The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, December 06, 1855, Image 3

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    EVERT READER will please notice the i
-t'vert'imient beaded ''To Personsout of Em- i
• i <inenl," and send for a full descriptive Cat- I
ti!-> :e of nil our Illustrated Works. \
To the unitiated in the great art of selling
bo ■we would say I hut we present a scheme
fn.- uioney making which is lar better than
til! -:.e gold mines ol California and Australia.
Any person wishing to embark in Ihe en
terpiise, will risk little by sending to the
Publisher, $25, for which he will receive sam
ple copies of the various works, (at whole
sale prices) carefully boxed, insured, and
directed, affording a very liberal per centnge
to the Agent for his trouble. With these he
will soon bo able to ascertain the luo-t salea
ble, and order accordingly. Address, (post
raid.) ROBERT SEAiiS, Publisher, 181
William Street, New York.
Holloway's Pills, the best Remedy in the
Union lor Female Complaints.—These Pills
are particularly recommended lo the citizens
of the Union for their extraordinary efficacy
ill female complaints; and they are alike
valuable either to Ihe daughter verging into .
womanhood, or ihe mother at die turn of life.
It has been proved beyond all comtradiction,
that thorn celebrated Pills will core all disor
ders to which lemalas are peculiatly subject,
and enable them to pass their critical peri
ods of life, without exposing themselves lo \
those dangers they too olteu incur by other
PILLS. —The combinations of ingredients in
these Pills# is ti c result of a long and ex I
tensive practice; tlity are mild in their oper. '
odor, and certain it, restoring natiiec to its |
proper channel In evjry instance It ve the!
Pills proved successful. The Pills inverts {
bly open those obstructions to which females j
are liable, and bring nature into its proper j
channel, whereby heath is restored, and the
polo and deadly countenance changed to a
healthy one, No female can enjoy goad
health unless she is egulat ; arid whenever |
an obatruction takes place, whether from ex
posure, cold, or any other cause, the general
health immediately begins to decline, snd the
want of such a remedy ha# beer, tho cause of •
so many consumptions among young female, j
To htdiea whoso hoalth will not permit an in |
crease of their family, these Pills will prove
a valuable acquisition, as they will prevent ]
I rcgnancy. Headache, pain in tho eijp# pal- |
pitadnn of the heart, loathing of food, and ;
distuibed sleep do most alwavs arise from the ;
interruption of natu.e; and whenever that is ;
the case, the Pills will invariably remedy all (
these evils. Nor ore they less efficacious in
the cure of Leueotrhoea, commonly culled the .
" Whites," These Pills should never be ta.
ken during pregnancy, as they would bo sure
to cause a niisesrrigac. Waranted to be purelv
Vegetable, slid free fiom anything injuiiuus lo
life or health. Full and explicit directions each box.
These Pills ore put up in square flat boxes.
.Perons residing where there are no agency
established, by enclosing One Dollar ill a let- j
ter postpaid to IV. 0.1,. Cheese in an, No. 267 I
Hleckcr street, New York Oily, can have litem
sent to their respective addresses hy return of
Dr. GEISSNER s Celebrated Menstrual Pills
have been long ai d widely known as invari
ably certain in removing any stoppage, irreg
ularity, or suppression of the metises.
In tho temale hospitals in Vienna, Paris, 1
and Berlin, they have-entirely superseded the I
use of all other remedies; because, where a j
.ore is attainable by medicinal agencies.
;t,ey are certain of success. Their astonish
ing efficacy would be almost incredible, if
not vouchee) for by indubitable testimony, in
numerous instances producing returns ol the
monthly period alier all hope had been aban
In every ease, from wha'evercause the ob
struction may arise, as also lo prevent preg
nancy where tr.e health will not admit ol in
crease oj family# they aro always efficient;
for which reason they must not be used du
ring pregnancy, though always mild, healthy,
safe and certain in their effects.
Married ladies will find particular instruc
lions in the directions, iu which are stated
the various symptoms by which the cause ol
tho suppression may be determined.
Price, One Dollar per Box, containing ex
plicit directions.
Each box will bo signed by Dr R. G. Geiss
Principal Office, 1274 Liberty Street, New (
York Cpy.
Responsible agents will be appointed for
their sale as soon as practicable. In the
mean time, all orders are to be addressed to
Dr. R. G. Geissner, 1274 Liberty Ftree', New
York City, or to box 2456 N. Y. Poet Office,
and a box will be sent by return mail, as
they are put up in sealed envelopes, and can
be sent with the strictest privacy to any pari
of the United States.
As various not only ineffective but injuri
ous compounds purporting to be " Female
Pills," under all kinds of names as " Iron
Pills," "Silver Pills," "Golden Pills," " Peri
odical Pills," &c. are attempted lote palmed
off upon the credulous or unwary, it is only
necessary for ladies lo bo ott their guard
against the attempted imposition, and in all
cases where there is no authorized s"enl lor
Ihe sale of Dr. Geissner's Menstrual Pills,"
to order direct from him by mail, by return
of which a box will be sent. [29 —ly
Agents —Geo. Ross, Lebanon ; E. T. Mil
ler, York; S. Alleman, Hurrisburg; D R.
Jones & Co., .Harrisburg ; C. YVeigley, Mill
■W c M PETTENOILL & Co., Advertising
Agents, No. 119 Nassau oir#->., at-™ v<i#lr
and 10 Slate Street, Boston, are authorized to
receive and receipt for advertisement* and
subscription to this paper.
~ On the 24th of Nov., by Rev S. Barnes,
Mr. CHARLES VV. LOWE, O( Lime Ridge, and
Miss H. LAVINA HUGHES, of Briar Creek, —
Columbia county, Pa.
8*2108% ~
In Maine township, Col. County, on the
23d of Nov., EDMOND MORRISON, infant son
of David Reinbold, aged 10 monltis and 8
Beach Haven, Dec. Ist, 1855. j
Dear Sir, —The amount of
Toll collected at this Office during the month
of Nov. 1855, is 926,372 94
Amount per last report, 206.239 53
Total (Fiscal year) $232 612 47
Same period in 1854, 214,216 50
Increase this year $13,395 97
Respectfully yours,
PETER ENT, Collector.
WHEREAS letters of Administration were
this day granted to the under
signed, by the Register of Wills o! Columbia
county, upon the estate of Edwin Holmes,'
late of Fishingcreek township, deceased; sll
parsons indebted lo said estate are requested
to make payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them without de
Administratrix l
Fishifigoreek, Nov. 26, 1765w6w.
Report of The Grand Jury,
r|ao the Hntinridde. the Judges of the Court
* of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and
for the county ol Columbia;
The Grant! Jury of the Commonwealth ol
Pennsylvania, inquiring for the body of the
countv of Columbia, RESPECTFULLY RE
PORT that they have examined the public
buildings belonging in trie said county and
find them in reasonable gootl repair, except
irig tiie platform in front ol the jail with Ihe
hand railing around it and steps require re
pairing. new hand-railing in the entry up
sla irs together with some plastering and re
pairing of the wall inside of the jail-yard
nnd repairing the privy in said yard which
have been noticed in former reports; and
further recommend that the wood work ol
the Court-House be painted outside tied also
recommend that Pu'don's Digest be bought
fur the use of ttie Court, and further report
that the road leading from Warner-villa to
Shoemaker's Saw Mill is in a very bait con
dition, the fence being set in the road, ma
-1 king il almost impassable for shout fifty
perches in Pine township.
All of which is respectfully submitted this
4th day of December, A. D., 1855.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court ol Columbia county, on
I MON D.I Y, the 31st day of DECEMBER
| next, at 10 o'clock in ihe forenoon, John Kie-
I fer, Administrator, &e., ot Jacob Gearhart,
late of Maine twp., in said county, deceased,
will sxpose to sale by public vendue upon
the premises, a certain plantation and
situate in Maine township, Columbia coun
ty. adjoining laud ol John Gearhart on the
East, Isaac Yetler ami Rudolph Shuman on
ihe South, Daniel Fenslerrnaeher on the
West, and John Nuss on the Norih. contain
ing about <>\i: II (NUKED A.\L> FOR
TY- I WO A ('lt EN, upon which are erec
ted a log Dwelling House a good
and other out-buildings. There are also on
the premises valuuble FRUIT TREES, Ap
ple, Peach, &c., and an excellent spring of
water near the dwelling Late the estate of
sttid decased, situate in the township of Maine
and county aforesaid.
Conditions rfsale. —The share of the widow
lo wit, the one-third pur", ol the purchase
money to rrinain iu the hands of the purchas
er during her life, the interest thereof to be
annually and regularly paid to her hy the
purchaser; and the principal to the heiis sfier
lier death ; two hundred dollars to be paid
down, one hall of the two-thirds (dedoebng
amount paid on day of sale) on the Ist day
of April next, and the balance on the first
day of April, A. D, 1857, the lai payment
lo bear interest. JOHN KIEFEII,
By order of Ihe Court. Administrator
Maine twp.. Dec. 4, 1855—is.
The lieitit Rooks for Agents! 1
' Send for a few copies and try them among your
ft rendu
I Publishes the billowing popular illustrated
works, and for the sal## of which he desires
an active agent in every coumy of the U. S.
A small capital ol $2O or $25 only is required.
The most Elegant and Useful Volume
pf the year.
JuM published, an illustrated description ot ;
the Russian Empire. Being a physical nnd I
Political History of its Governments and Pro- I
vinces, Productions, Resources, Imperial
Government, Commerce, Literature, Educa
tional Means. Religion, People, Manners,
) Customs, Antiquities, &c., &e., from the
| latest and most authentic sources. Etnbel
! Itslted with about 200 engravings, and Maps
jof European and Astatic Russia. The whole
t complete in one large octavo volume of
j about <OO pages, elegantly and substantially
I bound. Retail price $3.
j Persons wishing to act as agents and do a
safe business, can send for a specimen vol ,
and a Subscription Book (price of both $3.25,
sent tree of postage,) and obtain from one to
two hundred subscribers, to be delivered at
a cctiairi time to be agreed on, say in thirty
or forty days from the time signing,
Also, a deeply interesting volume, entitled
CELEBRATED PERSONS," embracing the
i Romantic Incidents and Adventurers in the
I Lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals,
j Princes, Warriors, Travellers, Adventurers,
; Voyagers, &c., eminent in the history of Eu
j rope and America, including Sketches of over
j filly celebrated heroic characters. Beautiful
ly illustrated with numerous engravings. 1
vol. 400 pages, royal 12mo. cloth, gilt. Price
I $1 25.
New Pictorial History of China and India—
comprising a description of those countries
and their inhabitants, —embracing the His
torical Events, Government, Religion, Edu
cation, Language, Literature, Arts, Mariu
t lactures, Productions. Commerce, and Man
ners and Customs of the People, from the
earliest period of authentic record lo the
present time. Illustrated widi two hundred
engravings. 600 pages large octavo. Price
i New Pictorial Family Instructor, or Digest
. of General Knowledge —Comprising a com'
) plele circle of useful and entertaining infor
; maiion. Designed for Families, Schools and
I Libraries. 600 pp. octavo. Price $2 50.
Pictori 11 History of the American Revolution,
i —A book tor every family in the Union I It
. contains un account of Ihe early history of
, Ihe Country, Constitution of the United
Slates, a Chronological Index, &c. Several
I hundred Engravings. Price $2.00
j With a varietv of ether Pictorial Works, of
\ such a moral and religious influence, that
i while good men may safely engage in their
j circulation, they will confer a public benefit,
and receive a fair compensation (or their la
tf' To men of enterprise and tact, this
business offers an opportunity for profitable
employment seldom lo be met with.
T?" Persons wishing to engaie in their
sale, will receive promptly Dy mail, a Circu
lar containing fuH particulars, with "Direc
tions to persons disposed to act as Agents,"
together with terms on which they will be
furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post
181 William Street, New York.
IF SEND FOR ONE Copy.—Single copies ol
Ihe above works will be carefully enveloped
in stout paper, and forwarded at our risk and
expense lo any post office in the United
States, on the receipt of the retail prices.
THE Teachers' Association ol Colombia
county, will tneel at M divide, on Satur
day, the Bth of Dscember next,at 10 o'clock
A. M. Tbe attendance of Teachers is ear
nestly solicited and all friends of Educa
tion are respectfully invited lo attend.
R. VV. WEAVER, President.
I W" Ail who attend the Association will
, be en'ertamed f(e of expense. W. B.
I AWY FERN'S 1,000,000
WE have (lie pleasure of announcing that
we have in pica, anil shall publish about
the first of December, a new work of fiction
The last work, and first continuous tale of
of this brilliant and fascinating authoress,
1 Hulh Hall," achieved a success unexam
pled in the annuls ol letters. In the language
of a leading periodical, it "created a more
profound sensation than any which has been
issued during a quarter of a century." But
it is unnecessary to allude to the merits of
"Ru'h Hall." Judging from the number of
copies of it we have sold, we judge that
every body in the U. States has read it. As
repects the wotk we have now in press,ROSE
CLARK, we can only say that we regard i! as,
in every respect, a giealer, better work ; and
aie confident it will not only sustain, but
even increase the repulaiion of iisdistinguish
ed authoress. We have reasons lor think
ing "Rose Clark" will make a greater sensa
tion than did "Ruth Hall."
It will form an elegant 12 mo. volume of
over 400 pages. Price $1.25, on receipt of
which copies will be sent by mail, post
paid. It will be for sale by all booksellers.
Any newspaper giving the advertisement
three insertions, and Bending us a copy o!
paper, with advertisement marked, will re
ceive on advance copy of the work, by mail
post-paid. Published by
Nov. 22, '69. New York.
A RRANGEMENTS for the second Annual
** Collection of this new and popular Insti
tution (nr the diffusion of Literature and Art,
have been made on the most extensive scale.
Among the works already engaged is
the far-famed
which originally cost Ten Thousand Dollars.
In forming the npw Collection, the diffu
sion of works of American Art, and the en
couragement of American genius, have not
been overlooked. Commissions have been
issued to many of the most distinguished
American Artists, who will contribute some
ol their finest productions. Among them
are three Marble Busts, execu:ed by Hie
greatest living Sculptor.—Hiram Powers;
The Father of his Country ;
The Philo-opher;
The Statesman.
A special agent has visited Europe and made
care'ul and judicious selections of foreign
worss of Art, both in Bronze and Marble;
Statuary and Choice Paintings.
The whole forming a large and valuable
collection of Paintings and Statuary, to be
distributed free among the members of the
Association for the second vear.
Terms of Men bersltip.
The payment of three dollars constitutes
any one a member ol this Association, and
entitles him to either one of the following
Magazines for one year, and also a ticket in
the distribution of the Statuary and Paintings
The Literature issued to subscribers con
sists of the following Monthly Magazines .
Harper's, Putnam's, Knickerbocker, Black
wood's, Graham's, Godey's Lady's Book,
and Household YVnrda.
Persons taking five memberships are en
titled to any five of the Magazines for one
year, and to six tickets in the distribution.
The nett proceeds derived from the sale of
memberships, are devoted to the purchase
of works of Art for the ensuing year. -
The Advantages Secured
by becoming a member of this Association,
-Ist. All persons receive full value of their
subscription at the start, in the shape of ster
ling Magazine Literature^
2d. Each member is contributing towards
purchasing choice Works ol Art, which are
to be distributed among themselves, and are
at the same time encouraging the Artists of
the country, disbursing thousands of dollars
Ihroagti its agency.
Persons in remitting funds for member
ship, will pleHse give their post office address
in lull, slating the month they wish the Mag
azines to commence, and have the letter re
gistered at the Post Office lo prevent loss; on
die receipt of which, a certificate of member
ship, together with Itie Magazine desired
will be lorwarded to any pait of the coun
Those whopurchrse Magazines at Book
stores, will observe that by joining this Asso
ciation, they receive the Magazine and free
Ticket in the annual distribution, all at the
same prico they now pay lor the Magazine
Beautifully illustrated catalogues, giving
full descriptions, sent free on application.
For Membership, address.
C. L. DERBY. Actuary, C. A. A.
At either of ihe principal offices—
"Knickerbocker Magazine" offico, 348
Broaoway, New York ; or, Western Office,
166 Water street, Sandusky, Ohio.
* # * Subscriptions received by Robert F.
Clark, Esq., Houorary Secretary, Blooms
burg, Pa.
Nov 14, 'ss—tf.
the BEST BOOKS in your schools and
your children will temp mora in six months
than in three years with inferior ones, and
you will
SANDER'S NEW are the best Headers#
U EBSTER's are the best Dictionaries#
Splendid Outline Mans.
Sower A Barnes,
Publishers, Booksellers If Stationers,
33 North Third Street,
October 11, 1855.—3 m.
THE Collectors of MILITIA FINES in Col.
county are hereby notified to meet the Com
missioner* at their ollice in Blootnsburg, on
the first Monday of December next, for the pur
pose of getting their exonerations. Punctual
attendance is required as no exonerations
will be allowed alter that lime.
By order of the Commissioners.
R. C. FRUIT, Clerk.
Blootnsburg, Nov. 15, 1855. )
IS hereby given that John Waltz, sen., and
his wife, Betsey, have parted this day the
15tb ol November, 1855, witb mutual con
sent. He therefore oautiona all persons not
to trust her on bis account, as he will not
pay any debts of her contracting after this
dalo. JOHN WALTZ, sen.
Main twp., Nov. 15, 1855
Especially tie voted to the wants of the Ladies of
Where this Magazine is laken in a house,
no oiher is wanted, as it comprises all that
could lie obtained by taking three other Mag
New Features for 1836.
A new and very interesting story mm; will
be commenced in January, by
land, author of "Alone," and "Hidden l ath,"
two novels that have created an immense
sensation in the literary world. Also—
Miss Virginia F. Towneend will commence
in the Febiuary numher a "Novelette, which
, we know will strongly interest the readers of
I the "Book."
Stories by an English Authoress.
How to make Wax Flowers and Fruits—
With engravings.
The Nurse and the Nursery.
How to make a Bonne'.
Troubles of an English Housekeeper.
The art of'sketohing flowers from Nature.
With engravings.—To be copied by the
i learner on paper to be colored. ■— y'
Maternal counsels to a Daughter.—De
signed 10 aid her in the care of her health,
the improvement of her mind, and the culti
vation of her heart.
New style of illuminating windows a?d
lamp shades, with engravings.
Poelrv and history of Finger Rings, illus
trated; Shells for the Ladies, and where they
come from, with engravings
Modelling in Leather with engraving#
This is only giving an idea ol ourtfflSm
lions for 1856—New de-igns of interest to
the Indies are springing on everyday; we
shall avail ourselves ot everything thai can
interest them. In fact, "Godey's Lady's j
Book," will possess the interest of any oiber
three magazines.
In addition to the above will be continued
in each No.
Godev's splendid steel engravings.
One hundred pages of reading.
Godpy'schallenge Fashion Plates. In this
as iu every other department, we defy rivalry
or imitation.
Embroidery patterns. Any quantity of 5
them are given monthly.
Model Co'tages.
Dress making with diagrams to cut by. j
Dress patterns—lnfant's and Children#
Dresses—All kind ol Crochet and Netting
Wotk—Cloaks, Mantelets, Talma#, Collars,
Chemisetts, Under Sleeves, Bonneis, Win
dow Curtains, Broderic Anglaise Slippers, I
Caps, Cloaks. Evening Drescs, fancy Arti- j
cles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing, Robes lor ;
Night and Morning, Carriage Dresses, BriduH-
Dresses, Wrea'hs, Mantillas, Walking Ores- j
ses, Riding Habits, Boy's Clothing, Capes 1
and Cloaks of Fur in season. Crochet and |
Netting Work printed 111 colors.
Ihawing Lessons lot Youth—looo designs, I
Music, 53 worth is given every year; the i
Nurse and the Nursery, with full instruc
tion'; Godey'6 invaluable Recipes upon every
We would advise all who inlend to sub
scribe to send iu their orders soon, lor il we
do not make duplicate slereotype plates, it
will be difficult to supply the demand. We I
expect our list for 1856 will reach 100 000
copies. The best plan for subscribing is 10 I
send your money direct Jp the publisher— j
Those who send large amounts had better j
send drafts but notes will answer if drafts j
cannot be procured. Letters had better be i
registeted—it only costs five cents extra, and j
their safe reception is e sured.
Terms—Cash in Advance.
One copy t year, 53. Two copies 1 year,
$5. Three copies 1 year, $6. Five copies
1 year and an extra copy to the person
sending the club making six copies slo.
Eight copies one year, and an exira copy to
the person sending the clnb, making 9 cop
ies, $l5. Eleven copies 1 year, and an ex
tra copy to the person sending the club ma
king 12 copies, $2O.
BP* The above Terms cannot be deviated
from, no mailer how many are ordered.
Godej's Lady's Book and Harper's Maga
zine both 1 year for $4 50.
Godey's Lady 's Book and Arthur's Home
Magazine both 1 year for $3 50.
' The money most be all sent at onetime
for any of the Clubs.
ty Additions of one or more to clubs are
received at club prices.
iy A Specimen or Specimens will be sent j
direct to any Postmaster making the request.
ry We can always supply back numbers
for the year, as the work is stereotyped.
Subscribers in the British Provinces, who
send for clubs, must remil 36 cents extra 011
every subscriber, to pay the American post-"
age to the lines. Address
No. 113 Chestnut Street, Philad'a.
THE subscriber, Executor ol the last will
and testament of Martin Bender, dee'd.,
will ofler al public sale al the house of Al
fred Howell, in Orangevrlle, on
SATURDAY, the 22nd day of DECEMBER,
1855, a valuable TRACT OF LAND situate
in Orange township, Columbia county, Pa ,
about nne mile from Orangeville, adjoining
lands of Edward M'Henry, Jacob Seidle, W.
Bownan and others, on which are erected a
There are also a quantity of FRUIT TREES
on the premises ol different kinds of fruit.—
For further particulars address the subscriber
at Orangeville, Columbia comity, Pa.
Omnaeville, Nov: 14, 'ss—is. Executor.
THE subscriber offers for salo his FARM,
situate in Fisliingcreek township, Columbia
counly, about 2J miles above Orangeville,
adjoining lands of Hiram R. Kline, Thomas
Lunger and Jacob Eyer, now occupied by
the owner, and containing scout
of which ut>oul 8 acres is umbered and the
rest well improved for farming. There are
on the premises
a frame barn, a good young apple orchard,
a lot of valuable peach trees, cherry irees,
&c. jy Conditions will be made known
by applicaiou on the premises 10
Fisliingcreek, Oct. 4. 1855.
OF Cloths, Cassimeres, Sstinetts, Kentucky
Jeans, Mu-hns, cotton and wool Flan
nels, all wool Delain, Brage Detain. ChW-,
bray, Silks satins, Long and Single Shawls,
Calicoes, Hals, Caps, Boots
and Shoes of all sizes, Groceries, Hardware,
Iron, Steel, Nails, &0., &c.; in fact everything
to make up a full and complete assortment.
Come and see.
Corn anil Rye Chop constantly on hand and
for sale for cash.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1855— 4 m
Justices oC the Peace
AND CONSTABLES can find all kind of
tm. hanks desirable for their use,in proper
form a! tl office oftbeSTxn ox THE NORTH.
TT AVf i ■' ufl received and opened their stock of merchandize for Fall and 'Winter sales
which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment non
offered in this.TOWN! Ilavinq paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock
as to price and quality, they flatter themselves that they can compete with the cheapest
and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have al
kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of
rencli merinoes, wool plajds, nlpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, paratnettu cloths
mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &.c.
Will IE HOODS OF ALL IvINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs
flouncing*, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety vel
vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, tec. '
All kinds ot SHAWLS, hroeke, Bay Stain, Walemlle, black silk, cashmere, Embrnder
eu, &c. Also a very largo assortment of cloths, cassiiners, sattinotts, vesting# tweeds
oeuver cloths, coaling velvet, &c. '
Wo have a large assortment of Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard
ware, Qneensware, Cedarware, ac. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car
riage oil clothe, mate rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins ilannole, tickings, diapers, toweiings,
drillings. &., in abundance. ' 1 " '
We invi'e our friends and the public generally to give us a call beforo purchasing else
where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by
anybody, or the rest of mankind. '
Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855.
S2O.JX3U.aDcQ. 3lEJufo&2L£P\xiajs3 C£3OD #
Fashionable Fall and Winter Clothing f
T flu assonment n l>T k '° S "' arU ' B S '°"' Th *' ,IaVB haJ and
of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about Ol P.,i.
am" Vests they have every color ol the rainbow, besides some black, blue g'rev sirined
and fancy ; Vests ol satin, silk, bnft, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash
icnable cuts and colors J Working Pants and boys clothing. Also flue white, figure,l and
striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of eentle
man's dress goods ; Hatg, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and
&&& 2E22J2 S&IfiJSSS
They have UnAersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigaletf, Gloves, Mitu. Ladies'a bead-bat!
Handkerchiefs, Arc., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, sach as Rings, Breast pins, Gold and
Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles. Knives
Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordoom)
iy Remember the cheap store iu the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house
Bloomsburg, Oct. 4, J855. s . DREIFUSS, & Co!
1855 JVew Fall and Winter Goods! 1855
¥NVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale vlolhing at his store ou Mark"!
* street, two doors above the "American House," where ho has a full assortment of meti
and boy's wearing apparel, including
gox. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof all colors shawls
siripas and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders
and fancy articles.
N. B. He will also make to order any article of clolhing at verv short notice and in
the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is or home manufac
Bloomsburg, Sept. 20th 1855-3 m.
Illustrated Sheet Publications,
With General Descriptions, Prices, &c.
'I'HfSE publications ate irivariuly colored,
and all the same size. (26 by 32 inches.)
and ol one retail price.—2s oenls each.
Isf.— Mirror of the City of Sebastopol,
and Map of the Crimea and Black Sea
THIS is the only authentic view given,
showing the exacl position of all the fortifica
tions, with correct name and number of guns
in each, and giving a full description ot the
city, its public buildings, harbors, &e. Also,
map of the Crimea, showing the military po
sition of the Allied forces surrounding Sebas
topol ; man ol the Black Sea, containing dis
tances Irom Constantinople, and statistical
Information relative to die population of Eu
rope and its principal cities. Also, views of
the hurricane 011 the Bluk Sea. the Battle ol
inkermaiin., &e. Wholesale Price to Agents,
$7 per hundred.
'2d Sheet. —Map of North America, Uni
. ted States and Cuba.
! Showing the routes to California, New Or
leans. Cuba, and many other large places;
extent and population of United Slates, Mex
ico, British America, Russian and Central
America and Cuba; population of cities; por
traits of Washington, Jefferson. La Fayette,
Jackson, Webster, Clay, and Caltioun—men
who will never be forgotten. Wholesale price
10 Agents, $9 per hundred,
3d Sheet.—The Illustrated Life of Christ.
Containing eleven large and spleudid En
gravings designed by Gilbert, the great Eng
lish Artist. Subject as follows : The Adora
tion ol the Shepherds—The Fligh' into Egypt
—Jesus in the Midst of the Doctors—Jesus
Subject to his Parents—the Baptism -Our
Lord in the House of Martha and Mary—
Lord raising the Widow's Son—Jesus Christ
Blessing liltld Children—The Crucifixion—
the Resurrection—Our Saviour. Wholesale
price to Agents, $9 per hundred.
4lli Seect.—A Great National Chart.—
The Constitution of the United States
nnd declaration of Independence.
With portraits and Biographies ol all the
the Presidents, and Seals ol every State and
Territory in the Union. Wholesale price to
Agents, $9 per hundred.
N. B.—No citizen should be withont this
Sheet, and Foreigners who would understand
the American people, their principles and
' government, should have a copy without de
sth Sheet—Jnst Published, Latest Maps
nnd Views of the Eastern war, from
the most authentic sources, Sebastopol,
Crimea, Black, Baltic and Azof)' Seas.
Showing the present position of the Allied
forces; Small Map of Europe, giving the
routes and distances from London and Paris
to the Crimea, Crnrisliidt, and many other
places; Number ol vessels in the Baltic Fleet;
Army and Navy of the world; Views of the
Hurricane on the Black Sea, Buttle of Inker
tnann, Constantinople; Population nt Europe
and its principal Cities; Immense Supply of
War Munitions to the French Army, &c.
iy No person should be without this Sheet
It contains on a large scale the best maps,
plans and views of places that are causing so
much excitement throughout tha world; also,
a small map of Europe for reference to their
positions, &u. Wholesale price $9 per hund
6th Sheet.—Mirror of Cronstadt, Sebas
topol, Great Redan, Mainclon and Mn
lakofT Towers, Map of the Crimea nnd
Baltic. Sea, with portraits of the Prin
cipal Crowned Heads, also, Russian,
French, English and Turkish Officers.
This is the only authentic view given of
Cronstadt, showing the exact position and
correct name of all the Fortifications, with
number of guns in each. A new plan of Se
bastopol, Southeast view, showing the Great
Redan, Mamelon and MalakofT Towers—
drawn on the spot—also, giving the number
of Allied Forces in the Crimea, Baltic See,
&c. Wholesale price to Agents, $9 per hun
dred. A. H. JOCELYN,
Publisher of Illustrated Maps,
, Popular Sheets, &c., &c.
60 Fulton St., (up stairs,) X. York.
Oct 18. 1
Isi*t oi" licUrrs
REMAINING iii ihe Posi office at Blooms
burg, Pa , Nov. 17, 1855:
Rlackson Maria Jonas Thomas
Brower Robert V Overilorf Simuei
| Bearb William Sickner William
| Cramer A W Vii kera Daniel
I C'oyed James Winner Mary
Fisher Benjamin F Weil John
I Gibbs Jane Wonamaeher Jacob
I Girton Eliza While John A ,
Hollans Lewis Williever Thog. J
Hollana Mary Jane Molouney Ellen slip.
Persons calling lor the above letlers will
please say they are advertised.
WAiVI Fl> !
-r"- kin, Northumberland Cnunly, Pa., to
whom steady work will be given during the
winter. Apply lo
Ocl. 11, 1855. Shamokin.
PEICKY A liSllin,
Ushers and Blank Book Manufacturers
P. ii E. have constantly on hand an assort
ment of Imported and American Books and
Stationery of the finest quality, which can
be supplied AS LOW AS BV ANY OTHER
ESTABLISHMENT in Ihe City. Havin- an
connected with our business we are enabled
to furnish BLANK BOOKS either from the
shelves or made lo order al the lowest manu
facturer's prices.
Persons wishing to purchase in Philadel-
I phia will find it to iheir advantage to give us
a call before making their selections.
I All orders by mail promptly attended to
I Sept. 20, 1855—6 m.
I _
Wood's Ornamental Iron Works,
Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia.
THE attention of the inhabitants of Penn
) sylvania are invited to the extensive Manufac.
Tory and Warerooms of the subscriber, who is
| prepared to furnish at the shortest notico, Iron
| Railing of every description, far Cemeteries
public and private buildings, also Verandahs'
Fountains, Chairs, Settees, Lions, Doga and
other ornamental iron works uf decorative char
ade'. Purch aoors may rely on having all ar.
ticles carefully boxed and shipped to their des
tination. A book of designs will lie f U n,ihed
to those wishing to make selections.
Ridge Avenue, below Spi ing Garden St
September 27, 1855.
To School Teachers.
As the lime of the County Superintendent
will now for some lime income be occupied
in visiting the different schools of ihe count v,
those teachers who did not meet him al the
times and places appointed in die several
districts, can now meet him at his office in
i Blnoin.-burg on any Saturday afternoon for
examination; bill no examiualions can take
place at any olher time, nor can teachers de
pend upon meetiug him in town at any other
time. R. VV. WEAVER,
County Superintendent.
Bloomaburg, Nov. 22, 1855,
TRE. Arcli Street, above Sixth, Phil'a.
TUB STAR COMPANY, Composed of the first
Artists in Ihe world, and exceeding in
Strength and Talent any Dramatic combina
tion Heretofore offered to the Theatrical Pub
lic, will appear EVERY NIGHT in Comedy,
Tragedy, Serio-Comic Drama, Vaudevilles,
Musical Burlellaa. &c., &c.
fir When visiting the city, go there.
Oct 2—tf.
FOR CASH, lor sale al Ihe Canal |
or in town at the store of
Oct. 11,'55. A.J.EVANS. |
Fresh Arrival!
A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints !
just received by railroad and for sale by
RV tho aid ol a microscope, we seo million
■- *-* of little openings on the surface of out
t; boiiics Through iheso this Ointment, when
rubbed on the skin, is carried In any organ
or inwitrd part. Diseases of the Kidneys, dis
orders of Ihe Liter, affections of the heart,
liillaniination on the Lungs, Asthmas, coughs
- and colds, are by its means effectually cured.
• Every housewife knows that salt passes free
i, ly through bone or meat of any thickness.—
This healing Ointment far more readily pen
- etrates through any bone or fleshy part of
y the living body, curing the most dangerous
inward complaints, that cannot be reached
by other means.
Erysipelas, Salt Rheum and Scorbutic
| No remedy has everdone so much for ihe
! cure of disease of the Skin, whatever form
they may assume, as this Oinlment. No case
of Salt Kheum, Scurvy, sore heads. Scrofula,
I or Erysipelas, can long withstand its influ-
I encee The inventor has traveled over many
I parts of the globe, visiting the principle hos
pilals, dispensing this Ointment, giving ad
vice as to its application, and has thus bee*
the means of restoring couciless numbers of
I Sore Legs, Sore Recasts, lf 'ounds ami
Some of the most scientific surgeons now
rely solely 011 the use of this wonderful
I Oinlment, when having to cope with the
j worst cases of sores, wounds, ulcers, glandu
: lar swellings.and tumors. Prof. Holloway hat
T . by command ot tho Allied Governments,die
" ] patched to the hospitals of the East, larga
shipments of this Ointment, to be used under
8 j the direction of the Medical Staff, in the
■ worst cases of wounds. It willcureany ulcer,
glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction o
J the joints, even of 20 years' standing.
Piles and Fistulas.
These ami other similar distressing com
j plaints can be effectually cured if the Oint
ment be well rubbed in over Ihe parts affect
ed, and by otherwise following the printed
directions around each part.
1 Both the Ointment and Pills should b*
used in the following cases:
Bunions, Lumbago,
Buri.s, Mercurial Erup-
Chapped Hands, lions,
Chilblains, Piles,
1 Fistulas, Rheumatism,
1 Gout, Salt Rheum,
Skill Diseases, Sore Legs,
Sore Breasts, Swelled Glands,
Sore Heads, Stiff Joints,
Sore Throat 6, Sores of all kinds,
Sprains, Scalds,
Ulcers, Wounds of all
Venereal Sores, kinds.
Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. Hollo
way, 80 Maiden f.ane, New York, and 244
Strand, London, and by all respectable Drug
gists arid Dealers ol Medicines throughout
the United States, anil the civilized world,
in Pots, at 25 cents, 624 cents, and Si each.
There is a considerable saving by
taking the larger sizes.
N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa
tients in every disorder are affixed to each
* Pot.
J July 19, J855.
I —! .
100,000 COPIES !
| Steamboat Disaster* an the Tfeslern
11'aters, and Steamboat Directory,
! rpHK undersigned have now in course ol
I L preparation a new Steamboat Directory,
which will be isaued in October next, the
I hook will contain over two hundred pages, i|.
| lustrnled in the best style, and neatly bound
|in a durable manner. It will be one of the
J most interesting books ever published, and
will be a book that will be interesting to all
I classes of people. The Steamboat Directory
J will contain a complcto list and description of
| all the Steamboats now afloat in the Western
| and Southern waters. The length,
speed, power and tonnage of each boat, where
j and by whom built, the name of the boat,
j with tho trade she has sn. Also, the names
lof Captains and officers, her age, &c. The
Directory will contain a 11 isMry of Steamboats
| and Steamboating on tho Weatorn waters,
since the application of steam: also, a sketch
•I of the hrst boat built for the Ohio River, with
the name of the builder, commander and own
The River Directory will contain a list and
description of all the Steamboat Disasters
that have occurred on the Western and South
em waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list
of all those who have perished by their burn
ing, sinking and exploding, on the western
and southern waters, The Directory will
contain Maps of tho Ohio, Mississippi, Mis
souri, Illinois, Aikanais, White, Red, Ouachita.
Yazoo, and other rivets, with the towns and'
cities laid down, with coirect distances: also,
many other River and Commercial items of
iuterea to the people at large. The book will
| contain the cards of the various 11. S. Marl
j Hosts, with the trade they are iq, die. The
Directory will also contain a complete list of
| all the responsible Steamboat Licensed Offi
-1 vers, their places of residonce, &c. die., the
i new steamboat law its rcqutremei ts, with
| comments, showing wherein it benefit* the in
| competent officer, and injures tho competent
ollicor, die. Sic., and all tho important U. 8
Supreme Court steamboat decisions up to
I date; the Rate* and important Commercial
Privileges, Hills of Lading, important decia
j ions of the various U. a. Courjs in regard to
; freight* Lost and Damaged, &c. See., with
j many other thing* of interest.
1 Tile Directory will be illustrated in the beat
style, and printed in the best manner. The
j author lias for six years been gathering >
together all the facts and items in regard to the
i numerous steamboat disasters on 'he Western
| and Southern waters, and now intends pub'
: lUhnig tlo in in book form. The price of the
work will be put at (he low sum of One Doller.
Ten thousand copies will be issued for the
boatman; all nthurs desirous of subscribing,
will hate to do so at once, as none will be
printed unless ordered in advance. This work
is destined to have a circulation of oversight
thousand copies, as the publishers are receive
ing large numbers of subscribers, per maiL
fiom all pari* of the countiy, daily. Some of
the oldest boatmen, as well as most scientific
mon of tho limea, are contributors to the
Steamboat Directory.
The Diiectoiy will be issued in October,
and will be en ornament to tbo parlor ee well
as steamboat. Uy remitting One Dollar, post
paid, you will receive e copy of tho above
All communications and letters should be
addressed to JAS. T. LLOYD * CO.
Post Office Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.
July 12, 1855.
FANCY GOODS, of every description and
variety, new styles, and fresh trom New York
and Philadelphia, lor sale at the cheap stora
■ RON STEEL, ami every kind of Hard
■- wate:' or eale by