The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 04, 1857, Image 1
■ ■ t THE STAR OF THE NORTE B. W# Weaver, Proprietor.] VOLUME 9. THE STAR OP TIIP, NORTH 1* PUSLISHED CVKHY WEDNESDAY MORNING BT H. iV. AV::Vvtn, OFFitt—ffpitairs, inthenew brick build ing, on Ibe south oj Main Street, third iquurc below Itlurket. 'I'Y; It >1 S :—Two Dollars per annum, if paid within fix months frotn the time of sub icribug ; two dollars nni! fifty rents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until nil arrearages are pnid, uuless at the option of the editor. ADVLiiTf-UiMCNTs not exceeding one square will be inserted threa times for One Dollar, and twenty five cents for each additional in seition. A liberal discount will be inado to ( those who advertise by the year. Prom the Weekly Pendulum. WINTEH--W4 U'l NG hull HIE 'I K A IN. Snow-drifts in the valleys, Snow drills on the plain, Snow-drifts on the highway, Snow-drifts in the lane- Bless mo, l.ow delightful Waiting for the train. Tony anxious passengers, Depot nine by seven, riold* by dint of squeezing, Only ivvenly-seven! Fat man on the platform, Half tJiMcured by-snow, Tries to wedge inside—desists, Finding it "no go; Woman with a baby * Cannot gel a chair, Holds the little innocent Dangling in the air; Baby rather fractious, Gos9 agai. si his grain In a crowded depot r Waiting for the train ! ■ -JL . Lawyer from li e city V Looks a little down, Just received some evidence, "Jenkins versus Brown ;" Can't help feeling nervous, Case comes on to-day, J He, defendant's counsel, Thirty miles away I Hoars grow nut of minutes, Time speeds on apace, Snow-flake after snow-flake Leads a merry chase; Passengers are wratlly, Bitterly complain, Do not seem tg relish Waiting lot the train I Maiden, with a band-box And u funk of hair, Siliiuit in the corner With a doleful air, Thinks it more than probable (Thought how full of freight!) L> that crovvdo I depot Sim must pass the nigld. Tall man, drossed in broad cloth, Looking very grurn, Thinks the end of all things Very nearly come: Largely quotes from Daniel, Making il quite plain • That the world, like ns, is • Waiting for the trair. ! Snow-drift" in. the valleys, Snow-drifts on the plain, Sfiow-diifts on the highway, I Snow-drifts in the lane— Bless me how delightful Waiting for the train I CART. CANTAB. freezing to Death. [ That to be frozen to death must be a fright ful torture, many would consider certain, from their own experience of the effects of cold, But here we fall into the usual error of supposing that the suffering will increase Jj> with the energy of the agent, which could only bo the c;se if sensibility remained the same. Intense cold brings on speedy sleep, l whioli fascinates the senses, and fairly bo guiles men out of their lives. The most cu rious example of the seductive powers ol cold, is to be found in the adventures of the botanical party, who, in Cook's first voyage, were caught in a snow storm on Terra del Fuego. D*. Solander, by birth a Swede, And well acquainted AVith the destructive de- K ■ ceils of a rigorous climate, admonished the company, in defiance of lassitude, to keep moving on. "Whoever," said lie, "sits down will sleep—and whoever sleep* will perish." The doctor spoke as a sage, bui he felt as a man. In spite of the remonstrances of those whom he had instructed and alarmod, he was the first to lie down and die. The A same warning was repealed a thousand K times in the retreat from Moscow. Allison, the historian, to try the experiment, sat down in his garden at night, when (he thermome- V let had fallen four degrees below zero, and K so quickly did the drowsiness come stealing on, that he wondered how a soul of Napo leon's unhappy band had been ablo to re sist the treacherous influence.— London Qi/ar terly. Fating Horse Meat. The French restaurants are just now serv ing up horse meat (so we learu by tiieir pa pers.) as one of the greatest "delicacies of the season," and the French journals have a good deal to say on the subject. In Berlin, also, horse rneal is a great luxury. A gen tleman—an American gentleman—who has recently been residing* in that city, assures us that, cooked in vinegar, it is better than beef or venison; and such is the rage for it among epicures that a good fat horse will bring more money in the butcher's sham bles, than for any other purpose. The au thorities hare made it an offence, punishable by fine and imprisonment, for a horse lo be killed in Berlin without a physician's certifi- Icate that the animal was not-diseased. How long will it be before our gourmands, with European tastes, will affect a fashionable relish for horseflesh. MAKING CANNON.— An irishman being ask ed if he knew how cannons are made, re- I one worJ-^jf I to this four Ida th ®y m,k# lo "8 hohs Uow Por hr... around it." M||lestnees, St BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1857. AN ACT For the security of Railroad Companies and [ tofity of travelers, introduced into the Sennit j ly Mr. Browne. SECTION I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and 1 il is hereby enacted by tin authority of the same, That every conductor, baggage master, engi neer, brakeman, or other servant of any rail road company employed in any passenger train or at stations for passengers, shall wear upon his hat or cap a budge which shall in dicate bis office and the initial letters of the name of such cornpauy; and no conductor or collector without such badge, shall be en titled lo demand or receive from any passen ger any tare, or ticket, or to exercise any of the powers of hui office; and no office; or servant without suclt badge, shall have au thority to meddle or interfere with any pas senger, his baggage, or properly ; any per son who shall, without the authority o( such company, assume such a badge, br any badge indicating an appointment by such company, shall be finable therefor for each appearance with such badge ten dollars, lo be recovered by the company, before any alderman or justice of the peace. SEC. 2. That if any passenger shall refuse to pay his or her fare, or be disorderly in his or her conduct, and offensive to other pas sengers, it shall be lawful for the conductor of any pissengor train and the servants of the company, to put him or her and his or her baggage out of the care, using no unne cessary force, at any usual stopping place or near any dwelling-house, as the conductor shall elect on slopping the train : Provided, That the passage money paid for the dis tance not traveled shall be refunded or ten dered to such ejected passenger. SEC. 3. That every engineer of any loco motive engine upon any railroad, shall cause the steam whistle or bell thereof to bo soun ded at the distance of eighty rods from the point where every highway shall cross such railroad at the same level, except in cities or boroughs, where the streets occur at shorter intervals, where such sounding shall be re peated at distances not greater thatveighty rode, and in the built parts of any cities or boroughs the speed shall not be greater than shall be permitted by ordinance of such cities or boroughs, and any omission ol said requi sitions shall be a misdemeanor. SEC. 4. That whensoever ony intersection of a railroad and other highwoy at the same level shall not be guarded by a watchman, it shall be the duly of the conductor or engi neer of any locomotive engine, when r.p proaching such intersection, if by reason of any intervening obstruction, or Ihe daikncss of night at any lime previous to ten o'clock, P. M., travelers upon the intersecting high way approaching the intersection cannot bo seen, or if seen, they shall have approached within eighty rods of such intersection, to cause the speed of the engine to be reduced to the rate of twelve miles per hour, when at tho distance of eighty rods from such in tersection, and not to iriereaso such speed until ihe intersection be passed by the loco motive, aud for the brakeman of each pas senger car lo man the brake; and any omis sion of such duty by such conductor or brake man shall be a misdemeanor; and there shall be the like precaution observed under the like penalty, whensoever any locomotive and train shall approach within eighty rods of any drawbridge, whether the same be guarded or not, and that during all hours of ihe day and night. SEC. 5. Thai any person who shail cross with a horse or vehicle, any railroad or a road at the samo level, or drive any animal thereupon, while any locomotive shall be approaching within forty rods of such inter section, or shall not when within fifty yards of the crossing, stop at the sound of the sig nal required by this act to be from the loco motive, shall be guilty of and punished for a misdemeanor under ibis act? SEC. 6. That every railroad company now incorporated, or hereafter to be incorporated, shall have the power conferred by the eighth section ofninteenth February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, entitled "An Acl regulating railroad companies," lo change the site of any turnpike, or public or private road, and to carry it over or undot their rail road, by causeway, oulvcrt or bridge, at a dif ferent level from such railroad, paying any damage incurred thereby, as in said aot pro vided. SEC. 7. That it shail be the duty of every railroad company operating upon any single railroad track within this Commonwealth, to make, publish and keep furnished to their conductors and engineers, a schedule of their running lime on such railroad, designating what train or trains, shall have the preference on said road, and how long such preference shall continue, so that no two trains moving in opposite directions, shall be upon said sin gle tiack railroad at tho same time, without a switch and sliding between them, unless the train which shall be out of time shall Le preceded by an agent on foot, at least eighty rods in advance thereof, exhibiting a red flag by day and a red light by night; and any omission of the duty imposed on this section ihall be a misdemeanor in the conductor and engineer of the train, and subject the compa ny to all damages ensuing from such neglect: Provided. That the requirements of thi* sec tion shall not be applied to local branches of railroads leading to coal and other mines, and not designed for general or passenger travel. SEC. 8. That whensoever any train of cars or locomotive shall be stopped upon the line of any .-ailsoatf, where other trains may be i approaching on the same track for five mm- tiles or upwards, it shall be the duty of such conductor as may have the same in charge, to send back a person to the distance of at least eighty rods with a red flag in the day, and if at night with a lantern shewing a red light, to give warning to an approaching train ; and also il at night, to place a red light in the rear end of the hind car oflho station ary train, or in the rear end of the locomotive if no car be attacked, and any omissions of | this duly shall be a misdemeanor in such con conduclor; and any person who shall exhibit \ said signals without authority, shall be guilty I of and punished for a misdemeanor under this aot. ! SEC. 9. That if any person while in charge 1 of a locomo'ive engine tunning upon any ; railroad, or while acting as the conductor o( i tha car, or train of cars on any railroad, shall ! be intoxicated, he shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and besides the penalty hereinafter provided, shall be liable lo indictment in the court of quarter sessions, and tn an impris onment not exceeding ninety days ; and any person who shall sell or give, or permit any person by him or her employed, to | sell, or give any intoxicating liquor to any | engineer, fireman, agent or conductor, while I in the charge of any locomotive or train attached to a locomotive, shall be guilty of and punished for a misdemanor under this act. SEC. 10. That it shall be the duly of every railroad company, owning or using any rail road, to place and maintain at the intersec tion of every highway with such railroad at the same level, a sign board across the in tersecting highway, so placed as not to ob struct travelers and loaded vehicles, and lo be conspicuously seen; and painted on each side upon a white ground with capita I letters in black, not less than six inches in length and one in widih in the heavy parts of the letter, "look out for engine," or equivalent warning, and also to plant and maintain each way from such intersection and distant therefrom eighty rods on the side of the rail way, a white post with n letter W. of the size aforesaid, painted thereon in black. SEC. 11. That it shall be the duly of every railroad company owning or using any rail road which shall pass through enclosed or fenced parts of the country, lo construct at every commencement and termination of such enclosure, cattlo guards and fences across the railway and adjoining ground, ad equate to prevent cattle, horses, sheep and pigs from entering upon the railway track ; and if any person shall ride, lead or drive i any horse or other animal upon such railroad, ( other than at highway and farm crossings, or shall walk along said railway without the railway tracks, where so enclosed, without tho consent of tho railroad company or its agent, he or she shall be guilty of and pun ished for a misdemeanor. SEC. 12. That if any person employed in repairing any railroad shall lake up a bar, or otherwise interrupt the connection of the rails on which locomotives and trains are passing, without exhibiting a rod flag by day and a red light by night on each side, at least eigh ty rods distant from the place ol repair, he shall be guilty of and punishable for a mis demeanor under this act. SEC. 13. That every person who shall bo guilty of any neglect or omission hereby de clared to be a misdemeanor shall be liable ! lo a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each offence, to be recovered as any debt of that amount is by law recov erable ; and every railroad company which 1 shall neglect any of the requisitions enjoined upon them by this act, or shall make any rule or give any order contrary hereto, shall for each violation of this act, and fur each month's neglect to comply therewith, be lia ble to a fine not less than twenty Oor more than two hundred dollars, to be recovered as aforesaid; and also in default of payment of any fine incurred by any person in their em ployment, under this act shall be liable there \ for, and be authorized lo deduct the same from his wages: Provided, That where sev eral fines have accrued, they shall be consoli dated, and il exceeding in ihe aggregate one hundred dollars, sued for in court, with re- I covery of single costs; and any persoff j ing once sued shall pot afterwards sue for i any fine previously incurred; all such suite, j if lor cause occurring in the oily of Philadel phia shall be in the name and for said city; and all for cause occurring elsewhere ph all be iu the name of the supervisors or road commissioners of the townships whore die penally accrued, which shall be applied to wards the expenses of repairing highways, except two fifths thereof, which shall be paid lo Ihe prosecutor. SEC. 14. That whensoever any passenger on any railroad shall be injured while on the platform of the car, there being room in lh.e car for his accommodation, or any baggage, wood or freight car, or by puttiug his head or arms out of the window while the car shall be in motion, contrary to any printed direc tion* placed conspicuously in the passenger cars of the trains, such company shall not be liable for snch injury. SEC. 15. That whensoever damages shall have accrued for any negligence or unlawful violence by ar.y railroad company or others, and dealti shall have ensued in consequence thereof, any recovery therefor by the legal representatives of such deceased, entitled lo recover the same, shall not exceed for any single death five thousand dollars. Sic. 16. That this sol, as to 60 much (here of a* requires railroad companies to make new constructions, shall not go into effect be fore (be first day of July next; and nothing herein contained, shall relieve any railroad company from answering in damagee besides the penalties aforesaid for any injury or loss Truth and Right God and dnr Country. resulting from their negligence or misfeas ance, or that of persons by their employers, except that any disregard for the require ments of this act, shall be taken to be negli gence or misfeasance on the part of the com pany omitting or disregarding the same. SEC. 17. That il any locomotive engineer, conductor of a train, switch or drawbridge tender, or other person in the employment of any railroad company, shall by his negligence or disobedience of law or the regulations of the company, cause injury to any person lawfully travelling upon such railroad, either as a passenger or as oil employee of the com pany, or other person lawfully crossing the same, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be puni.-hed by imprisonment not exceeding twelve months in the county jail; and if death shall have ensued from such injury, he shall be guilty of manslaughter, and upon conviction in the proper county, shall be punished as the crime of manslaughter is punishable by law. SEC. 18. That any person who shall wilful ly, maliciously and with premeditation place any obstructiou on any railroad, or shall re move a rail or other part therefrom, or change the switch thereof, whereby the death ol any person shall be occasioned, shall be guilty of murdor in the first or second degree, accord ing to the finding of the jury, and upon con viction thereof, shall be punished as *aid crime is by law punishable; and il in such case any parson shall be maimed or injured thereby, and no death shall have been occa sioned thereby, such person shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall undergo solitary confiemetii at labor, according to the enormity of the circumstan ces, not exceeding ten yeare. SEC. 19. That every railroad company shail have one or more places to deposit lost bag gage and freight, where all articles lost or omitted to be called for, shall be deposited, and advertised once in each month by murks or description, the expense whereof shall be charged to the lost baggage account; and shall keep a list thereof and nolo thereon the disposition made of the same; and when ever such articles have temaiiied on deposit ono year, shall proceed to sell ihe same alter advertisement in at least two contiguous newspapers three limes during not less than six days, and credit the proceeds lo sard ac count ; Provided, That if such articles be perishable and be so adjudged by an alder man or justice ot the pence after inspection, the same may be forthwith sold, afier adver tisement as last aforesaid ; and for such or der embracing all articles to be then sold as perishable, the alderman shall receive fifty cents, and ten cents for each additional pack age, to be charged to such account, and if any owner shall appear and prove property after such sale, he shall receive from such company the net proceeds, but all proceeds not called lor, Fhall be a reserved fund to defray tho passage of poor persons reluming to their homes or places of settlement. SEC. 20. That every passenger car ta be legally competent for the service of carrying passengers, and to exonorale any cirriers thereby from default in respect thereto, shall be constructed with wheels, trucks, and safety-beams, with the most approved im provements; and all axles and wheels here after supplied foi locomotives and cars,6hall have the name of tho manufacturer thereof legibly stamped thereupon : Provided, That this section shall not require the owners to alter existing cars before the end of a year from the date hereof. SEC. 21. Every railroad company opera ling within this State, shall cause a printed copy of this act lo be framed under glass, and kept conspicuously hung in each room for the reception of passengers at every pas senger station of such company, under the penalty of five dollars for each omission, to be recovered as other penalties of that amount are made recoverable by (his act. SEC. 22. That it shall be the duly of the Canal Commissioners to comply with the requisitions of this act, so far as the same are applicable to the public Works of this Commonwealth, j INNOCENT POISONING BY ADULTERATION • j Dr. Normandy gives a ease in which a gen : tleman was poisoned without anv person be ing directly responsible for the net. Tho case WPS as follows : A gentleman was ta -1 ken suddenly ill after eating some double Gloucester cheese, and his medical attend ant having with much perseverance deter . mined to trace Ihe poison to its source, did , so with tha following result. Tho cheese he found had been colored in the ordinary | way with ar.notla ; the annotta Had been j heightened in color with a little vermillion, , which in small quantities is a comparatively j harmless pigment ; the vermillion had been, i however, previously adulterated with red lead; and hence all this mischief. The | adulterator had been adulterated; ar.d each person in the series of successive falsification | worked independently of the other, and was not of course aware of the manner in which he was preparing poison for the public.—As sociation Med. Journal. A GOOD ONE. —David Crocket happened to be present at an exhibition of uuimali some time ago, at least, in ihe city of Wash ington, where a monkey seemed to attract liia particular attention, and he abstractedly observed : "If that fellow had on a pair of spectacles, lie would look like Major Wright, of Ohio. The Major happened to be jast behind Crocket, and overheard the observation, and gently tapped Davy on the shoulder. Turn ing around, Davy vary formally remarked— "l'll be hanged, Major, if I know whose pardon to ask, your's or the monkey'a." Little Itulcs. Keep a bag for odd pieces of tape and sirings, and a bag or box for old buttons. I Have plenty of towels in the kitchen, or Biddy will use your napkins. Do not let coffee and lea stand in tin. i Keep tinware dry, scald wooden ware often. • Brass anil-irons should be cleansed, done up in pajaer, and put in a dry place for sum mer. Keep a coarse broom for the cellar stairs, wood-shed, yard, &e. Never use a carpet broom for suah places. A little salt sprinkled in starch, whilst boilina, prevents its slicking ; it is also good to stir it with a clean sperm candle. Green tea is good to restore rusty silk. Il should be boiled in iron—a cupfuil lo three quarts.- The silk should not be wrung, but ironed damp. Glass cylindrical vessels may be cut in two by tying round them a worsted thread, wet wito spirits of turpentine, and then set ting (he thread on fire. When ihe stopper of a glass decanter is 100 tight a cloth wet with hot woter and ap plied to Ihe neck will cause the glass to ex pand, and the stopper may easily be re moved. Limo sifted through coarse muslin, and stirred pretty thick with tho white of an egg, makes a strong cement for glass or china Blaster of-Paria, pulverised, is still better, and should be stirred by 'he spoonful as it is wattled. English Love of Wealth. There is r.o country in which so absolute an homage is paid to wealth. In America, there is a touch of shame when a man exhib its the evidence of large ptoperly, as if, afier all, it needed apology. But the Englishman has pure pride in his wealth, and esteems it a final certificate. A coarse logic rule thro'- out all English souls; if you have merit, can you not show il by your good clothes, and coach, and horses? How can a man be a gentleman without pipe or wine? Haydor. says, "There is a fierce resolution to make every man live according to the means he possesses." There is a mystery of religion in it. They are under the Jewish law, and read with sonorous emphasis that their days j shall be long in the land, they shall have sons : and daughters, flocks and herds, wine and oil. In exact proportion is the reproach of | poverty. They do not wi-h to be misrepre ! sealed except by opulent men. All English man who had lost his fortune, is said lo have ; died of a broken heart. Nelson said, "The 1 want of fortune is a crime which I ran never get over." Sydney Smith said, "Poverty is infamous in England.— Emerson. A I'roud Position. The London Times has an article on the probable policy of the President elect, with this flattering interrogatory: "Who would noi be the President of the United States—the choice of a nation of free men, the object of most infinite care, solici tude, and contention lo 27,000,000 of tho most intelligent of the human race, the ob ject at which every man's finger points, lite topic on which every man's tongue descanis —raised above his fellow men by no acci dent of birth, by no mere superiority of wealth, but by the presumed fiiness of his personal qualities for one of Ihe most eleva ted situations that a man can be called upon to fill." Modern Deflulilons. Progress of Time—A pedlargoing through | the land wiih wooden clocks. Iligtd Justice—Juror on a murder case fast asleep. Friend—One who takes your money and, then turns you out of doors, Honesty—Obsolete; a term formerly'used the Case of a man who had paid for his newspaper and the coat on his back. Independence—Owing mote than fifty thousand dollars which you never intend to pay. I Lovely Woman—An article manufactured by milliners— "Who wants but litile hero belong And wants that little fot a show." Dandy—A thing in pantaloons with a body and two Brms—a head without brains—tight boots—a cane—a white handkerchief, two broaches, and a ring on his lilile finger. Natalies of Municipal (Jificers. New York, with 629,000 people, pay* its Mayor a salary of 53,000 a year; Philadel phia, with 500,000 people, pave its Mayor £6,000; Cincinnati, with 210,000 pays its Major §2,000; Baltimore, with 200,000 peo ple, (jays its Mayor §2,000; Boston, with 165,000 people, pays its Mayor §4,000 ; and Chicago! with its 80,000 people, pays its Mayor §1,200 a year. The police of New York costs about §825,506 a year; Ibat of Philadelphia, §546,345 ; (hat of Cincinnati, §73,103 ; (hat of Baltimore, is §45,000; that of Boston, §188,286; that of Chicago, 248 a year. A VERY SINGULAR AFFAIR.—A very curious case of confusion has taken place in a family in Lumber Street, on Arbor Hill. A mother and her daughter wore both con fined on the same day, each having a little son. In the bustle of the moment both ba bies were placed in a rradlo, and to the confusion of the mothers, when the young sters were taken from the cradle, they wero unable to tell which was tho moihor's and which was the daughter's son—a matter which, of course, must ever remain a mys tery. The family is in great distress over the affair..4Cxiny — Knickerbocker. MEDICAL DIFFICULTIES. — By Wm. A. Alcott, M. D —Medical men, like men of oilier pro fessions, have their difficulties. They have not always smooth sailing, unembarrassed by winds, breakers or tides, which are un favorable. Here is a tobacco chewing or smoking pa tient. Perhaps he has used his tobacco 40 years, till ho is fairly milhsidatcd by it Had you called on him a few days before he called on you, and after kindly inquiring about his health, had you suggested, with ever so much modesty and moderation, the necessity of a change in his habits, he would doubtless havo told you sarcastically, "0, I have used the 'poisonous creatnro' half a life-time, and am not injured by it yet." And had you labored with him two hours, or even a whole day, to convince him of his error, your labor might have been wholly in vain. But now he is sick ; not merely a little sick, but severely so.— His nervous system is prostrated, as well as his muscular powers. Does he know how much greater the prostration is for having benumbed his nervous system with a filthy narcotic, every day, for one hundred ani> fifty thousand successive days ? There is great irritation and tenderness about the region of the liver; with seasons of nausea, and perhaps vomiting; does he know how much more severe his bilious affection is, in consequence of having narcotized his system daily for almost half a century ? Constipation, alternated, perhaps, with oc casional diarrhtea, is another troublesome symptom; does he know how much of this is owing to his long use of tobacco? In short, he has been using medicine daily,— for if tobacco is not a medicine, pray what is ?—for forty years or more ; and now does he expect other medicine, such as his phy sician may think it needful to prescribe, will have its wonted effect ? Is there no danger of having his disease aggravated, rather than relieved, by the administration of new medicine ? Does ho not know, that no phy sician in the world, however skilful he may be, can so apportion his doses to the case ot an individual who has, -for many long years, been dosing or drugging himself, till he has either become mithsidated, or has passed beyond the mount of mithsidatiou to the gulf of cachexy or general prostra tion and helplessness, which lies beyond it? ! And does he not know, —for it not, his phy- I sician. if he is a man who is worthy of the I name, knows it quite too well, —that all ac tive medicine is like a sword with two edges, which cannot be used in the vital domain without doing execution in some way? for if it does not cut in one direction, I it does in another. j Here is a patient who lias used alcohol all his life-time, r.rhaps, indeed, that life jis as yet but a short ono. He is hardly 35 j years of age ; yet his constitution is as much l impaired as that of many people at sixty, j True, he was never intoxicated,—he would j have shuddered, always, at the thought of a j lurking suspicion of this sort in any human j mind. But he lias drank his dram at fivo ! o'clock, ere rising ; at eleven o'clock, as a j preparation for dinner; and at four o'clock j in the afternoon, as steadily and as certain i ly as these seasons have recurred, till his | system is poisoned through every pore and I fibre. And yet, till lately, be has scarcely i felt a pain. Now, a host of exciting causes, j as so many igniting sparks, have kindled i into a flame all the latent predispositions ; to disease, which a long, biit # persevering | course of transgression had induced. lie j realizes, just now, —did he but realize it,— I the full import of the saying of Solomon : j " Because sentence against an evil work is | not executed speedily, therefore the heart' i of the sons cf men is fully set on them to ! t do evil," | But what can be done with him ? As j surely as alcohol has circulated through | every pore of his system for twenty ofthir j ly years, just so surely lias lie been poison | ed, as 1 said before, at every pore. The i mucous membranes, in particular, are pois i oned. For proof ot this, you havo but to j lay open his alimentary canal, or his bron j chial tubes, and what do you see but hol low passages as red as fire—indeed, on fire — that is. in a state of sob-inflammation ? Now in these circumstances what can medicine 'do? or if any thing in any shape, what shall |it be, and in what shape. l No living medi cal man, be ho wise as the wisest of the .present or the past, can tell. He can guess, I and perhaps a little better than those who | havo neither studied the human constitu- J lion nor the nature or power of medicine.— i But he must guess, still; it is onlj' guessing jin such circumstances. Is there no difficul i ty in the practice of medicine? j Here is a female patient. She has lived twenty years, it may be more, for I have seen women, —married women at least,— I who wore over twenty. But young as she is, she is full of disease, and would gladly be freed from at least a part of it. What is to be done? Wo must look well to the causes of her suffering. She has neither drunk spirits, nor used tobacco. I recall; she has done both. She has drunk spirits, alcohol, whenever she has drunk cider, beer, ale, or wine. All fermented drinks con tain moro or less of alcohol; and though she would not for tho world have drank dis tilled spirits, she has not hesitated, occasion ally, to drink fermented drinks,— wine, with considerable freedom. I have even heard her speak, with much emphasis, of the fu ture triumphs of temperance, from the in creased and very general cultivation of tho grape, and the consequent manufacture of large quantities of wine in this country, as in France. Rut she has also drunk tea and coffeo nd libitum ; and her nervous system is [Two Dollars per Annum, NUMBER 3. in a most terrible condition. HoW, in sock circumstances, is her family physician to apportion his dose, whether allopathic, or homoeopathic,—whethor botnnie or miner al, —to her case 1 Is he not quite as likely to madden, still more, her already half fren zied brain as to allay irritation by his medi cine..! Or, finally, what is stiil more frequent among us, hero is a child, 'dreadfully sick,' with bowel complaint. As yet he has nev er drunk alcohol, whether in one form of another; or smoked or chewed tobacco.—* Nor has he become, at such a tender age, an inveterate tea or cofiee drinker. It 19 true lie lias been fod a year or two of the most important, because most formative stage of his existence, on the poisoned streams of the body of another individual and it is equally true that he has been com pelled to breathe, for many a juvenile hour, an atmosphere poisoned with the smoke of another's pipe or cigar. But this, though bad enough for incipient human life, is not quite so bad for him as another, and in ita results; more deadly form of treatment still, at the hands of those who should have been his preservers and benefactors. Lay open his intestinal canal, and you will find it, from beginning to end, having, as the vul gar phrase it, an angry appearance, and, perhaps, in some places, thickly studded with ulcers. Is this diseased membrane a suitable place for the exhibition of active medicine! Will any scientific medical man be so daring and reckless, in of such considerations as are likely to present themselves to his mind, in these .days, when called to a sick child, as to venture on what is usually called an active*Or hold treatment! Yet he is expected to Ab some thing—something, too, which will inspire confidence. The parents, who have given their dearest child saleratus, pepjler, spice, salt, lard, butter, and all sorts of concentra tions, and the grandparents, 'who have, either by stealth or otherwise, give him extra rations, at all hours, especially those .which were unreasonable, of pie, cake, sweatmoats and confectionery, will be the last to bo satisfied with an expectant treat ment. The physician knows all this; yet lie knows that the more imminent the dan ger, the greater the necessity of leaving Nature so undisturbed and unembarrassed, that she may exert the fall force of her re cuperative power, without which recovery will be impossible. So great will be hie j difficulty that it should excite no surprise to hear him say, in the deep anguish of hi* soul, that it must be so, —if people will live in (his temperate way, and thus irritate and poison their solids and fluids, it were far better to trust the issue to Nature and good nursing, than to attempt'any thing by means of medicine. Indeed it may be laid down, as an incontrovertible axiom, that all forms of medication, in such cases, are much worse than nothing; and were society but - aware of the facts in the case, they would j either abandon their habits or abandon phy sicians and medicine. Both cannot, with safety, be retained.— Medical World. TALL MEN.—A man by the name of Bour bon, a native of Maryland, now in his sev entieth year, ia residing in Kentucky,—the father of a family unrivalled for their physic cal development. Og, king of Bashan, and the sons of Anak. were not many feet tailor. Maximinis, the Thracian shepherd, who became a Roman Emperor, rather over topped tho Bourbons,—being nearly eight feet in altitude, and of incredible strength. The late celebrated jurist, tha Hon. Jere miah Mason, of Boston, was six feet and four inches in height. Dr. Griffin, formerly a clergyman of l'ark Street Church, and subsequently president of Williams College in Western Massachusetts, was also six feet and four inches. A farmer, quite a youth, residing in the country not fur from this city, who occasionally comes to market, attracts marked attention in passing throngh tho streets, in consequence of standing over seven feet in his shoes. And lastly, one of the prominent practising physicians of Bos ton is reputed to be six feet and four inches tall! Kentucky and Tennessee probably furn ishes the largest number of men above the average height, of any State or Territory in the Union. But the Bourbons are extraordinary speci mens of modern giants:— Height. Woight. The Father is 6 feet 4 inches ... 200 lbs. Mother, 6" 4 " ... 285 '• Thomas, 6" 4 " ... 230 " James, 6 " 6 " ...215 " Sarah, 6 " 0 " ... 165 " John, 6 "n " ...296 " Mary, 6 " 2 " .. . 150 " Elijah, 6 " 3 " ...210 " Matthew, 6 " 6 " ... 220 " Eli, 6 " 6 " ... 197 " Daughter, 6 3 " ... 160 " Total height..7o feet. Weight....2298 lbs. Entire age 557 years. Tho family are all living except the young est daughter, are all wealthy, and of the first families of Kentucky. Several of the grand children aro over six and a hall feei, and are still growing.— Med. World. PRO uric.—Thd" author of Notes and Qaer* ies states that Mrs. Greenhill had thirty-nine children by one husband, all born alire, end were baptized—and further, they were all at single births but ene. The last child was born after his father's death, and grew up to be a practising surgeon, King street, Bloorasbury, England. He also became an author of a work on Embalming Human Bodies.— Exckmtg