The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 23, 1854, Image 3
/ —wr—aaaa—am , 1 iBIIieiKABTISITf tFlfldtf f* 1 Tbe AnKh'tik Lcinf,.would re spectfully atHiutnu'v i<> *l>o .rit>Miis of ..ihe United S>*'e* ami Csnadv, tfwtt lor itie.-nur pose of cultivating a late (am the fine arts ilywwMttMnr ffMiMy, with a f ,\ enabling every family !o become pptseartd of s gAffery cf By the Fi*t Artist* of the Afe. They hare determined, in order to create en •IHrn*iv sate for itieii Enuraviitg*, thu* not only 4p* employment to a targe number if artiste and other*, but inspite among our countrymen a lade fur work* of art, to pre tbt to the, ( pnri'hm*er6 .of their engraving, when #SO 000 of which are eoid 95.000 Oall'VS, of the actual cost of 9160000. Each patchaser of a One Dollar Cngraving, therefore, receive* not only an engraving richly worth the money, but al*o a ticket which entitle* him to one of the Gifts when they lire distributed. For fire Dollar*, a highly finished Engra ving, beautifully painted In oil, and Five Gill Tiritet*, will be senl; or five dollar* Worth of splendid Engraving*, can be selec ted Irotn the Catalogue, and sent by return Bail or express. A copy of the Catslngfi*. together with a specimen of one q( |ho the Engraving*, run eeen at the ofljqe of this.paper. For each Dolltrieiit, an Kugravinv actu ally worth that sum, and 11 Gift Ticket, will immediately be forwarded. TBI 8 the Cpmmillee believiric that the suc cess ol this Great National Undertaking will be roatcuAUy promoted by the energy and enterprise of iufolUgeiil and pernevereiog Agent), have resulted to treat wilt such on • the mo*', liberal term). Any putwin wishing 10 become an Agent, by sending (poet paid. )S I, will receive by ralurn ol mad, u one dollar engraving, a "Gilt Ticks'," a Pro-peel US, u Catalogue and *ll other necessary informaliou. Ou til* final completion nf the sale, the the Gin* will he placed in tho hands of ■ comru tue t f the purch sets in be distribu ted', due notice of which will be given throughout the United Siates and the Cuiiu des. List of Gifts. 100 Marble busts of Washing ton at " " 6100 610,000 100 „ " Clav, 100 10,000 100 " " Webster, 100 lu.OOO 100 " " Calhoun, 100 10,000 80 elegant Oil Paitt'ings in splendid gilt frames, sixe 3 X< ft. each, 100 5 000 too elegant Oil Painting*, 2.\3 ft. each, 50 it 000 600 Steel plate Engraving*, brilliantly colored in oil, rich gilt frame* 21x30 iu eeeh, 11 5,000 11,000 elegant aieel plate En graving* colored in oil, of ihe Washington Monument, 20x26 ia. ea. 4 40,000 237 000 steel plate engraving*, front 100 different plates , now iu possession ot and ow>ened by the Artist*' Un . i.on, of the market value ot from 50 cent* to 61 cacti. 41,000 1 6r*l class dwelling, in N. V. Crty 12,000 22 Budding Lot* in 100 and 1 .101 t ate, N. Y. City, each 26x100 ft. deep, at t 000 52 000 400 YiUa Sue*, containing escti 10,000 *(| It. iu the -übuiba 1 .of New 'York City, and - 1 . cotmiitpr.ding h magnificent ' vte\#N>t Hits Hudson Kiver tod Long Island Sound, at 503 50,000 20 perpetual* hums ol cucl . without imerernst, <B#b- of 6250 each. 5,0C0 60 " " 100 " 6,000 100 ' - " '* 50 " 5 OO'J 250 ' " " 20 " 6.000 2 000 " " 5 " 10,000 Reference in regard to the Real Estate, F. J. Vi.sciikr & Co., Real E-late Broker-, New York. Otders, (post paid.) with mon ey enclosed, 10 be udJre*sed. J W. .HOLBROOKE; Sec'y, 605 Broadway, N. Y. XST The Engraving* in the Catalogue ure now ready for delivery. New York, Nov 9l li 135d-6rn. PB.COLAI/IATICIT._ NOTICE id hereby given that.the • evcral Courts of Picas, Utin er;il Quarter Session* of the Peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for 4he County of Columbia, toeommrnce at ihe Cottit House in Bloomsburg , on Monday the 4th day of December, next, 10 continue one week .Th Coroner, Justices of the Pence Sl Constables, in utttl for the county of Co lumbia,are requested to be then and there, in their proper pcrons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those tiling* to their sev eral offices appertaining o be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of Ihe Commonwealth against any pris oner v are also requested anil commanded to be then ind there attending in their pro per persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just—and not to depart without leave st their peril. Jurors are requesl . djo hs punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to their no •Gees, Giten trndcr my hand at Bloomsburg the Jiy nf November, in the year rfour Lord one thousand eignt hundred and fifty four, and the Independence of the United States of America the 70th. JOHN SNYDER, SlCjf. • ' (God save the Commonwealth.) ' Columbia county—Court of Common l*leas. Matter of the Petition if Benjamin If'ag ner to bare tali faction Entered on the lie cord of Mortgage fiom Daniel Leuun to Casper Rhode) and Benjamin Cor pi. "VJOiICE is Hereby given to the widow 4-' arid heirs tf ihe caul Casper Rtioade*. end also of the said Benjamin Corp*, and •I*o 10 the widow urid heirs ot Admit Corps, deceased, and all person* interested in his Estate, that dspnsuluu* at Witnesses to prove the fact* forth in said petition will be (•ken before Thomas Painter, Esq., Com missioner appointed by the Court for the purpose st hi* office in Bloomsburg, in *aid County on Weduewlay the 2911 i day of No vember (n*t.. between Ihe hours of 10 A. tf. fc 2 P M By order of the Court. JACOB EYERLY, Prothonotary. Nor. 9, 1854. .1 • GOODS, of every description and •qtiftty, new styles, and fresh from New York •vd Philadelphia, for sale st the cheap slote M'KELVY, NKAL & CO - Fancy Paer, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand, ite en be found st the cheap Book store of JOSEPH. SWARTZ, Site riff Sales. T> Y virtue of sundry writs of venditioni ex rchae tbeie js'fll. le sx(ic*ed to public sale g( the QPUU lioose in Rloaina burg on Monday the 4th .'day of December next, at 1 o'clock jn the af.ernoon, tbe fol lowing described real estate, vis: All thru certain lot ot ground situate ia tne village of Jersey-town, Madison town ship Columbia county, bounded end descri bed a* fnllotys to wti; on tho north-west by Washington street, on tho nnfih-eaM and south east by lurid* of Httnrg Smith, and on the r.uUi-wel by an Alley, containing one fourth of an acre bo it more or less, where upon ere erected a Two Story plank Dwell ing House and a Black Smith Shop, with the appurtenances. heized and taken in Execution as the prop erty. of .William Welliver, deceased, is the hands of Elizauetb Wcllivur his Administra trix. ALSO. all that certain tract of laud, situate in Cat inwia township Columbia courtly, bound ed and described as lollows, to wit ; on the north II north-east hy lands nf William Fox, on-the easllty land* of Jacob Yeager, on the aou'h by land* of William Beach, on the aouth west -by lands of Peter Harlutie, 011 the west by land* of John lloglutul. con mining ninety acie* he the sattia mora or lea*, about forty acres of wbich is cleared land, and whereon is erected a ony and a half story Log House. aXog Barn with the appurtenance*. ■ ; ' Seized and taken in Execution as the prop erly ot John Uiassmeycr. ALSO. a certain tut of ground situate in the town of Blnom-biwg Columbia county, fronting 00 Third street of said town adjniuing a lot of Sarah H.igenbucli, 011 the east, Pine Alley, ou the north and we-I. en.l Millar Alley oil the souill and west numbered ill the plan of said town. 61. There is erected on the sag! lota two story S;one House, a Tannery con taining twre„iy.four vats, a irarne Currying and Finishing shop and a Irarne stable. Al so one other lot ol ground somite iu the town of Blooniaburg, aforesaid, fropling 60 feet, on Third street of said town, and extending i l l feel fi inches back, adjoining Millers alley on the npth ami cast, and lot of Philip Christ man on the north and west, anf a Ixtof wid ow Dreishnch cr. the south aim west,and be ing part ol lot numbered in the plot of said town No. 52, wlipreon is erected a fr.rrne Dwelling House one and a half story high, a largo Brick House, and house for grinding bark, svi'h all the appur,nuances. Seized ami taken in Execution as the pro perty ol Philip Chrislmau. Condition) oj sale —The properly will be struck down ou Monday, and ten per cent ot the purchase money rtiUM be paid at the striking down ol the property —the balance 011 Wednesday following. ! JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. RitKniFF's Office, j f Bloomsburg, Out.'3t*: 1H54. ) GRAND JIROItS, DECEMBER TERM, ' 1851, Biiarcreek —Jacob VV. Deilb'rich, William Lemon, James Jaenby, Henry Duak. liloom —Samuel Strive. Beaver —Henry Home. Ceiihe— Jumes War Jin, Stephen Me- Qumiri. Franklin —Joseph Harlmati, Solomon Art ley. Gieentcood —Philip Reese, Joseph Palton. Hemlock —John McKeynolrls, Denuis Pur #cl. Locust —Carman Yost. Mifflin —George Bowman. Madison —A. J. Rnnyau. William Johnson, James Welliver, Hugh McCollnm. Mounlpleasant— Annie w Dildi no. Orange —William Fri'Z. lloariiigcreek —D.|n ie I Gearhart. Sugarloiif— Ezra Stephens. Traverse Jurors. December Term, 1851. Bloom —Barnaul Rupert, Henry G. Philips. Cyrus Pry, Amhony Woman. Hilarcreck —Nathan Seoly, Francis Evans. Centre —Samuel Bower, Henry Mo'yer. Fishinecreek —John Hess, Henry B<tten bci.tler, Nathan Flecketistein, James 1). Mc- Ilenrj, Samuel Culeinan. Franklin —Jol.u Low. Greenwood —lsaac Dewilt, Jonas Hayman, Robert Rainier. Hemlock —Daniel NeyharJ. Jackson—Tboiaus WiVoung, Hugh Shullz, Asa Yorks. Locust —Samuel Keller, George Fetterman, j r - Madison— Robert Johnson, Thomas A. . Fuiistnn, William B Welliver. Mifflin —Samuel Saloyer. Main —Peler Fisherr l'inc —Abraham Barton, Joseph Shoema ker. Jacob Driblehiss. Bo ; ri ngcretk —Benjamin Hauck, Nalhan Dresbach, William Fox. Sngailoaf— Joshua Brink, Eiisha C. Hess Trial List to December Term 1854. 1. Bartholemew Huber vs. l'etcr IJill myer. 2. diaries Wilson, Adm'r. vs. C. F. Mann, 3. Gilbert 11, Fowler vs. Samuel F. Headlev. 4. Gyrus B. Reese vs. Robert Mont goniery. 5. Veniali Reese vs. Robert Montgo mery. 0- Jacob Manning"!.'*. Robert Montgo mery. 7, Levi, Miller et al tr . Wm. Kitten house. 8. Robert Montgomery vs. Reuben Bogart et. si. 0, Mary Craig ft, Jacob Buzzard 10, Samuel Rosille vs. George Dod ■oo, 11. Isaac Buckalew vs. Wesley Bow man, 13, James Rittenhouae et. al. e. Bar ney Hole, 13. Daniel Sbultz's* Ex. vs Daniel R. Shuliz el. al. 14 Pvter Melick'a Committee vs. Sam uel F. Ileadley, t. al. 15. DsnielHower vs. Jonas Berninger, 16. Henry Belong vs. Win. Hess. 17. Ksclliel Miller vst Louisa Miller's Ailm'r. '' 18. Daniel Seybert vs. John Suit, 19. Jacoc Mulick Lewis Lnrish Exs. of Andrew parish vs. Benjamin Dayman, 20 Nsihan Seeiy vs, Sebastian Seybert, 21. Joseph Bearplcas vs Jamison Hpr vev. 22. Sarah Ann Ross, vs. Wm. Cole mart. 23. -Adsm Grhringer vs. John Kline, 23. Elislta Bird vs. John Savage. TRON STEEL, ami every kind of Hard wate for sale by RIcKELVY, NEAL&Co ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale at the cheap store of EVANS, & APPLE MAN. 'Mm-". BOOKS 1 JOSEPH SWART/ HAS just opened a new lot of Books, Cap, letter .and note (taper, porfolio* &c., which he will sell at the lowest price* at the Bloomsburg Book Store. He has the Stand ard School Books, and a varielv of the tno*t desirable liis'ortcal, religious, sciert.ifio pub lioatious of the day. He ha* alto a stock cf the .£23<3G3tt £7dD-\ro&llcs< Blank books, Bibles, and Religion* works. A nur, ber of GOOD VIOLINS, a stock of jewelry; and an assortment of cane*, lane (is, tops, perfumery, confectione ries, knii'k kmcks and notion* for sole. TV He will furnish nl short notice any work thai may be dnsirod and ordered. Bloomsburg, October 15th 1854. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate. HERE will be offered at public sals on H the premises, tin Thursday the 23 day of Jfdiiembtr.nnxi ut 10 o'clock tn the forenoon, ihe (orm of the subscriber on which he now resides, neat Orangeville..Col umbia county. The iract contains about 317 Acres of good farm land, -> of which nearly 200 acres is in a good stato of cultivation, and the remainder well lim bered. ft lbys along Fmhingereek, and i* suitable for division into two larim. There are ou it TWO FARM HOUSES, two good barn*, and all necessary other out building. There are also ou it Two Apple Orchards, and a number of other fruit trees. There will ut the same time be sold a tract of WELL TIMBERED WOODLAND, containing about 45 acres, and adjoining the above farm. fcS" Terms will be make known on day of sale, and either or both ot the tracts will b* sold at privatn sale any day previous, il application be made to JOHN ACHENBAC'II. Orange township, Oct. 12, 1851—Is. A NKW lAS.suimiYNTuF Fall and Winter GOODS. MEKDEMIALL BIEN'SCH HA VE just received and opened n new lot of Fall and winter good*, to wbich we invite the attention of purchasers. A rnog 4 their LADIES' DRESS GOODS, are blaek and fancy Silks, black and changeable Alpaca*, de Laines, Jlerinoe*, Mou*. de Bege, Bombazine*, plain, figured and changeable Poplins, calicoes, ging hams, .glove*, hosiery. Ufa., &c. GENTLEMENS' DRESS GOODS, such as fine black and brown French cloths, black Doeskin and fancy Cassimers, satin and fancy Veslings, black & Italian fancy Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves; Sic. 11.1 ts jiyj) cups. A large assortment of Men's and Boys' hats and caps, embracing every style and quality. Also, a large and varied assortment of Parasol* and Ribbons. DOMESTICS. — Bleached & imbktachod Muslin, Checks, Tickings, Jeanv, Drills, Ta ble-diaper, Bagging, Toweling, Table-lin ens. &c. HOOTSfy SHOES. —A large assortment of Men's, Women's & Children'* Boota and Shoes, Jenny Lmd & buskin Shoes ut very low prices. Colored and white Carpet Chain. GROCERIES. —A large assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &e., Sic. The attention of all who wish good bar gains is solicited, for inducements to pur chasers will be offered. Bloomsburg, October, 29, 1851. JOHY STERNER HAS yUST OPENED HIS NEW Fnll and Winter GOODS, AT his store on Main street, Bloomsburg, to which be invites his old and new customers. Among his stock will bu found fuall assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as Silks, Merinoes, Delains, Debaze, Coburg cloths ami Ginghams of every style and price. WHITE GOOBS of all kinds : Embroideries, I.aees, dress trimming*, handkerchiefs, figured, plain, Swiss, mull, cambric and jaconet muslin*. STAPLE DRY GOODS, including bleached nnd brown goods, check* table diapers, llannel*, tickings, Manchester and Lancaster ginghams, crash and linens of all kinds. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. Vesting*, cottonade and linen for pants, hos iery and gloves, BOOTS, AND SHOES for Ladies, Men, Misses, Roys and children. A UTS JIN!) CAPS, GLASSWARE, QUEENSIFARE, CROCKERY WARE. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Spices, tobacco, caqdles, and in short, every article usually kept in a country stors, at tbe lowest prices. Bloomsburg, November 2, 1854. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TW'OTICE is hereby given that letters ol -J-v administration upon the estate of Dan iel Mosteller, late of Maine township, Cof umbia county deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing iu Mifiliu town ship, Columbia county. All parsons indebt ed to the estate are requeued to make pay ment without delqy, those having ac counts, to present them for settlement 10 AARON MUSTELLER, Administrator. Mifflin ttvp. Oct. 19 1854. 6t. NOTICE. Is hereby given that the nccnunt of Jacob Risltel and Michael Steelier, Committee of Michael Kinney, a Lunatic has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia couuty, and will be presented for confirma tion ou the firt Monday of December next, of which all paisoti* interested are hereby notified. lly order of the Court. JACOB EYERLY, Protaonotary. Bloomsburg, November 2, 1854. Series tjtr 1853. THE HOMITJOURNAL. MO BUS AMD WILLS, EDITORS. The first n'umb*r of the new'series will be iskuoil on lite first of January next. New subscribers ran be supplied from tbat date; but immediate application will be necessary lor such as desite to begin with the begintiling. A borne is hardly Complete; we thill k wo may safdlv venture m say, with out me Home Journal, which, besides being a Chronicle ol lite times, abounds in imellb designed in enliven an American Homo. Its editors (Ceo. P. Morris and N. P. Willis) dpvole their entire tune, skill anil experience, to the task of giving, each week, everything worth knowing. They particularly keep an eye on all the whims and novelties ol' tlto day The utmost pains are taken to present the facts and outlines of all news. In the literary depaitiaent, we aim at sketches and readable criticism, and in our condensations of the productions ol the vast new-paper worl.l of Europe, we en deavour to avoid lite tirssome and the local, and transfer to our columns the p ox of Kng lish information anil brriliattcy, while we en deavour to select with a true senso. of pure murals, true wit, and genuine humour. In addition to the above, we have made new new airjngemenls for a feature that is al ways attractive in the family journal. From several different sources we are to be sup plied with lite news and gossip of New-York Society. In a metropolis liku ours, centre die itjcre sparkling elements of the life of our country at large, and collision arid at trition bring on much which would else be dormant, Aflnat, in society gossip, is a small world, of which the ordinay newspa pers make no report, and of this wo tfiink we can promi-e amusing phnlfigraphaps. In announcing also, his usual editorial labors, we claim the privheu of leaving them to de signate their own style and title as they ap pear. They are to be guile different from anything which has ever t'Cen publnhed in this journal from his pen, and we are very sure that they will be no less iitttuelive, to say the least. The graphiu and highly-finished sketches, by "The Lady of Shallot,". '•Tim othy Quaint" nod nlherc, will be continued. We have also new correspondents in Lon don and Paris, who will send us ntnch that could never reach us through foreign journ al". Term"—For one copy, $2, for three co pies, $5: or lor one copy for three years, #6 —always in advance. Nnh'oribe without delay. Address MORRIS & WILLIS, 197 Fulton street New-York. New York, Nov. 9'iti 1851. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY!! {By Authority of Ike Stale of Alabama,) Conducted on the 'Havana plan. CLASS G—TO BE DRAWN 30th of Nov. ONE PRIZE 10 20 TICKET*-—AND nEMEMOER, EVERY PRIZE DRAWN! Capitals. , 10,000 5,000 " 4.000 '• 3,000 " 2,000 " I 500 1.100 " sof 81,000 5 000 • 4 r lii all 501 prizes, amounting to 800,000 Tickets 810.00 —Halves and quarters iu pro portion. Every prize drawn at each drawing. "Current bill* of any bank received at par." All communication!) strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lions Montgomery, Alabama, June 20, 1854. ©-2><2>l2)S 3 FOR FALL AND WINTER! EVANS & APPLEMAN. HAVE JUST recei*ed aad opened an en tire new and sp'.asidid assortment ot For Fall and Winter at their Brick store on Main street abo it Iroo itraet, to which lltey invite the at'.entto tef tho public. Their as sortment will compare iu price ami quality with any to be found on this side of Philad elphia, and -includes Q UEES SIVA HE, HA K h WAIIE, GLASSWARE. HATS, CAES, HOOTS AND SHOES. They have on hand every desirable and fashionable style of LADIKS' DRESS GOODS Shawls, Sillks, Merir.oes, Detains, ginghams, prints, and every article of ■louse Furikitiing Gootlx, Sheetings, licking, checks, &o. Their stock is selling last, ann will be re plenished every few weeks, for their inollo is ''small profits and quick sales." Cal! and see our goods. We charge noth ing for showing them, and will always take country-produce in pay at the market prices. Uloomshurg, October 24, 1853- f EXECETOU'S NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary upon ilio estate of Samuel Beuler, late of Fithingcreek lownship, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to Samuel Bealcr, residing in Fishinccreek lownship, Columbia county, and J. S. Woods residing in New Colum bus, Luzerne county. All persons indebted to die eslale are requested to make pay ment without delay, and those having ac counts against the decedent to present them for settlement to J. S. WOODS, SAMUEL J. BEALKR, Executors. Fiehingcreek, Oct. td, 1854. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon Pie estate of William Hemlerahot, late of Madison township, Col umbia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Franklin twp., Lycoming county. All persons having ac counts against the said decedent are reques ted to present them for settlement, and those indebted to the estate, to ruake payment without delay to. The Administrator will be at Jorspytown on the 20ih and 21st of November to meet such creditors and debtors as may have bu siriers with him. JOHN D. RUN VAN, Administrator. Madison twp. Octl9, 1851. 6t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. mrOriCK is hereby given that letters of iNI administration upon thn estate ot Chtis liatt Hess, late of Benton lownship, Colum bia uonnty deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Fairmoun'. town ship, Luzerne county. All persons having accounts ogaiost the decedent are requested to present them for settlement, and those in debted to the estate to make payment with out delay to JOSHUA N. HESS, - Administrator. Cambra,, Oct. 19, 1854, tl. EXCHANGE NEWSPAPERS By the hundred for sale at this offioe. 51? THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS! sxiferrs KsroßaExaLi a cacao. HAVE just received end opened their slock of merchandize for Fell and Wiitlw sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST Msortmei.l now offered in Having paid great attention to the seleolion of their entire Aleck, as to price and quality, ihey flatlet themselves that they can compete wijj> tft<f cheapest, and all (hose wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving ua e Sail. We havo all kinds of Goods and VV ares to supply the wants of the Beople. A yery larga lot of LADIES DRESS GOOBS, French merinoes, wool plnitD, alpacas, bombazines, de bases, poplins, parameita cloths mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Pern an cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, Stc. ' WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncing", bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety vel vet ribhiuiH, and braids, kid, cotton, anil lisle I tin-ud sloven, mohair mitts, hie., All kinds of SIJAWLS, broehe, Bay State, Walerville, black silk, cashmere, Embro.ler d, &o. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassioiors, tkttiueits, vesliitgs, tweeds jeutia, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &o. ' BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS AND SUES FOR MEN IV Oil AN AND * 5 CHILDREN. Wo have a large assortment ol Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We linve also Hard ware, Queennware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, lickings, diaper", lowelings, drifting". Ac., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a oall before purchasing el.®- where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and w ill not be undersold by anybody, or the rest or mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855, KSilaaacsoai LfDopasQlTuaajsJ G3ai> HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF FALL AN.) WINTER CLOTHING In llie Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They hare on hand a large and full assortment of FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK. GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enligh'enr-d age knows any thing about. Of Pants am' Vests thev have every cf.lor of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped ami fancy ; Vests of ratio. silk, tinH, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all lah ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine white, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; flats. Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and They have Uoilersleves, Spencers, Collars. Rigalnlts, Glove", Mills. Ladies'a bead-bg; Handkerchief", &c., ko. Also Jewelry and Notions each a Rings, Breastpins Gold ami Silver Pens nnd Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Pbrtrnonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Aeeoriieorts. til" Remember tho cheap store in tho "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Biootusburg, May 18th 1854. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. Now Fall ami Winter Clothing. n DAVID LOVrEITEEK.O INVITES attention to his stock of cheap anil fashionalo clothing at his store oo Market street, two doors above the -'American House," where he has a fuli assortment ol men a nd boy's wearing apparel, including ffA&mXK&KTAIBIUB IDSESS Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors shaJa stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender anil fancy articles. ' N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice anil in the best manner. All bis clolliing is made 10 wear, ar.d most of it is of borne manufac ture. Bioombnrg. May Ifiih |SS4-3m. EVAN'S & WAT SO A, I No. 26 Soulh Fourth street, have on hand a large assortment ot PATENT SALAVIA N DKR FIRE and THIEF PROOF SA FEB, Bank Vaults and Iron Doors lor Banks and elores. GREAT FI^iLIOH^ filllf jjiw-.t FAMtBANKiI & Co- Gentlemen:—Wo tako much pleasure in rec ommending your FIRE PROOF SAI'ES lo merchants and others, who may desire to purchase, with a the preservation of their Books and other valuables. The Safe we purchased of you, and manufactured by KVASS & WATSON, of Philadelphia, Pa., t remnined in the fire at the burning of our [ store until the entire stock was consumed, | the heat being intense, as you muy suppose j as there were about seventy barrels of liquor in the store, besides some seventy thousand I pounds of tags ami ropes, nnJ other articles I of a highly combustible nature. We had | the Safe opened after the fire hatl censed ; and found our books and papers preserved in j perfect order. No. 116 Light street wharf. I Please send as another of vour best Safes, | of the same size, fur our future use, and o blige 11. VV. \V. ISAAC, No. 91 Light street wharf, Baltimore BAI.TMOUE, MD., May 17, 1834. MESSIIS E. fit T. FAIBBINKS St Co.—Gen tlemen :—lt gives us mueh pleasure lo bear testimony to the excellence of your Fire Proot Safes. The one I'purchased of you, manufactured by Messcrs. Evans fic Wat son, Philadelphia, Pa., saved ray books and valuable papers, when everything else in the house was destroyed by lite, on the morning of the 14th ins'., at No. 116 Light street wharf. B. F. WILMS. BALTIMOIIB MD;, May 17, IKSL Patent Slate Refrigerators, Seal and Letter Copying Presses, Fairbanks' Piriform and Counter Scales. Solo Agency for Butlervrorth's, Beltley's, Vales' and Jones' Patent Powder Pruof Bank Locks. Below are the names of a few gentlemen and Public Institutora who have our Safes, in use. Hundreds more can be given : Farmers fit Mechanics Bank Philadelphia 12 Safes: U. S. Mint, " " U. N, Atsenal, five Safes California 3 in Phtlapelphia. Stato Treasurer Trenton, N. J. Penn'a. R. R, Co., Phila'd. 2 Safes. Philadelphia Wilmington fit Baltimore R. R. Co., Philadelphia. Locust Mountain Coal fit Iron Co , " Coal Run Improvement fit R. R. Co., " Bell Garretson fit Co. Bankers, Hunting don, Pa., Bell, Smith fit Co., Bankers, Johnstown l'a, Bryan, Gardnsr. fit, Altoona, Pa. Gen. A H. Wilson, Huntingdon, Pa. McKelvy, Neal fit Co.; bloomsbuigl " i Geo Weaver, do Caleb Barton. do " I Philadelphia, August 31. 1854-ly. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N OTICE is hereby given that letters of administration upon tho estate of Wil liam J. Jones, late ol Loonst township, Col umbia comity deceased, have been granted ! lo the undersigned residing also in LAMUISI township. All persons having aoconnts a gainst the said decedent, are requested to present them for settlement, and those in debted lo make payment without delay to MICHAEL PHILLIPS,- Administrator, Locust tw-p. Oct 19, 1854. tf. II rgisfralicn Certificate* For the use of clergymen, justices, physi ians and other persons in registering raarria ges and deaths as required by the new Ac Assembly, can be had at the office of the Star ol the North." — - i : tt&issrsms Wtfsjs&So i WKKJIIINTJ LKJi THAN 2i OUNCES* i FOR TIIK Cl'at: OF IIERJII.t OR RIPTUIIt, A CKNOWI.BUOED l.y the l.i s he< medi cjl authorities of IMiitaJnlj>hin, incompsr' , ably superior t. any other in me. SuflVrora | will lis gratified to loam lhat the occasion nnw ! offer* lo ptocure not only the 'iighloat on,l m ust 1 easy,' but as durable a Tiusa a* any other, in! lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfiirtabla article I usually sold. Therein no dilfiroliy attending the lilting, and wh. n tf.o pad is located, it will I retain its position without change. Person* at a tiislanco unable to call on tho Subscriber can hae the Truis sent to any ad. dress, or hy lomitting Five Dollars for the single Truue, or Ten for Ihe double—with measure round the hips, and staling aide ollVctrd. It will be exchanged to suit if oot lilting bv re I turning it at once, unsoile.l j For Bale by the Importer. CALKU H NEEDLES, I Cfir. 7U'tfh i,- liner Streets, Philadelphia. ' Ft?" LABI as, requiring tho henclit of Me-! , chanical Supporti, owing in the derangement of j the Internal Organs, inducing Falling of the, I nnomh, Vcal, Fulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous ! j ned -Spinal Weakness, are informed that a com- ! I patent andjexperienced I,v will ne in attend. Wee at tho llo.rnis (set apart for their exclusive I use,) No, 114, Twelfth St„ Ist door below ! It HOI). J June 27, '.851—!?. NEW ROUTE TO I'IIILADELPIIIA CattiiwUn , H'lilirimsport ami Erie Railroad i OPEN TO MILTON. 8i hours between Philadelphia ! and Milton. ON ait,l uftcr Monday, Sept. 25th, arid I until extension to Witliainspori, pass enger trains will be tun every day (SunJaye excepted) as follows : Leaving Millota at 11 A. M,, connecting wtlh Reading Rail Road, til Port Chiilon, ar riving at Philadelphia at 7 30, P. M. Leaving Philadelphia, at 7 30, A. M ; ar rive at Milton at 4 30 P. M. A freight Train will leave Millon, on! Monday, Wednesday & Friday, and Port Clinton on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, of each week. Freight is carried lo and from Pliladelpliia without transhipment, from Rending Rail Road F'reighl Depot corner of BroaJ and | Cherry streets. T. McKISSOCK, Sept. 28, 1854—1f. NEW Q RIST-MILL AT MILL CiROVE! • rpHE subscriber has refined his Grist- j -I Mill at Mill Grove, near Light Street,! I Columbia county, and is readv the do any i and all kind* of grinding. He has three | run of stones, and |hg Mill will work to gen era-l satisfaction, A competent miller lias ! has charge of the establishment, and the | patronage of the public is respectfully so ! liciled. ' ' THOMAS TRENCH. i Mill Grove, Sept. 9, 1854. □DOB E. a HOTTER, : sra©lE®H ©JIOTEOT, T> ESPECTFUJ.LY offers his professional services to tf the Ladies and Gentlemen o Rloomsburg and vicinity. Ho is prepared to 1 attend to nil the various operations in Den tistry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, whioh wil be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teetb warranted. CF* Office near the Academy. Btoomsburg, Nov. 20, 1331. Register's Notice. NOTICE l* hereby creditors irnLotberpsrsooa M the eataiaa-wf ">• teepeetiee deoedeots end Minora, that the following administration end guardian accounts hare been filed in the tffliee of Ihe Register of Ibe roanty of Co lombia, end win be presented for confirma tion and allowance to the Orphans' CoOrt,4o be held at Blonenfbuig, in and for Iba Comi ty aforesaid, on Wedno-day the 6ib day"ff December next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 1. The account of Hiram Phliipe, Atl m inislrator of Enoch Creveltng, law of Bloom township, deceased, filed by Henrjr Holhns head, Adminislrator, ot the said Hiram Vhit ips, now deo'd.. 2. The account of George Hogfcs, trustee to sell the Real Estate ot Jane Clark, late of Cattawissa, dec'J. 8. The Supplementary account of fiU exander Best and William Forsylhe, Adrar'B. de bonis nan cn/n t cslamento anncxa of Jeme Laugbaad, lain of Danrille, dep'd. 4. The of Wil liam Hoffman John fj** 6- account miniUrator with the Will Irwin, late of Catuwissa township, 0. The final account of Jamee Siming- Irm, Ailm'r., of '.he estate of William B. Hsu • drick.on, deo'd. 7- The account nf Michael, Josiah end Pater Riltenhouse, Ex'rs, of Cornelius Rit leuhotise, late nf Beaver township deo'd. 8. The final account of William Abbott, Guardian of Martha, Benjamin, Aaraarel A Mary Abbott, minor children of William Ic Salindn Abbott, dee'd. i 0. The first and fifth! account of James Wright, Adm'r., ot Williani Wright, late of Danville, deo'd. 10. Tim first and final nreotr.vt nf Mich ael Fry, Ex'r., of Aaron Fry, late of Mifflin | township, dee'd. I 11. The account of William Mother. Ex'r,, of Daniel Shultz, late ol Greenwood ! township, deo'd. | 12 The account of John R ibisin ' end ! l-aintt S Melick, Aim'rs.. of the Estate' of j William M'Entire, late ol I Columbia county, 13. Guardian of Ihe of Hen ry Miller arid Lydia Miller, minor children of Henry Miller, late of Maine township. Col co. deu'd. *l4. The account of Samuel I.tit!wig, Guardian of the persons anil estates of Sam uel, Mariet'a, Rosabella and William Riller, minor children nl William Ruter, late of Bloom township. Columbia on., deo'd. J ESSE. G CLARK, Regis/jr. REOISTKit's OFFICE, I Blooinsburg, Nov. 8, 1854. j l( IY ft ffcltOTHfCR, LAW PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS. WHOLfc>ALR AND HJtTAJL, 193 Market St net, three doors below Fifth PHILADELPHIA, ' RESPECTFULLY announce to the Pro tession and Students at Law, that titer keep always oil hand a wall selected stock ol Law Hooks, comprising the best Treati ses extant in every department of law, which they will sell sell as cheap, if not cheaper, thar. any other house in this city or New i York. Being the publishers of several val ! uable works, they are possessed of such tn -1 chines in obtaining their stock as to enable i them to sell their bookk at very low price*. KAY & BROTHER have tho agency for the sale of Harris' l'cnnsylunnin Stale Re ports, for the eas'ern counties pf the State. KAY & BROTHER, PUBLISH 1. Turdon's Digest of the Laws of Penn sylvania, frnm 1700 Id 1853, by Stroud and Brightly, new arid Bih edi tion, in one ooiivenient volume, Bvo. Price $5.00. „ 2 Sergeant fr Rattle's Supreme Court Reports. 17 vols. 3. Penrose & Wall's Supreme Court Re ports. 3 vols. 4. Wells' do do 10 vols, 5. " fit Sergeants' do do vols, fi. Harris' Slata Reports, 8 vols 7. Brightly'* Nisi Prius Reports, 1 vol. 8. Miles' Reports of the District Court of Philadelphia, 2 vols. 9. Baldwins' U. S. Circuit Court Reports, I vol, ! 10. Chief Justice Marshall's Ci-cuil Curio Decisions, 2 vols. . . .. It. Sergeant ON the f.and Laws, of Penn'a, t 1 vol. ; 12. Sergeant o>t Foreign Attachment in Penn'a, 1 vol. 1 13. Sergeant on the Lien Law of Peon'a, t vol. 14. Duane on the Law of Landlord & Ten ant, 1 vol. ; 15. Dnane on the Road Laws in Penn'a, 1 vol. 1 16. Brightly on the Law of Costs, 1 vol. ' 17. Graydon's Forms—new and 4th edi tion, 1 vol. 18. Hood on the Law of Executors, 1 vol. IP. Roberts' Digest of British statuses in : force in Pennsylvania—2d edition, I vol. 20. Smith & Reed's Laws of Pennsylvania, commencing 14th Oot. 1700, lOvols— The Blh, 9th anil 10th volumes sold separately. Pamphlet ant* the from the ent time, in 41 vols. sets, of the Pamphlet Laws are very scarce I 22. Wharton's American Criminal and 2d edition, 1 vol. ' 23. Wharton's Precodents of Indictments; 1 vol. 1 24. Morrison thn Law of Replevin Ifi the ; United Stales, 1 vol. 25. I'inns' Justice —new and s)h edition, 1862 —By F. 0. Brightly E-q —I vol. ' 26. Troubat on tho Law of Limited Part nership in Ihe United Stales, I vol. I 27. Troubat and Halys' Practice, new anil third edition In 2 thick volumes 8 vo, of over 1700 pages. 28. Brightly's Purdon's Annual Digest for 1854, price 50 centa. IN PREPARATION. 1 Wharton and Stille's Americun Medical Jn nsprudencn, 1 vol. Roy a on the AmericttmMHfl^^^^B^H with royal r..i Real American An notattdbs, 1 vol. royal Bvo. A new Digest of the Laws of the Untied Slates, on the plan of Purdon's Di gest of 1863, t vol. imperial 8 vo. Sergeants' Mechanics' Lien Law, new edi tion. The Pennsylvania Form Book I JT See Kay & Brother's Catalogue of Law Publications lor particulars: 17 Orders or letters Of Inquiry ront the country promptly attended to August 17th, 1854. lg. B3EABY & BMWH'S . EAGLE HOT El*. No 130 North Third Street, above PHILADELPHIA SAMUEL A. BRADY. GEO ROC H. Bsowr, [June 8;h 1854-Iy