• 4TABOF TBI MfH. R. \V. WFCAVEK, EDITOR. Bloomsbnrg, Tbsrnlaf Dec- 4, 1861. l CONGRESS. IN Ttir. SENATE, notice of I number of bills has already been given; and for to ear ly in the session California figures some what largely in cutting out business for Con gress. Of seven bills thus alluded to six of them hare reference exclusively to matters in the land ol gold. This 4s -a good begin ning foi a young State, and shows that i'. kiiuvjf properly hew to-estimate vtie value of being in the Union. Her representative is determined to lose no time. With the exception ot a somewhat desultory debate -on the admission of tho member trom Flo •r.da, and the proposition to appoint a joint •committee to make suitable arrangements for the reception of Kossuth on his arrival in this reunify, nothing of interest transpired, tnd the Senate adjourned. In ihe House the proceedings were more interesting. The preliminary discussion with which the House opened indicates the direct on lite delates el take as soon as it is organized. Fach parly is endeavoring to out-manoeuvre the other in regard to the compromise of the lust session, with a view of making political capital for the approach ing presidential election. This lubject will bo lugged by the head and ears iuio every question which will come up. The ap tproaclies made towards organization consis ted in tire .election of the Caucus i andidates Linn Boyd of Sty., as Speaker, and Col. J. W. Forney as Clerk, after which the other nominees were declared elected, and the floc.se adjourned. Mull Rontc to llloomsburg. We observe that the Post Office Depart ment does not invite proposals for carrying a tri-weekly mail between this Borough and Bloomsburg, in accordance with the act e stablishir.g such a route, 6aid to have been passed at the close of the last session of i Congress. Wq presume there must have bpeu some mistake in regard to the final passage of the h 11. and, therefore, as Con gress has again met, would it not be well to agaiisforward oil petitions to our members, urging the establishing of the tonte I The public convenience certainly demands lhat something should be done. What say you friends of the Star and Democrat, at Blooms burg I — Muncy Luminary. For ourselves we certainly think '.hat the Tost Office Department might dispense with several mail this neighborhood if a direct communication between this place and | Money was cflecled, and thus perhaps save ! money. The Department has given notice! that proposals will be received for running a ! weekly mail from herd to Muney, and if the mm proposed for shall not be deemed 100 \ large the proposition will be accepted. In shat event, the rouio will be an extension of that now to While Hall. Coal Trade for 1851. The Coal Trade for the present season lias now almost been brought to a close. From fireseut indications, the I iltie Schuylkill ! •Company will send about 510,000 tons of the Black Diamond to market, which will be | an increase of 80 000 tons over last year, I when the shipment amounted to 210,000 j lons. The Lehigh Canal has, lliis year, car- j red in market upwards of 930.000 tons of Anthracite Coal, which will yet be consider ably increased before the season closes. It may nearly reach a million of tons. There lias been an increased quantity, also sent to 'market trom the Schuylkill anil Susquehan na Legions. The lotal amount sent to nuir -ket trom our Sia e, this year, exceeds that of the last, about 1,250.00u tons. In 1122, the total umoutit of Anthracite Coal sent to mar ket was about 6,090 toi.s. That went from Maueli Chunk. Earl)|iti the full of that year | John Fell, Esq., the venerable President of lhat Company, wrote to Messrs. White and llazzard, at Mauch Chunk, to stop sending ' any more, as the market was glutted ; and they sent no more W*at fall. IIIPOI.TANT BRITISH REFORM.— \ crisis ir. the gOvernmenial institutions of Great Brit ain at the opening ol the ensuing session of Parliament is about ho lake place ; one of the most important for that country since the time of Magna Chnrla, or at least, the times .of William and Mary. It is no less than a project of a law to he introduced by Lord John Russell, the premier, sanctioned by the 'Queen herself, in give to the people the •right of vnnersal Suffrage, by ballot, such as •exists in this country, thus wholly reforming the present representative system, and caus ing a radical change in the character of die government in ull its important elements and branches. C 7 WE this morning receive the PRESI DENTS' M ESSACKJ but just a day too late for our paper this week. It is just such a dor-u- 1 ment as messages generally are, respectably as a literary production, and snrnewLat rr,od erate in its Wluggery. We will print it next week. XW THE EXCHANGE HOTEL of this place was sold on last Wednesday for 87657 upon the bid of Mr. John Richz.rds of this place. We are informed that aeveral other gentle men of this town are connected in the pur chase. It was sold under the direction of the will of the late Ma. Bioos. 17* Judge Conyngbant has made a very favorable impression on the people of this county, during the present term of our courts, and his charge to the Grand Jury has been highly spoken of by every intelligent listener to it. _ CP* The nice little compliment for us which got awkwardly into our columns last Week was from the Lycoming Gazette, and ivc regret we couldn't get it all terighl. Court Protfciiuis, COCRT was organized oulast Monday mor ning under the new Judges—JOHN N. CON -1 NGHAM President and LEONARD B. RUPERT and GXUUUF. 11. WILLITN Associates. John Sbarpless of t'litiawissa was appointed Fore man of P, e Grand Jury. The following in dicltr.enls were relumed by Ihe Grand Jury. Com. vs. David Cox.—For assault and Battery. Verdict guilty by the Traverse Ju ry- Com. vs. Isaac R. Kline.—For Perjury, a true bill Com. vs. John De Hart.—Larceny, not a true hill. Defendant discharged. Com. vs. Alfred Lockart—Assault and Battery. No prosecutor appearing defendant discharged. Com. vs. Adam Albert.—Com. vs. Mary AI bgr t —Com. vs. Richard Shannon two bills all foi Assault and Battery, and all returned not a true bill and the prosecutor for costs. They were cross indictments. Com. vs. James John alias James Collins- Larceny, u Uae bill. Trial and verdict not guilty. Another bill was returned against this defendant for assault nnd baiterv, upon which he plead guilty & the court sentenced hist to pay a tine of 81 and the costs ol prosecu tion. Com. vs. Aaron liar!man.—Oblainining goods under lalse pretences, a true bill. By direction of court u nolle prosequi was enter ed in this case. Com. vs. Isaac De Hart.—Not a true bill for Larceny, and the defendant discharged. The lux cases between Columbia and Montour counties were then taken up and argued ulily at length liy Buckalew and Clark for Columbia county k Cornly & Leidy for Montour county. Two cases stated were submitted to the court, and Judge Conyng ham will prepare his opinion some lime du ring the present month.. In the caso of the Commonwealth IT. Kline for perjury a jury was called and the prosecution stated lhat they had no evidence to submit, and, under the circumstances were willing that a verdict of acquittal should be entered but desired that the eosts should be imposed on the county, as they alleged that the prosecution was instituted from no malicious or selfish motives, but solely for the public, wetlare. The jury ate out, but i"will no doubt present a verdict this morning The Grand Jury will also be discharged this morning. The case ol Com. vs. John Ruckle for Aduliery will be tried this morning, & court will most likely adjourn finally this evening. THE TRIAI. FOR TREASON Arising out of the disturbance which look place recenlly at a place called Christiana, in Lancaster county, during tlto progress ol which Mr. Gorsuch was killed and his ne phew badly wounded, commenced at Phila delphia, in the Lb S. Circuit Court, on Mon ' day last. The list of jurors summoned, was | called, and 81 answered lo their names. A : greater portiou of those who asked to be e.x --| cused Irom serving on the jury gave as a reu | son their deafness.—Judge Grier, appparcnl !y dissatisfied with this excuse, it being so general, remarked "that the whole country must be getting deaf." He expressed a fear that an epidemic must be prevailing. Those jourymen not present were fined one hundred dollars. CASTNER HAKAWAT, thu principal .actor in the riot,.was artaigned the second day of the setting of the court. The counsel who ap peared for the United Stales, were, U. S. Dis trict Attorney John IV. Ashmead, James R. Ludlow, K>v., and George L. Ashmead, Esq. For the Slate of Maryland, Robert J. Brent, Esq , and the Hon. James Cooper Counsel for Castner Hanaway—John M. Read, Esq , Tnaddeus Stevens, Esq , Joseph S. IAJW is, Esq., 01 Chester county, and Theo. Guyler, Esq. There is more than ordinary interest man ifested in the trial. Eveiy day the Court room is said lo be filled to overflowing.— To gel through with all prisoners, against, whom true bills have been found, the judge thinks, will take until next Spring. The follow ing are the names of the jurors to this cause : Robert Elliot, of Perry ; Jar Wilson, of Adams; Thomas Connelly, of Carbon; Peter Martin, of Lancaster; Rob ert Smith, of Adams ; William R. Saddler, of Adams ; James M. Hopkins, of Lancas ter ; John Junkin, of Perry; Solomon New man of Pike ; Jonathan Wainwright, of Philadelphia county ; Ephraim Fenton, of Moutgomery, and [James Cowden, of Lan caster. DISTURBING A CHURCH.— -Twenty-seven young men and boys ot Harrisbnrg were ar raigned before Judge Heisler, a few days since, for congregating around a church,, using profane language, and insulting re unites and others as they passed to and irom church. They were touud guilty, n, n d fined five dollars each and costs r jt gu ; t This might serve as a warning to die young men of oilier places, for it , s a habil too many indulge in. Gf Kossu'.'n and Ids Patty will arrive in the HnmljoUlt, at New York, about Wediies dz.y or Thursday next, should no accident deluy the ve.-sel. There will bo a great out pouring of the citizens of New York to wel come the illustrious Magyar. Population of California. —Census returns' recently received from California, indicate that Iter complete enumeration wiil give her a white population of 165,000. and 1800 blacks. This makes her fractional Repre sentative enumeration .74,000, and secures her a second Representative in Congress. IN LlNßO. —Siguor Samuels, the Magician, well known in this region, was arrested last week in Harrisbnrg lor passing counterfeit money. This is a kind of legernemain that the Signor don't appear lo understand very well. I*" The Bradford Reporter, declares its preference for William O. Butler, of Ken tucky, for President, and William Bigier, of Pennsylvania, for Vice President. I#" Mr. John R Eck has retired from the Lycoming Democrat, which remain* under the sole cbarge'of Col John F. Carter. r £® T * rin *** ••. Since lite election amov-erfleiit is making nmoni; certain democrats of Pennsylvania, to procure a ''modification'' of thu tariff, which, we presume, means an increase of tax on the consumer of coal and iron. If deemed advisablj by the people at large we shall not object to the increase. To a change of the great and leading fea ture of the tariff of 1846, which distinguish es it from a whig tariff—or the tariff of '42 —we are emphatically opposed. To a change of the graduated schedule of taxes made for the chief object of raising a reve nue, we have no objectiou. No objection, because, we are not wedded to any sched ule, and are willing to acknowledge any fair and reasonable change that promises well to the treasury and the people. But to all increase for the purpose of taxing the labor ing portion of the community to afford inci dental protection to the capitalists, we do ob ject. The tariff is a legitimate child of England, cunningly devised to raise money from its own citizens to pay the expenses of govern ment. Protection is an after-thought, con cocted by the wealthy, to throw the weight nnd responsibility of payment on the labor ing portion, and is tl.e bone of conceution between the rich and the poor. With whig politicians, during an election, protection is everything—a perfect "poor man's plaster," lhat is to draw money from '•the lord knows where," and make him in dependent; a genuine Dr. Townsead's Sar sapaiilla, that is to cure all the ills that the country is heir to, and make everything ami everybody great, glorious, rich and happy— especially the poor. But let us examine the proposed "modifi cation," and we can do it, perhaps, as well by asking questions that may be answered at leisure, us in any other way. The coal factor asks an increased duty— would he do so unless he expected to be benefited thereby ? If you award the coal merchant ten per cent, will he share it with his workmen ? Then who gets benefit? Will the manufacturers of iron, and other goods, be willing to pay an advance on ma terial, unless they are equally protected, and can they afford lo pay advanced wages, ei '.heir with or wiihout the increase ? It coal, iron or manufactured goods are raised to the oou-uiner, and t.o correspond ing rise in the price ot labor, who will re ceive the benefit 1 Is it not apparent, that while capitalists are contending with eacli other in grasping from the community—tho consumer—the benefits of the protection, the laboring por tion, being the largest, have to pay it ? But the whig will tell you lhat protection does not increase, but reduces the price to the consumer. If the coal merchant cannot afford to sell coal now at the present price, how can he afford to sell it for a less price uuder incrna .cd tariff taxes, and pay the same wages to the laborer ? Competition it is itue, has a powerful in fluence over prices. But it is a dangerous experiment to offer protection with the view of inducing excessive competition in order to reduce prices; nay it is infamous; be cause such competition not only compels a reduction of wages to the laborer, but leads to disastrous failures, and consequent distress among the poorer class of laborers, from which tliay never after rise, except, perhaps, isolated cases of extraordinary enterprise and perseverance.—Jffersonian. PRINTER'S WAGES IN CALIFORNIA —The California editors had a convention lately and fixed upon' the lollowing schedule of wages for journeymen :—For composition on morning papers, each 1000 em", Si,so; eve ning papers, $1,25, morning papers per week 800; evening papers 850; job hands, SSO; baud pressmen, each token, 1,50. F'orerren ol morning new spaper offices, per week, not less than 80 dollars; evening papers, per week, not less ilian 65 dollars; job offices, per week 60 dollars. CV AT the present time the aggregate of specimens of ancient coins in the United States mint is about 650 in gold, 2100 in sil ver, 1200 in bullion, brass, copper, &c. ; in all, 3750. Of these the ancient Greek and Roman number 82 in gold, 503 in silver, and 480 in other metals : in all, 1065. There are a number of scarce English & Colonial coins, also some very rare ancie/m Persian coins from the Esst India Company, and some very curious antiques. irom Middle Asia The Tariff Movement, suited in berks, notwithstanding it has for its object the very thing that our whig friends hereto fore advocated, does not meet with the lavo r in thai quarter we desired to see. Obstacle-;, will be thrown i.i the way of those w tie wotk for u modification for 110 other reason under Heaven than to still keep >,'oe question open lor political purposes,-— P-Miville lit 411 HEAVY VERDICT.—The Gettysburg Star given an account of a heavy verdict obtain ed last week in the Common Pleas of that county, tor slander in the cane of J. Andrew Shriver, by his next friend Benjamin Shriver vs. William Haman. The jury found a ver dict for >3OOO damages, the amount - laid in the declaration. QT The U. S. House ot Representatives, a! the present session, stands 143 Democrats to 90 Whigs, showing a Democratic majori ty of &3. Of these parties, there are 22 Southern Rights men, and 13 Free Soilers, 20 Stales have a Democratic representation, 7 a Whig iepreseutation, and 4 arc divided. stP TWENTY young men left Mauch Chunk on Thursday last for California. They were all hardy and industrious mechanics, who fully understood tee practice of work at home, mid the Democrat thinks will not be come more theoretical in their notions when once lauded amnng the Rocks of Cold. CF" There are no less than fifty sewing machines, driven by steam power, in the city of New York. Another California Arrival* NEW YORK, November 30 —The steamer Cherokee, with full California advice*, ar rived here at a late hour last night. She brings 300 passengers, and cpwards of 82,- 500,000 in gold. The - (invention for the division of Cali fornia into two Slates met at Santa Barbara on the 30th ultimo. Only four counties were represented, and but It delegates were pres ent. The Convention adopted a resolution' proposing the line of division to be run along the northern boundary of Montorey county to the main coast range, running thence south with that rarge to a point west of the northern boundary of Tulare Cake, thence east to the northern part of said Lake, and thence in a north eastern direction to the eastern boundary of the Stale. This would include in the southern section, the count'es ot Sail Diego, Lo* Angelos. San Loup*, Ob ispo, Saiua Barbara, Monterey and about halt of Mariposa, which is two-fifths of the entire area ol the State. A committee were appointed to prepare an addrees on the subject to be presented to the Legislature. A convention was also in reason in San Fraacisco for a division ol the State Near ly all the Southern counties were represen ted, and tesoluitous were pussed in lavor of division, alter u considerable opposition as to (lie manner in which it should he effected. The terrible tragedy on board the ship Challenge, resulting in tiie murder of leu of the crew, is still enveloped in mystery. The excitement at the wharf, when the vessel arrived at San Francisco, was very great, and an altem pt was made to lynch the captain and mate, both of whom, however escaped- A reward ol 500 was offered for their arrest' It was rumored, when the steamer sailed, that the captain had surrendered himself. California was generally tranquil, and the Vigilance Committee were becoming ex'.inct. The Indians on ,the borders were quiet, but it was rumored that hostilities had bro ken out among three tribes oil the Lower Colorado. Great discoveries of gold had been made tit Queen Charlotte's Island, off the coast of British Oregon, Trade with the Oregon and the Sandwich Islands was rapidlv increasing. The accounts from the mines were of the most brilliant character. Quartz mining at tracts considerable attention. The estimated yield ol gold during tho present year is $75,- OUO.OUO. The heahh of the miners was good. The ship Dodalus, sent by the British Gov. ernmeut in search of Sir John Franklin, had arrived at San Francisco without discovering any traces of his expedition. FROM U lt [CON. Accounts from Oregon stale that the im migrants with the exception of about 5o wagons, were all in. They were unusually healthy and in excellent spirits. The miners were reaping a fair reward, though in the Chason M and the securing to her own use aiVi j contr() |, 0 f the wife's inheri tance. , lna y ij e mentioned as examples that nave hud, and are daily having, a whole some and benevolent influence. All such laws should of course he entirely proapee„ live and deprive no man of his just rights and remedies. But let a commencement he made somewhere, and at some date of time fix the commencement of a period when some standard shall govern the deal ings ol men other than craft and violence. EST The Hon. Hemliick B. Wright left Philadelphia, yesterday, for Washington, to which place he repairs to contest the seat in Congressclaimed by Hriry M. Fuller as Representative of the 11th district of Penn sylvania. Mr. Wright, we are informed, is furnished with abundant and convincing ev idence to establish the fraud by which his opponent obtained the certificate of the elec tion officers.— Penntyhanxan. Bio LEAP.—A horse at Trevorlon, Nor thumberland County, run away iasi week along the line of the Railroad, and coming' suddenly to an unfinished bridge, made a clear leap from one abutment to the other— a uistance, afterwards accurately measured, of thirty fett t The Sunbury American is re sponsible for the story. C?" The Jewelry establishment belonging to C. J. Housed in Lock Haven, was broken into on the night of the 24th inst., and rob bed of several valuable gold watchei. The Tariff. We observe in our exchanges, the procee dings of a meeting held in Berks county, as king for a further protection to our iron mas ters. The series of resolutions are woll adap ted to mislead the people; they are most in geniously framed. We have no donbt some iron masters had a finger in the pie. It can not be possible that the farmers, who are not only the bone and sinew of the Democracy but are also the consumers of a vast propor tion of the iron, should ever be so blind to their own interests, as to ask for any further advance in the price of iron, and most par ticularly so at this time, when their products are at the very lowest prices. We can see no necessity for a further protection to the manufacturers of iron, than the tariff of 1846 now affords them. The honest iron masters who conduct their business on economical principles, assure us that they can make iron at fair profits, and ask for no funher action of Congress than that afforded them by the tariff of '46. Under these circumstances, we can see no necessity in agitating this per plexed question. The Tariff has been the Whig hobby to deceive the people long e nongh.—That party tried it in the last cam paign against Col. Bigler's election, but it would not take, neither will it take by the people, and wo lie unto the representative who should advocate such a measure in ei ther our Stale or National Legislature. Let us inquire—will the iron masters give the farmer five Hollars per barrel for flour when it only commands three dollars seven ty-five cents elsewhere ? No. Will thev raise the wages of llto laborer! No. Yet they have the iron conscience to ask the far mer to assist them in raising the price of iron, which is now above a fair pioportion between that article and the agricultural pro ducts Then away wilt the "Whig Protec tions !" although they may come to us en dorsed from Old Berks.— Perry County Dem ocrat. WHAT PRINTER'S INK HAS DONE. —An ex. change says; "Seven-eights of the splendid fortunes in this country has been made through the in fluence of Printer's Ink—Mark that!" Printer's ink has not only made "seven eighths of the splendid fortunes," that have been made in out country, but also nine tenths of the great men. Booby's transfor med into statesmen, prosy talkers intr, elo quent orators, crack voiced simmers into nightingales, murderers of Shak.spearo ir.lo perfect delineators of the creatures of Av on's great bard, and humbugs into the most philanthropic of their sprites—ail by the ap plication of a little printer's ink. And what is more inrprising, people are made to be lieve those things in upposition to their sev en senses. Printer's ink is a great thing when properly put on. Mistissippi WITHOUT a GOVERNOR. —The office of Governor, President of ;he Senate, and Speaker of tho House of Representa tives, having become vacant, tho Secretary of Slate of Miss., has issued his proclama tion, calling the Senate together on the 24th uit., ilmt o Preai.tout tUoreoT may be chosen to exercise the office of Governor until the first day of January. Mississippi thus pres ents the singular spectacle of being without a Governor till the Senate met on the 24th, and elected a President. Gov. Guion, who succeeded to the office, as President of the Senate,!on the resignation of Gov. Quitman, had so construed the law, as to make ni term of office to expire with the period to which he was elected to Se:,ate, viz :on t.hs fourth of the presobt mouth, and hence the proclamation inferred to above. ELEGANT COMPARISON. —The following ! beautiful extract we find floating like a wail upou the waters "The American Constitution.—Like one of those wondrous rocking stones ree.red by the Druids, which the finger of a e'.,ild. might vibrate to its centre, yet the mii'bl 0 j an ar . my could not move from its p|a . e our con stitution is so nicely poise"'. i', at j t seems | 0 sway with every breath, „( p ag# i 0ll) jet so firmly based in the he jr ts and affections ol the people, that ihq wildest storms of treason and fanalic'.sm break over it in vain." PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. —It is slated that the President's Message will be sent under seal to the several Post Offices in Baltimore, Phil adelphia, New York, &c., in advance, as it was last year, to be delivered to the news paper offices the moment it*is sent in to Congress. This arrangement last year work ed admirably, and it sures the expense lo government of expressing the message, as it used formerly to do. MARVELLOUS ! —The New York Daily Timet tells of n fanatical Abolitionist in that city, famous for his love and sympathy for the "poor negro," whose wife last week presen ted him with a fine, bouncing baby, the col. or of which is something like a storm-cloud in the tropics. The doubting parent was puzzled how such a thing could have hap pened, but he thinks it wqs the result of sympathy! AIXF.UII) BANK DEFULTER ARRESTED.—It is stated that Henry C. Stimson, cashier of the broken People's Bank, Patersou, N' J., was arrested about 12 o'clock on Monday night list, at the instance of D. K Allen and others, on a charge of withdrawiig his ac count in the People's Bank, with intent to defraud. HT A mathematical wonder has appear ed in in the form of a young girl of Wullachian origin, who cannot read or write, but solves tlio hardest questions in arithmetic in a moment. fir The Emperor of Russia has just or dered 6000 carriages to be built for the dif ferent railways in his empire, in order to fa cilitate the conveyance of troops. CT General Cuvaignao is about to marry Md'lle Odier, daughter of the banker of that name. The lady ie said to possess • fortune of one million. SALTY, Dr. Graves (appropriate name) has been investing the character of the Dead Sea.— He says that the reason wh#aniraal life can not exist in it, is, becauselts water contains twenty-four per cent, of various salts, it is m fact a pickle, in which not even a mack erel would like to swim unless it was de funct. Dr. Graves says that the waters of the G eat Salt Lake ol Utah are similar. This is important. If Graves would ouly turn his attention now to Salt River and the reason of its peculiar effects upon political life, he would confer a great obligation on Governor Johnston and his associates, wno intend to exploie the head waters of that famous stream in a very short time. ADVERTISING. The following is a good illustration of the penny-wise, pnuud foolish policy which mi ny persons'adopt: A man in Saybrook, Conn., recently had a farm for sale, and was advised to advertise it ; he (aid "lie could'nt afford it;" the farm was sold for 61500. The purchaser bought it "on speculation," paid $4 for advertising, and shortly afterwards sole the same farm for two thousand dol lars I The Lockport Comet knowes of a man of business in that city who once determined to ruin himself by squandering his money in advertising ; but he found that the more he advertised the richer he grew, until at last he was obliged to give up in despair of i ever effecting his purpose iu that way I MADAME KOSSUTII ON VY'OMEN'S RIGHT'S. [ —An address was presented in Loudon, late ly, to Madame Kossuth by a deputation from : tho "Society for the Emancipation oV Wom an." In an addition to an exr,res-don of sympathy, this address contained the wish that the wife of the honored hero ol the day would communicate to th.ese ladies her sen timents respecting their tjfforts to achieve the freedom of her sex, Madame Kossuth replied that she '.ua'jKed them heartily for this proof of_ ihei.f sympathy towards herself, and, through t j6rj „, ore particularly towards her country • mat, with respect to hei own views o;, me emancipation of woman, she '■" di *.n earlier years, confined herself io the ulr 'jle of her domestic duties, and had never 'jeen tempted to look beyond it; and that | latterly, the overwhelming course of events had left her, as might be well supposed, still less lei-ure for any speculation of this kind: it would, moreover—such was the codclusion of her little speech—be readily forgiven hor, the wile of Kossuth, a man whom the gen oral voice, not more than her own heart, pronounced distinguished, if she submitted herself entirely to his guidance and never thought of emanotpalion. The admirable pertinence ol this reply will be doubly ap preciated, when it is mentioned that Mad ame Kossuth was altogether unprepared foi j the address of those ladies. IV "WHAT A HAT I" an ejaculatoryphrase in covimon use among the b'hoys, doubtless originated upon the introduction of the '"shocking bad" top-dressing faithfully de scribed it the roil awing paragraph Irom that racy sheet, the New-York Day-Book. The article is worn to a limited extent, by tho bucks of our city ; but we trust when they see themselves in the mirror which the Day- Book presents to their they will with one voice cry "/tab of !>' if evet we felt like knocking a ma-, into "a cocked hat," it is when we have -sen him crowned with this hideous ae.d shapeless mass of wool : '•THE NF W SMASHED HAT —The smashed lelt hat v h , c h seems to be rapidly coming into ur.tvergjii use is beyond all question the u gl' e*t and meanest head-covering aver in v euted by the perverted genius of man. It is a sort of emu promise between a shot-bag and a corn-meal pudding The otdy place in which such a hat could possibly be toler ated would be on die head of the second murderer in Hu hard lll—With such a hat I resting upon our brows, we feel that we [ shoulu be capable of committing any sort of a murder or other atrocity, without icgard to consequence. In lact, \vc consider the smashed hat a depraver of the public mor als and an abatable nuisance." South Carolina Politics. Charleston, Nov. 28.—Tha legislature of thf State has under consideration a bill pro hibiting the citizens of such ol the States as have by sympathy or encouragement ob structed the action of the lugilive slave law, from using the Courts of South Carolina, for the collection of debts, &o. The Union men of Savannah, Ga., have nominated Or. Arnold, as their candidate lor Mayor. Mississippi Convention. Washington, Nov. 29.—We have intelli gence from Jaukson, that the Mississippi Convention has adopted resolutions to abide by the Union as it is, and b> the constitution without amendment. tyTlie Democracy of Beaver county have appointed Gen. Thomas J. Powet Sen atorial and David Boies Representative Dele gate to the 4th of March convention without instructions. —They are friends of Gn. Cass, Bedford, Cambiia and Fulton have appoin ted Hon. Philip Noon, of Cambria, a'. l( t James B. Sansotn, Esq , of Fulton, re |ir()80n . naive delegutes to the 4th of Me;,oh conven tion, with instructions to supp'ort James Buch anan lor President. DUEL FXPECTED. —The New Orleans Bee intimates that it is feared Senators Downs .and Soule are about to fight, in consequence of an insult aimed at Gen. Downs in a letter of Mr. Soule's. Gen. Downs, the Bee states once had an affair of honor it which he re' ceived a wound so desperate that its effects will accompany htm to the grave. I=#" Mr. Forrest, the Drowing-Rnom Com panion says, has been offered fifteen thous and dollars for four weeks' performance in San Francisco, California, but declines, as the sum is not sufficient tor the risks and personal inconvenience* he will be subjected to io the passage to California. Europe—Polities—llrcadstulfs, The London correspondent of the National Intelligencer, of the Oth ultimo, envs The coming year, any the political sooth* say era, is laden with three great political e- vents: all of them are, it true, contingent; hut all are strongly marked with probability ot occurrence, and each and alt of thanx, should they occur, calculated to materially affect the welfare of Great Britain.—Tha great events to bo apprehended in >652 ara political disturbance in France, in Italy, and in Germany ; financial embarrassment and national bankruptcy in Austria ; and scarcity of food, and all the horrors and evils una voidably arising from it, in the North of Eu rope, and generally throughout Germany- YVe have been preparing ourselves for th* first two of these calamities for some months past, but the last is a lately arisen cloud its the European horizon. We are willing to hope that the occurrence of any one or all of these calamities, griev ous as they would be to the country and the I people that had to bear them, would not af -1 lent England socially or politically ; would not disturb Iter quietness at home, or her peaceable relations abroad ; but each and alt would prove highly injurious to her com merce; and destructive to her trade with tha Continent of Europe, When it is remstn* bercd that of the seventy millions which England now exports, not loss than ticenty eight of those millions—a much larger sum than the amount of Briti'h exports to tha wnole 'jf the Colonial possessions and India put together—is taken by the nations of Con ■ mental Europe, it ronst be admitted that any [ thing which'is likely'to affect the commercial : relations of England with those countries is ' not to be overlooked in our estimate of the future. Of the three anticipated evils, per baps a scarcity of food, with the unavoida : ble accompaniment of high priees, is the i most to be dreaded ; because, if there were I not on the continent any symptoms of poliu cat ferment and financial ombairassinett ; tliey will be sure to be induced by the pres , sure of these calamities. We will not speak : of the condition of France; something new, ! and probably decisive respecting the up ! proaching crisis in that couutry tnay be de ! veloped before we close this communica tion. To Germany and Italy the year 1852 must bring many new events ; and if to tha | former, full as Germany is o! all the fer menting elements of diecorJ and discontent, | be added famine at the north and national i bankruptcy at Vienna, what can be reasona bly be looked for but the breaking out of an overwhelming loirent ol anarchy and confu j sion 1 And Italy, if her oppressors are busy >at home, will not let tho opportunity pas* unimproved. That thore has been a general and very serious failure of crops throughout Germany, is no longer a mailer of doubt: this applies to nearly every description of grain. The wine is also almost a general failure. Wheal is already twenty Ave per.ct. -dearer than it was in May ; rye about the same ; and pota toes fitly per cent, higher. The vine has somewhat recovered under an unusually warm and geuial October sun; but the wine will be poor and small in quantity, the fruit I having suffered from a disease similar to | that of the potato. Such is the alarm a- I motig the farmers in the Rhenish provinces | that a considerable quantity of cattle has | been sold at half the ordinary price, owing to the anticipated scarcity of winter feed. | Not only the crops of the last harvest were | deficient, but the old slock on hand is more I than usually'reduced by supplies for the ! large army on foot. The Prussian Govern-, I ment is beset with petitions for the prohibi tion of exports of grain, and for the suspen sion of the duties upon imports. Large pur- ' chases have already been made of Ode-sa wheat, under the expectation that these pe titions will be acceded to. Some of the governments of sourthem Germany, particu : larly tliat of YY'urtomburg, are making large purchases of corn. The markets at Rotter i dam, Hamburg and Cologne, are brisk, and . from all parts of the interior of Germany I large orders continue to be received. In the I course of last week 10.000 quarters were sent from England. Certainly the English | corn market is at present more favorable to I the producer than the censuincr; but even | iu the latter capacity we have abundant rea | sou to be satisfied with our bountiful harvest. ' Much ol the Hungarian wheat lias already been consumed in Bohemia ; and it is said that unless very considerable help is cuutri- I buied by the Government, half of the pope ' lation of Galncia and Transylvania innst per- I ish during the coming winter. This aid die ' Government is iu no condition to yield, for their already more than a probability that the Austriun Minister of Finance must have recourse to a forced loan to keep the wheels of government going a little longer. It will be levied chiefly upon Tries'e, and in Bolte i inialt and Moiavin ; but it would have a rui nous effect upon the entire country, and givq a tearful impetus and concentration to tins general discontent. Under these appearan ces' of an interruption in our commercial dealings with continental Europe, it is plsas, ar,t to reflect that with all the rest of the world—east, west, and south— there has nof been for many years a better promise ol a ffoo.a trade than there * at the present rao ment. CF" "Hie world is governed 100 much." The aphorism is irus, and we should study it well. Our republic is very large, and has interests as diversified as it has apparent dif ferences in estiranle, soil, agricultural pro ductions, and peculiarities in tho condition of its society. In the attempt to govern too much lies tho greatest danger before us. The tenure of our Union and its harmony are to be determined by the degree of con sideration this saying receives. We may exist and prosper by leaving undis'nrbed those things upon which general agreement is impracticable : but oirce declare them to be essentials, and dangers arise.— Washing on Telegraph. ILLINOIS BANKING LJW Dtrnrrn— VV learn from the St. Louis papers, of the 13th, that, coulrary to all expectations, tho Illieois Bonking Lew has basin defeated.