RUSSIA U w *MtiT WORK OR RUSSIA jCW , . - ? ffl CMBt Al. Be Gsrowihl. Aff T, to. PETERSON'S COOK STORE, NO. 102 i lIFRIO T antßliT. * CGttnsssaam. &<± fltss. BY COUNT A. DE GUKOWSKt. One nrat volume, I2mn. pp. 328, vrcll primed. Bound in cloth. Price ft. • r CONTENTS Preface, Introduction, Cisi ■Ml ; Us Historical Origin—The Oar Nielt dee—The Orgsiiiwittori ol the Govern ment—The Army eud Navy-—The Nobili ty—The Clergi —The Boureoi*ie—The CeFi>< kt—The Reel People, the Peasan try— Set Ho m -The Hiatus of Aliens anil Stranger*—The Commoner—Emancipa tion—Manifest Oosliny—Appendis— The Auii*(Ki—The Fourteen Classes of the Kofsian PnMic Service, or the Tschin*— !► H* Political Teaiamem of Peter the Sreat—Extract from an old Chronicle, IKE GREAT WORK ON RUSSIA. "The author take* no superficial empir ical view of hie subject, but collecting a rich variety of fact, brings the light* of a rotound philosophy to their explanation.— i* work, indeed, neglects no easenlial de tail —it 1a minute and accurate in ita alalia- Stan—it abound* in lively pictures of socie ty, manners nod qhargcler. .•••*• Whoever wishua In obtaia an accurate no tion of the iufornal rendition of Russia, the nature and exlem ul her resources, and the practical iuflutuie of her iiitimiiioiis, will here find better niareriale for his purpose than en any single vulusne now extaat.— h'ru York Tribune "This i* a powerfully written book, and will prove of vast service to every ni a who desire* to cnrhpiehejid the reul nsture and bearings ol the gr-al cnn.exl in which Russ ia is M" w engaged.'— Arte Yuilc Courier. 'lt is original m it* conclusion*; it issiti king in its reselaybHlS. Numerous are the volume* ifmt have bean written about Ritas ■a, we UMtlly hitherto have known little ol that immense territory—of that numerous people. Count Guioweki's work aheda a fight which at this* lime i* moat welcome _gjDtl satielacfofy ."—A'uur York Timet. ■Tt.a book is well written, and as might %k expected In B work by a writer ao univer sally conversant with all ides of Russian af faire, it coign in* much important information •respecting the Russian people, their gov ernment and religion.''— Commercial Adver tiser. "Thia la a valuable work, explaining In a vary satftlaciory manner tln> condi tions ol the Uusaiari people, and the con alrucuoo ol their political society. The In stitutions of Rue-ia are piesented as liiey exist in reality, and as they are determined ky exiafiug and obligatory laws."—iY. Y. tierold. . "A limaly book. It will be found all that it professes lobe, though some may be star tled iu some of its conclusions.*'— boston Mae "This is ore rvf the Le-l of a'l the books ••used by the protect excitement in relation to iiuatia. It i* a very able publication— •tie that will do much to destroy the general baitr! iu lite mlallabiliiy of Kusaiu, The writer shows him*elf master of his subject, and treats of tlie internal condition of Hues ia. tier inaliiutiooa and customs, society, law*, &o , in an eiriigliidi.ed and soholurlly •■sinter."—C,ty Item. We have also on hand all other Works on Turkey and Russia publt-ln d,, with M ips of •hegifleiem seats-ol war, etc., any ol which | Will be sold at low rates. Call and look at our asortrnent, or send 6r whatever yon may iu the Book, •gaziue nr putlicatim lino to T. B PE'l r.RbON'S Book Store,. . ] No. 102 Cliedum S'.ietfl. And you will it at Ike very lowest rates. nEOIU/lli hUILXCU LAID OPE.V tPoD 'CPDace 3JP®t3E)2plliae. rjENERAL notice of Dr. James Mc- Genlock's celebrated Family Medicines. PBCTpRAL NTtlUP—Tbt* i.i.alua- Syrup, which ireulirvly Tegciahl* in its cam petition, has been rmph.yed witli wonderful •ureas, tar tntfty years in the cure of disease* •f tbe Air Passage# in the bungs. The most •omtnon diseases of tbuae organs si* Irritation And inflammation of the MuCous Meiuloane j which line* Ibc sir tubra of the thiuut. wind pipe aud lungs. Ih.runy of riui-r farm* of diaet'e, wheathnr showing themselves as tough, Tirkbng of the Throat, tj.nae of light nes* ot the Throat, Spilling of UIodJ Difficulty •/Breathing, lloiqeen"** .or Loss of voice, and Hvetic Fever, it* Qse will l o atlsudrd wilh the happiest result*. It is recommended as one of the In st and safest m..hemes fot all foima i f Bronchitis and Uoti.uioplioii. hi. It.. No Uaitdonuinor iirrpataiion of Opi am It. any stupe in ih;. rtyrup. Price in nlul holllri tl. V"!d and Cough Mixture for recent Couglia eud Colds. Ih ice 25 rents. Asthma and 'I hooping Cong b remedy. Price 00 cents pei hottlo, Dis.rhea Remedy and Cholers Preventive. Prior- 35 and 50 cent*. Tonic Aheistive Wyiup for purifying the kleod. Price ft per boltle. Veget*' le urn' Fugitive Pill* fur Costive • ess, Headache, 4tr. Price 25 cent* per hoi, Ann Udlions pifl* for l.ivar Coriipluints. Disorder til ecliou of the Uowcls, Ac. Puce 35 byspepDe Elixer for indigestion, Heartburn fiixiiucts, Price *1 per kettle. Rheumatic Liniment for fiheumstie and Keuislgic pains J'ri.e 60 cecla per bottle. Rheumatic Mixture for internal us* in Rhcu- Watiam, flout, Neuralgia, tc, Pnco 50 cent* par bottle. Anodyne Mixture for instaupy relieving Toob Acbe, ai d all nbwaver found— Pl'oe 50 cents per bottle. Jftftt end Ague Specibe for Ague or Inter mittent Fever* In all forms. Price $1 pei hot. If, H■ 8 . ELI-IO IT, Agent for Penmylva ma, to wbcm *ll wholesale order! must be ad. dressed, Norih-woM corner of 9tb and Filbert etreete, above Mar bet Street. Philadelphia. May H lb. I 8 64-6 m. brigade Notice. iTHE UNIFORMED COMPANIES to the Ist Brigade 9lh Divieion of Pennsylvania Volun teers, are hereby notified to meet at the annual Spring Bdttalion al oiiAt\ui;viLL;, g On Sainrday, the 20th dgy ol May next, at 10 o'clock A M., equipped wilh arms and accoutrements for HIRAM R. KLINE, Brigade iltapeofßr, Ist Brig. 9(h D P. V. April, 13th 1854. GLOVES AND HOSIER?^ A full assort met.t of Genie ami Latlies Ki d A -Silk and Lisle Thread Glove#, also a full atarirtmeut of Hosiery juet received at tire MUNDENHALL & MF.NSCH. ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale at tbe aheap atoro oi A. J. EVANS, ti Co MESDE.MIALL If MENSCfI ep rr MSV/% IT oegna# THE la * 1 Spring ond Summer GOODS,. TO WHICH tbay Invite thw altettfioo, of pli| and new ou'iomera. A mor a > their atock be,found a full aapoftmsat of LADIES DRESS GQUDS, i Mtc-b a# Stlka, He rage#, Uerage DMsiijie, Del baze, Freuuh Lawus and Giuphams of Mwry * style and price: WHITE C6ODS " of all kind#: Embroiderias, Lace*, dress " irimminga, liaiidkerclnefa, figured, plain, Swiss, mull, oambrio and jaconet mus tin*, i STAPLE DKY GOODS, - including hlnaoht'dfend frown goods, checks ; (able diapers, flannels, titkiugs, Msnctieaier i end .Lancaster ginghams, cru.-ii and linens ■ of all kinds. CA3SIVIERES. Yesiings, cnlmnade and lineu for pants, hos- I iary and gtovea, [ BOOTS, AND SHOES , for Ltnlies, Men, Misses, Boyg and children. HA TS AMI) CAPS, GI.A SSTVARE, QU EES SIVA lIE. CROCKER Y WARE. HARDWARE, ; GROCERIES, Sugar, Mnlasaea, Coflee, Tea, Rice, Spices, , tobacco, candles, and in ehori, every article , usually kept in a country atora, al lha lowest' I prices. _ Spring and Summer DRY GOODS. JOHN S. STERNER IT AS returned from Philadolphia, with a i large and varied assortment of Spring end Surumer Goods, con*ilihg in part of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, 1 such as black and fancy Silks, black and 1 changeable Alpaca#, Barege tie Lsibes, 1 Mou*. da Bege, Bombazine#, plain, figursd and chsngeuble l'nplins, Lawns, calicoes, 1 gingham.,'gloves, hosiery, &o. GENTLEMEN'S' DRESS GOODS, ! stioh a# fine black and brown French cloths, fl.tek Doeskin and fancy Cassimers, satin and lanay Jtestings, fhtrk & Italian fancy Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves; Sic. . HATS AND CAPS. A large assortment of Men's and Boys' hats and embracing every style and quality. A!sB, a large and varied assortment ol Paramfoawd Ribbons. DOWESt'lCS— .Bleached 6 unbleached Mn-liil, Checks, Ticking*, Jeans, Drill#, Ta ble-diaper, Bagging, Toweling, Table-lin ens, Sic. HOOPS If SHOES —A large assortment of Men's, Women's & Children's Boots and Shoes, Jenny Ltnd & buskin Shoes at very low prices. Colored and white Carpet Chain. GROCEHIES. —A large assortment of Groceries, snjcli as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, Sic., Sic. The attention ol all who wish good bar gians is Solicited, lor inducements to pur chasers will be offered. Bloom.burg, May 4th f854. New Arrivnl OF SPRING AND SI'MJIER GOODS AT ■ . The Old Sf.ind. K'XELVTi HEAL & GO; ARE just opening the first lot of flieir new stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS at their old stand. They are receiving an tn usually large, varied mid extensive assort ment ot CfE>CE>3DIE>^3 8 . GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, GLASS WARE. HARDWARE, CEDAR WARE, HATS. CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES More in quantity and choicer in qualhy anil variety titan has ever before been offered in Bllomshurg, being a vast improvement over *oe stock and selections of all tooner sea sons, ami purchased at snch favorable ra'e-t a# enable# them to offer better bargains at lower prices than can be found anywhere else. £ai)tcs ore* ©soils. Of every - tein. href RVywioe-i to snn alf Beautiful New Design* and styles of silks, Chulli Bareges, berege de lamg, poplins, lawns, ginghams, prints, checks, licks; cambric, Swiss and Mull rr.u.fins, gloves, hosiery, and every other article in the Dry Goods Line. smAW&s Of the most desirable styles, atrJ admired patterns lor Spring wear. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &3. Just opened a splendid assortment of Black and Colored French cloths— beet muter. Black French doeskiil. assorted qualities—black latin undstlk vesting*—plain mixed and fan cy cassimeres—boy'soassimcree and Tweed —casairiets, Kentucky jeans, &c. Their Groceries Are fresh, arid their stock will be replenish ed evVry few weeks during the season. Produce taken ih exchange for merchan dize. Bloomaburg, April 30th 1894.—ft. 13. NEW 4SIKM! A. J. EVANS A Co., HAVF, JUST recaivad and opened an en tire new and np'mdld assortment of ©(2>@©S For Spring snd Sumnser, ft the Brick store on Main street abh/n Iron Mreei, heretofore occupied by Simot Nathans, o which they invite the at'.entiOi of the public. Their as sortment will-cotopare in price and quality . with any to be found on ibis sida of Philad elphia, and includes QDOta.'ar' Q53>3D3D12&33-> QUE EM SHARE. HARDWARE GLASSWARE. HATS, CAPS, HOOTS AMD SHOES, r They have on hand every desirable and ' fashionable style of LADI EB' DRESS GOODS Including silk#, a varietv of chslli bereges, barege de lams, poplins, lawns, gingiiams, prints, and every article of House Fatnithlng Good, l Sheetings, lickinjf, checks, ..." I Their stock is selling fast, ann will ba re t pleiiialred vry few wenks, for their mono is ''small profits and quick sales." „ Call and sea onr/goed*. W# charge notf. - ing for showini them, and will always lake counlsypsoriooe ia pay ai lho maAeri prieas, Bloomiburg, April 20th 1f54-tf. 13. ico,oco Gnraspoß tP Qa <x> S3P ® do ip H d> 8 sb&UM MMAM Submits to the Penple ot (fro United States, HIS THIRD [ MONSTER <iIFT AD.i O PE '' over 100 it i n nt Jt'i^jNklslii.i'i^ cultivation, with DnelHgg. BeriifMpdeth er necessary Out houses in ggpd ri fW r - a There is a large OrcharMF cßofce Ffgiris. Title indisputable. Vffied at (Any information in regard to the H Farm can he .abuiued ol KEifFIELD, tananl on the premises.) A PERPETUAL LOAN without se curity ur interest. • 5,000- .. iu M II M 1,000 3 " " •' 88,00 ea. 1,000 .10 " " " too " i,Bwo THE tELEBRATED TROTTING MARE, Lilly Dale, who can trot, in liarness, a mile in 2.4o—valued at 1,100 5 ROSEWOOD PIANOS, valued at . 8500 each, 2,500 S ' ' ' 8300 1,600 (A portion of the Pianos are T. Gilbert & Co,s , Celebrated iEolians. Others ol Halictt, Davis & Co's splen did Instrument* ) The Splendid Series of Paintings known as the "Mirror of Now Eng land and Canadian Scenery," and now realizing a handsome income by its Exhibitions in the East— valued al 22 000 3 Light and Beautiful Carriages, 8235 each, 675 10 Gold Watches, 100" 1,000 40 ' ' 50 " 2 000 IPO ' Pens Btid Cases, 6■' 500 5,000 ' Pencils, 3 " 15 000 •5,819 Pieces of Choice, Popular and Fashionable Music, 25 cents •ach, 23,705 100,000 Gifts, Valued at 896,880 ONE GIFT FOR EVERY TICKET. In order fo insure to all concerned a per fsclly fair and satisfactory disposition of ihe above named Gifts. Mr. PERHAM proposes that ihe Shareholders shall meet together Oh Thursday Evening June 22d, 1854, (Or sooner it all Ihe Tickets are sold—due notice af which will be given.) at some suit able place. hereafter fo be designated, Bt,d appoint a Committee of five persons, to re ceive lite property, which they may dispose of in snch manner—by lot or otherwise—as the Shareholders, for the faithful perform ance of lite dories required of them. Shareholders residing oul ol Ihe cily of New York, will stand upon the same footing as residents, and whatovei may fall to their shares will 4>e forwarded to lliein in sirch manner #s they may direct, after the parti lion lias taken place.^^ All orders lor mail, should ba ad.l*Md to. JQSIAU I'KIUi.UA, Acad - enty Half, 668 Broadway, New York. If it should happen that all the Tickets are sold when Ihe order is received, the money will he returned, at our expense for postage.— Correspondents will please write dialit.ully their name, residence, County and Stale, to prevent errors. Or, if convenienr, enclose at envelope, with their directions qn it in lull—in which, such Tickets a# they may older w ill be returned. May 4th 18 54-lt. „ PUBLIC SALE OF Real Estate* IN Pursuance of *n order of the Orphan'# Court of Columbia coii.ry John Savage and Jeremiah Stile*, Administrators of Jer emiah Siijp#, late of Fistringcreek low.,ship dec*a*ed. will expose to public tnle upon the premises on Saturday Ihe Sd day ot June next, all that certain tract ol Land situate iu Beufon township, Columbia county, atl jniiiiug lands of Maria and Sarah A. Singer. John Rents!, Samuel Applemnn, Baldwin & Uridine, and Big Kishingereek on the Weal, JrwvtL coutaning about 16 acres, on JfiilfU which are ere. fo.l a MU| FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, JQggfgßP a Frame Burn and oilier oul buililings The land is cleared, and in a good slate of cultivation, except about 5 acres ol it, wh'ch is well timbered. To be auld as the estate of the saiJ Jere miah Stiles, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 n'click P. M TERMS will be madd known on the day of Sale JOHN SAVAGE, JEREMIAH STILES. By orJer of Court. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Btnameburg, May 4lh 1854. PUBLIC SALE OF Real Estate. KM/ILL b exposed WPublic Sale upon the * * premise*, on Saturday the 13|A day -of May next, all that certaiu tract or tpt of land (late the estate of Peter Rupert deceased) eituate In Montour township Columbia coun ty, and on the main roid leading from Bloumsburg to Danville and Cattawissa, ad-, joining lands of Joseph I'axtou, John Rieh ards and Peter Appleman, conlaiififqj/^^^; THIRTY AC|§p r and 136 perches and allowance, of which ' the principal pari is elea*mlJind_ and in a good slate of on the premises > rWO STORY FRAME A frame Barn, Vid-rioiivenienl out-building*- A good |>riqu of Water i# on the premise# j near the dwell}" 81 and a ner of - -Ml :he but Ronk,. S'and aril I¥orke, Magazines, and Ravels of tbe day are in be Ld at T. a. PETEB foN'S BOOK STORE, 102 C> nut etrett. Philadelphia. SXiir*G3. n3<woaazass Great Bqok! Just published. complete In Two Volumes— Price One I'ollar, id covers ;r *1,60 in binJinf—'\ 11 oat r died— aml printed on fine Into paper ; THE PLANTER'S iofiTHERN BRIDE | BV CAUUUNB^Mt-HKW-IZ. 1 ever rwfttten, ftigpffs ttodiygW *Wety to increase. ol South- | any wrtkj issued Iroru of pure and pairi J uiic irah.<iuraHt<in everyfpagc, which J ol acuhtry, mid tLld dolmen " ro ibf ind delicate - until, r, until tie lias reached The asL hitpW\vo v<rt|.*K*fc, l,50 ; paper . lco#re *h —J r 'UtjPestiqagbly powerful and iqpWriant, the moat charming work that has vet flowed from, her eloquent pen. # * The genius und skiff ui the lair author have developed new views of golden argu mem, and flkmg around-'the Whole such a . tielo ot (i;hoB, Mitreagjh|>d beauty, a* to render it event way -worthy of ' Linda,' Re iiß,' 'Marco* VVerland,' and the ether literary cTj'""" 'One of the moat delightful end remarka ble booke of the day.'—JJosfo* TVowffer. •The characters are -iffse!y drawn, end well-sustained, Irom the beginning la the end of the work.'— Horning £oit. 'We commend it to gur readers in the strongest words of praise (hat our vocabula ry affords.' — New Yort'NGrioi. 'Written with temarKAffb vigor, and con tains many passages of feal eloquenee. We heartily commend it to general perusal.'— Netvurlc Daily Eagle. 'As a high-toned navel, it possesses throughout—a most touching and thrilling interest, * * • lar above the level of the novels of the day. ' All are delighted who read it.'— 'Courier.' tST Any person remitting, post paid, Ike price of the above work, shall receive by the re turn mail, a copy of the My—raxe or fost- ATIC. Address the Publishe^k, , PARI Y fctMcMHXAN, Successors to A. HASU' 4 (lg;e Carey & Hart) Coriter of Fourth and Chestnut Streets, sfl*aiftlelphia. HIGH SCHOOL For Young Undies and Gentlemen. J. E. BRADLEY, Prlieipftf. Miss J A NIC K. Kit A I)I,FY, Assistant. The ensuing SUMMER SESSION will I commence on MONDAY the luth day of -April next, and will continue4Pweeks. T i:R.ii A .. The academic year consists of 44 weeks The price of tuitiour per quarter is as fol lows : Kor Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A- I'tltnietic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Geography, History of the U. S. S3 25 Fur same, and Algebra, Geometry, Sur veying, Mensuration, Book Keeping by dou ble entry, General History, Natural History, Physiology, Philosophy, Hntauyy Astronomy, EnVLatini^'(ireo di a n i French, an drawing. 5 75 Painting in water colors extra 3 00 do in oil colors 5 00 Kvery Scholar, unless specially excused, is expected to attend to Composition and Elocution. Note.- —lt is important that scholars enter school at the beginning 1 of the term and bo regular in their attendance. Persons desirous of. gllendjng to any branch of learning taught in the school, and whose arrangements, will not permit them to be present during all Ihe regular school hours, can study HI home and come in at the lime ol recitation. CjF Good boarding can be obtained in pri vate families at from *1 60 to *2 00 per week. Bloomsburg, Sept. 29th, 1833. STOVES! sdarites* iFJrtnicß YT AVE opened a new Stove an) Tinware Establishment, on Main street one door above the Court-house, where they are pre pared to furnish goods in their line such as Tin. Sheet Iron. Hollow Wcsre Braes Kettles, Cast Iron Sinks, Trying Tans. Stave Pipes, all kinds of Tin If'ars, Broom ff'ire )•<?., at extremely lout Prices. Jlmong their variety of siiwes, may be lound the Home Air Tight, William i Penn, Globe, Coal Mountain, Miners' Choice | Van Leer's Kitchen Comfort, Double Oven, the celebrsted Raub Cooking Stove for coal or wood, antl others, too numerous to men tion. Also Parlor Grates, Office and Parlor Move*. in great variety. Tin Rough?, Gutter*, Lead-, - ere, arid all kinds of work made loonier, at the shortest notice. Repairing of all junds Attended to. Bloomsburg, April JVtH%v4l.-tf. Tin-Ware Stove ! Etablihment. | rpHK UNDERSIGNED, respectfully in- " A forme his old fnendssiid cuijtoiiiers, that I he the purchased his brother's interest in the C nb*c c eelsbliaiimeiit, sod rhb concerii will here- li after haguridui lid l>y lit meet! evcluftrely He vl *" h *wi*t recelvtd and uffeis tor sale lite exu-iisivu assortment ■ dhd I'imedre cou stent yon hanil '•'lie pellot>a l .'rf l f"'"> and' ucw cus- (j NO'HCB. of Ai'rmnbtraiion upon the estate debled to the eei tta-We /kqeeefml to make I immediate payment, and thueo having ao- 1 eoupie aguiu-l eanl deccfeiil to prevent them a without delay to SETti SHOEMAKRB, I Administrator. ( Hemlock, May 4th 1634-6t Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of testatum wril of oendi tioni export is, from the District Court of Philadelphia, there will be exposed to Pub bo Sale el the Court House in Blooms burg or Thursday theWth day of Mny next, at 1 o'uloik In the afternoon, the loltowing described real estate to wit :—All those certain nix trade of Coal land situate formerly in the township ol Catuwissa, County ol Northumberland, but now in the township pf Mifflin, Columbia County, Pen nsylvania, one bf them sailed / BALE3K3, Beginning at a post, theooe by landa of dames MuNenl, North twelve degrees (Vest, three huiulred and forty-two perches to a chestnut oak, thence by lands oi William Gray, aqd Wm. Steedman, Somh seventy-eight degrees West one hundred and seventy-nine perches to a post, thence by lands at Jeremiah Jack son, South twelve degrees, East four hun dred and ten perches to a post, thence by lands of Richard Brook, North seventy eight degrees East, seveiny-lhree perches to a dogwood, North twtjive degrees We.-l, fif teen |terches to a post, North seventy-eight degrees, East eighty-two perches to a black oak, thetiuu by an old survey, Nortt twelve degrees, West twenty-five perenhttoa hick ory, and North thirty-two degrees, east thirty lour perches to Ihe place of begining, con taining four hundred and twelve and one hall acres mul allowance of six per cent, or roads &e., another of litem called •'PALMYRA." Bagming at a post, thence by land ol Robert Grayrfftwrh twelve de grees. west lour hundred and ten perches t a P""t itieuce b> land of Wm. Stcetimait. south seventy-elgbl degrees, west one hun dred and sixty-mi perches to a post, thence by land ol John Brady, south twelve degrees east lour hundred and ten peiffhes to a post, and thence by lands of John Wild and Rich ard Brook, north seventy-eight degrees east, one hundred audeixty-six perches to lite piece of begiuing, containing lour hundred and one acres & one quarter, & allowance o' 6 percent, for roads &c., another of them called "STONE HALL." Begintng at a post thence by land ol John Brady, uorth twelve degrees, west two hundred and sixty-three perches to a post, thence by laud of Charles Halt, south seventy-eight degrees west, two hundred sod seventy-one perches to a Chestnut, thence by laud of Catharine Logenberger, south sixteen degrees and a qjarter, east two btuiured and seventy-six perches to a stone, and theiice by lauds of Deborah Stew art & Thomas Brooks, north seventy-eight degrees, east two hundred and foriy-ittue perches to the place of begining, containing lour hundred and tbirly-eighl acres & a half, At allowance of S percent, for roads Sic., be the same inure or less, another ol them called "EAKMEBS DELIGHT." Beginning al -a poet, thence by land of Vytlliam Steedman, north sixteen degrees and three quarters, west three hundred and leu per eties to a Spanish oak, thence by laud of Win. Webb, sotnh seventy.four degrees, west one hundred and sixty-two perches to a Black oak, thence by land ol Thomas S.ty, south sixteen degrees, east twenty percties to e Chestnut, thence by land of Charles Hall, south eight degrees and a half, easi three hundred and sixty-two perches to a post, thence by. land of John Brady, north seventy-eight degrees, east orta hundred and thirty perches to an Ash, north twelve de grees. west aighiy perches to a Wr.ite oak and norih seveniy-eighi degrees, east eighty perches to the place ol begiuing, containing tour hundred and 18 acres, & allowance ol ti per cent, for roads Ate., another ol them called "TROY." Beginning at a post, thence by land of Jeremiah Jackson, north twelve degrees, west four hundred and ten perches to a post, thence by laud of Win P. Bra-'c, south seventy eiglti degrees west •qdujr yieruiMtJa a Whits oak, south twelve degrees, east eighteen porches to an Ash. south seventy-eight degrees, west one hun dred and thirty perches to a post, thence by land of Joint Reese south twelve degrees, east two hundred and sixty-three |>eruhes to a post, thence by land of Thomas Brook, north aeverity-eight de grees, east twenty perches to a Chestnut oak south twelve degrees, east forly-oue perches to a Black oak, thence by the same and land ol John Wild, north eevpiiiy-eighl degrees, east one hundred and six perches to a Black oak, aoitth twelve degrees, east twenty-five perches to a White oak, ami north seventy eight degrees, east eighty porches to tire place ol begiuing, containing lour huudred and tweiity-nine acres and a quarter, and allowance ut six per cent, fur roads &0., and the oilier of them called "MAINE " Begining at a post lliernie by land of Wm P. Brady, nurih eight degrees If a halt, west three hundred and sixty-two perches to a Chestnut tree, theuce by lands ot Tirames* Say jk Jesse Budd, south sevetnv-foor tie grJes. wekt one hundred and eighty-night perches to a post, theuce by laud ol Thomas Bellas, south filly five degrees, east eighty nine perches to a Chestnut oak, thence by the same and land of John Loudeuberger, south one hundred and eighty-eight perches lo a Chestnei oak, thence by laud ol the said John Loudeuberger, sooth seventy-six de grees and a quarter, west one hundred and twenty-four perches lo a post, south sixteen degrees and a quartet, east one hundred and ' four perches to a Chestnut troo, and thenoe by land of John Reese, north seventy-eight degrees, east two hundred and seventy-one perches to the place of begining, containing three hundred and eighiy-one acres and three quarters, and allowance of six per cent for roads Ate. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Loose. JOII \ S,\lDi;iC, Sheriff. SnKKirr's OFFICE ) Bloomnbuig April 13th 1854. J AMZI SHOEMAKER, f>agiiprinii Arliil A NNOU,NVES to the oj. Blooms- f burg and vicinity, the! Tie hat opened a Dagtterriau Gallery in the Exchange Block, over Stavesr St PureeTs Store, where he is , prepared te lake good and true likenesses in J the highest style of the art. Those who wish , a lasting memorial of their friends that may y 100 soon leave them, or who Wish to make j the most valuable of presents to a true friend „ or relative should call and secure a good „ likeness. J. STEWART DEFUY, J AT 223 North Second Street, below /, Caboivhill, Philadelphia ; has on a hand * splendid arson mem of Velvet, r Q Tapestry, Brussels, Three Play, Ingrain f ■jr. and Veuitian CARPETS : besides Drug- 2 * sets, Canton and Cocoa Mattings, ~ £ WINDOW SHADES. Door Mmt, Kloor O „ a nd Tallin OIL CLOTHS, Stair Rod*. 5 g. Hearth Rugs. 4tc. Also, the same at 2 -t hisQiher Sore, corner of Blh end „ u Spring Garden St . under the Spring * ~ Garden House, —Wholesale and Re- p ta I ~ ' April 13th 1854 -6m t . RACK RANTED. ~ " e ■YEIKU Extensively engaged in tlje mans- a *-* lecture of pat>er, we will pay to a Merchants sod other* having Rag* for sale, a mors than the pi etent market ■ ricei— Cask JESsUP fc MORE. Paper Manufacturers, . Peil.ADEi.pniA—Nrte. 24 and 26 North Street. J (Ist Street belnw Arch, between Alb and 6h) ' Maroh Iff. 1694—8- Treasurer's Sale op Unseat* Lands in Coluakta Ceanty Agreeably to the provisions of all acl of . Assembly entitled "An Apt diraoiiug the' mode of irellitgpllrireated Lands for taxes, end lor other ptuposea," passed dm (hh day ' March JBIB, end (he further supjdimeiil thereto passed on the 13th day of Maruh 1817, and the 29th of March 1824, the Treasurer of Motuoui coutiiy hereby givea notice to el) persona, Concerned therein, that unleaa the ta\ea due on'the following treota . of Unaeated Lands, situate io Colombia county &c, (or which taxes are due to Mon tour county for the years 1851 and 1852,) are paid before the day of sale, the whole or such parts of each tract aa will pay the taxes and costs chargable thereon w ill be sold at the Court House io town of Danville County of Montour, on the second Monday in June next, (12th day) and to continue by sojournment from day to day lor arrearages < ol taxes due said County, and the cost oc curred on each respectively. UOARI.NO CREEK TOWNSHIP, 1851 & 1802 Acres per. Owners Names. Taxes '4l Peter Smith, $l5 63 777 Lewis Walker, 29 47 899 93 Andrew Porter, 43 43 398 118 R Cordon & Jordon 43 43 388 108 U. Cordon 42 25 188 78 Thomas Cadwaliader 20 4G 70 56 Davit) V. Gordon 783 94 137 Peter Smith 10 23 277 76 itoberl Gordan 22 61 B*s 150 Andrew Porter 8) 67 SU tM -JMUTIA \\LaUuf 32 Mi 190 Nailmnbst Brbwn 440) Ebenezer firantienv W 1* 418 82 Thomas Rhsftm 34'|7 380 73 Mary Kusmh 31 o7 408 75 John Youiigy. 33 27 429 129 Joshua Bean 1 4ft 29 120 Valeoline PrApst 12 62 199 Lewis Walker 38 33 400 " Johnston Kasdly 33 3(/ 400 Thomas Hilizhamer 33 30 400 * Amos Wickerlham 33 30 490 Hobert Hilizhamer 44 40 490 William Shannon 44 40 '55 George WickerAara 18 65 260 Duniel Reea I' tl 65 315 Charlolt Huston v 26 19 200 Mary Kualon 16 65 850 John Reynolds 1 29 13 308 Thomas Hillingtoa 25 63 420 John Huston 34 97 54) Thomas Barnes jr. 448 109 Jaceb Trem 8 33 53) Samuel John ' 293 54} " 2 j 4 333 Mary Ruston 27 62 100 Bergslressera 13 88 84 ) tocher & Tbotw* (1 66 369 Hughes John 26 34 '9O Rhode* Henry j, ,8 33 125 'Thomas William £0 81 50 * Samuel Biddle 4 16 100 " " g 33 400 Ruadeberge r Esl. 13 30 MADUON TOWNSHIP. 158 Charles Dibler 2 00 323 George A. Prick 6 46 Josian Gal breath 40 '25 Jaoob Swisher 186 .. JOSEPH DEAN, Treasurer. Treasurers Office, 1 Danville, April 6th 1854. ) Treasurer's Sale op Seated Lands In Columbia County. List of Seated Lands sitnats in Columbia County, on which the taxei assessed remain unpaid (for the years 1851 and 1852, and 'luiaAlontoer Comity,} -wfifcti lands the Oof leclors of the respective fownships in which said lands lie, have relumed for sale accor ding 10 (he 41st section, of an Act of Assem bly passed April 29th 1841, entitled "An Act to reduce the Slate Debt," there not being sufficent personal property 011 said lands to pay said taxes and the owners thereof hav ing neglected and refused to pay the same for the space of iwo years. The same will be sold at the Court ffonse in the town of Danville, County of Montour, on the second Monday in June next, (12th day,) and to cnuimue by adjournment lrnrri day today, lor arrearages ol taxes due said county, and' the costs accrued on each respectively. ROAKI.NO CHEEK TOWNSHIP, 1851. Acres, per. Owners Names Taxes. 29 James Bird jr. 12 28 57 James Fahrmger J 42 50 Jacob Fisher jr. 200 . 4 Chatlee Frederick 66 6 Adam Gilder m .? •%-sn 108 Henry Huffman ~ 300 25 John Richard 1 25 TAXES FOR 1852 Michael Doming 2 90 2ili Anthony Dengler 1 60 ) Denglerft Wertman , .1.35 6 Adam Gtlger I 50 j Jesse John's Est. 2 50 400 Cox 8 00 300 George Crook 900 i Widow Thomas 07 400 Patrick Curry 6 00 MADISON TOWNSHIP, ®4 Silas Demon 62 t 3 Gilbert 15 | 4 Philip Goodman 10 < 26 Jane Haines 1 03 I 4 Ann Kichurt 91 | 1 John Stout I 10 1 1- John Shannon 22 1 54 William Ever 1 84 JOSEPH DEAN Treasurer, Treasurer's Office, ) Danville, April 6th 1854. } 2J311 ®®maes'tte>wiatary r i Cabinet Ware Rooms, s. c. 8111 VI? Respectfully invites the attention of 01 the Public to his extensive assort ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike maimer. At hia Establish- 0 metit, can always be lpund a good assort- v ment of . I, Fashionable Furniture. • Which is equal in Stylo and finish to that of ? Philadelphia or New York oiiies, and at as low prices. He has Sofas of different style A and pricea, from $25 to $6O. Divans, Loun ges, Walnut acd Mahogany Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing sod parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and L pier tables, detashua, chefTeuiari*, whatnots and comodea nntl all kinds of fashionable work. His stuck of bureaus, enclosed and common withstands, dreM-tstiles, cornet cupboards, solas, dining and breakfast ta blet, bedsteads, cane seat and common p chairs, it the largest in this section of the country. He will also |tep t good assort meat of looking-cfasees n lib fancy gift and . common frames. He will also furnish spring J inatlraaee* fined 10 any sited bedstead,winch are superior foi durability and comfort to any bed M use. Bloomsbitrg. April <>h 1854. tf. |>AN AMA. Braid, Straw JllU Palmiest ha *■ ftr tale be ti MeKELVY. NEAL ft Co o C£3 s£L OU Z& 513 . SHoomnbntg. {Ja- SIiPLESS&iIELICKr .MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS W 'STOVES, TINWARE fta—Establish ment on Main ttreet, nkli building rbova the Courthouse. A. J EVANS *o, ILAERCHANTS —Slore on tho upper part of Main sfrtti, neatly opposite the Episcopal Church. S. e. SUITS, MAND FACTURKK OF FUBNITHRB AND CABINET WA RE—VVarewom in Shive't Block, on Main Sireet. AOfZl hfiOfiftAKßß. P|AGIIERItI AN ARTIST.—Room in (he Exchange Block, above S. Drifuae & Co. A. M. RlPlittT, > THINNER AND STOVE DEALER , S' ,o p oh South ride of Main ttreet, be low Market: , JOSEPH SWARTZ. TJOOKSELLEU. Store fir the Exchange Hmef lW!k ' < ' rW J °° r abov# ltn E*bange I ii 1/ u..|. ■■ ■ JMWS. BTEBKER. fcf SRL'fANT.—Store on South side of ket " * il,ew r wer)4sqoare below Mar TpOUNDEBS ANL MACHINESTS. Bui'dl , "ton the alley between the ' Excbanae and "American House." K.W. WE A veil ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on the A\. first floor of the "Star" Building, oa Main ttreet. PETER HUGHES* VJARLBE h ARD, on Main Street, oppt tite the "American iloute." BARNARD RUPBRT. TAILOR— Shop on the South Side of Mala Street, first square below Market. MENDENHALL & MENSCH, TIT ERLH ANTS—Store North Wett comer Jj-a. of Main aud Market Streets. HIRAM C. HOWER^ SURGEON DENTIST—Office near tka Academy on Third Street fIpABLE CUTLERY—A Splendid assort- . ment received and now on hand at MENDENHALL ft MENSCH'S FANCY GOODS, of every description and variety, new stylet, and fresh from New Yorfc - and Philadelphia, for sale at the cheap store * M'KELVY, NEAL ft CO. BOOTS, Shoes and ready made clothing obeap for cash by MENDENHALL ft MENSCM. OIL CLOTH, painted for floors, and pain ted cloth tor table covers, for sale at the cheap store of A. J. EVANS ft Ce. WALL PAPER I WALL PAPER I ! ffhHE Subscribers have now in 6tore theii -■ complete stock of Paper Hangings, Curtains tie., which they offer at vary low prices WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Our assortment is very complete, coraprW "tng all ihe qualities, botn Frrucli and American. We manufacture a large proportion of out goods and can sell at ihe lowest rates. I'aper Hanging done in the country et city PA RISH ft HOUGH, No. 4 North Filth St., Philadelphia. March 23. 1851. - 9-3 m SHEETSkte 3ELTZ3RS> WHOLESALE WH3J3B & SffODlKla -geav No. 339 iV Til|'<l St., - Ifinl (Above Callowhitl,) ■■■t muioiifaraM, A GENERAL ASSORTMETOF lIR A!piEB, WINES, ( OllUlal I, And Uqurs of overy descrijitlon t . *. BH*ETZ. r. K scLrzaa JOHN Woonsiexs Agent. ADMINJSJ'R.I IOU'S NOTICE. f ETTEIIS vf Adiniiiisiralion ttpon ihees- A-4 lute t> f Jacob Feiterman, late of Locust tow nship, Columbia county deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing al so in Locust township. All persons indebted to the said estate, are requeated to make payment without delay, and those having ac counts against tbe estate to present them for settlement to CHARLES FETTERMAN, > Admin- OS BORN WILLIAMS. { h star's. Locust township, April 19, 1854—if. DRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss. Boo* Jseonett Mull, Cambric, Swtsa Muslin, Bishop Lawns, sale liar,l Muslin just receiv ed et the of ' MENDENHALL ft MENSCH. BOOTS AKD SHOES, la, B. RUPERT Has opened a new boot and shoe shop over Lois'* Drug"store in Kup-rt'd Row, where you ceo get the best ot work at tho lowest prices. The work will be under the supervision of Augustua Wilson, who invitee all his old customers to give him a call. The following are some of tbe pricea : Men's fine calf or morocco boots, $4 a 4 80 do kip or cow hide, 3 29 do calf abces 2 00 do cow hide, 1 79 do miners', nailed, 225 a 2 50 Ladies'gaiters, 2 a 2 35 " Lace boots, 161 " Thick soled slipper* lal aT " Pump soled, 100 " Bronze Jenny Lind,s 129*1 50 Boys', youths' and children's aboea in pro portion. Bloomaburg, Aug. 25tb 1853. by" " r —— S AON STEEL, acd every kind of Hard A wate for sola by MCKELVY, NEAL ft Cm - 1 rURDOA'S DIGEST. A NV Juttca of the Peace wishing to poe -7* chase a My 04 J%rdo'i'a ' iccommodatsu toy applying at the thfe >jßoe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers