The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 14, 1856, Image 2

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    The enterprising Joab reaped an abundant
harvest of dimes, and floods of papers pour-'
ed into the Brooklyn post-office, each one
containing his advertisement marked, agree
ably to its conditions, and a few words writ
ten upon it by the editor, making his choice
bet ween the valuables promised by Sargent,
and directing how to send the books, when
they were the articles selected. These pa.
per* were of course charged with letter post
age, and as the quantity which had arrived
Wis becoming somewhat troublesome by its
balk, (since Joab took very good care not to
inquire for them,) the postmaster sont to 2(>6
Hicks Street, in ordej to notify him of the
mass of news wailing for him at the office,
as well as to make some inquiries concern
ing tlie voluminous correspondence in which
Mr. Sargent was engaged. But the person
sent, returned with the report, "nan ut inven
tus," and the wary deceiver, having doubt
less taken the alarm, came no more to the
office to inquire for the letters ; so that al
though the rogue was "unwhipped of jus
tice," a siop was put to his unrighteous
glins. This ease may serve as a warning to
all, to look with distrust upon such adver
tisements emanating from unknown individ
uals, especially if the promises made are out
of proportion to the '-value received." In
the piesein imperfect state of human nature,
it is not common to find an individual offer
ing through the papers most disinterested
proposals for the good people in general,
without the lact coming to light sooner or
later, that ha had rather more prominently in
view his own good in particular. And I will
conclude with the following aphorism,—if
you want onion seed, or anything else, send
where you know yon will not be cheated.
Of the Citizens of Indiana and Westmoreland
praying for the passage of a law to prevent
the sale of Tobacco to Miners:
To the Honorable Senate and House of Rev
resentalives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, in General Assembly met I —The under
signed, citizens of pouions of Indiana and
Westmoreland counties, respectfully pray
your honorable bodies to pass a law prohib
iting, under sufficient penalties, the soiling
or giving away of Tobacco, in any of its
forms, to minors or persons under 21 years
of age, except on the written order of tpe
parentsor guardians of such minors.
In coming before yon with this request,
your petitioners are fully aware of the im
portance and magnitude of the evil for which
(hey seek a preventive at your hands. We
•re not professional agiiators, nor captious
fau'tfinders against the usages and practices
ol the times in which we live ; but we look
■with anxiety and alarm npon the wide spread
and rapidly increasing progress of a habit, '
which 100 many of us know ol our own ex
perience to be an unmitigated evil. If the
•trong man, by healthy and invigorating ex
ercise, is scarcely and but seldom able to
ward off the injurious effects of the use of
Tobacco, what must be the extent of iu del
eterious results, in die case of the unmatured
■od undeveloped youth ! With anxiety ap
proaching to dismay, we look upon the pale
and wasted forms of our children, under the
influence of a habit, ofieniirntn- clandestinely
formed, fiom whose powetful and baneful
fascination, we know that no parental vigi
lance can save them. How a praciice that
is so utterly and entirely bad, and unpos
sessed of a single redeeming good, could
have so long unnoticed held its pernicio'us
sway over an enlightened and Christianized
people, we are at a loss to know.. We be
lieve that all the enlightened medical testi
mony in the world will bear us out in saying
that its most common result is to debilitate
and impair every vilal furction ol ihehnmnn i
frame. Whilst it directly produces some of
our bodily diseases, and indirectly predispo
ses to many others, it is a fact established by
•biuidant testimony, that upon the mind im
becility and insanity are in mauy cases ow
ing to its work. It is a most potent poisnn, |
and as a medicine, in subjects unused to its
influence, has to be adminisered with more
than common care ; and though death may
not be often immediately produced by il,
how it it possible thai we can look upon (fie
-early use of such an article by our chilJron
with complacency and content I Nor will it
do to allege that the bolter judgment of man
hood wilt correct a habit thus indiscreet'y
formed in youth, ft grows with the growth
of its victim, end so strong and abiding are
the sympathies which it creaies wiih every
fibre of his frame, and so seductive are its
influences over die mind, that comparalive'y
but very few are ever able entirely to break
away from the thraldom which its long in
dulgence haa induced. As parents we be
lieve that scarcely any gieater injury could
be done our children, than that ol bringing
them inte boudage to this most vile and hurt
ful habit.
But we have no dispute with those who
may differ from us in opinion on this sub
ject. Nor do we wish in any way to assail
their privileges or their riehts ; all that we
ask is that your honorable bodies will, by
granting our request, enable us and those
who think with us, to guard the moral and
physical well being of those whom Goil bas
committed to our cara.
THE '• Pittsburg Post" asks the pertinent
question : "What will become of the Repub
lican paity, when Kansas i admitted as a
free State into the UuirnJ" That Kansas
will be received into the Confederacy as a
free Slate, is almost certain. The prinoiple
•f popular sovereignty, operating in that
Territory, will effect the great end, without
the extraneous assistance which the Repub
licans in the North are determined to give to
the cause of Freedom in Kansas. What the
Republicans will resort to as the means of
•ustaining their existence, after ibis most
probable event, take* place, is a question
which can ouly be answered by political
philosophers of more than ordinary penetra
tion. The exclusion of slavety from Kan
sas being the sole foundation of the Repub
lican struoture, when thai debateable ground
is eventual)-, by the act of ita own people,
enclosed within the area of freedom, there
will be a most disastrous tumbling down of
the Republican upper-works.
OT The Juniatta county Issue List for
February Term, comprises only four oases.
llloomnhtirff, Thnrsdii)'. Feb. 14, 185(1.
At December court, Peter Kline, Esq., An
drew Madison and Jonathan Former,as view
ers, made report to divide Locust township in
this county, cutting off the Southern end and
calling it "CONYNOHAM," after the presiding
Judge of our Court. The division line be
gins at a corner of Northumberland county,
near the south branch of Roaiingcreek, be
tween the Big and Little Mountain, at a path
called the Indian or Yarnall Path, and run
ning thence along or near that Path to the
top of Little Mountain, 4nd thence along on
top of Little Mountain to the township line
between Locust and Roaringcreek townships-
Last week the report was finally confirm
ed, and the new township has therelote a le
gal existence. The election for township of
ficers of Conyngham will this spring be held
at the usual place of holding the election in
Locust, which is at the hour* of Duvid Rein
bold in Numidia.
Locust was heretofore the largest township
in the county, having been from 12 to 14
miles in length and from 8 to 10 miles in
width. The new township is entirely a coal
region, while the part which now remains to
be called Locust is a farming district. A
number of valuable improvements l ave been
made at the coal openings of Conyngham;
and wiihiu the past year the property of one
Coal Company alone has increased some
840,000 iri value. The whole unsealed Coal
Land of '.he township has increased some
880.000 in value. Of this unseated land the
Locust Mountain Coal & Iron Company own
about 4,000 acres, the Coal Run Improve
ment Company abuut 1600 acres, and the
City of Philadelphia about 3900 acres.
The teachers of the county will do well to
remember thai die next meeting of the Insti
tute is to be held at Light Street on the Ist of
, March. The people Of that place take a
| proper priJe in the success of their schools,
i and we feel assured that they will give the
members of the Institute a reception that
will both please and instruct.
Close of Court.
In the case of Shnman til. Sltuman Iried in
Court of last week the jury returned a verdict
I for the defendants.
In the case of Joseph Sharpless vs. Jamison
Harvey the plaintiff's claim was for work
done and delivered, and a verdict was given
for'he whole of plaintiff's demand.
In the case of Julia Ann Harder vs. Samuel
Harder for a divorce, jury found for the libel
lant, thus granting a divorce.
Au Error-
The balances of taxes which appear in the
annual summon* ugainsl Reuben Knillle,
Jacob Sline and Lewis Eckroal were paid by
these collectors to the Treasurer before the
annual selilement and they have reoeipts in
full. They had not been credited on the
Treasurer's Book, and the officers who made
; the annual settlement therefore found these
j balances standing open. They have since
. iheir publication been corrected by the late
I Treasurer.
Daddnw & Co., the celebrated book auction
eers, who have been nightly disposing of a
splendid and varied assortment of works in
every department of literature, informed us
that in consequence of other engagement,
tliey cannot possibly remain among us be
yond Saturday nignt.
Il affords a rare opportunity of purchasing
at extremely low prices the best standard
editions of the Poets, History, Biography,
Theology, Travels, Fine Arts and Sciences,
Agriculture, Mechanics, &c. &o , also a su
perior lot of Family Bibles in various styles
of hinoing ; children's books, &c. &c.., in
fact good books of every kind and to suit
every body. Give them a call.
OR POSTPONED. —The second annual dis
tribution of the Cosmopolitan Art Associa
tion, has been postponed from January 31st
to the 28th of February, when it will positive
ly lake place. The advantages of becoming
subscribers to this Institution are fully set
forth in the advertisement in another column.
For 83, a person receives a standard periodi
cal of that price and a share of the distribu
tion ol works of art, worth thousands of dol
lars. It is yet lime to subscribe. Send on
your names at oncp.
TYTITB Buss OF MARRIAGE. —Matry when
you like. There is nothing now to prevent
it. They must love you if you love litem,
and wish to inspire them with a tender pas
sion for yourself. Ptofesser Rondoul's bonk
tells the whole etory. He gives you the se
cret Plenty of marriages will be the result.
Nobody will remain in single blessedness,
when he or she can wed whom he or she
may wish. It is a rare seQret. The book
Is called the "Bliss of Marriage." See the
advertisement in another column.
CHAKUK OF F.LKCTIO*.— At the Court on
last week an election was ordered to be held
in Jackson township, along with the Spring
election on the 21st of March, to test the wish
of the people upon the question of changing
the place of holding the election* ir. that
MISSINO!— The following numbers of the
"Star" are missing from our files, and we
will be under obligations to anv of our friends
who can furnish them to us: Vol. 1, nos. 48.
V 01.2, not. 14, 15,88,41. Vol.B, nos. 10,
22, 85, 36. Vol. 6, no. 52.
vv Zimmerman, the Democratic candi
date was elected Mayor of Lancaster oity on
Tuesday, beating Albright, the Know Noth
ing candidate, upward* of 300.
BP" A thinly dressed young lady recently
died with cold while taking a sleigh-ride in
Cumberland county.
BT Luzerne couuty has over *16,000 in
the county treasury. A nioe star: for new
public building*.
A New Railroad Acl.
The following is the act relative to Rail
roads, as it passed the House of Representa
Section 1. Be it enaoted, &c., That the sev
eral railroad companies of the Commonwealth
shall, within nine montha after the passage
of this act, erect and thereafter maintain good
and sufficient fences along the lines of their
roads, wherever the same may be necessary
for the protection of private property and the
prevention of acoidents, together with such
cattle guards and other erections and devices
aa required, in connection with such
fences, for the said object of protection and
prevention ; and upon default of any oompa
; ny to erect such fences, cattle guards, erec"
lions and devices as aforesaid, within the
time mentioned, such company shall pay
treble damages for any injury to person or
property occasioned by such default.
Section 2. That upon petition to the Court
of Common Pleas of any county of this com
monwealth, setting forth a necessity for the
fencing of any Railroad iu such county, the
said court shall appoint five competent and
disinterested viewers to examine the line of
the railroad, or any part or parts thereof, in
said county, which said viewers shall deter
mine what parts thereof require fencing for
the protection of private properly and the pub
lic safety and interests, and the kind and de
scription of feHce to be made, and they shall
make report to the court of their action and
judgment in the premises, with an accurate
draft of so much of the rose! as requires to be
fenced, whereupon the court may confirm
such report, and may grant reviews upon the
application of parlies aggrieved, and set aside
or amend any report of viewers or reviewers
upon a hearing of the case, and general'y
may proceed as provided by law, in the case
of the laying out of public roads in such
county, until final judgment upon the pro
ceedings, when the railroad company or own
er of such road may be ordered to establish
and erect within a reasonable time to be fix
ed by the court, such fence or fences as are
adjudged necessary as aforesaid; and the
courts may enforce their order or decree by
attachment or otherwise, as orders and de
crees of courts of inquiry are enforced in or
dinary cases, and generally in and about the
proceedings may exercise and enforce their
jurisdiction in the premises, and by virtue of
this act as the jurisdiction of courts of equity
is exercised in analagous cases, the proceed
ings in any case under the aot to be entered
of record, and the costs thereof to be paid
by the railroad company or owner of such
Section 3. That all fence;, cattle guard*,
erections and devices erected under tho pro
visions of this act, shall be kept at all limes
in gocd condition and repair by the corpora
tion or other owner of the road, in default of
which, or of the erection or proper election
of such fences, guards, erections and devices
under the order of the court, the railroad
company or owner of the road shall be liable
to treble damages to any party or person in
jured by such neglect.
Section 4- This act shall apply to all rail
road companies heretofore or hereafter incor
porated, the provisions of the first section
shall lake effect whether a view inay havu
been obtained under the second section or
not. The compensation of the viewers aud
reviowers shall be one dollar and fifty cents
per day, and they shall in no case be resi
dents nl any township, borough or watd,
through which the road they are appointed
to view may puss. Andthesttid viewers and
re-viewers shall be sworn or affirmed to per
for their duties with integrity and fidelity, and
shall give notice for at least one week in a
newspaper of the county, of the time and
place of view.
The new steamship Persia arrived at New
York on Saturday, about half-past nine o'-
clock. She brings dates to the 26th ult., one
week later.
The peace prospects are apparently pro
gressing, but some days must yet elapse be
fore the preliminaries can be secured, but
the Czar had ordered Gortschakoff to sus
pend hostilities in ll.e Crimea.
The order to cease hostilities has been
given by the Czar, without wailing for a for
mal aimistice, although it is rumored that an
armistice has buen agreed upon for three
France, England and Austria continue to
accord, although it is foreseen that grave
questions might arise duiing the negotiations
lor peace. No place of meeting has yet
been decided ; but a despatch received on
Friday, the 25th, the authenticity of which
is doubted, 6ays that it will be either Paris
or London ; and, also, that Baron Brunow
will be the Russian Plenipotentiary.
It will be at least the 2d of February be
fore all the preliminary signatures are ap
pended to the agreement to meet.
In the meantime, Consols are up. They
had reached 91, but closed on Friday al
901 a 9 0i. Money was slightly easier, but
the rates were unchanged.
American Slocks were in improved de
The American ships Horizon, Indepen
dence ar.d Mary Green have been lost.
The firm of Messrs. Kelly Si Gilmour, of
Manchester have failed.
The bullion in the Bank of Eugland has
increused £B,OOO.
Baron Brunow and Count Orlofl will ap
pear on the part of Russia.
THE WHIG PARTY.—The great defunot
Whig parly are indebted to Miss McDowell,
editress of the' Woman's Advocate," for the
following truthful and good nalured tribute to
their memory :-"We always liked the Whigs,
and are sorry for their downfall. They wore
such good clothes, looked so gentlemanly,
and bore so good-naturedly their every de
feat, that we hope they may have the luck
attending Jonah under similar circumstan
If, in the shifting aourse of human events,
the Whig party should be again re-instated
in their former high position among the polit
ical parties of the oonutry, they should no)
forget the lady who spoke of them so kindly
in the days of their prostration.
From the Harrisburg Patriot, j
It ia generally understood that in the case
of the contest for • seat in the House—be
tween Mr. McGhee, of Clinton, and Mr.
Beck, of Lycoming, that the Committee will
report in favor of the latter gentleman.
We were not present during the investiga
tion of the case—all we heard were the ar
gumentejrefore the Committee. The sitting
member ♦as represented by Mr. MoComb,
member from Lawrence—the contestant by
Mr. Buokalew, Senator from Columbia.—
Eaoh had the benefit of able connoil. Both
gentlemen served through friendship for the
respective parties.
From the argument of the oase we learn
ed that the contest was in consequence of
illegality in the place of holding the election
in a certain township in Potter County. The
contestant claimed that the vole of that box
should not be counted, and that he was,
therefore, entitled to'the seal. It was in ev
idence that the was held half a mile
distant, irom, and out of sight of the place
fixed by an act of assembly for holding the
same, and that it was different from that
named by the sheriff in his proclamation.
Mr. McComb contended that there was no
allegation of fraud—that the place where the
election was held was of the same name of
that fixed by an ac l of assembly—thai Mr.
M'U. received a majority of the votes cast,
and was, therefore, the rightful claimant to
the seat. Mr. Buckalew rested the case up
on a point of law upon which, he contended
the question would have to be determined;
that was, whether the board of election offi
cers had the right to hold the election in a
place remote from that fixed by an act of
assembly. He said that if they had power
to remove, half a mile, they could, with the
same propriety, hold the election at the edge
of the township, or even out of the town
ship. This struck us as a strong point, and
as both good law and good sense. It was,
doubtless, the point on which the committee
decided the case. The report will soon be
made by the Hon. Henry D. Foster, the
chairman of the committee, whose high re
putation as a lawyer is well known through
out the Stale.
The argument for the contestant urged that
the election was void and not merely irregu
lar, because the requirements of law as to
the time and place of an election are not di
rectory only but peremptory. An election
held at another place than that fixed by law
is void and ineffectual as one held at another
lime. When an aot fixes an election at a
house or other building it need not be held
in it, or precisely along side of it; it will be
held at the place if held near the house or oth
er building, in full view, a few steps or rods
distant. In such case the law is substantially
complied with, for it is to receive a reason
able construction. But an election held haif
a mile distant and out of view, is no more
held at the place, than an election held on
the third Tuesday of October would be at
the time fixed by law, and is equally null and
void. Besides public policy requires that no
such power in an election board as that of
removiop elenlions from place to placo should
be tolerated. If it obtain, there will be no
end to frauds, contests and expense.
II was wilh no ordinary pride and satisfac
tion that we lately had the honor of an intro
duction to one of the most eminent men of
the age, the English physician, Prol. Thomas
Holloway, a gentleman who has done more
lor the advancement of medical science than
nny other that can be named, not excluding
6uch renowned " savant " as Abercrombie,
Rush, Clark or Majendie. The Professor has
been recently traveling in the United States,
having visited this country for the purpose of
establishing a depot tor the sale of his medi
cines in New \ ork. It is true that our pub
lic have long been familiar with his great rep
utation, but, partly owing to the heavy duty
imposed upon imported medicines, and part
ly to the unwillingness of physicians and
druggists to advance the interests of a pro
fessioual brother, whose superior knowledge
and skill threatened to cast their own preten
sions into the shade, the sale (although great)
in America of his wonderful remedies has
not yei equalled the enormous demand which
exists throughout the whole of Europe, Aus
tralia, the East Indies, and most other parts
of the civilized world. It was for this rea
son that the Professor, a few months ago, de
termined to make New York the location of
a great American depot for the preparation
and sals ol his medicines, rivalling in extent i
and usefulness hia celebrated establishment
in London, which, as all travelers know, is '
one of the 'institutions' of that city. We have
reason to congratulate ourselves, and espe
cially our sick and afflicted fellow citizens,
upon his felicitous resolutions.
For by proceeding step by step, or. strictly
scientific principles, the Professor, at the
early part ot bis career, attained to • discov
ery which placed him avove all competition!
in the triumphs ol Ibe healing art. He no
ticed how muoh of the boasted medical
knowledge of the present day was empyrical,
and how littlle was really known of the laws
ol human physiology. Continuing his inves
tigations, a happy thought struck him, like
an inspiration, and he located the seat of ev
ery disease, —no matter what its nature and
diagnosis,—in the blood. The blood has vi
tality the blood is alive ;ii is indeed in the
language of Scripture, ' the Ife of man." If
Jhal -tream of existence is impure, how can
the person be otherwise than feeble, exhaust
ed, emancisted anj afflicted by various forms
of disease ? To purity the blood, and keep
it pure, is virtually, to banish sickness from
the earth. Hare tben is hope for the suffer
er. The poor invalid, despairing of recovery,
may go forlh into ths world a renovated and
strong man. Professor Holloway's treatment
eradicates all our uilments; whether they
are of the etomacb, liver, kidneys, lungs,
heart or skin, he relets their origin to the
blood and restores the apparently diseased
organ to pristine and perfect health. Know
ing this as we do from the experience ol our
friends, as well as from our own, we dis
charge bat a Samaritan duty to the publio,
by a cordial raoommendation of Holloway's
Pills and Ointment—the former for internal
derangement* of tha system; the latter for ex
ternal application to wounds and sorer, which
tave resisted every other so-called remedy.—
N. T. Atlas.
A SIGNIFICANT FACT.— Those fanatics who
are continually ranting against their brethren
of the South should study the lesson to be
learned from the fact that the most important
offices in the government are filled by north
ern meu. The President of the United Staler,
the Speaker of the House, the President of
the Senate, the bead Cabinet, and the occu
pant of our most important diplomatic poßt,
tha Minister to England, are all Northern
men. General Pierce and Mr. Banks are
from New England, Mr. Marcy and Mr. Bu
chanan r rom the Middle States, and Mr.
Bright from Indiana.
IF The Grand Jury of Susquehanna coun
ty last week ignored the indictment for Libel
in the Commonwealth vs. E. B. Chase. This
suit was brought by Judge VVilmol.
£7* A man in St. Louis has been fined SSO
for wearing a shawl. If women are fined
for donning in man's apparel, why not vice
versa ?
LarThe price of a good dray horse in Cal
ifornia ranges from 8400 to ssoo—a good
roadster SBOO, and a "werry las' crab," that
can go a mile in three minutes, SIOOO.
fcrr We are pleased to learn that J. Her
vey Ewing, formerly of Muncy, has turned
up as editor of the Williamsburg, (Va.j Ga
W An epidemic, following the character
istics of the smoll-pox, ragas to an alarming
extent in Jerseysbore-
IF" Parsons, tried at Hollidaysburg, for an
attempt to kidnap was acquitted by the Ju
IJF" The failcro of Barnum, the humbug,
is announced as probable if not absolute.
Cy Fo/ty-set-en liquor-sellers have beeu
indicted in Lancaster county.
B. P. FORTNER, Auctioneer,
On the 16th of February, in Cattawissa, the
tavern stand,one house and a tract of timber
land late the properly of Stacy Margerum.
On the 23d, in Franklin township, a house
and lot of Thomas Clayton.
On the 10th of March, at Lloyd Thomas',
Esq., in Franklin township, his entire rem
nant of metchandice and house hold goods.
On the 11th of Mareh, at the late residenco
\of Staoy Margerum, in Cattawissa, a largo
lot of liquor-house furniture, &o.
IF Persons who desire the services of D.
P. FOIUWEII as Auctioneer will do well
to engage hirn before advertising the dale of
their sale.
Holloway's Ointment nncl Pills, an unfailing
remedy for Scrofulous Sores. The eldest son
of Authony Barnet, aged 14, of TSalveslon,
Texas, was an awful sufferer, with Scrofu
lous sores on his limbs, the parents look hirn
to several doctors, and did all in their power
to alleviate him, but he only became worse.
A sister of Mr. Barnet, who had been cored
of a bad leg by Holloway'e Ointment and
Pills, took the child under her protection, sta
ting she would try what effect a few week 9
residence with her would do, no sooner had
she got him at her own bouse, than she tried
Holloway's Ointment and Pills, they soon
caused an imp.oved appearance in the child,
and after using them about ten weeks, every
symptom of his disorder had vanished like
snow before tho sun—such is the power of
these wonderful remedies!! They will also
cure all disorder of the skin.
Oil Sunday evening the 10th inst., by Rev.
E. Wadsivorth, WM. E. BARRET, M. D., and
Miss HARRIET L. FELLOWS, all of Huntington
Luzerne county.
On Wednesday the 6ih inst., al the residence
of Col. Paxtnn, in Cattawissa, by the Rev.
H. Tullidge, WALTER SCOTT, Esq., and Miss
MARY P. VASTINE, daughter ol Doctor Yastine
of St. Louis.
In Orangeville, on Sunday, at the Public
House of A. Howell, by the Rev. I. Bahl, Mr.
M. LONG, both of Huntington twp., Luzerne
County, Pa.
On the 6ih inst., by the Rev. E. N. Light
ner, Mr. BEVERLY W. MUSSELMAU, and Miss
ANN M. CLARE, both of Danville.
On the sth inst., by Rev. D. B. Cheney,
Rev. D. F. CARNAHAN, of Norristown, Pa., to
Mrs M. E. HILLS, .of Elmira, N. Y.
Itoama&q ~
In Berwick, on Sunday the 3d inst., SARAH
K., youngest daughter of the late Dr. A. B.
Si Frances Wilson, aged 10 years, 10 months
and 27 days.
Near Bloomsburg, at the residence of his
father. Rev. JACOB EYER, of the Methodist
Church, aged about 32 years.
The deceased possessed many estimable
qualities of character, and as his life was
exemplary and upright, so his dealh was
that of the Chrislain.
Teachers' Institute.
THE members of the Teachers' Institute
of Columbia county will meet in the upper
room of the new pnbliu school-house ir.
Light Street, on SATURDAY, the Ist day of
March next, al 10 o'clock A. M.
All the friends of education are invited lo
attend. R. W. WEAVER,
WM. BURGESS, Sec'y. fres'l.
February 13, 1856.
Distribution of Prizes.
'pHE distribution of prizes drawn will be
■* distributed by JESSE G. CLARK, at his
Book Siore in Bloomsburg, on the lOih day
February, and the prizes will remain in his
hands forty days from lhat date, subject lo be
called for al any day within that lime.
No properly will be distributed unless the
tickets which drew the prizes is presented.
President of the Committee.
Bloomshurg, Jan. 23, 1856.
Notice to Tax Collectors.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Collectors
A * of Slate and County tax, holding unpaid
duplicates for 1845 and previous years, that
all such duplicates must be settled and paid
to the County Treasurer by the 24th day ol
March next, or wriu for their immediate col
lection will be planed in the hands of the
Sheriff. The Commissioners will be at their
office in Bloomsburg on the 241h of March lo
meet Collectors. •
V By order of the Board,
Bloomsburg, Feb. 8, '56. Clerk.
THE Good Templars of Light Street, would
respectfully announce to the public, that they
will serve oysters and refreshments ou Val
entine's evening, Feb. 14th, 1856, at tne
Lodge, to raise funds for the besefit ol the
Order. The patronage of tbe friends of Tem
perance is reapeotfully solicited.
Light Street, Feb. 4, 1866.
BY viitue ol several writs of venditioni ex
ponae, there will be exposed to public
sale at the Court House in Bloomsburg on
A. D. '.856, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the
following real es'ate to wit :
AH tbose six certain tracts of land situate
in Beaver township, Columbia county, boun
ded and described as follows to wit;
No 1 called "STONE HALL," begining at
a post, thsnce by land of John Brady, north
12 degrees, west 262 perches to a post, thence
by land of Charles Hall, south 78 degrees,
west 271 perches to a ohestput, thence hv
land of Catharine Longenbmger, south 16
degrees and a quarter, oast 276 perches lo
a stone, and thence by lands of Deborah
Stewart and Thomas Brooks, north 78 de
grees, east 249 perches to the place of begin
ning, containing four hundred and thirty
eight acies and a half, and allowance of six
per cent, for roads, &c., be the same more or
less, on which is erected a stone houe, and
about half an acre of cleared land. There is
also u vein of stone coal opened oil this tract.
Another of iherr. called "TROY," beginning
at a post, thence by land of Jeremiah Jack
son, north 12 degrees, west 410 perches lo a
post, thence by land of VV, P. Brady, south
78 degrees, west 80 perches lo a white o .k,
south 12 degrees, east 80 perches to an ash,
south 78 degrees, west 130 perches lo a post,
thence by land of John Reese, south 12 de
grees, ea-l 263 perches 100 post, thence by
land of Thomas Brook, north 78 degrees, east
20 perches to a chestnut oak, sou b 12 de
grees, east 41 perches to a black oak, thence
by the same and land of John Wild, north
78 degrees, east 106 perches lo a black oak,
south 12 degrees, east 25 perches to a while
oak, end north 78 degrees, east 80 perches
to the pltce of beginning, containing four
hundred end twenty-nine acres and a quar
ter, and allowance ol six per cent, for roads,
Another of tbem called "PALMYRA," be
ginning at a post, thence by land of Robert
Gray, north 12 degrees, west 410 perches lo
a posi, thence by laud of William Sieedmau.
snulh 78 degrees, west 160 perches lo u post,
thence by laud ol John Brady, south 12 Je
grees, east 410 perches to a po-t. and thence
by land of John Wild and ltieharJ Brook,
north 78 degrees, east 166 perches to the
place ol beginning, containing four hundred
and one acres and a quarter, and allowance
ol six percent, for roads &c.
Another called BALBEC, beginning at u
poet, thence by lands of James McNeal, nonli
12 degrees, weal throe hundred and forty
two perches lo a chestnut oak,thence by land
of Wm. Gray and Wm. Steedman, souih sev
enty eight degrees, west 179 perches lo u
post, thence by lunds of Jeremiah Jackson,
south 12 degrees, east 410 perohes to a post,
thence by land of Richard Brook, north 78
degrees, east 73 porches to a dogwood,north
12 degrees, west 15 perches to a post, nordi
78 degrees, east 82 perches to a black oak,
thence by an old survey, rorih 12 degrees,
west 25 perches lo a hickory, and north 32
degrees, east 34 perches to ihe place of be
ginning, containing four hundred and twelve
and one half acres anj allowance ol six per
cent, for roads, &c, on which are erected
two log houses and two blahles, and about
twenty-five acres of cleared land.
Another called "FARMER'S DELIGHT,"
beginning at a post, ihence by land of Wrc.
Steedman, north 16} degrees, west 310 per
cites to a Spanish oak, thenco by laud of
Wm. Webb, souih 74 degrees, west 162 per
ches to a black oak, thence by land nl Thorn
as Say, south 16 degrees, east 20 perches to
a chestnut, Ihence by land of Cbailes IIVI,
south 84 degrees, east 362 perches to a pos l ,
ihence by laud of John Brady, north 78 de
grees, east 130 perches lo an ash, north 12
degrees, west 80 perches to a white oak and
north 78 degrees, east go perches to the place
of beginning, containing four hundred and
eighteen acres, und allowance of six per ceo I.
for roads, &c.
The other of them called "MAINE," be
ginning at a post, thence by land ol Wm. P.
Brady, north 84 degrees, west 362 perches to
a chestnut tree, lliencu by lands ol Thomas
Say and Jesse Budd, south 74 degrees, west
188 perches to a post, thence by land ofThos.
Bellas, south 55 degrees, east 89 perches to
a chestnut oak, thence by the same and land
of John Longenberger, south 188 perches to
a chestnut oak, thence by land ol the said
John Longenberger, south 76J degrees, west
124 perches to a post, souih 16J degrees, east
104 percliPs to a chestnut tree, and thence by
land of John- Reese, uorlh 78 degrees, eaii
271 perches lo the place of beginning, con
taining three hundred and eighty-one acies
and three quarters, and allowance of six per
cent, for roads, &c.
Seized taken in execution aoa to be sold
as the property of Jacob Loose.
SllEniFF's OFFCE, 1
Bloomsburg, Feb 9, '56. j Sheriff.
1 Vol. 12mo. Price 81 25, Magnificently
TTIHE many readers and admirers of "Farm
ingdale" will anticipate with pleasure a
new volume from the pen of "Caroline Thom
as," the nom de plume formerly used by Miss
Dorr. We can assure them that they will
not find "LANMERE''one whit less charm
ing than its predecessors. We shall be dis
appointed if the public do not award it yet
warmer praise.
A tale of Puritan times. By one of her de
scendants. 1 vol., 12mo. Price $1 25.
The scene of this Domestic Tale is lai.l du
ring that religious persecution of the Quukars
which is so deep and sad u stain upon the
bright fame of the Puritans. To the charm
of absorbing interest as a tale, it adds the at
traction of historical accuracy.
We have never announced new books
with greater satisfaction than in the present
instance. These ere not sensation books.—
They do not in any respect belong to the
'•'gutter literature," of the day. Differing
widely in plot, purpose and style, they may
aliko lay claim to fascinating interest and an
adaption to improve both head and heart.
BP" Any newspaper giving this advertise
ment three insertions, and sending us a copy
of paper with advertisement marked, will re",
ceive advance copies of the work, by mail,
post paid. MASON & BROTHERS,
Feb. 10, 3w. New York.
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration de bunts non upon the estate of
Abraham Ludwig, late of Cattawissa town
ship, Columbia county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned residing in Frank
fin township, Columbia county. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to the said es
tate are requested to make payment without
delay, and those having accounts the 1
estate to present them for settlement to
Administrator de bonis won.
Franklin twp., Feb. 8. 1856.
A LL persons who Enow themselr esindebt
ed to the subscriber on note, book ac
count, or otherwise, of mote than six months
standing, are requested to call and pay up
their indebtedness, if they wish to save costs
Bloomeburg, Feb. 13, 1856.
1000 TONS No. 1
DEBURG'S Original anil Genuine, warrant
ed of auperior quality, the cheapest manure
in the world. Farmers and dealers supplied
at low prices.
5,000 barrels Extra Quality bar.J Plaster,
selected for its fertilize g quality.
10,000 bushels of same in bulk.
10,000 barrels best quality Ordinary Land
Plaster, equal to the best uxualy sold, at the
low price of 20 cents per bushel, or SI. 10
per barrel, with a deduction for large lots.
25,000 bushels of same in bulk.
1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster.
1,000 " Casting "
500 " Dentist ■'
5,060 " Hydraulic Cement.
1,000 " True Koptan "
Peruvian Guano.
This article we offer in confidence to our
customers, as equal to any imported, and far
superior to most in the market.
10,000 bags of this superior Guano, for sale,
at the lowest market rates. Also, Poudrelle,
Mexican Guano. Ground Charcoal, Sic. Sin.
At the Steam Plaster Mills, junction York
Avenue and Callow-hill Street, Philadelphia
February 14, 1856.
Ten Dollars Rctvard!
JiROKE from Bloomsburg Jail on Salnrday
*-* night, January 26.h, SAMUEL FULL
MER, a prisonet. aged about 20 yearn Ha
is a little below medium size, of regt lar form
in person, and when he left was dressed in
a brown frock coat. The above reward will
be paid for the arrest ai d delirery to the
B'oomsburg jail of the Mud Samuel Fullmer
Bloomsburg. Jan 28, 1856. " Sheriff.
To Builder* and Others.
WANTED, to establish an Agency for
the sale of Wood Mouldings, of which
.here are from §2O to S2OO worth used in cv,
ery house that is built Our advantages, in
the use of a Machine that will work a whole
board into mouldings at one operation, and
the large amount ot capital employed by the
Company, enable its to give a liberal com
mission. Pattern book furnished, contairiir."
250 patterns. Address . "
Willow st,, above Twelfth, Phi Id'a
Jan 16, 1855.
Corn Flour, Corn Chop. Com & Oats
Chop, Rye Chop, Buckwheat Chop & Brail,
Wheal Bran,
BY THE BUSHEL, constantly on hand and
lor sale ai the store of the subscriber.
Jan 2d—if. A C. MENSCH.
Engravings lor Newspaper*
and Magazines.
THE subscriber has several thousand en
gravings of various subjects and sizes, suita
ble for illustrating newspapers an I maga
zines. He offers the use of them for taking
caM* or printing, lo the editorial fraternity
on very moderate terms. Address,
March 29, 1855. PHILADELPHIA.
TKE. Arch. Sheet, above Sixth, Phil'a.
THE STAK COMPANY, Composed of the first
Artists in the world, and exceoding in
Strength and Talent any Dramatic combina
tion heretofore offered to the Theatrical Pub
lic, will appear EVERY NIGHT in CnmedyO
Tragedy, Serio-Conuo Drama, Vaudevilles,
Musical Uurlepas. &c., Sic.
When visiting the ci: >*, go there.
Oct a—if.
VAT HAT can be mote essential lo every
' family, conntingroom, student, and
indeed every one who would know the right
Use of language—the meaning, orthography,
and pronunciation of words, than a good
English DICTIONARY I —of daily necessity and
permanent value.
is now '.he recognized Standard, '-'constantly
cited and relied on in our Courts of Justice,
in our Legislative bodies, and in public dis
cussions, as entirely conclusive," says Hon.
Can J make a be Her investment ?
Published by G. & C. MERRiAM,Spring
field, Mass.—sold by til Booksellers, in
Bloomsburg and elsewhere. Also. WEB
/~kF Clolhs. Cassimeres, Satineils, Kut.iucky
Jesns, Mu-hns, cotton and wool. Flan
nels, all wool Detain, Brnge Detain, Chara
bray, Silks satins, Long and Single Shawls,
€alicoe, Kuala, Cap*, Boots
and Shoes ol all sizes, Groceries, Hardware,
Iron, Steel, Nads, &0., &c.; iDfae.t everything
to make up a full and complete assortment,
I'ome and see.
Corn and Rye Chop constantly on hand and
for sale for CASII.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1855—1 m.
Public Sale ol' Real Estiile.
BY viitue of an order ol the Orphans' Court
of Columbia comity, Jacob. F liohrback Ad
ministrator of Jacob R.dirback late of Frank-,
lie. township Columbia county deceased, will
on Wednesday the sth day of March next at
I o'clock P. M. expose to public sale upon the
premises a certain
CE>£P IlaacvmdQL^
lata the homestead of said decedent, situate
in Franklin township Columbia county, ad
joining lands of Mary Haycock, Samuel B.
Deimer and Moses Hower, containing about
Two Hundred and Twenty-eight Meres.
On the property are a good dwelling house
u large log barn, a tenant house and stable.
There is an excellent spring of water Rear
the house,gud two apple orchards are on
the property. It i on the road leading from
Cattawissa to the Esther furnace. About
65 acres are woodland, and the remainder in
a good state of cultivation.
Terms made known on the day of sale by
By order of the Court. Admr
Franklin township, Feb. 6. 1856.
Wood's Ornamental Icon WorkSi
Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia.
THE attention of the inhabitants of Penn
sylvania are invited to the extensive Manufac
tory and Warerooma of the subscriber, who is
prepared to furnish at tbo shortest notice, Iron -
Hailing of every description, for Cemeteries,
public and private buildings, also Verandahs,
Fountains, Chairs, Helloes, Lions, Doge and
other ornamental iron woiks of decorative char
ade'. Purchasers may rely on having all ar
ticles carefully boxed and shipped to their des
tination. A hook of designs will b furnished
to those wishing to make selections.
Ridge Avenue, below Spring Garden St.,
September 27, 1855. . |t