The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, December 04, 1851, Image 1
• THE-STAR OP THE NORTH. >. W. Weaver Proprietor.] Truth and Right—God anfl #nr Ceuafry. [TRII WUh I'M VOLUME 3. TUB STAR OF THE NORTH Is published every Thursday Morning, by R. W. WEAVL'R. stairsin thcNcw Britk building on thesoulhside of Main street, third sqimre below Market. TERMS TWO Dollars per annum, if paid Within six months from the time of subscri bing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription received for a less period than six months : no discon tinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editors. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times for one dollar,and twenty-five cents for each additionl inser tion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. Tli • Proud Miss Mac Bride. A LEGEND OF GOTIIAM. ax JOHN a. till. O ! TERAIBLE proud was Miss Mac Biide, The very personification ot Pride, As she mimie'd along in Fashion's tide, Adown Broadway—on the proper side— When the golden sun was setting^ There was pride in the head she carried so high, Pride in her lip, and pride in her eye, And a world of pride in the very sigh That her stately bosom was fretting ; j A sigh that a pair of elegant feet, Sandal'd in satin, should kiss the street— The very same that the vulgar greet -Iu common leather not over "neat"— For such is the common booting ; .(And Christian tears may well be shed. That even among the gentlemen bred, The glorious Day of Morocco is dead, And Day and Martin are reigning instead, On a much inferior footing !) •O, terribly proud was Miss Mac Bride, Proud of her beauty, and proud of her pride And proud of fifty matters beside— That wouldn't have borne dissection ; Proud of her wit, and proud of her walk, Proud of her teeth, and proud of her talk, Proud of "knowing cheese from chalk," On a very slight inspection ! .Proud abroad, and proud at home, Proud wherever she chanc'd to come,— When she was gla l,\ when she was glum ; Promt as the head ot a Saracen •Over the door of a tippling shop ! Proud as a dutchess, proud as a lop, "Proud as a Ooy with a bran-new top," Proud beyond comparison! It seems a singular thing to say, But her very senses led her astray Respecting all humility ; In sooth, her dull, auricularpfrum, Could fiud ill Humble only a "hum," -And heard ro sound of "gentle" come, Iu talking about gentility. What Lowly meant she didn't know, For she always avoided "everything low," With care the most punctilious ; j And still queerer, the audible sound Of "super-sillly" she never had found In the adjective supercilious ! The meaning ol Meek she never knew, JJut imagined the phrase had something to do With "Moses"—a peddling German Jew, Who, like all hawkers, the country through, ' Was "a person of uo position And it seemed to her exceedingly plain, It the word was really known to pertain To a vulgar German, it wasn't germane To a lady of high condition ! Even her graces—not her grace— For that was in the "vocative case"— Chill d with the touch cf her icy face, Sat very stiffly upon her ! She never confessed a favor aloud. Like one of the simple, common crowd- But coldly smiled, and faintly bow'd, As who should say ; " You do ine proud, And do yourself an honor! And yet the pride of Miss Mac Bride, Although it has fitly hobbies to ride, Haul really no foundation; But like the labrics that gossips devise— Those single stories that often arise And grow 'till they reach a four-story size, Was merely a fancy creation I 'Tis a curious fact as ever was known In human nature, but often shown Alike in casde and cottage, That pride, like pigs of a certain breed, Will manage to live and thrive on "feed" As poor as a pauper's pottage ! That her wit should never have made bet vain, Was—like her face—sufficiently plain ; And, as to het musical powers, Although she sang until she was hoarse, And issued Notes with a Banker's force, They were just such notes as we never en dorse For any acquaintance of ours ! Het Birth indeed, was uncommonly high— For Miss Mac Bride first opened her eye Thro' a sky-light dim, on the light of the sky ; But pride is a curious passion— And in talking abo it her wealth and worth, She always forgot to mention her birth, To people of rank ami fashion ! Of all the notable things on earth, The queerest one is pride of birth, Among our' fierce Democracie !"' A bridge across a hundred years, Without a prop to save it from sneers— Not even a couple of rotten peers— A thing for laughter, fleers and jeers, Is American aristocracy ! English and Irish, French and Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch and Danish, Crossing their veins until they vanish In one conglomeration! So subtle a tangle ot blood indeed, No heraldry-Harvey will ever succeed Iu finding the circulation ! Deper.d upon it, my snobbish friend. Your family thread you can't ascend, Without a good reason to apprehend You may find it waxed at die farther end, By some plebiau vocation ! Or, worse than that, your boasted line May end in the loup of stronger twine, That plagued some worthy relation ! But Miss Mac had something beside Hex lofty litlh to uourisb her pride— BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., DECEMBER 4, 1851. For rich was the old paternal Mac Bride, According to public rumor : And he lived "up town," in a splendid square Ami'kept his daughter on dainty fare, And gave her gotns that was rich and rare, And the finest rings and things to wear. And feather enough to plume her ! An honest Mechanic was John Mac Bride, As ever an honest t ailing plied, Or graced an honest ditty ; For John had worked in his early day, In "Pots and Pearls," the legends say- Ami kept a shop with a rich array With things in the soap and candle way, In the lower part of the city ! No "rara-avis" was honest John, (That's the Latin for "sable swan,") Though in one of his fancy flashes, A wicked wag, who meant to deride. Called honest John "Mr.PAonixMac Bride," "Because he rose from his ashes !" Linle by little hs grew to be rich. BV saving of candle-ond-Zand "sich," 'Till he reached, at last, an opulent niche, — No vety uncommon affair: For history quite confirms the law Expressed in the ancient Scolish saw : A Mickle may come to be mair! Alack ! for many ambitious beaux ! She hung their hopes upon her nose— (The figure is quite Horatian !) Until from habit, the member grew As, vt ry a Hook as ever je fci aw, To the commonest observ alien 1 A thriving tailor begg'd her hand. But she gave "the fellow" to understand By a violent manual action, She perfectly scorn'd the best of his elaa, And reckon'd the ninth ol any man, An exceedingly Vulgar Fractioh ! Another, whose sign was a golden boot, Was mortified with a bootless suit, In a way that was quite appalling; For, though a regular sulor by trade, He wasn't a suitor to suit the maid, Who cut him off with a saw—and bade "The cobbler keep to his calling." (The muse maid let a secret out— There isn't the faintest shadow of doubt, The folks who oftenest sneer and flout At "the dirty, low mechanicals," Are they twhose sires, by pounding their I knees. Or coiling their legs, or trades like these— Contriv'd to win their children ease From poverty's galling manacles ) A rich lobacconist comes and sues, And, thinking the lady would scarce refuse A man of his wealth and liberal views, Began, at once, with "If you choose— And could you really love him—" But -the lady spoiled his speech in a huff, Willi an a iswer rough and ready enough, To let him know she was op to snuff, And altogether above him ! A young attorney, of wining grace, Was scarce allowed lo "open his face," Ere Miss Mac Bride had closed his case With true judicial celerity ; y , For the lawyer was poor, and "seedy" io boot, And to say the lady discarded his suit, Is merely a double verity ! The last of those who came lo court, Was a lively bean, of the dapper sort, "Without any visible means of support," A crime be no means flagrant In one who wears an elegant coat, But the very point on which they vote A ragged fellow, "a vagrant." A courtly fellow was Dapper Jim, Sleek and suple, and tall and trim, And smooth of tongue as neat of limb A maugre Tus meagre pocket, You'd say from the glittering tales he told, That Jim had slept in a cradle of gold, With Fortunatus to rock it! Now Dapper Jim his courtship plied, (I wish the fact could be denied) With an eye to tlio purse of the old Mac Bride, And really "nothing shorter !" For he said to himself, in his greody lust, "Whenever he dies—as die he must- Anil yields to Heaven his vital trust, He's very sure to 'comedown with iho dust,' In behalf of uis only daughter." And the very magnificent Miss Mac Bride, Half in love, and half in pride, Quite graciously relented ; And, tossing her head, and turning her back No token of proper pride to lack, To be a bride without the "Mac," With much disdain, consented 1 Alas ! that people who've got their box Of cash beneath the best ot locks, Secure Irom all financial shocks, ! Should slock their fancy with fancy stock, And madly rush upon Wall-street rocks, Without the least apology 1 Alas ! that people whose money nffairs Are sound, beyond all need ol repairs, i Should ever tempt tho bulls and bears Of Mammon's fierce Zoology ! Old John Mac Bride, one fatal day, Became the unresisting prey Of Fortune's undertakers ; And staking all on a single die, His founder'd bark went high and dry Among the brokers and breakers ! At his trade again, in the very shop, Where, yeats ago lie let it drop. He follows his ancient calling— Cheerily, too in poverty's spite, And sleeping quite as eouud at night, As when, at Fortune's giddy height, He used to wako with a dizzy fright, From a dismal dream of falling. But alas ! for the hau( lity Miss Mac Bride, 'Twas such a shock to her precious Pride I She couldn't recover, although sho tried, Her jaded spirits lo rally 'Twos a dreadful change, in human affair;. From a place "Up Town," to a nook "Up Stairs," From an Avenue down to an Alley ! 'Twas little condolence she had, Cod wot From her "troops of friends," who hadn't forgot Tho airs Bhe used to borrow ; They had civil phrase enough, but yet 'Twas plain lo see that their "deepest re gret" Was a different thing from sorrow ! They owned it couldn't have well been worse To go from a full to an empty purse : To expect a "reversion," and get a reverse, Was truly a dismal feature ! But it wasn't strange-they whisper'e-at all! That the Summer of Pride should have its Fall Was quite according to Nature ! And one of tho chaps who make a pun, As if it were quite legitimate fun To be blazing away at every one With a regular double-loaded gun,— Itemark'd that moral transgression Always brings retributive slinks To candle-makers, as well as kings : For "making light of cereowi thiugs," Was a very wick-ed profession ! And vulgar people the saucy curls— Inquired about "the price of Pearls," And mock'd at her situation ; ' She was n't ruined—they ventur'd to hope Because she was poor, she needn't mope— Few people were better off for soap, And that was a consolation 1" And to make her cup of woo run over, Her elegant, anient, plighted lover Was the very first to forsako her; "Ho quite rebelled the step, 'twas true— The lady had pride enough 'for two,' But that aloue would never do To quia! the butcher and baket!" I And now the unhappy Miss Mac Bride Tho mearest ghost of her early pride- Bewails her lonely position > Cramp'd in the very narrowest niche- Above the poor, and below the rich— Was ever a wose condition 1 M O A L . BECAUSE you flourish in worldly afiairs, I Don't be haughty, and put on airs With insolent pride of station ! Don't be proud, and turn up your nose At poorer people in plainer clothes, But learn, for the sake of your mind's repose, That wealth's a bubble '.hat comes-and goes ! And that all Proud Flesh, wherever it grows. Is subject to irritation. Vtnfkcr and Webster on the Tart/I", We give the following correct and useful ! extract from a report of the Hon. Robert J' I Walker on the subject of the tariff. "Nations cannot grow rich by dostroying ■ or restricting their commerce; and if the restriction is good, the prohibition must bo better. Commerce is an exchange of pro-' ducts; specie often adjusting balances, but constituting so inconsiderable a part of the j value of products and property, but a small j portion of sales can be for specie, but must' be in exchange for other produotr. The at-' tempt, then, by high tariffs, to make large { sales for any length of time for the specie ol Oih— .miio.!., in impracticable, atul DMI di- ' minish the quantity and price of our exports. As specie sales for long periods or great ox tent are impossible, that nation which, from the surplus products of its own labor, at the best price, purchases at the lowest sale tho largest quantity of the products of the labor of the woild, progresses in wealth most rap idly. Thus, if one nation, by high duties, should forbid its citizens purchasing any of the products of other nations, except at a greatly advanced prioe, or should restrict the exchange of the producls of its own labor for tho products of the labor of other nations, such restricting nation would certainly re ceive less of the comforts or necessaries of life in exchange for the products of its own labor, and in this manner (the wages of labor being connected with the value of its pro ducts) depresses wages. If there were three nations—the first raising breadstuff's, the sec ond sugar, and the third cotton—and the first restricted the exchanges of its breadstuff's for the sugar of the second, and the cotton of the third, it would cercainly gel less su gar and cotton in exchange for its breadstuff's, than other nations which encourage free ex changes. Labor, then, untaxed and unre stricted in all its exchanges and markets, will certainly receive in exchange a larger amount of the products of labor, and conse . quently accumulate wealth more rapidly I than where labor is restricted in its products to a single market, abandoning the profits of the exchanges with other nations. It is thus clear that a tax or restriction on commerce is a restriction or lax Updn labor, And falls chiefly upon the wages of labor ; and it will soon become an axiomatic truth, that all tar iffs are a tax upon labor and wages. One of the most common errors is to compare our imports, exclusive of specie, with our do mestic exports, exclusive of specie; and if there are more such imports than exports in any one year, such balance of trade is s#t down as so much lost by foreign commerce to the nation. A singlo fact proves the falla cy of this position. From 1790 to ths pres ent period, our imports, exclusive of specie, have exceeded our domestic exports, exclu sive of specie, several hundred millions of dollars; yot our wealth has increased with a rapidity unprecedented. The- theory there fore is disproved by the facts; and the rea sons are obvious, of which the following are among tho most prominent: The producls of our whale fisheries extracted by our har dy seamen from the ocean, and most clearly one ot the great products of Amortcan in dustry, whon imported hore are included in the list of our foreign imports, and go to swell several millions of dollars evoyj, year this alloged unfavorable balance. The earn ings of freight in foreign commerce by our crews and vessels are not brought into the account, or olten against us, when invested in foreign imports. The profits of exchang ing our imports, or of sales of foreign pro ducts, do not appear in the balance, or, if so, to a very limited extent, or often against us. Thus an American merchant ships from Bos ton acaigo of ice during the winter, valued at that xi/no; as an export, a very small sum. He sends it to Calcutta, and sells it at an ad vance of ihedtand per cent. The proceeds he may invest there in the purehaso of goods, which he call bring to Liverpool, and proba bly sell at a profit of twenty or thirty per cent..; and the aggregate profits realized at Calcutta and Liverpool he takes home in spe cie, or in imports, or in a bill of exchango, which he probably sells at a premium for remittance. Yet these profits may never ap pear, or may even appear as an unfavorable balance under the head of imports.—Upon the same fallacious theory, i f , instead of pur. chasing millions ot foreign fabrics from tho profits of foreign commerce, such valuable foreign articles were presented gratuitously lo the American merchants, and brought by him into the country, they would swell this alloged unfavorable balance of trade." The foltowing is *■? xtract from a speech of Daniel Wobster, and gives an accurate view of the voxed question relating to the balance of trade, and the Whig heresy that the exportation of specie is ruin to a country. "Now sir, the whole fallacy of this argu ment consists m supposing that, whenever the Value of imports exceeds that of exports, a debt is necessarily created to the extent of j the difference; whereas, ordinarily, tho im port is now more than tho result of the ex port, auguntenfed in Value by the labor ol transportation. The excess of imports over exports, in truth, usually shows the gains, not the losses of trade ; or in a country that not only buys and soils goods but employs ships in conveying goods also, it shows the profits of Commerce and the earnings of navigation," and to illustrate his position at page 283 he cites the fact that ''some yoars before that, a ship left one of the towns of New England with 70,d00 specie dollars- The proceeds to Mocha, on the Red Sea, and | there laid out those dollars in coffee, drugs. | spices, &c. With this new cargo she pro j ceeded lo Europe, two-thirds of it were sold ' in Holland for £130,000, which she brought I back and placed in the same Bank from the j vaults of which he had taken her original I outfit. The other third was sent to the ports ! of the Mediterranean, and produced a return j of 25,000 dollars in specie, and 15,000 dol lars in Italian merchsndize. The6o sums to \ gether make $170,000, imported, which is SIOO,OOO more than was exported, and is therefore proof of an unfavorable balance of trade to that amount in this adventure. We should find no great difficulty, sir, in paying off our balance, if this were the nature of them all. The truth is, Mr. Chairman, that all these obsolete ami exploited notions had their OHgiik in vy IUOM of tho j turo of Commerce." It is a subject of complaint by some of our speakers, professing Democracy and ut tering whig sentiments, that tho present limes are owing to the exportation of specie. Here again we refer to the same speech, page 286, 7, for a refutation of that argu ment. ''These are the shallower reasoners (says Webster) that those political and commer cial interests who would represent it to be ' tbe only and gainful end of commerce to ac cumulate the precious metals. These are articles of use and article of merchandize, with this additional circumstance belonging to them, that they are made by the general consent of nations, the standard by which the valure of all other merchandize is to be estimated.—There tnay after the precious metals too much or too little in a country at a particular given time, as there may be of any other artiole. Then the market is over stocked with them, as it often is, their ex portation becomes as proper and as useful as that of other commodities, under similar cir cumstances. We need no mom repine, when the dollars which have been brought here from South America, are despatched lo other countries, than when coffee and sugar take the same direction.— [How true is thii now of the gold from We often deceive ourselves by attributing to a scarci ty of money that which is the result of other causes." EPIGRAM. —The following epigram is very clever. The reader has only to erase tbe name, substitute that of Miss , mark a paper round, and send it to her : "Maria's like a clock Ihey say, Unconscious of her beauty ; She regulates the live long day, Exact iu every duty. If this be true, such self command, Such well directed powers, O ! may her little minute hand Become a hand of ours I" LOVELT. —An interrogatory of silver sweet ' noes aad an answer of diamond beauty, are contained in the following method of get ting to go home with her;— The moon shines bright ; Can I go home with you to-night ? Answer:— The stars do too ; I don't care it you do. SHARP RETORT. —Two smart fellows, ri' ding after a fast nag, observed a farmer sow' ing seed, and one of them accosted him thus 'Well, honest feilow, its your businoss to sow, but we reap the fruit of your labor.' 'Tis very likely you may,' replied tho far mer 'for t am sowing hemp.' The Last Folly.— A volatile young lord, whose conquests in the female world were numbetless, at last mariicd. 'Now my lord,' said his lady 'I hope you'll mend.' 'Mad am,' replied he, you may depend on it, this is my last folly' MARRYING A FORTUNE. BY GEO. CANNING HILL. Full half of mankind will never get through searching up money-matches for themselves until the other half has done with hbldihg the money. That is a fixed fact, which no one will attempt lo call in question. Tom Turnabout was one of the penniless ones. Not that it was by any means the fault of his own, but it merely happened to be so ; it was "in his stars" to be poor. And what made tho matter worse, beside being poor, per se tie was a poor barrister—a situa tion rendered by all odds exquisitely distres sing ; for a briefless barrister is always short of everything, from soap to suits. Tom was, withal, an individual of more than ordinary personal attractions—o far as the opinion of tho majority of the other sex went—ar.d upon this opinion he oariy deter mined to found pretty much all his future. IVith his affable and excessively social man ners, it would have been uo wonder at all if he did not have to undergo many a pang in the measurement ofhis living by his circum stances. At last, by one of those most fortunate throws of the dice of chan'Ce of which we read or hear but rarely, Tom Turnabout was married, and that to a lady of fortune. It seemed to him as if the fortune' was accu mulated for his use and behoof alone. And on his wediling-day, no man was anywhere to be found who could make show of a lar ger share of enjoyment in ptospoct. Matters went on well enough for a time— as well, perhaps, as ought to have been ex pected ; lor the "briefless barrister" was now possessed of a comlortable home, and assured of an excellent living, with a young and pretty, wife ; for Mrs. Euphrasia Turna. bout, as every lady said, was a verry pretty young woman. Her hair curled, her eyes were of a jet black, her baud was delicate and lily-white, and she knew how lo dis pense the most gracious and bewitching smiles: how could she be otherwise than pretty? And if pretty, likewise amiable ? At least so thought for a lime Tom Turna bout, esq., who esteemed himself her liege lord and master. But there was one thing that seriously trou bled Tom, and that was, how to broach the subject of coming in due possession and management of his wife's property. Fot this he had married ; could it be that he was no better off now ? The thought alono made him giddy. He went round and round the subject in his mind for a long time, at each revolution becoming the more perplexed. Alno single time dared he to nerve his courage up to the effort necessary to be made in order to have the matter completely understood between them. Euphrasia had never attended to tho subject of money, simply going ahead and managing the household as if she had fully resolved to count at least one in its manage ment and classification. Tom had repeated ly hinted to her about "depositee," "bank stocks," "taxes," and all the other minute appurtenances to the possession of a fortune) but hitherto to just no purposo at all ; she made neither revelation nor explanation— leet of alt did she betray her native acuie ness by taking a hint. Such a state of affairs was worrying Tom into a fit of desperation, if not into his grave, and hs finally made up his mind to come to an understanding, in some way or other, just as soon as practicable. So long as it was necessary to keep the embers of hope alive, he had sedulously avoided all his former acquaintance, lest he might toojsudden ly give a shock to the deli cate nerves of his wife, and thus lose his chances altogether. But as soon as he found that disguise helped him hot a whit, he screwed up his courage to venturing a bold push that should settle all. He finally be came a convert to tho sentiment so epigram matically expressed by the poet: "He either fears his late too much, Qr his deserts are small, Who dares not put it to the touch, To gain or lose it all." Accordingly he laid himself out to bring matters to a head at onco. "Dick," said he to a companion ofhis, ore afternoon, as they sat together in a little office of the latter, "Dick, I'm in a quanda ry !" "A quandary !" "Yes." "About what "I want soma money." "You want money ! Why, how much did you marry, pray ?" "Moro than I shall ever get, I fear." "Well, that's a good one! But what's the trouble ?" "Do you keep a secret ?" asked Totb ih a whisper. "Try me, and see." "I married money, you know." "Everybody says so, you know." "And everybody thinks so, but me ! There's a plenty of money in the case, but unlucki ly there's none Id be had! I can't lay hold of it!'' •'Ha! ha !ha 1" laughed Dick, in his face. "You laugh, hut what wduld you do 1" "What would I do?" "Yes ; what shall I do?" "Nothing is easier," replied Dick. "I hope not," said Torn, "but how shall I go to work ?" "Have you breached the subject to your botter-half?" "Haven't dared to; she won't let me, in fact F> "Then run up a bill or two." Then what?" asked Tom, earnestly. "Have it sent at such a time to the house, and be sure not to be at home." "I never thought of that." "She will oither pay i: or blow,"contitiued Dick. "But what if the latter 1" # "Then you have got ait the cdre of your subject, and you can go ahead after that as circumstances will best allow." "I'll try it—l'll act on your bappj sugges tion I" "True; what will you have 1 Shall we go into Carter's and get one of his nicest team's, and lake a drive on to SpikeVifle 1" "You couldn't have hit the nail more ox aclly on the head, let's go at once !" said Dick. That was a afternoon—tho remainder of it —and it began a new era. To be sure it was a step in the dark, but Torn hoped that it would lead to happy results and plen ty of money. In due time the bills began to cotrto in. One morning the doorbell rang; it'ehanc cd to bo about nine o'clock. The servant answered the summons and carried a bill up stairs to her mistress. The bell rang again, and there came a second bill. A third time, and another bill. Mrs. Euphrasia Turna bout now began to grow alarmed. Presently came along the dinner hour. It duly found Tom Turnabout, esq., at home j and at the table. All during tho meal he anxiously scanned the features of his wife, trying his very bost to imagine her as feeling extremely happy in enjoying the privilege of paying her dear husband's bills; but ha succeeded in read ing no buch expression on her face; lie look ed for the slightest trace of it in vain. It was too perplexing. Thcro sat Euphra sia, worth her fortune, over against him at table—a mountain of gold, as it were, with in his reach, but ho not alio lo pick off even a shiny scale from its surface 1 She was as calm as a delicious cool summer's morning: he, on the other hand, WB3 burning up with disappointment and chagrin: He declared within himself that he could stand it no longer. It was a few steps be yCr.d human endurance. Better din at once than live long in this suspense, be, at last, he meekly remarked to his wife, "Euphrasia, was there anything brought here this morning for mo?" "Yes, dear," she replied, "there wore three bills for horse-hire, and confectionery, refreshments, and one thing and another; but I did not read them particularly—you know that's not a lady's business " "Was there a bill for iilrniture, too ?" in quired the agitated Torn, ''Yes, dear ; I paid that and took a re ceipt—but the others, your personal malteiS, you know, those I carefully placed in your escritoire, where you could readily find them when you wished to. I hope you do not consider me too inquisitive in just looking at them to see what they were!" Tom was not possesed of any too much philosophy, and this last serious sally of his wife quite upset what little he had. Swal lowing his dinner as fast as he could with safely do it, he pushed for Lis office. Ere long his old friend Dick made his appear ance. "Well!" said Dick, "how goes it, Tom?" "It's no go,', surlily answered Tom. "How uow ?" Were the bills paid Tom explained the whole. His friend admitted that it would be ex ceedingly hard to get round a woman who understood hereof and Aim so well, especially when she held the purse strings. Tom gavo it up allogelhor. That afternoon ho spent in reflecting upon tho extremo worthlessness of his relying for an indepen dent living upon another, and in forming a strong resolution to go ahead, and do some thing for himself. Tbe lesson he learned chanced to be a most valuable one, which many a married lady may at her leisure give her husband, to his decided advantage. Tom Turnabout, esq., became a respecta ble member of his profession; able to earn sufficient to pay his carriage and oyster house scores, at least, and at'home ho nevor knew what trouble meant. A Palpable Hit. A lawyer once plead with great ability the cause of his client for nearly an hour. When ho had done, hi® antagonist, with a supercil ious stieor, said he did not understand a word the other said; who neatly replied, 'I believe so, for I was spoakihg law." A FAIR HlT. —'Here, you bog trotter,' said a half dandy soaplock to an Irish labor er, 'come tell the biggest lie you evei told in your life, and I'll treat you to a whiskey punch.' 'An by me sowl, yor honor's a gentleman,' retorted Pat. Is#" The last case of indolence is related in one of our exchanges—it is that of a man named John Hole, who wak so lazy that in writing his name, he simply used tho let ter J, and then punched a hole through the paper. A PAIR OF THEM. —There is a man in Pleasant Street, so sharp that he has only to lather himself, and look into the glass—he never r.eeds a razor to shave with. And an other so dull that his wife has to strap him every morning. IF The mnn who thonght he could coax a lawyer to take "a doller less," is now try ing, to set fire to an ice-berg with a cigar. NUMBER 45. ' Ho Rather Gilt tier. Several years ago, when one of our pres ent justices of the superior Court was Dis trict Attorney of a neighboring county, rath er a laughable incident occurrciij related by himself. Court weeks he used lo dccSfr a bed room at Col. Lew is's, who kopt tho principal hotel at that county seat, flo hill his books and papers in this room—here ho drew his indicttneiits—and in important ca ses ltd oseil to direct the sheriff to bring up the people's witnesses for preliminary ex amination. It happened al one court that lie had an important murder case coming on. Tho celebrated Gen. [now Judge] Nye was coun sel for the defendant. He examined tho. wit nesses, as usual, ahd (6ok careful minutes of what they wbiild state (in flta stand. Ito found that a lady was the most importhnl wiiness for (he people, and he also discov ered that she was rather oxcitable and high strung, and a fast talker. Apprehonsive of trouble, he thought he'd caution her a Trftie. So he fold her When she came on the stand not to talk. "Pay 4'. lention," said the district attorney, "to ray questions, and answer them, but don't talk. And when Nye comes to examine you, you mu-t he very cnruful and not get excited, for he's a great blackguard, and will try to get you mad. Just pay abolition lo his ques tions and answer tliem—nn matter how of ten repeated or how apparently silly, but don't allow him lo get you off vour bal- The district attorney and witness parted for the night. The next day the caso cam* On. The district Attorney called his witness auJ she went through w-th her evidence, on Jhe part of the people, to his perfect admi ration, and handed her over to Nye. HO went along awhile very smoothly. Pretty soon he begau to crowd her, and she begad "ffare up;" he crowded her the more, ami sho resented the more, and very soon they made a regular breeze. Finally, loosing all self-control, sho broko out on him ns fof- Ibvrs "1 won't answer any more of your cotii temptible questions ; you are a nasty, dirty blackguard, and the district attorney told ms After the laugh partially subsided, Nye says : "What ! the District Attorney told yolk so !— When and where did ho tell you so ?" "J/c told me so lust night, up in Col. Lewis's be.l room." The scene which followed the nn'swe) may be readily imagined. In the midst of the shout, Nye told the witness sho mi"ht "pass." ' 6 CT To many it is a rnditer of surprise that there should be so much competition for tho post of whig candidate for the Presiden cy, and so little for that of the Vice Presi dency ; since the former position seems to attended with so much ol peril, and the lati ler with so much of good luck. There up. pears to be a fatality about the first office ifi whig bauds, which makes it peculiary a post of danger; and a corresponding good fortune about tho latter offico which makes it substantially the post of honor. We were prepared lor a long list Of whig candidates for the Vice Presidency, but supposed tho whigs might find some difficult) in getting a candidate wi'h sufficient hardiltodd lo stand for the first plsce. >Ve were, however, al together mistaken in this, for there seems lo be no lark of whig names nmbitious of lha hOnors of martyrdom.— 'Erie Observer. * . Preventive of Jealousy. A beautiful young lady having colled 001 an ugly gentleman to dance with her, he was astonished at the condescension, and believing that she was in lovo with him, iii a vory pressing manner desired to krrow why she had seleoted him from the rost bf the company. 'Because, sir,' replied the la dy, 'my husband commanded me lo select such a partner as should not give him cause for jealousy.' rent lmcntnl. Bulwer, or somebody else writes: "What more precious offering can be laid upon tho altar of a man's heart than the firet love of a pure, oarnost and affeotionate girl, with an undivided interest in eight corner lots and fourteen three story houses I" No Sinecure. Colonel M was complaining that, from tho ignorance and inatonfion of bis offi cers, be was obliged to do tho duty of ttiei wbola regiment. 'I am,' said he, 'my own captain, nfi'y own lieutenant, my own coronet,'—'and trumpet er, I presume,' said a lady present. Conjugal Aflecuou. Madame Geoffrin, disagreeing onoo with a literary gentleman, the dispute became very waim, and many high words were ex changed with great acrimony. 'How uow,' said a mutual friend of theirs, stepping be tween them, 'can it be that you are clandes tinely married." W Russia will be 1000 years old next year; and her thousandth birthday is to be celebrated with great splendor. Kossuth, probably, would rather go to her funeral. ,|r A Western poet, in speaking of the moon, said ; —"She 'laid her cbeek upon a cloud like beauty on a young man's bosom.' O, git eout.