The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 21, 1857, Image 2

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n. W. WEAVfcn' KDfirOß.
I - '
Wetfaetrtar, Jm. 21, 1857.
Ijr this lint almost every'person in Penn
sylvania baa heard of tbt eleciion •< Came
ra* by treachery ud corruption. No nan
at heart rejoices over (hi* reedh, for even
kboee'fiepublrcam who nay like ihe treason
tfeepis# the Ireitora, and have tbehr misgiv
ings that this will be for ibem acuities*
•victory. Tliey begin to aee Ibo responsibility
tbay have assumed, and feel Ilka -Ptfvmrs'of
old—"acother aoeh victory and Ve are un
done." Two yeara ago even KnowNoth
ingism shrunk appalled from contact with
rncb a man aa Cameron, and banned the
semblance of a virtue if it had it not. lie
' pubiicanism has fallen even lower than was
Xiiow-Nothingism. Defeat and desperation
baa destroyed every memory and impulse
in it'except its intense hate of DEMOCRACY.
Upon that hate alone it now, and upon
tbat it rallied together 'for Camerou the men
who once talked about honor. It wasithis
bate of.Cemoorscy that apiced the "buzzard'a
feast" to rrhleh tbey an went in.
ißut the ireitora had other molivca, and
alas fot Pennsylvania that it should be so !
It need not surprise men, for every lime hat
had its Georgey or Arnold. Even among
the twelve faithful chosen by him who spake
as never man spake there was one to betray.
Human natore has its frail'.iea and these are
of lhein. Bold bad men every year corrupt
(he Tountaina of legislation, and hang like
'parasites around the members at Harrisburg
and Washington. Even members get so in
fatuated with the life of reckless and disso
lute adventure, that after tbey have lost all
-efaaraeler arid hope at home they go year
after year 'o beg some situation of lackey or
hanger-on at the outskirts. The members
from Schuylkill care only for money, and
■would just as likely have long einee belong
ed to the Opponiiion ifjt '|H|l Iryrttlll
bling than business—where oharaflter is sel
dom inquired after. Cameron has long since
had his stool pigeons in Schuylkill, and these
onuses made these men approachable by the
Aa to Foster, he has as effectually destroy
ed himself as Lebo, Wsgonseller or Menear;
and sold himself for the low price of selfish
passion am 1 revenge. The mind must be
narrow which, like his, can give nothing to
the cause it pseecmee to help lead. A man
is never great who cannot sacrifice selfish
ness. In thii case, when he and his raised
the standard of rebellion it was pointing out
the way for treason, and offering a pretext
and justification for it.
The result has neither injured the cause of
Democracy nor its chieftain in this fray.—
Col. Forney has lost nothing in the contest,
for the treaebery was to favor Cameron, and
the cause was money. So it mattered not
who was the Democratic nominee—the result
would have been the same undo; any other
leader of our osuse.
I'he Canal Hour it.
The Harrisburg Union of the 17th says:—
"Col. George Seolt, the r.ewly-elected Canal
-Commissioner, was qualified en Tuesday
last, and took hia aeat in the Board. Col.
Hecry S. Mott was elected President, and
Thos.-L. Wilson was re-elected Clerk. The
Hoaid now consists of Messrs. Moll, Planter,
and Scott. Col. Scott is a gentleman of ster
ling integrity, is practical, ar.d thoroughly
posted epon the workings of our State im
provements,' aad will make an able and rffi
•cient officer.
Tbe Board, as now constituted, is nnex
replionkble, and will command the ronfi
tlenre of the people of the State. We have,
heretofore,.spoken in le-ms of high praise of
each member of 'the Boasd, and we have
had no reason to charge our good opinion of
thsm. In their hand* the imeicsts of the
Commtmwealih are safe.
Col. Tnos. H. Forsythe hat made a modal
cflicer, and it it a matter of regret that the
State has lost his serviaes. He bears with
bim, in his retirement, tho regard of a public
.which can appreciate honesty and industry."
After Ike Traitors.
The Democrats of Mineraville held a large
indignation meeting in denunciation of the
recreant members from Schuylkill.
At Traroon* a similar meeting was held.
Th* Democratic delegates who Igsl f*H nom
inated Labo and Wagonsellar are cjlfed lo
meet at Pottavitla in county convention.
SNOW STORM.—OU Its* Monday a large
body of anow fell, bat il was a* light a* the
cold, dgnta air; jtnd drifted
mountains according to the whim of tbe
The car* aud mail* have been delayad,
but as nothing of interest for honest people
transpires at Hsrhsborg or Washington our
readers will not lose much.
Iy We call the aiteni ion of our reader*
to th* proceeding* of the Democratic Clnb
at Potievill*. They are significant, aud show
that tba traitors who voted for Cameron will
get poor comfort a! home.
IW An dudignauoa Mealing was held in
Philadelphia, by the Keystone Club, on c
--couut of the election of Simon Cameron to
the U. S. Senate. The Traitors were bitterly
denounced. A resolution wae adopted to
memorialize lit* Senate aa to lb* illegality
ol his electing.
OT Howard's Express Company is very
wed menaced now, and itaehargas are quit*
filfeONtblfs Parsons nan receive pAtkage*
from any part of lb* oeuotry with nfety and
i ——- s ■
Even in SOGASLOAI- TOWNSHIP, which oer
lainly hat many difficulties to contend with
in the effort for good schools by reason of'ila
sparse and Scattered population, we found a
school with a class of 16 scholars in Geag
raphy, with a uniformity of books both in
this tnd other studies; and in wbieb then
teemed an earnest zeal to I yarn in every
scholar, and cqrreapor.dirrg" labor of love
on the part of the teacher. Trae, all the
school* of the district are not an tuceetsfof
ae the on* at Cola s Crazi, ba, this school
proves tbat all can be made goad if there ia
e proper effort. Sometimes persons sag 'any
teacher will do for our schodl, for it's very
brckward.' If such persons were told tbst
t heir'chilHren could not foam like others, or
did not deserve to be equally well Itoght,
because they were made of different mate
rial from |fg real of childkind, they would
feel intuited. And yet it ia the same intuit
which they use themselves. Any school can
bs inade good, but it requires effort, aud the
co operation of parents, directors and leach- !
ere. Nothing ia more perilicious than the
eleciion of ami-school mon aa director*, or
even of men whose heart is not in the oaute.
HZMLOCK district has cot a* good schools
as its opportunities and means ought to ex
hibit. Jl could be one of the Aral diameter
in iUe county. But so long as the Directors
persist to employ a teacher who doss not
know a note of .iuterrogatien cor its use, and
cannot add and together our hops for
progress is faint. vWa found Mental Arith
metic taught only in Miss Parlie's rchool,
whirh seems in all respects to be the beet
conducted aud most advanced school of Ihe
district. At our first visit there two winters
ago we found the scholar* qpre not langht
the difference between a comma and a peri
od. There hascertaiuly tbeen a marked pro
gress since then. At the Forks school we
gave instructions to have a class organized
in Orat Arithmetic, aad that punctuation
should bo taught in the reading exercise;
which wa are lolJ has tinoe been done.—
Concert reading in its origin was found at
the ftew Buck limn school, I
CwßmWu'ny'no improve his school.
MONTOOB diatiit't hat excellent brick school
houses, in which wo have regretted to find
the lack of black-board*- Lsat summer we
visiiedrthe schools at Mr. .Roberts and at Mr.
Dieteficti's and found them bolh well con
ducted lor primary school*. The scholars
reflished rtieiir instruction, and wt re ioter.vsl
ed. This winter we visited the schools vt
Dieterichs and at Lazarus' but they a>e still
pimary schools, and retoricu! reading, con
cert reading, arid oral arithmetic had not yt't
got into the sdhools, althoirgh there are
scholars of advanced ege. Mr. Swisher in
the lower school, at our suggestion, organiz
ed a class in oral arithmetic, and we wit
nessed one ralltsr creditable exercise of the
class. Grammar and Geography have bees
introduced tliit winter. So we hope the work
will go oil.
In Mot'HTPLZASANT there has always been
some anti-school feeling, and last year there
were no free schools. In the first two schools
we visited this winter the teachers had not
got so far as to explain the difference be
tween a comma mid a period in reading, nor
to the use of the questions iu the arilhme
tio ; but as they had been pressed by Direc
tors for certificates anil received them with
5s and Os, no person was deceived. A teach
er ol this kind kept two years ago at the
Miller soltool-house, where we found this
year a decided improvement. The schools
at Ikelers and Kitchen's are good ; and the
teacher at Ikelar'a among the best to the
county. This illustrates that in a district ;
beset with every diffiaulty there may be
good schools established if the right effort is
Discipline of Schools-
A esse wis laiely tried in the Luzerne
Court which has soma interest for Teachers,
Directors, ami "bad boys!" It i* thus re
ported in the Record oj the Times;
vs. > Indictment, Assault
E. D. F. BROWNILL. ) and Battery.
R. H, Lackey, Prosecutor.
This WAS s cse involving the right of cor
poral punishment in school. The defendant
wet a teacher of a private sohoot in the
Borough of Providence. The prosecutor was
one of the Patrons of the school, and sent
his boy, a lad of some 14 years. Th# boy,
"was rather indolenl A " to use the father's ex
pression. A lesson had been assigned to
him by the teacher which he failed to ac
quire for three successive daye—iu conse
quence the teacher kept him after tcbool in
| company with another scholar, (who was ra
t taine l for the tame cause) and told them
thCv must gel the lesson. He stepped oot
01 "thsJoorfor e few minulea, saying be
would be back soon end bear the leaeon.—
The boye esoaped by • back door. The
Lackey boy played ttuani for a few daya,
and relumed to school—was called loan ac
count for disobeying the rule* or lb* school.
The teacher attempted to inflict chitsti**- .
ment—the scholar resisted—sufficient pun
ishment was inflicted to make the pnpil sub
mit and promise reformation. Th* boy was
taken out of school, and tb* leaehtr bound
to answer a charge of Aeaanlt and Battery
jn tbe Quarter Sessions. Verdict, "not gail
ty," and the prosecutor, B. H. Leckay, I*
pay the coat* ' prosecution.
8. 6. Winchester, Piatnct Altottay, and
Charles Pike ceonsel for vJommouwrtWt J
D. R. Randall, for defendant.
Tbe Court etated tbe rule of law relating
to eoporal punishment, to be as follow*:
"That tb* leeeher is placed in (he position
of parout, and has the same right to use cor
poral pou'Mbmaut, M necessary, to produce
oompfiano* With th* regulations of lb*
school, hot to be bold responsible for any
unnecessary or excessive punithmeut."
*Ae Tvte la rail.
X|£HllVWing is the detailed 'rttfe in thro
oft iaal Tuesday for'the'Election
61 a'United State* Senator j
' For B]MOH CAMMOW^"Messrs. Coffey]
'Crabb, Flenniken, Frazsrr, Gatuam, Seofield,
t 'Gregg, Harris, Jordao.lCillinger.'Uvvis, My-.
ej, Penrose, Seofield, Sellers,Stidrnair. South
er, aad Taggtrt, of ihe
Auguatin, Babcock, Ben
' eon, >Buhop, BroWu.'Cbaoe, Clover,'Cravr
ford, Diekey,'Dock, y ester, 'Gibbony, Ham
ilton, Hiealattd, Hioe, Hoffman of Lebanon,
Housekeeper, Tmbrie, Jones, Kauffmart, Kerr,
Mo, (Dero.) Mmtar, (Derrt.) MsCaimonl,
Moorhead, Mumma, Muaoelman, Niobols,
Pentose, Patura, Powuall, Pureed. Reed,
Shaw, Slom, Stevenson, tkfMivrs, Thome,
Vaucoorban, Vickers, Volgley, 'fFogo nttKtr, '
(Deto ) Warner, Williston, VVinlrode, With- 1
row, and Wright, of the House—67.
For JOHN W. FONNCY— Messrs. Brewer,. 1
Browne, Evans, Fellon, Ingram, Knox, "Leu
bach, Steele, Slraub, Walton, Welsh, YVil
kins, and Wright, of the Senate ; and Messrs.
Ahrams, Andersen, Arthor, Beck, Brower,
Brandt, Campbell. Cany, Enl, Gildea, Ha
mel, Hancock, Harper, Heine, H illy ear, Hoff
man. of Berks, Innes, Jenkins, Johns, John
eon, Kn'ig'ht, Leisenring, Longaker, Lovett,
Mangle, Mcllvatn, Nunemaeher, Pearson,
Petnken, Ramsay, of Philada., Ramsey, of
York, Roomer, Roberts, Rapp, Smith, of
entire, smith, of Luzerne, Tolwi, Vail, Wal
ter, Westbrook, Wharton, Yearsley, Zim
merman, and Getz, (Speaker,) of the House.
For HZNRY D. FOSTCR — Mr. Cresswell, of
the, Senate, and Messrs. Backus, Calhoun,
FausoJd, Hill, Nicholson, and Smith, of Cam
bria, of (be House—7.
For WAS. Wiuiat—Mr. Foster.
The Democrat* who voted for Mr. Cam
eron, are Messrs. Lebo and WagonaeHer, of
Schaylkill, and Menear, of York.
The announcement of the vote was re
ceived with prolonged biases, groan* aud
applause in the galleries.
Mr. Browne presented a protest against
the legality of the proceedings, which is un- '
derstood to reler to the proceeding* of the
Senate ia not electing a teller, at least one
'day beforvtbe elect ion, according lo law.
NA and Penrose objected to re
aeivu* the protest, oa the around thai the
CortVenUmrßepi no Journal.
'Pondittf trt* qneetion, Mr. Penrose moved
to adjourn, which wa* 4ost by a tie vote—
yeas 66, esya.'M.
Mr. Browne'* motion was then diacosaed
at some length by various members, and
finally ruled out of order.
The Convention then adjourned.
The Senate having retired, the Teller of
the House reported the result lo the House,
and thereupon the House adjourned.
Another Book fey Mrs. Uentz.
"Love After and thirteen other
choice Nouvellettes of yie Heart," is the
1 title of a book by Mrs. Carotins Lee Hentz,
which is now in press and will be published
on Saturday, January 31st, 1A57, by T. B.
Peterson, 103 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Of this book Ihe Philadelphia Saturday Cou
rier says; "A high, moral, and religious
charm pervades all the stories in this vol
ume, imparling a <{low to Ihe finest feelings
of our uature, and from the beginning to the
end -rtrertgthis added to strength, and beauty
to beauty. Her characters are finely drawn,
and Mrs. Heotz aeeme to have dipped her
pen in the fountains of ii-'O human heart, and
with a wizard hand laid baje Ibo various aud
complicating passions of ibei/nature." Com
plete in one large duidecimo volume, neatly
bound in doth, for ooe dollar a.nd ityenly*
five ceats; o in two volumes, pat'ec cover,
foe one dollar. Copies of either edition of
the work will be sent to any part of lb* Uni
ted States, frti of potlagu on remitting the
price of the edition tbey may wish, Lo the |
; publisher iu a latter. (
White Mnw.
By the following extract from Drake's His
tory of Boston, it appear* that oar Parlian
ancestors not only owned Wotfi, but a chilt
slaves. Drake says:
"By order of the State of England, many
(riah people had been sent to New England.
On their arrival lhay were sold by those at
whore expense they had been brought over,
to any of the inhabitants who were in want
of slaves or servants. There arrived the last
year a ship called the Goodfellow, Captain
Ueotge Dell, with a large number of emi
grants of ike above description. Many of
the Scotch peoflte bad been tent before this
In the same way. Some of them had been
taken prisoners at the sanguinary battle of
Dunbar. There arrived in on* ahip, the
John and Sara, John Greene, master, early
in the summer of 1662, about 272 persons.
Capt. Greene had orders 1? deliver them to
Thomas Ksmble, of Charlsßiow n,.aeto was to
self them, and With the proceed* to lake
freight freight for the West Indies;"
The Trailer's Reward-
Htaatsauao, Jan. 14, 1857. —Menear, of
York, openly boasts that he received 88,000
for voting for Cameron ; he aays be would
have voted for Forney for 85,000. The
boardets at Wilks' Hotel, where Manear hat
been stopping, protested agaiaat his remain
ing ; he was consequently dismissed by the
Brady, to whom he applied for board, re
fused 10 receive him - on, i' bM B' fen Wag
onseller and Lebo notice to quit. In the
House, n sffori will be made to espel Me
A Cincinnati paper steles, as an illus
tration of tbetllfcro.ece between talent and
humbug, that "Lola Monies, under the man
agement of Mr. Jones, realized, in this otiy,
six thousand dollars in ten days. Miss Sian
•jty, with the same manager, a lady of deci
ded isdent, has not paid axpensoa."
or In the Circuit Conit, Chenango Co.,
Illinois, John C. Dell, hae obtained a verdict
of fifteen thousand dollar* against the Galena
aid Chicago tlnion Railroad, for damage at
a public croNing, when neither bell wae
I rung, net whistle blewo, nor spaed sleeked.
BmlMhfeiietHlnr sattea, Ac."
Jodgb qgjglts, of the Committee on Ter
ritories hi ffiFSdnAte, has in charge the nat
ter invoked fa the bill of Mr. Riee, of Min
ndaoik, to notorize thai Territory to form
a State government, prepar
atory to TVAT I'd minion into the Union. It ia
understood tjatJodge Douglas will soon la
port a bill fj ibis perpoae, and also to'form
a nw Tdbry oat ef tbe Territory ef Mm
'basoia, tffßlpyUed the Territwy et DaciMah.
J edge Doagjqpfaill will propoad Ag BivifacaM
of a north and aouth'lina, iot*
eqoal pan*, the eastern half to form
the Stat# ef Minnesota, and the woftera bail
the Territory ef Dacotah.
< A bill authorizing the peopled! 'Oregon to
form a constitution and Stale gbvctnnl'eoi, is
'in'Commlttee of the Whole in 'the House,
'Mod iff* probable that this wilt be taken np
and pawed through at thb aabiß time With
'the'bill* above alluded 10.
It Is rhther discreditable lo quote from
the New York 'tlerald apOa political aubjeota.
The reputation of that paper in politics, and
perhaps in other matlara, ia rather ahakey,
and its opinions must be received with much
caution; bnt the extract we give below ia to
exhibit the affect which success in an oppo
nent haaopon some men, who always deiire
to be with the big crowd. Mr. Buchanan
baa ai yet doit nothing to change the opin
ion wbicb-the UeraU entertained <rf him i...
summer, and ytitbe weather-oock has come
round with remarkable facility.
"We tnticipa|s from Mr. Buchanan a prac
tical, capable, uiited working Cabinet, and a
policy of new tpgoir.lments, tf necessary,
every six or eiglf Weeks, until this desidera
tum of a team of! coven horses that will pull
all together at thp crack of Ike whip, shall
have been eectfred. We anticipate also,
from the Presided elect, a general policy el
honesty and connrvatism, and yet of rigor,
ability and progrew, in our foreign and do
mestic affairs, eminently satisfactory and
advantageous to Aa country. Already, too,
aa if in expsctatifen of such things, we per
ceive thsl tbe Southern fire-eaten are cooling
down, and that our Northern agitators are
subsiding into ihe sober affairs of every day
fife. In a word, all the aign* of Ihe limes
are auspicious of a new administration aa
firm add ltr* t 1 4 \flSrwarrf aa tSuef ,
yet aa conciliatory to aH parties and aectioas
as tbal of Monro*.
nians have been running very largely Into
debt, though the Constitution of the Slate
prohibits acy debt to be contracted which
shall swell the total amount of indebtedness
beyond $300,000, unless the bills making
any further appropriations should be submit
ted to the people, and be ratified by them-
The amount of debt contracted by the Stale is
over three millions of dollars, and all the ex
cess over $300,000 without the people's ratifi
cation is by a decision of the Supreme Court
declared to be illegal. This decisiou affects
parties m New York and Philadelphia, where
the bonds bf the State are held, and it has
already seriously depreciated the value of
such securities. The rfsntimenl in Califor
nia, so far as the San Francisco jonrnals re
flect it, seems to be decididly in favor of the
people sanctioning and legalizing the debt.
YANKEE EUTEBIBUI A Boston mechanic
named McGowan has conlraeled with the
Russian Government for the removal of She
ships of war which were sunk in the harbor
of Sebastopoi for the defence of the town.—
The vessels were made air-light, and were
supplied with orifices to attach hose to pump
(hem out. On attempting to raise them in
this manner the seems were found to have
started to such a degree, as to render it im
possible. They will now be raised by chains
and large eeowa made for the purpose, ap
plied to the ships by men in stib marine ar
roor. There are oae hundred and twenty
one vessels in ail, end the price to be paid
is said to be ftVtßOrtAcinily of #200,000.
flatted States Senators.
Zaoharish Chandler has been elected Uni
ted Slates Senator in Michigan for six years
in the place of Gen. Cass.
In Massachusetts Charles Sumner hit
been re-elected.
In Maine Hannibal Hamlin has been elect
ed for sir yean, and Atnoa Nourse for the
abort term.
JUDGE BLACK ROMCD On Tuesday night,
29th nit, the trunk of Hon. J. S. Black
was taken Itom tbe boot of tbe Somerset
nack, in the immediate vicinity of the town.
It was found ott New Year's day by some
skaters in the German Catholic Burying
Ground. Part of tie clothing and some val
uables were taken. The trunk contained a
large assortment ,|f the Judge, l opinions,
wMch the raaOKTSft behind. They probe
ably did not relish that kind of literature.
THE Beat** UCCTUBES—The New York
Times says:—"ll reply to an application
from an association in this oily, Col. Benton
elated that be bad never reoeived eny pay
for bie lectures, and never would ; but the
Boston people btve complimented him by
making him a present of two hundred dot
fare for a lecture, and that a similar compli
ment would be satisfactory to him. There
was a charming Bentonian simplicity in this
ingenious method of getting ever the awk
wardness of so distinguished a gentleman's
receiving pay like a common leotnror, for
bis services.''
tW Tbe largest mirror plate ever imported
into tbe United States, has just bean pet up in
(be bar room of tbe St- Nicholas Hotel. The
plate tk seven eleven feel high,
•ad birif en ineb tkfck. Tbe original eoel
and the cost of iaipogatien was >1,200; the
frame end patting op *200; making alto
gether 91,400.
UMIVBRIALMW he ffttsassae.—The stale
meat thai tba Supreme Court of North Caro
lina has confirmed the deoieion of Judge
Manly that members of tbe Universalis
Church ere incompetent to toalify t courts
of justice sceotdieg to tbe laws of (bet Slate,
io a mistake.
A bolt! lon and Know-dolhlof Fertratf^l
Their Hew Mamr.
'Of the Twenty-tight Seeedere from thf
'Know-Nothing Catecut, of IBM,
'to thrir Conetituenit.
High conviotiooi of duty impel the nnder
feigned to inbmit lo ibaii fellow-citizens the
following rtatemenl:—
At the oenHbemmment of the present aea
niee of the Legislator*, thaTrlenda of the
American' Organization, in the House of Rep
reaanthtives, resolved lo act n u independ
ent patty. Ae each, they net in caocua, and
determined lo admit nona to (hair delibera
tion* but soeh aa ware known lo be true to
the great ptincipla* of that Organization. In
vindication of tboae prinoiplea, they alio de
termined to eopport no man for any office in
the gift of the Legislature, who waa not
eqnally known to be true to them, aa well aa
to the interest* of the Commonwealth. At
the 'Conventional Caocua, held to nominate a
candidate for State Treanarer, member* of
the American Organization were rebated ad
mittance, simply because they had refused
to co-operate with ita piny from the begin
ning, and to vote for ita caucus nominee*.—
out at toe caucus ueiu otrtne evening or (he i
9th inst., tboae who bad been refused admit-1
tanoe to the previoue caucus ware found in
attendance; and some who were only known
as the bitter enemies of the American organ
ization, were with ua, directing and controll
ing the nomination of one of the most in-
Iriguetng, if not the moit corrupt politician! in
tht State. A resolution was offered to exclude
these objectionable persons, and their own
Dotee indefinitely postponed the consideration
of the resolution. A motion was fbee mad*
to proceed to nominate a candidate for the
United Statea Senate by a viva voce. An
amendment waa offered, eabatitnting a vote
by ballet. The amendment waa adopted and
the resolution carried by a majority of only
three— thus showing that thosa who bad no
right To ha preaent held a controlling influ
ence, or the balance of power.
Here let e* reflect for a moment open our
<*i*n |fVottiuu* & uois wtTTB oerore inn CIQ*
oat rone of the best men in Pennsylvania,
whose friends were urging them as proper
csndidates. There were in that caueoi less
than twenty men who openly admitted they
would vote for Simon Cameron. Under these
circumstances it seemed scarcely possible
that be could be nominated. He was openly
repudiated by three-fourths of the members,
and certainly we had DO reason to fear, with
this open atrowal of hostility, for almost any
other of lbs names before us would base
been acceptable. It is true tbey had masked
themselves by the secret ballot; but to na
this was more an evidence of cowardice than
of perfidy. We could not believe that all
who bad voted for the secret ballot, had done
so to bide themselves from their constituents,
or to betray us into the support of a man de
spised and disowned by every political or
ganization in Pennsylvania. It was not until
we began to ballot, that our betrayal became
manifest. It was then that we discovered the
treachery that was pretending to oppose Cam
eron, and yet bypocritickily and secretly vo
ting (or his nomination.
The power that controlled that caucus was
too palpable, corruption was behind the
throne, and no wonder that its victims skulk
ed behind a secret vote, and covered their
deeds from the eyes and knowledge of the
Were we justified in leaving the caucus
when tbe evidence, to our minds, had become
demonstrative t Could we, as the represent
atives of an hooeai constituency, have served
them with fidelity by remaining ? Could we
have exonerated ourselvea from the odium
of such a Domination if we had delayed our
departure and aided te consummate suoh a
result? Could we have remained In Uiatoan*
ous believing ourselves bound by Us aeiion,
aod justified ourselves in voting for a man
wboae whole history is but the history of in
trigue ?—a man who baa despised all party
obligations, aod treated all caucuses with
oon tempt ?
Tbe inquiry arises, who it Simon Cameron?
As a Statesman, fame has never associated hie
name with the word. As a politician, he bae
always professed to be a Democrat, and yet
that patty only remembers him because of
his treachery, and speaks of him as a traitor.
As a Whig, it is bis boast that ha never voted
• Whig ticket in hie life—that party being
■aved from such a disgrace. As an American
and Anti-Slavery man let the record speak
for itself. At a County Convention, held in
the Court House, in the borough of Harris
burg, on the second day of last September,
Simon Cameron was a I1lea' *UU an ac
tive member. The following resolutions were
offered in that Convention, and are said to
have been in hie handwriting. Certainly,
they met with no opposition from him:
Resolved, That we have confidence in the
administration of Gen. Pierce, because be
bae manfully battled for those principles, and
thrown its influence in favor of anataining
tbe right of man to self govsrnmant.
Resolved, That tbe able, fearless, end Dem
ocratic administration of Gov. Bigler meats
our hearty approbation, and we congratulate
the Democracy ol the Slate opon the oertainty
of hia election.
Retolved, That Judge Black, the able end
intrepid Janice of the Supreme Court, bee eo
conducted bimeetf ee to win the eeteem end
confidence of the people.
Retolved, That the manly repudiation of
Know Nothingiam by Henry S. Molt bee won
tbeteepeot of even bis eoemiee, and will
add largely to kie majority at the coming
Retolved, That we ate in favor of ike Ne
breeka-Kanaaa bill, beeaaae it eanbodiea Ike
vital piinciplee of self-gar eminent, which
liever can conflict with the interests of free*
Retolved, Thai we are opposed to the pto
eoriptive and hull-republican order eeiled
Know Nothings, and tball deem It our duty,
as Democrats, to oppose for offiee all pentme
known to have any connection with it.
1 When has be changed hjp opinions upon
these qeestions? When, or where, has he
diaoweed them f And even if them be aajg
reseat recantation got up for the present
gency, (bete It nit obArsoter enough iBe
men to Impose open credulity Itself. ~
Bat do not 4hpeople ef'-Peonsylvenie ex
pecMotnetkfOgln4rs Af the preernl'Lag Isle
ture then the election of "en old peiitlcil
beck?" Tbegreet polihcet revofcutoo that
brooght the American party into power, baa
no pare I'd in tba biatory of Peaoaylraaia.—
The Old peri* organisations were dissolved
by an eoeeen pfwer, and eld pelitioiaeewkb
all their eobemea, floundering or wtedkod
with tbe elemeote that supported them, ab
sorbed by tbo mysterious power of an organ-
Hptoft beyond their eontref. WH groil rev
olution fa (Hit without ila leae<7o. Tbo old ,
putties with their leading politician*, ware
corropl; and it waa their sigoal destruction
(ho people sought when Ihey pot their power
into the new organization. They did ratal'*
corruption, and tbo party hi power stands a*
a monument of that raboka.
Shall the American party then,in tha face
of all its professions and actions,bencto made
the dishonored iost:nmeh\ In derating Simon
Cameron to the highest office in its gift ? and
thus hold him up to tbo world as the expo
nent, embodiment, and personification of
Americanism I We WOM not. WE CON
sy Iranians, wo remember that onr State mot
to, as adopted by onr ancoetors of seventy
six is "Virtue, Liberty and Independence."
We roverenco this glorioue old motto; and
boar m mind that we bnt recently twore as
representatives, to perform onr duties as snch,
with fidelity ; fidelity to onr constituents, fi
ddity to onr netivo State, and fidelity to tbe
ennobling principle engraven on onr State
escutcheon. Shall we then, or can we con
sistently with the oaths we have taken, sup
port a Domination so destitute of every ele
ment of virtue, which would disgrace the Amer
ican Organization and our own native State;
and which we feel assured, onr constituents
will repud isle with scorn and righteous in
dignation. We recognize no power in any
caucus, to require us thus to sacrifice our in
tegrity to throw away our self respect, or to vio
late oor oaths ; and therefore it is, that in the
istUpmilsocs of freemen, m abike Sewa
king caucus at the bidding of our country.
A bore our renerated motto, and associated
with it in all tha true memorial of the pan,
and our hopes of the future, the American
eagle—our national emblem, and our coun
try'! pride. It ever adorns our alarry flag;
and it spreads its "wings of glory over us"
as a protecting angel. When we go into the
Hall of the House of Representatives, to exe
cute the most important trust confided to us,
we desire to meet something there having
some analogy or concordance with these glo
rious recollection!, and these sacred emblems.
Graut us ibis or something approximating to
this, and all will be well; and our hearts and
our bands will be with you, both to do and
to date. But what we say unto one we say
unto all invite us not in there to partake of a
buxxard's feast. Ask ua uot to support a nom
ination brought about, as we believe, by the
concentrated and "cohesive power of public
plunder," and the superadded element of shame
less and wholesale private bribery. All counte
nance and participation in such things as
these, we not only most earnestly and per
emptorily decline, but have pledged our
selves unitedly and determinedly to oppose.
Such is a brief and hasty outline of our past
action and our intended future course. We
submit it to our constituents, confident of a
triumphant vindication, and we cordially in
vite all our honest fellow-representatives,
whether in the late caucus or no!, to rally
with us in this contest, and to make common
cause with us for the honor and the glory ol
our Native State, assuring tbera that though
it may have passed into an adage thut "Paris
is France," yet Harrisburg is not Pennsyl
Ntoholua Thorn, John F. Linderman,
T. L. Baldwin, Samuel B. Page,
E. C. Harrison, R. B. M'Comb,
J. Alex. Simpson, M. J. Pennypacker,
T. H. Maddock, G. Rush Smith,
S. P. M'CALMONT, Otis Avery,
James M'Cullough, JAMES J. LEWIS,
Daniel Loll, James Lowe,
DAVID TAGGART, Watson P. Magill,
F. It. JORDAN, Mark A. Hodgson,
John Ferguson, W. Stewart,
C. J. Lathrop, H. N. Wickeraham,
B. Laporle, G. J. BALL,
J. Holcomb, Lot Bergsiresaer,
Harrisburg, February IS, 1855.
The men whoae names are printed in cap
itals, voted for Cameron on Tuesday tha 13th
ter of the Jon met of Commerce, from a lady
who owns at®— • ovorgia, gives an ac
count of the recent marriage of one of her
negroes, in which she remarks:—
"The couple, last night, were both very
young and handsome, and the groom in a
full soil of black, with a white cravat, looked
aa serene and unembartassed as if he had
been a gentleman. The bride'* trousseau,
furnished by her parents, who, like herself,
are common Held hands, woald do credit to
many* decent white mechanic. She has
seven new dresses and a shawl, besides more
necessary articles, and the trifles from the
groom, one of which is invariably a bottle
of cologne."
tf The Erie City Bank ba* closed it*
doors, owing, as some of its apologists very
truthfully say, to the "heavy outside pres
sure." This is one of the bank* created two
years ago aa balongiog to the "judicious in
crease." The Germantoicn Telegraph trusts
that tha Legislature will be very earaful hew
it yields this session to similar "public ne
cessities" lor new banks.
tOT In ihe Soperior Coott of Conneotioal,
on (ha Btb inol., two mora verdicts woro ran
do rod against the Now Havon Railroad Com
pany for damages resulting from tho groat
dioastar at Norwalk. Tho omonnto woro Av*
and four thousand dollars, rospootirely. Iff
tho format esse tho man diod of hit Injntloo,
and in tho Inter tb# individual wrt mtiebet]
for lifo,
jlwi mi)imc>F— WM UMICM'
tlHMiii ThlMk WW.
A meeting of tbe Buchanan and Breekio*
ridge Club, of PottaeiUe, waa b4d at tba
Middla Ward' Hotel, on Wednesday, January
14th, 1857, far MM purpoaa af taking aatioa
on tba lata atraeiona ooadaet 4f tha ~n uihan
of ibe'Heaee of Rapraaantatwaf from fldSj >•
kill couety. '
At balf paat aaaan O'-
Conaor, iba President, took l <ba • Chah, aad
£.•?. Waaton, ifttbe Ataaaka df-Uia Sacsu
tary pro tern.
Tha llao.'f. XV. Hughes stated Iba-object
of tlrrtneating, and after appropriate remark*,
condemn atora of the conduct of HVm. B.
Lebo and George Wagon aeller, raoTad that
a Committee of Fifteen ba appointed to draft
resolutions expressive of the opinion of ike
meeting, which being seconded, tho'Chair
appointed the following Committee Hou.
F. W. Hogher, Hon. Bernard Reiilay, John
Clarion, Geo. D. B. Keim, Col. J. M. Watb
arill, S. K. P. Kepoor, Waabington Reifsny
der, Alex. Hetherington, Jacob Kline, John
Mcßroon.', Enoch Bryor, Cbarlet N. Clem
ena, F. P. Peweea, David Eaterz, and Jobn
Megginnis, who reported tba following Pre*
■mble and Reaolnttone, which were unani
mously adopted:
WtncMis, The Democracy of thie county
have bean aatonnded with the information
that the pentona elected to the Honee of Reps'
reaentative* of Penneytvanla from Schuylkill
county, have perpetrated the crime of a meat
groaa tod flagrant betrayal of the known
w iabaa of the party who have elected them,
and their own solemn and oft repeated
pledgee, by voting for Simon Cameron for
United Statea Senator, after bit open and no
torious action as a leader among the Know-
Nothing and Black Republican Fuaionialtof
tbia State, iu opposition to the Democratic
party and the integrity of the United States.
Resolved, That the conduct of William B.
Lebo and George Wagocaeller, in connec
tion with another traitor from York county,
in voting for Simon Cameroo for U. S. Sena
tor, in known and open defiance of Ibar
wishes of the entire Democracy of Schuyl
kill county, ia a direct violation of thair re
peated assurance! and profession# before
their election.
Resolved, That for such traitors we know
of no adequate punishment provided by law,
and can only express the execration of a de
ceived and outraged constitutency, who will
treat these Arnold's and Gorgey's with ex
clusion from all social and and political in
Resolved, That we have no doubt tbiscou
duct is the result of bribery, that the consid
eration for this betrayal was gold—and that
these guilty wretches and their confederates
may be exposed to the world as a vujfak
to all others, we ask the House of
tatives of Pennsylvania to cause a
vestigation of the means by which timmu
parsUeled frond and treason was comraitteJ.
Resolved, That we request the County
Committee to notiiy the delegates in the late
County Convention, who by misplaced con
fidence caused the nomination of these trai
tors, to assemble at the Court House, in
Pottsville, on Saturday, the 24th inet., and
that a County meeting of the party be called
to meet on the same day and plaoe, at such
an hour as shall be fixed hereafter, to ex
press their opinions and wishes, respectively,
in reference to this treason.
Resolvtd, That Tor a professing Democrat
to sustain or approve the conduct of these
traitors, ia acknowledging their own com
plicity in their infamous transactions, and to
coofesa that at heart they have been hypo
crites and enemies of the Da moc ratio pany
and its principles.
Resolved, That we hereby solicit the Bu
chanan and Breckinridge Clubs in the sev
eral districts, in this county, to assemble and
make known their feelings of fndignation at
the wrong that baa been inflicted upon them.
Seo'y of Committee.
On motion, resolved, That the Hon. Ber
nard Reiley and J. M. Wetherill be appoint
ed a Committee to send a copy of these pro
ceedings to each Democratic membf r of the
Oa motion, adjourned.
E. F. Was Toe, Sec'y pro ism.
i i . ■vrTrvwEea^
Special Woticei.
applicability of these extraordinary medica
ments to the disorders of all olimates, rea
ders them indispensable to all who journey
by sea or land. Scurvy, the most tetriblw
scourge of seafaring men, is eradicated by
tha use of the Ointment; while the PWs, By
iheit aheiattve and oonservativei operation'
upon the stomach, the iteration* and thw
bowels, soon rslisvw tha worst eases of bil
ious fevar, diarrhea and stomach complaint.
Taken as a preventative, they fortify the sys
tem against the disorders consequent upon
changes of temperature, said deprive the
process of acclimation of its principal dan
ger. Emigrants to the Far Weal had batter
go there unprovided with implements of la
bor, than without these unequalled curatives.
Can afford to be xcithmrtt Muetang Lin
iment in their house. The many acci
dents we are liable to, why render it ne
cessary any moment, and nothing it ca
pable Qf performing such a certain cure.
(Extract,) "In lifting the itetlle from
the fire it caught and scalded my hand*
and person severely—one hdnd almost
to a crisp. The torture was tinker able L
It was an awful eight. * * * The
Muetang Linbnsnt itemed to extract
the pain almbst immediately. It healed
rapidly and left no etar of account. C,
Foster, Broad strtet, Philadelphia,'*—
It it truly a tbonderful arUcle. ft will
""y eas* of Swelling, Bums, Stiff
Joints, Eruptions or Hheumatism. For
n!" ft utvtr dispensed
™>rth of Mustang
has frequently earned a valuable horse
It emu Golds, Sprains. Ringbone.
Spavin and Founders. Beware of ins
S&it" " ,JkM
J Proprietors, Now York.