The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 04, 1855, Image 3

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    J; BMWmwmbiJ-UI.-J.' ii'il"
By ytrtlia cf rmndry writs n( venditioni tt
poinal tl eie will be exposed ;o public sale at
thai >on bouse in Bloomsburg, Ott Monday,
the 6th d .'V of February. 1855, at one o'clock,
in-the atiernotrn, the Tallowing described re
al aate. viz:
All there HX certain tracts of land situate
In Bearer township, Columbia County,
bouqded and described as follows : No. 1
eallea MALBEt!, beelnnirg at 'a post, thenec
by lend* of Jme* MoNeii, north IS jlefredb,
west thus knndred ii forty-two parches n< a
ehesloot oak, ttienoo ay binds of Wm. Gray,
and Wm. Siecdintui, south seventy-tilth: Ji'
a tees west 179 perches to a post, thence by
lands of Jeremiah Jackson,south 12 degrees,
east 410 perches to a post, thence by land*
of Biobard Brook, north 73 degrees east, 73
perobes to a dogwood, north 11 degrees
west, 16 perches to a post, norih 78 decrees,
east 82 perches to a black oak, thence by an
©ld iurvev,'north 12 degrees, west 25 perch
es lo a hickory, and north 32 degrees, east
31 perches to the place of beginning, con
taining Four hundred and twelve and one
halt aeres and allowance of six per cent, for
roads, Ac., on which are erected
Two Lftg Houses and Two Stables,
and about Twenty-Five Acres of cleared
I.Slid.—Another of them called PALMYRA:
Beginning at a post, thence by land of Rob
ert Gray, north twelve degrees, west 410
perches to a post, thence by land of William
Steedman, south 78 degrees, west 160 per
'• ches to a post, thence by land of Jno. Brady,
south, twelve degrees, east 410 perches lo a
new, pit I thence by of John Wild and
Richard Brook, north 78 deuces east, 166
pe'chds to the place of beginning, contain
ing Four hundred snd one Acres and on#
deader a:,J .dbwarwe of 'f pvr cent far
roads, &r—Another ot them catted eI'ONE
HALL, beginning al a post, thence by land
of John Brndy, north twelve degress, west
283 perches to a post, thertco by land of
Chas. Hall, south 78 degrees west, 271 per
ch#* to a chestnut, (hence by land of Catha
rine Lonaenbergcr, utli sixteen degrees
and a quarter, east 276 perches to a stone,
and thence by land* ol Deborah Stewart an i
Thomas Brooks, north 78 degiees, cast 249
perches to lite place of beginning, cot,tain
lug Four Hundred and Tbirly-E'ght Acres
and a half, and allowance of six per cent,
/or roads, &c., be the same more or les*, ort
which are ereoted a
and nl -lit half an acre of cleared land.—
Thee il also a vein of Stone Coal opened on
ihis truoi —Another ol them called FARM
MRS DfcLIGH f; beginning at a post, thence
by land of Win. Vleedtoan, north sixteen de
grees and three quarter*, west 310 perrhes
lo a Spanish tk, thence by litidof Wm.
Webb, south 74 degrees, west 162 perches
to a black oak. thence by land of Thos. Say,
south sixteen degrees, east twenty perches
to * chestnut, thence by land in' Chas. Hall,
south eight negroes and a half, cast three
hundred and sixty-two perches to a post,
thence by land of Jno. Brady, north seventy
eight degree-, past one hundred and thirty
perches to en A*h, north twelve degrees,
west eighty perches to a wttite oak and
north seventy-eig-ht degrees, east fdSh') per
rhes'to the place of beginning, containing
Four hundred ami eighteen Acreß, and al
lowance of ail per-cent. for roads, &c
Another of them called TROY; beginning
at a post, tlierice by land ol Jeremiah Jack
son tiordi twelve degrees, west lour bun
dled and ten perches to a post, thence by
land of W. P Brady, south seven'y-eiglit de
grees, west eifihty perches to a white oak,
south twelve degrees, east eighteen perches
loan ash, south seventy-eight degrees, weal
one hundred and thirty perches to a post,
thence by land of John Reese, south twelve
degrees, east two hundred and i\:y-tbree
perches to a post, iheuco by laud ot I tnirnas
Brook north seven y-ei"ht decrees, past
twenty perches to a chestnut oak, south
twelve degrees, east torty-one petches to a
Black oak, thence by the same and land of I
John Will, north seventy-eight degrees,
east one hundred --ml six perches to a black
oak, south twelve degrees, east twenty-live
perches to a white oak, and north seventy
eight degrees, east eighty perches to the
place ol beginning, containing
Four Littttl red & Twenty-Nino Acres
and a quatler, and allowance of six percent,
lor road:, &c., and lite other of them called
MAINE. beginning at a post, thence by land
of Wm. P. Brady, no'lii eight degrees a: t a
half, west three bundled and sixiy-two per
rhes to a chestnut tree, thence by lands of
Thomas Say & Jsse Bu 'd, south seventy
four degrees, west one hundred and eighty
eight perches lo a post, theiico by land o(
Thomas Bellas, south fiity-five degrees, east
eighty-nine perches to a chestnut oak, thence
by the same ami land of John Loiigenberger,
south one nundtsd and eighty-eight perches
to a chestnut oak, tlienco oy land ol thn said
John Long*:,burger, south seventy-six de
grees and a quarter, west one hundred and
twenty-lour perches lo a post, south sixteen
degrees and a quarter, eest ono hundred and
four perches to a chestnut tree, and thence
by land of John Reese, north sever.ty-eight
degrees, east two hundred and seventy one
perches to the place of beginning, contain
ing three hundred and eighty-one acres and
three quarters, and allowance of six per
cent, for roads. Sot.
Sailed taken in excution and lo be sold
•I the property of J.tcoh Looso.
At the same lime and place, all that cer
tain lot of ground situate in Cenlreville, Cen
tre township, Columbia County, bounded
and described as follows, to wit: On the
north by the main road leading from Blooms
burg to Berwick, or. the cast by lot -ol John
Creaey's heirs, on lire south by lot of Henry
Miller, on the west by an Alley, containing
Eighty-two feet in front and one hundred
and eighty-two feet de-p be the 6ame more
or less, whereon is erecleJ a one and a halt
•tory . >
Frame Dwelling House,
with the appurtenances.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Henry Lowraan.
Al the same time and place, all the de
fendant's interest tit alt that certain lot of
ground, situate in Orangeville, Orange town
ship, Columbia county, containing one third
of an acre be it some more or lest, bounded
on the west by main street of sa ; d town, on
the north by a lot of Adam Sheyner, on the
•aat by lot of Henry Stiner, and on the south
by lot of Alfred Howell, whereon is erected
• two story frame DWELLING HOUSE,
with the appertenencec.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
arty of William Raber.
CONDITIONS OF SAI.V —Ten per cent, of the
purchase money must be paid al the striking
down of the property, and the remainder
in tbe following Thursday morning.
Bloomnburg, Deo. 27, 1854. (
Last Notice.
A LL persons indebted to the undersigned ,
jf\ en old account or note ; are hereby no
tified tor the last lime, that if tbey wish lo
•eve cost®, rbey must make payment at a
very early dale. During the winter he is de
termined that bis old business must be set*
~#D * P ' PETER ENT.
Light Street, Dee. 14, 1854-31.
R&cchante, Yeans, Flora, llcbe, and
the Dancing Girl!
rpEE stove celebrated Statues, together
and sever,,l hundred MAGNIFICENT OIL
PAINTINGS from the collection of prizes
to be distributed among the members ol the
Cusmopolitcn Art Association at the first an
nual di-tribution, in January next.
Oigimfceufor the Encouragement and General
f)'' usion of Literal!* e and the fine Arts
, a new mitt anginal plan.
The Committee oj Macagenaenl have the
pleasure of announcing mat the First Annu
al Distribution will take place on the 30th of
January next! en which occasion there will
be distribnmd or allotted to members sever
al kundr-'d works of Art, among which is
the original ami world-renowned Statue of
the GREEK SLAVE, by Hiram I'owert, cost
ing over fire IhovianJ dollars ! together with
the beautiful Statues of VEN US, BACCHAN
GIRL; and 15 Statuettes in Bronze, imported
from Pati*; also, a large collection ot OIL
PAINTINGS, comprising some of the best
productions of celebrated American,; and
Foreign Artists.
Plan for Ihc Current Year.
The payment of three debars constitutes
any one a member of this Association, and
entitles him lo the Knickerbocker Magazine
for one year, and also a ticket in'the distri
bution ot the Statuary nnd Paintings which
are to be allotted to members in January.
Persons taking five memberships are en
titled to five ot the Magazines one yenr, and
l six tiokets in the dtstrihirtion.
: I'ersotrs, on Aidomnig me-rrhA can- Lave 1
their netnirewOa wife nny v.ontli
thoy choose, and rely on it* being mailed lo
It-em promptly on the first of every month,
direct from New York.
The net proceeds derived from the sale of
rasmlnships are devoted to ins purchase of
Works of Art for the ensuing year.
Rsnks open to receive names at the Etst
ern office, New York, or We-teni office,
The Gallery of Art is located at Sandusky,
(the Western cilice of the Association,)
vrhero superb Granite Buildings have best:
ereoted for it, snd in whose spacious saloons
the splendid collection of Statuary and paint
ings is exhibited.
The ndctriages feared by becoming a
member ot tins Association are—
-Ist. All persons receive the full value of
their subscription at the atari, in the shape of
sterling Magazine Literature.
2d. Each it,ember is contributing toward
purchasing choice Works of Art, which are
to be distributed among themselves, and are
at the same lime encouraging the Artists of
the country disbursing thousands of dullars
through its agency.
Pcsnns remitting fends for membership,
should mark letters, "Registered," and state
the month with which they wih their Mag
azines to commence, and also their post office
address in full on the receipt of whiott, a cer
tificate ot mornheyb:p, together with the
Magazine desired will he'forwarded (a any
part of the country.
Those 'who purchase Magazines al book
stores will observe that by joining this As- 1
sociation. they receive the Magazine and Free
Ticket in the annual distribution, all at the
same price they now pay lor the Magazine
Illustrated Catalogues of the whole collec
tion sent on application, free of charge. _
Office ot the Association, a; Ihc Knick
erbocker Magazine office, 348 Broadway,
New York, and at No. 166 Water Street,
Sandusky. Ohio. Address, (at either office,)
for membership. C L. DERBY,
Deo. 21, 54 -31. Actuary C. A. &L. A.
'l'ltt S-'ursfc' Jlnnrnnl ftr 1 KSj i
Kimitp BY J. L. Darlington, I
Assist ED by a corps ot the Lest practi
cal farmers in Pennsylvania. The stb
volume ol the Farm Journal will commence
January Ist, 1855. Etch number will con
tain 32 or more Super Royal Octavo pages,
printed on superior paper, with new type,
and will be filled with the best i
original and selected, that can be produced.
Tho editor arid bis assistants are determined
to render this the most
and will utterly discard all theories not at- '
tested by practical experience. They have ob
tained the aid of many ot the best farmers
in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and
Maryland, who will give their experience
through its pages.
11.LUSTRA lIONS.-Ench number will con
tain several engravings ot Improved Stock, 1
New Agricultural Implements, Choice Fruit,
T>CC , &C.
'lEßMS—{lnvariable in Advance)
Single copy, SI 00 120 Copies, #l4 00
Five '■ 400 01) •' 40 00
Ten " 750 | 500 " 250 00
The Journal will hureuller, in every case, 1
be discontinued at the end of the period paid
for unless the subscription be previously re
newed. v
PREMIUMS—The success attendant up
on our offer ol premiums lat year induces
us to offer the following premiums for vol
ume fivn:
paid to the person who will procure us the
largest number of subscribers in any county
in the United States, belore the first of Apitl
son who will procure us the second largest
list as above.'
3. FIFTY DOLLARS to the person who
will procure us the 3d largest list as above.
4. 1 WENTY-FiVE DOLLARS to the per
son who will prucure us the fourth largest
list as above.
6. TEN DOLLARS lo the person who will
procure us the filth largest list as above.
4Ultlbtf.—Any person sending us ten
subscribers, at our t'lub rales, will be enti
tled to receive ono copy gratis, or one copy
ot either of the following works, viz:—Buisl
on the Rose, Guenotra Treatise on Milch
Cows, Nt-fill it's Treatise on Milch Co-.vs,
YVaring's Elements of Agriculture, Youatt on
the Pig.
Any person sending us twenty subscribers,
at our Club rates, will be entitled to receive
two copies of the Farm Journal, or one copy
ol any of the following works, viz:—Horti
culturist for 185 a, Johnson's Agricultural
Chemistry, Johnson's Elements of Agricul
tural Chemistry and Geology, Dr. Dadd's
Modern Horse Doctor, Yoaait on the Horse,
Youaft on cattle, Youatt's Shepherds' Own
Book, Thomas' American Fruit Culturist,
Downing'* Fruits of America, Elliott's Fruit
Grower*"' Guide, Fesseuden's Complete Far
mer and Gardener.
Further Inducements.
We have -just made arrangements with
Jas. VICK, Jr., Publisher of the Horticulturist,
which enables us to furnish oue copy of that
elegant work and one copy ot the Farm
Journal for Two Dollars and Fifty cents, and
two copies of the Hortiotilturslist and two ot
the Farm Journal for Four Dollars, and lar
ger numbers at the latter rates.
Specimen numbers sent to all post-paid
Money on all solvent banks, mailed in the
presence of a postmaster, at our risk.
AH orders addressed to the subscribers
will be promptly attended to.
Dec. 28, 1864. West Cheater, Pi.
60,000 GIFTS VALUED AT 860,000.
Tickets $1 each*
Announce" that ho has projected a series of
GIFT CONCERTS, to the patrons of which
he will distribute by lot 60,060 valuable gifts
or premiums.
Tire concert* will be given at Bloomsbutg.
Danville, and such other town* whrne a suf
ficient .lumber of the patrons of the eoter-
Prise rend* The times and places will be
announced in enlistment bills. Each ticket
will entitle thn holder to two admissions to
the concerts, nttd one of the following prizes
or premiums:
One three story Brick Hotel in Bloomsburg,
opposite the Court-house, now occupied by
Ex-Sherifl Billmyer, valued at slo,ouo
One large two-story brick dwelling-honse.lot
and out-bpildings, on Main Street of
Bloomsburg 5,000
Oneuvotlorj brick dwelling*house and lot
on Main Street of Bloomsburg 4 800
One two story brick tlweljing house and lot 1
on Main street of Bloomsburg 3,000
One two story frame dwelling house and lot
on Muin street of Bloomsburg 2 000
One two story frame dwelling house and lot
on Main street of Bloomsburg 1,800
Two two stoiy brutk dwelling houses ort
Centre street of Bloomsburg, each 1,600
One two story frame dwelling house and lot
on Main street of Bloomsburg 1.6"()
One lyvo story frame dwelling house ut:J
lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 1,000
Eight corner lots on Centre street of Blooms
burg, each 8450 8,600
Six middlo lot* on Centra street of Blooms
burg, Cadi ?4<lo 2,409
Two HiKjj 5200 ( 400
Two buggies, each #IBO 360
Two bnagies, each $l7O 340
Ten Gold patent lever watches, #IOO 1.000
Twenty Gold detached lever watches,
each 860 1,200
Twenty Gold cylinder escapement
watches, each #SO 1,000
15 Gold lepinj watches, each #SO 750
50 Silver lever watches, each 825 1,250
50 double barrel shot guns, each #2O 1,000
10 " " " #l6 160
10 Riflns, each 314 140
10 Allen's revolvess, each #l2 120
10 Colt 8 revolvers, each #2O 200
20 paiis pistols each #2 40
1000 Gold pencils, each #3 3,000
1000 Silver pencils and pen holders,
each #2 2,000
2000 Gold pens, each #1 2 000
30000 Engravings each 25c 7,500
25745 I'iecas of Music 3.099
When the tickets are all sold notice will
he given in the public prints for the ticket
holders to meet at some designated time and
place, lo choose a Committee who shall dis
tribute the gifts as the shareholders sh ill de
REFERENCES as to the above property:
William Snyder, Robert F. Clark Esq., R.
B. Menage, R. W. Weaver Esq., or Rob
ert B. Arthur, Bloomsburg, Columbia coun
ty, Pa.
All orders for tiokets must be addressed,
post-p,. J, money enclosed, lo E. Unnngsi,
Bloomsbura, Colombia county Pa , and the
tickets will be promptly forwarded to any
Mr' C. F. Knapp will net a* general cor
responding agent at Bloomsburg for the pro
Bloomsburg, Nov. 22, 1854. —6m.
For 1853.
Twen'y fifth y enr „f *Publication by the same
The ordr Lady's Bonk nr.knnwleded by
the Ladies of this country as worthy of its
for 1855.
It contains 100 pages of reading in every
month's number —not beginning with a large
number of pages in January, and decreas
ing throughout the year. Beautiful steel
plates, Line or Mezzotint in every No.
Godey'a reliable Steel lashion Plates [col
ored. 1 In every number, the only fashion
plates that are considered as authority. Knit
ting, Netting & Embroidering printed in col
ors. Music—two pages monthly. Easy les
sons in Drawing are giver, monthly. Go
dey'a invaluable receipts, worth alone three
dollars a year—for cooking, the toilet, sick
room, nursery, and miscellaneous house
keeping receipts. Diagrams and Plans, with
lull directions for Ladies to cut their own
Patterns for Children's Dresses, both male
and female. Embroidery and Broderia An
glatsc Patternsevr-ry month—a groat variety.
JheNnrsery.—This department is invalua
ble to every Mother.
MODEL COTAGES.—great attention paid
to this department.
A most excellent article for Ihe preserva
tion and beautifying of this most valuable
ornament to both sexes. Undoubted receipts
model cottages, model cottage Furniture,
patterns tor window curtains, music, crochet
work, knitting, netting, patchwork, crochet
flower work, hair braiding, ribbbon work,
coneille work, lace collar wotk, children's
and infant s clothes, caps, chemisetts, bon
nets, cloaks, evening dresses, fancy arti
cles, head dresses, hair dressing, bridal dres
ses, mantillas, riding habits morning and ev
ening dresses, cloaks, talmas, robes dt> chant
bre, capes and cloaks ol lur in season—in
fine, everything that can interest a lady, will
find its appropriate place in her own book.
REMEAIBKR that the lady's book has al
ways given 6leel engravings, and throughout
the year, not publishing them in January
and February numbers, and then omitting
them. In the Lady's Book alone yon receive
what no other two three magazines can fur
nish yon with.
This is another scries of articles peculiar
to this magazine. Every one of these arti
cles is illustrated with RI least eight or ten
of the finen wood engravings. This depart
ment is very interesting, conveying inhuma
tion in an agreeable form, suitable for ladies
and gentlemen, that cannot be obtained else
The expense of one number of Ihe Lady's
Book, including steel engraving and literary
matter, paid for, not taken from English Ma
gazines, far exceeds that of any other Maga
zine published in this country. We mukn
no exoepliou, and are willing to have the
fact tested.
One copy one year. .... #3
Two copies one year, or one copy two y'r. 5
Fivo copies one year, and extra copy to
the person sending the club, 10
Eight copies one year, 15
Eleven copies one year, 2U
tW Godey'a (Lady's Book and Arthur's
Home Magazine will both be sent one year
for #3,50. To insure what you order being
certainly sent, Address
No. 113 Chestnut Street, l'hila.
* # # Specimens sent if desired.
PUKHON'S digest.
A NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur
•™chase a coDy of Purdon's Digest, can be
accommodated by applying, at be this
■ii—ll. i .mir; .Mi. . ! ji-iLoUBii
Fait and Winter
HAVE just received and nened a new
lot of Fall and winter gA)d, to which
we invite the attention of purchasers. A
moug their
sVo black and fancy black and
chtntgaaMir Alptfon*, da .I*l% . Ilerinnes,
Mous. de Bege, nowWKme", plain, floured
and changeable Poplins v calicoes, ging
hams, gloves, hosiery. 4*' 1 -> fcc.
such as fine blnck and brown French cldtbs,
black Doeskin and fancy Cassimers, satin
and fancy Vesting*, black & Italian fancy
Cravats, Suspenders, GloVes; Sic.
A large assortment of Men's and Boys'
hats and caps, embracing every style and
quality Also, a large and varied assortment
of Parasols and Rib bone.
Bleached & unbleached
Muslin, Checks, Tickings, Jeans, Drills, Ta
ble-diaper, Bagging, Toweling, Table-lin
ens, &e.
HUOTSIf SHOES —A large assortment
ol Men's, Women's & Children's Boots and
Shoes, Jenny Ltnd & buskin Shees at very
low prices.
Colored and white Carpet Chain.
GROCERIES. — ; A large assortment of
Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses,
Rice, Teas, &c., &o.
The attention ot all who., wish good bar
gains in solicited, for to pur
chasers will be ofTarwl. ' C
Blonmsburg, OctobSb, 89,1854.
For Youth or ?u>tlt Sexes.
nil nißGßss, irxi,.
THIS Institution whichjjb** been in sue
cesslul operation for iveral years has
ecenlly been enlarged to |Jfvß better accom
modations for boarders at Increased facili
ties for Tuition, &c.
The School year will
and vacation will occur duoß July and part
of August, but pupils taken at any
Instruction is given irtjall the English
branches usually taught. Natural Philosophy"
and Astronomy will be illustrated by appro
priate apparatus and acces* ifven to a Li
brary and the use of Malhemniioal instru
ments Books and Stahwtiry will bo pro
vided tor all who desire. ~*
TUITION, 84, 84 and 95 rtjtifjaarter, graded
by the coarse of
Boarding 81 60 t Board, Tuition
washing, lights, &0., 941 pi fijuarier; or 840
for two quarters, if oite half is paid in ad
For further particulars address the princi
pot. |
Millville. Nov. 1, 1854.
Eitale cj Abruhcm Ktitz, dec'J.
THE creditors and alt other persons inter
ested in the ostate of Abraham Klotz,
late of Bloom township in the county of Co
lumbia deceased, are hereby notified that
the undersigned has been •ippointed Audi
tor by tlio Orphans' Court ct said county, to
set lie and adjust the rale and proportions of
the assets in the hands of William G. Hur
ley the Executor of the decedent to and n->
mong the reeper'ire o- Jiiors according
to the order established by law, that ho will
attend at at his office in Bloomsburg on Sat
urday the 20th day of January A. D. 1855,
to perfoim the duties of his appointment.
All persons having claims against the estate
of the decedent are requested to present
them to the at the time and place aforesaid,
or be or be debarred from coming in lor a
share of such elfects or Innd.
Bloomsbnrg Dec. 14, JBs4—tf
Public Sale of Real Estate.
THERE will be sold at public sale opon
tho.premises on Friday, the 26th day
ot Jsmmvy 1855, at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon. the following real estate: —A tract cf
imptoved lain! in Fiehingcreek township,
Columbia county now occupied by Russej
Shultz, adjoining lands of John Allegar*
James N. Jone and Abraham Bobbins, con
taining 220 Acres and 63 perches, Hunting
don Creek divides the tract, and lha parts
on each side of the creek will be first offer
ed at sale seperate'y, and if hot sn sold,
then as one tract. There is a two and a half
story framo dwelling house, a bank barn, a
and outbuildings of value on the premises,
and a never failing well near the house.—
About 96 acres are cleared land, and the
rest timbered with pine and oak.
On Saturday theilth of Jmnary, 1855; at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, on the premises, a
tract of unimproved land on the State Road
about one mile from Columbus, in Fishing
croek township, containing 13 Actos and 65
perches, on which are a two story
a frame barn, a frame shoemaker shop, and
there is in excellent spring apd spring-house
near the dwelling. The property is that
which was the late resideit-o ol Samuel
on Saturday the 21 th of Jawtiry 1835, at one
o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, a
vacant town lol_ of one fourth a
ere in New Columbus, on Which is and ex
cellent well of water.
BP" The properly will bo sold as the es
tate of Samuel Besler deceased,by oider of
hia will.
Fishingcreek, Col. Co., Deo. 7l| 1854.
TM'OTICE is hereby given that letters of
ill administration upon the eslale of Will
iam Btown, late ol Scott uwnslip, Colum
bia oounty deceased, have been granted to
the undersigned residing in sloomeburg.
All persons indebted to said dtcedent are
requested to make payment wijbout delay,
and those having accounts auaintt the eslale
to present them for payment to
Bloomsburg, Dec. 16th, 1854.-—BC
All persona are hereby Janlloned against
purchasing a note of hand lorn me in favor
of Geddee & Marsh for Thirty Five Dollars,
dated about the first of h|aroh 1853, and
payable two years alter date. I have good
and legal defence to the note, and will avail
myself of it. The contracl on which the
note was given has not been kept by the
person to whom the note was given.
Banlon township, Deo. 16th, 1854.—-St. i
■' -I—UJ I IIIL ■! 't
sxscgrire C2SOD
HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandize fur Fall and Winter sales,
which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST asscrlmnr.l now
offered in thih;TOlVN! Having paid great attention to the selection of limir entire stock,
as to price ana quality, they Hattei Uieirtselves that they can compete with tb'e cheapest,
and all buy cheap, can save money by givlpg ns a call We have all
kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the Wants of thd People. A very large lot of
French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, param'etta cloths,
mohair lustres, muslin de lain**, Persian clollia, Ginghams, Calicoes, ft.'.
WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS. Slaves". Collar-, SpenrWs, handkerchiefs,
flouncing., bands and trimming** taco* and edging., boen'til pbbo ni, Ui Urge variety, vel
vet ribbons, and braids, kid,foilon, and lisle thread gloves, mohair tnttts, ho ,
All kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay Stain, Watervdle, black silk, clshraerey Embrodpf
ml, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassiiucrs, aatiiiietts, vesting** Hvetad,-;
jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &.
We have a large assortment ol Hats and Caps of latest fashion.. We have also Hard
ware, Qneenswaro, Cedartvare, &c. Very cheap carpels, carpet baa*, floor, table and car
riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslin* flannels, tickings, diaper., toweling*,
drillings. &0., in abundance.
We invite our friends and the public generally to give u. a call before purchasing el e
where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by
anybody, or the rest of mankind.
Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855.
fyiflrmrinm fTHnorwifl fPttngtm <£&
In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on hand a iarge and
full asaortmetil of
of nil sorts and sizes, that the present enligh'ened age knows any thing about. Of Pants
and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped
and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, bnfl, rasimere, mnrseilles, linen and worsted of all fash
ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also line white, figured and
striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kind, of gentle
man's dress goods ; Huts, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; anil
ES2I3 a&aaasgs
' They have Undersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigaletls, Gloves, Mitts. Ladies'a bead hgl
Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions each as Rings, Breast pins, Gold and i
Silver Pons end Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Porimonies, Spectacles, Knives
Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons.
BT Remember the chenp store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court housA
Bloomsburg, May 18th 1854. S. DREIFUSS, & Co.
Now Fall and Winter Clothing.
INVITES attenlion to his stock 6f cheap and fashionale ylothing at his store oo Market
street, two doors above the "American House," whete he has a full assortment of men
and boy's wearing apparel, including
Box. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors shad
stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves suspends
and fancy articles. '
N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in
the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, ai:d most of it is of home manufac
| Blonm.bnrg, May 16:h 185-l-3m.
No. 26 South Fourth street, have on hand
a large assortment ot PATENT SALAMAN
Bank Vaults aod Iron Doors for Banks and
Gentlemen:—We take mnch pleasure in rec- I
ommemling your FIRE PROOF SAFES to |
merchants and others, who may desire to
purchase, with a view to the preservation of
their Booh'B and other vnluables. The Safe
we purchased of you, end manufactured by
Evaws & Watson, of Philadelphia, Pa., |
remained in the fire at the burning of our :
store until the entire slock was consumed,!
the heal being intense, as you may suppose |
as there were about seventy barrels of liquor :
in the store, besides some seventy thousand
pounds of rags and ropes, and other articles
of a highly combustible nature. We had I
the Sale opened af:er lha fire had ceased 1
and found our books arid papers preserved in I
perfect order. No. 116 Light street wharf. |
Please send as another of vonr best Safes, ]
of the same size, for our future use, and o
R. VV. W. Isaac,
No. 91 Light slfeet wharf, Baltimore
Biltimohe, MD., Muy 17, 1854.
Messrs E. &. T. Faikbanks & Co.—Gen
tleman :—lt gives us much pleasure lo bear
testimony to the excellenco of your Fire
Proof Safes. The one I'purchased of yon,
manufactured by Messers. Evans & Wat
son, Philadelphia, Pa., saved my books and
valuable papers, when everything else in
(he house was destroyed by fire, on the
morning of the 14th ins', at No. 116 Light
street wharf. B. F. Wilms.
Baltimoue Mo;, May 17, 1854.
Patent Slate Refrigerators, Seal and Letter
Copying Presses, Fairbanks' Platform and
Counter Scales.
Sole Agency for Bulterworth's. Beltley's,
Yales' and Jones' Patent Powder Proof Bank
Below are the names of a few gentlemen
and Public Institutors who have our Sales,
in use. Hundreds more can be given :
Farmers & Mechanics Batik Philadelphia
12 Safes;
U. S. Mint, " "
U. w, Aisenal, five Safes California 3 in
Slate Treasurer Trenton, N. J.
Penn'a. R. H, Co., Phila'd. 2 Safes.
Philadelphia Wilmington & Baltimore R.
R. Co., Philadelphia.
Locust Mountain Coal & Iron Co , "
Coal Run Improvement & R. R. Co., "
Bell Garretson & Co. Bankers, Hunting
don, Pa ,
Bell, Smith & Co., Bankers, Johnstown
Brvan, Gardner. Alloona, Po.
Geti.tA H. Wilson, Huntingdon, Pa.
McKelvy, Neal & Co.; hloomsbuigt "
Geo. Weaver, do
Caleb Barton. do "
Philadelphia, Augnst 31 1854-ty.
NOTICE is hereby given lo creditots and
all persons interested, that the under
signed Auditor appointed by the Orphan'e
Court of Columbia county to marshal! the
assets and distribute the fund in the hands
of John Savage and Jeremiah Stiles jr. Ad
ministrators of Jeremiah Stiles, late of Ben
ton township, deceased, will attend to the
duties of his appointment at his office in
Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 2?th day of
Januafy neAR when and where all persons
having clainVS to the said fund must present
them or be hereafter debarred from coming
in for any share or part thereof.
Bloomsburg, Dec. 21st 1854.
IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard
ware for sale by
1 Sa*©SM&SB;
A CKNOWLEDGED by the lu'Rhoj* meJi
! cal authorities of Philadelpbin. incompar'
ably superior to any other in U( . P . Sufferers
will bo gratified lo learn that the occasion now
offers 10 ptocure not only the 'lightestand moat
easy,' but as durable a Truss as any other, in
' lieu of tbecuinhroua and uncomfortable article
usually sold. There in no dilßcultjr attending
. the lilting, rnrd when tte pad is located, it will
retain Us position without change.
| Persons at a distance unable to call on the
Suhneriber can have the Truss sent lo any ad
dress. or by lemitting Five Dollars for the single
liuua or Ten for the double-wi,h measure
I > he hipa, and staling side affected. It
, will be exchanged lo suit if not fitting by re
i turning it at orice, unsoiled
■ For dale by the Importer.
j Cur. 1 irelftk If Race Streets , Philadelphia.
I CP" LAMES, requiring the benefit of Me
chanical Supports, owing to tlio derangement of
| the Internal Organs, inducing Falling of the
: anomb. Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous
| tied "Jpinal Weakness, are informed that a com
| patent and.evporiencej I.ADY will oe in attend
! Wee at the Ko-nfte (set apart for tboir exclusive
use,, No, 114, i welfil, St,, lal door below
June 27, 1854 —ly.
tw frrrs
■h a' ri''
Cattnwissa , WiHuimspart and Erie Railroad
81 hours between Philadelphia
and Milton.
ON and after Monday, Sepl. 25th, and
until extension to Williamspon, pass
enger trains will bo run every day (Sundays
excepted) as follows :
Leaving Milion at II A. M., connecting
With Reading Rail Road, nt Port Clinton, ar
riving at Philadelphia ai 7 30, P. M.
Leaving Philadelphia, ftl 7 30, A. M.; ar
rive at Milton at 4 30 P. M.
A Freight Train will leave Milion, on
Monday, Wednesday & Friday, and Port
Clinton on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
of each week.
Freight is carried to and from Pliladelphia
without transhipment, from Reading Rail
Road Freight Depot vomer of liroad ami
Cherry streets.
Sept. 28, 1854—tf.
Mils Is UROVE!
THE subscriber has refitted his Oriel-
Mill at Mill Grove, near Light Street,
Columbia county, and is ready the do any
and all kinds of grinding. He has three
run of stones, and the Mill will work to gen
era-1 satisfaction. A competent miller has
has charge of the establishment, and the
patronage of the public is respectfully so
Mill Grove, Sept. 9, 1854.
TVOIICE is hereby given that letters ol
L* administration upon tbo estate of Dan- ,
iel Mosteller, lale of Maine township, Col
umbia county deceased, have been granted
lo the undersigned residing in Mifflin town
ship, Columbia county. All persons indebt
ed to the estate ate requested lo make pay
ment without delay, and those having ac- |
counts, to present them for settlement to ,
Administrator. |
Mifflin twp. Oof. 19 1854. 61. ,
ment on Main street, next building above
he Court-house.
By the hundred for sale at this office.
Now in its fifth volume, and havinz aimed*
reached a afruyhilfoji of over 80.0(H)—a
newspaper hf tho largesT - ttlas*,-.
litsy-six spacious cofnmus, tilled with the
current nw* from efl parts of the
lairge uinoonl Of literary and soientißp whi
ter, Hank Note I.iat ami-Price Currenr, .iliu
si a new ami vuluabls feature, each nufiv
Her will fieraafier contain two beautiful!) en -
graved portraits of distinguished individuals,
is published oit the first of each month *>r
J M. Emerson & Co., I. 3, 5, and 7 Spruce
streat, New York at tho unprecedented low
price ol twenty -five cents a year, A valua
ble premium hook is sent In each psfeprj
getting up a club, ami inaddition the foHow
tog rich premiums amounting to over
will, on the 25th day o( May, 1855, be a
warded to the twenty-six persons forwarding
between now and that lime the twenty-si*
highest numbers of subscribers in iheir or-' >
The first premium, in money |2bo
The second premium, a sewing ma
chine worth 120
The fonrlh premium, a gold watch
wor'.n 100
The filth and sixth f each a gold watch '
worth - 59
The next ten, each a silver watch
worth 10
The next twenty, each, such books at
lltey shall apioct, at publishers 1 pri
ces, worth (0
Containing 32 large qtturlo pages, tinted
covers, on fine paper, p'rofuoely ami elegant
ly illustrated, is published oil the 15)1) of
each month otitic law price of one dollar it
year. A splendid premium is sent to tach
person getting up a club, and in addition
is to he awarded in the 289 persons sending
the largest number of subscribers. Fur flirt
ther par ieulafs see specimen copy of the.
Magazine, which will be Sent on receipt of
six cents, ur specimen copy of the Journal
wbiuii will Ih sent gratia to any one order
ing it. Address
No- 1 Sptuce si.
New York.
To Newspapers giving this one or mord
insertions, and lending us a marked copy t
of the paper oontaimfig it, we will send
both publications one year.
193 Market Street, three doors below F\fth,
0 F.SPECTFULLY announce to the Pro
lession ami Students at Luw, (bet they
keep always on hand a well selected stock
01 LAW Books, comprising the best Treati
ses extant in every department of law, wbioh
rhey will sell sell as cheap, if not cheaper;
thar. any other house in this city or New
York. Being the publishers of several val
uable works, they are possessed df stioh tu
ctlitieß in obtaining their stock as )<j enable
Ihetn to sell their books at very lev prices,
KAY & BROTHER have the agency for
the sale of Harris' Ptnusylvatua State Re
ports, tor the eastern counties of the Slate.
1. Purdon's Digest of the Laws of Penn
sylvania, Irom 1700 to 1863, by
Stroud and Brightly, new and Btn edi
tion, in one convenient volume, Bvo.
Price 45.00.
2. Sergeant & Rawle's Supreme Court
Reports, t7 vols.
3. Penrose & Watt's Supreme Court R#-
porss, 3 vols.
4. Watts' do do 10 vole.
5. " & Sergeants' do do 9 vol*;
(I. Harris' State Reports, 8 vols
7. Brightly's Nisi l'rius Reports, 1 vol.
8. Miles' Reports of the District Court
Philadelphia, 2 vols. ' •' ' '
9. Baldwins' U. S. Circuit Coutl Reports,
1 vol.
10. Chief Justice Marshall's Ci'cuit Curto
Decisions, 2 vols.
11. Sergeant on the Land Laws, of Penn'ai
I vol. '
12. Sergeant On Foreign Attachtbeut in
Pen n'a, 1 vol.
13 Sergeant on the Lien LaW of PeatiV
1 vol.
14. Duane on the Law of Landlord & Ten
ant, 1 vol.
15. Duane on tho Road LaWs in Penn'4.
t vol.
10. Brightly ort the Law of Costs, I vol.
17. Cray don's Forms—new' and 4th edi
tion, I vol.
18. Hobd on the Law of F.xeoutors, 1 voir
19. Roberts' Digest of British statu'es in
force in Pennsylvania—2d edition.
1 vol.
20. Smith & Reed's Laws of Pennsylvania,
commencing 14th Oct. 1700, lOvols—
Tnu Bth, 9th and 10th volumes soli!
21. Pamphlet Laws.—ThO OortlplntO acts
of the Gnneral Assembly of Pennsyl
vania, from the year 1800 to the pres
ent time. in 41 vols. Complete sets;
of tho Pamphlet Laws are very scarce.
52. Wharton's American Criminal Law
and 2d edition, 1 vol.
23. Whartou's Precedent* Indictments,
1 vol.
24. Morris tin the Law of Rdpldvin lit the
United States, 1 vol.
25. Binns' Justice—-new nnd sth edition,
1852 —By F. C. Brightly vol.
20. Trouhat on tbe Law of Limited Part
nership in the United States, 1 vol.
27. Tronbat and Halvs*"Practice, new and
third edition In 2 thick volumes 8
vo, of over 1700 pages.
28. Briglnly.'s Purdon's Annual Digest fot
1854, price 50 cents.
Whatlon and Sulla's American Medical Ju
risprudence. 1 vol. royal 8 vo.
Wharton on the American Law ot Homi
cide, with Reports of Cases, 1 vol.
royal Bvo.
Burton's Compendium or the Law of Real
Properly, with copious American An
notations, 1 vol, royal Bvo.
A new Digest of tho Laws of the United
Stales, on the plan of Pnrdou's Di
gest of 1853, I vol. imperial 8 vo.
Sergeants' Mechanics' Lieu Law, new edi
The Pennsylvania Form Book
W Sea Kay & Brother's Catalogue of
Law Publications lor particulars:
W Orders or letters of inquiry rom the
country promptly attended to
August 17|h. 1854.—1y
NOTICE is hereby given that letterstesta
mei'iary upon the estate of John Creasy,
late ef MiHliu township, Columbia county,
deceased, have been granted to the under,
signed residing in Mifiimville. AH person*
having accounts against the estate are re
quested to present them to him for nettlo
nient, and those indebted to Ibe decedent te
make paymeul without delay to
Mifllinville, Nov. Bth, 1854.—6w.
IJ( TA BLE CUTLERY—A Splenditf'iuwe
-* ment reoeived and now on hand it