r HUM IB film mi—fcfe. rf i tei >n. . msr TUii T tailT. J S*M7>u> i£o >Le aamasfigDes a Pcitß ir—ri -be 'Hate#" cry lor jhito; >ubi l Mil in ti 11 as tbeytrad used (be maims ebmrf tte' Elmroabiead iumiill. and -=-nid hear* More drfoted ntciul popm mm IBe cry 01 a w-lVi) :l " b*mdn £a- Hk : ' Ac wcarr >■(* bee ru> mm porwiiar IBiatasilums nt (rot aarel fond, cat, m lie pt !iliest rernrif, each niiilinl bee its oam pera- Uar ilttauw. Nniura : evivws agate rn eU gjtts with reenmir; vnv. but ibece cieem Miwa Bern; a bogus fima eauutn nek tago bark to the peefiie ibe necxmi time unffar the more -übc mid gvire. When (he Wbig perry deceased. Grureigs Awtimun rf Ma**erhrrsr-tt and Sajaura F Vision of Ohio, cits Bed been tug* jemcm ia it* lejnpies. tamsd ti .-iters to redoes (be <uii> oarabretad TOO Suns tafia bad belnte been duped ooi ut feme rate* by the "tariff' ciaaair a*akped te ■be irotb M due JetedinK m. M jrr mrmi if iba whole Gpposreisoa parry baa soi i osu is lbs RetrtibeaiJ> who rw as hawrt F-rm war oer. Their read err—W ilaint, ftmk*, Sum ner, and ihe Sew Kuglaiiders is general— hare at ware linked "ire* trade'' wh*i 'dree soli" oa I hair bamterc. It ta a parr at teen orwti; anil lire* Penttreylcania tiaT si • cite -,?3 Bare thece men iar heir rnwerr. Bainks, ihmfree trailer, ta tbe SjieakeT rf their Htm-v ol Cringe*#, atwi ha appointed Leartc D Csmpuril of Ohio the Chairman of the erne imnnriam Coarminee —thai af Ways and Means. From thai C mminea Mr Camp bell haalaiety reported a b(U which wrf ra llies the larij oi 1846 mm lhaa year. The fdilowin; are its details as treSfeU hem in a Republican pnui t Va schedules of five ten and fire-en per cent's Ihe an of 1816 with a lew excep tion*. |M absorbed by the free let- The forty per cent, eehirioie. pntrtpa.ily np-ces ia also, rem .h a few executions, earned 10 the free iisl, rfrhiefi letwn the revenue abso MX rmil.lmre of dollars. The 108 pS cw-1- sehe.tt:!e,Wtioittl." tc brwr-eht dnwa one lialf. Snpsr. mola-ree. lewd. aalt. wool and hemp are pm at ten per rent, rwritu-reu; lie reverter abrttt errn miliums ot da Ur*— . Iron, corori.tbcioh-ti and lk toanuiaciuj'ito are ruair.ej now The old twenty, twenty fire and liurty per cant, cclieduiee are not maianiiitly chan-*i- Some items in tl.em are rained to Hie lure— The direct reduction annually is abotrt dhte teeti mill.jns, winch It IS enppn-wd II I* inctaoed tome miliums by the effects el tea measure io Mibstuotins hotna manrfacsmsw for hcce imported " thia bill too. with some M'ttht meoi&erei ttonetn it* details, rl.e Sep*Ol<en* oA *oiy intm.iuce. but wiil aid to pace. Tne iwiaeu wba -mow meoeh* lb* "larr' era wa rea'le in earnew and meant wact' tt g may tw the quiet manner i which they iiace been cold :e .'ire new Free trad* party of Csmppell it C", b*a pert,it • *me o thsm here IVixtorrary ti tetlc enough 10 idare it a-i wtthoot crai fUuuig. It wa .!' that Mr. Fefer luce saw iaM tear when' he rrlosed to ji* due party, and which mad* b:m say. shea caw chised. thai lie was wrlline to lei the urid Uone. It did well enough few yearn ago for !nnr and lite 10 filch ernes from basest men with the hollow-hemted cry again** the''black Bn'nb tsttff of IS 16, ' bei now a* ta qoite tavNine to iel tt aaooe, and a-hers •re er gaeed at redocin; it. tf the Democrat had prnpoaexi a red. jw ( the tariff uf UM6 the ranters cu.d t •aovnl-ii Me land with iberr waiii og* at "rnui.'' lYdUiiou.i: itace tearJ m ore a- a ( than weJi.iV -'bieedirtg Kattsse." and the | Oenwicrii who wonid Base reaposed the te ■* iudion would uare been sen; m rffip , 3ai nere. as every wlwre eiw. mm pn^ev - * | f the Democraiic party are v...d*aied by lime end experience and eue-t our *n*m**e ( most cuncroe taeir 3 r •* They say iiawe ranted and raved itke Frwr autera m ;*e t*w ■nd necessary reduction of ocr lit a tc an ecuaom cat revenue eon lard La IS*6 hat 00 eemner do uey get a t'oeiaodi at power luan they ate cnandlsd W pray r<s* s..i. \sr (her reduction* 01 be rater and dese* te | keep it w.thui .be woe revenoe prtnc.pie. In troth there is a large fur pies ef eteeey in he public treaeury. which by the tar,ff has been drawn tram ibe cf sewser* at tbe, caomry . and which woes.' with tc aca mere jOMice and wiaiMes I* a '* heads af am ' ,iuupis ipan man ceerffnw-tig 'teasa-y star ( like oor magturicci't pa"<e d*-wai.i. it wd only tentft .he art* j! the prafl gateaod ear ' •01.1 Pees ul h-.-Z harr tmsf *1 ei meag 1 1 turn ma.-a:ae: ■■*■* ca---a any longer emp.-V late st i* ; race* er e-e -anmn atwjutaif re it cesrt taaes Ntw can bey affursi to bey 'herr taw aa en • ihesWMiffaMd p-r-es* at.d ccat pee e *je '.meter, trade I. hi# 'u years -or et-efr bant mm a .ear* dm ample pmrc-pw. be: it pas wcacd aet tie wtdtwti' ret rf lie' 1 gram emu-* af tbe p*o-> a* ail a* trher ( true awmsoTes of :be pas*, ekm row ;.ve , a r rjr add prumm.ay *a he caentrr. But the men who t-iowed ' e twfiew • -or tiW tariff demasßorm rh* cite -.me x e roid ia the !few Ecgiard ar— *" m* 1 Their new cmna md car* a mart It. I famr tariff a* they <£- jr ewtie ef —c < tel tm! iifn ,u the psemns of mr ow gi,!,,, ' Emm Fas a hi ■■ * r**- ammiß|p* ** ** eeha Mm mamna m j , j tmaewf fiiesannnty, er.tl mr 'that ten ii .( ingh jmn m Mm nawaity - hmfcita npen a grant maktaßt Hear m man : em *a mr test ami m temp Amwtttire mat <fi " i vhe amttenr ni rtw wodUf. srtte ebiimii! a reus tea tariff and Jbar T m I nrtnadl tor ere. tS'bac Cud Fu-imdi gpetr tfaaums rn: ilia - mc wnattih mihrcti Aimnriui ' I yeaeiy osunec s>t the urie ml anaatgneiaax. mi tbrey tsdinr. true the wd auMlil. tw uditoe riuuniy ail sepe-ed - prvww red smetpim" ' aid jrr Eitztand Iteaaaaa inn ntustiant — * iwai did TLitgLxud tumid Jhrenmtcs simmsc twlly oaaipaLia; arreth tmr reu tie •ciumr-wnr n <d sue w.utiu!. Bad maud a: .uriianuaiy tnr Him . uieuinMi m itautn rehw.uuuia and dusaausnuui ( aman; am people m a nanom. sut- seta trim he st-i*-c! rest tnranre ainae reuaftd hnrnef ( -iittuuii-t . and 2~rjr Ei-gilanti agaic tetrareur tier urpl. lb a erreuig! —;ut-s;ng sttmuge— SOT tti r | mmte- r occt opened ren thw rimicr im Ileal Monrey. Juugtts TTaadußeid., £iar* and Bina ant tur bwmhi. fsdteatt H Frem lnr mm Kjtpntuwd Forerenaret af -4* 'Grand 3ay.. j The firei rare iried em Com aa. Wan. Ttietoa ftw arttri retry ausii aihr wtfle irf thiam. W. Ihtieatiarrei. Mir.. Ctres&adki em ittoe princi t iu a nunas, and :mm Mod an jtntfiqg utts* parties la 'die criaie in fics-inUr iuuztr VH lieleulsßS aUrged itliaii the pros-n-ii mi. wis a c.tintipireaey u> est'iont wiais-y IMliiy and L' tie tnr Cnaeareerealih —C' ira!! remli Creetc iar (icfcndam. The defance ppni ni on Toshire nonius and pi.aisaii a ruod rewuntar.av Sr Mr.. Tremuan,, and a had in re* tm Mir.. Shumthacth rets in ttmatti Mar y . . xmama arerm cahad aa its itoasr (aim. Tin? jißry arffiuatned a vrflictt ,jjf mm gtaiity „ B ami that tie jrroremciHictr , tGen. W liteuettoatlL. pax ibe osmt* etf pcrflenßtujui. Tiw arm ca-re- etas .a clirutgr red liamrniy asaima Jtarewa H-iictiw au im -mEßiiintr vtemrwt irf Capt. itestly trumbcxs 30 iWnwurik dkmt C'-.rintißßis 'U.IUC- Tiv case pirtw reuc red }'*- dxtsffis and Itad eibistew, aud dud ant' ntntit. te L ye: bee drum it., s> inispe fftreim nienaui- j duel rf Hue d- ira tiair. and e upnesses red ttni'aC.. j After iwatrutg titc httoinimix mbe reicdsnidaie plead gtnLity.. lirtffle reuG War ire Cretn. < Stt-etacn lor c'rePc-t-dreitl. Tbe Grand jury sawmnad a twoe hi! 1 ffnt,, perjury a-ansn Jesse Mudk, and auxnurr agenren Hoc M tier la mti-.i f kitmar ault uag Ir f use. They wren* dimrflairgcd 501 Taesfiax rerrcr-1 letaeani. iiaxrea; bad aoiix /mrr ,i. - befece Lbfs& ice ureter srt'tE. D->scntc 111* te rhdndrelft^ A butt: a foaa jpuat rl.xreto e'xilnffk fa" j, Tdatattay o tgbt. a £ra Vris eat ia ate itesf retcrr of 'toe iaegs prpae s icrae Stmoit lnudliii>r Xrei itii Ctwsti.reiß atancs, attuwe T.lntd wlti'ira spread with great rs- disy, srend vrnao n'renite.' 10 the - \ linreif, Xe Hid® X-n Di©S eas rreemrened . : i>v £t (finnt as Gnndusar' s India E.cltLor Estreince Tie nreuteuli ffapt W errmpmd.. fosarfßy, by Jitlm M.. Marprer., m-i sacrtifiy le CWhanpm, Caiwaa Is C. tf-vrn I sir*. 11 G .ss .. .mrreirued tAw ttttur l 1 n.trx as a btw* hir.f-rr*. Xc. S#i res irvcnigund rett ttie firs fireur hy T. S ffaaynsui, are a bwwis alsao. The testf n'.—x res .twcretptrfl an f srteiW" pit-wmcg amateatomremL j'tw f (oiitti iits ihc iret mte G.(tared Eatate The Eretrnoren eers hk era ite rtscst. ihi. fmcar re'iAmtiiy was prrm-reved .a athta-areng ereAnr.. ami ,e was treiily tsrer ity m i t •• twiinr a n'.-sreuai etnuif tw twnqfftt w twsr ctr. lie Amr.. An awei x r reciat toe &■€ reisff i-.r*e dtwegr* ift sand a'-d the i'.lt Huue Se... ecmicik a ffsierx alarm. Tie ft** raa te it Vaei Stan red sSe tet >f j-j, *r.c Irfßms rf :l%* Wwstoa. foiwu rreotea rnui LkZg*' jwespseesa mew aa datf car. Ta* cause Are Ise its reirepf eta* £nd w .in a*r The issse* my aascy.ii tc S:XIK *l* sreasrs Mr. Grew La ireireir.'x senmaftoeail sty* Ca rm t- 'h w> erort fifiwure 1111 m snf O* goa t-ne St alas. They eer* Jiiictumall a" iasr Sdfjrere, avid borti pawcid tE'tml scadios m the Bream. It res veeiai*a3ie icwt iiwy are bmh ts'exc vpr tW resef pots rf saery„ ••># ' m t: w msporr. fahew she Cmemrraur Aer •iy-s rf r.Ti-Krs<niusrr.. et.i *teti&r>T Ihe B -p-i - c—x lar fiTiilid-; >-y tpwre rtren udief tor'. They tnlew lie trr-ianyrf# rf rte X 11 w Ti tii s 1 s fcuC am ? rf the Ctw rcjwtim Area rf 3#S* arwC'iux. ffah ami Saw Mexico—am ia *-re* mjisid* taa see|pe gawers ff--=i*t l xea tsjHrer ( treit Itrnnm Tie >t r-re me CMS rf IV—Hs(hiii>. Mr Pete, has cmwie.f a ore res sin it* is£- ireais* pc* nr were rsSat: * X cua-d en is wren grfc* rf swrf wegi'- pe- m an t vrnrim h swe: imaue ant amet site twae Xmem mtrwrreii as sa* mead'saham rf sic sown.#•* '.rsu.-nre hs &dact p'MW.' I*l * te atew -itrx .rrs rf -■# swtaw set te erf.esc Jdrf# Asy: ar.i ih w snpS'.- 1 atix a lew •te arfnuirewaera did. wcJusa s snanaialh ire lime. St a an- ac ii'ni w :.rh • • ite fr ajy pireend rpec iri afar tie war." mr rf aj*. Tt e rtrfc * rf iwairrre a tw 9a a jnw. ne*i;r; iy a easff agu-1 Ls jurelat, **-1 *■: ,sled mere# lia* m ** j'rr 'ha tine -z , rf a-*, ir it* grmf wr w'rft a jrft?- •r '.or rrrer era soag fetm JL* ariaSacaftry rf E—Ste ttd saf JV Irfi< -ircT E-c , "ar jrjsw cm te teste* rm 1 ia is iniabrf a *e mer Irf urn an af can, turf By tfte trWM te —J*s rf**: ff®J tsrm icmr < :vcm Otrrwa Aar"<ciJt* m tea f rtener. 2USSC Im-nehs rf eoea. hair- irems ia sed ..em So# err ere rerres str asr amaat ss *a"y tt{ a. larf 1-mtesa • rite tese- U nee * 1* uaimcM-mf rfrf- she Lmr a i -te T-areer teitssci rrer a jm. rear an. or aa a bed* rf aedt rr r—isrs eac is Xn- . iffnar-w. Mseeaca Ccwv n —Tic csnsiy srtcc a tm aarr rf Si 2£3 65 ec ireri j, Tte Ammiuiar (wpatoixhenn off lite ffr.itran * fftUßOniiai renu Stetik—uts Mteruamw aSWr 'iuretne panmiiasiiis te IHUt amf WST mcwrtxr M aaintimttly Ihwr nniltv ai Mtomtnpiiim. Tlhr ic sailid remC Had rjihemarrel 'iutmune. The am- tir nam tor tttw ttwwwtew * Tin- iliuuuacnfU' * WuqsaEnit *4. 5d w Tint any an* Btesswm, * (18 f- ffiir amy trwn KmtN, • Ull Titr Mhafikwamtl eui renu fcsne*. 7 H8 Fir Siretrhwxiwf anid W1 lrftam, 9 IM Far iflnur Btetnrerw*. S ■> Tint fflreitbwinii] aoili ifiirnr Iriem. iff *U IP Timtsitc (tnir Bter.ucwa 1t.68 tt Fir Mbrfkamrflauf. (tie ibnc Bn nisi. Ei 88 n *Tn aaoud inoani-. & amy te am<nait it the aimrhwaoii. te wharf w* and inrwac, d Mat won*, iar hmn same, fa rf pod. re- X.B Hun rente at G-mai Snimn rf "he tee jwTttmßtao aMuaa mmrf m aftwat Si jeirwmiunt As we snail i*—sr recant te "ibsly are refer sue 1 mto-irtaraian a itome haee piamumti, „ I una :w 'he haw 'a satoantihe ' r Hrfetniittntcw* umat. in a 9 cases he 3 -nPr tea t m Me Fmkaman te m rheare inmaa mx wimndimum. ram he alfuwnf 31 L | Agnna AAttwa*. l LB?X AS3S fCOTT to GDu SL M Soutenmrf SnM rase SkMrfms Tte Fine Banfanj Low idrew net appear tit I Xiirik waif 'he Sates rf but ane and HI. - itmK, amil (tte imisiu ssaqmtr among seme ii red (tie 3wi k eul mnicane*, tdoutrh tie sew ! tiuUuee are recpicmeii' suurr SaacUay hmt. toll . Sllhme iPqanr lire now S anJ 9 war am te iruunt! an C oniiiioi, ami maac rf tihe Lrnf.ana 1 Fra* Swi* reaper i n much She soiae fuat m.r Jll vrLutim : Otw menu failmes. ir m -wpmtmd (Mar >tor (Kama par am whe wwtieii He GRBaenry ftath rf Endi—. were alan dm ewtteas rf itor Preupies Berth rf Carmt, to* r H Fnioiw Sate Kairf. tobf uhe KoehwyUe Irfrf. e'tl red DHimn*, all rf wharf, feted tent dm Ite. weeik.. ihontrh; im warn arpawed as Clueii : gti tttmi a moeeraein. wa an fern m esreit-C'- ar meae The ctnrtrlanen rf dtete Bos k# w ail amtjilly •rctuwd' hy Miaatnm, Laaswta Tutginiia and rertorer Sate Sacandies, at rrcpn - imil reni.ee me lre hath andirer Sidsiaim ami l liMdis, ten they are amet Untied te ptxrpre te rf apatraiaonn mmedy ; amf aa Itreae m B m M die siidanmi' af wen a—— to earata a junor. hay itteir am hnto at a heavy da | rmnu.. eiff tttattx shew char "he poorer ut wtrf kr iiiOTii Ji iiti—jmd sa long rfail o have Mas* erymnretf feftow*. Thw bwaeea m Cm .rmomi' and rerfer moiee. tees* these Wire are now tlrici irnrediasad. are Boiwrusonty tin* wprate ad lid* HiUCk text, ana toe whoie msftnm. are it e ctsrr.ej an at a .Irewrece 10 tte Scare ntlmalitoff it toll eapemewce dem niwxrenre tiiiac in ani. teakm? apenareinß (here eree wits cniwkrisitvetetnriv • ete Btae-fcoUf -em (thiaiti die idmirat: Satoif ry rf StwHthaWe-*. .indt Oinrat rerw The Ai pesu rf s'iaHks aewet ,lttf ami! iievrr raa ®ert a pereper B*a rf ibsi king T'eaer uteoad: mpan amrf a baew * rent; a auxwnury. any one toast a note rf twndv semuwd fry twai mm b dama eat r .irnrip arat rennm 6* rewi saivad ere* ctwn. a'ff, ihe cArc s* tt mc. wait ,r te reraam te ,fwtil!mae a ptrfnt, asui eiuseqaetst heptacie 1111m. *Mlto T.rHH t*(fc There te rent anwchec man ia die Terete create pwrev m Feu-timtwaßaa aa etuiemfey he al (pPi.-rereiLy hy he ayymmiam, teeae-e sn mntteUy fearred are C(ti- Famey. H* has teem SIT ten*, c-ntewen t anff serviceabie a asetmtea ef • paary. ba hae giwan fee arm wres so auray ItwrJ rate, and assiwrehf so af ter ia hw c tetew. "h* ttoric aerakgamarte wwewy te hi ax is a catirrai iceurs. ar.A k ■ngrie ate he cwtntntetisii honest., ta.! they ma reamed v nhtr x>lem aa d mreai rotrnpt weav &. rfetr km feme:. Ta* late ercrapt esev Mr.. Fniey ecd A* Ikimm icitiif part. fcrmglV *-'™ l ra •*" rf l ? nrayectab,* •tarry ftottßi Ue atdamed rf r haa elee-rifeii w,c.JJ rf ''h* mwev cree cempww-.s thw ap renwu.nr- H ,i,m Cateiei eas aprrfen rf dm iwirsgurglly ftefore. tte abam mffl aet tee rv 'firs arram-wy sn<ar mai-Esiry ha. Stnrx crinerrhea . Ta ihe smo-itrr cam sd •a* par* char seip m Cni. F.tapmy. at woM sn tJtiat iff tttey iiterßie the a eraa '..rem a: rrrerf toed -miera. Hsratf trff <*T womkt esse .acre w-tff aoff toetf crenia a: toe saret* isot* The X V Irtxmt 1' srwakiaij rf Htm -wsre rf she Fscat C. S Sms rrente eaxtiira* sc sST xif* we rrrenca m three *asu we ease* jaai . due pamaarf cry ageaet few prrescvp •' 1 catayaaate; Cat Forney F.w-mv c.-mmctei strrate grave errors ta eate iiirtbttlise sri*.' j a jrernig a at. eui we erase, tin: eg.. UasameU airw. he ties an EuncrraSia earoe- ye: beiom bam. Be te a m-i-t ihismagb giai t'ar.oaa rf TrateLavary Duwsoq, aaff tor reetuy years hreas .fevrermt aR S.# itterges w she - sanerr ct Mr Buc-iastas to the FaeaaSaoec— a resah whsrf. he h*a done acorn "baa errs renter aar w trs rtt fie fain* as mat aeapetww efinetmy toeoaea tte iata can rase, and we tbreato- arf always tery : bar. mm we toff warn we cserf sm toe etoer a -* T an i 9s has >sm exj-yed a ccieat. we w... ran wjcr the sectsac: ana sr steato. It ptrs as pwwsu-e at fee '-em • -raeafrr ami artoc chat ihcaagh r " i * e®S sa-t toy ate etmram fw Speaker rf rise press" item. Cm- Tacrsey pjewwed ewer toe doer . artaortitte. #c ' amatetoas atsera wwe*. oncft r are-test fysrre abiLreg ni arenas emyara ry- E ymccste tar etgh: weeks was euw n tbe erf um* we rm ■1 am red, and Se ae s smpcimtoiid* 4 suswervrew tojeurv. We presume *" tosebaraa wit teqrerre Cte. f-Vaci •aaam am yaarumi rf dented gfa'tosnrz. 7 ' Tte aeew* rem rf Irflfcf pra* w* rrfnto sherfif etees* "te *• rf c asad aa Crf Frftjey. whs take lies car terf Trmwwr fd isef brfa 50... er rerai rare-orae Cfe.r rerrto the e*rf*s scd ap" t te rf teetr wafer aa evidence gww ttem. aaff rf ail beacv- j fee ja bar mad ferfatea- TF ram smWte fttedte, te* wfee'Wterf- B* m-TTt II r 1111 I'll' II linn' %j it' * n iw m • emat. Lan ■ tire caamdy of km em: u die E" owoi S—i Coni In mm throned g • m mmmgrnemmmi ml llfael una ,8, emiing all n. aeae a neater ef ptemsent and " 111 Mill: Mr deedefendant, ir tea nan a U laiaaala. humihi a liimaiit ite Mmha oi| in which mev B.wi their officii: mmmf m arrowing utoe wgevse, n the gnta e gwhteamn el cite A'j ilidmi emerd mn i£ Mai on tint occasion When c became q'n e ewiuem ate tee claimant ted (aire e-- r iiteinaiii nan and da: tea aero an: una, aw iMrtemia ml ter Mantel ereni to tee i Abeihufraato ami mKJ deal te ted teen ao k thaiaate kf km aide to jpse r Iter tMfl m ■ and ate pawn are of the limliai of tee •teen, aid he eeicited hem Item aid to aate trp te Mmiir. Tliev maald ma. tea eta., jwe a smgte em! While Mr (ape preiemni tee uramt Heine and tte ten pun pity tar tee '"peer slave/' teeir exroiiac eu ttaacts eeteeeii ta contribute a dro lar inr te ei'iayiiai Their lame of morsei m ana end mi tee acmie far umwsighed their in n ■iiiam mi regard 'JOT the negro m tee ■n-sr The Keeteem Abate .mmsm. in nssriii >1! otttaxee*. re:nee m ekirrideal cases to con utewmtta lenempucn oi negro slaves, and mm ten co dosb;, if any aurretneni - uahi pnapti i sad cwosnrnrrcnattv be atatie ivy tee Kasrmai Ci-r**nramni. ten (imp to tee itr-e udemMo af uegiaas. teey would op- i pose *, H a wnuhl expend any af ''their meey. a He—ever lanaueal the peoote of 1 haeaaae e ore year* ago on tea eub jeer si slant ij m teeir colonies, and how ever |i padanl to tae eainn of the pianf eat arc tea pnaparny af tee brnrsh Weal in liaaa cnsw at 111 anir resulted, teer had at ■ iran a -ajh aeuae of wice left to suer stsaae show af eaaapeaaanon to their surve- Mtuem The Aaaarerxn Abolitionm*. so £bt m mm amliaiiiiil teerr doctrine* consider it ' against "teeir prwerptsv"' to pay • aierehotder a angle dollar tar attest it regarded hv tee Cahotitaiion.aad lama of tea Umm.l brates as ' ha peapervy. Hading afiaeds diem so aracf pleasure as to see a tugitFse ' rescoerf' a: the enst of the lives cl half a dozen srhtte ' men. It the stave ecrmajiis suicide they plerfc y rCjiice thai tee slaveholder is balked |i r!*e ciarasaai should be iiUed. they are de bgteeii. end can aaatlv raise moans to aaais: m shvutmg hi" murderers trout legal em dearna'treJ. Bat it. ander tee laws Of liie country, a siase v remanded bacit in cos aala, and a tear dollar" from teeir well lined pacuers would secure lor him the same idle. 1 vagbnd nistenee thai hw aafaie brethren auiaige ni the de haunts of our great cue. iha mei hn'ni at CUT enhajaa. ar the wiM -re crssa et eaaawy iwgtbsrhwadi. -.hey grasp ' wite new tenscmr Iberr rbrri-bed dollar", and lease rbe aegro ra ltv (ste W lure ilterr 1 jtwsrr pre ten of wrw teuni m ".onramts to man ataae catm-tee- aiihion* miwn.' : and mi abinh is rm-"*-ir tears are sited by tee r4 te Amm hat Steeps aho eppiand lnm teey sparu rbe nlea of bearing any ponmri. however small, of the pecuniary sscrifice I chrli the lose of the negro wooidemnil tip ao bo ataster. and ihev wnulJ rather -see him seat ta a Sua on Legree, and flagged tr in eto. rhan tc spend a penny to secure bt* legal rwieess'Krn The one-sided, far.aiicsl pretended "hu- 1 msiwry of ASoli- nntsrr. as evinced in this cratoPrc. i probaUy thr most ts-l&sh. ro'.d- I mI it and erael 0qja...3 tcanifesiaion nf r.amaaaaouawnt ezhrl ited manyenuntr- in any sge. 1: far cwtsirrps, in i erjimep:toov ami designs, all the horrors of the French Sesetu tee and rsr find no parallel in histo ry r-zrsp' m tee awtuiaod btoostv scene* nt rbe mrribmseeeersiCh of San Demi:iteee ims it aims to emulate Beneath an es- Btased robe of "fuxntantry." it hides the ernst fiendish aims and purposes It steps short of aothrtg bu the immola'rtm of a whole rsmu. and tits', the happies: and no biest one the tan has ever shone upon 1 bnsr-a af en.rrmg bsatilili to the greater and best frame-* rk a: gnvetumeni ever de ewen by tee wit a: man I; sets at defiance tbe tan name..is. iaws of the uniii.sr.! iauitos neasim. riot,bloodshed, and death tosurmor;. and nnuiH 'Heat 1: lose is the deadlier-, aim ii itisi agates: tarn ginr:ruts Union white) ail— America fm: and prosperous at name, respected a: mad and en-ails count am h't—-po- a*' *e c:iu.rws who use lumeeili ia bwlieini r npi li rioss orer aite fieed-itee malignity and endeavors tc generate kf at means within its mac... m is. ii met amaeg the mm of tee booth. mm a berbur ry whmh errr. Indian #- agerem could not exceed, i: extfts ir. the .■-n-Ai thai tee srhrre men. srairier and c:.iidma of tee Secik may some day iai, -'lbs to a sweeping and re lee'tees massa cre. It is mr.satan white to maste: and to us? ; it weefd rob lae termer of iiie. and ive .a wr of pnuection It srooid giadty m-' rar ta bar. k s-agonsm. and involve is a!i -me bdu woes of tevif war, tue srbeie -•e-nleef Aawrica. So aatwn has ever bar ' of .earf* enemies to its peace sad we lie re rnwr :im fitmbliai a So country ever bad arorv b-.aer teas, mar. these taoaucs am ID kom i c And yet, a ia a stoch men, end to roe IT ftoces. ha. pebitcssns of tte cptmsmni. pes toe crass* itfiaaaee. aasl thu" nsrsS mm ojmm_ t. aasl rigor an otgat tzaiion fihed wop deed i\ mmmf, aao pn—oar.: wen fatal ceimsyen i <w tee 11 ■"■. °"* tens wili tea teams md tea bsgbaw aeea oi ber emmmm* t' k waaid teal ai iii iliamu oialsmjilhteve - ad tewpfiß lieMii.meoairoaawg Aw—uitahj , agaia-tn -spi—■ thmaaalf Shs'-'fimiafOm^u . eon it it, mad tea wwd ersrei. BBbtt 0 of Usaaeßgirlsiwauie not u Jteii it iMis.'erbrk fof \ Kapeleun. ar.d tie te a ihuiOioi r. taaswlarifi, : : newer aaya teaas tbotg mvaapmun smrn r i i in ateererates: teeiamstterensßatethmnteira I gmai and pmgeesine.wveu uoA.s isrrev-tj i i ptemmn. j ii Ttrere is. svsaii|Sin i.ins afambi amwiitea: i| Psrais arsmasd im ama as ryaarmgo;hbmw (j . named un Ilia iiiiiimnrnilf lussi n rel-T*"p—l S prohabtv. ity toe.eidiedililniimyi gnssuoir -J led on porpeee. rotoleiiitteigßaai, <P*merasisrt to the irue peeiirou ci-Boiateih'aOiasoi nanw- |i aged mat toe sroidmg of lthe smaty lanodu: I! exact ir romtadici its nuiois .obsec: i'Hhiemv-1 : tsnnoo of die Cungseta ssan Jio. ktepUimmu. amm irmm liu Damat .teimdiol iiaiif'ittir p teuor of teermaiy ibmußhi (freritgi.t.nahßirC rrvei, and leu even die leielof dsepmsi-ina' tte rnoniD of die' Danube, ran inpeonpattim: France had werv liuletieHseaiiiililbißiaul rer, Kug-tsnd and A wona elf n.n isrese'iuiti f roe world Wnattier the Fnoscvuroinnre-l. ■aw roe hallow gaino of ftafaio. lalidonnoi ' wed at ii- or wheinea lie ems loulbrthdibd >M , erwer ii aferwaais, i is itoi oeeteteyr t dial iHiv[ certain that one tune he CBBieinmnortalgi) i oo the hwssian sole, uhd b'jit trr aiS hrossor '' woo Id nave easrwtd Snoaca Btiibitossiaitotn a mar with £npisnd rather tits:; .tuwa.jreret f , trp it is eqoaily ctear .thai tfinoseaiHiiilibts- F siw, 111 aurl. we. woohl lnee luui.me-linr ■ ! ' of the tmaty on dieaiawieuiahlitesmsiaiiatii' iuutfauu. the whateapa a:aiHi:ißtemnof didi. |, thorn. -ft li was. sum ail. die poorer *lflrbei^®^l|^^all• , ' pre dish broke up ia>- cnrotnnuiin:..;imon man any iaar dl bar.arma.braaearctrtotetahd ia France there is no luee psss6. rahiataiere' 1 all reliable news tms eoaie Imr. Lnatut-.r- ' Tbis is the ran tea. meaktrave oi th roiic . fut i ' Tunes tmeir die ariioto prsrate Atsrerv.iat'h iransmcnnns of die Franr: Boisaetsrh.iut ( enoiii ami wooUi irave en aippei orarcrnp.J anc, some of dteir eelarimiß insnwrajs.w ' to destroy all die cnntntmrcoirl idie'i-milrli 1 " people in ttierrtevemrrmni flismjisi wri J" the cases of the lloiwuiaii ul dioai* Sfhiupirni. 11 ami Ka|ioloc pai'esssv.eiinirat uiiio hhihu> mr.it. He hadhrcicuiKTiwediamemaiv wmri no nnwetee couio hevc urnirai. aiifljiti aia, now so smoothed anrer ste .tfifimuaaesms.iHr stead oi onenoirr die oamunpntvieiamrvu'.'in the parties, teweusty.ad. '3"o .fceMinivboin.M ■ by an artful dodge. h>d idie ttatmiajiiahremn-I>< ly., he pave uotnpi*a<niiu::. mh :totolhiptptalid and Austria, who ha.: die ispnif.Uicisnollil Lii the airtntamud bsnatLv '-Viaininaiumn n. -f< itd it e enntrered to get seech bras rofnihklißim- in rrrmniiUEd in bisrteeranaiihiaiid-.airbibiiulil the oiplnmaiwiN toaeilrer. no: noamnsteit n i to etgn a paper.Ftrr die wssroiroi(U'nhh:iulhl " the posvers were tiereiMtim.. l .ili: ll terorn. the Times u i trme mm nn H'jr. and all hiamisasters : mi.C .die. mßMavorm . *' . mil w ro be imwweil oi \Yha be be* itmie whlh itoe- ihror teieu :c powers he be- just ivrcrrotnissoir l itnronieii'W lolls one, Trustia taint bo-iersriMl ' las i aerepieit. urn mm as an imnptm.iinhiliisniTiyr-o muioii. Ail me nmerpsea'.juisvewtolf.iltropeei- 1 •rieii then imn.li at ctrnr;uiaiiri ]i:oir..iaU.('.' he mrecseue.) umen dieritihf-itieihd. t> Notwver. ic the pnirnfeii iuueiol\booiert- J 00 1, Jul the lws'd and iluliinciceioFitnoeri l' staml co Utgb alnowe: Comnc.aM if jhweia; this moaim:: 1 bmiuninui die .artd.. .-vmi only no die Aaretrcan cnntHmr,: arere.n.a,b ■novemeut nl Bhvnimtmaircc.iiui.Bie iF-nritrf 0 taiperor ewdref. the dsev .Tteie 'Ohrotof.iiir eiienraers tank Hera t] i fcosi- d'smh l art. aions vnppur's die itepo. am?r- mnsrs uirmr- n det. and is dierelerr ave-rosnaitpiTric rot tiros , Caihoitr-reiigißE. iNot.duasttuivroitaia'.lidfe- CbncaudaH. nor -rraiti iter •jwonn-aiohdieier j STnues has a nuarlr: me durnri ttitdnnveto > France rnron die Fanar.i 1 ilt uaue-s i o iter- 0 lams ahsotnlety. W ill mrr sirraese-t ronr*. r a: roe asm: iof Trrrermne: le vrveti idie ipsasinn i f of dm saieH Eneiasb force ti Hieeian no awe t . hirn re rnnoieiiame wtirl Tuila* ikusattH— h His power in tiuaeieiiiiaiiawuiar.drornamirh' , the Empire nf Tirdrov ui.teeiaiaigaiemiiwu e roan mat of finaomc. wliuo .ann r ti smiss— iof Northern Abaca, a iwwi Mtiri t.imnnror a 01 CaTilieee. I* ranidiy ransir-r Or wee noiiu a lime lot teuiimr t mvrn'jle e,,. to take the maanoesi mo e dimriv von Q ou: Fiance a: toh,and the wsn Arte iwwvsre * large French fiee: brrog* menvibfi.iioiiifidie China wees to share roe. metals lanforoytpti- ° acs. and the nannna: giraroßtaeromanaaircie won in ttta; oiiartc: Naivi'i mapi the jisqil r or France turn istognn aemiSh'.i riamrair 1 i and in .untmnwrr.wh- atmhdh araviemlt jiia'" IB if mi tunc- i>errr Ptimttibm i:j StaU-J/mmm!i£jkmim— sFihßii , date of the arntoai repertiof ibis msuuoirr .. tor HBi. there weir 3C50 awiiCß.i Bierei:. r since when. ASF tere bav:. -mis ste .ar: 146 dietextged er dietf BerarmgdSS oinuc. cere, s: the c:-°aeyf TBbf. >Of bteei trmbdisr , . adeirtrd daring die yes:. Bf arereasßr.t tey , the pntilic andtotuies. ai f-lh roere-siiiiiueiFc. by teeir biend* 'Of tnesi sshaiamn Zi were supgieied by -rbcitßtine eoumifiseaiai.: '74 by the i- irienc< Dl tee aaisnainame ° nmcoaraeu. SB were ngte- . SF- r waauan in .- get a. jmomeeeieni..an.l2tC.ee. T ill ta itadb—lt;er.JadrEWadlcotd 1 Pimsara Vatey. few* ererr tmtHir.t-ezrapi to dea'G ic una nuiwi tot grargumim a snsv etersi A: 3dniiiee>.jowl, rrrr sic- 1 sons, a man, - user mean- a aroa e maii.iv.wmrf 1 lawn to dead. Ttey saeu iitmnnnii'i 1 paw me night ia snow Muxnvene.etath-iee 1 wig ueiacoer Men: te aigign imr-amnrac ' an i xuuomg mamy. iy Bedpath. uteM-jmerewy moTte.'ht •• i there £ngifh Aedaaay Ceemmu vyeroewwiK - i tiki bw ernouyeif ruc-cc ateet mi ritatan . t mi been niawmiai fiytee aeiy-nartxaaiw pirns COB:, ems ancronec ihueia.asems 1 Bl r Tee fireai tearatere euiii ■ enaegr.i . mmmUki aate nar iaej i * ieiii name. ■ tad At msrn ernmereatetei ar P:enfitlißbds>aeas'cfocihr-*Rihis Lagteka. tuteratiai'.aiy res— ieaaieiq will beaHnMea-j matmrJiuii ti. r „ 'imtotia. Mid represent- • atmerkt—niaiiaaaoading'go tneteiarmeistKin j tilrtbertnaatdew uhabitauiß afce tch county'• V/A eanewrwcraved Lorn- uur HHiMpM* i rcspsifiilalif :lfißis:eteiDßtit-ofollißi4aaaldaas*e=-j r toromf-lauiiittiCtvpitol from: v*orv county j c*Eßpnri.iiinoßiui ilWßih. Fffling up theae-) blanaatfrorartiiß i, port:ot last, year, wo have j lia t.diuuswgigs-ihe statement at taxable* in I i hßifcbbtsdofctfie.ty oars 1357 V ( rtimtfir- /;r7*W,i Ctiimiua Taxable* I \ ium&t - 5 JffilMaMMy 5 026 f AUrtstpuw, 3I3TK l.dboiioti, 6.838 | \ iinHcona,. fl.flW! LdUiaht, u 101632 1 Vjqwsr. . 0,4l)tl luzerne 18.817] Kdkidtd;. .ima., i 31648; •Msntour, 3.3681 lllttlair 84)301 MaKkan, 1.631 BrbrUOld;.. i',B r.l„M*ieer, 7,32i iiMofc* laiaooJMMßfli,! 3,450 1 ; dilute 8 BOBlAftiitoer 3 337; S.Joai-Mftiitgamery, 16 793 1 v tinrsi: 6 OHtW-Nivtharnpioti, 11 233 1 Cfibitoy.. •! ,4381 iN octhumilitd, 6,038 1 Ch—stf 1618981 Pdtryy . 4,*r7j ('Kum 6.Stl3iPhlladelphii, 104.000 I 1 utttwuitl. 4.4SKi-Pikep 1620 Clin torn i 3,BoflbPdUary 2,443 ilumbia.;. 5.7ff 4><Jkuylkill, 19,330 I rantetd; 9 SW-JSifydaiy- 3^43. .mOtinnnu. 7,So4'Sonißre. f,24S Biufrttihin li.eatlbirilivan, 1,116 i 4ter#w 6 43BjH'lafUBlMIBiliii 7,139 I FKjk, I ,239H;r>t-gßj - 6.618 1 Efietc, y.oaa t'BH.uv 3.2ts I Kitswmtf 7,T36 VSimngtr, 4.814 ) Vdrosr* 2fil, iWirwt; 3,789 I Fmnkiiil. 8.834 \Vtdnni?ion, 10 007 j If* flutter I' IVtsynJ., O.TTtrf remie.- f> 336 WesimorelVl, 11 432 1 IfctitnigdPiw 6,128.' \Vvommg, 2,804 ) maim. 6,835 1 drktg. 14,667] linliiflemi)U, 3,#B®jl [ i .imMK: ISJI6BI Oieihumlrad members of the l.agislatnra ! I iaifrpuißti among this number ct taxable in- j t tiuhtras mtunv l ie -ritto of representation l i.SOCI l riiihidulphtn writ llttis have veven- t wdl be a gain of i 1 mnnMUMti Allegheny will litre lire i netnoorsius. stgiresetti. Bilks county will j 1 i>tessiaßi, members ml Schuylkill will gain i urate l.tißwaenwili.probably retain her pros- i ' in n uraaer. live .nattier traction over [out is i ittjnpt' TSkterrwiki ba-tto; iltanga in oihsr t 1 anseUliatbiate..— fbila. £vt. Jlttllelin l reports**. 110 m Mliico. Nlwr*itiiKJß, Jjur 24.C-TBaW'icayune ia I lurioompt ofr ilia-sixteen. from' 'l'ampico. ] ,I4iea; ii.tl'.B"l6lh malt Tha nows is im njrmntr. AA>aide nitatfcbaetr (ought otr the 6th inet., : aticeatriiiß-rsenlulionary loroea.under Gen. .aiato.-iiiui '.hailioverrmont troops, in which ; iianwiiireacweTß'toii'OT bath aides: but the 1 iihuh*mens t.-rens ciaimsd the victory. ITlatfcxtia oaenrted- auOld Town, and du iau lists enntnuanre-eeariv every building in j lißipidwwaaipiiinged bytba in violets. AlArlm date ot our.htu adnces.Gon. Garcia i ftr.hiaitroopri'aBdaßncuiu upon Tampi- , itKrlareu ihmrwnliin ontr a tcw tritljs nl ihe 1 neej. rHa iCovwoinem forcee, however, Kwreryrpputtng pr core iiiin battle. rßtiAmeitc.iti.Cauaei.ai.Tiirnpico has sent ! irira accptaa-toilhe Collector ot tliis port, (N. , <r!e*uai! asinog jtiat. a Keventre t'uner be j i.sii lrnmodiaieiv to (lie soene. (or -the pro- ; u'Ctmit ot. the American residents at the place, i aad>. it.Bif property, se-ths Kevclunonists • , iraetau n piPage -1 ha town Sartrcertand. riis tS'soichatel dispute is tirmaiiy at au Hinh-i Oo Tuaariatt tha • 13th. tlia Couimiitee of' 1 no:ilbuiteapofrrh at-Swiss Federal Govern iriem adoptedthenproposiMorrto release thai "ißwenrt .-VAieleersph despatch fronr Bern*, dated | Isl-ofc Jiiuittrv. lurtber aunooncea that the i Xlbiirnat.Council h.ta adopted i,,e propamine i i)frthßi*>irrmsien by 91 vntes agaiast 4.—-> I 'ne ereraPcr nbstaiaed irom- voting. The 1 t'oiranf otrSraree-haai not yet voted. Oa thai l-ara-oftTfaaaia no tormai enpagements have ; smi tniur. but. ia ..-understood that the King j if. Tatssra roripunces nii claim to the sorer- Mgmwnnd jeeenuß ot N'eulchatei. THbirrrwCaatbiaret Neufohatel and Cochle i wwtilrowevwr; remain tha King's private pro :em-.'artd "display tha - Prussian llag, audi aireswrTuardemred (rom-iherr dominions ia . '-.rbrndisbttTaed-in iocai. chan ies. The rev- t 1 too.amounts to ahanvS 15 000 a year. : rrcnuaT Ffiia-v—K&ay on Tliursday i arnvng. .Mr aa old stana ivi ehotrse, the ' , ratrarrv rtnlha.fitrawile and Ifanville Kaii r wk( crnpaiu, situated I slow Mi. Carbon,, Fiuvvsatsei'-oartica aicd destroyed with its' iimtßißs.- I'ounsrmg.TL SISOO worth ot oil, , b tieaaasgdotrß} P2 Taylor; SSOO worth of: A. S. Mborhead, of Potts- : irin.-aml a arsaii.amount of hay belcncing . ; v.wlfc.therbiyv ,o l .auiaace cn any ot the | ; rutimty - ; faril— HBaaaßat—f.ast Fri-1 l IV r ssi't'isn. George Wynko ip and . Mfcl djwylt: F.liott. ol Ponaoiila, Pa.. wa*ei rraerTrmirrfmm- Misersntie to- ilia foratar i piaoec metr. Meieh was upa trrd both iha I gmremair lansy t rutaad, and tha haraw, a t vsw vnrnabie eiumai. ran oa and rras finally ; :'vtrcd.j'a.;r. tha open t moers of a railroad i c baen killed by a tumours.. 'w-Fasnni*t*.t ouanei."-rti9 morning stealer is I if naaoir ate: no Gatety, Mf. \V. ' lit.L)4ntseytha,*levw romadran, waa glad : ;o:criseeviv tnavl,e,*iat i ranrw the mow 11tile i (BnE e b4o.odtl in me Marrtond Lousry, of! wwarii ifi i ranee A..trn. unt tha vnanagers—4 AAcomssatKMr.lor a ttiinnieis Pan— iliaoigbs i I; ÜBj Diailgoi lairfoaaun. Ino - lottery in j rtJßssiylewi'. :rt Btliuie consequence whether I a -t IBSCS: r.3IIMS ft rot; iVfts York Aundav j junnt .Aiesarafeliififlo.oa Stk-bbw a own limi I in i iiil iaaiii pi sill oil i i a imiaaaa'i Ledger. A/aaoa'StOi>w in UtnueaotH. Kafrnct/r oflm LtUte cj a JPkUaiklpkia Lady m J! Hunt tot a. JiKVtRT, 4th, 1837—4 l is a. stormy San day, which is nothing uncommon hera; il enovwalmoasevory Sunday, and aiee every day during Iha weak, byway of change. The wraihor is very colli; iha thermomalor stands beJow zaro all ilia lima—somarimasasmuch afthirty degrees. I went down Mr. H'e, at Minneapolis, on a visit, last raor.'h. My husband wont altar ma witli a wagon, his sleigh not bsing .ready j bat he found it vary hard work to get along, and it woofj bo worse on his return, as ho had a load of goods to take with htm; so Mr. 11. proposed to lake me end bis daughter Addio in his eultar. My tiuiband and J. M. starred with the wagon a day before us, but we overtook them before night. On the afternoon of tne second day wr reached Ulencoe. We etiil had twelve miles In go over so unbroken prairie, having no landmarks bat the distent grove, which was difficult lo die earn, on account of the falling snow, conse quently wo got romplsiely lost. Wo could not go back for r.'ghtwaa eoming on, and we could not tell which way to go. We drove on until w# found thst wo wam-ernss ing our own track; wo were then completely bawriderad ; tha horses were tired out with two days' travel; it became very dark, rind ; there wo were in the midst of the prairie, like a dismantled ship in the midst of the ocean, not a tree or bush in sight, and il Was getting colder every minute. Mr. H. halloed as loog and as loud a* he could, but wa could hear no sound bul iha mocking echo of his voice and filially raada op our minda thai wo would have to pass the night on the prairie. Wo were well wrapped up in Buffalo robes, and we thought it possible lo keep from freetiug until morning. At length Mr. 11. raised his voice again, and we heard a gun fired ; this , gave us new bops, and wo drove as we thought toward the sound. Recalled again, still driving on nnd railing, but heard no an swer until at length wo heard a gun mora distinctly. Wa then stopped, and Addle and 1 jioeJ onr voices with hi*, and wa heart! so an swering shout, ami I can assure you it was a joyful round. After wailing half an hour it proved to ha the man from our own settle mem. They had heard us for ennve lime, but we ware driving away front ttiem all the time. Thev were almost exhausted and ou the point ot giving up sevrnl limns, but whan they Ittard our voices, they said, 'there is woman there! go ahead.' If they had not persevered, we certainly would have frczsn to death, far thv rcld became mora intense towards morning. It was aftrr 9 o'clock when we arrived at home. We laugh about it now, but indeed it was no joke tiien. We have had very good sleighing, but ii is over now, for some time at lea'.t; ihe drifts are so heavy. The, men ttartao to take Ad ilie home, but (hey had to return. A few weeks ejo, wa went lo Hutchinson, which ie ten miles otr the mercury dawn to sixieurt i below zero; ro you raa thai I sisnJ the cold ! pretty well. We all srtj ty good liaallh, and , and are doing as well ut coulj be expsc'.sd in the midst of the snow. .esse An Doqncnt Passage. Thos. F. Meagher, the Irish orator, lately ! delivered an address in New York, outit'ed | Contrast between Royalty and Republi ! canism." After describing the terrible i scenes through which Napoleon 111 , passed I on his way to the throne of France, the speaker drew a contrast between the crown. i ing of Napoleon and the inauguration of Mr. Buchanan, in the course of which ho ! used the following glowing language : I '• Enough to say, that having from his ear i licst manhood served his country faithfully * —having honestly worked out his appren i ticeship to her—now in the solid maturity i of his years she rewards him with the lar- Igest share of the concern. Enough to say, that having with diligence, spotless recti ; tude. and the steadiest abiiity, labored for : years to consolidate her interests, augment i her fortune and domain, extend her salutary influence and establish her good nsme; i never having, as that Prince of darkness ru : ling France had done, disturbed the public i peace to aggrandize himself; never having steamed up the Potomac, with a starved ea ! g'e under his arm. to pounce upon the Trea sury; never having sought to corrupt the , army, the clergy, or the magistracy; bresk . ing no taw, oath or covenant; sturdily de -1 voted to republicanism here, elsewhere, . and everywhere, in London as well as Lan -1 caster; without resorting to the least intrigue, i treachery or violence; without a speck of ; olood upon his hand or the shadow of a . falsehood on his soul—he is declared tha , First Cuixen of America, j "On the fourth day of March fie will pro ceed to the Capitol, and there, in the pres. , ence of the Senate, the messengers of tha j electoral college, the House of Representa i tires, embassadors of foreign courts, dele ; gations from every State, officers of tha j braTe and enlightened Army, to vrhese cus ' tady is committed the ensigns of the Re* , public, officers of the Navy, whose wooden ; walls bear through the storm the thnnder bolte of Freedom—standing on the step* ot tha Capitol, in presence of this great air dieace. with head uncovered, he will caß upon God—as God will be his judge—to be the witness of the truth with which he ecu secra'es himself to the high ministry of ths Commonwealth. In its modesty, paretic , corum, sublime signiftcance—'with liberty to illuminate, the spirits of tha revolutionary j 1 .ethers to sanctity, and Providence to bleee it—it was a scene which would infinitely i transcend the baptism of the child of France', j the obsequies of We'litig oa, tha installation of tha Eagles in the Cham da Mara, tha masquerades of Windsor, where a daehess studs herself with a million worth of dia , monds, or the coronation of the Mncovita." OFW. Walker, the Depoiy Warden of iha Ms—cbusees bine Prison, was slabbed oa the 13th ins*, whHa I—ing the ehapsl, by a prisoner tiaaaad McGbt* He qjted i oast imateiiateiy /
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers