The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 11, 1855, Image 3
. SPECIAL NOTICES. Holhieays Ointment and Pillt. infallible Remedies tor bait Rheum.—Edward Jackson ■of Galveston, Texas, suffered unceasingly for four vears with salt rheum, so bad was Jte that tor four or five months at a time, he WHS compelled to keep hie bed, and the doctors told him candidly that lie need never again •xpect to be well. Finding this to be the 'case, he dismissed them, and immediately .put himself under a course of Holloway's 'Ointment and Pills, these fine remedies soon made such an improvement in him that he 'WM enabled to resume his occupation, and by continuing them lor a short time he WM ■restored to the blessings ol health, which he bM enjoyed ever since. HF HORRIBLE SACRIFICE or LIFE ON THE Western Waters, in Forty four Years. —From Lloyd's forthcoming Steamboat Direetory we learn that aince the application of ateam on the Waalern Watera IIMH have been thirty-nine thousand six hunted and seventy-two lives dost by steamboat diaeatera, thiee hundred and eighty ono boats and cargoes lost, and seventy boats seriously injured, amounting in the ag gregate to the enormous sum of aixly-seven million of dollars. It is to be hoped that this forthcoming work will have the effect o r attest ing the attention of'.he Government to the im portance of Western interests, ao far aa our great rivets anil lakes are concerned. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES—DLCHEEREMANS' PILLS.—The combinations ol ingredients in these Pill*, is the result of a long and ex. Unstve practice; they aro mild in their oper ation, and certain in restoring nature to it* proper channel In evory instance hve the Pills proved successful. The Pills invarie. bly open those obstructions to which females •re liable, end bring nature into its proper channel, whereby basth is restored, and the pale and deadly countenance changed to a healthy one. No female can enjoy good health unless she is egulai ; and whenever •n obstruction lakes place, whether from ex posure, cold, or any other cause, the geneial health immediately begins to decline, aud the want of such a remedy ha- be er. the ctuar of eo many coasumptinna anion g young lemale. To ladies whose health will not permit an in crease of their family, these Pills will prove ■ valuable •cquisition, ae they will prevent pregnancy. Headache, pain in the aide, pal pitation of the heart, loathing of food, and disturbed sleco do inos*. alwavs arise from the interruption of oatuie; and whenever that is the case,, the Pills will icvariably remedy all these evils. Nor are they less efficacious in the cure of Leucorrhoea, commonly called the "Whiles," These Pills should never hp ta. hen during pregnancy, as they would be sure tn cause n miscarrigae. VV aruntcd to bfrpurelv Vegetable, and free from anything injurious lo life or health. Full and explicit directions • .'company each box. These Pills are put up in square flat boxes. Perona residing where there are no ageney established, by enclosing One Dollar in a let terpoetpaid to Dr. C. L.Cheeaeman, No. 267 Bleckar atreat, N rw York City, can have them eent lo their respective addresses by return of mail. (y IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES. Dr. GEISSNER'S Celebrated Menatrual Pilla have been long and widely known as invari ably certain in removing any stoppage, irreg ularity, or suppression ol the menses. In the female hospitals in Vienna, Paris, and Berlin, they have entirely superseded the use of all other remedies; because, where a cure is attainable by medicinal agencies, they are certain of success. Their astonish ing efficacy would be almost incredible, if not vouched for by indubitable testimony, in numerous instances producing returns of the monthly period after all hope had been aban doned. In every case, from whatever cause the ob struction may arise, as also to prevent preg nancy where the health will net admit ol in crease of family, they are always efficient; for which reason they must not be used du ring pregnancy, though always mild, healthy, safe and certain in their effects. Married ladies will find particular instruc tions in the directions, io which are stated the various symptoms by which the cause ol tße suppression may be determined. . Price, One Dollar per Box, containing ex plicit directions. Each box will be signed by Dr R.G. Geiss ner. Principal Office, 127j Liberty Street, New York Cdy. Responsible agents will be appointed for their sale as soon as practicable. In the mean time, all orders are to be addressed to Dr. R. G. Geissner, 127J Liberty Street, New York City, or to box 2456 N. Y. Post Office, and a box will be sent by return mail,' as they are put up in sealed envelopes, and can be sent with the strictest privacy to any pan of the United Slaterr. CAUTION TO LADIES. At various not only ineffective but injuri ous compounds purporting to be '• Female Pills," under all kinds of names as " Iron Pills," "Silver Pills," "Golden Pills," " Peri odical Pills," Sic. are attempted lobe palmed off upon the credulous or unwary, it is only necessary for ladies to be on their guard •gainst the attempted imposition, and in all cases where there is no authorized agent lor the sale of Dr. Geissner's Menstrual Pills," to order direct from him by mail, by return of which a box will be sent. [29 —ly Agents —Geo. Ross, Lebanon ; E. T. Mil ler, York: 8. Alleman, Harrtsbnrg; D. R. Jones tl Co., Harrisburg ; C. Weigley, Mill bach. OT S. M. PETTENQILL & Co., Advertising Agents, No. 119 Nassau Street, New York,' and 10 Stale Street, Boston, are authorized lo receive and receipt for advertisements and •• subscription to this paper. TOLLS AT BEACH HAVEN. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, I Beach Haven, Oct. Ist, 1855. ( R. W. WEAVER, ESQ.: Bear Sir, —The amonnt of Toll collected at this Office during the month of Sept. 1855, is 836,678 96 Amount per last report, 133.941 39 WboleamoOnt since Ist Dec. last 171,620 35 " " same period last year Increase " " ibis year $11,173 09 Respectfully yoursj PETER ENT, Collector. STONE COAL, fIHEAP FOR CASH, for sale ai the Canal or iu town at the store of Oct. 11, '65. A. J. EVANS. MINERS AND LABORERS WANTED! AT LANCASTER COLLIERIES, Shamo kin, Northumberland County, Pa., to whom steady work will be giveo during the winter. Apply to COCHRAN PEALE & CO., Oel. 11, 1855. Shamokin. SETTLE UP. The subscriber is now engaged in tattling up his business, and calls upon all who have accounts with bim to call and either pay or gel their money. His books mut be Milled op preparatory to engagiog in other business, and ail who wish to save costs mint eall soon. JOSEPH SWARTZ. Rloomaburg, Oel. 10th 1855—3w SliEhlFF SALE. BY virtue of several writs ol testatum ven ditioni exponas there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in Blooms bora ON SATURDAY, THE 3.1 DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, at l o'clock in the af ternoon, the following real estate to wit: All those six certain tracts ol land situate in Beaver top . Columbia county, bounded and described a- follows: No. 1. called BALBEtt, beginning at s post, thence by lands of James McNeil, north 12 degrees, west three hundred and lorty-two perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land ol VVm. Gray and Wm. Steedman, south sev eniy-cight degrees west 179 perches to a post, II ence by lands of Jeremiah Jackson, south 12 degrees, east 410 perches to a post, thence by lands of Richatd Brook, north 78 degrees east, 73 perches to a dogwood, north 112 degrees west, 15 perches to a post, north 78 degrees, east 82 perches to a black oak, thence by an old survey, north 12 degrees, west 25 perches to a hickory, and north 32 degrees, east 34 perches to the place of be ginning, containing four hundred and twelve and one halt acres and allowance of six pur cent, for roads &c., on which are erected two log houses and two stables, and about twen ty five ac;es of cleared land. Another of them culled " PALMYRA," beginning at a post, thence by land of Robert Gray, north 12 degrees, west 410 per ches to a (inst, thence by land of VVm. Sieed man, south 78 degrees, west 160 perches to a post, thence by land of Jno. Brady, south 12 degrees, east 410 perches to a post, and thence by land of John Wild and Richard Brook, norih 78 degrees, east 166 perches to the place of beginning, containing four huu dted and ono acres and a quarter, and allow ance of six per cent, for roads, &c —Anoth er of them called " STONE HALL," begin ning at a post, thence by land of John Bra dy, north 12 degrees, west 263 perches to a post, thence bv land of Chas. Hall, south 78 degtees, west 271 perches to a chestnut, thence by land of Catharine Lougenberger, south 16 degrees and a quarter, east 276 per ches to a stone, and thence by lands of Deb orah Stewart and Thomas Brooks, north 78 degrees, east 249 perches to the place of be ginning, containing four hundred and thirty eight acres and a half, and allowance of six per cent, for roads, &c., be the same more or less, on which is erected a stone house, and about half an acre ol cleared land. There is also a vein of stone coal opened on this tract.— Another called " FARMER'S DE LIGHT," beginning at a post, thence by land of VVm. Steedman, north 16 degrees and three quarters, west 310 perches to a Spanish oak, thence by land of VVm. Webb, south 74 de grees, west 162 perches to a black oak, th9nce by land ol Thomas Say, south 16 de grees. east 20 perches to a chestnut, thence by land of Chas. Hall, south 8 degrees and a half, east 362 perches to a'post, thence by land ot John Brady, north 78 degrees, east 130 perches to an ash,north 12 degrees, west 80 perches to a white oak and north 78 de grees, east 80 perches to the place of begin ning, containing four hundred and eighteen acres, and allowance of six per cent, for roods, Sic. —Another of tnem called 'TROY,' beginning at a post, thence by land of Jere miah Jackson, north 12 degrees, west 410 perches to a post, thence by land of VV. P. Brady, south 78 degrees, west 80 perches to B white oak, south 12 degrees, east 80 per ches to an a*h, south 78 degrees, west 130 Serches to a post, thence by land of John ieese, south 12 degrees, east 263 perches to a post, thence by land of Thomas Brook, north 78 degrees, fast 20 perches to a chest nut oak, south 12 degrees, east 41 perches to a black oak, thence by the same and land of John Wild, north 78 degrees, east 106 perches to a Hack oak, south 12 degrees, east 25 perches to a white oak, and,noiih 78 degrees, east eighty perches the placed be ginning, containing four hundred and twen ty nine acres and a quarter, and ollowance of six percent, for roads, &c., and the other of them called "MAINE," beginning at a post, ttience by land ol Wm. P. Brady, north 8 degrees and a half, west 362 perches to a chestnut tree, thence by lands of Thomas bay and Jesse Budd, south 74 degrees, west 188 perches to a post, thence by land of Thomaß Bellas, south 55 degrees, east 89 perches to a chestnut oak, thence by the same and laud of John Longenberger, sou.h one hundred and eighty-eight perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land of the said John Longenberger, south 76 degrees and a quar ter, west 124 perches to a pnst, south 16 d grees and a quarter, east 104 perches to a chestnut tree, and thence by land of John Reese, north 78 degrees, east 271 perches to the place of beginning, containing three hun dred and eighty-one acres and three quarters, and allowance.of six per cent, for roads, &c. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Loose. Conditions of side —Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid when the proper ty is struck down, and the balence on the following Wednesday noon. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, j Bloomsbnrg, Oct. 4, 1855. ) LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Blooms burg, Col. county, October 1, 1855. Archer Fredki KresslerJohn Bianchi Adriano Mnffley Christian Buss Daniel Oldtield Jonathan Cobb E. L. Pealin Mary Cassady Philip Potter Samuel Dodge Wm. H. Slulh P. Emmsrt John Truntum John Eckart Jacob Tittle Adeline Felly Jacob Weltner Mary Gains John H. Wilcox Abran E. Humes George F. Wilcox Abraham A. Herst John Fruntz Rachael Johnson Henry Jones David Kline Elizabeth Portzer Andreas Kerr Andrew Persons calling for the above letters will please say tbey aro aJvertised. PHILIP UNANGST, p. M "\X7"HEATLEY'S ARCH STREET THEA TRE. Arch Street, above Sixth, Phil'a. THE STAR COMPANY, Composed of the first Artists in the world, and exceeding in Strength and Talent any Dramalio combina tion Heretofore offered to the Theatricsl Pub lic, will appear EVERY NIGHT in Comedy, Tragedy, Serio-Comic Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical Burlettas. &c., &c. BP" When visiting the city, go there. Oct 2-Mf. Registration Certificates For the use of clergymen, justices, pbysi ians and other persons in registering marria ges and deaths as required by the new Ac Assembly, can be had at the office of the tar of the North." Fancy Fairer* Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. &c an be found at the cheap Book store of JOSEPH SWARTZ, Fresh Arrival! A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints just received by railroad and for sale by A. C. MENSCH. TRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard wate for sale by McKELVY, McKELVY, NKALfcCo MUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, qnd good prints for 6} cents just received by A G. MENSCH. BOOKS FOR THE RONS OF AMERICA. 1. A VOICE TO AMERICA ; Or, the Model Republic, its Glory or its Fall; with a review of the Causes ot the Decline and Failure of the Republics of S. Amer ica, Mexico, and the Old World; applied to the Present Crteis in the United States One volume, 12mo.,about 400 pages, cloth gill, Si 25. Contenti of the Work. The U. S.—Prospective and Retrospective. The Ancient Republics—Early Civilization. Sparta and Athens. The Fall of Rome. Italian Liberty in the Middle Ages. Mexico, end the South American States. The Heroes of Liberty. The boundaries of countries-how established The Angle Saxon race, the only one capable of sustaining Freedom. The rights of Conscience. Religious Toleration. The Bible, the Charter of Liberty. The Principles and Perils of our Common Ed ucation. What constitutes the right to vote. The right of the Majority to rule. The effects of Romanism and Proteitautism on civilization. The Political power of the Pope Romanism and Freedom. Folly of supposing American Institutions need no safeguards. American Citizens—native or adopted— Romanist or Protestant equally interested in resisting foreign influence. Evils of Military organizations exclusively" of naturalized citizens. , Secret Societies, their use and abuse. The Citizens of a Republic. Naturalization laws of the United States. American Nationality. The Common Cause. This work, written in an earnest American spirit, by able and experienced writers se lected for their eminent fitness for the task, will be found worthy the attentive pe rusal ot the whole American people. It condenses a prodigiods amount ot most val uable information relating to our social and political economy, and the dangers to which our ci> il and national liberties are exposed, together with illustrations drawn from the his tory of the classic and modern republics.— This production must become the great text* book lor American citizens; since il is so thor ough in its investigations, and of such deep, stirring interest, that it cannot fail in making its direct appeal to the hearts of the people. 11. TIIE NATIONAL HISTORY ofthe P. S.; Comprising the Colonial, Revolutionary and Constitutional Records of the Country; ba sed upon, and including the Documents of the Federal Government. &c. By Benson J. I.ossing and Edwin Williams. In two volumes, royal Bvo., profusely illus trated with fine engravings on steel and wood, muslin gilt, Seven Dollars. It is a wotk unique in its character and of intrinsic value asu standard authority for the statesman, historian and general reader; and no less important as the exponant of the po litical ethics and progress of the Confedera cy. It will be regarded as the National histo ry of the country during its three great epoohs —Colonial, Revolutionary and Constitutional, condensed froin the national archives. The work is splendidly illustrated by original views of the national buildings, offices of state, &c. Now Heady: The Statesman's Manual; Containing the President's Messages, inaug ural, anntlal and special, from those of Washington to the present time : with their Memoirs and Histories of their Adminis trations. Also, valuuble Documents and Statistics, Complied from official sources, by Edwin Williams. _ The new edition brought down lo the presemtime. 4 volumes Bvo., with portraits of all the Presidents, cloth, extra gilt, $lO 00. This great national work has received the highest commendation from the Press throughout the country, as well as from some ot the most distinguished personages connec ted with the Federal & State Governments. It is indispensable lo alt persons in atiy way con nected with official or governmental affairs. A full analytical Index accompanies the work by which immediate reference can be made lo any great question—political, social, or le gal. A new and enlarged edition (tkc 20th thousand) OF DR. ROWLING'S HISTORY Of ltomaiiisiu; Compiled trom Romish Authorities: with Supplement, bringing the history down to the present time: with SO engravings. 1 vol- Bvo., 800 pages, cloth gilt, S3. The American and Odd- FELLOWS' LITERARY MUSEUM; Containing Gems of Liierature, prose and verse, by eminent writers: with over thiny engravings on steel. 2 volumes Bvo. muslin gill, $5 00. A nobler compendium of choice liierature could hardly be collected —an elegant book (or the centre-table and for presentation—it is equally fitted for the library ,-N. Y. Itlirror. tST Active and responsible Agents for the above works, wanted in every State of the Union —who will please address EDWARD WALKER, Publisher, Aug. 30. 114 Fulton St., New York. Public Sale of Valuable THE subscriber will ofier at publio sale up on the pieinises in Ruariugcieek township, Columbia county, on Saturday the 3d of I\ T ov. next at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the following leal estate, via: a TRACT containing 04 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John C. My ers, Jacob Fisher, Daniel Hauck, Wright Hughes and Geo. Craig. About 60 acres is clea red land, the remainder good TIMBER L ND. There are on the ptemisea a two story Dweb ling House, a frame barn, plenty of fruit, and a never-failing well of water uear the house. ALSO, at the same time and place a lot on Main Street, in the town of Nuinidia, on which there is a two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE AND STABLE It adjoins ground of John P. Levan and Win. Scott. Terms made known on the day of sale by GEO. W. DREIBBACH. Roaringcreek, Sept. 28, 185 f, Just Published : MIRROR OF CRONSTADT, SEBASTO POL, great Redan, Mamelon and Ma lakoff Towers, Map ol the Crimea and Baltic Sea, with portraits of the principal crowned heads also Russian, Frenoh, English and Tur kish Officers. This is the only autbeotio view given of Cronstadt, showing the exact posi tion and correct name of all the fort.ficattons, with the . number of guns in each. A new p an of Sebastopol, (Southeast View,) show ing the great Redan, Mamelon, and Mnlakoff Towers, (drawn on the spot,) Allied Forces in the Crimea, Baltic Sea, be. Size of map 26 by 3z inches. Price 29cta. beautifully colored. Sent by mail to any part of the country for one cent postßge. Agents Wanted to sell from a list of the most popular Maps ever published. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. Catalogues and speci men sheet free to the trade. A. H. JOCELYN, No. 60 Fulton Street, New York. Oct. 4, 1855. FANCY GOODS, of every description and variety, new styles, and fresh lrom New York and Philadelphia, for sale at the oheap store M'RELVY, NEAJ. It CO, STARTLING, BUT TRUE I. WARNING TO EVERY SENSIBLE WOMAN. WHY FEMALES SIWI* IN HEALTH. Wo woman of delicacy ia willing to dlacloee the peetv Liar ailments Incident to her sex, evon to a moat intimate family physician. This modeety and delicacy le implanted by nature, and neither ahoaU nor need be subjected to the rude shocks inevitable in making known to the other BOX those ailment* belonging exclusively to the female. Kxoept In extreme cases, her aensltivoueas will sacri fice her health rather than her delicacy. The consequence* are serious, lamentable, and liftv long. Thus what at firat could have been easily remedied, or perhaps better still, not incurred, becomes a compli cation or diseases, not only ruining the health of the mother, and embittering her days by aicknee* and suf fering, but entailing broken constitutions upon her children, and oinbarraeeing, if not distressing, the busi ness and pecuniary prospects of the husband. Let every sensible woman TAKE WARNING IN TIME, (ha thousands have done) by tho bitter experience and sulforiugs of others, of the dreadful cotiaeauenoea she entails upon herself and those eadeared to her, by her Ignorance of the nlmploft and plainest rulea of health as connected with the marriage state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering, and misery. How many are snflerlng from obstructions or irregu larities peculiar to the female system, which undermlno the health, the effects of whicfi they aro ignorant, and fbr which their delloacy forbids seeking medical ad vice I How many suffer from prolapeue uteri (falling of the womb), or from JUmr at/nu (weakness, debility, fcc.)l How many are in constant agony for many months pre ceding confinement I How many have difficult, If not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries! To ?be question, how ore these to be prevented? what shall he done ? the answer is simple. Let event woman ascertain for herself, without vio lence to her delicacy, the naturo and character of the ailment (to whlc h sbo as a female is subjeot). the causes from which It may arise, and the proper remedies for its cure and future pvevontion. .... , This sho can do by possessing a littlo volume (already possessed by thousands), WBICH TELLS EVERY Tf'OMAN WHAT IS THE MATTER, AND TELLS HER WHAT TO DO FOR IT , In simple hut chaste words, and such as ahe oan understand. ; This little volume is entitled THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR A M. MATJRICKACr, PBOVStSOS 0> DIBBABBB OP WOMIV. One Hundredth Edition (600,000) 18mo., pp. 260. (OH PIXB PAPSR, KXTBA BIHDIBO, $1.00.1 A standard work of established reputation, found classed In tlie Catalogues of the great Trade Bales in Now York, Bhiladelnhia, and other cities, and sold by *he principal [Booksellers in the United States, it was nrst published in 1847, since which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have been sold, of which there were upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL attesting tho high estimation in which It is held as THE ONLY RpLIABLE, popular medical BOOK FOB EVERY FEMALE, the author having devoted, and still devotes, his exclu sive attention to the treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in respect to which he is yearly consulted by thousands, both In person and by letter. Here every woman can discover, by comparing her own symptoms with those described, tho nature, charac ter, causes of, and the proper remedies for her com plaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of Instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her frituro health, will find such instruction and advice, and also explain many symptoms whloh otherwise would oocaslon anxiety or alarm, as all the peculiarities inci dent to hor situation are described. It iii of coureo impracticable to convey folly the va rious subject* treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the married or those contemplating mr ringe. The revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thouaande, as the Innumerable let ters received by tbe author (which he is permitted by the writers to publish) will attest. Extract qf a tetter from a gentleman in Dayton, Ohio. Dayton, May 1,1847. Dr. X- M. Mauriceau: "My wife baa been percept!oly sinking for some three years or more, in consequence or her great angulah and suffering somo mouths before and during confinement; every succeanlvo one more and more dobllitnted and prostseted her, putting her life in imminent danger, and which was on tne last occasion despaired of. I supposed that this stato of things was inevitable, and resigned myself to moot the worst. At this time (now about two months), I heard your book highly spoken of, as con talnlng some matters reaching my case. On its receipt and perusal, I cannot express to you the relief It afforded my distressed ndnd, and tho joy its pages imparted to my wife, on learning that the great discovery of M. M. Deeomeauz provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to mo which I little oonceived was possible. No pecu niary consideration can ever repay the obligations I am under to you, for having been tlie means of imparting to ns tho matters contained in "The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion." But for this, ere another year would have passed over my head, In all human probability my wire would have been in her grave and my children left motherless." In oonseqnenco of the universal popularity of the work, as evidenced by its extraordinary sale, various Im positions have been attempted, as well on booksellers as on tho public, by imitations of title page, spurious edi tions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other dovlces and dooeptioua, it haabeen found uccesaary therefore TO CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless tho words " Dr. A. M. MAURl cbait, 12U Liberty Street, N. Y.," is on (and tho entry in tho Clerk's Office on tho buck of) the title page; and buy only of respectable and honorable dcalors, or aend by mall, and address to Dr. A. M. Maurlcoau. t(W Upon receipt of One Dollar "THB MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION" io sent (mailed frrt) to any part of the United States, the Oanadas, ana British Provinces. All Letter* must bs post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, box 1224, Now-York City. Publishing Office, No. 120 Wberty Street. New-York. Agents in Pennsylvania. T. B. Peterson, J. M. Moss & Bro., and T. Cowpetlhail, Philadelphia—Mrs. Cynthia Williams, Honesdale—Wentz & Stark, Csr bondale—E. Flint. Williamsport—S. Tuck, Wilkesbarre—S. Leader, Hanover— B. Hall, Pittston—J. S. Nickson and A. K. McClure, Charnbersborg—E. Benner, Sumneytown— Joseph Swartz, Bloomsburg—G. W. Earte, Waynesboro—J. H. Cornelius, New Berlin— G. D. Main, Mainsburg—Potter & McMann, Be'.llonte—H. A. Lance, Reading. _J uly 26, 1855.—6 m. * 100,000 COPIES SOLDI- Lloyd's Great Steamboat Work will-be ready on or about ihn twenty-fourth of Oolober. CONTENTS:— Firat application of Steam.' Life of Jno. Filch—Engraving of hie firet boat. Lite of Robert Fulton— Engraving ol hia first American Boat on the Hodftn River. Robert Fulton and Livingston's first Ohio Riv er Boat—Correct Likeness —Full Particu lars. Latrobe'e First Beat. First Sieubeoville Boat. . First Explosion on the Western Waters; from an Eye-Wiiness. Maps of the Western Waters ; Towns, Cilies and Distances laid down correctly. List ol Steamboat Explosions Since 1812; Names of Killed and Wounded ; List ol Steambnnts now afloat. Correct views of Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincin nati, Louisville, St. Louis and New Orleans in 1855; Sketch of eaoh place; Population, Business, &.C., &c. Fast time of Boats on the Ohio and Mississip pi Rivers. List of Steamboat Officers on the Western Watere. The new Steamboat Law—With Comments- Life Boats. Disasters on the Lakes—Names of Lost, Kill ed and Wounded. The high Water 1810, 1832. 1847. List of Plantations on the Mississippi River. Important United States Supreme Court Steamboat Decisiona. t Three hundred pages, with one hundred engravings; handsomely bound. By remit ting One Dollar, post-paid, you will receive a uopy oftheabove work. Orders Irom the trade solicited, and agents wanteJ in every town and city to canvass for the work. Address J AS. T. LLOYD & CO., Post Office Oct 3. Buildings, Cincinnati. Ohio. VALUABLE FAR.fI AT PRIVATE SALE! THE subscriber offers for sale hia FARM, situate in Fishingereek town-bip, Columbia county, about 2i miles atiovs Orangeville, adjoining lands of Hiram R. Kline, Thomas Lunger and Jacob Eyer, now occupied by the owner, and containing acout Axcsamoa-ss of which about 8 acres is timbered and the rest well improved for farming. There are on the premises . , A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a frame barn, a good young apple orchard, a lot of valuable peach trees, cherry trees, Ac. BP* Conditions will be made known by application on the premises to THOMAS BOBBINS. Fishingcreek, Oct. 4, 1855, TO THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS! HAVE just ic.eived and npened their stock of merchandize for Fall and Winter sales which comprlfM the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortmetl no* offered in thisjTOWN! tUrinit paid great attention to the seleotioo of their entire etook as to price and quality, they nuoi themselves that they can compete with the cheapest and all those wishing to buy cheap, a n save money by giving us a call. We have al kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bges, poplins, parametta cloths mohair lustres, tpnslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghnms, Catiooos, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs flouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vol vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread cloves, mohair mitts, &c., ' All kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embtoder •d, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimerß, sattmetis,, tweed* jeans, beaver olotbs, coating velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS * SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN * CHILDREN W?have a large assortment of Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings drillings. &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el-e where. We have bought ourgoodsat Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold b] anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. S333.coaciDcei ODaF>®a£ratiS3S3 <£s® HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Fall and Winter Clothing ! In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on hand a ant full assortment of ° FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK. GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pain and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey stripet and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, bufl, casimere, makefiles, linen and worsted of all lash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine white, figured ant striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas : and They have Underslevea, Spencers, Collars, Rigaletts, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'* bead-ba! Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, sach as Rings, Breast pins, Gold ant Silver Pens nnd Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portfnonies, Spectacles Ktnve Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeous. HT Remember the'cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, Oct. 4, 1865. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. 1855 New Fall and Winter Goods! 1855 - SATIS lOTTEiTEEEGr INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his store on Marks street, two doors above the "American House," where be has a full assortment of nter and boy's wearing apparel, including VAemuosrAisiui HDIBIBSS OGDAVS? gox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of nil colore, sliawlt stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender* and fancy articles. N. B. " He will also make to order any article of clothing at very abort notice and ir the best manner. All his clothing is made to wtur, and most of it is of home matiufuc ture. Bloomsburg, Sept. 20lh 1855-3ra. EXCHANGE HOTEL AND R. R. OMNIRUS LINE. rnHE undersigned respectfully informs his I friends and Ihe public thai he has taken THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, IN BLOOMSBURG. located on Main Street, directly opposite the Court House, which has been thoroughly re paired and improved, where he 19 prepared to accommodate bis customers with good fare and to general salisfactioo. He has also in connection with the EX CHANGE HOTEL, an ecellent rnns-innnflllnmm 12a QUO. ad 9 running regularly several limes per day, to and from the Depot on the arrival of the Care, by which passengers will be pleasant ly conveyed to the Depot Station, or taken from and returned to their residences, ii de sired. He will always be happy to entertain end accommodate his friends to the ut most of his abilities. JOHN SNYDER. Bioomsburg, Sept. 20, 1855. PUBLIC SALE of REAL ESTATE. WILLbe exposed lo sale al public vendue upon the premises. in Centre township, Uolu mliia county, on SA'I UIIDAV, '.3 th day of October next, the following described valu able reul estate as the property of Delila lioonc and Manna Shie, and late the estate of Ueti jamin Boone. deceased, via: A FARM AND PLANTATION, situate in Centre twp., Columbia county, lying tietween the Susquehanna river end I.itnc Ridge, through which the public road <4- North ' Branch Canal, parses from Uloomsburg lo Ber- | wick, near 4 miles above the fits', named pluce, containing about SEVENTY FOUR ACRES, all of which is improved and in a high stale of cultivation. There are two dwelling houses, a large barn, lime kiln, and other suitable outbuildings erec ted upon the ptemises. ALSO, Two good Orchards, and a never-failing spring of water near the door, with a running stream through |be meadow, some twenty-acres of which is excellent meadow land. Bale to comgnence al 1 o'clock, P. M.,on raid day, when attendance will be given and terms u ade known by S. C. SHIVE Bloomaburg, Sept. 8, 1855. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE FALL & WINTER GOODS. AC. MENSCH has just received a new • and complete assortment of seasona ble goods which he offer* for sale nt the old stand upon the best o( bargains. From his FULL NEW STOCK he oan supply every reasonable want of his customers and the public. He has received a variety o! new style goods, and every thing to make up a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hol loware. Drugs. Fish, Salt, Coal, Plaster, Iron, Nails, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., &u. In short, every thing usually kept in coun try Stores, lo which he invites the public generally: C3 r Cash, Lumber, Old Iron, and Coun try Produce taken in exchange for Goods, al the highest market price. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomaburg, Oct. 4, 1855. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING M THE POST otnue at catta wissa for the quarter ending the Ist of October 185&. John Downs John C. Ltjdlow Miss Willemina Gotz J. Lavenburg C. Hartman & Co. J. D. Mallery John Hurley Joel R. Newbery Mary Lukeus John Reddin William Liuville Henry Smith G. H. Lukens Persona calling for the above lettera wit! please say they are advertised. CASPER RAHN, e. M Callawiesa, 001. 4, 1855 100,000 COPIES ! Steamboat Dimeters an the ff'estern H'aters, and Steamboat Directory, THE undersigned hove now in course of preparation a new Sterunboat Directory, which will be issued in October next, the book will contain over two hundred pages, il Inatrsted in the beat atyle, and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will be one of the moat interesting books ever published, and will he a hook that will be interesting to all classes of people. The Steamboat Directory willcontain a complete list and description of. all the Steamboats now afloat in the Western and Southern waters. The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of each boat, v/hcre and by whom built, the name of the boat, with the trade she has in. Also, the names of Captains and officers, her age, dec. The Directory will contain a History of Steamboats and Slcamboating on the Western waters, since the application of steam: also, a sketch of tho tirst boat built for the Ohio River, with the name of the builder, commander and own er. The River Directory will contain a list and description of all the bttramboat Disasters that have occurred on the Western and South etn waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list of all those who have perished by their burn ing, sinking and exploding, on the western and southern waters. The Directory will contain Mapa of the Ohio, Mississippi, Hjj 3 _ souri, Illinois, Arkansas, White, Red, Ouachita. Yazoo, and other rivers, with the towns and cities laid down, with correct distances: also many ok i River and Commercial items of interes to the people at large. The book will contain the cards of the various (J. 3. Mail, boats, with the trade they are in, dec. The I Directory will also contain a complete list of all the responsible Steamboat Licensed Ofli. rcrs, their plabes of residence, dec. dec. the new steamboat law ita icquircinci ts, with comments, showing wherein it benefits the in competent officer, and injure* the competent officer, dec. Su:., and all the important 11. a. Supreme Court steamboat decisions up to date; the Rates and important Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, important decis ion* of the various U. S. Courla in regard 10 Freights Lost and Damaged, dec. &c., with many other things of interest. The Directory will be illustrated in tho best style, and printed in the best manner. The author has fur eix years been gathering together all the facts and items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters ori 'he Western I ond Southern waters, and now intends pub lishing them in book form. Tha price of the, work will be put at the low sum of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be issued for the boatmei.; all others desirous of subs' rihing will have to do so at once, as none will be primed unless ordered in advance. This noik is destined to have a circulation of over eight thousand copies, as the publishers are receiv ing large numbers of subscribers, per mail, from all parts o# the country, daily. Some of the oldest host men, as well as most scientific men of the times, are contributor* to tho Steamboat Directory. The Directory will be Issued in October, end will be an ornament to the parlor as well as steamboat, by remitting One Dollar, post paid, you will receive a copy of the above work. All communication* and letters should be addressed to JAS. T. LLOYD Ss CO. Post Office building, Cincinnati, Obio. July 12, 1855. Wood's Ornamental Iron Works, Ridge Avenue, I'hiladelphia. THE attention of tho inhabitants of Penn sylvania are invited to the extensive .Manufae. Tory and Warerooms of tho subscriber, whe is prepared to furnish at tbo shortest notice, Iron Ratling of evifff des,ription, fr Cemeteries, public and private buildings, also Verandahs, Fountains, Chairs, Helloes, Lions, Dogs and other ornamental iron works of decorative char ade'. Purchasers may rely on haviriß all ar ticles carefully boxed ond shipped to their des tination. A hook of designs will he furnished to thoee wishing to meke selections. ROBKRT WOOD, Ridge venue. Mow Spring Garden St.. PHILADELPHIA. September 27, 1856. ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale ul the cheap Kore of A. "J. EVANS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY I FOR A HABTEIiLOKI AB HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY! I>Y the aid of a microscope, we see million of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, is carried to any ouin or inward pari. Diseases of the Kidneys, dis orders of the Lirer, affections of the heart, Inflammation on the Langs, Asthmas, coughs and colds, are by it, means effectually cured Every housew.fe knows that salt pastes free ly through bone or meat of any thickness.— This heating Ointment far more readily pen etrates through any bone or fleshy part 0 f the living body, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot be reached by other means. Erysipelas, Salt Rheum and Scorbutic Humors. No remedy has everdone so much for the cure of disease of the Skin, whatever form they may assume, as this Ointment. Nocase of Salt Rheum, Scurvy, sore heads. Scrofula, or Erysipelas, can long withstands influ ences. The inventor has traveled over many parts of the globe, visiting the principle hoe. pitals, dispensing this Ointment, giving ad vice as to its application, and has thna been the means of restoring couctless numbers of health. Sort Legs, Sore Breasts, Wounds and Ulcers, Some of the most scientific surgeons novV rely solely on lha use of tbia wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with the worst cases of sores, wounds, ulcers,glandu lar swellings.and tumors Prof.Holloway has by command of the Allied Governments,dis* patched to the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used undst the direction of the Medical Stafl, in the worst cases of wounds It will cureany ulcer, glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 years' standing. Piles and Fistulas. These and other similar distressing com plaints can be effectually cured if the Oint ment be well rubbed in over (he parts affect ed, and b) otherwise following the printed directions around each part. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following casts: Bunions, Lumbago. Bums, Mercurial Erup- Chapped Hands, tiocs, Chilblains, Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Salt Rheum, Skin Diseases, Sore Legs, Sore Breasis, Swelled Glauds, Sore Heads, Stiff Joints, Sore Throats, Sores ol all kinds; Sprains, Scalds, Ulcers, Wounds of all Venereal Sores. kinds. Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Drug gists and Dealers of Medicines throughout the I lined States, and the civilized world, i" Pojs, at 25 cents, 62i cents, and 81 each. GThere is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. July 19, 1855. SAVIMe HAD OF THE U. 8. Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co. S. E. cor. of Third & Chestnut Sis., PHIL'S. CAPITAL 250,000. MONEY is received on deposit daily.— The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or if preferred, a certificate wilt be given. All sums, large and small, are received, and the amount paid back on demand, with out notice. Interest is paid at the rate of five per cent , commencing from the day of deposit, and ceasing fourteen days previous to the with drawal of the money. On the first day of January, in each year, the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as he may ptefer The Company now upwards of 3,- 500 depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional information will be given by addressing the Treasurer. DIRECTORS: S. R. Crawford, Pres't. Wm. D. Godwin, L. Johnson Vice Pres't. Paul B. Goddard, A. VV Thompson, George McHenry, Benj VV. Tingley, James DevereUz, Jacob L. Kloranoe, Gustavus English PLINY FISK, Secretary (f Treasurer. J. C. OEHLSCHLAGER, Teller (f Interpreter. September 6,1855. —ly. Orphans Court Sale of, Real Estate. IN pursuance ol an order of the Orphans Court of Columbia County, the under signed Trustee appointed by said Coutt in the matter of the Estate of Mary Appleman, deceased, will on SATURDAY, the 13/ A day if OitoLer next, at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon, expose to public sale upon the premises a certain PIECE AND LOT OF LAND situate in the town of Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, containing about ONE HALF ACRE, irontii gon Third Street of said town,on the south side of said street, adjoining land of Robert B. Arthur on the east and south, and land of Daniel Sbive'a heirs on the west. Conditions of sale.—Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale; one half on the confirmation of the sale by court; and the balance on the first day of April next, with interest from the day of confirmation. JOHN SNYDER, Bloomsburg, Sept. 13, 1855. Trustee. Private Sale! THE undersigned offers for sale his prop erty situate in Mifflinville, Columbia county, consisting of a dwelling house, store house and four contiguous LOTS OF GROUND-, being the same premises conveyed to him by Peter Billmyer, lateSherifl of said county, and now in the occupancy of Nathan Snyder. The property will be sold reasonable and the lerms made to suit the purchaser, A good title and possession of the premises will be given at any lime the buyer may stipulate. Apply either personally or by address ot the subscriber residing in Petersville, North ampton county. JONAS SNYDER. Petersville, September 6, 1805. BLANKS! BLANKS!! BLANKS'! DEEDS. SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, paper and desirable forms, fo' sale at the office of the "Star of the North." rjnIUBET SHAWLS with silk fringe, a JL fins lot just received end for sale by AC. MENBCK.