THE STAR OPI THE NORTH. ft. W. Weaver* Proprietor.] VOLUME 8" THE STAR OF THE NORTH W PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY MORNING BY R. W. WEAVER, 4? F fit t; H Up stairs, in the new brisk build irig, on the south side of Main Street, third square below Market. TERMS:—Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the time of sub scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months ; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times for One Dollar and twenty-five cents for each additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made to khose wbo advertise by the year. YEARS TO COMET BV CHARLES SWAIN. A day will dawn I ne'er shall see, A nigbt will set I ne'er shall know, The wave-tides of humanity Thus ever circle, lo and fro The dew with gems shall bed the flower, The bird make rich the morn with song, And Mind, still climbing hour by hour, Find worlds beyond the starry throng. Years shall return lo future years What ages unto them have given, And thsl high power wliich-sFuith reveals, Grasp the fix'd hopes of earth and Heaven. What younger Howard then might feel— What other Wilberforce arise— What Burke assprt the general weal— What Ross or Neptune span the skies? The joys, the hopes, the interests, ITiat animate the bosom now, Shall lend their glow to other breast*— And,flush the young enthusiast's brow. W-hat theory shall then succeed I What deeper power—what newer theme, What fresh discovery supersede The electric flash—the steed of steam ? Who'll be the bard to England dear, When centmies have filled and fled ? Or wbo the sTatesrnen crowds will cheer, Worthy the Peels or Chathams dead? The passions thst distract mankind— The pride—the envy—the mistrust— Shall they be scatter'd on the wind That lifts the banner of the just? Shall Christian sense e'er sheath the swottl, Shall simple justice rule lire lund, Shall Law its shield of right' afford, A right That all may understand? Robber {loots. THEOPIIRASTUS TIMMS was the junior part ner of a large firm in New York City. Last autumn, as Newtown pippins were coming in, Theopbrastus went out of town, on a collecting tour for his house. He was absent several months; during this lime Timma and his wife, for he had a wife, exchanged th# warmest of letters. Timms only longed 10 be at home, and Mrs. Timms only longed, al least she said so, to have her Tim my once' more by her side. Timms at length closed his affair in the west, the' land of wild cat Banks, and departed for New York. But Theopbrastus is a fellow full of kinks, as he expressed it, and was determined lo give Mrs. Timms a surprise. So he never com municated the fact to her that he wa9 already on tiis way lo her. Timms arrived at night, late, and over-paid a hackman, (who would* not have slept soundly had he not cheated Timms,) to carry him with all speed to the Hotel, in which were his Lares, Penates, and his Mts. Timms. H dropped out of (he coach as if it were infected, and rushed along the passage to his wife's room, lo which be had a key. Ha ! what sight is it that freezes his blood ? Bools as I live, and boots at Mrs. Timm's door. To Timms the boots were the algebraic sign of an unknown man, where he ought not to be. . With one vengeful movement he has drawn a rusty digger, which he carried in the West, and with another he hae bis key in the door.— Mrs. Timms is awakened by I he noise, gives a gentle shriek, recognizes the intruder, and cries out joyfully, "Why, Timmy, dear, is that you ?" "Timmy, don't Timmy me, madam, until you explain them BOOTS!" cried the infu riated Theoprastus, as he plunges the dagger under the bed, without looking, however, into the cofa and elsewhere. "Boots! Where?'.' cries Mrs. Timms. "Where? Door!" bellowed sententious Timmy. "Why, you fool, they're my Indus Rubbers, new style 1" Timms oan't bear the long India Rubber boot now, and many share bis prejudice. DINNER or A ROMAN EPICURE. —A dinner given by Vitellius to his brother, bad, says Santonins, portions of seven thousand most choice birds in one dish, and of two thousand equally choioe fishes in another. There stood in the centre a dish, called, from its enormous size, Minerva's buckler; and of wbat composed, think ye ? Of the livers of saeri, the brains of pheasants and peacocks, the tongues of parrots and the bellies of lam pray eels, brought from Carpathia and the remotest parts of Spain in ships of war sent out expressively for that purpose. DAVID GARRICK was fond of fame, and equally fond of money ; and few men had it more in their power to gratify both of these passions. Foots sometimes threw out pleas antries on Garriok's avaricious propensity.— Being once in company with Garrick, in'bis garden at Hampton, Roscius, having a'guin ea in his hand, said, "I think I could throw this guinea to the other side of the Thames." The English Aristophanes expressed his doubts, "Though, I believe, added he, "that yon can make a guinea goaifar as any mtn." The waters of the world are navigated by 145,000 vessels of 12,904,687" tons. Of this the Unitsd States have 5,500,000 tons, Great Britain 5,000,000; Germany 1,000,000; and France 716,130 tona BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, pA., WEDNESDAY/MAY 14, 1856. I From Smacker's History of Catkarine It. F THE lUllttl OP CATHERINE 11. The Court of St. Petersburg, at this period, was certainly one of great splendor and dis tinction. It was regarded with profound re " spect by the rest of Europe. The magnifi | oence of the empire over whioh it ruled, at . once gave it grandeur and pre-eminence.— i That empire was equal, in superficial extent, t to all the other kingdoms of Europe'combin ed ; extending from the Baltio to the Black ! Sea, and from the dominions of Maria-Ther esa far fnto the untrodden deserts of Tartary. Its capital, planted on the marshy shores or the Neva, by the rnagio wand of the great Peter, had grown up into a stupendous mass of palaces, temples, and citadels, whose gild ed spires of mingled Asiatic and European ar chitecture, pierced those northern heavens, and glittered in the morning and evening sun. Under this dominion, were assembled nations of many distact climes and kindreds : Cos sacks of the Don, Calmucks, Pules, Circas sians, StbOhans, Tartars, Germans, and Rus sians; while the decrees of the Great Em press were received, and obeyed with rever ence, by one-fourth of the inhabitants of the civilized globe. Her court itself could vie, in lavish splen dour, in feminine beauty, in princely wrath, in illustrious names, in manly genius, and in its courtiers of.high and noble birth, with the proudest among men. There,as a fit centre to so magnificent a throng, was the mighty Empress herself; a woman of high and dar ing spirit, who had ventured boldly into the . most desperate and perilous vicissitudes of fortune. By the charms of her wit, and the brilliancy of her genius, she had proved her self att equal antta'worthy associate of the most illustrious personages of the age: of Frederick the Gieal, of Voltaire, o'f Euter, of Diderot. By the comprehensive energy of her mind, she had won the palm in states manship, and stood araoug the first legisla tors of the times. She had uniformly tri umphed in the dangerous game of war; and even the ancient capital of the Roman em pire in the East, the Queen of cities, the ad miration of the whole world, herself had trem j bled on her hills, at'the mighty name of the sovereign before whpso invincible legions, the children of the Pfophet had so often fled in battle, There, sufrounded her, wt,re men and women of illustrious name, talents and character: Gregory Orlof, remarkable from his immense stature and daring mind ; who, when in the prime of his vigorous manhood, had aided to crush the life from the tremb ling frame of the expiring and imploring Pe ter ; who long had triumphed as the cherish ed lover of his grateful sovereign ; and who had astonished foreign countries by the reck leis extravagance of his expenditure, while traveling lo assuage the fierce fibres of his soul, when he saw his place usurped by a more graceful and fascinating lover. Now, his lofty head whitened with the frosts of age, he still presented a bold and daring front—a worthy representative of the rnde ( tie Genius of the North; wi'h those checker ed fortunes, his history and hie lile had been so long and so closely identified. There was the beautiful, the accomplished, the roman lic Princess Dashkoff; at first the intimate and bosom friend of the Empress, beforo she had ascended the throne; who had slaked her life upon the throw, which was to win or lose a crown; who in the hour of victory bad shared the equal joy of her triumphant friend, and now, after various vicissitudes, and the , full experience of the pleasures and sorrows of ambition, of love, and of friendship, was calmly reposing in the enjoyment of her fame, her recollections, and the Affection of her sovereign. Among that group were to be seen the aged Psnin, grown gray in the ser vice of his honored mistress; the chivalrous and daring Alexius Orloff whose vigorous arm had destroyed the perillous conspiracy of Pugatechef; the veteran Marshal Munich, who during the sixty five years of his active life, had served morre sovereigns, had fought more battles, had won more victories, *and had experienced more of the grandeur and the littleness, the changes and the vicissi tudes ol fortune, than all the generals then in Europe combined. There was the re nowned Romaotzofif, who had destroyed the boasted armies of the Sulttu on many an en sanguined field, and caused the blood of the infidels lo flow in torrents, on many a trium phant plain. There was Prince Galftzin, the elegant courtier, and the accomplished slates man ; and lastly, though not least was the ecceclrio Potempkin, an engine in human nature; possessed of great talents and great foibles, capable of wisely governing empires, incapable of governing himself; enjoying ev ery gratification which lavished millions could bestgw, and yet, unsatisfied and dis pleased ; able to overreaoh every other states i man and diplomatist in Europe, and yet him self deoeived by hie own valet de chambre. There were collected, by the munificence of the Empress, men distinguished in every science and every art; poets, historians, phi losophers, artists, soldiers, courtiers, and prel ates ; who, though some . I their names have siuoe descended lo the shades of oblivion, in Iheir own ' day stood high in contemporary dislinciion and renown. Muny distinguished foreigners wefa then attracted by the splendour of the court of St. 1 Petersburg, aud honored it with iheir pres i ence. Among thasa waa the renowned Duch t ess of Kingston. In 1777 the waves of the ' Gulf of Finland waited her magnificent yacht to the quays of the Neva. Thia lady was oelebrated for her great beauty, her wit, ber i luxury, ber excentrloitiee, and ber amorous I adventures. She was attended by Garnosky, 1 at that lime her favorite. Her diatinotien in the world of fashion and of dissipation, made her visit the Russian capital, an event of con siderable coneequeuce. Her yacht had been damaged by a severe storm an inundation upon the coast, and the Empress had it re paired at her own expense. Accordingly,all its stores snd sumptuous furniture were un laded , and lodged in the apartments of the Admiralty, and then, by the labor of some hundreds of people, and by means of levers and engines constructed for the purpose, the yacht was lifted on shore, and the repairs completed. After a short residence, however, the Duch ess displayed too much the weaknesses of her character, to retain the respect of the Russian court. She did not maintain that dignity of behavior, and that elegance of manners, which became a woman of exalted rank. At times, she seemed by her lavish expenditure to rival the entertainments of the palace ; at others she excited uoiversal con tempt by tier meanness and servility. The consequences were unpleasant. The Em press withdrew her atteulions. She sank in to neglect and obscurity with the court; and the mortified Countess was constrained to depart from St. Petersburg, and sail for Italy, where heradventures became afleiwards suf ficiently notorious. Catharine did not neglect any means where by the attachment of her subjects might be secured. In 1779 she established two honor ary orders; that of St. George and St. Vladi mir. The former is a military order, and di vided into four classes. Its badges are a black ribbon with a George and a dragooc. In 1790 this order was worn by about five hundred persons. A certain numbet ol each class enjoy pensions of from one to seven hundred rubles. The order of St. Vladmir was instituted in 1785, by the Empress, on her twentieth coronation day. lis chapter was held in the of St. Sophia. The Alar is of sight points, of gold and silver, hav ing a red area, bearing a cross, with a rib bon of two black stripes and one red one. In 1799 the number of knights was seven hun dred. Amid the perplexities of a thousand cares, Catharine found time even to woo the muses. It is well known that she was the author of comedies, in which fanaticism and supersti tion were attacked with severity and ridicule. She displayed her talents as an author in the "Instruction for the Code of Laws," which exhibits the masculine mind of a pro found legislator, and which was composed by herself, and written in full in her own hand. Even these multiplied oares and labors did not prevent liei; from indulging in the liahtar, tsflwnw*ttmii ryi lovo ■nit tjf uttventure. She possessed all a woman's caprices. The Ser vian Zoritch had now enjoyed her affections for a twelvemonth, during which time he bad received very considerable presents. His mistress seemed perfectly safisfied with him. All at once, he received permission lo enter on his travels. Astounded at ibis sudden re verse of fortune, Zoritch ran in dismay to Po tempkin. The minister, pitying the misfor tune of this harmless favorite, was willing to exert hinAelf in his behalf. He repaired to the Empress, and inquired the reason ol ber sudden change of feeling. She answered : "1 was fond of him yesterday: to-day I am not. Perhaps, if he were better educated, I might love bim still; but his ignorance puts me to Ibe blush. He can apeak no other lan guage than Russ. Let him travel into France and England, and learn foreign languages." Zoritch, finding the Empress inexorable, yielded to necessity, and visited the varions countries of Europe. He spent some tiraeal Paris, and afterwards returning lo Russia, he resided at a small town on the Dnieper, where he built a theatre, and lived at an euormous expense. He never returned to oourt. The tame day that taw the dismissal of Zorilcb, Potempkin set about finding a suc cessor for bim. But Catharine had already anticipated him. Going that very evening to the palace, he beheld a handsome youth behind the chair of Catharine, whom he in stantly knew to be the favorite. His name was Korsakoff, a seargent in the imperial guards. This person possessed a handsome figute, and elegant manners; bat he was as deficient in education and talent at was his predecessor. He was not adapted therefore to encroach upon the influence of authority of Potempkin. Immediately after his eleva tion, be thought that it was essential to bis dignity, that he should possets a library.— Accordingly he sent for the principal book seller of St. Peteisburg, and told him his wishes. The merchant inquired what books he would be pleared to have? The favorite answered: "You understand the matter bet ter than I; that is your business. Let there be large books at'the bottom, end smaller and smaller up to the lop. That is (he way they stand in the Empress' library." The bookseller, understanding hit interests in the case, went to hit warehouse, unearthed a number of old German commentators on the Bible and jurisprudence, which had lain for many years in sheets, ever since he had ta ken Ihem for a bad debt, from a bankrupt bookseller in Leipsic ; he had them elegant ly bound, and placed them at high prices in the favorite's library. He shrewdly inter spersed among them, a set of Voltaire, of Rousseau, of Buffon, and o'.her fashionable writers, at convenient distances, in conspic uous positions in the library, to be at band, in case some of Korsakoff's more erudite friends should enquire for them. For the rest, their elegant eateriors were a sufficient sub stitute for their internal defects. The favorite was highly pleased at their learned appear ance, and there ended his acquaintance with them. 1 Prince Potempkin was at this period al the Truth and Bight tied aid Coutry* summit of hia ministerial powvr aid influ ence. Tbe court, Am arayJie aavy, all were aubject to bis authafjjfrye appointed the miniatera, tbe generfjßjHjflkvoritsa. He also removed them at blaaHße. Hia out ward manner was rude iMflpiuth in tbe extreme; but be was is fflgßt one of tbe most artful and crafty of jkflr-He exerted a supreme control over tbCSpress; but be maintained that supremamjUf seeming to iivc and labor only for and her aggraiidizement. HelreaMwp highest dig nitaries cf the empire wlUnal rudeness which borde.x on conlemgi|gj|e yet he ap peared to defy and despieaLWMr hostility.— Marshal fiomantzof alone,'4ul tbe courtiers, did not humble himself bdjjßpthe minister. There was, constantly, a SUM enmity be tween the parties. The hJMnUolempkin extended even to the aitterVSßlltzof, the Counleas Bruce, and friend of Catharine. He detNimp^if' possible, to destroy the influence of biAh. Korsakoff, being at this time the imperial favorite, was often thtOWn into the society of the Countess Bruce. The benefits which his mistress heaped upon him, should at least have secured his gratitude, if Aey could not inspire him with love. He abatfid at any rate have been faithful to herp .Potempkin discovered that the Countess la|iei& the favor ite. But as yet, the constraint trader whioh the latter lived was so great, that it had been impossible for her to sbtain tie gratification of her wishes. Potempkin disistygi the lov ers to overcome all the obstacles gsfiich stood in their way. He contrived thefpieans of their secret interwiews, and then ((Babied the Empress to discover, that she had-been de ceived by both friend and favetilajbShe im mediately banished tbe formlter em pire, and the latter to Moscow. IF'she was munificent in her attachments, stt. was al so terrible and inexorable in her vengeance. The next connection which Cathajfhe form ed, was one of inlenser and deeper feeling, than any which she had eimiienced for many years. The same day was dismissed she fixed herch|Be upou one of the chevalier guards, naiAl Lanskoi, sprung from an ancient Polish ffi||lly;ayouth of the most graceful figure, andr*-xemarkable beauty,- which the imagination of no man can conceive. His favorable(Satrance had at first recommended him to -Hie notice of Catharine. But his ouly mevils wereltaot those of his person. His disp." (Immense applause from know noth ings.) "Permit me, gentlemen," said Ben, "to explain. The weather was hot and ex- , hausling. The Governor's house was near the State House ; and you could get a belter glass of brandy there than at any other house ia the city." This was the dampest kind ol blanket, and Samuel subsided incontinently. Gen. JACKSON once went to hear a noted backwoods preacher, named Carlwright, dis course, and one of his parishioners, as be entered the church, whispered in the ear of Ihe orator, "The old Hero is in the congrega tion, lay aside your bluntness to-day." Cart wrighl, who was never known to whisper, exclaimed aloud, "Who cares for General Jackson ? He'll go to hell as soon as any other man, if he don't repent." Hs preach ed with his usual bluntness, and in the thun deritig tones of his native eloquence, which ever and anon made bis hearers quake. The sermon being over, a gentleman asked Gen. Jackson how be thought of 'that rough old feltow ?' to which he replied, "Sir, give me twenty thousdhd of such men, and I'll con quer the world, including the devil." ) THE CRADLE AND THE OLD ARM CHAIR.— No bouse is complete without two pieces of furniture—the cradle and the old arm chair. No house is full unless it has in it a babe and a grandfather or a grandmother. Life be comes more radiant and perfect when its two extremes keep along with it. The two loves which watch the cradle aid serve the chair are one. But how different in all their open ings and actions. To Ibe child the heart turns with more tenderness and love. To the aged parent, love is borne'upon a service of reverence. Through the child you look forward—thiongh the parent you look back ward. In the child you see hope, joys to come, brave ambition, and a life yet to be 'tfrawn forth in all its many aided experien ces. Through the silver-haired parent, you behold the past, in its sceces enacted, in its histories encased. Tv A man bsm< reproved for wearing, repli ed lie am not ttntfw •. of that sentiment of honor, deli cate and acute, that throbs In 0..y p „i ga 0 j the American heart, and whose very sensi tiveness may be sometimes stimulated and abused by designing or inconsiderate men. Of all this we were sure—and now that the trust is executed, and, so far as bis agency can affect them, all our expectations realiz ed, the nation thanks and welcomes him. Pennsylvania too has great reason to be proud of him, and to renew the kind greet ing she has so often given him. It ie not ea. sy to avoid, or to use without fear of mis construction, phases which party baa stereo typed, but in a broader and more generous sense than it was ever used before, we can with precision say, that Mr. Buchanan is welcomed back as Pennsylvania's "favorite son.'' Pennsylvania is proud of him, and what Pennsylvania does not always do, he means to say ao, and to say it with ah ao claim louder and wider than he hat ever been heard before, for *there is a local sentiment operating in his belulf much stronger than political organization ever aroused. It is d sentiment, too, that we trust will not be tri fled with. The oity of Philadelphia—if we may venture so to describe ir,lheoncv Whig oily of Philadelphia—cordially welcoraea- Mr. Buchanan. Her men of business, ber mercßsnts, manufacturers and arlizans, feel that they can look with confidence and es teem on a veteran statesman whose vety ex perience makes him practically conservative and .who, as Penr.sylvanian, feels with ua and for us. Oue is surprised to find ic our streets and in casual intercourse how strong and prevalent this feeling is. It is manifest, ed in the prompt action of out commercial men. It was even more so in meditated and informal meeting of Mr. Bu chanan's friends, without tlinitiation of tech nical parly, where were found our most dis tinguished citizens, of all professions and pursuits, who seemed to be brought together only by a disinterested desire to offer a prop er acknowledgment to a meritorious publio servant. Philadelphia means to do honor where honor has been so faithfully earned." (7* THE CAMF.I.S intended for the Western plains are on board the sloreship supply, at Kingston, for lndianola, Texas. It is propos ed to keep the animals at that plape several months to recruit them. Some of the ani mals were presented by the Viceroy of Egypt to our Government, but most of theoa were procured by Major Wayne and Captain Pot ter, under the appropriation made for the purpose at the last session of Congress.—- Some Arabs accompany them to take oare of them. There are 31 camels in the lot. Arrangements are being made to erect ad ditional buildings to Girard Collage to ad mil one hundred more scholars. Whan this is done about a thousand pupils will be un der its charge. lotteries.—A. P. Coburn, C. Selden, and C. J. Parker, have been fined SSO esob for be ing concerned in a gift lottery-in Boston.