The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 16, 1854, Image 1

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    *. WW *MTr PwprWirO
-ir published every Iters** Memtkag, kg
ft. W. WEAVER.
■Off ICE—Up tlairt, fa Ike nete hrick building
v on Ike eoutk fide qf Main tlreel, tkird
vfvart Wow Market.
Titer—-Two Dollars per annum, if paid
within six months hem the time
scribing; two dofhfre and fifty -cents if not
paid within the year. No aubeoripften re
ceived for a less period than six months: no
discontinuance permitted o
hre pstG'• ••!"■"""• - -
AovaaTtswieKTs not exceeding one sjl" ,re
Will be inserted throe times for one dollar,
and twenty-five cents for each edditranifl in
sertion. *• liberal discount wl be made to
< hose who ydvertira by the year. rf— —
<3B SB CD SB •
iUoomebnrg, ptt-
CLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two
doors above the 'Araewcen House."
CLOTHING STORE in the 'Exchange
Block,' opposite the Court house.
MERCHANTS.— Store on the upper pert
of Main street, nearly opposite the
Episcopal Church.
sTcT S tilth',
io Shive's Block, on Main Street.
~ A. M. RUPERT* _
X Shop on South side of Main street, be
low Market.
BOOKSELLER. Store in the Exchange
Bloek, first door above the Exohange
Hsl. _____
M ERCH ANTS.—Northeast corneraiof Mn
•!*■ od Market streets.
MERCHANT.— Store on South side o
Main Street, second square below Mar
fogs en the aMey between the "Exchange
and "Am.ii.M HwM. "
ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on (he
first floor of the "Star" Building, on
Maiu street.
TAILOR —Shop on the South Side of Main ,
Street, first square below Market.
MERiifes Store North West corner
of Market Streets.
DENTIST—Office near the
|8 Academy oa Third Street.
Gtauon's Pictorial Drawing ROOM
A lit cord of the Uuful und Beaultful in Art
The object of the paper I. to present, in
the most elegant and available form, a week
ly literary meienge of notable events of the
slay. Its columns are devoted to original
tales, sketches and poems by the best Amer
ican Authors, and the cream of the domestic
and foreign news; tbe whole will be spiced
with wit and humor. Each paper is beauti
fully illustrated with numerous accurate en
gravings, by eminent artists, of notable ob
jects, current events in ell pans of the world,
and of men and manners, altogether making
• paper entirely original in iu design iu this
country. Iu pages contsio views of every
populous city in the kuown world, of all
buildings of- not# in tha eastern or western
hemisphere, of all prinoipal ships and
steamers of the navy and merchant service,
with fine and accurate portraits of every no
ted character in the world, both male and fe
male. Sketches of beautiful soenery, taken
from Ufa, will also be given, with numerous
specimens from the animal kingdom, the
bird, of the air and the fish of tha sea. It is
printed on fine satin-surface paper, with new
and beautiful type, presenting in iu mechan
ical execution au elegant specimen of art.
It contains fifteen hundred and sixty-four
square inches, giving a great amount of read
ing matter and illustrations—a mammoth
vrepkly paper of sixteen octavo pages.
TERMS— lnvariably in Advance.
I subscriber, one year, 83
3 subscribers, " " 5
n u II |
8 " " " 16
%• One copy of tbe Fleg of our Union,end
ooe eopy of Gleasou'e Pictorial, one year for
$4 00.
BP* The Pictorial Drawing Room Com
panion may be obtained et any of (be peri
odical depots throughout tbe country, Sod of
newsmen, at efa cents per single copy.
Published every Setcrdey, comer of Tre
aont sod Bromfield streets, by
F. CLEASON, Boston, Mara.
8. French, 161 Nassau, corner of Spruce
at., New York ; A. Winch. 116 Chealnet si.,
Philadelphia; W. * H. Taylor, 111 Balti
mOve St., Baltimore ; A. C. Bagley. corner of
Fourth and Sycamore streets, Cincinnati; (\
A. Roys, 48 Woodward Avenue, Del toil; E.
K. Woodward, oorner Fourth and Chestnm
streets, St. Louis; Thomas Lunn, 40 Ex
change Place, New Orleans.
' 7 ' and
doner aninßßrable forms, fo- sale at tbe of
*ce of the *'"*(01 of fhft North."
Am Original Pee as.
WfalWM Tor (ha dedication of tha new
Hall df ibe GaenrwooD SCHINABT, Oot. 7th,
1864, and read hy CATHAIINE A. BIT*.
Without much effort ktagrandxhsplij.
We now propose to signalice this day,
By words and deeds such as befit the lime.
In oral speech end unpretending rhyme.
We bone by ibis to aid both young and old.
To searoh for jewels of more woth than
•gdia, ,
To dig for wealth fa faufflecftMft mine*.
And draw out treasures from their dead con
That thus they may all bidden things explore,
And robe tpe IUIUC WW *-■ ""J* l '®
•Dispel the shades ef ignorance and wrong
And learn fbose lawa which to our race be
l°D S- .. .
Here let the students of the neighboring
P" ~G . ._ .
Resort to win this handmaid of the arts ;
Here let them strive their utmost to discern
To leant to live while yet they live to learn ;
Here may the various trails ef mind ex
To scatter learning broadcast o'er the land,
Here may the tyro wend his onward course
To trace the rills of learning to their source.
Here may tlie j*rln of after years repair
To seek for Aowledge and its garlands
Here may the mind fiat! scope foe all its
White u explores this noble worlJ of ours;
Here may true science and the arts combine,
To serve the purpose of their wise design,
Here may true freedom ever find a friend
To speak for justice and its claim, defend.
Here may ;ho cause ol temperance AgdLot
Extend their sway and advocates iTreraaeo,
*tOr mif these walls in time thtl's /.fit le
Be o'er poluted by the fumes of ram ;
Hence may tobacco and Hsslenoh be haded,
As burn its intense in the ourer world,
jtipeds only metk their filthy coarse
Wm spout its venom with hydraulic,feroa.
And here in future may we ever fiqd
Our noblest aim Iba culture of the Mind, i
With chriftian virtue for pur daily food
That all may atrive to be both wise and
good. -
And may good deeds whioh time can ne'er
Extend in love to all the human race.
And now we dedicate our hum Me hall
Iff all its patte, the floor and rnef and wall
A temple serve the needs of youth
fleered to eHuce, liberty end Train.
Every Una bis Uwu Lawyer—Sell De
fence Tlromphaut.
At the last term ol tbe Orange co. (N, Y.)
court, tbe following case was tried, upon
whictl the jury was addressed by the defen
dant, who bad couctuded to appear in bis
own defence •
The people ve. fames Alerton. —This was a
very interesting case, rendered so from the
fact that tha defondant acted as "hia own
lawyer" on the trial, without having the ad
vantage of being one of the legal fratetnity.
-His "summing up," of which we are able
to give nearly a verbatim report, with the
exception ol the "acting," was decidedly
rich, and afforded much amusement for the
legal gentlemen present. The feots, as di
vulged upon trial, are briefly as follows :
The defendant is in the employ of Ibe Mon
gaup Valley, Forratteburg and Port Jervi*
plank road company. He and the com
pla:nt, Mr jDodder, are near neighbors.
On a Sunday in February last, tbo defend
ant saw the complainant in tha act of beat
ing his [defendant's] cows along the high
way, and as an inducement for him to quit,
hurled a few stoues at him, one of which,
as tha complainant testified, struck bim on
the back.
The testimony being concluded, the defen
dant addressed the jury as follows.
much about law, and since tbe trial has been
going on I have concluded that I ought ;o
know a little more. I ought to upoligise
perhaps for appearing ia my own defence,
and will do so by telling you, that I feed one
lawyer end hired another, in this o ase, but
they both came up missing when I needed
them most. I suppose I might have secured
the sevices of tome of these other 'limbs of
the law,' that I see aroond me, but having
been cheated by two of 'em, I concluded to
go i, 'on my own hook,' tnd here I am I
I wen tlo tell you, gentlemen, before I go
further, that it is not my fault that this case
is here taking op the time of this hororable
court. 1 think you will give me credit for
telling the truth, when I say that it ought to
hava been tried before a justice of the peacei
it being better adapted to the capacities of
such a court than tbia one. After this diffi
culty Dodder did gel a warrant for me from
Bqnire Cuddeback, over in Deerptrk. He
then charged that I had assaulted him, but
five or six mouths has freshened his mem
ory, and he now says that 1 assaulted and
battered bim. 1 believe there ie some dif
ference between the two charges.
Dodder rays he swore to the complaint
before Sqnire Cuddeback, and I leave it for
you to say whether be telle tbe truth now in
raying that 1 bettered bim. 1 was taken by
a constable before the squire, and either be
cause the justice was ashamed of what he
bed already done, or hadn't time to attend
to it, I don't know which, it wool down -
Two or tbsee weeks after that I was arrested
age is, end my wifo having been confined,
I thought it best, as a dutiful husband, to be
aroood hum, ao 1 got rid of it by giving se
curity for my appearance to court.
You know, gentlemen, that I am in the
employ of the Mongaup Volley, For rest burg
end Port Jems plank road company, as a
gate keeper. This company, it seems, bad
sufficient confidence iu my integrity and
hooesty as to plaee me in that imperteot sta
tion, and even if 1 should receive 83000 and
r steal 81600 ol U, that's between me end the
company, and it's none of Dodder's business.
•Now when the company sent me up along
thi a road 10 collect loll*, this Dodder was
ona of iba inhabiianle I fooad theia in Ibe
woods, and 1 will ay for bias tbat be ie a
very (air apectmen Of Che reat Of ibe popula
tion. Vot there ian't any ef rbent that seem
to appreciate all the benefits of tbia plank
mad.. '
It lei out to civilisation a claaa of people
who oevert*fore inetmod the "Woe (bat there
was each a thing as vfrfltoed life, and this-
Dodder ia one of them. It is a foot, tbat soon
after I moved there, a young woman aeven
teen yeara old, cum down out of the moun
tains on the p!:"- 7X2, ~r i
she bad never been out before. She fairly
eeemed surprised to see a white man, and
after asking a few questions wont hook into
ibe weeds. This Dodder ems fay nearest
neighbor, and a good deal nearer lb so I
wonted him, end I hadn't been there long,
before I heard fie bed been lying about me
to one of the directors, and I soon found oat
that he wanted to get bia eon, who wee
sworn here against me, in my place. Bat be
hestt'i done it yet, end if you don't convict
me, I reckon he won't very reen.
It wont take long to dispose of Dodder
No. 2. lie testifies that he saw me throw
dime atones at bis father, and saw the "old
man dodge." On his cross examination he
says, that he was in nis own house in the
the woods, and be had to look over a t.ill
twenty fee' high, and also over three slab
fences and two stone walls. Welt, if he tolls
the truth, all! wiah is that I had young Dod
der's eyes. is certainly a remarkable
boy and consistently deny his "father."
I am wiffingto admit that I done wrong
to throw stones at Dodder, and I apologise
to aH the world and this county partionlarly,
for it. The deotors tell us that there are
'tiro causes for /II diseases, predisposition
and excitability; I think it was the latter
cause thst moved tne to stone Dodder. I there
fore conless myself guilty of the assault, but
the battery I deny ; and if you find me guil-1
ty of the battery I will appeal from the de
cision to the Court of High Heaven itself be
fore f will submit to it.
Now, geutlemen; you saw Mr. Dodder and
heard bim swear against me. I asked him
a great many questions, and I was sorry to
hesr him answer as he did. I might have
asked him if lie didn't kill ray cat, and if he j
d'do't stone my chickens, because tbey tres
passed itt his woods, where actually the
rocks sre so thick that the brake's can't find
their way through them; but then I knew he
would dteny ft, and It would grieve me to
hear him. H admits that he was driving
my three cows up the road, and that he
struck at one of 'em, but says it was with a
small switch. I have proved that this small
switch was a pole about leu fet long and
about tbiee inches across the butt end, and
I have also proved (hat when he struck, the
cow fell. It is true, my witness couldn't
sweat tbat tbe stick hit her, he was so far off
but lake tbe-blow and tbe fall together, and
we caa guess the real. If you, gentlemen,
should sea me point a gun at a man and
pull the trigger, see the flash and bear the
the report, ami at the same time see tbe man
drop; I think you would ssy tbat 1 shot him,
although you might not see (he ball strike
I him.
Nov, the fact it, gentlemen, that on San
day I was laying on my lounge is my house,
when my wifie said to me that Dodder was
chasing my cows. I jumped up and pulled
on my boots and went out of doors, and
saw Dodder and the cows a coming up the
road. It is true, he says he was not driving
them bat says that he and the cows was
bom going along the road in one direction,
and this was as near at I could get hire to
the cows or the truth, but it is proved that
the cows were going ahead of bim and be
was following after them, striking at them,
with his little switch ten feet long and three
inohes across the butt, and 1 reckon you'll
think he was "driving" them. I aaug on'
to him, "Dodder, stop!" but he didn't o
bey my order, and I just threw e stone in
itst direction, which went about then feel
over his head ; at the same lime going lo
watd him, while he was coming toward me.
He paid no attention, and I sung out again
"Dodder, stop!" still be didn't mind me,
end then I just threw another stotte; but on
he came, and on I want, and I threw the
third alone, which he saya hit him in the
back of bis neck, but which I think is rather
strange, as we were going forward each
otbar aa fast as we could go. But he never
slacked up, and by this time we were with
in about eight feet of each other. I halted
and hollered at the top of my voice, "Dod
der, why in don't you etop!" about
then he did stop, and raised hit ten foot
switch as if to ttrika me—l sang out: "Mr.
Dodder, look out I YOII may wollnp my
com, but if you wollup me with that twitch
you'll wollup an animal that'll book !"
[Here the orator made an appropriate ges
ture of the head, as in tha act of booking,
which was followed with tumultuous shouts
and laughter, that continued several min
utes. J
Now, gentlemen, if yon convict me, this
court can fine me $250 and jug me for eix
months, and if you really think I ought to
be convicted of this assault, say to, for I am
in favor of living up to the laws, as long as
they are laifr, wnelberit is the fugitive slave
law, the Nebraska bill or tbe excise lews.
I wiU read yon a little law, however, which
I beve just seen in a book here—(the speak
er here picked op a law book Aid read ft*
follows:) ' Every man has a right to de
lend himaelf from personal violence." Now
I can't know whether this is law or not, bat
Trath art
I find it in a law book. (A veteran mem
ber of the bet who waa tilling near ;he spea
ker, remarked to bim that it waa good law.)
Now if yon will lorn la Barbour something
page 399, yon'il find that the tamo doctrines
is applied to caulo— (groat laughter.) There
fore I lakh it, I bad a right to defend nay
cowa against Dodder's tea foot switch. Why
gentlemen, neatly all tny wealth is ioveated
in them tbiae cows, and yoe can't wonder
that I became a little eaoited when I saw
Dodder then with bis ten foo 1
pole. lam a peer man, and have a
family, eensianng of a wife and sic chil
dren, which 1 reckon is doing pretty well
for as small a man as I am, and 1 oould not
afford to let Dodder kill my coars.
" Now, geutlemen, I itoo't believe vooll
convict me, after what I have said. But if
yon do, and this court fines me $950, " I
•ball repudiate," 'beoanse I cannot pay."—
and if I am jugged for six months, why these
Dodders will have it all their own way op
there. But notwithstanding alt this, I am
willing to risk myself la your hands, and if
yon think I onght to have stood by and not
dene when I saw Doddor hammer
ing my cows, w%y thee 1 am "gone in" tola
gata and
It is true, I am a poor man, but not ft mean
one. The name of Allenon oan be traoed
to the May Floater ; when she landed the
Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock, among the
passengers was a widow, Mary Allerton,
with foor fatherless children, and I am de
scended from that Puritan stock; and from
that day to this, theie has never - lived an
Allerton who hadn't Yankee spirit
to stop a Dodder from poling his oows. JTm
done." (Here Ibe laughing and shooting
were exceedingly boisterous, in which all
participated, and it was several minutes,
despite the repeated cries of "order," by
the con rt, before order coold be restored.—
Oar eloquent and usually unvanquisbable
district attorney, fearing to cope with so for
midable an antagonist, merely remarked :
" It is a plain Asa*," See., and left it to the
jnry, who promptly brought in a verdict of
''Not Guilty." Mr. Allerton certainly da*
serves judicial promotion, and we more
that be be appointed crier of the coart.
I have eeen and hoard of people who
thought it beneath them to work—to employ
themselves industriously at tome useful la
bor. Beneath them to work I Why, work
( is the great motto of lite ; and be who ac
complishes the most by his industry, is the
most truly great man—sye, and is the most
distinguished man among his fellows, too—
And the man who forgets his duty to him
self, his fellow cresioren, and bis God—who
so lar forgets the great blessings of life, as to
allow his energies to stagnate in inactivily
and uselessr.ess, hid better die for says Ho
ly Writ, "Ho that will not work, neither
shall he eat." An idler is a encumberer ol
the ground—a weary curse to himself, as
well as those around hint.
Beneath human beings to work ! Why,
what but the continued history that brings
forth the improvement that never allows him
to be contented with any altiretneni be may
have made—of work that ne may have ef
feoteil, what but this raises icau above the
brute oreation, and, under Providence, sur
rounds bim with comforts, luxuries and re
finements, physical, moral add intellectual
blessings? The great ora tor, (he great poet)
and the great scholar, are great working men.
Their vocation is infinitely more laborious
than that of the bandicraftman* ; and the
student's life has more anxiety than that Of
any other man. And all without the perse
verance, tbe intention to real industry, cannot
thrive. Hence the number of mere preten
sions to scholarship, or those who have not
strength and industry to be real teholara, bat
stop half way, and are smatterars,a shame to
the profession.
Beneath human beings to work! Look
in the artist's studio, tke poet's garret, wbare
tue genius of immortality stand* ready to
seal hia work with an unneffaceable aignet,
and then you will only see industry standing
by bis aide.
Beneath human beings to work I Why, I
had rather that a child of mine should labor
regularly at tbe lowest, meanest employ
ment' than to waste ita body, mind and soul,
in folly, idleness, and nielesaneas. Batter
to wear out in year, than to rust out in a
Beneath human being* to work I, Why
what but work baa tilled oar field*, clothed
our bodies, built our bouses, raised our chur
ches, printed our books,cultivated ear minds
and soul* 1 "Work out year own salvation"
says the inspired Apo* lie to tho Gentiles.
Harrison, Missirippi, lives a ftypale hermit—
a curiosity, indeed, of her sex, because prone
to solitude and silence. She lives in a bouse
the fabrio of her own bands, cultivates ber
own fields, splits bar own rails, doss her own
fencing, and tbe present autumn aha will
have one hundred bushels ol corn to sell, and
a few hundred busbets of potatoes, all tba
products of her own unaided and indomita
ble labor I She lives alone—no husband,
nor children, nor neighbors nearer than three
mi lea.
BT Pedagogue: Well air. What does
h-a-i-r apeil ? Boy : I don't know. Pod :
What bave you got on onur bead i Bbjr,
(scratcoing) guess it'* a mutkseter bite; it
itches like thunder.
Mr. Hokeke save it is much easier to
botrow troubls than money.
Know Ndthlegs and the Whig Party.
Extract from Judge Agneto't Address to the
Whigs of Renter County :
"It is tight—it ia just—ia i< honorable, in
the candidates of ane party seersKy to jolrs
another, which requires of him a new oatb
bound allegiance? Can he be a trustworthy
or Safe man who extends the right band of
friendabip to bia brethren on the ticket, clai
ming their aupporl, ami with the left hand
la aecretly stabbing them with bia vote ?
What sort of honor or bonetly is that which
cries to the Whigs for their voles, while it
Healthfully robs tbem of its owr., and trans
fers to another party the eclat and the bene,
hia in UclSf" : The trcrtn Knew-?'
draped out in tba falsa garo of the Whig
candidate, moat prove untrue to the Wbigs
by voting for Moll, Robinson and Thomp
eon, or violate bis oath by voting against
them. Let him take either born, be ia e
trailer to either one or the other. No man
can aerve two masters. He cannet warship
God end the Devil,
Withont assailing the order eff Know-
Nothings, or its principles, we hold, there
fore, that a proper regftW foi onrselvee as
i individuals, and dbty to tbe Whig party, re-
I quired of eh when informed of this corrup
tion in £ur ticket, to take means to avoid its
conseqaeccss, and prevent the betrayal of
our cause.
But we farther hold that the principle and
the organisation of such a party to which
our candidates had bound themselves, can
not \fi defined. In a land of perfect free
dom of opinion, of onrestraioed liberty of
speech and of the prose, what can justify
the sxistenoe of a secret oath bound party,
whose aims are against a portion of the cit
■xens, whether they be Catholics, or all par
sons of foreign birth ?
Justice and fair dealing require that no
man nor class of men shall be assailed in
the dark, nor robbed of their coasiilotional
rights. Secret combinations for this purpose
approach so nearly to the crime of conspi
racy, that thsy want but a tingle ingredient
to make them amendable to law. If the
Catholic religion be prostituted to political
I purposes, let it be met openly and manfully,
I by Protestants, and the grounds of complaint
directly made.
In a Protestant country, numbering nine
to ever)' Catholic, truth need* not to be a
fraid of the light If foreigner* have 100
large a ahare of otir affairs, truth eannol be
•mothered wheu the native citizen* are se
eo to one of foreign birth. Who, in a free
and enlightened country; ha* ever heard of
a party of honest aims and upright purposes
being obliged to skulk from the light, meet*
ing in the dead dark hour* ol night, in
waste houses, the wood*, and deserted pla
ces, filter for deeds of evil than of good ?
Granting to it honesty of purpose; and we
have no disposition to impute aught elce to
many of the persons who have been inveig
led into it, or have foolishly giveu war to
their euriosily, or been impelled by their
unconquerable deaire of offioe to enter it,
bow cau such a party pievent being doped
by its leaders, when all its proceedings must
be made knowr. aud all its communications
given Tram hand to hand, instead of being
laid open thro' the press, by publio meet
ings, aod free and unrestricted speech. Ineve
rv county there are demagogues, ever on the
alert to ride upon the topmost wave to office
and to power,—designing men, who find
their way into every society,even the church
of God. Itenablea such men more eflectu
ally to impose upon our onweary, and im
plicate them in measure or in means of
wbicb their judgement or conscience cannot
approve. It produces the slavery of dogma,
without the freedom of rightful judgement.
It is degrading and demoralizing. It
teaches the youthful and uncorrtipled, as
well as the old, the church member and the
mau ol God, the moral and the truthful, to
hide membership, purposes and actions un
der the oover ol darkness and secrecy. It
produces tearfulness, shamefucedness and
concealment, where manly boldness, inge
cuous openness and conscious rectitude a
lone should prevail. It compels men of
character, piety aod truth to dissemble and
deny, to aot a falsehood, if not directly to
assert it. Peartul tbat Ibeir membership
should be known, they scarcely dare discuss
tbe principles that they have espoused, and
almost every moment in tbeir intercourse
with men are compelled to dissimulate, and
profess want of knowledge of that tbey ac
tually kuow; aod sometimes to escape con
viction by open falsehood. So far has this
incincerity and evasion filled the entire
mass, that populdr sentiment has Irom this
characteristicnaiiied them 'Know-nothings.'
Let the objects of thie party be right, it can
not legalize the means it uses by the holi
ness of its purposes ; it canoot do what no
code of morals ever sanoiioned. A means
which leads to dissimulation, prsvarieathm
and falsehood, csnnot under any circum
stances be justified.
Moreover, tbe conscience roust often be
tolerated or members placed iu the most
painful dilemma between duly and party
allegiance. Those men like tbe sebjeols ol
a despot and a kind, are oath-bound. Not
content with the honor and honesty of men,
as citizens having their own, their native
land to love aod serve, this secret order re
quires an oath of fealty alto to bind them to
its interest*. Their duty to their party ta
sanoiioned by an appeal to Heaven. The
determinations of tbe body, oftentimes tbe
mere sspedaM to tbe leedsrs, must be obey
ed or the member compelled to withdrew,
at the risk of prosecution or obloquy, Tbe
right of private judgement, ie opposition to
the ifill of the body |g thus What
ia thia but the very eaenup of papal iohli
bility, char#sd by them upon Catholiea ?
How can tba principle of thia thing be de
fended ? Tbe member whose jadgement
cannot conoide with determinations of the
body, atands in a dilemma where hia oath
and hia contcience are in conflict.
Tbsre ia another aerioos consequence, of
thia seeret movement, ft gives unprinci
pled men the means of aboaing the confi
dence of the unsuspecting, prodnring suspi
ciousness, and making the honest and can
did distrustful and fearful of all those who
approach them in the g< ise of former friend-
approach true men of that parly, and be
gnile them to believe and to act to suit the
purposes of their own seoret order. Thns,
in the guiee of Whigs, they may approach
their former friends, gain their ear, and
though with treason in their hearts, and the
Know-Nothing ticket in (heir packets, With
the names of Molt, Robinson. Thompson,
Sic., upon i:, they blast the renolations of
those whose only crimes is that they would
continue Whigs, and tould prevent the ru
iu of their own party.
We deny no man freedom of opinion or,
hi* right to belong to this or any other par
ty, so far as its objects and purposes are law
ful, and are rightful in hi* eyea. We du
not defend the intolerance of Catholice, or
their allegiances to a foreign temporal prince
or Jesuitical march alter political power-
Nay, when they undertake to make their re
ligion an engine of power, or to assert the
superior obligation of Papal authority in
civil or S'.tie affairs, we condemn and de
nounce tbe wrong, But we hold that a se
cret oathbouod society at a means to op
pose evoo these evils, is contrary to the ge
nius and spirit of our free government, dan
gerous to its citixens, and demoralizing and
degrading to those who participate.
By the Constitution of lhaU. S , No reli
gious test shall ever be required as a quali
fication to any office or public trust under
the United Sales. Cgngress shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting tbe free exercise thereof.'
By tbe Constitution of Ponusylvania—
'All men bave a natural and indefeasible
right to worship Almighty GoJ according to
he dictates of their own conscience.' 'No
l>eiton who acknowledges the being of a
God snd a future sta<e of reward* and pi n
ishments, shall on account of hia religious
sentiments be disqualified to hold any of
fice or place of trust or profit under lbs#
Can this be just, or regsrdful of (he rights
of the citizen, which violates the very spir
it and shield of protection of those consti
tutional injunctions, by making the religious
opinions of a large class of our fellow men
a test of office, place or profit; and compel*
them to yield their conscience, or else their
claims to equal rights f What principle of
justice, right or raimesa can justify secret
association by combination, to deprive tbem
of those equal rights secured by a common
Constitution ? The inquisition, (hit hoirid
instrument of ancient papal power, is con-,
detuned by ibe united voice of enligh'ened
men. In principle, how much does a se
cret oath-bouud association, arranging to a
class of men for religious opinion, and con
demning them without trial snd unheard,
and striking down every individual regard
less of hi* merits, differ fiora that spirit
which erected the inquisition, wielded the
rack and torture, atid applied the faggot and
the fire.
A history proclaims the dire results of se
cret oath-bound political societies, unmiti
gated by a single good. Let the soil of
France, of Ireland, and other countries de
luged in blood, speak from the graves of
ttteir mumered people, the thornd story of
religious bigotry and inltlerant fanaticism,
when guided by the unseen hand of a se
cret conscience-fettered order:
Fiom the San, Francisco Herald.
On Saturday, the 7th inn, the city was
thrown into the greatest excitement, in con
sequence of the circulation ot a rumor that
Henry Meiggs, late a member of the Board
of Aldermen, and one of the most extensive
lumber merchants in the Stale, hud failed
lor 8800,000 —that several I orgerie# had been
discovered—that Meiggs had purchased tbe
bark American, fitted it up in splendid stylo,
and taking with hint his family, and his
brother, John G. Meiggs, recently elected
Comptroller and a large amount of treasure,
ret vail "lor Ports in the Paeifte-" Tho
greatest excitement prevailed for two or
three days, and for some lime no idea could
be formed as to the extent of the forgeries.
The metier has been pretty extensively in
vestigated since, and the following is proba
bly not very far from the troe amount of the
loss sustained by Meiggs' operations :
Amount of failure, SBOO 000
Comptroller's warrants forged, 600,000
California Lumber Company forg'd, >OO,OOO
Forgeries on sundry firm, 80,000
Total, $1,600,000
The wertente were generally made in fa
vor of Jeaee L. W elm ore, and in luma ot
from S2OO 10-SIOOO. Al firet it wae thought
that the plate ae well aethe eignatares were
oounterfeit, bet it ie now conceded that the
former wae genuine; and eo admirably
were the latter executed, that the Mayor and
Comptroller each pronounced their own wri
ting. In addition to the above, it ie believed
[Tf Mtan HT
NUMBER 48. '
that some $300,000 or $400,000 of |ho for
ged Cornptrollei'i warrants koto bee* hypo
thecated in New Yerk.
The manner in which DM forger managed
to raise money with the least risk to btmaelf,
wae to borrow money, pledging dcuble the
amounts as security, fn some cases he
pledged even a larger proportion of warrants.
The over issue of lumber stock was issued
in a similar manner, although, from H* de
preciated value, not more than about twenty
rents on the dollar was raised upon (k-n-
Many of theae hypothecations were made
as long as three months sines, and care Was
taken to give them to ike heavy beakibg
i u0;i-3. vr tv ixrrrona who were nor likely to
lake the warrants eat fete the marker It
appears (hat a counterfeit piste er plates tout
been engraved, for the purpose of ftrikkic
off the blanks. The boldest portion of hie
forgeries was the forgery oi the aolee in Hie
name of Wm. Neely Thorn peon It Co., a
moentii.g, it is said, to SIO,OOO. His course
in this in-Ut.ce was very different from that
in regard to the Controller's warrants, and
was much more likely to be detected.-*
MeigS* confessed himself to be very much
in want of money; spoke as though he might
fail at any lime, and made no representations
to the contrary to any person. Mcigga'
bouse was searched on Saturday evening;
and a nnri.ber u" forged warrants wetfcutak
cove.ed there. The City warrants are foja
upon blanks of 1 oth the old and newflßl
in suma of SSOO and 91 000. The signature*
of Mayor Garrison and Controller Harris are
so well counterfeited, tint those officers
could not disiinguisi the false from the trod
warrenlS'by the signatures. • 1
The effect of the fa'-'tire anil forgeries will
be most injurious upon the business of the
oily. Confidence among business men Ik
weakened. Probably not less than 200 per
sons who were a week ago considered to be
sound to their engagements, are no r broken
so far as tbeyoul>! be broken by the loss
of their capital, which with some might be
SI,OOO, and with others $50,000. One bnai.'
ness man remarked that it was worse than
the May fire. Take it all in all, the forgery
is one ol the most extensive, bold and suc
cessful on record.
There is a good deal of specnla'ioa in re
gard to the destination of the American. It
cannot possibly be to any portion of thiit
continent, nor to the Sandwich islands, nor
to any of the large ports of China or Austra- *
lia. There are to many Americana in all
those plicaa for a man so shrewd as JUeigg*
'to venture within the* reach, He nrapftß)-
ably gone to some of the South Sea Islands, 1
or to some of the smaller ports of Asia or
Europe ; but he is no! safe while he is oh
earlh: the news ef hie crime will have rea
ched all the large porta of the world before
him. Every stranger will he a terror to him,
wherever he goes, the power of the United
States will sppear to him like at> nvengiu'-
sngel ; every American Will be, in bia fan
cy, his executioner ; he will flee when no
man punueth , and wiff bitterly curse the
day when he kegatv Wis career of crime.
The bark American was purchased of
Abemelliy. Clark & Co., by Meigga, ou
Monday, and was Atted up in elegant style.
The captain of the vetael, when questioned
about her, slated that aba had baen purchas
ed by a coupled of gamblers, who intended,
to lake a pleasure cruise through the islands
of the Pacific.
Meiggs was Corn in Catlskill, N. Y., ami
lived for many years in Williamsburg, wberx
he was long a member of ihe City Council.
It is said that he became a bank rapt in
New \ork. and that when applied to hem
by soma of his former paid-hi t
debts. He arrived at Sen Franci*ciu July
149. In the I all of 1850 he was elected J,e
the City Council from the First Ward, and
"gain in the (all of 1851. This was the Jen
ny Ltnd Council, and seined a great
ileal of pobnlar'ty by opposing the Jbnny
l.trld purchase. kit M 52 be was again elec
ted, and a jam >853. Lie was a very bold
speculator, and had three-favourites for spec,
nlaiiou—land, lumber, and musio. Me was
the principle person in getting up the Cali
fornia Lumber Company, whieb erected a
mill, an 1862, tft Medncino. and Irom the
works of which, more than 2 01)0,000 feet of
limber sre now brought monthly to this
my. He built Musical Hall, and made great
efforts and many sacrifices to have excellent
musical performances there. As the tale
by the Fund Commisxioners of water lots,
at North Beach, and paid high prices. Du
! ring 1853, be,built hfcigge's Wharf, at North
Before building the a bail, he graded a
portion ol Powell street, at his own expense.
He was, the day of his departure, one of the
most popular men in the city,' aa a political
| and business man. He was the favourite can
ilidatd-of many for the M ayoralily, and stood
a good chance to be elected to the office.
He was a member of the Council during the
jeara when all kind# of speculations were
common among politioiam, when business
was at ita rankest growth, and when the loose
manner in which publio 'ffairs were conJuo.
allowed roguei in office to reap a rich har
voa'.; and yet public rumor did not, unt i
lately, eonneit bis Dame with any diihonet
job, anil iu tire easea we named—in regard
the North Beacb atreet contract, and with
regard to the porchase of a building for coon •
ty purposes—nothing Wus proven, and tow
publio eonficenou in him was not destroyed
, —scarcely weakened.
Messrs Godeffroy, Sillman k Co. were
creditors of Mr. Meiggs to the amount of
•200,000, and ha confessed judgment In their
; taveor just before leaving . Under thai eon.
fassion ol judgment they attached a large
| amount ol real ealate held by Mt Mdigga.