EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South Fourth Street, have rut hand a large assortment ot PATENT SALAMAN DER FIRE and THIEF PROOF SAFES Bank Vaults and Iron Boors for Banks and ctorer. Gentlemen:— We'take much pleasure in rec ommending yoor FIRE PROOF SAFES to merchants and others, who may desire lo purchase, with a view to the preservation ot thoir Books and other valuables. The Safe we purchased of von, n.d mntinfnctnrc.f In EVASS & WATSON, of Philadelphia. Pa., remained in tho lire at the bnrhitig of nnr store until the entire stock was consumed the heat being intense, as yon may -npp< se as there were about seventy barrel- ol liquor in the store, besides some seventy tlintt-aml pounds of rag 9 ami ropes, and other articles of a highly combustible nature We hat! the Safe opened after the fire hail c-a-ed and found our books and papers preserved in perfect order. No. 116 Light street wharf. Please send as another of your best Safes, of the Bame size, far onr future use, and o tilinp 'B. W. W. ISAAC, ° No. 01 Light slreel wharf, Baltimore Mt>., May 17, 1854. MKSSBS E. & T. FAIRBANKS & Co.—Gen tlemen ft gives us much pleasure to hear testimony to the excellence of your Fire Troof Sales. The otic I 'purchase I of put, manufactured by Messers. f'.vans 6t Wat son, Philadelphia, Pa., saved my books and valuable papers, when everything el-e m the house was destroyed by fire, on tin morning of the 14lh ins l ., at No. ltii Light sl'reet wharf. B F. WILLIS. BALTIMORE MA, May 17, 1854. Patent Blate Refrigerators. Seal and lartler Copying Presses, Fairbanks' Plutlorm and Counter Scales. Sole Agency fr Bultprworlh's. Betlley's, Vales' and Jones' Patent Powder Proof Bank Locks. Below are the names of a few gentlemen and Public Instilutors who have onr Safes, in use. Hundreds more can be siveTT : Farmers & Mechanics Batik Philadelphia J2 Safes; L'. S. Mint, " " U. B, Arsenal, five Safes California 3 in Fhtlapeiphia. State Treasurer Trer'on, N. J- Penn'a. R. H, Co., Phtla'd. 2 Safes. Philadelphia VVilmiugton & Baltimore R. R. Co., Philadelphia. Locust Mountain Coal & Iron Co , " Coal Run Imprnvement & R. R. Co., " Bell Garretson & Co. Bunkers, Hunting don, Pa , Bell, Smith & Co., Bankers, Johnstown Pa., Bryan, Gardner. & , Altoona, Pa. Gen. A H. Wilson. Huntingdon, Pa. McKelvy, Neal & Co.; bloomsbuigt " Geo Weaver, ( do Caleb Burloti. do Philadelphia, August 31 1851-D'. GRAND GIFT ENTERFRISE AND CONCERTS. 60,000 GIFTS VALI ED AT iGO.OOO. Tickcls §1 each, E. U J\ A N G H T, Announces that he has projected a scries of GIFT CONCERTS, to the patrons of vh be w ill distribute by lot 60,0Ct) Vttlnubk u or premiums. The cohcetts will be given tit Blnomsbt.ru, Danville, and such other tow ns where a nd ficient dumber of the patrons of the enter prise reside. The times and places w ill be announced in subsequent lulls. Each ticket will entitle ihn holder to two admissions to the concerts, and one ol the following prizes or premiums: One three story Brick Hotel in Blootnsbnrj, opposite thcCourt-house, now occupied b\ Ex-Sherifl Billniyer, valued at 810.000 One large two-story brick dwelling-house.lce and oul-buildttigs, on Main Street ol Bloomshurg k 5.000 One two |ory brick dwellmg house and tot on Main Street of Bloomsburg 4 000 One two story btick dwelling house ami lot on Main street of Bloomshurg 3.000 One two story hume dwelling house ami lot on Main street of Bloomshurg 2 000 One two story frame dwelling house and In: on Main streef of Bloom.btirg I.tUO Two two story brick dwelling houses on Centre street ol Bloomshurg, each 1 600 One two story frame dwelling house nmt lot on Mailt street of Bloomsburg 1 .CO One two story frame dwelling house ait lot on Main street of Bloomshurg 1,000 Eight corner lois cn Centre street ol Blooms hurg, each 9-150 R fiOO Bix middle lots on Centre street of Blooms. burg, each S4OO 2,4i)9 Two buggies, each S2OO 400 Two buggies, each SIBO 360 Two buggies, each $l7O 310 Ten Gold patent lever watches, SIOO 1,000 Twenty Gold detached lever watches, each S6O 1,200 Twenty Gold cylinder escapement watches, each SSO 1.000 15 Gold lepins watches, each SSO 750 50 Silver lever watches, each $25 1,250 50 double battel shot gnus, each S2O 1,000 10' " " " sl6 160 10 Rifles, each sll 140 10 Allen's revolvess, each sl2 120 10 Colt s revolvers, each S2O 200 20 paiia pistols each $2 40 IQOO C?old pencils, each $3 3 COO 1000 Silver pencils and pen holders, each $2 2.000 20Q0 Gold pens, each $1 2 000 30000 Engravings each 25c . 7,500 25745 Pieces ot Music 3 000 The money received for the sale of the tickets will be paid over to John K. Groiz, lo be deposited by him in the Bank of Dan ville. to the credit of the projector, lor the security of the ticket holder*. \Vhen the tickets are all sold notice will be given in the public prims fur the ticket holders lo meet at some designated lime and place, lo choose a Committee who shall dis tribute the gift* aa the shareholders shall de ermine. a, as to the above propert): W'illiarp bnyder, Robert F. Clark Esq , It. S. Mcriagh, R. VV. Weaver Esq... or Hub ert B. Arthur, Eloomiburg, Columbia coun ty. I'a. AH orders for tickets must be addressed, £osl-paid, money enclosed, to E. Unangai, loomsburg, Columbia county I'a., and the tickets will bo promptly forwarded to.ahj* address Mr C. F. Knapp will not as general cor responding agent at Bloomsburg tor lire pro prietor. E. UNANGST. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22, 1854.—6 m. Engravings For Newspapers and Magazines. THE aubscriber baa several thousand en graving* of various subjects and sixes, auita bio for illustrating newspapers and rnsua lines. He offers the use ofthern lor taking casts or printing, to the editorial fraternity on very moderate terms. Address, JOHN FROST, March 29, 1855. PHH.ADEI.FHIX. Justices of the Peace AND CONSTABLES can find all kind of blanks desirable for their use,in proper form, t the office of the STAR or THE NORTH. jV * ,st , Mm mfm % f. va.s " ' - ' x ' : 'iZl£s • i>OZ v ' oW>m xlv 'b,' . ''A noilrc of l>r. Jamrs Wc ' eeb hrat' d Family Medicines. I'll TOll 11. O 111 Thi. invulna- s yn,.>, ,vl;i.'li it, vegetable in it. rem positicti. hu. been employed with wondrrT I success fur many yrtttf in t lff injre of di-eosta til' the Air Passages i" • !>•* Lungs. The mml mminnn diseases of these oiit tins nir iriilnli n nn,l 111 il mil*l ioi, of I lie Murium Mrmlnnoe v.liieli lint's the air tubes of I lis* thiont, wii il pipe am) lungs. For nny of these firms el disease, wheather shewing Ihnm.eives as ouch. Tirkiiltg of 111,' Tliioal, Hense el light i t s. ol the Threat, Spiltim of Blood Uillieulty ol Breathing, Hoarseness or Loss of voire, and ileelic Fever, its use will he attended wiih ■ lie- fiiiji,ii,rl results. I' is rerottmieuiie.d ie* one ef the. host and cutest in.ilieinrs for all foinis of Hiom'liitis and Consumption. IS". B„ No Laudanum or |ife|niration of Opi iin in any shago in this rtyrup. Price in pint bottle*. St. Cold and h'ougti Mixture for recent Coughs and Colds. Ihiee 23 cents. Asthma and 'Yhonpiig Cough remedy. Price stl reels pet bottle, Dio.ihea Keinedy and Cholera Prcven ve Price 25 am | 50 cents. 'J'onic Alterative Syiup for purifying the Mood. Pried let per bottle. Vegetn 1 le ant' Puigalivc Pills for Costive ncss, lli'ad.n he, &e. Price 25 cents per •>, Ami llillioiis Pills for I.iver Complaints. Disordered action of the Bowels, 6tc. I'ncc2s etits. Pyspeptic Elixer for indigestion, Heart. Dizriness, Ptice SI per bottle. Kheuniatic i.ininient for lilieumaltc liurae Nnuatgic pains Pri e6O cents per hottlnnd liheuinalic Mixture for internal use in Khrn. m iiistn, UoUt, Neuralgia, &c, J'lico 50 cents per ttotlie. Anodyne Mixtuie for instantly relieving Tool Artie, or,l all pain wherever found.— Piiex stl cents per bottle. Fever and Ague bpeeitie for Ague or Inter, milteut Fevers in alt forms. Pi ice f 1 pet hot. lie. 11. H. W. ELMOTT. Agent for Pennsylva nia, to whom sli wholesale order! must le ad. dre.;r' d, Nortli-west corner of Uth and Flihetl streets, shove Market tstrcet, i liitadelpliia. Agchta in Columbia courtly. E. P. I.utz, Bloomstoirg, John Van l.iew Lit'lll iatreel. Jacob Harris, Buckhorn. Ma 11th 185t-6m. ARTISTE IN HAIR, 177 *• chesiiml Si met, PHII.ADEI.PHIA, In ventor of the C'.-lebrated (Jossatner Ventila ting Wig ami Ealstic Band Troonpea. Instruc tions to enable Lurltcs and Geti'letnen lo nipa-ure their own heads with accuracy. Fo ITijf.'. luckcs. No. 1 Tlie round oT tho head. 2 Frtiin forehead over the head lo neck. - 3 Pioni ear lo etir over the 'op. 4 From ear :o ear wound the forehead. Tovpecs tf Scalps. Inches. No 1 Frniri/nretrenrl to hark as fat as bald. 2 Over forehead, as far as required. 3 Over the crown of the head, R. Oollard has always ready for sale a splendid slock of Gentlemen'* Wias, halt Wigs. Frizes, Braids, Curls, etc., beiotifully mannfacttifed, ami as cheap as any estab lishment in the Union. Bollard s Hc'rb.iniau Exlraet, or Ln'roils Hair Tonic, prepared from Fotith American heiba and roots, the most suecp-.sfu! article ever produced lot preserving the hair from falling out or changing color, restoring and pres - rvino it in a healthy and luxti.riun: mate. Among other reaaona why Bollard's flair Calling Saloon maintains its immense popularity, is tho fact that his tonic is ap plied to every head of hair cut at his estah iishment, consequently, it is kept in better preservation than under any other known ap plication. It fusing thus piae'tcally tested by thousands, offers the greatest guaranty of its efficacy. Sold wholesale and retail at his old estab} fi-hwettl, 177 Chestnut Street, opposite titer Slate House. R. Bollard has at Inst discovered the nc plus itllra of HAIR BYE; and announces it for sale, with perfect confidence in its sur passing every tiling of the kind now in use. Il colors the hair either black or brown, as may be desired, and is used without any in jury to the hair or skin, either by slain or otherwise, can be washed off ten minutes after application; without detracting from its efficacy. Persons veiling the oily are in vited to give him a call. Letters addressed lo R. Bollard, 177 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, w ill receive attention. Philadelphia, Oct 12th, 1854—1y. GR.ITIK! JUST PUBLISHED A N'F. IV Discovery in Medicine. A fgtv wards on the ra'ional treatment without Medicine, of B(iurmutorrh<9i, or local weakliest, Norvoim Debility, Low £pirit, Laeaitude, WrnkncitH of the Limits an.! the Buck, Imlfe ptlfeHion nm! Incapacity of .Study and Labor, DUIIOCIH of \pprehctiftion, Lon of Memory, Aversion tottorieiv. Love of Solitude, Timid ity, Sclf-DistiUHt, Oir-zinosf, Headache. Invol untary Discharges. Puiti* in III® Wide, Affec tion of the Kyes, Pimtilon on the Face, Sexual and other Infirmities in Man. Front ll.e French of |)r. B. De I.atiey, The important fact thai these u!.irming eon,- ploints inny easily b*j removed without modi cine, is. in thi-< ainntl trae', clearly demonstra ted, tod iho OIIUM I} new and highly successful treatment, as adopted hy the author, fully ex (riuined, hy means of which every one is ena bled to rure himself perfectly, and at tho least possible cost, uvol..filing thereby, all the ad. vertisid nostrums of the day. bent to uny address, gratis and post freo, in o Feu led envelope, hy remitting (post paid) two po*t?igi stamps to Dr. B. Do Lui.ey.iNo. 17 Litfpeuard btreel, New York, tm. bepiemUer 36th, 1854. madisox rr<n^E, A T (W. 37 mid 3U North Second Street, (Below Arch Sireet,) UPBaaii eadCl(^liipaaaaa a 'j HlB popular lidose has been thoroughly •L- rcriovaioti, and exlcnsiveimproveme.it* made fur the accommodations ol gue-ta, &c In connection with tho above Hotel, the pro prietor has opened, in the basement, a litre Fating and Drinking Saloon. Altogether the establishment compares favor ably rviih the lirst class places ul uccoriimo dution fur travellers, citizens, tie.. —being within a short distance of the New York and Baltimore Landings, near the Post Olfice and Exchange, wiieio Omnibuses, going to all purls ol the City, start from. The Proprietor hopes, by strict attention to the wants ol his guests, to receive a lib eral share of the public p.tronagc. ' J. OTTENKIBK, Proprietor. (Late of Baltimore, Mil., It Cincinnati, Ohio.) Feb. 15, 185& wmsm THE POCKET £S(XLJIP!Vi OR. EVERY ONK IIIS OWN rHYRIPIAN. tHpHE FIFTIETH J- Edition. with ' Oflp hun l rp <1 showing J>ihrnt' and Mil- Cormntioi nf the humim c*vi*ttiin in every nhape *nH form. I o which in mKU'il a Treatise on Uiioaee* of Fcmales, being of lhr big r-t impOilanrr to mar , riod | eopbs or fhone con (onipialing maninge. 11 % IVJLLUM YOUNG, M. D. l et r.o fail i r be B*hnni<il ilio present a copy of the Aesculapiii* to his child. Ii in:l\ BHVC him from an early grave. Let no young m.n or woman rnirr into ibe fvrrot ohligatioiM oi nnu iod lif: without rending the Po<k Autwulapiu* I ri no one suliVr from n hncknicd f->ugh IMn .. iIH r*'stl>s niaht*, nervous feelitign. nd the whole train of Ihsjiepijc tuMi;i'.iotis, •nd.given up by their phyaiei oi, ho another n nioiit without coiitilritig the 5 FciUU'.EA f'n 8. Have the married, or tlioyo about to be Ti.iitird anv impediment, rttml <ln* truly tm>fuj hook, an it has h,e.n the MPAIIH of mtving thou* -ami* of unfortunate crcutuitß from tho very jaws of death. Any person scmlfuir twenty five rents, en do in a letter, will receive one copy of ihi •oiik, by mail, or live copies will he sent for out {■dlur. Address. lir. W. Voung,lVo. /52 Spruce irt el, Philadelphia.' Post paid. JNo 15*1 Wt., Philadelphia. Sep. Ist, 185 l-ly. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. r B1HE fulisriiber rrspcciTally invites the at* ■ trillion of dc'itujM ami other*, to bis Inrgc ami null Hoiectod stock of Leather an I Find* ing*, which is keit conatanfly fresh hy repeated drnltn upon the manufacturettf of this country and of and which id made up in part of the following articles, via . rite beet Qjk and Red Solo ; Slaughter. Skirting itnd Dumtig. D do. ; II.WIM KS liridl", Bund ami Welt !•*>*Tti er ; Thong and Lacing do.* Wax l";|ir Boot Grain, Hurt'nod Split do.; Uity Slaug. K.ps Waited and Collar do ; City. Uonutry, French 01.d Potent Cuif bk*m; Hoot Leg Moroccos. Duck Whins. Pud skins. Chamois.and M>r< ccosj Dindinga nnd Liniu:;* oi ulmo-l every dracrip tion * Who® Thread, Patent 'I h cmi.eilk. Hoot Cord. Lace, and Silk it ml I'oion Gidlooiia; Block ami Colored English Listing, Wor.-tod I ppsrs, and Crimped Frun inand f. inge; A wls Pin ks, Notdles. Eyelet and (Limping Alanhines •nd Eye Iota; s*teel, Iron. Copper.. nd Zinc Nulls, Files, Rn.spo, Lnivca; Uubtuw, IV*; m. Bn-tlo*; and Boot Web; Hummers, thxitand MhoeTrees, Lasts, Crimps, Clumps, Handles. Gum. Color, Ctnl Liver unci '] ai i OIH Oil; Slice Tool* and CurrierV Toolset nil kinds, ready for use, be eides many other articles u u enumerated above, all of which will be acle at the |imrt rmukrt rates, by JOHN Will 113, Importer and Dealer. 4U7 Market Street, Above ltttb, Philadelphia. It. t. RIRGIFYV k €O. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINES AT;© F..IIUORQ, No 101 Mod 111 iron tMr eel. i'hiitt. BttAMDiJ'S l idUL'OJiS. (of different kinds.) Witio Milter*, Dark unci Pale, Sioiighton Hitiers, 'Jiard, Depny & Co.of E#*eiutd oi Pepper various ViutHiiff*. mint, Piuet, CaKltliton & Cn.| Wild Fherrv Hr.indy, <f various Vim tjtes ; |lUs l herry Brandy, Mnglorey, do Blackberry do lleiiuessy, do Lavender do Uochelie do Ginger do HOLLAND GIN. Curueoa do Swan Brand, Extract D'Ahnimhe. Cornet, do CORDIAL*. Fish, do Bno Cordial, Anchor B and, IVrfpet Love, Cordial, Seydam. do Autiiseed, do WIN PE. Lent on, do Superior old Sherry Peppermint, do Wine, WHIMVKY* •lo do Madeira \\ ir* Superior Old Monon- POM, of TI i tier cut GAHIFLA, Kind*. Rye Wniskey. from 1 Tetter lfo Winn, in 1G years old, Li.-fcou, do Bnrbou Whiskey, Malaga, do Irish do Muscatel, do Se.noh do Claret, do 011 .Jamaica Spirits, Burgundy Port, Old Punch Brardy, 'Oi l Apple do Aug. 17th, 1854. Iciiatri and Hock VV. J ol various brands. ssikw wetMßi&s a ii\ tawtihUVKd, EPHRAIM ARMSTRONG T V AS taken chare* of a new marble works *■ *■ at the corner of Main and Market St., bloomsburg, where the publio can he served with Livery kind of Marble Work, executed in ;he best style of the Art, and at the lowest Irving prices. Tnankfu! for past tavnrs, Mr. Armstrong will execute all orders that may be left with him for Tornb-slor.es, Tombs, ftioKumcnls, Door and Window Sill", steps of marble or sandstone, Mar.lies, or any thing le in the department of marble masonry. The stock on hand nnd engaged constats of the best ITALIAN AM) AMEItICAN M Alt HIE; and LETTERING will be done in Jin gink or Herman. E ARMSTRONG. Hloamsburg, Feb. I, 1855, statist Hernia or llvpture tucceseftelly '/rented A ml comfort insured, by ti c of the elegant *-*• French Trusses, imported hy the subscri ber and made to order expressly for bis s.ilcs. All sull'eritrg with Itupiuie will bo gratifi-d to learu that the oecasien now oilerstu procure a Truss combining rxlteme lightness, with ease ant] durability and cornel com bUCtiirii in lieu ul the assortment always on hand, udap. ted, to every variety of llnpture in iiduli and child ran, and lor sale at a range of price to suit alb Cost ol bingle 'I rusees, two, three, tour and five Dollars , Double, four, live six eight and ten dollars. Persons at a distance ran have a Truss sent to any address l>y remit ing the amount, send ing in ensure aiouird lire hips, and staling side affected. For Sale Wholesale and Retail try the Im porter. CALEB H. NEEDLES, hj. IV . co*. of T\* •'tllli .<• Race r-ts. PLiluda. Depot for Dr. Banning'. Improved Patent II idy Brace, Itheal Expander* aiid Erector Braces, patent Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Bandages, Ejiiiin! props and Supports. LA di.o.' Rnnm-i, with competent lady attendants. Philadelphia, April I, '55. ~ LXLCIiTOiI'B NoT|€. . IVOTICE ia hereby eiven that loiters lesla ' * nieriiary upon die estate ol Joshua Webb, late ol Centre township Columbia county, de ceased, have been grauled to the undersign ed residing in Centre township. All persona indebted to lire said estate are requested to muke payment without delay, ardrliose hav ing accounts to present them fo' set Human! to SOLOMON NEY'H AKD, Centre April 3, 'ss—6w. Executor. LKATIIhiI- Fi'ifz, ilcndry & Co., No. 8# NORTH 3d ST., PHILADELPHIA, MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS. CURRIEILS U IMPORTERS OK FRENCH CALF-SKINS, and dealer* in lied and Oak SOLI LEATHER & KIFF. Feb.#, 1855. I— jr. KAY dfc BROTHER, LAW PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS WHOI.K"AI,E AND ItETAII., 17 If 19 South Fifth Stree [, Ist Store above Chestnut sheet. East side. PHILADELPHIA, O ESPECTFULLY announce in the Pro * *- jou and Studeuls et Law, th-t ihf*v keep always on hand a well sclented stock n( Law Books, comprising iVn Irest Trend- ACS exlnnl in lively department of law, which 'hey will sell -ell as cheap, if nnl cheaper, illai any other house in this cily or Neva' Vork Bui tig the publisher* of several v| liablo works, ll:ey art> possessed of such fit cililies in obtaining '.fceir stock as in enable them !n sell liietr books at very low prions. KAY & BROTHER linve the Itucnry for die sale of Hums' Pennsylwinin State lie poits, lor thu eastern counties o| the Slate. K.\Y & BROTHER, PUBLISH 1. Pur (I on 'k Digest ol the Laws of Penn sylvania, from 1700 lo 1854, by Stroud and Brightly, new and S h edi tion, in one convenient volume, Bvo. Price 85 00. 2. Sergeant Rtuvle'a Supreme Court Reports. 17 vols, 3. Penrose fit Watt's Supreme Court Re pons, 3 vols. 4. Watts' do do 10 vola. 5. " & Sergeants' do do 9 vols, 6. Harris' Suite Reports. 8 vols 7. Brightly °s Nisi l'rios Reports, 1 vol. 8. Miles' Reports of the District Court of Philadelphia. 2 vols. 9. Baldwins' If. S. Circuit Court Reports, 1 vol. 10. Chief Justice Marshall's Circuit Curto Decisions, 2 vols. 11. Sergeant on the Laud Laws, of Penn'a, 1 vol. 12. Sergeant on Foreign Attachment in Penn'a, 1 vol. 13. Sergeant on the Lion Law of Penn'a, 1 vol. 14. Duune on Ibe Law of Landlord & Ten ant, 1 vol. 15. Duane on the Road Laws in Penn'a. I 1 vol. 10. Brightly on the Law of Costs, 1 vol. 17. (iraydon's Forms—new and 4th edi tion, 1 vol. 18. Hood on the Law of Executors, 1 vol. 19. Roberts' Digest of "British siatn'es in force in Pennsylvania— 2d edition, 1 vol. 20. Smith & Reed's Laws of Pennsylvania, commencing 14th Oct. 170, lOvols— The Bth, !)th ami 10th volumes sold separately. 21. Pamphlet Laws.—The complete acls of the General Assembly of Pennsyl vania, from the year 1800 to the pres. ent lime. in 41 vols. Complete gets, ol the Pamphlet Laws are very scarce. 23. Wharton's Precedents Indictments, 1 vol. 24. Morris on the Law of Replevin in the \ United States, 1 vol. 1852—8y F. C. Brightly Esq.— I vol. 26. Troubut on the Law of Limited Part nership in the United States, 1 vol. 27. Troubnt and Halve' Practice, new and j third edition In 2 thick volumes 8 j vo, of over 1700 pages. JUST PUBLISHED. 22. Wharton's American Criminal Law ' nw and 3d e itton, 1 vol. Bvo. 25. Bines' Justice—new and fith edition, 1855 by F. C Biightlv, Esq , 1 vol j Wharton on the American Law ol Homi cide, .with Reports of Cases, 1 vol. Roy al Bvo. 28. Brightly'a Pardon's Annual Digest for 1854, price 50 cents. IN PREPARATION. Whartop and Stillo's American MedidSl Ju risprudence, 1 vol. royal 8 vo. royal Bvo. Button's Compendium of the Law of Real Property, with copious Ainericun An not..lions, 1 vol. roy.al Bvo. A new Digest ol the Laws of the Utiiled Sates, on the plan ol Pardon's Di gest of 1853. 1 vol. imperial 8 vo. Sergeants' Mechanics' Lien Law, new edi tion. " t The Pennsylvania Form Book n?" See Kay & Brother's Catalogue of j I.aw Publications lor particulars: t~2~ Orders or letters of inquiry rotn the country promptly attended to August 17th, 1854.—1y i'mnsj Ivsin'n Wire Writs,~ No. 21 Arch St., above Front, PHI LADE-LPHIA. rjIHE Subscribers have on hand, and are ■* com-tantiv manufacturing,SlEVES RID DLES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes and widths. Also ali kinds of plain and Uricy Wire work. Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds ; Brass and Cop per Wire ('loth lor Paper Makers, &e. Cvl inders and Dar.dy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves lor Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Sales, Traps, Dish Covets, Coal and Sand Screens, &e. BAYLISS, DARBY & LINN. August 17th, 1854. Philadelphia & (lending Bail Road. TRAINS For Poitsvillo, (leading. &c. &. MORNINGS LINES. Leave Philadelphia and Pottsville at 7} o'- clock, P. M. except Sundays. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave Philadelphia and Pottsville at 34 o'clock P. M except Sundays, FARES. I*l CLASH 2d CLASS, Between ritilaii'a fc Pottsville, 82 75 $2 25 Between Pliilatl'a & Beading, 1 75 l 45 50 lbs. Baggage allowed to each passen ger. ON SUNDAY—One Train leaves Philadel phia at 74 o'clock A. M nod returns from Pottsville at 4 o'clock, P. M. taking 110 bag-( ° '""FARE FOR THE EXCURSION, 84 All 'Tickets must be purchased before en tering the Cars, DEPOT in Philadelphia, Coiner of Broad and Vine Streets. By ortier of the Boat! of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary. Aug. 18, 1854. Cash pnitl lor A'lraw- Tlis subscriber will paycash for Straw de livered at his Paper Mill at Millgrove, near Light Street, at the following rates to wir:— Short straw 80 50 per ton, long straw 87 per ton. These rales will be paid for either Wheal, Rye er Oats straw in good dry con dition. For flnx, after the seod is threshed off, he will pay all) per ton. THOMAS TRENCH. Millgrove, April Bth 1854.-tf. Dr. FRANCIS C. HARRISON, Y\fOt'l/D respectfully inform the citizens * ol Bloomsbutg and vicinity that he has commenced the practice of MEDICINE there; and rolicit. a share of public patron age. lie can always be lourui at the Ex change Hotel opposite the Court House. Bloomsburg, March, Ist, '65. FANCY GOODS, of every description and variety, new styles, and fresh Irom New York and Philadelphia, for sale at the cheap atore M'KELVY, NEAL & CO TUG GREAT NATURAL REMEDY FOB Indigestion and Dyspepsia. vs. n..roaTassx.,w r|R J S. HOUGH TON'S PEPSIN, the true Diges 'i Li uidii l ' v,> Floid. or Gastric Jutoe, ft ->- still holds the first place a •f \ -TawhtLa. ft " tt" various reme -11 dies lot these painful and de nt rootive complaints. It is Nature's own spe cific for an 'unhealthy stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powors; and no -offerer from Indigestion & Dyspepsia should fail to Irv it. Agents supplied at No. 11 ,'N. EIGHTH St., PHILADELPHIA. re" So Id by E. P. Lulz, and J. R. Mover. March 29, 1855. US U 30 C£> IX3Q. £3Ub IT* g}> Cabinet Ware llooms, S. €. SIIIVE 1 RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of 4. of the Public lo liis extensive assort ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which ho will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort ment ol Fasltiouable Furiillue, Which is equal in style and finish to thai of Philadelphia or New York cities, and al as low prices. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from 825 to 860. Divans, Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashus, ctieffeiiiers, Whatnots and comndes and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common washslands, dres-tables, corner cupboards, solas, dining and bieakfa-t ta bles, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs, is the largest in this section of the country. He will also keep a good assort ment of looking-glasses with fancy gilt and common frames. He will also furnish spring I rnaitru-ses fined to any sized bedstead,which are superior for .durability and comforl to any bed in use. Bloomsburg, April 6th 1854. If. F. H. SMTTH7 PORT MOXNAIE, POCKET BOOK, AND Dressing; Cast' IVlaiiufueturcr iV. (V. cor. of 4th and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA, A LWAYS on hand a large ar.d varied as -I*■ sortment of Port Mommies, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Cabas, Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags. Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, [Books Portable Desks, Pocket Memorandum i Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, &c. Also, a general assortment of English, French and German fancy goods. Fine l'oekrt Cutlery, j Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Whole- 1 j sale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH, N. W. cor. Fourth & Chestnut Sis., Phila. N ■ B—On ;he receipt ol 81, a Superior Gold Pen will he sent to any part of the U. S'stes, by mail; describing pen, thus, medi um. hard, or soft. Philadelphia, April 5, 1855. 1-y. STOVES I STOVES! Slllltl'MiSS fr IISLICX HAVE Opened a new Sieve and Tinware Establishment, on Main street one door above the Court-house, where they are pre pared lo furnish goods in their line such as Tin. Sheet Iron, //allow ll'are, Crass Kettles, Cast Iran Sinks, frying I'tens. Stove Pipes, all kinds of Tin IPare, Broom IFire at extremely low Prices. Jhnony their variety of 1 may be found the Home Air Tight, William Point, Globe, fool Mountain, Miners' Choiro 1 Van Leer's Kitchen Comforl, Double Overt, the celebrated Raub Cooking Stove for coal or wood, and others, too numerous 10 men tion. At-o Parlor Grates, Office and Parlor Mojcx, in great variety. Tin Roofing, Gutters, Lead ers, and all kinds of work made to order, ul the shortest notice. Repairing of all kinds attended 10. Bloomsburg, April 271h 1854.—tf. / f HOOK f JOSEPH sivutrz HAS just opened a netv lot of Books, Cap, letier and note paper, porlolios &w., w Inch he will sell at the lowest prices al the Bioomsbnrg Book Store. He has the Stand ard School Books, and a variety of the most desirable historical, religious, scien.ific pub lications of the day. He has also a stock of the H3csstl SS'qD'orcßllss. Blank books. Bibles, and Religious works. A uui. ber of GOOD VIOLINS, a stock of jewelry; and an assortment o canes, lan ps, tops, perfumery, confeeliona" ries, kitick knacks and notions for sale. CW He will furnish at short notice any work that may be desired and ordered. Bloomsburg, October 15th 1854. Q R ENWOOtf SEMINARY AT MILLYILLE, COLUMBIA CO.,' PA. For Youth or both Sexes, nil lie HUGS*, PRINCIPAL. rpHIS Institution which has been In sttc -L cesslul operation for several yeais has ecently been enlarged to give better accom modations for boarders and increased facili ties for Tuition, &c. The School year will consist of 44 weeks and vacation will occur during July and pari of August, but pupils will be taken 11 auy season. Instruction is given in all the English branches usually taught. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy will be illustroled by appro priate apparatus and access given 10 a Li brary ami the use of Mathematical instru ments. Books and Stationery will be pro vided for all who desire. ■ imUiSSSo TUITION, 83, 84 and 85 per quarter, graded by the course of study. Bhurding f 1 50 per week. Board, Tuition washing, lights, 821 perquarier; or 840 for two quartors, if one half is paid ia ad vance. For farther particulars address the princi pal. Millville, Nov. 1. 1854. Fancy Paper* Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. &c an be found at the cheap Rook store of JOSEPH SWABTZ, ¥RON STEEL, and every kind of Hard waie for sale by McKELVY, McKELVY, NEAL & Co ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale at the cheap store of EVANS, U APPLE MAN. A A uL dBB TO THE FASUONABLE AND vjxHE undersigned, Itßving just received the *• latest Paris and New York Fashions, would again beg leave to inform his numer ous friends nod all the world nboul Blooms burg, that he is now better prepared than ev er to accommodate any one with the neatest, easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest lerms. His shop is al the old stand, (too well known to need further notice) where lie may nt all times he found, sealed upon the bench of repentance steadily drawing out ihefAicid of alllietion, hopeihg it muy in the end prove advantageous to him and his customers. He would also advise his friends to bear in mind that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or they can't he expected to work. Therefore, Wheat, live. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then u little CASH will come mighty handy from those who are batik-standing on hie book. Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases "the laborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloornsburg, April 14th, 1853. . ! Walt-Res, Jewelry, Silverware and ! CJv -CiT (SfCS/vEISiSo SW& BUvJi I A Choice .Assortment of the Finest Quality, \ FOR BAI.R AT Til K LOW KMT CAhH I'HUM. AT WM. B. ELTONHEAD'S, No. 181. Soiiili Sei'ond 81., Between Pine and I nion. Went bide, PHILADELPHIA. The rB*ortin<mt embraces a large nnd select stock of line Watches, Jewelry, Hilver Ware, - Alhatu W.are, plated with fine Silver, in Spoons, Porks, Ladle's, &c. —Jet Goods, Fans and Fan ) *y Articles of n superior quality, deserving the examination of those who desire to procure the HEST noons at the LOWESTCASII PHICRS. Having a practical knowledge of the business, nnd all Available facilities for Importing and ' manufacturing, the subscriber confidently in* ; vites purchasers, believing 'hat he can supply | them on terms as favorable as any other es tablishment in either of the Atlantic Cities. All kinds of Diamond and bead Jewelry and Silver Ware manufactured to older, within a rousonahle time. Watches, Jewelry and Silver Waro faithful ly repaired. WM B ET.TONJIEAD, i No. IS4 South 2d St., a few doom above the 2d St. Market, West Side. fct 5 " In the South Window of the Store, may be seen the famous BIRD CLOCK, vrlilcii commands the admiration of the scientific and i curious. September 28th, 1354. ly. BTAUFFER & HARLEL Citcap IValt Hics & Jewelry! WHOLESALE ami RETAIL, nt tfie ! Philadelphia Watch ami Jewelrv Slore, N" 9fi North Second Street corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watched, full jewelloif, 18 ca rat case,, £2B 00 Gold Lupine 18 k. 24 00 Silver Lever full jewelled, 12 oo I Silver Lapine juvels, 9 00 Superior quarters, 7 oo I Gold Spectacle., 7 oo Fine Silver do, _ 1 50 Gold Bracelet*, ' ' - 3 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils. 1 00 Silver IVa spoons, set, 5 00 Gold Pen with Pencil & Silver bolder, 1 00 Gold finger Rings 37} rents lo £BO : watch Glasses, plain, 12} cents; Patent, lflf ; bn- j net, 25; otbei iriU le., in proportion. Ail goods warranted to be what tWy are sold for. STAUFFER &• HARLEY. On hand, some Gold and Silver Lovers and Lupines, still lower than the above pri ces. September 21st, 1354 ly. Tin- Ware &, Stove! FstfifiiiNSimcnt. mHP. UNDEUtSIUNRD, respectfully in * formr hie; >ld friends* nmJ cuKtomcr,tliat i he ha* purchased hia brothei'd mteront in the bove caiahlisftmcnt, und the concern will here after be conducted by himself exclusively. Ho hfln just rencivbd und oiltie for s tie the largest and inoat cxtennivo nisorim .it j meat I aNUV bTOVieSd everintro duceJ into this market. Htovopipc and 'i'inware couatanllyon hind and manufactured to order. All Uindd of re pairing dvnc, G3 usual, on abort notion, The patronage of old frients aud new cos tonicra is rtspvcifuiiy aoliciicd. A. M. RUPERT. Dloomshtirg Jan. 12, 18<>3. £l-tf RLLVB L f KIIGIIT, (*Successor lo Hartley Knight.) BEDBLVG A.\S CARPIM' WAREHOUSE, Ko. 148 South Second Street, Five doors above SI'KUCB STREET, FHILXORI.WIIA, Where lie keep* constantly on hand a full as sortment of every article in his line of business, Fcatheis, Featherbed*, Patent Hpring Mattres ses, Curled hair, Moss .Corn Husk and Stiaw Mattresses, Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brus. sels, Three.Ply, Ingrain. Venetian, List, Hag and Hemp Carpeting*, Oil Cloths. Canton Mat. , tings, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Hugs, |)ci Mats, Ta ble and f'iann Covers, to which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. Philadelphia dept. Ist, 1854.—1y. itvffittSralioii CertUirntcg For iho ne of clergymen, justices, pliysi inn. and other persons in registering tnarria ges and deaths ns required by. the hew Ao Assembly, can bo had at the otfice of the Star of the North." THOMAS BUTLER, No. 7 South Seven'h Street, PHILADELPHIA ; jY|unnfai!inrer of strong; Tinware, Copper, "• Tin and Zinc Bathing Tubs, Bathing Pans, and every kind of batning apparatus. Also deed and paper boxes Prompt attention given to ordered wark, and good, carefully lorwpjued on orders. Philadelphia, August 17th, 1854. TREES! EVEKGHEENN! ffiXQts, SHRUBS, ROSES, I'I.ANJ'S, &e., in great varte *yw ly and size, cultivated and for sale large or email quanlilie., at the Rising Sun Nuiseriea and Garden, I'hiludel phia. All orders promptly attended to. Deacrip live ( otalugue, sent lo post paid applications gratia. Address, by mail, S. MAUPAY. Rising San I'. 0., I'hilada. N° 11.—-Plants, Rosea, Seeds, die., can he had eacry day it the below Sixth Street, l'hiladclphia, ws'c orders are also re ceived for the nutsery. March 20th, 1856—4t. DRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss. Bog Jaconelt Mull, Cantbrio, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, salo Bard Muslin just receiv ed at the Store of MENDENHALL & MENSCH no aasstpda • E. 0. EO7T3R, OTTTIBGKOSR MBMSTF, |> E9PECTFULLY oflern bit tfWfejylk professional services m .1* (|, e Ladies and Gentlemen of Bloomeburff anil vicinity. Ue is prepared lo attend to all the various operations in Den listry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will he inserted on pivot or gold plale, to look aa well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. ry OHice nenr tho Academy. Hloornshurs, Nov. 20, 1861. Em-nit lire, Eni-niliirc ! f T F. HOOVER respectfully informs his customers of Bloomshurg and the peo ple gee. rally ol Columbia County in waul of FURNITURE, that they will find it greatly to their nitvuniuge to purchase at his Wars house, win:to they will find A LARUE STOCK nl the most modern styles lo select from. The subscriber beg* to say thai his facilities lor manufacturing arul buying his materials for cash ami having no Apprentices, but em ploying the best of workmen enables him to oirer great inducements to those in want of GOOD TURN 11 URIC AT LOW PRICKS, as he murlf prefers the ''nimble sixpence to tlie slow shilluig." All goods bought in his Waroroom* will be warranted, and il intend ed for the Country will bo parked with ears and dispatch. H. l'\ HOOVER, No. 120 South 2d St, below Doek west side, March 15, '55.-3 m. Philadelphia. ~KE Who VTE TO RNILAOEITPIIIJ ('aliawissa, Hillianisport, and Erie Rail Road. OPEN TO Mil TON. 81 hours between Phil'a. and Dliltfrk. ON and alter Monday, Sept. 25th, and until extension to Williamsport, pass enger trains xvil! be run everyday (Sundays excepted) as follows : Leaving' Milton at 11 A. M., connec'ittg with Reading Rail Road, at Port Clintoo, ar riving at Philadelphia at 7 20, P. M. Leaving Philadelphia, at 7 30, A. M.; ar rive at Milton at 4 30 P. M. A Freight Train will leave Milton, on Monday, Wednesday & Friday, and Port Clinton on Tuesday, Thursday audSalul lay, of each week. Freight is carried to and from Pliladelohia without transhipment, from Reading Rail Road Freight Depot corner of liroaS ami I Cherry streets. T. McKISSOCK, | Sept. 28,—ft 1854. I moss & lißoiiu u, i Ko. 12 South Fourth Slrret. Philadelphia, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, KEEP a complete assortment ol SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS and MEDICAL HOOKS, Blank ami Memorandum Bonkj, Writing, Later and wrapping papers, fine Pocket Cutlery, tu\, to which they invi'o the attention of country merchants ami others. The prices and quality will corn par o favora bly with any other House. Having an ex ' len-tvo bindery under their immediate su perintendence, they am p.repared to furnish either ready-made, or ruled to particular pat tern, Blank coconut of evety size and description, subed for Baiiks. insurance Companies and County Court Records, the quality of which is warmllled both as regards paper and binding. They employ none but the best.workmen nod uuo first class materials. IT/" Orders from a distance will receive parirnlur retention. Masonic ami Odd Fellows' Regalia and Publications lor individuals, members ami Lodges, the most extensive assortment lo be found in the United Suites. Philadelphia, March 29, 1855-Gin. <*!•: UNEY & ALREiER, NURSERYMEN AND SEED GROWERS, G> Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, VS/dLL h'ttttsh to order and pack with care * * all the most desirable garden, field and fl i ver soi't/s;choice roses,plant*,l.utt, shade and ornatueutal trees, dahlias, dutch bulbous roots, for parties and balls, tastefully put up and sent to any distance. Their trees and flowers are principally raised in their own nursery at the comer of Broad and Christian Street*, and they give particular attention to tho as- I lection of tare and ehoire species of peach, apricot, pear and apple trees. - | Orders from a distance carefully attended to. Flowers and shrubs will be safely box i cd,or trees packed and despatched by tail toad or canal at lair prices. They also ratao and sell a beautilu! species of the (QUS&TL'S 18018. with or without cage, singlp or in pairs. Philadelphia, March 29, 1835-2 m. CURE voi d ;otuu, EY Til K CSK I F Riltcr'a hyrup of Tar, WILD ciiEiinY , A„D WOOD NAPHTHA, A SLIGHT COLD, accidentally acquired, through neglect or improper treatment, may result ill that worst of all diseases, con sumption, advised in lima, and procure at once a bottle of t h is valuable pre paration. Il is pleasant to the taste, and bas no "narcotic in its composition, and cau be taken with perfect safety. The wide spread reputation which this preparation litis oDianted as a cough medi cine. is u sure guarantee of its usefulness in all diseases of the throat end binge, and ail who use il will be certain to obtain relief.— For sale by all the storekeepers in ibis, and adjoining counties, ami wholesale by tbo proprietor. * , I. L. 11l ITER, No 7 South Front St., Philadelphia, Jan. 28. 1856. SALE OF VALUABLE PKOPKRTV t■ IHK subscriber wishing to retire from JL business w ill sell or vent, on easy term* his business property, such its, FURNACE, GRIST-MILL, FAR9I, Store-House and Good-, together with Hon es, Wagons, Carls, and a variety of otuer property, necessary for the conduct of such an establishment. , The Furnace is run with Anthracite Coal, and is calculated to make 50 ton* Pig Ron per week. Plenty o( Ore iell in the neigh borhood tt&SIS 523&& &&s£& is in good order. GTPossession given when the present stock is worked up. Call on the uudcrsiged al his residence at Light Street Columbia County. ALSO, .TOO Acres of Timber Land, tor sale cheap, situate above Orangeville, north aide of the Knob Mountain. M. MCDOWELL, Light Street, Feb. 22, 1855. BLiftkSl BLANkS 17 BLANKS I i ~ DEEDS. SUMMONS, * 1 EXECUTIONS, SITBFtENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, paper and desirable forma, fo- sale a.tthft otfice of the '"-hat of the North " EXCHANGfcTFIKWSPAPEJRS ly t\ hundred for eale at thie ofßoe.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers