The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 25, 1855, Image 1
THE STAR OF THE NORTH. K. W. Heaver Proprietor.] VOLUME 7. * THE STAR OF THE NORTH I* rOaUHIED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY n. w. wrAVKii, ornoK-tfp sinirs, in the new brick build ing, an the south side of Main Steirt, third square below Market. TEH MJ:—Two Dollar* per annum, if paid within six month* from the lime ol sub •cribing ; two dollars and fifty cefitß if nol Olid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six moniOß ; no (liAconiinuariea permitted until all arrearages are paid, utile** at the option of the editor. ! ADVERTISEMENT* not exceeitiug oneequare will be inserted three times fo. One Dollar and twenty five cents for eaoh additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. MaflELYr. S* THOUGH I S FOLT AMI RICANS." And can it be, Americans, That stealthily y creep, To darksome dens where bat* and owls Their midnight vigils keep ? That like a guilty thing ye shun The honesl light ol day And when night pales before the sun • Trembling yg (ink away. That there with quivering hp and tongue A wretched oath ye lake, Which none but traitors e'er could keep, A'td which you dare not break— Ami bind yourself with lying vows, Nothing to know 'hit's true. But anything to aid your plans With witling hearts 'o do. And ye swear to rob your brothers Of that treat ore we all prize More highly than aught uther_ We possess beneath the akies— The right he has of serving God In the way his conscience calls, And yet of standing high as ye In Ins country's honored halls. And ye swear to spqrn from this Iree land The stranger weak and worn, Who reek* like a bird with drooping wing, Shelter from wind and storm ; Who flisa to this,our (ar-futned shore, A* a home for the poor oppressed, But ye thrusthimbat k with a curse and blow To seek elsewhere for rest. Olt. shame! whete i* thy foolish bluah, When deed* ol tdJob dark fame Are daily done throughout our land, In freedom's ill-n*ed name ! Am I ve so-called Americans, Profane no more that sound, 11 Know Nothings'-' fitly are ye called Who by such oath* are bound. BEAUTY —There is something in beauty, whether it dwell* in the human face, in the penciled leaves of flowers, the sparkling sur face of the fountain, or that aspect which bteathes o'er the statute that makes us mourn its ruin. We should not envy that man his ' fastings who could see a leaf wither or a flower fall without a slight tribute of regre.- This tender interest is the beauty of becom ing grief and affection, for Nature in adver*i \y never 11*. She comes more near to us in our sorrows end leading us away from the path* of disappointment and paid into tier soothing recesses, allays the anguish of our bleeding hearts, binds up the wonttils which have been it.fli-'ted, whispers the meek pledges of a better hope, and in har mony with a spirit of uill holier birth, points to that tiome where decay and death can never come. THE MONAD.— The Monad, tlio smallest of living creatures, swarms by myriads in a , drop ol water: for it has ben computed that within thia small space no less than five hundred millions could be comprised : and thia calculation is not to be regarded as un worthy of confidence, inasmuch us the Mo- ■ * nad is never found to attain a length greater j than the twelve thousandth part of an inch. In a cubic inch of a certain kind of mould, con aisting entirely of animulctilee, mora than forty-one millions of distinct beings were esti mated by Ehreuberg to exist; a fact which, when taken in connection with others of the lime nature, renders it highly probible tHiat the living beingi ol the microscopic world surpass in number those which are visible ; to the naked eye. INDIFFERENCE.— We prefer an out and out enemy to a milk and water indifferent friend. 1 Indifference ia perfectly detestable. If a men spita in your face, or knocks you down, yon can wipe off the one, and if the blow is not too hard, gel up whan the effect ol tbe , other has somewhat subtidnd ; but whan a 1 man looka at you, and does not look at yon at tbe aame time—when he speak* •• tho' ! bp supposed you were dreaming, and was < afraid to awaken yon—when he shakea hands aa though he thought yon had tbe plague, 1 and waa alraid of catching it, we say, ftom anch men and from such women, deliver us., We would rather live on a CUD of water •rid a crust of bread, wear lindsev woolsey, and lodga on the grass, than be unusr any obligations to such person*. ■ A Jew Defending Christians. —At a Demo cratic mass meeting in New Orleans, Hon. E. W. Mols denounced Know-N'othingism severely. In the course of his speech he •aid : ' It is a new thing ior a Jew in n Chris tian country, to protect the Catholic religion from persecution; hut I am ready to stand up, with hand, and heart, and arm, to defend his rights. (Great cheering )—'These cheers | ■re not for nic, but for the cause of freedom j and civilization/' (Rehewed applause.) j A The member* ol the Hebrew faith have too , long endured social and political proscription j to give their support to Intolerance. The T*Catholiee of Loaisiana opened the offices of tbe State to the Jews; the latter will not now oloae them against the former. CDRB FOR HARD TIMES.— At Connersville, Ind , potatoes are a drug in the markets, at fifteen cot pat bu*b! BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1855. 1111-: IV Alt IN tHK t It OIK A. HISTORY THE SIEGE. It! order to giie our readers a full account jof the war from the beginning, we give a -j recapitulation of the operation* and various ; banles up to this tune, which wefitidenu , merated in the Sundry Dispatch: I THE SITUATION OF TIIK FORTIFICATIONS. ' The tegular fortifications on the South | side ol Sebßstopol harbor, built for its de fence against a naval attack, are us follows, beginning on the sea side: Quarantine Battery, 51 guns, Kurt Alexander, ' 64 " I Fort, 50 " FHnrt St Nicholas, 102 " Fori I'aul, 80 *• Battery, 20 " Total, 367 These have been comparatively useless in the si age, naval attack being cut off by sinkitig eifeht men of war across the mouth 1 of the harbor, between forts Alexander and t Constaitline. As soon as the Allies hail landed, the Rue- ! iana set to work to built new defences on 1 the land side or rear of the city. Among 1 the-e were the loop-holed wall ami other ' tmpmmtu defences, including the Garden I battpry, the Cemelry works, the round South > tort or t-'enlral battery, the Great Redan, the ' Mamplon, the Mulekoff, the rifle pits, the 1 White works, the Little Redan, and other I works, comprising altogether, pethaps not j less than five hundred pieces of artillery, I brought up from the nrsennl, sea side forts, ' and from the ships across the mouth of the ' harbor. On the North side of the harbor, there are, Fort Constantino, 104 gnne. Telegraph battery, 17 " Double range casement bat. 120 " O.ltpr batteries, 60 " Double B.ntery, 64 " Extreme Eustetn battery, 20 " Tola', 355 In addition to !\ieee there is the Wasp fort, vatious earthwork*, and the Star fort capa ble itself of holding a garrison of leu thou sand men, with un amount of artillery equal perhaps to tun hundred additional guns I which would give an aggregate to the regu lar for's, batteries and earthworks on the North aide, of upwards 500 guns. These have yet to be taken ; but as they occupy, a line of cliffs commanding the town, they cannot be tafcpn by bombardment from the opposite side. THE BLACK SEA FLEET. In 1855 there was published the following catalogue of tlte Black Sea fleet of His Im penal Majesty, the Emperor of Ru-sia: The Warsaw 120 The Msrchmoni 90 Sillistria, 90 Catharine, 90 Tchesiia, 90 Adtiaiinpls 90 Maris, 90 Zlatoust, 90 Anapa. 90 l'iruen, 90 Pantik Ifslaphi 90 FRIGATE*. The Bourgaa 60 The Brailnff, 40 Euos. 60 Aguthopol, 60 Varo4, 60 Anna, 40 letiedos, 60 CORVFTTES. Stzopoli, 60 Oresta. Iplujenis, 24 Brig Mercery, 20; two schnonerv, each; 14 ' one culler and one lender. In imdiiion to this list, we find in the Rus sian account of the destruction of the Turkish fleet a' Sinope, three ships, the City of Paris, . the Grand Duke Constantino, and the Tri , Sviatilelia, each ol 120 guns, mentioned as - among the Russian squadron ; also the fri gates Rostisluff, the KHJOUI and Kotiluvlcha. - and the war steamers Odessa. Crimea, Bes sarabia and Chersonese*, making an aggre gate ot some thirty ships of war, ol all of which not a vessel now remains afloat. These specifications, military and naval, will afford some idea of the necessities Jo Russia of her courageoos and desperate de- I fence of Sebastopnl; for not only was the . • key to Constantinople and the possession of j the Crimea involved in the contest, but her I Black Sea squadron, without which her great , - commercial outlets of the Dnieper and the ! ' Don, and her world-supply granaries of Odes ' sa, are at the mercy even of the Turk. j THE ATTEMPTS OF THE ALLIES TO TAKE SEBAS TOPOL. The following condensed chronological ac ! couut gives an interesting summary of events: j SEPTEMBER, 1854. 14.—Tbe Allied am > 70,000 man, con sisting of English, Fiench o'ul Turkish troops, j lauded at Eepatoria, in the Crimea. It was i conveyed iri 100 vessels arid escorted by the 1 entire fleet of war ships then in the Black Sea. Twelve thousand men were left at Ballschik,—(Tutkey,) with an immense force ol artillery. 20 —Battle of the Alma. In this engage, ment the English brought into action 20,000 men ; the Turks (estimated by readers and the hinlsof civilized general officers,) 8,000. ' The Russians had 38 000 men, in a good : position on tl|e heights across the river, ! wffich ware stotmed and turned by the Al ij lies As a result, the general* sta'ed that I Hit- English had 31b killed, 1,818 wounded ; I the French 318 killed, 1,033 wounded; the | Russians 2,480 kilted and 4.680 wounded I and the Turks (no official- -report* regarding ; then losses,) 256 killed, and 1.230 wounded, i The lists returned aa wounded contain nil who were lost by accident or in crossing the river or jnai alter the battle. Amongst the English dead were 96 officers, 114 sergeants and 24 drummers. Tbe French 10-a in offi cers wua reported as about the same with that of the English. The Turkish lots it only animated, at the English or French I Truth tad ftlffht God and our Country. ! officers did not allude to il, and the Sultan has nerer made a return, in any way known to Christian readers, in public. 23.—A powder msguzirie, belonging to the Russian army, exploded at Perekop, and 430 i men were killed. 26.—Marshal St. Arnand resigned ihechiel | command of the French army, and left for Constantinople. He was then in bad health, and died a few days after. OCTOBIR. 12.—From sth to thi* day the Russians of Sebastopol had, by bombardment, 120 men killed and 460 wounded. Admiral Koruiliet was among the killed. 17. Renewed bombardment. The Allies fired by sea and land on Sebastopol, when the English had 44 men killed arid 266 wounded, and the French 30 killed and 186 wounded on their ships by the Russian fire from the batteries. Russian loss nol known ; —supposed to be trifling. 23 —The Russian garrison in Sebastopol , | sailed forth and captured a French battery. I The French had 64 men killed, and the Rna- | ' sians 20. During the sortie the English had ' four men wounded, the French 76, and the j Russians 37. Lord Dunkelltn waa taken! Iprisnaer. I 18—Two hundred and thirty French kill- I eil by the explosion of a siege battery ; 465 : | Russians killed by an explosion in the Re- I dan. 25.—Battle of Bal.iklara. There were en- ' gaged 30 000 Russians, 3000 English, 4000 j French, and a little more of that number of | Turks. Tbe Russians had 1730 killed, the j English 1100, the French 230, and the Turks: about 980. The wounded were not counted by any parly. The English light cavalry, 'tbe Light Brigade,' wero nearly annihilated in their charge. Their horses are included among their killed. 26.—The Russians made a sortie toward* Balaklavu Iroin Sebastopnl. They number ed 8000. They had 675 killed. The Allied loss was between two and three hundred. NOVEMBxR. s.—Battle of Inkermann. Here the Rus sians had from 4f.,000 to 50 000 men, the I English 8,000, and the French 6480. The English had 462 killed and 2143 wounded; | the French 389 killed HIKI 1,337 wounded : i grid the Russians 3,011 killed and 3 609 wounded. One hundred and five officers were killed. 6.—A Turkish troop ship lost in the Black Sen, and 701 men drowned. 14.—A terrlficstorm occurred in the Black Sea. The English lost five war ships, inclu ding "The Prittce" and •hirty-five merchant, men About 7,109 lives were lost, and twaiity-three trading vessels were much dam aged. 19. Four hundred of the English and French lost by a second storm in the Black Sea. 25.—Russian sortie from Sebastopol Forty-three English, 27 French, and 245 Russians killed. Wounded not enumerated. The English look 9 Russian gun*. 29.—Seven hundred Russian powder wag ons lost in a snow stoim near Perekop with 7.000 men. 29 —For eleven nights (up to December 13) from this dale, the Russians made sor ties from Sebastopol on the French trenches. Each night the French lost (in killed) about forty men, and the Russians seventy. The French would have thus lost 440 and the Russians 770. No return* of the wounded. Cholera and fever raged in the Allied line. The commanders estimated their losses front these diseases alone at the rate of fifty men a day, from November 15'h to December 28th, thus running a dead list of I 680. From November 10th to December Ist, I 020 Tuika had died of disease, and 225 from the effects of wound*. Total Turkish dead, 1,275. DECEMBER. 12.—One thnosand one honrlred sick men of the Allied army removed from the trench es and camps to Rslaklavt. One hundred I English soldiers—fool guards and 79 regi ' ment—died of wounds and disease. 16 —From this night to the 28th, the Rus sians made eight sorties, and had 897 men killed. The Allies lost 608. 22.—The French had 3,794 sick in the hospitals of Constantinople, of whom 1,337 were dangerously wounded. 24 —Four hundred and fifty-six Russians drowned in the sea of Azof! by the lots of five war ships. 31 —The Russians had lost 6000 men in and around Sebastopol in ten day*. JANUARY, 1855. 7 —The English had -four thousand three hundred and eighty-seven men in the hospi tals at Scutari, dying at an average rale of sixty per nay. The Turkish army was be ing out off at the rate of forty men a dav. 11 —Kortv Russians and seventeen French I killsd in a sortie. 13.—Seventy four Russian*, forty-eight En glish, and iwuuty aix French killed in a sor tie. 15.—Allies lost 101 in a sortie, and the Kussiana 21C. 20 —Russians and French lost 49 men in a sortie. 23 —One hundred and seventy-six Frouch and tilt)-nine Russians killed in a sortie. 31.—One hundred and eighty-five French killed, and one hundred and fifteen wound ed iu a sortie. Russian lost uol stated. Russians said they had lost: Kilted or died of wounds, 7,101 1 Died of wounds or accident, Of o'her wounded and ptiibners, 11,329 I Total hare de combat, 20,763 FEBRUARY. The English armv in the Crimea had dwindled down to 12,000 men. The Russian troopa in the Dobrudncha WHS being swept off at the rate of thirty men a day by fever i and cholera. | The Turks in the Crimea were dying in ! large number*, but 110 returns were made. 13.— Thirty-five Russian* killed in a tor | tie and five | 17 —Battle of Eepatoria. The Russians i had twenty thousand infantry and six thou : sand cavalry. The Turks and British fleet 1 defended the place. Ru-aian* lost 200 kill ed and 1.140 wounded. The Turk* had 150 killed, but wounded no* stated. British ! lost none. MARCH. I.—Allied fire re-opened on Sebastopol. 12.—The Russians fired fro.n the heights of Bxlaklava on the Allies. 14 —The Turkish cavalry made an ad vance from Eupatoria, but was repulsed by ' the Russians, and lost thirty-five men. 17 —The Russian* routed an advance of ! the Turkish infantry from Eupaioria and ! killed 00 men ; Russian loss fourteen killed. —The French attaked the Russian re- > doubts before Sebastopol, but were repuls ed, losing one hundred and sixty-nice men. 22.—Russian sortie from Sebastopol. They had 493 killed and 1000 wounded. The En-' gli*h and French loss reported as only alight. 23.—Tremendous sortie of die Russians. Ti.ey had 760 killed and a large number wounded. French had 350 killed, including two officer*, and the English 410 killed, in cluding two officer*. APRIL. 9—Three hundred and lofty Allied guna opened fire on Sebastopnl. 13—Severe sonie engagement. Lota on all "idea 1.000 killed, and 2,880 wounded. 24 —Loss of a Sardinian transport by fire, with eight men. MAT. I.—The French took the Russian rifle pile. French loss, 380 killed and about eix hun dred wounded. Rn*sians killed, 408, and wounded supposed 2.000. 2 —Allied advance upon Russian works of counter approach. Severe engagement, but losses not reported. 3.—Russians anempt to retake their works, but were defeated, with great lo*s. 10—Two severs Russian sorties on the rigbi line ot the Allied attacks were repulsed with great loss on all sides. 11 —Another desperate sortie by the Rus sians. 12.—Hortie on the British right line. Over one hundred English killed. Russian loas much greater. 19.—The English, French, Turks and Sar dinians had 220,000 men operating in the Crimea. 23.—The French carried on a severe fight wiui nearly the entire garrison of Sebastopol, who were delemling a place des armee near the quarantine bastion. The French took pari of it. The bat'le lasted all nighi, but the losses were not given. 24.—The French carried the remaining por ion of the work* The Russians had 25.- 000 man hart de combat, and the French (17 battalion*) nearly as many. Tbe Allied squadron euiered the straits of Kertch and commenced the destruction of all the nouses, feed tuppliee, public build ingv, &e., near which the ship* could reach. 28—Up to thia day the Allies in the aea of Azoil had committed great ravage*. JUNE. s.—Seven English soldiers killed by the Russians at Hango. 6.—Another bombardment of Sebastopol. The French made a fierce attack on the , Mamelon. 7.—Capture of the Mamelon and White lowers, after a dreadful fight. Russian loss ! 3,360; French 4 000 men kore de combat; English, 150 men and It officer* killed, 150 wounded, and fifteen missing. 14.—The Allies, in the sea ot Azoff, had taken Kertch, Arabat Anapa, Genciichi, | Bardiansk, Mariapol and Taganrog. Most { of theni were burned, the tahabitanli plun dered, and the country devasttled. 18 Assault on Ihe Mamelon and Redan by the French and EngPah. They were re pulsed. French loss, 37 officers killed, 19 desperately wounded, and 17 prisoners ; 1, 544 men killed and missing, ami 1,644 gone to ambulances. English officer-' killed, 19; wounded 74 ; men killed and wounded, 1,- 589. Russians lost, killed, 2 general officers atjil 78 men, and 4,194 wounded. JULY. 10.—Fourth bombardment of Sebastopol. J4.—Russian sortie on the Frenoh. 16—Another sortie. Estimated losses of these operations: Allies 2000 killed and wounded; Russians, 5000. AUGUST. 11.—Bombardment of Swesbnrg. Forty five Russians killed and 260 wounded 16.—Battle ofTraktir bridge. French lo*a, 9 officer* and 318 men killed; 8 officers aud 1163 wounded. Russians, 3 generals and about 3000 men killed, with over 5000 wounded. English lots, none. Sardinian loss, 600 men hors dc combat. 17.—Sebastopol again bombarded. JOSH TO SARAH. "Now Sarah Deer o do not weep no more for it ie 1 that am bear With plenty of love in store." Sarah haa got wept NO more ever since NOUN ANIimuKMNG. BT R. H. STODDARD. There are gains for all our losses, There are balms for all our pains ; But whsn you'h, the dream, departs, Il takes something from our hearts, Aod it never comes again ! We are stronger, and are better, Under manhood's steroer reign , Still we leel that some thing sweet, Followed youth with flying feet, Aud will never come again I I Something beautiful is vanished, And we sigh for it in vam ; We behold it everywhere. On the earth and in ihe air- But it nevercomea again ! Bf Uis a work of considerable difficully to believe all the stories of vegetable life that come to us in the California papers VVe can sfand beets aa long as a man'* leg and thirty inches iu circumference, onions ai lane aa a perk measure, and cabases weighing sixly pounds; but when they swear to a hundred and twenty bushels of wheat to the acre, and potatoes weighing half a hun dred we begin lo hesitate. But their big trees are the wonder of the world The Mammoth Gtove ia a forest of such monsters. Situated 4,500 feet above San Francisco, it has come to be a summer resort of the people. The largest tree ia 95 feel in circumference : and two are 95 feet in ciicumfetence, and 300 feet high, and beautiful to look at. At ihe grove ia a first class hotel. In the body of the big tree there is a house 24 by 80, which contains two fine bowling alleys.- The stump of this tree ia intended for a ball room.—Buffalo Advertiser. A SOURCE or SMILES.— Dr. Franklin having noticed that a certain mechanic who worked near hia office, was always happy and smi ling, ventured at length to ask him for the secret of hit constant cher rfulnens. "No secret, Doctor," he replied. " 1 have got one of the best wivea; when I go to work, she alwray* has a kind word of encourage ment for me ; and when I go Itnme, she meela me with a smile and a kins, and the tea is sure to be ready; and she lias done so many thing* through the day to please me, that I cannot find il in my heart lo apeak an unkind word to anybody." j DON'T ac AFRAID —Carry yourself erect, ! and by the serenity of your countenance and ; puritv of your life, give the tie to all who would belittle you. Why be afraid of toy man ? Why 'crook the pliant hinges of your knee' that"ibrift may follow !" No, fiiend fear them not. Bjild up your character with ' holy principle*, and if your path benotatrewn with holy flowers, let il he beautiful with the light of divine life, and you will leave behind a noble example, which will be to the world a perennial flower. While President Pierce was standing near the hotel at which he had taken room*, a little chap nf a few summers, finding his hat I band unbuckled, went up to the President j and accosted him : I ' Fix iny hat band, air ?' 1 What is your name ?' said the Pteaident. ' De Biee —— ' Do you know ms ?' ' Yes, you are the President,' said Ynung America ; 'fix ray hat biad ?' Tbe President fixed hie hat baud, and then Young America went to hia play, con tented and happy, that he, too, was Ihe President's ' pse:.' Three boys happening cne summer day to ba cacuht out in a violent thunder storm, (ought refuge under a tree, where they had I been but a short time when a tree but a i short distance Irom the one they were under waa struck by lightning and shivered In at j oms. One of the boys, with seriousness aud anxiety plainly depicted in his countenance, says to the other: 'Bill, can yoa pray?' | 'No.' ' Pete, can yon pray ?' ' No. 1 ' INor j I either, but by boky something most be i done.' A Quaker, on hearing a man curse a par ticular piece of road, went up to him and said,— " Friend, 1 am under obligations to thee. What thou hast done I would have done, ' but my religion forbids it. Don't let thy conscience, however, bridle thee. Give thy indignation winge, and suffer not Ihe preju dices of others lo paralyze tbe tongue of jus tice and long suffering, yea verily. A TRAVELLED ''LEVY."— Fourteen yeafs ago. a gentleman now residing in Pittsburg, ■tamped his name upon a piece of the silver coin commonly known -a the 'levy.' Lately he received it by letter from hia brother in lowa, who had received it there. The his tory of that "hilling would be corious. Who can imagine ita various adventure* ? A fancy man bought a horse of a country man, giving therefor forty dollar* in cash, and hia note lor a like amount. Afier the note waa drawn, signed and placed in the hand of the idler, the latter remarked, " I s'poae this note ie good." The barer coolly replied : " A"k these fellow* here ; they've all got 'em I" GT We derive great pleaanre Irom be holding an obcdier.l aud affectionate child ( be it eon or (laughter; a modest and aenai ble woman, married or unmarried ; aud an upright or feariesa man, whether old or young. The first command* our love, tbe second our admiration, and the third our re v- I Letter from Henry A. Wise. The Boston Committee on the Slavery Lecture* hake received the following very apicjr and very characterialic and very polite letter from Gov. Wise, of Virginia. The let ter ia italicised according to the aotbor'e manuscript: ONLY, NEAR ONANCOCK, I Accomack Co., Fa., Oct. 5, 1855. } GENTLEMEN : On my return home, after an absence of some days, I found yovis of the 19tb ult., "respectfully inviting me to deliver one of the lectures of tbe Coarse on Slavefy, at Tremont Temole, in the city of Bottou, on Thursday evening, January 10, 1859; or if. that time wilf not suit my engagements, ynu request that I will mention at once what Thursday evening between Ihe middle of December and tbe middle of March next, will be*l accommodate me." Now, gentlemen, 1 desire to pay you dae respect, yet you compel me to be very plain with you, and lo say that your request, in every sense, is insulting and offensive to me. What subject of Slavery have you "initiated lectures" upon? I cannot conceal it from ' myself that yon have undertaken in Boston, | io discuu and decide whether my property in Virginia ought to remaiu mine or not, and ■ whether it should be allowed the protection , of laws, Federal and State, wherever it may 1 be carried or may escape in the United Slates; or whethei it jhall be destroyed by a ' Higher Lnw than Constitution* and Statutes! Who are you to assume thus such a jurisdic tion ovet a subject so delicate, and already fixed in its relations by a solemn compact between the States, and by States which are sovereign? I will not obey your summons, : nor recognize your jurisdiction. You have no authority and no justification : for thue calling me to account at the bar of your tribunal and for thus arraigning an in- j rtitution, established by laws which do not reach you, and which you cannot reach, by 1 calling on me to defend it. Yon send me a card lo indicate the char acter of the lecturere [of the last year ] It reads: "Admit the bearer and lady to the I independent Lectures on Slavery. Lecture ' Committee, S G.Howe,T. Gilbert, George F. Williams, H. T. Parker, W. Washburn, B B Mussey, W. B. Spoonef, J W. Stone." . Il it indorsed : 'Lectures at the Tremont' Temple, Boston, 1854-5. No*. 23, Hon. ! Chsrle* Summer ; Re*. John i'ierpoot, poem. December 7, Hon. Salmpu P. Chase, of Ohio Dec. 14, Hon. Anson Burlingame. Dec. 12, Wendell Phillips, Esq. Dec. 28, Cassius M. Clay, Esq., of Keutucky. Janusry 4th, Hon. Horace Greeley. Jan. 11, Rev. Henrj Ward Beecher. Jan 18, Hon. John P. Hale. Jan. 25, Ralph Wsldo Emerson, Kq. Feb. 8, Hon. Nathaniel P. Banks, jr. Feb. 15, Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, of Ohio. Feb. 22, Hon. Samuel Houston, of Texas. March I, Hon. David Wilmol, of Penn'a. March 8, Hon. Charles W. Upham." All Honorablei and Squires except those who aro Reverendsl The card does verily indicate their char acters by simply naming them. And your letter, gentlemen, is (ranked by "C. SUMNER, U. S. S." Wiih these characteristic*, lam at no loas to understand you and yout pur poses. You say, "during the next seatnn, a larger number ol gen'letnen from the South will be j invited," tcc. tie. [ regret it, if any others j can be fouud in the Slave holding Slate* to ; accept your invitation. You plead Ihe ex- J ample ol Gen. HOUSTON. It is the last 1 would follow. I have no doubt you accord ed very respectful attention to him last witt ier, and were very grateful for bis service in your cause. You offer "one hundred and fifty dollar* to be paid lo the lecturer, he bearing bis own expenses." Let me tell you that Tre moat Temple cannot hold wealth enough to purchase one word of discussion from me | there, whether mine, here, shall be mine or not; , but 1 am ready to volunteer, without money ! and without price, to suppresa any insurrec tion aud repel any invasion which threaten* or endanger* the State Rights of Virginia, or' my individual rights under the laws and j i constitutions of my country, or the Sacred Union, which binds Slave Stated and Free together in one bond of National Confederacy, and in separate bonds of Independent Sover eignties. In short, gentlemen, I will not deliver one of the lectures of the course on Siavsry, at the Tremont Temple, in Boston, on Thurs day evening, January 10, 1856; and there will be no Thursday evening between the middle of December and the middle of March next, or between that ind JDoomsday. which will best accommodate mo for that purpose. I give you en immediate answer, and at my earliest convenience indicate to you that ''the particular phase of the subject that I will present," is—deliberately, to fight if we must Your obedient servant, HENRY A. WISE. To the Committee. 'Reply, sir,' said a judge to a blunt old Quaker who was ou tbe stand. 'Do yon know what we sit here for V 'Yea, verily I do,' said the Quaker; 'three of you for four dollars each a day, and the fat one in the middle for 'our thousand a year I' W The best cough mixture that has been made, consists of a pair of thick boots, mix ed with lots of air and plenty of exercise.— People who bug the stove and grow lean, will pleaec take notice. AMERICAN Powers.—The powder used by the allied armies in battering down the al most impregnable fortifications at Sebestopol was made at Hazard's and Dupoot'a wills, In Connecticut and Delaware [Two DiUrs pr kmmwm NUMBER 40. MABON AND DIXON'S LINE. , A HISTORICAL BE ETCH BT H. B. TAWtR. Although re faience in constantly had to thi line, there are, perhaps, bat few per sons, comparatively, acquainted with its lo cality, and lete with its history and ultimate adjustment lo the specification of limits between the colonies of Pennsylvania and Maryland, there was certainly plausible ground for con tention, and the rival claims of the proprie taries formed a frnitful source of discontent to themselves and annoyance to the colo niste. Whatever might have been the sear- J its of the esse on either side, a long, vera , tious, and bitter contest aroee from the first { attempt to act upon the charter of Penney!- vania. After many ineffectual attempts to adjust the common limns between the colo nies, the matters in dispute were referred to the Lords of the Committee of Trade and Plantations; these, after hearing bo'h parlies, ' made their report to King James If, whe4n November, 1685, by an order of Council, dc . termiaed the affair by ordering a division of the disputed territory. By the terms of this order, the tract lying between the river and . bay of Delaware, and a line from the latitude | of Cape Ucnlcpen to the fortieth degree of 1 north latitude, was adjudgod to belong, to big Majesty, King James 11, and the remainder ' of the disputed territory, (now n part of the eastern shore of Maryland,) was assigned to Lord Baltimore. The order of Council was not acted upon. In the meantime fresh era ses of contention arose, which served to com plicate matters still more. One of the origi nal disputes was respecting the fortieth de- I B ,B * of north latitude, Maryland contendin] ' that the expression in its charter, "to the for tieth degree, meant forty degrees complete" j —the Assembly and proprietaries of Penn sylvania on their pari, insisting that in the 1 charter of Pennsylvania, the expression "to I begin at the fortieth degree of north latitude, ought lo be construed to be where the thirty ninth degree was completed." J This dispute involved a tract of country nearly 6000 square miles in extent: and had it been assigned to Lord Baltimore, the superficies of Pennsylvania would have been reduced nearly one fourth. ! Thus matter* went until 1732, when in August of that year, a compromise was ef fected and commissioners appointed to "de termine, survey and mark the respective boundaries in controversy." The duty as signed to the commissioners was to trace the following lines : " Beginning at Cape Hcnlo pen, and thence due west to the western side of the peninsula, which lias upon Chess l>eake bay, as far westward as the exact middle of that part of the peninsula where the said line is run," thence north to the ex treme west part of a circle, twelve miles ra, Newcastle on the Delaware being the centre. From the tangent thue obtained a hne due north to the parallel 15 statute miles •outh of Philadelphia, and thence by the ex tension of this parallel to the weslern boun dary of Pennsylvania. The commiseioners met, but differing on some important points, separated wiihdot ef. feeling anything. Difficulties created delays whilst the inhabitants who bad settled near the places where the linee wero supposed to run, were, in the meantime, subjected to vexatious demands from both colonies; the ordinary process of justice was interrupted, and the tenure of property rendered inse cure. In 1.35 the Penn family, desirous of clo sing the controversy on the :ermofiKe com promise of 1732, instituted a suit in the Chan cery of Great Britian. In 1750, the Lord Chancellor, HsrJwick, desired that "the ar ticles of May 10, 1733, should be carried in lo execution, and that proper commissioners shoulJ be appointed for that purpose." These commissioners also met, pursuant to appoint ment, Novamber 15, 1750, but disagreed re specting the mode of extending the arc of a circle around Newcastle; and, like their pre decessors, separated without performing any part of tbeir duties. | Twelve years again elapsed before effi cient attempts were made to close this tedi ous affair. Finally, in 1765. the respective proprietaries agreed to employ Charles Ma* son snd Jeremiah Dixon, two eminent math ematicians, who forthwith proceeded to the accomplishment of their task of surveying and marking the boundariee between Penn sylvania, Maryland and Delaware; end thus closed a troublesome colouial -litigation o! eighty years. Although Mason snd Dixon determined the boundaries between the States just men- * tioned, it ie only that portion of the line which constitutes the southeastern boundary of Pennsylvania that ia nnw so frequently re ferred to. Mason and Dtxon'e line, proper, extends to a point about forty tnilea west of the Susquehanna river, Rnd not to the west ern boundary of Pennsylvania, aa some Im agine—the prolongation of that boundary beyond the western termination of Maaon and Dixon'a line, having bean traced several year* previous. KF AN lrtshman being asked why he fled Irom his colors, said bia heart was sS good ss any man's in ths regiment, but he pro tested bis cowardly legs would run awsy with him, whstsverhs could do. JP If yon would be pungent, be brief: for it ie with words as with sunbeams, the more they ate coudctlsed, the deeper tbey hern. JOHN B. GOUOH, the eloquent strolling Temperance Lecturer, having juat returned from • professional tour in Europe, ie an- " nonucsd to lectors io Philadelphia