The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 26, 1856, Image 2

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    imtm kmtpmpmm aX mwmmtd
m : tm unrnkim #r * f
mm* m xsptiaa *m |Nm rn'mj.
i m Ikmmmm * mm fnift aigse
faas waft** mil** I pxb.fmd
pp. Ikm r* mm% xAs §nm, mm,
tew At* •*, Bask o*4, I •, wnhani km
hmtm* ikmmktMf wbisb lbs (team mm
kkmmmmm I *mpmmmmsmm
|teaasdf pimply Mm ********* in iba
dstbia mm X rxwdsar or pxarwi-
On ftsa 4*l lb# Mil X Fsbroary a ghmpm
war ablsiaX XiM warning van. ,
kg fj. AMAM m/
• p ww |>vvi i ainw ™ i
Lij^f! r lava eaaa Mara foakad apt* A*
,#aa Iwx ataoding aa <Mk, |hfcingaa
AM -*■ -*--*■ _ JLmw it. -. fc . * - .
■' ® laWßlpf ■'*'Jj WJjtfb
M laeg harp bid ia abvdsw, ibWai m
aaa-blrft. f Inv (bit barg rpfca wall; it
m**4 bxwaaa CfearSotts* Wood Fiord ate
Lb Ua Wittia'v waaaatsni. Oaajraar ailil
dag aga 1 mvalsd toward a bast Fan Back
tajpxwb iba wavblnv. Tbaa f bad ia eSwb
tba biiia bayaad, la cat As latary, bsakiog
is Ua brigbiaaaa: bal saw ihoagh tba van
was bal a ihtgUdapras abs*a tba ma ban
ms, it was as mutk elevated by tssaete
Umi tba abaaa auatetoed aerae tba tmogh el
tba lead jibed Bawisp wagae, I eoald J>x
at maid ax vavka tba jaßaaaae. bmi
Isaday axX werahip. 1 alerted XT x vaarao
taa, aad aaagbt baa aaba asMsd Xewly vlaag
Iba baaiaaa, aad bates ba vat, 1 waa age is I
tba fnt af ay yalf Iswedhais ieaeaabiae. i
It lefts ftiX AMI I Lava tsra tea far a wa
ist." nV "'" 1 ' ww * mm *"
U waa ax amtl tba SSft af May ftst tfca
ff*r*wa aaablad ia larva iba vwaaX,whieb
baaitraaavaiabiy imbsdded ia *a iaw.aad
tea ap tbv baa of match few *a rrrtrarat
aa Iba OanXaadeoaX. Dormg iha imerva
wag tea they bad aqfhaaa idia Oaav.
aty mepfce fma tbair iaeaadiMeateariage by
cold, lamina aad diraara, tbareaarb rrar eoo
aaaad iar iba ahjaet af iba Exped.tioo, bw
after variaa# iroitlam nempta, tbey vara
eMpad la atiiaqabh all hope* of aaceam.—
"•baaasorpaaa la dmail ibaparHeaa jam
nay lafta Date MteaxteX which Aay
arrivad abaat iha |at af AagaaL
tkm aspadMaa aadar Br. Kaar, abbaagh
wx eweeaiag * *egwi ptapwfcr wbich
b waa daapXebad, baa eoatribntad import act
aad anlaabls additea ta Iba geegwphy cf
Iba Aratie regioaa. Iha higbeat poiat reach
ad waa aaxly algbiy-aaa aad a bmt degraea
af Ixbadt, wabta abaat gra baodmd adaa
in Ik* different exploration* bjr member*
of ik* p*ny, Ik* nottbam coast of Greenland
wa* wt rayed to it* term button IB tb* gtrxi
HanboMt Glacier—thi* glacial aiaaa u M
amtocd and described oe for aeit* northward
extension into 4m m hod named Wait
-■Ttftoa —a large tract of land farming the ex-
Wk" nonkward of lb* American coo tin cut
woe JtororeuJ and tbe exiwmee meeruia
•ad af an open and ice lean ac lowanle lb* 1
role, making a* area, aritb tbe channel, of
over fo*r ibaaaaad *iba. Tbe dk**W> of
Ada Poiar Sea ia one of the aaeat kwatiug
raaoha of Arctic exploration. It bad leaf
been wpactnd thai such a traetof a aft aaaa
to ba found ia tbe vicinity of the Pole, and
•the re epic ion wan con tit wf te rorae extaal
by netonl ox, aeppoaed dacorctitf. Bat
hitherto ao satisfactory proof of lb* fact had
boea obtained. Tbe evidence which Dr.
flfasa ba* bad ffe true good fortune to eolloot
ia fo*nd*d on beta of iremsdton obosira
tiop. The eoast of Ibi* wyrtai'mna an oat
4 ravened for many mi tea—the water wa*
viewed front an elevation of fiv* hundred
and eighty feet, p wonting tbe mm tail,
let* tptcnelc, aw red by • heavy awed,
free taxi ice, and daahiag in aorf agimat a
rock-boond aba**. Ia aannneiioa with tbir
discovery, mverdl facta ware bronchi to iigbt
iadteatmg a mildwelimate near the PHe.—
Crewda of marine "MfJe. tba advance of r*-
gauikld lift, the akahad wow agon tbe teefcs,
and the riaa of the lh*rreom<i*r in the water,
suggested tbe ropporitio* of a eitaaie raoi
-ioraiioO toward* the Pete, ahhoagb Dr. Kane
dadioea engaging to ika dtoensaon of the
tn Donate ding oar oxlandai aotice of teto
gnk, we easoot bat iwptat theexpmsieo of
ow aanaa of lb* borniaia, many mad artcM
mm of the iairapid chief of tea Kspwdrtioo.
Jfi* modoat narrative baa a certain tat libit
graphical tttciartroo.twcnaernailj aavaaliag j
lb* highem order of many qualities, white in
ten interact of bit in ri it an It, it ia atanrt to
•porfiwaato aay, k the wort exei
ling wondeia of romaeea. A vein of bean
tifal hnmaaity pervada* ba composition, and
•evw in tbe deaeribing of the aw* daaparmia
neanoa, a lathing burner often ptopa forth,
•bowing iho importance of uncongenial eir
cuntktnSco* to titptaaa an aiaalio and ganer
ona nature. The ethical laatou of the vwi-
Q mas is a no tew preeiona gib to the reader
tew it* scientific iartintfioa and ptetatreqwe
i<ATBT gfioa more.
Alain ia Eawpa appaw ta ba rmber caw- c
glitwad Tb* Eagtrtk and Frcucfi alliiaw i
ia avatry day growwg waakar. By Ika wri- i
vol af tea Staartwt City of Waaktegtw wa 4
team thai "the Britiih fleet is formally aa- ;
nonaood to remtia in tbo Block Sea, mtei
Ruain folfilla her nbllgaiinw teat Gtett
Britain, Austria tad Tnrkey eUim toba
firmly united fa tela policy, tew teew three
powers art making strenuous efforts te 1
withdraw tenia Ntpoieoe taw eoqwoing I
wilb Snaate, and teat Katria la waking equal <
effotta 10 rccura bia tH'inaca." 1
Tb* dlfficatty with Naples r*wtot un- I
changed. Tbe recalled Engfite and Preach 1
Bibwliin frii Hiiwl at llaniflbL
Tbe rillngmt fWSaia ef tee coy 1 ton 1
cwftwifon nf tee alDtare bmwnou Rtgfond i
nad Aortris. ' • - 1
teMfta Amman Xmgitef.-Tbe Kmg of
Denmark, who morally koigbtnd Ptufawtr
Moras, hs. now eoafomd tee uawe honor
upon Lieut kUnry. ft to wtonteteff trigbiy
cwdhdbto lo Awwienw, tent, bte Any
rankante hnnnw, k wmtta tbrongb aeteoad
..j JlwinVfitifi* wkMl mpwa
ana (iwuivim wnivn bib vvbvww i* iw
human race
i • wraaaa, teraa' '
Xlaattea.a, fFmaaaday, **.'*7***.
•mm Iba ClaaflM a4 AAerward.
Tba faixam rata If rejaarrM a
MM frnMiag tM,aM h $* M iha Fvnaav
*"• Tbaaa Bapmbrnar warn wbbng m
■NBatay xaaßxalaataadgbrrfaXavMa
"pax Maadhrff Bawaai, bbf, tea
I iha aiaefwa ihay aaa v#ry evnrfx not to prava
||| |
' mm J
lW> warp ha tea af ammHld aana arar iba
pKflMit igi n A#
baaax aad aarsapatrtag raw; bat saw
Bay baas ax aas aaat tsgte far *a tafbf
X Tbay bsadsbaad
of datodad xaigtsaw M pa ax aad aid ia
Baaaaa j aad Saw atoss tbaaa rpaaalHmaa
i baaa laitad, ibay igaaa tba paav cmawwaX
1 tea lawlars fiat dXbarate aad vtyw
fgate Id tbv taste srawiatsf lbs paXte
law asd te widdTtaxi ThW ia rhatanaia
tic X ibXiliis aaaab Tbaaa
mate baaa ylayad tes gaaca far xssy yesn
|aaay from thaSaotb aad tbaa left aaatdcd
- aaaaaa. maw ary ara oyvsg I
dm white area whom Stay
baaa baaa SwT 5 ® dalada iaia Banaai wkh
lawteaara m bait baaaL* ■bmp'a riiaa
ia tear baada.
I Oaa X iha orgaae X tba BapabbaaS pirt)
wWt aaraatlj rnaiiliag avar iw dead aad
waaadid, wah Haw Bagiaad claaaaa, raoL
otks4l Uum tscli pptiinl pmy j§ ptsi cos*
tax bad apex over mgtt mKm of doiian
■dfiaaa X daflaaa la apead ia crjpag avar
aaw ia baa aodbag Car iba aid X te poor aw
ipaa whom b took far iha aahyaei X iw
It te in bo begad that the New England 1
Republican* ba*a teatood wialra taw tba 1
faitaio of thorr Emigrant Aid Sporalation, 1
400 (Aio
Waal baa canted their tety Me • little aober '
raw. Tba lnm agueliiißß baa aeitbar f 1
paid fa • paßneel aor pecuniary point; and' 1
tba aerie* of the Yarwoot trgtolainia indi
calaa that tba benst child raw of fauatfotmi
know Ow fir* thai wtnekri tbew within. It
ia a gratification low; how tba tart of No- 1
vein ber oipp*d in tbe bed the plot of wia
chtof mid kypoeriay.
tUnaltf Fire I
On lart Salorday atoraiegai about 3 o'clock , I
tbe Foundry and Maebiae-ahop of lit Joseph | 1
Skugitn, ia this town, ww diacovetod to ba
oa fire, aed it was aooc (cmml that the baild-;
ing could net ba wved. A Urge number a'. [
patterns nod carting* warn ramovcJ; and , 1
every effort made w save tbe neighboring'
buildings which were ia evident danger.— .
Tbe crowd of people was aeon very targe, •'
and aa tbew bad been aawe raw tbe pieiious '
evening, and tbe wind was net vary Mgh, no
other building was waterialiy injured. Bet 1
in aa hour from the fiat discovery of tbe
fire tbo whole Foundry and Myhiamteop
| warn ia wkw. Mr. Sbnrptew had aa insu
rance of S,M* a* the property, bet kis tew
writ atiU be aerie**. He ia already making >
arrangement* lo rebuild. The fin wort have j
originated aa tee machine tap, ttangh aolb- j
ing iv hue a a to a innamii.
Tbe stent of Ike in rwna awakaaud tbe
wiade of tbo tei-taaa lo the "wagumai a of a 1
Fife Eagioe *d tfin aggaaaia* fat each a* j
emerge acy Oar town baa b**a fortanataly j
eery fib* taw ibi into wit to* ad Ira. Or tea
goirttey evening a mrtb% of fie aitrviai
vu ta" '■ *• °"f Jary Seem, at which
Mr. Ww. M ' K * ir 7 gffifed; and it wa* a*,
solved I* ptfagte* cad Other
appataiaa. A tahw.'T**" wm W—"nd
the work of safety atone* *?"■•
Ajtomxa Fit*.—Scarcely huL* •** m *'
awat of Someday mere teg gamed aV n i m
Monday night, about 11 oteteok, the mf **
"fiaa"again alaiwud outrinawi.; and it was; ■
fooadlbat A* largo now haw of Dr. J. Raw- i '
any feCe., btonosa tee Caoai aad Brest, ww
already son top <d in fi*mi-dWhen dm faw
dy of Mr. Cooper, twiilwt en 4t farm, fiat '
*• * .t. A,, * r an fi__ J . I
uifCOTeiM IM Off, BWHI COM3 M COM 10
tare Ike building; and wly tba bones and 1
*ag*wt ww* lakaa aw bafer* the budding
wan ia a Maze, h aaaa liafi la to to*. The
bam was entirely new, indeed not qaate fia- 1
iteod, wd bad boa erected in the place of
on* which ww a rack by lights ing lart sum
wer and tawed t* the pwi Mr. Capper,
Ike fawMr, had meraid hewe taw town
after * o'clock and pet kisteaw arte tee bam,
but observed sotbicg wraag about tbe pmm
fawe. Them it aolb ing to indicate bow the
fire origin ted Thaw ww a large qs ratify
of bay, wtbietfiad grain, tee. i* tbe bam,
meat of wfcieb bee ban bw very recently
stored tbew. Tbe lam ia several ihwaand
dollar* to fifwwa. Beamy, kFKriry end
Caenl AppWntWeW*.
tee Ma, end wtett tew wgtert in m
--nteynaMte Mwn Siawb wd Me-
Bride at* the eld tteritrt ifcrew, and Cpt.
Faßww ia appaiwed Cafiwwe in te* plwn
of Mr. BW. erfe* mtiwa wite • ctew wild,
teat bo law wad* n wadai afitn. Tb* in
eTtorby Mr. Em and' bteiiwfi terfiwaw.
pawtawaw; and wMfaJten Matte Bwsah
tern daw any ntewaf ten pnhfca imgian
i tea CaaM fimrd ta iw ippaiwian, and
hot ahraya *■ beet ofMewateeg tee tew-
•MMmmUM feXfte
■MI atfe am, far on Mat pdfat th Bewty.
•••'ril PteakMiit w *ap*Jlilfr <'-<! h judge
by hie feay Mffrifeiioß la fffgfs sfftfm, and
by hita imtatafe artssaistaasa with ths leed
mg ntwrv <f rHw rejmbUe Ameag the men
mm generally named ia connection with
prefemem and confidential situations m ike
mm eimimmtmUm tin dm. Cm*, ffnwaii
Cobb, iefcn Mtfeft. D.rriet S. Diehioaen, %*■
a* i iwai iad iemee , Bright efhv
6mm, ImMIIRhIi and 4. fetoaayjoaee
* * * Cbaafeef HmiaabMatiai,
MM ffiehaef Kami, who ma tried and
convicted of die murder of John Gesrge Tti
faegrahw,the Fabraary tana of Me M*.
van cow* Com., and sentenced by Judge
Wfhmn el May tarai hat, wea executed in
Mefirif yitdef MM county, e Ftiday, Ma
Tiff wfcbra a law day a ef he tiaaa eppAint
ad tar bid exeeetiou, ha appeared to beqaita
stwonflfrtnd, and entertained strong hope at
bring yardaned or steeping* aaae way (ha
aeeaafiaa to whieh ha WM daaaiad. Ha
beieg mMe la apeak meek gngfiab, it waa
, hard la mevrtain Ma real foundation apaa
whieh bo baaed Ms hopes. However, be did
marten Ma hope, end h waa am setH iba
saefesare aad ha"ii Tail w
aealiaa hie lroe ssuditisa.
Attempt la Break Jell Frustrated.
! Oteffacaafay teat, tee efaieraf tea sheriff of
ff£*e COM*, h., white eitaiiiaf tee
pr-oaec' W?*. * "PF •" •
eoovkt, at rite ffc*Mfe je, drouwoiod
two ire. iosiroereo,--, e."d~dy branded far
detect, and reported the MM .*• 'A* h
if, who, on Sunday momiag, m*fo **'
oegh examieaffam, aad found thai ttwi] 01
tho BMt deepness convicts had taken oat
tee rivets of their kg Woo#, aad tbtaettoed
to kifl any person who attempted to repiaee
tbeat. With the aid of a revolver ha forced
ibeot ad into a dungeon, atd having tent for
a Mscbwilti he toon eaeeaeded in rep facing
the iron in a atnhetantiai ateanev. A heavy
waodea Wadgeoa, moon ted with iron, aetd
an iron bolt, (harp at one cad, warn foand
■arreted about the ■etiooera
The htagara Exposes Tenia
Wm be takeß off the Reading Railroad oa
the im e( Peeewhai. It wm a gram ooa
veaieaee to Northern aad Wetteva traveteia
by whaat he dieeoatiaaanea will ha regioucd.
We aadentead, however, that tho hate be#
been kept ep dating tee latt eighieeo aionibi
at a daily loet to the Reading Railroad Com
pany, ha tho hope of attracting e taffieient
amaant of tbroogb travel over I be mate of
which h ie e Boh, to make h permanently
i emeu em ire. Tho hope be# not koto real- |
bred, aad after a fair trial of the experiment j
the Company am itleemttly eempellad to |
relteqaiah h, at Inaat far the pmcnl. Pas
senger* far Batetepl all parte an thie aide ]
can take tee legater ap morning mail train
at Philadelphia which leave# there nee hoar
later than the Express did. If banal bayoed
Brnwa, they lay aver them faam AW P. M.
; soul AW A. M. next motateg. Theaagh
the ap P. If. Mail Ma, aa at prom at.
Rataming, Snath see banal trains connect
from Niagara Fair with tea dawn hitiming
| Mail Tram, ptiag Port Cltetea a* 8 19 A.
: M-; aad from Ftetira with tee down P. M.
Med Train, pomaag Port Clioioa at 4A
P *-
On Fa day eight, the 14<h robbery
of ftmknt MM tmm M t etern
al their —rimipft aad aappd 1 the pabbc
beam of Fimria fteegter. Tk* m<T m
iad of Vim- Bharry, Wg.Biiml. Wtfimai
Boeder, Mr. Bene, Dmwl fain and nthari.
Upwi aetuiagSfar te Borneo!
fend Bain phMd thaar eiethM andor ikfk
! eiflaoe fat the barter aeearity af their emeey.
with their datbaa
on. Derfaff +o night MM of the party
••oka end dwouiaaed that hie detha am
pMfnandM hie bead, aad aram oo the
fleer- Cpoa aeamhieg kra hie am, eat
foaedraMa* The afa*a eftho othar two
UdM* mibij <!■■■ wwfc
teaiwr of the robbery, the party
aiety Marled far a oeighbwiag layenr about
naatnoK, w bara another eorapaaye/ vailtat
■aa bad Mapped. _ They wanted Ja ane
■heah.r thy bed aim baaa wbhed. Whan
Meal ha* way, dtey Mat the other party,
aka, hating Mai atttW earn* Miliar! ana,
Paegjaa'ahL aaea Tinted by the duel—
The aarpriM aad •* the two pet
tine, thee ■miag la the read, aad diaeaam
lap *ai hadthad haaa Mhhad, aaa ha bMr
ianpieed thn ihaailhed- The Mad won
i Maa aeaMhed for tb* paryaaa of finding aaoM
i (MM ad the ih ief, aad hy tha aide of lha way
the packet beeka mm faand aieely piled ap
■ad aaepty. No traea coeld ha dieco Tared
of dM aeasp who had aHdatha Marfcat MOB
aa wadriai a viat The aaaoant that
tad aaa let aaa htm M to Mo.
BTCant begin* ia tbia place next aaak.
The aaly trial of aay general interest will be
that af the Com. a. J. M. Price. There Si
eat teach other raatMoawraMt haaiawn
W The gas wtxhs of DaaaMa art com
pfcted, aad Mi good people of lhl floarieh.
iag pflaae ara no* aejeyittg the adrantage af
bating their bnildmga righted ap by gaa.
' ■
be Fabric achoeta i^FhttageiphtnT*
I The Philadelphia High gahodf ie the eppor
1 ot M P®hbe Minimiii aeftaaie,
and ie open ta evary man's child In thaeity
Whieh peeeamae the necaMry attainments.
A regular examination (a Said of alt (ha ap
plicants to* admission who may coma from
Ma serine* pttbffe gramma* aekoofa af MB
aity Tba irtmber ef pepMe ia katitad to
*OO, aad the faculty of. biatrnction fomiahes
tbagrmrniaof MMmhool with a practical
adoedpCpmSor la MM af many aoHpga
tjradndfia. rong men who hare been
tmfnarfat" MM satrcel ean reeeiv* the bast
akaanan* hf ptaeea af btMktaar, and tkoaa
Who bars gone Ihroogk the Normal School,
Bat while MM putflto edneation af Ma
yawg la the atty lea goad ana, it la net aa
eipearive a* Ma mart limited education of
Ma ram a naatbar of pvpHala tba aaamry
Tba asbaata Mara am ganarahy graded, Ma
aabafemwah clemifled, aad Ma iaii boaka
atilferat. fwMfe Way feMßia fe BBaehofara
aca avaragad ta aaary teaabar, vari* ftrw
■Meefehmliig feat thaw tit aehafeta and
•ww waabam. Matt gtsatdk are about
' WW a abatis m 4 tahebata, aad tbaaa hwva
mweh fern bha* tmd Htluaky than many ia
Ma eaamry with ooiy W aebolara, bat tbaaa
af amy ferngfeabla grada, aad wftb avavy
variety of baoks. Re Mat by grading the
aebeaia and hamag naifermity of taxi beeka,
MMk4aM MB ill flhfß —-M *- J h wit a a
aad uffewsasr ilm aa isiw aawaaaps
Tba laacban tbera maat bare a prcharion
al edommen for Mrir ataiion. Moat of (ham
recaiva from tSSO to ggOO a year, Moagh
Me Friaeipah af the varioca departments
gat maeb mora than thee# salaries. Bat aa
tuPM who gat (have honest wages are pro
fessional teachers superior to moat in the
eeaatry schools, and ae (Say taka charge of
some M scholars each, it ia evident Mat a
good education there costs only about one
half aa much aa in ungraded or mixed
I K competent teacher can aaaily teach 80
Mtl ,Jar* ia a graded school, but not mora
than 35 in * pro-Twcuoua and mixed one.
Frmalr Educatteu la tba tf*d Malea.
Erfose aa liea a Boston pper which qu'Ofw,
among ♦ff 'gMifit of Ma Massachusetts Le
gislature, one of SIO,OOO mada sometime
sines for the founding of a New England
Parnate Medical College and an annual
grant of Bf,ooo for fire yean, to endow
scholanlifpo ia it. It is nothing new and
Mipriaiog now In the moat anlightened paits
of the United Stater, that the practice of
awdicuc and surgery should be shared by
woasea, though at first opposition was made
; by vulgar-minded persons there as elsewhere.
When a few ladies sought a regular profess
ional edneation, aad mads their way into
' claaa rooms and hospitals by courage, pa
tience, acd deration to their object, it was
! presently found that the manners of tba stu
i dent class of young men underwent a fa
rotable change. The naxl discovery was of
the eager desire (which might have been
anticipated) more than half society for
(emak pkpanaris. Not only did wlrea and
BMtheredesne the attendance of qualified
ladies ia tbeir awn cases and (bote of tbeir
child ran, bat husbands and fathers sanction
ed Me natural preference. There are at
seedy eight female physicians practising un
der a diploma ia Beaton, soma of whom
beae a large aad laasaliva practice. There
wam thirty-eight stedeola in Ma Female
Medical Collage last yeas, and right have
already graduated from Me young institution.
The legal r tire great of SIO,OOO waa bestow
ed ee condition of an eqaal sum being reload
from other tesaacas a ropela<ion which ia
now neatly fulfilled, while it is koowa that
divers legacies will scents ia course of lima.
Of tea graduates who have oatesad upon
practise, see ceo exhibit a register of Dearly
MO bister which have been accomplished
with a Htwater safety and anaaass. Another
hM atersrooo Apt nam Jot aad nish
irks meatus Whenever these era sufficient
date te establish tea teat (sow little, if at a't,
deputed in America) teat chiUteirtri ia fined
from Ma worst diffteahiM and dangers whan
tea onaafMßl i isrinm rf mn is dispensed
with, tea amdicsl aad sn%isal ears ol wo
amo and ah fid roe will gam into tho bauds
far whieh Bat are designed it. Nor, iedood,
is this ids* qaite unknown in this country.
Fas in tee Universities bote of Fdiubnig and
Glasgow the Prefsaaoss ate te lbs habit of
giviag eegwM of tecteme te fametee oo mid
wifary. Ae a aooossusy ogMoquawo of this
opening of tea eosabvo pvofaaaica to woman,
a project ia os foot lor tho artahliahmanl of
a Practical School of Medicine in Now York
—a hospital far worn aa aad ohddsaa, where
■adami amy stady and afaa norsaa bo train
ed. A 1 irdicale of lady-phyiiateos has for
100 tearsiog) ability, and success; aad thorn
aaaaw to ha a ctear prospect of a fair divie
saa of tee prito ii ileal field. It ia not te tho
aurdteal prefaminn aloae that woman are
finding mope fay their tedastry. Tbo prom
of ten United States ompteys women as mg
ntariy as the factory ; and in a youthful and
tmewtrve eaaalay, which capias with stsaggs*
mtiaa tea aaatimmtalitsm af the Old World,
"tee chivalry af moo," is at .tea** pas
ariaiag wemaa te ha wim, aaafal aad happy.
Nat only art aad teamwso, bat aataeca, sosa -
apaa wail whosm work at thorn, la eaa
bmilm with team new opportunities the
dram safam of the United States ia Iboroagb
ty raapeetefcla, however it may be hindered
and ridicakd by bigete and rrosll wits.
White tee amay af tea woman of lamps
ara Mriaspf teak husbands' fairness aad
teair owodipafatiaaformam aori.a.liny,
byamsieef dross whfeh fa as aahaaltep
atdjteteasoM asJtUaaoatawl wml^ngly.
United fiiiin are aadmaariag so sappteat
modM of dmm whieh era tojarians to health
r and - 111 mIII ,by one or more Whieh
aad mgaroe also. h sppasro that tee gea'
tteonra of tea tearily am as wad piaaaad
• with a rational saw nan fas their wives aad
listen m the husbands Of Paris aad Lsadon
are Inenmmoded by the bartwwwa female
faehlaaa of Mf IhM. Whatrier maf be Me
meek ef dy entlffort In *#nnaxien *Mb
the general mort, It ie pratty clear Met time
ia no use atffvtnf any longer foe wamen to
lag mad# Mwfln 6t alavaa. Considering Mat
nine tenMi al the woman of England antn
their bread in etw way at another, and Aril
it ie nwaraiiy impossible to exclude (bam
from aay new department ef aefenea, art or
indnatry, it ie evidently high lima w iaara
off dieeoming or protaetmg ageinat a hypo
thetical "aqaaWty af the mum" to ragatd to
pawoai, aad to an an to a better equality be*
fen tba law.~Zoude* Hmu, On. *l.
Halaa rat spaahiag. .
I. A aalewtad apeeeTriiould ba (tarrectiy
laartlad before any attampt ia mada to tptik
I. Mow epeaklng ia paMia, tba paptl
vhaeM practice by bfmerif tba emphasis,
tone, inflection, goatoro, be., af the piece,
and dndaaeor to perfeet himadtTiw Mam.
F Find am, if peeeibfh, who waa the an.
•harot the apeoeh; alto en what eeeaeion aad
** nbM parpaaa it waa spobaa, that yea
may understand and feet the aantimanta ex
premd in H, (*■ Ir w o• •
4. Tbedreas should be very neat and plain;
f<* aoMad and awkward clothe# spoil the
appearance of the moat graceful peraon,
while very showy clothes nreke a ridiculous
. Walk apto the platform lan firm, bet
graceful manner, and ba sera to stand in
tbc right ptwnr, near Urn front of it, before
bowing to Me audience. Bow quite slowly
before commencing, and after finishing the
speech, by bending the body and neck
The right foot is sometimes drawn back a
little toward tha instep of the left, but it
should not scrape harshly on the floor.
. When commencing to speak, the tone
I should be moderate, unless the speech be
gins with some sudden excitement of feel
ing. Aa Me subject increase# in interest,
the tone should become more earnest; and
if the most forcible pari ie at the close, these
should the tone and manner be moat effect
7. All the rales given in the Reader's
Chart for Pauses, Inflections, Tones, Man
ner, Emphasis, Ac., of Rmimg are just aa
important in Sptaking, and should be oare-
studied and observed.
8. While spring) *y *> imagine your
self to be the original or author of
the piece, and to express the scntintSrita in
an earnest and impressive manner.
9. Do not stand in one position through
the whole speech, but change the posture aa
the subject of the piece changes; avoid,
however, any constant motion, or swinging
of the body.
10. At first you should attempt only those
gestures of which you understand the force
and meaning.
It THE Sot lanißiTXßt—Sir David Brews
ter rtalea that ao strong bss been the belief
that the son cannot be a habitable world,
that a scientific gentleman wrib pronounced
by bit medical attendant insane, because be
had sent a paper to the Royal Boeioty, In
which he maintained that tho light of ths
son proceeded from a dense and universal
aura, which may afford ample light to the
inhabitants beneath, and yet be at such a
distance aloft aa not to be among them; that
there may bo water and dry land there, bills
and dales, rain and fair weather, and that as
the light aad the seasons most be eternal,
the sen may easily be conceived to be by
far the most blissfol habitation of tbo whole
system. Io lese than ten years after this ap
parently extravagant notion was considered
M s proof of bis insanity, it WM maintained
by Bir William Harebell as a rational and
probable opinion, which might be dedueible
from hie own observations on tho structure
of rim sua.
Mow CeaatevMte.
Tho following saw counterfoils on Bank
colas which bsvs soars circulation in thie
vicinity, have bona recently del soled :
Farmers' and ifteteafas' Bank, Eaton, Pa.
-Mb, sparious, Vignette, Suite' Aram of
Pennsylvania, on right end Indian femnte,
oa fail aad a portrait, Looomothra between
officers' nanus
Beak of DamaUk, Danville, Pa.—s'a, spu
rious. Vignette, large figure 6 with obernbs
clinging aroand.
Beak of Dmnittt, Danville, Pa. —lo'e, spa
no a* Vignette, female and water scans;
ißsta MN! right md \ KM! hswLoii
Crthatkii Beak, Cakaakfa Pa —s'a, apuri
ous. Vignette, throe fomsla figoiee—on
lower right end, Btedallieu head of Waehteg
taa; on teh and, fits large restate figarm.
Ofrari Book, Pkilaitlpkia, Pa—lP's. Geo
ami appearance of the note good, can bo de
tected by noticing on right end there am two
ffgama, male and female, embracing. On
the gmaioa, those ie a medallion head of
Ofrari; aiao oa tbo good note# the wotd
Too aroand tea margin te is large lettam,
Oa tea eoomerieit, teay am quite small.
Hameknrg Bank, Iterraknrg, Pa—lo'a,
mcrioas. Vignetta, fomste, sbiehl, figure
10 above, mole aad fimala on tea right) ca
nal oa teA.
Warren Cornell/ Bank, Warren County, Pa.
—6o'e altered from 3' a. Thia Bank has not
issued toy fifties.
Mechanics' Baak, Pitteburg. —s 'a, spur ions,
altered from counterfeit oo Mechanics' Baak,
Philadelphia. Vignette, female in a mcrial
lion ; oa right ead Washington pod boron,
and on left, Mechanics' Bank (Phil*.) Build
An Ciy Book, Hem Mama, Conn. —fa's,
10'S, to'#, and 50'S, abated from Ife. Vig
an, Washington.. Oa tho teA end, a fe
male, and oa lbs right, rabbits, Ao.
DeHemm Gfe Bank, DelamaeaCjtp,
iO'e, sparioM Vigootle, Medallion Hand.
Oa righrijaad) Railroad aad Canal, aad an
toft, Head at Wm.Pano.
Bank of Oermrn itown, Gwraariniin, Pa
SOfa, altered (ram Vs. Vignette, Boy an
Horseback, Cauls and Sheep, Ao.
Dame Book, Norwich, Conn—s'a and 10' a,
I altered from I's. Vignstie, two tesnates
11 working a Press.
t— It. h._i HMI,*
Htaairseho, Nov."iT—fh* MM of M.
nal Com mirni oners sotnmsnocg mekine itmfr
appointments el I o'oloek, toelay. The M
lowing ere *U tbat have yet been ennoM
ftprrm/rndmf of the Colombia Miilroad,
J. B. Baker.
3 spit i ferr .—Delaware Division—Will ism
Overfield, Jr. Eastern Division—W. For*-
ier. Lower Jan let* Division—D. Eiaenbtee.
Lower Weatem Division—John Gallsher.—
West Braneh Division—Tbomav W. Lloyd.
North Branch Division—George W. Search.
0/ftfavn—t*Aen, D. H. Nelmsn New
Hope, Clt alee B. Palmer; Bristol, Pugh Dan
•an ; Philadelphia, J. T. Smith; Po!i, B
Lavarty ; Phrkesbaig, W. MaVatgb; Colum
bia, J. I* Ltghtnar; Portsmouth, I Liver
meas; Hwrisbwg, John H. Bredbead ; New
pen, John Hartaell; Lvwietown, A. G. Har
vey , Haenagdoa, Thome* Jackson ; Hoili
deyabnrg, Joseph MeCleiland ; Johnstown,
D. Full wood ; Blalnvilte, 0. S. Jamieeon ;
Freeport, G. C. Seowcen; Ptrtaborg, We.
M. Stewart j WlHiemapart, J. Flee; Her
thumberlend, J. Swiaeford; Beaek Haven,
John 8. Fullmer; Athena, We, 8. Onion; j
Free port Aqueduct, Hen ry Neabit; Janiela
Aqnedaet, A Bftfar ; Bridge at Dnnean'a Is
land, C. H. JMgfer; Outlet at Petumflotb,
Was. Cole.
tVesghms eters. —Esston, Win. Abie, G. B.
Oimetead, aeefaaat; Philsdnlphis, R. Simp
eon, H. Leech, assistant; Colombia, J. Moy
ar, j. Watts, assistant; Portsmouth, H. Righl
mayer ; HoUtdaysbarg Look, Christian Sny
der; Hellidayeberg Seal**, George Potts;
Johnstown Soales, J. Bock holder; Pittsburg.
Joseph Gawsrd; Beach Haven, F. Mc Bride,
A & Bacon, assistaiit.
What Their Probahle Fate will he.
Attempt* ere being made in this city to raise
a company to ge to Nicaragua, seduced by
the premise of foods to be given lo every
settler. The young teen who contemplate
going on this expedition Mrnld look well to
the ooa sequence a. Tb right of Walker to
give a title ef lead will certainly be repudia
ted by every opposing government wbieb
may overpower him, and ee long a* be re
main* in the country land eannot quietly b*
cultivated—for the natives ef Nicaragua and
the snrronnding countries will be ooatineally
Warring against him. Tim fact is, the men
who ar* seduced lute Nicaragua by aaeh
splendid promises are wanted far soldiers; I
and ens* there every American is regarded
h - filibuster—they will bar* to fight in tail
defence. It appear* bp • report in Walker's
newspaper organ, thai within the last four
teen months he ha* received from the Uni
ted State* a littl* orer 4,100 reerJit*. Of
tbaae 144 are reported as baring been killed
in battle. Walker's whole Alice on the let
of November, including the lest arrival of 125
men from New Orleene, was, by the retnrns,
only 1,275 men, leaving about 2,700 to be
accounted for. These recruits bare either
died from diseases of the climate, wounds,
&c., or run awsy. This does not look like
the realization of thu flattering prospects
which ere held out to adventurers. We state
these feet* merely as a caution to young
men, so Cat they may do' their reflecting be
fore they Mart for Nicaragua, for afterwards
is a little too late.— Ledger.
CotmTzarzrrzaa CONVICTCD.— F. M. Lew
is, Charles Moore, David Hampton, and Jno.
Conner, were tried and convicted in tbe
Montgomery County Court, last week, tor
passing counterfeit money. Lewi* was sen
tenced to 4 years' imprisonment, Moore and
Hampton each 5 years, and Conner 1 year.
Three of tbo convicts were residents of Nor
riatown, and had heretofore borne a good
OT Delaware, New Jersey aad Pennsyl
vania war* the first three State* tbat ratified
the Cwtiiution. Trna lo their first princi-
pIM llwjr nobly own* lo the rescue of (hat
greet chart of oar nationality, and caw their
united vole (or James Buchanan.
Via Philadelphia, Paiemore William
eon, Edmund Schism n, and Meeea Hagar
bane been hehl to bail to anawer the charge
of Kbel on the Hog. Wm. B. Reed, Mr. W.
B. Rankin, "d others.
JioOovmf't Omlmtni ami jPiflt.—These po
tent remedies constitute a materia mediae in
thomedeee, for there is no internal or exter
nal diaorder eontrolable be medicine, for
which the one or the other of them is not a
Ceitire remedy. Eruption*, tumors, scrofn
, scarry, cancer, mercurial diseases, asth
ni, rheumatism. sorn throat, gont, dropsical
SWVffinge, afc.. snbsidO and disappear under
the action of the Ointment, and in cases ol
dypepsis, dysentery, eieh headache, diar
rhea. lirer complaint, piles, cosurtneas, de
bility, end other compiauiie originating in
the internal organs, the Pills produce the
mem setenishing results.
Oh Wednesday, the iTtfa instant, by the
Bee. D. J. Waller, Ma. Amusw Hanson, to
Me*. Csraaasjui Hsususac, both of Scott
township, Colombia oouMy, Pa.
On Thursday, the 6th instant, by the Her.
R. A. Sbarrette, Ma. Tiroiis Wiuvaa, and
Miss Ssbsh Dirrntrcw, both of llentonr
temship, Colombia county, Pa.
la Willresbarre, on Wednesday last, Mrs.-
Amt R. Niracix, wife of Edward S. Niebell,
senior editor ef the "Lueerne Mason."
rot KBIT.
A * lor building on Maia street, Blooms
butg, for rant on reasonable terms.
Btpomeborg, Nov. t4, MM.
Benereft James, Phelps Charles A.,
Belhaapp, E., Waters Alexander,
Bloom D. L, Smith Wm-H.,
Dean Willie Ann., SanksyJsmss,
Giat Jacob, Berry William,
Gerhard Henry, Beranoo George,
HIM John, Baker Thomas, **
HiUad Thomas, Dooggan Michael, ship
kitchen William, Hogg Willism,
Monro Mrs. Margarets, Money WiHis,
Parsons calling for the shore letters will
nfoma my they are advertised.
flAtf YOu sUiscfiMß
" AST Aimciatim
IQ* fag THIRD rgjrnt
" fasnsgeftint hsre the pleasure of an
notate Ing ib( lb* collection of Work* of An
deigned for ffipfibmlon among the sabeeri
ben, wboee Nmi ere received ptevibas to
ibe 15th of January, 1957, i* much larger and
AtOr* coelly tbab on any previous fear
Amdngtb* lead*eg yrorkabi Ssptat-e*.
ecotsd in the Heed Marble—i. the new and
beautiful Slatde of lb*
The Beau of tM three great American States-
clay, Webster & calAoun,
Alao Ibe exquisite Ideal Bear,
ie Marble, Lite Bike.
Together wA the Morning Gaoup. aad Stat
ue* in Carrara Marble—of ibe
Strop ale for the Heart, -
Fnruo and Apple, Pevthr,
Magdalen, CM fof the Sea,
. . - Innocent. Captive Bird,
and iMtfi Truant.
With numerous works in Bronze, end a col
lection of feral handred
Fine oFrgUU.!*,
by loading Arnata.
Tbe w bole of which am to be distributed
or aitoite<l among ibe anhserihem erboae
names are raohivad precieaa w dm Mrb of
UkertSoe Distraction will
Every aubeorlbei of three dollar r la entitled
&^3RgM^ W,id Steel En,,rin *>
A copy of anjf of the following S3 Mega
xmea one year; aleo
A copy of ibe Art Journal one year, aad
Anouel Distribution of
Work# of Art
Thus, for every S3 paid, a person not only
gate a beautiful Engraving or Magazine one
year, bot aleo reeeires the An Joaroal one
year, and a Ticket ie the Annoal Distribution,
making four itUart worth, of reading matter
beside* ibe ticket, by wbieb a valuable paint
ing or piece of Statuary may be received in
addtnon. A
.Those who prefer Magazines to the Engra-.
viog Saturday Night,' oen have either of lb *
following one year: Harper'* Magazine,
Gedey'e Ledy'e Book, United States Maga
zine, Knickerbocker Magazine, Graham'*
Magazine, Blackwood Magazine, Southern
Literary Messenger.
No person is restricted to a single share
Tboee taking five memberships, remitting
•15, are entitled to aiz Eogrivnigs, and to
sis ticket* in the distribution, or any five of
tha Magazine* one year, end eix tickets.
Persona, in remitting funds lor member
•hip, will please register ibe tetter at the Post,
Office, to prevent loss; on receipt o* which, ■
a certificate of Msmberabip, logetbcv with 1
the Engraving pr Magazine desired, will be
forwarded lo any pert of the country.
for further particulara, see the November
Ad Journal, sent free on application.
For membership, address C. L. DERBY,
C. A. A., 348 Broadway, N. Y., or Western
Office, 165 Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio, or
Bloomsburg, Peona.
Nov. 26, 1356.
Printer's Emporium,
The subscribers desire to advise their friends
and the Printing Internet generally, that since
the late fire, which injured only the manu
facturing department of their establishment,
they have. entirely refitted the seem* with
new mucbinery-, aud have availed them
selves of the opportunity to introduce every
which long experience and capital can com
mand j and that they have therefore unequal
ad facilities for produiog
SEP "k2r DP DEB '
of superior excellence and durability, and of
supplying til orders for ibe same with great
accuracy and promptness. Our
(ju issued) will be freely given to all who
wish to purchase, when applied lor. Printers
will pieces be particular in directing hew it
may be sent.
We alao furnish every article needed in a
Priming Office, at manufacturer 1 * priagg
(■Mime AMD nam,)
M , Tmptore', idenu , Buggies,
(of wbieb w* are sole agents in this city,)
and of every other maker in the Ueiimk
States ; Iqk, Cases, Stands, Imposing Stones,
Composing Sticks, Galleys, (brassand wood,)
Chase*, Furniture, kieuo.
Order* wOf likewise be filled for Paper,
Cards. Mn<)
of every kind.
Eteotroiypiug aud Stereotyping io ell their
branches. V
7\/pe Copper-Faced to Order. -
Old Type received in exchange for new
at niae oente per pound, if delivered in sixty
day* from the dale ef purchase ; if brier, but
six ooMe per pouod.
tAT Publish era of Newspaper* wbo will
insert tbia advertisement three time* with
thie note, and forward na a paper containing
the eame, will he paid in printing Mueifals
by purchasing four times lb* amount of their
bill for the advertisement.
Second Hand Pre**** (Machine end Hand)
usually on sale.
Our new Combination Borders, which,
sine* (hair introduction have bees carefully
revised, and ceo new be justified with the
greatest nicety, hereafter will be sold at 50
Cant* ner pound.
JOHN HAGAIL' |** HAGA -*> Js.fcCo.
We have jest published a new edition of
this popular and anient!* work, aad nan new
anpply oar Agents and Canvasser* without
Besides a complete History of the Wat, it
inolode* the M
Lift AMI Mil of Hie kbits l>,
with sketches of SCHAMYL, the Circassian
Chief, and other distinguished character*;
alao description* of Russian Society and Gov
ernmeot, Ire., making one of the moat inter
esting works over published, ft la beautiful
ly illustrated with fine tinted plH**, and
bottod in the beat manner. Weaned napn
citnan copy with particulate ef ageerty to
any purl of the United States, free of post-
Mi, on receipt of the price, 31.25.
No. 48 North fourth Street,
November 24, 1856.-41.
tlMUtMbflke Peace
A NO CONSTABLES en find all Wed of
, b unk# desirable far their nee,re proper
tnifa o the office of IheSTAaor rnx Noam.
TkffUSLINS a yard wide far 0 oente, and
, good print* for 65 cenle just received
by A. C. &IENSCH