The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, August 06, 1856, Image 1

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    OLUME 8.
OFFICE— Up stairs, to the new brick build
ing, on the south side of Main Street,
third square below Market.
TERMS -.—Two Dollars per annum, if
paid within six-months from tb-time of sub
scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not
paid within the year. No subscription re
ceived for a less period than six months ; no
discontinuance permitted until all arrearages
are paid, unless at the option of the editor.
ADVERTISEMENT* not exceeding one square
will be inserted three times for One Dollar
and twenty-five cents for eaoh additional in
sertion. A liberal diacoqnt will be made to
those who advertise by the year.
Sboic* poctrii.
• - * [ANCNYMOVA.]
Ttris on a winter's qtornine,
The weather wet and wild,
Three hours before-ihe dawning,
The father roused bit child—
Her daily morsel bringing,
The dark-ome room he paced,
And cried, "the bell is ringing—
My bapless darling 1 l-aste!"
—" Father, lam up, but weary,
I scarce can reach the door,
And long the way, and dreary,
Oh carry- me once more ;
To help ns we've no mother,
Atid ymt have no employ ;
They killed my little brother,
Like him I'll work and die."
Her wasted form seem'd nothing;
The load was at his heart.
The sufferer he kept soothing, .
Till at the mill they part.
The overlooker met her,
As to her frame she crept,
And with his thong be beat her,
And cursed her as she wept.
Alas! what hours of horror
Made up her latest day,
In toil, in ptin,in sorrow,
They slowly passed away.
It seem'd that she grey weaker,
The threads they oftener broke,
The rapid wheels ran quicker,
And heavier fell the stroke.
The snn had long descended,
But night brought no repose ;
Her day began and ended,
As crnel tyrants ohose.
At length her little neighbor
Her half-penny she paid,
To take her last hoars' Isbor,
While by her frame she laid.
At last the engine ceasing,
'The captives homeward rushed;
She thought her strength increasing,
'Twaa hope her spirits flushed ;
She left, but oft she tarried,
She fell, and rose no more,
Till by her comrades carried,
She reach'd her father's door.
All night with tortured feeling,
He watched liia speechless ohild,
While, close beside her kneeling,
She knew him not, nor smiled.
Again the factory's ringing.
Her last perceptions tried ;
When-from her straw bed springing,
" 'Tis lime," she shrieked, and died!
That night a chariot passed her,
While on the ground she lay;
The daughters of her master,
An evening visit pay.
The tender hearts were sighing,
At negro wrongs were told ;
While the white slave was dying,
Who gained their father's gold.
Original Corropcmbence.
MILFORD, (Del.) July 21, 1856.
MB. WEAVER— Dear Sir: —The constant
press of fsrm-wofk must be my excuse for
want of punctuality in meeting my engage
ment to. furnish you with an occasional com
municalion from Delaware The corn crop
will aoon be "laid by," as they express it
bete: that is, the work of harrowing, culti
vating, will be done; and to those who have
oo wheat crop to attend to, there ie very lit
tle call to field labor until " fodder-saving
lime" comes This is an important work in
all thi* region. As much account is made
of it, as of hay-making in New England.—
All hands are at work, that work at all; and
they make a clean sweep of it; not only tak
ing the lops of the elilks above the ear, hut
atrip off alio Ibe blades below the ear. This
is called "blade striping" and the proceeds
of this work are kept separate from that of
the topping process. This blade striping Is
done with the naked hand—and it is surpris
ing with what celerity an experienced band
will ruab into it
This corn fodder, with marsh hay, ie the
only feed for cattle and horses, for nearly the
entire year, especially in the southern part
of this peninsula. From this point north at
tention ia beginning to be given to the culti
vation of the variona grasses—and clover
pastore, and clover and timothy hay are met
with occasionally. In process of lime these
good things will abound here—and even
down south. Mean cattle and hones pro
ceed from marsh hay and com fodder.
I have now witnessed the taking off of
four successive wheat harvest* in this coun
tty, and no failure, or approech to failure,
except in eome localities a little rust two
years ago; and I observe too, that the wheat
of this peninsula ia decidedly superior in
quality to the wheal of Pennsylvania, Ohio,
and ibe Weal. I am folly satisfied tbis ia
(he best wheat country in (ha Union; and
yel the farmer here persist* jn corning hi*
land to death. The farmer who i* cultivating
M acres of corn, will sow five bushel* of
wheat among his corn in one corner of his
big field, late in October, and plough it in—
turning the farrow against the corn-hills,
leaving tbe land in tidgas. The corn i*
busked end heeled off after this; and in tbe
eoucae of (be winter the oorti-stalks are out
up with a hoe and Carried to the pound, or
yard. In ibis tear from 90 to 75 bushels of
Wheat of excellent quality at* predated. The
residue of (bis field Its# idle (he ensuing year,
and the year after is planted With corn again.
The rotation system is not understood ■ When
this oomeS to be the case, this will be one
of (he greatest wheat-growing fields in the
Union. In New Castle County this is well
understood and practised now, and will event
ually be so here and thsonghout the penin
sula. To precipitate this desirable Btate of
things we want a host of Pennsylvania farm
ers to take position among us, and lead ofT;
and to show how the thing is done"-and the
results. There is plenty of room—every ten
miles will hold one hundred farmers, and
leave room for as many more. Tell them to
come on, men of small capital can start here,
and mec of more ample resources can do
well by buying farms now as an invest
Abqnt 20 bushels Of wheal lo the acre la {
the comDlfryield, and tshink 1 afn correct
in saying the average-erne of corn through
out the peninsular, of more titan thk south
ern half Bf it—does not exceed 25.bushels.
I often take A gentleman all aback by the
remark that thu is not a corn country—- and
meet the reply—"Well, ! don't know how
you will make that out, there is a great deal
of corn raised here. 1 ' This is a fact; but
when the grand system of rotation which It s
recently come to hold more fully in Pa.,
via!: corn, oats, wheat, and clover, come
into vogue here, the yield of this penim-til
will be quadruoled. Farms are -oo lerg-*—
fields sre too large—so , 60,80 and 100 act
fields are common things—too large lor mor
tal man lo manage advantageously. Com
on ye Pennsylvanians and lake posses-ion o<
one half of the countty at least, you arc
wanted here. We want your votes, your
weight, your influence, to bring up and hold
this beautiful, healthful, and naturally fertile
region, up to Ibe Btandtrd of true republican
ism. There are many things here that need
modifying. Why air, what what would you
say, what would yon think, what would any
true Pennsylvania!! say, think and do—if, in
proceeding to commit matrimony, he should
find himself obliged to buy a license of the
State, and pay a beggarly fee to some ignoble
Justice of the Peace, before be can be al
lowed to consummate his intentions in the
matter? The atory of the Whiskey Boys
famishes a sufficient intimation of what
might lake place.
Delaware is not only out ot debt, but has
half a million ahead. Pennsylvania with
her forty millions would not if she could, and
dare not if she would, oblrnde the skinny
hand of an excise-man between two loving
hearts, and say, "pay me two dollars first!"
No indeed!
The lands are in the hands of a few, com
paratively. Law makers and executors are
all of tbis class—and with merchants, me
chanics and millers alt live and move and
have their being ia that old spirit (bat perva
ded all before the Republic was announced.
A true republican has a proper respect for,
and confidence in his fellow man. A com
munity where these grand elements of char
acter are not in exercise, or are not under
stood, come short of the republican standard.
Your readers will well understand what I
mean. Now what we want, or rather what
this country needs, is a strong infusion of
Pennsyivanianism, administered by a com
pany of good, genuine, sturdy, intelligent
Pennsylvania farmers; and I repeat that the
soil, water, climate, and proximity lo Phila
delphia render this country an inviting field
to men who are able to pay from ten to
twenty dollars an acre for land. A company
of such men with their families, would find
here a fruitful soil, a good market, and in
the society of one another, as much happi
ness as commonly lalls to the lot of fallen
man in a lallen world. D. S.
The Inflowing srs the Commdies of Vig
ilance appointed in tl)e several township* ol
Columbia county by ihe Democratic Stand
ing Committee:
Bloom —Daniel Lee, M. C. Woodward, Ja
cob R. Groal.
Benton —Richard Stiles, Samuel Rhone,
Alonzo M. Bt ldwin.
Briarcreek —Hudson Owen, David Shaffer,
Nathan Seely.
Beaver —Charles Michael, MOMS Khlicher,
Samnel Johnson.
Centre —Charles H. Dietench, Joseph Phoe,
Henry D. Koorr.
Cattawissa —Casper Rahn,lsaiah John, Pe
ter Bodine.
Conyngham —Dr. R. Wolfartb.
Franklin —Reuben Kniltle, Win. Rohrbaob,
Peter Kline.
Fishingcreek —Jonas Doty, Philip Apple
man, Harraan Labor.
Greenwood— Samuel Gillespy, Isaac De
wilt, Elijah Albartson.
Hemlock —Jesse Ohl, Isaac Leidy, Win. H.
Jackson— John McHenry, jr., Iram Derr,
Thomas W. Young.
Locust—David Yeager, Jacob Stine, Leon
ard Adams.
Mifflin—J. C. Hetler, Jno. Michael, Chrii
tian Wolf.
Maine— Jacob Sbugar, Jo*. Geiger, Isaac
Mountpleasant —Sam'l Johnson, Philip Kis
tler, John Mordan.
Montour —Evan Welllver, Jacob Leiby,
W. G. Quick.
Madison—J. A. Funslon, Schooley Alien,
John Fruit.
Orange—Hiram R. Kline, Jobn Megargle,
John Lazarus.
Pins—John Leggett, Albert Hunter, Enoch
Roaringcreek— John C. Myers, George W.
Dreisbach, M. Foederoff.
Scott—John H. Dewitt, Enoch Howell,
Charles Baehman.
Sugurleqf— Alioas Cole, W. B. Peterman,
I David Lewis,
Delivered alike Gremmod Stminary, MillmUe,
Columbia county. Pa., at Ike close of the quar
ter, ending June 27th, 1858,
Students of literature and travellers in the
pathway of Science, how appropriate that
the ceremonies of an oocasion like this
should be participated In out in the open
air, in the cool shady grove, surrounded by
the living foliage of Nature—all so much
calculated to impress us with the beauties of
the outward creation.
Socb surroundings are abundantly calcula
ted to lead to thoughts and reflections which
must prove instructive, and inspire a desire
for profitable investigation—leading the mind
from eflFct back to cause—from Nature up
to Nstqre's God.
This beautiful grove around us: the gentle
murmurings of the summer's air through the
green broughs among us; the (night cerule
an sky above us—we know them to be real
ities, and as we begin to reflect upon them
the range ol our thoughts unbidden beam
to enlarge until they take in all the multitu
dinous objects that fill up this grand and
beautiful earth—the mineral, vegeiahle and
animal kingdoms of Nature. Why and
whvrelore were they created! What wst
the motive—what the obj-ct of the Great
First Cause in the Inimatimi ami creation of
this vast material world? Cfri the morn of
i-reutive action He designed die creation of
being- o boundless capabilities, like uuio
himself, differing only in degree of power—
of Inieiliuence— man and woman I and all die
parts and parcels of creation were designed
as ibe tools and machinury in His hands for
this wonderful purpose. Everything in the
vast compss of things were designed for
the final use—the actual good ot man. And
as our investigations are thorough we find
this verified—that even from the nethermost
stratum of earth to the last being in the an
imal scale, they all converge in final uses,
into him. He is the axis of their motions;
the goal of their raoe; the ultimate object of
tbeir consecutive labors.
Though everything prior to man images
bim—he, in return miniatures all that pre
cedes him. Every law and function, pos
sessed by the mineral, the vegetable and the
animal kingdoms, are epitomized in man's
body; also, the elementary principles dl
these kingdoms. The great characteristics
of tho minora) Iringdnm, composition and de
composition, are here found in all their beau
ty, variety and complication. The features
of the vegetable world are here all displayed
wilti increased attractions, and adornerTwith
garments of the rarest lints and costliest
workmanship. They are found at the very
centers of organic movements—and are se
lection, absorption, capillary circulation,
aocretion, assimilation, nutrition, secretion,
organic arrangement and reproduction. The
next sphere of existence—the animals—their
speoifio characteristics are clearly and large
ly possessed by tbe human body, and in
their most perfect Inrm. These are motion
and sensation, muscular and nervous phe
nomena. These are here found producing
the most gracelnl, useful and wonderful ac
tions that are found in the whole animal
world. Could we enter the chemical labor
atory; the vegetative arena, and the animal
theater of the human organization, with suf
ficient intelligence, we should be struck with
the amazing skill aid almost new power of
ail theae matchless of God's vast
fild of labor.
In this sense and light we see wherein the
human form epitomizes the three kingdoms
below it. And, wlteii we take a view o|
man's menial andip'l tlunl capabilities—these
in (art t powers ot Infinity—we then catch the
: idea tlmt man is 'he image of his Creator;
and b"iK scii-.tie is the epitome of
I lie two jvoridr— tipupnini-w into materiality
alio splSfiCjtl Tv 'i 'et Bv this *e are able
to mr- tl.r trie-nice a d mental yra dc.ur
of (tie expieMnoit, ' K-ow thyself ' 1 and
I further, in ihe words ol the Poet: "The
proper study of mankind is man "
And as this is the great ultimatum of all
knowledge—as the whole outward erealion
was intended for man's use and enjoyment,
and as bis fullaat enjoyment of happiness
depends upon his thorough acquaintance
with the principles and laws governing Na
ture, that he may more intelligently make
them subservient to his manifold wants. I
have fell that a half an hour might not be
thrown away, especially to those who have
been spending months in tbe acquirement of
useful knowledge, were I lo occupy it in
calling their attention to the relations exist
ing between man and the ontwaid creation
refer to the central principles governing that
which epitomizes all other sciences—the
science of man, and endeavor to point out, in
directly at least, the true end and uses of
A thorough knowledge of any department
of nature will reveal all tbe laws and erudi
tions essential to i:a fullest enjoyment. Ev
ery department ia complete, and haa within
itself all that is necessary for a thorough ac
quaintance with itself. This is a great prac
tiCMstruth, and should beget confidence in
the principle* of every work of nature, and
a spirit of writing research for the discovery
of said prinoiple, aod the condition* of their
Every substance and being of nature is
endowed with certain powers and properties,
which require, for (heir free manifestations,
fir-conditions or circumstances. From the
fact that man possesses mental |nd account
able powers, it has been supposed that he
waa abiove or destitute of established law*
which causes every movement ; thai he had
nothing in common with prior creation; and
that hie constitution was incapable of philo
sophic inquiry!
A human being) aa well aa other, ia by
hature endowed with certain powers. Those
powers, for their development, depend upon
certain principles, having given conditions.
Those powers in man and woman are of
three kinds—the physical, the mental and
the spiritual. They are intimately associated,
and designed never to be separated in their
life. Thongh their sphere of action ia dif
ferent, yet they are mutual aids to eaoh oth
er, and the welfare of one it inseparably
oonneoted with that of the others. They each
spring from germij by culture capable ol
boundless growth, especially tbe mental and
spiritual powere. Tito physical are limited
in term of life aod degree of development.
Action and rest are laws of each bf these
powers. Given means are Andisnensable for
these states. All education has its foundations
here. And that system which preserves an
equality of development in all the capabili
ties : that secures in proper quantity and
quality, the most compitible circumstances,
aod that balsuces action and rest, is one
founded in nature, and will secure to the in
dividual all that can be desired, or that the
Creator intended. Education can never give
! to man a single elementary power, remem
ber that—it can only develop it. Every sys
tem should recognize the truth that by nature
<ll are alike in individual abilities; that every
one possesses the germs of every greatness,
and that there is no limit to the mental and
spiritual powers, and that there is room and
rapacity for eternal progress and enlarge
ment. God gives us the latent abilities,
while edncation brings them into life, ani
mate- and develops them. Nature is account
able for the power, and we for the use ol it.
A writer was half right wffen"he said—"We
are all that nature intended in elementary
ability, but only deficient in the use of it.—
The misfortunes of this life lie in the non
and irregular development and use of our
primitive capacities."
Only when all our faonlties are balanced
in their development, are we capable of ful
filling the end of our creation—of obtaining
health, intelligence and happmesi. An equal
and simultaneous development of all the fac
ulties fits us for the perception and enjoy
ment of all the blessings of earth.
Now what are the powers with whioh we
are possessed and what are the corfditions of
aotion and rest ! Are they obtainable and
omn itio mo.n. b. applied* Hmgo's nrgpn
izstion is a triune one epilSfirting all else,
what are the physios!, what are the mental,
and whtt are the spiritnal powers*.
Of the physical nature we can say, that it
can move itself at will—that it can preserve
its own integrity, for a given period—that it
can execute what intelligence dictates—and
that it can perpetuate itself. Of the means
necessary for their capabilities, we can say,
that they are the constant presence of pure
air; tbe daily, vigorous exercise of every vol
untary muscle of the body ; purity of person,
freedom from all compression; the erect po
sition; equal distribution of apparel, and uni
formity of food and drink. But nothing, com
paratively is known about our physical abil
ities, further than that we have them. We
are too much under the impression that we
are but the fragments, Ihe dilapidated re
mains of our primitive formation. We are
too much made to leel that we had received,
throuuh a long time of ancestral malf.trma
, lion, decrepitude and diseae , the inherent
seeds of pain, of stunted growth, and of
early death, woven with Ihe very filaments
of our constitution, arid beyond the power o(
science and art lo eradicate. The world ia
ton little acquainted with the fact that our or
ganizations are the result of the most posi.ive
and reliable laws of nature, and that they are
capable of human discovery, comprehension
urnl lull obedience. Too little have we been
taught thai our physical (ffsterd is capable of
an education analogous to our other natures.
No ! far otherwise. But we have physical
powers that we may understand. Those pow
ers demand certain conditions and they are
within our reach and laithful application. We
have nothing to do with the induring of our
powers, only with their development and
maintenance. We are only responsible for
the conditions of their action and their use.
What are they ? The oraui puol.tuu , tho
presence of pure atmosphere all the time for
respiration; the purification of the entire
surface ; the vigorons daily exercise of all
tbe muscles of voluntary action; freedom
from all compression by dress; apparel that
will be equal in its proteotion to the body and
of that construction whioh facilitatea-the free
est motions; a quantity of food and drink, at
stated periods, that shall not be perceived by
Ihe sensitive nerves of the stomach; and that
control of the feelings which enlightened
reason and virtue demand. In these lie our
reeponsibility. They furnish to the power*
and foroes of tho body that which they re
quire for vigorons long life, for tbe preven
tion of disease, and for tbe maintenance of
health. They are the fruit of tbe "tree of
Next come the mental powers. We all
know that we have the we have these—that
they are capable of education, aud that to an
unknown extent.
tries are based upon sis truth. So general is
it, that a man who lifts at this day without
putting it in practice, is considered a dolt or
a sluggard. No man is excused for remain
ing entirely ignorant.
This department of science of Man—the
intellectual—is the only one that has at all
been understood, The great and central
truth oi this nature is, that all rational beings,
at birth, have the germ* of all those attri-
botes, which are necessary for the acquisi
tion, and preservation of all knowledge that
cornea within the sphere of human abilities;
that, at birth, all intelligences stand upon the
same platform intellectually (except it may
be that the germinal menial powers differ in
degree of Impressibility) that all the powers
are latent, germinal, bat poeseseed with the
ability of aaimation and boundless growth.
At lbs outset all possess tbe elements of ev
ery ability. Tbe infant mind is a perfect
blank, destitute of the most trivial faol, idea
or thought; a being who requires for bis
greatest good a knowledge of. many things,
yet destitute of all, but so constituted, that,
as it* wants increase, the mind expands and
ultimately becomes the receptacle of what
ever is essential to be obtained, retained or
expressed, gives room and ability for more.
The more the mind acquires and produces,
the more it can—the greaiet are it* power*.
t believe there are those who believe that
nature is partial in the bestowmem of her in
tellectual favor* ; that all men of eminence
ate favoted recipients Of ber gifts—natural
patricians—great men by divine favor. But
such a belief is ruinous—wickedly false. It
makes nature u mere creature of farcy, ca
pricious as tho mind, and partial aa likes and
dislikes can produce. More than this, it
makes a vast portion of the human family
believe, that they were born with the mark
of ignorance in the foreheads, put there by
the branding iron of nature; and that a fa
vored few are the immediate subjects of
Heaven's most benignant smiles—the elected
treasures of wisdom. How many a youth
alas I has had every energetic action
crushed to death by this pernicious belief,
while he has led a life of Ignorance, unrequi
ted toil and regret. This vestige of despot
ism has slain its thousands; it has been a
destructive mil Jew, a withering simoon that
has subdued the nobler efforts, hopes and
aspirations of vast numbers who might oth
erwise have arisen to eminence and great
ness. No longer bhould such a fatal error
| be inculcated in (he cradles of liberty— our
schools. A nation of freemen requires and
deserves all the favors of trulh, and none of
these of error. Neither man nor nature can
implant in the mind of a single person, the
least amount of knowledge. All they can
do is lo present it. The reception and posses
sion must be performed by the one informed.
Every being is as much compelled to inform
himself, if he is informed, as be is to eat if
he is nourished.
All knowledge comee by individual appli
cation, and the facility of acquisition depend)
entirely opon tbe use of the various faculties.
Is ibis not so 1 How bas it been with you
who have been spending the last three
months in the walls of the Seminary close
by t Did your knowledge of Arithmetic—
of Grammar—of Geography come to you
while you were asleep or idle ? Did any of
the knowledge you hare obtained while so
journing here come to you without being
sought, and that diligently? Nay knowl
edge is passive, always ready to be acquired,
but never acting for it. Not a thought ever
possessed by the loftiest mind, which was
not obtained by application! Make this
great truth your own in act, any of you, and
your names can no sooner die than you can
destroy that feeling of the student which
cherishes the memory ol great meu. These
are the keys to the fountains of truth.
It is all important that this nature be thor
oughly and equally developed, for tbe wel
fare of the other natures depend upon what
they receive from this. It becomes the guide
and director of itself and the others. Hence
the need for us to know its individual pow
ers and the means for their action. What
ever directly aids in the obtattiment, reten
tion and imparting of knowledge belongs to
the intellect. We are able to see that we
possess the abilities to perceive material
things and being*, and their properties and
qualities ; the effects of immaterial forces;
also abilities to treasure up what we perceive
ami then call it up lor u<-e whenever we
wish ; an ability to arrange effects and facts
pertaining to s given subject, in such a man
ner us to enable the mind to behold the
cause of those effects; and finally, an ability
to acquire and even construct a vehicle for
knowledge between man and man—and then
use it. These powers apring from certain
aoknourfeHgf.,l aitributss. They are percep
tion, memory, contrast, comparison, analogy,
judgment, imagination, invention, construc
tion, reason, will, speech and language.—
These capabilities belong and have been
vouchsafed to ever immortal being. We
learn that God is the author, nature the trea
sury, and man tbe reoipient; that all nature
and its Artificer are co-workers for man's
welfare, for man's development and for man's
happiness; that every one has the noble en
dowed power of greatness and goodness;
that their means of action are fully scattered
around all; that all that is required of man
ia to faithfully use them.
But there are yet other powers which are
the crowning gems ;n the trifold organization
of man—his spiritual powers. May I be
permitted to enquire wbat they are ? f shall
not trespass upon tbe limits of Theology. It
basso muoh associated these glorious and
celestial powers with muoh that is incompre
hensible, supernatural and superstitious, that
their real character and importance, their qa
turea and woes, their development and meant
of aetion, have been but dimly seen.
The mental and the spiritual should not be
oonfouaded. Thdse faculties that enable a
person to acquire, retain and impart knowledge
are mental. Those qualities wbicb render a
person lovely and enable him to lead a (rue
life are apiritoal. The mental power* are;
the illuminating abilities. They leveal the
ways ol law and ordat; and to the waya of
error and disorder, which the spiritual power
prompt and indtiee tta to ohoote and follow
the patbe of wiedoni and parity and avoid
the byroad* of ignorance and evil. Theee
power* are virtue; integrity, fidelity, magna
nimity, .bene volenoe, philanthropy, mercy,
genlleneu, forgiveness, tolerance, kindness,
sympathy, affection and love—a society of
powers ealoulated to wreathe the brow of
man with a crown of fadeless beauty and
undying worth.
Now all these faculties and power* were
planted by Infinity at the morn of creation
in the constitutions of man and woman. They
are to be firstly found there and no where
else. They constitute a part of them and are
aa indestructible as the whole nc*. Tbey
have all been carefully trausmTTted to the
present age, and will be to til future ones.
They were planted there .originally— are there
now —and it does not lis in the po<WA>f
msn, however mucb he Iransgressss them,
to wholly daMroy them. To strike them
from his organization, is a human impossibility.
No one can he annihilate ; forever are they
with him whatever he does. He may let
them lie dormant, misuse them and and ir
regularly develop them, but fo destroy them
is an impossibility. They may lie—like the
precious ore of the mountain—for ages un
observed, yet capable of being discovered
'knd brought to light, and still possessing all
the beauties of their first creation.
A greater error never insinuated itself into
the mind ol man ; a more mischievous and
destructive belief never cjiqbsd itself around
him than that which be has lost
the nobler powers with whim hi* Creator
first endowed him. It virtuslly tells bim
that he cannot meet the expectations of his
creation. Teach man positive knowledge—
let negatives alone. him see and leei
tha nobleness and dignity of his powers. Win
him away from error—physical, mental and
spiritual—by the splendor of truth. Cast
into oblivion falsities as fast as foand, and
uncover the smiling faces of wisdom and
Yes man has the germinal abilities that he
had when he emerged from tbe plaetio band
of hie Creator. He now, as ever, has the
power to live what he knows. He was, is
and ever will De born into the world destitute
of all knowledge, but endowed with abilities,
which by oulture can nmass tbat which is
necessary for health, for intalligenoe and
happiness. This ability ia a progressive one.
At man leavea the cradle and approaches tbe
OOnairton that OTVUa hivn t9,tnakq>i> Iran.
ait into tbe realms of mental and spiritual
life, he will, if true to himself, dissipate ig
norance and acquire wisdom, prune himself
of evils and gather the true and the good.
It js true that to know is one thing and to
do quite another. A mind may see with
great olearness, and yet may be as heartless
as evil itself. Intellect is tha guide—the
guide—the lamp which reveals the way,
while the spiritual throws a charm and a
beauty upon it infinitely transcending all
prior possessions.
The object and aim of education ahonld
be to develop, in due proportion, tbe trione
powers. To understand tbem—their use,
their means for their freest action and tba
best manner of applying them reveals the
grand secret of greatness. They reveal the
means adapted to make our countrymen
great men and our nation the glory of the
A word lo those who have been pupils in
our Seminary—it is ours—an institution in
which the people of this community should
and do feel an interest. Some of you have
been here for months, and to day perhaps are
leaving the Halls of Education to enter upon
the more active and responsible duties of bu
siness Ufa. The wide world is before you
ths world with its turmoils—its excitements
and its strife. As members of society it will
become your duly lo take a part—to act. May
the hints and suggestions I have thrown out
induce yon to act aright— to learn and obey
the laws of your trifold organization, by doing
which you never can sanction, aid or abet by
word or deed any kind of wrong.
To succeed in the world you need firm
ness of character—determination of will—
perseverance. Indeed there is no trait of hu
man character so potential for weal or wo as
fuirnese of purpose. A resolute and unyield
ing spirit will almost achieve miracles. Be
fore its irresistible energy the most formida
ble obstacles become as cobweb barriers in
its path. Difficulties, the terror of which caus
es the pampered sons of ease and luxury
to shrink back with dismay, provoke
from the man of lofty determination only a
smile. The whole history of our race—
all nature teems with examples illustrating
what may be accomplished by perseverance.
It is related of Tamerlane, the celebrated
warrior—the terror of whose arm spread
through all the eastern nations, and whom
victory attended at almost every step, that he
once learned, from an insect, a lesson of per
severance, which had a striking effect on his
future chsraoter and success. When closely
pursued by bia enemies he look refuge in
eome old ruins, where, left to bis solitary
musings be espied an ant lugging and striv
ing to carry away a single grain of corn. His!
unavailing efforts were repeated 69 times, I
and at each time so soon as he reached a
oefain point of projeotion, he fell baok with
his burden, unable to eurmoant it But the
70th time he bore away bia spoil in triumph,
and left the wondering hero reanimated and
exulting in the hope of future viotory. Aye
resolution ii almost omnipotent. Sheridan
was at first timid, and time and again waa
obliged to ait down in the midst of a speech.
Convinced of and mortified st the cause of
. frotHM t*¥ htnm. L t
NUMBER 29, i
hi* failure, he said one day to * MeoAV'lt ■
is in me and SHALL COM out." From that
moment ha rose and khone and triumphed hi •
a consummate eloquence. Then be bold in
spirit. Indulge in no doubts—for tbey ate
'and make us loose the good we oft fhighl Witt
By fearing to attempt.'
We must have faith m ourselves. True we
may be broken down—discouraged, but even
on these occasions if a chance happen in out
favor how it inspires faith —and remember
that belitf in otlr abilities is the touoh stone to
success. When Robert Bruce My on hi* pal
let watching the spider and saw him make
6 unsuccessful attempts to fasten its web to
a beam above his head, and then determined
that if the insect succeeded in its 7th attempt,
he also who had 6 times failed in bia efforts
for the freedom of his country would make
one more trial. Was it not (he faith wbirb
the final success of the indefatigable insect
inspired that was the guaranty of victory and
under the guidance of which defeat and fail
ure were next to impossible 1 We can do
that which we do not doubt we ean do. N->
poleon conquered and intimidated ell Europe
by bis sublime faith In himself. After mar'
shaling all bis resource* and omitting ho pre'
caution which pointed even dimly to stfccess,
he had over and above tbisa fiery faith which
spiead fike wild fire over bis whole army;
which conquered the moat fearful odds, and
which strove over and crashed all donbt to '
the earth. No army conld withstand that
desperate resolution which never harbored a
donbt of its own ability. Without this faith
he might have possessed his eagle insight,
his quick instinct, bit rapid combination, hi*
aubtle calculation and foresight, still never
have grasped the hydra of anarchy and tam
ed it to submission,even while it* fangs were
dripping with gore, nor have waded through
the blood ef Europe to an imperial throne.
No—no. If tdc have no faith in ourselves who
is to have faith in us. It isneoesskry for our
Thus studying and thus aotlng wa shall b
enabled to live the life designed in our crea
tion. The darkness and ignorance enshroud*
ing past ages is passing and the language of
the poet verified.
Through the ages long and dreary,
Since first morning dawned on earth,
Man has had but feeble glimpses
Of the glory of bis birth;
Faint revealings, thwarted bopings,
Wearying struggles day by day,—
So the long and dreary ages
Oi bis life hath pased away.
But through slow and stately marches,
• Or the centuries sublime,
Almgkty Truth hath been strengthening,
For the noblest work of time.
And it comes upon the present
Like a god in look ana mien,
With composure—high—surveying
All the tumult of the scene.
Wo! to pride, that now shall scorn it,
It will bring it fully low,
Wo! the arm that shall oppose it,
It will cleare it at a blow.
Wo! the hosts that shall beset it,
He will scalier them abroad,—
It will strike thent down forever,
For truth is mighty—is of God. .
but twenty-five Congressional challenges to
fight duels sinoe the organization of the first
Congress, and the greater number of these
originated in qoarrels, which, though politi
cal, had no referenoe to matters wl.ioh oc
curred in Congress. The last duel is the
most remarkable of ail. Brooks fired, be
fore his time, a red hot card at Burlingame,
and then ran off to the Virginia Springs.—
Burlingame followed in a double barrelled
shot Irom himself and Mr. Campbell, through
the columns of the Intelligencer. Both par
ties then agree not to have anything farther
to do with each other, and this ia the end of
the affair.
quaintances was coming from New York ir
the cars the other night, and was amused at
an interview between to persons, who seem
ed not to have met for some time before.
I "Well," said the one, altar tbe first saluta
tions, "what are yon up to now!" "Oh, I
don't know," replied the other, "I ahall take
to religion." "Religion I" oried hie friend,
"what do you meant" "Why," aaid the
other, "I think it ia going to be a good bnai
ness; the mintstera are elt leaving it, and I
tell you what, I believe there's to be ag open
ing there I"— Boston Cour nr.
IVThackeray, on bis first visit to thie
country, was introduced in Charleston, S. C.,
to Mrs. C——, one of the leaders of soci
ety there. Thinking to be witty, he aaid "I
am happy to meet you, Mre. C ; I've
heard, madame, that you were a fast wo
man." "Oh, Mr. Thackeray," ahe replied,
with one of her moat faaoinating smiles, "we
mast not believe all we hear. I had hoard,
nr, that you were a gentlemen." The gtwt
English wit admitted, afterward, (hat be had
the worst of k.
OPPOSED TO MoNAacHY.->There is a man in
Connecticut who has such a hatred for every
thing appertaining to a Monarchy, that he
won't wear a crown on his hat.
IV The Chinese hsve a thoughtful pro
verb. "Tbe prison is shut night and day
yet it is always full; tbe templee are always
open—yet you flod no one in them."
IV Insults, says a modern philosopher, are
like counterfeit money, we cant hinder
them being offered, bat we ere not com
pelled to tane tbem. *
OT Avoid aoaudal; for this ia a peat el
any community.