The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 04, 1857, Image 4
WnEEI ER'S PATEXT CIIAIX * OVEItSIIOT THRASHERS, FEED CUTTERS, Ac. The above cut represents a single or one horse machine with the hands necessary to attend it. The subscribers take this method of in forming the public in general, that they have for some time been carrying on, in all their various branches, the nianulacture and sale ol Wheeler's Putenl Chain Horse Powers, together with Overshot Thrashers, Feed Cut ters, Revolving Horse Rakes, &c., in Light Street, Columbia co., and the town ol North umberland, Northumberland co., Pa. The EHorse-l'oWci'S are strong and durable, and very simple in their construction: run light, and ore not liable to gel out ol order. With a slight ele vation, the weight alone of the horse or horses drives the Thrasher with force and speed. They ntny also used lor various other purposes, such a driving Circular Saws, Turning Lathes. Doting Machines, Grind stones, Churns, c'c. etc. Tlic Overshot Machines have several advantages over the machines now in u-e. 1 lie apron or feeding lal-le is level, und of a proper height to allow the feeder to stand erect, and teed evenly in ■>! easily without annoyance from dust; sticks and stone are not liable to get into the Ihra.her, and the grain is not scattered, 1 ut thrown down to the separator. The two I horse machine, attended by from two to ' three hands, will thrash Irom 100 to 150 bushels ol wheat, or double the amount ol , oats per day. The one buret! mnehi to, at tended by two or three hand- 1 , will :l roll ; liom 50 to 75 bufln la ol wheal, or donbl.-; the amount of oats per day. T, o Feed- ! Cutter is a first rate aini-ie, and is very much j used. It ruis fine and u-ry fust; Hulks ute | rut by it 3-S of on inch long, at he rate : ol Irom 300 to 500 sheaves per d.iy. The foregoing is n hrit I statement of the ! tpudiiiea and character ol our machines.— , There probably is n larger number ol Wheeler's Patent Purr on in ado und sold 1 than any other ki..d. Wo oiler our nut- j chiles to the farming coiuinuni'y with lull j confidence in theii initio, and invite all in- i letested to call und examine thrill before. j puicliiuing elsewhere. For further particulars, or for purpose of j ordering machines, address the subscribers ut Light Sheet, Coluuil ui co , or i.t North- , unibcrhind, Notlh'd county, Pa., or apply b> I the following agents!— Jacob llartman, ATI- j ton ; Joseph Vankirk, near Northumberland : j Jotin L'etr, near f-elinsgiove; Jacob Rarnhart. 1 Lewisburg ; A. & J. Eves, Money; bairn.el Hariman, Haitlctou; Daniel Khekucr, New 1 Berlin. STONE u HlT. - Oc'obcr 15, 1866-Sirt, lIAYE you SUBSCRIBED | IN TTTR COBJIOPOI.ITAS ART ASSOAI'.TIdi; ron Tin: mini) ir.xn .* SEE THE RARE INDUCEMENTS'.—The management liuva the ; leasurc cl mi j trouncing that the erPectirn ol Works .f Ar designed lor distribution tin ong the r-plvcn- Iters, whose naincs am received ptovieua tc the 28th i t January. 1857, is mm li larger a i more costly than on ary provi 'tt, year Among the lending works in Sculpture—((■ rented in the finest Marble—is thu neve and beautiful 8 nine r I ,! o "WOOD NYMPH," The Busts ct til# three great bt.a es men, CLAY, AV ERSTF.R k CALHOUN, Also the exquisite Ideal Dust, * * U-> !_*-> Lai Lu Li/ k-L_> - a * APPOLLO AND D 1 \N A, In Marble. Ide 8 o. Together wiih the tolloivi Groups attJ Sat ucs iu Carrara Marble—,; die Struggle for the lit art, Penan and .'lppte, Ferric, Mapdahn, Child of tie NV.T. Innocence. I optica Ifird ami f.ittJt V~ With numerous vo'k* in bronze. ami a col lection of Mitral JrtJ Fine Oil I'aiuUupt by leading Artiei*. Tl.e whole ot which are to be disiributed or allotted anions the n:bcribers whose name# are rootitred previous to the SStlt e! January, IS;7, when the Uwtributiou tvii, take |-lace. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION': Fvery n.bscril-er ol tin t; *V.:7iJ < is entitle,': to A eory of l ie splendid Steel Kt graving. '•Sjivvcry Sickly ef A cop., 1.1 any cf lI.S following S3 a'.nes ooaycar; ah-o A cegy of the St Jcti:n. one yrr.r. a;iJ A T.oket in the Annul Disltibni. • t ol l\ ork ot Art. Thtif, for every 63 p Id. a prrei i not only gets a fcng:avuu; > r Mir.-.ziuc. o;,e year, hut also n-cetves the Ar: Journal ore yrarj ami T'ckti i" tit# Animal P-• n;..v\ r .ioliatt VOitk Of U.I dir. g beside* tt e ticket, by which a valval > palm ing or piece of statuary may fce received i;. addition. Thoie wf o prefer Magazine* to the r.-.jre aing 'Saturday Night," con i nve eeher of the following .no year: Hatpvt's Magazine. Godty'f Laly's l>, hpTi.iied S;a.e- Maga zine, Kni ketbocker Ai te.ix re. t>'s Magazine. Klackwocd, Sou;.' i ::i Literary Messenger. No per en :s restricted to s s'.re Thosa taking five membership#, remit leg SI 5, are entitle.l to s;x .'e gt .i it : s r i ,1 t. •is ticket* in the, or . lite . tbe Magazit es o: e year. and .< 3 tiilcis TeriPOtt, in remitting In- for member ship, wiU please r-;: islet t .* ,V:ut . : t.', I'.-. Othce, to . r.. receipt u.. . ► a cer:i(sea:e c ! Mi .i r *- the Kngraving or Wavr c t: ■ w,d So {•rwarded to unv n :n r.f the re:: ;r<\ Tor norther p*, see the November Art Jmnasl, ser.t tree t to., i-v. For member-hip a - C L TT-Rf V C APA-MHte're N T. - ♦ Oflite, 165 We vr Srter: S stv, O:. jct Rt>BT. F.CTSfv-K. Hor See , Fioc.aiour: Teuua- Ttov. 2, ISSE. T IGHT-HOUSE ISLA.N'P. a original Novelet, by the av.ltioT of ••Zn.LCC." Jte... wit! be published in the Saturday Evening Poet. See pwspee'uf in tuoiUr 0 AUGUSTINE Dl GANN£ii:e* for the Satwrdav Kvcrung Po*t. THE RAID OF BURGDNDY, a Tale of tbe S*rtt* CanKms. Sec pear pterin ic an &•<** ina. MAK¥ A. DENMSONrVntcs tar abr Satanlav Evening P<*;. — THE QBAKEITS PROTEGE See paaapecte* ie —atfcer place. £u -Cf a 'li 1 TO THE FAsSUONAULE AMI if? OD fISHF. undersigned, having just received the * latest Paris and New York Fashions would again beg leave to inform his unmet ous friends and all the world about Blooms burg, that he is now better prepared titan ev er to accommodate any one w th th- neatest, easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms, . | His shop is at the old stand, (too wel known IO need lurtlier notice) where lie may . at all limes be found, seated upon the leach . of repentance steadily draw ing out thp threna of afllictiou, hopeing it may in the end prove advantageous to liiru and hi< customers, lit j would also advise his friends lober.riu miiift that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or ilicy I can't be expected to work. Therefore, Wheat I Rye Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and'then a little CASH will emu* mighty ! handy from those who are back-standing on | h:e book. ! Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases "thelaborer is tvoriby ol his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Rlootnsburg, April l Ith, 1853. I GREENWOOD SEMINARY SIILLVH'LE, (OLIMUIA CO., FA. 1 i-'os* VoulSa o4' liolli Next**. Will. Sit UUl>s S'SHN* LJ'.tiSi. rJ v HIS Institution which has been in MIC 1. ccssltil operation lor several yeots has recently been enlarged to give better aeeom modatiulia lor boarders utul increased I,u-ill lies for Tuition, &e. Euch quarter ol llto School year consiyis ol eleven weeks, and the next session wMi i commence en the 13di of August, but pu pils ill to t.iketi ut uny season. In addition to the constant attention of the Principal, the services ol an experienced | teacher have I ecu ptueored. Instructiun will j i be s-ivt-ri in all the English branches usually , | uii'- lil, and also in Latin. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy will bo j ! illustrated by appropriate apparatus and no- i ' eei s given to a i.iry .mil the iiso ol Math- j HUiutical iiistriirniii'! -. Rooks and Slaliono- | ' iy will be provided fnr all who desire. IflBE&SKBo i TUITION, 83.50. U t and 84.30 per quarter, - j graded by the course ol study. I Boarding. Tuition. Mushing Lights, &<•., ! 524 per quarter, i ue-hull payable quarteily j lin advet.eo. , : i rrict luriberj-articulars aJJressllte piiu- 1 I . i Alill.iilo, July 6, D-r-.i. j~ o 51NII) IIS _ , Fix E A N1) ; BB.VKltvkfcSbikllsTASllitL I ! LL/u -—3- j I ; TOW runs a new omnibus betw ecu Blooms | . 5 p l u . |ho Railroad Depot; which will lake pa.-.-i : era Irom and to any of the i residences ol tie town, or the American , | House and Forks Hotel; and ho will also furuisl, conveyances to all travellers who j may wish to go into any part ol the county | 1 Tito omnibus w ill leave tw ,r,. di'ly at !•'. o'clock M., and at 2 o'clock IP. M. f .-'Dare U'J ecu s each wav. l!c* ha< ateo a l.iruc livery MabIo COUMPCKH! I with tho omnibus liuf | from which hi cni nrcointiiOtlau* tin* w:!i conveyance.* tor irovoUiunj, \ leotiuo oxcvurt*on > buwi*, ! id ihe rvar ol ll>lliot\D Klso > t*> 'ul.ill'l.lßL'lVK t.uar vuol '!l* UAWII. NO.MI S. ru j Bloomcbtuct 1855.'—1y aiu SUPER-TIM)SI'IidTE ('F LIME. 'i iu' CutJ Bilvci- V* ;;r av i.j.'.d liy A ;ri Mtitural Societies, i * waSjpvcn to tii*suptrtor article, at the I'cn: sy IMI aS. ■I . ir, aI 11 i r r.. t .; s a - i' ot i a Dn-st Ouality i.-r I HTip.lL (oi; . Calf, (Irass A. I'olalofS. ! Raising heavy crops, and greatly imj roving ! the sod. The n bsvriber rcspectlul'y mlorms I farmr and v'ealot* that he is prepared to ■ supply il'.c .. demand wiih llus sopor.*r ! i.ii,l well tesu-.l ariisi.'. i Jet—A liberal discount allowed. \O. 1 PKRI'YIAX & MEXir.IX (irixo. Pcvdrtflf r.'in' Ann:/ Planter. ((\.ndUx. Snap. .V l '" Of the lest qualiiv. at lowest marker rates. JOHN I. DO.MF.KOY. Xinlh (~'j,7 Tenth ll'barren, htloic Mar ket -NT cet. Phtlad'a. tT**ran load at two alleys, ' and avoid t. e crowded Wkstf. ' August IP. ISS6—3m. "Qaick itrlurasaßd Sull Pwßit" j A. J. BY Am, : TAS i st rceciv mi sod opened a licv as- M -> r.iiiei.t ol scaS|:>able gocds (rcr.v Phil adelpl, w'nieh lie is to sell ; v-p-.iik . :r ~ ip. Ha-has every Mho 'j des :r --i,l le lor I .dios'ord, (i r.o'l I,E\iFN'S Yd fail ' AR, R'l fry ■ 00,.S ror domi'-tie S: .1 house hold use, so :■■ ;■••! e',A! !■ YRAI L D, ( baa (|.-o a It, i sup, y o! (iceenswaov ila'.d --\ ,te Wo. . . onr. Looki, C tuis'cs. 1 I.OOjS AN: h .Oi'S, cno a g.oil s'v. kol F IT ESN s , AT TEE l.( WEST PRICES DDI HE MAR KET. lie wdi sell at the lowest liv ing profi's. : .. cut make it to the interest cl purchaser.- ! to o'c-a, \ till Diem. f,.J-*"i'aU on,! see onr Stock,.. Bloomsbiirg. Aug 20. 1826. \ v 11 F\T I.FY s ARCH SIR if "F TH K. A - v v TKK. Jui St real. o.Vrv Ju h ph.; ... i Titu hTAtt Co: r*M, Compsrseo ot j},,. . Ar -is ill the world, and ; n 8 iergth • d i. 'en; any Pran-.ane eombir.r.- I non hi re tot.-re ecu dto ihe 1 he*.rie.i i nl>- tic. w. . p. car t A I NUIH I j i Coino.iy. Dioge.'v. 8-rio-Oomio Diatna, Ysudeviiles. Uvstesl P..rltTas Are., ire. Pi" Wen vi-iti-'g iid<i-'y go there. DRAW pi* t.oor.v Spotiod Swiss. Dog Jaeoi ,;t Mail Canibrie. 8a ,-, AJU.-IMI . !.. Re Dard MusDr,jusirccciv eo at the h ere et \ A C. MFNSCH BiottSßv'Trj E"oiindry. T OS F PH ? 11AIIPL-ESS. -i f- r I.L KIXIJ 6 or r.4 N TIXOS, - Cscnby taaJe iu i..s litre of hat ors*. Thk ifcfoi lor the bborx) ritrtos herrtofore awsiricd this esMiblisMoeri, be ho, e® to t tr.erit sii i-icresse o; p:A '.e dUoaase. May 5 1656. Xolitc! ALL ' indebtea to the undersigned, will jplesse JO cad and sc: le. ui tbev are d- ' termineJ on closing ;r,e Boot* We Do,* ; ibis col! will receive aneLUon. ; & r-REIFUSD. ! A. kLLNE. I i Bloowuvburg, 4ept 20, 1656. " LANO WARRANTS, J C EYEBAL 120 Acne Loud Warrant- ocn be t ' " pcteba-ed lwpf4ifa'ich a: this Office t Wmm SAFES; KVAJiS & WATSOX, ■**.%'o. 2fi South Fnurih St., PHILADELPHIA. ! (irral Ffrc, f licstnut & Fifth Slrccis, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER, 15th, 18:,.I. EVANS k WATSON'S SALAMAN DER SAFES TRIUMPHANT, as lliey al ways ate when put to the test. Philadelphia, Ucc. 15//r, 1854. • Messrs. Evans A Watson, No. 2ti south Fourth Street, Philadelphia.—Gentlemen : We take pleasure in recommending your Salamander Sales to merchants and others I in want of a secure means ol preserving their books, papers, &c., from fire, as the one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, pa- I pers, and cash in as good condition as tltey wore when put into it, before the great lire of this morning, which destroyed the entite block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth Streets. Ibe above Safe was in use in our ollice, on the second tloor ol our build ing, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained lliere until the lire was out.— The sale was then removed, and oppenysd in the presence ol at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition ol the contents. Will >tin please have the Safe and locks re paired. as wo intend to put it in use again, having perfect confidence in its fire prool dualities. Yours, respectfully, I.ACEY k PHILLIPS. Evans & Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds, who have their bales in use:—lt. S. Mint, I'li'hidolphia; Farmers & Mecliat ics' Bank, Philadelphia; Samuel Allen, F.-q. High Stier ill, Philadelphia; John N. llenJeison, City Controller; Caleb Cope Ik Co., No. 183 Mar ket street; Richard Norris&Son, Locomotive builders, Philadelphia; Bancroft & Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James streets; Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Philadelphia; Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Philadelphia; l.ucey & Phillips, corner of sth and Minor r-irenl; Sharpies* Brn., No. 32 south Second street ; James, Kent k Sutdee, No. 147 north Third slice!. A assortment of the nbove Safes al ways on hand JTvarranteil lo stand at least 111 per ociil. more lif limn any Herring's Sale now in use.] Kvhiis & Watson also manufacture anil keep tor sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Poor", iiiul Iron Saslt, for making (ire proof Vaults, for Ranks, stores, private and public buildings; Seal anil Letter Copying Presses; Patent Stale Lined Refrigerators, &c. Please give ns a cull at No. 26 South -I'll street Philadelphia. EVANS & WATSON. Match BT, issfl. 'Ii'IJASTS IV\'T IM. rSiIIKY never did do more than give tempo* j" ra:y rebel and (hoy never will. It is bo cense they don't touch (lie cni'sf of the dis ease. L'LIE CIIMAY of all ague end billion* dis case* is the atmospheric poison called Mias ma or Malaria. Neutralize this poison by us A.ITVR.II. . IYRINOTE. and nil diseases caused In it disappears at mice. Rhodes' Finer and Ague Cure is this Antidote to Malaria, and moreover it is a perfectly harrtiies medicine, l ite certificate of the celebrated chemist, J. K. Chilton, ot Nev \ oik. iii tins edeel. is nllaeheil to every I bo ;!<• ; thereforo il it does no good it ear. do no harm. This is mete, than ran be said ot Quinine, Arsenic, or any tonic in existence, as then me is ruinous to the constitution and luine* on PP.Mb AIiPK. which never allows a per son to h-ei pmteetly wall lorn single moment. 1i i -truths! of those truths I annex some extract* Iram a letter just received from a fi'eoirrr/etro. Ohio, March 1" 'fits .I s ,\ LIMIIOS. Eso—Pear Sir; Your* of id is lit iu.nd. li e Cure arrived le.te I. ,-t rear i.i.d t'o.o diliieulty in getting aay One I ( ;;y it was greatly increased front the tact .hat a reined,} had been nitre tueed which via growing til favor with the public, as be .. ,; be ;.-r limn using (purine.— net knowing 1 presume that ihe remedy tney needed to r>, e . .king Qniiii.c,contained the I'M to lie! I I'! I ms retrod v. (ker las "Smith's Ton ed ) wcnt.i on .I. it li BRr AK an ague. bu; it did not CI III! it. ai .! n would of en return with taiiowed i or. The one circumstance 1 deemed in \nur favor, if 1 could itimhwe a -i com SUISOII betiveeo it and yoor CI lit". Use following i* (he result; Puree persons look your "Cure,'' ai! of winch \ieie r**e* ot ' Quotidian lntermit ient V'ever," of many weeks standing They : ...I toed Quinine, and other remedies, occa sionally missing a it was. (as in ai Mich eases.j slowly wearing lliem out and I laying (ha liiaadauod of other and severer it a es. I .inl soereed in effeeting a radi cal cure ot ad three ot these rases with your remedy, and they have nut I ail a el. . since, lu all thiee ot these cases the "Sit : . s Ton ic I o bee ; n-ed. and would. ..s 11 f >re sta ted. break the chill, but r.;.er a period or two had elapsed it woti'd return, j i ;,u kli in will be no i' dto,.! y now in giv a to 11 ;t• t i e' the vai.'a.:" . round cl ; any ( .i i e.'i now in use ere. Jet-. &c. wn.i i v. hit !v\: m p. RHODES P'EY :!tv .n. i AUi P. (T RE, or .-PiM .V-ifotHl. tha only hat ;'.es* rotors '.i , cvivet ec. i etjOiii'y eetiau *• a TRE- Vf'.N LIVE, us u "PI RE." Take ii when von . ft tie eh!'! coming on, * .1 jcu wili never have a smgte one. JAMES A. KIIOPES. rre, ..'.or. I'rovid.enee, R. 1 For sale by Dntggisls generally. ! Jene 18. JSoA. Acv VI liolesalo ih ug Store, An. 26 South Second Street, Piui.din.i'iiH. SPENCER THOMAS. IMPORTER *• • HititfaclOlW, and. Pealer ir Drags, Mfit.oires. Cl emieols, Acids. Pie Stuffs, Paiuts, Oils, (clots. W faiir Lead. Ftfii.t; an. 4 A trier. an \\ hue Zinc, HimJow 0 .-svvrtie. Van;i.'!ic.-, i>roi>e*. Ir>iru met is.G ound Space*, WMt Spice*, and mi ..or a .ii-.cs usually kept by Druggist*, in- R.trar, I a a! go. Glue, S&t/lac, TotaeA, ke k.kc. Ait order* by mail oroil:erwi?e j.rowpilt in.■•tided so. COUNTRY MERCHANTS ate i *. .-J so caii and <iaa...te our ssotk be .V jn i-cbvtru t'tewhere. r? coons sent so any of (lie Wharre* or Rail Rosd Siaiuuis. Prices low and goods i utarr.uued. r.irii.uc , Lia. Match 36, 1556 -y. PIWSYLVA^IA .Ye. £t* .vrrSt. Id. Second 4" Third, (Opposite Bread Sreei.) T 11 I i. A r> li L P H 1 A: C-irVF.S. RIDDLES. SCREENS. WOVEN Wire oS all me.-hes and n id, Sis, witit all kind- oi plain and Saocy aire work. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catcher*-; Coal, Saud at .! Gravel Sr-ee:,*; Paper Maker's Wire; 1 Ojbeder and Dandy RoH*. covered ia she be*t manner; Wire and Wire fencing. A ery snpenor arsicie of Heavy Founder*' j Sieves. Ali kin us of iron Qe Wire and Sieves BAVUSK. PARBV & LYKH AejeM B®. f St-Sp • 1 Business Directory. DATII) LOWEKBERCT" f<LOTUING STORE, on Main slreet, two doors above the 'American House." siMON i>R:iruss, & (pLOTHING STORE in (ho 'Exchange Block,' opposite lite Court house. nriwr ]*TERCHANT.—Store on the upper part 1 "■ of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. __ (\ SIIIVL', ~ fit ANUFACTURER OK FURNITURE If<l AND CABINET WARE.—Wareroom in Shive's Block, 011 Main Street. A. AI RI POT, rpINNER ANI) STOVE DEARER.— t Shop 011 South side of Main street, be |f>w Market. ItTw- WEAVER, Attorney at law.—office on the first floor ol the "Star" Building, on Main street. JOSEPH BHARPLRBB. POUNDEB AN b MA CHI NEST, Build -E iugs 011 the alley between the "Exchange and "American House." RARNARirRUPERT. r i vAILOR.—Shop on the South Side of Main t. Street, first square below Market. A. ill EN SCII, 7. J ERCHANT.—Store North West corner i'A of .Main nn.l Market S'reels. iiiBAM < • HOW K it, URGEON DENTIST.—Office near the 1 Aeadeniy 011 Third Street. AI'KKLVY, ARAL 10., r EUCII ANTS.—Northeast corner of Main i*l mid Market streets. JOSEPH SHARPLESS, TtH AN I' FACTI' R E AND DEALER IN IVESTOV.ES, TINWARE &E Establish nicnt on Main street, next building above ho Court-house. VUII D 0 j' s 1> IliK ST . ANY Justice of the lVace wishing to pur chase n copy of Pardon'* Digest,can he accommodated bv applying at bo Ibis i Offijß THK POCKET JKSCfLAI'irS} | OK. RVftltY ONK HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. H F! FIKTEITH 5 Edition, with One | /L, hundred Kngt*vtnß j !Sj' Yttt showutfi Discuses ami Mai llH ®1 formhi ons of llie human IS IB byslcm in every shape rl' r vjfi' Ml 'S form . 'i'o wliicli is added < j /&/ a Treatise on the Disease m&yfVSr /£*? of Females, being of tlie \T;liighc-t impoitanec to mar. Nil- ' l ied people, oi those con-I "" fcmplating man Inge. Jl\ ' WILLIAM YOUNG, M D. no lather he ashamed the presrnt a copy of Ills Aesculapius to bis child. It may save him from an early grave, let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations o! mar. ! liedlife without reading the Pot ke Acsrutanius I .et no one sul'.er Iroin a haeknied Cough Pain .1 the fiidc,restless nights, nervous feelings, I and the whole train of Despcpiic sensatious, and given up hy lluir physicians, be another moment willioe.t con-clung the IBSCPLA rII ts. Have the mr. :cd,or those aboi tio bo ■married any inn edinu i. read this I inly useful book, as it has been l e means of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatine* from the very jaws of death. Any person sending twenty five cents, en r'oi-odin a letter, will receive one copy of :Ins l,Mk,hy mail,or live ce is wil lire soul for one dollar. Address. If.* V. \ oting, .No. ifi'i Spruce "street, Philadelphia.' Post paid. No 1A- NpiuceSt., Philadelphia. ; Sep' Ist. ISnt —l>. Cabinet W are Kooms, :A --s. r. utiiYF RESPECT VTU.Y invites the attention of oi the Public io his extensive assort . ment of Cabinet Fitiniture a:iti Chairs, which lie will warrant made of good materials and j in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always Its found a good assort ' tnenl o! Fashiouafclf Furniftio. Which is equal in stile and finish to that of Philadelphia or New k ones, and at as low firirfs. lie has Solas of different stile and prices, from ciS :o r-60. Divans, I.oun j ges. Walnut and Mahogany Parlor ciiairs. Rocking and easy chairs. Piano stools, ,*.nd ' a variety e! upholstered work, with Dressing J and patior bureaus, sola, card, centre and pier tables, c.erasirus. cheuettiers, whatnots j ami comodcs ru.d "aH kinds of fashionable work, llissrock ol bureaus, enclosed and j common washsrands. dress-tables, corner cupboards,, dining and breakfast ta bles, bedsteads, eaue scar and common chairs, is the largest in this section of the country. He will also keep a good assort ment of looking-? asse i;h fancy git and common trames. lie will also furnish spring nattrasses fitted to any sized bedstead.which a-e superior for durability atrd comtort .to anv bed in use. Rloomshnrg. April fsh I?o4. tf. LEAF TUBAfCO AAD CTLVRS. DENSLOW Si, CO., 21 Front Street, PHILADELPHIA. Commission Kcre!tanis, Jml ii itOtCSi, ( D: titers in attiintis t*f Leaf Tobacco, dir. n u fa c lured Tobac co, and Cigars. HAVE constantly at.! atid tor sale low ! r kof Amertca-i and Spanish Leaf To 1 rreoos. selected ui.a speuai reieietice to . .timiufkCtorer#'' use, ■ A i articles fold, warranuj to bp es rep te-e ted and every opportunity afforded tor ! exsmrraiion. I Purchasers st a dista-re ret send their or | Jers. a: J rely upon treiup as faithfully served i as if lire poods were selected in person. October 15, 1856. Tinware k hf#v* Erfaiilirbmcm. Til L I .NlilCliMUiNLlt rrspectfuly in. forn.r hi* old friends tod customer*.that !he has purerased hie brother* interest in the | sho-t csui .istirnent, nd the concern wilt bere- I efier he conuucUrd bj htinseit exclusively. He jk tai jaateeceivtd and ofTns .or t ale the ; largest tad most extensive assortment <3? n.e" t. f FANCV-BTOY ES ever inlro ' doeei into ihi, market. Stovepipe und Tinware constantly on band and mantlm-tuted lootJer. All kinds of re pairing dom. at usual, en short notice. The patronage of old frieDcs and new cut kACrsic res ;.ectfsl)y soli cite J. A M RI PEET BJoMnsbEfjj, Jan. 12, 1652. O. Pliilatl'a. and Mending; K. it* SCM AI EH* A KKAT^E .W ENT. 1855. Great Northern and Western U. S. Mail Routes. Speed increased and fare reduced. Little Schuylkill, Cattawissa, Sunbury and Erie, Williamsport and Elmira Railroad. Through to Buffalo, in 16 hours. " Niagara Falls, ' 16 " " Detroit, ' 24 " " Chicago, ' 34 " " St. Louis. ' 43 " E7 Ticket Office—N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut streets, and Philadelphia and Read ing R. R. Depot, corner of Broad and Ninth streets. Ou and after Monday, May 7th, Three Pas senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner of Broad and Vine streets, daily, (Sunday's excepted,) as follows: • DA Y EXPRESS—C, A. M. Stopping at Plurnixville anil Reading only. Connecting with the Cattawissa, Williams pott, and Erie, and Williamsport and Elinira Railroad; arriving at Elinira at 4 o'clock P. M., connecting with New York and Erie ami Bulfalo; anil from thence, via. Steamers on Lake Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and Detroit. ADo, with Elmira, Canandaigus with New York Central Railroad, East and Wen, and at Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad lor Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and all points in Canada and Western Stales. Only nnechange of Baggage between Phil adelnhia anil Canada or the Lakes. DAY EXPRESS —Breakfast at Port Clin- J ton and Dinner at Williamsport. NIGHT EXPRESS—Tea at Port Clinton. I Passengers purchasing Tickets by this Line t have lite privilege ol stopping at any of the above points, and resuming their seats at pleasure. Fare from Philadelphia to Tnmaqun, $2 95 Cattawissa, 4 35 ! Rupert, 4 40 Danville, 4 60 Milton, 5 15 j Will i.nspori, 6 90 | Elmira, 7 00 Jefferson, 7 65 Starkey, 7 95 Penn Van, 8 00 Gorham, 8 00 Geneva via. Gorham, 8 00 " Steamer J. Arndt . 8 00 Canamlaigna, • '8 00 Houeoye Fulls, 8 50 Caledonia, ~ 8 8 f 1.0 Roy, 8 Batavia, 9 Ou Rochester. 8 60 Buffalo, via. N. Y. and K., and Buffalo and N. Y. City, • 10 Buffalo, via. Tonawanila, 10 j Niagara Full*, via. Elmira, Canmdai- I gua N N'agara Falls R. R. - 10 " vta. Buffalo, 10 00 j Suspension Bridge, - 11 00 I Cleveland, 10 70 j Toledo, 14 75 I Cincinnati, 16 00 ! Detroit, via. Rail, 16 00 " Bull". & Lake, 16 00 Clticftgo, via. Great Western & Mich ! ittati ('antral K. R. - . 20 00 j Chicago, via. Buffalo and Lake Shore Mich. Southern R. K., . 20 00 | Chicago, via. Buff, Lake and Mich. .Central R. U. . . 20 Oil , Uock Island, 25 00 E. T. HFBBKLL, Ticket and Freight Agent, N. W. cornet Sixth and Chestnut sis. G A. Ntcoi.i.s, Superintendent Philadelphia am! lie*,ling Railroad. T. KCKIS.-OCK, Superintendent Cattawissn, Williiimspnrt and Erie Railroad. HRNRT I'orriK, Superintendent Williams and Klmira Railroad. July in, 185;'.—if. THE WEST RI? A Mil IXsTll A\fE CO. OF LOCK HAVKN, PA. Injures DetachiM Building. Siore*. Mtj ehatici(X€, Farm Properly, and other bniid ings. and I heir content? ai moderate raies. CAPITAL, 5300,000. cN.I n TK it pl:n p p rUA 1.. nut nrroiis. ■Han. John J. Pearce. Hon G. C. Harvey, John B. Hall, T. T. A beams, Charles A. Mayer, 0. K. Jaiktnan, I Charles Crist, \V. While, j Peter Dickinson, Thomas Kitchen Hon. G. c. HARVEY, pre : t. | _ T. T. ABRAMS, Vice Pres. ' THOS. KlTcilFN. See'y. H I HAS." ULMAN, Gen'l Ag't REFERENCES. Samuel H. Lloyd, Thomas Bownan, D D. A. A. Winegaidner, Wm. Vauderbeli, 1.. A Mackey, Wm. Fearon, A. \\ hue, Dr J S. Crawford, James Qoiggle, A. Updegrail", John \\ . MavnarJf James Armstrong, Hon. Simon Cameron | Hon. Wm. Bigler. WESLEY WIRT, Agent, Bioomsburg. June 18. 1856-6rr> r~> M I.AGHi:\M.UEB p y Munufactsrer cf ft ST i n M = ' K 3ft 3 Wrought A Cast Iron Bcd- STKADS, RAILING.SETTEES, TREE BOX- I es. Stands, Verandas. &c.. Cemetery Lots En , closed Willi either cast or Wrought lrou Rsil j it'g, No. 335 MAREVT. STtircT. (2 doors below Ninth.) PHILADELPHIA. March 27, 1856. E. C?.EC~77"3S, 9 l gtJTEOTOB' gF£ ESFECTFULLY oilers his professional services to Bloomsburg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations it? Den t stry. andis provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A soperior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on band. Ail operations on the teeth warranted, t? Office near the Academy. Bloomsburg. Nov. 20, 1856. HEART Zl PPINGER, Ok i-' AClot h and Ualchmakcr l Sovth side of Main Street, above the Itailroad. DIFFICULT watch repairiag done in the BEST MANNER, and SPECTACLES of all kinds for sale. Bloomberg, March 20, 1856. RUSKS! BUSKS ! BLANKS'! DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPCEINAB", AND JUDGMENT NOTES, pspti and desirable forms, fo* sale at the ' olhce of The ''Star of the Nanh." TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES Secrets for the Million! A most Wonderful and Invaluable Publication. Dr. Hunter's Medical Manual ; sWWiii'//V REINU AN ORIGI * NAL and popular kli:Treatise on MAN ar.d WOMAN: Ibeir Phys iologv, Functions and Sexual Dtsorders of every kind, witb nev er failing Remedies for the speedy cure of all diseases of a private and delicate character, incident to the violation of the Laws of Na ture and of Natures God. MICE TIVENTYFIIE CENTS. TUB Author of the above volume is a gradu ate of one or the first medical schools in the United States, and having devoted a quarter ol a centurv to the study and treatment of Syphilis i and kindred disorders as a speciality., ho has become possessed of most invaluable informs. ! lion In regard to the same, and is able to com -1 pass into vatic mecum compiss the very quint essence of medical scioneo on this important subject; BS the result of the experience of the most eminent physician in Europe end Amer ica is thoroughly demonstrated in hie own highly successful practice in tho treatment of go r t diseases in many thousands of cares in the City of Philadelphia alone. The i ractice of l)r. Hunter has long boen, and still is literally unbounded, hut at the ear nest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend the sphere of his pro fessional usefulness to the community at large, through the medium of his "Mcdi:al Manual llatid-Uook for tho Afflic'ctP* it is n volume that should he in Hie hand of every family in the land, whether used as a preventive of sreiet vice, cr as a gaitle for the ] ! alleviation of ono of the moat awful and dc- i I at motive scourges tcr visited iipnn mankind ! for the sins ol sensuality and impurity of crcry | ki d. It is a volume that has received the unquali fied recommendation of the first physicians in j the land, while many clergymen, fathers, moth ers, | hilanthropists and humanitarians, have most freely extended its circulation in nil quar i ters where its powerful teachings would be likc -1 ly to ho instrumental in the moral purification i J and phvslial healing of multitude! of our pec. j plo, among the young, volatile and indiscreet, otherwise the pride and tlowor of the nation. . The attlhoi orguos particularly, most strongly J against every species of self-defilement, and ) warns parents and guardians, in sea;ching ; terms, to guard the young of both sexes fintn 1 the tetrible consequences concomitant of their j ignorance of phyologieal laws and sexual tmd j purities and irregularities, whether rxhibita j ry precocious development or arising ftom the j viscious and corrupting examples of their school mates or otherwise. To those who hare bcoj ' alicadv ensnared to tho "paths that take hold on hell,'* a clear and explicit way is shown hv which they may aecttro a return of sound health I and a regeneration of the soul from its terrible I pollution. ) It is well known that thousands of victims 1 are annually sacrificed at tho shnn of Quark ! riv—especially those suffoiing ftom Venereal or i Syphilitic disease.I—Strictures, 1 —Strictures, fcmiual Weak ness, Nervous Debility, and the numerous mal adies which spring directly or less remotely from the indulgence of carnal passions and se cret of Nature. In view of those tacts, and when it is also j considered ihat about 100,001) persons die annu ally in the United States of Consumption—a large majority being the wctmis of the voluptu ous indiscretion of their piogcnitora, agreeably to the Scriptural enunciation, that the sins of the parents are visited upon the children, even to j the thiid and fourth gemmation. The Author, imbued with sentiments of enlarged philhnthro pv, will scarcely be censure J far any etTbrl to ! restiain the vices of the age, by the humble in slrumcntalitv of his Medical Manual. , tine copy, securely enveloped, will be forward ed free of pas ngcto any put ofthe United States lot -a cents, or 6 cot i, a for CI, Address, post , paid, COSDbN GO-, PviUDlill, l'ox 107, riii'adeiphia IT* lie,ksrl'ets. Canvassers ano Hook Agents ( supplied on the most liberal terms. totto yoks l surKU-i'imsi'HATiJ or lime, j OF.BURG'S Original and Genuine, warrant-1 i ed ol superior quality, the cheapest manure j in tho world. Farmers and dealers supplied i at low prices FXI'RA QUALITY I.AND PLASTER. 5.000 barrels Extra Quality Planter, j j selected lor its fcrulizit it quality, i 10 000 bushels of same in bulk. 10.000 barrels best quality Ordinary Land j Plaster, equal to the best usualy sold, at tho j (low price of 20 cents per bushel, or sl,lO i t per barrel, with a deduction for large lots. 20,0Pb bushels of same in bulk. ; 1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster. 1.000 " Casting " 500 " Dentist " i 5,000 '• Hydraulic Cement. ! 1,000 " True Roman *' Peruvian Cniiuuo. This article we oiler in confidence to our i customers, as equal to any impotled, and far j superior to most in the market. 10,000 bags of this superior Guano, for sale, al tht. lowest market ra'.es. Also. Poiulreae, Mexican Guano. Ground Charcoal. &c. &c. FRENCH, RICHARDS X CO. At the' Fleam Plaster Mills, junction York ! Avenue and Callovvhill Street, Philadelphia. February 14, 1856. •' JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, Manuficturtr of I WIRE.SILKR H AIH-CLOTIISEIVES ] COURSE, medium and fine in mesh; large, I middle-sized and small in diameter, j AJetallie Cloths or Woven Wire, ; Of the best qualities, various sizes of mesh, j from Nos. to SO inclusive, and from one to I six feel in w'dth. They are numbered so many spaces to a \ lineal inch, and cut to suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand For Coal. Sand, Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, Guano, Sumac, Sugar, Salt, Bone, Coflee Spice, Drugs, Dye Stuffs, &c. Together with an assortment of Fright and .dnnealed Iron Wire. All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by J. A. NEEDLES, 54 North Front Street, Philad'a. May 28, 1556-ly. Wood's Ornamental Iron Works, ! RIDGE AVENUE, PBIJ.ADELPAIA, THE attention of the inhabitants of Penn sylvania are invited to the extensive Alanufac. lory sin] Warerooms of the subscriber, v nc is prepared lo furnish al the shortest notice, Iron Railing of every description, far Cemeteries, public tid private buildings, also Verandahs Fountains. Chairs, Settees, Lions, Pegs asd other ornamental iron works of decc. alive char acre-. Purchasers may rely on having all ar ticlea earefottv board end shipped lo their des tination. A book of. designs will be furnished to those wishing: to make selections. ROBERT WOOD, Ridge Avenue, belov Spring- Garden St PHILADELPHIA. September 27. 855. THOMAS BUTLER, A T o. 7 South Seventh Street. PHILADELPHIA; of strong Tinware, Coppen Tin and Zioe Battling Tubs, Ba'hing Paos. mod every kind of baining apparatus. Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention g'vee M ordered work, and goods carefully icrwpjwd oo order*. Philadelphia, August 17th, 1854. Baaaa^aiaaM^ Gil AXIS, GRATIS, GRATIS, GRATIS. A FREE CIFI TO AIL. MISERY RELIEVED. '■Nature's Guide."anew and popular work, is distributed without charge, anil forwarded by mail to any Post Office in the U. States, on receiving an order enclosing two stamps for ftoxiaae. PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE— Established 20 years ago by Dr. XINRKLIN, corner of Third and l.'u<on street*, betweqn Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, Pa. - INVALIDS Arc apprised Ihat Dr. KiNKELIN confine* Ina prae'.ica to a particular branch of medi cine, which engages his individual attention, lie cautions tho unfortunate against the a buse of merenryj thousands are annually mercurialized out ol life. Recent affections 'are piouiptly extinguished. I TWENTY YEARS'EXPERIENCE ! In the treatment of a class of diseases hilh erto neglected imperfectly understood, has enabled Dr. KINKELIN, Author of a work on Self Preservution, to prove hat nine tenths of the causes of nervous debility, lo cal and consiiluiionr.) weakness, mental and physical suffering, are traceable lo certain habits, forming tho most secret yet deadly and lata! springs of domestic misery and premature mortality. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, There is an evil habtt sometimes indulged In by boys, in sfcluude, and which, if not re formed in duo time, not only begets seriau* obstacles to malrimomaUiappiness.b'jt given rise lo a aeries of protracted, insidious, ami i devastating afflictions. Few ol those who | give way to (his pernicious practice are - j ware ol iho consequences, until they find | the nervous system shattered, feel atraiign and unaccountable feelings, and vague fear* i in the mind. The unfortunate thus affected becomes fee' blii, is unable to labor with accustomed vict or, or to apply his tniod to study ; his step i* tardy nod weak, ho is dull, irresolute, and engages in his spur! with less energy than usual. 1( he eniauci|ato himself before the prac tice has done its worst, and etrer matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tails him dial this is caused by his early follies.— I'll use are considerations which should awa ken die attention of those similaily situated. MARRIAGE Requires the fulfillment of several conditions in order that it may bo really the cause of mutual happiness. Could tha veil which rovers the origin of domestic wretchedness be raised, ami its true source il every in smnco disclosed—in how many could n be traced to physical disqualifications and their attendant disappointments! Apply then while it is yet lime, in order to have your unstrung and relaxed organization rebraccd, revivified and strengthened. REMEMBER, He who places himself under Dr. Kinkelin's treatment may religiously confide ill Ilia hon or as a genteman, and rely ii(x>n the aesur ance, that iho secrets of Dr. K s patients will never bo disclosed. Young man—let no false modesty deter yon from making your case Known to eno who, from education and respectability, ran belnend you. Too many think ihoy will conceal the se cret in their own haarls, and euro theraae Ives Alas ! how ohen is this a iatal delusion, and how many a promising young man, who I might have been an ornament to society, has I faded from the earth. Jvneuttes of the urethra are rapidly re j moved by the application of a new tliera- I pertieal agent, used only by Dr. K. Weak i i,ess and Constitutional Debility promptly \ ouicd, and full vigor restored, I '•/ ar a man and derm nothing which .dates, to nan foreign to my feelings." YOCTH AND MANHOOD i V;y • : .."jl A l igeious Life cr a Pre • mature \ KIN'KIT.INION SELF-PRESERVATION'. Only twentffive cents, or the value in post age stamps, will ensure a copy of this book, j prepaid, per return of mad. Persons at a disiance may address Dr. KINKELIN by letter, enclosing a remittance, ; and be cured at home. Packages of Medicines, with plain direc ' lions, packed secure fiom damage or curios l iiy, are lorwardcd by Mail or Express to tuiy 1 part of the United States. REMEMBER, Dr KINKELIN'S residence has been for | the last twenty years at the N. W. Corner of I Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia. Pa. 1 July Cd, 1556.-lf. HERRING'S CHAMPION!! 77tc ott/y Nq/V tohich, in ferry instance, preserved the entire contents at (he laic Extensive Fires. ATT UK BURNING OF THE ARTIZAN BI'ILDJNGS. April lOth.and in theg-renl ftie in Market Street, May Ist, 1356, the gen uine HKRRING SAKS preserved the Jewelry of George W. Simras & lira.; Banks, Papers &c. of Fisher & Bro. and Edward Semans & Co., aflat remaining exposed in the burning ruins for nearly Forty Hours, and proving conclu sively srbat wo have always claimed for ihem, their great superiority over all securi ties known. In these fires, the HERRING'S SAFE,A standing side by side with those advertised® as "warranted to stand 10 per cent, mora fire J than Herring's," cams forth the acknowledg- I ed victor, not only preserving their contenTs ® in excellent order, but being themselves in a 4 londition to go through Rnother ordeal, while the boasted ''Salamanders" of oilier makers were badly used np in every instance, and in somecasestheir eutire contents completely destroyed. . To the public we would simply say, that, during the fourteen years of the Herring's ! Safe has been before them, more than two i hundred have passed through accidental fires ; without the occuirence of a single lose. We would, therefore, caution purchasers I against the misrepresentation of interested , parties. The Herring's Patent is the only J hire-proof Safe made in this city which is I protected by a Pstent Right, and we will i guarantee it to resist more~ than double the amount of heat of any other Safe now kuowa FARRELS & HERRING, Sole Manufacturers in this State of "Herring's Patent Chamfrttn Safes." 34 Walnut St., PhiUd'a. N. R.— ' Evans & Watson's Improved Sal emanders," "Oliver F.van's." "C. J.GaylerV : and '-Scott's Abestos," Iron Chests, (a large ; assortment having been taken in part pay | ment for ' Herring's,''') will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, June 10. 1856—1y. lr FRANCIS €. HARRISON', respectfully inform the citizen* * • of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that be has commenced the practice of Mediant and Surgery therepind solicits a share of public pa tronage. He can always be found at the Ex change Hotel opposite the Court lfouse Bloomsburg, March, Ist, '65. TRON STEEL, and every kin/, of Hard * ware or sale by McKELVY, NEA.L It Col