The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 24, 1855, Image 1
THE STAR OF THE NORTH. B. IF. Weaver Proprietor.] VOLUME 7. THE STAR OF THE NORTH II PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY ft. W. WEAVER, OFFICE— Up stairs, in the new brick build ing, on the south side of Main Street, third square below Market. TERMS -.—Two Dollars per annnm, if paid within six months from the time of sub scribing: two dollars and fitly cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re oeived for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three limes for One Dollar and twenty-five cents for each additional in* sertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. CHOICE POETRY. From the Independent. AN EVENING PRAYER. I come to Thee to night, In my lone closet, wheie no eye can see, And dare to crave an interview wilb Thee, Father of love and light. Softly the moonbeams shine On the still branches of the shadowy trees, While all sweot sounds of evening on the breeze, Steal through the slumbering vine. Thon gav'sl the calm repose That resis on all—the air, the bird, the flower, The human spirit in lis weary houf— Now at the bright day's close. ! Tis Nature's time for prayer; The silent praises of the glorious sky, And the earth's orisons profound and bight To Heaven their breathings bear. With them my soul would bend, In humble reverence at Thy holy throne, Trusting the merit* of Thy Son atone, Thy sceptre to extend. If I this day have striven Wjlh Thy blest spirit, or have bowed the knee To aught of earth in weak idolatry, I pray to be torgiven. If in my heart has been An unforgiving thought, or word, or look, Though deep the malice which I scarce could brook, , Wash me from this dark sin. If f have turned away From grief orsuffering which I might relieve, Careless the " cup of water" e'en to give, Forgive me, Lord, I pray— And teach me how to feel My sinful wanderings with a deeper smart, And more of mercj and of grace impart, My sinfulness to heal. Father, my soul would be Pure as the drops eve's unsullied dew, And as the stars whoso nightly course is true, So would I be to Tbee. Nor for myself alone • * Would I these blessings of Thy love implore, But for each penitent the wide earth o'er, Whom Thou hast called Thine own. And for my heart's best friends, Whose steadfast kindness o'er my painful yearg, Has watched to sooihe affliction's griefs and' tears My warmest prayer ascends. Should o'er their path decline The light of gladness, or of hope or health, Be Thou their solace, and their joy and wealth, As they have long been mine. And One—o Father, guide The youthful traveller in the dangerous hour; Save him from evil and temptation's power, And keep him Dear Thy side. Watch o'er his couch to night And draw him sweetly by the cords of love To blest communion with Thee, far above Earth's withering cares and blight. And now, O Father, lake The heart I cast with humble faith on Thee, And cleanse its depths from each impurity, For my Redeemer's sake. *. L. E. CITIES or RUSSIA.— In all the vast empire of Russia, not more than three cities contain a population exceeding 60,000 inhabitants— namely, Petersburg, 470,202; Moscow, 340,- 068, and Warsaw, 194,700; the population of Odessa is 60,159; Sebastopol, 41,195. — Four cities only have populations exceeding 50,000 inhabitants. Archangel counts only 8,689. There are only twenty-five cities in the whole empire whose populations vary from 25,000 to 40,000. The respective pop ulations of the other cities (1,047 in num ber) is small, varying from 10,000 to a few hundreds. The rest of the population is dis persed over the country in the valleys; but of rural population, strictly speaking, there is little or nothing. TAXING A MECHANICAL VIEW or IT. —Mr. F.wbank, in one of his mechanical essays, thus speaks of the miles of clothes we wear. He says: "In winter, a lady is enwrapped in a hundred miles of thread; she throws over her shoulders from thirty to forty in a shawl. A gentleman winds from three to four miles around his neck, and uses four more in a pocket handkerchief; at night he throws off bis clothing and buries himself like a larva in fonror fire hundred mile* of convolved filaments." • INDIA RUBBER COTTON FLOATS are being manufactured in New York, for the purpose of getting cotton to shipping ports during the period of low water, and ao keeping the markets regularly supplied, and freights more uniform in price. It is claimed lhat at the price of freights which has been paid for oot ton from Columbus and Aberdeen, one trip with the floats would pay for themselves and the expense of taking them down .—Ledger. A grooers wife having, in a passion, thrown an inkstand at her husband, and spatigrgd him all over with the black liquor, some atrocious wretch deolared that she had been engaged at the battle of Ink-herman. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1855. From the Philadelphia Ledger. Political Economy tor Common Schools- Adam Smith in his "Wealth of Nations" tells the story of a lad, who, wishing to have more time to play at marbles, ingeniously contrived an arrangement which haß proved one of the greatest improvements in the con-, slruction of the modern steam engine. Em ployed to open a valve between the boiler and the cylinder by band, as was then the custom, he so fastened the handle of the valve to tne piston that the machinery per formed his work much more accurately than he could do it. The lad little dreamed that he was exhibiting some of the high est utilities and results of the division of labor. But were every child taught at school how much the whole welfare of society and the prosperity of each depended upon ingenious contrivances of this kind By every one, for performing his share of the business of life as accurately and expeditiously as possible, with lhat forethought and arrangement which save labor to the greatest possible degree, the sharp eyes of many a bright youth would find means of much abridging the most com plicated expenditures of labor. For it is on ly as the division of labor is perfectly under stood in youth, that its most effective combi nations become possible in after life. Why is it that no one has written some clear, brief treatise on Political Economy lhat might bo introduced into all our Com mon Schools and High Schools? It rests far more directly and obviously than Moral Philosophy upon the bnsis of fads, such as are passing daily before the eyes of every school-boy m a city like this. Yet Dr. Way land, a master of the science of education, has abridged his work on "Moral Science" for Sabbath schools and day schools, where it is taught with success. The great work of education consists in leaching a child to rea ' son coriectly upon the facts that are daily transporting before his eyes, to classify and arrange them according to the principles in volved. A few simple elementary truths, clearly illustrated to the mind of a child as they might be, would enable him easily to classify all the phenomena of commerce and as he grew up, be would be saved from a thousand false principles of carrying on any business in his after life. Intricacies of the currency, that for centuries have perplexed the government of Great Britain, are, it is found, best solved by keeping in view one or two fundamental and universal-Jaws, which can easily be illustrated, so that a child shall clearly comprehend them. A lad walks along Chestnut street, and says to himself that all these people live by selling some things and buying others, and wonders, perhaps, if ingenuity in the lesser tricks of trade is not the only foundation of wealth; like the Yankee mother, who thought her sons so wonderfully smart, that shut in the room together, they couid make two dollars a day by swapping jackets. Yet William Pill acted only on the principle of these smart boys, when he proposed to pay the English national debt by the sinking fund. It would be easy and most useful to fix deeply in the •mind of each youth, by many illustrations, that exchange confers no new value upon products—that production in some form must be the basis of exchange —that every city will grow rich just in pro portion to the wealty, industry and extent of the surrounding country, for which it is the centre of exchange. All ibis would show every mechanic and every merchant why a place supplied ino-e cheaply tban any other with coal and iron, should naturally become the centre of manu r acluring commerce, af fording, as it ever must, the cheapest mar ket for the one to sell and the other to buy. A child sees a new piano delivered at his father's house, payment given by a check on the Bank, and a receipt signed. He thinks it is an easy thing thus to purchase anything he wants, and that he has nothing to do but , to buy a check book and draw on the Bank. It is soon explained lo him, that that paper does not pay the debt, but only gets his father's gold out of the Bank to pay it, who thus had so much less left as the piano bad cost. But there are thousands, we opine, to whom this matter has never yet become very cleat, and who go on all through life fancying that paper promises to pay are payments, and lhat the true way for an indi vidual, or at least a nation to become rich, is to extend their obligations and inflate a pa per currency to the largest possible tension, by buying all kinds of foreign luxuries on papier credit. The lact is, that wheie correct principles are not imbibed in youth, mea ereot all kinds of sophistical and complicated systems, by which they deceive themselves end oth ers most egregioosly. The elementary prin ciples of political economy are few, simple and eternal, like the elementary laws of na nature. They apply with equal force todays trading for marbles, and Wall e'lreet men ne gotiating for railroad stocks, or California gold. And if we cannot bring all things in poliiical economy within tbe range of these laws, it is not because they are not govern ed by them, but simply because we do not sufficiently understand the subject. THE PLACE TO LIVE IN.— California flour is selling in San Francisco at $6 per barrel; in Philadelphia flour sells at 813. Wheat ia San Francisco is 81 25, and in Philadelphia 82 60 lo 82 70. As wages 100, are much higher in California than on this side of the Union f it cannot be very bard to live in San Francisco. LIVING BY ONE'S WIT. FROM THE GERMAN. BY MRS. ST. SIMON. Nine persons sailed from Basle, down the Rhine. A Jew, that wished to go to Such dample, was allowed to go on board, and journey with them on condition lhat he would conduct himself with property, and give the captain eighteen kreutzers for his passage. Now it is true, something jingled in the Jew's pocket, when he struck his hand against it; but the only money that WBB therein, was a twelve kroutzsr piece, for the other was a brass button. Notwithstand ing this he accepted the ofTer with grat itude. For he thought to himself, some thing may be earned, even upon water; there is many a man who has got rich on the Rhine. During the first part of the voyage the passengers were talkative and merry, and lj}e Jew, with his wallet under his arm for he did not lay it aside, was the object of much mirth and mockery, as alas ! is often the case with those of his nation. But as the vessel sailed onward, and passed Thurin gen and Saiuf Veil, the passengers, one after the other, grew silent, and gazed down the river until one cried: " Come, Jew, do yon not know any pas time that will amuse us? Your fathers must have contrived many a one during their long stay in the wilderness." "Now is the time, thought the Jew, 1 to shear my sheep I" And he proposed lhat they should sit around in a circle, aud pro pound very curious quoslions to each other, and he, with their permission, would sit with them. Those who could not answer the question, should pay the one who pro pounded them a twelve kreutzer piece. The proposal pleased the company; and hoping to divert themselves with the Jew's wit or stupidity, each one asked at random, whatever entered his head. Thus, for example, the first one asked— ' How many soft boiled eggs could the giant Goliah eat upon an empty stomach ? All said that it was imposible to answer that question, and each paid his twelve kreutzers. But the Jew said. 'One; for he who has eaten one egg, cannot eat a second on an empty stomach,' and the other paid him twelve kreutzers. The second thought. 'Wait, Jew, I wi'l try you out of the New Testament, and I think I shall win my piece. Why did the Apostles of Paul write the secood epistle to the Corinthians?' The Jew said— 1 Because he was not in Corintb, otherwise he would have spoken to them.' So be won another twelve kreutzer piece. When the third saw the Jew was so well versed in the Bible, he tried him ill a dif ferent way. ' Who prolongs his work to as great a length as possible, and still completes it in time? ' The ropemaker, if he is industrious,' said the Jew. In the meanwhile they drew near to a vil lage, and one said to the other. ' That is Bamiach. Then the fourth asked—'ln what month do the people in Bamiach eat the least ? The Jew said,—'ln February, for that has ooly twenty-eight days.' The fifth said—'There are two natural brothers, and still only one of them is my uncle.' The Jew said—' The uncle is your fath er's brother, and your father ia not your uncle.' A fish now jumped out of the water, and the sixth asked, ' What fish have eyes near est together?' The Jew said, ' The smallest.' The seventh asked, ' How can a man ride from Basle to Bern in the shade, in the sum mer time, when the sun shines?' The Jew said, • Whon be comes to a place where there is no shade, he must dismount and go on foot.' The eighth asked, ' When a man rides in the winter time from Bern to Basle, and has forgotten his gloves, how must he manage so that his hands shall not freeze ? The Jew said, 1 He must make fists out of them. The ninth was the last. This one asked —' How can five persons divide five eggs so that each man shall receive one, and still one remain in the dish ? The Jew said, 'The last must take the dish with (be egg, and can let it lay there as long as be pleases.' But now it came his turn, and he deter mined to make a good sweep. After many preliminary compliments, he asked, with an air of mischieuous friendliness, ' How can a man fry two (route in three pans' so that a trout may lie in each pan. No one could answer this, and one after the other gave him • twelve kreutzer piece. But when the ninth desired that be shonld answer it himself, he frankly acknowledged that ho knew not how the trout could be fried in such a way. Then it was maintained that this was un fair in the Jew; But we stoutly affirmed lhat there was no provision for it in the agreement, save that he would not Answer the question should pay the kreutzers ar.d he fulfilled that agreement by paying that sum to the ninth of his comrades who had asked him to eolve it himself. But they all being rich merchants, and grateful for the amusement which had passed an hour or two vary pleasantly for them, laughed heartily over their loss, at the Jew'a con ning. Truth aud Right God and our Country. PRINCE METTERNICH. For the " Star of the North." EUROPE IN 1855. BY R. W. WEAVER. (CONTINUED.) As Americans we feel for the integrity of Turkey, but if lhat nation is to exist only like Greece and India, under the shadow or protectorate of France and England, it were better that a millstone were hanged about its neck and it cast into the middle of the Sea. The Crescent would soon sink beneath the horison, and the ohildren of Islam would have no light lo break into the long night of their doom. Let the unhappy fate of Greece be a warning. The European nations want ed a barrier or foothold in the East, and so declared that Greece should be free. Alas for such freedom. The victors established a protectorate such as they design for Turkey. They concurred in the selection of an inca pable priqge, foreign alike to the creed and the manners of the people. They sur rounded bis boyhood with a regency of Ba varian councillors, who quarrelled from the day they set foot at Nanplia; they encum beiqd bis finances with a loan, only a small part of which was spent for the benefit of Greece. They narrowed the frontiers of the kingdom so as to exclude from it many of the most famous and gallant champions of the national cause, such as Samos, Chio aud Suli; and reduced its resources to the smallest'limits. Having duno all this, Athens has ever since been made the scene of con temptible intrigues between the three pow ers. On the other hand the conduct of the Greeks lias frequently been unwise—some times scandalous. The Court has given its confidence lo what is least honorable in the country, and the stale of the Kingdom if Greece is far below what to be—be low even the condition of some of the Greek islands still under domin ion. The late infamous mission ol Count Or loff had for its object the establishment of such a protectorate over Tuikey by Russia, granting to Austria and Prussia certain polit ical and commercial privileges in what was thus to become an appendage or province to the Czar's dominion. It proposed in short a dismemberment of the fertile empire be tween the Archapelago and tbe Danube— like the dismemberment of Poland, and such protection to the Turkish people as the wolf gives to the lamb. The wily embas sador promised that if Austria and Prussia would agree tthis, bis master and his min ions would defend them against the conse quences from France and England. But the English and French representatives at Vien na frightened the imbecile Francis Joseph and his ministers from accepting such a pro position. Orloff staid some days longer at Vienna, under the pretence of indisposition, but the spMs were upon bis heels and made the city very hot for hint. At Betlin the Minister of Foreign affairs, having in bis mind's eye the republican revolution •of 1848 and 1849, answered that the king would not enter into any such alliance, and that Prussia was fully able to protect itself. Prince Mellernich is the head and front of the diplomacy of despotism, and has held that' position tor many years, being now an octogenarian. He is tbe chief of lhat school of diplomatists who, with a low estimate of human intelligence, seek rattier lo cramp ar.d oheat it than to elevate it, and develope the better natuie and higher ca pacity of mankind. He began bis political career as a partizan of tba French faction, and then became the tool of Napoleon. As a trick of slate stratagem he induced the simple Francis II to sacrifice his daughter lo the cowardly policy o! propitiating a ruler whom the people of Austria at that time oould only regard as a usurper; and then in duced hie sovereign to basely abandon and dethrone tbe prince whom he bad selected for hie eon-in-law. He next led that sov ereign to separate his daughter from ber hue band, and. helped to disinherit the grandson —the issue of a marriage he had oertainly sanctioned, and indeed earnestly solicited.— With a view of estranging that daughter from ber exiled and deposed husband, whose oonduct to her was irreproachable, he in duced the father to encourage, and even con- trivs her infidelities. In his mind provinces are the playthings of princes, to be traded as a farmer trades his acres jjsnd human be ings are articles of traffic in the game of di plomacy. Turkey has within itselT the elements pf an independent existence, and some char acteristics of liberality in its government superior to most others of Europe. It is very freo in its municipal laws, and each province regulates its contribution to the central gov. ernment. It has no hereditary nobility to eat out l\e substance of the toilsman lo the remotest generaiion; for even family names are unknown. There is perfect equality a mong the people, and no distinction or priv ileges of class ; so that the peasant of to day may be the pasha of to-uiorrbw. The government is not perfect, but it has this merit thai it does not govern too much. The leaden, penetrating and omnipresent centra lization of Russia and Austria is unknown ; and the Turks are not like the Germans, Italians and Muscovites ground down under the heavy burden of a vast army of officers. The subjects of Abdul Medjid wbo wish to travel for improvement, for commerce or for pleasure have not as in Russia lo ask formal leave of their sovereign, and pay be sides a large sum yearly for the permission. If they wish to read and learn, they do not find themselves thwarted and fettered, as in Austria, b> orders at the custom-house to prohibit the entry of all books fitted to stim ulate inquiry, to cultivate genius, to excite ambition or reward labor. There is no In dex Expurgatorius in Turkey. The Sultan never confiscated a treatise on Astronomy or politics, like the Pope of Rome; or shu> up a Protestant school like the King of Na ples; or imprisoned a Christian for leading the Gospel of St. John, like the Grand Duke of Tuscany. In commercial restrictions the Porie is the mo6l liberal of sovereigns in the world, and Russia and Austria the most prohibitory and oppressive. Turkey admits every article ol import at a duty of three per cent; Russia and Austria (besides a number of internal impediments) charge from five to eixiy per cent. Then the Tanximat, or great constitu tional reform of 1839, which conferred equal civil rights on all the subjects of the Porte, and substituted law for mors despotic will, laid the foundation for a new order of things, which when completed, will place Turkey far ahead of Russia in all essential civilization. It is not yet universally estab lished, but is gradually making its way from the centre outwards. It secures prop erly, and endeavors to secure a fair adminis tration of justice. New courts of law have been created in several of the great towns, and the evidence of all men is received without destination of creed ; and such great satisfaction has been given by these new tribunals, that petitions have lately been for warded to Constantinople praying for their extension to other districts. Lord Palmer ston, the shrewdest (if he is not the most honest) statesman of England has said that there is no country in Europe which has made such rapid strides to civilization and strength during the last thirty years as that very Tur key which the English nation has been ac customed to regard as in the very last stage of decrepitude and dissolution. [TO BE CONTINUED.] CONSCIENCE. —When conscience is enlight ened and refined, of course it is an excellent guide for a man's conduct, but not otherwise. Notwithstanding this, the conscience of ev ery man is generally better than his actions. It is a step or two in advance even in the most ignorant and depraved. There, is a still small voice that tells tbe thief and the swin dler that what he is doing is not right. The voioe he cannot still; and it makes him a sneak and a coward in spite of himself.— He feelsthat he would be a more expert knave without it; and would, perhaps, gladly silence s il,.for the invigoration of his nerves. But it haunts him forever. Even on the scaffold, or in the garret, when he drinks the poison or applies the loaded pistol to his mouth, it is still there, something better than himself a counsellor to whom, had he always listed, he would have been a better and a happier man. From the Phila. Ledger. The Money Market. Before the tariff law of 1816 went into op eration, the advocates of a revenue larifT were all the time stigmatized as theorists visionary people, wedded to orude and im practicable notions, that could never be made to work advantageously. A trial of the tariff of '46 has very conclusively shown lhat theo rists are wholly upon the side of protection— the fallacy of countervailing duties having been most conclusively demonstrated. Prom inent among the theorists of the present time is that very respeolable gentlemen, Mr. Hen ry C. Carey, who lets of the following in the April number of Hunt's Merchants' Maga zine : "The more gold lhat comes from Califor nia, the poorer we shall become, under a sys tem that closes the mills and furnaces of the country, that destroys the power for associa tion, and that caunas a demand for exporta tion of all the gold that we receive ; for with overy step in that direction, we are increas ing the power of other nations to produce cheaply both cloth and iron, while diminish ing our own." This is the theory of the celebtatod Dr. Dryasdust, of the more we gel, the less we have. The theory is a little blind and will not work both ways, but as the thorough theorist looks only in one direction the doub le working is not considered important. The more gold that aaache9 us from Califor nia the poorer we shall become, and yet ev ery dollar of gold sent to Europe, Mr. Ckyin the same breath says, increases the power of other nations to produce more cheaply than we can. The gold that is so destruct ive ol American interests it seems wholly changes its character when it reaches our cousins on the other side of the Atlantic. It is there very advantageous and increases their ability to producd more cheaply. Here in the Atlantic Slates, it closes factories and mills, provokes poverty, and causes a demand for gold for exportation. This is all theory— a flimsy gauze lo bide imposing facts which pnper money advocates do not care to ack nowledge. The revenue tariff men contend not only against the right of the nation lo im pose burthens on one class oi persons for the protection and benefit of others, but they go farther, and have very conclusively demon strated that our system of banking and cur rency has and always will render imperative the most protective law that has ever been enacted. The moment imports are checked by countervailing duties, the banks, losing ull apprehension of a loss of coin, expand their business, and by multiplying credit in every shape, so cheapen the currency, that the price of production renders inuperative whatever protection may have been afforded, and the cry is at once raised for more protec tion, which, if not yielded, (be goods manu factured under a dearer currency and afford ed at lower prices, immediately come in, and away goes the coin oil which the banks have so expanded and cheapened (he currency ; for, be it remembered, the foreign manufac turer, in taking his pay, always discriminates in favor of our coin. He never lakes a dol lar of paper mooey. That part of the system is left for us at borne, and soon, having little base to sustain it, topples over, and falls comparatively worthless at our feet—over whelming the country in bankruptcy and carrying want ar.d misery to half the fami lies of the hundreds of villages that the fos teiing cause of this credit-bubble brought in ito existence. No. We are not hurt by the gold, nor are we benefitted by a protective tariff. Purge and correct our mixed currency and the advantages of gold, in whatever quan tities it is likely to come, will be all here that they are elsewhere. THE MILLIONAIRES OF NEW YORK. —The New York Correspondent of the Charleston Courier makes the following meution sf Mill ionaires in that city : '* WM. B. ASTOB is our richest man; he inherited his wealth. Stephen Whitney, five millious; owes his fortune to specula tions in cotton and the rise in real estate.— W. H. Agpinwall, four millions; came of a rich family, and claimed vast inerease of wealth in the shipping business. James Le nod, three millions, which he inherited.— The late Peter Harmony, two millions; came to this city as a cabin boy, and grew rioh by commerce. The Lorillards, two millions; came from France poor, and made their huge fortune in the tobacco and snuff business.— The iate Anson G. Phelps, two millions; learned the trade of a tinner, and made a fortune in iron and copper. Alexander D. Stewart, two millions, now of. the dry goods palace; began business in a little fancy store. Of those who are put down for a million and a half, Geo. Law began life RS a larm la borer. Corneliuß Vanderbilt, as a boatman, John Lafarge as a steward- to Joseph Bona parte. Of the millionaires, James Chester man began life as a journeyman tailor, and Peter Cooper as a glue maker. George Ban croft. Henry James, Professor Anthon. Tbos. McE'rath and Dr. Francis, are each stated to possess a hundred thousand dollars.— Edwin Forest is rated at a quarter of a mil lion ; so is Sidney Morse, of the N. York Observer. Wm. Niblo, it appears, has four hundred thousand dollars, and Dr. Mott two hundred thonsand. Bennett at one hondred and fifty thousand. But perhaps the most remarkable statement of all is, that Mis. Okill, of New York, haa made a quarter of a million dollars by keeping school. ' MOTHER, this book tells about the 'angry waves of the ocean.' Now what makes the ocean get angry t ' Because it has been crossed ao often, mv son.' [Two Dollars per Amu NUMBER 18. MY HUSBAND. A LIFB SKETCH. My husband is a very strange man To think he could have grown so provoked about such a little thing as that scarf. Well, there's no use trying to drive him. 1 have settled that in my mind. But he can be coaxed, can't he (hough ! and from this time henceforth shan't I know bow to manage him 1 Still there's no denying Mr Adams ie a very strange man. You see, it was this morning at breakfastj I said to him, "Harry, I must have one of those ten dollar scarfs at Stewart's. They are perfetly charming, and will correspond so nicely with my maroon velvet cloak. I want to go out this morning and get one, be fore they are all gone." " Tea dollars don't grow on every bush Adeline; and just now times are pretty hard, you know," he an swered in a dry careless tone, wnich irritated me greatly. Beside that, I knew he conld aflford to get me a scarf just as well as not, only perhaps, my manner of requesting it did not quite suit his lordship. " Gentlemen who can afford to buy satin vests at ten dollars apiece, can give no mo- • live but penuriousness for objecting to give their wives as much for a scarf," I retorted, as I glanced at the money which a few mo ments before he had laid by the side of my plate, requesting me to procure one for him; he always trusts my taste in these matters. I spoke angrily. 1 should have been sorry for it the next moment, if be had not answer ed. ' You will not then attribute it to my penu riousness, I suppose, when 1 tell you I can not let you have another ten dollars.' ' Well, then, I will take this and get me the scarf. You can do without your vest this fall,' and I look up the bills and left the loom for he did not answer me. 1 1 need it end must have it,' I soliloquixed as I washed my tear swollen eyes, and ad justed tiiy hair for a walk down Broadway : but all the while '.here was a still small voice in my heart, 'Don't do it. Go and buy the vest for your husband,' and at last (would you believe it) that inner voice triumphed.— I went down to the tailor's, selected the vest and brought it home. "Here it is, Henry, I selected the color which I thought would suit you best. Isn't it rich?" I said, as I unfolded the vest after dinner, for somehow my pride was all gone. I had felt so much happier ever since I had resolved to forego the scarf. did not answer me, but there was such a look of tenderness filling his dark handsome eyes, as his lips fell to my fore head, that it was as much as I could do to keep from crying outright. But I bavn't told you the cream of the story yet- At night, wheu he came home to supper he threw a little bundle into my lap. Wondering greatly what it could be, I open ed it, and thore was the scarlet scarf, the very one I set my heart on at Stewart's yes terday. "Ob! Henry," I said, looking up and try ing to thank him, but my lips trembled, and then the tears dashed over the eye lashes, and he drew ray head to his heart, and smoothed down my curls, and murmured the old loving words in my ear, while I cried there a long lime, but oh I my tears were such sweet ones. He is a strange man, my husband, but he is a noble one too, only it is a little hard to find it out sometimes, and it seems to ma my heart never said it so deeply as it does to-nigbt. God bless him \—Home Visitor. A BRIEF DISCOURSE. Text—" There is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof r &o. We hope it will not be deemed sacrile ?;ious to quote here this sublime precaution rom the oracles of divine truth, as a text to discourse from in (he manner that follows, although in aid of subjects of a somewhat secular nature, appertainrng however to mor ality. It may seem right to a man to neglect pay ing his debts for the sake of lending or spec ulating upon his money; but the end thereof is a bad paymaster. It may seem right to a man to attempt to live upon the fa'bion of the times, but the end thereof is disgusting to all sensible folks, and ruinious to health, reputation and propri ety. It may seem right to a man to keep bor rowing of his neighbors, but the end thereof is very cross neighbors. It may seem right to a man to trouble him self about his neighbor's business; but the end thereof is the neglect of his own. It may seem right to a man to be alnhiya trumpeting his own fame; but the end there of is that his fame don't extend very far. It may 6eem right to a man to indulge his children in everything; but the end thereof is—l)is children will inaalge in dishonoring him. It may seem right to a man to be con stantly standing his neighbors; bnt the end thereof is, that nobody believes anything he says. It may seem right to a man to attempt to please everybody ; but the'end thereof t* he pleases nobody. it may seem right to a man to exotl hie neighbors in extravagance and luxury; but the end thereof is—be only excels them iu folly. It may seorn right to a man not to take a newspaper; but the and thereof is—that a man has a vain idea of whet is right, and hie family are totally ignorant of the ordinary oc currences of the day. It may seem right for a man to worship a creature more than the Creator, but tbe eud thereof is—an idolater. Ii may seem right for a man to obtain his news by borrowing of his neighbors; but the end thereof is—fraud upon the printer. It may seem right lo a man to be inow santly ocoupied in hoarding up treasons of this world ; hut tbe eud thereof is—bo bao none in the world to come. It may seem right to us to further- extend this discourse at tbe expense of the reader; but the end thereof is—here.