The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 07, 1855, Image 2

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itHmmbont Thursday Jane 7,1848.
Henry A. Wire lies been fur twenty years
part the roost active and hard working man
tit Aia "hot political contests of Virginia. He
bat never coca asked himself which would
be the slrong party; nor has be spared per
sonal friend or foe when they crossed tbe
line krbere an earnest conviction of duty im
pelled him. He fought aa bravely in the
minority with a chosen band devoted to de
feat. aa be did when victory was within his
reach. His intelligent political faith grew to
be a passion in his impulsive, nervous tem
perament ; and led him into every (ray. Hit
zealous labor made oilier men great; and his
unselfish devotion to hia friends made him
many enemies. Some of lite old enemies,
forgave him out of respect for hia manliness
and boner; bat the friends whom his toil
lifted into greatness never pardoned his devo- I
led friendship. So he was not a strong man
in the late contest, as most men understand
"that term. He was not strong in (be acci
dents of personal position and influence; and
was only strong in the power of his cause,
and in the manliness and zeal with which
he gava himself up to its defenco. He threw
his whole sonl into the battle, and neither
calculated the chances of success nor the
cost of the contest. He went into the (ray
with the spirit of the old martyrs, and bat
lied almos£single handed and alone—like a
man Who defends hia cause until his las;
comrade (alls by his side ar.d all seems lost,
and fhen rouses himself to strike a last blow
against the desecration of his altar and his
hearth-stone. The cause of Free Mind and
Free Religion was this man's altar, and
Virginia was his hearth-stone. Strong men
had fallen, and bold men cowered beneath
the brute blow and brag of the monster.—
Wise knew that tbe alarming wdragon (orm
of the monster was only a false painted cover,
and the Are it spit was only an artificial
toy. One good blow with the trusty sburp-
Janceof the Southern Knight and the hideous
dragon lay at hie feet.
The Virginia gentleman has his passions
and his frailties like other men—his weak
ness, no meanness—nothing
to stain hislonor. He regards it an unpar
donable sin to defraud a man of a dollar,
but would throw away a hundred dollars to
wreak his vengeance on a foe. To him a
blonder is worse than a crime. He may have
his rices but they are not base ones. He
will have bis pride—his vanity, if you please;
or perhaps his indoleuco, but he will do no
dishonest thing.
Hit very crimee'ara the faults of a noble
nature, and he will never be guilty of a six
penny peccadillo. Such a shameful game
as was last winter witneaaed at Ilarrisbnrg
for a Ujiiled Slates Senator could never be
played in the "Old Dominion. 1 ' Bribery
and corruption ia not the everyday charge
egainat the legisla'.ora in the Stale knorvn aa
"the mother of Presidents." Her statesmen
-are not every day caught with their Angers
ia the selfish speculations for which legisla
tive aid is invoked. They wonld scorn te
make politics a trade. Their occupation is
statesmanship—their study political econo
my. If they have conservatives among them
they are not men who fear human nature,
but who dread agrarianism anjl fanaticism.
And in soma each mau as K. M. T. Hunter,
of Virginia, we think we see the next Presi
dent of the Uni'ed States. The new party
of darkltess has evidently within itself the
discordant elements that disable it from ac
complUhing any object. It has no unity of
,principle or purpose, and so can have no
tunity of action. Its members are divided in
their professions of political faith, and with
many that profession is only a cloak.
Tbe question of Humanity and Brother
hood—of Christian charity and equality,
which ia the basis of Republicanism wi'l
lortn the issue in the next campaign; and
Hunter of Virginia would make a true-heart
ed standard bearer. His character, feelings
and history would inspira confidence tu the
people. On all questions of national econo
my he is safe, and in contest hia clear mind
would be a snre guide to victory. We have
heard hia name mentioned "io this connection
two years ago by men whoee judgment is
not often deceived. And though other men
have mauy friends with warm preferences;
we believe the ehotce of Hunter for a Presi
dential candidate would be discreet and safe.
AiU-Liqusr Law Media?.
The great anrf-.'tquor law meeting was
held at Reading on Monday. Two
bands paraded the streets atiJ received the
delegations from a distance. Sers.'el large
bay wagons came in with at least lta? hu
man beings packed in and drawn by eight
horses. A banner from Lancaster had tbe
inscription—"no more clerical legislation,"
and on tbe revene "we go for tbe repeal of
the infamous Jug Law."
The meeting was organized in front of the
market house, and 5,000 people are said to
have been in the crowd. Dr. H. H. Muh
lenberg presided, and Gen. Geo. M. Keim,
J. Glancy Jonea, Charles Kessler, George
M'Klroy of Lancaster and Mr. Zeigler of
Hsrritbnrg addressed the meeting. Strong
reeolutions were passed against tbe law, and
one hundred guns were fired.
Qt The Democrat spins ont a half column
to My that it said nothing in the quarrel be
tween Beat and Case. Well who cares if it
didn't 1 How very clever and kind to Bast
it seem* to grow !
Of Tbe high water of lha river occasion
ed a break in tbe canal above Beach Haven
last Sunday, but the break is again repaired
and the boats moving-
Tbe telegraph office in this place has been
removed from Judge Rupert's store lo Dr.
Vagnit'e new drug itore.
■ :
Tin Bulletin Corrected.
Tbe Philadelphia Bulletin should etato one
rebuke f its presumption fairly. We did
not link Koow-Nothmgism with Mr. Hike,
Mrs Patterson and the Maaaauheserta legis
lature until the Bulktm amassed for its new
party all the virtue, temperance and religion
of the land ; and began to join Democracy
with Ram. When the tree planted by Ned
Buntline and rowdyism, and nourished by
bigotry, prejudice and fanaticism lhall once
bring forth some better- fruit than the nullifi
1 cation act and deviltry of the Massachusetts
1 legislature, deoent men may ask for a gralt,
1 but not before.
I Massachusetts ia the only plaoe where
Know-Nothiugism had a fair chance to ex
-1 bibit itself. It was neither cramped by old
line Democrats or WJtigs. It sent out a t.tor
-1 al reform committee to correot lbs religion
of Catholic schools, and the most appropriate
1 man they cbuld find in all the legislature for
1 a hear! lo such a Committee was Mr. Hiss—
the most proper company be could find for
such a mission was Mrs. Patterson. A com
mittee of investigstion had to be appointed
lo investigate the conduct of the moral inves
-1 ting committee. We judge the tree by its
1 fruit, and repeat that in the state of Salem
witchcraft, where the lute abolition legisla
ture abolished the constitution of the United
Slates, is the only place where Know-Nolh
ingism has proved ill faith by any works. It
is only because the Bulletin tried to prove
this was the only safe party for the Temper
ance cause to rely upon that we felt like re
buking sanctimonious hypocrisy.
So shamelessly has that Know-Nollting |
legislature shacked the moral sense-of the,
people that Gen. Wilson, their own United]
States Senator, was compelled to disown the i
party that elected him ; anil'to rave his own I
credit he rebtfked it iii the following strong '
"He had no sympathy with that narrow, !
bigoted, intolerant spirit that would make j
war upon a race of men because they hap-1
pened to be born in other lands—a dastardly !
spirit that would repel from our shores the j
men who sought homes here under our free |
institutions. Such a spirit was anti-Ameri- ;
can, devilish; he loathed it from the bottom
of his heart."
He further said:
" He regretted to say that there were some
members of the American party in favor of
excluding, by constitutional amendments all ]
adopted citizens from office. He deeply de- |
plored the action of the Legislature of Mass- i
achusetts in proposing an amendment to the ]
Constitution embodying this doctrine. Ho j
hoped the gentlemen who had given their ,
voles for this proposition—a proposition that |
would not permit Professor'Agassiz one pf (
the first living scientific men of the age, to
fill, under Slate appointment, an office even
of a scientific character—would see their er- I
ror and retreat al once from a position wtiich |
juslioe, reason and religion condemned.— |
What little iufiuence he possessed would be
given with a hearty irood will lo defeat this j
IT We are informed by a gentleman ac
quainted with the facta that only so much of
the 6th section of the English statute of frauds
was enacted by the laie legislature as pro
vides thai no person shall be made liable for !
(ho debt, default or mii-carrisge of another
except by written contract, or sortfb memo
randum signed by the party to be charged.
Mr. Price was anxious lo enact the whole
of the 6th section, and made a motion to
that effect which was resisted and defeated.
The provisions as to contracts relating*io
lands would change oor present system which
is settled and known; and would produce
uncertainly and mischief. The requirement
that all parole contracts should be execulatde
within a year, is unsuiled to the circumstan-*
ces and habits of our people. For these and
other reasons, urged at the time, Mr. Price's
motion was defeated.
As to the provision actually passed it is
one of some value. Following the exact
phraseology of the English statute, it has al
ready undergone judicial interpretation, and
its application in almost every conceivable
case is known.
No one ought lo be liable for another's
debt or default except upon cloar grounds.
And without such a rule as this statute af
fords, perjury is unuvoidabfe in a vast num
ber of cases; and a dangerous coloring of ev
idence, which is as mischievous as perjury,
will produce a wrong verdict in many others.
The cases of Petriken vs. Baldy, (found in
the reports) Miller ti*. Jones, and others tried
in this county that might be named, would
never have been heard of under such a law
as the new one.
Courts have often regreted that such an
act was r.nt in force with us. In the ab
sence of such an act they have attempted
by construction of the rules of 'evidence to
reach its benefits. But, io the meantime,
the law is left uncertain, and judicial legisla
tion is, at the best, imperfect and unques
il'orden (old-line Whig) Notary Public at
Lewisu. ur fi) Union county. In place of H. C.
Hiokok lu'fi i who has removed to Harris
Reuben Dowuir.g to be Proihoootary of
Luzerne county, in plaoe of i)l, Anson Curbs,
cisco (California) auction marts are crowded
with Chili and domestic flour; cargo affer
cargo is offered, under the hammer, to be
sold lo tbe highest bidder. The lowest sale
of a good attiole of superfine has been at $5
50 per barrel.
CP* Mr. A. C. Mensoh has received a
large assortment of new goods—bis second
arrival this spring. He keeps hia stock re
plenished, as wall as he oan where so many
customers carry away goods.
It ia said that the Know-Nothmga
have altered a portion of tbe Declaration of
Independence, making it read thus: '-'Lite,
Liberty and the pursuit of Irishmen.''
W Tbe Lancaster Saviug Institution has
busted. Deficit $300,000. Assets $120,-
000. • {
LABOR: Its History end Prospects. By R. D.
Owes. 30 cents. Fowler It Wells, New
HINTS TOWASD REFORM. Consisting of Lec
tures, Essays, Addresses and other Wri
tings; Second edition, enlarged. By Hor
ace Grealy. $1 25. Fowler & Wells,
New York.
Every intelligent laboter of the land Should
read these two works. The first is a lecture,
fall of thought and suggestive facts Though
we cannot subscribe to all the views of Gree
ly,Jjis book has much in it that will inter
est, and awaken the sluggish mind to action.
He ia earnest, and if there were more bouks
in the same vein and pleasant style as this i
one the world wonld be better for such '
resting. He has evidently the right end in
view, and seeks the amelioration of human '
nature. If he errs as to means, let others
seek out the true course.
EDUCATION : its Elementary Principles found- j
ed on the Nature of Mfln. By J. G. Spurz
heitn, M. D. With an appendix, contain
ing a Description of the Temperaments
and Analysis of the Phrenological Facul
ties. 87 cents. Fowler & Wells, N. Y.
NATURAL LAWS OF MAN. By J. O. Spurzbeim,
M. D. An important work. 30 els.
The mental and moral philosophy of Spurz
heim is true, sound, plain and simple. His
style never strains for effect, because lie
writes like a man who understands his sub
ject, and feels that,it needs no meretrioious
j adornment lo make it interesting or give it
] importance, llis work on Education has
many valuable suggestions in it, and the
|"Boston Med. 4" Surg. Journal says with jus
j lice : "We regard this volume as one of the
; most important that has been offered to the
! public for many years."
] Tho terse little work on the Natural Laws
] of Man contains what has sineeAieeu re-wril
| ton and said over again a thousand limes,
; but never with more strenglh and beauty
than tit this compact-book.
CHRISTMAS STORIES. Bv Charles Dickens.
("Boz.") ' '
DICSENS' NEW STORIES. Containing The sev
[ en poor Travelers. Nine New Stories by
the Christmas fire, Hard Times, Lizzie
Leigh, The Miner's Daughter, Fortune
Wiklred, the foundling, etc. T. B. Peter
son, Philadelphia.
Whatever prejudice Americans may now
feci against Dickens because he spoke too
freely and honestly of their faults, it must
be confessed that his fictions are the most
healthy works of their kind which the pres
ent age has furnished us. The moral i 9 for
cible, and yet not mawkish or Puritanic.—
-The pictures are true and done by an artist.
The style is not hacked that it may make
make more noise, nor is the subject ever
lasting blood, love and murder. The first
of the volumes we note above contains some
pleasant sketches of travel in Italy, and a
Christmas Carol, The Chimes, Cricket mi
the hearth, Battle of life and The Haunted
Man. The edition is a fine one, printed on
good, thick paper. Several cheaper editions
are also publiebed by Mr. Peterson, and all
the writings of Dickens in uniform style of
print aud binding.
11. Benton. 1). Appleton & Co., N. Y.
This work has become almost as familiar
to the American ear as the name of its auth
or; but its contents should become quite as
familiar to the American mind. While the
work exists no National Bank can over be
chartered in this republic. It has all the ego
tism and arrogance which is characteristic of
Benton, but it has also his intelligence; and
is a true and faithful history of the govern
ment while he was such an important part of
it. The work contains facts whioh cannot he
obtained elsewhere, and they are arranged
so asilo interest lha readet as well as to
instruct. Every man who makes any pre
tension to political information should read
The only authorized American edition.—
With twenty engravings and a portrait of
the author. Price, muslin, 75 els. Fow
ler & Wells, New York.
This standard work ought to be more gen
erally circulated In lha shape here indicated.
It is a work lo be studied, and the intelligent
reader * ill find much assistance to the text
in the edition published by Fowler & Wells
■s above indicated. It is creditable to the
intelligence of tbe age that more than 300,-
000 copies of tbe work have been sold, and
that it has been translated into the French,
German, Spanish, Swedish and Italian Lan
guages. Tbe moral responsibility of mau
has never been more clearly demonstrated
than by Combe in this book, and religion
can desire no belter auxiliary to Holy Writ.
MEDICAL REFORMER: edited by Drs. John &
Pretty man. Printed at the Office of the
"Starol the North,'' Bioomeburg, Pa.
The June number of this periodical is pub- '
fished, and its coatenle are very readable—
We gave one extract last week from Dr.
John and another upon our outside to-day
from the pen o( Dr. Prettyman. Tbe sxtract
from Prof. Friend's lecture is also published
in the book. In the mechanical finish of tbe
work we improve each month.
GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK—The June number
of this magazine has beeu received. The la
dies will find the different departments of fe
male accomplishments filled with useful in
formation. The engravings, colored fashion
plates, patterns, &c., are very pretty, and can
not fail to please. With the July number
begins a new volume, and the present would
be a proper time to subscribe for this valua
ble magazine. $3 per annum. Address L.
A. Godey, Philadelphia, Pa.
COIT or LIVING IN PARIS.—The high cost
of living is as much a subject of complaint
in Pari* aa it is in this country. Beef coats
three franess or fifty-four cents a pound. A
chicken costs five francea or nearly a dollar.
A turkey coats ten frsnces. Game in season
U worth more than its weight in gold. A leg
of lamb, which a year ago sold for about
three fiances, is not at present to be had un
der five ; fish has followed tbe ascensional
movement in proportion. The exhibition of
the World's Industry would necessarily raise
the price, and beef, it was expected,Brould
be four franoes a pound.
tW Tbe Pension Department ha* com
menced id jssue land warrants.
School Appropriation.
The following are the sums dun to the
several towashipa of this county as School
Benton 865 80 Locust 8156 80
Bloom 191 80 Mifflin 95 90
Briarcreek 134 05 Maine 50 05
Beaver 65 80 Madison 112 70
Catiawisia 127 40 Mountpleasant 67 55
Centre 88 90 Montour 31 85
Fishingrtreek 86 45 Orange 93 10
Franklin 42 00 Pine 58 45
Greenwood 107 45 lloaringcreek 41 65
Hemlock 91 35 Scott 116 55
Jacksou 39 20 Sugarloaf 45 50
An intelligent school teacher of Locust
township in this coonty writing to us says:
"In the progress of my labors and experi
ence in teaching, the greatest difficulties I
have had to encounter, not only as an em
barrassment in the arrangement and ratine
of school exercises, but as an insurmounta
ble barier to the desirable success and im
provement of my pupils, has been the com
plicated variety of class books brought into
the schools."
In answer to his request: we have never
met a Board of Directors that we did not
nrgo this subject to their attention. In some
instances the Directors have done their duty
by adapting a sef of books; bfat the teachers
have failed to enforce that act, by still recog
nising every kind of book* brought into the
school. But if people and directors wish
( good and cheap schools they can only have
them by a uniformity of text books, then en
larging the school districts, and employing
only competent teachers.
An a number of our friends Lom Orange
and Greenwood havo lately started on a
Weslorn tour of inspection, the following
extract from a letter of H. J. Wolverlon of
Sunbury will be interesting to readers in the
upper end of the county. It is copied from
the Sunbury Gazette, end is well written. It
is dated st Fort Das Moines, lowa.
Fort Des Moines is situated on the Des
Moines river, which ia navigable for sleam
boats a portion of the year. It contains a
populatioa of about 1500, all the houses and
stables are full to overflowing. Its location
is a low one, about nine or ten feet above
low water ma-k, and from what I am told,
eome few feet below high water mark.— 8
Our tickets from Sunbury to this place
(Fori Des Moines) exclusive of oor
living and incidental expense here,
cost just $37 00. Living is no small item
of expense here, and at for incidentals,
all along the line and here they are a set of
sharks. All have come here to make a for
tune, and they asp trying to do it. They all
know yon, and know just what you war.l,
and if you would want what they want you
too want, you would want them to have all
your money. Fersora coming here must
look and judge for themselves. It is* diffi
cult to get an impartial statement of existing
facts. The statements of lawyers, landlords
and speculators, are all ex parte
The doctors seem to be lights of the sec
ond degree here, unless they are specula
tors. Nobody wants them un'.esrf in extre
mis. They sro generally young and of hum
ble means; their eyes are not so widely
open to speculations as some of the other
citizens; they generally do a good business,
their statements are generally the most relia
ble: they can also tell you where to gel
good horses. The men here are very socia
ble; the ladies, too, look nice and pleasant, but
don I speak. 1 'spose its because they a'int ac
quainted. The country here for beauty and
fertility can uot be surpassed. It ex
ceeds lire most sanguine expectation of its
visitors. The improvements though this
Stale are also almost without a parallel for
(he short time it has been settled. The eas
tern portion begins to assume the appearance
of some of the eastern Slates, excepting the
old and delapidated buildings in some of our
eastern Stales. Land here in lowa is as
high as it is in our own Stale. Lots in Fort
Dos Moines and in lowa City salt at the
rate from fifty to one hundred dollars a foot
Iroot. Wheal is worth from 81 42 to 81 45
per bushel in lowa City, corn and oats 25
cents. Ia Forte Des Moines wheat brings
from 70 to 75 cents, corn and oats 20 cents.
Medium sized two-story houses rent for from
8250 to 8300, per annum; Hotels from SIOOO
to 83000 per annum; taxes rate from one to
one and a half mills on the dollar for County
and Slate purposes; legal interest is 10 per
centum, hut money here readily and safely
commands 40 per centum.
The immigration hither exceeds any rea
sonable idea of any person seeing it by at
least one half, and will increase with the fa
cilities of (raveling. There are now three
railroads in progress of coneliuction to this
plgce, one from Lyons, one from Devenport,
and one from the city of Muscatine. This
Slate is now destined to be the garden of the
West. I like it belter than any country 1
have ever seen. The soil is deep and rich,
the land is level but dry. The traveller here
frequently finds himself in the midst of one
vast prairie, without any object to obstruct
hit vision, and bia eye oarries him on to
where the Indian sky and laud seem to meet
each other, and almost imagines the visual'
line that girts bint 'bout the world's extreme.
This country oflera great pecuniary advanta
ges to farmers and speculators ID real estate.
The professions are crowded, and tradesmen
are sufficiently numerous for the demand,
except carpenters. There are no stones here,
therefore no stone masons needed. Oxen
here take the place of horses, aod lead on
the prairie grass. Tbey break their prairies
first by a team of Irom six to ten yoke of
Bf Wednesday's Mall.
The Steamship Afrtoa brings Liverpool
dates to the 26th insl. The Vienna Confer
ence ia to be re-opened.
On the 19th the Russians made a sortie at
Sebastopol, but no decisive result followed.
The British parliament was to be opened
on tbe 4th of June. It was expected that by
tha 20th of Jane every available man in
Great Britain belonging to tbe infantry regi
giants will have embarked for the war.
Correspondence of the " Star."
The Female Medical College of (hit city
is attracting some attention from the auccesa
of aome of its graduates. Of theae there
hare been 64, and some have earned from
850 to 8100 per week lecturing on Physiolo
gy, while others have realized 81,000 from
their drat year's practice. The College ia
n ow modestly and pleasantly located at No.
226Areh Street. Prof. Cleveland is Presi
dent and Marmeduke Moore Treasurer of the
Institution. To place the College on a per
manent basis i:a projectors are now selling
out yearly and life scholarships, as ia the
custom with Colleges in these day*.
To the lovers of art the Academy of Fine
Arts is the moat pleasant place in the City
for. a visit—no, it must be for a day's study.
Such paintings os the " Deliverance of Ltyden"
by Wihkamp, " Death on the Pale Horse"
copidd by Allston from West, or such ata.
tuary as *Steinhauser's Hero and Leander
are each in themselves a whole volume for
contemplation and reflection.
A very wicked case came up before Al
derman Hibbard on last Saturday, proving
a conspiracy to ruin a family and aome da
ring feats of a pair of bold, bad but "strong ,
minded" women. It was illeged that a
young daguerrean artist recently travelled
through Pennsylvania with his mother and
two sisters, of whom one was about twenty
yeara of age and quite beautiful, and the
other nine years. At a small village in Jef
ferson county, they look up their quarters at
a snug hotel kept by a very worthy gentle
man, the husband of a fine looking woman,
and the father of an interesting daughter.—
Tho travellers now set their wits to work to
get this nice home for themselves. While
ihu landlord was absent the young dagtier
reotypisl induced the wife to elope with him
to New York, and Irom thence they came to
this city, having along with them the child
of the faithless wife.
The landlord, on his return home, was
greatly alarmed and uneasy at the absence
of his wife, the alleged conspirators having
told him that she had merely taken a ride
with the young man. In the meantime ev
ery eflbtt was made by the mother and
daughter to induce the forsaken husband to
forget his wife, and cling to the "girl left be
hind her;" but he refused their entreaties,
though, at the same time, he acknowledged
'thai he only wanted his child, and that the
mother Should r.ever be clasped to his bo
som again. The mother and daughter, find
ing their schemes unprosperous, made tracks
for this city, and, on their arrival, sought out
the runaways, and stopped at the same hotel
with them. The disconsolate hushaod also
came on, and, after a diligent search, discov
ered their wherebouts. The wife, hearing
of the arrival of her husband, removed, with
her daughter, to another hotel, and thus sa
ved herself from arrest at the time the others
were taken in charge. She was, however,
discovered on Saturday, aud taken to the Al
derman's office, and she was about to be
committed to prison, when the huband re
quested the officer to take her to the hStel,
and see that she was kent in close confine
ment. This was done, and the husband slept
in an adjoining room with the officer, who
used his best exertion* to obtain the wife's
forgiveness. He at Inst relented, and the
same day returned to bis home with her who
had caused him such anguish and disquie
tude. The other parlies were held to bail
for their appearance whenever wanted, the
lanJlord of the bouse at which they are now
residing giving security for them, notwith
standing their indebtedness to him is quite
a large amount. The whole ease, according
to the allegations, exhibits one of the cool
est eftotla to obtain a good honr.e that we
have ever seen on record; and also shows
that this travelling family are as devoid of
feeling as they are of principle.
Liquor Excitement In Portland,
PORTLAND, June 2.—Mayor Neal Dow, in
anticipation of the action of the City Coun
cil, made a purchase of 810,000 worth of li
quor lor the city agency.. The liquor remain
ing on his bands, several citizens entered a
complaint under the law, and a warrant was j
issued for the seizure of the liquor. The
Mayor has called a special meeting of the Al
derman this afternoon, when i! was voted to
purchase it for the oily. The affair has occa
sioned a great excitement, and there ia much
anxiety to know how the matter will iermi-<
A Liquor Riot—The Military Called Oat—The
Mob Fired On—One Man Killed—Several
Others Wounded.
PORTLAND, June 3.—At 10 o'clock last night
a noisy mob assembled about (he building
used as the city liquor agency, and attempt
ed to break in for the purpose of destroying
the liquor stored there. The police attempt
ed to preserve tho peace, but the mob becom
ing more threatening, two military companies
were called out to enforce order. These pre
cautions, it was hoped, would deter the mob.
but, at a later hour, they broke into the buil.
ding, when the military drawn up opposite
fired a volley, killing Ephraim Bobbins, of
E&stport, and wounding several others, soma
A sound of the Rifle Guard followed up
the volley, by a charge upon the mob with
bayonets, which caused a rapid dispersion.
One old gentleman, who is said to have been
quietly on his way home, received a severe
bayonet wound during this charge. A few
arrests were made by the military, when the
mob entirely dispersed, and peace appears to
be restored, though an intense excitement
prevails. Another man is reported to have
since died of his wounds.
BP" A " WORK or NECESSITY.—'The Police
Court of Boston, on Friday, decided that sha
ving on Sunday ts a work of necessity, as
mnchso as preaohing a sermon, and no more
of an ofTence against the Sunday law. The
barber artists were, therefore, discharged, in
vested-with the right of free labor, with razor
and shears, seven days in the week.
ty Mr. David Reder k elected Treasurer
of the Lewisbnig Savings Institution in place
Of Mr- Shelter, tesigned.
For Ihe Slur of the North.
Nfew YORK, MONDAY, June 4, 1865.
The Great Raby Exposition—Probable Exhi
bition of Marriageable Young Ladies— Where
war Malselt Born—Matielt a* a lover—Hit
Faithfulness—Hie use of hove Letters—A
Niw Book bp Henry WardJßtechtr.
The Tenure of the coming week ia the
opening of ihe Exposition of Infantile Hu
manity. The one hundred fat and whole
some specimens called for, Ihe public are
informed by advertisement, have been se
cured, and there is no further room except
for twins, triplets, and quarterns, or still
more exaggerated instances of human fecun
dity. It is therefore an established certainty
that, in spite of the opposition of leading
journals, the appeal of Mrs. E. Oakes Smith
to American mothers, and the general incli
' nation to ridicule the project, this strange
exhibition will actually oceur. The grand
Baby Show will be inaugurated this very
day; we are not informed with what partic
ular ceremonies. Undoubtedly the vocal ef
forts of the hundred and more infants will
form a prominent portiou of the exercises;
and it may be another item in the pro
gramme, that Barnum will undertake to kits
the mothers—a sort of service in which be
seems lately to have taken some prepara
tory discipline, with a*oertain German lady,
whose husband wished to extort 825,000
from the Great Showman, as a compensa
tion to himself for the intrusion on his mari
tal rights. But it is of little consequence'
how the show is to be opened. The impor
tant fact js, that it i< to be opened at all
Therein is Barnam's triumph. Against the
host of extraneous, adverse influences, and
againt the still stronger drawback of the
inherent ridiculousness of his own project,
Barnum has succeeded. Having got his hun
dred babies, he will find no difficulty in gel- ]
ling'people to look at thenf. ]
When the babies have gone home, the !
unrebuked and progressive genius of the
successful showman will proceed to some
new and yet unattained depth of audacity.
He will perhaps announce an exbilftiion of
single ladies of marriageable ages, with
suitable premiums for their different degrees
of fatness, sixe and beauty, to be adjudged
by,a committee of disinterested bachelors,
and with extraordinary largess to each fe
male on exhibition who shall sncceed in
consummating there, a marriage with one
of the visiting gentlemen. This would not
be the first instance in which the great show
man has made the sacred marriage cremony
a subject of vulgar speculation. The espe
cial champious of morality among the urban
press denounce the but that
would not intimidade nor yet incense Ihe
cool-headed projector. He would even And
satisfaction in this notice of himself and Vis
schemes, as so much advertising gratuitously
furnished. He would never cowhids'ibe ed
tors, or sue them ftfr libel, but would say in
the language which Neilekens addressed to ;
his acquaintance of the press—"My doar
friend, abuso me as much as you please;
but whatever you do, don't pass me by in
silence." Depend upon it, if Barnum ad
vertises the Exhibition of Marriageable
Young Ladies, it will turn out a brilliant suc
I have just keen looking over proof-sheets
I of the "Star Papers," a book by the Rev.
Henry Ward Beeclier. This work will have
an immense sale, if for no other reason than
that the public will be anxious to see how
Mr. Beecher succeeds as a writer of light lit
erature. As a controversialist, his ability is
known all over the Union, and to some ex
tent in Great Britain ; but there are many :
' who have never looked upon hind as possess-
I ing any other knowledge or power than that
which his connections with a religious sect,
and with many of the real and sham reforms
lof the age, has called into play. But Mr.
Beecher has shown himself in everything he
has undertaken, to be a vigorous man; in the
'-Star Papers" not less so then elsewhere. 1
think if be had gone into business as a mer
chant, or had become a farmer, or a soldier,
be would have been as much distinguished
for go-a-head-a.ivencss in any of those pur
suits as he now is in the church. The "Star
Papers" contain letters from Europe, articles
on Irouling, school reminiscences. &c., &c ,
that formerly appeared in the New York lnde
pendent , with which Mr. Beecher is connect
ed* There is nothing in the whole book tbat
even approximates sectarianism, and for that
,reason it will, I think, have the effect of ma
king for its author hosts of new friends and
Among the important matters of discussion
at present engaging the attention of our city
government, is that of the birth-place of Mat
sell, the chief of our police. Witness after
witness has been brought forward, and the
subject is yet as much in the fog as when Ihe
brilliant idea first entered Ihe noodle of an Al
derman,of investigating the momenfous ques
tion. Where teas Matsell born? The fact
that he was born. implies the necessity of a
place, unless their was some such relation be
tween him and his birth-place as existed be
tween Peter Schlemyl and his shadow, The
latest and most important testimony derived
is that of Mrs. Sarah McKeever ( nee Wether
ell) which-is reported to have occasioned
much sensation among the committee of in
qnisitionr This lady testified thai she was
acquainted with Chief Matsell, when he was
a fast young man; that he made love to her,
and she returned his profession with sineere
affection. But the faithless swain wts at the
same limn courting Ellen Barrel, whom he
finally married. And that when he deserted
her (Miss Wetherell) so perfidiously, ha
nailed up the lender epistle of affection which
she had indited to him, in his intended fath
en-in-law's dye-house, and made them and
herself the bolt of hie heartless ridicule. A
man who could thus behave himself to a la
dy whose liability to- ridioule lay in the faot
of her loving a fellow so thoroughly con
temptible, ought to suffer all that inquisitori
al committees upon the subjeot of bis birth
place are oapable of inflioting upon him.—
Give the committee 'more power'—let the
investigation be pursued—constitute the pub
lie a board of examination, and authorize
every man,aye, and every woman, who meets
the Chief, to demand of him where he was
born. "i
Temporal Power of the POPE.
A general council of the Catholic Bishope
was recently held at Baltimore, and an ad
dress issued by them to the Catholic laity, in
' which the question of the civil and spiritual
' allegiance of members of their church is
[ fully explained. We extraot ihe follow
ing :
r Beloved Brethren of the Laity, we em
brace you all with parental affection, and en.
■ treat you to waik circumspectly, for the days
i are evil. You know what manner of pre
cepts we have given you in the name of the
I Lord Jesus; for this is the will of God, your
! sanctification. Practise patience, forbear
> ance, charily towards all. In the exercise
of your rights as free citizens, remember
; your responsibility to God, and act as free
men, but not ae having liberty as a cloak
for malice, but as the servants of God. Res
pect and obey the constituted authorities,
' for all power is from God, and they that re
sist, resist the ordinanoe of God, and pur
chase for themselves damnation. To the
General and State Governments you owe al
legiance in ail that regards the civil order;
the authorities of the Church challenge yoct
obedience in the things of salvation. We
have no need of pressing ibis distinction,
which you fully understand and constantly
observe. Yon know that we have uniformly
langht you, botb publicly and privately, to
perform all the duties of good citizens, and
that we have never exacted of you as we
ourselves have never made, even to the high
' est ecclesiastical authority, any engagements
inconsistent with the duties we owe to the
country and its laws. On opportune
occasion, we have avowed these principles,
and even in our communications to the late
Pontiff', we rejected as a calumny the impu
tation that we were in civil matters subject
to his authority. Be not disturbed at the
: misvlMements of our tenets which are daily
J made, or at the effort to deprive us of our
| civil rights, and of the confidence and esteem
of olir fellow citizens.
Formiatrieas is the combination for this
purpose, we do not despair that the justice
and good sense of the nation will soon dis
cover the groundless character of the eufpi
cian thrown on the fidelity of Catholics,
whose religion teaches them to respect and
maintain the established order of society,
under whatsoever form of government they
may be placed. Brethern, let the light of
your example shine before men, that they
may see your good work and glorify your
Father who is lb Heaven. Pray for the con
version and salvation of all men, for this ie
the will of God, who desires that all men
may be saved and may come to the knowl
edge of the truth. *
Given under (tit hands, in Provincial
Council, at Balliuiofe, .the 13th day of May,
in the year of our Lord 1855.
fF. PATRICK, Archbishop of Baltimore.
tR. VINCZKT, Bishop ot Wheeling,
F MICHAEL, Bishop of Pitisburg.
! fJoHN, Bishop of Richmond,
j tJ- NEPOMUCEKE, Bishop of Philadelphia.
ffosuE, Bi-hop of Erie.
J BARKY, Administrator of Savannah. *
P. N. LYNCH, D. D, Administrator of
On the 30th ult., by the Rev. Wnt. J. Eyer,
LEY, both of West Hemlock, Columbia co.
In Berwick, on the 26th ult.. by the Rev. I.
Bali I, Mr. JEREMIAH BOND, of Mifflin twp., to
Miss SUSAN RITTKR, of Salem Luzerne, co.
On Thursday morning, May 24th, in Wilt
iameport. by Rev. Joshua H, Derr, Dr. NA
THANIEL 11. DEBN, of Bucks county, (former
ly of Columbia county;) and Miss MAST
ANN, daughter of C. H. Doebler, Esq., for
merly ot Bloorosburg.
By the Rev. D. S. Tobias, on the 22d ult,
in Rebersbnrg, Mr. JOHN H. ADMAN, Mer
chant ot Logan's Mills, Clinton county, and
Miss AMELIA TOBIAS, of Brush Valley, Cen
tre county, Pa., and formerly of Blooms
In Madison township, Columbia county,
on the 17th of May, JACOB SWISHER, Esq.,
aged 60 years and 1 month.
On the 29ih of April last, of Cholera, at
Lexington, MO., JOHN H. BOWMAN, aged 60
The deceased was formerly a well-known
resided! of Colombia county, and for Ihe last
twenty years a citizen of St. Joseph's eounty,
Michigan, where he was much esteemed
and respected. He was one of the most en
terprising men of ihe West, and has been
several times honored with a seat in the Leg
islature of Ihe State of Michigan.
Beach Haven, May 31, '55. 1
H. W. WEAVER, Rao.:
Dear Sir,— The amount of
Toll collected at this Office during the
of May, 1855, ia 827,109 08
Amount per last report, 13,136 21
Whole amount from Ist Dec. last 40,145 29
" " same perlbd last year 43,765 23
Decrease " " this year 83,619 94
Respectlolly yours,
PETER ENT, Collector.
to the Mysteries of Motmonism and lb*
"Spiritual YVife" system, as praotised by
Brigham Young and his associates at Great
Salt Lake City. By a Mormon and hie wife,
secedera from tbat singular aect. Beautifully
This interesting work bids fair fo ' run like
wildfire,' coming as it does at a lime when
the peculiarities of the Mormon people, and
their defiant attitude towards our government,
are exciting such universal attention through
out the United Slates, The book gives a full
and explicit exposition of the blasphemous
secret ceremonies of Mormotiism, the authors
having been personally initiated into the Re
volting Mystery of the Spiritual Wife System
during their residence at Utah. The numer
ous illustrations give spirited representation#
of the Mysterious Initiation Rites, of the Tem
ple, and other startling scenes, showing the
Grand Tnrk, Bngbam Young, at home ut his
Harem—-the whole forming a book that ought
to be earnestly read and reflected on by ev
ery family.
Pate*.—lllustrated with Key to Mysteries 25 •
cents. Illustrated and Initialing Scenes 37i
ots. Folly Do.—richly ooiored 50 cts.
1,000 Agents wanted immediately', to cir
culate this work throughout the length and
breadth of the land. Copies sent, post-paid,
npon receipt of price.
Address A. RANNEY, Publisher
of Map* Si Books, 195 Broadway, N. Y.
| June 5, *fs. "