The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 22, 1855, Image 3
V LISTOV LETTERS, REMAINING in the Poet Office, el Bloftms borg, February 14tb, 1855. Alner Mary . Neybart Reuben Cox Harriet Perotig Jacob Dillen Eliz* Richard Samuel KVIDI Sarah Styers C. F. Oora James Walter Andrew J. Gillmoro William Williaina Albert Groom Warren Winner David Gearhart, Marv Waller Christian Kline, H. R. ' Woodward U. Kisler Philip Williams John Kitchen Lavina Young Martha Lynch Samuel York* Robert M. Mills Harriet David Thomas Ship Mc Clowen J. W. E.I wards W m Ship Mover Hiram Thomas Jno. D. Slop Penons calling for the shove Letleri, will nlsase eav thev are advertised. please say ) pHJLIp UNANGST, P. M. The Greit Distribution Postponed. TRIE COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSUI I. ATION announce a brief postponement of the Dislribuiion, from the 30lh of January to the 28th of February, at which lime it will FOSITIVELT TAKE PLACE. The managers find it necessary in make the above change, owing to the de lay in com pleting the building of the Galleries, and lhe reception of Works of Ar; which necessarily deferred the publication of lhe Illustrated Cat alogue until late in December, thereby pre venting the general circulation desired among the distant Secretaries and friends of the As sociation. To all those who hive not subscribed lhe last opportunity is now presented. And one subscribing previous to the 2Sth of Feb ruary, ate entitled to the Magazines for 1855. The payment of 83 entitles any person to either one of the following Magazines for the year 1865 Harper's, Putnam's, Knicker bocker, Blackwood's, Graham's, Magazine of Art, and Godej's Lad) 's Book, and the Quarterly Reviews re-prmted in New York. Edinburgh, Westminster, London Quarterly end North British. Also a ticket in the Dis tribution, giving the holders an equal chance In drawing the $5,000 Statute of the OR, Venus, BACCHASTE, HEBE, FLOKA, WITH Bronze Statuettes and sevetel hundred Mag nificent Oil Paintings. For full particulars see Illustrated Cata logues* which are sent free, on application to all parts of the country. Address C L. DERBY, Actuary C.A. & L. A. Knickerbocker Magazine Office, 348 Broadway, New York, Or 106 Water St. Sandusky, Ohio. February 22, 1855. Report of the tirand Jury at February Term , 1855. fpO the honorable the Judges of the court A of qosrler sessions of the peace in and for the eouuty of Columbia. The undersigned Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania inquiring for the body of the county of Columbia, Re spectfully Ktport. Thai they have pursuant to their required duties caltnlv and deliberately, investigated all bills of iruiietment presented for their con sideration at this term, and have passed up on them accordingly. They have also made a thorough examination of the Court house, Jail,and all other public buildings, and find them generally in good repair. It is within the knowledge of the Inquest that the public road leading along Fishing creek above Orangeville is much injured and obstructed by the creek at this present sea son. Bui in our judgment, the difficulty wiil be obviated whenever the bridge now in contemplation shall be built ovor Fishing -creek a short distance above where the road is now injured by the water. The violations of law in this community, are not mariy, nor are the few crimes of a high nature; It is a cause of congratulation that our labors can be short, and. that no se rious reproaches attach to our community. The condition of public morals we believe to be about OR good as the frailties of htt.nan nature allow to be expected—while the boun ties of Providence and the blessings ol free institutions still continue to fill our land. All of which is respectfully submitted this seventh dty of February A. D. 1856 JOHN B. EDGAR. Foreman. MADISON HOUSE, A'os. 57 and 39 North Second Street, (Below Arch Street.) 'OPDaaU tdUci>llipl3a.aaia Y|vRIS popular house lias been thoroughly ■K renovated, and extensive improvements made for the accommodations of gue*te, &o In connection with the above Hotel, the pro prietor has opened, in the basement, a fine Eating and Drinking Saloon. Altogether the establishment compares favor ably with the first class places ol accommo dation for travellers, c.itizens, &c..—being within a short distance of the New York and Baltimore Landings, near the Post Office and Exchange, where Omnibuses, going to all parts of the City, start from. The Proprietor hopes, by strict attention to the wants of his guests, to receive a lib eral share of the public patronage. J. OTTENKIRK, Proprietor. (Late ol Baltimore, Md., Si Cincinnati, Ohio.) Feb. Ift, 1855. NOTICE to OWNERS of CANAL BOATS. AMJJI SUPERVISOR s OFFICE, ) Hnrrisburg, Feb. 5, 1856. J TWOTICE is hereby given to the owner* of ** boats, whether loaded or empty, now lying within the prism of the Eastern Divis ion of the Pennsylvania Canal, that, if they or their agents are not present when the un dersigned is prepared to let the water into said Division, for the purpose of preventing the said boats from becoming obstructions to the navigation of said csnal, be will in six •lay* thereafter sell said boats and their car goes, agreeably to the 13th seotion of the act of the 10th Aoril, 1826, entitled "An act to protect the public in the full benefit and en joyment of the works constructed for the purposes of inland navigation." By order of the Board of Canal Commis sioner*. WEI DM AN FORSTER, Supervisor. BLANKS I BLANKS!! BLANKS! I V, DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, paper and desirable forms, fo* eale at the office of the "Stat of the North " Houses for Kent J TWO or three dwelling bouses can be rented by application at this office. "*J nut ice a of lhe Pence AND CONSTABLES oan find all kind of blank* detirable for their use,in proper farm, .at the office of the STAR or THE.NORTH. Fancy Paper* Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. &c an be found at the cheap Book store of JOSEPH BWARTZ, FANCY GOODS, of every description and variety, new styles, and fresh from New Yotk and Philadelphia, for sale at the cheap store M'KEI.VV, NEAL & CO IKON STEEL, and every kind of Hard ware for sale by McKELVY, McKELVY, NEAL A Co BOOTS, Shoes and ready made clothing obaap for cash by , MENDENHALLFLT MENSCH. ANNUAIA STATEMENT, or THE RECEtPTS AND EXPENDITURES or Columbia County, for the Tear 1854. rpHE Auditors elected to settle and ad just the public accounts of Columbia County, have examined the same from the second day of January, 1854, to the first day o( January, 1855, and respect fully lay before the Honorable Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas the follow ing statements and reports, agreeably to the 22d section of an Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the 14tit day of April, A. D„ 1834 : JOHN DOAK, Esq., 'Treasurer of Co lumbia County, in account with said County. DR. Doll. Cts. To am't of taxes outstanding for 1853 & previous years, 6990 31 To ballancc received of Sam uel Creasy, late Treasurer, 1120 40 To cash ree'd on judgment of Joshua Brink, 04 00 To cash on recognizance of Simon Lazarus, 05 00 To cash Irani Derr for old Plank. 8 50 To Joseph Reader, land redeemed, 3 59 To cash Jesse G. Clark for use of Court House, 5 00 To cash County tax assessd for the year 1854, 6885 29 To cash ten days' assessment, 10 79 To cash County lax on un sealed land, 108 68 To cash road tax on unseated land, 336 53 To cash school lax on un seated land, 139 41 To cash Poor tix on unseat ed land, 60 09 To cash on John Bonton'e Judgment, 60 00 To cash fine of George Van sickle, 25 00 To cash tax of E. Albertson which had been exonerated, 65 To cash on Brink's recogni zance, 03 66 To cash Jury fees and finea of Jacob Eyer'y, 24 00 To cash Jury fees and fines of John Snyder, 145 00 To cash county tax on seated land, 68 03 To cash road tax on seated land, 04 To cash school tax on sealed land, 3 To cash poor tax on seated land, 3 6* To cash fine & cost of Peter Billmyer, • 65 00 Total, $10268 64 CR Dols. Cts. By error in tax of 1849, 2 40 do taxes outstanding for (er ror) 1848. 21 74 By taxes outstanding for 1854 and previous years, 5452 08 By commissions allowed dur ing the year, 328 93 By Exonerations allowed dur ing lite year, 134 51 By county orders redeemed, 8868 78 do Commission, 266 06 do Balance due county, 193 24 Total. $15208 64 Road and Bridge Views. Del. Cts. Amount patJ suudry persona for road and bridge views, 178 00 liridge Contracts. % Dol.Cts. John S. Sterner Si Co. bridge at Bloom, 2275 00 Sam'l Jocoby* bridge at Centre, 470 00 do do extra work do 20 00 Samuel Landback, Biiarcreek, 240 00 Ira Sanders, Wesicreek, 200 00 John Eut, Orange, 50 00 Total, 83255 00 Bridge Repairs. Dol. Cts. Amount paid sundry persons for repairs, $230 00 . Books. Dol. Cts. One Pttrdon's Digest, 5 00 Freight on books, 1 25 One set Assessment Books, 20 00 Blank books, 11 95 One set Assessment Books, 26 00 Freight on books, * 25 Total, S7O 45 District Attorney. Dol. Cts. E. C. Thompson, 4 50 R F. Clark, 39 00 Total, 843 50 Commonwealth Costs. Dol. Cts. Amount paid sundry peraona as witnesses &c., 190 00 Election Expenses. Dol. Cts) Spring Election, 212 34 Notifying Officers Elected Ac., 96 20 Fall Election, 281 80 Conitables attending elections Sir.. 25 00 Total, $615 34 Assessors' Pay. Dol. Cti. Paid to the different Assessors for making the Spring assess ment, 261 40 Constables' Returns. Dol Cts. Return to Feb. term, 31 27 do May do 28 50 do Sept. do 24 62 do Dec. do 18 92 Total, 8103 37 Jurors' Pay. Dol. Cts. Grand & traverse jurors Feb. term 287 00 do do do May do 253 57 do do do Sept. do 331 25 do do do Dec. do 264 71 Total, sll3O 61 Tip Slaves. Do 1. Cla. February Term, 10 00 May do 11 00 September do 12 00 December do 300 Total, *36 00 Court Crysr. Dol. Cts. Mosea Coflman Feb. Term, 8 00 do do May do 800 do do Sept. do 12 00 do oo Dec. do 10 00 Total, .S3B 00 Inquests. Dol. Cta. Inq'at on body of W: H.Jack way, 19 87 do do Wm. Jones, 16 90 do do Joa. Herring, 10 00 do do John Lower, 10 87 do do Clias. Sterling, 16 62 Total, SB9 26 Sheriff's Bill. Dol Cts Jno. Snyder boarding prisoners, notifying Jurors &c. 217 01 Conveying Gensil to the House of Rt'luge, 85 00 Total, $302 01 County Buddings. Dol.Cts. Coping stone Ac cuttiug the same, 36 50 Putting up fence, 59 62 Sundry other repairs, 131 70 Paid Builing Committee balance of s2soo—as per act of As sembly of 1847, 254 22 Total, 8482 04 Printing Dol Cts. Amount paid R- W. Weaver, 90 50 do do J.M.Snyder, 54 50 do do Levi L. Tate, 93 50 do t'o Chaa. Cook, 200 Total, $240 50 . Incidental. Dol. Cts. Am't paid tundy person* for ar ticles used in and about the Court House, 34 47 Cleaning Court House. Dol. Cts. Paid Ann Long for cleaning the Court House one year, 11 50 Tax Refunded. Dol Cts Amt. overpaid on duplicate of Locust, 1853, 20 Amt. overpaid on duplicate of Benton, 1851, 1 00 Amt. overpaid on duplicate of Mifflin, 1853, 1 59 Amt. overpaid on duplicate of Beaver, 1851, 4 96 Road tax on unseated land in Jackson 1851-2, 16 00 School tax on unseated land in Locust 1852-3, 63 57 Road tax on unseated laud in Fishingcreek 1852-3, 18 41 Road tax on unseated land in Greenwood 1852-3, 3 21 Total. S9B 04 Attorney Fees. Do!, Cts John G. Freeze, 60 00 Win. G. Hurley, 10 00 Total, S7O 00 Road Damages. Dol Cts N. P. Moore, Benton, 10 00 Mary Eves, Nladison, 75 00 A.A.Kline. Benton, 3 00 Abraham Martz, Briercreek, 75 00 Wm. Howell, Mt Pleasant. 25 00 Harriet Buckalew, Benton. 20 00 Total, S2OB 00 Fuel. Dol Cts Coal & wood fyr court house & jail 61 77 Protlionotary. Dol Cts Jacob Eyerly as per bills, 225 00 Auditor's Pay. Dol Cts R. B. Arthur, 7 50 Isaac Davis, 7 50 Jacob (lafris, 7 50 Total, * $22 50 Register's Fees. Dol Cts J. G. Clark registering death* Sic. 13 80 Insurance. Dol Cts Lycoming Insurance Company Assessment No. 10, 16 11 Fox Scalps. Dol CQ Amount paid different persons, 99 71 Postage. Dol Cts Paid P. Unangstone year's postage 3 05 Commissioner's Deeds. Dol Cat J. Doak for Commissioner's deeds GO 01 Commissioners' and Clerks' Pay. Dol Cts Andrew Freas, 140 50 JohnKeifer, •• 126 60 Iram Derr, "145 50 Wm. J. Ikeler, 15 00 Daniel Lee (Clerk) 300 00 Total, $727 50 Total amt. of expenditures, $8929 90 Taxes outstanding and Uncollected. County State. 1850 Samuel Applsman, Sugarloaf, 159 973 1851 J. W. Warner, Madison, 23 62 John Ale, Mount Pleasant, 23 40 48 60 Nelson Kile, J. B. Mosteller, Briercreek, 391 90 105 01 Wm.Jl Iketer, Mountpleasant 74 73 11 84 Peter Hayrnan, Orange, 24 20 47 81 1853 Naac Laubach, Benton, 92 94 123 13 *Sarauel Johnson, Beaver, 48 36 D. A. Bowman, Centre, 123 49 41 66 D. R.Ablerlson, Fishingcreek 145 42 93 76 Wm. Mather, Greenwood, 201 45 40 77 James Yocum, Jackson, 557 478 William Welliver, Madison, 21 88 70 51 •David Demon, Mt Pleasant, 18 52 904 Jacob Arnwitie, Montour, 107 98 51 15 Peter Hayman, Orange, 201 87 88 36 John l.egge(, Pine, 97 93 33 86 Moatgomery Cole, Sugarloaf. 16 27 39 50 1854 Samuel Coxa, Reaver, 123 74 21 52 Lewis Dietlerick, Briercreek, 221 13 184 79 B. F. Hartman, Bloom, 406 70 112 95 Ricbard Stiles, Benton, 174 04 146 62 Abram Erwine, jr., Centre, 272 56 854 •Jacob Gensil, Catlawissa, 137 35 24 26 D. R. Albertson, Fishingcreek 285 24 30& 87 Sam'l Uillaspio, Greenwood, 266 68 182 61 David Smith, Hemlock, 162 03 23 76 Abraham Manniug, Jackson, 50 36 43 67 Jacob Stine, Locust, 175 40 52 fil William Eyer, Madison, 220 80 198 51 Lewis Eckrotn, Mifflin, 183 13 37 03 Miohael Gruver, Maine, 178 01 119 83 M. K. Appleman, Ml Pleasant 62 77 37 36 Jacob Arowine, Montour, 222 33 19 49 Benj. Hayman, Orange, 272 89 152 84 Joseph Shoemaker, Pine, 73 88 26 02 Michael Fedderoff, R.Creek, 864 457 George Sloan, Soots, 227 07 153 29 Wm. Mosteller, Sugarloaf, 93 46 67 08 >5452 98 >2769 88 * These collectors have since settled sndj paid in full. , I We, tha undersigned Auditors of the coon ly of Columbia, being duly alerted to adjust and settle the account of the Treasurer and Commissioners, have carefully examined the accounts and vouchers of the same from the seoond day of January, 1854, to the first day of January, 1855, do certify that we find them correct, as set forth in the foregoing 1 statement, and that we find a balance due . the county, in the hands of John Doak, Esq., Trehsurrr of said county, of one hundred and ninety . three dollars and twenty-four 1 cents, and a balance ct county taxes out standing and unsettled amounting to five thousand lour hundred and seventy-four dol lars and seventy-two cents. Given under our hands this third day of January, A. 0 , 1855. ISAAC DAVIS, ) JACOB HARRIS, j Auditors. DAVID YF.AGER, ) Attest, DANIEL LEE. We,the undersigned Commissioners of the county of Columbia, do certify that the fore going is a correct statement of the accounts of said county for the year A. D., 1854. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands at Blonmsburg this third day of January, A. D., 1855. JOHN KIEFER, I J RAM DERR. > Comm'rs. . VVM. J IKELER, ) Attest, JNO. C. FRUIT. Feb. 8, 1855. _ tV To Persons out of Employment Js 1 Agents Wanted In Every Section of the Uniied Slates, 'l'he most Elegunt nnd Useful Vol. of the Year. SEARS' GREAT WORK ON RUSSIA. JUST published, an Illustrated Description o! the Russian Empire. Being a Physi cal and Political History ol its Gov ernments and provinces, Productions, Re sources. Imperial Government, Commerce, Literature, Educational Means, Religion, People, Manners, Customs, Antiquities, etc , from lite latest and most authentic sources. Embellished with about £OO Engravings,and Maps of European and Asiatic Russia. The whole complete in one large octavo volume ol about 700 pages, elegantly and substanti ally bound. Retail price, 83. This work has been several years in pre paration, and will, it is believed, meet in the fullest acceptation of the world, the want so universally felt for reliable information on ihe history and internal resources ol a coun try occupying so large a portion of the East ern Hemisphere, and holding so lorntidable a portion at the presenl lime to the rest of Europe and Asia; but of which for less is known than of any other European nation. Also, a deeply interesting volume, enti tled "The Remarkable Adoentuies of Celebrated Persons ," embracing the Romantic lncidenta and Adventures in the Lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals, Princes, Warriors, Travellers, Adventurers, Voyagers, &c. em inent in the History of Europe and America, including Sketches of over fifty celebrated heroic characters. Beautifully illustrated with numerous engravings, tine volume 400 pages, royal l2mo. cloth, gilt. Price, $1.25. The subscriber publishes a number ol most*valuable Pictorial Books, very popular and of such a motai and religious ir.lluence that while good men may safely engage in their circulation, they will confet a' public benefit and receive a fair compensation lor their labor. To meu of enterprise and tact, this busi ness oilers an opportunity tor ployment seldom lobe met with. Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular containing full particulars, with diieclion* to persons disposed to act as Agents, together with terms on which they will be furnished, by addtessing the subscriber, post paid. ROBERT SEARS, PUBLISHER, 181 William Street N. V. BTSINTTSS DIRECTORY. ttloomsbnrg. J3a-"" * HIRAM W. TIIQRNTO*'. MERCHANT. —Store on the Sooth side of Main Street, second square below Mar ket "DAVID LOWERBERG, CLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." SIMON RREIFUSV& COL CLOTHING STORE in the 'Exchange Block,' opposite Ihe Court house. EVANS & APPLEMAN. MERCHANTS.— Store on tlitf tipper part of Main street, nenrly opposite the Episcopal Church. "ITC. SHIVB, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE —Wareroom io Shive's Block, on Main Sireet. A.M. RUPERT, TINNER AND STOVE DEALF.R Shop on Sooth side of Main sireet, be low Market. JOSEPH SWARTZ. BOOKSELLER. Store in the Exchang e Block, first door above the Exohang" Hotel. R. W- WEAVER. ATTORNEY AT LAW— office ON the first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. . SHARPLESS & MELICK, FOUNDERS ANN MACHINESTS. Build ings on the alley between the ''Exchange and "American House." BARNARD RUPERT^ TAII-OR.— Shep on the South Side of Main Street, first square below Market. MENDENHALIT & MEN sen, MERCHANTS. —Store North West corner of Main and Market HIRAM C. UOWER, CjURGEON DENTIST.—Office near the W Academy on Third Street. MKELVY, NEALACIL, MERCHANTS. —Northeast corner of Main and Market streets. SHARPLESS & MELICK, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE &c—Establish meni on Main street, next building c.bove he Court-house. HEN RY ZTP PIN GE K, CLOCK and WATCHMAKER, south aide of Main sireet, above the Railroad. Every kind of disorder in jewelled or oth er newly invented Escapements faith full re paired PURDON'S DIGEST. ANY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur •™-obase a oopy of Purdon'a Digest, can be accommodated by applying, at he this office No- 130 North Third Ntroet. above Race PHILADELPHIA. SAMUEL A■ Btuor. GCOBGE H. Bnoww, [June Btb 1854-iy. i TO THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS! SX2ca&Effil2o^9' < £r. < (38<$> HAVE just received and opened their slock of merehandize for MI and Winter aales, which comprises ihe LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assor meU now offered in IhisJTOWN! Having paid great attention to ihe seleclion of tngir entire s.oc, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the ■ and all those wishing to boy cheap, can save money by giviog us a call. Vve na kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot ot LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, do bages, poplins, parametta c.otlia, mohair lustres, muslin do laifp*B, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. , WHITE GOODS OF MA KINDS, Sieve* Collars, Spencers, handkerchief, flouncing*, bands and trimmings, laces and edging*, bonrtet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, colion, and lisle thread cloves, mohair mitts, &c., All Icitnld ot SHAWLS, brouke, Hay Slam, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Einbroder ed, &c. Also a very lnrge assortment of cloths, cassituers, sattineus, vesting*, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN AND CHILDREN. We have a large assortment ol Hats and Caps of latest fashions. Wo have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpels, carpel baas, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, he. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, lowelings, drillings. &c., in abundance. , , • , We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el e* where. We have bought Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Blootnsburg, October 28, 1855. * QDarc£l£r\KisasQ GSOD* HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on hand a large and full assortment of FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened ago knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vesls they have every color ol the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped and fancv ; Vests of satin, silk, buff, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable outs and colors ; Working Panlsand boy* clothing. Also fine white, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and sr&& seam &A 2&2123 They have Undersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigaletls, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, vach as Rings, Breast pins. Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assotltnent of Accordeons. 13r Remember the cheap store in ihe "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Blootnsburg, May 18lh 1854. 8. DREIFUSS, & Co. NEW PALL AND WINTER* GICES i UA7ID LOWENBERG INVITES attention to Uis stock of cheap snd fashionale flothing at hisstnmoD Market street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including UMBISSa QWAUSe aox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof all colors,shawli stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspendert and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and ir the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, ar.d most of it is of borne manufau ture. Blootnsburg, May t6th l85!-3m. I _ EVASS & WATSOA, No. 26 South Fourth street, have on hand a large assortment ot PATENT SALAMAN DER EIRE ami THIEF PROOF SAFES, Bank Vaults and Iron Doors for Banks and l&iM GR;F, T T B ALTIMOR E Gentlemen:—We take much pleasure in rec ommendirtg your FIRE PROOF SAFES to merchants and others, who may desire to purchase, with a view to the preservation of their Bonks and other valuables. The Safe we purchased of you, and manufactured by EVASS k WATSON, of Philadelphia, Pa., remained in the fire at the burning ot our store until the entire stock was consumed, ! the heat being intense, as you may suppose as there were about seventy barrels of liquor in the store, besides some seventy thousand | pounds of rags and ropes, and other articles of a highly combustible nature. We hau I the Safe opened after the fire had ceased and found our books and papers prturvtd in perfect order. No. 116 Light street wharf. Please send as another of yonr best Safes, or (tie same size, for our future use, and o- , blige "• W- W 'm* 0 ' No. 91 Light street wharf, Lallnuore BM.TIMOBK, MO., May 17, 1854. MESSRS P.. & T. FAIRBANKS & Co.—Gen tlemen :—lt gives u mnrh pleasure to bear testimony to the excellence of your Eire Proof Sales. The one 1 of you, manufactured by Messers. Evans & Wat son, Philadelphia, Pa., saved my books and valuable papors, when everything ele tit the house was destroyed by fire, on the morning of the 14th ins'., at No. 116 Light street wharf. P- WILLIS. BALTIMORE MD;, May 17, 1854. Patent Slate Refrigerators, Seal and Letter Copying Presses, Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales. Sole Agency for Butterworth's, Betlley s, Yales' and Jones' Patent Powder Proof Bank Locks. Below are the names of a few gentlemen and Publto Inslitutors who have our Safes, in use. Hundreds more can be given : Farmers & Mechanics Bank Philadelphia 12 Safes: U. 8. Mint, U. H, Arsenal, five Safes California 3 in Philapelphia. Stato Treasurer Trenton, N. J. Penn'a. R. R. Co., Phila'd. 2 Safes. Philadelphia Wilmington & Baltimore R. R. Co., Philadelphia. Locust Mountain Coal & Iron Co , Coal Run Improvement & R. R. Co., " Bell Garretson & Co. Bankers, Hunting don, Pa., Bell, Smith & Co., Bankers, Johnstown P a , Bryan, Gardner. &., Altoona, Pa. Gen-iA H. Wilson, Huntingdon, 1*. McKelvy, Neal & Co.; Bloomsbuigt " Geo. Weaver, do " Caleb Barton. do Philadelphia, August 31 1854-1;-. | NEW ROUTE TO PHILADELPHIA fatiawissa, WHllansport, and Erie Rail Road. OPEN TO MILTON. 84 hours between Phil'a. and Milton. ON and after Monday, Sept. 25th, and until extension to Williamsport, pass j enger trains wil! be run every day (Sundays I excepted) as follows : Leaving Milton at 11 A. M., connecting with Reading Rail Road, at Port Clinton, ar riving at Philadelphia at 7 30, P. M. Leaving Philadelphia, at 7 30, A. M.; ar rive at Milton at 4 30 P. M. A Freight Train will leave Milton, on Monday, Wednesday & Friday, and Port Clinton on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, of each weak. Freight is carried to and from Pliladelphia without iranahipment, from Reading Rail Road Freight Depot corner of Broad and Cherry streets. T McKISSOCk, Sept. 28,— ft 1854. I GRAND GIFT ENTERPRISE AND CONCERTS. 60,000 GIFTS VALUED AT *Bo,Otto. Tickets 81 rath. E. UN AN G 8 T, Announces that ho has projected a series o GIFT CONCERTS, to the paiions of which lie will distribute by lot 60,000 valuable gift* , or premiums. 1 The conceits will be given at Bloomsburg, Danville, and such other towns where a suf ficient jumbcr of the patrons of the enter prise reside. The limes and places will be announced in suhsecpient bills. Each tickel will entitle the holder to two admissions to the concerts, and one of tbo following prizes ' or premiums: , One three story Brick Hotel in Bloomsburg, j opposite the Court-house, now occupied by I Ex-Sheriff Billmyer, valued at 510,000 One large two-story brick dwelling-house,lot ! and out-buildings, on Alain Street ol | Bloomsburg 5,000 One two story brick dwelling house and lot I on Main Street of Bloomsburg 4,800 One two story brick dwelling house and lot on Main s'reet of Bloomsburg 3,000 One two story frame dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 2,000 One two story frame dwelling house and lot on Alain street of Bloomsburg 1,800 Two two stofy brick dwelling houses on Centre street of Bloomsburg, each 1 600 One two story frame dwelling house ami lot on Alain street of Bloomshurg 1,600 One two story frame dwelling house acd lot on Alain street of Bloomsburg 1,000 Eight corner lots on Centre street of Blooms hurg, ench 8450 8,600 Six middle lots on Centre street of Blooms burg, each 8400 2,409 Two buggies, each 8200 400 Two buggies, each 8180 360 Two buggies, each 8170 340 Tun Gold patent lever watches, 8100 1,000 Twenty Gold detached lever watches, each £6O 1,200 Twenty Gold cylinder oscapement watches, each 850 1,000 16 Gold lepitu watches, each 850 750 50 Silver lever watches, pach 825 1,250 50 double barrel shot guns, each 820 1,000 10 " " " 816 160 10 Rifles, each 814 HO 10 Allen's revolvess, each 812 120 10 Colt s revolvers, each 820 200 20 paiia pistols each 82 • 40 1000 Gold pencils, each 83 3,000 1000 Silver pencils aud pen holders, each 82 2,000 2000 Gold pens, each 81 3 000 30000 Engravings each 25c 7,500 25745 Pieces of Music 3.099 The money received for the sale of ,t he tickets will be paid over to John K. Grbtz, to be deposited by him in the Bank of Dan ville, to the credit of the projector, for the security of the ticket holders. Wbeu the tickets are all sold notice will > be given in the pubtio prints for the ticket holders to meet at some designated time and place, to choose a Committee who shult dis tribute the gifts as lbs shareholders shall de ermine. REFERENCES as to the nbove property: William Snyder, Robert F. Clark Esq , R. B. Menagb, R. W. W>aver Esq., or Rob ert B. Arthur, Bloomrtiurg, Columbia ooun ty, Pa. All orders for tickets must be addressed, goat-paid, money enclosed, to E. Uuangst, loomsburg, Columbia oounly Pa., and the tickets will be promptly forwarded to any address. Mr- C. E. Knapp will ant as general cor responding ageni at Bloomsburg for the pro prietor. E. UNANGST. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22, 1854. —6ns. DRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss. Bog Jaconett Mull, Cambric, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslin just receiv ed at the Store of MENDENHALL & MENSCH ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale m"th cheap store of EVANS, ft APPLEMAN. EXTuangenkw^APEßS By the hundred for sale at '.his office. The Weekly Herald. The Best Central Newspaper tn the World. TUB NEW TORE WERILT HERALD ii pub liabed every Saturday Morning. In contents embrace all the newa of the great event* of the day, reports of meeting!, ot the Slate Leg iiletare. and of Congress; important public document*; European and home correspon dence; tinaricisl and commercial iuioima lioii, and editorials of goneral interest, that bave appeared in the New York Daily Herald. JI is neatly primed, in clear type, on a large double quarto sheet of lorry-eight col umns— Hrok—A directory in itself— and lorme otia' of THE best and. most valuable weekly nev SPACERS in the world. The great est care is TAH.on R' obtein ihe latest aud most reliable Intelligence of important rnovemeina in all' parts of th, world. No expense is spared for this purpose. The subscription i< three dollars per annum, payable in udvs/'ce, or sixpence per single copy. Editors of newspapers through out Ihecouidiy are particularly requested to i/cI at agents 'J hey will receive li'ienty five per cent commission on ull caJi3uhscrip\ont Any person obtaining live or more oiiv'wcribers will be allowed the suine cornmisnloV TERMS TO CI.UBSf. For I copy of Weekly Herald for I yes'r, 83 00 Five copies, do do .11 25 Ten do do jfa 50 Filicen do do 33 75 Twenty do do 45 00 Twerry-five do do 66 35 Thirty do Uo 67 50 Thirty-five do <to 76 76 Forty do do Bo On Forty-five do do toj 60 Fifty do do ~ 112 eo New York. Feb. 8, 1854. I.\ ULOO)l.8linO. EPHRAIM ARMSTRONG J. 1 AS taken charge of a new marble works at the corner of Main and Market Sr., Hoomsburg, where the public can ba served with Every kind or Marble Work, ex a ctned in the best style of Ihe Art, and at Ihu lowest jiving prices Thankful lor past fa vors, Mr. Armstrong w ill execute all orders that may be left A ilh lii 111 for Tomb-stoues, Tombs, Monuments, Door and Window Sills, rteps of marble or sandstone, Monies, or any thing alee in the department of marble maSoufy. The atfiok 011 hand and engaged consists of the boel ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE: and LEI J EUINU will be done in English or German. . E. ARMSTRONG. Hlnomsburg, Feb. 1, 1865. tute voi ircoifciii, hv THE USE or Rider's Syrup of Tar, WILD CHERRY, nntl WOOD NAPHTHA A SLIGHT COLD, accidentally acquired, T\. through neglect or improper treatment, may result irt that worst of all diseases, con sumption, therefore bu advised in time, arid procure at once a bottle of this valuable pre paration. It is pleasant 10 the taste, and ba* no narcotic in its composition, and can be laken with perfect safety. The wide spread reputation which (hi* prepara'ion has ohlaiued as a cough medi cine, is a sure guarantee of its usefulness in all di>eu,es of Ihe throat and lunge, and all who use it will be certain to obtain relief For sale by all the siorekeepers in this, and adjsmiiig counties, and wholesale by ilia proprietor. I. L. HITTER, No 7 South Front at., Philadelphia. Jan. 28. 1855. Bloemsburg P. ofnre~Arrauffemtni7. Hours for Mails (o Close Philadelphia Mail closes daily, except Sunday, at li o'clock. A. M. Western Mail closes daily, except Sun day, at II o'clock, A. M. Wilkea-bsrro Mail closes daily, except Sunday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Mail for up Fishingcreek to Cambra leaves on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, At 6 o'clock, A.M. Mail for Buckhorit, Jerseytovyn and While Hall leave* on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday, at 7 A . M. Mail for Mitlville and Chestnuigrove leaves at I o'clock, P. M , every Thursoav PHILIP UN ANGST, P. M. Bloomsburg, Doc. 12, 1854. NEW G RIST-MILL AT MILL GROVE! 'TUIE subscriber lias refilled his Grist- A- Mill ut Mill Grove, near Light Street, Columbia county, and is ready to do any and all kinds of grinding. He has three run of slones, and the Mill w ill work to gen "ru-l sa'islaetion. A competent miller bae Las charge ul the establishment, and the paiiouage of the public i* respectfully so licited. THOMAS TRENCH. Mil! Grove, Sept. 9, 1854. A DM INIM'RATOR 'S NOTICE. NOTICF. i* hereby given that letters of Administration upon the estate ot Charles Sterling, late of Hemhiok township, Colum bia county, deceased, have been granted to (lie undersigned residing In Hemlock town ship. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make payment without deluv, and those having account* against the estate to prusent them for settlement to ISAAC LBIDY, Hemlock, Jen. 18, 1856. Adminislietor. Executor's Notice, TVOTICE is hereby given that letters reals I mentary upon the estate of Christian Render, late ol Orange township, Columbia county, deceased, here been granted TO the undersigned, residing- in Orangeville. All persona indebted to the estate are requested I to make payment without delay ; and those having accounts against the estate to present tbem Tor settlement TO JACOB D. KLINE, Orangeville, Feb 5, '55 -tiw. ExtcnM- Executor's Notices IVOTICE is hereby given that letter* testa mentary upon the estate of William Clayton, late of Franklin tolum bia county, deo'd, bave been gianted to the undersigned, residing in Franklin township. All persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make payment without delay, and those having accuunts against the estate to present them for settlement to THOMAS CLAYTON. SAMUEL ENT, Franklin, Feb. 5, 1855.-6w. Executors Hand* Wanted. r |tHK subscriber wishes to engage the ear vices of U miller competent to take tr'narge of bis grist milt at Mill Grove, near Light Street; and also two laboring hands Men with families will be ptelerted. The miller will be paid by the month. Apply at Mill Grove, Columbia county, to Jan. 18, 1855. THOMAS TRENCH NOTICE! ALL persona indebted to the subscribers en bond note nr book account are requested to make payment on or before the first of April next. WM. MCKELVY & CO ft McKELVY, NEAL& CO. Blopmsburg, Jap. 28,1855.