The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 31, 1855, Image 1

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    Ii i r OT A|> Ap Tlfl 1 WORTH
1 tLllj 1 iV-tt vJJI X XXrj -\l wlrX X XX#
I. .J..J ■■ ■■ ■ 1 , VT
B. W. Helm Proprietor.]
OFFICE— f/p stairs, in the new brisk build
ing, on the south side oj Main Street,
third equate below Market.
TERMS: —Two Dollars per annum, if
paid within six months from the lime of sub
scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not
paid within the year. No subscription re
ceived for a less period than six months ; no
discontinuance permitted until all arrearages
ere paid, nnless at the option of the editor.
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square
will be inserted three times for One Dollar
end twenty fire cents for each additional in
eertiofl. A liberal discount will be made to
those who advertise by the year.
For tire Star of the North.
MONDAY, May 21, 1855.
The beautiful back summersault or flip
flap, by which the Chevalier YVikofT has
thrown himself into the embrace of James
Gordon Benne'tt, is provoking a shower of
satirical articles from the city press. Among
ell the foea ef the proprietor of the Herald,
not one—with the exception, perhaps, of the
late Major Noah—has been so bitter, so per
sonal, so direct in the attacks, as this seme
Wikoff. He not only accused Bennett of re
ceiving bribes from Fanny Elssler, bnt speci
fied the articles and their cost. Soon after
Fanny's departure from this country, he
opened hi* budget of facts, and by the preci
sion of hi* charges, and the oorroborative tes
timony by which he sustained them, bother
ed the " Napoleor. of the press" pretty con
siderably. But the proprietor of the Herald
is a man who bides l)is time. Sometimes he
floor* his enemies by Incessant and uncom
promising persecution in print—lomelimes
by nnexpected acts of forbearance or kind
ness. He seems to have brought Mr. Wi
koff down by abstaining from u vailing him
•olf of the lex talionis, while the Chavalier
was "under a cloud." It seetns that he met
Mr. Wikoff in London, soon after.the re
lease of that personage from the Italian pri
son where be had been immured for ma
king love to Miss Gamble against her will—
Bennett, who, as everybody knows, lias a
heart attuned to the softest sympathies, con
soled and comforted the love-lorn and penni
less wight. Perhaps be lent him mnny. At
any rate, he won golden opinions from the
Chevalier; and aa good actions never go
unrewarded, lie baa reaped the fruits of bis
geflbrosity, in the shape of a moat abject
apology from his old antagonist. Of coarse
the Chevalier cannot deny that he charged
Bennett with hiaok-tnailkig Fanny Elssler,
but he gets over the difficulty by expressing |
his belief that the presents were delivered to
the ladies of the family, and that Mr. 8.,
himself would never to tale
Ibem. Bui this statement conflicts on the
one hand with WikofFs denunciation of the
Herald proprietor as "the craving shark of j
the press," and on the other gives Mrs. B. a j
wipe, which must be very galling to a chiv-1
alrous and devoted husband! \?e can hard-I
ly think that Mr. Bennett will allow his wile |
to he made tbe scape-goat lor bis own alle
ged oflsnce. Should he do so, we may yet
have an interesting appendix to the story
from the lady herself. As the case stands at
present, the entente cordialt which formerly
•übaisted between Mr. Bennett and Mr. Wi
koff may be considered as restored.
It I* well for wine driokers that the enc
easeful cultivation of the grape in this coun
try will soon enable ns to brsw a sufficient
quantity of the article for home use ; other
wise our bons vivants would stand a fair
chanoe of being poisoned. The quantity of
nnsotind wine proddeed in Portugal last year |
was enormous, and as the disease of the Eu
ropean gfape seems to be as Incurable as
that of the potato, a like result may be ex
pected evert season. Tbe French chemists,
however, have devised a method of disgui
sing tbe evil as far aa-flavor is concerned,
and we are likely to be flooded with un
wholesome Port, which osnnot be distin
guished by the taste from the pure: article—
Information has been received hers, that
shout thirty thousand pipes of wine have re
cently been thus treated at Oporto, and that
a large amount of the vile trash will be ex
ported to this country. The best thing we
ean do is to stick to our own Catawba. We
can make as good wine in tbe United Slates !
as ever raa from a French, Portuguese;!
Spanish, or Rhenish vat.
The latest fashion ia Bonnets, u received I
from Parish, by the last steamer, indicates
that the <Nmthtrendmovement in ibis branch
of ladies' cuAtume has not yet reached its ul
timate. ?he Parisian bonnets are now so
very light and small that they have mere the
appearance of in-door head-dresses than of
out-floor gesr.' The most fashionable mate
rial is white crape, trimmed with banquets
of feathers, or with a long feather, enwrealh
ed around the crown. At the side of the
bonoej, as a fastening to the feathers, is a
bow,of ribbon or.blonde, the end* of which
fall upon the shoulders. The inside is trim
med With a profusion of delicate rosetAids,
mixed with coquillss of blonde. From the
description, it would seem tbat this it a very 1
ethereal and vapory sort of a summer bon
net. It* front edge is about an inch abaft
tbe ear*. By pext spring il is supposed ttjai
the Pari* hat will barely cover the top-knot,
' Saturday last, the day on vfbleh, by
JfliUerite calculation, the world was to be
destroyed by fire, wa were deluged by a
north-eastern rain storm. '
Stringer and Towusatid are patting tremen
dous put!# in lire JJM-aCf of i " very impor
tini'Biography" that rhey art about tb jipb
lish, They say they are disgusted with ibe
base means generally restored to by book
sellers to get books into notice; J>ut ibey in
sist tbat the transcendent merit* ef ibis work
are such, that the most extravagant praise
bestowed, upon it would fall far short of
what it actually deserves, as a history, and a
work of truth. The work alluded to is
"the Life of Judas Ghoul Beennetl," by
Isaac C. Pray, who, say the publishers, is
every way the most accomplished men in
the-Ur.ion. Mr. Pray is an oily genius, for
merly connected with the Htrald, but who,
falling under the displeasure of the "-sole
proprietor" of that rema-kable sheet, wan
dered round for some time, until he became
converted to spirituralism, and was appoin
ted by the spirits to the management of a pa
per devoted to their interests. After a while
they dismissed him to; laziness and general
incapacity, and ha then determined, like the
illustrious. Wikoff, to reestablish himself in
the good giaces of Judas Ghoul Bennett, at
all hazards. Hence the biography now un
der consideration. It will have an immense
sale. No scoundrel's library should be
without it.
ERTY BlLL.—Governor Gardiner, of Massachu
setts, in giving his reasons for vetoing the
bill which imposes penalties for returning a
fugitive slave, savs: .
" 1 have taken a solemn oath to support the
Constitution of and the Con
stitution of the United Stales. No earthly
power or influence Bhould induce me to be
knowingly disloyal to that sacred obligation.
Those oaths of office, the sober convictions
of duty, and the fealty of an Americau citizen
cdnspire to forbid it.
" Unconstitutional Aactments tending to
an armed conflict between onr State and Na
tional systems of government which must re
sult in the submission of one, alike fatal
whichever it is, should be equally shun'ded
by judicious statesmanship, as well a patri
otic duly. In such delicately balanced or
ganizations, the integrity of the one should
be preserved as zealously as the humiliation
of the other should be atfbided.
"The legal adviser given me by the stat
utes of the Commonwealth pronounces the
bill now before me unconstutional in some
of its provisions. The Supreme Judicial Court
also, in an opinion signed by all its Justices,
in reply to a question propounded to them
by myself, stole as follows' When any
person, either citizen or stronger, has rdhder
ed himself amenable to the legal process of
both governments,' (the Federal and State,)
•the one which, by its process and its offi
cers. first obtains the lawful custody of snoh
person, acquires a priority of jurisdiction
1 which cannot be rightfully or legally defeat
by the other, until the process first attach
ing shall hare been satisfied or discharged.'
" But these opinions are clear and onmis
takeable, and there are no higher authorities
krtown to oor law* or to Our judgments. Be
ing unwilling, therefore, to lead Massachu- 1
setts into a position hostile to the harmony
of the confederacy, which is essential to the
permanent interests of the Commonwealth
and the Republic jto course is felt me but to
I withhold my sanction frntn this bill."
The Legislature has since passed the law,
orer the Governor's head. It will very like-
I ly place Massachusetts in the same position
South Carolina found herself, in General Jack
son's administration.
| WOMAN'S RIGHTS.— The Legislature of Wis
consin has recently passed a law relative
to the rights of married women. It is as fol
" Any married woman whose husband, ei
ther from drunkenness, profligacy or from
' any ether cause, shall neglect or refuge to
provide for her support or for the support and
education of her children, shall have the righ t
In ber own name to transact business and to
receive and collect her own earnings and the
earnings of her minor children, and apply the
same for her own support and the support and
'education of her children, free from the con
j trol am] interference of her husband pr any
oilier person claiming the same, or claiming
to be released from the same by or throngh
her husband: Provided, That if it ia denied
by plea that either ol the causes enumerated
in this net as entitling the married woman to
sue in her name exists ia point of fast, then
the isaue upon this plea shall be tried and oe
-1 termined by the juty trying the case with the
other Issues submitted."
(Frat'.cs) papers tell the following; About a
year ago, a JMr. Flemming, a merchant, of
London, stoppod at a hotel in Frankfort, Ger
many, fur two days, and when about leaving
found his bill amounted to 50 florins, which
ha refused, tp pay, as exhorbitpnt. By the
law of Frsnkfort, he 'was arrested and lock
ed up—the same law compelling bis creditor
to support him, and furnish him with clothes
and other articles suitable to HTs condition in
life. At the expiratioa of elevea months, the
landlord finding himself minus nearly 30,000
frances, let his debter free, who, iramedtate
ly on his release, gave a sum equal to doob
le that expended by the hotel-keeper, to the
poor of Frankfori. Mr. Flemming's country
men at Lyons gave him a dinneron the tfith
To Bamrnr LAND APPLICANTS— A divorce
cannot restore a woman to the right or con
dition of widowhood. In other words, the
Commissioner of Persons has decided that
the widow of * deceased soldier having mar
ried again, and having been divorced frqp;
her second husband, is not entitled to hdttQty
land In right of the first husband. |
Truth and Eight God and war Country. -
Bale or the Main Line.
Pursuant to the act of the La gislalure, the
Governor has advertised the Main Line of
State Works, Jo be sold at the Exchange In
thisoiiy.. The property to be sold includes:
the whole Main Line of Public Works, be
tween Philadelphia and Pittsburg, consisting
of the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad,
the Allegheny Portage Railroad, including i
the new road to avoid the Inclined Planes,
the Eastern division of the Pennsylvania Ca
nal, from Columbia to the Junotion, the Jo-'
niatta division of the Pennsylvania Canal,
from the Junction to the Eastern terminus of
the Allegheny Portage Railroad, and the
Western division of the Pennsylvania Canal,
from the Western terminus of the Allegheny 1
Portage Railroad to PilUburg, and including I
also the bridge over the Sgsquehanna at Dan-'
can's Island, together with alt the surplus I
water power of said Canals, and' all the Res- {
ervoirs, Machinery, Locomotives, Cars,
Trucks, Stationary Engines, Work Shops, I
Water Stations, Toll Houses, Ofhes, Stock and
Materials whatsoever and wheresoever there
unto belonging, or held for the use of the
same, and together with all the right, title,
interest, claim and demand of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania to all property„real,
personal and nixed belonging to the seme,
on the terms and conditions prescribed by
by the said Act of Assembly, copies of which
may be obtained on application at, or letter
addressed to the office of the Secretary of the
Commonwealth, at Harrisburg, Pennsylva
head engineer at Sebastopol is a young man
named Todleben, who at the commencement
of the siege was a captain and almost un- j
known. When the siege commenced, Prince
Menachikoff, it is said, asked the then head
engineer bow long it would lake to put the
place in a slate of defence. He answered,
'Two Months.' Todleben stepped forward
and said he wonld undertake to do it, if he
bad as many*men as he required, in two
weeks. He did it in twelve days, and
was made colonel. Since that time he has
had the direction of everything in the way of
building balteries, defences, &c. The other
day the Grand Doke called upon his wife,
who is residing in Si. Petersburg, to congrat
ulate her upon her husband's promotion ; for
| he is now General and Aid-de-Camp to the
Emperor. The Rnssians adopt the common
sense practice ol taking the mnn who will do
the work best and they got it best done—
This is the practice in well-conducted private
business ; it is still more necessary in public
service, wheie the consequences of mistake
! through incompetency and ignorance may af
fect a whole nation.
NIED. —Archbishop Kenriek, in bia pastoral
letter,just published in Baltimore, makes the
following allusion to tbe temporal power of
the Pope:
"To the General and State Governments
you owe allegiance in all that regards the
civil order: the authorities of the Church
challenge your obedience in the things of
salvation. We have no need of predhing
this distinction, which you fully understand
end constantly observe. You know that we
have ; uniformly taught you, both publicly
and privately, to perform alt the dnties of
good citizens, and that we have never exact
ed of yon, as we ourselves have nevei made,
even to the highest ecclesiastical authority,
any engagemenli inconsistent with Ihe du
ties we owe to the country and its laws. On
every opportune occasion, we have avowed
these principles, and even in our communi
cations to the late Podtifl, we rejected as a
calumny the imputation that we were, in
civil matters subject to his authority." *
tSTSm David Brewster makes the following
remarks relative to the structure of the sun.
So strong has been the belief that the sun
cannot be a habitable world, that a scientific
gentleman was pronounced by his medical
attendant to-be insane, because he had sent
a paper to the Royal Society, in whioh he
maintained that the light of the sun proceeds
from a dense and universal aurora, which
may afford ample light to the inhabitants of
the surface beneath, and yet be at suoh a dis
tance aloft as not to be among tbem ; (hat
there may bs water and dgg,land there, bills
and dales, rain and fair weather, end that as
-the light and seasons most be eternal, the
snn may easily be conceived to be by far the
most blissful habitation of the whole system:
In lees than ten year* after this apparently
extravagant notion-was considered a proof ol
insanity, it was maintained by Sir William
Hersohel as a rational and probable opinion,
which might be deductible from his own oV
servation on the structure of the siin.
FROM BAD TO WORSE.—Mr. Hiss, the ex
pelled member ol the Massachusetts Legis
lature, has been trying to gel his case before
the Courts, and had himself arretted for debt.
The Court refused to hear til* case, unless
affidavit, was made that the case was a (rue
one, and not made up to get into the Courts.
Hiss backed out, and subsequently finding ho
did owe somebody, had himself re-arrested.
But the Judge refused a habeas corpus, and
Mr. Hiss has to remain In jail. This was an
unexpected retail.
COMPLIMENTARY— WEzay!—At a lecture of
Bayard Taylor's, lately, a lady wished-for a
■eat, when a portly bandawue gentleman
brought one, apd sealed her. " Oh, you're
a jewel!, 9 said she, "Oh, no," he replied,
" I'm a jeweller—l heve just est the jeweH!"
For the " Star of (he North."
EUROPE: llf 1835.
Until the year 1826 die Janizaries ruled
Constantinople like the old Prmiorian Guard
once ruled Rome, when it made Emperors
mere poppets to execute us decrees. In 1807
these Janizaries gained their last victory,
and under Mahmoud, the father of the pres
ent Sultan, they were annihilated. That prince
was elevated over the murdered corpse of
his brother Mustaphn, who, at the command
of the Janizaries,bad himself given outers to
destroy Mahmoud: for, as in degenerate
Rome, might gave right, and the sword meas
ured justice betweeu brothers. The rebel
lions Janizaries were summoned by the new
Sultan to appear before the banner of the
nrophvl mm m sign mi MbntMHsu: They re
fused to qbey. Thrice was the summons re
peated. They not only refused obedience ;
bnt put todeath thegrand vizier and twoother
high offieera of flie crown who had borne the
royal mandate. All hope of treating with
this array of rnthless barbarians was now
abandoned—the final order was given to Ihe
artillerists to march upon them; and us soon
as they wete driven into their bs.rraoks, a
destructive fire of bomb-shells and cannon
balls was poured in upon them. Those who
esoaped from the burning barracks were
smitten down by shot or sword, without
stint or quarter. The seme course was fol
lowed up throughout the provinces, so that
in a few weeke no*, a Janizary was left to
rehearse the story; the order was utterly de
stroyed ; tbe last spark of its life was trod
den OH! io-lhe remotest corner of the land,
and from that day Turkey, having abjured
the spirit of her old Moslem policy, arose to
make gnm) her claim to an honorable posi
tion in the redlm of European civilization.
Mahmoud continued as he began this
work. He encouraged literature, developed
the physical resooroes ol the eouulry, -es
tablished common schools and schools of ag
riculture, adopted the latest improvements in
naval architecture under the eye of an Amer
ican ship-builder, and welcomed men of
genius from all tbe world. A new impulse
now drove the blood through those sluggish
veins, and even Religious Liberty fled to tbe
shelter of the crescent for, protection u-hen
bloated and hypocritical hierarchies became
the persecutors - in Western Europe. The
true Crescent shamed the flctlous Cross; and
the exiles of Freedom fled to the star in the
East for repose and safely. And Turkey has
continued faitbftil to her sentiment. She has
protected thosb American missionaries arid
teachers; whom Surrounding nations would
have persecuted. She threw ihe shield ot
her power oveV the brave Kossuth and his
companions IH'fhfc hour of peril, despite the
frowns and throats of her allies and her ene
mies; aiifl'frfyih'ese deeds of moral heroism
America stretches out her hand to the Mos
lem hi the Spirit of blrCThefhood, end bids
him God-speed in his career of magnanimi
ty, charity and honor.
We should be able to reciprocate the spirit
of the benediction in which the Sultan Mah
moud once greeted one of ofir countrymen,
as detailed bfyah'Amerieair WvGler. It was
called forth by an occasion of great Interest
fo the people of Conbtkntindple—the first
launob of a vessel of war built by tin Amer
ican architect. At die appointed time, while
this superintendent, M*. Rhodes, was prepar
ing lor toe launch, tbe Sultan Mahmoud
witb bis attendants arrived at tbe navy yard.
After the Upaa of several minutes, a pacha
approached Mr. Rhodes, and informed him
that the Sultan had sent him to inquire j
whether more- mho would not be required
to assist in the work. Mr. Rhode# replied,
No : he had men enough. Tbe Sultaa was
surprised when tbe answer was reported,
inasmuch as be supposed that a body of a
hundred meo ot more would be needed to
start the vessel, by from its place
with repes'after the old Turkish fashion—
Thinking it quite impossible that so few
men as he saw at work were sufficient for
the purpose, and that the question or the an
swer had perhaps been misunderstood, he
sent the pacha back to esk if it would not be
agreeable to Mr. Rhodes to have a body of
soldiers ordered up from the barracks. Mr.
Rhodes in his haste replied rather abruptly,
that he needed no help, aud wished to be
let alone. This answer was also reported
to the Sultan, who seemed rather mors as
founded than before. But just then the
blocks were knocked away, and the noble
ship glided forward majestically "like a thing
of life," as if hasting to be embraced by ihe
placid waters ol the Golden Horn. Msh
wood could not restrain bis emotion, and
lifting his hand toward heaven he exclaim
ed "God is great I God is great! God help
him, if he is an infidel!"
From Abdul Alejid humanity and civiliza
tion have much more to expect than from
<bs enervated House of HapsDorg. Francis
Joseph is a representative of that class of
young men whom we find in all countries,
educated to believe that the poverty and suf
fering of the unfortunate brethren of the hu
man family are for thn diversion and enter
tainment of the well-born whesare destined
to rule. , If these "nice young men" some
limes travel in Europe, instead of garnering
up treasures of science, and suggestive food
for moral reflection—instead of studying po
litical policy and mental philosophy—in
stead of elevating tbe intellect, covrecting
the passions and refining the sentiments: all
they bring back to give you ae the fruit of
their travel is the remembrance that Rome
is a large oily rather worse for the wear, and
that the wine was very sour. They sleep
luxuriously, lounge negligently, dress exqui
sitely, eat fastidiously, read carelessly, talk
Benslessly, play desperately, sing screerh
ingly, waltz divinely, drink intemperalely,
swear shockingly, live uselessly aud die
But France and Russia are the represen
tatives of absolutism—just as America is of
Popular Liberty. Austria and Prussia are
mere satellites of the two embodiments of
brutal and refined despotism whicb lay be
side them. Nicholas' used to say there
could only be two good governments—a
despotism and a republic. A mixture of
these elements w ill have too much of con
flict within itself, and will become a house
divided against itself. The European con
tinent ia already more than half Russian,
and the American continent almost entirely
republican. Prussia and Austria are only
governments by the sufferance of the Mus
covite Czar, aud without his intervention
they would have been both crushed by
Hungary in 1848. Nor is ihe half of Europe
enough for tbia new Alarie. The whole
northern end of Asia has been appropriated
by him, and he has pldl-ed cne foot on the
western side of the American continent.
From tbat corner may apring the eventual
■ seeds of dieoord between tee antagonistic
systems of government; and there may be
gin tbe great lest conflict between hostile
From England this country has only in
solence and not injury to fear. For England
baa quite enough to manage at home and in
her colonies to keep her.arms powerless
against us. Hitherto the aristocratic, or a
hybrid interest, in which oligarchy assumed
the disguise of a supporter of popular inter
est* in the shape ot liberal Lords, (a contra
diction In terms) true 10 its ireiiiioob, what
ever its professions, has been able to con
trol tbe House ot Commons. By venality,
government patronage, and family interest,
-that House, which affected to represent, has
really misrepresented the people, and so
far Iroro being the inflexible defender of
popular rights, bos been, except on rare oc
casions, as under tbe latter part of the Peel
administration, the tool of the opposing in
terest, and the almost passive register of its
decrees. Bet lately some really liberal mem
bers have been returned, end ae these have
great weight In the very merit of their cease,
their concurrence must be obtaicecWper
haps I might say purchased— by consider-
able concession*. They had no lalth in the
charlatanry and pretentions half-measures or
no-measures of Russell, and his ministry
fell. They had no fhith In, or friendship for,
the Derby inonbus, and at the first opportu
nity broke that down. Palmerstdn only
professes liberality, and has neither disposi
tion nor nerve te act against the aristocracy.
But throughout this whole course of de
ception, little-by-little has the causa of the
people gained concessions. The franchise
has been enlarged by several Reform Bills—
i Ibe Catholic emancipation bill was forced
| over the head of the ['Old Iron Dukft;" and
I the cry for "cheap breed" shook the very
I throne of royalty into snbmlsefon.
A Brief History of the Acts and Doings
of the Massachusetts Legislature. Box
bury. Mr. Illss. Mrs. Patterson. Know*
Few histories are reliable. Old histories
are for the most part, made up of aiupid fa
bles and absurd superstitions. They were
written long after the occurrence of the
events they narrate, before printing was dis
covered, arid made up from dusty scrolls and
wretched parchments. The sources of all
ancient histories, to say the least, are suspi
The truest histories are those wrUten by
men who are eye-witnesses of the events
they relate. Yet such histories, even, are
not beyond criticism and not free from suspi
cion. Events oftentimes occtlr in the pres
ence of a number of men, it. may be a small
]or a large number. It rarely happens thai
! all of the number concur in their narratives
of such events. Conflicts and contradictions
usually distinguish their statements. Even
in courts of justice, where men are put on
oath, respectable men, and where the issues
of life and death are involved, it seldom
happens that two men give the same testi
mony. This is a sad commentary on the
value of human testimony.
But there is one thing that has happened
in our country, before our eyes, in reference
to which all national men agree. It is the
course and conduct of the Stale of Massa
chusetts. When the historian takes his pen
in hand |f record the events of which we
speak, he will not be at a loss for the materi
al wherewith to oompose tbat history. Tbe
records .of the present Legislature will be
Those records will inform bim that that
Legislature lias taken, not one, but many
steps backwards: That it has gone baclT.
not only to ine horrible, and revolting blue
law days; not only to the scarcely less re
volting period, when cropeared covenanters
alternately howled and prayed, but to those
more distant and more miserable times,
when priestcraft asserted dominion over men,
both spiritual and temporal, and when su
perstition, that curse alike of tbe ignorant
and the over-learned, taught men to culti
vate vices for virtues, and to worship devils
for gods.
In that saintly and scholarly Massachu
setts Legislature, there are, we believe, two
score and ten canting parsons. Not God's
ministers. Not Bible ministers, bnt wolves
in sheep's clothing, who are infected with
every ism in politics, and who burn witb ev
ery fierce passion that man is subject re—
They are not the meek disciples Of Ahelr
bumble savior, but severe and loud-mouthed
eons of thunder. Not content with preach
ing r.ligion, they must needs preach poll
i tics. When the Bible is in their way, they
construe it out of their way. When the con
stitution imposes a barrier lb their insane
progress, they boldly break it down. These
men, we believe, are all know-nothings and
all abolitionists.
Besides this canting crew of reckless snd
wretched hypo.cntes, t&e Massachusetts leg
islature contains a vile set ol scrub politi
cians and gutter demagogues, who have ri
sen by some ascendant itms and
by pandering io some prevailing caprice—
Bedlam exhibits no crazier assemblage-
Five Points, no more vulgar ruffianism.
From a legislature thus composed ol Abol
ilionized know-nothing fanatics, and tiypo
crilical religions dissenters, nothing good
could be expected. Yet, in tbe sunlight of
this enlighleded, nineteenth century, so
much of evil could hardly be expected as is
exhibited in the proceedings of tbe body-
It has passed resolution selling asside the
fugitive slave |pw, and making any citizen
of Massachusetts incapable of holding a
Slate office who recognizes it, cr aids in its
execution. It has resolved against Ihe ad
mission of any new slave S:ate Into the
Union, whether the people of such State de
sire slavery or not. It has protected vile
Emigrant Aid Societies designed to send le
prous vagabonds to settle Kansas, and expel
slavehotders'and their rightful property. It
has passed an address praying the Governor
to degrade Judge Lbring by expulsion from
the judieiel bench, because, in conformity
to his oalb as a United State* Commissioner,
he songbt to give efficiency to the Constitu
tion and til* lawa passed in ptirssanee of il,
in the ease of the fugitive slave, Anthony
Boms. It appointed • Nunnery Committee
to persecute, vex, and insult Catholics, men,
women, and children. It sent that commit
tee out on its disgraceful mission, charged
with high powers,aud armad witb all tbe
authority of law.
True te the mission to which it was- ap
poiaiid, tbat august committee visited pub
he and private Catholie aefta of learning and
ol piety, Tbe crowning glory of that com
mittee WAS exhibited at Roxbury, Where
helplea* girls and unprotected women wete
subject la close scrutiny ki thoir persons,
their bid rooms, their Jwsxdrebe* and their
[Tw Mlltrt per loan
trunks—where they were alarmed by Satyr
leels, insulted by coarse proposition*, and
outraged by brutal ruffianism.
The chief Hero and bead devil df thia
committee was one Sir. Hiss® a reprasenta*
live from .he godly and '■ solid" city of Bos
ton—the seat of learhiog and refinement.-
the " Athens of America." Appreciating the
design# of the Legislature, und true to t|i#
high functions expected of him, Mr. Hiss
gave himself free-scope anrl ample latitude
Not content with the Insulting tendergesi He
exhibited towards the pious and onprotectad
laklies at RoXbOry, he signalized himself by
a notorious love adventure at ihe neighbor'
ing hotel. He recorded a name more infa
mous than immoral, among the taemorabllt
names of his brother committee-men—that
ofMrt. Patterson. She passed fof a mem
ber o( the Legislature, and her hptel bill
was charged (at Mr. Hiss's instance) to llid
These freaks, frolics and follies soon he l
came rumored abroad, and entwined with
the names of the nunnery committee and as
sociated with the euphonical name of Rise
that of Mrs. Patterson has become famous.
"Billy Patterson" made it notorious before;
Mrs. Patterson has by her exploits added to
its lustre.
Mr. Hiss both gained and Inst by thasa
transactions. He has been nominated for
Ihe Presidency, with Mrs. Patterson on the
ticket, for Vice President. That much he
gained. His loss was—his good name, and
his seal in the Legislature.
No sooner did tnees disrepuliable true cau
tions get abroad, then a committee was ap
pointed to investigate and report upon the
conduct of the nunnery committee. Dafe
and weeks were consumed in ths investiga
tion. Finally, the committee reported and
recommendedMhe expulsion of Hiss from the
body of which he had been so gay a mem
ber and so spinning an ornament. The re
port was adopted almost by acclamation.— <
Thus the gay, the sportive and amorous Hise,
has been made the scapegoat of the nan
'nety committee and of the Legislature By m
which it was appointed.
The report of the investigating committee
now stands permanently on the records of
the Massachnsetts Legislature—the grave,
the godiy and the learned Massachusetts
Legislature I A report, the most foul in ite
vulgar details, the most cosrse in its minute
description of ihe tavern scenes, that ever was
made to any assemblage. Those who have
read Oils report will know to what wo allnde.
tnose who have not,-are better and more in
nocent in their ignorance.
Massachusetts is the black sheep in (bo
fold of this Union. Her former glory has
departed. She is disgraced. AH of her
most prominent acts, passed by her preset! t
Legislature, look to secession. Why doe*
she not secede f The' Union would be far
more respectable without ber. In Ihe above
we have faithfully described Massachusetts
Kuow-Nothingisra. • -
The editress of the Lancaster Literary Ga
zette says she would as soon nestle her nose
in a rat's nest of swinged tow, as to allow a
man with whiskers to kiss her.
We don't believe a word of it. The objec
tions which some ladies pretend to htve to
whiskers, all arise Irom envy. They would
if they cguld. The fact is, the continual mo
lion of their lower jaw it fated to their growth.
Ths ladies—-God bless them I—adopt onr fash
ions as far aj,lhysy ,n. I-opk- at the depre
dations they have committed on our ward
robes the last few years. Tbay have appfe-
I priatcd our shirt bosoms, cold studs and aU.
| They have encircled their -soft bewitching
necks in our standing collars and cravata
| —driving us men to flatties and turn-downs.
Their inuocent little hearts have been pal
| pitating in the inside of onr waistcoats, itt
stead of thumping pgainal the outside, ainat-
I urally intended. They have lb rust their pret
ty feet through our unmentionable*—-nnwbis
perablps—unthinkable*—•short, a* Macaw
j ber would say, breeches. And they sue skjp
! ping along the streets in our high-heeled boot*.
! |)o you hear, gentlemen.' We say boots J,
Sotni:—Member from one of the "rural
districts" returning from Harrisburg at the
close of last session—meets a constituent in
the cars.
Mcnber— (blandly,) How do you do, old
friend I How are the folks at home I
Constituent —Oh, all very we'l—they'll be
delighted to Bee you.
Mer/tler— (with evident gratification) Abi
Constituent- Yes,indeed, eir. They thought
you were not coming back again—-jouetsid
so long. I guess they'll keep you at hqrad
next winter for fear oflasing yon entirely.
• ■•••■ runs*; ...-
The New York Tunes ir. sermoaiaiugopoa
sermons, among a number o( hints 10* clef*
gymeu, says tbaj "even a good sermon word
than three quartern of at* hour in length,-i* a
bore from the moment the ibird quarter in
up." The. most comprehensive, nervous,
and afleotive sermon ever preached, that de
livered by Christ on the moaotalfl, an re
potted by St. Matthew, did not, we preadme,
ooeupy more than tan minutaa.
~L t I- i- Itl 'I J •! 11 ■ ■.>
OT Five locomotives aw made monthly,
at the works ol Baldwin 4 Co , Philadelphia,
Their ayerag# weight is twenty tons. Their
cost from #9,000 to #IO,OOO each. The hand*
employed receive from#4,ooo to #5,000 each
W Don't run in debt M yea o*n prevent
.it. ■ - r •
• ' js