THE STAR OP THE NORTH. !• V. Weaver, Preprleter.] VOLUME 8. f/o.^ THE STAR OF THE NORTH IS PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY MORNING BT K. XV. WKAVKR, OFFICE— Up itairs, in the new brick build ing, on Ikt touth tide of Main Street, third tfuare below Market. TERMS :—Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the lime of sob scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months ; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearagea are paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding onesqoare will be inserted three limes foi One Dollar aod twenty five cents for eaob additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made lo those who advertise by the year. more scholars can be instructed by one teacher—their instruction ean be more .thor ough—they ran receive more lessons and longer ones thtn when all stodiea are pro miscuously pursued—and where all in a school are nearly in the same degree of ad vancement, no lesson to or from one class is lost upon any oihr member of the school. For in a graded school, no scholar is so tar ahead or behind, that the slaps of his or her mind cannot be followed and improved by others. Every exercise is comprehended by all, either as an incentive to inspire progress, or st a review to impress indelibly and re vive, with new associations arid new illus trations, what oibers have already learned. We are wonl to sty that an eVsnly bal anced mind it the perfection of humsu na ture ; and civilization is mainly bsneficial because it list this tendency lo equalize and balance tempera and passions ; so that minds march on will, even s'ep in their progress, and each aids ibe other by check or spar. It is this even tread and discipline of a firm rank, that makes en army stronger than il* numbers would be in disorder; and il is ihi* grading of the departments of manual labor, that gives lo th* hand and eye thai wonder ful proficiency sod skill, which etrika us as lira perfection of human art. Bui the teacher gain* as much as the seholar, and n the same way. If he is re quired lo leach from llie alphabet lo meta pbysics, he nnisi teach in superficial manner and milter. His lessons mutt be only reci tations from ths dull, dry text of the book, and cannot be full or impressive illustrations from the living inspiration of '.he subject.— Aod euch tasks will weary snd repulse the young learner, rather than attraot and in- 1 timet by the pleasant sympathy of mind, for which the tender intellect ha* yearnings. Both the selfishness of man in art, and the proficiency of the learned in science, have pioved that there must be concentration of mind and hand to one point and or.e object, tn order to gain the highest success. Thai ''a rolling stone gathers no most" was known beioretba English language was spoken,and if we ask any man to do every thing, we moat not complain if he does nothing well. For the art of the teacher, like that of the sculptor, long and oft repeated effort is neces sary to aocoess—and this mutt be long and dilligent attention 10 each detailed part o r the work. The more narrow we make the range or grade of thia practice, the o'tener will the process be repeated, and therefore the fatter will go on the lesson of experience. A teaoher to imprese instruction must not only understand the aubject of hia lesson, but he must be familiar with ita connections, end mast be able to preaant it with such va rious illustrations ai will associate ard link tt with something that is already fast in ev ery mind of the date. And at no two taatea ere pleased with the same rose, so no idea ef illustration will strike two minds in the same manner; and certainly will not in the same way impress a whole cleat. There is need of variety in this art, as much st in ths face and form, or in the foliage, tinge and perfume of varisgated nature, to please as many varioas tastes and senses. But whether we seek directness or diffiiseness for impres sions on e class, the teacher must be able to eooeeetiete his attention, in order to apply it irilb practical force. In the oennty where I labor there were no J. - graded schools thtaa years ago. In the first year of the Co. Supsrintecdency they were graded In one district, and last year in the sit towns. They worked with such success tbst tba publio schools, last winter, superse ded every private institution of learning, ex eeot one seminary and one primary sobool. la towns it ia not very difficult to establish graded sohodls, frr the advantages can be easily mads apparent. Three grades ere perhaps most desirable, but two will answer every good purpose; and where two are well established, lbs third will follow as aeon as it will become necessary. In the I lower grade or primary tcboola the teacher can find tisae for Orthography, Beading, Wri . ting from copy end from dictation, Oral Arith- I niello, Written Arithmetic commenced, and i Physical Geography. In tome instances j oilier branches may be added. Music, as it ' enlivens the mind, egtreiaes the lungs, and perifiet the heart, cannot be introduced 100 early; and as the ear is mstora and suscepti ble of instruction earlier than the reasoning faeotliea, music can be learned by ita natu ral organ long before a complicated problem In geometry ean be solved. In all tbe ex act lent schools ol Prussia music is introduced very early. Prof. Stowe, of Ohio, in J836, visited England, Pre not, Prussia and tbe dif farent Stales of Getaueny on aa educational teatef observation, and he footid music ev erywhare in tbe achoola, both as an alem*nl of i;tstfaction, discipline and refinement. He BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA., WEDNESDY. NOVEMBER 5, 1856. visited the school for the reformation of yonthfol offenders, at Berlin, and foond the boya titling at a long table, making clothes for the establishment and tinging at their work. .The Superintendent remarked that music was among the moet efficacious in struments which he employed for softening the hardened heart and bringing the vioioua ' | and stubborn will to docility. Pbysioal Geography can be taught vary early ; far so far as it is learned by the eye. it can be learned at seven ss well at at sev enty. Abstract memory is the (acuity which most aids the learner in lhi bihncb, and memory is the earliest and most simple of the mental developments. j , rtinro' rrlmarr cahoots that arSrtlto haTakra* 10 chinery or anatomy of sentence* and lan guage. But while thi* is the proper view of opri mary school, it unfortunately happens that in some districts we find nofte even thus far advanced; and there, much remains to be dona before tba effort lo grade, or before there can be any other than the lowest grade. In sparsely settled dietricie il is very diffi cult to grade the schools, even where the scholars are divided in their advancement; for even now, when we have tliern all of the same grade, many difficulties and embar rassments arise from the distance which fam ilies reside from their school house. They can not generally be induced lo send schol nrs past the nearest school house lo the re mote ond of the district, even if il was lo a school of advanced grade Whatever we might desire, it is well to confine ourselves to practical possibilities ; and perhaps it is best to grade the schools first in lowoa; next to introduce the plan in to thickly settled regions of country; and then to secure good advanced teachers for winter tohools in thinly settled territories, and good female teachers for primary sum mer schools, in such places. < For in such winters as the last, it is really impossible for many of the younger scholars io thinly settled districte lo attend school, with that regularity which ia necessary for progress and success. Many have two miles to travel, and soma still further, and when the snow is everywhere four feel deen—*t some places drilled into miniature moun tains—and the thermometer at gl •''pje— below zero, we sanest expect the jotmgand attend school with punctuality. Good primary schools in summer, by female teachers, are in such places the best alterna tive ; and in this way we secure a winter te.rm of three months and a summer term of the same length, where otherwise we could not secure more than four months winter schohl lor the whole year. Yin school* of the second grade, there should be taught Civil and commercial Ge ography, especially of thi* Republic, Gram mar, Elocution, Rbatorio, Hiaiory, Arithme tic advanced, Physical Philosophy, Geome try and Astronemy. These will in most dis tricts be tbe tipper grade schools. Where there are three grides, the highest mathe matics, Chemistry, Scientific Agriculture, Phisiolngy, English, Classical Literature, Mental Philosophy, and in tome cases Latin, should form the third grade By the highest mat hem at ice I mean here the science of numbers, quantities and apace, applied to such practical arts of life as Book-keeping, Building, Mining, Surveying. Navigation and Civil Engineering; somewhat after the man ner of the Polytechnic schools of France and Germany, or the useful Polytechnic College at Philadelphia. In '.lns age and country we should particu larly aid the education of labor, or perhaps I should say, the lightening of labor by educa tion. For ws have much work to do in tbia wide spread republic of magnificent raonri tains and plain*; and education here ought to be of a direct practical and utilitarian character, rather than speculative or meta physical. hardly yet take lime or turn our tastes to the cobweb abstraction* of the German Gymnasia and Universities. But more especially ought that free educa tion, which our government furnishes lo ev ery poor man's child of the Commonwealth from a public treasury, lo be of a oseful and practical kind. Even in the olden tima and iu Greece, of all times nnd places, philosophy was most valued for itself alone, ons of tbe wisest of the sages remarked, that boys should first learn those things which they ought to know when they came to be men. And if the science of bnsy life are once well taught in our common schools, we may be assured there wilt grow np from that genial toil, the institutions which will leach what our German brethren call the refining hnminitie*. Bui 1 would by no moon* have any one •chotai, in eiibar of (he two latter grades of schools, pursue all the branches I have named for lham: at least not unless be has more time than in this busy age generally falls to the scholar's lot. No person ean leant every thing; and one of the great ob jects for grading schools is to avoid su perficial study, and to make education through by malting it direct and pointed—to increase mental power by concentrating it, just as we inersaae light and beat by concen trating the rays. The taate and future pur pose of the scholar ought to guide, in the se lection of the branches he will study, and tba time he will give to each oue which he Utkea up. To the one Hiatory will prove of comparatively little edrantage or pleasure, and be finda bis interest atul enjoyment ir. Physiology or Scientific Agriculture. An other gives himself op to belle* lel'res, and eschews both the physical ecienoes and mathemaiics, except as ancillary and inci dental to his main purpose. A third boilds op a oseful active life or a logical and me thodical mind upon mathemaiics, until they please him as much as they profit; and he is as happy a* if he oould read an epic poem with zest and understand what it proved. But if the scholar cannot learn all branches of one grade, how much less can the teacher instruct in every branch of every grade; and thus we come to out point of starting. In conclusion, a word as lo the grades of lary grade is found in. every district or com mune, for the whole mass oi the population. The indispensable branches taught in these are Religion, Arithmetic, Singing, Reading, Writing, Gymnastic exercises; and, in the large elementary schools, there are langht in addition to these the Grammar of the Ger man language, the elements of Geometry aod drawing, the elements of Physic (nearly what we call Natural Philosophy) Geogra phy, Prussian History and simple manual la bot and agriculture. In the schools for girls, female works ere added, sewing, knitting and so on. The middle schools are the second grada tion. They are formed only in lowrt, not io the country. The branches tsoght in them are fUligion and moarals, Reading, the German languaee, the German class lot, com position and style, Foreign Modern language Latin as much ss is needed to exercise the faculties and judgment, the elements of Mathematics, practical Arithmetic, Natural Philosophy to explain the phenomena of na ture, Chemistry, Natural History, Geography, the use of the Globes, Astronomy, History, especially of Prussia, Drawing, Ornamental writing, Singing, and Gymnastic exercises. ' Small towns do not have these schools.— The law demsnds * middle school for a town of 150(TTr, habitants, but iodulgence is shown suCTTsrhall place as have already good schools of the first gradation. All towns of 3,000 in habitants have one or inore SBWrtrule schools. The children enter the schools ol advanced grades, not' according to their age bqt their knowledge; and this must always be the rule, if graded schools are to be sue eeufe.'. 1 he American Flug. The flag of ocr country is a banner of beauty, and opened to the breeze it always inspires a descendant of Revolutionary an cestry, with patriotic devotion to Liberty. It is a banner, too, that all political parties rally round.during tbeir contests, and consequently tbeir numbers is considerably augmented, during Presidentisl canvasses. As these flags often present an ill shape, we gfve the fol lowing description ol the American flag in all its proportions, adding that when one is made larger or smaller the same relative proportion of sizes should be observed : The standard for the Army is fixed at six feet and six inches by four feet and four inches—the number of stripes (representing the slates originally constituting tbe Union) is thineen, viz : seven red and six white. It will be perceived that the flag is just one half longer than it is broad and that its pro portions are perfect when properly carried out—the first stripe at the top is red, the next white, and so down alternately, which make* the last stripe red. The blue "field" for tbe stars is the width and rqnare of tbe first seven stripes, vix: four red and three white—these seven stripee extend from the side of the "field" to tbe extremity of the flag—the next stripe is white, extending the eniire length of it, end dirnoity under the field, wbieh serves to "throw it out" in strong and pleasing relief—then follow-the remaining stripes alternately. The number of stars m the field, now thirty one, represent the pres ent nnmber of states in the Union—and the Army and Navy immediately add another alar on the admission of a New State inte I onr glorious Union ; but used in an ordinary way, tbe number ef Mara ie net essential— thirteen (the original number) twenty.five or thirty will answer. The Leopard's Attack. The power of a leopard it wonderful in pioponion to bis wsighl. I have ssen a full grown bullock with bis neck broken by the leopard thst attacked it. It is lbs popular belief that the effect is prodnced by a blow of lbs paw. This is not the case. Few leopards rush boldly to tbe attack, like a dog. They stalk their game, aod advance crouch ingly, making use of every object that will afford tbem cover,until they are within a few bounds of their prey. Then the immense power of tbe muscle is displayed in the con centrated energy of the spring. He flies through tbe air aod settles on the throat, esu ally throwing bis owu body over the animal, while bis teeth and olaws are fixed on the neck ; this is the manner in which the spine of the animal is broken, by a sudden twist and not by a blow. Tbe blow from the paw ia, nevertheless, immensely powerful, and one stroke will rip open a bullock like a koife, but the effects of tbe wound are atill more to be dreaded than the force of the blow. There is a peculiar poison in the olaw, which ia highly dangerous. This is oaused by tbe putrid flesh which they are constantly tear ing, end whiob is apt to oanse gangrene by inoculation.— Buktr'e H'anderingt in Ceylon Truth lit Right ■ ■ eir COM try > THE WHITE RUSE. " Now, please tell us Uncle Lewis, about Ih* white rose. When the firework* made such a noise, Friday afternoon, thai wecoold not talk any longer under tbe grape arbor, you promised to tell n* that story, as soon as yoo came up lb* river again. What was it ancle! Did it really happen! I* its true story 1" "Set yonr little chair* here in front of me, children, and you shall have your coveted story. Fred, my little nephew, do you know the great while houae in front of the hill, where the cross roads meet, with maple aod butternut trees in front, and th* large poplar *s lhaseeih aMeef M, snd tha great pear IMdMHTESMkra.'' ON, M*tt, AN a Ms*'trory • ft is true ! I knew Ibdi uldpfseeju.t <• well " A aire, bass yotl igot your chair fixed to soit where you can hear tbe story, every word. Because when I once begin 'the rose story,'yoo will be so engagrd with it that you will feel unwilling to more until it it all over, and you will want to see my face, and my lips, while I tell it, too. Now it you are ready, I will begin. " When I was abnut eight years old, I went lo school every day but Sunday, right past that house." " But uncle Lewis, was it you that got the rose 1" asked Anne, moving her chair near er. "It was nncle Lewi* himself, dear niece, that had ih* most to do with it. Aod may you never do aa he did, nor feel as be fel' as long as yon live." " The bouse stands near the fence, as yon know, Fred. Well kg the cpuer of tbe liitle front yerd, neereat the boose, grew the white rose-bush. 1 bad seen it two or three years, peihapa longer, and every year it grew more handsome. We hadn't any whi<* rotes in my father's garden, at home. Oh! bow much I wanted s whits rose'for my own. 1 never had one. I felt ahamed to go and ask, be cause I was not much acquainted with our neighbors who lived there. They knew me very well, and I know would have given me a rose or a handful of roses from tbe buab, that very bush, if I bad asked in a proper and modest way." " What did you do, uncle 1" "Alter several days' longing and wishing | that I had one, and thinking about it, I de i termined to take one!" "What! steal it! why, I wouldn't have thought of such a thing!" " No, my dear t#"*. I t'rf jre* svoaM not, and God grant that you may never be tempted, or yield as I did." "It came a bright morning. My little brother Henry was going to school with me It was his first summer at school, ar.d he was about louror five years old. When wecime rear the house we saw the beautiful roses. How very beautiful! Thsy were almost tbe handsomest sight my eyes ever saw ; I re membei it now. I told Henry to walk along over the hill, because I did not wish acy one lo see me lake the rose. He went on out of sight. " I climbed the fence, and walked Rlong on the rail to which the pickets were nailed, till I reached the bush. I caught the stem of a large while one, and started to go back a long tha rail, pulling it off as I went. It was in my hand as 1 jumped to the ground and I ran lo overtake Henry. " Where did yon get thai file asked. want on* too." I felt so badly, I must tell him a lie, or own that I had stolen il, or go back and ask one for him, or give him mine. What should Ido t I let him smell it first, and then carry it. We went on. The fur ther we went the worse I felt. 'Thief I' 'thief!' 'thief!' the bird* seemed to be raying. And the leaves rustled the same thief! thief! thief! j "Ah I Fred, I thought of my achool tela ' tress, how badly she would feel ; I thought ' of all the neighbors, aod of all tbe scholars, | as if they would know it; aod of my dear, | dear psrents. How maan, how bad, hew ; ashamed and guilty I felt." | " Did you oarry it back, ancle Lewis?" I asked Anne, "and tell lira. Hand you were | sorry." | "No my dearr.ieoe, 1 wasn't brave enough to do that, end it was neacMhool limp-be sides. " The rose now, aa my stolen property, seemed hateful. I could not bear to look at it, for it reminded me of what 1 bad done. I thought it a witness against K. It tells lbs story to a very one that tees it. It must be put out of the hid, so that it shall never be seen again. Ah! my nephew,since I have grown older, I csn understand bow the robber becomes the murderer, as he thinks 'dead men tell no islet.' Remember the Lord's prayer, how it says, 'Lead us not into tsmplatiri" " What did you do with the poor rose," exolaimed bath obildren. " I buried it deep ia the ground. By the side of the turnpike there was s swamp. Wa boys want barefoot in the pleasant June da* t, and I rolled up tbe legs of my pantaloons, walked into a miry place, and with my foot right upon the rose, pushed it down as deep as 1 could among tbe the mire and stamped upon it. " But my precious ones, I think of that rose yet, often. Never theil 1 forget what I felt as a thief, when I buried that white rose."— lndeftnd*nt. IV A teamster on the road to Bear River, California, seeing a man limp along iha road before him kindly took him upon hie wagon. A short time alter, the wretch drew a pistol and robbed hi* benefactor of MS, and then, unharnessing one of his horses, mounted and rode it ewsy ! Thankagtvlag la Peuaeylvaala. Govrroor Pollock has issued the following proclamation, recommending a day of thanks giviag io Pennsylvania. PBOCLAMXTIOH. Ptnnoflvania, tt: In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, JAMES POL- I.OCE, Governor. Fellow Cilltens: —A poblie acknowledg ment or the goodness of Almighty God, and of okr constant dependence upon bis Provi dence, is eminently becoming a free aod en ligklened people. At the "Giver of every good and perfect gift, He has crowned tbe past year with hia goodness, and caused our paths to flrop with fatness," ear (sea issthations, our rights and privileges, civil and religious, have been con tinued and preserved. Science and Art, with tbe great interests of'educaiion, morality and religion, have been enennraged and advan ced; industry in all its departments, has been honored and rewarded, and tbe general con dition of the people improved. Our Commonwealth has been gretily biass ed. The ravage* of disease and death—nl lamina and pestilence, have not been per. mined lo come near as ; nor have ths horrors of wsr disturbed the peaceful quiet of our homes. The earth has yielded her increase and richly rewarded the labor of the hus bandman. Abundant prosperity, with smiling plenty and tbe blessings of health, have been oura. Acknowledging, with gratitude, thete blessings of a kind Providence, let at "enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and unto His courts with praise ; be thankful unto Him, and bless his name." Deeply impressed with the importance and propriety of this duly, and in accordance with the wishes of many good citizens, I, James Pollock, Governor of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby recommend Thurs day, the 20th day of November next, as a day of General Thankegiving and Praise through - ont this State; and earnestly implore the peo ple, that, abstaining from all worldly busi ness and parentis on that day, tbey nnite in offering thanks to Almighty God for His past goodness and mercy, and humbly beseech Him for ■ continuance of His blessings. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State at Harrisborg, thia 21st day of October, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-six, and of the Commonwealth tbe eighty-first. By the Cer, ANDREW G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Roses in former Times. Among the ancients, to enjoy the scent oi roses at meals, an abundance of rose leaves were shaken upon the table, so that the dishes were completely surrounded. By an ingenious contrivance, roses, during meals, descended npon the guests from above.— Heliogabalus, in hi* folly, caused violets and roses to be showered down upon his guests in such quantities that a number of them, being unable to extricate themselves, were suffocated in flowers. During msaltimes they reclined upon cushions, stuffed with rose leaves or made a coach of the leaves themselves. The floor, too, was strewed with roses, and in this custom great luxury was displayed. Cleopatra, al an enormous expense, procured roses for a feast which •he gave to Anthony, had them laid two cu bit* thick on the floor of the banquet room, and then caused nets to be spread over the flower* in order to render the fooliog elaatic. Heliogabalus not only caused the banquet rooms, but also the oolonade* that led to ibem, to be covered with rosea, interspersed with lilliea, violet* and naroisai. Occupation or French Women. Did yon ever see a lady play on th* fiddle, reader! There ia certainly no impropriety in the employment. St. Cecelia doubtless had a favorite Stradusrius, yet there seems to be something indefinable, bizarre, fantas tic, out of place, in fair hands taking np the fiddle aod the bow. But if a feminine vio linist be a novelty, whet would you say to a lady csrpsnter 1 Hsre are some hundreds of them hammering away, with tremendous vigor end celerity. Them eyea have seen i the grandam of eighty polishing off a plank | with a plane to a nicety. They have seen a trim Utile damsel of seventeen, with col ored handkerchiefs lied ooquettishly round her head, busily fixing beams and girders, while a great bearded, bloused man sal ma jestically by, smoking his pipe, or, if he eon descended to interfere in business matters at all, unpacking doll's houses, or dabbling with a glus pot. What labor will not French women undertake? They follow lbs plough, they keep books, they open box doors, tbey laks tickets at railways, tbey drag your lug gage to the Custom House, they cot your chops and beefsteaks at the butcher's, tbey dance on the tight rope and on stilts, they boy old clothes, they keep shooting galleries, they enter hen's dsns, they messote you lor boots, they shave you. OP* We clip the following from the Provi dence Post: "A noted Abolition Black Republiosn ora tor, w hose stock in trade was of tbe most flimsy, bighfalotion order, asked vary sol emnly of hie audience, 'and who ie John C Fremont?' A democrat who waa listening to the harangne, and obaervad the silence wbioh followed, rose and replied, 'An smt null cattle dtaltr !' whioh 'brought down the ho use,' and the iptabrr too t" Depopulation of Ireland—Nature's Mrtte* rloa* Uw*. The Commissioners appointed to take the census of Ireland in 1851, have jast made their final report. They give, not only a mi nute account of the famine of 1846-7, bot tables of at* the great reasons of scarcity and pestilence, since the historical age pf the world began. The total mortality, from fever in Ireland, between the end of 1846 and '49, ia estimated, in the report, at a mil'ion and a half. The decline in population, between 1841 and 1851, as actually determined by the census takera, was 1,622,739, a decrease of 19 85 per cent.; thia falling off, the Com mittee computes, has continaed, making the decline at the close of 185$, not lets than 2,097,841, or one fourth of the whole popu lation as It stood In 1841. E*er< this, how ever, does not represent ibe full decrease, for, if the famine had not set in, the popula tion would have increased in its old ratio; and if it had increased in its old ratio, the existing population would have bean, in 1851,2,466,- 414 more than il was; snd of course, by this time, il would have been proportionately lar ger. If the potato disease had not appeared, neither famine nor pestilence would have followed, nor even emigration, at least lo the extent il did ; and the inhabitants of Ireland, in that event, would have probably num bered, to-day, three million* more than tbey do. Tl.e report reveals to a greater extent than any document vet published, the social and economical change* which have taken place in Ireland within the last tan years. These changes, in fact, amount lo a revolution.— The reign of Terror in France hardly Worked more radical alteration* in the distribution of land, the shifting of population, anJ the char acter of agriculture, than the Irish potato-rot of 1840. No leu than 357,134 cabins have been destroyed in Ireland as ■ consequence of the famine. In their rlace, however, 86,- 128 dwelling* of a bei'er kind, chiefly farm houses, have been built; so that, notwith standing the extirpation of to many roofs, the people are said lo be better lodged than for merly. Another striking change is in the number of persons engaged In agriculture.— These have fallen off Iwenty-fosr per cent. Yet, in the placed this, there have been more than one million seven hundred thou sand acres of additional land brought under cultivation. Cereal grains, also, are more generally cultivated. Wage* have consid erably increased. On the whole, the more thercngh eye'.mu of farming which has been introduced as a consequence of so large a portion of Ibe soil changing hand*, and tba substitution of improved agricultural ma chines for rude and unskilled labor, appears to have benefited all classes. The famine of 1846 it another illustration that nature works by great snd often myste rious laws, which, not unfiequently, when they seem cruelest, and most lobe deplored, are really bringing forth good. Terrible as 1 the potato rot was at the lime, its remote ef : feels have proved beneficial lo Ireland; 1 while it was not without service, indirectly, ! to the United Suite, by producing that enor | mous emigration, which has added so much to our population and industry, and tberelore to our wealth. The wisest of men continu ally fail to we these laws. Another illustra tion forcea itself on our notice at we write. It is within the memory of most of our read ers, that a large and influential party, in this country, not only opposed the war with Mex ico, but was hostile to lb* acquisition of the territory it brought; and even so able a man I as Mr. Webster declared, after California wsa annexed, that it was wholly worthies*. Yet il is now plain that if California had never become ours, its gold mines would still have been undiscovered ; and if tbey had remain ed nnknown, so would those of Australia.— In that event the increase in the world's cur rency, and the consequent development of industry, which has done to much, in tbe last eight years, for the operative as against the capitalists, would have been indefinitely postponed. Few ww it in 1848, not even those who desired California, bot the war with Mexico, in (hi* indirect way, has work ed miracle* io elevating the masses. DR. CARTWRIOTT'SOPINION OP MEDICINE.— A letter to Dr. R. Thompson, of Nashville. The medicine tanght in onr medical books and schools of the present day is not the good old regular science of medicine, but a reformed science—reformed to suit the peculiarity of a little spot on this globe of ours, which, however much needed, to adapt it to that little spot of earth in hyperborean Europe, becomes rank erapiricicm when applied to the rest of the world. Medicine, as a science, originated in Southern and temperate latitudes, where it arrived at great perfection, and existed for two thousand or more years. At length, about one and a half or two centuries ago, the leading med ical school was removed to Edinburgh, in hyperborean Europe, wanting but two min utes of being in latitude 56°. A latitude in America where grass will not grow or wa ter run. Look at Labrador, it has no rivers or green fields, nothing but ice all the year round. But in Europe, in the same latitude, there is a little spot of earth near the sea shore, made habitable by the motion of the earth, from West to East, impinging over it the warmer atmosphere of the Atlantic Ocean. Yet the density of the air is the same as in hyperborean Labrador. The ox ygen drawn in at every breath, in that high latitude, is so great and so stimulating, that a new system of practice had to be adopted to cure the diseases incident to the peculiar climate of that little confined place The now medical school located there, very wise- [Tw® Dollars per lnw NUMBER 42. ly undertook the task of reforming medicine to adapt it to that peculiar little spot of earth. It banished the pepper family of plants, the therlac, all heating things—all capillary stimulants, and placed its main reliance en the lancet, leeching, cupping, salts, anil monials, barley water and gum arabic.— This was all well enough for that little place on the globe, but it went farther and im posed the same reformed physic on the rest of the world. Bled and leeched for every thing, and gave antiphlogistics, and gum water—discarding the whole class of stimu lants—particularly theriac and capillary stimulants—as hurtful and pernicious in the commencement of acute diseases, and bare ly admissible in the chronic and the last of a capillary stimulant in aclimate that al most forces the red blood through the skinl Your syrup is so strong a capillary stimu lant; it would almost set a patient in such a climate a fire, suppose the disease to be pneumonia—but here it will often cut short the pneumonia, by sending the blood into the almost bloodless capillaries in cases which would probably die under the lancet, gum water and antiphlogistics. Your book is a look in the right direction, because it leads back to the old regular practice of Medicine, and goes against the reformed system imported into this country originally from Edinburgh—a system of practice al most certain death in the apoplexies of the South, hnrtfnl in most of the fevers met with in Soothern climates, and very apt to put out children's eyes in ophthalmia. I I ttely treated a child, attacked with puru lent ophthalmia a few days after birth, with the lotion you advise, applied over the eyes, and cured it promptly. This child would have lost its eyes under leeching and the methods observed in the popular medical books of the day. The disease, in addition to the means you advise, requires a change in the nurse; good milk nourishment to cause the bones of the head to fill out—an essential indication which calomel, leech ing, and lunar canstic can never fulfil. But in apoplexy, pneumonia, and the most of our fevers in this climate the pathological condition of the system is like the child with purulent ophthalmia, in which bleed ing and antiphlogistics are is dangerous to life as they are to the eyes in the child's case. But your kind of practice is not a new thing to me. I have tested the merits of a similar practice for a third of acentnry. It was not very long after I bagnn tho prac tice before I found that the treatment recom mended in Northern European books was not adapted to Southern latitudes —Nashville Journal of Medicine. THE "BOSTAGE STAMP" SHAVE. —Scarcely a newspaper can now be taken op that doos not contain the advertisement of some 'Rev.' or 'M. D.' who has recovered liis health by the discovery of a wonderful remedy for consumption or nervousness or other ailing. Filled with gratitude for the good they have secured ihey are benevolently affected to wards all other sufferers, and hence they pay large sums to inform the people that for one, two, three or four 'postage-stamps' they will send the recipe by return of mail. We had not supposed It necessary to cau tion the community against such imposters, but it appears that the business pays well enough to keep it up, and moreover it is now greatly on the increase, and to our surprise during the last month intelligent men of dif ferent parts of the country have actually sent us speciai retuiiUuiOdS of stamps asking us to call upon Dr. So-and-so and Rev. So and-so, and procure for them the elixir of life. If intelligent persons are thus impos ed upon, how is it with the millions of ig norant and unwary? Of course we have made no effort to find the advertisers. It is exceedingly doubtful whether ihey have any 'local hibiiation,' or are to be found in any other way than through their Post-office box. Has not the question occurred to every one ? If these benevolent individuals are so anxious to do a public good, why do they not publish to the world athonc# their im portant discoveries, which could ba dons without cost, instead of paying hundreds, yes, thousands of dollars for advertising, and making tens of thousands of dollars expense to those " sending stamps" and prepaying postage ? A correspondent informs us that: "A ner vous neighbor enclosed a stamp to one of these 'superannuated clergymen,' and re ceived an unpaid circular (costing the set ter up one mill,) selling forth the virtues of a costly preparation which would be for warded to liim on the receipt of $1; that impressed with the apparent hbnestv of the 'clergyman,' he sent forward the dollar, and received in return a little Unpaid package containing 12 homoeopathic pills of arsenlate of potassa, costing perhaps one cent, with direciions to take three a day, and if these did not cure perfectly another batch would be forwarded at tne same rate; and fhat while one package seldom failed, two, three, or at most five could not fail to work a per fect cure i if the patient kid rightly described hie condition." Probably very few of those who "enclose stamps" ever hear from them again. But enough for this time; wo have more cases on hand for futnre disposal.— American Agriculturist. A STRANGE PARTNERSHIP At a bell, in Moscow, on the evening after iheootQuaijoit ceremonies, the Empress of Rtufia danted with the Turkish Ambassador! V Boston has six ibousaad moss fsnaies than males in ita population, while Chisago has abeut fifteen thousand more males than females. •< .1