ARRIVAL OF THE ASlA three Ddyt Later from Europe By the Asia, we have our European Cor respondence, and London and Liverpool files to Ibe 3d inslanl. The British Parliament had adjourned.— The debate on the motion of Mr. Whiteside, for a vote of oensore against lhu government fot the fall of Kars, was passed to a division, but the motion wts lost, the majoriiy against it being 127. The official proceeding of ibe Peace Con grese, just published, proves that the most .interesting feature happened after the treaty was signed, in interchange of sentiment upon various subjects ot European interest. The interchange of opinions was invited by Count Wslewski, who, among other things, referred to the disturbed stale of Italy, recofamending that suggestions Inr a milder tule to be conveyed to the Italian govtim* ments, in which suggestions the plenipoten tiaries heartily agreed. Count Cavoor, on behalf or Sardinia de manded that a secular government be estab lished in the Roman Legations, and that the Acslrian-troops be withdrawn. . - Sharp worde ensued the Austrian and Sar [ dinisn Representatives, but it ended in noth ing. f The Confederation then proceeded to the L discussion of the new declaration of maritime to reference to neutrals, &c., and to all 1 the principles of this law the Plenipotenlia rias gave theis adhesion. Russia qualifying m her assent in the matter of privateering. . ■ Letters from Rome state that the Ecclesias- F licat circles were panic struck attire Sardiru- an programme of Italian reform. The sud-- * den departure for Parts of Monsigneur Bern -adri is supposed to be connected with thin mnvement. A teller Irom Berlin says that the proposal of England to capitalize the Sound Dues was not acceptable to Denmark. THE LATEST. [By Telegraph from London.] LONDON, Saturday morning, May 3.—The treaty between England, France and Austria, guaranteeing the independence and integrity of the Turkish empire, was prevented in Par liament yesterday. Lord Clarendon's dispatch in answer to Secretary Marcy's note of the 28th of Decem ber, was laid before Parliament last evening. The Daily News, tn its comments upon the matter, refers to the demand for Mr. Cramp ton's recall, ss an invitation for the English cabinet to disgrace itself for the amusement of the Government at Washington. LONDON, Friday evening, May 2.—The funds showed a heaviness this morning, and at one lime the extreme decline was f Prices rallied, however, and closed at I a I lower than the highest sales ot Wednesday. Business was languid on the Stock Ex change, excepting for French shares, which advanced in sympathy with the upwatd movement at Paris. Protection to ihe Panama Houte. —We le3rn fror/i Ihe official correspondence of the Pan sma Railroad Co., that the English and French consuls have oniled with our own in sending for men-of-war on both sides of tho Isthmus of Panama, to protect passengers and properly from any Vcurrence of outrage on Ihe part of the inhabitants. Several Eu ropeans wer® killed in me late riot. Every •n'erpnsing nation is cot*raed in keeping the common highway free from danger, and their citizens traveling over it free front mo Uctatiop. , CHICAGO LAND SALES —Fifty lots in Chica go, Illinois, which cost 60000 three years ego, were sold last week for 627,000; and the Fair Ground property, which win recent ly sold for 64000 per acre, was purchased eighl years ego for 8100 per acre—just one fourth of that sum ! The Recognition of Pad re Vigil. WASHINGTON, May 15.—Yesterday after noon Secretary Mercy sent for M. Marcoleta, the resident Minister from Nicaragua, as an aot of coortesy, and informed him of the de termination of the administration to receive (he Padre Vigil as the Minister from the new government of Nicaragua. M. Marcoleta complained ol it at violative of the laws of God and of nations, entering his solemn pro test against the proceeding, and informed Mr Marcy thai ha should prepare tn expose of all the facte to be commnnioaied by him to the members of the Diplomatic Corps resi dent near this government. iy Barn urn's friends intend 10 get up a benefit 10 realize a sufficiency 10 purchase a homestead for hie family. The proposition is to give benefit! at each of ihe several pla cet of amusement on consecutive nights, that maintaining a round of amusements, all for the same pnrpose, for ten daya or a fort night together; The managers of the theatres in New Votk end Tom Thumb have all of fersd Iheir serviees, and some of the news papers have offered to do their advertising gratis. 11 is certainly very creditable to Mr. Barniira, thai, amid hie pecuniery misfor tanas, so many real friends are to be found to help him out of his trouble. • ' Our Native Wind.—The Ohio Valley Farm er estimates, from statistics of ttie Horticul tural Society, that there are two thousand acres of Catawaba vines in cultivation in the vicinity of Cinoinnati, of which 1600 acres are in full bearing. By the average produc tion of the last few yesrs this area of vines will yield 500,000 gallons of wine, whioli yield must, in a short time, be doubled.— The demand for the wine is increasing faster lhau the supply. HP* The new patent law proposed in Con graaafwill allow all patents which have not existed for twenty years to ba extended for that length of time from Iheir first issue. It 1 will oat off, at the aad of their term, all pit I ante tinder the old law, which have run tbro' Ibeir first term of fourteen years, and now have iba seven years' extension. Those whose first term has not expired will be en titled to air exteneioh of six years, irrespect ive'of the Commissioner. OT Beef baa fallen in (be New York mar ket this week ten per cent, in the price. In Light Sireet, on the 7ih inl, by the Rev. Thomas Bnwinatt, D. D , SOLOMON SMUCXKR Jr., ol Philadelphia, to ELIZABKTH S, 'Jnugh ter of Jacoo Melick, Esq., ol Light Sireet. On the 6th inn., by the Rev. J. M. Young, Mr. JOHN A. OMAN, to Miss HARRIET J. How EH, both ol Mount Pleasant township, Col umbia county. On the 6th ins!., by the Rev. Henry S. Ro denbough, Mr. E. B. MOORE, etliior of ttie Montgomery Watchman, to Minn MARV N., daughter ol Col. A. W. Shearer, of Norriton township, Moiugmnery county. CLASSIFICATION, fTF retailers, of merchandise in Colum bia county, Pa., by the Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for the year 1856, in accordance with the seveiul acts of As sembly, as follows, viz : NAMES. RESIDENCE. CLASS. LICENSE. BLOOM. McKelvy, Neul 4' Co. 0 25 00 Bloomsbtirg R. R. Iron Co. 0 25 00 J. J. Brower, 14 7 00 Elias Mendenhall, IB 10 00 David Stronp. 14 7 00 A. J. Evans, 12 12 50 11, C. 4' J- W. Hartman, 12 12 50 David Lowenberg, 14 7 00 J. P. Taggart, 14 7 00 Simon Dreifuss Si Co. 14 7 00 A. J. Sloan, 13 10 00 John Barton, 14 7 00 H. W.Thornton, 14 7 00 E. P. Lutz, 14 7 00 L. B. Rupert, 12 IV 50 A. C. Mensch, 13 10 00 Hoffman Si Else, 14 7 00 Jesse Q. Clark, 14 7 00 R. Plummer, 14 7 00 Oliver A. Jacoby, 14 7 00 Jos. Sharpless, 14 7 00 A. M. Rupert, 14 7 00 S. C. Shtve, 7 00 J R. Moyer, 14 7 00 Hendcrshoi Si Jacoby, 14 7 00 BEAVER. Henry Fry, •• 14 7 00 BENTON. Samuel Hencock, 14 7 00 Miller 4* Schujlor, 13 10 00 B. F. Cole, 14 7 00 BERWICK. Bowman 4'Freas, 11 16 00 A. Miller, 11 15 00 McHcnry 4* Owen, 12 12 50 R. 11. Nicely, 14 7 00 Joel Jackson, 14 7 00 J. -B. Hudson, 14 7 00 BRIARCREEK. J. F. Dteterich, 14 7 00 Henry Traugh. 14 7 00 Henry A, Morehead, 14 7 00 John Creasy, 14 7 00 CATTAWISSA. FC. Eyer, J3 10 00 John Sharpless, 13 10 DO Sharplebs 4" Krcigh, 13 10 00 C. Rahn, 14 7 00 j Ftncher 4" Smith, 13 10 00 CENTRE. 1 G. H. Fowler, 13 10 00 j Hicks Si Eckroth, 14 700 |O.& G. Low, 13 10 00 | Daniel Jamison. 14 7 00 | Saiifucl Laudhaeli, 14 . 700 FISHINGCRREK. | Daniel Mnllenry, 14 7 00 Benj. Mcllenry, 14 7 00 I Stuckcr & Bobbins. 14 7 00 GREENWOOD. Eves 4- Reece, 14 7 00 George Masters, 13 10 00 J"bn I-egget, 14 7 00 Ager 4" Haj'don, 13 10 00 Jacob Schuyler, 13 10 00 E. Wormian, 13 10 00 HEMLOCK. M. G. Shoemaker, 13 10 00 Jacob Harris, 14 7 00 C. Neyhard, 14 7 00 LOCUST. Samuel B. Deimer, 13 10 00 G. W. Yeager, 14 7 00 J. P. Levan, 13 10 00 Mark Williams. 13 ' 10 00 F. H. Karn, 14 7 00 Judah Cherrington, 13 10 00 Jacob Yeager, 14 7 00 Falninger & Reinbold, 14 7 00 MAINE. A. 4* S. Andrews, 13 10 00 G. 4* It. Shuman, 14 7 00 MIFFLIN. J. K. Swephenlteiser, 14 7 00 Brown Si Cieasy, 14 7 (JO J. H. Swank, 14 7 00 Stephen Wolf, 14 7 00 MADISON. J. A, Funston, 13 10 00 N. McCay, 14 7 00 A MONTOUR. Washington Bittenbender, 14 • 700 ORANGE. Lazarus Si Fisher, 13 10 00 Wm. Fritz, 14 7 00 A. B. Stewart, 14 7 00' A. Coleman, 14 7 00 PINE. James Masters, 14 7 00 ROARINGCREEK. George W. Dreisbach, 14 7 00 SCOTT. Melick & Creasy, 12 12 50 Melick Si Brother, 13 10 00 S, L. Beitle, 13 10 00 Edgar & Milneg, 12 12 50 James Kcster & Co. 13 IO'OO B. F. Reighard 4" Brother, 13 10 00 I S. A. Wurman, 14 7 00 Geroge Vansickle, 14 7 00 James McOarty, 14 7 00 D. Witmoyer, 14 7 00 DISTILLERIES. Loit 4- Reece, Centre, 50 00 J. F. Daubach. Sugarjoaf, 9 60 00 John McHenry, Benton, 9 50 00 BEER HOUSES & OYSTER CELLARS. Jesse G. Clark, Bloom, 8 5 00 Mrs. O. Leacock, do 8 500 Hoffman 4* Else, do 8 500 Hiram Smethers, Berwick, 8 5 00 Win. Yutler, Cattawissa, 8 5 00 John Ingold. do 8 5 Oil W. Bittenbender, Montour, 8 6 00 Wesley Shannon, Scott, 8 5 00 An appeal will be beld at the Commis sioners' Office, in Bloortisburg t on Mon day llie 16 day of June, 1850, next, for all who may think themsolvea aggrieved by (he foregoing appraismenl and classi fication. The license must be paid to the Coun ty Treasurer on or before the 4th day of July and no appeal will be held after the above date, RICHARD STILES, Mercantile Appraiser. Benton, May 16, 1856, fctr Hon. John Cadwallader declines a re- J election to Congress in the Filth Congres-j sional District of this State which is comtirts- I ed of Montgomery county and a part c,l Phil adelphia city. He hat made a dignified and truly honorable member. Holloway's Pills , undoubtedly the best Med icine on sale in the Union.—The extraordi nary power possessed by there Pills have tendered them justly a universal favorite with the citizens ol the Union, owing it is presu med to their efficacy in all direttres of the liver and stoinuch. For the cure ol sick headaches, bile and indigestion they are al so unequalled ; and forall female complaints whether of the daughter entering into wom anhood, or the mother at the turn of life, their effect is infallible, as they speedily re move all such complaints from the system, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS! AGENTS!! EXTRA INDUC EMENTS OFFERED. UERSONS sending me their address, I will mail (post paid) a full descriptive cata logue of my Books, ar.d with instructions to operate that will enable them to make from 650 to 6100 per The list comprises over ltiO New and Popular Books. Address D KULISuN, Quaker City Publishing House, 32 S. Third Sireet, Philadelphia Or it living West, to H. M. RULISON, Cincinnati, Ohio. P. S. Editors of any regular weekly newa- Caper or monthly periodicals, throughout me titled States, giving the ahove advertisement four or mote insertions, including this notice, and sending me copies of the papers, &c., containing the same, shall have a cony of Brother Mnren the Circuit Ruler, or Ten Years a Methodist Preacher, a book contain ing 320 pages, 12mo. Bound in beautiful style, mailed to their addtess post paid. LIST OF LETTERS. Y> EMAININGiu the PortOffioe at Blooms burg. May 16th, 1856. Blearing Valentine 2 Miller Joseph K. Hotter Eliza Pailon Mary Ann Cook Joseph Mrs. Pifer George Christian Rebecca A. Partridge J. A. Culbert Ann • Ralhbouse C. Demsey John D. Schuyler Jacob Downey Daniel Shellon Conrad Edgar William Sireet George 2 Edwards Elizabeth Tlmrnaß Daniel D. Gsrrelt Levi Thomas Levi Gilbert Joseph Uhl Francis Gdlaspie C. A. Unangsi E. 4 Johnston Elvina Woodward R Milhatieti John Ivey William Ship. N. B —Persons culling tor Ihe above letters will pJense say they are advertised. PHILIP UNANGST, P. M. ~ BRIGADE NOTICE! . THE uniformed Companies be en longing 10 the Ist Brigade 9th Divis ion ot Pennsylvania Volunteers are gf A 1 hereby notified to meet at lite annu- Efe I al Spring Battalion at VIK Orangeville, on Snlnrday the H 3181 Day of May insi., Us at 10 o'clock, A. M., equipped with arms and accoutrements for parade. HIRAM R. KLINE, Brigade Insp., Ist Bug 9th Div.P. V. May 14, 1856. Good Books Relight, Instruct, Refine. lIOW AND WHERE TO PROCURE THEM. Please Send for a Copy of OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of 150 different works, suitable lor Family and fireside Reading, and embracing Popular Jlmerican liiographimm. JV'mr raiirrs and Travels, Jlgiiculture. Temperance, anil School, Hook* for Ihe Young, beautifully Printed and Illustrated Family Bibles, Reli gious Books, Standard and S lect Poetry, and a choice variety, of Mis cellaneous Books. WE WILL SEND IT WITHOUT It contains a lull description of the best standard works on the above important sub jects, with ilieir prices, and in a form conve nient tor reference and preservation. Every j reader and book buyer should have it. rw We will send any of our books, Post ; age Prepaid, on rereipt ol ihe advertised price, winch may be sent to us by mail. Ours are the Best Books fur Jigents because they ate adapted to the wants of ihe people. Full particulars and Practical In structions to agents sent gratis, on application to MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN, Publishers. '25 Park Row, New York, or 107 Genesee Street, Auburn. May 14, 1856-2 m. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! THE undersigned informs his friends SiJMil aaaLicas3 e AND MXLLHrEB.7 GOODS i * S the subscribers expect to continue bu siness tbey would respectfully inform their friends ar.d the ladies generally, ihnt they hnve received and opened a new and el ejant stock of Bonnets, Bonnet Silks ■BP Ribbons, Flowers, Luces, Hals. Caps, Collars, sleeves; and a general assort ment ol Mdlinery and FANCY GOODS to which they invite the attention of all wishing anything in their line. M. E. RI'PKRT & I. ROBISON. Bloomshurg. May 14 1856. BliiuHisbiirg Foundry. JOSEPH SHARPLESS, having taken the entire interest of his laie partner in Bloomsburg Foundry.and !<• proparvd in mnntita*Mire JILL KINDS OF CASTINGS, usually made in his line of business. Thankful lor the liberal custom heretofore ■■winded this establishment, he hopes to merit an increase of public patronage. Bloomshurg, May 5, 1856. ~ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, [V OTiCE is hereby given that tellers of ad ministraliori upon the estate of Isaac K. Davis, lute of Beaver township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to Ihe undersigned residing in Franklin township in •aid county. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment with out delay, and those having accounts against the estate to present thsm tor settlement to B. P. FORTNER, Franklin twp., March 29 '66. Ailm'r. FANCY GOODS, ol every description and variety, new styles, and fresh from New York I and Philadelphia,for sale at the cheap store M'KELVY, NEAL &CO 1 Wrought & Cant Iron Red- STEADS, RAILING,SETTERS,TREE Box es, Stands, Verandas,&o., Cemetery Luis En closed with either ca-t or Wrought Iron Rail ing, No. 335 MARKET, STREET, (2 doors below Nituh.) PHILADELPHIA. March 27, 1856. A LL TIA\ 1,1 FE SAVED! DOWAIJUC, Mich., March 11, 1856. J. A. RHODES, Esq.: Dear Sir—As 1 look your medicine to sell on consignment, "no oqre no pay," I lake pleasure in staling iis ef fects-as reported to me by three brolhers who live in this place, and their testimony is a fair specimen of all 1 have received. W. S. CON KLIN told me—"l had taken nine botlles ol Christie's Ague BaNain, Rnd continually run down while uaing ii nnlil try lungs and liver wer' congested to that degree I hat blood discharged from my mouth and bowels, so that all thought it impossible for me lo live through another chill. The doctors too did alt they could for me, but thought I must die. Nothing did me any good until 1 got Rhodes' 'Fever and Ague Cure, which at once relieved mo of the dig tress and nausea at iny stomach and pain in my head and bowels, and produced a perma nent cure in a short time." H. M. CONKMN says—"l had beeo tak ing medicine of as good adgtsioras we have ill our country, and taken any quantity ol quinine and specifies without any good result, Irnm 25th August to 17th December. But seeing how nicely it operated on my brother, I got a bottle of Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure, which effected a permanent cure by using two thirds of a bottle." S. CONKLIN was nol here, but both the other brothers say his case was Ihe same as H. M's I sold the medicine to both the same day, and the cute was as speedy from the same small quantity, and 1 might so spe cify. Yours with respect, A. HUNTINGTON. The above speaks for itself. Good prool as it i, it is of no better tenor than the vast i number of like certificates 1 havo already : published, and Ihe still greater amount Ibat 1 is continually pouring in lo me. One lliing mote. Lasl year J had occasion to caution Ihe public In these words: "I noiice one firm who buve taken one of my generel circulurs, substituted the name of iheir nostrum for n.y modicine, and then with brazen impudence end -Hair-pamphlet with ihe exclamation, 'Let the Proprietor of any other medicine sey as much it he dares,' &e. &e. Now I lake pleasure in saying that the lo the SBIIIH "Dr. Christie's Ague Balsam" that is mentioned in the above certificate. There are several other industrious people who are applying to their poisonous Ira-li all I publish about my Fever arid Ague Core, or Antidote lo Malaria, except the cer tificates of cures, and the certificate of the celebrated Chemist, Dr. James R. Chilion, of New Yoik, in lavor ol ils perfectly harm less nharacier, which is attached lo every boitle. These will always serve to distin guish my medicine finrn imitations. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor. Providence, R. J. For sale by Dr. J. P. Trigger), J U. Mover and Druggists generally, April 23. 1856.—4 M. Report of the Grand Jury, To the Hnnoruole the Judges ol the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Columbia. The grand inqi est ol the Commowealth of Pennsylvania inquiring for Ihe body of the Counly ol Columbia respectfully RE PORT that they have examined the public buildings belonging to said county and find .(hem in tolerable good condition—the repair" recommended in the last report having been attended 10. We would direct aueniioti lo the painting about Ihe Court House, und re commend that it be painted anew. We would also direct attention to ihe privy be longing tn said counly building, and recom mend that ihe necessary reprroe be done We have found the walls in the ha'l of the basement story of the court-house much de faced, to which we would direct attention and recommend that the necessary repairs be made. And we further report that the roads in Scott township have keen represent ed to be in a very bad condilnn, especially iltat pari leading from Robert Pimei's in Bloom lowusliip rnierseoimg the road lead ing from Espy lo Light Street—also the al leys and some of (he stree:s in Bloomsburg have been represented as being obstrucled, lo which we would direel your attention. All ol which is rpspeuifully submitted ihe sixth day of May, 1856. •H. VV. McHEYNOLDS, Foreman. | Public Male of Ileal Estate. | > Y virme of an order of Ihe Orphans' Court " of Columbia county, Jacob F. Rohrlach, Administrator ot Jacob Rohrbach lato of Frauklintownship, Columbmcounty, deceas eit, will on Saturday, the 21st day of June next, at 2 o'clock P. M , expose to PUBLIC SALE upon the premises a certain TRACT OF LAND, late the homestead of said decedent, situate in Franklin township, Columbia county, atl ' joining lands of Mary Hcacock, Samuel B. Oeimer and Moses Hower, containing about Ttio Hundred and Twenty-tight Acres, On the property are a LOoAdWelling house, a large log barn a tenant bouse and stable. Thrre is an excellent spring of water, near the house, end TWO APPLE ORCHARDS, ( are on the property. It is o the road lead ing from Catlawissa to the Filter Furnace. About 55 acres are WOOULANt), and the remainder in a aond state ol cultivation. Terms made known nn life dav of snle bv JACOB F. ROHUjIACH, Adm'r. By order of the Court, ' JACOB SYERLY, Clerk. Ftanklin town-hip, May 14, 1856-is. !•: xHUuTOß'sNoritj K. IVjOTICE is hereby given tf|at le'ters testa mentary upon the estate of George W. Ltidwig, Isle of Schuylkilll county, deceased, hare been granted by the Ke||siero( Schuyl kill county to the understgord residing in Ashland, Schuylkill county, ill persone in debted in the said eslate ore reqnes'ed 10 make payment without delay toil those hav ing accounts against Ihe said diet-dent topre sem them for settlement to j WILLIAM LEBY, Executor. Ashland, May 6, 1856—fit. | ADMINISTRATOR'S fIOTLCF. IVOTICE is hereby given thai letter* of ad ministration with the will Annexed upon the eslate of James Laird, let! of Madison township, Colnrnbia county, deceased, have heen granted to .the undersigned residing in Lairdsville, Lycoming county. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment without delay,end those hav ing accounts against the said deoedant to pre sent them for settlement to I JOHN LAIRD, Administrator cum tutnmenlo annexe. I Bloomsburg, May !), 1856-fiw. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. ccs ® HAVE just received and opened I heir slock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales, which comprises ihe LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assorlmnLl now offered in this.TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock, es to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, ami all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply ihe wants of the People. A very large lot of VJADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool pluid9, alpacas, bombazines, de tiages, poplins, parametta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHI TE GOODS OF AH. KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay Stale, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embrojer od, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassiiners, satlinetls,, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. JiOUTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN If CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings. &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us-a call before purchasing else where. We have bought ourgoodsat Lowest Cash Prices and will not bo undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. S3lLE£Ei cs>cex oasa® Q3ce> 8 . HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Spring &. Summer Clothing! In the Exchange Block next to Swarlz's Book Store. They have on hand a lurge and full assortment of FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS,, of all sorts and 6izes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vesls they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped and fancy ; Vests of salin, silk, bufi, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pantsand boys clothing. Also fine while, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scurfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hats, caps, TrunXs, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas : and Tltey have UnAersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigalelis, Gloves, Milts. Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, saoh as Rings. Breast pins, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest ami Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons. cy Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, April 3, 1856. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. New arrival of Spring & Summer Goods ! DA7ID LOWE STB EIIG INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his store on Market street, two doors above the "American House," where he has* full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including (|o\, sack, frock, gum and oil cloih coals of all soris and sizes, pantsof all colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, slocks, cellars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. FIRST AltltlVAL! | OF SPRING AND St MM Ml GOODS! AC. MENCH respectfully informs his * friends, customers, and the public gen erally that lie ha just received from Pliila Ceiptiia Ihe first goods of '.he season, consist, ilia ol u Urge assortment of choice and de sirable i For the spring and summer trade comprising, | lor men's wear: ! Superior Black, and Colored French Cloths, ] Black French Doeskins and Cassimere. i Black Satin and Fartcv Silk Vesltngs. ! Blue, Black, Brown and Green Cashmereltes. I I.A DIES' WEAK, j Elegant Black Silks, all qualities. | Barege De Laines and Cltalii Bareges. | P'alti, I'ink Blue and Green De Laines. Borribaatne'l-M.i.h Black Alpacas. I French, Scotch and Demesne Ginghams. I Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of all kinds and qualities. Calicoes of all patterns arid descriptions. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. ! Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. I Linen Damasks and Table Covers, i Besides a large assortment of Boots and 1 Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, and all kinds of Groceries. Hardware, &c., which will be sold j remarkably cheap. Call at the old stand, - corner of Main and Market stieets. IV J FLOUR & FEED always on hand, j and lor sale a! the lowest market price, lor j CASH. A. C. MENSCH. j Bloomsbnrz, April 2, 1856. The Prince of the Mouse of David: Three years in the Iloly City in the days of Pontius Pilate. OEING a translation (mm the Alexandrian " MSS. in the Bibliatheqne of Chair, in Egypt, of the letters of ADINA, a Jewish Maiden of Alexandria, sojourning in Jerusa lem in the days of Herod, addressed to her father, a wealthy JPW in Egypt, relating as an eve-witness all the scenes and wonderful j incidents in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, from his baptism in Jordan to his Crucifix ion on Calvary. Edited by Rev. Prof. J. H. INGHAM, Rector of St. John's Church, Mo bile. One volume 400 pages, 12 mo., cloth, gilt, beautifully illustrated: Price $1 25. As the demand fordhis book will he very large, booksellers who wish a supply of the first edition, should send along their orders immediately. EF" Agents waned in all parts of the Uni ted States, to sell the above work, to whom liberal inducements will bo siren. HUDNEY & RUSSELL, Publishers. All orders should be addressed to H DAYTON, General Agent. 79 John Street, New York. # # *Eciitors o! papers giving the above,with this notice, two insertions, will receive a copy of the work by mail, pint paid." ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration with the will annexed upon •' e estate of John Bitner, late of Locust twp. Columbia county deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned residing also in Locust township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those who tiave claims against the decedent to ptesent them fur settlement to MARY BITNER, PETER BITNER, Adm'rs, with the will annexed. Locust township, April 8, 1856.-6. 4 liurcli Ceremonies. /"kN Sunday, ihe lM ol JUIIH next, Ihe cor iter stone will be laid tor a new Evan gelical Lutheran Church near the house of Samuel Lazarus, in Cooper township, Mon tour county, to be called ST. PKTZB'S CHURCH! The Rev. Mr. Sialey and other ministers from a distance wiH officiate on the occasion.— Ceremonies will commence at 9 o'clock A. M. Refre-hments anil accommodations for strangers will be furnished. JACOB LEIBY, GEORGE YOST, Building JOHN ROUCH, Committee. HENIiY WERTMAN, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. jVOriCEi* hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the estate of Engle Fox, late of Locust township, Columbia coun ty. deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned residing also in Locust township. All persona indebted- to said estate are re quested to make payment without delay and those having accounis against the said estate to present them for settlement to BENJAMIN WAGONER, Locust twp., May 6tb, 1856. Adm'r. f A MARVELLOUS REMEDY ( JROB A ITUBVEL-LOI'S AGE HOL ELT. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY! J> Y the aid of a microscope, we see million of little openings on the surface, of out bodies Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ or inward (tart. Diseases of the Kidneys dis orders of tho Liver, aflections of the heart Inflammation on tho Lungs, Asthmas, coughs and colds, are by its means effectually cured Every housewife knows that salt passes free ly through bone or meat ol any thickness This healing Ointment far more readily pen ettates through nny bone or fleshy part of the living body, curing .he moi cls„|L,o„ inward complaints, that cannot be reached . by other means. Erysipelas, Salt Rheum and Scorbutic Ilumors. No remedy has ever done so much for the cure of disease of the Skin, whatever form they may assume, as this Ointment. No case of Salt Rheum, Scurvy, sore heads, Scrofula, or Erysipelas, can long withstand its influ ences. The inventor bus traveled over many parte of the globe, visiting- Ihe principle hos pitals, dispensing this Ointment, giving ad vice as to its application, and has thus been Ihe means of restoring countless numbers of health. Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, IVounds and Ulcers. Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment when having to cope with the worst cases of sores, wounds, ulcers, glandu lar swellings.and tumors. Prof. Holloway has by command of the Allied Governments,dis- I patched to the hospitals of Ihe East, large* shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the direction of the Medical Staff, in the worst cases of ifounds. It will cureany ulcer, glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction o! the joints, even of 20 years' standing. Piles and Fistulas. These and other similar distressing com plaints can be effectually cured if Ihe Oint ment be well rubbed in over Ihe parts affect ed, and b) otherwise following the printed directions around each part. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the follotving cases: Bunions, Lumbago, Burns, Mercurial Erup- Chapped Hands, lior.s, Chilblains, Piles, Fistulas, Rheumatism, ) Gout, Salt Rheum, \ Skin Diseases, Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Swelled Glands, Sore Heads, Stiff Joints, Sore Throats, Sores of all kinds, Sprains, Scalds, Ulcers, Wounds of all Venereal Sores, kinds. Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, ami by all respectable Drug gists and Dealers ol Medicines throughout the United States, and the civilized world, in Pols, at 25 cents, 62J cents, and SI each. MTTb ere is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. U. Directions Tor the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. July 19, 1855. OQa 'l' 1 B 'j MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN STRATI" GOODS, | Hos. n Af 79 North second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Would call your attention to his most deirn bie stock of Imported French Laces, Dun- i stables and fine Spin Straws, together with n ; beautiful assortment of Leghorn. Rutland, , j£Pedal and Diamond Satin BON ■jSFNETS; Ladies' Riding HATS. JjfV Mioses' Leghorn and other Hats,-SUs Buys' and Childien's Hals, &c., &c. All of , which will be sold at a SMALL PROFIT FOR I CASH. H WARD. , Philadelphia, March 24, 1856.-2 m. i THIBET SHAWLS WITH SIIK FRINGE, A ! fine lot just received and for sale by i A C. MENSCH. i Terms after the Ist of June will be $3OO. A FARM WITHIN THE REACH 0E EVERT ONE. AAA ACRES OF GOOD FARM