The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 10, 1856, Image 3
TREASURER'S SALE *• ®F UNSEATED LANDS. JA GRFEABLY to the provisions oi an Act of Assembly, entitled an act directing the mode ol selling Unseated Lands for lax -0% ood for other purposes, passed the 13th al March, 1815, and the further supple ■onto thereto, pas-oil the IStb day of Marrh, 3217; 2Sih day ot Match, 1821; and 9th '•J of March, 1847, the Treasurer of the county of Colombia, hereby gives notice to nil persona concerned therein, thai unless the Coenly, Read, School, and Slate taxes due on the following tracts ol Uneeated Lands, ettoato in Columbia county, are paid before lbs day el sale, the whole or sack port# of nook tract a< will pay the taxes and costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, in Bloomaburg, county ol Columhin, OB the second Monday of June next. 1856. and bo continued by adjournment, from day to day. for arrearages ol taxes due said coun fy,and the cost accrued on each tract respec tively. BENTON. Acres Dol. cts. Beach N. G. B. 431 9 54 •• •• 401 9 79 McHenry's Heirs 26 2 21 Heeler Ebenezer 11 86 Btiles if Coleman 17 1 30 Vandcrslice Rebecca 375 42 50 Young Abraham 80 10 20 BEAVER. Croll Adam 80 2 40 DcFrain Philip 10 60 Fisher Jonathan 30 1 35 Frick Benjamin 100 3 00 Groff John 200 3 00 Longenberger George, Sr. 200 300 Shussan fy Frick 400 3 00 Bchweppuheiser Jacob 200 1 50 6arah Caftan A. 400 3 00 Trnmble Roswell 71 1 65 Buliard John (Est,) 31 1 47 Davie Isaac 400 3 00 Davis Isaac R. 400 3 00 Thomas A zael 110 81 Reese Daniel 300 4 50 M'Culls John 400 6 00 Buliard John's Est, 31 1 35 j Dee) Robert 1 00 ! BRIERCREEK. Bower Solomon Jr. 101 80 Celbfas Charles 575 4 30 Clemm W, J. D 28 1 10 Frese Andrew 150 74 I Gensil Joseph 6 32 Kisner John 13 1 04 ' Schuyler 4- Henry 575 574 j Blockhouse Joseph 133 2 00 1 Seybert Nicholas, Ste. 200l 200 Yost John 40 40 Kelchnsr Johu 1 14 Merkle Conrad 20 20 Pesrce A. B. ? 14 Evans Jatnea 38 3jßo Fowler Gilbert . 8(1 . 80 Headley 8. F. 1533 I 5 32 Pearce A. B. j35 | 34 CATTA WISSA. Helwig Solomon ] |6j 309 Thumas A bio j 5 118 YaS. BM. I lot 118 CENTRE. Press 4" Hoffman I i®o Hoffman William ! 221 ! 64 FISHINGCREEK. Freaa Andrew 2001 | 4|lo Lazaru,'Esi.4-J. Achenbach 96 2|60 | McHenry Edward 180 17 24) Kitchen John 100 2j05 1 Bucknlew William 65, 1125 Iketar William 301 1184 FRANKLIN. Ytfcr Daniel I 31 j 1,50 Reynolds Elijah At Co. | I 3)20 GREENWOOD. Morris George W. 50 1 '6O John Covanhovan 24 2 40 Davis William 30 192 Wanick Jacob 20 t 80 HEMLOCK- Montgomery Robert I 40i I 21(10 Childs John I 10| | 150 JACKSON. Dills George 30 | 180 Gorden James 75 3 00 Hess George 15 I 00 Kline Elias 7 4 49 j McHenry Matthew 137 8 201 MeCalls' (Heirs) 22 60 John . Parker 4" Co. 30 120 Kile John 73 2 11 Parker Lott 100 3 49 Wells Daniel 10 80 Wagner Philip 106 321 Wagner Michael 50 1 49 Golder David 75 I 56 Kile Wesley Ac Co. 25 71 Parker, Thompson 4" 00. 30 120 Yorks William 150 6 00 LOCUST. Brown John Jr. 343 29 26 Basley Johnston 347 29 60 Beekman George 382 3149 Branson Peter 343 29 26 Barnes Thomas 124 10 46 Cope Thomas P. 406 33 58 Hetzleman Robert 357 30 41 Hetzleman Thomas 380 32 74 Kennedy Andrew 383 32 69 Lynch Edward 127 1101 Nonis Isaac 369 3154 Shannon William 384 32 62 Wickeisham Amos 409 34 46 Hower George IB 8 41 Hughes John 369 4186 Billington Thomas 205 15 57 Biddle Mark J. 195 1102 Lemon William 134 4 57 Kennedy Andrew 2 49$ 13 95 Lynch EJward 180 13 69 Miller Martha 190 14 48 Young John 406 15 37 Young John 409 3103 Baysrs William 30 2 83 Yocum P. At others 71 10 64 MAINE. . Criveling Thomas 7 298 Hagenbuch Samuel 7 4 96 Miller Philip 112 || 60 p. n- % Pazton Ac Boyd 400 11 50 Raeob Christian 126 1 70 Bhumsn Jacob 414 10 77 Miller Henry Sen, 5 83 Webb Joshua 2d 24 | 128 MONTOUR. Bitter's (Est ) | 101 | 170 MIFFLIN. Longenberger Simon 9 14 Behwsppenhiser Jacob 391 8 70 Yoha Peter 110 2 20 Johnson At Latimer 900 8 00 MOUNTPLBASANT, . Oman John I 61 1 134 Shug Peter 38 166 Howell William I 111 I 154 MADISON. Cliemberlin William 50 1 7B Misters Geotge 50 2 70 Runyan Ezra 60 I 0 Robbing Joseph 16 74 Hunter Robert 100 I 00 l<eebo Henry 52 -50 Lyon Robert t 70 70 Sliettch Joseph 200 2 00 Swisher Jacob 125 186 Ellis William IfiO I 60 Falls James Sf John i 82 80 (letter John I 30 1 50 Weliver John |22 110 WtHiver William (Est ) 80 8 20 ORANGE. Matthew M'Dowell 14001 j 1116 ROARINGCREEK. Hoffman Henry Sen i i5Ol | 2|75 Shuman 4* Comly |slOo| |lo|so SUGARLOAF; Buckalew Junes 400 10 80 Everhsri Daniel 430 6 8i Hall Samuel 128 5 49 Montgomery Robert 33 524 '• •• 113 2 48 " •• 80 1 02 Yorks Joseph 127 4 Btt Asylum Company 60 3 94 ' Cole Wil'iam 40 3 00 Gray Robert Co 4 40 Hess Peter 63 1 48 McMollin James 12 1 04 Roberts Sarah Jane 23 2 17 PINE. Harriet Hoffman 120 7 02 Appleman Phineas 400 41 96 Dnebler Charles H. 150 17 50 Golbraiih Isaiah 104 12 40 Thomas & Eves 100 11 70 Benfield Thomas 400 45 60 Hilmnn tf Barlow 400 15 60 Levy Aaron 200 23140 JACOB HARRIS, TREASURER'S OFFICE, j Ireaturtr. Bloomsbnrg, April 1, 1856. ] TREASUItIiR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. AGREEABLY to the provisions of the act of Assembly, entitled An Art to reduce the State debt, Ac., passed the 29ih day of April, 1844, the Treasurer of the County of Colum bia hereby gives notice to all persons con cerned therein, thai unless the County, Road, School, Poor and Slate Tax, &?., due on the following Real Estate si'uate in the county of Columbia are paid before the day of sale, the whole or such parts of each as will pay the charges and costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, in Wnoms hnrg, county of Columbia, on the SECOND MONDAY in JUNE next, and be continued by adjournment Iroun day to day, for arrear ages of taxes due said county, and the costs accrued on each repectlu'ly: SEATED LAND. Benton. 1852. 001.. Cts. John Btshline, 2 33 Daniel Ephline, 1 92 James Hess, 1 92 Peter Misters, 1 10 Jarob, 3 41 Daniel Robbins, 4 81 Jeremiah Stiles, 1 10 Pete. Sttuhz, 82 Simon Tubbs, 24 Erie Tubbs, 24 1853. John Boston, 1 20 James Hess, | 90 Thomas Hess, 39 Paler Masters, 30 Elias Peter, 8 10 George Dodson, 2 32 1854. Adsm Bellas, BO Frederick Bowman, 25 John Boston, 1 20 James Hess, ] 90 George K. Hess, 1 00 Leonard Klina, 56 Jsmes F. Kile, 25 John Koous, 1 83 Peter Masters, 1 00 Elias Hosier, 2 10 Daniel Robbing, 4 32 Josiah Stiles, 1 98 Simon Tubbs, 22 Eri Tubbs, 22 Beaver. 1852. C. F. Mann, 14 40 Mary Remley, 1 90 C. A. Sarah, 15 48 Peter Yobe, 2 40 1853. Jonathan Fisher, 60 Samuel Harpetsr, 54 1854. Jonathan Fisher, 60 Brierereeh. 1852. William Ash, 82 Mary Brown, 55 Oliver Buck, 82 James D. Cook, 1 70 John Fen-lermscbsr, 1 92 Frick & M. W. Jackson, 24 Samuel Gensil, 3 76 Jacob Hos.ler, 34 Daniel K. Kestlar I 65 W. B. Hartman, 3 37 S. F. Headley, i 37 | Isaac Kindt, 7 08 David K'stter, 1 50 John Lnckatd & Co ( 1 51 ' Cunrad Markle. 85 I Samuel Steel, 65 John Suit, 2 09 Jacob Shaffer, 27 George Smith, 1 62 William Smith, - 101 William Shuman; 2 20 Hugh Thompson, 31 *~ " 1 87 Stephen Thompson, 87 Daniel Stambacb, 55 1853. Ash William, 75 Charles Calbfos, 50 Bloom. 1853. Edmund Crawford, 37 Albert Somen, • 30 Centre. 1853. Jesse W. Merrill, 86 Fiehingcreek. 1850 Jesse Hartman, 60 Edward McHeory, 2 32 1852. Alexander Cramer, 2 35 Greenwood. 1850. Daniel W. Robbins, 2 14 loeepb Robbins, Jr., 1 74 <H*nry Yeager, 87 1852. Wm. Cook, 94 Doty'a heirs, 27 Samuel McCarty, 1 01 William Park's oat., 55 David Ull, 60 Ephraim Watts, 1 03 Abraham Yon'ts estate, 82 1853. Henry Belz, 1 42 Aaron Clayton, 1 00 Uoty's estate, 50 Abraham Klina, 2 00 James Lontmoo, 1 55 William Parka, 12 Thomas It Evas, 1 25 Ephraim Watts, 1 22 Hemlock. 1850. John K. Miniver, 2 64 1862. Peter Follmer, 1 13 Move* Gihha, 60 Suluev 8 Slater, 2 47 1853. John Bittenbender, 1 30 Mums Gibh*. 1 00 Jukewish's (Eat.,) 95 Sidney S. Slater, 1 37 1850. William Montgomery, 5 50 Francis T. Seely, 1 40 Jxckuon: 1850. Robert Lorkard. ,9 30 Moves McHenry, 2 30 bante! Bobbins, 2 92 1845. Robert Lorkard, 2 68 Hugh Shut'/., 1 70 Eltshn Robbins, 1 09 John Reveler, 2 78 Montour. 1855. Bellas, (E. H. Baldy, Agent,) 625 Madieon. 1854. James Hall, 4 81 Henry Kitchen, Sen., 2 03 Robert Stout, 87 Mifflin. 1850. John & Abraham Angle, 14 Peter Chat les, 60 Mifflin's heirs, 7 20 John Paulus' heirs, 24 Nuihan Snyder, 5 14 Henry Savits, 63 Amhariv Snyder, 1 95 Heiny Zupnitigcr, 68 1853. MrClure's estate, 12 Adam Kline, 2 0b 1854. McClure's estate, 12 Joseph Scbtuiear, 42 Orango. 1850. Elijah Everett, 3 24 1849. John T. Evans, 99 David Hrlderbrand, 48 Phebe Whitmire, 1 44 Pint. 1853. Andrew Bear, 2 22 Adam Bobb, 1 20 James Berry, 7 12 Jackvon Cavper, 80 Daniel Sltuliz, 6 75 John Sweeney, 1 64 E. Taylor, 1 87 A. Vallerchamp, 3 69 Philip Winlerateeo, 9 00 1854. Jamev Berry, 9 10 A. Vallerchamp 1 00 Philip WtHleratees, 6 00 Lewis Scbuyler, 2 00 James Berry, 5 20 Sugarloqf. 1852. Thomas Fitch, 2 71 Levi Hess, 2 58 Jo-epli O Hess, 2 31 Elivlia Hew, 2d 2 06 Nathan Harrison, 1 90 Philander Harrington, 67 Andrew He.s, 3 56 Joseph C. Hess, 2 13 George R. Hew, 18 Jacob Heriiugton, 1 35 lamer Seward, 2 10 Elisha Hess, 2il 45 Scoll. 1854. Jacob Abbot, 37 Jonathan Hiobvt, 60 Edmund Crawford, 38 Joseph Geiger, 1 30 Benj imin Jones, 77 VVdnam Long, 1 12 William Danvoti, 67 Philip Diellerich, 85 JACOB HARRIS, TREASURER'S OFFICE, ) Jjeasurer. Bloomrburg, April 1, 1856. ) First mflrriml! OF SPRUNG AND SUMMER GOODS! AC. MENCH respecllully informs his • friends, customers, and the public gen erally that he has just received from Phila Celphia the first goods of the season, consist ing of a large assortment of choice and de sirabie For the spring and summer tradecomprising, for men's wear: Superior Black, and Colored French Cloths, Black French Doeskins and Cassitnere. Black Satin and Fancy Silk Vesting*. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Cashmersttes. LADIES' WEAR. Elegant Black Silks, all qualities. Ksiege De Laines and Cltalli Bareges. Plain, Pink, Bine and Green De Laines. Bombazine Finish Black Alpacas. French, Scotch and Dnmesiio Ginghams. Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of all kinds and qualities. Calicoes of all patterns and descriptions. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Linen Damasks and Table Covers. Besides a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, and all kinds ol Groceries. Hardware, &c., which will be sold remarkably cheap. Call at the old stand, corner of Main and Market streets. BP* FLOUR & FEED always on hand, and lor sale at the lowest market price, for CASH. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomsbnrg. April 2, 1856. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Blooma burg, April 1, 1856. Allgood David Holler Mary Achenbach Almon Hsrvy Wm. B. Brunnsn Chas. Koons Wm. Bird Mery Kamp J. A. Buss Henry Lane John Cooper James Millet John Crawford & Robbins Mi-Math James E. Cline H. Phillips Wm. G. Cook Joseph Peck Anuh Campbell N. S. Rice John Citlbert Ann Read Francis Clatk Wm. Messrs. Richards Duller Matilda Snyder Henry F. Dimmii-kJ. SmeedE. C. Drum Eliza Williams Peter Enoch El Zabeth Wilcox Abr'm E. Elliott Euiline Weitmari Daniel Fmermar. Jubn Welllver Margaret Hess Wester Townson Jo*, ship Ho-kina Thomas Persons calling for the above letters will please say Ibe are advertised. PHILIP UN ANGST, April Ist. 1R56. P si. Money Wanted 1 A LL those whu know themselves indebted to U e subscriber on notes or accounts of mote than sis months' standing, are re* quested to make settlement and payment ol such accounts by the first day of May next. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomsbnrg, March 26, 1856.—6w. HEN |T 4*LAHTERS! FLOUR & FEED. WHEAT FLOUR. BUKWHEAT FLOUR, Corn Flour, Corn Chop. Com & Oats Chop, Rye Chop, Buckwheat Chop & Bran, Wheat Bran, RYE. CORN, AND OATS BY IHE BUSHEL, constantly on band and lor tale at the store of lite subscriber. Lan 2d— if. A. C. MENSCH. GRAND JURORS FOR MAY TERM 166#- I Blnnr— Edward Hartinon, George Wea -1 ver, Joseph W. Hendershot. Bnstcreek—John Connor, Jr. Centre— Joseph E. Frederiras. Franklin—William Rnhrbaek. Greenwood—James Manning. Hemlock—H. W. Mcßeynolds, Isaac Lei dy. Jackson— John Yniks. Locust—Benjamin Wagnef, Clark Stewart, WilTiam Hushes, John Lindenfnnth. Mourn Pleasant—Amos Haycock, Joseph Crawford, William Miller. 5- . Mifflin—Nathan Snyder. ' Montour—Joseph Mcnser. Madison—John Bskhitl. Orange—Peter P. Kline, Benjamin Jones. Pine— Isaao.Tyler, Isaac Lyons. Traverse Juror# FOR MAY TERM, 1 866. Bloom—Mariin C. Woodward, Stephen Knnrr, M. K. Applemun, Charles Thomas, A. C. Mensch. Brierrreek—Levi Bredbenner, G. A. Bean, Peler Hayman, Isaac Bower. Caliawissa—S. B. Deimer. Centre—John Hill, Jacob Hill, Daniel Hart man. Hemlock—John Winner, Matbias S. Ap plemaa, Samuel Brugler, Reuben Folk. Jackson—John Rantz. Locust —Jacob Ftsher, sr., Obadiah Camp i bell, Daniel Leiby, John Reinbold, Jonathan Hngeland. ' Mount Pleasant—John C. Worden, Peler Jacoby. Andrew Crouse. Madison —Robert Miller. Orange—David Achenbacb, John Remlay. Pine—George Slackhouse. Rnaringcreeft—Daniel Geathips- Scoit—Robert Hagenbuch, James Wright. Snaarloal—John Fritz, Henry C. Hess, Da vid Lewis. List ol Cause# Tor Trial at May Term, 1856. 1. Petet Melick el al. vs. Samuel F. Head ley el al. 2. A. B. Htlliard vs. Daniel Sponenberg. 3. William B. Peierman vs. George Paint er and his wife. 4. George Otnen vs. Andrew Croose. 6. Eli Freeman vs. Henry Manz. 6. John Gerlirig el al. vs. Charles F. Mann. 7. Alexander Edgar vs. Darnel F. Seiberl. 8. Samuel L. McCullock el al. vs. Samuel F. Headley. 9. William Konns vs. George L. Kline, et al. 10. William Knons vs. George L. Kline. It. C. C. Baldy vs. DanielS'pnuenberg. 12. James V. Hart et aL vs. David MsKin ney. 13. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania el al. vs. Peler BiUmeyer. 14. "Thonrae H. WiWests*. Samuel F. Head ley. 15. Daniel Kestenbadervs Jacob Stein. 16. Parlip Cooper vs. William Sloan: 17. Frederick Scale's Ex. vs. Philip Win ters'een. 18. Benjamin Pelerman vs. Andrew Dau bach. 19. Jonathan Masteller vs. Benjamin 7. Hartnian. 20. The Bloomshnrg Railroad Iron Co. vs. Edinnnil Ctanfnrd. 21. The Township of Rriercreek vs. Augus tus B Pnarce. 22. William Sloan vs. Philip Cooper. 23. William Brown's admr. vs. Samuel L. Bettle. 24. Samuel Gidtiis etal vs. Alfied McClure's adiniuisiraior. 25. Jeremiah H. Harman vs. Andrew Mal com. 26. Joseph S'ar.khnnse vs Gilbert Fowler. 27. Amos Ellis vs. Dier Morse. 28. Cl.arlee Hill vs. Enoch Uiuenhonse. 29. Adam Kline et. al. tu. Charles F. Mann, et. al. T 30. Jane M. Berninger vs. W. A. Kline. 30. Malauclhori Baker vs. Richard Torby. Cxecntor'# IVotice. TVOTILE ii heret.y given thai lonera lesta * * mentaiy upon the estate of Jacob Gear hart, late of Mifflin township, Col. county, deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing in the said township of Mif flin. All persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to make payment without de lay, and these having accounts against tbe estate to present them lor settlement to STEPHEN GEARHART, JACOB GEARHART, Mifflin twp., March 6, 1856. Executors. Executor'# Notice. IVOTICE is hereby given that letters lesta •L* mentary npon the estate of William Ab bott, late of Centte township. Columbia Co., deceased, have been grained to the under signed residing in ihe said township of Cen ire. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment without de lay, and those having accounts to present ihein for seiilement to SOLOMON NEYHARD, Executor. Centre iwp . Marnh jo 1856. Executor's Notice. IVOTICE is hereby given that loners testa mentary upon the esiale of Savilla Beat er, late of Fisliingcreek township, fcoluinbia county, deceased, have heeti grained lo ihe undersigned residing in the township of Fish ingcreek. All persona indebted to Ihe said estate are requested to nr.ake payment with out delay, and those having accounts for set tlement to present them to SAMUEL J. BEALER, Fishingcreek, Feb. 23, 1356. Ex'r. Auditor's Notice. Estate of William Prior, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given to creditors and all other persons interested, thai Edward H. Baldy, auditor appbinled by the Orphans Court of Colombia county, lo distribute the a.sets In the hands of Joho R. Moyer, ad- I ministrator of Wtllian Prior, deceased, will [ attend to the duties of his appointment al the I office of Rrobert F. Clark in BfOomsburg, on Friday the 2d pay of May next, al 10 o'- clock. A. M. EDWARD H. BALDY, March 24. 1856 Auditor. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Jacob R. Hower, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given to creditors and all others interested, that Robert F. Clark, auditor, appointed by ihe Orphans Court ot Colombia County, to distribute the asset* in the hands of Lewis Yetter, administrator ol Jacob H. Hower. del-eased, will at tend to the duties of his appointment at Ihe house ol Jacob Dyer, in Cattawissa, at 12 o'clock, M , of Monday, tbe 28th day ot April next. ROBERT F. CLARK, March 24, 1856. Auditor. Wood's Oruaueutal Iron Works, RIDGE AVENUE, I'HILADGLPAIA. THE attention of thS inhabitants of Penn sylvania are invited to the oaaonaive Manufac tory and Warsiooma of the subscriber, who is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Iron Railing of etery description, fr Cemeteries, public end privets buildings, also Verandahs; Fouutains, Chairs, Settees, Lions, Dogs and other ornamental iron wotka of decoiativechar ade". Purchasers ma) rely on having oil ar ticles carefully board and shipped to their dee. liuation. A book of designs will be furnished to those wishing to make .elections. ROBERT WOOD, Ridge Avenue, below Spring Garden St., PHILADELPHIA. September 27, 1855. I To Those Wanting Cheap Clothing. kgaßsicvrtn CSBCD. HAVE just received and opened their einclr of merchandize for Fall and Winlex files, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assort mm. I now offered in this.TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flattei themselves that they ean compete with the cesopttf, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Warps 'o supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool pluidv, alpacas, bombazines, de t>ages, poplins, paramatta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths. Ginghams, Calicoes, Sic. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs. Bouncings, bands anil trimmings, laces anil edging*, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread ulnves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds ot SHAWLS, broche, Bay Stain. Waterville, block silk, cashmere, Embroder bd, &c. Also a very large assortment of clotbs, cassimers, saltinetts,, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS t( SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN l[ CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarwaro, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats mas, baskets, itc. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, lowelings, drillings. &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el<e where. We have bongbl our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will uot be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. sSa.ixci.aam UDa*cs>ai?aasfi£3 <£2s <2Baa B HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Spring &, Summer Clothing! In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on band a large and full assortment of FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, bufl, casimere, marseilles, linen and wureted of all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine white, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Huts. Caps. Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and ' anna sgtßiz , . Tltey have Undersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigalelts, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, each as Rings, Breast pins, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons. BP" Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, April 3, 1856. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. New arrival of Spring & Summer Goods ! DAVID lO7TEUBIRG INVITES attention to his etock of cheap snd fashionale tlothing at his store on Market street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including lyAssmiia&srAißOß ©mass. gox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof nil colore, shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravals, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancv articles. N. B. ' He will also make lo order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1. 1856. The !h'l Collection of Glees SSier Published. TIP-TOP GIJ'E AND CHORDS BOOK. A new and choice collection of Copy rights never before harmonized, and many of the Clems of modern Ger man and Italian Composers, nrrang e<t in a familiar style, and adapted to the use of Glee Clubs. Singing Clas ses, and the Family Cire/e, By C. J as-vl* and J. A. Getze. This work contains a great number of new ami favorite Songs, harmonized in a style adapted to general purposes, while many of the Gems of Mendelssohn, Abt, Kitchen, and other celebrated composers, are presented in an original form. The great variety of musical compositions here introduced, eminently adapts it to the taste and capacity of the Singing School, the Glee Club, and the Family Circle. BW PRICE—ONF DOJ.I.AR Just pob'ished by Lee Bc. Walk er, No. 188 Chestnut Street, and J. If. LIPPINCOTT & Co., No. ao North Fomth Street, Philadelphia* DU9 Sample copies will be sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of 91. March 20, 1850.—4rn. STOVES! STOVES! STti VESt SUARPLESS ,V JHELICK HAVE opened a new Slum and Tinware Establishment, on Alain street one door above the Court i hoo.p, where tliey are pre pared to furnish goods iri their line such an Tin. Sheet Iron, Hollow Ware. Brass Kettles, Cast Iron Sinks. Frying Fans. Stove Pipes, all kinds of Tin Ware, Broom Wire 4*r., at extremely low Prices. Among their variety of SOCK STOVES, may be found the Home Air Tight, William Penn. Globe. Coal Mountain, Miners' Choice Van Leer's Kitchen Comfort, Double Oven, the celebrated Kaub Cooking Stove for coal or wood, and others, too numerous to men tion. Also Parlor Grates, Office and Parlor Moves. in great variety. Tin Roofing, Gutters, Lead ers, and ail kinds of work made to order, at the shortest notice. Repairing of all kinds'attended to. Bloomsburg, April 27th 1854.—tf. To those who wish Farms- TO have fertile land at a cheap price and on easy leims, your addition is called to the RIDGWAY LAND & COAL COMPANY. Twenty-five acres, or more in propoition, are given for 0200, payable in irisialmenla of ft per week or 84 per month. It ia located in Elk county Pennsylvania, and has one of the best market< for its produce in the State. The toil is a rich loam, and is not to be surpassed for farming, as examination will show. It hai the best element* of prosperity, being underlaid by TWO RICH VEINS OF COAL, and Will shortly be intersected by four Rail roads. The Timber is of the most valuable kind ; Title unexceptionably good, and war rantee deeds are given. It presents a good, and substantial opportunity to commence farming, providing for one's children or making an investment. Further particulars can be had from the pamphlets, Which are sent to i'lquirers. Letters Hitswererl prompt ly. Apply or address SAMUEL W. CAT TELL. Secretary, 135 Walnut street, north side between Fourth and Fifth streets, Phil adelphia. Full information ia contained in the pamphlets. March 27, |Rsfi. BLIXU* Al* I* SHADES, Cy AT REDUCED |> J. WILLIAMS, Nn. 12 North S.xth St., Philadelphia. Originator of all new styles, of Venetian Blinds, Bonleied and Paint ed Shades, ol beautiful designs. Buff, and all other colors of Holland, used lor Shades, Trimmings, Fixtures, Ire., &c. K.J. VV., ihanklul for past palrouage, re spectfully solicits the citizens of Columbia unonty to call and examine hit large assort ment before purchasing elsewhere. R?"WE STUPV TO PLXiß Philadelphia, April l, 1856. COAL!COAL! fIHEAP FOR CASH, for sale at the Canal v or in town at the store of Oct. 11, '66 A. J. EVANS, j A MARVELLOUS REMEDY t FOR A MARVELLOViI AGE THE GRAND h.Xt KttNAl. REMEDY! BY the aid ol h microscope, we see minion of little openings on the sOrlace of our bodies. Through these this Ointment, whfch rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ or inward part. DießS?s fit" the Kidneys, dis orders of the Liver, affections of the heart, Inflammation on the Lungs, A-tntnas, coughs and colds, are b) its means effectually cured. Every housewife knows that salt pusseslree ly through bone or mest ol any thickness. This healing Ointment far more readily pen ettates through any bone or fleshy part of the living body, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot be reached by other means. Erysipelas, Salt Rheum and Scorbutic Humors. No remedy has ever done so much for Ihe cure of disease of the Skin, whatever form they (nay assume, as this Ointment. No ease of Salt Rheum, Scurvy, sore heads. Scrofula, | or Erysipelas, can long Withsinru! its influ ences. The inventor has traveled ovef many par s ~| the globe, visiting the principle tins pi,.its, dispensing this Ointment, giving ad vice as to its application, and has thus been the means of restoring countless numbers ol health. Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Wounds and Ulcers. Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the use of this wonderlul Ointment, when having to cope with the worst cases of sores, vCounds, ulcers, glandu lar swellings.add tumors. Prof. Holloway has by command of the Allied Governments,dis patched to the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the direction ot the Medical Stall, in the worst cascsof wounds. It will cureany ulcer, glandular swelling, stifTness or contraction ol the joint#, even of 20 years' standing. Piles and Fistulas. These and other similar distressing com plaints can be effectually cured if Ihe Oint ment be well rubbed in over the parts affect ed, and by otherwise following the printed directions around each part. Both the Ointment and Pills should be Used in the following cases: Bunions, Lumbago, Burns, Mercurial Erup- Cnapped Hands, lions, Chilblains, Piles, Fistulas, Rheumatism, Gout, _ Salt Rheum, Skin Diseases, Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Swelled GlanJs, Sore Heads, Stiff Joints, Sore Throats, Sores of all kinds, Sprains, Scalds. Ulcers, Wounds of all Venereal Sores, kinds. Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all re*pdctable Drug gists and Dealers ol Medicines throughout the United States, and the civilized world, in Pots, at 25 cents, 62i cents, ami $1 each. SWF' There is a considerable saving by takitig lhe larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. July 19. 1855. To Builder# nnd Other#. WANTED, to establi-n art Agency for the sale of Wood Mouldings, ol which there are from 920 to 9200 worih used in ev. ery house that is built Our advantages, in the use of a Machine that will work a whole hoard into mouldings at ohe operation, and tne large amount of capital emplovwd by the Company, to give a liberal com mission. Pattern book lure,i s hed,containing 250 patterns. • Addiew sir-.. -'A J D DALE ' Willow Twelfth. Pnild'a. Jan 16, 1855. •* BLANKS! BLANKS M BLANKS II DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBFfENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, papet andDbirable forms, fo- sale at the office of of the North." township, tbe matter of Jnhntoo itt a decree anee contract i nn John Johnson, Zitrler Caiharine^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Henneh wife, Jane Johnson; Anna county Barbara the Philad'elpnn^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^B late the city of Philadelphia, to '* nhati* Court, to be held at Bloomslio^^^^^^H ', and for the aid county, oh the . First Monday of May next, )• to answer the prayer of the petition, and show cause, if any they have, why specific performance of the contract ot Jacob John- - sou with tl\e said decedent should not be de cfeed' by the said court. !- ) Certified from the record Feb. fl, 'B6. • L. S. f JACOB-EYERLY, • The partiei above named wiii take noticw , of the above rule. STEPHEN H. MILLER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, 1 I Bloom.burg, Feb. 9, 1856. J ; 1000 TONS No. 1 - SUPER-I'IiOSPIIATE OF LIME* DF.BURG'S Original and Gennine, warrant e<l Of superior quSpiiy, the cheapest n.anur* ;| in the world. Farmers arid dealers snpplied J j at low prices. s EX I'll A QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5,000 barrels Extra Quality Laud Plaatar, selected for its fertilizii g quality. 10 000 bushela of same in bulk. 10,000 barrels best quality Ordinary Land Plaster, equaf to the best uaualy sold, at th low price of 20 cents per bushel, or $1.19 per barrel, with a deduction for large lota. 25,000 bushels of same in bulk. I 1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster. , 1,000 " Casting < 500 " Dentist " 6,060 " Hydraulic Cement. ( 1,000 " True Roman " Peruvian Guano. Tn is article we offer in confidence (o ot.r i coslomers, as equal in any imported and far , superior to most in the market. 10,000 bags of this superior Guano, for sale, at the lowest market rates. Also, Poudrette, , Mexican Guano. Ground Charcoal, tic. ice. FRENCH, RICHARDS k CO. At the Steam Plaster Mill*, junction York Avenue and Callowhill Street, Philadelphia. February 14, 1856. New Wholesale Drug Store, No. 28 South Second Street, t'IIILADDI.PIIIV ]\T SPENCER THOMAS, IMPORTER, A * Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dve Stuffs Paints, Oils, Colors, While Lead', I French and American While Zinc, Window i Glass, Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instru ments. Ground Spices, Whole Spicea, and ail other articles usually kept by Druggists, in eluding Borax, Indigo. Glue. Shellac, Polath, &c. Ltd. &c. All nrderi by mail of Otherwise promptly attended to. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to call and examine our stock be fore_pntrh**ing elsewhere. 4* GOODS sent to any of the Wharves ot Rail Road Stations. Prices low and good* warranted. Philadelphia, Marrh 6 1836-ly. WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS. Y.J AVINO purchased ihe interest of Par risk ■" Ijr Hough, in the Wall Paper Business, we now have at our store, N. £. Corner of Jirch tf Third Streets, a lull and complete assortment of WAI.L and WINDOW PAPERS,FIRE-BOARD PRINTS &c. &c. &c. Relying npon our ability to snpplv all or ders at prices ro compete with bouses in ihie oily or New York, we confidently invite an examination of our stock. We especially call attention to onr Window Papers; embra cing Fine French Green, Sutin Green and Blue SATIN, AND IINGLAZED FIGURED, all 4-4 wide. PARRISH & BRADSHAW, Successors to Parrish $ Hough N. E. Cor. An:|i & Thiru Sit. „ „ A PHILADELPHIA. N. B —-On reasonable notice being given, Paper will be hnng at city prices. P. &B. March 20, 1856—3 m. | Premium Improved | Supcr-rhoNpliate ol' Lime. THE ONLY SILVER MEDAL yet awaid ed by Agricultural Societies, was given to this soperior article, at the last Pennsylva nia Stale Fair, at Harrisburg, as a Ferti'izer of the best quality lor , Wheat, Corn, 0a(8, Grass A Potatoes, Rasing Heavy Crops, and greatly Improving the soil. The subscriber respectfully informs Farmers and Dealers that he is prepared to supply the Spring demand at the old price. AGENTS WANTED.—A liberal discount allowed. ALSO, Ho. I PERUVIAN A MEXICAN GUANA. POUDUKTTG AND LAND PLASTER. Oils, Candles, Soap. tfc. Ol the best quality, at lowest market rates. JOHN L. POME ROY, 9 & 10 South Wharves, below Market St. Philadelphia. BP"Farmers can load on two private alleys, and avoid the crowded Wharf. March 4, 2836—3 n. H. B. FUSSELL^ Umbrella A Parasol Manufacturer, No. 2 North Fourth Street, North West Corner of Ma'ket, Philadelpt isj II AS now on hand an extensive assortment of the newest and most desirable kiudt including many . • not heretcdore to be had in the examination or our stock'ia purchasing elsewhere. •* Of Prices as low at any heuse In 0 March 24 1856 iIiUKPHV A KOON& VM f WHCM.KfIVLK DKSLKHS IN FISH, CHEESE AND PROVISIONS, No. 47 Nnnh Wharvea. hehiw A D met I u^Uj^B VISIONS, at promptly February J^Anuch for Bloomburg,