The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 08, 1855, Image 1
THE STAR OP THE NORTH. S. W. Weaver Proprietor.] V.OLUME 7. THE STAR OP TIIE NORTH It lubluhcd every Thursday Morning, by 11. *V. WHAVER, OFF ICE— Upstairs, in theuew brick building on tktsouth side of Main street ,lhtrd scu.are belvw Market■ Trivti'—Two Dollars per annum,if paid Within six months from the time of sub scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not raid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months: no discontinuance permitted utiiil all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. AovxBTiBF.MKKTsnoI exceeding one square will be inserted three times for one dollars and twenty-five cents for each additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who tdvertise by the year. 1 HE TEMPORAL POWER OF THE POPE SFEECn OF HON. J. R. CHANDLER, IK THE HOI'SE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Jununry 11, 1855. (CONCLUSION.) "These impoflanl facts orce proved, there i no difficulty in understanding how the Popes could naturally cite, in support of their sentences of excommutiica:ion and deposi tion against Princes, the divine power of binding and loosing, though not considering it as the sole tide of that deposing power which they claimed. It is, in lact, evident that, at a time when constitutional law at- | tached the penalty of disposition to excom munication or heresy, the Pope's sentence against such excommunicated or heretical Prince was grounded both tn the divine right and on the human law. It was found ed on the divine right, not merely in so far as it declared the I'rince heretical or excom municated, but still more in so lar as it en lightened the conscience of his subjects on the extent and limits of the obligation aris ing from the oaih ol allegiance which tlicy had taken to him. It was founded on human law, also, in so far as it declared the Prince depnved of his rights, in punishment of his remaining obstinately in heresy, or excom munication. It is obvious, also, why the Pope's sentence mentioned only the divine power of binding and loosing; for it was o:i that divine power that the sentence was re ally grounded, considered in its principal, direct and immediate object; for the depo sition was effected by excommunication its natural result, according to the constitu tional law then in force." While I have asserted, and with the little time allowed me, referred you to the author ities upon which my assertions rest, that the Popes of the middle sge did not declare that their interference with the temporal powers of Kings and Emperors was au'hortzed by their spiritual commissions, as Bishops of Rome ; and that their antagonistic und sum mary proceedings towards offending sover eigns. with regard to their temporal powers of the latter, were authorized by a constitu tion formed by these sovereigns or their pre decessors, 1 do not pretend to assert that the power was always rightly used I do not deny ambitious or vengeful motives to the Popes. No'hing in my creed or theirs pre sents such a conclusion, and nothing in their conduct renders such a conclusion unreason •bte. 1 only say that the spiritual power her* is not in question, and there, and at that time, *he power to depose—power humbly conferred—was never called in question by the deposed monarcbs. They admitted the constitutional right and power, though they may have called in question the justice of the act. With the justice of the proceeding I have nothing to do here, though I may be allowed to say that, however the Pope may have transgress ed the roles of justice as between liitn a'-d the deposed monarch, it is probable that, as between the monarch and the people, there was little occasion to suppose that any in justice had been done to the Prince, or much likelihood or hearing complaints Irom the latter. The Pope has struggled sometimes with sovereigns, but never with the sov ereignty. He has exercised a power volun tarily placed in his hands by kings, and in voked by the people ; and he has dethroned the monarch, but not analhemalhized the subject. The Popes, iu the fulfilment of what the consent of kings and the confidence of the people have made a duly, have re leased subjects from the oatb of allegiance to the sovereign, but never have lliey releas ed the sovereign from his coronation oath to respect, guard and righily govern the people. Because I have neither time nor apace for such an inquiry, I do not pursue the subject in detail. 1 have taken the strongest case ol the exercise of the power of deposing mon arch*—which is now called the power of releasing subjects—and I have shown that the Pope did not rely upon the general spir itual power as head of the Christian church for authority to depose the Emperoi, but that he rested on, and was sustained by the constitution which authorized the election of an Emperor, and mad# orthodoxy one condition of holding the orown. And it would have been equally easy, generully less difficult, to have shown that every in atance of eoch exercise of power by the Pope was authorized by the admitted con stitution or acknowledged compact, provided that (he offences of the prince had brought him within.the operation ol the laws, which all admitted to exist, and for the execution of which all turned to the Pope. - Now, ae this kind of secular power bad ita origin in the consent of the sovereigns, at a particular lime, and long after the apostolic age, it follows that not only could it not have parried with it the juts divino, which belongs to the spiritual power of the Bishop ol Rome, but that the proof of the existence of the real BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1855. spiritual power would have been weakened bj attempts to prove the right of deposing to be divine. At that time, then—at a time when men were the moat willing to yield aseent to such fpec'.ea of usurpation, as re leased Kings from a bad Emperor, and re lieved subjects from bad Kings—at that lime the divine right was not claimed, and the whole power of deposing rested upon the consent, not merely of the Kings, but of the deposed Princes themselves. But it is charged that Roman Catholics even now admit the right of the Pope to in terfere between subjects and their allegiance and between citizens and their duties to the republic, in some other form, since the pow er to depose Kings is no longer possible. I I deny it. I have denied it for myself, plain ly, clearly, specifically. But in this House, it is said that, though I may be excepted from the general censure of harboring the seeds and means of treason to this govern ment in my breast, and warming them into germination by devotion, yet others are lia ble to the charge, and especially the chutch, the Roman Catholic church itself. But the Roman Catholic church is repre sented by her Bishops, and therefore I turn to the statement of those having the means of knowing, and tne right to make known the doctrines of that church, and ask the at tention of the committee to the following re marks of the Right Rev. Dr. England: ' ' God never gave to St. Peter any lempfl-' | ral power, and authority to depose kings, any authority to interfere with political con cerns. And any rights which his successors might claim, for any of those purposes, must bo derived from some other source. A Ro man Catholic has no further connection with the Pope than that he succeeds St. Peter Peter had none of these rights—as a Roman Catholic, I know nothing of them in the Pope. He is equally a Pope with or with out them." In the early part of my remarks, I took occasion to say what would be my coupe, if, by any remarkable (but really impossible) concurrence of circumstances, the army aud navy oi the Pope should invade the country. Hear now how the Bishop of Charleston sustains my declaration : 'The American Constitution leaves its cit izens in perfect freedom to have whom they please to regulate their spiritual concerns.— But if the Pope were to declare war against America, and any Ilornan Catholic, under the pretext ef spiritual obedience, was to re fuse to oppose this temporal aggressor, he would deserve to lie punished for his refu sal, because he owes to this country to main lain its rights; and spiritual power does not, and cannot, destroy the claim which the government ha upon him. Suppose a cler gyman of England were convicted fur some crime—for instance Dr. D >dd—and he was ordered for execution : must the law be in operative because the criminal is a clerg'y man 7 Think you that no one could be found in a Uoman Catholic country to sen tence, or to execute a sentence, upon a cler gyman who was a criminal ? All history tes tifies to the contrary. So, 100, does all his tory show that, upon the same principle, Catholic kings and princes, and peers and people, have disobeyed improper mandates ol the See of Rome, and have levied and carried on war against Popes, and still con tinued membets of the ehurch."' Mr. Chairman, I have thus shown that I the church, in the middle ages, did not claim fur the l'upe the authority to exercise temporal power over other sovereigns, by Divine right, even when ttie exercise of that authority seemed to be so great a blessing to the people that it would scarcely seem wonderful if the people should have hailed it as of Divine origin. And I have shown that the best writers of the Catholic church, ol later duys, and ol the present century, | have, in like manner, denied that it was part of a Catholic's belief that the Pope posses ses any power to depose Kings, or release subjects, or to violate faith with those who ' are or are not of the Catholic church. I now offer other proof that the church sets up no claim to such power. And before I do it, I may be permitted to say that, in pursuit of information with regard to the Catholic church, it has been my chance to converse with every rank and degree of her hierar chy—Pope, Cardinal, Nuncio, Archbishop, Bishop and Priest, and I never heard one of them claim any such power, and never heard one of them speak upon the subject who did r.ol disavow any belief of its ex istence. The vexed question of governing Ireland, - and of granting to the people of that king dom a part of the lighta enjoyed by the sub jects ol Great Britain, has often led the Brit ish Parliament to inquire into the ohargee made agaiiist Roman Catholics, with refer ence to the asserted right of the Roman Pontiff to interfere with the internal affaira of other governmente. Three propositions were prepared and sent to the laculties of the principal Catholio uni versities in France end Spain; those of the university of Paris, of Douaz, of Louva'tn, of Acala, of Calainanca, and of Valadolid. I give the proposition and abstracts of the sev eral answers. Extracts from the declarations and teati monies of six of the principal .universities ol Europe, on the three following proposi tions, submitted to them at the requsst of Mr. Pitt, by the Catholics of Loadoo, iu 1789: THE PROPOSITIONS. 1. Has the Pope, or Cardinals, or any body of men, or any individual of the Cburch of Rome, any civil authority, power, juris diction, or preeminence whatsoever, within the realm of Englandl | 2. Can the Pore or Cardinals, or any , body of men, or any individual of the Church ! of Rome, absolve or dispense with his Maj esty's subjects from their oath of allegiance, any pretext whatsoever? 3. Is there any principle in the tenets of the Catholic faith by which Catholics are justified in not keeping faith with heretics, or other persons differing from them in reli- ] gious opinions, in any transaction, either of a public or a private nature? These propositions, honorable gefl'lenieti j .will perceive, are skilfully drawn, and cover | the whole ground of dispute; and the an-1 ewer of every University addressed, is spread i at large before the world. Solemn delibera tion was had upon the propositions, from so respectable a source as Mr. Pitt, and all concur in declaring, that no man nor any body of tnen, of the Church of Rome, how ever assembled, has power to interfere with the affairs of other kingdoms. I give the answers. After an introduction, according to the nsucl lorms, the sacred faculty of of Paris, answer the first query bv declar ing : Neither the Pope, nor the Cardinals, nflr any body of men, nor any other person ol j the Church of Rome, hath any civil authori ty, civil power, civil jurisdiction, or civil pre eminence whatsoever in any kingdom, and, consequently, none in the kingdom of Eng land, by reason or virtue of any authority, power, jurisdiction, or preeminence by Di vine institutions inheient in, or grar.led, or j by any other means belonging to the Pope J or the Church of Rome. This doctrine the sacred faculty of divinity of Paris has always | l\e!d, and upon every occasion maintained, and upon every occasion has rigidly pro scribed the contrary doctrines from her i schools. Answer to the second quers the I Pope, nor the Cardinal#, nor and body of I men, nor any peraon of the Church of Rome, | can, by virtue of the keys, absolve or release \ the subjects of the King of England "from j their oath of allegiance. This and the brst query are so intimately connected, that the answer of the first | diately and naturally applied to the second, I bo. Answer to the thinl query. —There ts no te- | net in the Catholic church by which Catho- . lies are justified in not keeping faith with' Fierettcs or those who differ from them in | matters of religion. The tenet that it is law-' ful to break faith with heretics, is so repug nant to common honesty and Itie opinions of Catholics that there is nothing of which those who have defended the Catholic faith against Protestants have complained more j heavily, than the malice and calumny of their adversities in imputing this tenet to them, be., &c. &c. Given; at Parfs, in the general assembly of the Sorbonro, held on Thursday, the elev enth day before the calends of March 1789. Signed in due form. UNIVERSITY OF DOUAY, Jan 5, 1789. At a meeting of the faculty of Divinity of the University of Douay, &c., be- To the first and second queries the sacred lacultv answers : That no power whatsoev er, iu civil or temporal concerns, was given by the Almighty, either to the Pope, the Car dinals, or to the church herself, and, conse. quently, that Kings and sovereigns are not, in temporal concerns, subject, by the ordi nation of God, to any ecclesiastical power whatsoever, neither can their subjects, by any authority granted to the Pope or the Church, from above, be freed from their obe dience, or absolved from their oath of alle giance. This is the doctrine which the Doctors and Professors of Divinity hold and teach in onr schools, and this all the candidates for de grees in Divinity maintain in their public theses, be. To the third question, the sacred faculty answers: That there is no principle of the Catholic faith, by which Catholics are justi fied in not keeping faith with heretics, who differ from thent in religious opinions. On the contrary, it is the unanimous doctrine of Catholics, that the respect due to the name of God so called to witness, requires that the oath be inviolably kept,to whomsoever it is pledged, whether catholic, heretic, or infi dels, be., be. Signed and sealed in due form. UNIVERSITY Of LOU TAIN. The faculty of Divinity at Louvain, having been requested to give her opinion upon the questions above elated, does it with readi ness—but struck with astonishment that such questions should, at the end of this eighteenth century, be proposed to any learn ed body, by inhabitants of a kingdom that glories in the talents and discernment of its natives. The faculty being assembled for the above purpose, it is agreed, with the unanimous assent of all voices, to answer the first and second queries absolutely In the negative. The faculty does not think it incumbent upon her in this place to enter open the proofs of her opinion, or to show how it is supported by passages in the Holy Scriptures, or (lie writings of antiquity. That has alrea dy been done by Bossouet, De Marca, the two Barclays, tioldastus, the Pllhacuses, Ar gentre, Widringtoo, and hie Majesty, King James the First, in his dissertation against Bellarmine, and Du Perron, and by many others, bo. The faculty then proceeds to declare that the sovereign power of the Slate is in no wise, (not even indirectly, as it is termed,) subject to, or dependent upon, any other power, though it be a spiritual power, or even though it be instituted foe eternal sal vation, be. Truth and Right M Couhtry. That oo man, or any assembly oi men, however eminent in dignity and power, not even the whole body ol the Catholic church, though assembled in general council, can, upon any ground or pretence whatsoever, weaken the bond of unton between the sov ereign and the people; (till less can they absolve or free the subjects from their oath' of allegiance. Proceeding to the third question, the said faculty of Divinity (in perfect wonder that such a question should be proposed to her,) .most positively and unequivocally answers: Thai there I* not, and there never has been, among the Catholics, or if? 'he doctrine, of 'he Church of Rome any la'.V of principle j which makes it lawful for Catholics to i break their faith with heretics, or others of a different persuasion from themselves, in matters of religion, either in public or pri vate concerns. The faculty declares the doctrines of the Catholics to be, that the divine and natural law, which it a duly to keep faith and promises, is the same, and is neither shaken nor dimiui.-hed if those with whom the en gagement is made, hold erroneous in mat ters of religion', &c., 4w. Signed in due form, on the 18lh of Novem ber, 1789. UNIVERSITY OF ALCALA. To the first question it is answered : That none of the persons mentionsd in the propo sed questi in, eilher individually or collec tively, in counsel assembled, have any right in civil matters ; but that all civil power, ju risdiction, and pre-eminence, are derived from Inheritance, election, the consent of tiie people, and\'.her suoh titles of thai nature. To the second, it is answered in like man ner : That none of the persons above men tioned have a power to absolve the subjects of his Britannic Majesty from their oaths of allegiance. , To the third question, it is answered:— That the doctrine which would exempt Cath olics from the obligation of keeping faith with heretics, or with any other persons who dissent from them in matters of religion, in steaJ of being an article of Catholic faith, is entirely repugnant to its tenets. Signed in the usual form, M.irch 17, 1789. UNIVERSITY OF SALAMANCA. To the first question, it is answered: That neither Pope nor Cardinals, nor any assem bly or individual of tho Catholic church, have, us much, any civil authority, power, jurisdiction, or pre-eminence in the kingdom ol England. To the second, it is answered: That neith er Pope nor Cardinals, nor any assembly or individual of the Catholic church, can, as such, absolve (he subjects of Great Britain from their oaths of allegiance, or dispense with its obligations. To the third, it is answered : That it is no article of Catholic faith, not to keep faith with heretics, or with persons of any other description, who dissent from them in mat ters of religion. Signed in the usual form, March 7, 1789. UNIVERSITY OF VALI.ADOLID. To llie first question, it is answered: That neiilier Pope, Cardinals, or even a general council, have any civil authority, power, ju risdiction, or creeminence, directly or indi ! reclly, in the kingdom of Great Britain, or over any other kingdom or province in which they possess temporal dominion. To the tecond, it is answered : That neith er Pope nor Cardinals, nor evpn a / general j council, can absolve the subjects of Great Britain from their oaths of allegiance or dis pense with their obligations. I To the third, it is answered: That the obligation of keeping faith is grounded on ' the law of nature, which binds all men eqnal i ly, without respect to their religious opin ions ; and with regard to Catholics it is still more cogent as it is confirmed by the princi ples of their religion. Signed in the usual form, February 17, i 1789. Can anything bo more explicit that the re-! sponses of those Universities f Ought they not to be satisfactory 1 I, perhaps, ought to rest here Layman, Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, J and facully of Divinity sustain my assertion, give a negative response to every query that involved an implication upon the patriotism of Catholics, or an inadmissible claim to in tervention in natural policy by the Catholic 1 Church. So entirely satisfied was the Brilish Parlia ment with these and similar responses, that the different concessions made to Roman Cathclics by that body are mainly d ue to such testimony. And, let it be remembered, that (his was in Great Britain, in a Brilish Parliament, where the members were" of the established church, and also that, without special per mission, no man in that Empire had a right to worship God according to the dictates ok his own conscience, and none, not acknowl edging in the monarch of England (man or woman, King or Queen) both temporal and spiritual sovereignty, could lioldau office un der Government, or sit io the parliament of the nation. We, Mr. Chairman, are legislating for a country where even toleration may f)e deem ed intolerant, where perfect eqnality of rights is the theory of the Government, and where, until now, no or.e has ventured to manifest a hostility lo author's creed, by denying to him the right of national office, and of enjoy ing all the rights which full and perfeel oiti zenship coolers. But the honorable gentleman from Mas sachusetts seems to have provided himself agaiast such proof as 1 have adduced. He admits my fealty to the country, but denies my adherence to the Roman Catholic Church. He admits that France aud Spain hava dis claimed the doctrine against which he speaks and which he imputes to the Roman Catho lic Churoh. France and Spain, the titles of whose manarchs are most Christian end most Catholic. The honorable gentleman surely cannot be ignorant that such Univer sities—great theological colleges as those, are repositories of records of faith, and of the ar guments and decisions concerning them. But let us hear the honorable gentleman : 'Mr. BANKS. I plant myself npon the ground that the Pontiff of Rome has never, in any authoritative form, eo disavowed the right of control the members of the Roman Catholic Cliurch in aecular matters. 1 know the universities of Fiance and Spain have disclaimed .'! to him. So my Catholic friends have discluimcd it lo nlfl. But they have not the right to private opinion, much lees the right to determine the faith of their church. That is the right of Protestant. The Roman Church has never disdained it.' • I pass over the slur about judgment; it is undeserved and might be retaliated. The honorable gentleman then suspecting that Laymen Priests, and Bishops, would declare that the church had no such articles of faith as he imputes, and being informed of the ex istence of those responses of the French and Spanish Universities, throws himself upon the Pope. 'I plant myself,' says he, 'on the ground that the Pontiff of Rome has never, in any aulhoritive form, so disavow ed the right to control the members of the Roman Catholic Church in secular affairs.' Very well. He plants himself on what he calls a (act. Let us proceed Up frotn Lay. man to Priest, from Priest to Bishop, from Bishop to Archbishop, from Archbishop to Universities. These are against the honora ble gentlemen, and, accepting the invitation or challenge of the gentleman from Massa chusetts, let us plant ourselves upon the Pope himself, the Pope and his conclave of Cardi nals. Mr. Chairman, the same circumstances which induced that great statesman, Mr. Pitt, to address the six Catholic Universities, ledrthe Roman Catholic Archbishop of Ire land to addrees the Pope himself on the sub ject, and the answer was as clear and expli cit as those ol the Universities. Solemn de liberation was given in the congregation of Cardinals, and the response was made in the most lormal manner, as declaring the doc trine of the Catholic Church on the subject involved in the question. I copy from an authentic report: 'The Roman Catholic Archbishops of Ire land, at their mealing in Dublin, in 1791, addressed a letter to the Pope, wherein they described the misrepresentations that had been recently published of theiroousecration oath, and the great injury to. the Catholic body arising from tbem. * # * # # 'After duo deliberation at Rome, the con gregation of Cardinals appointed lo superin tend llie ecclesiastical affairs of these king doms, returned an answer (of which the fol lowing is an extract) by the authority and command of his holiness: Most Illustrious and must Reverend Lords and Brothers: ' We perceive from your lata letter, the ! great uneasiness you labor under since the ! publication ol a pamphlet entitled The pres. I eni stute of the Church of Ireland, from which I our detractors have taken to renew ! the old calutnr.y against the Catholic religion ' with increas-d acrimony; namely : that this ) religion is, hj no means, compatible with the I safety of Kings and Republics ; because as they say, the Roman Pontiff being the father and master of all Catholics, and invested with such great authority, that he can free the subject if other kingdoms from their fidelity and oaths of | allegiance to Kings and Princes ; ho has it in his power, they contend, to cause disturb - ance and injure the public tranquility of king doms, with case. We wonder that you could ha uneasy at these complaints, especially , after your most excellent brother and apos tolical fellow laborer, the Archbishop of Cas- 1 fcel, and other strenuous defenders of the I rights of the Holy See, had evidently refuted ar.d explained away these slanderous re proaches in their celebrated writings. In this controversy, a most accurate discrimina tion should be made between the genuine rights of the Apostolical See, and those that | are imputed to it by innovators of this age j for the purpose of calumniating. The See of, Rome never taught that faith is not to be kept • withihe heterodot: that an oath to Kings separ ated from the Catholic communion, can be vio- 1 la/ed : that it is lawful for llie Bishop of Rome to I invade their temporal rights and dominions. We, too consider an attempt or design against; the life of Kings and Princes, even under the j pretext of religion, as a horrid and detestable : crime. 'At the very commencement of the yet in fant Church, blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles, instructing the faithful, exhorted them in these words : Be ye subject to every human creature for God'e take, whether it be to the Kings as excelling, or to governors as sent by him fir the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of the good: for so is the will of God, that by doing well you may silence the ig norance offinlish men. The Catholio Church being directed by these precepts, the most renowned champions of the Christian name replied to the Gentiles, when raging against them, as enemies of the Empire, with furi ous haired: we are constantly prayingfJTar tulion in Apologet, chap. XXX ) that all the Emperors may enjoy long life, quiet government, a loyal household, a brave army, a faithful Sen ate, an honest people, and geneial tranquility. The Bishops of Rome successors of Peter, have not ceased to inoulcate this doctrine, especially to missionaries, lest any ill will should be exalted (gainst the professors of the Catholic faith in the minds of those who are enemies of the Christian name. We pass over the illustrious prools of this fact, proser vod in the records of ancient Roman Pon tiffs, of which yourselves are not ignorant. We think proper, notwithstanding, to remind you of the late admonition of the most wise Pope Benedict XIV., who in his regulations for the English missions, which are likewise applicable to yon, speak thus: The Apostol ic are to take dilligent care that the mission aries behave on all occasions with integrity and decorum, and thus become good models to oihere; and particularly that they be al ways ready to celeDrate the sacred offices, to communicate proper inductions to the people, and to comfort the sick with their assistance; that they, by all means, avoid public assemblies ot idle men and tav erns.' * * * The vicars themselces art particularly charg ed to punish, in suck mannert as they (an but severely, all those who do not speak oj the pub lic government with respect. "England herself car. witness the deep rooted impressions such admonitions have made on ihe'mimW of Catholics. It is well known that, in the late war. which had ex tended to the great part of Ameiica, when most flourishing provinces, inhabited by persons separated from the Catholic church, had pronounced the government of the King of Great Britain, the Province of Canada alone, filled, as it is, almost with innumera ble Catholics, although artfully tempted, and not yet, forgetful of the French Government, remained most faithful in its allegiance lo England. Do you, most excellent prelates, converse frequently on these principles; of ten remind your sufTragrant prelates of litem; when preaching lo your people, exhort them, again and again to honor all men, to love the brotherhood, to fear God, to honor the King." "Those duties ol a Christian are to be cherished in every Kingdom and State, but particularly in your own, of Great Britain and Ireland, where, from the benevolence of a most, wise king, and other mos: excel lent rulers of those Kingdoms, towards Catholics, no cruel and grevious burden is imposed, and Catholics themselves experi ence a mild and gentle Government. If you pursue this of conduct unanimously , it yop act in the spirit ol charity ; if, while you di rect the people to the Lord, you have noth ing in view but the salvation of souls, ad versaries will be ashamed (we repeat it) to caluminate. and will freely acknowledge that the Catholic faith is of heavenly descent, □ad calculated not only to procure a blessed life, but as St. Augustin observes, in his one hundred and thirty eighth letter, addressed to Marcellinus, to promoie the most lasting peace of this earthly city, inas much as n is the safest prop and shield of Kingdom. Lit those who say (the words are those of the holy doctor) that the doctrine of Christ is hostile lo the Republic, produce an army of soldiers as the doctrine of Christ his re• quired ; let them furnish such mhabitants of provinces, such husbands, such wives, such pa rents, such children, such masters, such servants, such Kings, such judges, finally, such payers of debts and collectors of the revenue, as the doc tline of Christ enjoins, and then they may dare to assert that it is inimical lo the Republic— rather not let them hesitate lo acknowledge that it is, when practiced, of great advantage to the Republic. The same holy doctor, and ait the other fathers of the church, with one voice, most clearly demonstrate, by ir.vinoable ar gtimerils, that the whole of this salutary doe- | trine cannot exist in the Catholic society, which is spread and preserved all over the world, by communion with the See of Rome, as a sacred bond of union, divinely connect ing boilt. From our very high esteem Ind affection for you, we earnestly wish that the great God may very long preserve you safe. Farewell. "As your lordship's most affectionate brother." 'L CARDINAL ANTONELLI, Prefect. 'A. ARCHBISHOP or ADEN, Sec. 'Rome, June 23d, 1791. While on the disavowal of the Plfe, I may as well make an addition to assist in the testimony. The following document was drawn up by the Roman Catholic com mittee in Dublin, and published by tbem on the 17;h of March, 1792, after it had been submitted to the archbishops and bishops of Ireland, and received their entire sanction To give it greater weight, the same instru ment was put into the form ot an oalh, retaining, as far as possible, the very words. It was them submitted to the Pope and Car dinals, who solemnly declared that it was consonant to, and expressive of, the Roman Catholic dootrine ; and then it was taken by the Catholio archbishops, bishops, priests, and laity of Ireland. 'We the Catholics of Ireland, in deference to the opinion of many respectable bodies and individuals among our Protestant breth ren, do hereby, in the face of our country, of all Europe, and before God, make this, our deliberate and solemn declaration.' We adjure disavow, and condemn the opinion, that Princes excommunicated by the Pope and councilor by any ecclesiasti cal authority whatsoever, may, therefore, be deposed or murderer by their subjects, or by any other persons. We hold such doc trine in detestation, as wicked and impious; and we declare that we do not believe that either the Pope, with or without the general council, or any prelate or priest, or any ecclesi astical poicer whatever, can absolve the sub jects ol this kingdom, or eny of them, from their allegiance to his Majesty King George 111., who is, by puthority of Parliamont, the lawful King of this realm [Two Dollars per Aunun NUMBER 3. '2. We. injure, condemn, and dele*! •• unchristian aod impioui, the priuciple that it ii lawful to murder, or destroy, or anywise injure any person whatsoever, for or under the pretense of being heretics j and we da. Clara solumnly before God, that we believe no aot in itself unjust, immotal, or wioked, can never be justified or excused by or un der the pretense or color that it waa done either for the good of the church, or in obe dience to uny ecclesiastical power whatso ever. '3 Wa further declare, that we hold it as unchristian and impious principle, tbel 'no faith is to be kept with heretics.' This doctrine we detest end reprobate, not only as oontrary to our religion, but aa destruc tive of morality, or society, and even of com mon honesty ; and it is out firm belief, that an oath made to any person not of tha Cath olic religion, is equally binding as if it wars made to any Cutholio whatsoever. '4. We have been charged with holding, as an article of our belief, that the Pope, with or without a general cout.cil, or that certain ecclesiastical powers, oan acquit or absolve, us before God Irom nur oaths of al legiance, o: even from the just oaths or con tracts entered into between man and man. 'Now we utterly renounce, aojure, and deny that we hold or maintain any sueh belief, as being contrary to the peace and happiness of society, inconsistent with morality, and above all, repugnant to thl true spirit of the Cuthilic religion.' Here, then, is another clear, explicit disa vowal on the part of the Pope and his Car dinals of tho doctrine imputed to the church, and another full and complete response to tho challenge of the gentleman from Massa chusetts. Mr. Chairman,the Homr-n Catholic church neither holds nor inculcates a doctrine of power in its head to interfere in the affairs of temporal Governments, to disturb the monarch, or release the subject. It never has taught that its proiessors were to be in fluenced by its doctrines, to combine against the Government, and Catholic citizens have been us faithful to the Government under which lltey lived na those of any other de nomination of Christians. In this country, Mr. Chuirman, where, by the nature of our institutions, no creed is allowed to be mo lested, and where by conititutional provis ion, no advantage can be allowed the pro fessors of a creed on account of that profes sion, how ui just is it to the public, how cruel to the confesrnrs of a creed, to create and keep alive an excitement which involves in obloquy a large class of citizen* invested with every right that any American citizen can claim, who are able, by their talents, character attainments and patriotism, to do honor to the citizenship which they are not allowed io enjoy. 1 must not be told that 'all the rights of citizenship are open to Catholics, when office is denied.' The man who asserts that, is ignorant of tha first im pulse of republicanism—ignorant, I venture to say, of the strongest motives of his own action. The right of suffrage is connected with the right to office, and the Ireemen's privil ege ol voiinj for the man whom he would elect, would not be worth the exercise, if it did not include the right of presenting him self for voles for any office whose functions aro not beyond his faculties. From a class of citizens, air, in ibis coun try, with any disability not imposed upon others, and you create a dangerous parly in the Common wealth. Inequality of political condition can only be maintained in a Ke public where them is inequality of mind talents, and attainment. Allow to any class in this country tha rights of education, the attainment of wealth, the right of social equality, of suffrage, ar.d it will not be long before that class will demand the boon that freemen seek, and denial will be unsafe. • It is mean, it is cowardly, as well as false, for any man, or set of men, to assert that in combining to exclude all Catholic* from office, they do no more than exarcise the right not to vole for individuals, which is as e'ear as the right to vote for them. Sir if the opposition seen and felt abroad, ami heard here, in this Hall, means any thing more than a miserable, beggardly ap peal to low prejudices, with a view of hold ing office, it means that Catholics ought to be excluded from all offices; and if they are because they are Catholics, ineligible to place, then, those who assert it are bound to change :he Constitution, or openly vio late its provisions. Will (hat be done?— Will they have courage to do it? They must do it to be consistent. They must for bear to be honest—a much mora difficult effort. Will-that be done, and the question of the constitutional rights settled? or shall the Catholto Christian hear himself insulted, as he has been more than once here, with the offensive imputation which I have endeavor ed to refute? Shall the heart of the Ameri can Catholics be wounded with stale rumors —tumors revived for party action—uncred ited tales to their dishonor, or hypothetical charges of concealed treason, which, while it ventures upon no specification, disturb* the public mind, awakens slumbering prej- I udices. sharpens religious animosiliea, and gives occasion for tbej mean, the ignorant, and the vulgar ambitious to rise in power, | by the combination of {their own class with [ those who, failing in other combinationa, hide their disgrace, and avenge their former defeat by stwh association* as make minor ities contemptiola in themselves, and ren der majorities dangctous to the Republio. , Mr. Chairman, or.e more word and I wilt