The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, January 04, 1855, Image 1
THE STAR OE THE NORTH. K W Weaver Proprietor.] VOLUME 6. *ERHAM'3"THIRD GIFT KIVTEKPKCISF. *6O 000 Tickets air curly Sold. . CAUL FOR FINAL Wass Ittefling of Shareholder!, To determine on Iha ditpesiton of iho GIFT PROPERTY to the SHAREHOLDERS Al a meeting ot ihe Shareholder* in Per ham's Third Gi r l Enterprise, held on Ihe 27th of July, the following resolution was adop ted : "Resolved :—That eo eoon as it is ascer tained that 80,000 of the Gift Tickets issued by Mi. Perham in his third enternrie, are •old, lira Committee shall call the ahsrehol- - data together al the most convenient place, for the purpose of instructing raid Commit tee in regard to the manner of disposing of the Gift Property. Having learned from Mr Perham that 60,- 1)00 of said tikets were sold, and that in all probability the remaining 20,000 called fur oy the above resoltrion, would be sold by the first day of January next, we hare de termined in nccm- fanco with the above opin ion, to call a MASS MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS, el some place to he hereafter named, on the |7th da) of Janua rf, 1855, for ilia purpose designated by the t resolution ROBERT BEATTYJa, ) J. LATHROP, J COMMUTES, B. S. ADAMS, \ W 100,000 Tickets Only at it dollar Eish will be told. Each Ticket will admit Four Per earn all al once, or portions at different times *> PERIIAM'S BURLESQUE OPERA HOUSE, 663 Broadway, New York. Or to hi* other Entertainments in various parts of the country. Each purchaser of one of these tickets will receive a certificate entitling litem to one hare in 109.00(1 Cost ly and Valuable Gifts • a list of which has already been publisher!. Persons can ob tain the same in circular form, by addruss ing a note to the proprietor. sow's THE TIKE TO RCECWLSE TICKETS. In order that the 100,000 Ticlmls may ho disposed ot try the time specified, the sub storibsrr offers the following inducements for ftersoas to get cp Clubs. Each person who gets up a rktb often •übscritters, and forwards ten dollars to this office, will receive by Mail or other Convey, •oces, Eleven Tickets. Each person who sends fat one time) one hundred.dultars, will have sent in like man ter One Hundred and Fifteen Tickets. And for all larger sums in exam proportion. If rt"sbotild happen that all the Pickets are •eld when the order is received, the money TviUlie returned at our expense for postage. OP" All orders lor tickets should be ad dressed to. JOSIAH PERHAM, 663 Broadway, N Y. %• My Fourth Enterprise will be advertised as soon as the third one is closed. The tick ets sra already printed. Nov. 30th 1851—7 w. Scries for 5835. THE HOMTjOURNAL. MORRIS AND WILLS, EDITORS. Tho first number of the new series will be issued on the first of Jminurv next. New subscribers cart be supplied from that rlatp; but immediate application will be necessary for such as desire to begin with the beginning. A home is hardly complete; we think we my safely venture to say, with out the Ilome Journal, which, besides being a chronicle of the times, abounds in intelli- ? designed to enliven an American lome. Its editors (Coo. P. Morr ; s and N. I*. Willis) devote their entire time, skill and experience, to the task of giving, each week, everything worth knowing. They particularly "keep an pye on all tho whims and novelties of the day The utmost pains are taken to present the facts ami outlines of all newt. In the literary department, we aim al sketches and readable criticism, and In our condensations of the productions ot the vast newspaper world of Euro**, we en deavour to avoid the tiresome ann the local, and transfer to our columns the piok of Eng lish information and brilliancy, while we en deavour to select with a true sense of pure morals, true wit, and geunine humour. In addition to the above, we have made new new arrangement* for a feature that is al ways attractive in Ihe family jottrnal. From several different sources we are to be snp-_ plied with the newa and gossip of New-York Society. In a metropolis like ours, centre the mere sparkling elements of the life of nur country at large, and cnlii-ion and at trition bring out much which would else be dormant. Afloat, in society gossip, is a small world,of which the ordinny newspa pers make no report, and of this we think wa can promise amusing pholographaps. In announcing also, his usual editorial labors, wa olainr. the priviieg of leaving them to de signate their own style and title as thuy ap pear. They arc to be quite different from anything which has ever been published in this journalfrom his pen, and, we are very sure that they will be no less attractive, to say the least. The graphic and highly-finished sketches, by ''The Lady of Shallot," "Tim othy Quaint" aud others, will be continued. Wa have also new correspondents in Lon don and Paris, who will send us much that could never reach us through foreign journ als. TERMS — For one copy, 82, for three co pies, 85; or lor one copy lor three years, 85 —always in advance. Sub/ctibe without daisy. Address MOIiIUS & WILLIS, 197 Fulton street New-York. Hew York, Nov. 9th 1854. J. STEWART DEPUY, , A T 223 North Second Street, below •ra-Callowhill, Philadelphia ; has on band a splendid assortment o( Velvet, Tapestry, Brussels, Three Play, Ingrain § ana Venitlan CARPETS: besides Drug- 2 Mts, Canton and Cocoa Mattings, *** so WINDOW SHADES, Door Malls, Floot O fc and Table OIL CLOTHS, Stair Rods, § C Hearth Rugs, ha. Also, Ihe same at 3 < hie other Store, corner of Bth and > V Spring Garden h, under the Spring ' Garden House, —Wholesale and Re tail- April 13th 1854.-6tn Drawer goods, Spotted Swiss. Bog Jaconett Mull, Cambric, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslin just receiv ed al Ike Store of AJEKDEaVHALL k MENSCH BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1855. TIIE STAR OP TIIE NORTH, / published every Thursday Morning, by K. W. WEAVER, OttlCE—Upstairs, in the new brick building on the south side of Main street, third square below Market. TERMS: —Two Dollars per annum,if paid within six mouths from the time of sub scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for n less period than six months: no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTisEMENTsnoI exceeding one square will be inserted three times for one dollar, and twenty-five cent* for each ndditionnl in sertion. A liheral discount will he made to those who Tdverlise by the year. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Slootttsbttrg. $a- DAVID LOREXBERG, CLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two liners above tire 'American House." SIMON DREIFUSS, & Co. CLOTHING STORE in the 'Exchange Block,' opposite the Court house. EVANS & APPLEMAN. MERCHANTS. —Store on :he upper part of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. 8. C- SHITE, rnf ANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE.—Warerooirr in Slave's Block, on Main Street. A. 51. RI'PERT, rpiNNF.R AND STOVF, DEALER A Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. JOSEPH SWAHTZ. TjQOKSELLER. Store in the Exchange ' ' Block, first door above the Exchange Hotel. BI'KELVY, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS. —Northeast corner of Mian and Market streets. JOHN 8. STERNER. MERCHANT. —Store Oil South side of Main Street, second square below Mar ket. SHIRPLESS & MELICK, FOUNDERS AND MACHINF-STS. Build ingnon the alley-bet ween the "Exchange and "American House." R. W- WEAVER. ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on the first floor of the "Star" Building, on ain street. BARNARD RUPERT, TAILOR. —Shap on the South Side of Main Street, first square below Market. SIEXDEXUALL & MENSCII, MERCHANTS. —Store Nortli West corner of Main arid Market Streets. HIRAM C. lIOWER, DENTIST—Office near the ® Academy on Third Street. BISABY & EAGLE HOTEL, No. 130 North Third Street, nbove PHILADELPHIA. SAMUEL A. BKADV. , GEORGE H. BROWS . [June Bth 1854—1y. SHEETS & SELTZERS' WHOLESALE WHSJE & ZUIQGrOIB Sff ©EJEj, IVo. Q33IV. Tlird St., ftdjSjKjjO) (Above Callowltill,) luTSSjaZ. PHILADELPHIA, A GENERAL ASSORTMETOF RRANDIE6, WINEB, CORDIaI S, And Liquors of every description : . K. SHEETZ. P. P. SELTZER JOHN WOODSIDES Agent. BOOKS! JOSEI'II SWAKTZ HAS just opened a new lot of Books. Cap, letter aod note paper, porloiios kc., which he will sell at the lowest prices at the B;oom*biira Book Store. He ha* tfie Stand ard School Book ', anil a variety of the most desirable his'Ortcal, religions, scien.ific pub lications of the day. He has also a stock of the U3CDS33 &yaD<XOIIS3. Bltnk Looks, Bibles, and Religious work*. A number of GOOD f-IOLINS, a stock of jewelry; and an assortment of canes, lam (is, lops, perfumery, confectione ries, knick knacks and notions for sale. CP* He will furnish at short notice any work that may be desired and ordered. Bloomsburg, October 15th 1854. Fancy Paper, Ecvelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. 4te an be found at the oheap Book atore of JOSEPH SWARTZ, FANCY GOODS, of every description and anriety, new styles, and fresh from New York avd Philadelphia, lor sale at the cheap store M'KELVY, NEAL & CQ BOOTS, Shoes and ready made clothing cheap for caslt by MEN DENHALL & MENSCH. ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For tale at the ekeap store of EVANS, k APPLEMAN. The Carrier'* Address, TO TIIE PATRONS OF THE STAR OF THE NORTH," g FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY, JAN. I, 1855 I Hail to the New Year's dawning light, Season of festive, gay delight— ,t Of merry joy and transport wild, t- To man and maid, to youth and child : ° Hail to tho new hopes of all hearts, * Hail to the new life that imparls p A brighter laslrs to each eye, . And to each ohee|t a ruddier dye, - That nerves and cheats throughout the eartth 0 The arm of valor and of worth— The spirit that each true heart thrill* As if together knit, and (fills Etch with one generous impulse mora, Such as it oft has felt belore, To act as if lite had an dim Aud immortality a claim- To act as if the soidtd dust And sick ling appetite of lust Was tint ihe end uf life and earth, But as if virtue, honor, worth, And purity were links to bind Man'a nature with lha angelio kiud. II The hopes and hearts of all the world Beat for the banners now unfurled Where Islam's son aud Russian tetf Sodden with life-blood the cold turf, And seek the foeman's fate and grave In contest worthy of ll.e brave- Such as the gallant and the bold Waged in the fierce crusades of old, When Gallic fire and Britain's pride Mot Moslem's host, a serried tide. * And now, as then, religious zeal Serves as tire basis for appeal To murdrous art and demon fight As atbiier 'tween wrong and right. But in this bloody, robbet fray J A hand above still rules the day, And moulds the fate of war and peace To spread the light and still increase The little band who've lung toiled on, , ! Through adverse fate and battle* won For Freedom and the Rights of Man, i As only Freedom's children can Battle and toil through weal and woe f With heart that tears no mortal foe. • The sluggish blood of Islam's sons Now wurmer swells, and swifter runs, ' Since a new spirit flies their hearts And to (he veins new life imparts. Their land is open to the creed ' Of Christian men; and to the seed Of Western arts; and these will bring A harvest rich upon llie wir.g Of future years, that shall restore : Htiugaria to her strength once more, ' And call those exiled children home, Worthy the parentage of Rome, Those on whose brow the King of Kings 1 Had stamped, as not of earihly things, The signet manliness should be " The seal of Lis nobility. And Poland with her true and brave Shall master yet the Russian slave, . And Russian despot in his lair Shall tremble yet wi'h deeper care, When Freedom's hunters shall pursue With arms all strong and hearts all true, Not to Sevastopol alone, But to St. Peter's lon of stone— His home, as icy as his heatl, And yet as sure to melt and part Beneath the blows that once must fall In his own household to appal, • As is the SLOW on mountain side To sink into the ebbing tide. The baule now is as to which Of despots shall grnw fastest rich, A war of greedy heirs to steal ) From dying man hi* worldly weal; , And until these destroy each other The cause which makes each man a brothel Can bava no interest in the fray But must abide a better day. 111 The times are aadly ont of joint 11 When rogues ran daily make their point In splendid swindles such as fill - The public prints and minds, until Integrity is out of date, And only he seems truly great Who.forges, steals or runs away; And it seems stupid now to pay An honest debt in promised lime, Or to keep finger out of crime. Now Railroad lords and barbera call Their creditors together all, And from Sir John to Harry Jown ' Ask an "extension" from the towo : While foplings with more beard than brain* Swell largely on ill-gotten gains ; i- And 'tis most lucky now to know Quite nothing, as elections show, And easier far 'tis to excite f Fiaternal love for black than wbile. . Too many try to live by wit Who have no stock to make a hit, y Or try to live in indolence On otheis earnings, with no sense _ Of shame, nor of aught else but pride To sneer at labor and deride p The hand that earns thair daily bread And luxuries from foot to bead. . Know-Nothings try to close the door d Of heaven on the Irish poor k And all else but themselves alone, s Forgetting they may yet atone For this their narrow bigot zeal By being made too late to feel ® They're closed it quite too tight to find An entrance for tbeir narrow roiod. a But let Time roll the years, As hope each new one obeer*: Trath and Right God and Ring cut the year of sntrow, And u-her in to-morrow The year of joy and trulhfni love. The daw* of peaoe, that from above Shall light and warm the liean* of men As nothing can of mortal ken. Ring out the years of crime ; Ring in the merry time: Ring out the years of shame ; Ring in the years to claim Far man bis glorious birth— ! His heritsgeof worth. Ring oat the thousand years Of selfish doubis and fear* ; Ring in the thousand other* For tho univese of brotheit; And, good sir, let the rMMDsutftoMffi Of your bright dimes For my rhymes To me—to you a HAPPtflHHpir Thrashing thesMgHH^B Yankee Pedlers have been famous for and being "done," and though the rnay come out "right side in a while the forces of them that they are I "In the course of find new style antipodean or cotemporary with the ington—there happened of the Old Ray State, Jewell, who, one day traps ar.d started off South, of ihe Mississippi, order for various inventions—to a farming-mill, at the village of Helena, A rkansas. Now it happßßpMWft llie very day that Mr. Jewell fellow had been arrested and placed in the old log to re ceiving the penalty of fence. The jail being being no parole a'la horseguards to protect it, and the prisoner having * tinge of Jack Shep pard blood in his veins managed to escape and of course flaw by night after the man ner of the witches in Macbeth. The con sequence was that when the sheriff went the next morning, in aii the dignity of of ficial pride, to administer the punishment, he was both surprised and iudignant to find his man non est invenus I "Ah, this won'l do," said the dignitary biting his lip and looking poigriards, at the under sheriff—a carroty headed deputy, with a pumpkin-colored beard of about a week's growth. "We must set spies about for him, and have him re-apprehended." Scouts were immediately dispatched on all sides, all of whom had seen the man on trial and knew his face, and as the sheriff's indignity was hugely "lis," there orders were uncompromisingly stringent. Now, it happened from some strange and unfortunate circumstances, that the newly arrived Yankee Pedler was the very image —the regular "Corsican Brother"—the "Sia mese Twin" of the fugitive culprit, and as he was buttering a pancake at breakfast tha next rooming, a large strong man with an official griu tapping him gently on the shoul der. " Wal," said the Yankee, "what's the rows neow, eh V "Want you mister," was the brief reply. "Yees—du you, want met la'poseyou've hearn of my haveing cum tue teown with i my everlastin and all anortin inventions.— You'r wide awake, I see for curaing afore any one else." "Curse your inventions," said the official. "The sheriff wants to see you immediately. You thought to escape, did yout" "Sheriff—escape ! Luke n'here critter, what on arth due yeou mean J" "Mean, for you to come along with me, without another word." And so saying he dragged the Pedler out of the room. | On the way he learned the crcumetances of the arrest, and though he protested and awore he was not the man, the likeness was 100 strong for belief, the Sheriff advised him for the good of his country and the honor of his friends, if he had any, not to tell such 'dreadful lies,' but to submit to the punish | ment. The consequence wa*, he was tied to the J whipping pott, and the sheriff prepared to render in the dreariest manner the infliction. "Now, before I begin, old fellow," said the sheriff, "what have you got to say." "Oh nothing in particular," said tha Ped ler, laughing with a meaning cirve of the lip—"only if you can afford tue pay for lux uries, mister, go ahead!" The sheriff, not comprehending the drift of this business-like observation, kpplied the scourge, and at every out the Yaakee laugh ed with immoderate glee. Lash succeeded lash, and still be laughed, " ind anil the wonder grew." Woen the fiftieth lash had been well laid on, as the parting salute, the sheriff in a flood of wondetnent threw down the whip and asked him the reason of his mirth. ' I'm regularly dumb founded,' said he. 1 What in the devil's name make* you laugh sol' ' Laugh! Why who could help it,' fairly roared the Yankee. ' I'm laughing tua think heow you've been sacked in on this opera tion—/ ain't the man /" He said this so | meaningly thai the sheriff began to think that there must be a mistake somewhere.— J The Yankee continned — ' It strikes me that business _ in my fine is going tue be rather dull in this town, and if there's any law tue be had, I'll (peculate on this licking, and see if I can't turn it to some account. I'm always ot>en for trade mister, if you wish to compromise,—for remember, you've licked Ihe wrong mm I" tar Country. Meeting ol the State committee. There was quite a full attendance of the members of the Democratic State Commit toe in 'Philadelphia on the 26ih insl., and the proceedings were conducted with spirit and unanimity. The meeting of the Com mittee will, no doubt, produce the happiest results. Mr. BONHASI presided, and E, B. CHAPE, of Susquehanna, acted as Secretary pro tern. After a full and free interchange of opinion in relation to the present position and duties ol the Democratic party, the fol lowing resolutions aod address ware unani mously adopted: Resolved, That the immutable truths em bodied in our principles, which have been faithfully and successfully carried out by the Democratic party, and by which the glory, honor, and prosperity ol the country have been upheld and secured, forbid and pre clude the possibility of our making any trea ty with error, or forming alliances for the sake of expediency, or temporary party tri umphs. Resolved, That the allegations against the Democratic party ol using influences to ob tain the votes of naturalized citizen*, and of favoritism toward* them in the distribution 1 of offices, are unfounded and unjust; —that while there has been no proscription on ac count of religion or birthplace,—no negation of constitutionally guaranteed privileges,— there has not been any deviation from the principle of justice that regards equally the rights of every citizen. ' Resolved. That our faith in the great fun damental Democratic doctrine has not been diminished by the fortuitous combination of ■ circumstance* that occasioned the defeat of the Democratic party in this Slate confident ly believing that the people will perceive in the first attempt to incorporate into our sys tem of covernment principles and measures inimical to the rights of any, the beginning of a policy dangerous to the rights of all. Resolved, That the idea that the old issues on which the Democratic party triumphed, have been abandoned by our opponents and are obsolete, is false and deceptive—all ex perience proving that on the acquisition of power by our adversaries, they seek to over throw the Democratic and substitute the an tagonistic policy. Resolved. Tha'l as the battle of Demncracj is a battle for measures, not men—principles 1 not place—the defeat of their candidates produces no evils or discouragements,ex • cept so far as it may enable their opponents i for a lime to carty out obnoxious measures; i and being fully awsre ot this truth, a sense i of duty and patriotism will constrain them with unrelated zeal to advocate, and with unabated vigilance to gnard, those principles of government to which the country is in debted for its unexampled growth and pros perity- Resolved, That a State Convention of the ' Democratic citizens of this Commonwealth, composed of a number equal to the Senators and Representatives of the General Assem bly, to l>s selected in tha usual way in the respective Representatives and Senatorial Districts of the Slate, be held al Harrisburg, on the Fourth day of July, A. D., 1855, to nominate a suitable person for the office of Canal Commissioner, transacl such business and adopt such measures as the exigencies of the times may seem to demand. To Ihe I'eople of I'enusylvrtnla- Fellow Citizens :—The State Committee of the Democratic party have thought proper t address you briefly on the present aspect of public adults, A full conference with one anothei, and a careful review of the facts connected with the late election, bave satisfied us that we have nothing to fear in Ihe luture. The conslitntion of the country is not yet under the feet of those who would trample upon it. The civil rights o r our citizens are not yet overthrown. The Democracy has weatheied a storm, and rode it out in tri umph. We have encountered many an enemy, but never one that did not in due lime tali before us. We are armed from head to foot in all Ihe strength of a just cause, and truth has thrown her broad shield over us. We stand up as we have ever stood for equal laws and equal rights; for that liberty of conscience which the Constitution guarantees to all men; and fighting for such principles as these, we are and must continue to be invincible. The idea that the American people will ever de liberately consent to see the great doctrines for which their fathers fought and died in the revolution, overthrown for the sake of giving office to a few politicians, is simply preposterous. If any true Democrat sees any thing to fear in the signs of the times, let him add to his faith courage. The good sense, the honesty and love of jusfjee, which characterize the publio mind, will scalier the present combination of adverse element* to the wind. In a very ahoit time the De mocracy will be stronger than ever. We can aflord to go into a minority for a season, and then emerge, as we shall do, with brighter hopes and prospeota for the future. We will soon teach anew, and in a manner more impressive than ever the lesson so of ten read and so fully known and understood, that the policy and principles of the demo cratic party can alone make tba institutions of a free country safe. Remember thai the democracy has com pletely quelled its most dangerous enemies. The political superstition* and greedy infat uations which threatened to put the industry , of the people under the dominion ol bank : i rig and manufacturing capital, are almost i entirely wxtirpaled. The party that advocated 1 those dangerous dootrinee, with so much ' energy, talent end boldness, and with which ' we straggled for wveniy-five years, has been crushed to death in lite folds of a new or ganization, that has not a single element in it to give Strength or endurance. Its secrccv is calculated to give it temporary success, but that very feature will insure its spee-Jy and fins! repudiation. The party that has beaten Federalism in so many shapes will not be conquered by an enemy which avows no political principles at all, or which is ashamed to make that avowal publicly nnd in the face of the people. The Eagle will not be hawked at and brought down by the mousing owl. We regard the defeat of Governor Bigler as a great misfortune to the State, and tve feel sura that history will so record it. Nev ertheless, let us give the measures of his successor a fair and impartial consideration. The tree will be known by it* fruits. 1( he bol dly uses the veto against the corrupt influence i of incorporated wealth ; if he duel not prosti tute the prerogative of the pardoning power to the use of his political friends, if he econ omises the public treasure ; if he keeps the oath which he tikes at his inauguration, and disregards that which he took in Ihe Know- Knothing Lodge, on the 15th of June last, al the corner of Ninth and Arch streets, in this city, we will be bound to confess that his administration is a belter thing than we hoped. But, on the other hand, the influ ence of his office shall bo lent out to the evil purposes of bad men—if he stirs up re ligioui bigotry and strife among the people— I it he squanders the money of the lax payer, or dispoils the Commonwealth of her public works, without adequate consideration—if he acknowledges the sworn obligations he owes to his subterranean party for services rendered in his election, as being more bind ing than the fealty ho owes to the Constitution —then be is entitled to no forbearance—his name will become a hissing and a by-word, and the short period of his power will be re membered hereafter as we remember the blights and mill-dews, the limes of famine and drought and potato-rot, whn all the years of plenty and prosperity are forgotten. We ask you, fellow-cilizeos, to consider and reflect carefully upon the political topics which the pcesent condition of things sug gest. Our opponents work in secret. They prefer darkness ra'her than light. They have no principles which they are not ashamed to discuss. But the Democracy rely on a fear less, frank, and full avowal of their senti. inenta. The contrast between such a course and that of a party which shrinks from all public investigation, is alone sufficient to give the Democracy an enviable moral su periority which must in every short lime se cure them the political asceedercy among a people so marked by the manly virtues of truth and boldness, as aro the freemen of Pennsylvania. J. ELLIS BOMIAM, E. B. CHASE, Sec'y. Chairman. Philada, Dec. 86, 1851. The Territory of NeoXbo- Where is the territory of Neosho ? is quite a question very likely lb be asked by our readers just at this time. The following statement in answer to the question, we gather from an article in the New York Evening Post of Friday last, iast ) • A bill was reported near the close of the last session of Congress, by It. W. Robinson, a Senator from Arkansas, for the organiza tion of a new territory between the 34th and *l7lh degrees of latitude, and the 94th and 100 degrees of longitude—a tract of about 43,000,000 acres lying-between the Red riv er of Louisiana and the southern boundary of Kansas—to be called Neosho. This terri tory is about two hundred mile* long from north to south, and about tour hundred from east to west, and covers an atea larger than the Stale ot Ohio aod New Jersey. The climate corresponds with that of east Ten nesse; one of the finest climates in the' world ; aod the soil is like that of southern Kansas, equally fertile and better supplied with wood and water. The country is at present outside of any territorial organiza tion, aod has been allotted by a succession of treaties to the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminolq Indians, whp num ber about sixty thousand souls. The Indians are all slaveholders. A tew years since, tha Creeks held about four hundred slaves, and the entire negro popu lation of the five tribes is estimated at about two thousand. The Choctaws and Cherokee* call all men abolitionists who teach their elaves to read and write, and have forbidden their mission aries from perpetrating any such misdemean ors within their bordets. The territorial bill, ai framed by Mr. Joltm son, come ins several singular provisions.— Ha proposed :o organise the territory of Cherokee, including the country held by the Chetokees, of Muskogee, or the Creek and Seminole district ; and of Cbahta, including the cession* to tha Choctaws, Chickasaw* — three territories, to be controlled, as at pre*, ent, by the Indians themselves, while the payment of salaries and other civil expenses is mads a burthen upon Ihe treasury of ths United Slates ; that nothing in the constitu tion ''shall be eo construed as to change, alter, or impair the constitution or laws, or the customs or usages having the force of law, of either of said nations of In dians;" that no white men, or other Indians, shall be allowed to settle or trespass on any of said lands, east of (be one hundreth par allel of west longitude, without the consent of the legislature of the proper territory, and in pursuanoe of laws by it enacted; that *ll the free oitizans of the said several nations, to wit: the Cherokees, Creeks, Seminoles, Choctaw* and Chickasaw*, resident, or hereafter coming into and settling in said [Two Dollars per NUMBER territories, being of Indian, or Irulioh am! white Mood, shall, when the act takes effect ee to each nation respectively, itcomt and 6* citizens of [he "United States', and the conatitu* Hon of the United States shad have the sune force and effect witbfn the said territories at elsewhere within the U. Slates—and also 4 province that each territory may be Vepre aented in Congress by a delegate. t"rom BitA.ieUs Reporter. The rtch iu tbe United Stalest VANE SONS. Mr. Chamber* of the E.Jinbhrg Journal, who reconly paid a visit to the United States, has written a series of arliclesdeicriptite oif the scenes and incidents of hi* journey From one 61 tbe latest we copy the follow ing passages; "Tbe persons id America who seeffi trt ma to merit compassion most, were not the poor, for of these there are not many, except in a few large cities, those who are to be pitied, are the rich. Obtaining wealth by a course of successful industry ; it would ap pear as if there was no other means of spen ding it than renring splendid mansions, And furnishing them in a style ofOriental and thereafter living in gorgeous msgntfl cenee, like the p.ince-merchents of Genoa id the pan time of Italian glory. So far ak the actual founders of fortunes are concern ed, there is, perhaps, little to discommend in all this j but it was disagreeably pressed on my notice that the sons of these million aires, born to do nothing but to lire on their fathers earnings, wers much lobe pitied. It: New York, there ware seen lounging a bonl idly in the parlors and bar rooms of Ibb hotels, worn out tvith dissipation, and tbh nightly victims of gambling houso*, of which there are a number in Broadway on a scale of matchless splendour. Among the vice* they have lately thought Gt to introduee, is the picture, now obsolete in England, for encouraging professional pugilism, the exer i cite of which bccasoonally leads to serious affrays. "In Grkal Bri'ain, As we All kno-r, a con ; ainerable part of the fortunes realized in trad* is expended in the purchase *f land, and ef fecting rural improvements of various kinds, the country, by such means, becoming A useful engine of depletion to the town; but in America, land convejs no honor, and is not bought except as a temporary invest ment, or a source of livelihood. Wealthy men, theiefore, would have nothing to look lor in the rural life beyond the pleasure of a villa ; so far as I could learn, they do not even go that length, but consume their means for the most part, in the more seductive but not very refining enjoyment of the city; With few exceptions, therefore, families of any note, do not conticuo in adluence mora than one or two generations. An 'old family' in America, must ever be a kind of miracle. The principle which seems lo be laid down is, that family distinction is adverse lo dem ocratic institutions; and that, consequently; each generation ought to be feft to shift for itself: a philosophic rule, no doubt, but wtich, like many other maxims, is not with* out particulsr difficulties. There is much truth in the foregoing. The sons of the rich are seldom long lived in the United Slates. Some sad illustrations could be pointed out in Philadelphia, There are) it is true, exceptions, but in a general sense, the remarks of the Scottish traveller are founded on truth. "The fathers toil, and the sons waste." Some of the former disfigured by narrowness, niggardliness and meanness, while too often the latter squander their pat rimony in idleness, profligacy and extrava gance. They ure unfitted by their course of life, for .the possession of wealth. They cannot appreciate itsvHlue, and will not em ploy it judiciously. But expetience teaches wisdom, and as we grow older as a nation) we shall become wiser. Gambling appears to be the vice of every new and orospar ous country. The favors of fortune tempi to indulgenoe. Witness California. We are assured that even those who toil toe hardest in the gold mines, are often among the ear liest and most daring at the gambling table. But, while adverting to the strictures of Mr. Chambers, we may notice another et ror'on the part of the rich men ill this coun try. They postpone the distribution of theif fortunes until after their decease, and mean' while (hoy keep their chiidrrn in a condi tion of utter dependence, and when wealth does come, tbey are maddened by the audi den prosperity, and rush into every excess. A large fortune under such circumstances, is apt to prove a cursei The nature that has been restrained so long, burst forth intd unwonted fury, expenditure* are made ill the most lavish spirit) and with consequen ces truly deplorable. Why should not the abundantly rich distribute tome of their sur plus means while they yei live ? Tbey would thus have an opportunity of discover' ir.g the tastes and habits of their offspring, and of ascertaining their ability to raaiat temptation, ft indeed may be well quef tioned. whether a large fortune left to tha young, and without any restraint whatever, will prove a blessing or advantage. The difficulty is that of self control and self re straint. When a young man is thrown up on the world with idle or irregular habits, with abnndant means, and hence without the necessity of pursuing any occupation, tba chances are ten to one that he will fallet and fail. He at onoe becomes an object of pursuit for the mercenary sharper, autd'ft IS' indeed rare that ha is able to withstand the fascinations ot the gambling table, the race' I course, the wine cup and many kiodred di= I sipationr 4