THE STAR OP THE NORTH. B, W Weaver, Proprieter.] VOLUME 9. THE STAII OF THE NORTH U FL'BLISIIEU EVERY WEDNESDAY MOUKINU ET It. \V. W K, OFFICE— Up stairs, in (be new brick build ing, on tkel(laM% BT TiioMta noon. My pipe la U', my glass is mixed, My curtains drawn, and all is snug, Old puss is in lite elbotv chair, And tray is sitting 011 the rug. f.ast night I hail a curious dream, Miss Susan Bates was Mistress Mogg— What d've think ol that my cat! What d'ye think of that, my dog? She looked so fair, she looked so well, I could but won, and she was won ; MyseUTn blue, the bride in wnne, The ring was placed, the deed was done! Away we weot, in chaise and tour, As fa -t a< grinning boys could jog— What d'ye think til that, my cut? What d'ye think ul that my dog? What loving tete-utites to come ! What tlte- must Mill deler! When Sit-nn came to live with me, iter muihet came to live with her! Widi sister Belle she couldn't purl, But slimy ties had leave to jog— What d'ye think of that my cat! What d'ye tbiuk of thai, my dog t The mother brought a Pietty Pull— A monkey, too, what work he made! The sister introduced u bean— My Susan brought a tavori e tnaid, She had a Tabby of Iter own— A snappish mongrel christened Gog— What d'ye dn ik of that; my cm ? Wltui d'ye think ol tliu',, my dog? The monkey lii, ihe pnrrot prrcnfTieJ, Al slay ile simft druiiitiiuil Ming ; Tl'.e pancj 1114il was mips a m-oM ! _ My Susan learned to use her tongue ; lier mother had such wteichcd health, She sal and croaked like uny trog— What d'ye think ol that, my cat ? • What d'ye think ol lUat, nty uog ? . No longer Deary, Duck, and Lnve, I soon came down to simple " M l" The very servant ciossed my wish, My Stl-titi let me down to Ihelit. The poker tiardly seemed my own, I iniglit as well have been a log— What d'ye ilin.k id that, triy cat ? What d'ye think ol ihut, my dog? My clothes, they were the queerest shape ! Such coais and hats she never inet! My ways, they were the gddest ways ! My Itiends wen such a vulgar sei ! Poor Toutkinson was snubbed and hiitTed ! She coulvl not hear that Mister Blogg— What d'ye think ol thai, my cat? W'Bat d'ye think ol that, my dug? At limes we had a spar and then Mamma must mingle in the sung— The :ster took a sister's pan Tit® maid declared her master wrong— The parrot learned to call ine "Fool!" *- My wife was like a London log— ft I,at d'ye think ol dial, my vat ? What d'ye think ol mat, my dog ? My"Su*n's taste was stipeifine, A- proved by bills that bad tto end; I never had a deceit! coal- I never had a coin to spend ! She torced ine to resign my club, Lay doivu my pipe, reneucn my grog— What d'ye think ol that, my cat ? What d'ye think of that uty dog? F.ach Sunday night we gave a route To fops and ll.r's—s pretty list: And when I tried to steal away 1 found my study lull ol whist! The first to come ami last to go, There always was a Captain Hogg— What d'ye think of thai, my cat 1 What d'ye think ot that my dog? Now was not that an awful dream For one who stogie i* and snug— With I'os-ey in the elbow chair, And Tray reposing on the rug? If I must totter down the hill, Tl salest down without a clog— What d'ye think ot Dial, my cat ) What d'ye think ot that, rny dog ? EsTjp.ere :s a ca-e now pending in the Superior Court, Boston, in which the plaiutitT, Barnabas K. ISayley, seeks to recover for ser vices as a singer while engaged by Ossian E. Dodge. The defendant refuses to pay for these services, because there was an agree ment made that if the plaintifl ued anient spirits he should lotfeit one hundred dollars for each drink ; and the defendant alleges that the plaintiff has used ardent spirits five sep arate times, and claims as a set-off 6500. it the plaintiff 10-es lire case lie would belter exhibit himself a* the man that paid 6100 each for firp drinks. RATTHKR COOL.—The Trenton Gszello is responsible for the following: A verdant young man entered a fancy store pi our city while the lady propiielor wag ar ranging a lot of perfumery. She inquired of him if he would not like lohnvesorne rausk bags to put in hi druwt ra. Aher the exam ination of the article be toid the young lady be did no: tceur drawers, and wanted to know if they would not do to wear ru bis panta loon*. idr* Nobility and gentleness go hand in hasd— and when 1 see a young gentleman kind to bis brothers and sisters, I ibiuk be bas a uotle heart OT The best capital that a young man can start with in lifo is industry , with good sense, courage and the fear of God Tbey are bet ter tjf'aa cask. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 11. 1857. From the New Or Item Delta. TIIK CABINET—PAST AND I'ltl stX I'. BY rot.. 1. T. H. CLAIBORNE. The speculation in relation to the incom ing Cabinet may ba unprofitable, but is not unpleasant. It gives every one an opportu nity to have his "say,'' or his fling at this or thut man. The importance attached to the Cabinet ia very much exaggerated. Those who ate cu rioua as to the origin of the departments msy refer to Laws of the U.S. Vol. 1., Bioreu Si Dunne's edition. In England the Cabinet is everything and the Crown a simliol, an el figy. In this country, with n gtcat man for Chief Magistrate, Cabinets ate mere convo nieuces fur administration. Gen. Washington was a firm, safe prtuleul man, and with Jefferson, Hamilton, dicker ing, Wolcott and Knox 111 his Cabinet—in spite of lite jealousy and counter-intrigue* of the two first—the early and trying stages of a new government vve.-o passed in safety. John AJams was a self willed, crotchety, suspicious, impulsive, egolistocal and ambi tious man, bit' full of stufT of which pattiots are made. He vvus "never," as Ins said of himself in 1778, "much of a John Bull.** "I was John Yankee, and as such I shall live and die." This bold, high-spiriied, but pig headed min, got on badly with his Cabinet. His jealousy ol Hamilton made him distrust lul ot every one about him. Thomas Jefferson threw his Cabinet lido deep shadow. There were very able men in it, but his views, not theirs, were stamped upon Ihe Administration. m James Madison was a closet statesman—a philosopher—pure but timid to infirmity—ig norant of men—unsuspicious und confiding. He required bold, energetic advisers to coun teract his idiosyncratic tendency to hesitate. For the nio-t part his mmi-ters were, i 1 this respect, a* deficient a* himself, am! hence the blunder* that occurred dining hi* admin istration, both in our financial policy und 111 the war with Gtcat Bnuin. President Monroe WR it dull, weak man— singularly so: u inuti ot phraseology and cere monial ; elevated by the traditional ascen dency ol Virginia, ami n combination of ruc lions comprising ihe highest lelrnt of the na tion, nil jealous of each other, but willing 10 put liirn i power as one easily moulded to their own personal views and aspirations. The consequence of this state of things was a Cabinet of matchless ability. John QVnu-y Adams, Writ II Crawford, Jnhu C. Calhoun. William Win, were members ol I'—all strug gling lor the Presidency. There was but one point itt which those distinguished men resembled each oilier—insatiable ambition, lit everything cU"—fignra, countenance, manners, temperament, opinions, tastes— they differed. I The lir.-t was low, swart, cold and repul sive, trr.table and eccentric; more deeply read than bis father, yet knowing even less of mankind. A splendid writer, a master of rhetoric, defiant in his opinions, easily in flamed, brave to martyrdom, yet so frigid, i formal and saturine that few could approach, j and none could lorohim. His political opin- I ions were erratic and variable, and were, all fits life ronttolled, mote or less by personal resentments. His first great apostacy may be traced to this source, and to the same ; feeling may be justly attributed the war that lie waged against domestic servitude in his ; hit cr days—a war utterly at vatir.nce with his recorded and del iberate opinions when Secretary of State. Mr. Crawfoid was a man of stat ure, and of massive intellect. In astronomy or mathematics he would be pre-eminent.— No man in this or any other country had a I more thorough and orthodox knowledge of political economy, and especially of finance. He spoke with great cogency, and wielded a luminous pen. A Virginian by birth tml ed ! ucation. He carried the political opinion of the renowned Commouwealtli into Georgia, 1 and, until be was etiicken down by paralysis on the tkreshhold of lite Presidency, she ! never waveted from the true JefTersonian faith. Her subsequent ca-eer has been one of inconsistency and error, nttiil lately she has taken her stand A the empire sla'e of Democracy—great in her resources, great in her moral and physical development, great in the ability and reputation of Iter sons. The third on the list—the proud nud sensi tive Carolinian—was tail, but not stately ; ra'lier with die slight stoop of a student than lhe presence of a soldier with stronglt-lined intellectual fea'tires, and manners simple and winning as child's. Tliu yniing loved him most, for hi* noble heart and generous affec tions were fenced in by no conventionalities, but were freely, and often it jodicion-ly be- Sowed. Few public men have suffered more from ill-liined ennfi lences, or paid, without flinching, heavier penalties fnr the indiscretions of others. A man of purer sen timents—ol simpler habits, or more irre proachable morals never lived. The atmos phere of the metropolis, its syrens and seduc tions, had for him no taint. Calumny itself, never imputed fu hint, during a lifetime of temptation, a single lap-e from virtue. Yet he viewed with no ascetic eye (tie inflririi lies of others, and never pursued error as a crime. His most intimate friend—the late Warren R. Davis—one of the most gifted men of the day—was proverbial for his frail ties and indiscretions. Mr. Calhoun was fixed, rigid anil immoveable in his notions of right and wrong. He early adopted certain great principles for the regulation of his po litical conduct, but with singular blindness, he constantly wandered from litem. Hi* in telieetual vision, miraculously acute in all other respect*, vt* notoriously obtuse wben studying himself To tb* last bour of his Me he was pursnaded mat his political ca reer hail been unitorin and inflexible, when to every one else his inconsistencies were transparent. He was less deeply rrad than Mr. Adams; he knew less ol mankind than Mr. Craw lord; nothing ol the management or discipline ol parly. But he had mure in tellect—mote individuality—more concen trativeness—more enthusiasm-a higher and purer appreciation of truth, than either of them, or any other statesman our country has prod nerd. Mr. Wirt, the A'torney General, was ol large statutd and heavy cast of features— with little, m that petiod, to itidicuie the vivid imagination that colorul and exaggera ted Ilia political productions. He was either too florid or too jejune, always too elaborate. He was an excellent man ; a little 100 saint ly, perhaps, in alter life, in atonement for early indiscteiimis, as the feudal barons founded monasteries in compensation for their crimes ; a delightful companion—very susceptible of flattery—very didactic—very credulous and vet) ambitious, as his accep tance of the Anti-Masouio nomination for the Presidency, at an advanced period of his life, demonstrates—a nomination a truly great ntau would have scorned to accept, even though certain ol success; and which ended —as 11 deserved to do—in disgraceful abor tion—a complete eclipse of Mr. Wirt's polit cal sun, and soon after died of vexation and disappointment. This Cabinet, it may teadily be inferred, was the Government. They made of Mr. Monroe a mem pageant. He traveled from city to city, and from Slate to State, while , his ministers conducted affairs. In this re spect lltey anglicised our Government, lor the lime being. The %| lendid diplomatic correspondence of Mr. Adams, elaborate, highly finished, and full of national spirit , the luminous treasury reports of Mr. Craw ford ; and the powerful impetus given lo for tification*, internal improvement* and manu facture* ivy Mr. Calhoun, withdrew public attention entirely from President Monroe.— 'I lie Cabinet was everything. 'lhe game wo* for the Presidency, and ench of the tri umvirate plajcd R bold hand fur it. Mr. Calhoun, the hohlest and most hazardous, full of promise for himself, I tit prolific of evil to ihe Republic. Hi* policy lavorcd centralism. He pushed the coitstruclivn pow ers of the Government lo the farthest boun dary, but lived 10 atone for the fundamental error by consvcraiiiig bis intellect, in its me redutu gloty, and hi* minting energies, even to the closing scene, to the iletuuco of States Rights. The Cabinet of John Quinry Adams was only remarkable became Mr. Clay conduct ed the Department of Siuie. Mr. Adams, avowing I torn din Ural Ilia inleiilion lo stand for a second term, of course shaped llie pol icy of the administration sometimes, no doubt, against die advice cf bis illustrious premier; and shaped it lo his own defeat and die exclusion of Mr. Clay. Had their positions been reversed ; had Mr. Clay been tho Chief Magistrate, and Mr. Adams the Minister, Gen. Jackson, in all probahlity, rvonld not have been elected. Our country, at this moment might occupy a very differ ent attitude. What was called the "Ameri can Sys'etn"—the rapid development o( home manufactures, by a schedule of exhor bitant and, in some instances, prohibiting duties, concentrating vast capital in few hands; National Banking, in close connec lion with the Federal treasury; the Federal Government penetrating the States, and con trolling their legislatures and popular suf frage, by Internal Improvements, involving larte outlays of public money ; and a close fi-ted policy in relation to the public lands, holding them at fixed prices, refusing the right of pre-emption, and impending, as much as possible, the flow of immigration from the manufacturing to the agricultural Slates. This vast machinery would, doubt less, been engrafted upon the national pol icy, bad itie chief magistrate been a really great man, of popular attributes, like Mr. Clay, instead of a political eultiusiast who, obetittaio as his distinguished sire, never knew when to retreat, and regarded Fahiua us a historical coward. Under this policy we should have grown compact, formidable, very aristocratic, very English. The four great events most memorable in our annals since the Revolution—the separation of bank and Slate—the metallic currency—the an nexation of Texas attd the conquest of Cali fornia—would yet have been in the wornb of lime. A schoUt and not a statesman—a creature of pa-sriii, lint of purpose—a tnun of intense nud unquenchable ambition, who nevertheless lived in an atmosphere of ice— consumed by his own fire, but chillirg and repelling sympa by and confidence—was Chief, and the Government, by popular forms but by what was, morally, u revolution, pas sed into the hands of the Democracy. A democracy, not contingent upon the mere triumphs ol its leader, or the duration of his official term, but, to all intents and putposes, a democracy under every Administration, and by whatever name the prevailing party hap pens l. he called. Andrew Jtckmn, though he knew little of books, still less of national law, and nothing ol diplomacy, bad less need for a Cabinet than any of Ins predecessors. Chiels of Bu reau, or a few competent t-lerks, would have been enough for him. Nulurd stamped him GIIICAT, and the .-nqst sagacfous in his coun cils, tn pass current, had m iwjmninsd from the saine die. A train-fusion of ideas flowed from him to them. He astounded experi enced politicians and jurists by hie intuitive petceptinn, and niascuiiue grasp of the most complicated subject*. He oouvened men to bis views as much by the great faculty as Truth and Right God and oar Country. by an iiutoiiiiniiiit will. Tit a tiinnl felt hi* inspiration, ami the powerful and faction were subdued by a sublime constancy ver> different Itom the insane obstinacy of the Adamses, or the dogged coinage of Gen. I'a; lur. He however, • utrrmuded himself wuh able men, but be moved them about like figures tut * rltess board, transferring them toother spheres of duty, or kicking them, unceremoniously, overboard, 10 rise ito more. Van Buret), Forsyth, Cass, Liv ingston, Berrien, McLane, Taney, B.irry, Duatie, Eilon, Dickerott, Ingham, llrarch, and Butler, were his Cabinet at different pe riods. Mr. Van Bi ren had played a masterly role in the political drama, Regarding politics us a game, his great forte was in e.ocking the cards. His peculiar trait wts caution, prop erly termed non-committalism. It was some thing mote comprehensive—forecasts and sagacity. Under the mask of great modera tion, tuid with something of a petit maitre, there lurked a vaulting ambition. His fac ulty for governing men, his uiuiriitg energy unit imper'tiruhle coolness enabled him to achieve great revel'*, without apparent ef fort. Thus this accomplished tactician, while Atlonising before his looking g'ass, () and toying with the belles of Al bany, or the voluptuous beauties of Wash ington, was dethroning Devvitt Clinton, checkmating Clay, Webster and Calhoun,and scattering roses in hi* pathway lo the Pres idency. When new* ol the udvance ol Na poleon upon Waterloo reached the Duke ol Wellington, he was in the bait-room of the Duchess of Richmond, at Brussels, and widi undisturbed composure escorted her grace to supper. Thus, while the ureal tribune ol llto Senate was hurling his thunderbolt* at Vice President Van Buren, threatening his political fortune* with every blow, that gen tlenttn sat with a quiet smile upon his face, and will! iniii,liable King froid sent his mull box 10 Mr. Clay the moment h* returned fit seat I Ttie good Itutnnr ol the Senate was re-iored, und the great orator htmsell per cieved that his mighty effort had been lruit lo** The Intle magiciap was "up to sntifl." The late John For-yih wan one o! ihe tnovl aecotii phstied men ot hi* nines. As tin im promptu debater, to bring on an aciion or to cover u teireut, he never had his superior lie was aeute, winy, lull of iesnurce* and ever prompt —impetuous as Murut in a charge, adroit a* Sou It when out Hanked am! ooltiutiil-ureO. tie vvus tinngtuy tu tlte pres ence ol enemies, tillable and winning aiming trielid*. His inuinters were courtlv and di plomatic. I t 'he tunes ul Lout* XIV. he would have rivaled the moil celebrated colli- tiers; midst Hie dynasty of Napoleon he would have won the baton of Franco, lie never failed lo command lite confidence ol his party ; lie never feated any odds atrayed against 11, and at one ci-is was almost its sole support in the Senate against the mo.-t brilliant and formidable opposition ever or ganized against an administration. With the ladies he was irresistible. During his diplomatic residence in Spain the demand for duenna's could scarcely be supplied, arid even Royalty smiled more indulgently than lie wished. This gallant and ltiglt-*p';r itevl gentleman died suddenly in lite enjoy, me 111 ol great popularity. Grs like Mr. Tazewell; Living ston grappled with generalities like Lord Brougham. The mitul of one resemble* a dictionary ; the other a code. Berrien was a conscientious man, w ho always meant to do right, hut by an unfortunate process of ratio cination usually aot wrong. Livingston wa unscrupulous, but Ironi policy generally did what bis discriminating judgment decided would be right. He was courtly and insin cere. prone :o intrigue, with no fitted princi ples, political and moral; and ttie slain of official defalcation will ever shadow the lus tre of his fame. Both Mr. McLane and Mr. Taney had be longed to tl e ancient Federal party, but since i.s extinction had acted "-till the De mocracy. In one respect their fortunes were not the same. The former at every period of his career, Inis been singularly exempt Irom political vituperation, while the latter, before he became Chief Justice, literslly tT'alked through the fiery furnace—an ordeal •When Mr Vsn Biiren was elected Presi - dent lie mild the lease and lurmtnrc of his liotise, >p the ''Thirteen Building*." to a dis tinguished Fgna'or. Wuh bint I inspected the premise*. Everything **• found in per fect order, and nearly new, pet before the ruirror in hie dreeaiug room— that wot worn Ikretullxut. ihr.t lie sii-tarte.l with unshaken equanimity. Mr. Woo Ibury shared the opprobinm that was out upon Mr. Taney. Every form of deiiaciion was exhausted upon him. HJ was a man of strong sense and clear percep. iions, but an awkward and iriv-itvo I style by no means expressed the impressions of his mind. He thus, While in the Treasury, had the reputation of being obtuse ; but when he resumed his place in the Senate, and bad the opportunity of explaining his reporis, and vindicating the financial policy inaugurated by Gen. Jackson, Ins reputation rose to ila proper level. Unhappily, in the full vigor ol a well preserved life, he died, with his hand upon the Presidency. His mansion at Wash ington wts noted fur its liberal and elegonl hospitality—always crowded by the young and gifted—and adored by ■ household of incomparable grace and beauty. Of the other members of this Cabinet, Mr. Dickrrson was a sensible ttrtd amiable man, but 100 infirm lor hit place. Mr. Barry was a man ol tslent—.in otator cultured in the great controversy of the old and new Court patties 111 Kentucky. Hi* voice, hit manner, and Ins declamation were of the school ol Patrick Henry, but he was utterly unfit for the cost Oflice Department. Mr. Duaue was fantsslio and feeble, though he fancied him self ptofound. Mr. Ingham was stolid and treacherous; Mr. Branch honest but imprac ticable ; and Major Eaton—lately dead— could not be classed above mediocrity. Benjamin F. Butler, Attorney General and Secretary ol VVur—a polttioal suitit—studied finance, I believe, under Jacob Barker, at Sandy Hill, and psalmody and the puyer book with Henry Ward Beecher. He never look R questionable step in politics or peon* laliotl, without first finding a precedent or a text to justify it, preuisely as Headier pre tends lo tied, in the New Testament, a war rant lor Sharp's ttfles, insurrection and tnas sacr'e. • Of succeeding Catune's—of tfie policy likely 10 lie pursued t>y the lVsuli nt elect— .it'll of (lie iloiy of the country, und e-pectul ly ol the South, without dieitiiuinu of pit' l )', in the CtIMS teloio us, 1 may neat in iny next number. l'lAiu iNcroir, Mine., Jan. lit. Mrctlnc of Jncloon nod J. CJ. Adorn* nt I'riiltlitiii .imnrue's Lirttc. • The following account of the rencontre be tween Gen. Jackson mill J. Q Adam*, at President Monroe's levee, the nig lit alter Ad ams' election over Jack-on for the Presi ilency, to ttie House of Kepresentatives, in taken liom l'eicr Parley's "Jiecollectioria ol his Lifeti.rie I shall paw* over other individuals present, only noting an incident which respects the two persons in the as-embly, who, most of all others, engrossed the thoughts of the visi tors. Mr. Adams, the elect, Mr Jackson, the defeated. It chanced, in the course of the evening, that these two persons, involved in the throng, approached each other from opposite directions, yet without knowing it. Suddenly, as they were almost, together, the persona around, seeing what was to happeo, by • sort of instinct, stept aside and let them face. Mr. Adams was by himself ; Gen. Jackson had a large, handsome lady on his arm. They looked at each other for a mo ment, and then Gen. Jackson moved for ward, and reaching out his long arm, said: "How do you do, Mr. Adatne? I give you my left hand, for the right, you see, is devo ted to the fair; 1 hope you are very well, sir." All this was gallantly and heartily said and done. Mr. Adams took the Gen eral's hand, and said, with chilling coldness: ' Very well, sir; 1 hope Gen. Jackson is welll" It was curious to see the Western planter' the Indian fighter, the stern soldier, who had written his country's glory in the blood of the enemy at New Orlear.a—genial and gracious in the midst of a court, while the old court ier and diplomat was stiff, rigid and cold as a statue ' It was all the more remarkable from the lact that lour hours before, the for mer had been defeated, and the latter was a victor in a struggle for one of the highest ob jects of human ambition. The personal char acter of two individuals was in fact well expressed in that chance meeting ; the gallantry, the frankness and the heartiness of of the one, which captivated all; the cold ness, the distance, the self-concentration of the other, which repelled all. A somewhat severe, but still acute analyst of Mr. Adams' character *a\: ' Umioubedly oneeteai rea son ol his unpopularity was his cold and an tipa'liic manner, and the suspicion of selfish ties* it suggested, or at leas' added greatly to confirm. None approached Mr. Adams but to recede. He never succeeded—he never tried to conciliate. 1 recollect an anecdote somewhat illustra tive of lliia. When lie was a candidate lor the Presidency. Ilia political (rieiula thought II advisable that lie should attend acanle show at Worcester, Mass., so as to conciliate the number ol influential men who might be present. Accordingly be went, and while there many persons were introduced 10 him. and among itie icsl a farmer of the vicinity a man of substance and great respectability. On being presented,lie said: ' Mr. Adam*, 1 am very glad to see you My wile, when she was a gal, lived in vour father's family; you were then a Intl* bey, and she has told me a great deal about you. She has very olten combed your head." "Well," aaid Mr. his harsh way, "I sup.ioee she combe your* now!" The poor farmer slunk back like a lathed hound, feeling the wnan, but utterly vuooa sciioa* of the provocatior llovv Jim Donm-lliiM Out -tieiiii-U lucle lltlly Muiw- Old Uncle Billy Snow was, ami is the keen est trader in tho country. He was never known tt> run lie a bail bargain. Many a trap has been laid 10 catch loin, but his opera lion* alwav* turned out so as to add intne tliiug to Ins pile, anJ still more to his reputa tion. Pome lime since a party of young men •alking of Uncle Billy'* great luck in this way. vt rioua instances were mentioned of his ex trnordinary trades, and hi* uniform success. Jim Dotmellan at length offered to bet that he would caich him before two day*. Of course that was taken as soon as proposed, ami soon afier Jim left us to make his prepara tion* to win. The next day was court day, ami Jim and Mr. Snow met at the Court House "Good morning, Uncle Billy," said Jim ; "all well to day ?" "Pretty well, I thank you, Jeemor, my son." " Any trading on hand this morning?'' en quired " Nothing in particular, Jeemes ; times i rather dull just now; people dutil trade as lltey used to do." " Thai's a fact, Unci# Billy," responded Jim. "Well, since nothing better offer-, sposn you and 1 make a trade," "No objection in tlie worle, Jaeniea. (Jo ahead and lei's hear from you. " Well, Uncle Bdly, 1 have a mare yonder thai 1 want to trade lr that mule of yours, how will you trade?" "I don't know exactly," responded Mr Snow, "but as mulesare generally considered worth more than horses, and your rnare is getting along in years. I rpose ten dollars wouldn't be too much, would it? Give me leu dollars and your mare, and you may take the mule." " Done!" exclaimed Jim, perfectly delight ed." The money was paid over, and tho criitrs were handed over to their new masters Juti | took the mule home and that night the bca-i J laid down and died. This was a sore blow i to our hero, but he had one mnro day left, and determined 10 save himself. Too 11 -xt morning found and Snow at the same place, arid in conversation us follows— •' Uncle Billy," say# Jim, "I think you come the strong game over me yesterday, I in thai mute of yours, I don't like him so | much this morning a# I did yu-tsr.lay—l 1 don't think lie improves on acquaintance what II you take 10 rue ? ' (swap back.) I ' Now, Jeettics, tny son," answered Uncle 1 B'lly, '"I dont want 10 be hard on you, but ! you took me up 011 the first hop, and you hoove a trade's a trade. Bui if you are anx ious to rue, 1 don't care much. rue ten ' dollars more and you may have your mare back." j " Uncle Billy, I 'II do it !'' exclaims I Joe in i great delight. ' But only on one condition— , each man must cotne after and take sway his own beast. I didn't bring tny mule along to day, and I see you didn't ride the mare, so it is as long as it is broad. I'll give ten i dollars now, and I'll go borne with you first arid get the mare, and afterwards you can , send, or can come for the mule at any time." j "Any way, Jeemes," replied Mr. Snow. I The money was paid, and Jim and the old man stirled. The next day when the crowd had met to decide the bet* Jim was there, giving his experience as follows : j "The old man and I went along very cosily together, talking about everything in the world except our traJe. This question I ; dodged. 1 was afraid to open my hps till I got mv mare sale. At last we reached the j old fellow's house. He said to me as we en- I tered the yard— "Jeemes, ;ny son,there is your mare—you can take her away with you." "And, boys, if there wasn't the old mare | layin' in the yard, as dead as a door nail.— , The v jernal cuss dud the same night with Ike mule!''—Spu it 0/ Use Tunes. Turkey'* Greulest Mitievmaa a Mare. We extract lite following interesting account of one of Turkey's statesmen from a letter in the Boston Post: ' Turkey has lost the strongest of her old Statesmen during ihe prceni month, Khosre! Pacha. He wa> niueiy-seseii years old and lias been a prominent inau in .ke councils of the Parte ever since ihe Jays 01 Cattiarir e c.t Russia. As he was the oldest, so tie wa- the richest ot the notables ot l'uikey. His hmio ry is as thorough y Turkish as was ins j ;mi . or* and habiliment*. IV tieu Gei rgs U as!i. Ingtou was surveying lauds on fie Oram;ties ot ttie OHIO, ami Jetn Pomerov was rorii •• out tlie spiked caiuion ou the "torts of Louis" burg, khueref was a lame and delortned or phan in ttie mountains of Caucusu-, obtain lug a precarious -übilslence by I services uiui'iig the couaavts. Hetnre tlie Bruts'i red coals had inarciied back 10 ttustnii trmu L-\ ■iigiou Common, to the lutie ot Yankee lAio -01 e, the humpbacked feggar b O , , UJ , tooJ as a slave m Hie tuarket ot Nam bout, ad had been installed as a servant 111 n,e pauce OL Aboul LUU.eil, and had IUUIKI his way lit the lavur ol Mahomed, ttie then heir to u e tliroue. In the coultiry ami the po i ton whne tie pu*pcrl 10 success is a tine tigu e ami engaging inauners, young Ktiosie', je-,. lUie ol bviti; posso-ed some ucul y of gain ing aud good i I, whica s< atued linn to conquer ua ure. Wueu 'Mahomed succeeded in the intone the lor-uce ot the orphan boy rose, aud beiug ahottiy alter wards mane Secretary 10 Capudau Pascha, h# laid the foundation ol bis enormous aedih. fie had ou-heed ah U>e 1 1lends and att Ins foes, bui bis laoepeiuj iwiw left huu. Tal ley laud, tie has been ready 10 acq J esce in | evet) change, ami has generally succeeded ' in obtaining some iking. I rout every rendu ||o. Bui be was always a slave. fru.n ihe servnuue oi the nupitiai house there ia no uiauuiaiMiom Though he teavee uesrly i two mUliou pounds atwliug ua aaoaee. eeerv iaitb'tm ol it goee te the pteeeor Stiiiaa'' [l*i Dollars per invta* NUMBER 4. TIIK IUXOR.— Each hair is furnished with a distinct gland, elaborately and beautifully complete. Under the facial there are in numerable nerves immediately conuected with various organs of the senses, ramify ing in every direction, and performing most important functions. This hair, whetl in full growth, forms a natural protector to the nerves, and also holds, as it were in sus pension, a quantity of warm air, through which the coid air in breatliing passes, and so becoming ruriiied or tempered, enters the lungs without giving to their delicata tevturo that severe shock which arises from the sudden ndtnissiotn of cold, so often the forerunner of fatal disorders. Any body putting his linger under the hair of his head will thero feel warm air. The hair also wards oil" cast winds, a prolific source of toothache and other pains, and so tends to preserve these useful and ornamental ap pendages, tho teeth. It i# said thai an intimate; connection ex ists between the moustache ami the nerves ol tho eye, ami that many diseases of the eye are traceable to shaving. Who has not felt his eyes smart umler the application of a dull razor. May not shaving he depriving the lungs of tin; male of their natural protection, and exposing thorn to tho uninterrupted action of cold air, tending to weakness being trans mitted in an increasing proportion from gen eration to generation, at length inducing consumption and consumptive tendency* I'ersons who wear tho r hair under their chiiiM do not, except in rare cases, sudor from sore throats. There is in tho crypt of Hyde Church a vast pile of bones, which were githered many years after a battle fought upon the sea-shore between the Danes and Saxons, about one thousand years since; and among them the skulls of aged warriors, finely de veloped, tlm teeth in many of which are so perfect,' so beautifully sound, and s® (irmly imbedded in tbeir sock"!*, that you cannot move them. The owners of these teeth wore beards; and the writer remem bers witnessing, scleral years ago, somo excavations on the site of old priory at Spalding, when many stone coffins wero dug out, whose inmates hud almost with out exception, sound, entire, and elegant teeth. Did not beard grow on their chins? Shaving occupies, on an average, fifteen minutes. A man who shaves every morn ing for fifty year.- thus employs in that t me upward# ol three hundred and eighty days, ol 12 hours each. !> this a proper appli cation of our fleeting moments' I he face exposed to a microscope imme diately alter shaving presents a most un sightly appearance, the stumps assuming the appearance of narrow bones sawn trans versely. Did not the teachers of the faculty approve of moustaches—and are they not of opinion that they play a most impor.ant part in tho animal economy ! Is it not probable that, by unduly stimulating the growth of hair by shaving, we draw too largely on, and thus cause an unnatural action of the nerves, producing an injurious effect, no matter how sight, on the brain? Did not patriarchs and sages of o'd wear beard, and they were remarkable for ion gevity, as well as for being exceedingly tine looking fellows? Is not shaving a bore—and does not a man while undergoing the operation, look ex tremely ridiculous? And if it is right tc rasp the chin, -why not the eye-hrows and the head also ? Dees it not appear foo'ish 'o shave off 03 a cold morning that which nature has pro vided to protect us aoainst the cold? Do we not despise and hold too che. ply a bene ficient arrangement, and infirinrte a natural law. when we cutoff what Providence savs so plainly shad grow '—lor the more a mart shaves the more the hair grows, even to the hour of his death. The head shall be come bald, but the tuco r.ever. In conclusion, when man was created ha had given him a beard, and who will dare to soy it was not a good gift? Tarn to the tirst chapter ot Genesis, and you will find that God saw everything that he had made, and bcitolJ it was very rtood J Loudtm .Vurr. Fricrictss cr. Fru—lt is admitted by those who know the most about it that glasses, under whatever name —as luntt:* >ptd.ttfts y'vptclml gl -JSTJ. —have spoil ed about as many eyes as ihev have aided When vision begins to bo indistinct, avoid their u-e by all means. Pv resisting. ".I making the effort to -ee. the visual organs will ri ia:.y re-acjust th-mseives. and visicia will become as perfect and distinct as it via- .1 you..; John Quincy Adams sa.T c'r.riy without glasses to tae day oi his dea h . and the iiius rious Humboldt, now eighty-eight years old, was never ember ri-sed by there Whoever begins to bar® srUaciai assistance .or his eves cannot re trace the step he must oecoroe a slave to his spectacles ever alter —Zisewge. VvtTtpic Bmnrs —ln a commune near L. Ie i France) a young woman, mother for the third time, and wen had. had twins at each of the former births, gave biith to live children, three beys and two gtria, alter forty ours labor. All 'he iof nuts were wei formed but light in weight, they were us good condition two days after the birta of the last. One peculiarity ia the case ia, that during the latter period of gestation, the mother was affected with double vision Han ihia any connection with geetatioo* The vraion [ has *tncs delivery beea restored—Jfema A