The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 14, 1856, Image 3

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    U3co>aciacicafiB a
' •- AND "
AS the tobscribers expect to contiaoe bu
siness tbey would respectfully inform
their friends end the ladies generally, that
tbey have received and opened a new and el-
Ate egant ttock of Bonnets, Bonnet Silks,
HBP Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Hals, Caps,
Collars, sleeves; and a general assort
ment of Millinery and FANCY GOODS to
which they invite the attention of all wishing
anything in their line.
Bloomsburg, May 14, 18S6.
Good Books Delight, Instruct, Refltte.
Please Send for a Copy of
of 150 different works, suitable for Family
and fireside Reading, and embracing
Popular American Biographies, Nar
ratives and Travels, Agriculture,
Temperance, Law, anil School, Books
for the Young, beautifully Printed
and Illustrated Family Bibles, Reli
gious Books, Standard and Select
Poetry, and a choice variety of Mis
cellaneous Books.
It containa a full description of the best
standard worka on the above important sub
jects, with tbeir prices, and in a form conve
nient for reference and preservation. Every
reader and book buyer should have it.
iy We will send any of our books, Post
age Prepaid, on receipt of tho advertised
price; which may bo sent to us by mail.
Ours are the Best Books for Jlgents
beoanselhey aie adapted to the wants of the
people. Full particulars and Practical In
structions to agents sent gratis, on application
25 Park Row, New York,
or 107 Genesee Street, Auburn.
May 14, 1856-2 m.
Public Sale of IScal Estate.
|>Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
-*-* of Columbia county, Jacob F. Uolitbach,
Administrator ol Jacob Rohrbach late of
Franklin township, Columbia county, deceas
I'd, will on
Saturday, the 21st day or June next,
at 2 o'clock P. M , expose to PUBLIC SALE
upon the premises a certain
late the homestead of said decedent, situate
in Franklin township, Columbia county, ad
joining lands of Mary Heacock, Samuel B.
Deitner and Muses Dower, containing about
Two Hundred and Twenty-eight Seres,
On the property are a good dwelling house,
a large log barn, a tenant house and stable.
There is an excelleul spring of water, near
the house, and
are on the properly. It is on the road lead
ing from Catlawissa to the Esiher Furnace.
About 65 acres are WOODLAND, and the
remainder in a good state of cultivation.
Terms made known on the dav ol sale by
By order of the Court,
FraDklin township, May 12, 1856-ts.
"IVOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration with the will annexed upon
the estate of James Laird, late of Madison
township, Columbia county, deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned residing in
Lairdsville, Lycoming county. All persons
indebted to the said estate are requested to
make payment without delay, and those hav
ing accounts against the said decedent to pre
sent them for settlement to
Administrator cum teslamcnto annexo.
Bloomsburg, May 9, 1856-6w.
Report of the Grand Jury.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court
of Quarter Sessiops of the Peace in and for
the County of Columbia.
The grand inquest ol the Corr.mowealth
of Pennsylvania inquiring for the body of'
the County ol Columbia respectfully RE
PORT that they have examined the public
bnildiqgs belonging to said county and find
tbem in tolerable good condition—the repairs
recommended in the last report having been
attended to. We would direct attention to
the painting about the Court-House, and re
commend that it be painted anew. We
would also direct attention to the privy be
longing to said county building, and recom
mend that the nocessary repaiis be done
We bare found the walls in the ha 1 ! of the
basement story of the court-house much de
faced, to which we would direct attention
and recommend that the necessary repairs
be mode. And we further report that the
roads in Scott township have been represent
ed to be in a very bad condition, especially
that part leading from Robert Pursel's in
Bloom township intersecting the road lead
ing from Espy to Light Street—also the al
loys and some of the streets in Bloomsburg
have been reprtsen ted as being obstructed,
to which we would direct your attention.—
All of which is respectfully submitted the
sixth day of May, 1856.
H. W. McREYNOLDS, Foreman.
TVTOTICE is hereby given that le'iers testa
mentary upon the estate of George W.
Ludwig, late of Schuylkilllcoupty,deceased,
have been granted by the Register of Schuy I
klil county to the undersigned residing in
Albland, Schuylkill county. All persons in
debted to tba said estate are reques'ed to
make payment without delay. and those hav
ing accounts against (be said decedent to pre
sent tbem for settlement to
Ashland, May 6, 1856—6t.
Bloomsburg Foundry.
•* having taken the entire
of his lauipartner in
(BMMMHfelhe Bloomsburg Foundry,and
is prepared to manufacture
usually made in his line of business.
Thankful for the liberal custom heretofore
•waided this establishment, he hopes to
merit an increase of public patronage.
Bloomsburg, May 6, 1856.
J&gi THE undersigned informs bis friends
Bfgand the public in general, that hi has
!J|||P|iaked the entire interest in the
Tinware and Stove Establishment,
on Main Street, one door above th 4 Court
House, Bloomsburg, where he is prepared to
furnish Tinware, Stoves, Stovepipe, and
Spouting, and ail other business in his line on
abort notice, and in good order.
The New Ranb and William Penn Cook
ing Stove, and also a large assortment of
Parlor Stovei,
constantly on hand and for sale at moderate
QT Thankful lor former patronage, he re
speotfully solicits a continuance of the same.
Bloomsburg, May 6, 1856.
FANCY GOODS, of every description and
variety, new styles, and fresh Irom New York
and Philadelphia, for sale at the cheap store
A GREEABLY to the provisions of an Act
of Assembly; entitled an act directing
the mode oPeellmg Unseated Lands for tax
es, and for oihat purposes, passed the 13th
day of Marbh, 1815, and the further supple
ments thereto, passed the J3tb day of March,
1817; 25ih day of March, 1821; and 9th
day of March, 1847, the Treasurer of the
County of Columbia, hereby gives notice to
all persona concerned therein, that unless the
county, Road, School, and State taxes due
on the following tracts of Unseated Lands,
situate in Columbia county, are paid before
the day ol sale, the whole or sncli parts of
each tract as will pay the taxee and coste
chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court
House, in Bloomsburg, oounty of Columbia,
on the second Monday of June next, 1856.
and be continued by adjournment, from day
to day, for arrearages of taxes due said coun
ty, and the cost a.ccrued on each traol respec
Acres Dol. els.
Beach N. G. B. 431 0 54
" " 401 9 79
McHenry'e Heirs 25 2 21
Keeler Ebenezer 11 86
Stiles 4* Coleman 17 1 30
Vandcralice Rebecca 375 42 50
Young Abrahnm 80 10 20
Croll Adam 80 2 40
DeFrain Philip 10 60
Fisher Jonathan 30 135
Frick Benjamin 100 3 00
GroffJohn 200 3 00
Longenberger George, Sr. 200 300
Shumnn Frick . 400 300
Schweppnheiser Jacob 200 1 50
Sarah Cafran A. 400 3 00
Trnmble Roswell 71 1 65
Buliard John (Est.) 31 1 47
Davis Isaac 400 3 00
Davis Isaac R. 400 3 00
Thomas A zael 110 81
Reese Daniel 300 4 50
Nl'Culls John 400 0 00
Buliard John's E6t, 31 1 35
Deel Robert 1 00
Bower Solomon Jr, 10| <BO
Cnlbfus Charles 575 4 30
Clemm W. J. D. 28 1 10
Freas Andrew • 150 74
Gcnsil Joseph 0 32
Kisner John 13 1 04
Schuyler <s' Henry 575 5 74
Stackhouse Joseph 133 2 00
Seybert Nicholas, Sen. 200 2 00
Yost John 40 40
- Kelchner Johu 114
Merkle Conrad " 20 20
Pearee A. B. 7 14
Evans James 38 3 80
Fowler Gilbert 80 80
Ueadley S. F. 533 5 32
Pearee A. B. 35 | 34
Helwig Solomon 16 3 69
Thomas Ablo 5 1 18
Yantz S. B. M. 10 1 18
Freas 4" Hoffman l'®®| I |s®
Hoffman William | 22l 64
Freas Andrew 200 4 10
I.azarus'Est.4-J.Ae.henbach 06 2 69
McHcnry Edward 180 17 04
Kitchen John. I (to 2 05
Buckalew William 65 1 25
Ikeler William 30 1 84
Yeitcr Daniel . 31 I I|so
Reynolds Elijah Co. I I 3|20
Morris George W. 50 1100
John Covankovan 24 2 40
. Davis William 30 192
Wa nick Jacob 20i 80
Montgomery Robert I 40i I 2100
Childs John I 10| | >SO
Dills George 30 | 180
Gorden James 75 3 00
'Hess George 15 I 00
Kline Elins 7 4 49
Mcilenry Matthew 137 8 20
McCalls' (Heirs) 22 SO
John . Parker 4- Co. 30 1 20
Kile John 73 2 11
Parker Loll 100 3 49
Wells Daniel 10 80
Wagner Philip * 100 321
Wagnej- Michael 50 149
Colder David 75 1 56
Kile Wesley & Co. 25 71
Parker, Thompson 4* Co. 30 120
Yorks William 150 0 00
Brown John Jr. 343 20 20
Basley Johnston 347 20 60
Beckman George 382 31 49
Hrunson Peter 343 20 26
Barnes Thomas 124 10 46
Cope Thomas P. 406 33 68
Iletzlcman Robert 357 30 41
Hetzlenian Thomas 380 32 74
Kennedy Andrew 383 32 69
Lynch Edward 127 II 01
Nonis Isaac 309 31 54
Shamon William 384 32 62
Wickersham Amos 400 34 46
Hower George 18 3 41
Hughes John 309 41 86
Billington Thomas 205 15 57
Bi-Jdle Mark J, 195 1102
Lemon William 134 4 57
Kennedy Andrew 2 40} 13 95
Lynch Edward 180 13 69
Miller Martha . 100 14 48
Young John 406 15 37
Young John 409 31 03
Sayera William 30 2 83
Yocum P. & others 71 10 64
Criveling Thomas 7 298
Hagenbuch Samuel 7 4 96
Miller Philip 112 USO
Paxton At Boyd 400 11 50
Racob Christian 126 1 70
Shuman Jacob 414 10 77
Miller Henry Sen, 5 82
Webb Joshua 2d 24 J 128
Ritter'a (Est.) t 101 I 170
Longenberger Simon 9 14
Sohweppenhiaer Jacob 391 8 70
Yohe Peter 110 2 20
Johnson At Latimer 800 8 00
Oman John I 6 I I 34
Shug Peter 28 1 66
HowyllWilliam I 111 | 04
Chemberlin William 60 170
Master* George 50 2 70
Runyan Ezra 50 ] 00
Robbins Joseph 16 74
Hunter Robert 100 100
Leebo Henry 52 50
Lyon Robert, 70 70
Shellch Joseph 200 2 00
Swisher Jacob 125 i 86
Ellis William 160 1 60
Falls James John iB2 80
Heller John I 30 1 50
Welliver John |22 jio
Welliver William (Est.) 80 3 20
Matthew M'Dowell |4oo| j I|l6
Hoffman Henry Sen i |6Ol I 2|75
Shuman A- Comly |sloo| 10|50
Buckalew James 400 10 80
Evorhart Daniel 430 6 81
Hall Samuel 128 5 49
Montgomery Robert 33 5 24
!' 113 2 48
" •' 80 1 92
York* Joseph 127 4 80
Asylum Company 60 3(94
Colo Wil'iam 40 3 00
Gray Robert GO 4 40
Hess Peter 63 1 48
McMullin James 12 ] 04
Roberts Sarah Jans 23 2 17
Harriet Hoffman 120 7 02
Appleman Phincas 400 41 06
Doebler Charles H. 150 17 50
Galbraith Isaiah 104 12 40
Thomas At Eves 100 11 70
Benfield Thomas 400 45 00
H ilman fy Barlow 400 1 sloo
Levy Aaron 200 23 40
Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. j
AGREEABLY to the provisions of tbe act
of Assembly, entitled An Act to reduce tbe
State debt, &c., passed the 291h day of April,
1844, tbe Treasurer of tbe County of Colum
bia hereby gives notice to all persons con
cerned therein, (hat unless the Connty, Road,
School, Poor and State Tax, &c., due on the
following Real Estate si'uate in the county
of Columbia are paid before the day of sale,
the whole or such part* of eaob as will pay
the charges and costs chargeable thereon,
will be sold at tbe Court House, in Blooms
burg, county of Columbia, on the SECOND
MONDAY ill JUNE next, and be continued
by adjournment from day to day, for arrear
ages of taxes due said oounty, and tbe costs
accrued on each respectfully:
1852. not. cts.
John Bishline, 2 33
Daniel Ephline, 1 92
James Hess, 1 92
Peter Masters, 1 10
Jacob McColium, 3 41
Daniel Robbins, 4 81
Jeremiah Stiles, 1 10
Petei Shultz, 82
Simon Tubbs, 24
Erie Tubbs, 24
John Boston, 1 20
James Hess, 1 90
Thomas Hess, 39
Peter Masters, 50
Elias Peter, 2 10
George Dodson, 2 32
Adam Bellas, 50
Frederick Bowman, 25
John Boston, 1 20
James Hess, ) 90
George K. Hess, j 00
Leonard Kline, 56
James F. Kile, 25
John Koons, 1 83
Peter Masters, 1 00
Elias Pealer, 2 10
Daniel Robbins, 4 32
Josiah Stiles, 1 98
Simon Tubbs, • 22
Eri Tubbs, 22
C. F. Mann, 14 40
Mary llemley, 1 90
C.A.Sarah, 15 48
Peter Yobe, ' 2 40
Jonathan Fisher, 60
Samuel Harpster, 54
Jonathan Fisher, 60
William Ash, 82
Mary Brown, 55
Oliver Buck, 82
James D. Cook, 1 7o
John Fenstennacber, 1 92
Frick & M. W. Jackson, 24
Samuel Gensil, , 376
Jacob* Hossler, 34
Daniel K. Kestler 1 65
W. B. Harlman, 3 37
S. F. Headley, 1 37
Isaac Kindt, 7 08
David Kisner, 1 50
John Lockard & Co. • 1 51
Cunrad Markle. 85
Samuel Steel, 65
Johu Suit, 2 09
Jacob Shaffer, 27
George Smith, 1 62
William Smith, 1 01
William Shuman, 2 20
Hugh Thompson, 31
<P j 37
Stephen Thompson, 87
Daniel Stambach, 55
Ash William, . 75
Charles Caibfns, 50
Edmund Crawford, 37
Albert Somers, 30
1853. Jesse W. Merrill, 86
1850 Jesse Hartmao, 60
Edward MoHeary, 2 32
Alexander Cramer, 2 35
Daniel W. Robbins, 2 14
Joseph Robbins, Jr., 1 74
Henry Yeager, 87
Wm. Cook, 94
Dotv's heirs, 27
Samuel McCarty, . 1 01
William Park's eel., 55
David Ull, 60
Ephraim Watts, 1 03
Abraham Yon'tt estate, 82
Henry Betz, . 1 42
Aaron Clayton, 1 00
Doiy't estate, 50
Abraham Kline, 2 00
James Lentmon, 1 55
William Parks, 12
Thomas & Eves, 1 25
Ephraim Watts, 1 25
Ilemloek, !
1650. John K. Mouser* ; S 54
1852. Peter Follmer, 1 is
Moies Gibbs, 60 .
Sidney S. Slater. 2 47
1653. John Bittenbender. 1 30 '
Moses Gibbs, 1 00 '
Jakewisb's (Est.,) y5 1
Sidney S. Slater, 1 37 !
1850. William Montgomery, 5 60
Francis T. Seely, 1 40
1850. Robert Lock ard, 3 30 1
Moses McHenry, 2 30
Daniel Bobbins, 2 92 i
1848. Robert Lockard, 2 68
Hugh Shujtz, 1 70
Elisba Bobbins, 1 09 <
John Kessler, 2 78
1855. Bellas, (E. H. Baldy, Agent,) 525
Janes Hall, 4 81
Henry Kitchen, Sen., 2 03
Ro'iert Stout, 87
John & Abraham Angle, 14
Peter Chat les, , 60
Mifflin's heirs, 7 20
John Panlus' heirs 24
Nathan Snyder, 6 14
Henry Savits, 63
Anthony Snyder, 1 95
Henty Zuppinger, 68
McClure's estate, 12
Adam Kline, 2 00
1854. . I ,
McClure's estate, W- 12
Joseph Schlueser, 42 ,
Elijah Everett, 3 24 -
John T. Evans, 90
David Helderbrand, 48
Phebe Whitmire, 1 44
Andrew Bear, 2 22
Adam Bobb, '1 20
James Berry, 7 12
Jackson Casper, 80
Daniel Sbullz, 6 76
John Sweeney, 1 64
E. Taylor, 1 87
A. Vallerchamp, 2 69
Philip Wintersleen, 2 00
James Berry,- 2 10
A. Vallerchamp, 1 00
Philip Wialersteen, 6 00
Lewis Scbuyler, 2 00
James Berry, 3 20
Sugar hat.
1852. .
Thomas Filch, 2 71
Levi Hess, 2 58
Joseph O- Hess, 2 31
Elisba He6s, 2d 2 06
Nathab Harrison, 1 90
Philander Herrington, 67
Andrew Hess, ,• 2 55
Joseph C. Hess, 2 13
George R. Hess, 18
Jacob Herrington, 1 35
James Seward, 2 10
Elisha Hess, 2d 45
Jacob Abbot, 27
Jonathan Brobst, 50
Edmund Crawford, 38
Joseph Geigor, 1 30
Benjamin Jones, 77
William Long, 1 12
William Danson, 67
Philip Dietterich, 85
TREASUKCB'S Or VICE, ) Treasurer.
Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. j
DOWAQIAC, Mich., March 11, 1856.
J. A. RHODES, Esq.: Dear Sir—As I took
your medicine to sell on consignment, "no
cure no pay," I take pleasure in stating its ef
fects as reported to me by three brothers who
live in this place, and their testimony is a
fair specimen of all I have received.
W. S. CON KLIN told me—"l had taken
nine bottles of Christie's Ague Balsam, and
continually run down while using it until
my lungs and liver were congested to that
degree that blood discharged from my mouth
and bowels, so that all thought it impossible
for me to live through another chill. The
doctors too did all they could for me, but
thought I must die. Nothing did me any
good until 1 got Rhodes' Fever and Ague
Cure, which at once relieved me of the dis
tress and nausea at my stomach and pain in
my head and bowels, and produced a perma
nent cure in a short time."
H. M. CONKLIN says—bad been tak
ing medicine of as good a doctor as wo have
in our country, and taken any quantity of
quinine and specifies without any good result,
Irom 25th August to 17th December. But
seeing how nicely it operated on my brother,
I got a bottle of Rhode's Fpver and Ague
Cure, which effected a permanent cure by
using two thirds of a bottle."
S. M. CONKLIN was not here, but both
the other brothers say his case was the same
as H. M's. I sold the medicine to both the
same day, and the cure was as speedy from
the same small quantity, and I might so spe
cify. Yours with respect,
The above speaks for itself. Good proof
as it is, it iB of no better tenor than the vast
number of like certificates I have already
published, and the still greater amount that
is continually pouring in to me.
One thing mors. Last year I had occasion
to caution the public in these words:
"1 notice one firm who have taken one of
my generel circulars, substituted the name
of their nostrum for ir.y medicine, and then
with brazen impudence end their pamphlet 1
with the exclamation, 'Let the Proprietor of
any other medicine say at muoh il he dares,'
&c. &o. .
Now I take pleasure in saving that the
Caution referred to the same "Dr. Christie's
Ague Balsam" that is mentioned in the above
There are several other industrious people
who are applying to their poisonous trash all
that I publish about my Fever and Ague
Cure, or Antidote to Malaria, except'the cer
tificates of cures, and the certificate of the
celebrated Chemist, Dr. James R. Chilton,
of New Yotk, in favor of its perfectly barm
less obaracter, which is attached to every
bottle. Those will always serve to distin
guish my medicine from imitations.
JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor.
Providence, R. I.
For sale by Dr. J. P. Taggert, J. R. Moyjr
and Druggists generally.
April 23,1856.-4tn.
Wrought & Cast Iron Bed-
es. Stands, Verandas, Ate..Cemetery Lots En
closed with either oast ur'VVrought Iron Rail
ing, No. 335 MARKET, STREET,
(2 doors below Ninth,)
March 27, 1856.
To Those Wanting Cheap Clothing.
XXS<aSLQßi2aKy*ar, CSBCD.
HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandise for Spring and Snmmei sales,
which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now
offered in Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock,
as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest,
and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all
kinds of Goods and \Varea to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of
French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas', bombazines, de bages, poplins, 'paramhtta cloths,
mohair lustreß, muslin de laines, Persian clothe, Gingbamß, Calicoes, &c.
WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs.
fiouncings° < bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel
vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread slaves, mohair mitts, &c.,
All kinds of SHAWLS, brocks, Bay Stale, Walerville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder
ed, &c. Also a very large assortment, of olotbs, cassimers, sattinetts,, tweeds;
jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c.
We have a large assortment ol Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard
ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car
riage oil clothß, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings,
drillings, &c., in abundance.
We invite our friende and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else
where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by
anybody, or the rest or mankind.
Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855.
SSSluaa QDtr^cstl£Poassi3 o<B> e
Fashionable Spring &, Summer Clothing!
In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on hand a large and
full assortment of
of. all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pants
and Vests tlrty have every color ol the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped
and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, buff, casimere, roarseilles, linen and worsted of all fash
ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine white, figured and
striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scurfs, all kinds of gentle
man's dress goods ; Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas : and
They have Uudersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigalelis, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'a beaddjag
Handkerchiefs, He., tic. Also Jewelry and Notions, sach as llinus, Breast pins, Gold and
Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chaius, Porlmonies, Spectacles, Knives
Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons.
tar Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house.
•Bloomsburg, April 3, 1856. S. DREIFUSS, & Co.
New arrival of Spring &, Summer Goods !
TNVITES attention to his slock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his storeoo Market
street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men
and boy's wearing apparel, including
IPii2SIII@SJAffiILie MfiJSSg ©©ikUfflo
gox, sack, frodk, gum and oil cloth coals of all sorts and sizes, pantsof nil colors, shawls
stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders
and fancy articles.
N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in
the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac
Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856.
AC. MENCH respectfully informs his
* friends, customers, and the public gen
erally that he has just - received from Phila
delphia the first goods of the season, consist
ing of a large assortment of choice and de
For the spring and summer trade comprising,
for men's wear:
Superior Black, and Colored French Cloths,
Black french Doeskins and Cassimere.
Black Satin and Fancy Silk Vesiings.
Blue, Black, Brown and Green Cashmereltes.
Elegant Black Silks, all qualities.
Barege De Laines and Challi Bareges.
Plain, Pink, Blue and Green De Laines.
Bombazine Finish Black Alpacas.
French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams.
Worked Collars, anil Linen Handkerchiefs.
Hosiery of all kinds and qualities.
Calicoes of all patterns and descriptions.
Linen and Cotton Sheeting.
Bleached and Unbleached Muslins.
Linen Damasks and Table Covers.
Besides a large assortment of Boots and
Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, and alt kinds of
Groceries. Hardware, &c., which will be sold
remarkably cheap. Call at the old stand,
corner of Main and Market streets.
EST FLOUR & FEED always on hand,
and Inr sale at the lowest market price, for
Bloomsburg, April 2, 18S fi -
The Priaee of the House of David:
Three years in the Holy City in the
days of Pontius Pilate.
OEINU a translation from the Alexandrian
*-* MSS. in the Biblialheque of Chair, in
Egypt, of the letters of ADINA, a Jewish
Maiden of Alexandria, sojourning in Jerusa
lem in the days of Herod, addressed to her
father, a wealthy Jew in Egypt, relating as
an ere-witnes6 all the scenes and wonderful
incidents in the life of Jesus of Nazareth,
from his baptism in Jordan to bis Crucifix
ion on Calvary. Edited by Rev. Prof. J. H.
INGHAM, Rector of St. John's Church, Mo
One volume 406 pages, 12 mo., cloth, gilt,
beautifully illustrated: Price 81 25.
As the demand for this book will be very
large, booksellers who wish a supply of the
first edition, should send along their orders
CS* Agents wanted in all parts of the Uni
ted Stales, to sell the above work, to whom
liberal innucements will be given.
HUDNEY& RUSSELL, Publishers.
All orders should be addressed to
H DAYTON, General Agent,
79 John Street, New York.
* # *Editors of papers giving the above,with
this notice, two insertions, will receive a copy
of the work by mail, post paid.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of
administration with the will annexed upon
•fc.e estate of John Bitner, late of Locust twp.
Columbia county deceased, have been grant
ed to the undersigned residing also in Locust
township. All persons knowing themselves
indebted to the said estate are requested to
make payment without delay, and those who
have Claims against the decedent to ptesenl
them for settlement to
Adm'rs, with the will annexed.
Locust township, April 8,1856.-6.
Church Ceremonies.
AN Sunday, the Ist ot June next, the cor-
VP n er stone will be laid lor a new Evan
gelical Lutheran Church near the honse of
Samuel Lazarus, in Cooper township, Mon
tour county, to be called ST. PETKB'S CHURCH.
The Rev. Mr. Staley and other ministers from
a distance will officiate on the ocoasion.—
Ceremonies will commence at 9 o'clock A.
M. Refreshments and accommodations for
strangers will be furnished.
JOHN ROUCH, Committee.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the estate of Engle
Fox, late of Locust township, Columbia ooun
iv, deceased, have been granted lo the un
dersigned residing also in Loeust township.
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make payment without delay and
those having accounia against the said estate
to present them for settlement to
Locust twp., May 6th, 1856. AdmU.
liCt us Reason Together.
It has been the lot of the human race to be
, weighed down by disease and suffering. Hoi
loway's Piils are specially adapted to the relief
of tho Weak, the JVorvons, the Delicate, and
the Infirm, of all climes, ages, sexes, and con
stitutions. Professor Hollotvay personally su
perintends the manufacture of his medicines in
the Utiiled States, and offers them <o a freeand
enlightened people, as the best remedy the world
ever saw for the removal of disease.
These Pills Purify the Blood,
These famous Pills are expressly combined to
operate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys,
the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting
any derangement in their functions, purifying
j the blood, the very fountain ot life, and thus cul
f ring disease in all its forms.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaims.
, Nearly half the hums', 'sue have taken these
Pills. It has !•" proved in all parts of the
, world, 'hst nothing has bren found equal to
them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspep
sia, and stomach complaints generally. Thev
soon give a healthy tone to these organs, how
ever much deranged, and when all other means
have failed.
, General Debility. IP. Health.
Many of the most despotic Governments
have opened their Custom Houses to the intro.
duction of these Pills, that they may become
the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges
admit that this medicine is the best remedy ev
er known for persons of delicate health, or where
the Bystem has been impaired, ss its invigora
ting propertios never fail to afford relief
Female Complaints.
No Female, young or old, should be withou
this celebrated medicine. It is correct and rog
ulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting
in many cases like acbaim. It is also the best
and safest medicine that can he given to chil
dren of all ages, and for any complaint: conse
quently no family shoulu be without it.
Hollotvay's Pills are the best remedy
known in the world for the following
Asthma Diarrhwa
Bowel Complaints Dropsy
Coughp Debility
Colds Kever and Ague
Chest Diseases Female Complaints
Coetiveness Headache
Dyspepsia Indigestion
Influenza Inflammation
Inward Weakness Liver Complaints
Lowness of Spirits Piles
Stone and Gravel Secondary Symplons
Venereal Affections Worms, of all kinds
Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. HOLLO- 1
WAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New-York, and 24-1
Strand, London, and by all respectable Drug
gists and Dealers of Medicines throughout
the United States, and the civilized world, ir>
boxes, at 25 cents, 624 cents, and Si eaob
W There is a considerable saving by ta
king the larger size.
N. B. Directions for the guidance ot pa
tients ia every disorder are affixed to each
Not. 77 79 North second Street,
Would call your attention to his most desira
ble stock of Imported French Laces, Dun
stables and fine Split Straws, together with a
beautiful assortment of Leghorn, Rutland,
and Diamond Satin BON
■gfNETS; Ladies' Riding HATS. Vp9
***• Misses' Leghorn and other Hats,-Sw
Boys' and Children's Hats, &c., Stc. All of
which will be sold at a SMALL PROFIT FOR
Philadelphia, March 24, 1856.-2 m.
IVOTICE is bereby given that letters of ad
-1 * ministration upon the estate of lsaao R.
Davis, late of Beaver township, Columbia
county, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned residing in Franklin township in
said county. All persous indebted to the said
estate are requested to make payment with
out delay, and those having accounts aaainst
the estate to present tbem tor settlement to
Franklin twp., March 29, '56. Adm'r.
OT AHA agreb of good farm
') County, Bcnzinger Township, Pennsylvania
Tor sale, giving a Faim cf 36 acres for f3OO,
>1 payable in Inatalinents of $l t per week, or at
I, the nine monthly.
II Farms of 60. 78, 100, or more acioa adjoin
ing in proportion. Each Faim front* upon .a
road thirty feet in width.
The 801 l Is a rich limestone loam, and ea
' pccially adapted tocultivation, as it ilheither
hilly nor stony, but gently rolling or fine table
u land. Around and through ibia properly there
are already some 30,000 seres under cultivation,
a nd its fertility has been established from the
'* crops produced. Upon this ehhject It is easy
•J to be fully satisfied. There is a ready cash
market for pioduce which is much better than
trade. It is the CHEAPEST, as land of a
- similar quality is selling at much higher prices
. adjoining, and especially such aa contains coal,
i THE COAL—This in particular is the Coal
District, several veins underlayfhg the whole
. property, and the attention of miners, aml
f thoso acquainted with coal lands, ia specially
called to it. It has tho advantage of being the
nearest to the great lake market, with which
it will be connected byj'lhe Sunbury and Erie
Railroad now under contract and in course of
complelionTrom Erie to Kidgeway, with de
scending grade ihe whole way. file soil over
bituminous cost is the bost, lor instsuce Eng-
Isnd and other tounliies. The price per acre
. ia trilling for the coal alone, as it will certain
ly, in ao favorable a location within o short
time pay laigely. This ia important aa an
immenao coal trade will soon open. Four coal
I companies huve already been started to work
' mil es in the vicinity, and there are now fifteen
' openings around Bt. Mary's.
' THE TIMBER, Stockholders also received.
' There is no reservation whatever cither of
limber or coal. It is very valusblo, and will
pay lor a great pait of the lar.d. On account
! of the excellence of streams there are fine op
-1 portunities for mill*.
FOR HEALTH, the location is much ro.
commended by Physicianr. The chills and
fevers are unknown, also pulmonary complaints,
being prolectod from the north east winds by
the Allcghanies. The water is pure and amongst
the best, ihe land abounding ou fine springs.
FOUR RAILROADS will shortly bo com
pleted connecting it by a direct communication
with Now V'ork, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Erie,
| Buffalo, and all the chics on the lakes. They
are ihe Sunbury and Erie, Ihe Alleghany
Valley, the Pittsburg and Buffalo, and the
Venango. Energetic exortiona are also being
made for the building of the Tyrone and Clear,
field, which also passes through this property.
The effect of this npon trade, and general de.
velopment, >s well as the coal, may be imagined.
The large ond flourishing town ot St. Mary's
is in tho centre of the tract, numbering near
3,000 inhabitants. It baa hotel., good public .
echools, saw and grist milla, etores, well stocked ■
and every thing desired. There are 335 half
acre lota in the town of Bt. Mary's which will
be rold and the proceeds equally divided amongvt
those who buy faims. Kidgeway the county
seat, where an extensive business is done ad.
joins the tract on the west. The whole district
is intersected by good turnpike, and other roada.
This is a rare opportunity offered to those
who wish to faim or have a good investment
for tho future. By making pioper inquiries,
and considering the advantages of good soil,
an abundance of coal, beallhfulness of cli
mate, Railroad facilities, and its location, •
correct judgment may be formed of its pre
sent advantages and ultimate increase.
By writing to the office directions will be
given to those who wish to visit the land—-
A system of excursions will shortly be adopt
There is an excellent opening for various
branches of mechanical business, especially
tanners, wheelwrights, axe handle makers,
shoemakers, carpenters and others.
Farms can be bought by enclosing the first
instalment. Ladies can hold shares in their
own right. Title unquestionably good, and
warrantee deeds given. Address or apply to
Samuel VV. Cattell, Sec'y, 135 Walnut street
between Fourlh and Fifth Sts., Philadelphia
Henry M. Walts, Esq., Walnut St., Philad'a.
John U Cresson, Esq., President ol Philadel
phia Gas Company, 7th St. above Chest
nut, Philadelphia.
Geo. Wiegand, Esq., Inspector of Coal, City
Gas Office, 7th St. above Chestnut, Phila
delphia, ha* been over the land and exam
ined the coal.
Hor.. Geo. R. Barrett, Clearfield, Pennsylva
nia, has been over the land.
Henry Schmitt, Esq., United Slates Mint,
Residence, No. 652 North Fifth St., Phil
adelphia, examined the land.
VVm. F. Boone, Esq., south side of Walnut
Street below Fourth, Philadelphia, exam
ined Ihe land.
Hon. Alexander L. Hayes, Lancaster.
Geo. Walmsley, Esq., St. Mary's, Elk Co., ■
recent settler.
Richard Gardner, Esq , 636 Poplar St., Phil
adelphia, has examined ihe land. ,
J. L. Barrett, Esq., Proprietor of the Mt. Ver
non House, Second street above Arch,
Philadelphia, has examined the land.
E. C. Schullz, Esq., Justice of the Peace,
St. Mary's, Elk county.
Charles Luhr, Esq., President of the Borough
of St. Mary's.
J. S. VVeis, Esq., Postmaster, St. Mary's.
George Taylor, Esq., Deputy Postmaster, St.
Mr. Wm. Lyons, St. Mary's.
Mr. John miller, Coal Miner, St. Mary's.
Mr. John Corbe, " " "
E. H. Stone, Esq., Wellsville, Ohio, Coal op
L. VVilraarth, Esq, Pittsburg Pennsylvania.
Borough Council of SI. Mary's lo Ihe Public.
This is to certify that, having been over
the tract owned by the Kidgeway Farm and
Coal Company and given it a thorough ex
amination, we find the representations ol that
Company to be correct. We find ihe soil lo
be the most fertile—the coal and iron ore to
lie in inexhaustible quantities, through the
whole district—the Farms in excellent order,
and the intelligence and prosperity of the
people to be of the most gratifying charac
ter. We know that there is'no healthier lo
cation in the State, and we consider it a most
desirable place of settlement.
We make this declaration, as we believe
Ihere may be many persons who are unac
quainted with ihese lands, and we are satis
fied, from our knowledge of the subject, that
information upon it will be a public benefit.
lacobF. Shafer, Elk Co.Surveyor, St. Mary's.
Charles Luhr, President of the Borough of St.
' Mary's.
John Beetcli, Member of the Borough Coun
cil, Si. Mary's.
Charles Brooks, Member oT the Boro. Coun
cil, St. Mary's.
H. J. Wriggle, Member of the Boro. Counoil,
St. Mary's.
Fant Jabab, Member of (be Boro. Counoil,St.
Tbia is to oertify that the above fire gen
tlemen are at present the Acting Members
of the Town Council of St. Mary's, Elk 00.,
and that the above ia tbeir hand and sign*-
In testimony whereof I bave subscribed
my name, and caused the seal of office to be
Etuaohed thereto; and I fully conour in the
above recommendation.
Chitf Burger of St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa.
See the Land —Start from Philadelphia or
other places on Tuesday nighi, at 11 o'clook,
for Tyrone, from which a stage will leave ev
sry Wednesday morning for St Marys, Elk
Co. All are requested to go. It is suggested
:hat parties who connot go will club together
ind send a Committee. It is a beautiful and
unresting trip. After the first of June the
price of Farms will be greatly raised.