The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 29, 1855, Image 2

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    T- ar^t
Nervous people need not be (booked by
(he romon of a war between: .the Un ted
and England, for even sensible Eng
lishmen are now ashamed that any of their
•countrymen made Judya of themaelvea by
' -attempting to raise a "muse." England has
'had every nerve and muscle rackeJ by the
'Crimean war, and her people will not suffer
her rulers to begin another war.
But It is now evident that if the Allies had
■crushed Russia with one blew, this republic
would at least be annoyed by insolence and
arrogance from John Bull. The present is
really an auspicious time for the United
Slates to settle every difficulty in relation to
the Mosquito territory, and to establish for
ever the Monroe doctrine that tx> country
ahsll build up ■ pseudo-monarchy at our door
to vex ua.
The demoralizing effect of the present war
will be felt by England as severely as the
grip upon her treasury. And it will be years
before she can reonver from the shook. This
demoralization wilt run through her people,
and the cost of this contest will for ages
crush down the energy and -industry ol the
loiUman. Her old debt did already enough
of that, but now there is a new load of tax
upon her labor, and of desolation, despera
tion and.ruin upon her families. It will be
wel] for ber rulers to remember that it ie'the
last feather which breaks tha camel's back.
Will again assemble on Monday week, Dec.
3J. Already a number of members have ar
rived at the Capital, and there will, without
doubt, be a quorum present at the opening of
the session. The peculiar complexion of the
House—neither of the three parties into
which the members ure classed, having a
majority by itself—may cause a delay in the
election ol Speaker and organization of that
body, eimilar to wbat was experienced in
tbe organization of the House of 1849-50.
For this reason, we suppose, it has beer, de
termined that no copies of the President's
Message shall be eent out to the newspaper!
of the principal cities, in adrance of its do
livery, to Congress.
We anticipate a protracted and stormy ses
sion, growing out of the slavery question, and
tbe somewhat unsettled slate of our foreign
relations. The House of Representatives
will be the great arena of strife—but we look
with confidence to the conservatism and pa
triotism of the Senate and Executive, to'save
the gjuntry front the recklessness and inca
pacity of the factions whose possible fusion
in opposition to the Administrstion, may give
them tbe dominance in the lower branch ol
The Troth admitted.
If will be remembered that immediately
after the enactment of the blnody scenes
whicheharsctetizvd the Louisville election,
the Know Nothings everywhere attempted to
fasten tbe responsibility of these sanguinary
outrages upon the Democratic party and its
friends. Pious editors labored ardently to
convince the public that Know Nothingism
wae not to blame for iheee outrages—that
tbe supporters of that parly were beyond cen
•ore—that Democracy end Democracy alone,
wae to shoulder the awlul responsibility.—
Conscious of.its innocence, the organs of the
Democatic party remrined calm, and quietly
awaited lor a time to clear the record. The
'National Intelligencer,* a paper which stands
confessedly at the bead of the opposition to
Democracy in the Union, thus speaks on this
-snbject.* We ask the oandid of all parties to
"After a careful examination of ell that we
have seen bearing on the point, after an un
prejudiced study of the articles that have ap
peared on tha subject in the Louisville jour
nals, we believe that the blood of the slain is
on the hands of the Know Nothing*. The
.proofe are many and convincing."
The Crimean War.
Tbe sanguine expectation* entertained by
the public in England and Franco of the
speady evacuation of the Crimea by the Rue
sians have ptoved alogetber unfounded.—
Further then this, it ie generally admitted that
Ihe.allied forces will not undertake to drive
them out of the pen into I* before the spring
of 1866, The Russian* will unquestionably
defend all the positions still held by them
■with tha same tenacity and bravery with
which they defended the fortress of Sebaeto
pol. The Allies have not yelthown the hold
pest to follow up their successes agaioslKhi
bum and Ocyakoff", by proceeding further in
to the ipterior and at tacking Nicofsieff and
Cherson, and tbue interrupting the supplies
for the Russian army in the Crimea.
There Is ho more talk about tha Russians
being surrounded by the Allies ; on the con
trary, -ii appears from advices from the' Cr
imea that (he Allies,themselves are expect
ing an attack from the Russian*.
by tbp .etockholdera of ibis Institution, on
last Monday, lb* following gentlemen were
elected Directors,, wis:—Samuel T., Brown,
Tanl Masteiler, William Cameron, Amos E.
Kspp, William LGreenoagh, Edward Wil
son, Flaming W. Pollock, John Walls, Wm
H. Wapples, Jets* C. Horton, George Sohnure
Cnarlee &. Paxlon, John B. Packer.
Jfxirit or ENGLAND NOTES —lt ie staled tha
Bank of England past ppfes, psyatHs sixty
dsye after sight, hare been eent to tbieooun
try lalarge amount. It is supposed thai
gre intended for the purchase of breadstuff!
for shipment to Great Britain, and: to pre
Terg pr postpone the exportation of apacit
&M| U>dM Ktr lhM purpose, -tot u- u
If edilora'hail not BO tnach ftbuiedilM val
ue oi a merited compliment by ita discrimi
nate Use, we would ere this have written
something like IHa extreot a copy from the
Pittrion Gattlte. But there it no reason why
ajuet tribute to the fair character of out
neighbor should not be repeated by oui
friends when it comes spontaneous from an
almost stranger. We need not in this local
ity for ourselves repeat what ia proverbial in
favor of the fairness and liberality ot out
townsman. . > ,• ■j ' j
As to the paper manufactory, fteariy ev
ery editor in this region baa been regularly
supplied from Cattawissa for years past, and
even city publishers received their paper
from that establishment. For nearly seven
years past we have been regularly furnished
with paper from this mill, so that we have
not missed a single issue of our paper in
that time. And in that lime we have quite
as much to testify to the fairness and liber
ality of the proprietors as our cotemporary
of the Gat tut, whe says: . ' .
" PAPER MAKING— It affords us pleasure
o note the improvement in the quality of
ne paper, now made at the mill of Messrs.
Win. Mi'Kelvy & Co., at Csttawisss, Colum
bia-Co., Pa. This mill has recently uttder
;ono the most thorough repairs, which has
run their slock of paper rather low, but
we believe in no instance have their cos
omers been obliged to go elsewhere. The
mprovement in the newspaper of their late
tnanulacinre—of which this sheet ia a spec
men—is not inferior to the best of York
State manufacture for newspaper purposee.—
There is also a uniformity in the stock that
saves the pressman much vexatiou. For
ire, we can apeak of this ffrm as one of the
most upright with whom we have ever had
feelings. For the last five years we have
nought all our news paper of them, and
lave yet the first irregularity or deviation
rom uprightness or promptness on their part
o discover. The name of WM. MOKCLVT,
>f Bloomsburg, the principal partner, has
isen familiar to us since we were a boy, and
tas often been spoken of in our hearing as
t model of integrity, and one which all men
night follew with safely. The ample for
one he has acquired haa not only proved a
ilessing to himself, and the town of hie resi
lence, but to Columbia connty. His capital
is given life and activity to his iron bttsi
tess—to its railroad enterprise, and te edu
ction. That he may yet live long to die
lense his well esrned and ample fortune is
t sentiment that will meet a quick response
n the hearts of all who know him either
lersonally or by reputation. We deem it
iue to Mr. MCNISCH, the accountant for the
mill, to ray that lie has never given us the
Highest cause of complaint, either by inao
;uraciea or irregularrty."
rartlun of l)r. Settle.
Governor Pollock his extended his clem
jncy to Dr. Bsale, and remitted the remain
der ol his sentence of imprisonment, which
was four years and six months, beginning on
the 28th of November, 1854. He has served,
therefore, about one year of his term. The
pardon states the reasons which induced the
Governor to extend :ltis.favor.
He had received communications from
shout one hundred and forty dentists and
twenty three physicians, of the city and tbe
country, stating their belief thai testimony as
io matters transpiring under :ljg influence of
ether is.un*afe and unreliable; from a num
ber of other physicians named, that they be
lieve him innocent; from a large number of
the bar, and citizens of various Slates, inclu
ding the names of Governors, Attorneys Gen
etal, &c., that they believe he was convicted
on insufficient testimony; from a number ol
clergymen, tha> they believe him innocent;
from the Mayor ol Philadelphia, and fifty
mrmbers of the Philadelphia City Councils;
from members of the Legislature, Judges ol
the Supreme Court, editors of Philade'phia
newspapers, and five thousand other citizens
of Pennsylvania and New York, with five ol
flte jury on the (rial, all asking for bis partlcn.
Grand Juty of Lancaster county have refused
lo find bills of indictment against the persons
charged with tbe violation of the new liquor
law, on the ground that the law is unconsti
tutional, and have directed the prosecutor!
to pay the costs. The number of cases thus
disposed of is 84, and the Suturday Exprett,
a high prohibition journal, it full of wrslh at
tbe result. It exclaims:
"Great God! has it come to this, that a ju
ry el Lancaster county, many of whom nev
er read lite constitution, presumptuously set
them Jelves op as the supreme judicial powet
of the Stale, and boldly bid the most daring
oudawa go free, because, in their opinion,
the law under which they are indicted is 'un
constitutional.' "
1856.—At a meeting of the Democratic Slate
Central Commute, held Nov. tat, 1855, a
ths Merchants' Hole), Philadelphia, the fol
lowing Resolutions was adopted.
Resolvtd, That the Democratic State Con
vestioo of 1856 be held on the 4th day o:
March next, is Harriaburg, .at 10 o'clock
A. M. .. .
In pnrauaeoeef the above Resolution, tbe
Convention, will assemble al Hatrisburg, foi
the .purpose of; selecting Delegates to the
Democratic National Convention, and nomi
nating a candidate far Canal Commissioner
Auditor General sued Surveyor Gederal.
HT William B.'Campbell, Kq., late of the
St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburg, hat leased the
St. Lawrence Hotel, Chestnut below 10th am
llth, Philadelphia,and will commence bu
sinesa on the Ist proximo. Mr. C. was oon
tillered one of the best caterers in the State
for tbo comfort of hit guests, while in Pius
burg, and will doubtless be able to Mslair
that reputation in hie new location.
VT Wa havo received the first number o
■ neat looking piper from Pulsion, edited b>
Edward 8. NiebelL It io ably uonduoted
and the editor lays dowu ao excellent Dera
ecrstic platform upon which be intend* U
.karate himself. ~ ;
• .bti'-r.-t-'-j t-tr ao - '
JtysleiMua Aitnlr—VrobeMe Merrier. ■
On Saturday last, Jamea W. Weed, cotp
•table of Fox township, (his roenty, brought
to thl* place, and lodged in jail, hkhatlKakn
and Anna Veitangru)er-—Q etmana—charged
with the yn order of John "Veitangruber, hue
band of (be woroap above named. The faeU
of the case,. aa near aa we can lean them,
are aa (ollowa; John Veiungruber resided
in Elkland township, in this county, on I
•mall farm, with hie wife; they had alwayi
lived in peace together till last Spring, when
Kane came to the house of Veitangrabpr tt
live. Veitangruber and Kann frequently had
quarrels, and on the- 15th of May last, Vei
tangruber auddenly disappeared, and it war
alleged by Kann and Veitangrnber'e wife,
that he had gone to Canton, Bradford Coun
ty. A short time after his disappearance,
Kann was seen to have on Veitangruber'i
clothes and watch, which, together with oth
er circumstances, excited the suspicion of
the neighbors, that all waa not right, and
Kann and Veitangruber'a were arrested, and
brought before John Black, Justice of rhe
Peace, in that township, but nothing beir.g
proved against them, they were discharged.
One day last week, as Joseph McCarty
was crossing the field, a feaf rods from Vei-
house, became to ■ tree just in
the edge of theewoods, which had been
blown over by the wine, and immediately
under the roots of which, had been a hole
Hug and filled partly up again. The tree
had been cut off, and efiorts been made—
judging from appearances, to turn the stump
back to its natural place. The loose dirt was
taken from the hole, and several pieces of
human flesh were found in the dirt—a part
of tho fool and hand, and one toe-nail and
a portion of the face and whiskers. The
body had evidently been burieJ there,'with
the intention of turning the stump back again,
am/ thus covering the grave entirely op, but
being unable to pry the stump back, the
body was disinterred, end concealed in an
other place. No piece was found large
enough to be identified as that of the body
of Veitangruber, but it is evident that foul
means have bben used on some one.
Since the disappearance of Veitangruber,
Kann and Veitangruber'a wife have been liv
ing together in an unlawful manner.—Sulli
van Democtat.
Illegality of Know-Nolhlnglsra.
The AJississippian publishes a letter from
Judge J. S. B. THATCHER, of Natchez,giving
it as his opinion that Know-Nothingism is a
criminal organization, a conspiracy to do an
unlawful act by depriving Roman Catholics
and naturalized citizens cf their rights; and
that the law providet a full remedy. Similar
opinions have been given by Hon. J. M.
porter, Hon. Wm. B. Reed, and John M.
Reed, Esq., of Pennsylvania, and by Hon.
J. D. Freeman, late Attorney General of
Mississippi. This, to say the least, is very
good authority, and should cause the honest
masses to think seriously on the subject of
thd legality ol this oath-bound order.
Human liberty is a blessing not to be tri
fled with; and whether that liberty iaexcer
cised in a religious, a political, or a social
I way, it is one of the most cherished rights
ol man. It is the love of it that has kept
the Circassians for ages in their mountain
faalne, nnJ nerved ilieiu to resist 'the
countless hosts of Tartary and Russia. It
was a love for this Heaven-promised boon
which rang in the voice of HENRT when he
electrified an American Congress with his
eloquence, and thrilled their hearts with tbe
sentence —" Give nte liberty or give me
death I" It was a love for it which drove
our lathers to bleed at Bunker Hill and Sar
atoga, and conquer at Yorklown. All past
history goes to show that the human mind
panis for it, strives for it, flourishes with it,
and, without it, pines and deteriorates.
Civil liber'.y is defined lobe "the liberty
of men in a slate of society, or natural liber
ty, so fsr only abridged or' restrained as is
necessary and expedient for the safety and
| interest of the society, slate, or nation. A
restraint of natural liberty, not necessary or
| expedient for the public, ia tyranny or oppres
sion. It >s an exemption from the arbitrary
will of others, which exemption is secured
by established laws, which restrain every
man from injuring or controlling another."—
The Governments under which we live have
I established laws calculated to preserve to
• very man the enjoyment ol this liberty.—
These laws have, in the opinion of the 'dis
i tiuguished gentlemen whose names we have
oiled, and others, been violated by the order
commonly known as Know-Nothings! That
this has been done, a candid public must ad
The Constitution ol the United Stales de
clares that ''Congress shall make no law re
specting the establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof."—
Know-Nothingism declares that Protestantism
only shall be recognized aa a religion, and
that persons professing the Roman Catholic
fail" shall not be permitted to bold office
under the Government.
The electioh laws of Pennsylvania provide
thst no man ahall unduly influence or overawe
a voter in the discharge cf his duty. Know-
Nothingism does unduly influence and over
awe men who have become connected with
it, and coerces them iuto supporting Its men
and measure*. Here we have two direct vi
olations of the Constitution and laws of the
country, by an oath-bound political associa
tion. Is it.astonishing, then, that men who
love their country, and reverence religion,
shoulJ speak out against such an organiza
tion I— Harrisburg Patriot.
The SUNDAY LAW.— At Huntingdon, lately,
a furnace company was fined by a magistrate
for working ou Sunday, the furnace being in
blast. The court, however, has over ruled
the decision.
RC-ELICTION or Ma. RUSK. —By an arrival
from Galveston, dales to the 23d inst. have
been received. The Hoo. Thomas J. Rusk
has been unanimously re-elected to the U. S.
Senate lor' (ho term of eix years. '' '
BE-ELECTED.— On Monday last, tbe Hon.
Benjamin Fitzpatriok, Dam., was re-elected
U. 8. Senator toot Alabama, for eix years
from the fourth of March last f. t
m j ~-w ,•
Td School Te icbHi ~
A the lime til the County Stfperiiltendent
will now for tome lime to cone be occupied
in visiting the different school* of ihecounly,
those teachers who did npl meet him at the
times and places Vppohued "in (he several
districts, can now raeetLfttm avjhis office in
filoomsburg on any Saluiday afternoon lor
examination; but no examinations can take
place at any other time, nor can fepciters de
.|Mr>4 upon tasetisfftliiiwwt'town st'anr other
lime. R. W. WEAVER,
County Superintendent.
' j Biporoshtirg, Woe. 2g,.4ff5p? 7 j{ \ '
riTRK Teachers I 'Association Of Coltimbia
* . county, will meet at Millville, on Satur
day, 'he Btb of December next,at 10 o'clock
A. M. The attendance of Teachers is ear
nestly solicited and all friends of Educa
tion are respectfully invited to attend.
It. W. WEAVER, President.
Wis. BURGESS, Sec y.
W All who attend the Association will
be entertained free of expense. W. B.
Iy On last Saturday eleven teachers were
examined. The ranks are Riling up, but
there ia yet a demand for more.
HT Directors should in no instance hire a
teacher before he has a certificate. His qual
ifications may, upon examination, prove very
poor, and not at all deserving the wages
agreed to be paid. It it important that di
rectors grade the wages according to the pro
ficiency of teachers. This is done ia every
other bovine as. The expert receive* good
wage*, while he who i* imperfect in bis art
must take test. The only way to induce
teachers to qualify themselves ia te pay good
wagos to good teachers and poor wages to
poot teachers.
MENTAL ARITHMETIC.— -We hope 100 see
this important branch of education thorough
ly pursued during this winter's schools. All
children should commerce the study, as soon
as they are able to rpad jr) the 2d and 3d
The old system of teaching arithmetic is
very defective aud slow. If the scholar is
set in a comer to guess out hie problems, he
will try different methods until accident and
not undemanding, brings the answer, and
then he is much more pleased than instruct
ed. But the rules should be learned by clas
ses, and there should be recitations and exer
cises on tho blackboard in arithmetic ae well
as ia geography. After the recitation of the
rule, enough problems under it should be
worked out on the blackboard to show that
it is understood. Orsl explanations by the
teacher can inspire much iniefpst in the class,
and all in the class can thus learn at the same
time. It lightens the labor for both teacher
and scholar.
All the late works are arranged to be thus
used, and have a series of questions under
each rule which are designed to be answer
ed by the clas3 as they go through and mas
ter each rule in its turn. In our visits to the
schools this winter we hope to find that they
have been more generally thus used than
A Mistaken Notion,
" He's not a good teacher, but he'll do for
our backward school," and such like expres
sion* antl mowigM have sometimes oome 10
us in reference to a poor teacher. But we
answer if your school is backward you need
a good teacher to bring it up—to inspire life,
interest, and a taste for study inlo the schol
ars. II their instruction has been poor they
need some better, or else they will come to
look upon all study and learning as dull, dry
aud heavy. If we should eend a teacher to
your district and ssy "be is poor but will do
for your children" you would feel insulted,
and yet ibis the spirit of your own message.
In visiting the schools last winter we found
cases where the scholars had not been taught
to answer the most simple questions in the
spelling-book, and where scholars bad read
three winters without being taught the use of
a single pause or mark of explanation. They
had not been taught to know a comma from
a period, and only knew that all these marks
were "stops." The sum of all this is, that if
"backward" teachers are continued in "back
ward" achools the scholars will always go
Learning Grammar.
We copy the fallowing from the Randolph
Cilixen :'
Ma. EDITOR I hav bin sendip' my darter
Nancy to school to a schoolmaster in this na
borbood. Last Friday I weut over lo the
scool to aee how Nancy was gellia along,
and I seea things I didn't like by no mean*.
The scoolmaster was Igrnin her things entire
ly out of the line of eddyestion, and aa I
think improper. I se| a while in the soooS
bouse and heerd one clas say tber lesson.—
They was spetlen, and I (hot spelled quite
well exceedingly. Then cum Nanoy'e turn
to say her lesson. She said it very spry. I
was shot! and determined ste should leave
that scool. I hare heerd that gramer was
an uncommon fine stady, but 1 don't want
eny more gramer about my house. The les
son that Nsocy ted was notbin but. t|ie fool
ishest kind of luv talk, the ridiculest luv talk
you ever seed. She got up and the first
word she sed was :
I Love!
I looked rite mi her hard for doin so im
proper, but she wetitiiie on and sed: " ■
Thou Idvesl,
■ -.'■ l. I .He- leves. ■ •
and I reckon yoA never fceetd such a rigger
myole in your life—love, love, lb*e, and
nothin but love- She esd one time,
I did love:
" Se*l," who did you 10veP'' f -Thhri' the
soollers lifted, but I wasn't to be pibt off and
I aed " who did you love, Nancy; I Went 'to'
know—who did you level" The acoofmas
ter, Mr. MeQuillhfter, put in' and eed he
wood explane when Nancy finished the les
son. This sorter pacyfied ink aud Nancy
went on with awful luv talk. It got was
and wus every word. She aed, V 1
I might could or would love: • -i
I stopped her agin and eed I reckon I would
sap about'that, add told her to' Walk but of
tbkt house. The sooolmasier tried to later
fere bet I wouldn't let (Hm isey a word. He
ted I wee a feet, end ( nocki hita down 'and
made him holler iff Wort order T'Halkt the
& T* .eixpq* h 1 tfl. .
strata thing'to Vim. If told him Ids ibow
Mm bow heed* lorn my darter gramer.
I got lbs nabort together tad we tent Mr.
McQuiHister off in hnrry, nd reckon iburl
be no mortt gramer teeobin ig these parti
soon. If poo know of any rather oldish man
in yor regen that doant teach gramer, we
wood bw'glad if yu wood tend bim up—
But in the footore we will be kaerfol bow
we employ men. Yonng seoolmastera wont
especially if they teech gramer. Its a
bod thing for morls.
, Yoarp till delb, \ J
MMI —R*.
Theory on ike Asteroids. —Prof. Alexander,
ol Princeton, has recently prepared a paper
on the subject of the asterioJs, which ia in
genious. His conclusion is, that between
Mare and Jupiter there once revolved a plan'
et with au equitorial diameter of 70,000
miles and a polar diameter of only eight
miles, tbns being shaped Irke a wafer. Hav
ing a great velocity on its axis, it bunt as
some grinding atones do, and its fragments
formed the asteroids. This theory of the
astereide is brougnt into support that of the
Plutonista and nebular hypotbesiela.
lateel measurement of our freih water teas
is as follower
The greatest length of Lake Superior ia
'436 miles; the gteatestbreadth is 160 miles;
mean depth, 900 feel; elevation, 627 feet;
area, 32,000 square miles.
The greatest teagth of Lake Michigan is
360 miles; its greatest breadth is 108 miles;
mesh depth, 900 feet; elevation, 587 feel;
area 23,000 equate mile*.
The greatest length of Lake Huron is 300
miles; its greatest breadth is 160 miles;
mean depth, 800 feet; elevation, 574 feet;
area, 20,000 square miles.
The greatest lengih of Lake Ontario is 180
miles; its greatest breadth is 65 miles; its
mean depth, 600 feet; elevation, 262 feel;
area, 6,000 square mile*.
The total length of all five lakes ia 1285
miles; covering an area altogether of up
wards of 90,000 square miles.
Fifteen Days Later From California.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 24 —The steamship
Daniel Webster ha* arrived here, with dates
from San Francisco to the 15th inst.
Two hundred additional men had left Sen
Francisco to join General Walkeron the Isth
The Indians in Oregon continued their dep
The latest intelligence from the mines
slated that the yield continued to be encoura
The Daniel Webster left Punta Arenas on
tbe 19th inst. Gen. Walker was still at Gren
ada, and bad quiet possession of the transit
On Ihe l3ih inst., Col, Wheeler formally
recognized Gen. Walker's Government.—
Walker was daily receiving accessions to hi*
forces. General Ceral wos tound guilty of
treason and shot in pursuance of bis sentence.
Espenosa lias been banished.
Cob Kinney remains at Greytown. Fifty
of hie men bad deserted bim and joined Gen.
Waiker. '
the Court last week, in Chester county, sev>
eral tavern keepers were brought up for sell
ing liquor contrary to law. We clip tbe fol
lowing notice of the result of the persecu
tions from the Jeffersonian:
LIQUOR CASKS. —James Ellis, charged with
selling liqnor without license. Bill ignored
and county for costs.
Elijah Painter, indicted for selling liquor
to a minor. Bill ignored and oounty for
Patrick Hughes, Phmnixville. Verdict, not
Adam Hill, found guilty. A new trial ask
ed for, to be beard in December.
John Wilkinson, bill ignored and county
for costs. .
Allen Lemon, bill ignored and county for
GOOD CORN. —Charles Stout, a good farmer
of Whitemarsh township, Montgomery coun
ty, has a field of twelve aires of corn, which
ia aaid to make any other patch in that neigh
borhood stand off the track. There has been
a difference of opinion in tbe vicinity for some
time about what it will yield, and in order to
settle the question, he proenred the services
of Rees Conrad, Francies Kerr and Daniel
L. Conrad, three reliable farmers near him,
to measure off an average acte, end having
husked and ehelled it, they found it measured
one hundred and four bushels and four quarts.
The coiumitie state that they are fully peraua
ded that the whole field will yield tbe "same
amount per acre."
Morris If Willie's Home Journal Jbr 1856
Tbe following literary attractions will induce
thousand*, we bave no doubt, to add their
name* (for tbe coming year) to the already
extensive subscription list of this beat of week
lies, viz.: u new novel by N. P. Willie, a ae
ries of Outline Sketches, in prose aqd versa,
by General Morris, and a novelette by J. M.
Field, the popular and well knowo "Straws"
of the New Orleans Picayune. Tbe term*
of lb* Home Journal are but two dollar* a
year, and the office of publication is a* 10"
Fulton Street, New York. ,i ■
OT Among the November electioneistbsl
of a Cardinal, which was to take place at
Rome, Nov. 15lh. I.ucien Bonaparte, cousin
of Ihe Emperor, is a prominent oandidate,
and if be succeeds, it will be a long step to
wards tbe Papal throne, whenever Piu* v*
cata* it. ~ ■ , ....
BT The Grand Council of tbe Know Noth
ing party in South Carolina recommend* the
subordinate lodges to disband and absolve
their members Irom obligations.
ttr A number of the Philadelphia tavern
end hotel keepers bare behti arretted and
bound over to answer for violating Ibe Sun
day liquor law.
A GOOD Lor Or THEM.— Some-two hundred
and filly liquor dealers have been arrested in
(bp county of Lanoaater, for violstbg the K"
quor law
Arrival affile Canada!
HALIFAX, Nor. 24,—The steamship Cana
da, from' Lirerpool, wilh .data* to the 10th
instant, arrived at 1 o'cloek this afternoon.
The moat important feature of the week'i
news is the effort made by France and Eng
land to bring Sweden into active alliance with
them. General Canrobert is in Stockholm,
charged with <his mission, and Sweden is re
quired either to assent or refuse.
From the Crimea there is absolutely noth
ing to report. The armies are engaged ic
builui.n? hats for the winter, with occasional
military promenades and exchange of Ion;
shots with the Co"Mk P'cquets.
Several rumors of Simpberopo
hare tamed out to be fslstf.
Letters from Bebastopol say that Ruaeiar
projectiles from the north side reach aim' o *
every part of the city, and that a desultory
fire is kept up on both sides.
The Allies say that the Russians, although
keeping up a continued fire, are making prep
arations for a retreat.
Gen. Le Vaillant has been appointed by
the French Governor of Sebastopol,
Sir Charles Campbell, taking offence at the
appointment of Gen. Codringten, has asked
leave to return to England.
The following is the anbstauce of several
official despatches and letters
The French will garrison Kinburn; conse
quently the Englieh returned to Sebastopol
Nov. 3d.
All the Turkish force intended for Asia has
eft Sebastopol.
• A despatch from General Simpson, of Oc
ober 27th, says the westber was then mag
lificent, and the British troops were heal
An exchange of prisoners had anived from
An Anglo-French force from Enpatoria,
mder General d'Allonville, made a recon
toieance on the 22d, and falling in with a
large force of the enemy, offered battle, but
he Russian* retired after an exchange of a
ew rounds of artillery.
The Allies burned the Village of Schadd-
Fka, Karagnrt, Tuzela, and the town ol Saki;
ileo, many farms and stores along the route,
md on the 24th retained to Enpatoria.
Intelligence from Odessa, on the 27th of
Dctober, lays that Todtleben is fast rendering
Nicolaieff defensible below Passka, where
be river is only 600 fathoms broad.
Gunbohts manned by the crews of the for
ner Black Sea fleet, are stationed, and bat
eries are being erected on both aides of the
The inhabitants ol Nicolaieff and Cberson
ire informed that those cities may be attack
id, and large numbers have gone into the
Interior, at government expense.
It is reported that Odessa will be disarmed,
and the guns were sent to Nicolaieff.
General Luders, with the grenadiers and
cavalry, is posted botween Kinburn and Chor
It is confirmed that the Czar and the Grand
Duke Constantino witnessed the oaptuie of
Kinburn, from Oichakoff.
St. Petersburg despatches say the Russian
irmy in the Crimea has provisions for eight
A Vienna paper—the Fremden Blalt—
earns from GorteschakofTs head-quarters
lhat the Russians in the Crimea now number
In strength 200,000 men. A grenadier corpe
ias arrived at Siropheropol, accompanied by
3000 wagons, drawn by oxen—so the army
a provisioned for six months.
A despatch from Vienna says that a mes
tage had been received at the Turkish Em
bassy, stating that (he bombardment of Ni
colaieff commenced on the 29th of October,
ind continued during the whole of the fol
lowing day. The jpsult was not known. It
was added, that the Emperor Alexander had
ceen induced to leave the place before the
combardment began, but the Duke Constan
ine could not be prevailed upon to quit the
CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 29—It is said that
he Sultan will visit Paris and London in the
ipring, and has made known bis intention
o the Grand Vizier aad the principal Minis
The excitement respecting a war wilh the
United Slates had quite subsided, and the
ending journals, ashamed of the panic they
created, attempt to excuse it and let them
lelves down gently by attributing what they
call the hostile attitude of the American Gov
srnment to an election ruse on the part ol the
President and bis Cabinet, although it is no
lorious that the excitement was begun, foe
ered and kept alive by the London Time*.
Philadelphia Markets.
FLOUB aWD MEAL.—The export demand
bas fallen off, but flour of good standard
brands is still held at 89 50. There ia a fair
inquiry from retailers and bakers at <9 50 up
0 811 for common and fancy brands. Rye
Flour is full at 36 50, and Cora Meal at $4
per barrel.
GBAlN.—There ia an active demand for
Wheat, Southern and Penna. red at $2 15
>er bushel, and sales of prime white at 82 25
1 2 30. Rye is in steady demand at ÜBo
per bushel. Corn is in request Sales of
>ld yellow at St 00, and new yellow at from
roto7sc. Oats are dull at 41 a 43i per bu
ibel, afloat. ' '
Wuisxtr is steady— sales Of bbls. at 40 a
110. and 39 a 40c. for hhds.
CtovxasctD comes in very slowly and
telle from wagons at 86 50 a 6 75 per 64 lbs.
rimothy at S3 a 63 25. Flaxseed at $2.
VoUt of New York and Philadelphia. —The
Philadelphia papers have published acom
cara'.lve table of votes given by New Ynrk
rad Philadelphia at the recent elections, in
crder to prove that the latter oity is coming
close oq the heels of New York in point of
copulation. The following is the table pro
luced :
Philadelphia—total vote, 1355, 54,324
New York—total vote, 1855, 56,850
New York ovet Pbilade'phia, 1,556
""I I
1U 'fliuierir JIArtW.
The Earl ofEllesmore, in a lectori whioh
be delivered the other availing on rt* ■oh',
jeet df'the Russian war, lo Iba persons" *> hia
own immediate neighborhood, mada
markablastatement-—remarkable, certainly."
when taken in cdnnaotion witb the inflated
and beliooee epirit 6f tba article in tha Time*,
annooncing that tha British Govarcmant bad
largel)* reinforced tba Wait India" squadron,
in order to check the fiiiibotferlng expeditions
of tha worst portions of American society *—
•'II yon were tp ask me," sajrk "his Lordship,
"which was the most warlike nation jm*4hs
vtorld, I should say the Uuitnd Staiet-ol Amer
ici.'l They have many thousand mi tea of
frontier, and they have neat to no army at
all; bat tbey have a large population, accus
tomed to lbs oae of arms, and ready to vol
unteer in any military expedition. Whan
the invasion of Mexico was projected, which
was rather a buccaneering sort of an expedi
tion, the government advertised for men, and
a? army of 20,000 men were forthcoming in
a fortnight- This is what 1 call a warlike na
tion.'. Lord Elleimere has rather coder than
overstated by the case, for wa btf*e beard or
read (bat in the city of New York 1 alone,'
9000 volunteer* were enrolled in a aingle da£'
and at least twice that number were rejected
—the strongest proof of the correctness of the
deduction at which ha hae arrived. To ad
drees, then, to this inflammable people such
language as the Times ases in reference to
to tho misunderstanding between the two
countries, can have no other object than lo
precipitate hostilities, and produoe the very
calamities which the writers profess to de
plore. See, for instance, how a desire for
peace can be insultingly conveyed: "We de
sire above all things'" says the first leader in
ihe Timet of Thursday, "a continuance of
peace, but if it be the determination of any
large portion of the United Stales to force war
upon us, we shall know bow to meet It end
repel it, without relaxing for an iqptaot oar
gripe on the throat of the reeling and totter
ing giant of the North."
This may appear striking, bnl in onr judg
ment it is very foolish writing, just that kind
of bragadocio in which the filibusters them-'
selves indulge. There is no determination'
on the part of any "large portion" of the peo
ple of the Union to pick a quarrel with us—
quite the contrary. All the man of property
and position in tha country, alt tho classes'
which have the greatest influence on publld
opinion, would deeply regret a rapture with
England, and nothing short of national dis
honor, or national insult, would induce them
to discountenance it; bat it must be olear lo
every cool and reflective man that this defi
ant style is the most effectual method of neu
tralizing the moral fnflueoce of tho olassee
to which we refer, and of strengthening, in
Ihe same proportion, all the loafers and UK
busters who are anxious for mischief.—Liv
erpool Times.
Minnesota Legislature.— The St. Panf, (Min
nesota,) Democrat says the following is the
complexion of the Territorial Legislature : To
the Conned, nine Democrats to five Repnbli
cans; in the Honse, twenty-two Democrats,
eleven Republicans, and two Know-Noth
A Duel Frustrated. —A duel was about hap
pening one day last week between two young
backs in Pottsville, when Ihe police interfer
ed, and pat a stop to it. It is said that one of
the parties paid tho police for this friendly
Fatal Quarrel —On Fridsy evening a qosr
rel arose at a beer house in Peektown, N. J.,
in the course of which Thomas Clements
was fatally injured by a stone thrown by
Robert R. Quail, the keeper of the house.—
Clements died next morning, and Quail WW
committed to jail.
The Paradise of Insurance Offices. —The to
tal loss of properly by fire in the oily of
New Haven, Conn., during the year ending
Sept. 15th 1855, amonnta to only $17,366,00
which there was an insurance ol sll,ooo—
risk* ought to be low there.
Things in Washington. — WASHlNGTON, NOV.
26-—The President's message was comple
ted on Saturday, and will be submitted to the
Cabinet to-morrow. The present determina
tion of Ihe President is not to send out copiee
for the press in advance. This determina
tion, however, may be changed.
tW Major Hammond, late Collector of the
Custom* at San Francisco, has bean reported
a defaulter in office.
CV Apples are so plenty on the Western
Reserve, Ohio, that tbey are sold on the tree*
at ten cents par bushel
EF" NKXT MONDAY Court will begin, and
wa hope those who are indebted to ns will
find it convenient to pay np arrears.
On the 22d inst, by Rev. W. J. Ever, Mr.
both of Mainville.
On the same day, by the same, Mr. Hsimv
WERTMAN, of Montonr township, and Miae
NANCY CROMLKY, of Cooper township.
In Mifflin twp ; , Col. Co., on the tsth inat,
by Rev. I. Rahl, Mr. CHABLRS GROVES, ana
Mis* SARAH HETTLER, both of the formes
pi see.
Oc the 30th nil., by Rev. J. A* DeMover,
WM. WALLACE Tsgsoorr, of Jtnmville, Chz.
Uolirsburg, Col. Co
ir. Cattswisea, on the 16th inst.,by. Rev. J.
Y. Rotbrock, Mr. DANIEL H. UNOEK, and Mies
SARAH J. KLINOMAN, both of the former ptaee- RII
On the 22d ins!., bv Rev. W. Goodrich,Mr.
ooih of MonOrar county.
aaaa, ..•I'Wl.ft ■>.
In Espytown, on the 20th iosl., Mr. Jomv
MCCARTY, of Consumption, seed about 36
In Brisreteejc township, on the 16th last.,
Mr. JONAS WEIGHT, aged 24 ysats, i month 1
ind 26 day*.
At his residence, in Conyngham, Lot. eo .-
n the 17th insi., fee*. CHARLES C. F. SALL
HAN, Evangelical Lutheran Preacher of that
place, aged 47 years, 2 month* and 26 days.
In on the 28th inat, STACY
aged 84 years, 7 month, qnd H