if I I r — V - '* A skirt has teen made for a lady in. Philadelphia which contains 34 yurda. OF" A young girl in Jackson, Mist., re rertly giive birth to a boy with h "black countenance mid white bair. ty Ladies' dresses 10 let, for otte ball, are now a regular matter of trade in Pari*. Sixty francs (twelve dollars) a night, if the dress is rammed without a spot. OTAI an instance of the extravagance of the tihves, it is stated that S6 500 was paid one day last week to a Broadway jeweller, for a single diamond. It was the centtal stoee of a necklace vsloed at 513,000. DT' I suppose," said a quack, while feel ing the pulse of a patient, that ynu think me e humbug 1 ' 'Sir," replied the sick man, "I perceive you can discover a man's thoughts.by his pule." IF John Phffinix says, upon the whole, General Gsorge Washington was a very ex cellent on*"; though unfamiliar with "Scott's Infantry-Tactics," he was a tolerable officer; though he married n widow, lie was a find husband ; and though he did not know the Been her family, he was a sincero and prac tical Christian. iy |n a tavern in a small town, sal an old farther, who was plagued and bantered by overs th'xeit guests who were prc-cul.— ''Well," said the fotrmet at last, "I've got the beat of all of you." "How sot ' asked alt '•ln me you've only got or.e fool, white iu jrmi I've got over a dozen." Jlolloway's Pills. —ln all casea of weak sto mach, which are usually attended with wain of appetite, nau-ea, griping, disturbed sleep, and a general proMraiion of ifio bodily pow ers, these I'ills will be found a swif, and cer tain remedy. Among the most common in l.rations of a diseased stomach, are a sense of fulincss after eating, a dry, yellow tongue, flatulence in the abdomen, a repulsive taste in the moutb, heaviness in all tha limbs, gid diness, pain in the eyes, want of energy, aversion to mental cxerciae, and irregularity *>f the bowels. Those symptoms disappear afrer a few doses of '.he pills have been ad minislirei!; the stomach, liver, and bowel", resume the regular and vigorous performance of their functions, the patient's strength re turns, and in a short time the cure is com plete. rvo family Can afford to be. without Mustang Lin imenl in their, house. The main/ acci ■ dents toe are liable to, may render it re 'cestory any moment, and nothing is en- j pable of performing such a certain cure. ' "(Extract.) "Li lifting the. kettle from J the fire, it caught and scalded mi/ bnntls and person severely—one hand almost ; to a crisp. The torture was unberab/c. j ;; it was an ait fid sight. * * * The] f Mustang Liniment seemed to extract the pain a'mo si immediately. It healed • rapidly and left no scar of account- C, \ Foster, II road street, Philadelphia." — J It is truly a wonderful article. It u-ill \ cure any case of Swelling, Hums, Stiff \ Joints. Eruptions or Rheumatism, l'or Horses it should never be dispensed j with. One Dollar's worth of Mustang j has frequently saved a valuable horse \ If cities Gahls, Sprains. Ringbone, 1 Spavin and Founders. Jl eware of im-: Rations. Sold in all parts of the habi.' iuble Globe. BARNES & PARK, ! [52 ] Proprietors, New York, j __' _ : sz&vm On the 27th tilt., by Rev. T. H. Swilzer, Mr StMDUI. U. I'RVLKR, and Miss MART M. DoC3OM, both ol Huntingdon, Luzerne Co. LI Beach Grove, on the 22>L nil., by Rev. K. Kennedy, JOHN DOAK. E-q.,0l Brian-reek, A Col. co , arid Mrs. SKYBKHT, of Salem, Log. county. In Berwick, on TLIP 22.1 ult , by Rev. Isaiah Rahl, Mr. DAVID I!AT.MAN IU MISS I.YUIA SI HR, both of Orange township, Col. county. V On ilia 19th TILT., by J. A. De Mover, Mr. A CH.RI.KS KREFKR of Benton township, to Mis* T ttAßtrv FRITZ of bugarloal township, M Columbia county. Oil the 15th ltlf., by Rev. J. M. Young, Mr. NOAII HINKOACH, of Montour county, and M iss MART BAHOC, of Sullivan county. On the i7th, b> the same, Mr. EDWARD I W. ROBERTS and Miss ELIZA JANE KTLK, both of Columbia county. 1 IZZZZ^ 2^O " "Z Z I In Blontn township. January 22d, 1857, 'IS MARTHA CLARI-SA, daughter of Mathias K. at Sarah Anplernat), aged 6 years, 5 months up J 22 days. In Greenwood township, Columbia coun ty on Thursday of last week, Air. ROREIIT FAIRMAM, aged about 73 years. DEDICATION. )BY Divine permission Zmn's Church cree led in Frshiugcreek township, near Slucker's School House, Columbia county, will be dedicated to the worship of God on Tuesday, the ITTLI insl., at II o'clock, A. M. Several clergyman are expected to lake part in the services. The public are respectfully iuvi ted to attend. By order of the Budding Committee. ' W NOTICE. THF. Overseers of the Poor of Scoll lowp ship hereby give notice to nil persons not to hatbor or trust Isabella Love oil account of the said township, as wn will pay no debts ,S 6f her contracting, having provided a proper JF place. for her maintenance. SAMUF.L MELICK, HENRY TREMBLY. Scott township, .Tan. 28, 1857. JUST LOOK AT IT. iALL persons having accounts of over six tnor.ibs standing ara requested to come lor ward ami settle up by ine first of March ; and all accounts of one and two years stand ing mns- be attended to immediately or cost WILL be added. A C. MENSCH. _ Bloomsburg, Jan. 28, 1857. . ADMINISTHA 1 ORS' NOTICE. NJOTICE i* hereby given that letters, of ad ministration bpot- the estate of Jatnes 3' Allen, late of Matfiaon township, Cul. Co., deceased, have heen granted to the under- M eigncd residing—John Htlph near Lirnestone eille and A- S. Allan In JEB-eytovCr., Columbia Njj county. AH peond indebted tp the said E 'M late are requested to MAKE payment wijiout K delay, and those having accounts to present JA them for ertdement to K || / . JOHN ALIEN, M ■ A. ft. ALLEN. Roofrttirg, Feb 3, '57-6(, Adm'rt. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. VN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, oil SATUR DAY, the 2fiih day ol February anal., at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Samuel Keller, Ahy ram Keller, Peter Keller & Ann Keller. Ex ecutors of the estats of Daniel Keller, late of Locust township, in said comity, deceased, will expose to sate by public vendue, upon the premises, a certain LOT ]F L A N D, situate in Locust township, Columbia comity, containing about TWELVE ACRES, a tjoin ing land o( Joseph B. Cleaver, Rvulien Fuhr inger and Adams & Price, on which ate erected a I FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. a small log barn, and ou which there is a good apple orchard. ALSO, At tli" same time, a tract of T WENTY ACRES ot land oft the eastern end olthe 01.l homestead larm of the late Daniel Keller, in fmcusi township, which adjoins fund's of Elins Helwig, Cornelius Reiutinld. George Fetter man and other*, on tvhicli twenty acres no improvements eie erected, though most of the laud is improved. Late lite estate of the said deceased ailna'e iu the township of Locust and county aforc ahit). SAMUEL KELLER, Tot himself and Co Executors. Locust township, Feb. 3, '57. r U IS Is 1 C SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN LOTS. r LOTS, situated In Hnpklnsville, or •*- East Bloomsburg, marked on the plot of said town as Nos. t and 2. No. |is a corner I >t laying on the Main Street, lending troiri Bloom-burg to Berwick, and an alley leading from Third Street ol Blournsburg to the shove Main Street, containing Forty-three Fed Front on Main Street, Una hundred and eighty-nine feel deep, anil 76 feel on back alley. No. 2is a middle lot containing 17} leet front on Main Street, the same depth as the above Nn. 1, and 47} feet on bank alley. The two will be offered for sale separately, with the appurtenances be longing thereto, on Thursday, February 20fh, 1857, ot 10 o'clock, A. M. For terms (whictr will be cuv)) and other particulars inquire of tlio undersigned, Agent for the heirs ol William T. Smith, deceased. E P. LUTZ. BloOmsburg, Feb. 3, '57. LOTTERIES. ~ THE well-known Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, ot which H. FRANCE fc: Co. are tfit* managers, are chartered by the stale of Maryland, and a commissioner elected by the people, u ho Is sworn to superintend and certify that everything connected with them is done in a strictly hono'able manner, ami that the interists ol parties who icside at a distance are as well protected as if they themselves were present nt the drawing Another tact which the managers call atten tion to, i", that all persons have a leg.l right to send orders for tickets to Maryland, u lotteries are legalized hy special law in tliu' state. A lottery is drawn every day of the mouth. If no particular class is named, or ders are (iiled in the (trsl draw inn 10 take place after the communication comes in iisnd. The prices of tickets vary from St to -J. No tickets are, however, sent unless the money tor the same is received with the order. Ihe drawings are upon the priuctnle of one number on each ticket (after the Hu vaun plan,) and Ternary combination. Prizes vary ill amount frorti S2O to 5100.000. All orders lor tickets or packages will receive prompt attention, and the drawing mailed to all purchasers immediately alter it is over. Address, T. If HUBBARD & CO, No. 39 Fayette St., or Box Nn. 40, Feb. 3d, 1557.-ly. Baltimore, Md. IJAItLEI MU'llO'Jr BIiAKDS!! J T is even so. A variety of barley has -*• been discovered in Hie gulches ol the Hiinii!ayr.n Mountains, entirely f'ea from those annoying and poisonous beards, at tached to all our common varieties. The undersigned obtained 7 grains of this new variety three years BO, and being much pleased with it* general appearance and pro ductiveness, has spared no means to multi ply this email quantity as fast as the Shang hais anil other birds would allow. Its merits for grinding or malting have not been tested, and Din quantity is now 100 small to squander iri that way, when every tiller of the soil who sees it, is anxious to have a few grains, not doubling it will prove a valuable acquisition. I have sufficient however, to Inrnish all persons interesti'il who will be likely to see this noiice, with one head each, coi.tai n irig 30 to 60 cisins. Send me your nddrett, on a stamped envel ope and I will enclose a head by return mail, with printed instructions for cultiva ting in n way to insure a large return Iroin a small quantity of seed. Should tills new va riety be found to answer all the purposes of the common barley, a few years will suffice to di'tve the "Bailey Beards" ftonri the couri iry. Should any person desire more than the one head, 1 will send a package of 700 to 800 grains securely enveloped, by mail post paid for 25 cK, accompauyed with a lew beads to prove Ike fatt of its being beardless. Address I. W. BRIGGS, West Mscedon, Wayne Co. N. Y. Feb. 3, 1857-3 i. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER. Sample Numbers Furnished Gratis EXAMINE Fan YOURS EL VES. Apply to the puuii-tieia, DE ACON and PETERSON, 66 South 3d Street, Philadelphia. FOR RENT. A store building on Main street, Blooms burg, for rent on reasonable terms. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsbitrg, Nov. 24, 1856. Columbus Male & Female Academy s LUZERNE COUNTY. PA. f TSHE next Quarter ol this Institution will x commence or. THURSDAY, JAN. Bth. TERMS: $4, $5, and S6 per term,-—ol 11 weeks. BV ORDER OF.THE TRUSTEES. New Columbus, Deo. 29, 1856. Notice! ALL persons indebted to the undersigned, will jrlease to call and settle, ns they are de termined on closing the Books. We hope thta oall will receive attention. S. L'REIFUSS, A. KLINE. Bloomsbnrg, Sept 20, 1856. TLf RS. MARY A. DENNISON writes for the Saturday Keening Post.— THE QUAKER'S PROTEGE. See rrnepectus in another place. | CONSECRATION. |>Y divine permission, the St. Peter's *-* Church, in Cooper township, Montour county, will be dedicated to the worship of the Living God, on Saturday and Sunday the 7th and B lk days af Frbtuary proximo. Several clergymen of tins vicinity, with others trom abroad, writ officiate on the oc casioit. Exercises in Englisti and German. CFTlte public are respectfully invited. January 28, 1H57. BRIDGE LETTING. PBIHE County Commissioners wdl receive JL proposals at the house ol Alonzn Bald win, in Penton township, until 3 o'clock. P. M., on THURSDAY, the 19di DAY ol FEB RUARY next, lor building en open truss bridge, iu Benfon township, over nig Fish- near the residence of the stud Alonzu Baldwin, said bridge to tie tut) feel MI length, with a pier in lite middle 6 leet thick; width of bridge 18 leet. Plan hud specifications can bo seen on the day an.l place of letting. By Older ol the Co. Com'ra. 11. C. FRUIT, Clt,k. Com mission Kit's Offick, ) Rloomstimg, Jan. 21, '57. ) JOHN A. MOOItK. JOHN W. WIM.UMS. MOORE 8c WILLIAMS, General Commission Merchants, and dealers in WINERS SUPPLIES, No. 54 South Water St., Philadelphia. THE subscribers having been associated with the coal trade and milling operations generally for several jei-rs. are prepared >n supply orders lor all articles contingent to mining purposes at the lowest tales, with care unit dispatch. Our stock comprises the following articles: OlLS—Sperm, Solar, Elephant, Bleached, Racked, Lard, Rosin, Greasing, Linseed. Salety Lamps, Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope Chains, Ropes, all Sizes, Pulleys, VVieking, Wire Rope. Tar ami Pitch Thoruley's Celebrated Gum Belling, Washers, Packing, Hose Blasting and other Powders. Soap, Caudles, &e. RTFEREXCES .* Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia. J. B. A. &S. Allen, " Charles Miller & Co., " S. Rothermel, Esq., 11 John Thornley, Esq , " Wm. He Haven, li-q . Minersvills, Ps. Hon. \\'. Donaldson, Pottsville, Pa. Hon. C. W. Pitman, " (Jen. \V. Snyder, Esq , " D. P. Brown, Fsq., " L. P. Brook, E-q., " J. J. Connor, Ashland, Pa. Philadel) Ilia, Jan 16, 1857,-ly. A New Book Tor Agent*. THF. life and times ol Alexander Hamil lion; by Samuel M. Sollicker, A. M., author of the life and Reign of Nicholas I, of Rus sia, &e Sr. This is the only coir.plete anil reliable bi ography of this great man. He WHS the in timate personal friend of Washington, arid by many considered bis equal. This work includes a history of the times and men of the Revolution, and many inci dents not heretofore given in history, ft has all the charms nl romance, although prepar ed from ttic most lettable and authentic sources, and should be in the hands ot every American who reveres the great und good men ol our Revolution. A sketch of Burr is also given, and an account ot his misera ble end. Agents wanted in every part of the United State-, for this and oilier valuable work", to whom the largest commissions will be paid. Copies sei.l by mail, on receipt of the price, SI 00. J W. BRADLEY, Publisher, No. 48 North Fnnr h Street, Jan. 14, '57-lw. PHILADELPHIA. C23<3Da e sb GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Fine Gold Jewelry given away to Pur chasers af Hooks- AI.L Books will be sold as low as can be had at other Stores, many of them for ices. New Books received daily. A Gift varying in value from 25 cents to SIOO. giv en with eaclt book at the time it is sold.— Having on It anil a very large stock of new an'd valuable Hooks, anil as our motto is "Large sales ami small profits," we are determined to give our customer? better bargains than can be had elsewhere. Any hook published in New York or Philadelphia will he prompt ly sent, gift included, on receipt of publish er's price. Cataloguer ol Books and Pres ents, containing full explanations will be sent free to all parts of the country. The most liberal inducements are offered to Agents. Arty petson sending us an order for ten bonks, with money enclosed, will be en titled to an extra Honk and G'ft. All orders Inr books, containing monev, (to ensure perfect salety.) should be regis tered at the Post Office wlipie they are mail ed, and directed to Evans & Co., 409 Broad way, New York. Reference • —M. Thomas & Sons, Smith 4th Street, Philadelphia ; J. B. I.ippincolt & Co., Philadelphia; D. Appleton & Co, Broad way : Derby & Jackson, Nassau Street, New York. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. EVANS & CO, Principal S ore, 409 Brodway, N. Y. Branch Stores at 125 Chestnut Street, Phil adelphia, and at Washington, D. C. Dee. 20. 1856-3 m. Administrator's Notice. J NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration tie bonis non with the will annexed upon the estate of Andrew lless, late of Sit garloaf township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned resi ding in the township of Greenwood. All persons indebted to the said decedent are re quested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts against the estute to proseut them for settlement to WILLIAM G. HARRIS, Administrator de bonis non cum testamento anntxo. Greenwood, Deo. 15, 1856. Adiitiiiistra tor's Notice. IVOTICE is bereby given that letters of * Administration upon lite estate of Har man M. Johnson late of Sco.t township, Columbia county, have beer, granted to the undersigned residing in Light Street in ih e snnn township. All persons indebted to the 8 business ami superior workmanship. Bloomsburg, June 2, 1856. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods; HAVE just received and opened their slock of mercltandizo for Soring and Summer which comprise* the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assorting t now offered in this.TOW N! Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire s-ock as to price and quality, they llahei themselves that they can compete with the cheapest and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants ol the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French mcrinoes, wool plaids, alpaca*, bombazines, tie bagea. poplins, parametta cloths mohair lustres, muslin de luines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes &e. Will IE GOODS Ob ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs Bouncings, bauds and trimmings, lace%and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety vel vei ribbons, and braids, kid, cotlon, and lisle thread ulmcp, mohair milts, &o. ' All kinds ol SHAWLS, broehe, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, 4ic. Also a very large assortment of cloths, casainters, eaitineli*, vesting* tweeds jeans, beaver cloths, coaling velvet, &e. ' HOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS £ SIXES FOR MEN WOMAN tr CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hate and Cap* of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, CedarvVafe, &e. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rug*, huskets, &c. Muslins llatmoU, tickings, diapers, toweling* drillings. &0., 111 abundance. 1 fa ' We invite our friends mid the pdbiic generally to give u* a call before purchasing el-e --where. We have bought our ponds at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1865. New arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! DAVIT LOVrBITEBRG. n NVITES attention to his slock of el-.eap and fashionale clothing at hi* store 0D M b * street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment „r I and boy's wearing apparel, including ' me " 21 J AISISIIICa)S3 2M81253 3 ©©AtPS? flox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof all colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts,cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs gloves suspenders and fancy articles. ' 1 N B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in lite best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. 1% 13 W HI A IS It 1.13 Y A R I) IW SLCCICCBTTHCr. 111 It AHI S. (A It 13V f ¥AS opHnptl a Varl ul the corner of Main ami Mirket Sithpip, v\|ier ho is prepared to finish the beat of work from Italian or American Marble for mDOT£Mißrffs 8 i?a/SL'is3s j Tomb-stones, Tables, Mamies, Window-oills ami lentils. % For the character und finish of his work he reler* to such as he lias made is this county. He will furnish designs lor work or execute any that may be furni-hed to [ him. Mis work shall always be satisfactory in it* style and raonable in price. Blonrtisburg, Dec. 1, 1856. Cscculor'i iloiiiT. | NOTICE I* hereby given thai tellers ts*la ! menlary upon the esiale of Nathan Oliver, late I of Greenwood township, Columbia county, | deceased, have been gtanled to lite under j signed resitting in Greenwood township. All i persons indebted to the decedent are recptesij ; ed to make payment without delay, and | those having accounts against the estate to : present them for payment to THOMAS OGDF.N, Executor. | Greenwood, Dec. 17, 1856. Assignees' Holice, | GF.ORGK VV. DIGESBACH, 0 | R', atin „. creek township, in the county ol rnlnmhia ; having made a,, assignment - Ihe ed of all his properly, f;„ |he benefit o( |]|S I t,e l ' w ' K ' 80 " S claims against ; !aiu Dnesbach a* ttf hereby ilirecied to preterit • ',!* mlO 10 VAideraigned without delay, and j a ' persons indebteii to make payment forth with. NATHAN DRIES BACH, I REUBEN FAHRINGER, ! Roaringcreek, Col. Co., ) Assignees. : Dec. 29, 1856. | 1%1 USLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and ■ good prints for 6i cents just received | by A. C. MENSCH. o.\ HI lIOOD, I AND ITS PREMATURE DECAY, j Just Published, Gratis, the 20th Thousand. \ ' ew words on ihe rational treat i ase in, without Medicine, of Sosr i niatorrhea or Local Weakness, Nociurnal Emissions, Genital ami Nervous I Debility, Impotency, and Impediments to I Mttrrisge generally. BY B. PE LANKY, M D. | The important far! hat the many aiarming ! complaints, originating iti Ihe imprudence ; and solitude of youth.may be easily removed i without Medicine,is in this small iract, clearly | demonstrated; find the entirely new arid | high!) - successful treatment, as adopted by I the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure hirtstlf j peifeclly and at the least possible cost, there ' by avoiding all the advertised nostrums ot ihe day. bent to any address, gratis and post free in a scaled envelope, by rem tin?, postpaid, two postage stamp*, to Pr B PE LANKY, 17, Lispenard Sreet. New York City. January 5, 1857 -6m. Kkfcutois' Hollre. NOTICK i hereby given that 1 - ters test* ilieiitary upon the estate of Philip Krickbaum, late of Bentor. township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing also in the said township of Benton. All persons indebted to tne said •state are requeued to make payment with out delay, and those having account*agatutl the decedent to present them fur settlement to ISAAC It. KRICKBAUM, SAM L I'. KRICKBAI'M, _ Executors Ben'.on Dec-4. 18 jk # (OMMBI'K HI A LI I AMI FEMALE Cia JJD Lsß S3L£ * jZ* a Luzerne i'ouniv, Pa. eyHE Trustees oflhi.4 fosiiiution respectfully i announrc, tttal it will he i pe, )e i („, ,'| le reception nl Pupils, of both eir. orj Mi.ndiy October iOlh rut. U'nlfif the immediate ! I'r-f JAMES AXPEIMON, as IV.ncip'l •Mr. A• in a gentleman of extensive acqm-e menu. anil enlarged experience a* an educator '■Hiah Brhn n |TH''J l r' ,U V ,IC w' . Il H, .* h 1,0 ,1 of Lurka Co. for several years He IS also well and favorably known at a con mbuior to some of our leading educ., io „a| ( , e „. j THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION I Oflhc.ffro|il,y, Definition,,' Head ng, Penmanship, Etymology, Cieo er ,„bi Ene Oram mat, (;,.mpoai.ton, Arithmetic' AlgebrS Geometry. Mensuration, I>l,ne and Snhettcxi 1 tigonoioelry, surveying. Navigation. Air.,n' 1 nmv. Ac. U. ok Keeping, Histn'y. Ph^T/, inTchJi^'." 01^1 ' M ° r "' POMoaoph,.! Classes in ike French, Spanish &■ / at ;„ Languages will be formed as early a, b,e. and Instruction on Pj B e , i-*,\ ' given if ileaired. J t orl A Will l e M EbKIA Scicneea, illustr- „j , Natural wi!/ also I vr ' 3 ■fP'onriate apparatus : yom'~ LC, ,-' lj ATTENTION will be paid t. „ i.idles and Gentle miu designing < 0 nuab I ./ tuemselves at Teachers. i TERMS: rot K, FIVE and |\ Uullata [er Quarter ! in aceord.t'Ce with the studies p, r-urj. par vile . one ha f in advar.ee and the balance at the close ol the Cjijar'er. GOOD Board can le had in the tillage at a moderate price. • tsT Mr. A. Will deliver an address on Phvtr- I cel. Intellectual and Moral education on the i day of commencement, when bis method of ' lOiparting inatruetroft will be iHtutra-ed. ami fullv explained* ° f < h ' . P- I '*"'*, Gujrdioni. and the friends of cduca lion generally, arc cord,ally mvtted to he pres. ! 1). L. L'HAP.'N, | [3. \r sTEVfVs STILES. SILAS DtiOhO.V. | JOHN i VTLE THOMAS PEAI.EE, ' Columbus, Sept, |. ISotj. Trwtees. 1 FttLSII ABHIVAI" cheap mu-l.t,j and prists - ,us > received by ratlroadard 6 y AC MENSCH. "jURS. E. D. E. .N. SOUTH WORTH w r os f r S '.urJjy Eeenir.2 r; specti s i:t ano-ber place. AjpHIEET •>'' wvr.jj w n sp. '' rcceivrtl jtttl lor sale fv A C MK.VSCH Ms r Of I.E ITERS, REMAINiNvt, in the P-tst Otitcc, a; Slccraa buri;. Pa. J t-i 1-t, |Jj7. Coronron Ca'har on M i's'v,Cheee; Samuel V N .-!* Feodtl AJim Oriria Henry Emjs Friwer Jjfin Uairber J B ScfcermfrVrtn C V Ur >ee> Schrort Mfv tialNtr Tit Cm.Ua'ait v Job.,sot, EL -a Let, vise* M,r V Ana Vohe s ira n M"d A Qua it Ktrsh Tcwml Shi? it oebr oca A sta' *r dt> r etspns coiiinj for 'he 'etters will j fleaae say tttev ere adve tj-e.!. Fkiilfl* VNANLST. P. M. Uloomsbcrg, Jan. i, iAttlktb AIL person* uwhebwot to wt* vr two tnenibs wlUcoaiw* a havoc oaon nte and Uteui selves by aettting p veeahiu two months. HRiNRYK'PMNGFit IV 3vV tsjs IN0 SUCH WORD AS FAIL.- A RESISTLESS REMEDY. Circular lo lit# Sick. TUB fint ho|>Mal au>genna ami medical put. I'ci.it of Kuropr, admit the onpavalleled nmi-inO imniatury ami healing ptoperti.a ntliia Oiniment; governments .auction me in their navel and icihlary services; and Ilia inaaeea in this couqlry an I throughout the wutidftpoao the utmost confidence in iia curative properties, it |iciiLi.fi oi ic of ihefesao* IIOLLOWAY , 80 M.iiilen LIRE, Y-UK. ar*L U44 bUaii'l, Loi don, I'V all rt—jif rtaLla iJrug gifcta and Dmlera iii MrdjJuo throughout It'* United S a:e- t and the tin: zi] or j, a j.oima at *• cents, C2J cvi.la, and f i each. t3T~ I lie'c ia couaidcrai Jo saving bv U*'.r.g the larger aires. W D.— Direct ion a for the gtt.darca of pa*icn*. tn every tlisord-i are affiled p>t 31,1 in:vi iiiidviii! ■ OF SPUING AND bIMMLIt GOODS. 4t MENCU <•], eiiiiilly uilouni bis • Irieiids, cu-ioiner>, a: <1 the |>ullic ?en rfally iti.i lie t,a )ii>( receive ) f->r.i Phi'a j i'Bl|it;ia liie first jhoiU of the wj'i.<, CGtisi.b> i ma of a Urge assotirteiii of thence aoj de~ ► •tab.e ; for llie spring and cummer trade cocnp.rieins, I for Pierre wear: j .Super.rr Black, and C. lore I French Cl.v.hs, Black French D teskina and Ca.ennere. 1 Black Sarin an J Fancy SVe.ting*. tliue, Ltack, Brown an.! ij :ae r, Cfcahmere'.lsa ! I.ADIKS" WEAK. I Elegant Black Silks, all e Barege (re Lainc.s e-.j Clial.r Bategee. . r lain. Pink P u , and r.reen De Latr.ee I c 7 ~' e Finish L ack Alpaca;, ""..•eh, Scorch and Domestic Gtr.q! asu. • Worked Collars, and Linen fTanckercuiatA , Ho.iery of ail kind. and qualities. , Calicoes ol all rtaoernsand description* furnishing goods. i Linen and Cottm Sheeting | Bleached ami I'.;bleached M .sL.u, : Lroen Damask, anil Table Covers. Besides a large as sunnier.' of Boot* and . >:;ce. Sug l r. Cordee, Teas, art! ad krn.fa of ! Groceries, Hardware, i.0., which will beso.T i remarkably cheap. Call a'. the old aiand, corner of Matn and Market streets. ty FLOUR & FEED always on hand, and lor -ale a: t.ia lowest ma'lret r'"-c*~.a: I CASH. A. C. MENSUU. 6 ouxvicrj, Apr! 2, t c :6 STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! Jgjj i'HE unui-.-ig ,ed i ikonns his friend* the pubic in re-al. that he tua aked the entire 11 eres; in the j Ti.iirare an I Stcre Ei:tt;ui!icj .--p' •>,. a - i ' spouting, mi! a ; otr ;a lure or shot: notice. arte is good order. The New liar.b a- ! W.i. ia Dean CoOk- J nig S'.cre. a"d a'-o a lt_* e-sor-rent c. Parlor Stow*. constantly on hand and :ot sale at moderate ; price' r? Thanifhi ? .Vrner -tf*rrxz, ne r spoeUuily solicits a t 'tl t-ce . s ,mts. JOSEPH SHARPLSSS: B'oen s b'r-* Mv s !*.}' XrVtrr * M co- Pat ; J ... ~ H >';'rtrfry'W.s ile.hwk J VI Q-i .bowu trsel wtil piwjse -av c.s* a,-* t a- C KAtKS. ?. Cataw ssa. Dc. 3t, ISJ?. LAND WARRANTS, wi EV ERA L IhfAt'iw Land Warrant* can b# pswhaami by arfftca ibri i to. chftc*. FANCY GOODS* ; sisty fnr-r purn art wariatw. saw Sjynws.auvr treea irtna NsarYorW and PSilsdatoEa. 'or *a.m at '.h* jo**a .>r* NnCItYY.NJt.UACC