The American's friend!! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS -1 7 the Citizen* of tha United State*.— I mo* humbly sod sincerely fhsijfc you for ths imsaeiise pattouage which you hue bo •towed upon my Till*. I toko this opportunity of stating thai my Ancestors wore oil American Citizen?, and that I entertain for all thji co -corno America and tho Americans, tbe moat Jire ly oym|ithioo, r 0 much oo that I originally cum pounded tbeee Piffs eiprenly to ouit your cli mste, bahito, conotitutisna and mannar of living Intending to establish myself among you, which 1 have nour done, by totting preniioeo in Now York. THOMAS HOI.LOWAY, 38, Cornet qf Ann tuid Nassau Sts. New York, PURIFICATION OF TDE BLOOD AND Liver and Blilaas Complaints. The Citizens of the Union suffer much from dnoid.ts cf ilia Liver and Stomaeb, ocarcely any are fiee from tho infiusncs of these destruc tive maladies, banco life wears fast. The fair sol, pcihaps the mot handsome in tbe Wuild, up to a certain perinj when, distressing to any snsr.y louse Ujeir teeth and good ieks, while yet in the heyday of life, Mirb sad evils may lie *-ff*etualiy remedied by continually keeping the blued puts, and the Liver and Stomach in a healthy action, when life will flow smoothly, and revembla plants in a congenial clime, where an eternal spring appears to reign. As it re gatda the preservation of the human frame, and the duration of life, much may be effected, aud ] aay fearlessly, that health and life can bs pro longed lor many yeara beyond their ordinary limits, if Holloways's Pills art taken to purify ■be blood according to the rules laid down fur health roMaied in the directions which accom. pnny each boi, A CASE OF WEAKNEB6 AND DEBIL ITY, OP TEN YEARS STANDING, CURED BY HOLLOWAY'S PILLS Copy of a Letter from Captain John Johnson, I Attor Home, New York, dated January 6th 1854. To Professor Hollowat, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau threei N. Y. Sir,—U is with tha moat heartfelt pleasure I hove to inform you that I hava been restored T to health sad strength by tekiug your Pills.— For the lest ten yeara, I suffered ftom a deran gement of the bfer and rj-.mnach, and was re duced to such an exliemity that I gave up my Ship, never expecting to go to Bes any more, aa I bad tried every remedy that was recum anendedtu mc, hut all to no purpose ; and had given niysaif up to diapair, when i was at last recommended to take your Pills, After using them for three monlhe, ibe-re-uU is thnl 1 am new in better health than I have been tor eleven years past, and indeed aa well as ever 1 waa in my life. Yuu are quite at liberty tu make this know fot the benefit of others. i remxin, fcir, yours res) ectfully, (Sigued) JOHN JOHNSON. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints. Ague Jaundice Asthma Liver Complaints Bilious Complaints Piles Blotches on the Skin Retention of Urine Bowel Complaints Scrofula, or Constipation of the King's Evil Bowels S'.one and Gravel Debility Secondary Symptoms Dropsy Dysentery Etyaipela* Female Irregularities Fevers of all kinds Veueral A flections Gout Worms of all kinds Head-ache Weakness, from what- Indigestion aver cause &c., &c Sold st the Establishment of Professor Hol LOWzT, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau .streets, New York i also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the Um. led states, in Boxes si 37c., 87c., and $1 bile. each. To be had W hole rale of tbe prin cipal Drug Houses in tne (Juion. tf There is a considerable saving by ta king the larger sizes. N B.—Directions for lite guidance of pa tients in every disorder aro affixed to each Box. K. P LUTZ, and JOHN R. MOVER, A gsnta, Blnotn-burg. eSSept. 29—ly. ~ " ZINC PAINTS. One Third cheaper than White Lead, and free from all Poisonous qualities, THE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY Having greatlj enlarged their works, tnu ira proved tha quality of. their products, arc pr pared tu execute orders for their suhbbsob Dry and Ground in oil, assorted packages of from 25 to 500 pounds ; also DRY, in haircls.of *6U pounds esch. Their White Zinc, which is a<4d dry or ground in oil is wsi ran ted pure snd unau rpaaa ed for body and uniform whiteness. A method of preparation has recently been discovered, which enables the Company to war rant their points to keep fieeh and soft in the kfgj for any u-asoaabte lime, in this respect their paints will be supetior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Pairit which is sold at a low ptice, snd can only be made from zinc ores from New Jersey ie now well known for its eroieclive qualities when applied to iron or plher n.etaliie am feces. Their Btone Color Paint possesses all the properties of the Brown and la of an agreeable color for painting Cottages, Depots, ings_ Bridges Ire, Deafen supplied on liberal terma by thcit Agents, FRENCH & RICHARDS, Wholesale Paint Dealers sn lmpotler*,N. W. cor. ol 10th k Mattel Sir. Ptula. 6m- BLINKS! BLANKS 11 BLANKS!!! 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS. EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, snd JUDGMENT NOTES, proper and desirable forms, fo* sale at the of of the ""terof the North " BIGS WANTED. TFEING Extensively engaged in the msnn faotote of paper, we will pay to Country Merchants snd miters having Rags for sale, more than the present market prices—Cast!. JESSUP & MORE, Paper Mnnoracthrers, Pm*DiamA— Noa. 24 and 26 North Street, (let Street below Ateh, between sth snd 6th) March 16, 1854-6 ~ . GLOVES AND HOSIERY. ' A full aseortment of Gents and Ladies Kid Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves, also t foil assortment of Hosiery just received at the New Store of MENDENHALL A tfENSCH, EB6ENC EOF COFFEE. For sale at the cheap etors of A. J. EVANS, A Co. Great Artiste' Mm EnterprtM!! £50,000 GIFTS FOR THE iEOPL. ——- STATUARY, 840,000 OIL PAINTINGS, 10,060 ENGRAVINGS, colored (n oil, 46,000 STEEL PtATE ENGRAVINGS, 4 1,000 CASH WANS, for too years eaoh, 30,000 REAL ESTATE, f 64,000 TOTAL, 8250/108. The American Artists' Union, would res pectfully announce tp the qltiaens of the . United States ami Canada*, that for the pur pose of tbe advancement and extension of the Fine Arts, sad with a view of enabling every family throughout the length snd breadth of the land, to become possessed of a gallery ol pictures, many of them the work of master minds, and finally, for the purpose of giving a world wide circulation' to's Great Picture or VVtumino, They have determined l* MARBLE STATUARY, 840,000. 100 elegant busts of Washington, at 2100. 210 000 100 " " Clay, 8100 10 000 100 " " WV'ster, 100 10,000 100 " " Calhoun, 100. 10,000 OIL PAINTINGS AND COLORED STELL ENGRAVINGS. 50 elegant Oil Paintings, 1 each $lOO. in splendid gilt frames, > SIZE 1 x 4ft. . \ 3,000 IF* elegant OU PRnitngd, 2 * 4ft each , BSO, 5,000 I 600 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly colored in nil, rich gilt frames, 24 x 30in. each, 210, 85,000 10,000, elegant steel plate Engra vings, colored in oil, of the Wash ington Monument , 20 x 26, each, 84,00, * 840,000 237 000 steel plate Engravings, from 100 different plates, now in pos session of, and owned OY the Ar tists' Union, of tbe market value of, frost 50 c!s. to 81,00, each, 841,000 I Heal Estate, 884 000. 1 elegant Dwelling, tn 3td 6lreel, in New York city, 812,000 22 building lots in 100 Rtid 101 sts. N. Y.eity, each 25 x 100 ft. deep, each 21000, 22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 sq. ft. in the suburbs of N. Y. city, and commanding a mag nifiapntvirw ol the Hudson River and Long Island Sound , each 8500, 50,000 of Casb f S3OrOOOs 20 loans OF cash, for 100 years each, without inteiest or security, * 255 each, . 85,000 50 " " 100 " 5 000 100 " " 60 " 6 000 250 " " 20 " 6 000 2000 " " 5 " 10,000 The holder of eacu ticket, is entitled, first, t<> a steel plate engraving, (size 25 x 30 in,) / of the . GREAT AMERICAN HISTORICAL WORK OF ART, 3D iXI a S3T C2> A copy of which may be seen at the office of this paper, and second, tn one nf the 250G00 GLLT, which will be tlistribu- | tod on the completion uf the sale of the tickets. The purchaser of 5 tickets, on the receipt ol Ins order, will then be forwarded, care fully packed, either one copy of the " Wy oming," elegantly painted in oil colors, or one copy of the "Wyoming," plain, and one copy of eaoh ot four other em-ravings, e qual to it IN veluS, and is entitled tn 5 gifts. I'lte purchaser of more than 5 tickets, can have his choice nut of a 100 different sub jet-Is, from steel plates owned by the Artists' Union, eaclt picture being in value eqniva lent to the "Wyoming," and is entitled to one gift for each ticket he holds. A lis' of the subjects can be seen at the office of this paper. AGENTS, PERSON* desiring TO become A- 1 gents, for the sale of tickets, by forwarding (post-paid ) 81, shall he sent a Gift Ticket, a copy of \\ printing, and a prospectus, con taining all necesaary information. It is confidently believed, that the tickets will be disposed OI by the first of July, when the distribution of Gilts will be entrusted to a Committee appoitiled by the ticket-hold ers. • The steel plates from which the Engra vings are printed, can be sent at the offi-e of the Artists' Union and cost, 2100,000. SPECIMENS oi the Oil Paintings ar.d Engra vings. are also on a view at the rooms. REFERENCES, in regard to the property. W. C: BARRETT, Esq.. Counsellor at Law, 10 Wall St., N. Y. F.J. VISSCHER & CO., Real Estate Brokers 80 Nassau St., N. Y. FT* All orders for tickets, must be ad dressed post-paid with the money enclosed, to J. W. HOLBROOKE, Sec. 605 Broadway. New York. Philadelphia 4 Reading Kail Heads SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. FROM Philadelphia to Pottsville. On and alter Msy 17, 1852. there will be ItA-o passenger Trains daily (Sundays excepted,) between Philadelphia, Reading, aud Potts ville. MORNING LINE. The Express train leaves Philadelphia dai ly exoept Sundays, at 7j o'clok, A. M. The Way Train leavee Pottsville daily, Sundays excepted at H o'clock A. M. AFTERNOON LINE. The Wat Tram leaves Philadelphia daily, EGEDPT Sydwyv, atJl AUOAJL P. U, - Tha, Express Train leaves Pottsville daily, except Sundays, at 3J o'clock, P M. Hours of Passing Reading.— For Philadel phia at 9 o'clock 10 minutes, A. M., and 4 o'clock 51 minutes, P. M For PoltuviNe AT 9 o'clock 34 minutes A. M. and 6 o'clock P. M. The Express train stops at Phcenixville, Pottstown, Reading. Port Clinton, Schuylkill Haven, and MT. Carbon. The Way Train slopa al all the stations along the the line. FARES. lr< class cart, til Class ears. Reading to Philad'a. 21 75 21 45 do to Pottsville, 1 05 85 Pbila. to PoltsviHe, 2 75 2 25 Depot in Pottevjlle, corner nf Union and Railroad Streets, rear of American Honse. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless pro vided with a ticket. Fitly pounds of bspgage will be allowed to each passenger in these lines, and passen gers are expressly prohibited Irom Inking anything aa baggage bat their own wearing apparel which will be at the risk of its own er. By order of the Board of Managers. „ S BRADFORD, Secretary. Jnrie S, 1852.—1f. PETERSON >S—AH the but Boob, Stand ard Worb, Magazines, and Novels of the dey ra to be had at 1 T. B. PETERSON'S BOOK STORE, 10$ Cheanut street. Philadelphia. —areas—eea——a—a—————— ij "Hi* KNOW THYSELF ! Jtn invaluable Hook for 28 its.—• a graduate of one nf the beet Golieges in the United States, It affords me plessnre to recommend him to tbe unfortunate, or to the viethn of mal-prectice. ts a sueces'ful snd experisnred practitioneri in whose honor sod integrity they may place l"e fleetest coufi epes. S new 8. T.oncsihre, M. D. From Jl, IPoodward, M. D. of Ptnn, University. Philadelphia. It gives me plesente to add toy testimony to tbe profesaiqgal ability nf the author of the "Medical Mancsl," Numerous caves of disease of tha genital organs, some of thern of long standing, have come under my notice, in which his skill has been manifest in restoring to per fect health in some cases where the patient has been considered beyond medical aid, in the treatment of seminal weaknesa, or disarrange ment of tbe functions produced by self-abuse or exrese of venery, I do not know his superi or in the ptofession. I have been acquainted with the author some thiny years, and deem it no more than justice to him as well as kindness to the unfortunate vjrtim of early indiscretion to recommend him as one in whose professional skill snd integrity Ibcy may safely confide themselves. ALFRED WOODWARD, M. D. ••This is, without exception, the most com. prehrneive ami intelligible work published of j the tdaas of diseases nf which it (rests. Avoi. ding all technical terms, it addresses itself to j the reason of it# reade-a It ia free front all I objectionable matter, aud no patent however' fistidi -oe can object to p4aring if m the ban d [ lof Ma eons. The author has devoted many i l years to the treatment nf the various complaints | I treated of, with too little breath to puff, and ' too little piestimption to impose, he has offered to the world, a> the merely nominal price of 25 1 cents., the fruit of sotee twenty years' most I 'uceesful practice " —[Ht-r.tld. '•No teacher or potent should lie without : : thekriowleilge imparled in this valuable work. ) It would save year' ef pain, m tilrfi alien and | sorrow to the yoalh under their chargo.'- i [People's Advocate. A Preshyteril© clergyman in Ohio, writing of - Hunter's Medical Manual" soys -'Thou sand' upon thousands of our youth by evil ex. . ample, and influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution, without re- i slizing the sin snd fearful consequences upon themselves mill ihrir posterity, The con titm (ions of thoussi-ds who are raising fsmiliew hare been enfeebled, if not broken down audi I they do not know the cause or the rure. Any thing that can be done so to enlighten and tn- I fluence the public mind as to check, and ulti | mateiy to remove this wide spread souree of I , human wretchedness, would confer the greatest ! blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on . I the present corning generation. Intemperance, ' 1 or the use of intoxicating dritrka, though it has i slain thousands upon thousands, is nut as great er scourge tn the human rare. Accept my I : thanks on liebalf of the afflicted, and believe me your co-worker in the good work you are so 1 actively engaverJ in. One copy, securely etvetoped, will be f.rrwar- ; deil, free of postage, to any part of me United t<;ilee for twenty-five cents, six copies for one ; dollar. Address, foe paid. COSItKN At GO. , Publishers or -Box 196 Philadelphia. N. D. Buck ellr-rs. Canvassers snd Book Agents supplied on tbe most liberal terms. i December 28 1853. 49—ly | i®ss)'js ■sr.s.wi&siiisjF. I THE POCKET Oil I.1FI1S; OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN, ' ®fTtHK FOURTIETH L Edition, with One hundred Rngiavings. showing Diseases and Mal formations of the humso System in every shape an t form. To which is added s Trratise on the Diseases of Females, being of the bighe-t importance to mar ried people, or those con templating marnage. By WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. r.o father be eshamed the present t cop. yoft bo Aewulspius to bio child. It msv save 1 him from in early grave. Let no yonug man or 1 woman enter into the secret obligations o mar- I ricil life without reading tbe Pocke Aesculapius Let no one suffer from a backnied Cough Pain in the elide, restless nights, nervous feelings, snd the whole train of Despeptic. sensa'iotis, . and given up by their physicicos, he another , moment without consulting the 4KBCULA , PIUS. Have the married, or those shout to he married any impediment, read this troly useful book, Ss it his been the mesns of saving thou sands of unfortunate creslutes from the very i jaws of death. " Any person sOVnPng twenty five cents, en -1 closed In a Icier, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be eeot for out duller. Address. Dr. W. Young, No. /32 rtprucc I street, Philadelphia.' P'l't paid. Nu 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia, t hug. Ifit 1853-ty. j 3TOR2C HOTEL. > NEff ARRANGEMENT. THIS well known anil pleasantly located house, situated at tho upper end n( Bloomsbnrg, Columbia county, has passed under the charge of JAMES FREEZE, a gentleman well known in this entire com- I rn unity. i. The house has been newly snil neatly fur - nisbed, and the travelling public mny rely upon finding cnnilbrtable quarters, and re- I reiving prompt attention. If is the intention and determination nf the * Ptoprielor, to have every fnina connected f with lite establishment in the most perfect - sinl scrupulous enter. The Table, the Bar, and the blabie shall be u"der careful super vision. JOHNG. FREEZE, Proprietor. Bloomaburg, July 21st, 1853. j. _J— i. f HAVVLS for Spring and Summer wear, 9 of various styles and patterns for gate cheap by 4-J. EVANS & Co. P 111 LAD IiLPHIA. Bsai.amandersafes, FATXNT DOUBt.C-BOOR SA!.- AMANntH nnr anass Company. J. Wasonaelfer, Tamaaua. Slate Treaattrer of N. Jersey, and Trenton Banking Co. Pennsylvania Railroad Co.,—two Safea. O. F. Hatl, above Cherry and Third and Brown street Richard Narris Son, Locomotive Works Philadelphia. MrKelvy Neal &Co , Bloomaburg, Pa. George Weaver, Bloomaburg, " Caleb Barton, Rlooar.shurg. " Charles B. Drake. Wtlkesbarre, " A W Comly, Milton, " A. B. Wilson, Berwick, " Thomas Cottyln. Carlisle. " Gen. Wilson, iluti.ingdon. " Broad Top 11. R. Co. do. do. " Cltambersburg Saving Fund. 1 W. H. Clymeti it Co , Reading, " Samuel Park. Lancaster. " Hon. 8. Ross, Cowdersport. " J. "smedlH) & (hands, Columbia. " Locukt MonnWirf®. R. & Cost Co. *' Cotf fiunTf*ir#s.ft & R R. Co. " IIKXRT'S IWJtORATIXG f ORIIIAL. Purely Vegetable in its Composition!' 1 Thi* involmtbln ronl'ml is ext meted from hfttha a' J roft! wbich liave been found af. ter yeni* <>f ex|*erience, by ilia *killfil | |>hy*iciitns lo be po*#f*KScd f qualities the m st beneficial in lh for which it is roc ■immciuU onti henre it is present cd j in the pJWc as an cgSrsciotis remedy, it i also j 1 known to he of that character on which reli ance may be plseed na to it* safety. In esses ! of linnotency. Hemorrhages, Disordered Sleril- j Ity, Menstruation, or'Sappieion of the .Men ses, Fluor Albua or Whites, or for DEBILITY, stising from any rstwe, such as weakness from - .sickness, where the patient haa been confined ; l<> lied for some time, fde females after confine, j menl, shorn.>n or miscarriage, this cordial can- i ' cot be extetk'd ir. Its salutary effe'la : or io the ■ ; loss nf nipeculay riaigy. irrilibilitv. physical 1 prost-aliun, e. minal weaknese, palpitation o ; iho heart, indigeattan. sluggishness, decay o | the pioc realise fu net ions, peivousneae Ac. | ! where a tor ie medicine is will lis founo equal, if not superior lo any compound ever used. TO FEMALES. 1 Henry 1 * invigmniiag eP'di.i! is one of die most inv.ihiahle medicines In ihc many complaints in - ! which females are lt assiste nature to ! 1 brace "he whole avetcm.rheck cxcesses iu.ll crc- i nice lenowrd health and happiness. Less auf. ! fering, disease and urihappiili ss among ladies I | would eist_ were lhy gencr. llv to adopt the nc of this cordial. I.adies who are debilitated I l>y lli.tae obstructions which females ate fable , | to, are res'osad by the use of a bottle ot two. lo j hlooin end vigar. YOUNG MEN, I That solitary practice, so fatal to the existence i so faial to the existence of man, end it i the j voting who ere must likely to become its vic tims, from en ignoreims of the danger to wliiih ' they subject the** "Us* Causes j NERVOUf DEBILITY. weakness of the system, and premature decay", many of you may now lie suffering, n isled as to the cense or source of disease. To those, then who by excea* have brought on themselves premslure iutpoteeey. involuntary seminal emis sions, weakness snd shovelling of the genital organs, Nervous Affection, or any other conse quences of unrestrained indulgence of the sen aual passiona, occasioning the neceaeity of re nouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE. lessening both mental snd bodily rapacity, hold Henry'a Invigorating Cordial, • medicine thnt is purely vegetable, will aid nature to restore those important function* to a healthy stale and will prove of service to you. It possesses rare virluce. is e grneieT remover of disease end streugthrner of the ayseot. AS A TONIC MEDICINE, it is anfttirf*Mevti. Pa., lo whom'all orders must he uUNvseC ~ Fur j Htlo hv all lib retqiectalde ind'^Mec i hauls (hrou RADY, ) Late ol Danville & of Bioomsbnrs;, Pa. ) v* TERMS -ONE DOLLAR PER March 10th, 1353-ly. car TO THE FASH UNABLE AND cpgatfßimas. 'pnE nndersignetl, having just recnived the " . latest Pans and New York FsshKMjs, would again beg leave to inform his niimar on* friends ami all the world about Bluoms burg. that he is now better prepared than ev er in accommodate any one with the neatest, easiest and best fitting sails of Clothe* that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but be will also do them up in the be-t ( order, upon the lowest terms. M|u shop is 4| die old stand, (inn well .kstowiLgdVfccil Imther notice) w here he may ' at ;>V time- be fouud, seated upon die bench '. Jf ret>Jfiitatice. sflafiily drawing out the thread jj pf etniction', it may in the end |>rove a Ivumaccous In hiiti-aiid his customers. He wan Id also advl-s to hear in mind t that poor, 1111111•' ciallms j*IU-I live, or ihey can't be eypccied to Wont" Therefore, Wheal. , Rve 'Cbrn. Oaty. Pntajbrj, antrvviih all now and the: a little CASH will come might) handy from these Who are back-standing on rise honk. Remember, [gentlemen. lb at in all oases " the laborer It wortfiy df his hire," 810 ' a>yf '^ PBKDON'B DIGEST. ANY Justioe of th* Peace wishing to pur chase a copy of purdnn'a Digest, oau be accommodsted by applying at (lie ibis office. TOE BRITISH QUARTERLIES AND" BLiCEWOOPH IHACAZME. LEONARD SCOTT At CO,, New Yrk, continue to Re-publish the following fliilish periodicals, vl : '• I. The London Quarterly Review (ConwieaU'ce ) $. The EJinburg Review (IrAi/r) 2. The North British Review (Fret Ck ) 4, The Westminster Review (Liberal) $ Blackwood'* Ebinburg Magazine (Tory) The present critical atate of European af fairs will render these publications unusually interesting during the year 1854. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculators, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the ponderous Some future historian, written after the living ioterest and excite ment of the great political events shall hare passed away, it is to these Periodicals that renders innst look fur the oily really intelli gible history of current areola, afid a* anch, in addition lu their well-established literary scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of (he reading public. Arrangements are in progress for the re ceipt til early sheets from the British pub lishes, by which we shall be able to place SIX our Reprints in the hgM'ie of subscribers, about a soon as they can be furnishes with the foreign copies. Although litis will in volve a very large outlay on our part, we shell uominne to furnish the Periodicals at (lie same low ratee as heretofore, via : , -fPer ana. 'For any one of the four Reviews 43 00 Foi any Iwo of the four Reviews 5 00 Fcr any I'tree of the four Review* 7 00 For all four of the Reviews ft 00 For Black wood's Magaritie 3 00 ! For Blarkwood and three Reviews 9 00 ! For Blackwood and lite four Review* 10 00 ' Payment In be mailt in all cane* in ml vanet. Money cm rent in the State where iiiutd will bt received at par. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above prices will he allowed 10 Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more ot the above works. Thus: Four cop ies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent I• one address for $9; lour copies of the lour Reviews a'-d Blackwood for 330; and eo on. POSTAL?. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, through A gents, FREE OF POSTAGE. When eent by mail, the Postage to any part of the U nited States will bu hut Twenty Four Cents a year lor "Blackwood," and but Twelve I cen livered at his Paper Mill at Mtllgrove, near 1 Light Street, at '.lie following rales lo wil Short straw 58 50 per tori, long straw $7 per ton. These rite* will l>e paid for cither Wheat, Rye ec Gats straw in good dry con dition. For flux. after ihe seed is threshed off, he will pay SIO per ton. THOM AS TRENCH. Millgrove, April Bth 4854.—tf. * FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. Run INC A M tf SE I.L ER S. whole-ale manufacturers AND DEAL Kits in ('oulVcltynary of all land*- No. 113 North Third St., below Race, PHILADELPHIA. MpHE attention of Dealers is requested te -* an examination of their stock, which will he found In be at least equal to any in ihe city. FOREIGN FRUITS of all kinds in season. N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise prompt ly attended 10. Feb. 9lli 1854.-3ni. Front Street Hire Manufactory. WATSCH & C?CX, SIEVE, RIDDLE, SCREEN AND W!R CLOTH MANUFACTURERS, NO. 46 NORTH I'ROS r STREET, Corner of Coomb's Alley, between Market and Mulberry (.4rck) Street s, PHILADELPHIA. CONTINUE to manufacture of sops'lnr quality, Bra** and Wire Skmi of nil kind* ; Bra-* and Copper Wife CI '1 f?r Paper ,\L:k:rs, Ujßqders *:'••- pi'.' Roil* cove-ot* in litis ' est hm 1 Hon. v 1 willed Wire Cot C - Sieve* for Bra-* and Iron Founder-, Cco-ett Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Ssntl Screens, be. Fancy Wire Work ol every description. February 9th 1854 -Sm. SPRING HILLINERT GOODS. JOHN STONE Si SON. No. 45, South Setond Street, Philadelphia, UTAVE eow in Store, of thiir own impor " tstion, a large and handsome assort ment of RIBBONS. SILKS. FLOWERS. CRAPES. and every article suitable lo the Millinery Trade, to which constant addition will be made throughout the season, thumb ena bling them to offer the largert and mess de sirable selection of article* in fbeir line to be found in the city. Philadelphia, March 23, 1854. 3m. IBOTBSWab No 7 South Scvexth Street, Philadelphia t Manufacturer of Strang Tinware, Copper, Tin and Zinc Bathing Tube, Bathing Pans, nnd every kind of bathing apparatus Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention given to ordered work, and .node carefttur forwarded on orders. Philadelphia, June 3J 1853. M'KELVY, NEAL ft CO., MERCHANTS.— Northea*t corner of Mala and Market streets. LLaaserxaOaobap,, IF3EIN2 iisr© mraraußV, Store, 20 N. 3rd St.. Philadelphia. Uo r occo Munu/icturerr, Curriert, Importers, Communion end General Leather Bunntet, WHOLESALE ft RETAIL. CVMannitictory 15 Margatetia Sueet.^d Aug 24, 1853-ly. Fancy Paper* Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing ootid. San be fouad at the cheap Book store of JOSEPH SWART 2,