear indication ol iijipreiiching insanity,
anil on the return of sleepliiliiess, the inlet-'.
loot beenmo clear. There were other syrup- ;
torn*. Thorn was the sound ol trip-ham
mer* in hi* ears; hluekstniih's spark* limited I
before hi* eyes, ami there was Jraiii in the
head a large portion ot tho tiliio. These
| symptom*, lasting no long, had at length so
iilluctnil the brain, as to destroy till pereep
lion, or eoinpieheiiHinu ol the nfleets ot
i crime; mid when the organ ol a man's j
i perception n destroyed, he will plunge
headlong, anil with otter icekh-s- in-* ~ into ,
.any kind ol wrong-doing which eireinn-
I stances throw in tin* way—arson, robbery, j
1 minder, anything ; and, it not ib-lclr-d oi 1
| prevented, the crime, whatever it may be, j
will grow into a habit, and halo! i* second |
■ uatutc coiisuqoeiitty, ha will revel in it u ,
I became* In* meal ami drink, and In- would j
I rather do it than not. Ileum the prisoner ,
i declared without In - nation that i! In- were
I released he would do it ii - iin: that he rath
| er liked it, and nothing could | e vent h i-i
hilt cutting oil IIM hand, i! it came i.i the
] way, to lorge paper
I It wa* shown on the trial, that ilo-re -res
; insanity on the lathei and mother's -id •
hut DO indication ol it on the part of either
' lather or mother. It i* well known howev
i or, that insanity, a* v.ell as per-nnal lea
i lures, overleap* a generatii' i or two. rjlt'-n
j n child bears a striking ton
1 grand-parent, without a lineament of paro-n-
I tal feature.
\ The ael*. of the pn-ons; -.vein admitted '
j l>y his counsel, nod th<- question 'if or
, innoeence, rested on th.a—was be insar.e
j or riot'!
i 'I ho n-o which wo v .!. to rn .lo of there
developments is jirarti'.d, arid j* of 1 ,
I importance. A wi-e a. f ■■■ r-i rr.< 'i'-a,
| treatment would have d ! i: :.ot pre.
! vented, the coiribinat: \ of events. A"!
i how '
I Tho prisoner war under the habitue! in-
I flnonce "f con •rpsrt • i a:, at' ,
which intensified t:. " -tipatloa
j hour, white the pri: - ip'e 'the me.' "*i!
I practice in thi- - a-c. wa* to the Lowe
I take care of themselves—which they did
j not do. Thi* individual tn - r ever *'■<-.
I by his business as toe isles * tbout a cigar
in hi* mouth , .he smoke I t.;".er o *■ y
a day. The imrr.e lia e e;:-.e? •' sir. kg z
. tobacco fa!;- or. the brain, ' •
that excltemt--1 he co ' - ; -'eep a i the
reaction went ao low thai ha could not dwp
only a troubled repr -e was po-v.r e
the brief transition irom ot e u> the o(her
During tho excite ti,e
in the direction oi ;he opporc- gy ar i ei
. pended its energies in tba* ..;K'.g- V *.
' during the retc'.ion. power ws t:" .eft to
; carrv on the bod.iy t'ar.ct.or*
i The effect of cooa ipatioa .§ is l 3 .tie:
the blood, to make :t r *re impure - ?
more for heait..:-! 7 rrp*e Tie
• more impure the b!d is, the thicker doe*
it tccorr.e. the slower .s its v-rgtets xrf g .
nothing is done to a er ihis ttate ?:
s;a;-:a;.or. a - -" _ is-? 7 :z
means accumulat.or tor the urtrrr -
Hc-od step* in any part of tie No 7 •'
coining current drwg-.g an. ar:u
mu'.atio'.r. pnec *e'v as . tte c - j,
te: ds 'heir, en s-* " on: :py
: oervoayhcoco the serve* are jaesaari
A> ihf *0 r.- -tr-h pr : v ;-f -
a n*ed> ca.-.-o*. It* . i r " <r r -
f;ce Oi f.f t-.x*-y "w *. * ? T>r. * :
htVC?. T* rf v - r7 ' J
. 1 t % c \ W v c : -
to te Matte ft*,tenfmtei^
*.<< :>*• - n '.-n *>
ateoo ov^oo ol v 7* Mi % Iteoa
nwmri, AM**MI *• poem g)
; ;c"r 10 remove a Datrt-o! s.v*irttuxi-lc e<
x.vte the s-*
V-,x there - x nr.* V**" - -
press-arc v v. * x .* — * > at : w-> ■*•
bat re!.* . <*. -.•> e w*- w-*s -
i *r>d .v ,-." ■* N v * Amatatof '
I ME* *-> d ?v-9. <v VA NV vrt . • ' S * o.*-
.btwa ttt.wvewd c* *t sWVh \ "*. -
■ 1 p.rt srMtr* * *-ve ,-s * w r -e*
Mtcwst* ; e--#-** .x* - 5 rv
1 -.*: . -fsfive- cs-vrroteservw v s,v
--e ,*srrva Se • v
emvA r-*' '* *n* pstxv rb 1,
w rK*vn W* *• ■■■*-• -e >
S ,-*RVTI4 * IAWVNV -.*> RV-R 4IM> AESCN ***'
Vh4*e *re JV k- * ,-*N ra*>*<M iAV
[Two Dollars per Amino. >
I They are limt truth* in niebolni. From
Mini.) link nowu cail*o, thin mtctimuluUOn
ihhl pressnro wusiloicntuiied In particular
portion 111 ilin brain, wltern feurlessnet *of
eoiu<n.piPiiee* nte situated: uii'l mi* believo,
il the prisoner's bruin could bit exam t
this liny, that portion ol il, most piuli mly
mii.ill in llio beginning, would In* louni!
iiiu-i w holly wanting, MTin{ bean deal i
nl hy limit continued | manure, or to be
111<11<>i(11111 structure.
Wo belirvo ilnil n medical troatmr
wlni'h would huvo sternly interdicted t! •
use ot tin' ii-in iniiliTi.illy ut lirst, nnil rn'l
ttallv thi'iimllor, until im lirnil cximclio ,
tii n ilii r with si" iiiinjt ti natural cotiHitp r
ol 11:■ 11\ 111*11 bowels, with a plain at' '*
hilll.lnllnl iliot—tiiul kept himlhere—would
hiiM* saved hint nnil nil his Irorn the subse
ijiii'iit riiliitiiitios. Arlilicial oxcitintianta,
whether Iruiri tobacco, npiiini, or oh'ohol,
il luriody persevered in, will work fuin to
mind, I"!*, im.l soul hi* right that it (liiiuipotsiu'o l as ordained
it il a man la In a phjraiaal eondittea
whioh impel* hiin to rlo what is illegal, or
u hr Ihi in u iiii'iiiul condi'ioit winch Ftnfiala
hint 1.1 do what is illegul, tha tjumiifon
whether ho is to ho puuilii'd or not do*
poiuls upon the in*iitin*r hi winch ho ho*
.'mill* subjoin to thnt condition It rur:h cor ■
.I it ion hu tin* roMill ol Inrili, or I y u tall, or
sliuko or otiicr occurrence out ii his con* In* should u„ lino of penal nuilennil ;
lull il ho plnec.l Inm ell in that roodtion
|hv t tie unbridled nidi luetics ol his apj.o
lltos or In- pn* sioii*, he niigbt to be mado
.to sujier a 111 I peuallV, whether lie kfi"W
i that siii h induljjjeuce-i tended to aut h a re
| suit or not. It is a matt'* duly louder-i
I himself ol s i.a 1 as civ..
I laws* Ignoranoa at the for mat otfght t*
to work usenpe, any more than iijtv
ram e of tho lal ei does; otherwise, a mac
I has only h. not drunk to secure impure y
I loin any i rune ■ may l.e coiornnti
i'i ihut condition , thus a.. pnal statutti
become a bin e and anan hy i les tampan'
through the land*
So also, ii a rrinri perrrr' < bit moral *r v
and hv.i 'our-n of v!';ou reasoning pe:
1 sud'h*" h iri-i t thai ho to commn
j uiunler. anil think- *.f no triu'h as to f**<*l
' impelled to t uler . II." or e ; e is prop
er!. to the law of the land.
It i no very dillieuit ma'tei lor ordinary
m ltd to p..r uado t'-.-iii-s VIM as to any
ih* ired course—that it is riaht j that tbattt
,s no Itariri in i' and tl.a* it they mem t no
harm |.\ it. no l 'awe could bo allachecf
bu*, it lor * i' l ! (l.i*i*v n,dotations, rner,
are to be eXCOSed from pen a 'res, them
i an <■ la' oaco to a.i !a'-v and '. t a.l gov
'I I e sir.r' -inn rf the avi.r'o matter i
this, Fiery rr.aa '*. Ibobo j rt;.ni
proved to I•* the ' ' * phy*: f *i! t
•&J. or moral '-or.di'.ion which he lad no
agi •* li ©r •* Htfetatiag% ■
H "' r r 'ifii \ pr:*o
. ' . —/i t t JjH'i ''II ■ v
<■ • ha! the me *. ; •'**• I kbmta^
j •H'iOUi, illU'fCOttf * l r i i <■>.'*: b" :
' \rj lie 'vif : incn m#. ii imdfv is ot ??.'•
erne? re s - y gti f 9&e
■■ ' a • • * r* }-
empUryment Hiifti tik?
•• , p. r ' 1
■ ej.. r . . * . - ... • r-®
■ ■ ■ ■ • w >: • . if
: • i: > • " t •
'• r r :er A o:
\r 't. . . ... .- r
■ .
•" * • • r . iir
• I*" f - J *
'"'A fr - .1
s mt - * * * " litfiHi bsas
-r '" ■: Tfs*s-
.* -a. -• - CMMftfci
" T.C f - t *. I" ' T 2T tefie ft"
pifiofts E IM •* 'i. r : c: z
A r^.':
-- • : . _ ~ i: 5 :rr ?f* f."
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- .... * 4 . - e
/ . ' _■ - " K - V* t
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MEM BMfH fmmmi . i-Vatts
f - r - aT
iK£ aisckiMl screws kj— Owif
*- m
J- V- ; - f- - frTi IC
- ■ - : k." -v-r? v.
7 V.- JJ*
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* s.v f w
— , - —iv>c ina*
. .. v • t:v
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