The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, December 18, 1851, Image 2

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u 1 oiii-I>'lrg, Thursday, Dec- 18, 1851.
"Go forth my son," saiil tho old Counsel
lor Oxenslein, "ami seo with how liulo wis
dom the world is governed." It Mister Ox
enstein jr. hud lived iu our day he might
have saved himself that journey, for it would
havo been necesrary for him to 'take the
papers," to seo how great men are made and
unmade. The great staple of these times is
neither cotton, iron, coal nor wool, but soap
acd gas. Mr. Gammon baa a mind and ca.
pacity about equal to the business of teach
ing a dozen ragged, unkempt urchins in a
country school, and straightway he fuels
himself ordained to bo United States' Sena
tor. Mister Gassy had the brains that per
haps might have made a middling good
ploughboy, but his imagination became dis
order, and lie thinks himself inspired for n
seat in Congtess. So Gammon puffs Gassy,
and Gassy puffs Gammon. Some simple
minded people get to talk about Squire Gas
sy aud General Gammon for tltoy'vo "seen
the names in the papers"—the "free and un
trammelled press" puts on hero a little soap,
and there a little gas, and then—"how we
apples swim!"
Gassy and Gammon know every "great
mau in Christendom, and why shouldn't
thoy hang on to every "big fish's" coat tail l
Don't tney make President* and Governors ?
Dou't they condescend to form Cabinets, and
tell Congress who is fit for every post in
its gift ? If anything happois in the polili
•cal world, didn't Gassy and Gammon origi
nalhj say it would bo so ? and who is more
-"extremely gratified" than they V
Though these worthies know about ha
mttf-h of politically principles as an elephaiv
does of dancing; and tliOugn IJioy change
their profession of political faith with every
new moon, they always pretend to bo radi
cal and consistent —at least where radicalism
and consistency are profitable. Gassy ' went
it on a loud" for the tariff' ol '42 and believ
ed firmly tbal Mr. Dallas ought to stretch
hemp for voting in lavor of a "black Ilritisli
tariff," but he caved in little by little, until
he cooed as gently as any sucking dove for
tho principles of the act of'4C. Gammon
got into lite Taylor movement, and hail the
honor of being an "original"—but ho back
ed out when the parly wouldn't follow, and |
no man iu tho Uuion afterward abused Tay
lorism more bitterly. Tajlorrsm, Cameron
ism aud Democracy are all one to these fel
lows, so the "immutable principles" only
Gassy did once beg and ciy himself, into
a Constableship, and, from a feeling ot pity,
was really allowed to keep the office one
whole year—because no body would go to
the trouble to kick him out. But ho then
left hi 9 country's service for his country'!;
good, and lias ever sinco been living on gas
and soap.
•'T'.tno was that when the brains were out
the man would die," but that was before
men who are not fit to bo Justice of the
Peace were talked of for Congressmen, and
before fellows who would not make a res
pectable tax-collector were named by the
press for Governor. '
That was before men wero were talked of
lo rule Ihe slate, who, though they might
have the impertinence of a begging Yankee
clock pedlar, had cortainly never the genius
which could liavo kept them alive at itinera
ting through the land on a mission of ped
dling clocks, split leather boots and wooden
nutmegs. That was before the race of noble
men had quite died out, and beforo a brood
of harpies licked their parched jaws iu ea
ger longing for a suck at ike public teat.
That was before the most brainless and mos t
impertinent man in a community attempted
to give a tone lo "public opinion" by lolling
loose upon the "dear people" a llood of seK
■iaudalory circulars.
Felly Best, we should think, has taken
some lessens from Mister Oxenstciu senior,
in 1846 he was very careful to see a mem
ber of the-legislature elected from the upper
end of our county, tlnd then in 1847 got up
ibe line and cry that tho lower end must
have something. Wasn't, the lower end
great, glorious, true and illustrious ? Hadn't
it done every thing * Ergo, Mr. Best must
be Senator, for lie just lived in the right lo
cation. And then hadn't he served the parly
"ever so long ami a goad deal longer," ami
.had he overdone any tiling worso than livo
atf Ihe party ever since he was a boy. And
ripou territorial merit he, in the parlance of
Swelldom, "went in." Bravo Felly!
Lately, and in fact long since, James Wal
■on Webb of tho New York Courier and En
> -gtttrsi, and of 552,000 U. S. Bank liotoiiij,
has been abusing Kossuth the Hungarian
patriot. A grand festival was last week giv
en in honor of the illustrious exile, and a
mong the guests, to tho astonishment of ev
r ery body, came Col, Webb also, and he see
med a stranger to nobody except Shame.
When "the l'ress" was toasiedj Mr. Ray
mond (in accordance with the arrangement
of the Committee) rose to reply, but tho bra
zen-faced Colonel was up.first and began to
deliver himself. The company wero at first
- dumbfounded ; but, on recovering, protested
that a man who had openly declared Kossuth
accessory to murder should not apeak there.
The Chairman of the festival told the Col. to
•it down, as ho hadn't beau called for, and
that Mr. Raymond was lo speak ; But Webb
wouldn't give it up so, and kept barking a
way until a member of the Committee of ar
rangements came up to him ar.d choked him
But after Mr. Raymond concluded, the
Colonel got up again and began his oration.
Tho audience got up a tumult, nud determin
ed ho should net go on. Finally Parke
Goodwill and Mr. Raymond asked that Col.
Webb abould be heard, and lie proceeded af
ter this fashion
"For 54 years, Mr. President, I've been
sole responsible editor and proprietor of the
Courier and Enquirer I I have a right then
to be heard for the, Press ! ! I thank you for
the compliment you've paid the Press ! !!
No people on the face of the earth have ev
er had so good a Press as we have ! Never
was there so pure, so independent, so un
trameled a Press ! ! No Press was ever so
presstingly devoted to republican institutions
as our Press !! Our Press represents an im
ptession of tho character of our people. I
am proud of the Press. My press has been
charged witn being impressed by tho bri
bery of Austrian gold ! ! Sir, the Press—
the press—the press—the press—press—
press ! !" (and the coughing throughout the
house extinguished the speaker )j
Vive la humbug ! I
Ilo\v tho Old World is Governed-
The European papers tell us that the King
of Hanover lately died in the 81st year of his
age. He was the only surviving son of
George 11. and commenced his dissipated
and disreputable career as the Duke of Cum
berland. He was born und reared in Eng
land, and became u member of the English
House of Lords* at the age of 28, without
ever having given a thought to the subject
of government. From interest and connec
tion ho became a violent Tory partisan. In
1815 ho married a Princess ot the House (if
not of tho blood) of Hanover, and through
that connection ha became King of Hano
ver upon tire accession of Victoria to the
throne of England. But in knowledge and
association be was as much a 6lranger to the
Hanovarian people and their laws, as his
heart was foreign to their wishes and wants.
He commenced his rule in 1837 by with
drawing the Constitutional right that Wil
liam IV had granted to the people of Hano
ver, and so odiousdid his passions and tyran
ny tnake him to his subjects, that, though
they had ever before been most loyal and
submissive to suffering, in 1840 thev com
pelled the usurper tg ,cs!6re" a portion of
thei; .ignis, and in 1818 wrested from him
still fuither concessions. In early life h e
lost his left eye .The world contemned him '
and his subjects neither respected his lile
nor regreted hit death.
Ho will be succeeded on the throne by his
son, George Frederick, who for many years
has been blind.
"Leopold Frederick, by God's grace, high |
and mighty reigning Duke of Auball, Duke
Gvrthen, Duke of Saxony, Kugern and West
phalia, Count of Askania, and Lord of Zerbsl,
Bernberg, and Grobzig," has just issued a
proclamation, abolishing, on his sole high
and mighty authority, tne Constitution of the
Duchies over which he is so grand a poten
tate. The population of these Duchies is
about the same as that of Cologne, under
100,000 souls ; but this pigmy Prince steps
forward, nevertheless, to express. tho real
sentiments of the Federal Diet of all Germa
Lord Blaquiere, an English liobleman, aged
74, just at the time when he should be able
to look br.ulr, In the peace and salifaclion'of
old age, over a well spent life of honor, late
ly committed suicide.
The CUristiaua Trial.
This troublesome affair has at length draw
to a close. The ablest counsel were en
gaged on both sides, and the whole trial
conducted with high credit to tho bench
and bar of the country. Mr. Brent of Ma
ryland made the prettiest speech of all the
counsel concerned. It was a most splendid
oratorical effort.
But the speech of John M. Read of Phila
delphia was the most lawyerlike production
of tho trial. It was a masterly & most profound
legal argument for the defendant, and cer
tainly had more effect than any thing else,
on the result of tho trial. Mr. Stevens fell
that there was no necessity for him to speak
after Mr. Read had finished. Mr. Cooper
1 closed for tho United Slates, but his speech
was characteristic of the slow and heavy
Judge Grter charged the jury almost in so
many words that lianaway was not guilty of
treason, though ho might bo guilty of a high
misdemaanor. The jury, after retiring a few
moments, returned a verdict of not guihy.
The prisoners llanaway and Lewis are re
moveiHo Lancaster county, to answer liters
in the slate eourts.
GODEY'S BOOK for January, 1852, is first on
om list, embellished with splendid engra
vings, both in colors and plain, and well fil
led with ohoico Mailing, Soma of the prints,
as "The Happy Family" and others, ura 11
lustrated by beautiful sketches. Tho picturo
of "Tho Wood Girl," on the cover, is a beau
ty, in the way of colored engraving.
Mason, of Bradford, Timothy Ives of Potter,
Joseph Y. James, of Warren, and John B.
Bralton of Cumberland have been exlen.
sivety named in connection with the otlicu
of Canal Commission^.
I CP* Charles H. Hess Esq., of Mifflin tsp..
has been appointed by the county Commis
sioners to be Mercantile appraiser for the
year 1852.
delphia Pcnnsyivanian is beginning to leport
city affairs more full and more accurate than
the Ledger.
new arrangement on the Pennsylvania Rail
road, by which passengers and the mails are
to be taken to Pittsburg in twenty-four hours,
went into effect last Wednesday.
17* Kossuth will be in Philadelphia on
next Tuesday evening, and on that occasion
President Fillmore, Governor Johnston and
Col. Bigler, Governor elect, will be present
to participate in a grand festival. Tickets
■J 11 J.J 1 IIIU
Correspondence of the Star.
WASIIINOTON, Dec. 10; li 18 51.
VcsTEnDAV we had a good time in the
Senate. Commodore Stockton presented a
resolution calling upon the President for all
information ho may have in relation to the
imprisonment of John 8. Thrasher in the
dungeon of the Castle of Havanoa, by the
Cuban i uthorities. This movement may
prove pregnant of great consequences, for
Cuba is bound to como into the Union in
some way. England seized upon the Mos
quito Kingdom without half the pretest we
now have to swallow Cuba, la this thing
then there may be work for Com. Stockton in
moro than one way ; and the country may
rest assured that he is equal to any emer
gency. He will make an active and useful
Senator, and leave hi* mailt upou the ac
tion of '.hat body. When Foote leaves,
Stockton will be the leading man of work
here on die Democratic side. And if Spain
should get crazy and kie up Mime flub dubs
about Cuba when our government demands
apologies &c., why Stockton would IHI just
the man to but 1 think 1 shall write a
gain before ttiat happens.
Gen. Cass has introduced a resolution cal
ling upon the President for information rela
tive to the American steamer Prometheus
being tired into by a British vessel. This
movement has fullen into the light hands ;
and here t cannot help regretting that we I
have not at some court iu Europe a minister
of the metai of Cass or Douglass. Ono such
Amencau minister in Europe two years ago
would have saved Hungary, and the Fieuch
nation. When Gen. Cass was in Paris, he
checked the alliance of England, Prussia
and Austria, and I heard a statesman of the
biggest kind of lieail remark p few evenings
ago that if Gen. Cass had been in Englatid
two years ago, Russia would nevei have in
terfered between Austria and Hungary.
It is a pitiable 6ight to see the foreign rep
iesentalives of our republic playing toady
ism to the puppets and mistresses of royalty,
and relyiug upon his ''good looks and line
clothes" rather than upon his brains.
In lite afternoon the performance closed
in the Senate by Foote and Hale making fa
ces. and poking fun at each other—admis
sion S8 a day. Mr. Summer of Massachu
setts has tho floor for this mornirg, and w ill
no doubt get ofT the most finished and most
elasnical speech of the season. He can be
the best scholar in this 'noisy school, if he
tries and don't get stubborn. I expect to
see him go up head to-day.
In (he House Speaker Boyd has appointed
the Coininiitees. Mr. Houston is Chairman
on that of Ways and Means. He is not a
great man, but att honest and hard-working
member; and that will cover up a multi
tude of failings. Mr. M'Lauahau of I'a , is
Chairman of tho Judiciary Committee, and
is in every way the biggest Pennsylvaqiail
here. Tom Ross of Bucks c-; lie j next in
order, w'/.j for u man of his small statute
has a wonderful tall soul.
| Well Summer's not bead after all—but
Stockton's all head. There's just about as
much diflereneo between thu two men as
between a gildsd carriage and a seventy four
steamship—both "well enough in their
sphere, l " but tho former by no means a
thing to astonish folks—unless by nicily.
Summer's speech was all words—Stockton's
all thoughts : the one all manner, Ihe olhec
all matter. The first all smiles and sunshine
the second all magnificent storm. I have
heard of people falling asleep over the
sounds of sweet music, continued till they
became monotonously tiresome, and so one
migbt at hearing Summer, but no man ever
fell asleep when Stocktou spoke within his
Tho Kossuih business has been run into
the ground here, and the resolutions have
got stuck fast. It is a pitiable eight to have
a grave and reverend Senators go through
such child's play as we have here. A prim
itive debating club in the hack woods would
have managed the Kossuth business much
better. They would havo consulted togeth
er and manufactured a simple resolution of
welcome, in 6ome unobjectionable form ;
the oldest member of the body would have
ofl'erred it, and the '.hiug would have passed
uuanimously in two minutes after it was
read. Thais the way too that Congress used
to manage theso matters in our primitive
days, tyid lam quite sure that, if, in the
time of our national revolution, when the
very biggest kind, of questions came up,
Congress hud not acted instead of talking,
there would be no United States in these
days to be talked about.
Interesting Irom llungary.-Arrest of an
Agent of Kossuth.
The following information from Hungary,
by the last steamer, is interesting A gruvo
event has taken place umongst the Austrian
Corps d'Armee in Holstein. Many of the
regiments comprising it consist in a great
part of Hungarians, and among them are
many young men of noble families, who are
compelled by the Austrian government, to
servo as private soldiers. In spile of disas
ters drawn down on unfortunate Hungary by
the tevofution, these soluiers cannot repress
the hatred which animates them, or lheirde
siie for a new revolution. .The presence in
England of Ex-Goxernor Kossuth has great
ly contributed, of late, to excite the senti
ments of haired of these Hungarian soldiers
and an armod revolt, of which the conse
quences would havo been incalculable, in
the North, has been on tho point of break
ing out amongst them ; but it has boon pre
vented by the active surveillance of (lie su
perior officers of the Austrian battallious.
An agent of Kossuih and of the Revolution
ary propaganda of London, the Hungarian
Count I'otocki, was arrested by the military
authorities of Rensburg. He bad arrived
from London, byway of Paris, under a
false name ; in his possession were found
proclamations exciting the soldiers to revolt,
and printed copies of Kossuth's last speech
es in England. Hayuau was recently nearly
burned to death at his residence in Hungary,
an incendiary having set bis houw bn fire.
The Kossuth Welcome lu tho Senate.
On last Friday the debate on this subject
closed, and the Scuate proceeded to vote.
Mr. Dodge, of lowa, paired off with Mr.
Pratt, Mr. Houston paired off with Mr Rusk.
The question was then taken on the first
branch of Mr. Berrien's amendment, exten
ding a welcome to the associates of Kossuth,
when it was ejected, yeas 14, nays 26.
The secoud branch, declaring that by ibis
welcome to Kossuih, Congress did not in
tend to intimate an intention to depart from
the policy of non-intervention, was also
lost—yeas 15, nays 26.
Mr. Shields then moved as a substitute for
the whole resolution, the resolution first in
troduced by Foote, and subsequently with
drawn. •
Mr. Borland moved the following as a sub
stitute for Mr. Shield's amendment :
That the Congress of the United States in
the name and in behalf of Iho people of the
United States, cordially sympathises with the
people of Hungary in (hair recent laudable
and heroic struggle, and in their present mis
fortunes—that it recognizes and cordially
welcomes Louis Kossuih, late Governor of
Hungary and his associate exiles, who have
landed on our shores, as worthy representa
tives of their country, and iuvites fhem to
the capitol of the Union—that it requests the
Presided to receive and entertain them as
such, in nui-h manner as may be appropriate,
and that the.sum of dollars ho and the
same is hereby appropriated and placed at
the disposal of the President to pay the ex
penses of the reception and entertainment of
the said guests, during their sojourn at the
The question being taken,. Mr. Borland's
amendment was rejected.
Mr. Shield's amendment was also rejected
—yeas 16, nays 23.
The question then being upon Mr. Sew
ard's joint resolution as follows :
Resolved, by the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives of the United Slates, in Congress as
sembled, That the Congress of the United
States, in the name and iu behalf of the
people of the United States, give Louis Kos
suth a cordial welcome to the capital of the
It was ordered to third reading, yeas 33,
nays 6, as follows:
Yeas—Messrs. Bradbury, Bright, Brodhead,
Cass, Chase, Clarke, Duvis, Dodge, of Wis.,
Douglass, Downs, Felch, Fish, Foote, of
Ct., Foote, of Miss., Gwin, Hamlin, Hunter,
Jones, James, King, Mullory, Miller, Norris
Rliett, Seward, Shields, Smith, Spruanco
Stockton, Sumner, Wade, Walker, and Whit
Nays—Messrs. Badger, Borland, Clemens,
Dawson, Morton, and Underwood—6.
The announcement ot the result was fol
lowed with much applause in the gallery.
The resolution was then read a thjrij time
and passed.
The following sensible views from* tho
New York Tribune on the policy "of our gov
ernment toward iliu despotic course of Rus
sia in tho Hungaiian war, has a deep vein
of soundness in it :
We are believers in the supreme wisdom
of minding your own business We are be
lievers in Peace. We believe in Industry
and iu Power, gained, as alone it can be, by
staying at borne and working faithfully to
develop the natural resources with which na
ture has endowed every country, and the
mental and moral resources with which she
has gifted eveiy people. We believe in the
| good old American policy of neutrality, and
Ino entangling alliances. It is ihe policy un
der which the nation ha's grown great and
strong, and under which it will grow greater
and stronger.
But there may bo circumstances jwhen our
own interest, as well as our duty as a mem
her of lj)e great family of States, must com
mand us to slop beyond the strait line of
this policy.
Should you, a person of respectable strength
and courage, able to handle your man, see a
ruffian bruising and trampling a little boy in
the street, would you be so scrupulous as to
preserving your neutrality ? Or if you saw
a brute raising his fist to striko down a de
fenseless woman, would you look on in si"
lence till the blow had fallon and help was
impossible! By no means. You would
despise yourself lor doing so, aid everybo
dy else would despise you. You would in
tervene and forbid and prevent such outra
geous breaches of the peace. Such would
bo your duty and your impulse, and all yottr
honest neighbors would bear you out in it.
And the great moral law of Christianity,
would bear you out in it also.
How do tho rules of mutual duty which
bind nations, differ from those which bind
individuals! A weak man or a child may
deserve no blame for looking on silently
when another is violently maltreated, and so
may a weak or an infant nation. But can a
mature and strong one hope to bo excused
if it does not act, nor even raise its voice in
protest, when ruffianly powers trample on
the juslest principles ot public law, ar.d
make a mock ol every national right! This
question will be amply and plainly discus
sod by Kossuth during his stay in the United
States. He will discuss it front many points
of view, and bring to bear upon it a great
varisty of arguments. We commend them
to the earnest consideration of the Americun
public. '
HT Some of tho former friends of Web
ster occasionally say a sharp thing of him.
For instance, Judge Allen remarked in a
speech during a recent canvass in Massachu
setts, that he did not wonder at the number
of names obtained to the paper nominating
Webster for tho Presidency, as it must be a
luxury to Boston merchants to seo a Web
ster subscription on which nothing was fashed
but their names I
County, New York, at the last election, the
voters wore sworn on a copy of Watt's
Psalms and Hymns; a copy of Olendorf's
French Grapimer, was used in oue place,
and a volume of the Election law in anoth
Commodore Stockton's Speech,
The following is the brief report which
our Washington correspondent sends us of
Com. Stockston's late speech in Ihe Senate
on Kossuth. It has the mark of a man a
boul it:
Mr. Stockton would have depended to the
superior wisdom of others and not have min
gled in ihe debate, were it not that certain
doctrines expressed by some of the oppo
nents of the resolution compelled him to do
so. This resolution simply carried out the
hospitality provided for by a former Con
gress. That was the whole case. Any man
who would not vote for it on that ground
would not vole for it at all. The argument
begins and ends there. He regarded the
honor of the Sonale more than the honor of
Kossuth. Congress was pledged to it. He
desired, however, to say to the Senate and to
the country, that certain sentiments expres
sed by Kossuth and by others on the other
side of the Atlantic, with respect to the Brit
ish Monarchy and its workings, were not his
sentiments. He was glad that the people of
New York had given Kossuth tho welcome
they had. The people of.America would
receive him us the guest of the nation,
whether Congress passed this or not. The
people of New York had done so already.
The tyrants of Europo will see i.t this pro
ceeding of the American peoplo that here
all those who have struck a blow for nation
al independence and freedom will find a
welcome, and an asylum. Ho was glad that !
Iho Tammany men and Whigs had united
in this expression of greeting to Kossuth. He
was glad the Tammany men had something
to do with it. He wished to let European
despols see that in proportion to the violeneo
and ferocity with which they treated pstriots
and freemen, we would treat them with in
creased honors, and welcomes. Suppose
there was anything in this resolution to en
tauglo us in diplomatic difficulties, had we
not a Secretary of Slate, who with one effort
of his gigantic mind would scatter the cob
webs to the wind. Suppose it led to blows-
Had we not a navy which could teach them
that blows can be given as well as received!
Ha was of the opinion that the wisdom of
the neutrality of the days of Washington
had one great foundation in our weakness a. i
that period—since then the young Hercules
had been nursed and had grown great. Ho
could find nothing in the history of Great
Britain, which showed that she had taken a
single step forward in the causo of freedom,
It was said she had fought the battles of free
dom. She never did. He then compared
her with Rosas, in South America, who, in
answer to an American commander, said,
"I let the people talk, but if they act, 1 will
shoot them." So it was with England. She
will let them talk, but if they acted, she will
fhoot llie.n, Hec government was monar
chical, and its principal feature was the deg
radation of the masses. Her law making
pawer was wholly in the hands of a compar
atively few, and the masses were in a Etale
of practical slavery.
Tliey were under a dominion of masters,
who were not under a corresponding obliga
tion to provide i'er them. Under this system
of degradation, tho poor-houses and work
houses of England were constantly overflow
ing. This much, he thought was necessary,
in order to show that the sentiments expres
sed by Kossuth on the glorious workings of
British monarchy were not his sentiments.
He ought injustice to slate tha' no British
subject confined in a foreign dungeon ever
cried out far relief, but the whole nation
moved 111 his aid. He stated what, in his
opinion, wasibe destiny of this nation. He
desired to see her in advance of all others in
all great principles. He wished to see the
day when she would by her power, com
mand the whole world, and in this lie was
an advocate of peaco. When the United
States had arrived at that pinnacle of power,
where she could declare war as a last resort
war would cease. She could dictate peace
to all nations. This was the position which
it was his ambitiou to see his country occu
From the Ilarrisburg Union.
Two per Cent u Month.
During the investigation of the affairs of
the Bank of the United States, by a commit
tee of Congress, it was brought out in evi
dence thai Thomas Biddle, a brother of the
president of that institution, had accommo
dations from it to the amount ot one million
of dollars. This Mr. Thomas Biddle was not
engaged in any commercial, manufacturing
or productive business ; and so far as the
great interests of the city of Philadelphia
were concerned, it would have been just as
well if he hsd never had u residenco there.
His profession was that of a broker and note
shaver, a grinder of the faces of Ihe needy,
and a dishonorable usurer. With this mil
lion of dollars, belonging to innocent and
honest stockholders and depositors, he
bought the business paper thrown out of the
bank, in consequence of his enormous loan
at two per c*nt. per month, he paying the bank
but a half per ceut. per inon'.h lor the use of
the money. In this way he realized 8130,-
000, per annum out of his accommodation,
over and above all expenses and interest.
It is true that the prostration of the' mons
ter by the patriot Jackson, put a slop to
wholesale frauds upon the public of this
kind ; but it is also true that many ot the lit
tle monsters aro now pursuing the identical
course practised by Nicholas Biddle and his
brother in 1832, with the exception that it is
done on a less extensive scale.
It is common to see in the city papers of
the present day, that large money operations
are carried ou tti the street, as the saying is,
at two per cent, per month, and it is a notori
ous fact that the money thus used is mainly
borruwed from the banks, whilst those insti.
Unions are curtailing their accommodations
to business iflpn. In this way panics are
created, and when once created they are pro
longed as much as possible, because it is the
interest of the shaving Shylocks, their aiders
| and abutters, and all who parliuiputo in the
spoils, to keep thern up.
CP" The number of common schools in
Pennsylvania has increased from 763 to 9,-
200, and the teachers from 809 to 11,500.
[Correspondence of the Public Ledger.']
HAIIRMBURG, Dec. 6, 1851.—A person an
swering to the name of John Patterson, was j
caught in the act of stealing tnrkies on tho I
premises of Mr. J. J. Milliken, near this
place, early one morning this week. Mr. M.
ordered him 10 come off the tree he had
climbed after a' second "gobbler," but the
culprit sliat in the direction of the "man a
mong the tnrkies," which the naughty chnp 1
received in his leg and thigh. Ho is not se
riously, though rather uncomfortably woun- |
ded—thirteen or fourteen shot entered his
thigh, I am told, and several passed through
the boot into his leg. He was lodged in the
Dauphin County Prison to answer for larco
In looking over the MSS. of the "Coloni
al Records," the 7ih vol. of which has just
been completed I found the following itsm :
"Number of Roman Catholics in Pennsyl- I
vania, Mareh 21, 1757
"English & Irish in Pliilada., Males, - • 77 J
" " " Females, -62 j
In Chester county, Males, 25
" " Females, 15
Al a stated moating of the Harrisburg Ty
pographical Association, some lime since,
Col. Bigler was elected an honorary member j
and the Secretary ordeied to notify the hon- :
orable genlleineu of the fact. At a recent '
meeting, a reply from the Governor elect j
was aiihounced by the Secretary, stating
that alter locating himself at the Capitol, ho i
would be pleased to attend the meetings oi l
said Society. The members of this Society I
are talking about tho propriety of celebra- J
ting the Anniversary of Franklin's Birth-Day 1
and most likely will get up a jollification of |
the right sort.
Boats are still plying east and west, from
this place, well freighted with coal, produce,
&c., but navigation must speedily close, if
the weather continues as at present.
Virginia Election.
The Richmond Times has the following
summary ot tho result of thu late election;
In sixty-two counties of Eastern Virginia,
which gave Gen' Taylor 1752 majority, (in
: eluding all except Accomae, Henry, Patrick,
J Pittsylvania, Lancaster, Westmoreland and
j Princt William, which gave Gen. Taylor a
majority of 457) Johnson now obtains a ma-
I jority of 2250, and in twenty Western coun
ties heard from, (including Rockingham,
| Shenandoah and Page, in which we assume
j that he gets -MOO,) he obtains a majority of
j about 3800. These twenty counties gave
I General Cass a majority ol 1488. In the
' eighty two counties heard from, therefore,
I which gave Gen. Taylor a net majoriety oi
; 264, Johnson now gels about 5300. As ihe
I State gave Gen. Cass a majority of some
I 1600, the Democratic gain thus far without
! farther change, would give Johnson an ag
! gregate majority of about 7000.
| Wo are informed of (he oleclion of -18
j Democrats and 38 Whigs to tho House of
I Delegates ; and as 24 Democrats and It
] Whigs to the Senate. The House has 152
I members, and the Senate 50.
13?" Tho American Cemetery, in Mexico,
constructed with funds supplied by Congress
| has been finished. It is near tho city of
j Mexico, and the remains of the Americans
| who died or were killed during the Mexican
| war are to be removod to it. It is laid out
I alongside of the English burial gronnd, occ
upying about two acres, and enclosed by a
: thick wall, fifteen feet in height; thp cn
j trance is through ail arched gath-way, about
j twice the height of llio wall; upon the arch
lis the figure of across. The whole work is
j of an appropriate and substantial order.
WELCOME KOSSUTH. —It gives us pleasure
| to announce that tho House of Reprcsentn
lives, on last Monday, passed the Senate ros
! olution giving KOSSUTII a welcome to the
: Halls of the National legislature, by the
[ large vole of 181 yeas to 16 nays— and with
| out debate Tho details ot this welcome
piece of news will be found in the Congres
sional proceedings, under the telegraphic
head. ii ■ i
A NEW "DODGE." —The rogues are al
ways wide awake for prey. The Kossuth
fever in New York has given them a good
opportunity to practice their dishonest tricks
in a new form. They call at stores, with a
request lhat the proprietor will subscribe for
a ticket to a ball which they are getting up
for the benefit of Madame Kossuth. They
have no lickels and ask no money ; bin the
real object is to obtain names which will fig
ure advantageously on checks, bank notes,
orders, &c.; in other words to aid in an ex
tensive scheme of forgory.
IST The Prussian Government is about
renewing the stamp duty upon newspapers,
which was ropealod in 1848. The religious
and conservative party in Prussia have a
great droad and hatieJ of t! o press, and as
cribo all the social calamities of the last
twenty years to Ihe art of printing. Tho re
newal of this stamp duty upon periodical lit
erature will find warm advocates among ihis
, portion of the I'ru-sian population.
CP* Dr Mills, Ike dendist who had been
confined in the Dauphin coutity prison the
last three years, for attempting to produco a
bortion and for seduction, left his quarters
last week. In May lust, in the Supreme
Court, the judgment in the seduction case
was tevertod, with permission for a new tri
al, but as his health was mueh impaired, it
was thought best apparently, to let him off
cy Court commenced in Danville on last
Monday. The main matters of interest in
the proceedings are some prosecutions grow
ing out of personal and political difficulties
between Messrs. McWilliams tjnd Blue of
Liberty township.
t3T Oui thanks are due to Hon. Henry
M. Fuller for a document.
The Inauguration of Governor WM. Bio.
! I.ER is looked forward to with much interest.
| Extensive preparations are in progress and a
I grand military display is anticipated. Im
mense crowds of the ' 'sovreign people,"
from every section ollhe State, will no doubt
visit the Capitol on that interesting occasion.
The "National Gnard" and their unrivalled
Brass Band, of Harrisburg, the State Journal
says, will be fully equipped by that time,
, and witl take a prominent part in the luan-
I s'uration ceremonies. We have just learned
that a strong military forco is expected from
Philadelphia and other parts of tho State.
Companies from abroad, that paper sßys,
will be cordially welcomed and hospitably
entertained by the gentlemanly officers and
members of the Harrisburg "National Guard.'
COT Jenny Lind gives her farewell con
cert in Pltiladr Ipliia next Monday eveniog.
i Tickets $2 to S3.
i- ■■■ ■ *
By J. S. Leo, on the 22d Nov., in Hemlock
township, on the public hi gliway, between
the Fishingcrcek bridge and the lied mill,
; while they were comfortably seated in their
; carriage, Mr. WM. W. HARTMAN to Miss UA-
I ciiAEr. ANN IICECC, both of Hemlock town-
T ship, Coluiuhia county, L'a.
On the llth inst., by tho Rev. H. Funk,
j both of Bloomsburg.
On the 4th inst., by the Rev. 11. Funk, Mr.
1 of Mahoning Valley.
( At Town Hill, on Tuesday the 2d inst., by
; the llev E. Wadsworth, Mr. JOHN RICHARDS
J to Miss Luci DOUGLASS of Hortington.
Near Bloomsburg. on the 27tti ult., Mr.
THOMAS WILLIAMS, of Pulsion, Luzerne 00.,
| aged 64 years.
IN Hemlock township, Columbia county,
! on the 21th of Novomber, Mr. CALEB HARI-
I MAN, AUDI 23 years, son of Charles Ilartmaa,
| formerly of this county, and now of Michi
; gati.
j In Union township, Luzerne county, Nov.
! 16th, after a severe illness, CATHARINE, wife
of John T. Miller, niul daughter of Nathan
Montavne, aged 22 ycats.
I In Davidson township, Sullivan county, on
| the 28TH ult., HARRIET JANE, youngest daugh-
I tor of Robert and Mary Taylor, in the Bth
I year of her age.
! At the residence of her son, near Fruits-
I town, in Montour county, on Friday, the sth
1 inst., Mrs. ELLEN C. FRUIT, wifo of John
| Fruit, dec., aged 8A years.
In Northumberland, or tha 26th ult., Miss
I EPIZVBETII WILSON, aged about 40 years.
| In Sunbury, the 4th inst., Mrs. VVIALL, sg
j ed about 68 years.
At the residence of Samuel Kylo, iu Sun
j bury, on tho 4TLI inst., Mrs. ELIZABETH CAR
TER, of Lycoming comity, aged 63 years, 1
mouth and 14 days.
SjSay ,4N P43S
, ,* ND examine my stock of well-made
clothing, which I warrant to be made
;in goad workmanlike style. It is not city
j slop work, but ina.le up in ilfis place by
J home industry, and in such a way as to wsar
I and atlurd full satisfaction.
1 Among my iitil assortment you will find
Prom S3 to SIS. Dross coats, plum sacks,
monkey coats, and knit womases, at the
lowest prices ever sold before in this place.
AL.-o a large assortment of ready-made
pants, vests, skirts, and stand-ups lor those
people who have their ears insured. A va
riety of hosiery and gloves, and among
these a good home-made sock is also offer
ed. A lot of
Cloth, C.TSsimcrcs,
Sattinets and Vestings is also kept on hand
to fulfil orders.
I Kossuth, Jenny Lind and Bloomer Caps,
and fine Hats, also for sale.
Call and examine lor yoursel! at the Ex
change Building, a:td no extra charges.
Bloomsburg, Deo. 16, 1801.
A AKON KLEIN announces to al! good
1 ** citizens and the rest of mankind (-the
I ladies not excepted) that he is anxious to
I sell oil his assortment of Dry Coods, and
offers them to purchasers
llis slock consists of an assortment of the
latest styles of dress goods, lately selected
and received from the Eastern cities A
motig these are long shawls, blanket, lliibet
and delnne shawls ; black and changeable
silks, Fti nch mcrinocs, mohair and change
Cashmere Delation., and Delauos ; also a
splendid assortment of
And a full variety of other goods too numer
ons to mention, and so cheap that no ono
who examines thetn can hesitate to pur
Store in the Exchango Building opposite
the Court House.
Bloomsburg, Deo. 16, 1851.
PRACTISES in all the courts in the Eleventh
Judicial District.
(Office by the Court Hon t. )
A LI. (hose indebted to the subscribers on
judgments, notes, Bonds, or Book ae
oounts, of over one years standing, will save
costs by making payment between this and
the first ol March next.
Deo- sth, 1851.
DEEDDS, b; 1
SLBI'tKNAS, and "
proper and dcilrable fornq,"fbr Sale at the
Ofieo the "Star of the North 1 '