The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 22, 1855, Image 3
E certain Remedy for {digestion wid Liver Complaint!' Maria rmttrpng, (27.) Edgartown, New Jersey, suffered MOM than meat people ' fromindi geMioo, accompanied by liver crfmplaint, aeveral toy clever roedteal Men told her •be wa ia a consumption, her friends despaired of her ever recovering, tmthfty had tried everything the'y thought liltely to bene fit bar, Without .success, At laal elie tried Hollo*ay's Pillrs which quickly assimilated fritlt the blood, removed (lie obnoxious nint tar, and ihorouuldy cleansed and renovated the system. The reaidt i, that she waa per-. feed? cared, and now enjoys- tire beat of heekii. There Pill* are elao a certain cure jot all diseases of the stomach and bownla. ' {FCVOKTAXT TO FKMAI.RS——Dr. CHEKSKMANS' PILLS, —The combinations of ingredients in there Pills. i the result of a long and ex tensive practice; thr y are mild in their opcr. alloc, and certain in restoring nature to ita f roper channel. In evory inatance hive the Ilia proved successful. The Pilia invnria bly open those ohstraclions to which females are liable, and hring nature into ita proper channel, whereby heath is restored, and the -pile and deadly countenance changed to n healthy one. No female can enjoy good health unless alio is egulai ; and whenever an obstruction takes place, whether from ex posure, cold, or any other cause, the general health immediately begins to decline, end the • want of such a remedy has beer, the cause of so many consumptions among yuung female. To ladies whose health will not permit an in creats of their family, these Pills will prove a valuable acquisition, aa they will prevent pregnancy. Headache, pain in the aide, pal pitation of the heart, loathing of food, and disturbed sleeo do moat alwavs arise from the interruption of oatona; and whenever that is the case, the Pilla will invariably remedy all these evils. Nor are they leas efficacious in the cure of Leucorrhoea, commonly called the "Whites," These Pills should' never be ta. ken during pregnancy, as they would be sure to cause a miscerrigae, W sranted to be purelv Vegetable, and free from anything injurious to life or health. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. These Pilla are put up in square flat boxes. Parous residing where there are no ageney estebliahe.l, by enclosing One Dollar in a let ter postpaid to Dr. C. L. Cheeaeman. No. 267 Blecker street, N cw York City, can have them sent to their respective addresses by return of mail. ~jy IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES, m* Dr. GEISSNEB'S Celebrated -Menstrual Pilla have been long and widafy Known aa invari ably certain in removing any stoppage, irreg ularity, or suppression of the menses. In the female hospitals in Vienna, Paris, and Berlin, they have entirely .superseded the use of alt other remedies; because, where a curb is attainable by medicinal agencies, thiy are certsin of success. Their astonish ing efficacy would be almost incredible, if not vouched for by indubitable testimony, in numerous instances producing returns of the monthly period after all hope bad been aban doned. In every ease, from whatever cause the ob- 1 struction may arise, as also to prevent preg nancy where the health will tint admit ot in crease of family, tliey are always efficient; for which reason they must not be used du ring pregnancy, though always mild, bealthy, safe and certain in their effects. Married ladies will find particular instruc tions in the directions, iu winch are staled the various symptoms by which the cause of the suppression may be determined. Price, One Dollar per Box, oor.lainiug ex plicit directions. Each box will be signed by Dr R.G. Geiss nor. Principal Office, J27J Liberty Street, New York City. . Responsible agents will be appointed for their sate as soon as practicable. In the mean time, all orders are to be addressed to Dr. R. G. Gristlier, 127J Liberty Stree>, New York City, or to box 2466 N.* Y. Post Office, and a box will be sent by ruturn mail, as they are put up in sealed envelopes, arid can be sent with the strictest privacy to any part of the United States. * CAUTION TO LADIES. As various not only ineffective but injuri ous compounds purporting to be " Female Pills," under all kinds of names as " Iron Pills," "Silver Pills," "Golden Pills," " Peri odical Pills," &c. are attempted lofce palmed off upon the credulous or unwary, it is only necessary for ladies to be on their guard against the attempted imposition, and in all cases where there is no authorized agent for the sale of Dr. Geissner's Menstrual Pills," to order direct from him by mail, by return of which a box will be sent. [29 —ly Agents —Geo. Ross, Lebanon; E. T. Mil-, ler, York; S. Alleman, Harrisburg; D. R.' Jones ft Co., Harrisburg ; C. VVeigley, Mill bach. EDUCATIONAL. To School Teachers. As the time of the County Superintendent will now for some lime to come be occupied in visiting the different schools of (he county, those teachers who did not meet him at the times and plaoes appointed in the several districts, can now meet him at his-office in Bloomsburg on any Satmday , afternoon for examiuation; but no examinations can.take place at any other time, nor can teachers de pend upon meeting him in town at any other time. R. \V. WEAVER, County Superintendent. Bloomaburg, Nov. 22, 1855. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. THE Teachers' Association ot Columbia county, will meet at Millville, on Satur day,l he Bth of December next, at 10 o'clock A. M. The attendance of Teachers is ear nestly solicited and ail friends of Educa tion are respectfully invited to attend. R. W. WEAVER, President. WK. BUBOESS, Sec'y. • , 17 All who attend the Association will be entertained free of expense. W. B. PUBLIC EFALE OF REAL ESTATE! rpHE subscriber, Executor of the last will X and testament of Martin Bender, dee'd., will oiler at public sale at the house of Al fred Howell, m Oraugeville, on SATffUVAY. tk* SSnd day of DECEMBER, 1865; a valuable TRACT.OF LAND situate in Orange township, Columbia county, Pa., about one mile from Oraugeville, adjoining Itndsef Edward M'Henry, Jacob Sridle, W. Bowoan and others, on which are erected a HOUSE AND A LARGE BARN. There are also a quantity of FRUIT TREES <fn the premises ol diflerent kinds of fruit.— For further particulars address the subscriber at Orangeville, Columbia county, Pa. JOHN COVANHOVAN, Orangeville, No* 14, 'ss—la. Executor. Lit of Letter* • REMAINING in the Post office at Blooms burg, Pa., Nov. 17, 1855 Blackson Maria Jonas Thomas Brower Robert F Ovardorf S.muel Beach William Sickner William Cramer A Tickers Daniel Coyed James Winner Mary Fisher Benjamin F Weil John GibbsJanfi • AVouimaebsr Jacob Girton Eliza White John A Hollaos Lewis Willierer Tims. J Hollane Mary Jans Molonttey Ellen shp. Persons calling (or the above letters will please say they are advertised. PHILIP UN ANGST, P. M- FANNY FERN'S 1,000,060 . r. : • 18JR 8 -? * A NEW BOOK COMING. WE have the pleasure of announcing that wa hare in press, mid shall publish about the first of December, a new work ol fiction entitled m ASBJS, A ROMANCE—BY FANNY FERN, The IHSI work, arid first uuntiauous tale of of this brilliant and fascinating authors**, "Ruth Hall,' achieved a success IIUCXIHU .' pled in the auiials of letters, lit the language of a leading periodical, it "created a more profound sensation than any which has been issued during a quarter of a century." But it is unnecessary to allude to the merits of "Ruth Hall." Judging from the number pi copies ol it we have sold, we judge that every body in the U States has read it. As respects the work we have now in pfess.Rosi i CI.AIIK, we can nnly say that we regard'it as in every respect, a greater, belter work ; and Hie ooufideiit it . will not only sustain, but even increase the reputation of iisdietinguftm ed RUthoress. We have reasons lor think ing "Rose Clark" will make a greater sensa tion than did "Ru'.h Hall." It will form an elegant 12 mo. volutr.eof over 400 pages. Price 31.25, On receipt of which copies will be sent by mail, post paid. It will be for sale by all booksellers. Any newspaper giving the advertisement three insertions, and sending us a copy of. paper, with adveilisement marked, will re ceive an advance copy of the work, by mail post-paid. Published by MASON BROTHERS, Nov. 22, '55. New York. .COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION! SECOND YEAR. A RRANGEMENTS for the second Annual 4* Collection of this new and popular Insti tution for the diffusion of Literature and Art, have been made on the most extensive scale. Among the works already engaged is the far-famed "GENOA CRUCIFI X," which originally cost Ten Thousand Dollars. In forming the new Collection, the diffu sion of works of American Art, and the en couragement of American have not been overlooked. Commissions have been issued to many of the most distinguished American Artists, who will contribute some of their finest productions. Among them are three Marble- Busts, executed by the" greatest living Sculptor,—Hiram Powers; GEORGE WASHINGTON. The Father of his Country ; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Tits Philosopher; DANIEL WEBSTER, The Statesman. A special agent has visited Europe and made careful and judicious selections ol foreign I wonts of Art, both in Bronze and Marble; Statuary and Choice Paintings. The whole forming a large and valuable collection of Paintings and Statuary, to be distributed free among tbe members of the Association for the second year. Terms of Men bership. The payment ef three dollars constitutes any one a member ol this Association, and entitles itim to either ope of the billowing Magazines for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of tire Statuary and Paintings The Literature issued to subscribers con sists of the following Monthly Magazines . Rltrper's, Putnam's, Knickerbocker. Black wood's, Graham's, Godey's Lady's Book, and Household Words. Persons taking five memberships are en titled to any five of the Magazines for one year, and to six tickets in the distribution. The nett proceeds derived from the sale of memberships are devoted to the purchase of works ol Art for the ensuing year. Tbe Advantages Secured by becoming a member of this Association, are— -Ist. All persons receive full value of their subscription at the start, iu the shape of ster ling Magazine Literature. 2d. Each member is contributing towards purchasing choice Works ol Art, which are to be distributed among ihem-elves, and are at the same time encouraging tbe Artists ol the country, disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. Persons in remitting funds for member ship, will please give their post office address in full, staling tbe month they wish the Mag azines to commence, and have the letter re gistered at the Post Office to prevent loss; on the receipt of whiph, a certificate of member ship, together with the Magazine desired will be forwarded to. any pait of the conn ■ try. Those who purchrse Magazines at Book stores, will observe that by joining this Asso ciation, they receive the Magazine and free Ticket in tbe annual distribulion, all at the same price they now pay for the Magazine alone. Beautifully illustrated catalogues, giving full descriptions, sent free on application. For Membership, address. C. L. DERBY'. Actuary, C.A. A. At either of the principal offices— "Knickerbocker Magazine" office, 348 Broauway, Now York ; or, Western Office, 166 Water street, Sandusky, Ohio. Nov 14, 'ss—if. THEDEST ARE THE EMPLOY the BEST TEACHERS and use the BEST BOOKS in your schools and your children will lesrn more in six months than in three years with inferior ones, and you will • SA VE TIME AND MONEY BY IT. SANDER'S NEW are the best Readers. WEBSTER'S are the best Dictionaries; GREENLEAFS SERIES ARE THE BEST ARITHMETICS. PELTON'S 13 THE BEST SYSTEM OF ©LsrosAiPHnr TAUGHT BY THE USE OF Splendid Outline Maps. WILSON'S ARE THE BEST SERIES OF assaswicttsffa LAMBERTS ARE THE BEST WORKS ON Sower <Y Barnes, Publishers, Booksellers It Stationers, 33 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. October 11, 1855—3 m. TALIJABLDFAIMIAT - PRIVATE SALEi THE subscriber offers tor sale his FARM, situate in Fisliitigcreek township. Columbia county, about 2<Y miles above Orangeville, adjoining lands of Hiram P.. Kline, Thomas Lunger and Jacob.Eyer, now occupied by the owner, and containing acout of vvhtefr about 8 acres is timbered and the rest weff. improved lor farming. There are on tbe prkmisea A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. a frame bam, a good young apple orchard, a lot of valuable , peach trees, cherry trees, &c. 17 Conditions .will be made known by applicaion on the premises to THOMAS BOBBINS. Fialiingcreek, Oct. 4, 1655. 17 S. M. PETTENGILI. & Co., Advertising Agents, No. 119 Nassau Street, Newt York, and 10 State Street, Boston, are authorized to receive and receipt for advertisements and subscription to Ibis paper. MiLL GREATER ATTRACTIONS! GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK ap*aei3<©, * FIFT? SECOND VOL ! THE PIONEER MAGAZINE ! Especially devoted to the wants of tfe Ladies of . America. . Where this Magazine is taken in a bouse, no other is wanted, as it comprises all that* could be obtained by taking three otherMag aziuel. ' ,- - - "t • -- V New Features fir 1836- A' new ahd very interesting story storvwill be commenced in January, by Marion Har lattd, anttior of "Aloue," ami "Hidden Path," two novel* that have created an immense sensation in lite literary world. Also— Mis* Virginia F. Townfend Will commence in lite February number a Novelette, which , we know will strongly interest the readers of 'the "Book." •Stories by an English Aolhoress. ' How to muke Wa* Flowers and Fruits— With engraving*. The Nurse and the Nursery. How to make a Bonnet. Troubles of an English Housekeeper. The art of sketching flowers from Nature. With engravings—To be copied by the learner on paper to be colored. Maternal counsels to a Daughter.—De signed to aid her in the care of Iter health, the improvement of her mind, and the culti vation of her heart. < ■ New style of illuminating windows and lamp shades, with engravings. Poetry and history of Finger Rings, illus trated; Shells for the.Ladies, and where they coma horn, with engravings. Modelling ia Leather with engravings. This ia only -giving au idea of oor.tMa*- tions for 1856 —New designs of interest to the ladies are springing uo everyday; we shall avail ourselves ol everything that can interest them. In fact, "Godey's Lady's Book," will possess the interest of any other three magazines. in addition to tbe above will be continued in each No. Godey's splendid steel engravings. One hundred pages of reading. * Godey's challenge Fashion Plates. In (bis as in every other department, we defy rivalry or imitation. Embroidqry patterns. Any quantity of them are given monthly. Model Cottages. Dress making with diagrams to cnt by. Dress patterns —Infant's and Chitdreos Dresses—All kind of Crochet and Netting Woik—Cloaks,' Mantelets, Talmas, Collars, Chemisette, Under Sleeves; Bonnets, Win-' dow Curtains, Broderic Anglaise Slippers, Caps, Cloaks, Evening Dresses, [ancy Arti cles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing, Robes for Night and Morning, Carriage Dresses, Bridal Dresses, Wreaths, Mantillas, Walking Dres ses, Ruling Habits, Boy's Clothing, Capes and Cloaks of Fur in season. Crochet and Netting Work printed in colors. Drawing Lessons for Y'onth—looo designs, Music, ta worth is given every year; the Nurse and the Nursery, with full instruc tions; Godey's invaluable Recipes upon every subject. We would advise all who inlend to sub scribe to send in their orders soon, for if we do not njake duplicate stereotype plates, it, will be difficult to supply the demand. We expect our list for 18A6 will reach 100,000 copies. Tbe best plan for subscribing is to send your money direct to the publisher.— Those who send large amounts had better send drafts but notes will answer if drafts cannot be procured.' Letters had better be registered—it only costs five cents extra, and their sale reception is ensured. Terms—Cash in Advance. One copy 1 year, 33. Two copies 1 year, 85. Three copies 1 year, 86. Five copies 1 year and an exira copy to the person sending the club making six copies 810. — Eight copies one year, and an ftxtra copy to (tie person sending the club, making 9 cop ies, 315. Eleven copies 1 year, and an ex tra copy to the person sanding the club ma king 12 copies, 820. 17 The above Terms cannot be deviated from, no malter how many are ordered. Gode) 's Lady's Book and Harper's Maga zine both 1 year for $4 50. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both 1 year for $3 50. The money must be all sent at one time for any of the Clubs. E7 Additions of one or more to clubs are received at club prices. T7 A Specimen or Specimens will be sent direct to any Postmaster making the request. 17 We can always supply back numbers lor the year, as the work is stereotyped. Subscribers in the British Provinces, who send for clubs, must remit 36 cents extra on every subscriber, to pay the American post age to tbe lines. Address L. A. GODEY. No. 113 Chestnut Street, Philail'a "~?RCOLAMATIOSTa NOTICE is hereby given that the several Courts of Commom I'leas, .Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for the County of Columbia, locommehce at the Coutt House in Bloomsburg , on Mondny, the 3d day of December next, to continue one week The Coroner, Justices of the Peace & Constables, in and for ihg county of Co lumbia,are requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with iheir rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those things to their sev eral offices appertaining o be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any pris oner, are also requested and commanded lo be then and there attending in their pro per persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just—nnd not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are request ed to be punctual in their attendee?, at the time appointed agreeable to their no tices, Given under my hand at Bloomsburg the 6th Jay of September in the year f our 'Lord one thousand eight hundred- and fifty five, and the Independence of the United States of America the 771h. JOHN SNYDER, Sh'Jf. (God save the Commonwealth.) NOTICE TO COLLECTORS t THE Collectors of MILITIA FINES in Col. eoonly 'are hereby notified to meet the Com missioners at their office in Bloomsburg, on lire first Monday of Dectmber next, for the pur pose of gelling their exonerations. Punctual atiendsiice is required as no exonerations - will be allowed alter that time. By order of the Commissioners. R. C. FRUIT, Clerk. COMMISSION sat' OFFICE, j Blooiusbqrg, Nov. 15, 1855. } MINERS AND LABORERS WANTED! AT LANCASTER COLLIERIES, Shamo kin, Northumberland County, Pa., to whom steady work will be given dnring the winter. Apply to GOCHRAN PEALE ft CO., Oct. It, 1856. Shamokin. |Y| USLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and • LT -*- good prints for 6$ cents just received bf A. G. MENSCH. Trill ita fei- Deff ■£* Wr*,'im. 1. Gilbert H. KowJer & Samuel A. Wor man vs. Hedry Trembtey. 2. John R. Mover Coouoiitee of Peter Melick vs. Samuel t. Hea'dly et. at. 3. Daniel Hnwer t. Jones Bernioger. 4 4. Joseph Sharpies# vs. Jamison Harvey. 5. O. B. Hilharct vs. Daniel Sponenbergef. 6. Enoch Howell vs. Isaiah Shumnn. 7. Jonathan J. Homeland vs. Israal Asbto>n, 8. William Edgar forth# use of John Bla den vs. Alexander Elger.' 9 Wdliatn B. Ra&uMffcM- George Pain ter & hie wife Mary JineT'aiUier. 10. John L. Fliok u*. Samdel Bauuler. ' . 11. Rev. Isaiah Bahl vr. Johq Werfcbeiser.* 12. Hugh Thompson vs Augustus B. Pearce et. al, ; I 13. William McKslvy eh el. Vs. Jonathan Mosteller. 't . . 14. Augustas B. Pearce vs. Hugh Thomp son. 15. William McKelvy et/ al. w. Jonathan Mosteller. 18. Henry Mellick vs. John W. Vender slice. 17; George Aman vs. Andrew Crouse. 18. Eli Fairman d. Henry Msrtz. 19. The Lycoming County Mutual Fire In surance Co. vs, Simon P Kase. 20. John Gerling for the use of Heny Van Reed vs. Charles F. Mnm 21. Alexander Edgar ju. Daniel F. Seybert. 22. Samuel L. McCullock et. at. vs. Sam uel F. Headley. 23. William Koons vs. George L. Kline 24. William vs. Gkorge L. Kline. 25. William Sbaffar vs. James Mott. 28. Jacob Hossler vs. Benj. P. Prick. 27. C. C. Baldy ur. Daniel Sponenberger. 28. Jno. V. Hart et. al. us. DavidM'Kinney. 29. George Strieker '-vs. Aadrew Malcom et. al. 30. Sarab Kline vs. Joseph S. Kline. 31. John Murray vs. William Hecdershot's adm. 32. Peter Blank vs. Benjamin P. Frick. 33. The Com. of Pennsylvania' vs. Peter Billmyer. 34. Edward Henry vs. Robert Montgomery. 35. Robert Montgomery vs. Edward Henry. 36. Azima VaMer'shamp's adm. vs. John H. Vanderslice. Grand Jury lor December Tern, '55. Briercreek—John Davenport, Jas. Evans, George L. Freeze^ Benton—Elijah Kline. Centre—lsaac Entwine. Franklin—Michael Mencb. Fishing Creek—Alexander Cramer. Greenwood—Barnabas Wats, James Gib son. Hemlock—George Ohl. Locust—Samuel Mears. Frtncis Cams. Mt. Pleasant—George Vanse. Montour—William I'ursel, Phillip Krum. Mifflin —Christian Luiz, Levi Kerkendall. Orange—Henry C.: Dtlong. Ruarini- Creek— Michael Mowery. Scoil—lsaac Creveling. Sugar loaf—Samuel Kitchen, Alinas Cole, John Lewis, Jesse Fritz. Traverse Jurors for Dee r Tern, '55. Bloom—John Hicks, Hiram W. Thornton, Reuben Feiterman, Hiram C. Hower. Briar Creek—Lewis Dieterich, John Suit, John Mariz. Beaver—John Shuman, William Gulp. Benton—Matthew McHenty, Stephen Kei fer Centre—Gilbert H. Fowler, Alex'r flsghes, Elias Creasy. CallawissH-Solomnn Bernard, Jacob Kreigli Fishing Creek—William Raber. Greenwood—Jacob Girard, Isaac fteler, , , Hemlock—William H. Shoemaker, Will iam Vandyke. Locusi—Henry Roads. Peter Keller, Hi ram Keller, Levi Johnson, Henry Vager, Eli as Helwig. Madison— Jonathan Johnson, kuict Dit dine. Montour—George Youst.. Maine—Michael Grove:. Orange—Conrad Adams. Pine —William Deilin. Roariugcreek—Jacob Yocum, George Dries bach. Scott—Shively Stadon. Register's Notice- TVTOTICE is hereby given to all legatees, 4-V creditors and other persons interested-in the estates of the respective decedents and minors that the following admiuistra'ion c --counts have been filed at the office of the Register ol the county of Columbia, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphan's court, to be held at Bluoma burg, in and for the county aforesaid, on Wednesday, the sth day of December next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. , . 1. The first and final account of Stephen Thomas, adm'r. of Margaret Thomas late ol Briercreek township deo'd. 2. The account of George Applemac, guar dian of Jane Patterson, a minor child of Aa ron Patterson late of Greenwood township, .deceased. 3. The account of John-Freas, guardian of Aaron Knorr a minor child of l'eter Knorr late of Brierc/eek township dee'd. 4. The account of John R. Meyer, adm'r. of the estate ol William Frier late of Bloom township dee'd. . 5. The first and final account of Henry Hollingshead administrator of Hiram Phil lips late of Cattawissa township dee'd. 6. The account of Aaron Mottheller,adm'r. of the estate of Daniel Moalheller late of Maine township detf'd. 7. The account of Isaac M'tfamey, adm'r. of the estate of Elias Mass late of Scott township det'd. DANIEL LEE, Regislsr. REGISTER'S Ornce, | Bloomsburg,'Nov. 6, 1855. j Administrator's Notice. NOTICE in hereby given that letters of ad ministration to the estatef John Ohl, fate of Hemlock township, in the county of Columbia, dee'd, has been granted by the Register of said co'uoly to Levi Aikrrran who resides in Center township, and fraiiklin Mcßride who resides in Hemlock township in said county. All persons kaving'claims ro demands against the estate of the aaid de cedent ere requested to present to the sdmih istrators or either of tliern without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forth with. . . LEVI AIK.VIAN, FRANK. McBMDE, October 25, 1855. Administrator's Notice. TVOTICE is hereby giver, that letters ol ad ministration ppou the estate of Joseph. Eok, late pf Berwick. Columbia county, de ceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Briarcreek township. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment without delay, and those htlving ac .counts against the estate to present (hem for settlement to JOSEPH PILKiNGTON, Briarcreek, Opt. 17, 1855. . Adm'r. M. I V -1 '" * V "L-L- p i —Came to the Mrlr ■ P tem 'ee of the subscriber, in IfPTI Orange lownsbip. Columbia Co.; •■*■■■• about the Ist of October last, SIX' STRAY SHEEP. The owner is reqoested to prove properly, pay charges and take them away, or they will be aotd according to law. BENJAMIN HAYMAN. I Orange twp., Nov. 8, 1855, DRAWER GOODS, Spatted Swiss, Bog Jaooneu Mail, Cambric, Swisa Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Masiin just reoeiv! ad at the Store of A. C. MENSCH . .I - •- JO YHOBE WANf INQ CHEAP COOP9Fa _ HAVE juit received end opened their slock of merchandize for -fell end 'Winter sales, jvtaioh comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now offered in Having paid greet attention lo the selection 'of their entire stock, as to price end quality, they flatlet themselves that they ean compete with (be cheapest, arid ell those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a calL We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS MOODS, merinoes, wool pluidj, alpacas, tornbssines, de (isges, poplins, paramatta clothe, rnobak lustres, muslio de laines, Persiaa cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flonncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in Urge, variety, vel vet ribbons. and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread uloves, mohair milts, &c., All.kinds of SHAWLS, brocke, Bay State, Waterville, black ailk, cashmere, Embroder ed, SLC. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassiraers, sattinetts, veatings, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &o. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS $• SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN $• CHILDREN We have a large assortment of Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpels, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage nil cloths, mms rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings. &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing eUe where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. G£3&ccsicE>aQ. sZE)niaafPaQsas3 G3cs> e HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Fall and Winter Clothing ! In (he Exchange Plock next to SwarU's Book Stove. They have On hand a large and full assortment of s FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, °UM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened - age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every color of Ihe rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, buff, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine white figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and seism They have Undersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigaletts, Gloves, Mills, Ladies'a bead-ba g Handkerchiefs,. &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions each' as Rinas, Breast pins, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portmoniea, Spectacles Koikes Razors and a well selected assortineni pf Apcordeons. ' GT Remember the cheap store io the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house . Bloomsburg, Oct. 4, 1855. s DREIFUSS, & Co. 1855 New Fall and Winter Goods! 1855 DAVID IOWEWBBRG "INVITES attention lo his stock of cheap and fashionalo tlothing at his store on Marks! street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including VAGIBSa&STAIBIUB IBBJISBS go*, sack, frock, gum and oil clolh coals of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. ' He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, Sept. 20th 1855-3ra. A. H. JOCELYN'S CATALOGUE of POPULAR MAPS ANI> Ithutrated Sheet Publication*, With General Descriptions, Prices, &c. VjsHESE publications are invarialy colored, * and all the same-size,(2E by 32 inches.) and of one retail price,—2s cents each. FOU FASII ONLY lsf. —Mirror of the City of Srbastopol, and Mop of the. Crimea and Black Sea THIS is the only authentic view given, showing the exact position of all the fortifica tions, with correct name and number of guns in each, and giving a full description of the city, its public buildings, harbors, Uc. Also, map of the Crimea, showing the military po sition Of the Allied forces surrounding Sebas lopol; man of the Black Sea, containing dis tances from Constantinople, and statistical Information relative to tile population of Eu rope and its principal cities. Also, views of (he hurricane on the Black Sea. the Battle of Inkermann, &c. Wholesale Price to Agents, $7 per hundred. 2d Sheet.—Map of North America, Uni ted States and Cuba. Showing the routes to California, New Or leans, Cuba, and many other large places; extent and population of UnitedlStates, Mex ico, British America, Russian and Central America and Cuba; population of cities; por trait* of Washington, Jefferson.• La Fayette, Jackson, Webster, Clay, and Calhoun—men who will never be forgotten. Wholesale price to Agent*, 99 per hundred, 3d Sheet—The Illustrated Life of Christ. Containing eleven large and spleudid En gravings designed by Gilbert, the great Eng lish Artist. Subject as follows : The Adora tion of the Shepherds—The Fligh" into Egypt —Jesus io the Midst of the Doctors—Jesus ' Subject to hi* Parents—the Baptism—Our 1 Lord in th* House of Martha attd Mary- Lord raising the Widow's Son—Jesus Christ' Blessing little Children—The Crucifixiim— ' the Resurrection—Our Saviour. Wholesale price to Agents, $9 per hundred. 4lh Seeet.—A Greaf National Chart.—<■ The Constitution of the United Slates and declaration of Independence. With portrait* and Biographies ol all the : the Presidents, and Seals of every State and Territory in the Union. Wholesale price to Agents, $9 per hundred. N. B.—No citizen should be withoat this Sheet, and Foreigners who wpuld understand the American people, their principles and government, should have a copy without de lay. sth Sheet —Jnst Published, Latest Maps und Views of the Eastern war, from the most authentic sources, Scbastopol, Crimea, Black, Baltic and AzofTSeas. Showing the present position of the Allied forces; Small Map of Europe, giving the routes and distances from London and Paris to the Crimea, Cronsladt, and many other places; Number of vessels in the Baltic Fleet; Army and Navy of the world;" Views of the Hurricane on the Black Sea, Battle of Inker .maun, Constantinople; Population of Europe and its.principal Cities; Immense Supply of War Munition! to the French Army, &c. ESP* No person should be without this Sheet It contains on a large scale the best maps, plaps and views of places that are causing so much excitement throughout the world; also, ' a small map of Europe for reference to their positions, &e. Wholesale price $9 per hand red- ' . . 6th Sheet.f-"MirrOr oj Crohstadt, Sebas . topol, Great Redan, Mamelon and Ma . lakoff To we fa, Map of the Crimea and Baltic Sea, with portfaitb of the Prin cipal Crowned Heads. also, Russian, French. English and Turkish Officers. , This is the only authentic view given of Cronstaidt; showing the exact position and - correct name of all the Fortifications, with , number of guny fn each. A new plan of Se basiopol, Southeall view, showing the Great Redan, Mamelon and Malakon Towers— drawn on the spot—also, giving the number of Allied Forces in tbe Crimea, Baltic See, . &c. Wholesale ptioe to Agents, 89 per bun ; dred. A . H. JOCEL^N, i .ii" PublUber of Illustrated Maps, • Popular Sheets, he., &c. 1 60 Fulton St,, (up ttairs,) N. York. Oct 18. Genuine Honey Soup, -ft-JOTTI. ■ ' PURITY,FRA .Wj&fy ,* t f- ■"■ arance and mild * emollieni properties of j|P9this Soap, renders it es place on every toilet. —For chapped hands,and vi.rious diseases of the skin, ii is unequalled. Each cake is stamped WM. CONWAY, 168 South Second Street, Philadelphia. No oth er is Genuine. Improved Chemical Olive Soap, Warranted to wash in hard, soft, or salt Water This soap has powerful clpausing proper ties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, &0., from every description of goods without injury to them. For all domestic purposes it is superior to any other Soap in use, and. 20 Set cent, cheaper than the common Rosin oap. Each bar is stamped WILLIAM CONWAY, 168 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, Sperm. Slearine and Tallow Candles, Impor ter & dealer in Sal Soda, Soda Ash, Rosin,&c. Orders by mail promptly attended to. August 23, 1855.—-3 m. PERRY & EIIETY, S. W. COR. OF 4TH & RACE ST., PHILADELPHIA, !>OOK SELLERS, STATIONERS, PCB " lishera and Blank Book Manufacturers. P. & E. have constantly on hand an assort ment of Imported and Amerioan Books and Stationery of the finest quality, which can be supplied AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ESI ABLISHMENT in the City. Having an EXTENSIVE BINDERY ! • connected with our business we are enabled I to furnish BLANK BOOKS either from the shelves or made to order at the lowest raanu- I facturer's prices: I Persons wishing 10. purchase in Philadel phia will find it to their advantage to give ua a call before making their selections. All orders by mail promptly attended to Sept. 20, 185q 6rp- Wood's Ornamental Iron Works, Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia. THE attention of the inhabitants of Penn sylvania are invited to the extensive Manufac. lory and Ware rooms of the subscriber, who is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Iron Railing of every description, for Cemeteries, public and private buildings, also Verandahs Fountains, Chairs, Settees, Lions, Dogs and' other ornamental iron works of decorative char ade-. Purchasers may relv on having all ar ticles carefully bpxed and shipped to (heir des tination. A book of designa will be furnished to those wishing to mske selections. ROBERT WOOD, Ridge Avenue, Mow Spring Garden SL, PHILADELPHIA. September 27, 1855. PUBLIC SALE 6F REAL ESTATE ! 'INHERE will be sold at public sale at the -*■ residence of Dsniel Knit'le, in Franklin township, Columbia county, on SATURDAY, the Ist day of DECEMBER next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, a tract of land, situate near the residence of the sub scriber, in Franklin townsjiip, adjoining lands of David & John Yoder, Joshua Mendenhall. John Lawrence and others, containing One Hundred and twenty-five Acres, more or lees. There are on the premises a DWELLING JIQUSE, near wbiohisawell and.several lasting springs of water: also a large frame aed other outbuildings. About thirty acres of the tract are good pine and white-oak tim ber J and, and the remuindet is in a good state of cultivation. A lafge pa>t of it Is excellent meadow land. There is a Urge APPLE ORCHARD on the premises, and a Variety of other fruit tree*. Th#> property lay* along the public road from Cattawissa to Elyebure, and only three miles from Ihe Cettawista Railroad. Condition* made known on day of saiei DANIEL KNITTLE. Franklin ip., Oct. 29,— ts. T A fliKVtikUW FOR A MARTELIIOIJB AK | THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY 1 B v isffl ftastWß-sa'Sfic bodies. Through these tbis Ointment, when rubbed on (he skin, is otfrried 4a say organ or inwsrd pert. Diseases of the Kidneys, dig orders of ibe Liver, affections of the heart, Inflammation on the Lungs, Asthmas, cougtjs and colds, are by its mean* effeotuaily cured. Every housewife knows that salt passes ly through bone or meat of any tnickne*s.r- This healing Ointment fa* more readily pen etrates through any bone or fleshy part of the living body, curing ibe most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot be reached by other means. Erysipelas, Salt Rheum and Scorbutic ■ , Humors. No teptedy has overdone so much lot the cure of disease of the Skin, whatever form they may assume, as thieOintment. -Nooaie' of Salt Rheum, Scurvy, sore heads, Scrofula, or Erysipelas, cap long withstand Its influ ences. The inventor has traveled over.enpfy parts oi the globe, visiting the prineiffle hos pitals, dispensing tbis Ointment,, giving ad vice as to'its application, and has thus Men the means of restoring countless numbers of health. ... . Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Wounds and Ulcers, , ~ Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely on the use at tbis wonderful Ointment, when having . tqoope with the worst cases of sores, wounds, ulcers,glandu lar swellings,and tumors. Prof. Holloway has by command of tbe Allied Governments,dis patched to the hospitals of tbe East, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the direction of tbe Medical Stall, in Ibe worst cases of wounds, ft will oureany uloar, glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 years' standing. Piles and Fistulas, These and other similar -distressing com plaints can be effectually cured if the Oint ment be well robbed in over the parts aflpot ad, and by otherwise following the printed directions around each pan. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases: Bunions, Lumbago, Burns, ... Mercurial. Erup- Cnapped Hands, i lions, Chilblains, Piles, Fistulas, Rheumatism, Gout, Bait Rheum, Skin Diseases, Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Swelled Glands, Sore Heads, . Stiff Joints, Sore Throats, Sores o( all kinds, Sprains, Scalds, Ulcers, YVounds of alt Venereal Sores, kinds. Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Straud, London, and by all respectable Drug gists and Dealers of Medicines tbrougheut the United States, and the civilized world, in Pots, at 2b cents, 62i cents, and $1 each, EST There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of nat. tients in every disorder are affixed to oaeh Pot. July 19, 1855. 100,000 COPIES ! . Steamboat l/isasters on the Western Waters, and Steamboat Directory. . fItHE undersigned have now in course of X preparation a new Steamboat Directory,, which will be issued October next, the book will contain over two hundred pages, i|.. lustrated in the best style, .and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will be one of the moat interesting books ever .published, and. will be a book that will be interesting to all classes of people. The Steamboat Directory will contain a complete list and description of all the Steamboats now afloat in the Western and Southern waters. The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of each boat, whose end by whom buijt, the name of the boat, with the trade she has in. Also, the names ofCaplains and officers, ,her age, dec. The Directory will contain a History of Steamboats and Steamboating on .the Western waters, since the application of atpypiL also, t sketch of the brat boatbuilt for the . CJhip River, with the name of the builder, commander and own er. ■ f .... The River Diroctory .will contain a list and description of all the Steamboat Disaster.] that have occurred on the Western and South ern waters, beautifully illustrated. with a list of.all those who have peri-died by their burn ing, sinking and exploding, on-the western and southern waters. The . Directory will contain Maps of tbe Ohio, Mississippi, Mis soufi, lllinoir, Arkansas, White, Red, Ouachita, Yaxoo, and other rivers, with the towns and cities laid down, with cotrect distances: also,, many other River and Commercial items of. intercs to the people it large. Tbe book will contain the cards of the various V. .S. Mail Boats, with the trade they are in, dec, .The Diroctory will also contain a complete list of all the responsible Steamboat Licensed Offi cers, their places of residency, dec. dtc n the new steamboat law ita requiremei ta, with comments, showing wherein it benefits,the in competent officer, and jnjurea. the competent officer, dec. Sue,, and all the important U, b Supreme Court steamboat decisions up to datej the Rates and . important Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, important decis ions of the various U. S. Court* in regard to. Freights Lost and Damaged, dte- &0., with msav other things of interest. Tbe Directory will be illustrated in the beat style, and printed in the best manner. The author hug fpr six years been gathering together *ll the facts and items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters on 'he Western and Southern waters, and not* intends pub lishing them ih book form, The ■ price of the work will be put at, the low sum of Que Dollar. Ton thousand, copies will be issued for the boutmer.; alt others desirous of subscribing, will have to do so t once, as none will be printed unless ordered in advance. Thie work is destined to have a circulation of over eight thousand copies, as the publishers ar*.receiv ing large numbers of subscribers, per malls from ail parte of the country, daily. Some of the oldeet boatmen, ta Well ta moat scientific men of the timet, are contributor! to the - ' Steamboat Directory. . The Directory will be iesned Tg October, and will be an orasraeQt to. the parlor as well, as steamboat. By remutioj One Dollar, poat' paid, you will receive a copy of the above work. ~ Alt communications and letters should bk addressed to JAS. T. LLOYD * tKf. Poat Office Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. July IS, 1856. NOTICE IS hereby given that John Well*, *a • in j his wife, Betsey,, have parted ibis day the (sth ol November, 1855, with mutual con- " •apt, He therefore cautions all persona uo| to trust her on' his account, as .be will not pay any debta of her contracting after thie . JOHN WALTZ, ecq, Mam twp., Nov. 15, 1855.