The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, December 14, 1854, Image 3
GOOEY'S LADY BOOK | i'or f. Twenty-fifth year rtf Publication by the aarrfe Publisher. Tbe only Lady's Book acknowledged by the Toadies of this couiilry as worthy of its name. PRINCIPAL POINTS OF ATTRACTION for 1855. It contains 100 pages of reading in every month's number—not beginning with a large number of pages ir. January, and decreas ing throughout the year. Beamifu! steel plates. I .ino or Mezzotint in every No. Godey's reliable Steel fashion Plates [col ored.l In every number, the fashion plates that are considered as authority. Knit ling, Netting & Embroidering primed in col ors. Music—two pages monthly. Easy les sons in Drawing are giver, monthly. Go dey'a invaluable receipts, worth alone three dollars a conking, the toilet, sick room, nursery, and miscellaneous house keeping receipts. Diagrams and Plans, .with full directiuns for Ladies to cut their own dresses. Patterns for Children's Dresses, both male and female. Embroidery and Broderie Act glatse Patterns every month—a great variety. 'lhaNnrsery.—This department is invalua ble lo every Mother. MODEL COTAGES.—great attention paid lo this department. A TREATISE ON THE HAIR. A most excellent article for the preserva tion and beautifying of ih.s most valuable -ornament to both Sexes. Undoubted rcceip ts model cottages, model co'.la; e Furniture, patterns tor window curtains, music, crocl.ei work, knitting, netting, patchwork, crochet flower work, hair braiding, ribbbon work, 1 coneille tvoik, lace collar work, children's and infant's dollies, caps, cliemieclts, bon neis, cloaks, evening dresses, fancy arti cles, head dresses, hair dressing,.hriibil dres ses, mantillas, riding habits morning and ev ening dresses, cloaks, talmas, robes du cliam bre, capes arid cloaks of fur in season—in fine, everything that can interest a Ituly, will lind its appropriate place in her own bonk. REMEMBER that ine lady's book has al ways given steel engravings, and throughout the year, not publishing them in January and February numbers, and then omitting them. In the Lady's Book alouo you receive what no other two three magazines can fur nish you with. EVERYDAY ACTUALI'IIES This is another series of articles peculiar to this magazine. Every one of these arti cles is illustrated with at least eight or ten of the finetl wood engravings. This depart ment is very interesting, conveying informa tion in an agreeable form, sutable for ladies and gentlemen, that cannot Ve obtained else where. The expense of one number of the T.ndy's Book., itrelud-ing steel engraving an I literary matter, paid for, not taken from English Ma gazines, faT exceeds that of any oilier Maga zine published in this country. We make no exception, and are willing to have the fact tested. TERMS, • • One copy ore year. - - - - $3 Two copies one year, or one copy two y'r. 5 Five copies one year, and extra copy lo the person sending the club, 10 Eight copies one jear, 15 •Eleven copies one year, 29 Or Godey's [Lady's Book and Arthur's •■Horns Magazine will boih bo sent one year Tor $3,50. To insure what you order leing certainly sent, Address L. A. GODEV, No. 113 Chestnut Street, l'bila. *# # Specimens sent if desired. SPLENDID OFFERS. THE UNITED STATES JOURNAL, Now in its fifth volume, and having already teached a circulation of ova*—a newspaper ol the largest class, containing fifty-six spacious columns, filled with the current news from all parts of the world, a large aiooiMit of literary nod scientific mal lei, Bank Note List and Price Current, nmi | at a new and valuable feature, each :;um w ber will contain two beautifully eu ■ graved portraits of distinguished individuals, r Js published on the first of each month by J M. Emerson & Co., I, 3, 5, an J 7 Spruce •treat, New York at the unprecedented low price el twenty-five cents a year. A valua ble premium book is sent to each person getting up a club, and in addition the follow in'g rich premiums amounting to over $l,OOO will, on the 25th day of May, 1855, be a warded to the twenty-six persons forwarding between now and thai lime ihe twenty-six highest numbets ol subscribers in their or der. The first premium, in money $2OO The second premium, a sewing ma chine worth 120 The fourlh premium, a gold watch worth ioo The fifth and sixth, each a gold watch worth 50 The next ten, each a silver watch worth 20 1 The next twenty, each, suoh books as they shall select, at publishers' pri ces, worth JO IHE UNITED STATES MAGAZINE. Containing 32 large quarto pages, tinted covers, on fine paper, profusely and elegant ly illustrated, is published on the 15th of each month at the law price of one dollar a year. A splendid premium is sent to each .person getting up a club, and in addition $3,000 ■is to be awarded to the 239 persons "ending the largest number of subscribers. For fur ther particulars see specimen copy of the Magazine, which will be sent on receipt of six cents, or specimen copy of the Journal wbieh will be sent gratis to any one order ing it. Address J. M EMERSON & Co., No. 1 Spruce st. New York. To Newspapers giving this one or more insertions, and sending us a marked copy, of ihe paper containing wo w '" send both publications one year. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. is hereby given that letters of I.M administration upon the estate of Chris tian Hess, late ef Benton township, Colum bia county deceased, have been granted to Ihe undersigned residing in Fairmoun*. town ship, Lnzetne county. All persons having accounts agoiost the decedent are requested lo present them for settlement, and those in debted to tbe estate to make payment with out delay to JOSHUA N. HESS, Administrator. Cambra,, Oct. 19, 1854, if. BLANKS! BLANKS!! BLANKS!!! DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBFtENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, dopar and deairable forms, fo' sale at the fo $• af the ">tar of the North.'J •• - | GRAND GIFT ENTERPRISE AND CONCERTS. 60.000 GIF IS VALUED AT 660,000. Tickets $1 each* E. UNANGST Announces that he has projected n series of GIFT CONCERTS, to the patrons of which he will distribute by lot 00,000 valuable gifis or premiums. The concerts will be given at Bloomsburg, Danville, and such other tuwns where a suf ficient .lumber of the patrons of tbe enier priso reside. The times and places will be announced in subsequent bills. Each ticket will entitle the holder lot .vo admissions to the concerts, and one of tbe fulluwiug prizes or premiums: One three story Brick Hotel in Bloomsburg, opposite the Court-house, now occupied by Ex-Sheriff Billmyer, valued at $lO,OOO Gne large two-story brick dwelling-house,lot and oul-buildmge, on Main Street of Bloomsburg 5,000 One two (lory brick dwelling house and lot on Main Street of Bloomsburg 4,800 One two story brick dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 3,000 One two story frame dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 2,000 One two story frame dwelling house and lot j on Main street of Bloomi-burg 1,300 Two iwo stoty brick dwelling houses on Centre street of Bloomsburg, each 1,600 Ono two story frame dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 1,6')0 One Iwo story frame dwelling house ar.d lot on Main slreet of Bloomsburg 1,000 Eight corner lois on Centre street of Blooms burg. each $l5O 8,600 Six middle lot" on Cenlre street of Blooms burg, end) $4OO 2,409 Two buggies, each $2OO 405 Two buggies, each #lBO 4a Two buggies, each $l7O 340 Ten Gold paienl lever watches, $lOO 1,000 Twenty Gpld detached lever watches, each $6O 1,200 Twenty Gold cylinder escapement watches, each #5O 1 000 15 Gold lepin) watches, each $5O 750 00 Silver lever watches, each $25 1,250 50 double barrel shot gun?, each $2O 1,000 10 " " 518 160 10 Rifles, each $l4 140 10 Allen's revolvess, each $l2 120 10 Colt s revolvers, each $2O 200 20 paits |UStol each $2 40 1000 Gold pencils, each $3 3,000 1000 Silver pencils and pen holders, each $2 - 2,000 j 2000 Gold pens, each $1 2 000 | 30000 Engravings each 25c 7,500 | 23745 l'ieoes of Mu*ic 3 099 When the tickets are all sold notice will be given m the public prints for the ticket holder" to meet ut vnms designated time and place, to choose a Committee who shall dis ribute the gifts as the shareholders shall de termine. REFERENCES a to the above proper!;: William Snyder, Robert F. Clark Esq , It. B. Jlenagh, R. VV. Weaver E-q., or Rob ert B. Arthur, Blooinjburg, Columbia coun ty. Pa- All orders for tickets mut be addressed, post-paid, money enclosed, to E. Unangsi, Bloomsburg, Columbia county Pa., and the ) tickets will be promptly forwarded to any add re.-s. Mr' C. V. Knapp will act as general cor responding aguni at Bloomsburg for the pro r.retor. E. UNANGST. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22, 1854.—6rn. GREENWOOD BEMINARY AT AULLVILLE. COLUMBIA CO.. PA. For Youth ol" hoth Sexes. WH BIKUC. S, PKIXCIPAL. fTIHIS Institution which has been lit suc- I JL cessfnl operation for several yoars has ec enlly been enlarged lo give better accom modation" for boarders and increased facili ties for Tuition, &c. The School year will consist of 44 weeks and vacation w ill occur during July and part of August, but pupils will be taken at any season. Instruction is given in all the English branches usually taught. Natural Philosophy end Astronomy will bo illustrated by appro priate apparatus and access given lo a Li brary and the use of Mathematical instru ments. Books and Stationery will be pro vided for all who desire. ifiamsESo TUITION, C 3, $4 and $5 per quarter, graded by the course of study. Boarding #1 50 per week. Board, Tuition washing, lights, &u.,-$2l per quarter; or $4O for two quarters, if one half is paid in ad vance. For further particulars address the princi pal. Millville, Nov. I, 1851. | Front Street Wire .liaiiutuclury. WATSON & COX, | Sieve, Riddle, Screen ff Wire Cloth Afanufactw i. ers. No. 46 NORTH FRONT STRICT, ) Corner of Comb's Alley, between Market and Mulburry (Arch) Streets. PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURE of superior quality, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds, Bruss and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Ma kers, &e. Cylinders and Rolls cov ered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Braes and Iron Fou'nders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal atid Sand Screens, &c. Fancy Wire Works of every description. August 10, 1854-3rn. - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE? NOTICE is hereby given that letters testn mentary upon the estate of John Creasy, lute ef Mifflin township. Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing in Mifilinville. All persons having accounts against the estate are re quested to present them to hint for settle ment, and those indebted to ihe decedent lo make payment without delay to SAMUEL CREASY, Executor. Mifllintrille, Nov. Bth, 1854.—Gw. THOMAS BUTLE~RT^ No. 7 South Seventh Street, . PHILADELPHIA ; Manufacturer of strong Tinware, Copper, Tin and Zino Burning Tubs, Bathing Pans, and every kind of batning apparatus. AI - o deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention given to ordered work, and goods carefully forwarded on orders. Philadelphia, August 17th, 1854, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters ot administration upon the estate of Dan iel MosteUer, late of Maine township, Col umbia county deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Mifilitt town ship, Columuia county. All persons indebt ed to tbo estate are requested to make pay ment without delay, and those having ac counts, to present them for settlement lo A ARON HOSTELLER, Administrator. Mifflin twp. Oct. 19 1854, 6t. ( 7 bqoks! JOSEPH SW ARTZ HAS just opened a new lot of Bonks, Cap, letter and noie paper, porfolios &c., which ha will sell at the lowest prices at the Blonmsbnrg Book Store. Ho has the Stand ard School Books, and a variety of the most > desirable religious, scientific pub- I lications of the day. He has also a slock of , the £BoDS3<i S^TaD-tar^llss. Blank Looks, Bibles, aud Religious works. A nun ber of QUOD VIOLINS, a stock of jewelry; and an nssnrtinent of , canes, lamps, tops, perfumery, eonfecliona riea, knick knacks and notions for sale, i C#* He w ill furnish" at short notice any work dial may be desired and ordered. Bloomsburg, October 13th 1854. A NEW (ASSORTMENT OF Fall and Winter GOODS. MEXBEMIALL <s■ MEXSfII HAVE just received and opened a new lot of Fall and winter goods, to which we iaviie the attention of purchasers. A inong their LADIES' DRESS GOODS, are blask and fancy Silks, black and changeable Alpacas, de Laities, Merinoes, Mous. de BOge, Bombazines, plain, figured and changeable Poplins, calicoes, ging hams, gloves, hosiery, ffc., &c. GENTLE MENS' DRESS GOODS, such as fine black and brown French cloths, black Doeskin and fancy Cassimers, satin and fancy Vesting#, black & Italian fancy Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves; &e. . HATS .INI) CAPS. A large assortment of Men's and Boys' hats and caps, embracing every style and, quality. Also, a large and varied assortment of Parasols and Ribbons. DOMESTICS. — Bleached & unbleached Muslin, Checks, Tickings, Jeans, Drills, Ta ble-diaper, Bagging, Toweling, Table-lin eus, &c. DOOTSbf SHOES. —A large assortment of Men's, Women's & Children's Boots and i Shoes, Jenny Lind & buskin Shoes at very low prices. ! Colored and white Carpet Chain. GROCERIES. —A large nasortniPnt of ffroceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &e, &e. The attention of all who wish good bar gains is solicited, for inducements lo pur chasers will bo offered. Bloomsburg, October, 29, 1854. JOHN S. STERNER HAS ZUST OPENED HI" NEW Fnll and Winter GOODS, A T his store on Main street, Bloomsburg, J\ to which be invites his old aud new customers. Among his slock will be found fuall assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as Sdks, Merinoes, Delains, Debaze, Cobnrg cloths and Ginghams of every style and price. HillTE GOODS ! rfT all kinds : Embroideries,' Laces, dress trimming?, handkerchiefs, figured, plain, Swiss, rric.ll, cambric and jaeonst m"'s!i:i6. STAPLE DRY GOODS, including bleached and brown goods, checks table diapers, flannels, tickings, Manchester and Lancaster ginghams, crash and liiieus of all kinds. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Vesting", cottonade and linen for pants, hos iery and, gloves, BOOTS, AND SHOES for Ladies, Men, Misses, Boys and children. AIITS AND CAPS, GLASSWARE, QUEEN SWA RE. CROCKER I'- LL'ARE, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Spices, tobacco, candles, and in short, every article usually kept in a country store, at the lowest prices. Bloomsburg, November 2, 1854. Scries i'or 1855. THE HOMTjOURNAL. MORRIS AND WILM, EDITORS. The first number of the new* series will be issued on the first of January next. New subscribers can be supplied from that date; but immediate application will be necessary lor such as desire lo begin with the beginning. A home is hardly complete; we thin k we may safelv venture to say, with out (he Home Journal, which, besides being a chronicle of the times, abounds in intelli gence designed lo enliven an American Home, lis editors (Ceo. P. Morris and N. P. Willis) devote their entire time, skill anil experience, to the task of giving, each week, everything worth knowing. They particularly keep an eye on all the whims ami novelties of the day. The utmost pains are taken to present the facts and Outlines of all news. In the literary department, we aim at sketches and readable criticism, and in our condensations of the productions ol the vast newspaper world of Europe, we en deavour to avoid the tiresome and the local, and transfer to our columns the piek of Eng lish information and brilliancy, while we en deavour to select with a true sense of pure morals, true wit. and geuuine humour. In addition to the above. ;ve have made new new arrangements for u feature that is al ways attractive in the family journal. From several different sources wo are to be sup plied with the news and gossip of New-York Society. In a metropolis like ours, aentre the more sparkling elements of the life of . our country at large, and collision and at trition bring out much which wotlld else be dormant. Afloat, in society gossip, is a small world, of which the ordinay newspa pers make no report, and of is we think we can promise amusing pbotographaps. In announcing also, his usual editorial labors, we claiir. the privileg of leaving them to de signate their own style and tide as they ap pear. They are to be quite different from anything which has ever been published in this journal from his pen, and we are very sure that they will be no less attractive, to say the least. The graphic and highly-finished sketches, by "The Lady of Shallot," "Tim othy Quaint" aud others, will be continued. We have also new correspondents in Lon don and Paris, who will send us much that could never reach us through foreign journ als. TERMS. —For one copy, $2, for three co pies, $5: or lor one copy for three years, $5 —always in advance. Subscribe without delay. Address MORRIS & WILLIS, 197 Fulton street New-York. New York, Nor. 9ib 1864. <23 \£\ m □£> M 3 . iHoomsbnrg, {la. DAVID LOWENBERG, rjf.OTHING STORE, on Main street,-two doors above the 'American liouse." SIMON DREIFUSS, & Co. pLOTHINC. STORE in liie 'Exchange VJ Block,' opposite the Court house. EVANS & APPLEMAN. IMTERCHANTS—Store on the upper part i '*- of Main slredt, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. 8. C. SHITE, MANUFACTURER OF FERN ITU RE ■- AND CABINET WARE.—Wareroom in Shiva's Block, on Main Street. A. M. RUPERT, rpINNER AND STOVE DEALER— A Shop on Soath side of Main street, he low Market. JOSEPH SWARTZ. I) OOKSELLER. Store in the Exchange t Block, first door above the Exchange Hel. M'KELVY, NEAL &~CO^ |%l ERCHANTS.—Northeast corneraiof Mn and Market streets. JOHN s. STERNER. MERCHANT. —Store on South side o Main Street, second square below Mar ket. tr, SUARPLESS & MELICKf. ITtOUNDERS ANN MACHINESTS. Build . hugs on the alley between the "Exchange and "American House." R. W- WEAVER. ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on the first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. BARNARD RUPERT. , TAILOR. —Shep on the South Side of Main Street, first square below Market. MEN'DENHALL & MENSCH, MERCHANTS— Store North West corner I of Main an J Market Streets. HIRAM C. lIOWER, DENTIST—Office near the . I® Academy on Third Street. FOR FALL AND WINTER! EVANS St APPLEMAN. HAVE, JUST received and opened an on - lire new and sp'.andid assortment of SIEAS©mi£&]IB For Fall and Winter at their Brick store on Main street abo 'O Iron street, to which they invite the attention of the ptblic. Their as sortment will compare i* price and quality witb*any to be found on this side of Philad elphia, and includes C£3-3D3D13D33j QUEENSH'JIRE, HARDIVARE, GLASSWARE, HATS, CAPS, ROOTS AND SItOES. They have on hand every desirable and fashionable style of LA DIE S' DRESS GOODS Shawls Sillks, Merir.oes, Detains, ginghams, prints, and every article of House Furnishing Goods, Sheetings, ticking, checks, &o. Their slock is selling fast, ann will be re plenished every few weeks, for their motto . is ''small profits and quick sales." Call and see our goods. We charge noth ing for showing them, and will always lake counlryproduae in pay at the market prices. Bloomsburg, October 24, 1853—:f SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY!! (lly Authority of the Stile of A/abam.t,) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS lI—TO BE DRAWN 20th of Dec. ONE PRIZE 10 20 TICKET.—AND REMEMBER, EVERY PRIZE DRAWN! CAPITALS. $7,500 " 5,000 " 2,000 " 2 of 81,000 2,000 jn all 251 prizes, amounting to $30,000 CP" Tickets ss—Halves and Quarters in proportion. Every prize drawn at each drawing. "Current bills of any bank received at par." All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lions Montgomery, Alabama, June 20, 1851. DRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss. Bog Jaconett Mull, Cambric, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslin just receiv ed at the Store of MENDENHALL & MENSCH Cash paid for Straw. The subscriber will pay cash for Straw de livered at his Paper Mill at Millgrove, near Light Street, at the following rates to wit : Short straw $6 50 per ton, long straw $T per ton. These rates will be paid for either Wheat, Rye or Oats straw in good dry con dition. For flax, after the seed is threshed ofT, lie will pay $lO per ton. THOMAS TRENCH. Millgrove, April Bih 1854—tf. EAGLE HOTEL, No- 130 North Third Street, übore PHILADELPHIA. SAMUEL A. BRADY. GEORGE H. BROWN. Bth 1854 Iy. FANCY GOODS, of every description and anriety, new styles, and fresh from New York avd Philadelphia, (or sals at the cheap store M'KELVY, NEAL & CQ Fancy Paper, Ecvelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. See an bo found at the cheap Book store of JOSEPH SWARTZ, IIOSNaiV T TIVHN3dNSm Aq qsso toj dseqo Su;qio|o epnui ipeai pu* saoqg 'fixoOU ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale at the cheap store of EVANS, & APPLEMAN. TO THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS I ; re T3>irt->^-LT, CLSS csacE> HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandize for Fall and Winter sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assort met! now offered in thisJTOWN! Having paid great attention to the seleolion of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves thst Ihey can compeer with the cheapest, and all those wishing to huy cheap, can save money by giving ua a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wyres to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, i French merlnoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bnges, pnplins, paramatta cloths mohair lustres, muslin de laines. Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &e. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs flouncings, bands an.l trimmings, laces and edging", bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and hiniils, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, lirocke, Bay Slato, Waterville, blaok silk, casliinere, EmbroJer ed, &o. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, saltmetls,, tweeds jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, fee. ROOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KISDS AND SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN AND CHILDREN. We have a large assortment ol Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Qneensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet Bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, innis rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings. &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el-e -where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and w ill not bo undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. * Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. fyiilnrfionnrt ODtPCEiQiPQaSEieO G3q£> # HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF FALL AN ) WINTER CLOTHING In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on hand a large and full assortment of ' FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK. GUM AND OIL CLO.TH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, lhal the present enlightened age knows any tiling about. Of Pants and Tests Ittsy travirwvpry nnlnr of the minbow, besides sonic black, blue, grey, sirippd and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, bufl, casimere, innrseillcs, linen and worsted of'all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine while, figured and slri[ied shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, blocks, Ties, Scarfs, alt kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hals, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and 552-Sl3 &A3B3SS Tliey have UniWsleves, Spencers, Collars, llignlells, Gloves, Mitts, Laiiies'a beX'Lbgi Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions sach ns Rings, Breast pins, Gold ami Silver Pens end Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selectod assortment of Aceordeons. EE*" Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Ceurt house. Bloomsburg, May 18th 1854. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. New Fall and Winter Clothing. DAVID LOVfSHBEEvG INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his store ou Mat ket street, tw,o doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and"boy's wearing apparel, including IFASIEn<S>SmiEILIE 181813553 Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of nil colors shade stripes ami figure, vests, shirts, cravats; stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves suspender and fancy articles. 1 ' N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, May 16th 1854-3 m. - 1 EVANS A WATSON, No. 26 South Fourth street, have on hand a large assortment ot PATENT SALAMAN DER FIRE and THIEF PROOF SAFES, Bank Vaults and Iron Doors for Bunks and qtores. t Gentlemen:—We loko much pleasure in rec ommending your FIRE PROOF SAFES to merchants ami others, who may desire to purchase, with a view to the preservation of thoir Books and other valuables. The Safe we purchased of you, and manufactured by EVASS & WATSON, of Philadelphia, Pa., remained in the fire at the burning of our 6lnro until the entire stock was consumed, I the heat being intense, as you may suppose as there were about seventy barrels of liquor in the store, besides some seventy thousand pounds of rags and ropes, and other articles of a highly combustible nature. We had the Safe opened after the Jire had ceased and found our books and papers preserved in perfect order. No. 116 Light street wharf. Please send as another of your best Sales, of the same size, for our future use, attd o bliae R. W. W. ISAAC, No. 91 Light street wharf, Baltimore I BALTIMORE, Mo., May 17, 1854. | MESSRS F.. &T. FAIRBANKS ft Co.—Gen | tlemen :—lt gives us much pleasure to bear | testimony to the excellenco o'f your Fire Proof Safes. The one I 'purchased of yon, manufactured by Messets. Evans ft Wat son, Philadelphia, Pa., saved my books atid valuable papers, when everything else in the house was destroyed by fire, ou the morning of the 14th ins'., at No. 11G Light street wharf. B. F. VViLLts. BALTIMORE MB, May 17, 1854. Patent Slate Refrigerators, Seal and Letter Copying Presses, Fairbanks' l'lalforin and Counter Scales. Sole Agency for Butlerworth's, Bettley's, Vales' and Jones' Patent Powder Proof Batik Locks. Below are the names of a few gentlemen and Public Inslitulors who have our Safes, in use. Hundreds more can he given : Farmers ft Mechanics Bank Philadelphia 12 Safes: U. S. Mint, " " U. 8, Arsenal, five Safes California 3 in Philapelphia. Stale Treasurer Trenton, N. J. Pen it's. R. H, Co., Pltiia'd. 2 Safes. Philadelphia Wilmington ft Baltimore 11. R. Co., Philadelphia. Locust Mountain Coal ft Iron Co , " Coal Run Improvement & R. R. Co., " Bell Garreuon ft Co. Bankers, Hunting don, Pa , Bell, Smith ft Co., Bankers, Johnstown Pa., Bryan, Gardner, ft , Altooila, Pa. Gen. 1 A H. Wilson, Huntingdon, Pa. McKelvy, Neal ft Co-j bloomsbuigt " Geo. Weaver, do " Caleb Barton. do " Philadelphia, August 31 1854-ly. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "vrOTICF. is hereby given that letters of IN administration upon tite estate of Wil liam J. Jones, late of Locust township, Col umbia county deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing also ill Lccust township. All persons having accounts a gainst the said decedent, are requested to present them for settlement, and those in debted to make payment without delay to MICHAEL PHILLIPS, Administrator, Locust twp. Oct 19,1854. tf. SUARPLESS & MELICK, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN T™- STOVES, TINWARE &c—Establish ment on Main street, next building e.bove he Court-house. EXCHANGE FiEWSPAPERfT By the hundred for sale at this offioe.. imasMKß nmmsattMt WEIGRIKQ WIS TfIAN 24 OUNCES, FOR TUB OF IIER.Mi OR niiPTuuis. \ CRNOVVLEUGED bv the highcs- modi- eal authorities of Philadelphia, incompar ably superior to any other in use. Sufferers will be gintiticd to learn that the occas'on now offers to pi ecu re not only the 'lightest and most easy,' but as durable a Tiuss as auy other, in lieu ol Ihecumbrous and uueonifortalile article usually sold. There in no difficulty attending the lilting, and when the pad is located, it will retain •' position without change. Persons nt a distance unable to call on the Suhseriher can hae the Triwa sent to any ad. I dress, or hv temitting Five Dollars fur Ihe single liuus or Ten for Ihe double— with measure round the hips, and stating side nflectcd. It will be exchanged to suit if dot fitting, by re turning it at once, unsoilej For Sale by the Importer. CALEB H. NEEDLES, Cur. Twelfth $ KMC Streets ,Philadelphia. tlr LADIES. requiring the benefit of Me chanical Support!, owing in the derangement of the Internal Organs, inducing Falling of the a numb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous, ned Spinal Weakness, are informed that a corn patent and'experienced LADV will ue in attend- Wce at the Rooms (set apart for their exclusive u ' e r) A'o, 'l4j 1 tvelfih St„ Ist door below- Race, June 27, '.854—1y. JVEIF ROUTE TO PHILADELPHIA Cattawissa, H'illi/imsport and Eric Railroad OPEN TO MILTON. 8i hours between Philadelphia and Milton, ON and after Monday, Sept 23th, and until extonsion to YVilliamsport, p;s enger trains will be run every day (Sundays excepted) follows ; Leaving Milton at 11 A. M-, connecting' with Reading Rail Road, at Port Clinton, ar riving at Philadelphia ai 7 30, P. M. Leaving Philadelphia, nt 7 30, A. M ; ar- I rive ai Milton at 4 30 P. M. A Freight Train will leave Milton, on j Monday, Wednesday & Friday, and Port Clinton on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, i of cilch week. ' freight is carried to and from Pliladelphia ' without transhipment, from Reading Rail Road Freight Depot corner of BroaJ and ! Cherry streets. T McKISSOCK, Sept. 28, 1854—1f. NEW Q RIST-MILL AT Mllilr ttKOVE! mHE subscriber has refilled his Grist-I -1 Mill at Vlill Grove, near Light Sireel, Columbia county, and Is ready Ihe do any and all kinds of grinding. He has three run of stones, and the Mill will work to gen era-1 sajisfaclion. A competent miller has has charge of the establishment, and the jiattonage of the public is respectfully so- THOMAS TRENCH. Mill Grove, Scptt. U, 1851. NOTICE. Is hereby given thai the account of Jacob Rishel and Michael Stecher, Committee of Michael Kitiuey, a Lunatic has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, anil will be presented for confirma tion mi the first Monday of December next, of which all persons interested are hereby notified. liy ordtr of lhe Court. JACOB EYEKLY, Protaonotarif. Bloorasburg, November 2, 1854. rURDON'S lUGKBT. A NY Justice of Ihe Peace wishing to pur •s*chase a copy of Purdon's Digest, can be accommodated bv applying at he Yhis offce y .. IWJ, | PERHAM'S THIRD GIFT ENTERPRISE. 69 000 Tickets already Sold. g CALL FOR FINAL w Mass Meeting of Shareholders, r, To determine on the dispoaiton of the GIFT PROPERTY to :he SHAREHOLDERS At a meeting ot the Shareholders in Per ham's Third Gift Enterprise; held on Iho 27th of July, the following resolution was adop ted : • r ®i "Resolved That no soon as it is ascer tained that 80, bt)0 of the Gift Ticket, issued ' by Mi. Perham in Ins ihir.l enternri.e, am I- sold, the Committee shall call the hui.di,it rters together at the most convenient place, ■- for the purpose Of instructing said Cumniii i; tee in regard to the manner of disposing ot the Gift Properly. Having learned from Mr Perham that 0 - 000 of said tikeis were sold, and that in all probabiliiy the remaining 20:000 called for by the above resolution, wonid be sold by the first day of January next, we hare de • termined in accordance with the abode opin . ion, In call a MASS MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS, at some place to be • hereafter named, on the 17th da) of Janua -1 O'i <3515, for the purpose de.-ignuiej by tlfo resolurioi. ; ROBERT CEATTYJr, 1 I I LATHROP, > CoMMtTTEt B. 8. ADAMS, \ ' | r&- 100,000 Ticket!. Only at Si dollar Eash 1 will be sold. Each Ticket will admit Four Per- I sons all at once or portions ut different times |fo PERHAM'S BURLESQUE OPF,RA HOUSB j 003 Broadway, New York. Or to his other Entertainments in various parts of the country. Each purchaser of one of these lickels will receive a certificate entitling them til one share in 100 000 Cost ly and Valuable Gifts ; list 0 f which has • already been published. Persons can otr -1 lam ihe same in circular form, by address " i ing a nolo to the proprietor. I Now's THE TIME ro PURCHASE TICKETS. In order thai (be 100,000 Tickets may be disposed ol by the time specified, Ihe 'sub ■ / scriber offers the following inducements for ! persons to get up Clubs. ' | Each person wbe gets up a club of ten j subscribers, and forwards ten dollars to this ! office, will receive by Mail or other Convey ! auces, Eleven TiokeiA i Each person who sends fat one lime) ono hundred dollars, will have sent in like man ner One Hundred and Fifteen Tickets. And fnrall larger sums in exact proportion. If it'should happen that all the Tickets are sold when the order is received, the money will be relumed at our expense for postage . 13T All orders lor tickets should be ad dressed to. JOSIAII PERHAM, (733 Broadway, N. Y. # # * My Four.h Enterprise will be advertised as soon as the llnrd one is closed. Thelick ets are already printed. Nov. 30tIt 1804—7 w. Kiv St, itnoriu:u, LAW PUBLISHERS AND BOOK SELLERS . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, i 193 Market Street, three doors bcloto Fiftk PHILADELPHIA, ' ! 1> KSPKCTFL'LLY announce ro the Pro i tension and Students at Law, that they I keep always on hand a well selected stock ! of Law Books, comprising the best Treati | ses extant in every department of law, which ■ Ibey will sell sell as cheap, if not cheaper, 1 lhar. any other house in this city or New ' | York. Being the publishers of several rai ' j liable works, they are possessed of such ln i cilities in obtaining their slock as 10 enable 1 | them to sell their books at very low prices. I KAY & BROTHER have the agency for j the sale of Harris' Pemtylmtnia State Re ports, for the easiern counties of the State KAY & KROTHKU, J'CBUSH 1. Purdon's Digest of the Laws of Penn sylvania, from 1700 to 1853, by Stroud and Brightly, new and Blh edi lion, in one convenient volume, Bvo. Price 85.00. 2. Sergeant & Rawle's Supreme Court Reports, 17 vols. 3. Penrose & Wall's Supreme Court Re j ports, 3 vols. j 4. Watts' do do 10 vols. I I 5. " & Sergeants' do do 0 vols, . I 6. Harris' State Reports, 8 vols 7. BrighUy's Nisi Prios Reports, 1 vol. 1 ( 8. Miles' Reports of the District Court of Philadelphia. 2 vols. , 1 9. Baldwins' U. S Circuit Court Reports, ' i 1 vol. I 10. Chief Justice Marshall's Circuit Curld Decisions, 2 vols. 11. Sergeant on the Land Laws, ori'enn'u 1 vol. ' , 12. Sergeant on Foreign Attachment in l'enn'a, 1 vol. i 13. Sergeant on the Lion Law of Peon's. 1 vol. I 14. Duane on the Law of Landlord & Ten ant, I vol. I 15. Duaue on the Road Laws in Penu'a. j 1 vol. ' 10. Rrighlly on the Law of Costs, 1 vol. 17. Graydon's Forms—new and 4th edi tion, 1 vol. 18. Hood on the Law of Executors, 1 vol 19. Roberts' Digest of British stalu'es in force in Pennsylvania—2d edition. 1 vol. i . 20. Smith & Reed's Laws of Pennsylvania, commencing 14ili Oiit. 1700, iOvoia— The Bth, 9th and 10. Ii volumes sold separately. I 21. Pamphlet Laws.—The complete acts of the General Assembly of Pennsyl vania, from lire year 1800 to the pres ent time, in 41 vols. Complete suls, of the Pamphlet Laws Rre very scarce. 22. Wharton's American Criminal Law and 2d edition, 1 vol. 23. Wharton's Precedents of Indictments . 1 vol. 24. Morris on the Law of Replevin in the United States, 1 vol. 25. Biniis' Justice—new and sth edition, 1852 —By F. C. Brightly Esq.— I vol. 26. Troubat on the of Limited Part nership in the United Slates, 1 vol. 27. Troubat and Halys' Practice, new and third edition In 2 thick volumes 8 vo, of over 1700 p^fes. 28. Brightly's Purdon's Annual liigett fur i 1851, prico 50 cents. , IN PREPARATION. Wharton and Slide's American Medical Ju risprudence, 1 vol. royal 8 vo. Wharton on the American Law ol Homi cide, with Reports of Cases, 1 vol. royal Bvo. Button's Compendium of the Law of Real Properly, with copious American An notations, 1 vol. royal Bvo. A new Digest of the Imws of the Uniied States, on the plan of Purdon's Di gest of 1853, 1 vol. imperial 8 vo. Sergeants' Mechanics' Lien Law, new edi tion. | The Pennsylvania Form Book KP" See Kay & Brother's Catalogue of I Law Publications lor particulars: UT Orders or letters of inquiry torn the country promptly attended to August 17th, 1854. ly TRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard wato for aale by McKELVY, NEAI. & Co)