STAR oF THE NORTH. H. W. WEAVER. EDITOR. Uloomsl ui. Thursday; Sept. ft. 1855 Democratic Nominations. FOR CANAL COMMISSION Ell, HON. ARNOLD PLUMER, OF VENANGO COUNTY, ron nvrnisENTATivK, J. G. MONTGOMERY, of Montour Co. FOR SHERIFF, STEPHEN H. MILLER, FOR TREASURER, JACOB HARRIS, FOR COMMISSIONER, JONAS FAURINGER, ron AUDITOR, JACOB DEMOTT, FOR AUDITOR, Otic year, HENRY G. PHILLIPS. BTANDIKO COMMIT l lili. JOHN SNYDER, of Uloomsburg, HIRAM R. KI.INE, of Orange, PETER BODINE, of Cattawissa, N. P. MOOItE, of Bemon, CHARLES NUSF, of Main. Til 15 TIIKBT. Daring court this week we liave beard u number of prominent Democraia express tbeir pleasuro and satisfaction with the Dem ocratic county ticket. Every person grants that all the nominees will make excellent and competent officers ; and the Know-Noth ings alone seem troubled as to what is beet for tbera to do. They don't even hint that the country would be ruined by the officers now on the Democratic ticket, but they strongly intimate that they would like all lite offices themselves. We ate very sorry to see our clever friend Mr. Cole in the company end control of the Know-Nothings. He submitted his claims to the Democratic comity convention ami was fairly and honorably treated by it. No disrespect was intended, and no injury done him when another competent gentleman re ceived the npmination. When a man submits his claims to a con vet:lion anil is faitly treated by it, lie can gain neither respect nor profit by deserting the party because be did not receive a nom ination. Each candididate before a conven tion expects the others to support him if he is successful, arid honesty would recpiire that if he is not nominated he should treat others as he wished to be treated. The men whom wo have seen lately flattering Mr. Cole are uoterious Know-Nothings who never born any love for the Democratic parly, and who were both last year and in the fall of 1853 the leading spirits in opposition to the Demncral io ticket. By tbiuking of this coolly the can did portion of the voters will understand tlio motives which have made Mr. Cole a candi date. Court Prncccdiucs. Court opened in this place on last Mon day. There was a pretty good attendance, though but few casea were for trial, and none of these of any general interest. Solomon Neyltard Esq., of Centre was appointed fore man of the Grand Jury. The only civil case tried was an appeal— Joseph Hampton w.Samuel Henry, iri which the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for $32.65. The only other case which went to a jury for verdict was Com.'rs. AnJrew Freas for aseaull and battery. Verdict not guilty and the prosecutor for costs. Court adjourned ott Wednesday forenoon. The report of Iho Grand Jury will be found in another column. The court directed it to be published and notice to be given to the supervisors mentioned in the report. QT We publish in an other column tlio advertisement of the "Savin/ Fund of the United States Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company," South East corner of Third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. It is the pi oneer 5 per cent. Saving Fund of tha 1 City, and is esteemed one of the best Savings In stitutions of our country. Monies deposited witb ibis Institution draw 5 per cent, inter est, and are paid back on demand without notice. The direction embraces some of the best men of Philadelphia. GT Whenever a disappointed Democrat turns against his party the Know-Nothings fuck him in just as easy as the whale did Jonsb, and declare he is the most clever and gentlemanly fellow alive, even if only a short time before they übused him us a "d d ditty Loco foco." ty Spalding & Roger's Circus which ex hibited in this place yesterday has a large number of excellent performers, and fulfilled every reasonable expectation of the many who patronized it. The seats were filled both in the afternoon and cvoning, until a number of the spectators were compelled to ■laud. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. —The Demo crats of Northumberland county have.placed in nomination the following ticket:—For As sembly, J. H. Zimmerman; for Register and Recorder, C. Boyd Pursel; for Treasurer, Geo. Bright; for Commissioner 3 years, Charles Hoiienslein; Tor Commissioner 1 year, Fred erick Haas. SULLIVAN COUNTY.— The Democratic con vention of Sullivan county met last Tuesday at Laporte and selected Seaato rial conferees in favor of A. J. Dieterich, Esq., formerly ot this county, and Representative Conferees in favor of Cot. James Deegun. XST The real estate in Mifllin and Centre which is advertised in at other column to-day ia worth the attention of thoae who want to purchase EDUC ATIO NAL . The Teachers' Association d~hF Columbia County, will meet at Blooms burg, on Saturday, the 29th daj of Sep tember, at 1 o'clock P. M. Several essays and addresses are expected, and teachers are earnestly solicited for their experience on School topics. All friends of education are respectfully invited to attend. R. W. WEAVER, WM. BUROESS, Scc'y. President. Nctiool Meetings. On next Monday (Sept. tot'") ufternoon at 4 o'clock there will be a School Meeting at Cole's School-House in Sugatloaf. Teach ers will be examined, and Directors and peo- J pie arc invited to attend. On Tuesday forenoon Sept. 11th at 9 o'- I clock there will bo a similar meeting at the school-house near the town of Benton. On Saturday afternoon, Sept. 15th at 2 o'- clock there will be a school meeting lor the j examination of teachers in the Stoker school house in Fishiitgcreek township. On the evening of that day there will be a similar meeting ut Orangevillo. On Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Sept. I 17, there will be a similar meeting at the ! school-house in Jerseytown. There will also be"a similar meeting at Cat tawissa on Tuesday, the 18th lay of Sept. at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, und another at Slabtown on the same day at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It is important that directors attend at these examinations; and a good meeti all the | friends of education is desired on every oc casion. All teachers in the vicinity of those places, who desire certificates, will present themselves for examination. Like, appoint ment will hereafter be announced for Ber wick, Mifilinville, and Uohrsburg. Union and Harmony. m The Columbia county Democratic Conven tion, and the Representative Conferees ol Columbia and Montour, have unanimously conosirred ill the nomination mar.e by Mon tour. of John G. Montgomery, Esq., for As semfdy. Of Mr. Montgomery's election lberu can be no doubt. Mi. Maxwell was urged by indiscreet friends, to tun ugninstthe Tick et,. but lie does himself credit by declining to accede to such request, and pledging hitnsell to support the ticket. Mr. Tenter, of Derry, has likewise been solicited to run as a volunteer, but he declines to have his name thus used by the opponents "of the democratic organization, and will him self support Mr. Wagner. Mr. Terner thus strengthens himself with the Democratic par ty, and as lie is a gentleman of excellent character and good qualifications, he will be favorably remembered hereafter.— Danville Intelligencer. M bat the Hussions !Sny- The official organ at St. Petersburg ex presses the opinion that the Allies, by their inactivity and want of enterprise, have allow ed the opportunity to slip by when Seba-lo pol might have been taken. It now says the city is impregnable ; that it can replace one hundred dismounted guns in a night, or can j exchange 50,000 fatigued troops agiinst 59,- 000 fresh troops ; the Allies cannot, with double the force thoy can disposo of, cut off the communication by Perikop ; tliat the Russian army, fighting for its country and its sovereign, is animated by a belter spirit than ia rhe heterogeneous mas of French, Enghsh, Turks, Egyptians and Sardinians, contending for an abstract ides and a con fused interpre tation of the duties of civilization. There is some force in these remarks, and the Allies themselves appear to be impressed with the same idea for the preparation of defences they are making a l . Kamiosh look very like a protection in the event of being compelled to re-embark. Sanbury and Erie Dai/road. —The jjastern link of this road from Northumberland to Milton, will be completed and formally op ened on Thursday 20th inel. By the com pletion ot this link, which, by usiugfiat boats on the basin of the Susquehanna river at j Northumberland, western New York will be ; connected with the coat fields in the middle j anthracite region- Col. A. S. Diven, Presi dent of the Willtamspoit and Elmira Railroad j Company, has had u large number of coal j cars built, and (he locomotives arc ready lor. the coal trade, which will begin on the 21st j iust. This link will also afford another pleas- | ant route to the north and west, via the Penn sylvania railroad to the junction, above liar-1 risburg, and passenger boats from that point j 40 miles to Northumberland. REPORTED UOUBERY OF THE COUNTY TIIKAS- | uuv AT LANCASTER.—A letter Irom Lancaster informs usthat the office of the County Treas urer at Lancaster was robbed of from SBOO to 81000, on Sunday night. The Treasurer's Office is on the first lloor of the now Court House, and was entered by the western door leading to the corridor. The door loading to the office was also opened by fulse keys— no appearance of the lock Itaviug been fore ed in either door. The sal'e-key was gener ally kept in a small desk in (he office, which was forced open, and the safe-key taken out, by which the safe was opened. The Coun ty Commissioners are investigating the mat ter.— Ledger. AMERICAN IRON.—Everything at presentin dioates a prosperous condition of the Ameri can iron trade. Our pig iron is now in far better repute und demand than it baa been for a long lime, und by the attention of the manufacturers it has been so much improved as to possess all the valuable qualities of Scotch pig. The Philadelphia American stales that the Mount Hope and Hibernian iron mines, in New Jersey, are doing a large bu siness. The rolling mill at Rockway, N. J., has been enlarged,and is now driven by steam, instead of water power, the aleara be ing generated entirely from the waste beat of the puddling and heatiDg furnaces, so that no more fuel is used than under the water power system. The mill ia now constantly employed. {F The people very generally seem pleas, ed with the nomination of Mr. Montgomery for Representative, and be will receive a very fine vote in tbii county. ■lore Developemeuts. We invite the attention of every honest man to the card of Mr. Henry Craw of Mun cy which we publish below. At least a doz en men in this county have come to us and told an experience very much like this man's, for the plan of Ihese conspirators is every where the same, and honest men are every wbero leaving them in disgust. Hereafter, if occasion requires, we may put some of the revelations of those who pave seen the hol low heaitedness of Know-Noihingism in this county into a proper shape for our readers. — For the present Mr. Craw's experience will | serve as a sample. | To the Independent Elector* ol' Lycom ! nig, < liuion mid I'olter Counties. The undersigned has been induced to ofTer his services to the people of this district, and permit his name to be used in the approach l ing canvass, as a candidate for a seat in the j Pennsylvania Legislature. the fact is admitted by the members of | the parly with whom I have previously aot j ed, that their candidate, nominated by fraud, ! is to ntuke no public avowal of his principles, but being disgusted with these" dark lan tern" practices, I have determined to make a frank, open and public exposition of my views upon the various questions of public interest. The principles of the Whig parly have been and will be my principles; I have louglil for tlicm, and voted for them, and as long as breath remains in mybody, will retain fresh and green the resolleclion of the glo rious lessons taught us by Clay and Webster. When the great reform movement on the subject of temperance was started [ lent my voice, and what little influence 1 possessed to koep the ball in motion. In the midst of onr great success in this reformation project my Whig and Temperance friends commen ced organizing Know-Nolhitig Lodges. I was assured by Whig friends that it was reolved by our party to tush cn masse into this move ment as the sure and effectual way of break ing down the Democratic party. I was also assured there would bo no sacrifice of Whig principles, that our party in iho order would be largely in the majority, and the minority of Democrats woulJ be compelled to suo culhb, and finally come into the support of Whig men and measures—l was assured by | temperance Iriends that this Know Nothing ; movement was the only means by which ■ men could bo selected and elected, who would pass a prohibitory liquor law—l was told by holy and reverend gentlemen ivith white cravats, that the deception a man would bo called upon to practice towards bis neighbor, prevarication and equivocation to which ev ery member would Uo forced to resort, that the war which was to be waged against a small and contemptible body ol Christians and against all loreigneis whether l'rotestant | or Catholic, would be justified by the great ' end to bo attained. In consequence ol these j various assurances, I joined that dark and ; prescriptive order*in whose midnight coun- j cils the glicsts of men, women and children j slaughtered in Cincinnati and Louisville, pass in sad and solemn array before the eyes of pale, trembling and terror-stricken congrega tions of conspirators. How appropriate one of the places of meeting in this Borough ! j viz., a butcher shop ! the President stand- J ■ ing behind the ineat block, tlio initiated col lected in a circle around, while a member , holds in one hand a candle (their only light) and in the o'.ht t a box of matches, so that upon the first alarm the light may be extin guished, and bo lighted when the danger of detection passes away. I was one ol tbe ciiarter members of the council. Wo organized in a lavern; 1 met with them, acled with them, and for the good of the temperance cause end with the example of temperance men and Preachets of the Gospel, and iu their company, at an I hour when all nature was hashed in repose, when sleep had 010-od the eyos of iho un suspecting, stole forth from our families lo meet in councils, held ut the houses we had been in* tbe habit In our temperance speech- ; es of styling " rum shops'' our ingress being through tbe stables, over the fences, creep- I ing along under the shrubbery of the gar | ilens, and egress iu the same humiliating [ and disgraceful manner. The limits of this communication will not I permit me to give all the reasons in addition | to the foregoing which influenced nte to re ; nounce and free myself from the moral con j lamination surrounding this order. From i the assembling to the adjournttiont of the last I | hour." Every measure of any importance j was passed in secret council and duly went j through tho forms of ratification in the Sen- I ate and House of Representatives. We 6ent I a majority to pass the piohibitory liquor law, and with the will and inclination, they lack ed the courage to do their duty, but placed upon the statute book, that miserable abor tion known ar.d appropriately styled the '• Know-Nothing Jug Law." if this was the only infamous measure passed by that Leg islature, it is enough to cover the authors with disgrace. I herein pledge myself i( elected to do my utmost to effect the repeal of this odious law,and substitute in its place, a Regular Simonpure Ned Dow Maine Law. Mr, Beck the Democratic candidate it is said is in lavor of the repeal of this law, but op posed to n probibitorv law : Mr. heallli. Full and explicit diieeltons n company each box. Tbcso Pills are put up in square flat boxes. Perons residing where there aro no ageney esla I lisheJ, by enclosing One Dollar in a let ter postpai d to Dr. C. Li. Cheeseman, No. 267 Uleckcr street, New York City, can have thein sent to (heir respective addresses by return of mail. TUJLLM ATMBEAt IfIIAVEfL COLLECTOR'S OEFICE, ) Reach Haven, Sept. Ist, 1855. J R. \V. WEAVER, ESQ.: Dear Sir, —The amount of Toll collected at this Office during the month of August, 1855, is 836,118 71 Amount per last report, 98 822 68 Whole amount since Ist Dec. last 131,941 39 " " sume period last year 130,276 43 Increase " " this year 81,661 96 Respectfully yours, PETER ENT, Collector. On Tuesday the 4th inst, by the Rev. D. J. Waller, Mr. WILLIAM E. HOWER, of Soon, to Miss MARY E, HOWELL, daughter of William Howell, Esq., of Mountpleasant. On ihe 30th ult, by Rev. W. J. Eyer, Mr. HIRAM CROMLSY, and Miss MAIIOARET MAS TELLER, both of West Hemlock, Montour eouuty. .. In Berwick, August 30lh, of Tuberoular Meningitis, WILLIAM FUISHMUTII THEODORE, son of Abraham anil Mary A. Miller, uged 1 year, 9 months and 21 days. In Bloomsburg, on Friday, Ihe 24th of Au gust, THOMAS, infant eon of Thomas J. Mor tis Esq , aged about 9 months. _J- _ I VT S. M. P*TfEN6n.L & Co., Advertising I Agents, No. 119 Nassau Street, New York, and 10 State Street, Boston, are authorized to receive and receipt for advertisements am> subscription to this paper. Candidate for Bherifr. To the free Electors of Columbia County. Friends and fellow citizens:—At the solici tation of many friends and in consonance with my own wishes, I shall he a Volunteer Can didate for the office of SHERIFF of Colum'ia County, at tho general Election in Oclobet next, for which I respectfully solicit your suf frages- promising, that if elected, i will dis charge the duties of said office with fidelity and to the bast of my ability. ALEXANDER HUGHES. Briercreek two., Sept. 6, 1855. To the Voters of Columbia County. AT the solicitation of many friends I have been induced to ofTtir mysell as a Vol unteer Candidate for the office of TREASURER of Columbia County at the general Election in October next, for which I respectfully so licit your suffrages, promising if elected to perform the duties of the office, to the best of my abilily. ELLWOOD HUGHES. Centre twp., Sept. 6, 1855. County Treasurer. THK subscriber, at the urgent solicitation of many of hie Fellow Citizens, respectfully offers himself as tn independent candidate for Ihe office of COUNTY TREASURER, at theensuiug election. 1 pledge myself if elec ted to discharge the duties of said office to the best of ray ability. WILLIAM COLE. Benton, SJj>t. 6, '55. Ucport ol' the Ginud Jury ut Sept. Sc.. slon, 1855. s To the Honorable the Judges ajf m^Oourt of Quarter Sessions, oj the Peace in aw for the County be Columbia. The grand inquest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania enquiring tor ihe body of the County of Columbia respectfully reports, that they have examined the publio build ings belonging to said county, and find them in reasonable good repair, except the plat form in from ol the jail, with the hand-railing around it; and steps require some repairing, new hand-rail from the entry up stairs, to ( gether with some plastering at the wall in side the jail yard. The beilrey in Iron! and I cornish of the uourl house requires repair ! ing. | The had condition of some of the public | roads oi Bloom, Benton, Beaver, Cattawissa, ■ Franklin, Hemlock, Mountpleasant and Oi ! ange townships as returned by the Constables , ol said districts, in our opinion, may be rein | edied by notices to the supervisors of said townships to attend to their duties. Allot which is respectfully submitted this filth day of September, A. D. 1855. SOLOMON NEYHARD, Foreman. Stray Shoat I CAME to the premises of the subscriber in Greenwood township about the 15th of July last, a stray spotted barrow, weighing about 86 pounds. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it away, or u will be sold according t5 law. JAMES V. FERGUSON. Greenwood, Sept. 6, 1855.—3t. Private Sale! J THE undersigned otfeis for sale his prop ! erly situate in Miflliuvillo, Columbia county, ] consisting of a dwelling house, store house i and lour contiguous LOTS OF GROUND-, ■ being tho same premises conveyed to him I by l'eter Billmyer, late Sheriff of said county, iHiid now in the occupancy of Nathan Snyder. The property will be sold reasonable and the terms made to suit the purchaser, A good I title and possession of the premises will be ' given at any time the buyer inay stipulate. | Apply either personally or by address ot ! tho subscriber residing in I'ctersville, Nortb ! ampton county. JONAS SNYDER. Petersville, September 6, 1855. Public Sale of Real Estate. THE heirs of JonathanTlagsnbuch deceas ed will on SATURDAY, the 6th day of October next, expose to public sale upon the premises A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Centre township, Columbia county, bounded by land, of John Hagenbnch on the East, of Daniel Hagenbuch on the North and West and ol Daniel Neyhard on the South, containing ABOUT SEVENTEEN ACRES„ more or less, whereon are n frame dwelling house, a bam, a shop, a good apple orchard and a well of good water. The property is sitnnte in the iron ore region. There will also lib sold at the same time and place a Lot oF Woodlnnd, j containing 2 acres tnore or less situate in tho | same township, adjoining lands of Jeremiah Hagenbuch on the East, Jacob Hagenbuch on the South, John Hageubuch on the West and Henry Dulong on the North. The land is well timbered. Tho widows dvwer will remain in all the laud. Sale will commonceat 1 o'clock P. M., when the terms will be made knovvn. EMANUEL HAGENBUCH, for the heirs of Jonathan Hagenbuch. Centre twp., Sept. 5, 1855. NOTICE. fMVIE advertiser would respectfully an il. nounco to his customer, and the publio generally that he continues to supply the va rious MAGAZINES named below at Ihe pri ces annexed, per annum, Harpers $2 25; Putnam 82 25 ; Knickerbocker 82 2'5; House hold Words 82; Blackwood 82 25; Gotley 82 25: Graham 82 25; Horticulturist, colored plates 83 50; Horticulturist, plain edition, 81 63; Littell'a Living Age 86; Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashions 82 25; Ballou's Pictorial 82 50; Ladies' Repository (Cincinnati) 82 63 ; Peterson 81 63; Natioual 81 63; Arthur a Home Magazine 81 63. He is prepared also to fill orders for stand ard and miscellaneous hooks and the ourrent literature of the day, whether from the trade or persons in other walks of industry. Hav ing bait an experience of fifteen years in the Book and Periodical Trade, he believes that he can give entire satisfaction to all parlies intrusting him with orders. Specimen numbers of the Magazines sent on receipt of six Post Office Letter Stamps for lite 83 or £2 Magazines, and for twelve such stamps a sample of the 85 or 86 works will be sent. Letters of inquiry must contain a stamp for the return postage. Books sent post-paid, on receipt of publisher's udvertised prices. Address WILLIAM PATTON, Bookseller, Hoboken, New Jersey. CP" Publishers of Newspapers giving tho above advertisement, with'this notice, a few insertions and sending marked copy to adver- - tiser, will be entitled to any one of the Peri odicals in the above list for one yoar. Sept. 6. CASH LP! ALL those having unsettled accounts with us are requested to call immediately and have their accounts sallied; and those who owe us either on note or hook account, tire particularly requested to pay Ihe same by the 20th of September next, as we mutt hare money to pay our debts. Gentlemen: your attention to the above may save oosts. MENDENHALL & MENSCH Bloomsburg, Aug. 27, 'Bs—Bl