The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 04, 1857, Image 1

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R. W. Weaver, Proprietor.]
11. W. WEAVER,
OFFlCE—Upstairs, in tkenew brick build
ing, on Ike south side oj Muin Street, thin
square below Market.
TER HI S:—Two Dollars per annum, il
paid within six months from ilie time of sub
scribing two dollars and fifty cents if nol
paid within the year. No subscription re
ceived for a less period than six months; no
discontinuance permit lednntil all arrearages
are paid, unless at the option of the editor.
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square
will be inserted three times for One Dollar,
und twenty-five cents for each additional in
sertion. A liberal discount wdl be made to
those who advertise by lite year.
fSung by the Brothers Hutchison; it should
be committed to memory, and repeated oc
The daughter sits in the parlor,
And rocks in her easy chair,
She's clad in her silks and satins,
And jewels are in her hair;
She winks and giggles and simpers,
And simpers and giggles and winks,
And though she talks but little,
'Tis vattly more than she thinks.
Her father goes clad in his russelt,
And ragged and seedy at that;
His coats are all out at toe elbow —
He wears a most shocking bad hat,
He's hoarding and saving tlis shillings,
So carefully day by day,
While she, on the beanx and poodles
Is throwing it ail away.
She lies a-bed in the morning
Till nearly the hour of noon ;'
Then comes down snapping and snarling,
Because she was called so soon.
Her hair is still ir. the papers,
Her cheeks still dabbed with point—
Remains of her last night's blushes,
Before she intended to faint-
She doats upon men unshaven,
And men with the "flowing hair,"
She's eloquent over moustaches,
They give such a foreign air.
She talks of Indian music,
And falls in love with the moon,
And though a mouse should meet her,
She sinks away in a swoon.
Her feet are so very small,
Her hands BO very while,
Her jewels so very heavy.
Her head so very light,
Her color is made ol cosmetics,
Though this she will never own ;
Her body made mostly of cotton,
Her heart is made wholly of stone.
She falls in love with a fellow,
Who struts with foreign air;
He marries her for her money—
She marries him for his hair;
One of the very best matches—
Both are well mated in life I
She's got a fool for a husband,
And he's got a fool for a wife !
Attend to Your Eyesight,
Sir David Brewster, in the North British j
Review, says that no opinion is more com-'
mon, and certanily none is more incorrect,
than that it is prudent to avoid the use of ar
tificial help to the eyes so long as they are ]
not absolutely indispensable. The human j
eye is too delicate a structure to bear con- '
tinucd strain without injury; and the true J
rule is to commence the use ol glasses as
soon as we can see belter with them than
without them, ar.d. always employ such as
will render vision most comfortable and
pleasant. The spectacles habitually used for
ordinary purposes may not be adequate to
certain occasional demands, such as reading
very fine print, examining maps, Sco. To '
meet these cases, a hand-reading glass, two
and a half inches in diameter, to he nsed in
conjunction with the spectacles and never!
without them, is strongly recommended. A
similar use of the reading-glass is also recora
mended to short-sighted persons, in conjunc- |
tion with the concave spectacles, when ex
amining minute objects.
Extraordinary Delusion.
A most remarkable case of delusion has
just been brought to light in Philadelphia.
A large number of ignorant Germans have,
it seems, permitted themselves to be victim:
ized by a woman of tlieir own race, named
Ann Maisler, wito pretended to be the sister
Jesus Christ. She appears to have exer-
unlimited control over them, extorting
e sums of money, jewelry, &c. Accord
jkfp one of the witnesses, Mrs. Maisler was
, *lired to go up to Heaven, seated on a
J"*,'! horse, and at the right side of God,
■ySTnd that angels were all around Iter. She
Hcottld not go, however, as she had to have a
W gold watch, a gold pencil, and a gold ring ■
' before she could get into Heaven. Money j
was furnished her by Iter friends, to enable \
tier to procure these articles.
Crlnollue Done For,
The last news from Paris, is, that the Em
press Eugenie appeared in the streets recent- j
!y without any hoops. Louts Napoleon is
■aid to be opposed to hoops, and is deter-
crush crinoline as he has done the
liberty of the press snd freedom of speech in
France. As the Emperor rules Paris, and
Paris rules the fashionable world, the hoops
must yield to this pressure, for there is nol
independence enough among the votaries of
fashion to wear anyfhing but what is a-la
mode, no matter bow convenient, healthful
or beautiful it may be, and hoops scarcely
come in either category. But if hoops are to
bo tabooed, we hope the ladies will have re
gard enough for their health to stick by the
long boots, and as their petticoats diminish,
their india rubbers will lengthen—at least
while the sloppy weather lasts.
I3T General Washington had a set of arti
ficial teeth, for which he paid 5500.
' Except that he indulged too fieelv in the
'' use of the intoxicating cup, John Wallace
If was an honest, high-minded and exemplary
j tnan. His one great fault hung like a dark
>t' shadow over his many virtues. He meant
! well, and when he was sober did well.
0 j He was a hatter by trade, and by industry
9 j and thrift had acquired money sufficient to
8 buy tho honse in Which Be lived. He had j
purchased it several years before for three j
* thousand down, and securing the balance by !
3 mortgage to the seller.
. The mortgage-note was almost due at the
limo the circumstance made me acquainted
with the affairs of the family. But Wallace
' was ready for the day, he had saved up the
money; there seemed no possibility of an
1 was well acquainted with Wallace, hav
ing done some collecting, and drawn up
some legal documents for him.
One day his daughter Annie can.o to my
office in great distress, declaring thai her
father was ruined, and that they should be
turned out of the house in which they lived, t
"Perhaps, not, Miss Wallace. I said, try- i
mg to console her, and give the afTair, what
ever it was, a brighter aspect."
"What has happened V'
"My father," she replied, "had all the
money to pay the mortgage or. the house in
which we lived—but it is all gone now."
"Has he lost it.'"
"I don't know; I supposed so. Last week
ho drew out the two thousand dollars from
the bank and lent it to Mr. Byrco for ten
"Who is Mr. Byrca?"
"He is a broker. My father got acquaint
ed with him through George Chandler, who I
boarded with us, and who is Mr. llyrce'e
"Doea Mr. Byrce refuse to pay it?"
"He says ho has paid it."
"Well, what is the trouble, then !"
"Father says he has not paid it."
! "Indeed! But the note will prove that he
has not paid it. Of course you have that '
| "No; Mr. Byrce has it."
| "Then of course he has paid it ?"
j "I suppose he has, or he could uot have
j had the note."
"What does your father say ?"
"He is-positive that ha has never received
the money. The mortgage, he says, must
i be paid to-morrow."
"Very singular! Was your father—
I hesitated to ue the unpleasant words
which must have grated harshly on the ear
of the devoted girl.
"Mr. Byrce says that my father was not
I just right when he paid him, though not very
j bad."
j "I will see see your father."
| "He is coming here in a few moments. I
\ thought I would see you and tell you the !
J facts before he came."
"1 do nol see how Byrce could have ob
-1 tained the note unless be paid the money.—
J Where did your father keep il?"
j He gave it to me, and I put it in the sec
retary In the front room."
"Who was in the room when you put it
in the secretary?"
"Mr. Byrce, George Chandler, my father
and myself."
The conversation was here interrupted by |
the entrance of Wallace. He looked pala ;
and haggatd, as much from the effects of
; anxiety as of the debauch from which he
| was just recovering.
| "She has told you about it, I suppose,"
| said he in a very low lone."
"She has."
I pitied him, poor fellow, for two thousand
dollars was a large sum for him to accu
mulate in his little business. The loss of il
would make the future loolc like a desert to
him. It would be a misfortune which one i
must undergo '.o appreciate it.
"What do you think about it ?" asked he, :
very gloomily. "I know he never paid me. |
1 I was not much in liquor at the lime. I re- I
member very well of going home as regu
larly as I ever did in my life. I could tell
how I passed the time."
"What passed between you on that day?"
"Well, I merely stepped into his office—
it was only day before yesterday—to tell him
not to forget to have the money ready for
tne to morrow. He took me into his back
office, and as I sat there he said he would
get the money ready the next day. He then
j left me and went into the front office, where
j I heard him send George out to draw a check
{ for two thousand dollars; so 1 supposed he
was going to pay me then." (
"What does the clerk say about it?"
"He 6ays Mr. Byice remarked, when he
sent him, that he was going to pay me the ,
I "Just so."
"And when George came in, he went to (
the front office again, and look the money.
Then he-came to me again, but did not offer
to pay me."
"Had you the note with you?"
"No, now I remember, he said he sup
posed 1 had nol the note with me, or he ,
would pay it. He told me to come in the (
next day and he would have it ready—that |
was yesterday. When I came to look for (
the no'e it could not be found ; and I (
have hur.fed the house all over."
"You told Byrce so?"
"I did; he laughed, and showed me the
note with his signature crossed over with t
ink, and a hole punched through it." S
"It is plain, Mr. Wallace, that be paid you ]
the money as ke alleges, or has obtained c
fraudulent possession of the note, and in- i
tends to cheat you out of the amount."—
"He never paid me," replied he firmly.
"Then he has frauder.tly obtained the
note. What sort of a person is this Chan
dler. who boards with you?"
"A fine young man. Bless you he would
not do anything of the kind."
"I am sure he would not," repeated Anne,
"How else could Byrce obtain the note
but through him ? What time does he come
j in at night ?"
j "Always at tea time. Ho never goes out
in the evening," answered Wallace.
I "But, father, he did not come home till
ten o'clock the night before you went to
Byrces. Me had to stay ir. the office to post
the books, or something of that kind."
"How did he get in ?"
"He has a night key."
"I must see Chandler," 1 said.
"No harm ir. seeing him;" added Wal
lace. 1 will go for him."
In a few moments ii-e returned with the
young man. Chandler, in the conversation
I had wi'h him, manifested a very lively in
terest in the solution of the mystery, and
i proffered himself ready to do anything to
i forward my views.
"When did you return to the house on
Tuesday tiighl ?" I asked him with the in
tention of sounding him a little.
•'•About twelve."
"Twelve!" said Anne, "it was not more
than ten, 1 heard you."
"The clock struck twelve as I turned the
corner of the street," roplied Chandler posi- j
"I certainly heard some one in the front
room at ten," added Anne, looking with as
tonishment at the group around her.
"We are getting ai something," I romark-
I ed—"How did you get in Mr. Chandler?"
| The young tnan smiled as he glanced at
I Anne.
| "Oil arriving at the door," ho replied, "I
found that I had lost my key. At that mo
ment a watchman happening to come along,
| I told him my situation. He knew me, and j
j taking n ladder from an unfinished liouso op
posite, placed it against one of the second
story windows, and I entered in that way." j
"Good! Now who was it that was heard
in the parlor at ten, unless it was Byrce or I
one of his accomplices. He must hove ta
ken the key Irotn your pocket, Mr. Chandler,
and stolen the note from the secietary. At
any rate, I will charge him with the crime— '
let wlial may happen. I'erhaps he will con- I
fess when hard pushed."
Acting upon this thought, I wrote a law
yer's letter—"demand against you," &c., —
which was immediately sent to Byrce. Cau
tioning the parlies not to speak of the affair,
I dismissed them.
Byrce came.
"Well, sir, what have you against me ?"
he asked rather stiffly.
"A claim on the part of John Wallace, for
two thousand dollars," I replied poking over
my papers, and appearing supremely indif
"Paid it," said ho, as short as pie crust.
"Have you ?" and I looked him in the eye
The rascal quailed. I saw that he was a
"Nevertheless, if within an hour, you do
not pay me the two thousand dollars, and ono
hundred dollars for the trouble and anxiety
I you have cauaed my client, at the end of the
i next hour, you shall be lodged in jail to
answer a criminal charge."
"What do you mean, sir?"
"1 mean what I say. Pay, or take the
It was a bold charge, and if he had looked
like an honest man, I should not have dared
to make it.
"I have paid the note I tell you," said he,
"I have the note in my possession."
j "Where did you get it?"
i "I got it, of course, when I paid the "
"When you feloniously entered the house
of John Wallace, on the night of Tuesday,
February twenty, at ten o'clock, and took
| the said note from the secretary."
I "You have no proof," stammered he,grasp
[ ing a chair for support.
"That is my look out—l have no time to
I waste. Will you pay or go to jail ?"
He saw that the evidence I had was too
strong for his denial, and he immediately
drew his check on the spot for twenty-one
hundred dollars, and after begging us not
to mention the affair, ho sneaked off.
I cashed the check, and hastened to Wal
lace's house. The reader may judge with
what satisfaction he received it, how rejoiced
was Anne and her lover. Wallace insisted
that I should take the one hundred dollars
for my trouble ; but I was magnanimous
enough to take only twenty. Wallace kept
his promise, and ever after was a temperate
tnan. He died a few years ago, leaving a
handsome property to Chandler and his wife,
the marriage between him and Anne having
taken place shortly after the above narrated
circumstance occurred.
DOCTORS ENOUGH.—In Philadelphia there
are no less than nine medichl schools, five of
them being irregular. Fifteen hundred stu
dents are claimed by the nine collectively as
being the attendance this winter. Of these
the Jefferson College is said to have 500;
the old University School 400 ; Pennsylvania
College 150; and the Philadelphia 100.
t7* The Missouri Democrat states that
there are twenty-three wild cat banks in the
Slate of Illinois, located in the swamps of
Egypt and the forests elsewhere, with a cir
culation awiounting iu the aggregate to fhree
and a half millions.
Trutb aud Right God and our Country.
Correspondence of the Boston Trsvelcr.
Beirut, Nov. 17, 185(5.
[ Editor of the Traveler : When 1 informed
you of lite earthquake which shook Lebanon,
October 12lh, 1 intimated the probability that
more would be heard of its desolating power.
Thai expectation has been fulfilled, and 1
will now proceed to complete the record of
that unseen bat almost omnipotent energy,
which underlying earth and ocean, heaves
up both as in sport and in oruel derision of
the puny beings who sail over tho one and
, build their palaces and strongholds on the
other. Tltose terrible phenomena have a
peculiar excitation to Americans happening
to be in tho East, who have never heard any
thing of the kind beyond the rumbling of the
farmer's peaceful and beneficent cart wheels,
though the "oldest inhabitants" here say there
is no such thing as becoming accustomed to
iliein: every one turns and trembles, for the
next moment ho may sink the gaping
eurth or be crushed to death by the fulling of
his stone dwelling.
According to intelligence since received,
the earthquake which 1 described, occurring
about midnight in Mount Lebanon, where I
was then residing, was felt along the entire
seacoasl of Syria and Palestine, in some pla
ces breaking ihe walls of houses, as in Tri- '
! poli and Beirut, which have repeatedly been
destroyed by such occurrences, while the city
j of Jaffa, the ancient Jappa, still the port of
j Jerusalem, and several times levelled by
j earthquakes, was violently shaken but not
j essentially injured. It was felt nt Egypt, but
without disaster, and also as far west in Africu
as Algiers. To the north it was perceptible
over nearly the whole ol Asia Minor ami
Brooza, situated near the sea of Marmora,
which was ruined by successive shocks con
tinuing from Feb. 1855 to June of the pres
-1 ent year, aud again tumfled, and its popula
j tion with it. Westward all the islands of the
! Archipelago felt it, and Greece and all the
j lonian islands on its wastern coast. The is!-
[ ami of Malta was violently shaken, and Vul
| etta, itscapital,seriously injured in itschurrh
j cs, walls, and dwellings, the people being
! awoke from tlieir slumbers and flying inlo
[ the streets in frantic desperation. It was also
felt with disastrous results in Sicily and Cala
bria m Italy. The field of the earthquake
was, therefore, fully 2000 miles in all direc-
I lions, and nt all points it was felt, as reported,
\ioiwoou And 2 o'clock in i\ic morn
Vesuvius had, for some days, given signs
of approaching troubles, vivid flames rising
above the crater, and coloring the litmus
pl.erc all around. When the shock came in
Naples and along the coast, it was sn violent
that in some hou.-es the bells rang, the clocks
were slopped, and Ihe doors opened and shut
continually; crockery was dashed together
ar.d broken, or rolled off the tables, while the
iron bedsteads rallied and shook as though a
strong man had hold of them, tho terrified
occupants springing to tlieir feet on the floor.
A hissing noise was heard at the same time,
like tho sound of 6leam escaping from an j
engine, while a rumbling noise was heard
like that ol a train of railroad cars. The ad- j
jacent sea was violenily agitated, as though
tossed by a storm, and a mariner, unable to j
decide whither he was going backwarls or j
forwards, concluded he was drunk. In fact, j
he was very dizzy from the commotion and |
glad to gain the land and sit down to recover j
himself. Along the coast solid rocks were (
rent asunder, and thousands of thousands of!
ions, in huge blocks, lay scattered around.—
Superstition naturally came in to give pic
turesqueness to the scene of terror. Madon-'
nas, bones and reliques were paraded through
the streets in long processions, as though the
exhibition of a eollossal doll with a flaxen
wig, as iu the representation of St. Ursula,
was to suspend the activity of the mighty
energy blazing out in Vesuvius, upheaving
the entth and dashing the waves, ol the sea. =
But my special design was to relate the
catastrophe at Rhodes, on island celebrated
in early history, and equally so in the history
of the Crusades. There was an undying po
etry about it; 1 had seen it two years since,
and gazed with admiration upon its tall and
graceful palms, the first I had seen—upon
the harbor, which was once overreached by
tbe gigantic brazen Colossus—upon llie walls
of the city and the towers, still bearing the
marks of the Crusaders—and, most of all,
upon the famous churoh of St. John, built by
Ihe Knights, and standing upon a graceful
rise in the city, presenting its noble propor
tions and tall 6teeple, converted into a Mos
lem minaret, as the church into a masque,
fully to view, both as you ascend the wide
street on which it stands and as viewed from
the poll. More than any oiber island of sea
or ocean, I had cherished its name from the
day of my boyhood dreamings; I had ai last
seen it, only more to admire it; and now I
had the purpose and the prospect of spending
a week or a fortnight iii it, to study its mon
uments and recall its history. But Rhodes is
aheap of ruins! The same shock under
which Lebanon trembled, demolished its
walls, toppled its renowned church, and
spread desolation over tbe entire island. It
is a curious coincidence that Stantovia, in
whose bay is the new island of which 1 wrote
was raised by an earthquake ; some two hun
dred yards of it may be said to be almost in
Ibe very neighborhood of Rhodes. The state,
ments I shall now give came from a resident
of the island, who saw much of what he de
The earthquake occurred Sunday morning,
Oct. 12ib, at paat 2 o'clock. The shook was
undulatory from south to west, aud lasted 75
seconds—an unusual period—aud was atten-
ded with a violence as remarkable as its du
ration. Three other shocks had been felt
, before, but they were of less force, and did
but little damage. So long was the fatal
shock, that many people, awoke by its vto
' lenoe, had time to go in and out of their hou
• es again and again during the terrible plie-
I nomeuon. Undulations wore fell from day
• j to day for some lime, but unaccompanied by
• serious disastora. Had another occurred like
II the fatal one, not one stone in (he city, appa
i j renlly, would have been left upon another, t
1 | The walls of the castle, the towers, the cliur- j
I chos, the mosques, and the bells, wero all in- |
j jured more or less.
I The Jewish and Tuikish quarters of the !
| city were very much damaged, and their!
j houses, whose walls wero cracked und ready j
■ to topple, domand instant repair. In the Ku- j
1 ropean quarter, about 50 houses were thrown |
down, aud others rendered uninhabitable.—
1 The Greek quarter shared the Riimo fate ; and
of above 1000 bouses ir-. it not two escaped
all injury. A great part of the inhabitants of |
j tbe city are without shelter, and deprived of |
everything. Some individuals, the number j
| not ascertained, were buried in the ruins of '
J houses which wero tlieir houses and graves j
i Besides the destruction of the houses, the !
j walls which surround the city in various pla- j
cos were thrown down, and give free ingress j
j through the wide gaps to other crusaders, if 1
they choose to enter. The damage to the
j city is estimated at two millions of dollars. :
j But it was not this beautiful city alone
which suffered ; the wholo island, st>l! more
beautiful in the season of its glory, is a des
olation. There are more than 40 villages on I
the island, and of which nir.e are utterly 1
destroyed. A great number of the iuliabi- j
tanls were killed, while still more were woun- J
ded. The villagers, deprived of both houses i
, and provisions, wander about in the open '
fields and subsist as they are able. The vil- '
lugu of Kiaila built upon a plain and surroun
] ded with vineyards and olive yarJs, contained
i | 3000 houses, of which 250 were completely •
i I demolished, anil SOOO rendered uninhabitable, !
1 while die remainder are in a deplorable con- j
• J dition, and demand iiislaul repairs. Four ,
persons only perished, for tho reason that
; ; some days belore tho laborers had left the 1
i : village; otherwise there must Itavo been a
i greater destruction of life.
| All tho islands in he Achipclago felt die i
1 j shock, but some did not suffer anything, j
: while in St ale In forty houses wore destroyed, i
wiill some of the inhabitants killed and nth- t
■ | era wounded, and in Scarpeatas about 800
j houses wore thrown down, and whole (ami- I
■ lios buried under their ruins, and in Capsna, I
' containing five villages, three were utterly
' , destroyed, and 20 persons killed. On the i
1 continent, near and opposite to Rhodes, a j
' mountain tumbled in pieces, and die irees 1
| upon it were carried into the open sea. i
Besides this, the sea itself gave evident
( signs of feeling the shock. The captains of
j vessels, coming in different directions, agreed
I in affirming that at the moment of the shock
| they thought their vessels had run aground, j
j An Austrian steamer which arrived the next 1
! day from Alexandria, at the distance of sev- I
i enly miles from Rhodes received so violent
| a shock thai the captain, thinking the steam- I
[ er had struck a rock, ordered the engine to |
be slopped, while for a moment the greatest I
| panic prevailed on board. Another steamer
| entering the port from Smyrna, at the very
\ moment of the earthquake, experienced the 1
j same effect; and unless lite captain had in- j
stauily ordered the engine to be reversed. !
| the falling walls of the tower of the Angels,
situated at the entrance of the port, would .
have come tumbling upon his boat,
j Many parts of the city walls which are as !
yet standing, are cracked and ready to fall, !
I and unless immediately repaired by the gov
l eminent will bring down new destruction.
Hie liihabitstnls, kept in fear of the repetition '
i of the shocks, are in a slate of utmost anx- '
j ie'.y, many of them being without houses, !
' i and others without houses or provisions, and
j a great number ol others in extreme misery
1 | and destitution,
j But this is not the entire record of the ca- !
j Ismities of ill-fated Rhodes. About leu days
since a more terrible disaster still occurred. \
I The first came from beneath, the second was
| from above, and both equally beyond the ;
control of human power. A large powder
magazine was situated near the church of 1
St. John's, which tvas also the Turkish quar
ter. A thunderstorm burst forth ; the light
ning flashed ; a stream penetrated the maga- ;
zine; an explosion followed which demol- J
ished many of the remaining houses and St. !
John's to its foundation stones : while worse '
than all, it is reported that seven hundred'
Turks perished ! Travelers inform me who j
slopped a few days in the harbor as they
came down in the last steamer, that little is
now to bo seen o' this famous and beautiful ,
city but frightful heaps of ruins. Rhode*fuit.
THE LEGISLATURE.—It is stated in the Ban j
Francisco Sun that the iate Vigilance Com-.
mittee of California will apply to the Legis
lature of that State [low in session at Sacra- |
mento, for an act of amnesty in regard to j
their proceedings in San Francisco. The !
Democratic members, who compose a large
majority, are said lo be bitterly opposed to !
the committee, and will reluse to pass any '
such act. We do not see how any Legtsla- j
ture could grant an amnesty for arts subver- j
sive ot the constitution and laws, the only ee
curity for a government admuiistered by the
sovereign people.
QT Chicago, 111., is said to be becoming
the religious metropolis of tho West. There
will soon be, within and around it, not less I
than fivo theological seminaries.
Kane's Arctic expedition abounds in ad
ventures like iho following, which makes I
one shiver lo rea-J. Dr. and an Esqui
maux liunier lake a trip after seals:
"I started wi'h Hans and five dogs, all we '
could muster Irout our disabled pack, and j
reached (he "Pinnacle Berg" in a single]
hour's run. But where was Iho water!
where was the seal ? The lloes had closed,
and lite crushed ice was all that told of our
j intended hunting ground,
j Ascending a berg, however, wo could see
j to the north and west the dark cloud stratus,
i which betokens water. It ran through our
| battle-ground,' the "Bergy Bell"—ihe luby
; ritilh of our wandering after die frozen party
jof last winter. 1 had not been over it since,
I and tlm leeling il gave uio was anything but
In a couple of hours we emerged upon a
plain, unlimited In die eye, und sinoodi as
a billiard table. Feathers of young frosting
| gave a plushlike nap to its surface, and to-
I wauls tho horizon dark coluins of frost-
I smoke pointed clearly to the open waier.—
] This ice was firm enough: our experience
! satisfied us ilial it was not a very recent
j freozing. We pushed on without hesitation,
| cheering ourselves with the expectation ol
; coming every minuto to the seals. We
1 passed a second icegrowth, it was not so
I strong as the ono we had just come over,
1 but still sale lor'a parly like ou's. On we
wem at a brisker gallop, inay be for another
mile, when Hans sung out, at die tcp of his
I voice, "l'usey ! puseymul! seal, seal!" At
! the same instant iho dogs bounded forward,
| and, as I looked up, I saw crowds of gray
| netsik. Ilia rough or hispid sea! of the
j whaler, disporting in an open sea of water.
] 1 had hardly welcomed the spectacle,
i when I saw that we had passed upon a
new hell ol ice that was obviously unsafe.
To tho right, and left, and Iront, was one
I great expanse ol snow flowered ice. The
nearest solid floe was a mere lump, which
stood like an island in die white level. To
turn was impossible ; we had to keep upon
I our gait. We uigcJ on the dogs with whip
, and voice, the ice rolling like leather be
neath the sled runner-; it was more than a
j mile to the lump of solid ice. Fear gave to
J the poor beasts their utmost speed, and our ;
; voices were soon hushed in silence.
Ihe suspense, unrelieved by action or ef- I
( fo-t, was intolerable. We knew that there ]
t was no remedy but to reach the floe, and J
i that every thing depended upon our dogs, '
j and our dogs alone. A moment's check
] would plunge the whole concern into the
i rapid tide-way. No presence of mind or re-
I source, bodily or mental, could avail us ,
] The seal—for we were now near enough to
| see tlieir expressive laces—were iookiug at
] us with that strange curiosity which seems
to be their characteristic expression. We t
must have passed some fifty of Uiem, breast
j high out of water, mocking us by tlieir self- <
This desperate race against fate could not
I last. The rolling of die lough sail water ice
terrified our dogs, and when within fifty i
l paces of die floe they paused. The left
| Land runner wont through ; c Ur | oa dor, Tood
laminek, followed; an a ; n one second the:
entire left of the sledge was submerged. My
first thought was to literate the dogs. 1
j leaned forward to cut poor Tood's traces,
j and the next minute was swimming in a lit
j tie circle of pasty ice and water alongside
liirn. lfans, dear, good fellow, drew near to
lieH, me, uttering piteous expressions in t-ro
j ken English ; but I ordered him lo throw
] himself on his belly, with his hands and '
j extended, and to make for the island by
i cogging himself forward wiih his jack-knife.
|ln the meantime—a mere instant—l was
I floundering about with sledge, dog, and
j lines in confused puddle around me
, I succeeded in cutting poor Tool's lines
] and letting him scramble lo the ire—lor the
i poor fellow was drowning tne with his pile
j ons caresses—and made my way to the
| sledge ; but I found that it would not buoy
me, and that I had no resource but to try the
circumference of the hole. Around this I
paddled faithfully, the miserable ice always
; yielding when my hopes c>f a lodgment were
j greatest. During this process I enlargej my
, circle of operations to a very uncomfortable
diameter, and was beginning to feel weaker
after every effort. Hans, meanwhile, had
reached the firm ice, and was on his knees,
! like a good Moravian, prajing in incoherent
i English and Esquimaux ; at every fresh j
] crushing in ol the ice he would ejaculate !
i • GoJ !" and when 1 recommenced my pad- j
' dim™, he commenced his mayers.
i I was nearly gone. My knife had been :
: lost in cutting out the dogs, and a spare one
' which I carried in my Irowset's pocket was
, eo enveloped in the wet skins that I could I
not reach it. 1 owed my extraction HI last
: to a newly broken team dog. who was still
I fast lo the sledge, and in struggling, carried
| one of :he runners chock against tna edgj of i
I the circle. All my previous attempts to use
1 tho sledge as a bridge had tailed, for il
| through to the much greater injury of the '
ice. I felt that it was a last chance, 'l threw
I myself on my back, so as to lessen ss much
as possible my weight, and placed the nape I
I of my neck against the rim of the edge of j
I the ice, and tner. with caution, slow ly bent '
j my leg, and placing the bail of my mocca
: sined foot against ihe sledge 1 prefect] a'ead
; ily against the runner, listeoing to ihe half- >
yielding crunch of tbe ice beneath,
i Presently f felt my head was pillowed by i
j the ice, and thai my wet fur tamper was sli
| ding up the surface Next tame my shoul
i ders—they were fairly on. One more deci- ,
: ded push aud 1 was launched up on the
ice and safe. I reached the ice floe, and was ;
j frictioned by Haas with frighilul Keal. We |
j saved all the dogs ; bat the sledge, beyack. j
tent, guns, snow shoes, and every thing be-!
sides was left behind. The thermometer a: j
, eight degrees will keep them frozen fast in
1 tbe sledge till we can come and cut them |
' OU' " '
[Two Dollars per Anu.
I Local Aiipliculion In Lrysipt-lui.
! Mucli difliirenco nf opinion socms to exits
' among medical men in regard to the local
i treatment of erysipelas; and amidst this
! great diversity of sentiment, the student, as
| well as the young practitioner, must recrot
( that medicine does not pariako more of the
' principles of the exact sciences, so that the
practice can bo pursued with more positive
results. If authority bo taken, or hooks he
consulted, he is led inlo a mist of doubt in
reference to a selection of the most appro
priate remedy. iFor, simply a layer of cot
ton, warm water, mucilaginous infusions,
solution of acetate of load, are recommend
ed equally with tincture iodine, collodiou,
nitrate of silver, or oven a blister. Next
are mentioned, perhaps, mercurial oint
ment, simple ointment or lard, Kcmisk
ointment, solutions of chloride of lime, suit
phale of iron,corrosive sublimate, crcoso:o,
Now, I have had considerable experience
with many or allot' these—and experiment
ed with them too, with the view to test in
dividual superiority—and atn constrained to
say that whilst no ono application has
proved infallible, or answered my expecta
tions at all times, the tinct. of iodine is tho
most reliable, ol the above, in counteract
ing the specific inflammation of erysipelas.
But this application should be preceded by
an nmntion-euthurlic, particularly in bilious
casus (which most abound), followed by
the iiiuriated tinct. ol iron, held a spccifio
by some, though honesty makes me say
that, in tny experience, it is only a specific
"fler the bilious as well as the high inflam
matory symptoms have been removed, and
then quinine is equally effectual.
But my purpose in making these obser
vations on erysipelas, was to introduce to
the profession the use of an application that
is seldom er never mentioned in the works
ol our standard authors, viz., tinct. lobelia.
A strong saturated tincture of the whole
plant, applied by means of lino linen or
muslin cloths, saturated, frequently renew
ed, I believe will prove morn satisfactory
than any of the above applications, acting
on this inflammation specifically, as it does
upon tiie inflammation induced by the rhus
} toxicodendron, which I hold is similar to
i the other—each alike Capable ol being ar
! rested by las local application; the gastro
j enteric affection being always attended to,
! not only in these, but in till atiections.—Dot
| lon Med. and Surgical Jou, iw.!.
I I eart is a wonderful piece of mechanism ;
, a steam engine is a clumsy contrivance
I compared u ith it. Man has two Leans,
and crab ot these >, double, so that he mav
ha said to have lour hearts Two of these
, are lor bright red blood, and two arc lor
purplo or dark blond. It n usual in books
to call red blood arterial, and the purp'o
blood venous ; but each of these two double
lioaits-has its own set of arteries and veins,
and the arteries of the one are always filled
, xx ith red, and the arteries of the other with,
purple blood
The veins. in like manner, of each are in
, inverse order—the veins of the red heart
being purple, and the veins of the purplo
I being red; fer it tho blood goes out ted it
comes back purple, and if it goes out pur
ple it comes back red. It always goes out
red from the heart on lite left side, and
conies in purple to the heart on the right
side - and it a 1 wax 9 roes out purple from heart on the right side, and comes in red
. to lite heart on the lelt side. And thus it
makes its everlasting round, being convert
ed from purplo to red by pa.-sing through
the litng-
I-ach haart !■"' its going and returning
si r.i - in vessels, infinitely numerous and
ramified art the blood 1- forced through
tlieni in such a xvay that it must go forward,
and can not 1 -turn, except l>y going round
the circle - for these vessels are all supplied
w Ith valves that open only one way and
shut tue other; and therefore were the tdood
to make an eflon to return.the valves would
close immediately and stop .1
Ihe ela-tie nature ot the blaod-vesscls,
n'se is tuch that they squeeze the blood in
undulations or pulsations along, closing
upon it, ar.d then opening ID let more for
, ward ; and all thi they do spontaneously
and regularly, the will of man having noth
j ing to do with it, and no power over their
• movement —Exchange.
A WORM IN A TOOTH —A medical gentle
man cf Ba'lytncn-. J-rdrurh xvas employed
recently to extract a patient's tooth. It was
a grim r 01 !a-_.- -,/e. apparently sound,
and so tlnr.'j seated that it broke in the
etfort of 1 s removal On examining that
! portion of the tooth xrhich came oil with
lite instrument, a very extraordinary worm
-1 shaped living animal was iound adhering to
ttie center of it. Oa being carefully removed
without injury, it proved to be five eighths
i of an inch long, lively as an eel, and of a
| blood red-color, and about the tLickness of
I a woolen thread. On viewing it through a
microscope of limited power, it appeared
Ito be ringed or jointed in its formation. No
' legs were visible, ar.d it moved by erecting
. its body, arch dike, in the centeT. aud pro
. jecting cither end at pleasure—fer it appear
|ed to have a head at each extremity. One
; of the heads was large, flat, and breed m
| proportion to the creature's siae, with a
I capacious mouth, and two btack. eyes, sat
very widely apart, and piojecuog from the
i upper part of the head. Ttu other head
j waa smaller, with a lengthened sacut. and
a mouth opening from underneath —FT