THE STAR Of THE NORTH. R. W. Wawr, Proprietor.] VOLUME 8. THE STAR OF THE NORTH M PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY R. W. WEAVER, OFFICE— Up stairs, in the ntw brick build ing, on the south side of Main Street, third square below Market. TERMS: —Two Dollars per annnm, if patd within six months from the lime of sub scribing; two dollars and fifty cents if not* paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months ; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times for One Dollar and twenty-five oents for each additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. From the St. Louis Morning Herald. THOU HAST TAUGHT ME TO LOVE. Thou hast taught me to love—ah! to wildly, Devotion is filling my soul; i Tho' oraolhoioti au%{ roetn lllJs OO nniltiljy, , Like billow* of ocean 'twill roll. Suppress'd is the heart's warm emotion, I when thy dark eye beams coldly on me ; , Yet deeper and purer than ocean> la the friendship 1 cherish for thee. Is there a bins? 'tis in loving divinely i But one, and that one pure and true ; ( Tho' others may languish supinely, My friendship's unchanging for yon. Wouldat thou teach my fond heart to forget thee ! That lesson but deepens my love ; ' Thou hast taught me; in sadness to prize thee, I As we prize the angels above. < O ne'er can my heart love another, * 1 Tho' my bosom should coldly suspreas I Tho deep emotion I smother, i When in coolness thine eyes on me rest. ; Thine image, enshrined in my keeping, Can ne'er be erased from my heart; * c 'Twill hallow the spot where I'm sleeping, ; When death our ioue spirits shall part. f When twilight at eve is returning, j I gaze on some bright beaming star; And wildly my bosom is yearning— I sigh for Ibee, loved one, afar. 1 t My sad heart is secretly pining, For the light of t|jy dark beaming eye; Tbo' others upon me are Bhining, ' For thee, and thee only, I sigh. i Though hast taught me to love, and forever ' Thy bright form in dreams I shall see; 1 Death only t that friendship can sever ' Which binds ma forever to thee. Tbe Sorrows of Lnmartlne. M. Alphonse do T.amartine has published i his History of Casar. Like his previous works, t it is eminently characteristic—poetical, rhe- t lorical, fanciful, dramatic and romantic.— t That distinguished author iiaß established a \ monthly magazine, the whole contents of i which are to oome from bia own pen. It is ( entitled Cours fami/itr de Litterateur. In the ( first number of it he pours fonh the griefs ( he has now to suffer in his old age. He j ■peaks not of his political, but of his literary i life ; and after touching on the part he played i in the world of literature, he uses the follow ing affecting language: „< "Behold how llimlan elevates the mind ( into action ; see how it consoles the heart in j disgrace. Here I wish to go as far aloug j with you aa plain speech can go. There , are some things that can be said only once | in life; bnt it is necessary that they should | be said, otherwise you will never yourselves , oompreheW the all-powerfulness of literary i sentiment on the life of the public man, and on the heart of the private man. Far from ( me be the timidities of words! I here open i my heart to the innermost folds. The deco- i rum of pusillsnimous writers naver uncovers > these nudities of (he heart in public; but a , heart awollen with grief raises from more manly breasts than these vain bandages, with a shamelessness of sincerity more chaste at bottom than the false modesty of convention. If the Laosoon writhing in marble under the redoubled folds of the serpent, were not na ked, should we se6 his tortures! When the heart breaks should ws not hear the vein ! Under deoeiving appearances my life 19 not calculated to inspire eny, I shall say more, it is at an end; I no longer live, 1 survive. Of all these multiple men that lived in me, to a certain degree, man of sentiment, man of poesy, man of the tribune, no more re mains of me but tbe man literary. The lit erary man himself is not happy. Years do not yet weigh me down, but tbey reckon me up. I bear more painfully the loads of my heart than the load of years. These years, like tbe ghosts of Macbeth, passing their hands over my shoulders, show me with the finger not crowns, but a sepulchre; and would to God I were already laid there I I have not within me a smile for either the paat or the fntur*. I grew old without pos terity in my empty house, alt surrounded with the tombs of those I have loved. I cannot take a step from my dwelling without striking my foot agi.iaal one of those etumb . ling-atones of the tenderness of our hopes. There are so many bleeding fibres torn from my heart still living and buried before me, whltv I-—, within me boa's like a time piece which one has forgotten to take down in abandoning a house, and which still sounds in vacancy tbe hours that no one connts." Byron was accused of weeping upon pa per ; Lamartine may ba charged with doing the same. Bat ltt the judgment of the world b what it may, the heart of genius will give utterance to its sorrows. It is a thing of im pulse ; its possessor cannot call to his aid the eallous stoicism of rbe speculator or stock jobber. In Massachusetts,'during the year 18G4, there were registered 33,997 births and 855 marriages. URIAH KNAFP, said to be the last of "W ash. ington's Life Gurad," died at Newburg, N. Y., January 10th. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1856. LAWS OF PENNSYLVANIA-SESSION OF 1856. An ad for the greater certainly of title and the more secure enjoyment of real estate. Whereaa, public and private prosperity and happiness require that titles to real estate should be certain and secure, and that the people should acquire, hold, and improve their homesteads and estates in the confi dence that thoy will not be lost by secret and unknown claims, or by frand and perjury; and also alienate them at their full value, without abatement for legal doubts and un certainties. I SECTION 1. Be it enacted, &c., That no ex ception in any act of assembly respecting the limitation of aotions in favor of persona non compos mentis, imprisoned femes covert, or minors, shall extend so as to permit any per son to maintain any action for the recovery of any fapd* OF tenamsnto after thirty yomrm shall have elapsed since the right of entry thereto acquired to any person within (he ex ceptions aforesaid: Provided, That all per sona who now have rights unbarred, and who would be sooner birred by this section, shall not be thereby barred for five years from the date hereof. tp SEC. 2. Thai no purchaser or morlagee shall be affected with not mediate eiTect, shall not be thereby barred hafnranwo rears from ibe date hereof. 1 SEC. 8. That nothing In any aot of assent -3 bly contained, shall be taken or construed to repeal or impair the act of the twelfth of * March, one thousand eight hundred, enti > ed. "An act declaring the power and author * ity given by any last will and testament to 9 executors, te sell and oonvey real estates to " be and remain in the eurvivore of them un -9 less otherwise expressed in the will of the " testator and for other purpose* therein men tioned, and it shall be the duty of th* Regis ter of wills, in granting letter* of administra j lion with the will annexed, to take adequate •eourity for the faithful accounting of ihe pro ceeds of any sales of real estate, the admin - istrator may mike under inch will, and the I.' sureties taken shall be liable therefor a* well as for sny personal effects to come into the hands of the administrator, who shall settle his accounts thereol belore the Register and Orphans' Court, Provided, That the parties interested may agree upon the amount of se curity to be taken. SEC. 9. That whatsoever the real estate of several persons shall be subject to the lien of any judgment, to which they should by law or equity contribute, or to whioh one should have subrogation against another or others, it shall be lawful for any one having right to have contribution or subrogation incase of payment, upon suggestion of affidavit and proof of the facts necessary to establish such right, to obtain a rule on the plaintiff, to show cause why he should not levy upon and make sale of the real estate liable to execu tion for the payment of raid judgment, in the proportion or in the succession in which the properties of the several owners shall in law or bo liaablo to eoniribul* towards Itlf discharge of the incumbrance, otherwise up on the payment of such judgment, to assign the same for suoh uses as the court may di reot, and the court shall have power to direct to what uses the said judgment shall be as signed, and when assigned, direct all execu tions thereupon so as to subserve the rights and equities of all parties whose real estate shall be liable (hereto, and if the plaintiff shall refuse to acoepl hisdebtand make such assignment of his judgment, the executions thereupon, in the hands of the plaintiff, shall be so controlled and directed by the couit as to subserve said rights and equities. SEC. 10. That in all cases of partition of real estate, in any court wherein a valuation shall have been made of the whole or parts thereof, the same shall be allotted to such one or more of the parties in interest who shall, at the return of the rule to accept or refuse to take at the valuation, offer in wri ting the highest price therefor above the val uation returned, but if no higher offer be made for such real estate or any part thereol, it shall be allotted or ordered to be sold as provided by law. SEC. 11. That this aot shall not go into ef fect before the first of October next. Approved April 22d, 1856. A Young Man's Character. No young man, who has a just sense of his own value, will sport with his own char acter. A watchful regard to his character in early youth, will be of inconceivable value to him in all the remaining years of bia life- When tempted to deviate from strict propri ety of deportment he ahnni.i a „k can I Afford this ! Can I endure hereafter to look upon this? It is ol amazing worth to a young man to have a pure mind; for this is the foundation of a pure character. The mind, in order to be kept pure, must be employed in topics of thought, which are themselves lovely, chaste and elevating. The mind has the power to select IU own theme for meditation. If youth only knew how durable and how dismal is the injury produced by the indulgence of de graded thoughts; if they only realized bow frightful are the moral depravities which a cherished habit of loose imagination produ ce* on the eoul, they would shun them aa the bite of a aerpent. Tbe power of books to excite the imagination, is a fearful element of morals when employed in (he service of vice. The cultivation of an amiable, elevated and glowing hoart, alive to all the beauties of nature, all the sublimities of truth, invig orates the intellect, gives to the will indepen dence of base passions, and to the affections that power of adhesion to whatever is pure, and good, snd grand, which is adapted to lead out the whole nature of man into those scones of action and impression by which its energies may most appropriately be em ployed, and by which its high destination may be most effectually reached. The opportunities for exciting these facul ties iu benevolent and self-denying efTorts for the welfare of our fellow men are so ma ny and great (hat it is really worth while to live. Tbe heart, which is truly evangtlicaliy benevolent, may luxuriate an age like this. The promises of God are inexpressibly rich, the main tendencies of things so manifestly in accordance with them, the extent of moral influence is so great, and the effect* employment ao visible, that whoever aspires after benevolent action, and reaches forth for things that remain for ua, to the true dignity of bis nature, can find free scope for his in tellect, and all inspiring themes for bis heart. ADVICE FOB THE GIRLS.— A young lady may think it interesting to be delicate and have white hands, and sit with them folded, and her person listlessly disposed during the greater part of the day; but she will soon find that she craves only poor and watey j diet, because she does not exert herself enough to require beat-producing food, such as moat and butter; she will soon become cold-blooded; albumen or tubercle will be thrown out either in her lungs or bones; the white tissues, as we say, will predomi nate all ovei ihe body, itiore will bo 110 sur plus of blood or life-force, other obstructions of vital consequences to her existence will occur; her monthly periods will cease; her digestion will suffer, and so she will bo inclined to think she is hopelessly dis eased; she may begin to cough or to scrape her throat, the circulation is becoming two low to send the blood through the minute arteries and veins of her lunge, and tubercles will form; then she will become a subject for the consumption-curer and his lies. No, no my young friends neither medians nor "in halation" will cure you—Up 1 out with the birds! clothe warmly your body and protect your feet; see the glorious sunrise and hear the morning song of praise to the onitT SOURCE or urK.—Stalptl. Truth and Bight-:—•£ aid Mr Cnatry> From the Harrisburg Union. HOW OUR FATHERS LIVED- We dropped into the Auditor General's of fice recently, and while there were shown by the gentlemanly olerka some rnriona papers relating to the early history of Pennsylvania. Amocg the rest waa a bil! for a dinner which the member* of the "Honorable Honse of General Assembly" and "Select Council" enjoyed in Philadelphia in 1778, of whioh we made a copy" which We present to onr readers. The origin of the dinner wa found in the minute* of tbe Council, which are well preserved in the Sectary's office. It i* as follows: On the 30th of November, 1778, tbe Coun cil met and it was arranged "that, on to-mor row, (Ist of December,) House of General Assembly should meet in the council Chamber for the purpose of electing a President and Vice President, agreeably to the Constitution : that afierxte-aMoilon is fin ished, the Council and proceed to the Court House and there Irake a procla mation of the President and Vice President so chosen; and that after proclamation being made, the Counoil and Assembly dine to gether at the city tavern." In pursuanoe of this arrangement, the Hon orable House proceeded to the Council Chamber on ike first day of December, 1778, and Joseph Keed was elected President, acd George Bryan was elected Vice President.— The two bodies then proceeded to the Court House where proclamation of tbe election was made, after which the members adjour ned to the city tavern and partook of a din ner, of which the following-bill of items is rendered: The General Asssembly of the State of Pennsylvania, To GIFIORD DALLY, Dr. Ist Dec. 1778. To providing a dinner 270 Gen tlemen, £ 500 000 522 bottles Maderia wine at 455. 1229 00 116 large bowls punch at 60s. 348 00 9 " " toddy at 30s. 13 10 6 " " sangaree at 60s. 18 00 24 bottles of port wine at 30s. 36 00 2 tubs of grog for artillery sol diers 36 00 I gal. spirits for Bell-ringers 6 -00 96 wine glasses (broke) at 75.6 d. 36 06 29 jelly " "at 7s. 6d. 10 17 6 9 glass desert plates " at 15s. 6 15 II china plates " at 20s. 11 00 3 " dishes ■' at 17s. 6d. 10 2 6 5 decanters " at 30s. 7 10 141b spermaceti candles at'3os} 21 00 £2295 15 It will be seen by the above bill that the men who controlled the government of our good old Commonwealth in the "limes that tried men's souls," were not, strictly speak ing, total abstinence men, and it is fair to presume that if the question of prohibition had been agitated in their day they would have given it a decided negative. That the "fun grew fast and furious" at the above mentioned dinner cannot be doubted. There is no other why hgfifignting for the tremen dous smash of croe:kry which is set down in the bill lor which thtf Commtmwealth to had psy. We append another bill, also on file in the Auditor General** Office, which, it would seem, was paid by some ose in the employ of the State. In this bill the items are charg ed in dollars, and the amount seems truly enormous, but it must be remembered jhat Continental currency was then very consid erably below par: EASTOX, PA., ) 1781, March 17. j To nip of toddy 810 cash 8 • do 12 1 bowl of pnnch 30 do do 30 1 grog 8 washing 49 1 bowl of punch 30 1 gmg " 8 1 bowl of punch 30 21 quarts of oats 62 hay 90 12 meals of victuals 260 Lodging 40 8667 Received the contents of thfrabovo. * JACOB OPP. EXPULSION OF TAPEWORM at PUMPKIN SEEDS, by Dr. H. B. Sherman, of Boston, Mass. A child eighteen months of age, was present ed for advice, having glandular disease of the neck, tumid abdonhn, unhealthy coun tenance, and symptom which led me to suspect the existence ojjTape Worm. This impression was con tuned by seeing frag ments of the worm wkijh had been obtain ' ed from the faecal disckwges. I according ly prepared a gill of emflsion from 2 oz. of pumpkin soeds—thus, brufsed the seeds thoroughly in a mortar:,added cold water, and beat the seeds withjit intimately, until by expression and straii Ing they yielded the ■ requisite amount of envision—which the i child took on the 24th of January, 1855, fol- I lowed after three hours Pith castor oil. In ; two hours more, a tape } arm was discharg -1 ed, moasuring full fiftee feet in length. At . the time of this report,; few weeks since, i the child was in excelli t health, with no i signs of a return of the ' rminous disorder, i Miss W. applied to mi in December last i to be treated for tape wot a. On the 30!h of ■ December, at 3 o'clock A. M., she took i eight ounces of the pum; tin seed emulsion, - and in three hours after iis had three table i spoonfuls of castor oil. Ite medicine ope t rated between 8 and 4 o lock, P. M. The r worm was voided in the Irat operation, and r measured 184 feet in hngth.—ZJwfon Medi cal and Surgical Journal. BLIGHTED LITEB. BY IVY STARR. Tread gently—apeak softly—a aoul is pass ing from ita bondage, and your lightest tone it discord to the ear attuned to Heaven's sweetest harmony. There'are deep lines of anguish engraved around tbe pale lips, and dark shadows of earthly grief, settled on the brow of her who lies so calm and white, on the borders of the spirit land. Even the stern oonflict of death, ha* failed to erase them, or soften their in tensity. She was a gambler's wife—a suicide's mother. She had given in the morning of life, her affections to one who valned not the charge; she bad seen him going the down ward path, had prayed for, and pleaded with him in vain ; had suffered alt that woman can can suffer, and live, yet knew him to be lost forever. And she bent over the cradle of her beau- I tiful boy, and as she traoed his father's like •" in hie lonooant fat,*, ah* prayed thai there tbe resemblanoe might end—that he might live to be a blessing to her and him self. But a father's counsel prevailed, the boy followed him to the wine saloon, and gaming table, and in the flush of manhood, with hia own hand, unbound his fettered soul, and sent it forth to meet its doom. All this one of tbe truest, most devoted wives, the fondest, wisest mother, the most self-de nying christian, was called upon to bear— her'a was a blighted life. The summer moon looks coldly down with a sad, reproachful light into a narrow cell, revealing a young man, almost a boy, who, with his face buried in his bands, is sitting there. As the cold sepulchral light falls over the stone fltor, he groans aloud, for it seems like some ghastly shadow from the other world. Remorse for crime is gnawing at hia heartstrings, and as he IOOKS far back into the paat, there is no bright spot for the eye to rest on, and be satisfied. No mother loved him, through the helpless years of infancy : no father smiled with parental tenderness on the boy; homeless and friendless, he had been an outcast—his has been a blighted life! Draw Ihe curtain gently aside ! Let the white moonbeams rest lovingly on that rigid face, on which is the ghastly shadow of death. The silver rays fall strangely pure, on that dead Magdalen's face, so dark and rigid, in its mute despair. Oh! those white lips could tell a fearful tale, if they might be loosed from the seal of death. A story that would turn your indignation against her, into the purest pity, oui iiio snadow of the grave, reals now over her blighted life. On many a white tombstone, are their records traced ; on many a meek sad face turning from the curious gaze ; on desolate homes and moro desolate hearts, has fallen Ihe sentence of a blighted life.— Boston Olive Branch. Jlow Coal was Made. Geology has proved that, at one period, there existed an enormously abundant land vegetation, the ruins or rubbish of whioh, carried into seas and there sunk to the bot tom, and afterwards covered over by sand APd mud beds, became the snhsisnna mhi-i. we now recognize as toal. This was a nat ural transaction of vast consequence to us, seeing how much utility we find in coal, both for warming our dwellings and for varioua manufactures, as well as the production of steam, by which so great a mechanical pow er is generated. It may naturally excite sur prise that the vegetable remains should have so completely changed their apparent char acter, and beoome black. But this can be explained by chemistry; and part of the marvel becomes clear to the simplest under standing when we recall the familiar fact that damp hay, thrown closely into a heap, gives out heat, and becomes of a dark color. When a vegetable mass is excluded from the air, and subjected to great pressure, a bi tuminous fermentation is produced and the mineral coal—which is of various characters, accordingly as the mass has been originally intermingled with sand,clay or other earthly impurities. On account of the change ef fected by mineralization, it is difficult to de tect in coal the traces of a vegetable struc ture; but these can be made clear in all ex cept the highly bituminous cooking coal, by cutting or polishing it down into thin, trans parent slices, when the microscope shows the fibre and oells very plainly. From distinct isolated specimens found in the sandstones amidst the coal beds, we dis covered the nature of the plants of this era. They are almost all of a simple cellular struc ture, and such as exist with us in smalt forms (horse tails, club masses and fens, but advan ced to an enormous magnitude. The spe cies are all long since extinct. The vegeta tion generally is such as now grow in clus ters of tropical islands; but it must have been the result of a high temperature obtained otherwise than that of the tropical regions now is, for the coal strata are now found in the temperate and even polar regions. The conclusion, therefore, to whioh most geologists have arrived is, that the earth, ori ginally an inoadescent or highly heated mass, gradually cooled down, until, in Ihe carbon iferous period, it fostered a growth of terres trial vegetation all over its surface, to which the existing jangles of the tropics are mere barrenness in comparison. The high and uniform temperature, combined with greater proportion of carbonic aoid gas in the manu facture, could not only sustain a gigantic and proliflo vegetation, but would also create dense vapors, showers and rain; and these again gigantio rivers, periodical inundations, and deltas. Thus, the conditions lor exten sive deposits of wood in estuaries would arise from this high temperature -and every cir cumstance-connected with the coal measures point to such conditions. - Sleep, Dreams, Mental Decay. The following passages are from a brief review, in a London paper, of Sir Benjamin Brodie'e Psychological Inquiries: " Dreams are next discussed, as also the problem, 'What is sleep!' which our author declares insoluble. The sense of weariness appears confined to those functions over which the will has power; all involuntary actions are continned throngh our resting aa well as our waking hours. Sleep aconmu lates the nervous force, whioh is gradually exhausted during the day. But these are words only; for who can define or explain the 'nervons force!' Darwin's axiom 'that the essential part of sleep is the suspension of volition,' still holds good, and is accepted as satisfactory. Talking and moving in sleep, though apparently phenoraesa irreconcilable with this theory, aro not ao in reality; for there are degrees of sleep, and these things only occur where b# slumber is imperfect. It may bo urged again, that the more absence of volition would not produce that insensibil ity to eight and sound which is the charac teristic of the sleeper, but few persons are a ware how mach the will is concerned in the deception of impressions in the senses. One who is absorbed in reading or writing will not hear words addressed to him in the ordi nary tone, though their physical effect on the eur must be the same as usual. Dreams are inexplicable; Lord Brougham suggested that they took place only in the momentary stats of transition from slosp to waking. But facts contradict this theory, sinoe persons will mutter to tbomselves, and utter inarticulate sounde, indicative of dream ing, at intervals of sevoral minutes. The common puzzle is how dreams, apparently long, can pas 9 in a moment of time, presents no difficulty to tho pathologist. Life is not measured by hoars and days, but by the number of new impressions received ; and limit to these is in the world without us, not in tne constitution or oar minas. TO a ctittii, whose imagination is constantly excited by new objects, twelve months seem a longer period than to man. As we advance in life, lime flies faster. The butterfly, living for a single season, may really enjoy a longer ex istence than the years exceed a century. Even between the busy and the idle among human beings, thete exists a similar difference, though less strongly mark ed. It has been osually held that large heads are more powerful thinking machines than | small ones; and as a general rule, experience ' justifies the conclusion. Bnt Newton, Byron, and others, were exceptions to it; and it is quite certain that a large brain iftay be ac companied with the most dense stupidity. Many remarks scattered through this little treatise are worthy the recollection of all ages and classes. "The failure of the mind in old age," says Sir Beujamin Brodie, "is often less the result of mature decay than of disuse." Ambition has ceased to operate ; contentment brings indolence; indolanoa de cay of mental power, ennui and sometimes death. Men have been known to die, liter •i'y •* inHimjut by intel lectual vacancy. On tbe omar nana, tne amount of possible mental labor ia far less than many persons imagine. If professional men are enabled to work twelve or fifteen houra daily, it is because moat of their busi ness haa become, from habit, a mere matter of routine. From four to six hours is prob ably, tbe utmost daily period for which real exertion of the mind can be carried on. Sick from eating Candy. Alice D—-, of | Bloomingdale, Pa, writes: My child, a lit-1 tie girl of eight summers, has been a re markable healthy child. Her pa, having promised her some candy, brought her some the other day. She ate two or three sticks of it, but soon became deathly sick and pale, and had she not vomited 1 am impressed with the belief she would have died. Could the candy have caused it? Of course it did—it poisoned her. Thou sands of children are sent to their graves every year from eating colored candies.— Many of them are flavored with the hydra ted oxyd of Arnyle, known as Fusel oil, so poisonous that the oder itself causes head aohe and other bad symptoms. Their col ors are often made by the most concentrated poisons. Only the white candies can be safe ly eaten.— Med. Reformer. OVERTASKING THE MIND. —Mr. Nelson Rob inson, the New York broker, who died sud denly a few days since, had often been warn ed by his medical attendant that the contin ued excitement of business was dangerous for himj but he could not be psrsuaded to abandon it. These (many) sudden deaths from apoplexy, among business men, forci bly admonish us all, that we must take more time for leisure, recreation and enjoyment, of some kind or other. Mind cannot stand the constant stretch of the street, and breaks down under tt, and crushes the whole system with it. The brain is over-worked—and the physique under-worked. There is not enough physical to counterbalance the intense intel lectual activity of the city. Play more, and work loss.— Republican Banner. CW "In our County Court," writes an Eas tern friend, "one of our smart young lawyers was well come up with the other day. A witness, in a case of assault, was asked by the junior counsel, "How far was you, sir, from the parties when the alleged aaeault took placer' "Four feet five inches and a half," was the answer promptly given. "Ah!" fiercely demsnded the lawyer, "how came you to be so very exact as all this?" "Because, said the witness, very coolly, "I expected that soma confounded ass would likely as not ask me, and so I went and meas ured it." [Two Dollars par Annan. NUMBER 18. from the Medical Reformer QUANTITY OK FOOD. BY JOHN HODGE, M.D. To tho question which has been frequent ly put—what quantity of food is'best adapt ed to the preservation of health?—no satis factory answer can be given, without a re ference to the habits, occupation, and age of each individual; the degree of health he enjoys, as well as to the season of the year, and other circumstances. As a general rule, it will be found, that those who exerciso much in the open air, or follow laborious occupations, will demand a larger amount of food than the indolent or the sedentary. Young persons, also, commonly require more than those advanced in years; and the inhabitants of cold, more than those of warm climates. We say this is a general rule; for very many exceptions are to be found in each of those particulars. Thus, we not unfrequently find that one individu al requires more food to support his systom than another of the same frame of body and trade, and who partakes of the same degree of exercise. In fact, one peTson will support his strength, or oven become more robust upon the same quantity of food, which will occasion in another debility and emaciation. If we refer to the brute croation, which are guided in this respect by an instinct which but rarely errs, we find that one horse requires more food than another of similar age and size, and with the same de gree of exercise; and if his accustomed quantity be diminislred, ho will become thin and spiritless. The same is true, also, in respect to other animals. Every person arrived at the age of matu nty, or even before, should be ablo to judge for himself, as to the quantity of food prop er for each meal,s well as to the frequency with which it should be repeated during the day. Few appear, however, to bo aware of J> important fiict, that the body is nourish ed, not in proportion to the amount, or even to the nutritious qualities of the food which is consumed, but to the quantity which the stomach actually digests. All beyond this disorders the stomach; and if the excess be frequently indulged in, the latter becomes finally incapable of converting into nutri ment even a sufficiency for the support of the system. Most persons act as though the strength, vigor, and health of the body rise in proportion to the load of food they are capable of forcing daily into the stomach; and hence, overfeeding is the common error, at least in our own country. A slight d fici ency of food is, however, far less injurious than too great an amount. The old maxim, "If health be your object, rise from the ta ble before the appetite is sated," is founded in truth; and though the Epicure will sneer at it, yet were he wisely to adhere to it, he would save himself from many a gloomy hour of pain and suffering. When the stomach is not laboring under fTr\? nd ,h ° in . d,Tidu,u otherwise in health, the natural appetite is one of the - very best guides—the only one, indeed, as •J? tho time for eatiaa. ** welt a* to the quan tify of food. Whenever such appetite ex ists, wholesome food may, and ought to be taken; we should cease from eating the mo ment it is satisfied. The eccentric author, Emilius, makes the following very judicious remarks in refer ence to the diet of children:— "Whatever regimen you prescribe for chil dren, provided you only accustom them to plain and simple food, you may Jet them eat, run, and play as much as they please, and you may be sure they will never eat too much, or be troubled with indigestion. But if you starve them half the day and they find means to escape your observation, they will make themselves amends and eat till they are sick or even burst. "Our appetite is only unreasonable, because we choose to regulate it by other laws than those of nature. Always laying down arbi trary rules, governing, prescribing, adding, retrenching, we never do anything without the scales in our hands, and this balance is formed according to the measure of our fan. cies and, not according to that of our stom achs." I The foregoing remarks will equally apply to the adult as to the child. It is important, however that "the balance" of the stomach be not rendered untrue by the arts of cook ery—in other words that an artificial appe tite be not created by a variety of luxurious dishes—by sauces, condiments and wine. It is surprising how often the stomach within a short space of time, may be artifi- I cially excited to a renewed desire for food. The man however who eats under such cir cumstances must not be surprised at his un comfortable feelings and frequent ailments. He has scarcely more right to expect health and long life than the individual who would attempt to nonrish himself with poison. BAD EFFECTS or SMOIINO. —I must here en ter my strong and solemn protest acainst the pernicious abuse of immoderate smoking, now so general—morning, noon, midnight, eternal smoking. It is impossible but that this vile adoption of a vulgar, foreign sensu ality, and incessant stimulation of brain and heart, must weaken nervous power, clog the secretions, impair the digestion, disturb the understanding, stint the growth of the yonng, and shorten the days of both young and old. Already are the national stamina enervated by this emasculating habit; and in another generation the manly, moral, and physical attributes of the higher "class of Englishmen, will be smoked and shriveled into the dimensions of the Spanish and Por tuguesMontreal Mid. Jour.