The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 21, 1857, Image 3

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    .1. II I 'V ur Mil Hi II nil L
ea mammm,- . i
On last evening, By Rev. E.A.
Shartei*, Mr. HXN*T S. ARTIIOB anil Miu
Mituw ft tLntbeuuc, both of Bloomiburg.
-The happy twain have the priMete"ib*Bks
for kind remembrance with the cake, end
our hen withes that they may always be aa
happy aa now.
t>ii the Bth iast., by Montgomery Cole,
Esq., Mr. MORDECAI UOODCM, of Jackson, to
Mire'CAtiuaiKK Kuta, Of Sngarfoaf, all oI
iht*-county. w.. . • i.
YforiHte T'Sth liiaf, by Kev. Thoa. Barohart,
Mr. GEO. L. Low, ol'Lime K.dge, to Miae
Maar G*RHWOK, otlower Lime Ridge.
"7~ 7
In Danvdls, on Monday morning, 12rtt
imt., CARD LIKE GROVES; Wife of Peter Graven,
(of the Montour Iron Wotke,) aged 37 yeara,
2 months and t days.
In Huntington, _on the 2d inat., ANKA,
daughter of Rama nqd Ellen Tubba, aged I
year,"? months and 23 daya.
.■>- ■ ' "
Giiieral Commission merchants,
and dealers in
No. 54 South Water St., Philadelphia.
THE subscribers having been associated
with the coal trade and mining operations
generally, for severs! yours, are prepared to
aupply orders for all articles contingent to
mining purposes at tba lowest rates, with ,
csre and dispatch. '
Our stock comprises the following artioles :
OlLS—Sperm, Solar, Elephant, Bleached,
Racked, Lard, Roein, Greasing, Linseed.—
Safety Lamps, Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope
Chains, Ropes, all "Sizes, Pulleys, Wickitig, I
Wire Rope, Tr and Pitch—•—Thornlej'a
Celebrated Gum Belling, Washers, Packing,
Hoee.——Blasting and other Powdeti.—
Soap, Candles, he.
Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia.
J. B. A. &S. Allen,
Charles Miller & Co., "
S. Kothermel, Esq.,
John Thornley, Esq., "
Wm. l>e <Hvven,'Esq , Minersville, Pa.
Hon. W. -Donaldson, Pottsvtlle, Pa.
Hon. C. W. Pitman, "
Geo. W. Snyder, Esq , "
D. P. Brown, Feq., "
L. P. Brook, Esq., "
J..J. Connor, Ashland, Pa.
Philadelphia, Jan. 16, 1857,-Iy.
'Office of the Columbia Coal Iron Co. )
S. E- Corner Ith A Walntu Bts> \
Philadelphia, Dec. 31st, 1856. .
THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders
and election of Directors will be held at the
office of the Company, on Monday evening,
February 2nd, 1857, at 74 o'clock.
P. KLAHR, Secretny.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Collectors
of SWr&d County Tax, holding unpaid du
plioates%br 1856 and previous years, that all
•uob Collectors must meet the County Treas
urer by the 22d day of January inst. and
pay over, as the Treasurer must have the
money. Tbe Commissioners will be at their
office .in Bloomsburg on the 22d of January,
to meet the Collectors.
flyordtr ot the Commissioners.
R. C. FRUIT, Clerk.
Commissioner's Office, I
Bloomsburg, Jan. 7, 1857. J
Application* for License.
NOTICE is heteby given thst the following
Applications far Tavern and Eating-house
Licenses, have been filed, with the Clerk o(
the Court of Quarter Sessions, of the Peace in
and for the county of Columbia, and that the
came will be presented to the Court ot Quar
ter Sessions, at the next February Term, on
•nch day as the said Court shall designate.
David Miller, Btiarcreek township, Tavern.
Henry B Kisner, Rupert Station, do
Reuben F. Nicety, Berwick, Eating House.
Frederick Italer, Bloomsburg, do do
Ellas Met.dsnbaU, Bloomsburg, Store.
i. J. Brewer, do do
A. J. Evans, do do
Bloomsburg, Jan. 5, 1857.
A New Book for Agcnla.
THE life and times of Alexander Hamil
lion; bv Samoel M. Smucker, A. M., author
of the life and Reign of Nicholas I, of Rus
sia, ho k.
This is ths only complete and reliable bi
ography of this great man. He was the in
timate personal friend of Washington, and
by many considered his equal.
This work includes a history of the limes
and men of the Revolution, and many inci
dents not heretofore given in history. It has
ail the charms of romance, although prepar
ed from the most teliable and authentic
sourcee, and should be in the hande of every
American who reveres the great and good
men of our Revolution. A sketch of Butr
ia also given, and an account of hie misera
ble end;
Agents wanted in every part of the Uuited
Slates, for this and other valuable works, to
whom the largest commissions will be paid.
Copies aer.t by mail, on receipt of tba price,
•I 00- -
J; yv. BRADLEY, Publisher,
No. 48 North Fourth Street,
Jan. 14, '67.-IW. PHILADELPHIA.
OBeo.uaS3 <£ C£3<s>a o sa
fine Gold Jewelry given ate ay to Pur
chaser* of Bookr
A I.L Books will be sold as low aa can be
A. bad at other Stores, many of them for
lass. New Booka received daily. A Gift
varying in value from 25 cents to SIOO, giv
en with each book at tbe lime it ie sold.—
Having On hand • very large elect of new and
valuable Books, and as our motto ta "Large
sales and small profits," we are determined
to give our Customers better bargains than
can be had elsewhere. Any book published
io New York nt Philadelphia will be prompt
ly aetit, gift included, on receipt of publish
er'* price. Catalogues of Bonks and Pres
ent*, containing full expianationa will be
sent free to ail part* of the country.
The most liberal indvoemmUe-ata o fie red to
Agents. Any person sending ua an order for
tan books, with money enclosed, will ha en
titled to an extra Meet and Oift.
All orders for booka, containing money,
(to ensure perfect safety,) should be regis
tered al the Post Office wbata they era mail
ad, and dirqeted to Evan* & Co, 409 Broad
way, New York.
Refi>ence—lA. Thomas & Sons, South 4th
Street, Phrtdefphia; 1. B. Lippineott It Co,
Philadelphia; D. Appleton & Co, Broad
way ; Derby h Jackson, Nassau Btreet, Naw
Principal Store, 409 Brodway, N. Y.
Branch Siptea at 125 Chestnut Suest, Phil
adelphia, and st Washington, D. C.
Pc. 70, 1886 -3tn.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
several Courts bf Comtnom Pleas, Gen
. eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and
, Orphans' Couft, 'Court dfOyer and
i Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for
( the County of Columbia, to commence at
Monday the %d Day of February riext,
The Coroner, Justices of the Peace &
Constables, in and for the county of'Co
lumbia,are requested to be the* and there
in their proper persons, with theirYdlls,
records, inquisitions, and other "remem
brances, to do those things to theiT sev
eral offices appertaining to be done.
Andall witnesses prosecuting in behall
of the Commonwealth againat any pria
oner, are also requested and commanded
i to be then and there attending in their proj
per persona to prosecute againet him, as
shall he just—and not to depart without
leave at their peril. Jurors are requeatt
ed to be punctual in tlteir attendance, a
the time appointed agreeable to their no
Given under'my hand at Bloomsburg the
77th day iff (January, in the year of our
Lord one 'thousand'eigm hundred end
'fifty-seven, and the Independence of the
United States of America the' Slat.
{God save the CommonwesiUh.)
Brisrcreek—John Davenport, G. W. Styer,
'Hudson Owen.
Bloom—R. B. Arthur, Charles M'Kelvy, J.
G. Fuss, John H. Leidy.
Centre—G. H. Fowler.
FUhingcreek— Rossei P. Slacker, Jaoob
' Stucker.
Hemlock—Cornelius Vsaborn.
Jackson—Lott Parker, Nelson Kitchen.
Locust—Elijah Yocum.
Madison—Nicholas Barber.
Montour—Samuel Lazarus.
Orange—Henry Delong.
Scott —Ceorge Bowman, William Hsgen
bucb, Samuel Betz.
Greenwood—John K. Eves.
Sugarloaf—John W. Kile, Joseph Cole.
Pine—Robert Kinney.
Pine—Gen. Stackhouse, Jacob Dribelbis.
Briarcreek—Gilbert Fowler, Enoch Adams.
Locust—John Kline, Jesse John, Elijah
Cleaver, Davis Yeager, Jackson Campbell,
William Hughes.
6coll—Situ, BOgSn, Abraham Snjjer,
Bloom—Nathan Bo at boy, Michael Walter,
Eiisha E. Barton.
Fisliingcreek—Samuel Yost.
Centre—Clinton Herring, Henry Delong.
Madison—John Clark. *
Jackson—Michael Remley.
Grange—Jessesßrumsietier, George Wit
mire, John McGargle, Michael Hagenbuch,
William Fisher.
Montour—Jaoob Arnwine, Evan Welliver.
Hemlock—Jease Beers.
Mifflin—C. H. Hess, Reuben Fry.
Maine—Solomon Sbuman, Jesse John, Ja
cob Brown.
Calawissa—Abel Thomas.
Conyngharn—Joshua Warner.
Ml. Pleasant—John Mordan.
1. John Gelling el al. us. Charles F. Mann.
2. Samuel L. McCulloek el al. re. Samuel F.
Head ley.
3. William Koons vs. George L. Kline et ai.
4. William Koons us George L. Kline.
5. Frederick Beaie's Eire. vs. Philip Wio
tersteen et al.
6. Jonathan Mostellerw. Benj F. Hartman.
7. Joseph Stsckbouse vs. Gilbert Fowler.
8. Jane M. Bernitiger vs. W. A. Kline.
9. Malanchran Baker vs. Riuhard Torby.
r 10. Daniel F. Seybert vs. Daniel Sponen
berg's Admr.
J 11. David Reinbold w. Aaron Wolf.
12. James Tyson et al. vs. John M.Sheldon
' et al.
13. Peter Appleman et al. vs. Leonard B. Ru
pert st al.
' 14. Hiram Brown v. John Jones.
15. Mary Vansickle vs. Joseph Rookie et al.
16. E. & J. Hicks t>. Wit,. L. Lance.
17. George Miller vs. C|a:worthy Fisher.
18. George Miller vs. Nathaniel Overdorf.
19. Peter Appleman vs. Leonard B. Rupert.
' 20. Thomas Patker vs. John H. Parker.
21. John Wagner v. Sally A. Wagner.
22. George L. Kline ve Moses Coffman.
23. Susannah Hail ve. Arehibsld Henry.
. 24. Jonathan Mosteller vs. B. F. Hartman.
25. Uaao Brown vs. Richart J. Lyon.
26. William Robiton vs. Wilson Agar.
27. Isaiah Shuroan vs. Jacob L.Shumao etal.
28. Jesse Hicka vs. Joseph Kirkemlail.
29. Jacob Schuyler vs. Wilsou Ager.
30. Nathan Seely vs. Daniel Spouenberg'a
31. Fletcher B. Dodaon vs. William Long.
32. Leon Hay rriun vs. Alonzt H. Ellis.
33. Catbern Tanner vs. John D. Weaver.
34. Leonard S. Siineman vs. Gorden R.Gofi.
35. Adam Gable vs. Benjamin Wagner.
36. William Wicbt vs. Gorden R. Uoff.
37. Jonathan Mosteller vs. Stephen Baldy.
38. Simon Koder vs. Noah S. Prentiss.
39. Milton P. Miller el al. vs. Chas. F.Msnn.
40. Milton P. Miller vs Christian Shoman.
41. Christian Heist vs. Daniel Gigger.
42.'William Hopper vs. Edmond Crawford.
Register's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all lega
tees, creditor* and other persons interested
in the estates of the respective decedents
end minors, (hat tbe following adminis
tration accounts have been filed in the of
fice of the Register cf Columbia county J
■ and will be presented for confirmation and
allowance to the Or) hsns' Court, to be
held at Bloomsburg, in tbe county afore
said, on Wednesday, the 4ih day of Feb
- rnary next, at 2 o'clock, P. M s
1. Tbe account of Geo. B. Seybert, exeoutor
t of Nicholas Seybert. late of Briarcreek twp.,
r deceased.
2. The account of Ephreim P. Lulz, admin
istrator cum tesiamenlo annezo of Charles
Hefley, late of Bloom twp., deceased.
3. The final account of John Bower, executor
of Margaret Siineman, late of Liberty twp.,
4. Tbe account of Isato K. Krickbaum exec
utor of John Kline, late of Benton twp.,
5. The account of Samuel Laird, deceased,
who was execu'or of James Laird, late of
Madison township, Columbia county, de
ceased, ao farts the same was administered
by said Samuel Laird, filed by Cyras Laird,
administrator ol Samoel Laird.
6. The aecount of Edmund Crawford, admin
istrator ef Elizabeth Lunger, late of Benton
twp., decerned.
7. The final account of Isato Leidy, admin
istrator of Philip Girtou, late of Hemlock
twp., decettsea.
8. The aeeqenl of Iseao McKamy, adminis
trator iff Joseph Broshe, late of Scott twp.,
9. The first and final account of Oliver Evans
administrator of WHliam T. Miller, late of
Roaringcreek township, deceased.
10 The account of Thomas Aten, Adm'r of
the estate of Samoel Attn, late or Cstawia
sa township, decetsed.
DANIEL LEE, Register.
Bloomsburg, Jan. st, 1857. |
' "% ■ , r
MiHi'fV ' 1 fR'WT! "I ~7"I. ~t
-—!- - jy,
BY virtue of several writs PCveniiismiex
ponas to file directed there will be expo
sed ta public tale at the Court Houio, in
Bloomsburg, on Monday, tbe 2d day of Feb
-1 ruary next,-at 1 o'clock, P. M., lb* following,
' real estate to wit-?
t All that undivided moiety or half part of an
undivided moiety, or half part of three tracts
or piece* of land, with a Water power appur
tenata thereto: 'first ttSct aituate in Scott
township,'-Columbia courtly,'containing Fifty
Eight acres 'end eighty nine perches strict
' measure. Be sswm mofb or less, *ll of
t which is ItnproVed lands, bounded and de
, scribed Rs'fotlows, to.Wit: On the north by
. land of'Jdtih'Ent and Peter'Shug, on the east
by s roall leading fiom Bloofflsbnrg to Or
angeville,'bn the south by land of Samuel
, Meliok, on rhb West by lands of 'John White
* and others, whdfeon'ls erected a FURNACE,
a Grist Mill,l two stofy ffome dWelliiie'hduse,
5 one Bnd half i Story frairrfe UWeHing houes,
1 one fratrro'barn and stable, with tbe appurte
' nancea. Second Tract, situate iu the town
ship and county aforesaid, containing Seven
teen acres and "five perches strifct measure,
be the same more or less, bounded and de
scribed a* follows, to wit: By lands of John
White, Andrew Criveling and others. Third
Tract, situate in the township of Ml. Pleasant
and county aforesaid, containing -Four acres
and sixty-six perches, strict measure, be the
same more or less, all of which iannimproved;
bounded by lands of John White, Peter bbog
and others, with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of James Kester with notice to Samuel
L. Betlie, terre tenant.
At me-same time and place atl mat undivided
moiety'Or'half part of an undivided moiety,
or half part of three tracts or pieces of laud
with the water power appurtenant thereto :
First Tract situate in Scott township, Colum
bia county, containing fifty-eight acres and
eighty-nine perches, strict measure, be the
same more or less, all of which is improved
land, bounded and described as follows, to
wit: On the north by lands of John Era and'
Peter Shug, on the east by a road leading
front 6foomabeigloOrangeviile,on the south
by lands of Samuel Mclick, on the west by
lands of John White and others, whereon is
erected a Furnace, a Grist Mill, 1 two story
frame dwelling house, five one end a half
story dwelling houses, one frame barn, one
stable, with ibe appurtenances. Second Tract
situate in the township and county aforesaid,
containing Seventeen acres and five perches
strict measure, be the same more or less ;
bounded and described as follows, io wit
By lands of John White, Andrew Criveling
and others. Third Tract, situate in the town
ship of Mt. Pleasant, and county aforesaid,
containing Four acres and sixty-six perches,
Mrict n|", Ve lira auie Oioxe ui less, ail
of which is unimproved; bounded by lands
of John While, Peter Sbug and others, with
the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution and Is be
sold as tbe property of George Boyd, Jr., With
notice to Samuel L. Betlie, terre tenant,
At the same time and place ail that certain
lot or tract of land situate ir, the village oi
Rohrsburg, in Greenwood township, Colum
bia county, bounded and described as follows
to wit: On tbe west by lot of John Black,
on the notth by lot of Wiliiu.-n Birchfield, on
the east by Main Street, on the south by a
■oad leading from Rohtsburg to Greenwood,
containing tbtee fourths of an acre, be the
same more or less, whereon is erected a two
story frame Tavern House, a frame Stable,
with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution ts tbe prop
erty ot W. A. Kline.
At the same time and place by virtue of a
writ of levari facias, all that certain lot, tract,
piece or parcel of land situate in Briarcreek
township, Columbia eountty, bounded and
described us follows, to wit: Beginning at
a stone, line of lsnd of Hugh Thompson &
Headley Si Jackson, thence north eleven de
grees west one hundred and one and five
tenths perches to a road, leading Irom lb*
turnpike to tb old Huntington road, thence
along the same south seventy-nine degrees,
west forty perches to a stone, thence south
eleven degrees east one hundred and one and
five-lenths perches to a stone, thence north
seventy-nine degrees east forty perches to the
place of beginning, containing twenty-five
acres and sixty perches, strict measure.
Seized taken in execulinn and to be sold as
tbe property of Jaoob Shaffer.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 5, 1856.)
Orphans' Court Notice.
To the devisees of the estate of Robert Moore,
late of Sugar loaf township, Columbia county.
TAKE NOTICE that an application of J.
C. Pennington and George Moore, Executors
of the said estate to the Orphans' Court of
Columbia county for an order to sell for the
payment ol debts the following real estate of
the said Robert Moore deceased so far as the
same is situate in Columbia county ; viz:—
a tract of land situate ill the township of Su
garloaf in the county aforesaid and partly in
the township of Fairmount in Ibe county of
Luzerne, containing 262 Acres and 548
perches, adjoining lands of Ibe heirs of Sam
uel Steadman, lands of Josiah Lockard, Ez
ekiel Shultz, Jonathan Pennington and oth
ers, on which is erected a Log House and
frame Bern; the said Court has granted a rule
upon ths devisees of the said real estate of
Robert Moore deceased to appear on the first
Monday of February next, and 6how cause
wby the order of sale as prayed for should
not be grauted.
Clerk of the Orphans' Court.
Clailt'i Office, - 1
Bloomsburg, Deo. 9, 1856. j
Administrator** Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministratioo de bonis noti with the witl annexed
upon the estate of Andrew Hess, late of Su
garloaf township, Columbia county, deceased,
have been granted to Ibe undersigned resi
ding in the township of Greenwood. All
persons indebted to the said decedent are re
quested to make payment without delay, and
those having account* against th* estate to
prosent them for settlement to
Administrator de bonis non cum testamento
Greenwood, Dec. 18, 1856.
Administrator's Notice.
JVTOTICE is hereby given that letters of
Administration upon the estate of Har
man M. Johnson late of Seolf township,
Columbia county, have beer, granted to the
undersigned residing In Light Street in tbe
same township. All persons indebted to tbe
■aid estate are requested to make payment
without delay, and those having accounts
against the decedent to present them for set
tlement to
Ligbt Street, Dec. 17, 1856.
ColDßbus Hale A Female Academy t
rfIHE next Quarter o( this Institution will
•* commence or. THURSDAY, JAN. Bth.
TERMS: $4, $5, end W per term,—-of 11
I New Columbus, Dec. 29, 1856.
•fireit llMtaceamitfl t* Sataeribc I
VftftTT-fcRO, NEW~rom, Mmtotte to
pobi^K^^ mikb
The London 1 Qwal^s!t,^^trMn^
The Edinbutg Review,
The North Brilith Review (frtvGhxtteSf
The Westminster Review, /"Liberal.)
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
These Periodical* ably represent the three
¥rect political partiea*>fGre*l Britain—Whig,
ot"y Stid "Radical, —but politic* forms only
one feature df their ohtfracler. As Organ* of
the nrtOft profound Writers On /Soie'ace, 'Liter
ature, Morality,'tlnd Religion, ihejr stand, as
they ever hare stood, uririValled initio world
ol letters, being considered indispensable to
1o the scholar ami the professional man, while
to the intelligent reader of every class they
furnish a more correct end satisfactory record
of the current literature of she day, through
out the world, then can be •possibly obtained
from any other Source. .
The receipt of advance sheets ffera'the Brit
ish publisher* give addition*! to these
Reprints, inasmuch as they teen now be
placed in the hands of subscribers abont as
soon as the original editions.
TERMS. (Regular Prices.)
Per an n.
For any one of the four Reyievr* 83 00
For any two of the four ReraW* 6 00
For any three of the four Reviews 7 00
For all fonr of the Reviews 8 00
For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00
For Blackwood and three Review* 9 00
For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 (JO
Payments to be made in all caaes in ad
vance. Money cerrent in the State where
issued will be received at par.
The Postage to any part of tbe United States
Will be but Twenty-jour Cents a year for
"Blackwood," end but Fourteen Cents a year
for each of the Reviewe.
At the ebove prices the Periodicals will be
furnished for 1857.
Unlike the mere ephemeral Magazines of
<l>, , it.™ niv* SIIIIU By ago.
Hence e full year of the Woe. (with no omis
sions) for 1850, may be regarded nearly ee
valuable as for 1857. We propose to famish
the two years at the following extremely low
rates, vit. '■> *'
For Blackwood's Magazine, 94 50
For any one Review, 4 00
For any two Reviews, 6 00
For Blackwood and one Ravieti, 7 00
For Blackwood and two Reviews, 9 00
For three Reviews. 8 00
For Blackwood and three Reviews, IS 00
Fur tbe four Reviews, 11 00
For Blackwood end the four Reviews, 14 00
* To evoid fractions, $5 may be remitted
for Blackwood, for wbich we will forward
(bat work for both years, post-paid.
Ni B.—The price in Great Britain of the
five Periodicals above named is abont 931
per annum.
As we shall never again be likely to offer
Buch inducements as those hers presented,
Now is the time to Subscribe I
TW JWmittaooe* must, ia WW etwee-, be
made direst to the Publishers, for at these pri
ces no commission can be allowed to agents.
No. 54 Gold Street, New York.
"WHTLLIAM HO WITT, the Celebra
ted English author, writes for the
Saturday Evening Post. TALLEN
See Prospectus in another plaee,
ALICE CARY writes for the Satur
day Evening Poet. THE STORY
tus in another place.
TS. ARTHUR writes for tbe Satur
• day Evening Post. THE WITH
ERED HEART. See prospectus in an
other column.
TMTESSRS. G. P. PUTNAM fc.CO., having
now published the first volume of the
Illustrated Edition of Irving's Life of Wash
ington, being tbe complete life of Washing
ton before tbe Revolution, are reedy to fur
nish the same to subscribers free of postage,
on the receipt of 93,50. Single numbers sent,
post paid, to any part of the Union on receipt
of 35 cents.
The following inducements are offered to
Clubs, desiring to subscribe to this magnifi
cent and national publication: Any person
remitting four subscriptions for the first vol
ume, comprising fourteen numaers, will be
entitled to five complete set*, delivered free
of postage. Clubs of six, remitting 921, will
be entitled to two extra copies ol the volume,
or an extra copy of any otheref G. P. Put
nam & Co.'* publicationa of an equal value.
Clubs of twelve, remitting 943, WOI be enti
tled to four extra copies, or an exist copy and
a complete set of Addison's *c|k*, in six
votnmes, delivered free of powifee. The
same premiums will be given for Mfike num
ber of subscriptions to the suocmpttiß vol
umes. Each number of tbe Rlhstrafed.Wash
ington will contain one, and eVSry other
number two first class Steel Engravings or
Maps. In addition to tbe Steel Engravings,
the work oontains numerous elegant Wood
Engravings, Illustrative of historical subject*.
CAUTlON.—Persons subscribing for the
Life of Washington should be parUculer to
obtain the only work wbioh most fotever re
main the standard authority. Irving'* Life
of Washington bears tbe imprint of G. P.
Putnam & Co., the only publishers! Irving's
"Every American should put this woik on
his book shelf side by side with bis Bible.
Let your children reed it, and Isarn by the
example of tbe Great Washington, the les
ions of patriotism, moral courage, persever
ance under difficulties, which the history of
hi* life affords. We know of no American
boob which we bad rather own than this; it
is worth a thousand of tbe trashy publications
which tbe press is daily sending forth."—
Scientijk American.
SS: Country papers copying tbe above
advertisement twice will receivwifruptppletc
set of Potmen's
No. 921 Broadway, H. Y.
THE undersigned will sell at Auction,
tbeir entire etock of Clothing, Ac., every
Wednesday evening, and Saturday afternoon
and evening, beginning next Wednesday the
81st, until all hi sold.
December 51,1865.
Hank Cheeks, Promissory Notts,
; , Rail Road and other Tickets,, t
" HiCatalogues, Paper Books,'Bill-Read*. Check Rolls, Plain and fancy Void*,
Business and other 'Circulars, Potion Plain and in Colors.
OP ALI. ziwxiß
Van be Procured atrnbJob Office,
■€PQcuai SX£®cfiaa3.B oatiPctraaac**ir* 9
A monthly periodical is published at this office in excellent style and workmanship, and
Hviih'sbp'ertor material.
The (ftffilio are iovhed to cell and see specimens, as we ere determined to merit patron
'*ge by strlbt attention to businese and scperior workmanship.
'Blbbthsbtfrg, Juno 2, 1856.
New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods.
cCS <3BC£>.
TTAVE iust received and opened their etock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales,
Xl which comprisae the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, end HANDSOMEST assort men now
offered in Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock,
as fo price and qualify, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with tbe cheapest,
arid hll those wishing" to boy cheap, oan save money by giving us e call. We have ell
kih'ds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of
Ffe'nfc'h merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bagaa, poplins, paramatta cloths,
mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c.
WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs,
bouncings, bands and trinr.mings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel
vet ribbons, and braids, Lid, cotton, and lisle thread trioves, mohair milts, &c.,
AH kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay State, Waterville, black ailk, cashmere, Embroder
ed, Ate. Also a vet y large assortment of cloths, cassimers, eeltinetis, veerings, tweeds;
ieane, beaver clothe, coaling velvet, &c.
We have a large assortment ol Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard
ware, "Queensware, C edarware, &c. Very cheap oarpels, carpet bags, floor, table and car
riage oH cloths, maJB rugs, baskets, &c. Muslin* flannel*, tickings, ditpete, toweling*,
drHKnge. &c., in ab uttdance.
We Havtto our frionds and the public generally to give uaa call before purchasing else
where. We have tiOUght OUlgOpd* £■•• CS Vetoa. mm! will am tn> uwlmmM by
anybeoy, or the res t of mankind.
BtoOiuifourg, October 28, 1855.
JVew arrival, of Fall and Winter Goods!
f NVITES attention to hie stock of cheap end fashionale clothing at Ins store on Market
street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men
and boy's wearing appartri, including
Iff4Ig:IS.Tir<2)SJikZEILIE IBIEIBSS ©©ikUßj)
jJ'Ok, sack, frock, gum end oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colore, shawls
stripes and figure, vests, shifts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders
and fancy articles.
N. B. "He will also make to< order any article of clothing at very short notice and in
the best manner. All his clotJiiug is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac
Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856.
HAS opened a Marble Yard at the corner
of Main and Market Streets, where
he is prepared to finish the best of work
Irom Italian or American Marble- for
srassa v<BtfU2Bg 9
Tomb-stones, Tables, Mantles, VViudow-sills
and lentils.
For the character and finish of his work
he refers to such as be has made is this
county. He will furnish designs for -.oik
or execute any that may be furnished to
him. His work shall always be satisfactory
in its style and reasonable in price.
Bloomeborg, Dec. 1, 1856.
Cxecutor's Notice.
NOTICE ia hereby given that letters tests
■memory upon tbe estate of Nathan Olivet, late
of Greenwood township, Columbia county,
deceased, have been granted to the under
signed residing in Greenwood township. Ail
persons indebted to the decedent are request]
ed to make payment without delay, and
thoae having accounts against the estate to
present them for payment to
Greenwood, Deo. 17, 1856. '
/Assignees' Notice.
GEORGE W. DHIESBACH, of Roaring- 1
creek township, in the county of Columbia, '
having made an assignment to the undersign
ed of all hia property, for the benefit of his
creditors, all persona having claims against
said Driesbach are hereby directed to present
them to the undersigned without delay, and
all persona indebted to make payment forth- ,
Roaringcreek, Col. Co., { Assignees.
Dec. 26, 1856. j
1%/f USLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and
*•" good prints for 6$ cents just received
by A. C. MENSCH.
Jud Published, Oralis, the 20 th Thousand.
wgrite A few words on the rational treat
mem, without Medicine, of Sper
■BHHr matorrhea or Local Weakness,
Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous
Debility, Impotency, and Impediments to
Marriage generally.
The important fact that tbe many alarming
complaints, originating in the imprudence
and solitude of youth, may be easily removed
seithout Medicine,'a in this small tract, clearly
demonstrated; and the entirely new and
highly successful treatment, as adopted by
tbe Author, fully explained, by means of
which svery one is enabled to sure himself
perfectly and at tbe least possible cost, there
by avoiding all tbe advertised nostrums of
tbe day.
Sent to any address, gratis and port free
in a sealed envelope, by lemiMfne, postpaid,
two pottage stamps, to Dr. B. DE LANEY,
If, Lispenard Street, New York City.
January 6, 1857.-0n.
Executors' Notice.
NOTICE i* hereby given that leuers testa
mentary npoo tbe estate of Philip Krickbaum,
late of Benton township, Columbia county,
deceased, have been granted to the under,
signed residing also in the said township of
Ben on. All persone indebted to tbe said |
•state are requested to make payment with
out delay, and those having accounts against
the decedent to present them for settlement
Benton, Dee. 4, 1856.
03 ua B
Luzerne County, Pa.
THE Trustees of this Institution respectfully
announce, 'hat it will be opined for (he
reception of Pupila, of both sexes, on Monday,
October 20th next, undor the immediate care of
Prof. JAMES ANDERSON, aa Principal.
Mr. A. is a gentleman of exteusive acquire,
ments, and enlarged experience aa an educator
and has been connected with the moat popular
'•High School" of Bucks, Co. for several years.
He is also wall and favorably known ss a con
tributor to some of our leading educational peri
Will compiise Orthography, Definitions, Read
ing, Penmanship, Etymology. Geography, Eng.
Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra
Geometry. Mensuration, Plans and Spherical
, Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron
omy, &c. Book Keeping, Hialory, Physiology,
Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy,
and Chemistry. r *
Classes in the French, Spanish fy Latin \
Languages will he formed as early at practica
bin, and Instruction on Pisno-Forte will hp
given if desired. De
WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural !
Sciences illustrated by apptopriale apparatus
wilf s!ao he iriven.
SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to j
1* young Ladies and Gentkmin designing to oual- 5
ify themsches aa Teachers. '
FOUR, FIVE and SIX Delists per Quarter 1
I In accordance with tbe studies pursued, payable
-one half in advance and the balance at the close
01 the Quarter. '
GOOD BOARD tan be hid in the village at
a moderate price.
BP* Mr. A. will deliver an address on PhVsi.
cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the \
day of commencement, when hia method of |
imparting instruction will be illustrated, and 1
the discipline and management of the chool,
fully explained. c
Patents, Guardians, and tha friends of eduea I
tion generally, aro cordially invited to be proa- f
ent. r s
Columbus, Sept. 4, 1860. Trustees. c
A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints s
J u ®t received by raiiroedand for sale br
- LTJ - writes for the Saturday Evening r
Post. See rospeetus in another place, A
/MfHIBET SHAWLS with silk r
JL fine Tot just received and for sale by
REMAINING, in tbe Post Office, at Blooms- k
borg, Pa., Jan. Ist, 1897. ' ft
Corooron Catharine Miliary Chester ®
Day Samuel P Nagle Emetine {
Ftouht Adam Ortrin Henry !
Giger Elias Prossar John '
Gather J B Schenauerhorm t M
Grores David Seh;ack Mary
Holler Samuel 2 Thomas Hep rv i
Johnson Elvira Weaver Ss.rah
Lendaey Mary Aon Yoke Sarah.
52itf**SKS! Bush Lowis, Ship
Mcßnde Bebec'ja Allutatter do
Persons cVting for the. above letters will r
please say ihey are advertised. E
Bloomeburg, Jan. j, 1837. t |
Police. " 5
ALL pehons indebted to me bver two v
mouths will confers favor upon meand them- b
selves by sett lien up witbin two months.
Bloomsburg, Dec. SO, 18S6.
ClrcSjar | AslTfck.
FTIKB first- hospital uigeons end medical out*
J liruie f SSropr, ;lmit lh
aDti-UifistlvwStory and healing proper dv of ltd#
Ointment; governments sanction it we fn
their navel end military ear vices; end the masaai
- In tbia country and throoghout the world repoee
the-ulsiost confidence in ila curative properties.
It peeetietes the eouicva of inflammation and
corruption which underlie the external eviden
ces of dieaso, and neulralixe the fiery etotaenla
which; feet) anil exasperate the malady.
• Then ate among the moat terrible and ago
nisiug diaaane of the meaclea. the fleshy fibre
end the thin; yet re. their worst form', end
when aeemingly thry Invariably dis
appear under e persevering application of thie
soothing, healing antidote to pain and 'inflam
mation, i ,!j r
it fin eaves of Halt Rheum, where medical we
tors, lotions, and'evary racipe af the'phamiaeo
poea have proved uealese, the tiiuUMM *Ui
accomplish, a thorough aire, /r ever "Bores heal
i quickly under iie influence, and its relaii'hg af-
J feet npoh cpntractud sinews it truly wonder lot
!, A moat rentefktble ar.d happy change is pri
ll duced in the appearance of Molignaat ulcere
after a few applications of this Ointment... ..The
surrounding redness vanishes, and gianoiet of
healthy flesh begin to take, the apiece of the die
charged matter. 'I bis prices* goes on more or
! sesa rapidly, until the orifice is filled up with
' lound malarial and tha ulcer radically cored,
The young- are ihe moat frequent sufferers
from external injuries, and I here fore eVorjr
_ mother shod Id have lh:a healing preparatina
constantly on hand. ,{t ,ia an absolute specific
' for ears breasts, and quickly "remove* tha en
crusted sores which soOieiimes disfigure the
heads and face* Of children.
This Oiotnrent is "Universally used on botrpr
> !*>• Altai tie and Pacific whaling fleet as a cure
for scorbutic affections add as the hoot possible
r 'V?"? 1 far end bruises. Large supplies
-of it have recently been ordered by the Euluh
of Turkey for hospital purposes.. .i ■ ,
Both tha Ointment atid pith thould fit
ttted in the following caset:
Bunions, Skin Diseases.,
Burns, Swelled Olandt,
Chapped Hands, Sore Legs,
Chilblains, Bote Breasts^,
Fistula, Bore Heads,
Wont. . Sore Thrdsts,
Lumbago, Sores of ail kinds,
I Mercuiial Eruptions, Sprains,
1 P'l. Bliff Joints,
Rheumatism, Tetter,
Ringworm, Uteer*,
Salt Rheum, Venereal Sores.
Scalds, Wounds of all kinds, .
** Bold at the Manufactnrieo of Profeaoov
llow,owai,fiO Maiden Lane, New York, and
244 Strand, London, by all respectable Drug,
gists and Dealers in Mediciue throughout tha
United 8 ates,-. and the civilized world, m potae
at 25cenla, 62J centa, andsl each.
Of There ia eoneideraldo saving bv taking
the target sizes., .
N. li.—Directions for the guidance of patient
in evbry disorder arc affixed loeach not 3t,j
JIKST AH til VAla! "
A C. MENCH respectfully informs bin
* friends, customers, and the publie gen
erally that be has just received from Phila
delphia the first goods of tbaaeason, consist
ing of a large assortment of choice and de
For the spring and summer uedecomprising,
for men's wear: , , .
Superior Slack, and Colored French Cloths.
Black French Doeskins and Cagsimere.
Black Satin and Fancy Silk Veslings. i . v
Blue, Black, Brown and Green Cesbmereltoa
Elegant Black Silk*, fill qualities.
Barege De Laines and Challi Bareges.
Plain, Pink, Blue find Green De Laines.
Bombazine Finish Black Aipaeas.
French, Scotch and Domes',ic Ginghams.
Walked Collars, and Linen Handkerchief.
Hosiery of all kinds and qualities.
Calicoes of all patterns and description!.
Linen and Cotton Sheeting.
Bleached and Unbleached Musline,
Lineri Damasks and Table Covers:
Besides a large aasorlrnenl of Bq/ rtt , nd
Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, and all kinde of
Groceries, Hardware, Ate., which w ,|| ha sold
remarkably cheap. Call at the oW ...Jf
corner of Main and Market stre B ts
or flour if feed .i,„ „
•dm""" ■" ri?
Bloomsburg, April 8, IfjSfl.
fiScv. THK nnde:.ig,.,ed inf, jrm , hl . f rieu^
BBTif a ". d 'P* P ob|, o in general, rhat be baa
the e'utire mi crest in the
T i nW % e a " d St ov' Bniablishmr.nt,
on Main Street nne d'jor above the Court
House, Bloomr.burg, w, h era he ia n„ui , '
famish Tinware, Stoves, Stovepipe, antf
Spouting, and all otl Jor business in hie line ou
short nonce, and in. goo d oftjer.
The New Raub. and Williado Penn Cook
tOg Stove, and a iso a large asßortmert of
, Parlor Stores,
pftaST yon h " d " ad fot ,a '° *' moderate
_sl££E S bn, g ,Mastr e S6ARPLESS
remain^oT 0 / wrmr—^
Post Office at Catawiaee
Campbell Jbh.„ Da,ii w
D.ver. Danir j j Ga me^Mow
lr " in "'*■
Leward ST Krielier Daniel ,
„"* rJ 'M A Miller Barberry t
David filnyer W H
W' .rleafy Wm. Meflwk J W
tqenme John Jteise C O
Somonine Raniooi Tags David
Taggart David . Wolf Stephen
- Whiddiger James.
N. B.—Persons calling for the above letters
will please say they are advertised.
r. , r, C. RAHN, P.*,
Calawiasg, Peg.
NOTICE is hereby given thgt leiiere e'fed
miuUtration upon the estate of Marl!&
Schooly.kte pf Madison townshq), teoli m *
b ' c °" nt r? deceased, have bean grsnAed?;
the tnTdersigned restding in Jeieytr jW „ pJ?
county. All persons tridebsod , 0 thi „ti
decedent are requested to ' , '™
without delay, find those bavmp
to preeent them for settlement to
Jeiieytowo, Dec. 22,