The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 16, 1854, Image 2

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    KloumtHLura TliuradajV Nov. 16, IBJ4,
jyian :—; ,
' f or Tfi Ab Uls "
THb does Us wro:: in trea
ling our tirtiutii V>f last' week as a ''cfemie'bf
fleah fICMt fn'e eoudjcl. We irofd plain
ly thai ''admits of no rfdlHhi&'t^'b'fft'bden.u-a;
of'ttfo error wis cm,fill ferret llie years' of
•fiefiest tarfl arfd 'active devotion' tkhieh hb
ftive It) the cause of ihe people. 1 He gnt'e
himself 10 it wfib his w'hdle seiif/'an'J ' tiuh
the energies tit his heist yeark til* * life.' It
wWhoHTfe craft of a demagogue, 'hob fire
mtereetisry mbWrte *df seffishrfees. 'ln "his
wirm urtil enllitiSfftHlc nature Demee'rhcy
was a passion ; aud its'creed tie'had' by ili
•tincl, us well as by the education Of hard
wudy slid the>\hrcH of fraternal feelinga
in -the iabewdf ttis pitriMe'rohs. The orator
■of bis etiemietf admire that !.e tfis "l.'i'.C-i
and we know that he is in-
not below mediocrity, or else
some ol the Pti.nsyliianiarii ijoli are of
vny questionable menial oahbre. Frazer
was sound and intelligent on politieul "jtrln
oiples w hen the great ninit
fettered nru' pioved a blind -guide. When
the tariff delusion awept Pennsylvania, as
bigotry end sectarian animosity sweep it
riow. ee looked .in vein for Buchanan to
steed, ut end stein the tide of clamor
Hh. position was that of a leader, and- the
|Hiily fiom whom he had sought that posi
tion with good light looked to him fos ilia
mtticiiou and fearless action. In ilia back
the "inteiiecl below mediocrity,!' had
battle unaided, and in fuel em
by the teachings of expediency
iu our own party through
(be friends of a great statesman's name. We
came lo almost doubt our own principles on
political economy, until a true leader /took
the responsibility and showed the firmness
and intelligence of a statesman. Dallas ca- '
red as little as Douglass Joes now when
roeu talked of burning him in elfigy, nail
he recks as little when those creatures now
fawn around him and bespatter him with
their prai.-o. *,
VVa remember 100 the manly and int-lli
gent defence of the consli ution and the Cm
ion whiuh Crasser and ''common men'' like
hi to took in defence of the compromise
measures of JBso—in favor, of republican
freedom—and agaiust the dangerous uri/to
cratic heresy of colonising vassalage. Then
again lie was right, while the Pennsyloanitn's
great man was leaeliiug that Congress should
and could legal.ze rlateiy" on one side ol
the Missouri lipe and prohibit it on the oth
er. Even ip this day of darkness- and trial
be is antagonistic to the Democratic Jaciriuu
of popular sovereignly, and we "cornmou
men" of mediocre intellect muei grope ou
way aloue iu the darkness.
• Nor has Frazer, beeu loss faithful or intel
ligent in his puny usage or discipline ttiuh
in ilsprinciples. In (815 we turned with a
tear in the eye aud a pang iu the heart from
the violence dune to llie cause of tho peo
ple iu the election ol Cameron to the Uni
ted Slate Senate. IV e found intelligent men
looking iu vain" for the leuder ol the paPy to
justify its coi fideuce by a vindication ol that
dicipline and organization which are essen
tial to the success of any cause. Even then
iho Pennqylvanian't nnii of despised men
djoere intellect was tearless and -true, and,
F(aznr taught the lesion.of truth which ma
ny a hypocritical demagogue has since sto
len lo crawl iplo a warm uest.
We sincerely regret Fuzer's umi sural and
vefwrlunala/msd association with Cuineron
at this lime, and peihaps we might ul.iitn Ihe
friendly right to chide him. But it is sure
ly very late in the day for tho rcmsylvanian
lo grow virtuous to puritanic strictness, and
|0 reptove.the wantonness in Frazer of whiuh
Buchanan was long since guilty- Ouo with
out sin might cast these first stones at the
offender against fidelity to party usage and
discipline, but Ihe Pcnnsylimnion sbeulJ first
look back a few years, and then nut quite
so rashly despise the ' ma ills ui iuleligent
charily." Its Dew editor has talent and fear
lessness which wo iilmirc; and by many
hotd blows at iho tlghi place is doing yeumuU
service lo bis party. When Forney'sassnqja
tion iB that' paper led him into an uuiurtv*
nale error, because of his warm uliachment
to Mr. Buchanan and his impulsive nature
and strong feelings, wemale as liberal al
lowance for the force of circumstances rtron
get than human will, as we do now in the
the case of Mr. Frazer. Ami when malice
and envy nssailsd Forney, and alieinp'.uJ lo
bound drwr. because he had a proper
and and aim in life, and stood it Ihe way of
the plunderers, he nowhere found a more
'/honest and sincere" vindication than at our
heatt and hand. Of the unfortunate person
ol difficulty between Frazer and Forney, we
have never allowed either of them to say
aughttous; and when we speak of them
publicly, it is of their fixed public character.
One rash act can destroy neither oi ihein ;
" nor can any factions assailant of either onu
gain any strength or credit for himself, un
less His own history is more .pure and
straight fhan'that of most men. .
We regrgl that our friends of the Ptnn
ryh-anian should revive unpleasant reminis
censes by his allusion to Governor Biglar's
associations in connection with the force of
party principle against personal- feeling. In
the cOnveiiiiou of 1848 thore was only one
rtian who declared the nomination of tho
Democratic candidate not binding, and went
off with disappointment rankling in his
heart to give aid and comfort lo the opposi
tion. The Democratic candidate was defea
ted, and its we were-the first in the Slate lo
name him to tho public as a candidate, we
kuow thai radical and true Democratic prin
ciples would have lost nothing in bte elec
tion-. We do not complain that Bigler fail
Hi in ought; aud our labors in his behalf
hruugljs*#o n%o wfthostjjP m
tv?ryjj|rnr (ST, ihdj&tuntyHto attest ditf < ■
s its itiWjT^<OtkittirK'lo coqMtul dp in sn
it theAfrly fllMi i SELJEP Msf'* b tat
nan wlo liad%hiaiheu'irt(aon tcr the pioty
iirea-yeats before . and whose chief firian
:ial feats were to anticipate (lio [tale revo.
me by the issue of bonds exempt from lax
lioir,lnittTo tamper Cud temporize wih the
mporlatn suWeet
rhe uppcniim#eik"rfPGam|iTOn was 4 vmilr
iny.4uleWfcjiul -that of- UttgiMM
.qpj^cd'vqy. spup|^ ( like a preipipm dj
irgsbualiou. I]be g|jqcattons jthat ad via- 1
:_d it were uulprtotiate. I
Before ejection such language, w.ould
tot have come from our pen, bujt wi
lendfiit u-nrd is demanded by the exigencie.-
if the times, Utl by our friend'* oriiicisiq.
Wi belong neither to Mr. Baabaaan ptor to
Cameron, but to our own jStudied eottvic
ioitH of ligln. Wc have aak< d nothing
ruin eiihei of thctit or Governor Piglqr, but
re cannot stand by in silence to tee men
ifirs oiled in their behalf, wlio have for
jars loilyd by our side for tfia euco.t?<-3 of
Jernapatie princijil'esj and stoood faithful
ii lite ran LA while the loaders deserted. If
11 the battle ol tile such men lira torn a
vay from its by iis varied fato, we are
<ut not vfndiclird, because A vq know iTietr
dan is yet -n the go > I cause. \Ve ki*.o'.\'
oW after toif an'd time ripan the fruit in the
oPitiral vineyard, those who were too lazy
r.iirti!! to work sneak in and steal it away,
nJ we writ? what wb have felt atid seen
THE rniiis.
Wq think it a very fair astinmta to say
hat within ihe paet year enough money bus
e,cn lost in the country by forgeries, fail
res an, 4, defalcations to equal the enormous
latedtbl of Ptuusylvatiia. hlen of the
est sending in society have beon (empled
rtto extravagant speculations, luxurious liv
ng and ruin. It is temptation, more than
nclinatiou that leads men to crime , and the
pirit qf ihe limes lias much lo answer for
it the neap of financial and mom! wrecks
hat lie everywhere strewed over Ihe laud to
laim.aud In these visitations eooi
ly is reaping Ilia inevitable retiibution
vliicb follows the toleration ol evil in, pri
ale morula or public systems. When such
mtragesas the Ualphiti and Gardner affnirs
an happert iti government places, wo need
to'f Ua surprised that t!ia Vonderamith. for
teries, Schuyler frauds and Meigg's fail
ires follow. Cor Win get a premium for his
lelieato A ice, and why should Manchester
ir Clark b* modest and trouble themseivLS
vim conscience. ——■
The spirit of speculation and extravagance
ms demora'lized business and putille'inttfg"*
ity to an nlarmitig extent. It has drove prj
•es up to fever beat, and excited business
o a most unnatural and morbid state. The
mrreucy is diseased, and ciedit has betfn
wild. Individuals ran into debt until llieir
credit was exhausted. Tnen iliey formed
Banks, and in ibis shape incurred new lia
oHities. Next the state was made to strain
svery nerve of credit, until it staggered Le
:ieit*i its load of debt. The last expedient
tus been to obtain municipal subscriptions,
ind thus to saddle every county, city and
Soroush with another burthen.
And who is to p2y 1 By these expedients,
vrbperty is tnoilgaged four limes over; and
me debt is taxed lu pay another. The ino't
lidUal has the four debts to pay ; and as
lay day approaches credit contracts on the
•arho ratio as the demands for money in
•rease. Piices are unnatural, and mutt
tome down.
Only the sound riewa of onr government
tnd the wondrous influx of wealth from
Dalifortiia have delayed the day of reckon
ing thus long. In New York and the Wes
ern State* the erase is already beard, The
'roe banking system iu those State* allowed
iredibio serve again as the ba-ia of credit,,
and tiits offered double faeiliies for gelling
into debt. The sore festered faster and. the
soonyr bursts open. , In Penaylvenia we
must eitUare the day of suffering a little lon
ger, but the cure will come in due tune.
Lectures iu Houcsdole,
Last n inter the People of llonesdale en
gaged/the best tuleut of tire country to de
liver q scries ol lectures in that pluco. At
mong tho lecturers were J. G. SaXe, Mrs, E
Oaks Smi.h, Horace Grnely, Dr. KMer, Buy
ard Taylor, Theudoie Parker, and Dr. A
dams. To these moo #132 was paid for their
ictdures, and the receipts from the lectures
was 8708 88. Dating the coming winter
there is to be still more attention given
lo the supply the best lectures, and nearly
every iiilorary mart of note in Ihp country
has been engaged The example is a good
one for other placet at leatt lo imitate, il
even they cannot equal it.
Appointment. b '*
Tho county Commissioners have appoint
ed Mr. JOHN FUCIT jr. of Jereeyiown as tbei
Clerk, in tb# |ih'cF of Mr. Lee, who will
*o into tho liepknolr an l llccorder's Officey
Mr.J'rutt is a voting man of goad education,
and, from whal we can learn, bf corrco t and
ibdasirluus habits. Tlie announcement of
his nppotntinenl has been well received;
and e feel confident tlint tho publie wilt
be satisfied with bis attention to their bust
dens. He has the ability to make an ex
cellent Clerk.
\\ reck <>i the New Era ~
The ship New Era wasVrecked last Mon
day ofT llfo New Jersey coast, with 360 pas
sengers from Bremen. Si.e is a total wreck,
and,oyer 200 lives niuM.'liave been lost, al
thopgh she was \yithin 300 yards of Jt-he
shore. By-moans of a mortar and ball, a
Ilhe was thrown to the wreck, but the pas
sengers were apparently too much exhaust
ed to lake advantage
THE Dtrrv on CoxL;--We see by the Boston
Times that the petitions-in circulation >in
that oily jn favor of having the duty on coal
removed, have received twenty five hun
tlred aignatutes ; to i - . . y'J
. t*" Thejcri <|biojl
iaa "bursted," tt.i#aieavfeßthili||j|
tST Hurt D KB, a irdl
be Piiubti|g JrokM lias Hied. M|
. FF HO r HOTCC.- jjHheen FTP*,
pointed Commissioner of Northumberland
Doutity, in the place of fitmon Snyder de
ceared. v
EY A] sm beater, a Lwmua.Cincinnlli.hauk
9f,Ja^ely.failjrttf>he mite pf ,934(1,
lie* oa'ieditlH) People'* Bunk, a Withe 'tdear
gflgylo" <> }yill receive perhaps 5 per cent on
,!, tr Amon^hiaj WP c,., : is a
Jhurch pew worth fSOO.
v.' ...V
--EF RECEIVED Tite Jiti/iitalfa F (fo
rember, A, capiirl number. No'farmer
mould be without tlio Journal, or somo otjt
.•r equally good agricultural work. . '
I ?' JOHN H. MONTCOMKH¥, Kaq.'> formerly
>[ Lancaster, and in llm day, one. of the
nasi difti-ujunsheiJ Lawyers iii.i'eimsylvaaia,
ijeil at (he .State Aejium,. npar Hariisbnrg,
in Friday.,iftsiijiw ...,u .re; .n < ?
DEAI7I : OF M RFS! 'HX M I Hftni —THE "wUltXv
>f AlxnnderHamilion died at" Washington
HI Thursday rtiortiiPg S'tftie ogeof'96 years.
I3P* OJ Saturday a w:o'.S aco the suU*
iclfljiia merchants paid 54,000,b00 into the
ianks on"*rpatgrod pkper.
L"The I'liiludeljiliia banks havo directed
heir eeint-ppiiual dividends, am) these are
mostly S per jcenl, in pipe case as as ]0
percent. Tito Girard Jbank alone pays as
aw as 3 per cent.
CsT Mr- Alvm Wilkins'a prominent stock
• rokcf at l'iltsburg, has I'aiitul to the tune,
d 4Q,nco, Ha was,. Treasurer of the I'or.ri* |
ylvatiia Incurs,nee Company, and is said
o have embezzled ttie funds ha held i.o (hat
CS*" Congress meets at Washington on
he first Monday of December, and expires,
iy c institutional limitation on the 4th of
tlarch, - .
tar Last Monday (her - was a fresh'et ol i
wo feel and a half rise in the Lehigh river,
trd a rise of crghl feet in the Delaware.
ty The Farmer's joint Stock Bank of
lufl'alo has failed.
f~y The Merchants and Mechanics Bank
if Chingo lias failed. The notes of the
iapersvillc Bank and Bank ol Kghn are re
ftr Jones' Gift Krilerprise in New York
las come to a t-ucfeSalul drawing of thy
ISP" Flour lias declined two shillings a
juarter in Liverpool.
. •ehe-
HOODIE. Published Vy ])c TL ill fy Davenport,
160 & 162 Nassau st Price. 50 tls. piiper, 75
•,ts.clo\h. All who haVn read "Roughing It
in the Bush," and their name is legion,'will
wunt this companion to it, tvhio'i shows the
<arne brilliant powere-of description which
marked hßr other wrtks—though, fortunately
or our heroine, the darker shades Of flue pic
iura are not presented in s6 prominent a
manner as before, inasmuch as being her
self now more happily annate 1, she writes
in a nifidh lighter and' muelt' more cheerful
rein. She pictures the person*, characters,
md scenes that she saw'' in her progress
hrongh the "Clearings, ' while oft a journey,
undertaken with the hope of restoring her
failing health, prfehabfy undermined by the
hardships which she underwent, and which
she so' graphically describes in ''Roughing
it in the Bush." In which endeavor our
readers will be gratified to learn she has
■ uccoeded—as we consider the life of this
jilted woman of inestimable value, not nuly
:o her friends, but also to the public, who
tope to be entertained with other works
from her fascinating pen.
Ill, SO;WOOD'S -M-SOSZIUE. Oetuhet. Ntic
Ydrt: lltp'tbUshcdln, Leonard Seal If Co.
The first article io the present nn.ttddr is a
continuation of the fine paper previously
commenced upon the sneculators among
he stars. The secohd in a diatribe e&OinM
he present Kingdom of Greece. The third
is a continuaiicm of Students Life inScoiland-
The fourth is a piquant criticism on Civili
{alion as shown by the ceneus. The fifth>
t tale entitled a Russian Reminiscence. The
lixlh on Layatd's Babvlorw%nd Nineveh.
The seventh, a poein on th? dpehtttg of the
Jangos Canal. The last !r on 1 Spanish
Politics, and Cuban I'erile" —a letter from
ho Madrid correspondent. This letter takes
ground decidedly io favour of the Ale of
Cuba to the United States. n •
, Nibiusku Fertility uuil Prices
The Council Bluffs Bugle, published at the
edge of Nebraska, .tells of a beet raised in
hot vicinity which measured 3 fvet 6 inches
;n length, fij inches in diameter; 25 'incliek
iu ci;cuinference,and weighed fi J lbs The
editor saw a lot ofmabbages on one stalk of
of which were two heade weighing 18 lbs.
On another Jetalk wore three heads, and ou
sliH another were tix perfect heads.
AlCounH Bluff flour is selling at 94 50
per sack,-wheel 9l per bushel; corn 40 cents,
potatoes 50 cents,' bhtter 20Vents per pound,
and boef aftd pork from 5 to 8 cents.
Collectors OHice licacb Ilaven, ,v
, Nov. Ist, 1854.
|L W. WEAVEB, Ksq.,
Lear Sir : —Tito amount of
foils collected at thisofiice in month of Co
[nber is ' - - - - 932,430 ?3
AtrTl. per last report - - 160,428.0(1
W luile am't. from Ist Dec. last 9192, Sbb'gtt
" Saute period last year 185 285 89
IIIOT'O. over same period last year 527,821! 00
.Resiwcifuliy yours,
I'ETiiR, EN'T,
fF On last Thursday Mr. William J.
Ikeler' the newly elected County Commis-
Mbner took his oath of office, and his plat*
as one of the Boatd, 11a comes in undhi 1
favourable attsplhes, and is a man df care
'ol aitil pradent business habits, so that ttie
lublie h*n have every cortfidenee'iir 'fhe
iiianagomenl of the eounty affairs. Andrew
Frees retires Boafd. i * !1 B
t , 4 T; 4 4 U7l •Mi ( J IC 1 !;
■■- " "
V ' '****•" ' "' ' "—— -
The returns indicate ftjje cjfjttion gHHo
aiio Seymour, the candifoie uHbe tiiMinis
iatiou or Nebraska His Hfejori
y. will be email, hows##**,- arfß jri'me ol
.'lark's frauds yttfl believe 1 their man" is
ilected. But the Tribune gives it up, anil
ircileyetfgbi >(jt ; 't>Hmarr.-ftie Ktiow
Nothing candidate, comes out third best
fd. tjip-vota for B/tjnson v^jry jiahy # .. ,
Ferlaiulu .\Yoddj"-cm , is ileptgd Sityer
barker, WllOWvWOtßing.
The rest'of the retuftis are not so favota
tits 1 ¥b r , ih 'Demoefallt: v 'PiriHUtih, tyfotfts
d Jdmd'CitTiKt Com m
TtiltiM^ , I%MtSih fnsffetjldf ) ! tWe'"lieiiiefr;at|t
JoVernor i!r in doubt,
Thfe Cdhij'relwtotiilt dale gallon is 'e'tfmpuJrsftU,
if 24'\Vhrs ; 'iiicfuditlo KiioW-Notlmigs Who
vere Whig - bemine'es; '5 Soil and- Hafll
lemnctale j'il' l KnoW-Nethregsf 'pore rind j
lintple 2 Nebraska.
The Leyislatbra is targalV^eWafdiWhigi 1 '
iw-iNois,—Four Democrats out of seven
lave bgen elected to Congress. The Senate
s Democratic, but the House doubtful. It is
gnnnl.l i:.n • ■
r ,f-|w uuniua win yd rc-eiectccy to
he national Senate. Kfovv Nothings
ihd Ami Nebraska man joined together, but
h?J gain I'ttle y> oomfoit them.
NiSr Jesset.— The Wtiigs and Nnbw'-
fotldngs have carried the Stale, 'felefcflng
nti of the frve Congressmen: and a large ma
afit y iri tile I.egislatrtre.' ' " '''
MffitgiXN.—This Sjale gone the same
oailf Tito Whigs are, syvaljowcd the
'reo eqijftfi. i.- ,*
■#' . '
■ Wiflebtfiiferi—Miy, to
.'ongressitt the Third Con
reisiOtml dclegatiiS sitinds ta'u DomucrUts
rtd otte Whig.
A Uililed State Senalor is to be elected in
le place of Isaac I'. Walkfer.
MafSicttysßrrs.—The Whigs ran Wash
urn for Governor, the Democrats Bishop,
nd the, Know Nothings Gardner. Thelat
it is elected by 10,000 majority.
In seventy-five towns heard fropi, every
leprevcntaiive elected to the Legislature is
I now Nothing.. Ail die Statu Senators heard
rom are also Know Nothings. In fact every
Siing is Know Nothing, both Whigs and
femocrats. ~
Probably yevpry Congressman yleeted
Itryggljoul ijje State is Know Nutping. The
•toe Soil and Abolition candidates are wltol
Tub News from CAi.uronNiA— Tbo news
rom t'alilornia is very , interesting. The
oss of the steamer Vunlcee . Biade is a sub
ject t.f generol eommS'U. Some ol thn pas
angers exptess-the bejisbtluu the wrecking
if.this fine ship contrived iq San Kran
-•ieco by die "shocider-strikers," of w hom
arge numbers were on board. Junnediaie
y on the ship's striking, itiey took possess
ion, of the boats, and. permitted no one to
Jitter until after they hud stripped him of
us mopey. They robbed the. treasure, cut
s[ien trunks, &u , and,it is said committed
iven worse atrocities. Some of these wretch
es wilt doubtless be recognised aud punish
ed as tlitey deserve. The stumer had over
jiglit littritTrcd passengers on board, many
r.f whom fust tf e earnings of years of toil in
tTT A matter of interest in the news |
is the unsuccessful atiempi of the English
and French fleets in the North I'aeifio to
ate tho town ol l'elroploski and capture
:wo Russian frigates lying in that pott. They
!dst over two hundred men in the ul'tempt,
arid tt'ere obliged to leave without accom
plishing their object, their vessels being very
much crippled, and- one having lost her
'oremast. There talk of their returning,
#Ttrt>eing joined'by sevenil other vessels '
jfitfar now in the Pacific. 'The Russians j
tppaar to give a good account of themselves !
ivtflrtever tliey aro assailed,
■ m Jv, .j.-hi 'until et notlaavt
A Turkish Heroin^.—The celebrated
rurkish woman Fuima Queen-Hanum, who
ed sf)o so'KUersdo ilte seal of war,. ligj been
ibandbned by Iter troops, and has returnitd j
or retfrufts. 1 Irr military dress is described j
is a 'foose jiair ol Mne tfrnvscrs, cashniere !
ulbaW, i-ed boots, with very lpng spurs, a j
waistcoat, embroidered wifl't pearls pod gold,
and a waiat belt, which, of itself, is a per
recl arsebal of woapons. A spacious cloak
if red elotbr similar to thai worn by the
French' Sushis, envelopes her in its copious
folds. '•* 1
Extest or oun Territories.— -The iol
,owing-is ai jist of Territories, with tlmir ex
lent, that hnvtf. already been carved out.
Sud wiii soon apply for admission as States-
BMare Afilet.
New Mexico, ... . .119.774
Indians of Kansas, - - 167.174
Minnesota, . 83 000
Oregon and' Washington, - 34M08
wall',. 187.924
Nebraska and Northwestern, 724,964
■ Destructive Fir* at Montiose.
llini'kumplon, November. 10.—We leern
from Montrose, IVnua„, thai a very destrue
live Are occurred there this morning, consu
ming a large nnrnber of stores, shops and
dwellings. ']se lost is stated to be nearly
rar The harrnrs of the Aretio disaster
have sensibly aliened the amount ot travel
to Europe. The Baltic, which sailed on
Saturday, was scarcely one-third full, her
whole number of passengers being bur sixty
six. , t . 'j -
Change or Fashion,— lf is said to be uo
longer fashionable in New York to tra'tl a
quarter of a yaid of rich silk along the
pavement, at she heels of a lady. ' The
sbreots will bo the faalcr from the change ot
fashion, . t • '
EP" On Tuesdy-the 7th met, the Batik
of Danville declared a ifivident ot five per
cent fdt the last six moitlGs,
on e w&it r/gfif nliiof
IUUFA^,.tCov|a —The Rfamihip AmW
■ c, from /Lsveriipti. withgj(aies\to (ha 2M
I SoiiiwLopjjL was Uli
I but had 1101 yet INI)JptE
r KuStVifc and Russia aie on (he point of ac
, luaJ war. ,
, . Mtj Raill,a, lufl f American Minister nj Ala.
•V Arid,.'We btes prdh Billed from [Ao)ii<s
< fc'rance. -
Tlio War—Bombardmsiit of StViitfopol
Se latest advitfes Hio>#"th*l-'twenty dtffi
ed bStweW tflh depirlua'ofilto t)esteg :
''Mrg tbaihSfrnm Befall laVS and the oponiug of
1 'ihe liei srpon BebaTmpel:
The builerieff iyfrre ready; fifteen in nunrr-
I beiponihii 17ih, whett a Brewas opened u_
pnn Ihe-'oity, both Rom lam! and sea; and die
I bombardment continued until night. The
, J!usn'l, on the fitti day, >loet 380 hilled
and' wounded. Admiral , KortiUeff ; Ws
among the killed. \.The: fortifications endur
ed hut little, -r I . ft. -i
:.<dthe lßih, the bombardment was letum
v. ed> by tliu Allied batteries. The Russian dcs
jt*!!ss ITtititi frequent sor
' ties. ■ . <1 -
W hen the mail. left Conhlaiilinuplbon the
ISth, five steamers had arrived at Balaklava
with those wonruled In repelling the pram
"sortie .made by the: Russians, 20,060 strong, j
Lord-Kaplan and Gen. Canrobert had lor. I
malty surnmoßod the garrison of Seoastopnl
to fu tee Oder, arid required the women) ehtU
dren and sick ta be sent away, and the flags
'hoisted upon the -hospitals,
Srsfur as known, the Russian army now
being concentrated on the upper Belbee, al
ready numbers 45,000 men.
The allied army is now divided into a
siego army, and on army of' observation.—r
The latter is posted on the .e.vteosivo table
lard which separates Balaklava from Sebas
lopot, and accessible only from two points, v
The Russians are hovering on the outside
of, the positions of the allies. On the 7th
they made a strong demonstration on the
northwest extremity of the camp, but were
kept tn check, and retired tviihMt coming to
battle. | „
Op the 2d, Slh and llthuf October the
garrison made sorties from Bebastopol, and
succeeded in destroying some small works..
On the everting of the slii a convoy of 4U90
Russians effected an oulrattce into Sebaslo
pol. , j , .
The allied forces in the Crimea now num
ber 110,000, and 8000 additional French
troopa were ready to nmbark from Marseil
les on tho 21st, and SOOO Turks we,o await
ing transports at Varna,
j Le tiers say thai the Allies have 300 gttns
! in battery, and, after a few days fire, will at
tempt to storm the garrison, which is eslitua- 1
ted at 40,000 men.
Admiral MensehikofF, who commanded at j
Sinope, and is .the Commandant at Sehasto
pol, tigs published an addross, saying that
he will defend it to the last, and that any
one is welcome to shoot him if he dou't.
four linys latter Irurn Lbropc,
NEW,' Nov. 12.—The steamship
Atlantic, Capt. West, slipped into port 4-
ooul 2 o'clock this afternoon, entirely un
announced. She left Liverpool early on
Wednesday inorriinj, the Htinst., and brings
over a hundred pawitengers.
The London Times justifies the refusal of
the French government to allow Mr. Soule
to pass through France. That paper also
says that Messrs. 'Buchanan and Mason re
gard this Mr. Soule as a national
matter. It is rumored that that .Mr. Mason
has demanded an apology, which -!he Lon
dou'Times says will not be conceded. The
affair has given rise to much newspaper dis
cussion, and lh beliel is generally enter
j tained that w ill create a eeiiuus difficulty
j between the Fraituh and American govurn
! merits. t • ... -
iThe seigc ot Bebastopol 'progressed slow
ly. A small breach has been mads by the
lira of the allies, and two of the outworks
silenced. On the other baud, tha Russians
during a sortie siiceeded in spiking sixteen
i guns in a French b*uery.
j The French steamer which left the Cri-
I inca ou the 21st, reports that the allied land
; force had effected a breech, but not yot
practicable to storm 1
The Russian pffioigl report, under, data of
the 23d, sgys that the garrison had made a
successful sortie and destroyed a French
battery, spiked eixteen French guns, mm
tuok Lord Duukellen, an Knglish I\j'olemau.
Our Slts Government.
The Legislature of Pennsplvatlia assem
'.'■ies and organizes on Hie first Tuesday in
January, annually, and the inauguration of
the Governor hikes place on th e third Tues
day of the same mouth. These are provis
ions ol the Constitution- A Legislative pro
vision directs tho election of U- S. Senator
lo take place on the second Tuesday bf
February, and that of State Treasurer on
the Monday preceding the Tuesday of the
inauguration of' the Governor, by the two
Houses meeting in Convention, the major
ity of.ltie whole of whom shall forma quo
rum, so that sixty-seven members can pro
ceed to election, should a minority* absent
MKIGUS, the GAT) Francisco forge, was'
known by many of his acquaint
ances as *'Honest lleury Meiggs."
HF* We are informed by good authority
that the North Branch Canal will probably
be in ordfer lor opening as early in the com
ing spring as the cold and frost will rcnJcr
if prudent to let the water in.
Hon. Henry M. Fuller has presented
the Wilkes-barre Female Institute with a
handsome new Piano.
• —'Tile NnMbKtt or ASTER tons discovered
is thirty-one, the trutnber of States in the LT
nion.' The last was discovered by Mr. Fer
guson, It Washington.
lilo.NTiAy, for JroremMl react}
5 J'wilhJflHjKry ponJualty.jnt is I
none oi * ; i. pffdecess
°' g the (act ihfjq Aineti
is capable, off pibmicing, I
1 pertodicul_ / rato rival BtacSkcod iiaj#s P all N
esi .laJT, liiie one would provi
■ vtHhe leading, peper is-enable- historif
serration on "The First Discoverers of Aider
ica," followed by additional chapters of Mel
rifle's admirable ant! best Novel** Israel Pot'
' 'tef.Vtl'at} of C'ount ,S(cdiiigk's interest
ing'lliogwphy, ud a Vatiit| of original con
lribuli,ons, Doth in thp lights and graver di
„ visions of lijprary production. "Tutnsm,'
we arc-glad to know' is now an "establish
. ed /net,;' in llio world of letters ; and a laet
100, tin,! speaks volumes" in favor of nativi
literature.. - York—<. I'- PuUlXm &
Co , Publisher*. . .
.91 i i OuJ -*+*-**- 'ij i
this work says: . * '
"The delay in gMtim? tbd.wsldr if,to the
-C'a lal was canned by theuiefsdte in that'iintl
of the work which pas constructed many
yeivfji ago. \Yli!i Vrliat-j'* e
I ~1.. rvors" lliere liad been no difficulty
experienced, the .woik having been construc
ted ih substantial an I durable manner."—
The same pager complains that tho ganiblen
the sot and the /one got a chance ij plunder
utKtertlhe tare management of the wotk, but
doea not inform tus that the Canst Com mis
clone's were informed of the corruption arid
improprieties wnich took'pWe. The cditoi
should have laid his compliant first before
the Board, lie speaks very highly ol Mr.
i Mtilllt, ihe now Supefiiitpudeiit, although d
politWH'bnpoiieti?., I
It ar the Mexican liiibiisterar has
j bbert tried fot violating (lie neutrality ItnV.i
of the Doited States and acquitted. Truly o
[ strange verdict. -n
t3P"Tlie Philadelphia mail now teaches
'his Place rngu larly, and proposals will be
i(jjjpFt!j}by the postmaster of this place uu
tit this aWiniig. for carrying it regularly be
twter.-Illoomsboig arid Cattawissa.
The C'nnnl Honk Opened byrha Sheriff.
Ci.bvei.asd, Nov. I I.—Dr. Ankley, a sua
cial depositor of SBOOO in llie Canal
: as State Commissioner for the erection-oBW
Insane Asylum, at Newbury, attempted to
get possession to-day, by law, as" assignee,
but was .rtdusqd Urn key of tho safe. The
Sheriff thereupon caused the |afe wall lo'bj
broken info. The proceedings caused great
excitement. It is not known what amount
Dr. Ackley phtuiue.!.
—*•*'* *
i he License Questran.— vole itrXow
Orleans on the license qneMon, resulted in
j a majority r.f 5,000 io favorm granting lieon.
: eetr lortbe svie of liquors. "• :
| It with much salisfauton. indeed thas we
record tl.e appointment of Sami'Ej. P. Col
| i.tNOi, of WiJhc-liatre as Cot.spl to the Em
pire of Slofrocco. it is'a reward bestowed
on a worthy and ii-ir.peient mail, and on one
100, who has dcyo ed his whole life to the
advocacy of Democratic prinqipjas.
David Rockefeller has been appoint'
ed by the Court. County Surveyor of Nor
thumberland county, in llie place of Samuel
1 ouns, reignej . Mr. Rockefeller is known
as one of the beot surveyors in the State.
An Incident or the Bali.—A distinguished
gentleman Irhrri the interior of the Slate who
was prnsbnt at the consolidation ball, made the
ucquaimajce.of a charming young lady, and
it is buio lhatfft matrimonial project it already
the re-ttlt. Tito lady'was captivated by his
agreeable manners and tine nppearance,
which was much set otl bv Iris elejrtutt sail
from Rockhill itWHstfre's clothing Mote. No.
111 Chesnut street, corner ot Franklin Place.
Henry's Invigorating Cordial.- Ths mer
its of this purely vegetable extract for the
removal and cure oi physical prostration .
genital debility, nervous aiTtelinns, &c., &c.,
are fully described in another coin .nil of this
ptlpyf, 1o which the reader is referred. £2
pet bottle, 3 bottles for So ; six bottles for
SS ; £l6 per duzuu. LjfUbserve t he marks
of the genuine.
Prepared only by S. E. Cohen, No. 3 Frank
lin Row, Vine Sr., below Eighth Philadelphia
Pa., to whom till orders must be addressed. For
Sale by all the rep|rectable Druggists and
Merchants throughout the ooun'ry.
T. \V Dvoit u Sons, No. 132 North 2nd
St., Philadelphia, Sale Agents tor I'emisyl
| vaitia
Altos House of Cen. Blair, Lewisburg
7th i net., by Eld. Wit. Lane, Joseph F
M Henry, arid Miss Ei.mira Stdceer, both
ol Columbia count y. Also, bv Rev. .B. 'H
Hamlin, Ika D. Kline of Colombia no., and
Miss. Mary A Bkittain ol Hnntiugdou, Lu
zerne county.
In Danville, on Trievday evening last by
the Rev. M. C. Llghtner, Mr. John Evans,
of Bingharntrfn. N. V.. io Miss Maiioaret
Hknrie, daughter of Win. llentie, of Dan
At Mot ntpleasant, on Saturday tho 11th
inst., by 1.-iuie Musgrove, Esq,, Mr. L*vi
Thomas, of New V'ork, to Miss Elizabeth
Moiidan, of Mountpfeasant.
mtvt a&„
In Bloomsburg, on Thursday evening last
William C., infant Sail of John & Ehzabetl
Hicks aged 8 months and 10 days. ' ''
lii Ilimlock township, Columbia county
On the 22 of Ohiobef, Mrs. Mary Emily
wife of Wtiiiutn Uellerby aged 35 years and
8 months, t .
South side of hiain Street above the Railroad
TpVfcliY kind oi' disorder in jeweUed oi
LJ other newly invented EtcapemerUt
fauhtully repaired I)v
•' Watchmaker.
A Si ray JlSull
CAME to tho premises ol tqe subscriber
in Hemlock township, Columbia county
some weeks agb. He is gray, and has u
whim face. The owner is lequesied to prove
properly, pay charges unit take him away,
or he will be. disposed of .according to law.
Hemlock. Nov. It, 185-t. '
tFork on Russia t
J IB * an Illustrated Description
jJKUsSaN ElfirißE i
BBTfif a History of its
and .Prod notion*.
Keouircei.tmp3Tiat (Jove mment Confmefbo
fc'WEr .>
People, IMannorn, Customs, Ani.qui'ies, §tc.,
e*c., etc.,- from the latest and most nnthsnt.o
sources. Embellished w|ih,ab(iul 'Lru Hun.
tired Kiigrsi pnd Map* of Bt.rqpeai) **>
Asiatic Russia. The whole codiplateW wo
iaftjy cifltsvti yoUwne olabouUuu
t This work lias Leoisfrerar years HII pVe
paraiion Md,Will„iti* belioyflJ, Itw#t j„ ,h a
fullest aecepfimceof llite-wOrtHl want souui
venulkyTejt tpr reliable, informality ort the
Distort: and internal re-,mttcqir of a country
occupying 10 large a portldit tif the EiMeru
Heiiii.phere, and holding so formidable a po
sition anbe preseuuifUMo , the, real of ,Mu
rope :.sin ArU;tbul. of which f <r less 14,
jknown iban .of uny other European nation.
. tespDptlttUy in lotraed thai" single uopipsof
thu work will be catefu'lly iu sloer.
and-forwarded at our risk. FEES.'I 2
any lu.-u-uuice 111 tbe United States, on the
tecc.ipt.of tbe retail price, Tunas DoLpit,.,
.add rt-.sed to the Subscriber. '
if.,£>. publishes a uurober of l)ie mos| gj
uable Pictorial Books, veO,,pdpntfc. pi
buchat moial iusi rt'ligicuti inlluejicc. ifi.i:
a lnle good men may safoly engage*])! ihptf
circulation 1 -they, will confer a public benefit,
and receive u J*ir compti.satioH lur their abor.
To.rrieu of enterprise , andrlfiet, this bmi
nesa/fflrrs 011 opportunity for profi able em
|iloyiniii to bo met syitli.
#„* Person* wishing lo engage in their rate
vv-iil receive promptly, by in ail, a Circular
containing inli particulars, with •'DiraCiibtfe
to Person* disposed lo act as Agents," to
gether with the terms <hi whioh they will b
lurnieliud, by addressing the subcriber, post
paid. itOBKUT SEA US, Publishes, ' ;
181 Wir.UAM Btbbt 4 'J<bw YORK.
AT - . . '*• "
For Youlh of boilt Sciei.
WSI BS-UCJMiS, I1N4 ■ I'll,.
riMUS Institution which lots ben In snc
-a ceysfiil operation lor several yesis'hav
recently been enlarged to give better accom
modations tor boarders aud increased facili
ties for Tuition, &e. * 9 -
m The School year.will consist of .44
and vacation w ill occur during Julys
of August, but- pupils wiR be talten at any
season. .
l.iistruetion is given in all the English
branches usually taught. Natural Philosophy
ami A<troimby will be illiitraled by appro
priat.) apparatus and awe** given to a Li
brary and lite tiee of Miitlieauiioal instru
ments. Books aud Stationery will be pre
vided.for all who desire.
Tin-nog, 43, 84 and S5 per qaaiter, graded
by the course of study.
-Boarding 41 SO perwaek. Board, Tuition
washing. lialifc, ft.-.,' 951 per' ;or $lO
(or two quarters, if one half is paid io ad
For further particulars address the princi
pal. '
MillviJle, Nov. I, 1354.
r> EMALNING in the Post (Jtticeat UloonM*
V- 4MM*, U. IBILT 1851
Bostsn Joseph McHenry, S
Cronin Cornelius Monroe P
Carr fi-orgo M.-.Cnllnm J R J f
Franklin 'Thomas ftlcetres Webster *
Fly 11 n Daniel Mover J B
Gorman Thomas 2 Powell Abiathan
llutrnaktr Jacob Bung-John
lltics Joseph William
Hulilerrnan E& Co Reed Kiaccta
Kline Margaret E D Schmick Daniel F*
Kliurt A C Shelby & Kenney
f-ctsr J Tronsew George
MyA'ee Sarah Thorgy Stfih M , ,
Persons calling for any of the above Let
ters will pleave sav they are advertised.
P, t'NANGST, P. M.
\otic* to Collectors.
'JBIE Collectors of the several Townships
A- Within the County of Columbia, aV tit
quested to take notice, thai the time fixed by
law lor the ,e tiling of their exoneration*
upon Militia Fines, w ill expire the first Mjtl
day ol December next. Abet that data, con
sequently, tne Commissioners will not be au
thorized to make any exonerations upon the
collection of unpaid Malltia Fines, ami they
will hold a session on tha first Monday of
December for the our|>ose of making exon
etations, w hen- all collectors interested w ill
do well to attend.
DANIEL i.kE; cva. >
Bloomsbhrg. Nov. Hi, 1864. )
Stray Heifer.
ABOUT fhree weeks ago there name to
tho premises of the subscriber iti Or
ange township, Colambia county, a stray
red heifer, apparently about a year and a
half old. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay charges and lake it away, or
it Avill be disposed of according to law.
Orange township, Nov. 15, 1854 -3t.
Teachers Wanted.
THE School Director* of Baavsr township,
Coltt tubia county wish to engage five
competent school teachers lo take charge ol
common schools in that uislrict. To appli
cants properly qualified 325 a month will be
paid. Application must be made,*soon to
the Director*.
By order of Ike Board.
Beaver twp., Col. Co. Pa., Nov. 10, 1854.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters ietla
mentpry upon the estate of Jobu Craaay,
late cf Mifflin fownsljip. Coldmbla county,
deceased, have been granted to tile under
signed residing in Mifflirtville. All person*
having accounts against five estate aru re
quested'to present thetn to him fob settle
ment, aud trrpse indebted lo the decßdent to
make payment without de'ayto
Mifflinville, Nov. Rth, 1854.—w.,
dfX7"J,LI- be received at the hotel ef Jaaper
v * B, Stark, jn I'iltaton, until sunset .of
the,.2pd of .Noveutbar, for completing the
weigh lock and building a collector'* offlqa
at Upper Pulsion. Plan* ud specifioalioti*
will be exhibited lltreo days previnusdo the
Of ths North Branch Canal. ,
Engineer's Office, Toivanda, 4
October 28, 1854,. ■. j
BOOTS, Shoes and readyNirmde clothing
cheap for cash by